#cafe hawkers review
40sandfabulousaf · 4 months
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大家好! I was quite excited about trying instant meepok for my weekly simple breakfast out of compassion for Palestinians. This is hands down my favourite type of noodles, whether it's bak chor mee (pork noodles), as well as fishball or wonton mee. The reviews were pretty good and one even said this tasted authentic. They were right; this was a highly slurpable bowl. It's supposed to be eaten dry, but I like mine soupy, so I added more water. It's something I would buy again, but for the time being, I want to try other brands and there're quite many of them!
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SC, JK, DT, MI, CL and I caught up over lunch at a new place. There were a few stalls selling fish soup, local western-style food, nasi briyani and Korean fare. I craved noodles but fish soup is so widely available that I decided not to have it. 2 options remained: ramyeon or spaghetti. Many places house local western-style stalls whereas Korean ones are less common, so I opted for ramyeon. The light clear broth wasn't too salty, which was great. The noodles were a little more chewy than our QQ (springy) ones but still very slurpable. Overall, it was a decent bowl with shrimp, crab sticks, clams, mussels, tofu skin and cabbage. More importantly, I also had fun chatting and laughing with the rest.
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Palestinians scored a triumph last week. The voting results for a resolution which would give Palestine more participation and some rights within the UN General Assembly showed the global community's overwhelming support. 143 nations voted in favour, 9 voted against (the US included) and 25 abstained. Innocent civilians in Gaza continue to suffer immensely as Israel prepares to expand its offensive in Rafah, which increasingly looks like a gradual invasion. The US may have suspended a shipment of bombs to Israel but it continues to supply other types of weapons. This victory is bittersweet; many innocent Palestinians have died for it. I hope it gives them comfort during perhaps the darkest times of their lives.
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I returned to the stall selling local western-style dishes to try their chicken spaghetti. $10.90 got me a large slab of chicken and mountain of spaghetti. Colleagues sniffed that this was too expensive and it was for local hawker fare; other stalls charge about $8.50. No wonder there're few customers whenever I visit. Then again, it's a better deal than the $18 - $22 price tag at a cafe or restaurant and much higher value than the $18.90 and above one needs to fork out for avocado sourdough toast with a topping. I like the way they cook spaghetti here: slurpable like noodles. Al dente, to me, is overrated.
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We're into a brand new week; I hope it brings us a step closer to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. From 100,000 Palestinians fleeing Rafah under Israel's instructions, that number has risen to 300,000. The invasion of the city is happening as the US continues to arm Israel with weapons apart from the bombs it suspended. The death toll has risen to over 35,000 and that isn't the end. I'll continue to pray hard that countries arming Israel during this genocidal war will be severely punished. This needs to end already. 下次���!
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catpella · 4 years
FFXIV Write Entry #1: Emerald Assessment
Prompt: crux
the decisive or most important point at issue
Words: 1813
The carbuncle test at the Arcanist’s Guild will be the defining moment of Valle Serreta’s life.
Dawn's golden light was washing over the island of Vylbrand, illuminating the fact that a port city like Limsa Lominsa could never be truly said to ever sleep. It was always abustle with some type of activity, whether it was the steady rhythm of the experienced workers at the docks tending the early boats going in and out, the merchants and hawkers setting up their wares, the guilds opening their doors as their members shuffled in, and the scents of food wafting all over as the eateries which had been working on breakfast opened up to let patrons enter and get their well-earned breakfast.
Two bells to go before the exams at the Arcanists' Guild.
Every young Arcanist who had an exam or presentation of some kind was stuffed somewhere with a source of caffeine and their notes and books surrounding them. Some were currently inside the cafe known as Jewels and Java, a carbuncle-themed cafe run by a Miqo'te and incredibly popular among young arcanists and students and lovers of fluffy things. This morning, despite the early time, it was full of nothing but the students collaborating and reviewing together.
Valle Serreta was on her third cup of Thanalan tea and her hand was trembling slightly as she ran her quill over the pages of the grimoire to inscribe equations and passages. She _knew_ she'd done well in her basics courses and passed those exams. She'd gotten to the stage where she was allowed to qualify to summon the basic emerald carbuncle. There were plenty of would-be arcanists who didn't get to this stage.
She'd inked passages into a grimoire already and cast spells from them, adjusted aether and made effects happen. By those standards, she was already a fledgling arcanist, ahd succeeded at the basics. But it was the love of carbuncles, those beautiful aetherial creatures, that had started her on the path to being an arcanist. The carbuncle sign had led her to Jewels and Java. Being headbutted by one had introduced her to X'erys. Summoning her own carbuncle would make her feel like a real arcanist.
Was she ready?
She'd looked at the equations, traced them and hummed them. She'd thought about the mapping of aether to mathematics, the entire principle of arcanima. How the symbols represented the state of the aether, the way it took this flowing, changing substance that made up the world and changed it from a powerful force that affected lives and twisted and changed and reshaped Eorzea and seemed immense and immovable and impossible to truly grasp or understand, and instead broke it down and turned it into something you could refine into smaller parts, understand bit by bit and comprehend. How once you grasped the symbols and the theory, you could understand how aether did what it did, and measure it, and see what it had done before ; what it was doing right now; and predict what it might do in the future. Most importantly to Valle, if you truly grasped the theory of arcanima, you could understand the symbols, adjust the way they were laid out, and by doing so manipulate the aether to how you willed it to be. You could re-create the world.
Or, at least for this test, you could create something new to the world. One carbuncle. Something brought into being by you and you alone.
Assuming she could do it.
Surely she could, with all that preparation. She knew the equations by heart, and they had to be right. The guild did give you the basic equations for a reason, they didn't expect you to design your own for the first time.Though some people, Valle knew, _had_ modified their carbuncle equations. Typically it was arcanists further along in their careers modifying later carbuncle summons, though she'd heard tell of a few bold ones who had modified her first. And when she had read over the base equations, it hadn't just been a few recitations till she was sure she could scribe and pronounce them without stumbling. No, she'd gone over them over and over again on paper, until she could redraw them entirely from memory in ink without any mistakes.
Then she'd felt ready to copy them into the practice grimoire they'd been given. Which is the task she was doing now, in the time remaining before the exam. Halfway through, with plenty of time remaining, to finish copying, and then perhaps manage one pastry, before heading back to the guild headquarters, in time to present herself to Mistress Ingolia for book review and then the test... Oh. Out of ink. Fortunately she'd caught it at the end of a passage, she hated the idea of running out partway through one and then re-dipping and continuing. What if the change partway led to a change in the strength of some of the pieces, unbalanced it somehow? She moved her hand to re-dip the ink and continued with her work, until finally, it was done.
She cleaned up her papers and books into her bag and then set out for the short walk to Mealvaan's Gate and the Arcanist's Guild headquarters. There was a line of other baby arcanists outside, all ready to take their tests. She joined in and smiled at the ones she knew and were friendly with, but didn't take time to talk with anyone, continuing to run through carbuncles on a loop in her head. As the line descended down the stairs to the practice grounds in the basement where trainees summoned carbuncles and ran assessment trainings, she was able to see what changes they'd made for the test. The round training area was clear of all people. Spaced equidistant from each other around the ring, looking down into it, were two senior arcanists. Mistress Ingolia checked people's grimoires, spoke a few words to them, then let them into the ring before taking the third point of the arcanist triangle. The student would channel aether into the grimoire. The carbuncle would appear.
It all looked so easy. She hoped it would be true for her.
Finally she reached the head of the line and it was her turn to face Mistress Ingolia. The dark-haired woman was short for her race, and while her accent was something crisp and not-Limsan, her voice was warm and did not have the air of cool reserve many Elezen displayed. "Ah, Miss Serreta. Let me see your grimoire please."
She extended the book and waited, shifting her weight from foot to foot as subtly as she could to try to burn some of her nerves, not sure if it was escaping notice.
The book was snapped shut with a noise that sounded like a resounding slap echoing through the entire hall, but it must have been Valle's overactive imagination. "Your penmanship is exquisite and your work reads true. I gift you a summoning foci."
Atop the grimoire, which Ingolia was extending towards her, was a small faceted emerald. Valle's hands trembled only slightly as she took the emerald and the book into her hands and bowed to the instructor.
"Enter the ring," she added, opening the door for Valle.
Valle stepped forward into the ring. It was her first time there. Tradition was that fledgling arcanists could observe carbuncle summoning and training from outside but not step into it until they'd summoned their own - it was said to be bad luck if you did and that it would curse you from ever successfully summoning your own. She hadn't wanted to risk it, even though X'erys had told her how stupid the idea was and claimed she'd pranced all around the ring twice before her summoning and it had gone fine -
"You may begin," Mistress Ingolia said, interrupting Valle's racing train of thoughts.She bowed quickly to the other two senior arcanists as well, then flipped open the grimoire and held the quill an ilm above the page.  Next, she took a deep breath. This was going to be an emerald carbuncle - wind aether was concentrated around the gemstone already - she would need to infuse a touch of wind into the aether from herself she was going to pour into the quill and into the book to launch it. Thus, breath, wind.
She filled her lungs as deep as she could, thinking about the strong breezes and the sea air, and then she breathed out onto the top of her quill, a spark of green touching the top and making it ruffle. She touched it to the first line and began to chant softly, moving the edge of her quill, infusing her aether into the stored pattern set out.
The grimoire glimmered in her hands and aether shimmered around her as she began...
a circle of runes and markings appeared in the air as her voice built...
Valle's voice gained in strength and speed as she reached the key part, all fear and doubt gone as only the purity of the passage, the expression, remained, and she was its conduit...
another circle of marks appeared intersecting it at a 90 degree angle, now both rotating...
Valle took the summoning emerald from underneath the grimoire and threw it into the twisting circles, where it caught in invisible winds and hung, suspended...
from out of the vortex, something twisted and turned, aqua light too bright to stare directly at...
and an emerald carbuncle sprung from the circles to land delicately on the ground of the ring.
It cheeped and wriggled its body and shook its paws and waggled its ears and swished its tails and looked up at Valle.
The circles faded away, the winds died down, and Valle had to reach out to catch her grimoire before it fell. "Hello there," she said, beaming at the beautiful carbuncle. She could feel its presence in a way she hadn't expected, it tugging on her own aether in a way she'd understood in theory but hadn't expected in practice to make her feel instantly smitten. Her lips curved in a reflexive smile at her carbuncle.
"Valle Serreta, you have passed the trial," announced Mistress Ingolia.
That announcement broke Valle from her moment of surprise. She bowed again at the two supervising seniors, then turned to bow at Mistress Ingolia, and accepted the guidance out of the ring. Then she headed up the stairs, carbuncle in tow beside her.
For those who had passed, there was a congratulatory event in a lounge in an upper tower. As well as lectures on proper uses and caretaking of carbuncles, she was sure. Not that she minded the idea of lessons. She'd done it - summoned a carbuncle - become a real arcanist. She'd proved that this guild was the right place to spend her life. That meant she needed to learn all she could, now, to make sure she kept doing it right. Not just today, but forever.
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arvholidays123 · 4 years
Best Tourist Places in Singapore in year 2020
Singapore- ‘A garden in a city or city in a garden’.
Attracting visitors by the facades of old colonial buildings that has been carefully restored, Singapore no wonder has been an excellent destination for people round the globe with numerous modern architectural buildings, numerous museums, gardens and other famous attractions, streets teeming with crowd. Singaporeans attach a great deal more to activities and lifestyles within the district. The lion city is much more than the sum of its numerous attractions. It is constantly evolving, reinventing, and reimagining itself, with people who are passionate about creating new possibilities.
Singapore, the island city state off southern Malaysia is a global financial centre with a tropical climate. With a reasonably consistent weather, the most effective time to go to best time to Singapore is December to June welcoming tourists round the year. However, if you wish to avoid any crowd flocking the places, then July to November is the best time to visit.
The glitz and glam of the city!
The fascinations in Singapore like Marina Bay sands, garden by the bay, art science museum, Merlion Park. Marina bay sands and gardens by the bay on the left and the Flyer on the right.
Strolling around little India and soaking altogether the features of an ultramodern society with its impressive skyline, contemporary architecture, high end shopping malls, and highly efficient subway system. Everything is clean orderly and easy. Definitely a place everyone should experience. People are warm and welcoming. They don’t make you feel like a stranger even if it’s your first time in the city. Singapore is sorted and easy to navigate.
It’s nice to watch out popular sights and explore the back alleys of this amazing city. There are different streets in Singapore like little Indian, Chinatown, Arab street etc. The décor, lights, loud music and vibes everything is charming. There is a mini block near Arab Street or Haji lane that has colorful streets and street art. It is a true mishmash of culture with the hipster shopping Haji lane alongside traditional cloth merchants at Arab Street. Walk around and you can discover more cute cafes, bold graffitis and hints of Malaysian heritage all around the area. Ann Siang Hill near Chinatown is pretty happening area with bars and restaurants and a blocked off road for pedestrians to roam freely. There are so many places to hold out.
Marine bay sands- An improbable experience watching the 360 degree view of the Singapore skyline from the world’s largest infinity pool, Marina bay sands. They host spectra exhibit within the water every evening which is a magnificent water fountain, light and sound show. The music is highly emotive and inspired by live orchestra. It is a requirement thing to try to when you’re in Singapore.    
Chinatown- This can be visitors one amongst the favorites. Just in case you’ve never visited china, then this can be the place that takes you right there. From authentic Chinese food to bright red lanterns, there’s excitement and hustle within the place. You can visit the Chinese Heritage Center to work out Buddha Tooth Relic temple. People go there to hear the morning drum ceremony after viewing the relic.
Merlion Park- It is the world famous Singapore mascot. A blend of lion and the fish. It has been related several times for welcoming and allowing visitors to pose for photograph at the Merlion Park.
Gardens by the Bay– Could be a showpiece of horticulture and garden artistry entertaining while educating visitors with rare plants from different habitats. Floral fantasy is the latest thematic attraction at gardens by the bay escaping the city buzz for an instant. Flowers, artistry and technology come together to create a dream like fantastical experience for visitors. Ensure to go to the impressive National Orchid garden as well.
Night Safari- Night Safari in Singapore is a sort of an incredible thing to possess once in a lifetime experience especially for biologists and keen for wildlife and nature. You get an opportunity to experience nocturnal lives of the residents. You can take trails and acquire a glimpse of leopards, porcupines, civets, flying foxes and other wildlife. There are fishing cat trails that are native to Singapore, pangolins and others that are endangered.
Sentosa Island- It is one place that is really liked by visitors. It has a cycling track, jogging track and ample space for camping. Perfect spot for moving into beach time. You can spend hours walking along and sitting in between to relax and recap your trip. There are attractions like underwater world aquarium, where you can swim with dolphins. 
Blue plate special!
Hawker food is what makes Singapore’s cuisine enticing. Frankly, I’d skip the restaurants and hop in for local food when travelling as trying traditional food of a place is largely connected with that cultural experience. There is also a very rich and diverse mix of food from all different cultures that you can find in most hawkers center. There are some very famous touristy hawker centres recommended by locals to check out are Old Airport Road Food Centre and Tiong Bahru Market, both very popular with Singaporeans.
If you are keen on restaurants, you can check out local food websites like hungrygowhere, burpple and Yelp Singapore reviewed by Singaporeans. These might offer you a robust sense of the local favorites. You can try lamb Kabsa at Istanbul restaurant in Arab Street or turn to Maxwell market famous for Chicken Rice.
There’s nowhere within the world quite like Singapore. You are sure to have an unforgettable vacation with full exciting experiences.
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pebblegalaxy · 6 years
Cafe Hawkers is quite a popular place for food and celebrations. Especially youngsters and families with smaller kids find it a nice place to spend some quality time, have gracious food and create some memorable moments of life to cherish them later together. On a large table opposite to ours was a large family group with two girl kids who were making a lot of shouts. It was one of those girl’s birthday. On a table adjacent to ours was a young couple probably in relation to celebrating boy’s birthday. It is more about the feelings and comfort of a place. This place has a nice and quite positive environment that made our visit doubly enjoyable. Cafe Hawkers is easy to locate and is on two floors. Food is fabulous not only in presentation but in taste too. And there is a kind of comfo#CafeHawkers #ConnaughtPlace #CafeHawkersCP #FoodReview #RestaurantReviewrt in the air itself.
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markalina721 · 4 years
Why you must read the best food blogs for new recipes?
Food blogs are prevalent in Singapore. The country is notable for its wide collection of amazing restaurants, cafes, and snack bars located worldwide. Food bloggers from their top food blogs are sharing information about local food in Singapore. This will help the readers get a clearer picture of the dishes they can attempt to appreciate all the more regularly.
 The most awesome aspect of starting a food blog in Singapore is that the recipes are straightforward to discover. Singapore is only a short taxi ride away from the world-famous Singapore restaurants. The majority of the notable Singapore restaurants have their own blog sites that people can visit and learn more about their energizing menus. Quite possibly, the most popular Singaporean formula bloggers like taking food pictures of their meals and posting them on their websites. The pictures can be a combination of still photos and picture snapshots taken by their digital camera. They are a great resource for interesting recipes.
 Several food bloggers also post videos of their recipes and cooking demonstrations on their websites. Starting a food blog is the ideal way to share information about the various restaurants and meals available in the country. Many Singaporean food bloggers post pictures of their meals on MySpace. Bloggers can utilize countless ways to spread the word about great Singaporean food and local cooking styles. Miss Tam Chiak is a blog where readers can discover great food. The blog talks about local and international cooking styles and dishes and has a well disposed and interactive climate. From road merchants and hawkers to cafes and fine restaurants, you will have the option to find probably the most palate-pleasing dishes on the planet, and there's always another foodie adventure waiting practically around the corner.
 Seth Lui's food blog talks about unique Singaporean dishes where they share interesting information about what is prepared during Singapore's brunch season. The blog talks about both the food and restaurants. It gives the best knowledge about the best drinks, food, travel recommendations and so on.
 Singapore Foodie is another blog where local food and chefs are discussed on this blog. This blog is for the individuals who love to eat great food and share their knowledge about food. A portion of the dishes on this blog incorporates Spicy Ribs, Baked Ham, Barbecued Pepper Steak, and more. Featured food on this blog is from everywhere in Singapore, making it all the more interesting to follow. These bloggers cook local delicacies, so you realize they are the real stuff. You can read ladyironchef restaurant reviews here for additional details.
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jerkknowsitall · 5 years
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Located in one of the most happening places in Delhi @sangamcourtyard the place is beautifully done. Service and Hospitality is decent but the most important part of any restaurant is food our rating on food is 1/5 the burger is just a copy of Cafe Delhi Height Lamb Burger The Bun was Soggy lamb patty was cold and wasn’t prepared fresh the sauces were to basic there was no juices and crunch in the burger @ ₹800 price point is absolutely a disaster. The pizza 🍕 was a disappointment too the cheese used was cheap enough you might get a better pizza at any hawker in Delhi we were surprised when restaurant staff claimed they were the best sellers. Icecream which was served complimentary was loaded with cinnamon which was not worth having a second bite. Restaurant desperately needs a restaurant or food consultant otherwise it will die it’s own death in due course of time. Money spent there was a huge disappointment #reviews #Ratings #jerkknows (at World of Shalom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ozkMbpMdX/?igshid=1dfori84793ca
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I found marmite!
Today I am posting from Ipoh, Malaysia. Since my last post I have completed my visit to Langkawi and Penang. Both such different places but not without their charm.
My first night in Malaysia I got a message from a girl I had met in Chiang Rai, Thailand, saying she was also in Langkawi along with her boyfriend who had come out to see her. We met at a beach bar where I treated myself to pizza and some cocktails. It was so nice to see a familiar face, and to chat about our travels since we left each other all those weeks ago! Drinks were followed by mango juices further along the beach where they had a fire show and music. (I’ll point out that the boys doing the fire show looked no older than 12 years old). After my eyebrows having a near miss at being singed off we called it a night and parted ways!
The hostel in Langkawi felt a bit like a camp site rather than a hostel. I was staying in a 20 bed mixed dorm, and the room was on two levels, in a sort of tree house style bungalow. The noise of the animals and bugs at night was overwhelming and it was a wonder how I actually got any sleep! I was woken up at one point to the hostel cat trying to get through my mosquito net. Along with the irritating cough I developed, it’s safe to say I didn’t get a lot of sleep.
After speaking with people who had also been to langkawi, I realised that I was staying in the more touristic area, and probably was the reason I didn’t see a lot of Malay food, and thought the prices were a little high. But, you live and you learn, and I had a lovely time anyway. Whilst I was in Langkawi a storm had rolled in over the south of Thailand, so being so close to there, Langkawi got the backlash of it. This put one of the days I was there down as a do nothing day, so I made sure to make the most of the rest of my time there. The next day there was beautiful sunshine so I visited the seven wells waterfall, sunbathed, swam and managed to avoid leeches!
The next day I hopped on the ferry to Penang. I don’t think a lot of people thought they’d need travel sickness tablets... but they will definitely have them on the next boat they take! After arriving at my hostel I went for a wander and had the most expensive cake and lychee soda I’d EVER had at this world renowned cafe... I didn’t see what all the fuss was about!
Penang was a huge, but amazing, sensory overload. From one minute smelling the cooking of Chinese and Indian food, to then smelling the incense floating out of peoples shops and homes, the colours of the Indian fabric shops, and the noise from the hawkers markets as they were selling their goods. From one moment feeling like I was walking through China, being transported back to Malaysia, to then be thrown straight into India.
Luckily, I arrived in Penang during the Penang Hill festival. I was lucky enough to see some special markets, listen to traditional Malay choirs and see the locals out celebrating. The how city felt alive. The street art is fantastic and really sets Penang aside in its individuality. The only thing that bugged me was how impossible it was to get a picture of it! I had to take a quick snap between people posing and setting their children up in front of it. Between snapping the pictures of street art, I’d nip into the many boutiques to cool down in the shade, and if I was lucky, some AC. I found myself even admiring street corners and walls that didn’t even have street art, but just for its charm that makes Georgetown what it is!
After a few days in the city, I took myself out of Georgetown to the botanical gardens. I’d read reviews saying not to bother going, but I absolutely loved it. The colours of the flowers were incredible and it was a nice break from the traffic and crowds. I saw a few people being carted around the gardens in golf buggies, which is obviously fine, but they missed out on all the wildlife and flowers that they would have been able to stop and look at on foot. I followed a staircase that took me up to the most serene lily pool home to a family of turtles, watched monkeys tearing up coconut shells and saw a huge lizard/dragon troupe thing climbing up a tree. It’s safe to say I got my photographer on!
After that I visited Kek Lok Si, the biggest temple in Penang. This huge temple had Chinese and Indian influence, with multiple levels to walk around until you reached the top, where there was a beautiful view of the city and a ginormous golden Buddha. I sat for a while and watched Chinese people put wishing ribbons on golden trees, and say a prayer with smoking incense candles as offerings.
My final stop for the day was Penang Hill. Sat 701m above sea level, I had to get the fernicular train to the top. It ascends in 4 minutes, and my ears definitely felt it! I walked around for a while, welcoming the slight drop in temperature up there and taking in the view of the city. On top of the hill, same as in Georgetown, they have a Buddhist temple, a Hindu temple and a Mosque. A girl I had met in the second hostel I stayed in cane to meet me at the top to see the city view by night. It is not a view to be missed! You can see the coast all the way over to mainland Malaysia. It was beautiful! After we went back to the same restaurant I had been to for the past 3 days for a vegetarian Indian feast. It was the perfect way to end my time in Penang.
A few new things I have tried in Penang; roti dosai, a thinly cooked crispy pancake that’s soft in the middle. Can be pulled apart to scoop up the delicious sauces like ghee. Besan Ladoo (chickpea candy), which is absolutely delicious, rolled into a ball, it reminded me of a harder, dryer but delicious stuffing ball! I am yet to try more Malay dishes, but I am excited to do so!
Until next time xxx
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theboilingegghead · 5 years
I have about 3 months worth of summer break to burn. And instead of preparing for the next year of University, the smart person that I am chose to write scathing scat-tier reviews of eateries that serves scat-tier food. Of course, I will also be writing about praise-worthy places.
The places I will be writing about are largely located in the Puchong area, and because I lived here pretty much all my life and as a result, ate a lot of what the area had to offer.
Yea in case you didn’t notice, it’s a shitty pun based off “eating pussy”. If you’re also wondering what the DP of this blog is supposed to be, now you have your answer.
Where exactly is Puchong?
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What do you mean you don’t speak maps?
In words, Puchong is a town in Selangor, Malaysia. With the Serdang Police Headquarters as a reference, it is about 20 minutes away from Sunway Pyramid, 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur.
Hot spots in Puchong are a plenty. Though it has been relegated to a second-class shopping mall as of late, IOI Mall is a pretty well known place to go to for movies and general shopping. Across the Mall is IOI Boulevard, formerly a nighttime hot spot, it really ain’t shit nowadays. However, the area around it, Jalan Kenari comprises of very well known and solid restaurants. Parking is the biggest concern at the area at pretty much any time of the day.
Further up the LDP highway is the entrance to Bandar Puteri, where shops go out of business as often as they go into business. The area is twice as competitive as the Jalan Kenari area with twice as many well known restaurants. And of course, parking is an even bigger problem at the area.
Recently, the shoplots near the BK5 Giant hypermarket had begun to take massive leaps in variety and quality, a product of recent developments at the area along with an improved transport system. And since I live quite close to that area, you would see quite a bit of the shops there around this blog.
Will you be only reviewing Puchong food?
Nope. I eat at pretty much everywhere around Selangor and KL. However 80% of the time I will choose to not drive too far away and eat within Puchong. But when I do eat out I will also write a review about them.
What type of food are you into?
No one asked that, but that is a very important question. You see, you won’t listen to a tennis pundit on football tactics, and therefore you shouldn’t listen to me talk about rural Malay food. That would also mean that when it comes to taste, you shouldn’t always take my word for it, it’s subjective. I can however give objective reviews that you should listen to regarding service, cleanliness and pricing. 
I usually eat Chinese, Indian, Mamak, Japanese and Hawker Centre food.
How does your rating system work? What’s in a “star”?
I grade based on a 5 star rating system on 5 different categories: Food, Price, Cleanliness, Service and Atmosphere. Then I will give a final score out of a 100. However, the final score would take each category and weigh them differently!
Obviously, the food rating will always take the highest weight. How much the price rating affects the final score depends largely on the quality of the food itself. If the food is good but overpriced, it will drag the score down. The opposite case will be true too. Atmosphere’s effect on the final score will also be context based. I would be less harsh on a mamak stall for not giving a suitable studying environment, but a cafe with noise levels of a mamak stall will be given an instant 0/5. Service and Cleanliness will be judged on an absolute basis.
So why even have 5 categories to be rated if they will be muddled together in the final score anyway? Well, it is so that in the future, readers of the blog can use tags (like #5cleanliness for 5 star cleanliness or #5price for cheap food) to look for certain categories of restaurants.
Also, a restaurant could be awarded special tags like “Camera-Candy” for sublime presentation of their dishes, basically things that are worth bringing up that doesn’t really affect the experience for the general public.
I’m a parent that has 5 kids under the age of 13 using the internet! Please pipe down on the vulgar language!
Ehhh maybe.
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Today was quite a day at Lentils. It was Mio’s last shift and last day in Australia before heading to Japan tomorrow. I was hoping to run into Valerie today since I hadn’t gotten her contact info. Hilke was floor manager and gave the briefing. She asked if there was anything she forgot and I mentioned to her the cutlery and one drink per person.
The kitchen started late so we had to give out some drinks while waiting. People definitely seem to light up when you offer them the chai/juice. Saki came in and that made me even more excited since I wanted to tell her I wouldn’t be coming here as often. When Saki sat down, Mio and I both greeted her and her friend with some water. I said “hisashi buri” to her and she introduced me to her friend Rei. I also spoke with Shunta a little bit before we started taking orders. Shunta saw me eating some of the dessert early on so I told him I’m hungry and he laughed.
Because the kitchen was late, it caused everything else to be backed up and the restaurant got quite busy since there were so many people outside. Valerie came in during the rush as I had hoped and helped out. She asked if Hilke was the floor manager so she introduced herself to her and Hilke asked if she had volunteered before and let her do her thing.
Once things had calmed down, I decided to take lunch since it was a good opportunity. Before eating, Saki was paying and leaving so I told her that I will start my job tomorrow and wouldn’t be here as often. She showed me some event that she was doing on the 11th and 12th for her art showcase and I told her I would go. She thanked me and I went to go eat lunch.
I told Valerie to take lunch too since it was settling down so she ordered the same thing as me (pasta and sloppy joe) and we had lunch together. I asked if she did anything for New Years and if she was still working at the cafe but that was just on weekends. I told her that I was starting work tomorrow and that I wouldn’t be here as often so I added her on Facebook. I told her about the trial work and how it was different from working at Lentils. She said she interviewed for a Malaysian shop/food stall but the pay was too low so she didn’t go for it. We had a fairly long lunch but afterwards resumed our shift.
Valerie and I talked more while we dried/prepared cutlery and I noticed Shunta took a late lunch and Mio later joined him. Hilke asked if I wanted coffee and I asked if I could make my own. It was definitely harder than it looks and although Hilke hasn’t had much experience, she is much better at making it than I am. Later Valerie asked how do we get coffee and I told her usually the floor manager will asks if anyone wants coffee. Unfortunately, Hilke was too busy and wanted to clean up so Valerie said it was okay.
There was a point where Chloe trapped me in one of her long talks even though I wanted to wash my hands. I eventually said fuck it and went and brought her over to Valerie where she started rambling on to her. Poor Valerie looked so confused.
There was another time where Mio and I were drying cutlery and I was asking her about the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical she saw. She said she didn’t like the old one because it was a bit scary, especially the tunnel part, and I told her how most people in the US like the old one better. I also told her how I used to be scared of the Lion King when Scar sings but I realized later it’s a good song. Valerie and Shunta had joined partway through our conversation so I felt a bit awkward since I didn’t know how to include them in the convo but Valerie did ask Mio if she was leaving tomorrow.
After we counted the money, Hilke wished Mio a safe flight home and me good luck on starting my job tomorrow. Valerie asked if we were going home but Mio told her we were planning to get ice cream. I asked Valerie if she was going home and Mio and her got into a conversation since Mio was leaving. Shunta also caught up with us and I asked him what he will do but he said nothing just chill. Valerie left to go to the train station while Shunta walked a bit with Mio and I. At first I thought he was trying to tag along with us but he left when he got to his bus stop so we said goodbye.
There were many different flavors to choose from and Mio said she was willing to share. We picked turkish delight, baklava, and banana/cinnamon. She ended up paying for it although I would’ve preferred she didn’t. We sat down and talked for quite a while about lots of things such as:
- working at Lentils and all the different people there. We talked about how customers light up when you remember their name like “You’re Mio right?”
- I said how I want to learn languages because I volunteered at my mom's work and saw people lose their minds and how learning a language or instrument keeps your brain young. Mio laughed and said I was far too young to be worrying about that
- Learning languages: “kiten ga kiku” meaning something along the lines of quick-witted, considerate. Mio said this is something all employers explain to students when job searching that they are looking for, someone with initiative. Also “tsubo ni hamaru”, which literally means fitting into the pot. Basically means you find something really hilarious. Mio experienced tsubo ni hamaru when I told her how this Chinese comedian who spoke at a White House dinner (Joe Wong) said he was driving around a car with a bumper sticker that said, “If you don’t speak English, go home!” and he didn’t realize it for two years. She also said how working at a restaurant is good because for the most part it’s pretty structure for practicing English although you’ll occasionally have someone try to customize the order so it’s good for mixing it up. Also at Lentils, a lot of the customers already know what they want so it’s quite easy. I told her that’s why I would struggle trying to do it in Japanese though because I couldn’t do the keigo. Although I can certainly ask people what they would like, it would probably come off as rude and Mio agreed and said keigo should just be abolished and that she already forgot how to use a lot of keigo for her internship.
- cultural differences in Japan/Australia/US. We talked about honne and tatemae and I told her how as an American who’s more straightforward, I would prefer people are also honest with me and they don’t need to compliment me if they don’t believe so. I also said how Australians are more willing to make fun of themselves compared to Americans and showed her that picture that Yingying took of that Facebook review from that hotel. Mio found it pretty funny.
- Mio was saying how she was glad nobody pronounced her name like my-oh and I told her how people would always mess up my name like “Andrew” and “Andres”. Mio said she overheard when Hilke thought I wasn’t coming in since someone said Andrew wasn’t coming so she automatically thought it was me and thought I was seriously sick.
- We talked about how I did 10 shifts at Lentils in a row and she mentioned how she saw my name just constantly on the roster and I told her it was because I was trying to get into the cafe program. Mio said she used to feel so tired after the shift and just wanted to relax when she’s home.
- Talking about tensions between Asian countries and how Mio had many Korean friends and also how a lot of South East Asian workers in Japan are taken advantage of and Japanese tend to turn a blind eye.
After a while, Mio said her friend was originally supposed to meet her at Central but instead was coming to the Turkish ice cream place to get ice cream also. She said she didn’t think she would mind and if I didn’t mind, I could stay. I told her it was okay with me but I didn’t want to intrude and she said it was okay since this is her last night anyway. I needed to use the toilet though so I went to Lentils since the ice cream shop didn’t have any. When I got back, Mio’s friend Saori was there eating ice cream. She didn’t really look Japanese nor did she have a Japanese accent and if she hadn’t told me her name was Saori then I wouldn’t even think she is Japanese even though I had seen Mio texting her through LINE. Even then, despite her accent she was very fluent in English and if she hadn’t started speaking to Mio in Japanese I still found it a little hard to believe. We stayed and chatted for several more hours talking about their internship and some weird boy there (Yamada-kun) and people at Lentils such as the guy who ordered a sliced banana and about Chloe and how she would corner people at the cup washing corner. I also told them about my first experience with Chloe and how she told me to apply for the cafe program but somehow the convo steered towards DNA. Saori had studied in Vancouver and said she liked Canada more because they were more polite and she preferred cold weather. I told her we were “onaji” and I said that I was “atsugari” which seemed to impress Mio and Saori since not a lot of learners know that word. Saori even said that a lot of Korean learners, who are the people most likely to learn Japanese, don’t know that word they only know atsui. We also talked about sweets and I told them how Mai and them had many nicknames for me, one of them being JK since I like chocolate and dogs like a Japanese schoolgirl. We got on to the topic of selfie sticks after Mio mentioned she didn’t like areas with too many tourists like the Eiffel tower in Paris (I mentioned the street hawkers trying to sell selfie sticks and how Keegan ended up picking one off the street) Mio said she would never buy a selfie stick. I told her I found it funny how some selfie sticks were made to look like an arm so it looks like you are not alone when taking a selfie and she mentioned to me the daito now hash tag that became popular in Japan. Apparently people liked to show off that they were on a date right at that moment on social media. Mio mentioned that she wouldn’t be getting home until early morning and she hoped her parents would come pick her up. I asked if it took a while to get through security but Saori said she is a Japanese citizen but I pointed out that even in the US, it takes a long time for even citizens to get thru. We also talked about how intimidating US security is and Saori mentioned how the first time she went to the US and didn’t know any English, she was really scared talking to security. Mio and I also talked about how we both thought we would need to show more documentation when going thru Australian security but just showed our passport. Apparently Japanese domestic flight security is stricter than Australia’s but not as strict as the US. We also talked about how I learned Japanese from Terrace House since the way they speak is different from the dramas and they mentioned how a lot of Japanese would watch American dramas like Gossip Girl to learn but Saori loved watching Suits.
Mio had mentioned this to me earlier when it was just the two of us but she told Saori that after having the ice cream she was so satisfied that she could die tomorrow. I laughed when Mio said it but Saori just looked a little confused. I suggested to them they also watch Aggretsuko since u thought they would find it funny but they hadn't heard of it. I said it was from the Hello Kitty makers and they said they didn't get the obsession with Hello Kitty. I showed them the Hello Kitty plane I took with EVA.
Later on, we were feeling hungry and Mio wanted some Lebanese/Middle Eastern food. She invited me along for dinner but I said I didn’t want to intrude but she said it was okay and she was just concerned I was too tired. I had told her since I had done the 10 shifts I no longer felt so tired after the shift. We first checked out an Afghan restaurant nearby that had some croquettes or something but it was a long wait so we headed towards the CBD. As we were walking, Saori commented on the size of my shoes and Mio said she had noticed also. Mio apologized for not being more prepared but I told her it was fine. On the train, Mio asked where I got my tan and I said it was from waiting all day for the fireworks on NYE and also from Watson’s Bay. We talked about Pancakes on the Rocks and she said there is a place in Japan called Bill’s Pancakes where it is a long wait for these small pancakes. I said I probably saw it on Terrace House but she confessed she’s never actually seen it. I said I know but I think it was on there from what she described, it sounded like the kind of place two of the people went. We ended up going to Pancakes on the Rocks and had sharing a bunch of dishes. As we approached the restaurant, Mio and Saori mentioned how Japanese love to use guidebooks when traveling and I said I noticed that whenever Japanese friends visited. We got the smoked ham pizza, chicken and mushroom crepes, chicken caesar salad, and apple crumble pancakes. I actually enjoyed these dishes the most out of all the times I’ve eaten there since the other pancakes were too sweet and the ribs were okay. Saori said Mio should try the pancakes but I asked if they would be too much since Mio doesn’t really fancy sweets but she said since they’re really famous pancakes she didn’t want to miss out on trying them. I suggested that we try the apple crumble pancake since that was probably the least sweet (she later said she liked it and that was the right amount of sweetness) and I also told her she could order the banana pancakes and ask them to slice the bananas but leave out the pancakes which made go into a laughing fit since she totally forgot about the incident.
While we were eating Saori asked me if Mio had an Australian accent and I said yeah she did. Saori said she didn’t realize Mio is so good at English since this is the first time she actually heard her speak it a lot. Saori told me a lot of people didn’t think she is Japanese, even other Japanese back in Japan and they think she’s Filipino because she’s a bit tan. I told her that her accent is unique but she didn’t have a Filipino accent. She also mentioned that back at home, she would go to Shibuya just to talk to the foreigners that would stand in front of Family Mart drinking just to practice her English. There were many other things we talked about at dinner: 
- We were talking about currency in the US and we agreed how annoying it was that US shops didn’t put the after tax amount and also how annoying it was to deal with pennies. I mentioned to them how I have many 2000 Yen bills and it wasn’t til later that I realized they were actually quite rare and that I should keep them. Mio suggested the Japanese government tries to give them away to other countries but Saori didn’t think the government is not that smart and would be impressed if they actually did.
- Saori and Mio added each other on Instragram and Saori asked if I have it too. After adding her, I asked if she has LINE and Saori was quite surprised I have LINE. Saori asked about my Baymax icon and I told her that was another one of my nicknames my friends gave me so they asked why. I told them it’s because they said Baymax is a mass of kindness and they said I am also a mass of kindness. They then both agreed it is fitting.
- Saori complaining about her sales job. She only gets $20/day if that and she has to pay for her own meals and transportation around. She wants to quit but she doesn’t know if she should stay until she find another job.
- We talked about NY and how people there were kinda rude except for new immigrants. Saori preferred Canada over Australia cause she thought people were nicer.
- Talking about how many Japanese backpackers working on farms get taken advantage of since we mentioned how Shunta is currently living in a hostel but he paid for some program to put him in an internship through Lentils. Mio said the agency should be taking care of him and gave him proper housing the whole time. Saori also said how Japanese backpackers are a bit strange since normal Japanese wouldn’t do that type of thing
- Saori trying to find a new place and possibly moving into Mio’s spot and asking how much it was. She was comparing the prices but I was actually able to follow the conversation a bit.
- We talked about our favorite Japanese dishes. Saori basically hates healthy foods. She hates nuts, tofu, and beans but she likes natto. Doesn’t like multigrain rice. Mio loves tofu.
- Saori and I both said caffeine didn't wake us up and we needed energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull to wake us up. Mio said she used to have a coffee addiction in Melbourne. She regretted not taking up Jason's coffee offer cause it would be her last coffee at Lentils that she never got
- Mio told us how she was telling her mom about working at Lentils but she realized that she had been a bad daughter while in Melbourne because she never talked to her parents except when she needed money. She started texting her mom more when she moved to Sydney because she started feeling lonelier. Saori asked if I texted my parents often and I said no because I don’t want them to know what I’m doing. Mio had mentioned that she went to New Zealand by herself but she had told her mom that she went with friends but her grandma mentioned something about travelling.
- Saori commented on how Mio had so many notifications especially on LINE and how that would drive her nuts. Saori was the kind of person who had to clear it, even on email. I told them how my aunt had to read through every email
It was getting quite late and Mio mentioned she still needed to pack. She only had one suitcase and I asked if that was all she brought to Australia but she said she had already sent a lot of stuff back home like the winter clothes.
When it came time for us to go, we left for Circular Quay station. Mio and Saori both had to take the train but I had to take the bus that was close by so I said goodbye to them there. I told Saori it was nice to meet her and had a pretty emotional goodbye with Mio. Her eyes were a bit teary and she moved in closer as she was saying goodbye to me. She said she was really grateful for me and that if I hadn’t been around, Sydney would not be so enjoyable for her. When I told her “ki o tsukete”, Saori said my Japanese is good. Mio wished me luck in my future and told me to do my best at my job tomorrow. Since she kept moving closer to me I gave her a hug and she gave one enthusiastically back. If she had stayed, I think I would have really fallen for her. When I told her goodbye I also told her not to die tomorrow since I still wanted to see her and she laughed and said she wouldn’t. As I left, I kept turning around to wave back and she and Saori kept looking at me as I left and waved back when I did. I made my first real friend in Sydney but just as always, it was time to let go. I listened to “Kataomoi” on the way home.
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fattymountain · 7 years
328 Katong Laksa  
Date 2013 & 2014 Meal Lunch Ordered Small Laksa Food Laksa (small) – 9/10 2013 Laksa Close up 2014 Laksa Laksa Ambience & Interior The stall outside Getting the laksa ready Shop front Shop front Inside The wall full of famous celebrities diners Menu Please click here for the full menu Recommendation Laksa Verdict Laksa – 9/10 Would I go back again? Yes Rating from my brain (out of 5…
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planify · 5 years
Burger King IPO
Burger King IPO
Buy the IPO of the Burger King India Limited from us and get all the details and regular updates. The IPO comprises fresh issues worth Rs 400 crore and an OFS of up to six crore shares. With average ticket value of Rs 500–550, the company had 202 outlets in 47 cities as of June 2019. NEW DELHI: Quick service restaurant chain Burger King India has filed draft papers for its initial public offering (IPO).
Burger King India Limited draft papers have been filed with SEBI and the company is looking to raise ₹ 400 Crores. Burger King India Limited is planning to list its shares on NSE and BSE.
Company Summary:
The globally recognized Burger King brand, also known as the ‘HOME OF THE WHOPPER’ was founded in 1954 in the United States and is owned by Burger King Corporation, a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands International Inc.
Restaurant Brands International Inc holds a portfolio of fast-food brands that are recognized around the world that include the BURGER KING, POPEYES and TIM HORTONS brands.
The Burger King brand is the second-largest fast-food burger brand globally as measured by the number of restaurants, with a global network of over 18,000 restaurants.
Burger King India Limited is the national master franchisee of the BURGER KING brand in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) Industry in India. The master franchisee arrangement provides them with the ability to use Burger King’s globally recognized brand name.
According to the DRHP, as at 30, June 2019 the company had 202 restaurants, including seven Sub-Franchised Burger King restaurants, across 16 states and 47 cities across India.
According to the DRHP filed by the company with SEBI, the company has plans to have approximately 325 restaurants by 31st Dec 2020.
Revenue Model:
· Revenue from operations of the company comprises:
revenue from the sale of food and beverages — revenue from sales through the restaurants directly operated by the company
revenue from sub-franchisee operations — includes royalties received from sub-franchisees
other operating income — includes income from scrap sales
Industry Overview:
· The food services market in India has been booming in recent times, owing to the rising disposable income of the middle class.
· The market was estimated at ₹ 4,096 billion in Fiscal 2019. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% over the next five years and is expected to reach ₹ 6,753 billion by Fiscal 2024. *
Market Structure
The Indian food market is classified into two segments
·        Unorganized — includes dhabas, roadside small eateries, hawkers and street stalls
·        Organized — Chains (domestic or International outlets having more than 3 branches across the country) or standalone outlets.
·        Chains are further divided into six sub-segments
·        Fine Dining (FDR) — targets rich and upper-middle-class consumers
·        Casual Dining (CDR) — oriented towards affordable dining
·        Pub, Bar, Club, and Lounge (PBCL) — mainly serve alcohol and related beverages
·        Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) — focused on speed of service and affordability including takeaway/delivery sub formats
·        Cafes — includes coffee bars and parlors
·        Frozen Desserts Outlets (FD/IC) — small kiosk outlets of ice cream brands
Peer Analysis:
The efficiency of the company is low compared to its peers.
But the company has outperformed its closest peer Westlife, that runs McDonald’s chain.
Burger King has generated 66 percent revenue growth compared to Westlife which has generated revenue growth of only 19 percent during the year.
Burger King plans to roll out 700 restaurants by 2025 from 216 at present. In comparison to this Westlife, started operations 20 years ago had 304 restaurants until the end of September and opened only 19 stores in each of the past two years. (Source: Economic Times)
Apart from higher growth, several other factors work in favor of Burger King like Burger King India’s royalty payment to the parent company is capped at 5 percent. For Westlife, royalty payment is capped at 5 percent until 2023 and will eventually rise to 8 percent. (Source: Economic Times)
Financial Review of
Burger King India Limited
Total Assets of the company has been increasing at a CAGR of 64.8% from 2016 to 2019.
Total Revenue of the company has been increasing at a CAGR of 66% from 2016 to 2019.
The asset turnover ratio of Burger King is lowest among its peers which means that the company’s efficiency to use its assets to generate revenue is lowest.
Gross margin percentage of the company is also the lowest among its peers
Exclusive Rights
The company has exclusive rights to develop, establish, operate and franchise Burger King branded restaurants in India. The BURGER KING brand is the second-largest fast-food burger brand globally.
Brand positioning for millennials
The company has positioned its brand to target the large and growing millennial population in India.
Approximately 60% of Indians eating out are millennials, and the millennial population in India has grown from 418 million in FY11 to 444 million in FY19.
This trend is expected to continue as India’s population continues to grow.
The QSR industry in India is highly competitive and is affected by various factors like consumer tastes, economic conditions and disposable income levels.
Due to increased competition the company could experience downward pressure on prices, lower demand for its products, an inability to take advantage of new business opportunities including finding suitable restaurant locations and a loss of market share.
The company is subject to health, safety and environment laws and regulations enforced by local and national bodies.
The costs of compliance with health, safety, and environment laws might continue to increase in the future and could adversely affect a company’s gross margins.
Dependency on suppliers:
The company’s operations are highly dependent on the adequate and timely delivery of quality ingredients, packaging materials, and other necessary supplies.
If the suppliers fail to provide these supplies in a timely manner, a company’s business and financial condition could be adversely affected.
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drtanstravels · 5 years
I have a very dark and cynical sense of humour and I love the sitcom Black Books so naturally I was interested when it was announced that the series’ star, Dylan Moran, was touring Singapore, however, it initially became a bit of an afterthought when I figured I’d probably end up attending alone. Not many people here know who he is, a few British friends of mine were interested in going, but the tickets were quite expensive and we figured he’d need to tone down his absurd, drearily pessimistic, profanity-laden act in order to be able to perform in Singapore. A few weeks after the tour’s announcement, Anna and I were having a couple of drinks at my local with some friends and the topic of Dylan Moran’s show’s came up. Several of us were talking about how funny he was so Anna suggested we get tickets, figuring it would still be good even if he couldn’t be his true self; she really enjoyed it when we saw Moran’s Black Books co-star Bill Bailey‘s performance earlier in the year so she booked seats for us, as well as for our friend, TJ Godiaco, on the spot that night. The only problem was that Anna and TJ had no idea what to expect from the show until his performance began, but for those who are also unfamiliar with Moran’s comedic stylings, this should give you the general idea:
Moran’s live stand-up comedy is unique in that it merges two strands of stand-up that seemed incompatible for a long time: sharp observational humor, and surreal and fantastical language-based absurdity. On the one hand, he has a clear influence from what could be called an American school of stand-up comedy that is heavily observational. On the other hand, Moran’s comedy is characterized by a use of language similar to the stand-up comedy of Eddie Izzard and Ross Noble: surreal associative leaps between on the one side observations and on the other fantasies, verbally painting bizarre and absurd worlds, often through a use of stream-of-consciousness narration. His language is often highly poetic, resembling a James Joyce that has had one too many.
Thursday, December 12, 2019 It was the day of the show and I awoke to a message from Anna asking me to get a reservation for dinner at around 6:30pm. Moran would be performing at the University Cultural Centre at the National University of Singapore at 8:00pm, the same location as when Bill Bailey toured, and the university is kind of in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by parks and freeways, but not a lot of eating options so Anna was worried the ones that did exist would be packed before the show. I googled restaurants near the Cultural Centre and it turned out that on campus there was an Italian restaurant, a couple of small hawker stalls, Subway, and the rest was mainly just regular canteen food, but there was one other option that stood out; Waa Cow!, a Japanese rice bowl restaurant so I made a reservation for three people at 6:30pm.
Anna arrived home from work and we were soon on our way to the university. The restaurant was harder to find than we first expected, because there was no direct route through the school to get to it despite it being located on campus so we had to take winding roads and freeway overpasses to get there. TJ’s driver got lost trying to get there, but he still arrived before us, texting me to not worry, because there was only three other people inside. It turns out the booking wasn’t necessary, but we were still committed to the place and it was an option we definitely wouldn’t regret. Waa Cow!’s Facebook page describes them as being “Singapore’s First Flame-torched 🔥 Donburi! Period,” but even that seems to be selling themselves a bit short. When I was a college student, the food available on campus was terrible, it was just anything that could be deep-fried or hamburgers. Japanese rice bowls with flame-torched wagyu beef and foie gras simply weren’t an option at my school, yet here it was on the NUS campus and it was fantastic, although some student reviews complained about the price. There were options besides beef, but that was their specialty so we each got one with a different sauce, sides, as well as a plate of scallop sashimi and immediately Anna was checking out if they deliver to our area. I have no idea how these are essentially school dinners!:
Hanging out in Waa Cow!
TJ’s bowl
Why didn’t my university have food like this?!?
It didn’t take long to finish our food so we had almost an hour before the show was to start, but it took about 10 minutes to walk to the Cultural Centre, which really wasn’t that far away, but there was also no direct walking route through the campus, either. Once we arrived, however, the first thing I noticed was that most of the people in attendance were like me; middle-aged, white men who immediately headed to the bar in the lobby. I did exactly that as well while the other two went to the bathroom and I looked like a peasant as I blew my last $15.00 (US$11.10) in a combination of notes and coins on a single small beer. The man ahead of me in the bar queue was standing in front of the menu so I stood slightly off to the side to read another menu up the back and when I went to order, a very pretentious British-Chinese woman behind me gave me an irritated look, sighed, and said sarcastically “Oh, so you ARE in the line.” I just ignored her and got my drink, laughing to myself as she condescendingly made her order, pronouncing every word clearly in short, sharp sentences for fear they wouldn’t understand her. “I’ll have a double shot of whiskey in a tall glass. On ice. With water, filled to the brim. To. The. Brim.” The bar staff tried to take her order seriously, but at a live event you can’t have a tall glass, she just got a slightly different shaped plastic cup to the one in which my beer was served, a drink which I took to an area where I could sit on the floor and wait for Anna and TJ. When they came out of their respective toilets the pair of them realised that they had no cash so they went to find an ATM and about 20 minutes later I got a call from Anna. “Meet me outside, go out the door and turn right.” I asked why and the reply was a simple, “Just do it” so I decided not to inquire anymore and just follow orders. Once there I learnt that the ATM they had found wouldn’t accept either of their cards so they decided go a different route and try something I haven’t done in at least 20 years — They went to an on-campus supermarket and bought a heap of booze with the intention of smuggling it into the venue inside their bags. They bought three big beers for me and six miniature bottles of airline-quality red wine for themselves, saving us a ton of money by avoiding the ridiculous bar prices in the process. I seriously hadn’t tried to do anything like this since I was a penniless teenager trying to get beer into music festivals more than two decades ago and now I’m 40 years old and attempting it again at a stand-up comedy show in Singapore. I felt like a kid again, completely rejuvenated at the prospect of the plan! Anna asked if they served wine at the bar, which they did, so she went over and grabbed a couple plastic cups, then snuck into the toilets and returned with cups of wine for her and TJ while we stood behind a pole trying as discretely as possible to open a Kilkenny can with a widget and pour it into the remaining cup for myself. We then stood around smirking, talking about how we had secretly stuck it to the man with our boozy Ocean’s Eleven-style escapade, Anna mentioning that she had left the wine bottles next to the sanitary disposal bin in the women’s bathroom. The only problem was we now didn’t have a whole lot of time, however, we had a fair bit of alcohol that we couldn’t take to our seats and it would be confiscated if they did bag checks so we had to drink quickly. The three of us stood in a uncrowded area, constantly chugging and refilling our drinks, leading to Anna and TJ finishing two 250ml (8.5 fl. oz.) bottles of cheap and nasty red wine each, while I finished off a 500ml (17 fl. oz) Kilkenny and a 750ml (25.5 fl. oz.) Asahi can in about 10 minutes. There was still more wine and another large Asahi, but there was no way we could finish it all in a couple of minutes like I could’ve at the end of last century so we had to try and sneak them into the theatre, soon seeing other people attempting the same thing. We saw others wrapping paper bags around small bottles and stuffing them in their purses, but we also noticed that the cafe staff near us really didn’t care that we were throwing our bottles and cans in a bin labeled “Cafe waste only.” We decided just to put the extra bottles and cans in our bags and lined up, figuring the security might give them back afterward if they were confiscated, but they didn’t even check our bags, we just made our way to our seats. Once seated, TJ told me he was feeling a bit tipsy, I was bloated and doing foie gras-scented burps, and Anna took a nap until Dylan Moran stepped on stage, but once he started he was hilarious:
One of Anna’s contraband wine bottles
Now inside
A blurry shot of the stage (this is probably how TJ saw the entire show)
It wasn’t a full house, but it was a great show. Moran spoke for about 35 minutes before an intermission where we were given passes so we could go back into the lobby. There were plenty of people who had tried the same plan as us that night, many standing around during the intermission and drinking the alcohol they had snuck in, a vast array of different brands of beer that weren’t being sold at the venue and barely a plastic cup in sight so we finished ours as well, the security guards watching us nonchalantly the entire time. Once back inside, Moran spoke for another 30 minutes, but he didn’t tame his show just because he was in Singapore. He was his usual crass self, moaning about age, technology, and travel among other topics, but his sometimes vulgar delivery wasn’t for everyone. It seems that some local attendees mustn’t have even known who he was because quite a few brought young children with them! Others left early with several re-entry passes just left deserted on the floor and seats of the lobby during the intermission.
I recorded the audio for the show, however, I missed the first minute or so when he was bitching about shopping malls and the price of goods in Singapore. You can listen to it here, but it is a little difficult to hear, plus his thick Irish accent may cause it to be even harder to make out, this guy would struggle to use Siri or Alexa:
The show was all finished before 10:00pm so once we were done the three of us caught a cab back to the pub for a nightcap, then I took the dog for a walk where she rolled in another decomposing rat carcass, requiring us to shower her multiple times in order to reduce the pungency of the smell, an awful way to complete an otherwise great night. If you’re a fan of pessimistic humour with a linguistic delivery and Dylan Moran is in town, just go. But leave the kids at home.
Trying to pay a reasonable price for alcohol at a brilliant live comedy show I have a very dark and cynical sense of humour and I love the sitcom Black Books…
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pebblegalaxy · 6 years
Cafe Hawkers Connaught Place Food Review Retaurant Review
Cafe Hawkers Connaught Place Food Review Retaurant Review
Cafe Hawkers is quite a popular place for food and celebrations. Especially youngsters and families with smaller kids find it a nice place to spend some quality time, have gracious food and create some memorable moments of life to cherish them later together. On a large table opposite to ours was a large family group with two girl kids who were making a lot of shouts. It was one of those girl’s…
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weeping-goo-blog · 5 years
15 Fun Things To Complete In Singapore
Looking for any Hostel. Since 1894, hundreds of an incredible number of choppers, scooters, and off-road motorbikes happen to be produced and sold by motorcycle dealers throughout the world. In 1894, the very first mass-produced model was built. They are incredibly popular in dense cities and developing countries because of the low rates of fuel consumption and relatively inexpensive purchase price. The flag-fall cost of the taxicab here is 7 rmb and you will must pay 2 rmb for each kilometer. They are used for longer distance trips, and frequently allow seating to get a second rider. Don't forget to make use of public transportation, avoid utilizing a taxi! That way, you will save even more money. You will find more details about china vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. Avoid crowded tourist restaurants or esthetic cafes since you will issue a greater budget. Bugis street: Bugis street is the most wonderful devote Singapore for budgeted shopping. . it is likely to be because of the unwinding of these issues. All kinds of meals are offered by the hawker centre, especially Laska which is very popular local food in Singapore. Sport bikes quick review show are designed for high levels of street performance. Don't forget to use public transportation, avoid using a taxi! That way, you will save much more money. The price is 5 rmb. Happy Traveling!. Address: 33C Hong Kong Street. You can select cheap accommodations such as sharing-room inns, or dorm-doors which need you to definitely share facilities with other travelers. You will find more details about china vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. Matchbox The Concept Hostel. The flag-fall cost of the taxicab here is 7 rmb and you will must pay 2 rmb for each and every kilometer. sometimes from nothing. Don't forget to utilize public transportation, avoid https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/singapore/singapore using a taxi! That way, you'll save even more money. This three-story hostel, located in Singapore's Chinatown, has been featured in various publications like Cosmopolitan and Travel+Leisure. If you're within the marketplace for a fresh motorbike, use this Click here list to aid pick the model which is right for you. Beach activities:Singapore has plenty of Islands that offers plenty of opportunities for your website visitors to leisure by the pool by soaking within the sun or enjoy the activities such as snorkelling, fishing, diving and jet skiing within the ocean ocean. You can discover more details about china vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. NOTE: Permission is granted by the copyright owner to disseminate this article in whole or in part provided credit is given towards the author (with a link to the article's source URL Travel2ChinaInfo Dot COM ) and also this NOTE just isn't removed.
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pleasecomeflying · 5 years
Home Improvement :: Home Improvement Projects
This article is about the China vacations and Qingdao travel. In 1894, the initial mass-produced model was built. The idea started off even as would perform house up and sell it on for any profit. Once the piling was finished we thought the rest of the job would take virtually no time in any way nevertheless it turned out the native to be true. Qingdao Beer Museum: It is really a quite interesting invest Qingdao. Capsule hotels have separate cabins for sleeping with fairly complete facilities. They offer riders a far more upright seating position and long suspension travel to deal with bumps and dips. You will find more information about china vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. Avoid crowded tourist restaurants or esthetic cafes since you will issue a bigger budget. Address: 15 Upper Weld Road Singapore207372. The public transportation systems are very convinient in Qingdao. To ride the MRT, it is commonplace for https://www.cnn.com/travel/destinations/singapore that mother carrying the stroller. To ride the MRT, it is commonplace for that mother carrying the stroller. Moreover, Changi Airport is one of the safest and most comfortable places to stay for travelers. Sport bikes are designed for high levels of street performance. I've read a great deal of reviews about this and everyone seems to become saying one thing - the hostel is squeaky clean. The price is 5 rmb. If you are in the market for a fresh motorbike, use this list to help pick the model which is suitable for you. Make sure you bringa stroller to it simpler to bring Little bugis once the roads. Hawker Centre is one of the best places to savour delicious food in Singapore at budgeted prices. Aside in the usual stuff to be had in hostels (free breakfast, free unlimited drinks, WiFi connection, free use of computers), Matchbox have their own foot and back massager, a genuine gem to tourists with tired feet and aching body from extended hours of walking. This city was recently named China's 9th-most livable city from the China Daily. River City Inn has as small as a 4-bed room so when huge as a 14-bed room. Don't forget to use public transportation, avoid utilizing a taxi! That way, you'll save much more money. it will be because of the unwinding of these issues. This Chinese activity was observed and reported by German naval officials within a formal survey of Kiautschou Bay in May 189 After the Tsingtao region was ceded to Germany in 1898, the German authorities soon turned Tsingtao in to a strategically important port administered by the Imperial Department of the Navy (Reichsmarineamt) instead of the Imperial Colonial Office (Reichskolonialamt). All three are strategically located in Singapore's Chinatown, meaning that they are near shops, eateries, and MRT station!. Rainy Kua 201. You can find more information about china vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. NOTE: Permission is granted from the copyright owner to disseminate this article in whole or in part provided credit emerges https://www.quickreviewshow.com/bugis-street-biggest-market-in-singapore/ towards the author (with a hyperlink for the article's source URL Travel2ChinaInfo Dot COM ) which NOTE just isn't removed.
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purpuravava-blog · 5 years
Tips For Traveling Budget Save To Singapore
Singaporeis famous for its high standard of living and never cheap. Since 1894, hundreds of millions of choppers, scooters, and off-road motorbikes are already produced and sold by motorcycle dealers throughout the world. Since 1894, hundreds of millions of choppers, scooters, and off-road motorbikes happen to be produced and sold by motorcycle dealers throughout the world. However, are you able to travel on a thin budget to Singapore? Of course you can, if you have strong intentions and consistency for making travel plans and budgeting arrangements. The flag-fall price of the taxicab here is 7 rmb and you'll must pay 2 rmb for every kilometer. sometimes from nothing. You will find hawker centers or another food courts available throughout Singapore. The price is 50 rmb. Worldwide, mopeds and scooters are the best-selling forms of motorbike. Water parks: Singapore has many water parks including Adventure cove waterpark, Wild Wild wet, Rainforest Kidzworld &amp much more. But the reality. Eight critical junction ( Badaguan ) fine scenery, attracted the numerous new visitors to come here to photograph the nuptial dress to illuminate, the blue tree, the sand beach, the villa, the beautiful woman, formed a nice contrast, too beautiful to behold, caused that the pedestrian poured the foot in abundance. Eight critical junction ( Badaguan ) fine scenery, attracted the numerous new visitors to come here to photograph the nuptial dress to illuminate, the blue tree, the sand beach, the villa, the beautiful woman, formed a nice contrast, too beautiful to behold, caused that the pedestrian poured the foot in https://www.nytimes.com/topic/destination/singapore abundance. Avoid crowded tourist restaurants or esthetic cafes because you will issue a greater budget. Sport bikes are made for high levels of street performance. I've read a great deal of reviews about it and everyone seems to become saying something - the hostel is squeaky clean. The price is 5 rmb. If you're inside the marketplace for a new motorbike, use this list to help pick the model that's befitting you. Indoor Activities: Singapore provides a wide selection of activities at the indoor theme parks. "Qing" means "lush" in Chinese, while "dao" means "island". You can find more information about china https://www.quickreviewshow.com/bugis-street-biggest-market-in-singapore/ vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. The activities include forest adventure, forest obstacle, trekking, paragliding, Bungee jumping and Climb max giving an amazing experience towards the travellers. The flag-fall cost of the taxicab the following is 7 rmb and you may have to pay 2 rmb for each kilometer. Don't forget to make use of public transportation, avoid utilizing a taxi! That way, you'll save even more money. Don't forget to use public transportation, avoid employing a taxi! That way, you may save much more money. The German imperial government planned and built the first streets and institutions of the city we view today, introduced electrification, a sewer system plus a safe drinking water supply commercial interests established the world-famous Tsingtao Brewery. If you are inside the marketplace for a brand new motorbike, use this list to assist pick https://www.quickreviewshow.com/bugis-street-biggest-market-in-singapore/ the model which is right for you. Articles 1 - 15 :: Prev - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . You can discover more information regarding china vacations, lhasa travel guide and travel tips from our web site. Don't forget to use public transportation, avoid employing a taxi! That way, you may save a lot more money. Rainy Kua 201.
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