#cafe I can go to on foot but bit hot now
miss-floral-thief · 11 months
Getting a ride now hope the crepes aren’t too overpriced
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itsnotgray · 1 year
twins | mark estapa
…be nice. this is the first time i’m posting a fic.
thanks for the giving me the kick to write this @hischierhaze
and @thatintrovertedwriter here’s part one!
part two will come in a bit
now goodbye while i panic over peoples reactions
in which you and mark are two hotheads
it wasn’t like people didn’t know mark. he infamously had led the big10 in penalty minutes, was a good player to go along with said stat, and was incredibly easy on the eyes.
but it wasn't that people didn’t know you, either. “y/n” or rather “sunshine” as you were more commonly called, was a bit of a household name on campus. the irony in the name? you were anything but. known for not only leading the michigan women’s soccer team in yellow and red cards, but also the big10.
so safe to say, both of you were fairly known, and for quite similar reasons. yet, no one seemed to see your relationship coming.
you guys first met at a party during welcome week. the party wasn't exclusive, per say, but it was safe to say the majority of the crowd was athletes, looking for a safe place to party, ensuring no pictures would make their way back to their respective coaches.
you had been stumbling around the kitchen, drunkenly searching for the cooler your teammate had said she had hidden in the maze-like kitchen of whatever frat house you were in. but as you turned around, ready to settle for the bud light in the living room, you spotted your bottle of vodka in the grasp of a blonde boy.
and while this wouldn’t have pissed you off normally, the bottle had “property of sunshine” boldly printed on it in sharpie, so safe to say, you were a little more than pissed.
“who the fuck do you think you are?” you screamed, shoving your finger into his chest.“woah uh-” the blonde boy tried to get out, but you kept going. “drinking someone else's bottle of alcohol?! i mean i’d get it if it didn't have a name on it, but it quite literally says “property of sunshine” but apparently you just can’t fucking read, can you?”
the boy was silent for a moment, until he laughed. “you're- you’re sunshine? isn’t that ironic.”
“ha, ha. kind of like that’s the fucking point, dumbass,” and as his mouth drops from your comment, you take the opportunity to swipe the vodka bottle from his hands. “i’d say thanks for finding my vodka, but seeing as i found you drinking it, to that i say, fuck you,” and you staggered away, lifting the bottle to your lips, the boy staring longingly after you.
mark was completely and utterly fucked, to the point where it took him a moment to realize… he didn’t even get your name.
~ the morning after
now the day after the party, you weren’t doing too hot. safe to say, you definitely should’ve let the blonde boy keep your vodka.
as shitty as you felt, by the grace of everything holy, you managed to muster up enough strength to walk to the cafe, seeking a cure to the pounding headache and extreme nausea you were nursing after your bad decisions the night prior.
however, someone you didn’t expect to see in your place of solace? the blonde boy you had screamed at the night before, tucked into the corner booth of the cafe, seemingly in a state similar to yourself.
in a split second decision, you decided to apologize for your behavior the night before, regretting (only slightly, but regret nonetheless) how you had drunkenly handled the situation.
you quickly made your way to the bar to order. “can I get a venti iced caffe mocha, and a croissant?” and then shyly added on, “and another of whatever the blonde boy in the corner is having, please.”
“trying to shoot your shot?,” the barista asked teasingly. “trying to apologize,” you muttered back, backing up to wait for your order.
once they called your name, you quickly grabbed your order. you took a deep breath, turned around, and cautiously made your way to the boy.
once you got within a foot of his table, you accidentally made eye contact with him, before holding the drink out, and quietly saying, “here… this is for you.”
he apprehensively took the drink in his hands, but before taking a sip, he spun the drink, glancing at the name on the order. “just trying to make sure it doesn’t have your name on it y/n, wouldn’t want you to scream at me again,” he let out, words laced with an emotion impossible to detect.
“that’s actually what I came over here for. I wanted to apologize for acting like that. normally if that happened, i’d just move on with my night. it just pissed me off that someone decided to take the bottle, even though I had written “property of sunshine” on it,” you said, quickly word-vomiting your thoughts out.
“I get it, I shouldn't have taken alcohol that was clearly hidden. i promise to look before drinking next time, sunshine,” he stated with a matching teasing grin and tone.
“I know it’s probably a little late for introductions, but you wouldn’t mind telling me your name, seeing as you know mine,” you questioned. “mark, mark estapa,” he responded with a grin, teasing tone now absent, replaced with what you hoped to be a more genuine tone.
and with that simple utterance, you knew you were fucking screwed.
~ weeks later
in the weeks following your conversation with mark in the cafe, you got impossibly close. if you guys weren’t hanging out on “study not-date-dates”, or having movie nights cooped up in your room, you were constantly texting, constantly talking to one another. yet, you guys never spoke about the obvious feelings the two of you had for one another, both too nervous to actually broach the subject.
until after your first game of the season.
more specifically, it was on the way back from the first game of the season. a game in which, despite the team coming out on top, and you also managing to bag a goal, you also picked up your first yellow card of the season. a teammate had even declared as much, belting out a “sunshine is back in business everybody!” as the team left the field.
unknowingly, the social media admin had clipped the moment, even including a glimpse of your cocky, but tired grin.
mark was now a little confused. of course he knew you were on the soccer team. in fact, it was one of the first things he learned about you. but the fact that the team was where the nickname “sunshine” came from? now that- that was new.
he quickly shot you a text, waiting eagerly for a response.
miles away, your phone dinged with a text tone specifically reserved for your favorite blonde haired boy. at the sound, you quickly darted for your phone.
“sunshine’s lover booooy is texting her” a teammate teased, reaching over to ruffle your hair affectionately.
you groaned at the action, before opening mark’s text
“i never asked, but why do they call you sunshine?”
and at that, you froze, instantly hit with the brutal words of a past boyfriend, “you do realize how fucking unattractive that is, right? losing your shit like that isn’t as cool as you think- it just tells people that you have serious issues, you fucking psycho.”
while you almost considered lying for a moment, you knew the truth would be better in the long run.
“last season, i led both the team, and the big10 in yellow and red cards. because of that, they thought giving me a nickname completely opposite of my attitude on the field was the funniest shit ever. it doesn't help that my personality off the field isn't too different from me on it- only true difference is that im a hell of a lot less aggressive.”
and quickly followed it up with a message reading, “I'm sorry if you don’t want to associate with me anymore. I know losing your temper constantly isn’t the most attractive thing in the world, but I can't control it. I’ll leave you alone, if that’s how you end up feeling,” before shutting off your phone, prepared to lose the boy who had managed to weasel his way into your heart the past few weeks.
mark froze for a second. there’s no fucking way the universe led him to someone exactly like him. what was it that one tiktok ethan had sent him said- twinflames? there was no fucking way.
except there was. because she was on the other side of the phone, probably freshly showered after her game (which he had seen they had won 3-0), with her hair cutely braided to the side, like she often did during their movie nights.
once he came out of his daze, he glanced down at his phone again, seeing her most recent text- “I'm sorry if you don’t want to associate with me anymore. I know losing your temper constantly isn’t the most attractive thing in the world, but I can't control it. I’ll leave you alone.”
and he panicked, quickly hitting facetime.
you glanced down at your ringing phone, seemingly in disbelief, and a little scared, at hearing the custom tone.
“I THINK YOU'RE PERFECT! you losing your shit doesn't matter to me- in fact, im the same damn way. I dont know who the hell had the audacity to shame you for your attitude while playing, but fuck them. they do not matter. they're not the ones that play the game, so they don’t have a say in how you play. you are the most kind-hearted person i know, and your heart is one of the reasons i love you. if your in-game attitude really is that big of a problem-”
and then mark froze, seeing your stunned expression. “what’s wrong baby?” noticing the nickname slip, but not drawing attention to it.
“I-i, you- i- i love you too.”
“you said you love me, and i love you too, unless you didn’t mean i them i totally didn't eit-”
“NO- i love you baby. I’d honestly go as far as to say I've loved you since I met you. something about your fiery attitude immediately had me hooked, and as i’ve gotten to know you, i've become downright infatuated.”
both of you were now grinning at each other ear to ear, a blush rising quickly to the both of your faces.
“wanna go on a date tomorrow?” you both blurted out at the same time. “let me plan it baby, promise i’ll impress you.” “okay- its a date.”
and if mark immediately texted ethan for date ideas after you hung up the call a few minutes later- well you didn’t need to know that.
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wehaveimagineshere · 7 months
Oh you say you want more Carlos? I got more Carlos for ya! How do you feel about domestic fluff, cuz im thinking of a scenario where Carlos and Reader are newlyweds who just finished settling into their new house together after a long honeymoon, ready to live in bliss together (until the next BOW threat but we don't think about that). Could it be kept gender neutral too? Thanks! You write him so in-character I couldn't resist asking you for a little more!
Hell yeah more Carlos! Oh man, just thinking of them having finally unpacked most of the important boxes and just sitting down with the buzz of being freshly married and having their own home...
Love it anon. Thank you so much for sharing this prompt with me! <3
"Hey, where are the mugs?"
Flopping your head back against the couch armrest, you squint your eyes in thought. "Uuuhhhh, top left shelf above the microwave."
A short pause from the kitchen. "Nope, these are the glasses."
"Shit. Uh."
"I'll just use glasses. You like the one with the flower decals, right?"
Silence settles back as you stretch your legs out, aching from the move and all the adventuring you'd done on your honeymoon. When Carlos said he knew how to have fun on vacation, you'd honestly expected him to be talking about the bedroom. Instead he'd taken you to beaches and cafes and hikes across multiple different countries, always having some sort of story to accompany each location.
One perk about being stationed all over the world was that after the work is done, you can explore a bit. And man had he taken notes.
"Where're the hot chocolate packets?"
How long was it going to take until you two could remember where everything was in this brand new house? "In the pantry?" Shifting, you spot the blanket folded along the opposite side of the couch and inwardly groan. Blanket warm, but moving bad.
"This kitchen looks so damn nice," you hear him call again. "We have the little hanging rack for wine glasses. That's fancy as shit."
"You said I could have whatever I wanted."
"Yeah, and I'm saying you're fancy as shit."
"Is that bad?"
"Hell no. People are going to think I'm sophisticated now."
"We can't have that. Don't want to lie to them."
There's another pause as you hear cupboard doors open and close. "How do you feel about strawberry hot chocolate?"
Your nose scrunches. "Uh. Ew? I thought we had caramel syrup?"
"Oh we do. But if you find yourself telling lies about me again you might just find yourself with strawberry hot chocolate."
Laughing quietly, you reply, "Who knows, I might just like it."
There's clinking of glasses. "That sounds like a quick way to divorce."
"You dragged me across so many trees and bugs and bears and I'm not demanding divorce. Sounds like you're a little bit of a baby. Little Carlos Oliveira, so fragile he can't let anyone know he grabs glasses from the cupboards like a peasant."
Finally, you spot your husband round the corner, two glasses of hot chocolate clutched in his hands. You sit up as he sets his down on the coffee table and holds out yours, pulling back when reach for it. "How much do you trust me?"
"Absolutely not at all with that question," you respond immediately, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
He hands the drink out again in silence, this time letting you take it from him. Settling down beside you and retrieving his own glass, he snags the remote and calls the tv to life.
Tucking a foot underneath yourself, you squint hard at the drink before giving your nonchalant boyfriend a side eye. "If this has strawberry we're getting a divorce."
"Now who's a fragile peasant?"
Pressing your lips together, hating that he's using your own words again you, you slowly bring the drink to your lips. Hesitate. Take a small sip. Hesitate. Take a larger sip. Smack Carlos across the shoulder. "You're such an ass."
"What? You got your caramel hot chocolate." Sitting back, he grabs the blanket you spied earlier and starts one armed shaking it loose. "The boys were right. Marriage sucks. Can't ever win."
Laughing, you lean into his side and take another sip. "I'm not going to forget this."
"Yes, your Majesty." Tossing the blanket over your laps, he curls his arm around your shoulders and tucks you in tight. "What do you want to watch tonight?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Well, there is that one movie that came out not long ago."
There's a pause. "You going to make me guess?"
Placing a rather grumpy kiss on the crown of your head, he tosses the remote onto your side of the blanket. "You're going to be the death of me."
"Good. I don't want anything else taking that privilege from me."
In a faux murmur, he laments, "Who did I just get married to?"
Smiling wide, you shift so you're curled up and bring up Netflix. "The love of your life, obviously."
"I dunno, that ice cream back in Denmark has been haunting my dreams."
Unable to keep the laugh back from that one, you click onto your movie and settle back. "Alright big guy. Thanks for the drink."
"You're very welcome."
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d4yd4iry · 11 months
Thirty To Regain
Parings: Kim Minji x fem!reader
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Sypnosis: 10 months of loss, thirty to regain.
Genre: Slight angst
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Memories came flooding in of the bitter yet sweet memory of your first love as you reenter your apartment for the first time in 10 months.
Kim Minji was everywhere you looked, in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, everywhere. There wasn’t a single place that stood without her memories.
You felt as if you were going crazy as you heard a ghostly echoes of her laughter.
The place you once called “Home” haven’t been the same since she left. Because she was your home but now that she’s gone, home doesn’t exist.
You turned to your right, facing a bulletin board filled with polaroid pictures of you and Minji.
You took one of the pictures out, it was taken right when she stole your first kiss. You haven’t smiled like that in ages, or even smiled at all.
As you were looking through all of the photos, a sudden phone call rung, startling you in the process. “Hi mom” you immediately relaxed after hearing her voice.
“Hi honey, when are you flying back home?”
“Maybe next week? And how are you mom? Is dad giving you a hard time?”
“I’m managing, but honey, your dad is getting suspicious, but I can hold him on for a little longer. Just make sure to be back before your engagement party.”
You frowned after hearing the two last words, you hated getting reminded of that, after all it’s the reason why things are the way it is.
“Right. Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you.”
“Oh honey, you could never disappoint me. Your happiness is my happiness, I’ll support whatever you decide to do in the end. Just know that mom will always be on your side, I love you.”
“I love you too mom, good bye.” You felt better after the call, your mom have always been your biggest supporter since day one. Can’t say the same for your dad though.
You held your breath as you went into your bedroom, it was still the same as how you left it 10 months ago except for the fact that her stuff was gone.
All was left was a teddy bear, one that she won for you at the carnival that you guys went to, on your first date.
You lifted the toy and traced its fuzzy fur. A teddy bear filled with memories of the times Minji would jokingly call him your son. She gave it a purpose, but now that she’s gone, it’s just an object.
Before you even knew it, tears were threatening to fall as you were clutching the teddy bear to your chest. Fresh air, you needed fresh air.
With a heavy heart, you placed the bear back to its rightful position before you ran out of your apartment.
You went anywhere your feet would take you to, you just wanted to stop reliving your memories.
But walking through the streets of Seoul wasn’t any better, she was everywhere being a member of NewJeans after all.
They were getting bigger and bigger everyday, you have always been their biggest supporter then and even now. Even before you got together with her, you were also extremely close with the girls.
So when Minji went back to the dorms with a broken heart after you had broken up with her, they were all understandingly upset at you.
Especially Hyein who’s your little cousin, she wouldn’t talk to you for days but then found out about your dad’s plan of marrying you off.
You had to beg her not to tell her members but it was too late since she already told Hanni, Dani, Haerin, and luckily not Minji.
That night, your phone was blowing up with concerned messages from the girls. You were always grateful to have them in your life, they treated you like family.
It felt like time was slowing down as your feet carried you through a familiar street which you missed dearly. Soon, you find yourself heading inside of a cafe you once visited regularly.
The smell of roasted beans and baked goods hit your nose immediately after stepping foot inside of the cafe.
You decided that it was a good time for a hot drink. After putting in your regular order, you waited a bit for the worker to finish with it before finding a place to sit.
You sipped your hot chocolate and was about to pull out your phone when you were interrupted by a gasp from behind .
“Yn unnie?” A familiar voice called out. You turned around and was shocked to face Hyein and Haerin who were both as equally shocked.
“Unnie we missed you!” Your cousin immediately went to hug you with Haerin doing the same after the younger girl stepped aside.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re coming back?” Hyein pouted and slapped your arm playfully, causing you to let out a chuckle.
“Sorry, I don’t plan on staying long anyways. Just for a few days since…well, uh, I’m getting engaged next week.” You explained regretfully, your voice dropping when you spoke about the engagement.
“What? That’s so soon…what about Minji unnie? You still love her don’t you?” Haerin questioned with her curious cat like eyes, you couldn’t help but soften up.
“Of course I do, Rin. I still love her a lot, but it’s complicated.” Truth to be said, all you wanted to do was run back to Minji and beg her to take you back.
“Still, I think Minji unnie deserves to know about it, it’s only fair.” The younger girl insisted gently, earning an agreeing nod from Hyein.
“Haerin unnie is right! Yn unnie, you should tell her, she doesn’t deserve to stay in the dark.”
Both of the girls looked at you pleadingly, they were sick of having to hide such a big secret from Minji, it didn’t feel right.
But you didn’t feel any better, it was eating you alive.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, she’ll only hate me more. Plus, I’ve already broken her heart and to find out that I’m getting married too? I can’t do that to her.” During the time when you were still dating Minji, the biggest thing that you guys had after love was trust.
You both trusted each other so much, never hiding anything from one another. So hiding this from her even if you guys aren’t together, was killing you inside.
The girls stayed quiet for a moment, trying to find the right words to comfort you.
“You’re wrong, she doesn’t hate you. Unnie still have your pictures hung on her wall and stuff and sometimes I would find her just looking at it for 10 minutes straight.” Hyein admitted after seeing the sad expression that laid on her cousin’s face.
“Really?” Your eyes widened up at the information before looking at Haerin to confirm.
She nodded. “Yeah I witnessed it too, more than once actually.”
Hyein placed a hand on your shoulder, looking at you pleading. “I feel like a child of divorced parents. Unnie I really don’t like your future fiancé, she’s so mean.”
You sighed knowing full well that she was right. You’ve known your future wife since you were kids but never liked her. She was snobby, mean, and an entitled brat.
She used to always follow you around and would hit anyone who tried to talk to you, Hyein was one of them. She was only 6 when she got pushed to the ground while trying to play with her older cousin.
It was when the younger girl’s resentment started to grow.
“I know Hye, but I don’t have a choice.”
“Still, you should talk to her. You both really need it.”
You nodded in defeat, you could never reject your baby cousin. “I’ll think abo-“ you didn’t get to finished your sentence as you got interrupted by the notifications from your phone.
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A sigh escaped your lips as you read one of the many messages that your dad spammed you with. Totally ruining your once happy mood.
Turning to Haerin and Hyein with a sad smile, you said. “It was wonderful meeting you girls, but I have to take this, sadly.”
You hugged them both for the last time before disappearing out of their sight.
“Who were you two talking to” Minji popped out of nowhere, startling the two girls in the process.
“Uh, we were talking to Y-“ Hyein was stopped by Haerin who stomped on her toes. “No one, we were taking to no one”
“Are you sure?” They nodded in sync, it was suspicious but Minji decided to not dig deeper as it was already late at night.
“Okay then, let’s go back to the car, our manager is waiting.”
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The question from your mom left you dazed. Is she worth fighting for? Of course she is.
Kim Minji will always be worth it.
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You couldn’t believe that you were actually proceeding with the plan that you and your cousin made.
But there you were, your heart pounding as you were standing alone backstage, waiting for Minji to arrive.
The last time you were this nervous was when you were asking her to be your girlfriend.
Seeing her again after so long would be hard, but you had to fix things or at least try.
Being too clouded with your thoughts, you hadn’t realized that she had already arrived in the room, her eyes opened wide as if she had just saw a ghost.
“Minji, can we talk? Please.” You looked at her pleadingly, facing her was nerve wreaking, she was still the same Kim Minji whom you love more than anything in the world combined.
“What are you doing here?” She spoke in a harsh tone, one that she never used with you.
But then again, you should’ve prepared yourself for this reaction, you were the one broke her heart after all.
You took a deep breath, trying to seem calm but in reality, you were anything but calm. “There’s a lot to explain. I made mistakes and left you in the dark but I can’t hold it in any longer. I know I have no rights to want this from you but I need you to listen.”
Minji’s stare softened a little. You knew deep down she still cares. “What is it?” You could hear the hurt inside her words. “What could you possibly say to fix this?”
“Well, for starters I’m getting engaged next week.“ You started off with the main root of the problem, it was a bad idea but you weren’t thinking at the time.
Minji looked at you and scoffed. “What? Seriously? First, you broke up with me without telling me why, then you disappeared for like 10 months and now you’re back just to say that you found a new lover who you’ll be getting married to?” She glared at you with arms crossed. “You’re ridiculous Yn, actually.”
Your heart was aching but you chose to continue gently, looking at her with sincerity. “I know I am and I’m so sorry, no amount of apologies can fix this. I still love you Minji.”
Minji frozed at your words. “No you don’t” she denied. “Not anymore at least.”
Your heart dropped. “I understand that you don’t believe me and you’re mad, b-“
“You’re right, I am.”
“But please listen to what I have to say.” You looked at her pleadingly. You would go as far as to beg on your knees, anything to get her to listen to you.
“What is there to say? You’ve found yourself a new girl, that’s it.”
Your heart dropped at every words that were coming out of her mouth. Especially since it couldn’t be further from the truth, you just needed to explain yourself before you go crazy.
You reached for her hands, meeting her gaze with open sincerity. “Please just listen, I love you so much, it feels like I’m going insane!”
“You can’t just leave and shut me out of your life just to come back and say that, it’s not fair.”
“Well, I had no choice! My dad never approved of us, he wanted me to marry a woman I do not love, if not he’ll do anything in his power to make you disappear from my life completely. So I complied, I did not want to lose you Min, but I had no choice.” You felt like you were being suffocated on spot, the walls around you were spinning around. You wanted to disappear.
Minji’s once cold face turned into a concerned one before turning into a slight frown. “You idiot! You should’ve told me the truth from the start!” She exclaimed as she slapped you gently on the shoulder.
“You’re right to call me an idiot, I should’ve told you from the start. But I was afraid that if I let you know then I’ll have no choice but to go against my dad’s wishes.”
“What changed?”
From the moment you arrived on earth, you’ve never went against your dad. You’re your dad’s daughter after all, but you were always miserable with him around.
But not being around Kim Minji was even worse than any punishment combined.
Squeezing her hands gently with regrets staining your confession. “Everyday without you have been hell. I should’ve realized it sooner but now I know that my love for you is stronger than any threats, even if it means that there will be trouble.”
She stayed quiet but you knew that she was listening. That was your thing, understanding each other without needing words to say it.
Gazing into her eyes, your heart spilled open. “You are my home, Min. My heart belongs to you. Always has, always will.”
A heavy silence fell. She knew you better than any, even yourself, every emotion held in you have been made obvious to her. Her eyes held an answer yet, and rightfully so trust should be re-earned.
“Thirty days.” Minji said gently yet firm. But you felt confused. “Thirty days?
“I’ll give you thirty days to regain my trust.” She took a steady breath. “Show me your sincerity, make me believe that we can work.”
Your eyes sparkled as you nodded in determination. “Thirty days, I promise to be better, no secrets, I’ll tell you everything.”
Squeezing your hand, Minji replied. “I want to believe in us again.”
“I’ll make you believe.”
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surshica · 2 years
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SEVENTEEN - my little pony
masterlist <3
borders will indicate when it’s time to read the written portion!! + please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
yn came back to the room and placed four hot chocolates on a mini table sitting down near heiya and usagi. she took small sips of the hot chocolate; the warm chocolate taste warmed up her somewhat cold body. slight chills went down her spine due to the contrast of the heat and cold in her body. the other girls were enjoying it as well, heiya looked over at yn—letting out a small sigh before running her fingers through her hair to get rid of the knots. “ynn~”
yn looked at her with a weird expression, she knew she wanted something with that tone and they were going to be questions about chishiya. “yes heiyaaa~” the tone was the same as hers with slight mockery in it. “can you tell us what happened between you and chishiya~” heiya shook yn gently. “in return we’ll have kuina talk about how her and ann got together!!” usagi chimed in; she already knew what happened but usagi still wanted the other girls to know.
yn grumbled at first but she caved in, her door was open since her roommate was literally just her cousin. she had noticed mira was leaning against the doorframe interested in the story time too. “well..chishiya and i believe it or not are just friends.” yn smiled clasping her hands together, kuina groaned facepalming herself while usagi started laughing, heiya she had a deadpanned look on her face. “don’t give us that my little pony bullshit..” kuina huffed while heiya shook yn a little harder.
yn started laughing, “ok ok i’ll tell you guys..i cant even say dont tell anyone because i feel like everyone knows something..” yn shrugged, taking another sip of hot chocolate. “well to be honest and to be quiet fair i don’t even know what we are??” yn even questioned it herself, “i thought we were rivals but now? i feel yeah..” yn didn’t know words to how describe her feelings.
she looked at the girl who were all staring at her to give what she wanted, a small smile formed on her lips, “i have liked that stupid blonde mf since middle school and yet i still can’t find the right enough courage to tell him,” “i feel as if i need to be a step ahead of him especially in academics, though the is quite hard” yn let out a low chuckle.
kuina’s eyes formed a smile as she started to giggle as if she met her favorite actor, heiya had a big smile on her face grabbing yn by her shoulders shaking her. “i mean the tension between you two is so painfully obvious..” usagi mentioned taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
“tension? there is no tension” yn laughed aloud, kuina just shook her head “babe i love you bit the tension between the two of you is very fucking obvious.” kuina sighed in a defeat like voice, “chishiya..he’s confusing but i assure you if you ask him out—“ “but i’m not going to ask him. why should i?”
usagi gasped, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE NOTGONNAASKHIMOUT” usagi was shaking her so much yn got dizzy. “IF YOU ARENT GONNA ASK HIM OUT YOU DESERVE AN AWARD FOR THAT ACT.” usagi had a distressed tone in her voice, yn had to physically put her hand on her shoulder to stop usagi from shaking her.
kuina and heiya looked at eachother with disappointed looks. “listen LISTEN, i probably have a better chance dating a rock then with chishiya.” yn tried to justify herself but that also had no justice. “why do you say that yn? you don’t know that” heiya questioned with a frown.
“he has like zero interest in a relationship, so therefore he would reject me simple!” yn crossed her arms near her chest acting like she put her foot down. kuina shook her head, “what about the time you two went to a cafe?” “he was being nice” “okay and the time he saved you from niragi?” “he was told to watch over me from mira..” “i call bullshit but that’s ok..how about the time you two almost kissed” “..well it was just a nice gesture yeah”
“yeah IT WAS A NICE GESTURE.” yn tried to convince herself that there was no tension and it was just friendly gestures. “if you don’t realize i’m going to slap you.” usagi deadpanned looked at yn, sending chills down her spine. “OKAY FINE. maybe he isn’t just being nice to me and MAYBE likes me.” a small smile broke out on her lips, “you know if it wasn’t for arisu something could’ve happened” yn shrugged off the thought.
“so would you consider asking him out?” heiya questioned the indecisive girl, “hmm maybe…maybe yeah.” yn has a small tint of rose blush form onto her cheeks.
mira smiled happily before walking back to her room, “did you hear that chishiya?” mira whispered so yn and the girls couldnt hear her, “yeah..” he sounded dry but his face said otherwise. his face has never felt warmer before. since they were on facetime mira was able to see it, she let out a small giggle closing the door behind her. “are you going to make the first move orr..” she left it open like a question, “maybe. but i think maybe i’ll let her do it.” a smile crept onto his face.
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
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pink doesn’t work
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emmyrosee · 2 years
48 touching and 48 kissing
92 “that SO classified as a date”
48 touching “dancing together”
48 kissing “to stop them from talking”
The air smelt sweet of hot chocolate and muffins, and despite the fact that you narrowly missed the rain after completing the project for school, Keiji notices how your eyes seem to yearn for the trickling droplets slipping down the glass and pounding into puddles.
“We can take the pastries back to the dorms,” he says simply, taking a sip of his coffee and observing you. “If you’d like. Starting to come down heavy.”
“I don’t mind the rain,” you confess, your voice in a dreamy lilt. “I think it’s misunderstood.”
He offers you a small laugh and takes a sip of his warm coffee, admiring the way your eyes dance over the slipping of the water. “Never took you to be such an appreciator of the mundane.” Your cheeks heat up and you snap back to him, slightly embarrassed, only to look even more shy as he laughs adoringly at you once more, “I like it. We need more admiration for the simple.”
“Are you?”
“I like to think so,” he confesses, breaking off a piece of the chocolate chip cookie between you. “I like the little things, far more than focusing on the extravagant. It makes life slow down for a bit.”
You giggle, “relax, Socrates. It’s rain.”
“You started it.” He picks up a sugar packet and throws it at you childishly, snickering to himself as you swat it away. “Though I’m not big on rain.”
“You’re not?” You ask incredulously. He shakes his head, and your jaw slacks slightly. “I took you for the type to love it! It’s always such perfect weather for everything; drawing, snuggling, cleaning, it’s so relaxing.”
Snuggling? He makes a mental note of the way the word floats casually past your lips, and he shrugs with another sip, “I mean, I’m not the type of guy to go dance in the rain, but I guess I’m not opposed to those-“
“You don’t want to dance in the rain?!”
The sheer volume of your outrage has other patrons of the cafe turning towards you; he snorts as you shy away with embarrassment, nudging you softly under the table with his foot. “It certainly isn’t my first choice when it comes to… rain activities. It’s a cliche I never got behind in media, even if it’s cute on the big screen, I never saw it as a particular moment of to prompt falling in love.”
“Excuse you- it’s a phenomenal trope,” you defend, stealing a bite of the cookie. “You’ve just never had a dance-in-the-rain-date, you monster.”
He snorts and moves his hand to cover his nose at the noise, laughter from your booth once again causing some other people to turn towards you. “I’m not a monster, you diva. And I hardly classify dancing in the rain as a date.”
“That SO classifies as a date!” You laugh, picking up the sugar packet and throwing it back at him. “You just have no tastes.”
“Okay, well I’ll just go kick rocks,” he says dramatically, smiling as you titter, and he finishes his coffee. “Eat the cookie we bought, I can’t eat the whole thing.”
And so, you do. You share the last bit of cookie together, and, with an appreciative ‘thank you,’ to anyone in the cafe who would listen, you two pack up and quickly try to shuffle back to the dorms, cowering under Keiji’s umbrella in an attempt to stay dry from the chilly rain. It’s coming down quickly, pittering over the concrete, and while Keiji tries to make a hustle to the warmth of your dorms, he watches, confused, as you pause and stand in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Are you crazy? It’s too cold, get back here.”
“Dance with me.”
“Yes,” you hum, smiling as the rain starts to flatten your hair to your head. You quickly toss your backpack under a bench nearby to try and keep it from the elements. “Come here.”
Conflicted, he looks around for anyone who may be witnessing, and when he sees no one, he sighs as he succumbs to that look in your eye. You beam as he tosses his backpack under the bench, followed by his soaking umbrella, and he shivers. “I’m cold.”
“I’ll keep this quick, I promise.”
With that, one of your arms loop around his neck, a hand gently resting in his as he takes his form with you, a hand resting respectfully on your back. You smile up at him as you allow yourself to sway, “you know what you’re doing?”
“Probably more than you,” he teases, and you raise your brow playfully.
“We’ll see about that.”
Despite the challenge in your voices, you sway with him easily, following his steps with grace from his lead. He’s a strong dancer, the guidance over the pavement he brings you over almost has you floating, and it feels surreal to do this with someone you call a classmate, a friend, someone you’ve kept an eye and hope out for years to call him yours.
It feels right, he looks beautiful as his confidence glides you both in the trancelike dancing; his hair flattened to his forehead while a cherishing smile rests on his cheeks.
“You ready?” He asks suddenly, and you tip your head on confusion.
“Ready for what?”
“This-“ with that, he extends your arm and sends you out into a spin, laughing as you squeal in surprise and come twisting back into his hold, batting at his chest playfully.
Now, your bodies have shifted.
Both of your arms are looped around his neck, his hands slowly slipping to rest on the base of your spine, thumbs stroking lovingly over the dips of your back. Your head rests comfortably against the dip in his sternum, where his heart beats happily, and you close your eyes restfully.
It’s exhilarating how your bodies rest together, like a puzzle that was desperate to be completed and missing a crucial piece- when you found each other in your embrace, it all came together to a beautiful art.
“This is nice,” he confesses, and you chuckle and nod against his chest. “But I am freezing.”
“I know,” you say sweetly. You angle your head up at him, “I just wanted to prove my point to you.”
He rests his chin on the top of your head, “point proven. I see why you could enjoy this.”
You do enjoy it. With every fiber of your being, you’re enjoying it, it feels good, it feels right with him, and despite the way your heart flutters and your soul feels at ease, your mouth has thoughts that demand to be said, even as you try to keep them in.
“Can I tell you a secret?” You pant, blinking the drops of rain from your eyes as you peer up at him. He nods, licking his lips free from his own set of rain drops. “I… I really, really wanted to do this with you because it’s been a dream of mine to, and I’ve just… I’ve wanted you for so long that this was my way of kind of gauging how you’d feel about me in return and being here with you is making me so nervous and happy and I genuinely hope that you-“
You’re cut off by pouted, soft lips that dip down to yours, the movements gentle and inviting and exactly as you imagined how Akaashi Keiji would kiss.
Calm, swift, and loving.
He tastes like mocha and whipped cream, and kissing him is how only how poets could describe, soothing and exciting, and it sets of fireworks and queues the rollercoaster in your soul; it’s fufilling and comforting and you could do it forever if he’d bless you with the chance.
You’re breathless when he finally pulls back, blue pools gazing back down at you with amazement dancing in them.
“I know,” he whispers quietly. You giggle and lean forwards, chasing his lips in another adoring peck.
“Told you it counts as a date.”
“Yes.” He leans down to nudge your nose with his own. “I suppose it’s also a time that prompts falling in love.”
“You gonna fall in love with me?” You tease, albeit the tone in your voice hopeful.
He smiles before leaning down to capture your lips in another swift kiss, letting himself lead once again against you, and you sigh happily.
“I was already there.”
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ruewrites · 7 months
Helloo! I dunno if your requests are still open or if you forgot to change it. If that is the case, feel free to ignore this.
I wanted to request a platonic scenario with Simeon and Solomon. I was thinking of a hurt/comfort where Simeon comforts Solomon when he is going through a bad time, probably something related to his immortality or the people he lost during his long life. I mean, that is a suggestion, but you can do anything you want, I just want Simeon comforting Solomon because their friendship is very cute <33
Pray for Us
Word Count: 1917
Warnings: light mentions of Solomon forgetting to eat (I know this is a little canon, our wizard not taking care of himself, but I still want to put the warning here)
A/N: I think... it may still have turned out a little sadder than I intended... But I hope you still enjoy Anon! I'm sorry it took me so long to write :,) I hope you enjoy!
It started out as a trick of the eye, a feather that only appeared to be less than perfect due to a trick of the light. It wasn't anything, it would never be anything. Yet it lingered in the back of Simeon's mind, floating and drifting among his thoughts. 
He had all intents and purposes to ignore it entirely, to swat it away like a pesky mosquito. But the mosquito bit him, and soon the mark graduated from an itching rash to a burning wound. He couldn't deny what was happening anymore, he couldn't ignore Raphael's presence in Purgatory Hall.
Now it wasn't so much Raphael himself that was the issue, but it was what he represented. 
Simeon knew something had been brewing for a while now. He could feel it deep within him and now that it was coming to light. Acknowledging it was something he absolutely couldn't do. It was out of the question. Because even if it was happening, acknowledgement made it real.
It was easy to ignore.
He was content with sweeping up the feathers he left in his wake.
But it would all come crashing to a head.
It had been a gloomy day already, no one had left the house. Rain pounded on the window outside and the occasional boom of thunder ran out in the distance, stepping ever so closer to Purgatory Hall. No one had seen a wink of Solomon in a few days at this point, so Simeon decided it would be appropriate to bring him some soup and hot tea. He knocked once, then a second time. After no answer he slowly opened the door.
He figured it would be safe, it wasn't like Asmodeus was paying a visit.
But looking back, maybe he should have left the items by the door and left. He could have sent a text, but his nature wouldn't allow him. 
Solomon was hunched over his desk. Cups of lukewarm coffee and tea were scattered all throughout the room. Some were even completely cold, left long forgotten in the depths of the room. Some were in ceramics and some in disposable cups from various cafes. No doubt those had been brought to him during hours he definitely should not be substituting them for sleep. His foot brushed against one of the aforementioned cups, sending it gracefully gliding  across the floor. 
Finally, the human seemed to be snapped out of whatever daze he was in and slowly turned his head to look at Simeon.
And he looked terrible.
The bags under his eyes were dark and his eyelids were heavy. A haze still had a hold on him, but he was fighting against it just enough to feign normalcy. It was a slight cue that screamed ‘ignore this, pretend it never happened’. 
Sure, there were times the angels chewed their human roommate out for neglecting to care for himself. But there were also times, where Simeon sensed it was best to ignore the chilling wrongs hiding beneath thin veils of normalcy. And it chilled him every single time. 
Solomon offered a nod and looked down at the food in Simeon’s hands. 
“Lunch time already?”
“Dinner actually.”
You skipped two meals once again.
Simeon knew it wasn’t on purpose. Sometimes it felt like Solomon forgot that time still moved around him, that it hadn’t stopped entirely. 
“I can leave it on your nightstand if-”
“No,” Solomon stopped him, raising a hand, “Would you mind staying actually? I could use the company.”
Simeon froze. 
Then, swallowing the tight knot in his throat, he moved to sit on the edge of Solomon’s bed. Solomon joined him, pulling the nightstand over as a makeshift table for the meal. 
Solomon stared at the bowl in front of him for a second too long for Simeon’s comfort, and for a moment he reflected his age. 
“I figured it would be nice on a day like this. Your room is freezing.”
“I like it cold,” he murmured, lowering his eyelids and bringing the spoon to his lips.
Simeon couldn’t help but note how frail and vulnerable he looked. 
Eyes closed, he took his first sip, and then a soft smile spread across his features, “It’s wonderful. Did you use herbs from the Celestial Realm?”
“I did.”
“Fascinating,” Solomon turned back to him, “You’ll have to show me where to get them one day, or bring some back for me. I’d love to use them.”
How much longer did he have to go back?
How fast was that unforgiving clock ticking along?
"I've been doing a lot of thinking," Solomon continued, bringing another spoonful of soup to his mouth, "It's been an incredibly long time since I've been this happy. I used to isolate myself, the whole immortality thing makes human connection a little more depressing. But now, I don't have to worry about losing my connections anymore."
They made eye contact and suddenly breathing became an impossible task. His chest heaved but the air never came. He started heaving and Solomon rose with a start. 
Why had those words shaken him so much?
He knew the answer, but in the same breath he refused to acknowledge it. 
Acknowledgement made it real.
“Simeon? Did I say something that upset you?” Solomon asked. His chair creaked as he stood. This wasn’t at all how he wanted Solomon to find out. He’d wanted to sit him down when he finally settled his nerves, or perhaps he would have never told him at all in lieu of finding a remedy for his ailment. But that wasn’t how it would happen. Simeon couldn’t conjure up incredibly good lies on a good day. Now Solomon was approaching him, eyes full of concern and curiosity.
Now he was here, standing before him, the room silent except for the ticking of a clock, counting down the final seconds until Simeon shattered. 
Solomon’s voice felt so distant, echoing in the deepest recesses of his mind. His own voice felt strange and foreign to him, “That reality you mentioned, I’m afraid it may be no more.”
As if on cue, another feather fell from his form, drifting to the floor as the final punctuation to his statement.  He couldn’t bring himself to look at his companion’s face as he processed the words. It was cruel what Simeon had just done to him, beyond cruel. Would it have been an even more unforgivable act if he had continued to let Solomon believe such a pretty little lie? Perhaps even let him believe it until the day Simeon hair went gray. How long did it take them to do that?
Words failed them. There wasn’t a thing either one of them could say. Nothing could remedy the tragedy playing out, and Simeon had no power over the pen crafting his narrative. For the first time since The Celestial War, Simeon was completely, and utterly, helpless. 
It was Solomon who finally broke the silence, “Will you still spend time with me?”
There was no question of why. It honestly surprised Simeon. He expected Solomon to bargain and plead, to immediately search for a solution. It wasn’t like him to accept the unacceptable. Was it shock? The complete shattering of the reality he had just come to accept? Perhaps Simeon was much crueler than he’d realized he’d been. Ing He had completely broken this man he cared so much for.
Solomon was in pieces, and it was his fault. 
How could he deny him more time?
“Of course I will.”
The silence lingered, continuing where it left off as they sat together. Solomon tapped his fingers against the table before them. Eyes transfixed on something beyond his own sight. Simeon watched his features for any ounce of a betrayal of his emotions. 
“Is there anything I can do? Anything we can do?”
Simeon toyed with his fingertips, wishing for a moment that he had anything else to do with his hands. He knew what Solomon was asking, yet he saw no need to conjure up some pretty lie for him, no need to veil the truth he was coming to accept. That would only make it hurt more. Solomon didn’t need sweet lies, but Simeon could deliver the truth as gently as he could. 
“Take care of Luke for me would you?”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s the future you know,” Simeon’s voice wavered, “I don’t want to destroy a bright future.” Simeon’s feather wasn’t the only thing that fell to the floor. Luke was all the hope he had. He was the only good thing left he could have seen about the Celestial Realm, and now he would be the only good thing left about the Celestial Realm. Simeon had wanted to guide and mentor him through all the growing he would have left to do, wanted to be there to watch him grow into a fine young man. Now he would only be there for a fraction of his life. He wouldn’t get to see him grow, not really. Simeon would only be able to picture what his future would bring as he aged so much faster than him.
And Solomon-
Poor Solomon.
Simeon genuinely looked forward to all the growing he would do as well. He was the most powerful and interesting human he’d ever met. Strange yes, but that was part of his charm. What would Luke’s future look like with Solomon there? Most likely Michael wouldn’t let him with Solomon full time. Oh Michael…. What would Luke be like under his care? The idea of him being Luke’s only caretaker made Simeon feel quite bleak. All the work he’d done, all the lessons he tried to teach, would it all be for nothing? Would Michael close the blinds that Simeon had worked so hard to lift.
There weren’t many young angels anymore.
Luke was the future.
And the future seemed uncertain and fragile, and Simeon was powerless.
Solomon’s voice wasn’t sharp, and yet it still managed to cut through the room. It was a tone so foreign, not one Simeon had ever heard before.
“What? Solomon-” he barely had time to turn before Solomon’s arms were wrapped tightly around him. His fingers fastened around the fabric of his shirt. Solomon’s grip was suffocating, desperate.  Simeon wasn’t sure what to do with his own hands, and so they fell to his side, limp and useless. 
“I’m not doing that,” Simeon swore he heard his breath hitch, “Because I’m going to find a way to fix this. There has to be a way, there has to.” 
His shoulder was dampening now, it crept into the fabric leaving a cold and uncomfortable wetness as the seconds passed.  More feathers fell to the floor each time Solomon moved. All it did was continue to make Simeon’s poor heart ache. Eventually his hands lifted to Solomon’s shoulders, a soft and mournful smile forming on his lips as he leaned into Solomon’s sorrowful embrace. 
“Perhaps we should start praying,” the words were ironic, he knew this, and yet he couldn’t help himself, “For us.”
The rain continued to fill the silence, and Simeon couldn’t bring himself to let go. Solomon was a determined man, Simeon knew this. There wasn’t an ambition he couldn’t capture, an obstacle he couldn’t solve. Yet as they sat there in silence, and as he enveloped Solomon in what remained of his wings, he couldn’t help but wonder.
Was there a prayer in Heaven left for him?
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crystalsnow95z · 10 months
I got 23 drafts that are only halfway finished because I just don't like them and can't bring myself to post them, so I'm going to just type without looking back and post the results. This method worked before I'll just use it again
I asked my friend to choose a number and they chose 2. That makes Yoongi our sickie.
Sickie: Yoongi with flu (emeto warning)
Caretaker: Jin and a bit of Hobi
"Everyone be careful, it's icy here.." Namjoon warns when his foot slips, using Jungkook to catch himself.
"Aiish!" Yoongi tries to quickly grab Jimin to steady himself, but both boys fall to the ground.
"Yoongi, jiminah are you okay?" Jin offers his hands to help them up, pulling Jimin to his feet.
Jimin grabs Jin's hand, but Yoongi doesn't make any move to get up. Eyes screwed shut with pain.
"Yeah, just a sore bottom.." Jimin says rubbing his bottom. "But Yoongi-hyung.. are you okay?"
"Hyung are you hurt?" Hoseok bends down to check on him, helping him sit up slowly.
"No, I'm okay..i just fell on my..back..it..just knocked the..wind out of..me..I'll be okay.." Yoongi says breathlessly, wincing when he sits up, reaching for Hoseok's out reached hand.
"Your hands are freezing hyung.." Hoseok frowns, rubbing them between his. "What happened to your gloves?"
"I couldn't find my gloves. It's just that I touched the snow when i fell.. It's fine, Hoba."
"Are you sure?" Jin asks, brushing the snow off of Yoongi's back. "You should get checked out just in case."
Yoongi checks his shoulder, rolling it back, letting out a deep breath when he doesn't make the pain worse. "I'm okay.."
"There's a little shop up ahead. We can take a rest there." Jungkook says, pointing to a cafe. "Jimin-sii is shivering and I can hear Taehyungie-hyung’s teeth chattering.."
"Sounds good.. I'm freezing too and could use a warm coffee." Jin leads Yoongi, keeping an arm around him for support.
The seven members enter the cafe together, sitting at a booth. Jimin hugs Taehyung close trying to warm the fellow 95er.
"I'll order for us." Namjoon offers, getting up.
"I'll come help you carry them." Hoseok follows Namjoon to the counter.
"Yoongi do you want to go back to the lodge after this? I'll walk back with you if you want." Jin asks,trying to warm his hands. "I don't want you pushing yourself if you're hurting.."
"I'll be okay, Hyung. I'm feeling better now." Yoongi blushes, pulling away from Jin to wipe his dripping nose. "We're already so close to the theater.. it's been forever since we watched a movie together. It's just sitting in a theater."
Namjoon returns with Hoseok to the table, passing out the cups.
"This one is Taehyungie's." Namjoon says, motioning to the one with a stirring stick inside.
"Once we warm up a bit, we should still make the movie. We did leave early in case we got lost." Yoongi sips his coffee, the hot liquid warming his insides.
"Alright. We'll leave in ten minutes.."
"Where's Yoongi?" Jin asks when he looks around the table, noticing there were only five members sitting around the table for breakfast.
"I haven't seen him all morning.. he must still be asleep." Namjoon replies. "Should we wake him?"
"He was up pretty late last night.. I'll just ask if he wants to eat. If he doesn't, we'll let him sleep a little more." Jin gets up to check on his former roommate.
"Yoongi-yah.." Jin knocks softly on the door but gets no answer. He checks the handle, opening the door a crack to peek into the room.
Yoongi was buried underneath his blankets, Jin unable to see anything except for a few fingers poking out from the corner.
"It looks like he's still asleep.." Taehyung whispers by Jin, making the older member jump.
"Aiish!" Jin covers his mouth, relaxing when he sees it's just the younger vocalist. "Vuu, you scared me.." he whispers. "Don't sneak up on me like that.."
"Sorry Hyung, I thought you heard me following you.." Taehyung apologies, lowering his head.
"Let him sleep a bit longer. We don't have any plans until this afternoon anyway." Jin ushers Taehyung back to the kitchen, unaware of the mistake he made.
Yoongi woke up a half hour later, pulling the blanket tighter around his body, a shiver running down his spine. "Mmm.." He moans softly when a ripple of pain runs across his stomach, hugging a pillow to his sore middle.
I don't feel well at all...it was just a dull ache last night..now I can't stop shaking..
Yoongi reaches for the water on the bedside table, hand trembling from the fever that plagued him. Even the slow movement made the pain worse."Hyung..." Yoongi's voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, hugging the pillow once more.
I can't do this..I'm gonna be sick..
Yoongi sits up slowly, his body aching with every movement. "Hymm.." he tries to call louder, but another wave of nausea makes his word break off into a whimper, his stomach pushing up his dinner from last night.
He clamps his hand over his mouth swallowing hard to keep the sick down. He knew if he tried to move he would just throw up all over the bed. Tears of frustration streaked his cheeks, staring at the small trash can underneath the desk.
He felt his stomach lurch up again, trying to untangle himself from the blankets, but it was too late. The sick escaped through the cracks in his fingers, gagging on the foul taste that filled his mouth.
He tried to swallow it down, but another mouthful was pushing its way up his body, becoming more than he could hold. Yoongi moved his hand away from his mouth, spraying the sick all over his blanket.
"Hyung.." Yoongi called desperately, feeling his stomach churning again. He tried to hold down the bile that rose in his throat until Jin came,but his body just wouldn't cooperate with him.
Jin rushes in the room when he hears Yoongi calling, eyes widening when he sees Yoongi throwing up. "Aiigo, Yoongi.." he scanned the room for the trashcan, quickly getting it from underneath the desk and putting it in Yoongi's lap. "It's okay..it's okay hyung is here.." he gently pulls the blanket away from Yoongi, pushing it towards the edge of the bed.
Yoongi hugs the bin to his chest, releasing another round of sick with a gag. "Hyung..." he whines softly, shaking uncontrollably.
Jin wraps his arm around Yoongi, holding him up. "I know baby, I know.. you'll feel better once it's out..don't try to fight it.." he speaks in a soothing tone, gently rubbing his other hand across Yoongi's spine. Another mouthful of bile rises up Yoongi's throat. With a proper bin and Jin by his side, he doesn't try to stop it, allowing the hot bile to fill the bin.
Jin notices Jungkook watching in the doorway. I know you want to help, but Yoongi won't want you seeing him like this.."Jungkook-ah, take care of the blanket for me." He ordered, using a stern tone to get him moving.
Jungkook folds the blanket so the Vomit is covered up by the clean sides, quickly leaving the room.
"And tell the others to stay out unless I ask for them." Jin adds, turning his attention away from his youngest dongsaeng to his oldest. Yoongi lost all the color to his face besides his bright red nose, taking in quick gasps of air between gagging. "Yoon, I know it hurts, but I need to you to take deep breaths for me okay?"
Yoongi nods, trying to take a deep breath in, wincing. "I..it hurts.. it hurts to breath.." he whines, his muscles tightening again to force up a smaller amount of bile, spitting it into the bin.
"I know baby, It's almost over, just endure it a little longer for hyung okay?" Jin wipes the tears from Yoongi's eyes with his sleeve.
Yoongi nods, dry heaving a few more times before the last bit finally comes. He sniffles wetly, leaning against Jin. "I..I'm..I'm sorry.."
Jin gets the water bottle from the table and opening it. "You have no reason to be sorry.. you called for help and that's all I expect from you. You did good.."
Yoongi goes to grab the water bottle, but Jin pulls it away. "No baby let hyung do it,you're shaking and it's still mostly full."
Yoongi lets Jin tip the water bottle by his mouth, taking in a small mouthful and swishing it around to try to get rid of the acid tang, spitting it into the bin.
"You okay, Yoongi?" Jin asks, brow furrowing with worry when he sees Yoongi spit out the water, fearful of another round when he was still recovering from the first.
Yoongi pushes the bin away from himself, feeling woozy at the smell. "I don't want it anymore.." his voice comes out hoarsely, clearing his throat.
"That's okay. I'll put it on the floor for now." Jin places it down on the floor, offering another drink to Yoongi.
Yoongi takes a few swallows of water before turning away, wrapping his arm around himself. "It's cold.." he tells Jin softly when he sees the worried expression.
"You're burning up, though, Yoon.." Jin could feel the heat radiating off of Yoongi's body, beads of sweat glimmering on his skin. "Let's get you out of that wet shirt. It should help.. can you lift up your arms for me?"
Yoongi obeys, letting Jin gently tug the shirt over his head. "Don't go.." he whispers when Jin gets off the bed.
"I'm not going anywhere, baby. I'm just going to get you a dry shirt from your suitcase. Okay?" Jin slowly goes to the suitcase, his heart racing with anxiety to hear Yoongi being so clingy.
He usually just wants to be left alone to sleep.. How high is his fever?
He checks his pocket for his phone, sighing when he finds them empty. He gets a t-shirt from the suitcase and returns to the bed with Yoongi. "Here Yoongi, arms up one more time."
Yoongi doesn't put his arms up as high this time, exhaustion weighing him down. Jin works around it, leading his arms into the sleeves and gently getting it over his head. "There we go. Is that any warmer?"
Yoongi just gives a low groan as a reply, leaning into Jin for warmth. He was finding it harder to stay awake, his eyes closing and opening. "Tired.."
"I know, I know.. just stay up a little bit longer for me okay..? I just need you to take some medicine for your fever.. Hoba!" Jin calls for the next oldest member, Hoseok quickly coming to his call.
"Hoba, I need you to get medicine for Yoongi.. he doesn't want me to leave.." Jin brushes Yoongis hair from being plastered against his forehead, kissing the center to try to gauge how warm he was. "And a cloth and warm water please?"
"Okay, Hyung." Hoseok looks at Yoongi curled up against Jin's side, eyes unfocused and confused when he hears his voice, trying to process who entered. "He's really not well.." Hoseok frowns, quickly leaving the room.
"Yoongi, just stay up a little bit longer, okay? Hobi will be back soon, and once you take the medicine, you can sleep all you want. Just wait until then, baby." Jin runs his hand through Yoongi's hair.
Yoongi nods, leaning into his touch.
"Cute.." Jin smiles fondly, gently ruffling his hair to try to annoy him enough to make it harder to sleep.
Hoseok comes back in the room, placing the bowl of water on the side table and opening the pill bottle. "We only have Tylenol, but it'll at least help with his fever.. Jaykay and Taehyungie went to the store to get more medicine.. do you need me to call them and add anything to the list?"
"Do you want anything Yoongi?" Jin asks gently.
"Some..something warm.." Yoongi speaks slowly, Jin hardly hearing him.
"Ask them to get some ginger tea and some vitamin water just in case he can't hold down food." He gently sits Yoongi up.
Yoongi whimpers when he moves, his stomach muscles tightening painfully. "Ah..Hyung..hurts.."
"I'm sorry..I'm sorry.. you can lay back down right after this.." Jin apologizes, grabbing the water bottle.
Hoseok shakes two pills out, quickly putting them on Yoongi's tongue, Jin giving him water to wash them down.
Yoongi swallows hard, the water feeling heavy in his stomach. He closes his eyes tightly,holding his stomach.
"You okay hyung? Are you going to get sick?" Hoseok asks quickly looking for the waste bin,finding it on the floor.
Yoongi shakes his head when Hoseok tries to put it by him, the smell of the sick only making him feel even worse. "Hoba..don't.."
Hoseok quickly pulls it away. "I'm sorry Hyung.."
Yoongi dry heaves, the pills trying to make their way back up. His body shakes violently, gripping Jin's shirt tightly.
Jin rubs his back, trying to comfort him. "Yoongi..if you need to throw up, you shouldn't fight it. You'll only make yourself feel worse.." he urges Yoongi, but he just shakes his head, waiting out the wave of nausea to pass.
Hoseok quickly removes the bag, replacing it with a shopping bag to see if that would help Yoongi be more willing to let it out. "I switched the bag Hyung.."
If I throw up the medicine won't work..
Yoongi shakes his head again, trying to take deep breaths to control his breathing. His muscles screamed in pain, making tears stream down his cheeks.
Hoseok froze in place, unsure on what to do to help Yoongi. "Hyung should we get a doctor..? He's really not well.."
"No.." Yoongi whines, his anxiety spiking at the thought of being alone in a hospital in a foreign country. "Please.."
"Hoseok-Ah, go and get the heating pad from my room.." Jin says softly to Hoseok, nudging him towards the door.
"R-right.." hoseok scurried out of the room.
The minute felt like hours to Yoongi, the dry heaving eventually dying down leaving him panting to try to fill his lungs that screamed for air. Jin continued to try to comfort him, rubbing his hand down Yoongi's side.
"Yoongi.." Jin wipes Yoongi's cheeks. "Are you okay baby?" He asks softly, using the wet cloth to wash the sweat from his face.
"The..the..ah..smell.." Yoongi tries to explain what happened, but his mind was fuzzy with fever, struggling to gather his thoughts.
"It's okay. Hobi took care of it baby.. don't try to talk..just rest for now, okay? Im going to try to bring down your fever.. I'm not going anywhere okay? I just want to bring the water bowl closer.." Jin speaks slowly, gently moving Yoongi with him, stretching his arm out to reach the bowl.
"Mm.." Yoongi wraps his arms around Jin when he feels him moving. Every centimeter of movement makes his body ache. "Hyung.."
"I know. I know, I'll be quick okay?" Jin places the bowl on the bed, gently wetting the cloth again, gliding it across Yoongi's arm.
"It's cold.." Yoongi whispers, pulling away from him with a wince. "No.." he coughs out the word.
"Yoongi, please, just endure it for me, okay? Once you cool down a bit, you can have heat to help with the pain, okay?" Jin wasn't sure if his words were getting through Yoongi, his eyes glassy with fever looking at something Jin couldn't see.
Hoseok comes back into the room with the heat pad, relaxing when he sees Yoongi falling asleep. "I found it hyung.. how is he?"
"He's really out of it, but i have it under control. if his fever doesn't go down within the hour, we'll try to give him a bath..if that doesn't work, then we'll get a professional." Jin tries to keep his voice steady, not wanting to worry Hoseok.
"Do you want me to do it for you? It must be hard with him on your chest." Hoseok offers, wanting to do anything to help.
Jin gives him the washcloth. "Don't move him, though.."
Hoseok nods, taking it and gently washing Yoongi, his heart tightening when Yoongi coughs. "He's coughing now..?"
"I think it's just his throat being sore from throwing up, but if the kids bring back medicine for cold and flu it'll help with coughs too.." Jin kisses Yoongi's forehead, feeling the heat on his lips. "He's cooled down a bit from earlier.."
"You can tell that with a kiss?" Hoseok questions with amazement. "Woah,you really are like the mom of bangtan."
Jin smiles for a moment, hugging Yoongi a bit closer. "You guys are all my babies. I have to pick up some skills to be able to handle you kids. He'll be fine with medicine and rest.."
Yoongi got a few hours of sleep before his mind riddled him with fever dreams. His breath picks up, his heart racing wildly as his old memories flood his mind.
"Yoongi hyung.." Hoseok gently rubs his hand across Yoongi's chest, trying to wake him without shaking him. "It's okay, it's okay.. it was only a dream.."
Yoongi's eyes fly open, his eyes darting to take in the room, not recognizing the room he was in. "Hyung..Hyungie.."
"Shh..shhn it's okay, he went to eat.. I'm here.. it's okay.. I got you.." Hoseok runs his hand down Yoongi's back, gently scratching his back. I have to calm him down, his fever will rise again..
"I don't want u-us to dis-disband.." Yoongi sniffles, hiccuping between words, hugging Hoseok close. "I want us to-to stay together."
"Oh Yoongi, I'm not going anywhere.. that's in the past hyung. Everyone is happy as seven.. those days are in the past.." Hoseok hugs him back, rubbing his hand across his back. "Don't cry..you'll make me cry.."
"I..i.."Yoongi whimpers, unable to stop the tears from flowing."wan..ev...ry..." His sobs make his speech choppy and inaudible.
"I can't understand you Hyungie, you need to breathe.." Hoseok tries to keep calm, but seeing Yoongi so distraught made his stomach drop.
Yoongi takes a few deep shaky breaths before trying again."The..the..others..i..I want to.." His voice breaks off in a cough, but it was enough for Hoseok to know what he wanted.
"I'll get them for you, okay? Let me just text the group chat okay?" Hoseok gently moves Yoongi to get his phone from his pocket.
Yoongi hyung had a bad dream.. come here..
Hoseok sends a quick message, turning to Yoongi. "Hyung are you okay?"
"My stomach hurts.." Yoongi groans softly when Hoseok moves, wrapping his arm around his middle.
"Do you think you'll be sick?" Hoseok asks with a worried expression.
Yoongi shakes his head, perking up when he sees the younger members flood into the room.
"Hyung do you want a hug?" Taehyung asks, holding out his arms, surprised when Yoongi wraps around him, squeezing the breath out of him.
"It's okay Hyung. I'm not going anywhere.." Taehyung says breathlessly, hugging him back. "No one is."
"I want a hug too." Jungkook holds out his arms, pulling Yoongi close to him.
"Jungkook-ah.. are you okay? You sound weird.." Yoongi asks, worrying about his youngest member.
"Yeah..I'm fine, I just..uh..got a bit emotional.." Jungkook blushes in embarrassment when Yoongi looks at him closer, noticing his puffy red eyes.
"Don't cry over me.. I'll be fine..I'm just..not feeling well.." Yoongi says softly.
"Are you feeling any better?" Taehyung asks, taking a seat on the bed.
"My..my..sides burn when I breathe..but..I'm not as cold as before.. so I'm doing a bit better.."
"I'm sorry Yoongi-hyung..I can turn on the heating pad, it should help." Jungkook reaches over to it, placing it on Yoongi's stomach and putting the setting on low.
"Have..have you guys been here all day..?" Yoongi asks softly, remembering that they were supposed to go skiing.
"Don't worry about that, Hyung. It's been snowing too much to go." Jimin reassures him. "We've been playing games. Staff made us a game room."
Jin enters the room again, sitting with the others. "Me and Jimin made you some Jook.. do you think you could eat a little?"
The thought of food made his stomach churn. "I'm not hu..ngry.." Yoongi coughs, reaching for the water.
"It's okay, Yoongi-hyung.. You don't have to eat.." Hoseok gets the vitamin water, handing it to Yoongi. "We'll get you feeling better soon, then we can enjoy our trip together."
"Thanks everyone.." Yoongi takes a sip of water, smiling fondly at his members who gathered around him.
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scorpiussage · 1 year
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Tommy Shelby + Airdrop Nudes
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: none, swearing
For anon
It’s definitely an accident, your cherry red face and that you’re a total stranger tells him that, but he’s never seen pictures so hot.
In one you’re dressed in lacy red lingerie that cinches in your waist and pushes your breasts up. That one, in his opinion, is almost more obscene than the fully nude ones.
His pants tighten uncomfortably and his eyes track up to you, the only person in this cafe that shares the face of the sexy goddess in the photos. Except you are hastily gathering up your things, fully abandoning your coffee and bagel to make a dead sprint exit out the door. You knock over some poor man who was trying to enter the establishment and you’re so desperate to get away that you don’t even stop to apologize.
Tommy is fast to follow, not even realizing how it might look that he’s chasing after you, after you accidentally air dropped him your nudes. He catches up to you as you’re stopped at the crosswalk, your escape hindered by the quick moving traffic in the street.
You jump nearly a foot in the air when his long fingers wrap around your upper arm. You’re moving before you even really realize it and whacking him upside the head with your purse while screeching, “Fuck off perv!”
He curses colorfully and stops your hand before you can hit him again, “Wait!”
There you are in a standoff, him holding both your arms and looking down at you with wide, too-blue eyes.
You gape at him stupidly, still cringing visibly from your mistake in the cafe and now from this scene on the sidewalk.
“I just wanted to talk to you,” the man tells you, his voice husky and the spice of his cologne intoxicating. You feel even worse about what’s happened, oh god he probably wants to make fun of you. And with how hot he is, he’d be totally justified, you think.
“Just get on with it,” you practically sob. You just hope he has a heart enough to not post them all online.
Once he’s certain you’re not going anywhere, he gently drops your arms and tucks his hands into his pockets in a terribly masculine display.
“I— uh, really liked those pictures,” he says, his own face flushing a bit but his eyes never straying from yours. They’re almost hypnotizing with how heated they are, “I just wanted to introduce myself.”
He tugs his hand out of his pocket and sticks it out towards you, “I’m Tommy.”
You tentatively take it, shaking it with visible confusion. You introduce yourself in return.
“Please don’t post those pictures online,” you beg, already imagining the horror of having to explain everything to your family, “I’ll do anything.”
His eyebrow cocks at that and then he’s pulling out his phone. He pulls up his pictures app and selects all your racy pics and then deletes them. You stare slack jawed at him, he actually deleted random free nudes like it was nothing.
“I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner with me,” he tells you after putting his phone away, “And you don’t have to bargain with airdropped nudes or anything.”
His chuckles are warm and surprisingly kind. You had been so prepared to be humiliated by this handsome stranger, but he was proving all your preconceived notions wrong.
“Yeah, okay,” you agree and you actually mean it. You want to go out with him.
Check out other bingo prompts here!
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The social worker has been looking at Ema very strangely, and she does not like it. He’s provided her with lots of helpful resources, but they’re not going to be useful at all if some creep will know where she’s living and getting food and clothes.
The only reason she’s still here is that it’s not necessarily the way a creep would look at her. Just… weird. Off. Ema is not the kind of person to ignore it when things seem off.
“Is there anything else I can help you wi-“
“Why have you been looking at me like that?”
He blinks. “Li-Like what?”
The way he moves, the cadence of his voice… it’s familiar, but Ema can’t figure out why. “Don’t play dumb.”
In all honesty, she can’t put into words exactly why, but she knows he’s behaving oddly. She’s not going to let him convince her it’s all in her head.
He sighs and slumps a little bit. “I- I was just trying to figure out if I should tell you we’ve, uh, met before? We were close friends in- in high school.”
Ema scowls. “I would remember that.”
“Well, I’ve…. changed. A lot.”
Ema mentally goes through some of her friends in high school. None of them looked anything like the man sitting in front of her.
Or… none of the guys looked anything like the man sitting in front of her.
“I go by Tom now.”
Ah. That explains what was off. Now he just looks sort of nervous.
“Are social workers allowed to work with people they know?”
“Generally it should be avoided, but… it’s been a while. And I’ve changed, and-and you’ve changed. If we were to become close friends again it wouldn’t be ethical. Does it make you uncomfortable that I know you? I can refer you to someone else.”
Tom’s demeanor shifts as he begins to talk more like a social worker. He seems much more confident.
“It doesn’t make me uncomfortable. Do you… think it’s likely? That we could be close friends again?”
Tom smiles gently, rips a page out of a notepad on his desk, and starts writing something. “I’d like to reconnect if you would. I’m going to give you my number, my email, and the details for a few other social workers.”
He gives Ema the paper. His handwriting is hard to read, but Ema thinks she’ll be able to figure it out.
Ema…desperately needs a friend. She’s been alone since she escaped. She had friends before she was abducted, but none so close that they would still consider her a friend after years of radio silence.
Tom was a good friend, and while he’s clearly changed a lot, she thinks maybe he could be one again.
“Thank you. I… don’t have a phone, but I can email you using computers at the library. We can… catch up. Or set up a time and place to catch up.”
“That sounds great.”
Ema sits at a table near the center of the cafe. More escape routes if something goes wrong, more people to see and maybe stop something from going wrong. She got here early so that she could pick the table.
Tom walks into the cafe, smiling when he sees Ema and coming to talk to her. “Hey, do you still like cinnamon hot chocolate? I’ll order some for you.”
Tom’s smile wavers. “…Okay, I’ll just get something for myself, then. So they don’t kick us out.”
He leaves and comes back with a single glazed donut. He sits down across from Ema, but not before awkwardly fumbling with the chair, which resists being pulled out from the table.
“So… how have things been? You wanted to teach music, did you end up following that plan? I guess I already know the answer to that. I tried to keep in touch after high school, but things got pretty hectic.”
Ema taps her foot three times on the floor for good luck. “I was abducted soon after I started college. I only escaped my captor about a month ago.”
Tom studies Ema’s face. Looking for a sign tjst she’s joking, no doubt. “…Really?”
Tap, tap, tap. “Yes.” She could show the scars to prove it, but she’d rather not.
Ema can see in Tom’s eyes the moment it clicks and he realizes she’s being completely sincere.
“Holy shit. Holy shit.” He drops his voice to a whisper. “Are you safe? Is this guy still out there? Or girl or whatever.”
“He’s not going to hurt anyone ever again.” Probably not the best idea to confess to murder, even if she knows Tom.
“Holy shit. I mean, I knew something bad must’ve happened, you needed help getting shelter and food and stuff, but I didn’t expect… holy shit.”
Ema lets the silence hang in the air for a moment, then asks “What about you? How have you been, since we last saw each other?”
“Wh- Fine? I guess? I became a social worker, obviously. I transitioned. But like- are you okay? No, that’s a stupid question. I just… I don’t know what to do. What am I supposed to do? You don’t have to answer that, I just…”
“You don’t need to do anything.” Tap, tap, tap. “I’d like a friend, though.”
“Yeah, of course. Holy shit.”
Tom’s reaction makes Ema feel… weird. She wishes he would just act like things were normal, she doesn’t want to talk more about what happened right now. But also… it’s nice. Because yeah, it’s pretty fucked up. She knows that, but to have someone else validate it… it’s nice.
“Can we talk about something else? Please.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course. Um… I’ve been playing this cool video game, do you want to hear about it?”
Tom spends a while telling Ema about his video game, and slowly, slowly, she begins to relax. There’s someone on her side. A friend. Things might be okay.
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caspercryptid · 2 years
coffee shop au but it's still mafia. like the coffee shops are fronts. but the actual goncharov cast are just workers on the cafe side (2 rival cafes ofc, sofia runs the other).
Alright. Hi. Hello. I didn't get to sofia but feel free to send a follow up ask if you want the wlw.
my tip button's on, ko-fi in bio, help keep a disabled writer alive and kicking and writing, and i'd just like to say in advance. That my prose is not normally this purple. I blame goncharov.
also if you get to the end of this and go. Is he just giving Andrey the kubric stare while his internal monologue is going? yes. Yes he is.
Goncharov had been accused, on occasion, of overthinking. 
Usually by Katya, when she was in one of her moods, the sort of moods that left deliberately round little cigarette burns on the tables, the couches, his suits. They were perfect, lacking the carelessness of bullet holes, her cigarette at a 90 degree angle with the fabric as she looked him directly in the eyes and said Котёнок, you think too much. You write entire worlds into simple little gestures. Not everything means everything. He hadn’t looked her in the eyes, had instead looked at the cigarette burn, forcing her to look at it too, and she’d sighed, muttered something apologetic about the old frost burn nerve damage in her fingers. He didn’t believe it for a minute. Her trigger finger was perfect, and so was her aim. Always had been, whether it was with a gun or a cruel word. 
So perhaps it was only a cup of coffee.
Perhaps Andrey only wanted a cup of coffee, only happened to be here on the shift Goncharov had taken to make himself appear as the friendly manager of the coffee bar. That, and the boy he’d hired to do this job had met with an unfortunate accident. That had happened several times now. Frankly, that was business. He didn’t spare it too much thought. People in his proximity tended to die one way or the other, either by his hand or otherwise. Death followed him like an old friend, like an old enemy, like Andrey always had. Perhaps he’d come to see Andrey as the death of him, following him. Perhaps that’s why they’d grown so friendly, lately. 
Well, perhaps not too friendly. Andrey had tried to stab him last week. But wasn’t that just the way of it, now? They needed to keep up the pretense. Enemies they had always been, and enemies they would remain, even if Andrey understood him like no one else did, both stranded in this strange place, too hot, too balmy, too far from home. It felt strange to long for the kiss of the cold, the one that left him so breathless he thought he’d fall into the water of the Neva and finally sleep, the empty dreamless sleep of a man who’s had the last of the ecstasy wrung from him, a life well lived and well past time to end. 
Ah, he was doing it again, wasn’t he.
He looks up at Andrey, who is still standing on the other side of the counter, a somewhat patronizingly patient expression on his face. He is not entirely sure how long he has been standing there. There is a script here, the nature of which Goncharov is unused to, though he is used to scripts. Has his life not been a script? Has he not played his role, and played it well? A loyal son to the end, a loving husband. He would have been a father too, had Katya permitted. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps they did not have the kind of love that allowed it. Perhaps this was no place for a child, this strange country, these strangers. He can hear the clocks ticking. 
But no, that’s the foot of a man in line behind Andrey, who is still waiting, still patient. Always patient. 
“--What will it be?” he asks, adds a halfhearted, “-sir.”
Formality. As though they are strangers. As though they were ever strangers.
Andrey lifts an eyebrow, like he finds the honorific curious, but that’s the only acknowledgement he gives it. 
“Cappuccino.” he says, his voice dark and rich as the coffee. 
“Right away, sir.” Goncharov says, savoring a bit, this pretended distance that allows two men bound in moral combat to stand within arms reach of each other without violence. He could close his hands around Andrey’s neck from this distance. He could touch his face. He won’t, of course. Why would he do that. What purpose would it serve.
He starts the machine. 
The stream of steam reminds him of the train leaving the platform, the last time he left home. It had been so cold. It’s strange to see it in a hot country, like his breath in the wind, like the steam on the windows the last time he and Katya had been entangled, in a car, on the side of the road. He blinks that away, feeling strangely guilty for thinking about Katya now. The steam is gone, much like the breath of warmth from his marriage. How long has it been since she reached for him like that? Does she reach for Sofia now? Or for no one at all. He wonders if she’s lonely. How strange it is, to be lonely in the same bed as someone else, to look into their eyes and see only yourself. The coffee grows cold in his hand, like katya’s hand in his, and then there’s a warm hand on his shoulder.
“Goncharov.” Andrey says. “Please give me the cappuccino and stop staring at it.”
Ah, he’d done it again. 
He’s momentarily annoyed at Andrey for breaking the farce, the impersonal fantasy, but remembers a moment later that he’s wearing a tag with his name on it. Ah, they are still here. Still playing the game. Aside from the warm touch of his hand. On his shoulder, not his neck. Why was his touch so gentle? It would be easier to bear his hands on his neck than the touch to the shoulder. And then Andrey’s hands are on his, confounding him as he removes the coffee from his hands, drawing it away.
"thank you." He says, and leaves, without paying.
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slowroadtosantiago · 1 year
Day 26 - Mansilla de las Mulas to Leon
It was another 12 miler and we carried our packs.
I don’t know how Jane did but it was another rubbish night’s sleep for me. My bunk companion was fine and I felt a bit sorry for her with my tossing and turning. The room was very hot and never truly dark as the blinds in the patio door wouldn’t come down and there was a bright orange street light outside. Never mind, we’re Airbnb’ing it tonight, own bedrooms and a quiet area, bliss.
We were up by half 6 and out by 7, we’re getting practiced at this. We knew there was a town about 3 miles up the road and hoped we would find breakfast. As we were leaving Mansilla we went over an old bridge and could see the ancient walls and a pretty river.
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The path yet again followed the road but it wasn’t quite as desolate and boring as the last few days. We saw the moon setting too.
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We almost missed the turning for the cafe as the path didn’t go through the village. It was an odd, scruffy cafe. I didn’t fancy the look of the croissants so asked for tostada which she griddled. We should have sent them back as they tasted of the oil that was last used on the griddle, even when slathered with jam. The coffee was ok though.
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We then stopped at a little place that offered free rest for pilgrims, which had a vending machine. The biscuit thing I got to take the taste of the oil away didn’t really help either as it was pretty foul, so we just carried on.
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The Welsh Cymru am Byth graffiti signs are still there, you would have thought their pen would have run out by now.
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The path began to get a bit more urban running through scrubland between a motorway and a main road but some of the views were still pretty and rural.
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We stopped for a coffee on the outskirts of Leon, then wandered in through the ‘out of town’ area passing a Spanish B&Q.
Then things took a turn for the worse. Jane put her foot in a hole, and took a tumble twisting her ankle badly. After a while she felt OK to continue but was in pain. We went slowly and had our first proper sight of Leon.
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It was a straightforward walk in along the streets on the outskirts. We weren’t due to check in until 2 so made our way to the cathedral square. Jane was in quite a bit of discomfort so went to a nearby restaurant that I knew for some lunch. The wife of the man who owns it was an English teacher who was in a school with one of my friends in the cohort I was teaching in Leon with last year.
We enjoyed our burgers and made our way to the Airbnb. It’s very close to the centre but away from all the bars. Leon is a bit like Cardiff on a Saturday night and there were already young people roaming the streets in fancy dress!
We’ve got a two-bed place in an old courtyard with a full sized bath this time, a TV and a washing machine, don’t need much more!
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Jane put her feet up properly and a wash on while I had a bath. We found a channel showing the rest of the coronation and watched the Buckingham Palace balcony scenes followed by something that is definitely set in Cornwall but overdubbed in Spanish.
At 5:30 I popped out to the shops to get Jane some food to eat and our breakfast for tomorrow.
I left Jane with her foot up then went up to the town to a place I knew which is like Boots as my soap bar is getting a bit thin now. After an abortive first attempt a very lovely girl helped me out. It was really strange being back and it felt odd without the familiar faces of those I was with a year ago.
There’s a rooftop bar we used to go to so I popped by but there was a sign on the door that it was full. I think you can still book a meal so I’ll see how Jane is feeling in the morning and maybe we can go for lunch.
The Camino family had been messaging so met Scott, a new friend of his Catherine from Belgium, Alex and Nicole outside the cathedral at 7. I then led them through the busy narrow streets to the Plaza Mayor which was noisy and chaotic. We sat for a drink and a chat being joined later by Ernest and Janet. I had a good chat with Ernest as he worked in IT for Bank of America.
We were very good and only had the one drink before I made my way back to the Airbnb for an early night.
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
Weaktober Day 14: Nuclear
“Hey. Hey!”
Gray spun around, wondering who was calling him. He’d just left the bakery where he usually had breakfast before heading to work. He valued the silence before he’d be bombarded by questions at the guest lectures he spoke at. Science was not that hard, but none of those moneyed college kids seemed to know that.
He was faced with a tall stranger gasping for breath, hunched over. It was 60 degrees but he wasn’t wearing a sweater. When he finally caught his breath and stood to his full height, Gray sourly noted that this was another individual who claimed a good foot over him. His cheeks were flushed and his ears and nose were tipped red from the cold.
“Thank you for stopping,” he started, taking in a calming breath to regain his composure. “You’re Gray Yeon, right?”
Gray didn’t expect to run into a fan at the cafe of all places. He wasn’t a celebrity, per se; his book had only sold a few hundred copies. But he’d won an award or two and it had launched a new phase in his career, one where he got paid to talk about something he was good at. It wasn’t the dream or anything, but it was nice not worrying about rent.
“And you are...?” Gray asked.
The stranger held out his hand. “I’m Stephen Ahn.”  Gray didn’t like the look on Stephen. He was tall, sweaty, and his socks clashed with his shoes. But Gray didn’t want to be impolite, so he blithely shook Stephen’s hand and let go as quickly as socially acceptable. 
Stephen closed and opened his mouth, like a fish who couldn’t find the right words. “I-I read your book on nuclear physics,” he said. 
“Ah.” Gray offered up a neutral smile. What did this guy want, an autograph? A signed copy? It wasn’t like Gray carried around extra books in case people felt like interrupting his morning routine to fanboy. 
“Can--can I buy you a coffee or something?” Stephen asked, desperate.
Gray shifted. “I’m going to be late for work.” Unlikely. He always arrived two hours early to practice his presentation and that was an affair that lasted maybe 20 minutes. Gray had an astonishing amount of free time.
He winced at Stephen’s puppy eyes, wondering how it was possible for a grown man to still make those. And so convincingly, nonetheless. He bit the inside of his cheek and reluctantly agreed to let Stephen drag him back to the bakery and sit down while he ordered.
In his 26 years, Gray couldn’t remember being co-erced into doing anything. Yet, Stephen slid him the hot cup and immediately launched into a bluster about the individual chapters in Gray’s book, questioning some theories and asking Gray what he thought of this and that. Gray answered as fast as he could, struggling to keep up with Stephen’s enthusiasm. He was taken aback. Stephen wasn’t mimicking age-old grandiloquence; he knew what he was talking about.
“T-Then do you read W. Lee too?” he found himself asking, heart thumping at the thought of having an intellectual peer. 
Stephen nodded. “Yeah, of course! I read everyone, but your book’s been my favorite so far. You talked about stuff so many people just brush over. I really admire the depth of your writing.”
Gray blushed. “Thank you.” 
Another hour passed before Gray actually had to tell Stephen he needed to go. His drink, which went untouched, had gone cold but he held onto it as he stood up, wanting to keep it as a memory of that morning. Stephen stood up as well, thanking Gray for indulging him. “I can’t believe I got to meet you in person,” he said, absolutely glowing. “What are the odds?”
Gray had been holding his tongue, but it came spilling out now. “Um, I come here every morning at 7. My lectures are at 10. I go to the Italian-French fusion place down the street at 6PM every Thursday.” He swallowed thinly. “Just so you know the odds.”
The corners of Stephen’s eyes crinkled. “Yeah?”
“Yes.” He wanted to see Stephen again, with his green plaid socks and sideways dimples.
Stephen grinned, understanding Gray. “Luckily, I think the odds are in our favor.”
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Gang Orca X Female Reader Pt 4
"Okay Y/N get your shit together there is nothing to be nervous about." Yeah right keep telling yourself that lie. You looked yourself over in the mirror for what must have been the hundredth time and you still looked the same way you did the first time you looked in the mirror. You wore the sundress and you decided to wear a tie-dye halter neck one piece considering if you were going to swim you didn't want anything falling all over the place. You grabbed your sandals slipped them on and with one last look in the mirror you left your home. You double-locked your door walking down to the beach house cafe. Thank God he chose that one and you didn't have to travel far for it. Living by the water had its perks.
"You are looking nice this evening." You jumped a gasp escaping you looking over to see who said that and you saw Kugo himself standing there. He was dressed in a casual button-down with some khakis and he looked really really damn good. Muscles bulged in all the right places. You coughed in your fist averting your eyes and face a bit to avoid him seeing your blush. 
"You don't look bad yourself." You both stood there awkwardly for two seconds before continuing to walk towards the cafe/diner. "Please don't make this awkward. It's not often he goes on dates."  You said this as if you were an expert but in reality, you were in the same boat as him. You both got the doors and he opened them for you. "Thank you."
"My pleasure." He entered after you and he spoke to a waitress who nodded before guiding the both of you all the way to the back where VIP usually is. You wondered if maybe he preferred privacy which made sense considering he is the number 10 hero. Once you got to the back it was a private table with a candle in the middle that overlooked the sea and it was such a beautiful scene. The waitress set the menus on the table and left the two of you alone. You were going to pull out your chair but Kugo beat you to it. 
"Thank you again Kugo." He gave a start at the sound of his first name but he didn't say anything pushing you in once you sat down "You can call me Y/N if you want." You waited with bated breath as he took his seat.
"It's a pretty name." You grinned and from there you both engaged in idle chat the waitress coming back once to take your orders before leaving to place them.
"I just had a funny thought." You snorted a little using your hand to cover your face in embarrassment. If he had eyebrows he would have rose one.
"Enlighten me." You giggled a bit again.
"What if you couldn't swim." He blinked at you before huffing and chuckling a bit. That was your cue to let out a snorting laugh which was embarrassing but when he laughed harder it made you laugh even more. Now you both were a laughing hot mess and were still laughing when the waitress came back with your food.
"Glad to see the two of you having a good time." She winked at you and you simply nodded happily at her. She bowed before leaving the two of you to your own devices. You both calmed down and chowed down a bit. 
"I have a question." You hummed to let him know he had your attention.
"I was wondering how come your...wearing a swimsuit." You blinked up at him feeling your face grow hot. How do you admit out loud that you wanted to go swimming with him?
"Uh...I got ahead of myself and thought maybe after we digest our food...maybe we can go for a swim?" It sounded stupid but you already put your foot in it so why not?
"So you did want to swim thank God." You looked up sharply at him tilting your head. What does that even mean? "I'm wearing swim trunks underneath my pants." You blinked before letting out a belly laugh.
"Oh Thank fuck! I thought I overstepped a boundary." You chuckled some more in relief.
"Is that why you ordered something so light?" You glanced down at your plate before looking over at his.
"I can say the same about you." You snickered him joining you. Now that the both of you were on the same page you finished up the little food you guys had and paid for the bill, Kugo insisting on leaving a hefty tip before the two of you left heading down towards the shore. "I'm a little nervous you know." You subconsciously walked closer to him your hand casually brushing his but he didn't move to pull away or advance so you kept it up.
"What's the matter?" You hummed a bit.
"I love the water. I just never had a swim at night so I guess it's just nerves trying to get to me you know." You went to pull your hand away figuring he wasn't ready for that but was pleasantly surprised when he gripped your hand firmly. You looked up at him and he was already looking down at you already.
"I'll keep you safe. I'll be right next to you." He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and that was enough for you. You both made it and you took a giant towel out of your tote bag and placed it on the sand. You used your bag to hold it down for a second. "I'll turn around." You smiled gratefully at his back and quickly stripped down and now you felt self-conscious. The bikini your wore had the back out but it wasn't the tie halter top, it was the one you put over your head so it was secure. You used your clothes and shoes to hold the other end of the blankets and you turned just in time to see Kugo doing the same with his belongings. You waited for him to look and once he did you refused to break eye contact with him.
"I'm ready to go for a swim." You held out your hand waiting for him to grab it like he said he was. He walked towards you and gently grabbed your hand both of you walking towards the water. You froze a bit but he rubbed your hand reassuringly and turned towards you grabbing your other hand. You were now facing him and he was holding you close to him.
"You're safe." You took a deep breath and allowed him to bring you in deeper until your feet no longer touched the sand. You were now dog paddling while leaning on him at the same time. His hands sat securely around your waist. "Is this okay?" You looked up at him nodding in reassurance. Deciding to risk it all you leaned on his bare chest. You felt the hitch in his breath but he didn't let go. You both floated there for a few minutes before he hummed "Do you trust me Y/N?" He purred your name making a shudder go down your back. 
"Yes, Kugo." He took a breath before hoisting you making you squeal and wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You looked at him in surprised confusion.
"Hold your breath." That was the only warning you got besides the hand on your lower back before he dived and started swimming towards God's know where. You did as asked and hid your face the best you can in his neck while holding your breath at the same time. You don't know how much time had passed but before you knew it, you felt a bit cold and were able to breathe. You took a deep breath the hand on your back rubbing soothing circles. "Are you okay?" You pulled away from him a bit nodding an affirmative before you let out a gasp. 
"What is this place Kugo?" It looked like a private area. It was a small cave that had a mini beach section with a waterfall in the back falling into a mini pond. There were corals and shells spread all over and it gave the perfect view of the moon and stars.
"This is where I go when I need time to myself. Just to get away. When hero work and people become too much for me and I need to unwind." It was such a beautiful peaceful place. The only noise was the sound of waves crashing and the smell of salt air. 
"Why bring me here? This is your safe haven." He was quiet for a few seconds before he gently pressed his snout to your neck nuzzling you a bit. 
"I want it to be yours too." It didn't register at first but when it did you wrapped yourself tighter around him burying your face into his neck. The two of you sat there on the sand enjoying the feel of each other's arms and the sound of the ocean.
I'm excited to continue writing this
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soranihimawari · 2 years
Between Sweets & Coffee
Osamu learns how to help a rival next door.
Pairing: chef!osamu x cafe owner! reader
Warning: meet cutes//supposed rivals->lovers
Rating: MOF (miya osamu fluff)
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“Maybe going door to door is a bad idea,” you’re on the phone with a benefactor for a new pastry shop. The grand opening is set for later this month with Valentine's Day around the corner. Considering you’re back home in Osaka and after months of trying to work with banks and investors for backing a pastry business in an already diverse culinary community was a bit tiresome, the fliers in your hands are proof that hard work does pay off.
Your co-owner is on the other line so you balance your phone on your shoulder and hear summer last minute pep-talk from them. The words of ‘your desserts are the best! don’t get too self-absorbed because I know your little bakery will do just fine.’
“Not if I’m competing with that hot chef across the street,” you sigh as your stuff fliers in the mailboxes at your apartment complex’s basement level. “Who has a line out the door for his Onigiri h o u r s before they’re open.”
Your friend reassures you you have nothing to worry about. After all, you think it might be time to give the chef across the street a good run for his money. Your friend laughs gently as you exasperatedly say you’re done with the stack. Bidding each other good night and heading home to relax before the grand opening tomorrow was all that remains. Hopefully the turn out will be great. Hopefully. 
Granted, the official opening went as smooth as anyone who runs a business goes. Well, sort of smooth, a few bumps here and there because of the coffee machine not working properly, everyone in the small (six people deep queue) had enough time to drink some homemade drip coffee. Thankfully, these were the neighbors who seemed to have adored your charm and ambitious goals, who also were your first taste testers for those delightful checkerboard cookies that were on a special at the register. Surely there were some stragglers who chose to come in for a fresh cut baguette and fruit jam sandwich with some sinisterly righteous cup of chai tea later that mid-morning, but around two in the afternoon, as you bring out some other pistachio creme dessert, you see an odd sign on the onigiri restaurant across from you. The sign had been flipped to ‘closed’ and you didn’t know if it was just for lunch or why.
Apparently, the answer was right in front of you when you rose from the glass of your dessert display–he was tall, taller than you by like a foot or so, gray silvered hair peppered in with dark roots stare right at you. He has an onigiri embroidered shirt with the kanji of his name underneath it and he folded his arms over his chest. Your cashier just laughs nervously before waving for you to switch tasks at the moment. You lock eyes with the young lady as she scampers off with an empty baking tray to the back of the prep kitchen.
You’re behind the register, noticing the long line now forming behind said ‘hot chef’ from your phone call last night. The menu is next to the register and as you nervously intake a breath, you hear him chuckle a bit. He leans over the small counter space to whisper an, “Easy there dollface,” to you and you try not to lose your cool when you greet him with the spiel you perfected earlier that day.
“Welcome to Winter’s Cafe,” you smile at your first afternoon customer. “Now, what can I get brewing for you?”
The order he makes is a small, modest one: ham and cheese sandwich with a large coffee. He pays and takes his little number card to a table as the rest of the people he brought with him (his entire line cooks and cashiers) begin their orders. The cafe was decked out in a soft orange marble swirl, a paint job you helped design with an interior designer—your shop felt like a soda fountain from a classic Archie Comic he and his brother used to read. Along the walls where accolades would hang, one in particular stands out to Osamu: it’s framed in a shadow box and upon further inspection he notices there’s a whisk inside and next to that? A series of glass knives and cleavers pique his curiosity. He is amused and enthused at how you’re balancing all the hats of an entrepreneur too.
How did Miya Osamu, the ‘hot chef’ get here? Inside your restaurant?
… for that answer let’s go back to this morning when Miya Osamu is preparing his morning notes to give out to his staff. His coffee machine had finally breathed its last, so his cooks prayed their owner and restaurant head chef had some form of caffeine before the doors would open. Regardless, they did not get their wish though Osamu had gotten more than halfway through his notes as a reminder for the FIFO labels then he mentioned he’s closing the store earlier than normal today. It was not inspection time nor was it inventory night, as pointed out by his second lead cooks.
“There is a new cafe openin’ right ‘cross from us,” Osamu rubs his temples with a slight frown. He feigns doing just fine when he drinks his water from the glass he used earlier after prep was done. “We might lose some customers, so I figure we close early an’ see what these competitors be makin’.”
The collective agreement caused your little cafe tables inside to be occupied a few hours later. As quickly as those orders came in, the first few batches of orders came out. You’re busy handing over the reigns of the register to your cashier as you read the first couple of orders aloud more so to yourself as you prepare the sandwiches amidst the sweet rolls being warmed and plated.
It is painfully obvious for a young entrepreneur to stand where you once stood as you flutter by dropping off orders left right and center. You’re efficient as all hell and when Osamu, your self-thought rival across the way, takes a bite into his sandwich, he’s immediately reminded of how his mother used to make these sometimes when he was four. The food is good, nostalgic even, as he sees his other employees unabashedly enjoy the plates you made, from the savory to the sublimely sweet. You’re only stopped a few times for his cooks to rave about your pistachio and chocolate-hazelnut croissants or your chai lattes. You bow saying how next time you’re thinking of making them into European dragons. The way his cooks’ eyes light up as if they’d order a whole half dozen has Osamu smiling into his cup. He might have to ask you to sneak some for him.
A steadier flow of customers come an hour or so later and though there are no bussers yet hired, Osamu on blind faith and a great cup of coffee now in his system, starts collecting all the dishes he and his employees had used. He doesn’t seem to be stopped by you, who now with an upturned smirk, tells him where the dish pit was in the back of the kitchen. His second and third cooks start cleaning the rest of the tables they had previously sat in as a silent, ‘thank you for the meal’ to you and your scrumptious food. Pretty soon, it was time to close your doors as well as you sit with your cashier at the booth at the end of the dessert case. You’re tallying up the first day’s riches around six in the afternoon before giving her a four percent cut of the total gross sales. It’s enough yen for her to finish paying off her culinary school semester.
“I’m going to need a really strong pastry intern this year, what do you say?” you offer as the cashier hugs you profusely thanking you for the opportunity. She goes and turns in her little time card to you for filing purposes; she exits with her bag slung over her shoulder whistling a happier tune when you catch a glimpse of her cousin waiting for her at the street corner by the combini store. 
Considering how quiet the restaurant had become, Osamu comes out of the kitchen swinging doors, drying his hands and you, not realizing he was still there, you scream at his presence.
“Ack!! You’re still here!?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles as he sees you try to breathe normally. “Seemed like you needed a dishwasher tonight.”
He apologizes for giving you a fright, but you shake your head offering him a seat next to you.
“Well, it was the grand opening and I only had one cashier show up… did you put away everything where I can reach?”
Cloud gray eyes stare curiously at you as he ponders, he tells you to hold that thought as you hear some equipment making it to the prep table in the back. You laugh to yourself amused when he comes back out to talk for a little while. You’re going over the numbers of the day and it’s then that you deflate a bit after you sign and date the restaurant book. 
“And what about the other cooks?” he sees ‘hire sous’ on your to-do list. “Don’t ya have any?” 
“Believe it or not, it’s just me,” you smile. “These are family recipes I perfected before trying to commercialize them, so no. No other cooks until I can afford them. I’m practically broke even after this grand opening business.”
You half smile at the taller guy to your right, thanking him for telling his friends to come over to give you that afternoon boost. You curl a hand under your chin and look at the shadow box whisk.
“Want to hear how I got that whisk?”
And so you ramble off on a story of how your first culinary teacher was your elementary school’s lunch lady. When the lady retired when you were nineteen about to go off into the university of your choice, you were handed the whisk with the advice of, “even whipping cream needs a little time to breathe.” You confide in your unofficial dishwasher that for the life of you now you can’t tell if the lady was really sage or old age made her say some funky stuff.
It’s then when Osamu begins to take notice at how you look: you’ve got some dark circles forming under your eyes, your jeans looked well loved, but almost tattered, your best looking shirt is covered in ganache from this morning, and the dirt under your nails came from using the citrus zester for the lemon meringue cookies from two hours ago. You’re exhausted, probably by now, considering how creased your shoes are and for someone who just moved to Osaka, you looked..proud. Proud, according to his mother, is what she was of both of her children. Osamu is proud to be a chef just as much as his twin is proud of continuing to play volleyball. 
“I know ya might think this is a bit too forward o’ me, but,” Osamu straightens up and turns a quarter of the way to shake your hand. “The name’s Miya Osamu.”
Taking his hand with a curt scoff before a more natural smile takes over your gorgeous face, “YLN,YN.”
He’s still holding your hand after you have shaken it, an idea bursts in his head. “Hey, YN, I know ya just got off yer shift, but would ya like to come over to my place for dinner? I heard there’s this onigiri guy across the street that makes some of the best in the city.”
You glance over his shoulder, read the neon lights of the name of the restaurant, then glance back at the eyes of the young man in front of you. You seemed to be the same age, yet you can’t for the life of you help what the masters of the red string of fate had pulled to get you and Osamu together like this. You’re smiling a bit though before you cheekily inquire if he’s asking as, “Miya Osamu,” or if he’s asking you as “Onigiri owner and head chef, Miya Osamu.” Both of which, you clarify, you do not mind, stating that for now, you’re only interested in simply Miya Osamu. 
So, if you ever find yourself in the city of Osaka late in the afternoon, be sure you stop by Miya Onigiri if you’re looking for the best onigiri in town or take a break right across the street at Winter’s Cafe, where the cakes this season are literally a love story waiting to begin.
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abroadchangedme69 · 2 years
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Innsbruck -> Zurich -> Interlaken -> Geneva. I’m in France now but I’ll save that for the next post. Here’s the recap of my speedrun of Switzerland (and Innsbruck).
I stayed in Innsbruck for two nights. I didn’t get a chance to go on any hikes but it’s a nice small city at the foot of some impressive mountains. Some highlights were walking along the (exceptionally clean) river and having hot chocolate and journaling at a cafe bar. I do that a lot. I didn’t meet anybody in Innsbruck but I wasn’t particularly in the mood to either. If you’ve been keeping up with this blog you’ll know that I like to spend a lot of time alone.
After Innsbruck I spent one night in Zurich, a stop on my way to Interlaken. Zurich seems like a nice city but I don’t think there are many big attractions. The train ride there was a bit of a mess. The 3 hour train ride became a 6 hour train ride after some “technical difficulties” and a bunch of armed cops asking for passports. Once I was there I made some friends at the hostel. I had some nice conversations with a 22-year-old Italian girl named Flavia. She grew up in Rome but doesn’t like the city, she feels that she was born in the wrong place. So she’s traveling around Europe trying to figure out where she’d like to live next. She also showed me some of her photography. The title of her project was some Italian word or phrase that I forgot but her mother was the subject and the theme was how she had assumed both maternal and paternal roles in raising Flavia because the father was out of the picture. I got to know a lot about Flavia in the short time we spent together and would’ve liked to learn more, but I was only passing through. She invited me to get drinks with her and someone else from the hostel but I declined because I was exhausted and I wanted to eat chocolate and watch anime instead. After she left I talked to a 30-year-old Norwegian girl who was also staying in the room. She was cool, we talked about Greek life in the US and data stuff since she’s get a master’s in business analytics. I always get excited when I can talk about R with another person.
I took a train to Interlaken the next morning which was my favorite stop in Switzerland. I went on a hike to Harder Kulm. There’s a tram that goes all the way up the mountain so I got to skip the hard part. It was a bit cloudy though so after I hiked up a little more I was pretty much inside a cloud and couldn’t see anything. I also wasn’t prepared for a long hike so I only spent a few hours up there. But it was nice to get out and see some mountains, to be in nature for a while. Late Fall isn’t the best time to visit Switzerland so I’d like to come back in the summer or winter to better appreciate the country. I wanted to go to Lauterbrunnen next but it was cold and rainy for the next couple days so I decided to keep moving west instead. So Geneva was next. Another quick stop, I only spent two nights there. I didn’t get up to too much, I mostly just walked around the city. I went to the museum of the Red Cross which was quite dark. I also went to the Patek Philippe museum which had a lot of very pretty watches. It did feel a bit ridiculous though, maybe somewhat pretentious.
Overall my stay in Switzerland was interesting but fairly incomplete. I didn’t want to stay long because it’s so expensive and it’s not a great time to visit, so I wasn’t really able to soak in what the country had to offer. I was already exhausted from the pace that I’ve been traveling so I felt like I was kind of powering through, which isn’t the most enjoyable way to travel. But I planned to slow down in France, and I did. My time in France so far has been much more relaxing.
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