#cadmus sinclair
blackdogblues · 7 months
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Lineup of me and my buds' ocs! Left to right is Aurania who belongs to Ten, Cadmus who is @imnotjellyatall-art's, @starflethegreat's Cielo, and my Nomad and Abel!
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
I have to ask...
Where do the anti-supercorp people get the idea from that Lena Luthor is xenophobic?
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Are we watching the same show?
I can see how one does not like Lena.
I can see how some of Lena's actions can be considered irredeemable.
I can see that her family was/is xenophobic.
I can agree she made some horrible mistakes in judgement.
Canon told us:
Lena was fired by Lex from LuthorCorp because he thought her naive about her pro-alien stance. The same brother who analysed Lena since she was four. 
Lena was horrified when Lex tied her to a chair and made her watch his attempt to kill Superman by turning the sun red
Lena came to National City in hopes to work with Supergirl (an alien)
Lena actively re-branded LutherCorp to LCorp to get rid of the anti-alien stuff and everything else people connected with the Luthor name
Yes, Lena created an alien-detector, but her intention was one out of ignorance (of the backlash this could cause), not of hate - when Kara much later explains the potential bad the item could cause, Lena is very much listening
Lena helps Kara on several occasions, using her intel and providing it to Kara, so Kara can investigate and write articles to dismantle anti-alien organisations (e.g. Veronica Sinclair's fight club, Cadmus)
Lena helps Supergirl on several occasions, using her intel and providing it to Supergirl, so Supergirl can dismantle anti-alien organisations
Lena actively seeks to dismantle Cadmus - the anti-alien group - even before Lena started suspecting Lillian to be involved
Lena schemes against Lillian to use Medusa to kill all aliens on Earth
Lena testified both against her alien-hating mother and brother
As soon Lillian told Lena about Lex' former facilities, she starts looking into them - they are well hidden, so it does take her a while (and by this date in the show, she may still not have unearthed all of them) - and dismantles many of them / continues to give Kara/Supergirl information about them (e.g. when Kara asks Lena for tech to find missing aliens, Lena offers to look into L-Corp (= former LutherCorp) database to search for anything useful for that particular cause
Lena encourages Kara strongly to find a way to warn all aliens about the alien registration manifest being leaked - she inspired Kara to "blob"
When Lillian finds out Lena is pro-alien and helping find the abducted aliens, she has her goons try to scare her off ("nothing permanent" - the goons accidentally threw Lena off her balcony...) - even her own family sees how non-xenophobic Lena is
Lena sacrifices Jack (her former boyfriend and still potential romantically involved one) to save Supergirl (the alien) - and (rightfully) blames the human woman, who controlled Jack, for it
When Lena suspects and confirms Rhea to be an alien, she cuts ties with her - because Rhea lied to her, not because she's an alien
Lena starts working with Rhea (confirmed alien) again - to help aliens who "weren't as lucky" as Rhea's people and to further and better Earth technologies; reduce environmental damages by infrastructure / good transports / traffic.... only to be betrayed by Rhea.
Lena learns Mon-El, Kara's boyfriend, was Daxamite and has zero issues about it
Lena has no issue with Sam being half-alien, but with the Reign-half being a huge menace to Earth, so tries to stop her and save Sam
The DEO kept Kryptonite in case any of the Supers went rogue - like Batman and Oliver Queen kept theirs - Lena kept and created Kryptonite and Harun-El to ...cure cancer; to fight against sicknesses, to use as a clean energy-source, to... do good things
...yes, she lied about it. But, her not-so-wrong reasoning was "if I tell, they will take it away. If they take it away, I won't be able to do good with it."
Lena rather had Supergirl drop her than chemicals that could have harmed thousands (human and alien)
Lena becomes quick allies and friends with Brainy (admitably, in many ways he's more AI than alien...) and befriends Nia later on, too
What else does Lena do with her stash of Kryptonite and the knowledge she gained from it? When Mercy & Otis Graves irradiate Earth's atmosphere with Kryptonite, Lena already has created an anti-Kryptonite suit for Supergirl and the fact it’s already at hand saves Supergirl’s life!
That's only up to season four... 
Yes, Lena did shitty stuff in season five. Arguably, for the right reasons, but ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’...  But were any of those things xenophobic?
The problem she has with Kara in season five is NOT because she’s an alien - but because she felt betrayed, personally. Rightfully so? Eeeeeeeh.... while it surely must have hurt to learn your best friend lied to you and played two personalities, at times taking advantage of it, too - which, let’s be honest, Kara did - Kara did have her reasons (initially), it IS selfish for Lena to assume the worst and take the fact itself so personally.  But, everybody lives in their own world, I am sure - dear few readers, who took it upon yourselves to read this monster of a post - we can agree, that we all judge the world and others based on our own perceived reality, based on our own experiences, emotions and circumstance, whether we try to be better than that or not...  I’d even make the argument, Lena is more upset with her intimate friend “Kara” (whom she shared her most intimate thoughts and feelings with) having lied to her, than with “Supergirl” taking advantage of her. Being played, Lena can deal with, but trusting and seeing that trust shattered... low blow. Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but to my knowledge, the only time Lena uses Kara being an alien against her, is when she uses and reworks the Fortress of Solitude's already existing settings to trap Kara in there for long enough for herself to get a head-start on getting Myriad to work (how else was she supposed to achieve that?).  Myriad, which she wanted to use to STOP hate, including racism (xeno-cism?). Brainwashing everyone is most certainly a veeeeeeery misguided approach, but the premise of ending all hate and the resulting pain is very much like the notion of "praying for world peace" - just that Lena got sick of praying and decided to actually go ahead and do something about it ((again: notion good; (attempted) execution horrifying)).
Even Lena trapping Malefic was to that very end. She trapped Eve (human) as well on that line of thought. At the least, she offered Malefic a deal to his liking as payment...? Eve on the other hand.... 
If anything, Lena is people-phobic. She has a hard time trusting anyone, remains suspicious to a fault. ...she did effectively kill Eve on Earth-38, though, by over-writing her with Hope.
Kara forgave her aunt, who came just as close, wanting to use Myriad for very similar purposes - and then forgave Lena, eventually, just as much. The difference being, Astra died. We never got to see if Astra would have actually stopped her plan, convinced Non, and/or would have aimed / worked hard to redeem herself...
In the same episode, where Lena's attempts with Myriad failed (and Hope took the fall) Malefic, who had tried to murder multiple people as part of his revenge against his brother (and had targeted Kelly for a while, too) was set free by J'onn and sent to Mars to do good there.
The whole of National City forgave Supergirl (and her potential for going bad and for her causing actual destruction) only a week after the redK incident...
All that said:
1) Lena lied to Kara and played her. Sure, Lena felt betrayed and from her point of view, with her set of experiences and her own preexisting many traumas and (very bad) coping mechanisms, it was... well, understandable... or at least traceable. But, forgivable? That's ultimately up for her victim (Kara) to decide. And, apparently, she does forgive her. Not easily. But she does; understands both sides, evaluates, listens to others, observes the remorse, and makes her own decision / judgement... which is (initially, tentative) forgiveness.
2) The show is REALLY BAD at dealing with characters' actions’ or events' consequences. Period. There is no real consistency, 'cept that things don't have real repercussions. That is how the writers decided to write the show from season one on. If the writers think Kara forgives Lena and show it, then that's that.
3) Every time I read the notion that Lena was/is xenophobic, I can't help but wonder if anyone who claims such even watched the show.
4) Lena is not her brother. She's flawed. She makes mistakes. But for once, Lena and her character are suffering the consequences. That may not enough for the liking of Lena Luthor haters, or anti-Supercorp taggers, but it is what it is - and it is much more than most any actual bad guy had to suffer through. Bad guys with evil intentions, (mass) murderers, people (alien and human) that rationally caused lasting harm and/or trauma to their victims.
5) Lena is not xenophobic.
Kue out.
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kassies-take · 3 years
If You activated the Werewolf curse after saving Lena Luthor from an assassination attempt
A/n: A TVD and Supergirl crossover. This can be read as its own but for a greater understanding of the situation: Saving Kara
You: Hey Jess *looks at phone, walks past Jess's desk, doubles back*
Jess: *unconscious on the floor*
You: *rushes to Jess, checks pulse, sighs in relief* Mom! *rushes into Lena's office and pulls out collapsible knife*
Office: *trashed*
Lena: *chained to her chair*
You: *throws knife past assassin's head*
Assassin: *chuckles* oh ho. you must be the daughter. I suggest no sudden movements, while we are waiting for the whole *mocks* I need the access codes from Lena Luthor, can I make you a drink *pours whiskey into a cup*
Lena: (Y/n) it's okay I can handle it
Assassin: You should really listen to your mother.
You: you think she's going to give you the access codes chained to a chair.
Assassin: *sips* yeah. She's the monster here after all.
You: she's not a monster
Assassin: agree to disagree *throws glass at you*
You: *rolls out of the way, pulls belt out from loops, and extends to make a sword.*
Assassin: *pulls the knife from the wall* can I ask you a question. Are you trying to fit in someone else's shoe because something is missing here *swings knife around* oh I got it, there isn't any blood
You and Assassin: *fights*
Assassin: *gains the upper hand*
Lena: *breaks the chains*
You and Assassin: *gets distracted*
You: *power side kicks*
Assassin: *groans and clutched stomach*
You: *leg swipes*
Assassin: *falls on his neck and it snaps*
Lena: *stares at the dead body*
You: *runs to Lena* are you okay? How, how did you get out of that? *checks her body* are you okay? Mom? *creases eyebrows together, chokes, and groans*
Lena: (Y/n)
You: *kneels in pain* what is happening to me *groans, pants, and eyes turn gold*
Lena: *kneels and hugs you* it's going to be okay baby. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. *signals for Kara*
Superfriends: *sits around*
Kara: *wraps her arms around you*
You: *poker face*
Lena: (Y/n), triggered the werewolf curse
Jamie: the what curse?
Lena: *sighs, looks at J'onn and Brainy*
J'onn and Brainy: *nods*
Lena: the werewolf curse runs in our blood. It is triggered by taking the life of a human, intentionally or accidentally. Every full moon we involuntary and unwillingly transform into hostile wolves.
Lucas: we've seen you on full moons
Lena: I wear a moonlight ring, as long as I wear the ring I can control my transformations.
Liam: did you know? *looks at Kara*
Kara: when we considered having kids, Lena was reluctant. She told me then, we were always very careful so you guys wouldn't trigger it. Then Lucas killed one of the Cadmus agents 5 years ago and it didn't trigger it.
Lena: Because I had the ring and there was no way for you guys to trigger it, we kept it from you... I was scared.
Brainy: Kara's Kryptonian genetics is blocking the werewolf gene.
You: *quietly* That's why you didn't want us to get rid of our powers for Jeju
Liam & Lucas: and why you didn't want us to use our powers
Supercorp: *nods*
Lena: anger is a strong emotion among our kind.
Lucas: I just always assumed that was a Luthor thing.
Lena: Believe me I wouldn't be a surprise if it was a Luthor thing. My eyes turn gold whenever I am angry or scared.
You: How did we never notice before?
Lena: *smiles* you guys were always a lot more interested with your Kryptonian side than you were with the human side.
Liam: what about investors, shitty businessmen, and just downright awful people.
Lena: normally just look away and calm myself down.
You: are there any perks to being a werewolf
Lena: We have access to super speed, super strength, enhanced agility, durability, regenerative abilities, and enhance senses. These are all accessible after the curse is triggered, in human form and in wolf form where these powers are stronger.
You: I’m sorry there’s more of us?
Lena: when I was trying to figure out this wolf stuff more, I ran into a couple of packs on the east coast. Met my friend Hayley, she helped me understand more about myself and in return, I helped her with a wolf problem in Mystic Falls. I wanted out of the Supernatural World and Hayley gave me the only Moonlight Ring we knew of. Haven't been back since.
Nia: Says the girl who married an alien, has half-alien children, and a friend group that is 70% not human.
Jamie: Is this on the Luthor side?
Lena: Oh god no! Can you imagine what Lex would've done if this was in his genes.
Alex: I asked that question too. *proud mama smirk*
Lena: my grandfather was from New Orleans he had the gene, when he moved to Ireland he met my grandmother and the rest is history.
Kelly: How did you trigger the curse, again?
Lena: Veronica Sinclair always had this fancy yacht party, I was drunk and accidentally killed someone. Two weeks later every bone in my body contorted, broke reshaped itself to make the wolf skeleton.
You: *winces*
Lena: It lasted hours luckily I locked myself in the apartment I had. Went to the Luthor Manor to see if I could find anything. In Lionel's study, I found a letter from my mom. Explaining the whole thing to me. *takes off the ring and hands it to you*
You: mom but you'll...
Lena: I don't want you to go through that *smiles at you*
You: I don't want you to go through that again, we will do it together
Lena: *smiles and kisses your forehead* I'll work on finding someone to make you a moonlight ring.
You: El Mayarah
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selena-snape · 3 years
Sexta Generación:
¤ Lilith Moira Riddle y Julian Cameron Gray
¤ Bloom Larissa Peters y Sky Aurelius Peters
¤ Hazel Opal Peters y Magnus Roman Watson
¤ Theodore August Peters y Meredith Mavis Monroe
¤ Aaron Christopher Weasley y Verena Michelle Dyer
¤ Joshua Stephen Weasley y Esther Amalia Holt
¤ Charles Samuel Weasley y Ruby Stephanie Saffron
¤ Iris Aurelia Weasley y Marshall Everett Conrad
¤ Theophania Calliope Richardson y Corinne Roxanne Everleigh
¤ Arabella Beatrix Richardson y Henry Oliver Brooks
¤ Kai Dominick Richardson y Flynn Milo Wolf
¤ Willow Cosima Levin y Nicoletta Pomona Wilford
¤ Fern Violet Levin y Marie Honoria Ollivander
¤ Euphemia Alessandra Levin y John Florean Palmer
¤ Dorothea Giovanna Levin y Elladora Eloise Gibson
¤ Salazar Lucius Levin y Holly Avalon Barnes
¤ Eleanor Hope Levin y Savannah Genevieve Shaw
¤ Gracie Isadora Novak y Marvin Declan Sullivan
¤ Alec Aurelian Novak y Claire Piper Johan
¤ Mason Ezekiel Novak y Clementine Octavia Albion
¤ Lotor Comet Snape y Giovanni Benjamin Lestrange
¤ "Moon Demon" Darius Angelo Snape y "Dark Angel " Arianne Alysson Snape
¤ "Killer Shadow" Lazarus Ignatius Snape y "Ice Demon" Urania Calliope Snape
¤ Morterius Viktor Snape y Hisirdoux Artemas Casperan
¤ Regris Niven Snape y Acxa Valda Snape
¤ Kevin Ethan Snape y Gwendolyn Stephanie Tennyson
¤ Regulus Orion Snape y Abel Austin Khemse
¤ Cygnus Arcturus Snape y Frederic Alistair Weasley
¤ Elle Rigel Snape y Matsuda Touta
¤ Beyond Aurelian Snape y Mikami Teru
¤ Alexander Valens Snape y Magnus Sebastian King
¤ Lysander Nikolaus Snape y Vladimir Micah Masters
¤ Gwendolyn Hiroko Snape y Tanaka Misaki
¤ Ezra Yamato Snape y Luveva Rosemay Sutherlamd
¤ Ryan Yoshio Snape y Avery Daxon Sinclair
¤ Keith Akira Snape y James Oliver Griffin
¤ Yuudai Riley Snape y Danielle Edna Young
¤ Yuriko Harley Snape y Debra Kathleen McIntosh
¤ Clarice Suki Snape y Alphard Delphinus Black
¤ Mako Ethan Snape y Giovanna Naomi Hamilton
¤ Morgana Kendra Voorhees y Karin Delilah Summers
¤ Carrie Margaret Voorhees y "Sue" Susan Danica Snell
¤ Jessica Lorna Kimble y Steven Malcom Freeman
¤ Audrey Andromeda Malfoy y Andre Perseus Bourgeois
¤ Gabriel Bastian Malfoy y Emilie Calliope Graham de Vanily
¤ Roynard Hydra Malfoy y Violet Rowena Deekers
¤ Raymond Lynx Malfoy y Cedric Atticus Diggory
¤ Draco Lucius Malfoy y Astoria Coraline Greengrass
¤ Merle Ariel Malfoy y "Jesus" Paul Finnegan Rovia
¤ Hope Leah Malfoy y
¤ Carl Thomas Malfoy y
¤ Levi Armand Malcoy y
¤ Daryl Hunter Malfoy y Rick Jonah Grimes
¤ Vitale Astaroth Sparda y Luka Nicholas Sparda
¤ Neron Asura Sparda y Kyrie Serena Kiernan
¤ Merak Emory Sparda y Portia Manon Hendrix
¤ Armand Vincent Sparda y
¤ Nicholas William Sparda y
¤ Septimus Canyon Sparda y
¤ Loretta Margot Grace y Calvin Raphael Foxglove
¤ Julius Grant Grace y Ivy Roxanne Baxley
¤ Benjamin Vidar Grace y Edgar Zachary Maddox
¤ Ophelia Nozomi Jensen y Cordelia Avery Bkwie
¤ Eileen Victoria Jensen y Silvius Dael Sinclair
¤ Thomas Lysander Jensen y Othello Natalie Reeve
¤ Nova Genesis Jackson y Allison Leah Reid
¤ Losa Iris Brooks y Briar Anais Tedford
¤ Nina Rosie Brooks y Asa August Harding
¤ Connor Cyrus Brooks y Sandra Sabine Simmons
¤ Esme Aurora Donovan y Maxine Riley Crosby
¤ Arabella Cassidy Donovan y Robert Dashiell. Davenport
¤ Arianne Odette Donovan y Terrence Gideon Graves
¤ Kendra Alessandra Donovan y Alexis Scarlett Bishop
¤ Cassandra Abigail Donovan y James Anthony West
¤ Pansy Genevieve Parkinson y Theodore Phineas Nott
¤ Avalon Forrest Parkinson
¤ Damien Emory Parkinson
¤ Ursa Alexa Corvinus Y Narcissa Hazel Ripley
¤ Nora Alyssa Corvinus y Lydia Skylar Abernathy
¤ Annabelle Danica Corvinus y Rowan Vladimir Norwood
¤ Luna Pandora Lovewood y Rolf Elijah Matthew Scamander
¤ Ronan Artemis Marcelly y Adam Timothy Reed
¤ Giovanni Octavius Marcelly y Robin Mikhaila Mckinley
¤ Ivan Alistair Marcelly y James Christopher Peters
¤ Mika Valentina Donnelly y Arthur Ethan Bowers
¤ Damien September Delaney y Melione Rowena Robinson
¤ Kira Dominika Delaney y Marlon Oliver Williams
¤ Kanna Amelia Delaney y Gael Ethan Byron
¤ Nicholas Hadrien Delaney y Madison Edith Emerson
¤ Armand Demetrius Corwin y Persephone Aspen Cormac
¤ Tatiana Aubrey Corwin y Marcella Carolinne Cervenka
¤ Pandora Evageline Corwin y Cecilia Honoria Van Frietag
¤ Natasha Piper Dresden y Donna Mary Berkshire
¤ Emily Alisha Ansel y Nana Eliza Martin
¤ Isabelle Veronica Ansel y Carmen Emilia Reyes
¤ Kenneth Paul Dollins y Ella Isabella Evans
¤ Joseph Herman Dollins y Juliet Corina Rogers
¤ Hailey Amelia Flint y Lucia Naomi Barnes
¤ Ashley Jasmine Flint y Maxwell Benjamin Norton
¤ Piper Savannah Flint y Louis Howart Daxton
¤ Chase Akira Braken y Felix Lucius Quinn
¤ Florian Narcissus Braken y Colin Leonard Frone
¤ Callum Daniel Fox y Marjorie Katie Vance
¤ Dante Ezra Fox y Leila Juniper Thomson
¤ Nathan Soren Fox y Matthias Isaac Parker
¤ Magnus Gideon Fox y Desmond Ethan McReynolds
¤ Lucian Harrison Fox y Apollo Anthony Greene
¤ Jude Eli Hudson y Theodore Declan Vesper
¤ Olive Genesis Ivanovich y David Cameron Canyon
¤ Tate Roman Ivanovich y Molly Aurora Wiley
¤ Ivory Leah Ivanovich y Diane Barbara Jennings
¤ Devon Julian Kane y Ophelia Pauline Colins
¤ Claudine Barbara Kane y Matthew Benjamin Rothchild
¤ Castiel Dominc Kane y Charlie Isaac Lauder
¤ Natasha Bella Kane y Mackenzie Riley Hills
¤ Caroline Samantha Kane y Sarah Emma Fuller
¤ Harper Eva Kane y Daniel Michael Baker
¤ Henry Jasper Kane y Duncan Joshua Evas
¤ Nathan Pietro Kane y Elijah Maxwell Crimson
¤ June Opal Kane y Felix Octavius Rhodes
¤ Jane Ophelia Kane y Angelo Dominic Lowell
¤ Aldora Corinne Prince Amora Lyra Stout
¤ Odolette Lila Prince y Thalia Cora Fulton
¤ Amon Rowan Prince y Elira Bianca Thorton
¤ Amelia Robin Prince y Nicolo Dorian Guthrie
¤ Alastor Robert Prince y Dinah Pandora Pearson
¤ Gavin Marshall Prince y Megara Eloise Lang
¤ Sean Colin Prince y Rebecca Odette Douglas
¤ Renee Tara Prince y Miles Edgar Lambert
¤ Eric Lance Snapey y Millicent Corinne Curtis
¤ Marlon Levi Snape y Lily Alyssa Yancer
¤ Luther Garth Snape y Judith Naomi Tailyour
¤ Hannah Ebony Snape y Lincoln Nathan Penfold
¤ Marie Clarice Snape y Leslie Regan Eastwood
¤ Jade Tiffany Snape y Leah Eliana Rees
¤ Grant Devin Snape y Geraldine Annalie Harfield
¤ Dean Leighton Snape y Fiona Charity Wheeler
¤ Mason Riley Oakley y Cartie April Willis
¤ Morgan Harley Oakley y Ian Paul Wenman
¤ Robert Damian Lake y Marion Corinne Turner
¤ Roy Ethan Morrinson y Griffin Rhett Essex
¤ Joy Ebony Morrinson y Kilian Lee Rowell
¤ Holden Ethan Snape y Eleanor Nadia Heron
¤ Corey Silas Snape y Jane Lydia Orchard
¤ Astrid Juliette Snape y Rhonda Hope Pataki
¤ Tate Julian Snape y James Ronan Poole
¤ Soren Jaspn Snape y Carmen Marianna Rojas
¤ Edgar Samuel Snape y Ingrid Ianthe Lauder
¤ Castiel Gabriel Dream y Cecilia Ember Bonavich
¤ Callum Paul Dream y Avalon Ginevra Carmichael
¤ Cedric Ernest Dream y Bathilda Sibyll Irvine
¤ Garett Elia Dream y Padma Orla Astor
¤ Austin Jordan Dream y Magenta Pomona Hearst
¤ Daryl Silvanus Dream y Nuru Sura Van Doren
¤ Calliope Scarlett Dream y Gemma Pomona Windsor
¤ Cordelia Maribelle Carter y Ivar Rainn Kline
¤ Howart Steven Carter y Sylvia Peyton Bechtel
¤ Lysander Casimir Carter y Enid Jivanta Galumba
¤ Pierre Milford Afton y Kylie Olivia McKeehan
¤ Rupert Stanley Afton y Andrea Jocelyn Varner
¤ Warren Philip Jefferson y Michelle Sabine Castle
¤ Ellie Audrey Jefferson y Shireen Monroe Marks
¤ Giselle Corina Leighton y Mia Velvet Bushnell
¤ Odette Marina Leighton y Nicoletta Verona Goldstein
¤ Larissa Dirina Leighton y Winry Carmina Montgomery
¤ Magnus Cassidy Edevane y Harry Leroy Baker
¤ Stella Andromeda Orville y Harold Russell Mcquiston
¤ Lucille Arabella Orville y Jace Colton Rutledge
¤ Lee Amos Evans y Zoey Makayla Camfield
¤ Cadmus Orion Evans y Trudy Nayala Lovell
¤ Florean Newton Evans y Xenia Sybil Herron
¤ Ivory Ooal Evans y Edmund Wilfred Frankham
¤ Luisa Veronica O'Kelly y Connor Evan Carson.
¤ Finn Andrew Harley y Portia Marilyn Curtis
¤ Abel Nolan Harley y Bonnie Thea Proudley
¤ Louis Xander Harley y Petunia Jamie Deakins
¤ Claire Norah Harley y Lance Chandler Western
¤ Camille Loena Harley y Myrtle Denise Golby
¤ Cora Adelaide Harley y Selma Kelsey Hicks
¤ Juliette Theodora Harley y Daisy China Kempster
¤ Cyrus Maximua Harley y Meredith Shannon Crocker
¤ Horatio Gideon Harley y Heidi Antoinette Deacon
¤ Dorothea Euphemia Harley y Terence Xavier Croucher
¤ Violetta Leopoldine Murphy y Franklin Leonidas Burton
¤ Nova Orion Murphy y Faustina Spencer Odam
¤ Comet Sky Murphy y Yvonne Wilhemina Hibberd
¤ Phoenix Bianca Murphy y Rosalie Simone Stratton
¤ Celestine Xiomara Glenwood y Rylan Waylon Mills
¤ Isla Cosima Glenwood y Neil Rowan Lee
¤ Jacqueline Glenna McCoy y Jarome Staley Orline
¤ Ann Marie McCoy y Ridley Everett Anderson
¤ Apoline Elian McCoy y Simom Edward Thompson
¤ Aubrey Lynn Orson y Braxton Hunter Young
¤ Amelia Faith Orson y Ryland Linden Allen
¤ Lucy Ella Volkov Jacob Jhon Wright
¤ Freya Leah Volkov y Rome Canyon Adams
¤ Martin Lane Volkov y Brianna Mirella Collins
¤ Monet Valentina Volkov y Callahan Anselm Morris
¤ Robinia Venus Carrington y Aragon Glorianne Watson
¤ Damon Micah Carrington y Selie Nia Rise
¤ Calla Seraphina Balckwood y Ariel Calyx Reid
¤ Adriana Norah Blackwood y Windsor Athen Foster
¤ Trevor Narcissus Blackwood y Larry Eugene Fraser
¤ Heather Kalina Moore y Lucilius Nicholas McIntosh
¤ Bernadette Alexa Moore y Ares Gabriel McLean
¤ Althea Ruby Lexington y Trinity Elizabeth Bland
¤ Camellia Iris Lexington y Damian Anthony Boswell
¤ Taylor Sidney Lexington y Fabian Dominic Bartlett
¤ Elena Vittoria Lexington y Athena Aubree Birch
¤ Oris Edward Goodwin y Ryleigh Nadia Chapman
¤ Archer Emrys Goodwin y Paisley Autumm Pannell
¤ Raphaela Esperalda Goodwin y Ryder Quentin Hamilton
¤ Ike Neron Goodwin y Bailey Stephanie Adams
¤ Lilianna Persephone Blackwood y Jared Fabian Crawford
¤ Albert Christopher Blackwood y Gemma Alyna Gibson
¤ Alfred Stella Blackwood y Nicholas Julian Munro
¤ Rose Mary Blackwood y Sebastian robert Walker
¤ Bernard Alden Blackwood y Katherine Calliope McGregor
¤ Benjen Isaiah Blackwood y Seraphina Harper Docherty
¤ Lewis Beckett Blackwood y Samirah Luna Ross
¤ Vlaire Harley Blackwood y Aurora Isabelle Gordon
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transnames · 6 years
Can I get some middle names for the name Quentin? A more pop culture or fantasy feel would be awesome. Have a happy pride! Thanks!!
Happy pride month to you, too! 
Here are some names relating to legend or with a mysterious or elaborate sound, that I think would work as a middle name for Quentin. 
Since you didn’t specify gender connotation, I assumed you want masculine or neutral names like Quentin, please feel free to send in another ask if not.
Drago / Drakon
Gryphon / Griffin
Stellan / Steller
For pop culture feeling names, I didn’t list any because I don’t know what sorts of pop culture you are interested in. You could look at celebrities, or locations, items and characters from books, games, shows, movies, or other media that you like or feel connected to. 
Feel free to send another ask if you would like any more names, or if there’s a different aesthetic you want for a fantasy feel!
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mongoose232323 · 3 years
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In Canada, Another ‘Horrific’ Discovery
Of Indigenous Children’s Remains
An Indigenous group said the remains of as
many as 751 people, mainly children, had been
found in unmarked graves on the site of a former
boarding school in Saskatchewan.
From The Article
CALGARY, Alberta — For decades, the Indigenous children were taken from their families, sometimes by force, and housed in crowded, church-run boarding schools, where they were abused and prohibited from speaking their languages. Thousands vanished altogether.
Now, a new discovery offers chilling evidence that many of the missing children may have died at these schools: The remains of as many as 751 people, mainly Indigenous children, were found at the site of a former school in the province of Saskatchewan, an Indigenous group said on Thursday.
The burial site, the largest one to date, was uncovered only weeks after the remains of 215 children were found in unmarked graves on the grounds of another former church-run school for Indigenous students in British Columbia.
The discoveries have jolted a nation grappling with generations of widespread and systematic abuse of Indigenous people, many of whom are survivors of the boarding schools. For decades, they suggested through their oral histories that thousands of children disappeared from the schools, but they were often met with skepticism. The revelations of two unmarked grave sites are another searing reminder of this traumatic period in history.
“This was a crime against humanity, an assault on a First Nation people,” said Chief Bobby Cameron, of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, the provincial federation of Indigenous groups. “The only crime we ever committed as children was being born Indigenous,” he said.
The burial site also puts new pressure on the current government of Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, which even today relies on a set of laws that govern the lives of Indigenous people that date back to the 19th century. Indigenous leaders say they hope the latest revelations will be a catalyst for their long sought-after self-governance.
“We are tired of being told what to do and how to do it,” said Chief Cadmus Delorme, of the Cowessess First Nation.
The recent unearthing of remains in Canada has reverberated globally, including in the United States, where this week the interior secretary said the country would search federal boarding schools for possible burial sites of Native American children. Hundreds of thousands of them were forcibly taken from their communities to be culturally assimilated in the schools for more than a century.
It is unclear how the children died at the schools, which were buffeted by disease outbreaks a century ago, and where children faced sexual, physical and emotional abuse and violence. Some former students of the schools have described the bodies of infants born to girls impregnated by priests and monks being incinerated.
Both schools were part of a system started in the 19th century that took Indigenous children from their families.
A National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, established in 2008 to investigate the residential schools, called the practice “cultural genocide.” Many children never returned home, and their families were given only vague explanations of their fates, or none at all. Canada had about 150 residential schools and an estimated 150,000 Indigenous children passed through the schools between their opening, around 1883, and their closing in 1996.
The commission estimated that about 4,100 children went missing nationwide from the schools. But an Indigenous former judge who led the commission, Murray Sinclair, said in an email this month that he now believed the number was “well beyond 10,000.”
Local Indigenous leaders on Thursday demanded an inquiry into what they called a “genocide,” and called for the church and the government to turn over all records related to the administration of the schools.
Chief Delorme also called for Pope Francis to apologize, saying that the Roman Catholic Church needed to address its actions.
“The incredible burden of the past is still with us, and the truth of that past needs to come out, however painful,” Don Bolen, the Archbishop of Regina, wrote in a letter Thursday addressed to the Cowessess group. He apologized and pledged to “do what we can to turn that apology into meaningful concrete acts.”
The discovery in Saskatchewan was made by the Cowessess First Nation at the Marieval Indian Residential School, about 87 miles from the provincial capital, Regina.
Chief Delorme said that his Indigenous community, spurred by the discovery at Kamloops and in conjunction with technical teams from Saskatchewan Polytechnic, began combing the area using ground penetrating radar on June 2, hitting as many as 751 unmarked graves. He said he expected more bodies would be found.
While it is not clear how the discovery of the remains will be investigated, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Saskatchewan said that next steps, including the potential involvement of the force, would depend on the wishes of the Indigenous group’s leaders.
“Our actions must be respectful of the immense grief the people of Cowessess First Nation continue to suffer. We know we have enforced racist and discriminatory legislation and policies,” a police spokesman said in an email.
For Canada’s 1.7 million Indigenous citizens, who make up about 4.9 percent of the population, the finding of yet another mass burial site is a visceral reminder of centuries of discrimination and abuse, which has led to intergenerational trauma among survivors of residential schools and their families.
“There’s no denying this: All of the stories told by our survivors are true,” Chief Cameron said.
Florence Sparvier, 80, an elder of the Cowessess First Nation, said she attended two residential schools, including Marieval, the school where the unmarked remains were found.
“They were very condemning about our people,” she said of the nuns at the schools. “They told us our people, our parents, our grandparents didn’t have a way to be spiritual because we were all heathens.”
Mr. Trudeau on Thursday called the discoveries in Saskatchewan and British Columbia “part of a larger tragedy,” citing the legacies of “systemic racism, discrimination, and injustice that Indigenous peoples have faced.”
In September 2017, Mr. Trudeau acknowledged the nation’s past “humiliation, neglect and abuse” of Indigenous people, and vowed in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly to improve their lives.
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blackdogblues · 7 months
Tumblr media
Trying some different stuff out with lineart :p
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justatiredlesbian · 7 years
We know Lena and Veronica went to boarding school together. What Lena didn’t mention is the relationship they had. Even though Lillian always ignored her adoptive daughter, she did like her girlfriend, very much. After they broke up, Lillian made the girl become her protege and kept in touch with her. When Veronica’s alien fight club gets shut down by Supergirl, Lillian gets her out of jail immediately and comes up with a plan. Months later, a mysterious ex comes back from Lena’s past. Veronica Sinclair. Lillian knows her daughter is flirting with Kara Danvers (not actually dating yet), but what if Lena still had a soft spot for her ex? What if this girl wanted to bring the CEO to the dark side, Cadmus’ side? Can Kara expose Lillian and her plan without revealing her superhero identity to Lena?
I know this is stupid, but can someone write this? I need lesbian drama. Also, I think we don’t appreciate Roulette enough.
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Kara’s life
Aliens attacking national city Cadmus still existing Veronica Sinclair still out there President is an alien DEO missions Visiting horrible planets and alternative universes not knowing if you will return Loosing your job and friend circle Fighting with your abusive boyfriend Seeing less of your sister Loosing your dad again Not seeing your mom very often Lena wants company to an event because seeing her ex will be too painful. Dealing with sexual frustration
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Ten simple ways season two could have been better
Have Kara choose her own path, separate from her cousin’s, and create a new job within CatCo. Cat basically gave her free reign and after a couple days shadowing Clark she decides to follow in his footsteps?? A blog tracking Supergirl would have even been a more interesting and unique choice….
Let James become a badass in the office, reporting and running CatCo, finding the truth and shaping the narrative, being a real-life hero. Not everyone needs to be an alien, or superhero, or vigilante to do good in the world and contribute to these shows, despite what the CW might think. His investigations could come in conflict with Supergirl’s work and cause tension between them.
Show the difficulties in Kara and James’ relationship, while still allowing them to have one. James just got out of a very serious relationship and Kara hasn’t been in one in a long time and has to put her Supergirl duties first. If they do break up, let it be partway through the season and because the timing isn’t right, or the strains on their relationship are hurting their friendship, not because Kara has suddenly decided she no longer likes him that way.
Have an episode where Winn has to go out in the field and realizes that he can do this, that he wants to do this and not just be the desk guy, and let him become a field agent. Again, let him have a calling without the vigilante story line. Let Alex become a mentor to him, showing him how hard the job is especially when working with and against aliens. bonus: Chris Wood and Jeremy Jordan training montages
Let Maggie interact with other people. Kara? good. James? great. M'gann? well that one just makes sense. Give her a backstory, not necessarily an entire episode or arc dedicated to her which could happen in a later season, but just pieces of information here and there. Flesh out her character.
Use M'gann more, even if it’s just in her role as bartender. She can interact with all of the characters and offer advice. Be an ear for Alex when she needs to vent, a friend to Maggie, a second source of adjusting to life on Earth for Mon-El as someone who came down alone and didn’t have the family or childhood that Kara got.
Keep Mon-El, but use him appropriately. Let him be a mentee for Kara, someone she can help adjust to life on Earth with powers; let it be a way to help her work through some of her lingering issues with that time in her life. Let him be a friend to Winn, who can teach him about Earth culture and discuss the benefits of being a hero, using the powers he’s been given to do something good. Drop the Prince reveal and make him actually be a former guard for the royal family. Give him the guilt of making it off of Daxam when the people he’d sworn to protect were left behind. Let him work through this guilt with Alex and J'onn, who each have their own problems with protecting the people they love and failing them.
Check-ins from Cat. Footage of Calista could have been filmed in LA and used as Facetime calls with Kara, giving her usual advice and checking in on how James is handling her company.
Choose a main adversary for the season, like Astra and Non were for season one, instead of having several story lines going on at once. Going back and forth between Cadmus, Veronica Sinclair, the Martians, and eventually whatever is happening with Mon-El makes the show feel disjointed. Choose one and then simplify or eliminate the others to fit into a one or two episode arc.
L E N A L U T H O R. Use her. Set her up to be the big bad, while starting a friendship with Kara or not, only to reveal that she’s been on Supergirl’s side all along. Or, focus more on her alien-identifying technology and registry. And for the love of God, if you’re going to tell us she and Kara are friends then please show us this!! Have her show up to hang out with the group. Show us her and Winn geeking out over tech. Show Kara taking her to the alien bar and how that might affect her views on alien’s rights to secrecy, seeing them all in their safe space being allowed to be themselves. If Katie can’t be in an episode, let Kara or someone else mention her in passing. Don’t make a character completely invisible only to drag her out when it’s convenient for your plot.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 7 years
by ribkages
Lena and Kara have a beautiful relationship with beautiful mornings, and even more beautiful memories. When Kara finds out Veronica Sinclair is Cadmus' new accomplice and sets out to take her down, it proves to have extreme consequences and something unexpected happens, causing old memories rise to the surface. How will everyone at the DEO cope with the potential loss of the one person they're fighting for? How will the people Kara loves most handle it?
Here comes the Superfriends!
Words: 4501, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr., Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Maxwell Lord, Jimmy Olsen
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Romance, Character Death, Character Undeath, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'm Sorry, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor owns catco, Established SuperCorp, Domestic Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, SuperCorp, superfriends - Freeform
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' http://ift.tt/2xpD6HZ via IFTTT
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littlesolo · 8 years
Supercorp - Habits
Habits can be dangerous things.  Lena’s latest habit is Kara Danvers whether it’s meeting her for coffee, sharing take out, or going for a walk.  It may not seem like much, but emotions are involved and things are moving past a mere crush, so Lena is cautious.  You see when it comes to habits, the Luthors tend to have one for madness.  Having put an end to CADMUS and Lillian, Lena hopes that she can simply close off that chapter of her life but things are rarely that simple.  They weren’t when it came to Lex.  
Lex had welcomed her into the family with open arms.  In many ways, he helped her become the CEO she is today.  Lena remembers movie marathons whenever she came home from boarding school.  He taught her chess when she was young, and then how to throw her first punch when Ronnie Sinclair wouldn’t take a hint to leave her alone.  She remembers the language lessons being drilled into her in classes but watching foreign movies with Lex to brush up or just for fun.  Then there was his planning and building methods, his college shirt that he always had to be wearing, his lucky pen and blaring music.  Lena still blares music now while she brainstorms and builds things, it helps her think.  But then Lex shut her out.  Preoccupied with Superman and aliens and how to get rid of them.  Lena couldn’t tell you where all this anger came from but it came off him in waves.  
Then there was Lillian.  Calling Lillian Mother was more of just a title and she wore it as one, at least where Lena was concerned.  She’d listen with envy while Kara told her stories of her foster mother and her sister.  Her sister that she was still close to.  She wishes she still had that with Lex.  Anyway, Lillian would teach her how to compose her emotions.  The value of a mask.  Some of it she would learn on her own, but Lillian had it down to perfection.  Lena can command a room and have everyone’s attention within minutes but Lillian can instill fear.  That chill that goes down people’s spine, and for good reason apparently.  Experimenting and trying to exterminate aliens.  She was just as obsessed as Lex.  
So, these new emotions, Lena approaches them slowly, not wanting to scare off the young reporter but also because...well... they say love is a form of madness too and that frightens her more than anything.  
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ao3feed-sanvers · 7 years
A New Future
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vdcd8S
by Rhino (RhinoMouse)
Sleeping through the ages is a complicated bit of magic and it has consequences. Kara's finally back home but while she's changed the world she left is exactly the same. Things can't go back to the way they were. Trying to find out how she fits back into her old life is hard enough but Cadmus is still lurking. Also while she missed pizza and potstickers for years she now finds that meat pies are rather rare in National City.
Words: 8814, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Once and Future Alien
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Morgana (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Jimmy Olsen, Winn Schott Jr., Cat Grant, Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Lillian Luthor, Eliza Danvers, Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), Lucy Lane (DCU), Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), M'gann M'orzz, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Lex Luthor, Carter Grant
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Morgana (Merlin), Gwen/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fall Out From Time Travel, Kara Gets a New Suit, Alex is not happy, Cat Grant Comes Back, Alex and Arthur Fight Over Best Sibling Award, Lena is Overwhelmed, Kara Danvers Needs a Hug, Maggie and Gwen are the Only Ones With Common Sense, Gwen the Lawyer, Magic, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Reincarnation, Fluff and Angst, Lots of Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vdcd8S
0 notes
ao3feed-merlin · 7 years
A New Future
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vdcd8S
by Rhino (RhinoMouse)
Sleeping through the ages is a complicated bit of magic and it has consequences. Kara's finally back home but while she's changed the world she left is exactly the same. Things can't go back to the way they were. Trying to find out how she fits back into her old life is hard enough but Cadmus is still lurking. Also while she missed pizza and potstickers for years she now finds that meat pies are rather rare in National City.
Words: 8814, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Once and Future Alien
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Morgana (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Jimmy Olsen, Winn Schott Jr., Cat Grant, Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Lillian Luthor, Eliza Danvers, Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), Lucy Lane (DCU), Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), M'gann M'orzz, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Lex Luthor, Carter Grant
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Morgana (Merlin), Gwen/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fall Out From Time Travel, Kara Gets a New Suit, Alex is not happy, Cat Grant Comes Back, Alex and Arthur Fight Over Best Sibling Award, Lena is Overwhelmed, Kara Danvers Needs a Hug, Maggie and Gwen are the Only Ones With Common Sense, Gwen the Lawyer, Magic, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Reincarnation, Fluff and Angst, Lots of Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vdcd8S
0 notes
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xpD6HZ
by ribkages
Lena and Kara have a beautiful relationship with beautiful mornings, and even more beautiful memories. When Kara finds out Veronica Sinclair is Cadmus' new accomplice and sets out to take her down, it proves to have extreme consequences and something unexpected happens, causing old memories rise to the surface. How will everyone at the DEO cope with the potential loss of the one person they're fighting for? How will the people Kara loves most handle it?
Here comes the Superfriends!
Words: 4501, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr., Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Maxwell Lord, Jimmy Olsen
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Romance, Character Death, Character Undeath, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'm Sorry, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor owns catco, Established SuperCorp, Domestic Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, SuperCorp, superfriends - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xpD6HZ
0 notes
ao3feed-supercorp · 7 years
She's Mine
by madlaw
Lena and Kara struggle through their tumultuous friendship and inevitable attraction. Neither perceived themselves as the jealous type. But its obvious there's no room in their world for anyone else. The question is will they figure it out before the consequences of their actions destroy their chance for love.
Words: 1850, Chapters: 2/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Lex Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Original Male/Female Characters, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., Jimmy Olsen, Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Clark Kent, Superman, Lucy Lane (squint and you might see her), Lois Lane (mentioned maybe), Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), Jack Spheer, Eliza Danvers, Jeremiah Danvers, Cyberborg Superman, Metallico, Cadmus, Veronica Sinclair (DCU), M'gann M'orzz, Lyra Strayd, Cat Grant
Relationships: Kara Danvers / Lena luthor, Alex Danvers / Maggie Sawyer (background mostly), Kara Danvers / Mon-El (strictly plot device)
Additional Tags: I hate Mon-El (let there be no doubt!), SuperCorp, Sanvers - Freeform, Jelous Lena / Kara, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Lesbian Sex, Canon Compliant (Mostly), Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Quick Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Betrayal, Lies
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' http://ift.tt/2fis1EU via IFTTT
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