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wiadomosciprasowe · 3 years ago
Nowoczesny przemysł potrzebuje specjalistów – jak wypełnić lukę kompetencyjną?
Na dzisiaj https://www.telemorele.pl/de/nowoczesny-przemysl-potrzebuje-specjalistow-jak-wypelnic-luke-kompetencyjna/
Nowoczesny przemysł potrzebuje specjalistów – jak wypełnić lukę kompetencyjną?
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9 na 10 firm z sektora przemysłu inwestuje w cyfrowe fabryki. Jednak ponad połowa producentów nie dysponuje wykwalifikowanymi pracownikami, którzy mogliby wesprzeć plany digitalizacji. Nowoczesne maszyny będą w najbliższych latach wymagały nowych umiejętności od osób, które je obsługują. Jak wskazuje ekspert Eaton, aby przemysł mógł się rozwijać, konieczne jest wypełnienie luki w kompetencjach. – Budowa urządzeń przemysłowych stała się zależna od danych w podobnym stopniu, jak od stali czy tworzyw sztucznych. W miejsce przycisków i ekranów wchodzi zdalna komunikacja, na wzór chociażby tej ze skrzynką e-mailową. Kapitał ludzki oraz podnoszenie kwalifikacji pracowników w zakresie nowych technologii są więc na wagę złota – podkreśla Jacek Zarzycki, Senior Application Manager w firmie Eaton.
#Cobots, #Lukakompetencyjna, #Przemysł, #Przemysł4.0
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aksfacilities1 · 3 years ago
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ellepourelle-blog · 7 years ago
Ma chose.
Elle va se reconnaître la.pute qui partage l existence de sa Maitresse à distance.
Ce n est qu une petite chose chochotte qui malgré sa.petitesse a beaucoup de fantasme. Désire beaucoup de choses. Est exigeante.
Mais une.chose reste une chose.
Une.femelle reste une femelle.
Un soumis reste un soumis.
La.maitresse est Maîtresse et la chose un rien.
Arrivée T2.
Si je ne me trompe pas,il devrait apparaître dans quelques instants.
J ai laissé mes consignes comme d habitude.
Queue attachée et pas de caleçon.
Ah,la voilà.!Un regard et je pars vers les parkings.
Je ne me.retourne pas.
Je sais qu elle suit la.salope.Cela.fait trop longtemps qu elle attend.Cela fait pas mal de temps que l envie est présente.
Je monte en voiture, elle s installe.
Deux claques. Bonjour soumis.
Aujourd'hui je ne veux pas t entendre. Tu couines ou hoche la tête pour répondre.Et encore, je ne veux pas t entendre.
Pour cela mets ça dans ta gueule de chienne.dis je en.lui tendant un string sale
Les baillons ne sont pas pour toi.Ta gueule est forte en paroles mais question ouverture c est à revoir Ma bite a déjà du mal à rentrer alors j imagine même pas un.zob en érection.
Maintenant ouvre ton pantalon. Je veux voir ce qu il en retourne dedans.
Bien!Pas de caleçon. Queue avec l anneau et la cordelette. Elle est bien serrée dis je en tapant les couilles. Celles ci sont bien rondes et gonflées.Et je serre fortement.
Silence pute. Cette douleur n est rien par rapport à ce que je peux t infliger!
Pas de récriminations ?Pas de “Maîtresse je suis un peu dérangée."Je t ai dit je veux un silence complet de ta part.
Ah oui. Tu freines une fois à ma place. Je m arrête et c est dans le coffre que tu finis le trajet.Compris ?
Les.mains.paumes.au ciel et sur les cuissots.En attente
Le trajet se passe dans le silence avec quelques coups sur ce vermicelle droit. Car la salope bande bien.Des claques sur les cuisses.
La.voiture est garée.
Descends et mains à plat sur le capot.Bien entendu le pantalon sur les chevilles. En attente salope que je passe un appel.
Comment tu as froid?Normal.L hiver est là.
Puis je descends à mon tour.Je prends la badine et la cravache du coffre.
Et oui couillon
Tu vas y goûter des maintenant. Compte.
Ah tu as le baillon.Pas d importance la pute.Tu te débrouilles mais je veux entendre où j en suis.
Claque.claque.Elle chauffe ton fessier ma badine.
Des marques!non.et même. En deux ou trois jours il n y paraîtra plus rien.
Elle tressaute la pute elle se plie
Rhabille toi on monte.
Je sonne chez moi. La.porte s ouvre.
Je pousse la pute. Rentre chienne. La.promenade a suffisamment duré. Elle hésite la.salope.
Que dois je faire Maîtresse ?Qui es t ce Maîtresse. ?
Rentre salope de chose.Les questions c est moi qui les pose.
Un baiser au mâle qui a ouvert."Tu vois quand je te disais qu il serait là. Tu vois qu elle existe la Merde avec qui je passe du temps à écrire.La pouffe exigeante, qui veut tout décider. Maintenant elle est à nous.Puis tu jugeras si tu la prends comme tapin ou si tu la mets dans ton bar à putes ?”
Toi direction la salle de bain.Baignoire et à genoux en attente.
Clac. Tu m agaces avec le froid. Le froid conserve la.viande. Tu n es qu un bout de barbaque.Donc obéis salope. Et je pousse ma chose d un coup.
Je mets ma.tenue tout en discutant.“Non au premier abord qu en penses tu?Tu crois qu elle pourra faire l affaire?”
“Tu veux me voir à l'oeuvre et regarder comment elle réagit?Ok.Installes.toi.”
Alors la chose. Pas trop froid?Je prends le.pommeau de douche et l asperge. L éponge dans la.main,je frotte.
A quatre pattes que je nettoie l intérieur. écarte tes fesses
Tj crois que je vais te baiser ou que le proxénète va t essayer avec un q dégueulasse?Non mais tu rêves ou tu as vu la vierge?
L embout dans ton q et j ouvre fort l eau.Oztit lavement exprès pour la truie.
Mais tu es crade. Clac sur le corps.
Clac sur le q.clac sur la tête.
Va falloir le faire régulièrement le lavement truie.
Bon c est nickel.
Sors de là dis je en tirant sur ta queue.
“elle met quoi comme vêtement la habit de soubrette. La couche. La robe moulante ou elle reste sous vêtements et bas ?”
Tu veux la voir en femme.?D accord.
Voilà tes vêtements chose.Robe noire. Perruque. Bas. Soit femelle comme tj dis l être ou le vouloir. Tu as deux.minutes
Puis je vais m assoir sur les genoux de mon invité.
On attend salope. Tu magnes ton q de pouffe. Et pas la.peine d imaginer Quoique ce. Ce mâle est un ami et nous partageons nos envies et nous donnons des conseils. On va m aider à voir ce que tu es vraiment. Si ta bouche si ton q sont assez corrects.
Arrives de suite pute..Oh mais on dirait une pucelle.
A genoux devant lui. Et que ça saute.Le mâle ouvre sa braguette et te colle la.tete sur sa queue.
Suce moi salope. Il paraît que tu veux des queues.il paraît que tu veux qu on te traite comme une chienne. Alors suce ma.bite. Attention je suis très exigeant sur les pipes. Et mon personnel est au top.Surtout celui des trottoirs.Suce
Il te maintient bien la.tete et se laisse aller.
Pendant ce temps je prépare quelques accessoires. Tu n es pas la que pour cela.salope.Tu passes déjà cette étape et ensuite nous verrons.
Au passage ma.main appuie plus fortement sur ta tête. Et je me penche pour susurrer à ton oreille :“suce le correctement et ce sera ailleurs que sur le trottoir..Tu voulais des queues, en voilà.” En me.redressant ma.badine cingle ton q.Tu sursautes.
Ta tête est repoussée brutalement en arrière et une claque part.“Mes putes quand elles sucant ne réagissent à rien!C est quoi cette Merde que tu veux me.donner Maîtresse K!Tj imagines s il mord par inadvertance un client?"Dégage de la.queue.
K je te le redonne. Mate la et on verra plus tard. Et il claque la.porte.
Mon sang nz fait qu un tour. Je me retourne vers ma femelle et ma.main s abat plusieurs fois sur ses joues. Sa tête part dans tous les sens. "Comment oses tu grosse Merde me faire un affront pareil. Comment oses tu me ridiculiser devant mon ami?A quatre pattes chienne. Tu vas goûter de ma badine et de mon fouet.
A chaque coup je veux t entendre dire pardon Maîtresse.Apres le fouet j aviserai. Si je t entends dire autre chose je double je triple. Je marque. A toi de juger ce que tu dois faire ”
Au 50 je suis un peu calmée.La croupe rouge écarlate ma chienne gemit de douleur.Je prends mon humbler et lui mets.“Je sais que tu n apprécies.Mais je m en contre fiche.Je te pensais plus résistante. Plus sérieuse. Envieuse de nouveautés. Désir de plaire. Résultat te voilà puni.Et ta Maîtresse en colère. !
Il tz fait mal le humbler ?C est pas fini.Files dans ta niche sale cabot. "J ouvre la.porte du placard et l y fait rentrer.La chaîne est prête Zt je l enchaîne.
"Maintenant quand je serai calmée tu sortiras.”
Je referme la.porte.
Mz change et je sors.Je reviendrai dans 1h dis je à voix haute. Toi chienne, tu attends et tu réfléchis comment tz faire pardonner.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
Priscilla Presley admits Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy 40 years after his death | Priscilla Presley
In everything we do, we try to make sure his DNA is there. Singer Elvis Presley and wife, Priscilla, 26, leave Superior Court in Santa Monica, Calif. on Oct.10,1973 after he was granted a divorce on grounds of irreconciliable difference. She was married to the late Elvis Presley for six years, prior to his death in 1977. Priscilla Presley has admitted that Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy four decades after his death.
It's still difficult to believe that Elvis is gone. Priscilla Presley says curating a new Elvis exhibition that focuses on his touring years has been bittersweet. And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer.Elvis Presley's ex-wife and their daughter joined thousands of his fans at his old Graceland ranch on Tuesday night as they gathered to mark the 40th anniversary of his death with a candlelight vigil. Elvis passed away from a heart attack in 1977, leaving behind daughter Lisa Marie Presley, now 49.
Priscilla Presley shares her initial thoughts on Elvis. For Priscilla, 72, Elvis may as well still be here.Priscilla Presley said: ''To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. Priscilla wed Elvis in 1967, later divorcing in 1973, just four years prior to his death. BEVERLY, MA - "ELVIS & ME, An Evening with Priscilla Presley," originally scheduled for Friday, August 25 has been moved to a new date, Friday, October 20 at 8 PM at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts. Elvis died in 1977 after suffering a heart attack, with his huge fanbase celebrating his legacy today. The achievement means Elvis, who died in 1977, has surpassed Madonna who has had 12 UK number one albums The Beatles hold the overall record for the most chart-topping albums in the UK with 15. His ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, acknowledged they were, at times, difficult years, but told the Guardian: "We all have demons. And Priscilla Presley , 72, said: "You never get it out of your mind.
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turnbullephemera · 5 years ago
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This advertisement for a Fiat Bambina, appeared in the 1969 Miss New Zealand contest programme - because such a car was in fact the prize that the successful Miss New Zealand would win. The advertisement shows a young woman standing in the driver's seat of a Bambina whose sunroof is open. At lower left is a list of all the positive features of the car: easy parking, petrol economy, safety, deceptively large capacity, quality fittings, low price. At lower right is a coupon to send away for a "Propaganda kit for wives" to persuade their husbands to buy them a Fiat Bambina. Such was life.
Fiat (Firm) :Shopping basket or picnic basket, or school bus, or escape kit. Your brand new Bambina will probably be the most versatile thing you've ever owned. Torino Motors Ltd, Fiat concessionaires for New Zealand [1969]
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turnbullephemera · 6 years ago
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A Fiat Bambina was part of the prize for the Miss New Zealand 1966 contest. This advertisement appeared on the back cover of the programme for that beauty pageant. The features of the Bambina included heater and demister, waterproof sunshine roof, window washers, fully equipped dashboard, new front-hinged doors, wind-up windows, new self-adjusting brakes, new light-action clutch, carpeting throughout, and complete body underseal. Six exciting new pastel colours were available.
 Fiat (Firm) :Fiat Bambina outsells all others on the Continent. Now only 649 [pounds]. Fiat Bambina now at Auto Court, Anderson Bay Road (just south of the Oval). [1966]
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
Priscilla Presley admits Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy 40 years after his death | Priscilla Presley
Priscilla Presley has admitted that Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy four decades after his death. Priscilla Presley shares her initial thoughts on Elvis. Priscilla wed Elvis in 1967, later divorcing in 1973, just four years prior to his death. For Priscilla, 72, Elvis may as well still be here.
She was married to the late Elvis Presley for six years, prior to his death in 1977. Elvis died in 1977 after suffering a heart attack, with his huge fanbase celebrating his legacy today. It's still difficult to believe that Elvis is gone.And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer. Singer Elvis Presley and wife, Priscilla, 26, leave Superior Court in Santa Monica, Calif. on Oct.10,1973 after he was granted a divorce on grounds of irreconciliable difference.
The Los Angeles property that Elvis Presley called home in the late 1960s with his then wife, Priscilla Presley, and their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is now available to rent for NZ$5458 a night. In everything we do, we try to make sure his DNA is there.The $90-million investment in the Whitehaven section of Memphis created more than 200 jobs. And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer. BEVERLY, MA - "ELVIS & ME, An Evening with Priscilla Presley," originally scheduled for Friday, August 25 has been moved to a new date, Friday, October 20 at 8 PM at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts. Priscilla Presley said: ''To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. Priscilla Presley says curating a new Elvis exhibition that focuses on his touring years has been bittersweet. His ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, acknowledged they were, at times, difficult years, but told the Guardian: "We all have demons. And Priscilla Presley , 72, said: "You never get it out of your mind.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
Priscilla Presley admits Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy 40 years after his death | Priscilla Presley
And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer. Singer Elvis Presley and wife, Priscilla, 26, leave Superior Court in Santa Monica, Calif. on Oct.10,1973 after he was granted a divorce on grounds of irreconciliable difference. His ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, acknowledged they were, at times, difficult years, but told the Guardian: "We all have demons. And Priscilla Presley , 72, said: "You never get it out of your mind.
It's still difficult to believe that Elvis is gone. In everything we do, we try to make sure his DNA is there. She was married to the late Elvis Presley for six years, prior to his death in 1977.The achievement means Elvis, who died in 1977, has surpassed Madonna who has had 12 UK number one albums The Beatles hold the overall record for the most chart-topping albums in the UK with 15. For Priscilla, 72, Elvis may as well still be here.
Priscilla Presley has admitted that Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy four decades after his death. The Los Angeles property that Elvis Presley called home in the late 1960s with his then wife, Priscilla Presley, and their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is now available to rent for NZ$5458 a night.Elvis passed away from a heart attack in 1977, leaving behind daughter Lisa Marie Presley, now 49. And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer. Priscilla Presley said: ''To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. Elvis died in 1977 after suffering a heart attack, with his huge fanbase celebrating his legacy today. Priscilla Presley shares her initial thoughts on Elvis. Priscilla wed Elvis in 1967, later divorcing in 1973, just four years prior to his death. BEVERLY, MA - "ELVIS & ME, An Evening with Priscilla Presley," originally scheduled for Friday, August 25 has been moved to a new date, Friday, October 20 at 8 PM at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
Priscilla Presley admits Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy 40 years after his death | Priscilla Presley
And Priscilla Presley , 72, said: "You never get it out of your mind. His ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, acknowledged they were, at times, difficult years, but told the Guardian: "We all have demons. Priscilla Presley shares her initial thoughts on Elvis. Priscilla Presley says curating a new Elvis exhibition that focuses on his touring years has been bittersweet.
For Priscilla, 72, Elvis may as well still be here. She was married to the late Elvis Presley for six years, prior to his death in 1977. It's still difficult to believe that Elvis is gone.Priscilla Presley has admitted that Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy four decades after his death. And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer.
BEVERLY, MA - "ELVIS & ME, An Evening with Priscilla Presley," originally scheduled for Friday, August 25 has been moved to a new date, Friday, October 20 at 8 PM at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts. Elvis passed away from a heart attack in 1977, leaving behind daughter Lisa Marie Presley, now 49.Singer Elvis Presley and wife, Priscilla, 26, leave Superior Court in Santa Monica, Calif. on Oct.10,1973 after he was granted a divorce on grounds of irreconciliable difference. The Los Angeles property that Elvis Presley called home in the late 1960s with his then wife, Priscilla Presley, and their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is now available to rent for NZ$5458 a night. The $90-million investment in the Whitehaven section of Memphis created more than 200 jobs. Priscilla Presley said: ''To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. In everything we do, we try to make sure his DNA is there. Elvis died in 1977 after suffering a heart attack, with his huge fanbase celebrating his legacy today. The achievement means Elvis, who died in 1977, has surpassed Madonna who has had 12 UK number one albums The Beatles hold the overall record for the most chart-topping albums in the UK with 15.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
Priscilla Presley admits Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy 40 years after his death | Priscilla Presley
Priscilla wed Elvis in 1967, later divorcing in 1973, just four years prior to his death. The Los Angeles property that Elvis Presley called home in the late 1960s with his then wife, Priscilla Presley, and their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is now available to rent for NZ$5458 a night. And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer. In everything we do, we try to make sure his DNA is there.
She was married to the late Elvis Presley for six years, prior to his death in 1977. Elvis passed away from a heart attack in 1977, leaving behind daughter Lisa Marie Presley, now 49. And in an interview with the Today show's Richard Wilkins, aired Wednesday, Priscilla Presley candidly spoke on life with the iconic singer.Priscilla Presley says curating a new Elvis exhibition that focuses on his touring years has been bittersweet. It's still difficult to believe that Elvis is gone.
BEVERLY, MA - "ELVIS & ME, An Evening with Priscilla Presley," originally scheduled for Friday, August 25 has been moved to a new date, Friday, October 20 at 8 PM at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts. The achievement means Elvis, who died in 1977, has surpassed Madonna who has had 12 UK number one albums The Beatles hold the overall record for the most chart-topping albums in the UK with 15.Priscilla Presley shares her initial thoughts on Elvis. Priscilla Presley has admitted that Elvis could never have beaten his demons as she celebrates his legacy four decades after his death. Elvis died in 1977 after suffering a heart attack, with his huge fanbase celebrating his legacy today. Priscilla Presley said: ''To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. Elvis Presley's ex-wife and their daughter joined thousands of his fans at his old Graceland ranch on Tuesday night as they gathered to mark the 40th anniversary of his death with a candlelight vigil. Singer Elvis Presley and wife, Priscilla, 26, leave Superior Court in Santa Monica, Calif. on Oct.10,1973 after he was granted a divorce on grounds of irreconciliable difference. The $90-million investment in the Whitehaven section of Memphis created more than 200 jobs.
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