#cabin 7 thinks its fucking hilarious
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lesbianbanana · 1 year ago
toa but instead of attempting character development, Lester flips Zeus off and decides to become a popstar
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yellowelectroslime · 11 months ago
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this is hilarious. yes.
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brought board games, card games, snacks shes SO EXCITED
she would force everyone to play games like truth or dare in the dorms
makes sure eveyone brushes their teeth before going to bed and after waking up
goes above and beyond with the activities
she’s hell born so she never got to experience the human high school camp so she’s making up for it here :D
she’s just here for a good time okay?
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she’s only here to protect her girlfriend.
she’s armed.
like the moment she leaves the canin/dorm she’s drawing out whatever blade she brought with her
does this to “survive”
calls everyone her comrade in arms and forces them to do push ups like soldiers
treats this like a military
Charlie has to tell her to calm down and reassures her that shes safe :C
the bear grylls of hell
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Angel dust:
HATES the outdoors
its funny cuz he’s a spider lol
hides in the cabin
whenever he sees something move in the bushes he screams and comically jumps in husk
has fun with indoor activities and games
like i said. hates the outdoors
I don’t think he will be all flirty and stuff when he’s like genuinely having fun
steals husks s’mores.
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takes this opportunity to go hunt
probably teaches the others how to hunt deer and just wanted everyone in horror because the radio demon has a gun.
he drags a dead deer back to the cabin
vaggie scolds him saying thats it nasty as hell and it’ll attract flies
he cooks the deer for them to eat (vaggie is trying her best not to look like she likes the food)
best cook
purposely burns his s’mores cuz it’s fun and i think he’s the type of person to go “burnt to the core, that’s a s’more”
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brings alcohol :D 👍
vaggie has to drag his ass to get him to participate in the games
likes his marshmallows medium rare with a golden crust
…. along side a glass of whiskey
fucking HATES mosquitoes
will do everything in his power to kill all mosquitoes within a 7 kilometer radius of him
the only thing he brought other than alcohol is bottles upon bottles mosquito spray
he’s not taking any chances
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Loves mosquitoes 
she’s crazy
she kills the mosquitoes with a  kitchen knife
will eat the burnt s’mores
charlie has to keep her under supervision or she’ll run off exterminating the mosquito population
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Sir pentious:
will bring all his egg boiz and make them do everything
vaggie has to convince him that camping means you have to do everything himself
doesn’t understand anything but nods and tries to have fun
he’s so innocent
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Cherri Bomb:
she’s australian she’s BORN for the outdoors
probably knows the wilderness more than everyone
doesn’t really help with stuff and just chats with angie
plays truth or dare too but its the…. less family friendly type
nothing scared her
tells everyone scary stories by the camp fire
laughs how everyone screams when a hell bunny comes out of the bush
charlie has to confiscate all her bombs to not start a forest fire
makes the best s’mores
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cristalconnors · 4 years ago
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10. Women in Music pt. III, HAIM
Think back on all the flavor of the month acts that came and went in the 2010s, bursting onto the scene with a distinct sound and, inevitably, a sophomore album that proved their toolkit wasn't all that deep or varied. It was easy to imagine this fate for Haim, with the bubblegum pop rock of their juggernaut debut Days Are Gone in permanent rotation at Forever 21. That in 2020, nearly 8 years after their meteoric rise, they'd deliver an artistic declaration this varied and admirably strange is kind of shocking. You can hear the liberation of stylistic experimentation across the album as the Haim sisters let go of any ideas they had about how their music should sound.
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With the world on pause, sequestered in a cabin in The Berkshires, time and space folded in on themselves for Adrianne Lenker when she wrote the 11 tracks on the aptly titled songs. Refracted childhood memories, tender observations on relationships built and broken, and stunningly ethereal ruminations on the nature of life and death coalesce into an improbably straightforward folk album that feels almost like a religious experience.
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8. What’s Your Pleasure? JESSIE WARE
What’s Your Pleasure? is often heralded as a glorious revival of disco, and it is that, but it isn’t just disco. It’s also classic R&B. It’s modern synthpop. It’s Prince. Jessie Ware’s luscious tour of the dancefloor tries on a lot of different subgenres on for size and they all fit like a pair of skin tight bell bottoms as Ware puts on her boogie shoes, lets her hair down, and exudes confidence and raw sensuality. 
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7. Muthaland, BBYMUTHA
Trap at its most effervescent. Brittnee Moore is firing on all cylinders as she crafts a deceptively complex, hilariously filthy freak-out that charms with its saucy witticisms and insightful observations on motherhood set atop sprawling, immersive beats. The smartest, most expansive rap album of the year and it’s a debut! Look out for bbymutha. 
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6. folklore, TAYLOR SWIFT
What a journey I’ve had with Taylor Swift. I couldn’t stand her for years. Hers was music for the simple, homophobic Baptist girls I went to high school with, not me. Still, the rapturous praise folklore received upon its surprise release piqued my interest, so I gave it a go. Listening to it, I couldn’t reconcile what was happening- why is this so good? Everything I’d ever heard of hers (admittedly not much beyond the singles) had been so wooden. So Wal-Mart. But this was stunning. Lush production you could bathe in. Complex melodies atop sparse accompaniment, drawing out layers of meaning in Swift’s lyrics. Was she always like this and I was just a hater? I went back to make sure and *Annette Bening voice* well, yes and no. While I’ll say I hand’t been giving her enough credit before, this is still leaps and bounds better than anything she’s ever done. Of all the unwelcome changes 2020 brought me, becoming a Swiftie wasn’t so bad, I guess. 
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5. how i’m feeling now, CHARLI XCX
When we first went into quarantine, we all had that one friend we were particularly worried about how they were going to fare in lockdown. Oh, her? She’s gonna lose her fucking mind 6 weeks in. Charli XCX strikes me as that girl. Hell, she was regularly performing at warehouse parties in her mid-teens. Her whole life has played out at the club, surrounded by strangers and friends alike, lost together in the pulse of the dancefloor. But it turns out, being involuntarily thrust into a life of domesticity turned out to be good for her. Trapped together with her boyfriend for the longest consecutive period of time in their 7-year relationship, she sounds more content here than she ever has. The vast majority of these tracks are incredibly vulnerable, relatively straight forward love songs, not distracted by the frenzied production of A.G. Cook and co. but rather deepened by it. 
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4. Fetch the Bolt Cutters, FIONA APPLE
In an era where most music is made with the expectation that its listener will be wearing headphones or earbuds, Fetch the Bolt Cutters demands to be played on the record player in the living room. It needs to reverberate off your walls and fill the room to the point where you can’t tell if the many household sounds that populate the album are coming from your house or hers. Fiona Apple moves with the trees in the breeze, but also the blinds, the floorboards, the pots and pans. She achieves a kind of symbiosis with her surroundings to create a world that’s tactile and buzzes with an always palpable, hard earned sense of self that she’s still working at. 
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3. Róisín Machine, RÓISÍN MURPHY
"Fuck, I’m still unfolding” Róisin Murphy tells NME. So are the 10 tracks of the brilliantly titled Róisín Machine, the only disco released this year that a) actually sounds like it should be playing at the Paradise Garage, and b) pushes the genre into uncharted territory. Parrot’s production is velvet smooth, with heavy, rattling bass and synths that breathe, pulling its listener like a current you can’t fight and don’t want to. What a blessing to all the gays that discovered Murphy via Grey’s Anatomy and So You Think You Can Dance all those years ago to have this miracle of an album. 
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2. Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, PERFUME GENIUS
The corporeal and the divine cross paths often on Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, a vivid symphonic vision that is, like Mike Hadreas’s voice, in turns delicate and coarse, evoking baroque pop at times, shoegaze at others, but feels beholden to nothing. After a near decade as music’s premier purveyor of queer longing, this is Perfume Genius’s panoramic opus. 
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1. Heaven to a Tortured Mind, YVES TUMOR
Yves Tumor confronts stardom on Heaven to a Tortured Mind. Granted, they’re more critical darling than household name, but listening to this you’d think they were Bowie at the height of the Ziggy Stardust years, being dogged by rabid fans everywhere they went. This is rockstar shit. After the sinister textures of 2018’s masterful Safe in the Hands of Love, electric guitar becomes Sean Bowie’s talisman, unlocking a newfound swagger and fire that permeates every minute of this jagged, unhinged rock n roll triumph.
#30-21, #20-11
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inspector-montoya-fox · 4 years ago
#13 - Menace from the North, eh!
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Setting part 1: i mean......... whatever, right? at this point, India got 2 levels and Prague got 2 levels so i’m like ok, let’s get this over with. and i genuinely believe this and Anatomy for Disaster are the game’s two weakest episodes, despite the great conclusion. look, SP... they fucking delivered. they served absolute excellence with episodes 2-4, but it’s getting redundant and Menace from the North, eh! is just Menace from the North, meh? (please forgive me Lord). the game takes a weird environmentalist turn, which i fully appreciate but am ultimately confused by, seeing as He Who Tames The Iron Horse had absolutely nothing to do with Jean Bison’s pollution aspect. it feels weird to return to a Canadian outing after the gang had such a successful run in the previous episode, which felt like a conclusion even with the absence of a bossfight. like, SP could have easily inserted a Bison bossfight at the end of He Who Tames The Iron Horse in order to add another Klaww Gang member for an extra episode or maybe replace Menace from the North, eh! with the lost Monaco episode. it sounds like i’m bitching a lot, and i actually am. what really takes me aback every single time i play this game is that after you complete the Rajan/Contessa saga, it all becomes so anticlimactic. and i can’t comprehend why. by the end of this episode, the stakes are so high but the drive just isn’t there. and it’s not because the gang is demotivated. Sly has been having so much fun throughout the game, even with Neyla’s backstab being a huge obstacle. so getting down, dirty and serious is a much needed mood change. but i feel like i speak for all of us when i say that episodes 5-7 are overshadowed by episodes 2-4. with a few alterations to the order of the episodes and some changes to the script, i really think we could have had an awesome Contessa vs Clock-La final showdown episode and have Bison come right after Dimitri. because, honestly, Canada feels like ‘second episode’ material.
Setting part 2: i’m splitting it up because i don’t want my rant above to spoil the actual writing. the gang sticks around for another Canadian caper after some kooky stuff goes down with the environment and, mainly, the Northern Lights, which as we’ll soon find out, play a rather unexpectedly significant role in the grand scheme of things. and we’re treated to a log-chopping area, an off-the-maps secretive camp which really ups the ante, because Jean Bison is being such a jerk to nature. we’ve got deforestation, we’ve got melting ice, exploitation of wild animals, and Bison getting a raging red boner by literally destroying the environment in order to flex in the Lumberjack Games..... both the player and the gang have had enough of this dude, and i think SP used the fact that his only traits are being an angry idiot and a bigot to their advantage. instead of providing the necessary character development as they did with the Contessa and Rajan, Bison and his actions (especially his communication with the mYsTeRiOuS Arpeggio) are used as a prelude to Anatomy for Disaster. there’s not really a lot of dialogue apart from the final mission and bossfight, because the overall Klaww Gang plot begins to unravel, and particularly so by the time we find out about the lighthouse and its technological contents. in fact, if you think about it, Anatomy for Disaster starts with Clock-La’s shitshow and an info-dump at the beginning, which, if you’ve been paying enough attention to the details (i know that until i turned 12 and replayed the game as a young teen i hadn’t been paying attention to shit so it was all gasp!), is just the connecting of the dots. Menace from the North, eh! is essentially the last piece of the puzzle, before it’s all given to us in full detail by Arpeggio. i mean, apart from Dimitri serving dishes with drugs in them (i still can’t get over that at the age of 21), the rest is all things the player could pick up. and that’s this episode’s main focus. trying to prevent the inevitable under countdown, before Arpeggio’s blimp arrives to collect the Northern Lights energy. so it feels very anticlimactic and strange to put in all this effort without purpose. if you’ve played it before, you know it’s all for nothing since all the parts will be gone by the end of the episode. and it’s even more anticlimactic (although hilarious in tonal shift) to see how the gang scrambles under the pressure of preventing the Klaww Gang’s doomsday by hacking boats and having all these grandiose plans involving the lighthouse, just to then resort to taking part in the Lumberjack Games, without even a clever scheme but actually just cheating, and finally have Bison, an idiot, foil their plans by finding out where they’ve been hiding. and the bossfight is fine, but again, meh... i mean, woohoo Bentley! or whatever the fuck.
Characters: let’s talk about Jean Bison and his mistreatment as a character. we first meet him at Rajan’s ball, where Bentley introduces him as a Canadian shipping baron and says that he owns half the trains in Canada. later on, during the introductory cutscene for He Who Tames The Iron Horse, we get his backstory and how he’s risen from being practically dead, frozen since his time, and back with a vengeance against the environment. in my previous #episodeproject entry i said: SP plays up Bison’s savagery and gruesome nature by spotlighting how his plans affect the environment and even going so far as to call his house ‘the lair of the beast’. this is all true but is never put into practice. like, Jean Bison is all tell and no show, y’know? even the cutscene that plays when Sly gets caught in Bison’s cabin during He Who Tames The Iron Horse’s first mission shows Bison getting angry, but hunty, that’s about it. apart from the Lumberjack Games and his bossfight, it’s all oh Bison will get angry and oh Bison will kill us with the talons. well, where is it? where’s the fucking Canadian shipping baron with a vengeance against the environment? my baby heart was legit quivering when we had to steal Rajan’s blueprints as Bentley, and the Contessa was such a grand sleazebag of a woman, like what a douchebag - and you see that, although i’m often flamboyant in my writing (!!!), the way i describe these moments with these villains is both effective and relatable, because they showed up and lived up to their descriptions. Bison was written to be a ferocious beast of a villain but never showed that. and that’s on SP. whatever... let’s talk about the gang. now, despite the gang looking seriously badass in the opening cutscene for this episode (image below), they’re actually in a pretty good headspace. they’re only missing the talons and whatever Clockwerk parts Arpeggio had before collecting all of them. so it’s only natural for them to feel a bit cocky, and that’s actually gonna be their demise. before that, i just wanna mention that almost all the missions here (as with He Who Tames The Iron Horse) are group missions: Sly and Murray infiltrate the moose club in RC Combat Club, all three of them work together in Lighthouse Break-In, Boat Hack, and Old Grizzle Face. what really stood out to me every time i played this episode, is how, at the end when they take down Bison and they rush to the battery, each member has a different way of entering it, which is a small detail but important nonetheless. this further reinforces how united the gang has become since the Contessa levels and how their bond has strengthened. now, lemme circle back to how they’re cocky. i mean, apart from Jean Bison, Menace from the North, eh! doesn’t present any immediate danger or like trouble, seeing as both Neyla and Carmelita are absent. without any interference, the gang had lots of breathing space to plan ahead, even under countdown before Arpeggio’s blimp arrived. and they kinda wasted the opportunity because, as i’ve already mentioned, the operation was an absolute train-wreck. there’s no plan b, or like something clever or whatever. and usually, the operations tend to get disrupted by third parties, such as Carmelita or Neyla, but here, it failed because it was never smart. and it’s only natural for them to fall hard (by losing all the Clockwerk parts) after feeling all cocky (maybe i’m being too harsh). and all this directly leads to some more Bentley character development.... again. look, i’m all for character development, but the turtle already faced his demons when he busted Sly and Murray out of jail. i know we got Murray vs Rajan, but i don’t know, Murray was always kinda just there throughout the game. the hippo had his ups and downs (face-off with Rajan, imprisonment, losing the van), but not a fully realised story arc. that’s why, when Sly 3 starts off with his enlightenment and return, that story arc is instantly so iconic. i could go on about how Bentley gains self-confidence after defeating Bison, but um, we’ve already done that sis.
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Themes: He Who Tames The Iron Horse and Menace from the North, eh! should have been one episode and i truly believe that. they could have shared the same themes. for the former, i said there’s the speed theme, and that applies here too because the gang are under pressure. the countdown lights a fire under their asses and it’s all very destructive. again, there’s an antithesis between the calm Canadian atmosphere and the chaotic energy of the missions. but it’s not just speed theme anymore, it’s more like theme of ferocity. everyone’s kinda on edge??? Old Grizzle Face is a motherfucker and we get up close and personal with the eagles, lasers destroy huge ice pieces, there’s a mammoth, the destroyed oil manes create fiery air drafts... chaos. and it all results in the disastrous events and outcome of the Lumberjack Games, which make Menace from the North, eh! the straightest episode in the game. yuck. it only makes sense for the missions to become less sneaky and more destructive as the stakes get higher and the gang is in a hurry, and that kinda embodies the pollution motif/ environment motif. it’s less of a theme and more of a motif because it’s so story-centric, but that’s the other things the comes into contrast with the calm environment. saws, the buzzing, chopped-up logs flowing down the river, tree stumps spread across: these embody the pollution and the harm Jean Bison has been doing even though it’s a forced storyline in my opinion. and finally, size theme. it’s not major, but it feels like everything’s bigger in Canada... Sly feels so puny in this episode, like especially when climbing the lighthouse. the wild animals are huge, the structures are huge, Jean Bison’s house is huge. it’s just lots and lots of nothingness. if you took absolutely nothing and enlarged it by 10 times, you’d have this episode’s hub. and this is also seen in the bossfight when tiny Bentley takes on Jean Bison. so yea.
What I Like: gliding off the lighthouse and throwing fish onto already stinky guards before Old Grizzle Face rips them to shreds. also, those cute lil catfish-lookin viruses in Bentley’s hacking! they’re so adorable.
What I Don’t Like: erm... it’s not that i don’t like this episode, but i find it kinda boring? apart from interacting with the wild animals, the missions are meh. and i hate the Lumberjack Games...
Quote: Get too close and old Grizzle Face will be eating barbecued raccoon for dinner.
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drunkkenobi · 5 years ago
Catt’s Favorite BuzzFeed Unsolved Episodes
This Friday (March 27, 2020) BuzzFeed Unsolved is going to air its 100th episode! I have no idea if they’ll acknowledge it, but exciting all the same. In celebration of it, and because watching two dummies ghost hunt and talk murder is actually a good use of everyone’s time right now, I’m going to list my Top 10 Supernatural and Top 10 True Crime episodes. (But first, subscribe to Watcher)
BFU Supernatural Top 10
10. The Haunted Quarters of the Dauphine Orleans Hotel - Both New Orleans episodes are a hoot and a half, but I give the edge to the Dauphine because of the bedsharing, the spooky footsteps, “I STOLE THEM OFF A WOMAN WHO DIED ON THE TITANIC”,  and, of course, two ghost bros chillin’ in a jacuzzi tub six inches apart.
9. The Search for the Mysterious Mothman - While this episode is so enjoyable (the pizza, the ogling of the Mothman statue, the Mothman calls, etc.) on its own, I love it so much for introducing Mothman into the BFU mythos. I think about Ryan saying he’d ride Mothman for life almost every day of my own life.
8. The Hunt for La Llorona - The Weeping Woman - Yes, a sponsored episode made my top 10 and it’s because Curly is a goddamn treasure and brought out so much weird chaotic horniness in Ryan. Also they got some spooky spirit box answers at the cemetery.
7. The Subterranean Terrors of the London Tombs - The best Unsolved episodes are when some spooky stuff actually happens (as it does here, with some unexplained noises and a light turning off), but what freaks Ryan out the most is just a very normal haunted maze attraction. Magnifique. 
6. The Mysterious Disappearance of the Roanoke Colony - This one is just so fucking funny. Ryan’s theories getting increasingly bonkers are always a fun staple, but never better than when he gets to drop that “the Roanoke colonists turned into zombies” bomb on Shane who throws Timmy’s ball he’s so mad.
5. The Unbelievable Horrors of the Old City Jail - a newbie, but still worthy of the top 10. Yes, Ryan’s freakout on his solo investigation is what makes this one, but we can’t forget the completely bizarre bellybutton courting and Ryan and Shane’s rap. Nor the way Shane very softly greets Ryan after his freakout.
4. Return to the Horrifying Winchester Mansion - I love the Winchester mansion, it’s a place I’d love to visit someday. (I don’t think it’s all that haunted, I just think it’s neat). The boys return is very fun, especially their overnight stay in separate rooms. Ryan’s running monologue of begging the ghosts to stay away from him (even though he’s there to collect evidence of their existence) is never funnier than here. It also gave us an all-time moment in the Post-Mortem where Ryan admitted that Shane provided him a great deal of comfort.
3. Three Horrifying Cases of Ghosts and Demons - The one that started it all. It remains a favorite (and their most watched) for a reason. The original Winchester ghost hunt and the Island of the Dolls are good enough on their own, but it’s Sallie House that made the show into what we all know and love today. Ryan screaming at a flashlight, Shane laughing at Ryan screaming at a flashlight...that’s it, that’s the show.
2. The Terrors of the Yuma Territorial Prison - “This episode is underrated!!!” she screamed from the rafters. Shane is in a very odd mood in this one, insisting to Ryan that he did hear some strange footsteps (and Ryan doesn’t seem to believe him), he gets into an argument with a possible ghost on the spirit box, “I’m strange and OFF-PUTTING!”, that goofy ass gift shop investigation, and then there’s the bats. It’s a great thrill to see what Shane is like when he’s actually a little freaked out, and it’s, as always, an even greater one to see Ryan reduced to tears.
1. The Demonic Goatman’s Bridge - Is it an obvious #1? Yes. Does that make it any less worthy? No. One of my favorite things about this episode is that Shane’s iconic antagonizing of Goatman happens in the first half of the episode. Then they have to go into the woods and yell about cult stuff and be afraid of real people hanging out in said woods after! The energy started chaotic (”Are you taking off your pants? We’re in public!”) and never stopped from there. An absolute classic and it always, always makes me laugh. 
BFU True Crime Top 10
10. The Historic Disappearance of Louis LePrince - I think season 3 of True Crime is really strong, in general. As a true crime fan, it had a lot of cases I had never heard before and I think they’re all pretty interesting, this one included. I also like that it gave Shane a chance to shit on Thomas Edison. He deserved it.
9. The Odd Vanishing of Amelia Earhart - Like Shane, I do like to imagine Amelia crash landing among the crabs. It’s a good mix of a classic mystery we all know a little about and the boys taking it to the extremes.
8. The Enigmatic Death of the Isdal Woman - One of the best directed episodes of Unsolved (great job Sara), I really enjoy all the flourishes this episode has. Plus, it’s a great mystery. Yeah, she was probably a spy, but that’s only one part of the story. 
7. The Terrifying Axeman of New Orleans - The boys have a lot of fun with this, especially the rumors that the Axeman was somehow supernatural and able to shrink down to enter doors. 
6. The Creepy Murder in Room 1046 - One of those mysteries I had never heard before and I was totally enthralled for this episode because of it. I’ve even heard this on other True Crime programs since then, but Ryan and Shane talking about it is still much more interesting and entertaining to me. This episode did introduce us to the running joke that will not die, Ricky Goldsworth, but it’s helped by the realization that Ryan 100% named his ~evil alter ego after his childhood dog.
5. The Thrilling Gardner Museum Heist - This one holds a special place in my heart because it was the episode that really hooked me on the show. It wasn’t the first I watched (that would be Bobby Mackey’s), but it was the one that interested me enough to keep clicking around on YouTube to keep watching these two cute doofuses. It’s also a very fun mystery since no one dies.
4. The Disturbing Murders at Keddie Cabin - One of the most visually stunning episodes of BFU, the boys trip to the Keddie Cabins is one of the most genuinely unsettling episodes. The rainy day and glances of townspeople watching them poke around the remnants of the cabin where a woman and children were brutally murdered really add to the mood, especially because of the rumors that town and police corruption are why these remain unsolved.
3. The Mysterious Death of the Eight Day Bride - Ah, the polyamorous episode, as I refer to it in my head. It was nice to see them tackle a case that included a possible queer angle and treat that part of it pretty respectfully. It was also nice for Ryan to compare himself to the third wheel of the story when talking about hanging out with Shane and Sara all the time. (this episode also gets a slight boost for having the best Post-Mortem of all time. He would ride Mothman for life, y’all.)
2. The Strange Disappearance of DB Cooper - It’s just hilarious. They have a ball discussing one of the biggest American mysteries of the 20th century, nearly choking on their bourbon and sodas, “SPRING BREAK!!!”, and laughing at the “phantom of the sky”. 
1. The Treacherous Treasure Hunt of Forrest Fenn - Ryan Bergara emerging from a Best Western bathroom dressed up as Indiana Jones while Shane stares in stunned silence is the greatest 3 seconds this show has ever produced. I will not be taking critiques at this time.
No, but seriously, this episode is a full-on blast. I love how different it is from anything else they’ve ever done. I love the “over-produced montages”. I love the actual thrill when Ryan sees that square rock. I, obviously, love the Indiana Bergara of it all. I love that they really did do a lot of research into where to look for Fenn’s treasure. I loved their stupid Post-Mortem outfits and renting an expensive car all for a stupid bit because that’s why I love these two dummies. They delight each other so much with their similar bullshit and sense of humor and it’s never more apparent and charming to me than this episode. 
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years ago
Homesquared Chapter 3
So i have seen smidgens of this on tumblr but just havent had time to do anything about it
and jesus christ Callie Jade is so horrifyingly creepy, and you know the things she’s narrating the characters can also hear which is also hilarious, it just reminds me of that comic about how “yeah sure there’s a giant ominous red floating eyeball in your kitchen, constantly staring, constantly judging, but can you be sure that’s a bad thing?”
and then someone tries to talk to it, but it doesn’t answer and the person goes “fine be an asshole i dont give a fuck”
thats exactly the dynamic happening with Callie Jade right now
Grumpy DaveKat is hilarious
and Hey! we finally get to see how people look, I really dig Roxy’s look
“ROXY: dude doesnt "believe" in "substances"”
This line from Roxy makes sense, as a person wholly ensconced in the idea of their own self and always being in control of themselves and their own mind and faculties they would hate anything at all that causes that iron mental grip to slip
That’s probably why Dirk avoided sleep even when his dreamself was awake, even sleeping and dreaming was considered a form of himself losing control over himself that he couldn’t integrate the idea himself and his dreamself were the same person rather than two identical people and also I remember that the Jujupop didn’t affect him either
Later on Dirk in the narrative will say something about his own trauma, but not really go into what it is, but if I had to hazard a guess (and really it’s not much of a guess at this point)
Dirk probably has memories of a version of himself being under the mental influence of another, Lil Cal, LE, Doc Scratch etc what have you, So Narrative Dirk may actually be a version of Dirk who’s not quite yet poisoned into being a version of those 3, but his words also hinted that just because he’s aware of a certain way that he’s acting doesn’t make him more likely to stop it
Like he’s equating that you can be aware of the influence something else is having on you and in the exact ways it is influencing you without being able to stop, the exact thing he is traumatized and afraid of being most likely
So his one driving fear, is he does not want to lose control of his own soul, his own being, his own way of life and existing, to something else, something other. Even though he most likely is fully aware of the things and mannerisms of the other that have slipped into himself? Like he’s probably fully aware of the similarities between himself and those mentioned above, but maybe the thing that he’s hinging on is that instead of those guys poisoning him into being like them, instead perhaps he can convince himself that it’s his own self influencing others to act like himself instead. His influence reaching out and expanding instead of shrinking as he fears it
Anyway, Dave and Kanaya have a cute moment, I really like that
We get a nice shot of them in shadows against a backdrop of stars and Kanaya starts talking about a story Rose would once tell so that’s story is already gonna be dripping in metaphorical potential
“ A Wriggler Story About A Young Prince And The Beloved Flower He Loved And Lost”
Though that’s a story I’m actually familiar with
KANAYA: A Singular Wild Rose He Failed To Cherish When He Had Her
KANAYA: And His Journey Of Discovering What She Meant To Him All Along
KANAYA: Culminating In A New Quest To Find Her And Win Her Back
KANAYA: The Story Comments On The Nature Of Friendship
KANAYA: And Of Course In Turn Love
KANAYA: How Once They Connect There Is No Distance Or Circumstance That Can Seperate Them
KANAYA: How The Worlds In Each Ones Mind Take On Contours Shaped By Their Memories Of The Other
KANAYA: Places And Moments And Orbiting Passersby Becoming More and More Entangled In The Context Of Their Mutual Affections
KANAYA: Such As With A Garden Calling To Mind An Engagement Once Declared There
KANAYA: Or Something To That Fucking Effect
So obviously Dirk and Rose
Dirk has Rose with him, discovers an actual genuine connection with her, likely because he already viewed her as an equal, despite his manipulations of her, and chapter 4 spoilers but he genuinely wants to play a game with her when there really isn’t any reason for it, so he is actually curious to see who comes out on top of it, Him or Her, so Dirk is probably in some way desperate to have an actual equal partner in some way instead of drowning in himself all the time, not surprising. But Rose, obviously, will leave and reject him, likely when the manipulation comes around and is revealed/Kanaya and all them reach her/that part of the story
But then the story tinges onto a romantic nature and is framing Dirk trying to get her back as a romantic quest to save his partner/friend something something love and friendship, “no distance can separate them” yeah that doesn’t sound like obsession with the first person you’ve ever truly seen as an equal/a real person, 
yeah “A Garden calling to Mind an engagement once declared there” definitely sounds like the garden of eden/adam and eve paradise fantasy that Dirk has been trying  for some reason, to setup on the new planet
Really begs the question for why Dirk cares at all to do all of this? Except we now the answer is already its not the thing itself he cares about, its the value hes putting into the story as something that generates interest in the audience
He doesn’t care about actually making a society or being gods or whatever, he just knows thats what the audience wants to see and cares about so therefore he does it
and the reason he does all of THAT is because is ties into his trauma of his sense of self eroding away becoming a person he’s unfamiliar with
I wonder how he’s going to handle how much he’s going to change in order to fit the role of the story he’s writing when all is said and done
the Dirk at the end of this is going to be very different than the Dirk that started in Homestuck, despite all of his fears and intentions, and that he could not say all of it wasnt his own doing because of the iron control he made sure to have from the very beginning, I honestly think that will be kind of a shock for him if a meeting like that ever one day happened
Specifically for the fact that he seems to be aware of the romantic in nature tropes hes writing himself and Rose into and for now still seems to be avoiding them, not having gone that far, but, well
Maybe this is where we’ll start to see where Doc Scratch’s odd tendencies starting coming from
You know he was always really weird with Rose and Vriska (Maybe because he sees Light players all as extensions of Rose herself?)
Anyway yeah this is def the story metaphor I think we’re going to see in this, but Kanaya doesn’t fully get it, she thinks the story refers to herself and Rose
DAVE: that seems kind of wack for a kids story
KANAYA: Its Possible I Am Projecting Slightly In This Specific Circumstances
KANAYA: It Was Just A Metaphor
KANAYA: But In A Way I Feel As If It Is the Greater Universe Trying To Tell Me Something
KANAYA: It May Simply Stem From My Longing To See Her Again And How Much Is Indicative Of Something More Sinister
Which is cool because it makes this opposing connection between Dirk and Kanaya as opposites, which I like because it solidifies a tiny bit more the idea of Sylph being Passive Create to A Prince’s Active destroy.
Oh yeah, there was a tiny hint of Mind metaphor as well, can’t forget Terezi is with them
KANAYA: How The Worlds In Each Ones Mind Take On Contours Shaped By Their Memories Of The Other
KANAYA: Places And Moments And Orbiting Passersby Becoming More and More Entangled In The Context Of Their Mutual Affections
KANAYA: Such As With A Garden Calling To Mind An Engagement Once Declared There
Basically the idea that your experiences of a person and your memories of them shape who they become as well, the boundary between you and I is controlled by both of us, so each has an effect of the personality Heart of the other through our own decisions and Mind
like the way people tend to mimic those they like and want to be close to, or the way they actively try to distance themselves and what they are like from those they hate
But that at all seems to be more about Mind in general than referring to anything specifically Terezi
though it is exactly that understanding of Mind versus Heart and how one affects the other that could make Dirk realize that in the question of the self he’s only had half the picture the whole time, he’s only had the understanding of Heart and has thus far not been able to understand how Mind plays a role in the sustaining of the self, how what other people do to help you to be you, which is his entire philosophical conundrum
“DAVE: the dude youve spent the last 7 years convincing yourself isnt an egomaniacal anime villain
DAVE: and who isnt actually lying in wait to completely decimate your life and your emotions and shit“
oh, that makes me sad, this is def bringing up some bad trains of thought for Dave ):
OH RIGHT, I forgot Calliope is actually WITH them on their journey, despite seeming to want absolutely fuck all with Jade Callie, I totally thought she was gonna stay back on Earth C but I guess not!
It’s so odd to see them so terrified of their alternate self like this when they’ve interacted mildly before. I still don’t know what to think of that much, other than they seem to be doing that weird thing that the other kids went through, like how John scribbled clowns on the walls unknown to himself for the longest time due to Gamzee’s unseen mental influence
that’s exactly the type of shit Dirk would be afraid of, so I wonder if that’s what Callie was afraid of as well? Maybe its Jade Callie that’s influencing them this way not Gamzee, to scribble strange things on the walls and not come out, but it’s the same fear of the other regardless manifesting and changing the self.
It is a very oddly non social thing for Our Calliope to do, when the point of different between the two Callie’s was how social Calliope was versus how antisocial Jade Callie is. Worries me ): but at least they’re here I guess
ROXY: fucked up if tru
Karkat is really popular as a character in the fandom lol
and that’s that one, time to get to Chapter 4, which has a lot more juicy exposition
With all the Garden of Eden metaphors though I can’t help but think of the Apple of the Garden of Eden when I think of “story exposition” now
The juicy tantalizing forbidden red fruit that when you bit into it you suddenly understand and know things you did not before and you’re eyes are opened, I wonder if that’s enough to just make Apples a solid Symbol of Light in Homestuck’s context? Most of it’s association with knowledge is external to Homestuck, just referenced symbolically, it’s not actually used in any cirumstances pertaining to knowledge, but more as the metaphor of it being the gate to leave the garden of eden, more like a teleporter, Rapture and Revelation in general rather than just Knowledge itself
aka my new headcanon is that one thing needed to Alchemize a Transportalizer is inexplicably going to be an Apple, if that ever comes up at all
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ziracona · 4 years ago
With the rumors about Until Dawn possibly being in dbd I’m curious about what the game actually is? Could you give a description of it and it’s quality?
>:-D I would be thrilled to break it down! 
So, I personally adored this game. Actually, back in 2016, I bought a PS4 for the express purpose of being able to play the game more times until I got a happy ending.
Basically, Until Dawn is a decision-based horror game that is a self-reflective on horror as a genre, with a special focus on the way mental illness is treated, and a secondary focus on native tradition in horror. There are 10 playable characters, eight protagonists. Everyone can die. You swap between characters as you go, and the storyline branches depending on your decisions. Your choices alter your characters’ relationships with each other, which is important, as well as their stats (bravery, curiosity, humor, romanticness, honesty, and charity), all of which impact game outcomes and events in the story. You cannot simply win by always being as kind to people as possible, and I’d personally recommend trying to do your best, but playing the characters in-character if you want people to live. Almost everyone I’ve ever seen loses at least Matt their first time. Often Josh or Jessica as well. 
Anyway, the basic plot is, ten friends are at their winter getaway on a mountain. They’re late highschool/early college age. A bunch of them decide to play a super cruel prank on one of the friends, because they all know she has a crush on one of the guys. So he and a bunch of the others have him pretend he wants to make out with her, they film her, and then shame her, and she runs off into the night crying. Her best friend tries to warn her and fails, her sister didn’t know and is furious, and her brother and his best friend are both passed out drunk at the time, and have nothing to do with it. Anyway, older sis runs out into the night after baby sis. They’re at their family’s cabin on a mountain in Canada (their family is in the movie business and super rich). You play as the big sister. The girls do not make it through the night.
The remainder of the game, you play the remaining eight friends. They meet up a year later on the anniversary of the sister’s disappearance, because the surviving member of the family, Josh, the baby brother, wants to keep their tradition going and meet up to honor them. Things start to go wrong almost immediately. Some masked man is on the loose, and begins attack teens. Meanwhile, something weird is happening at the abandoned sanitorium nearby, and inexplicable things start to happen in the woods as well. The player does their best to collect clues, which go with one of if I remember correctly three storylines? It might be four. Anyway, all clues help your survival, and give you extra dialogue and sometimes choices. It’s very good to know. You have to make a lot of decisions, and sometimes doing nothing is the right call, so go with your gut. You also find totems, which give you a glimpse into the future, and come in multiple kinds (warnings of danger, death, death to friends, fortune, or guidance--the first three are bad, the last two you want to reach. They will not make sense, but then, when you hit the moment they’re connected to, a lot of the time stuff will click, so do your best to let them guide you).
Basically, your job is to try to understand what is going on, why, and to survive until forest service can show up at dawn to get you the fuck off the mountain to safety. There’s a ticking clock letting you see how long you have left to go, and each chapter has a unique title that changes based on player choice. Also, in-between chapters, you have segments where you play as someone who for most of the game is unknown, being interviewed by a psychologist. The player answers his questions, and makes decisions in the interviews as well, and these also effect gameplay and outcomes, and are responsible for chapter names. Actually, people still haven’t even found all the things the therapy sessions effect, which I think is extremely exciting.
Review wise, horror has long been one of the absolute best genres for intense character study, because the character can be the world’s biggest piece off shit, and you’ll still root for them not to die. Literally the bar is just they have to not be so awful you want them to die horribly. This exponentially increases in video games, because you have the added motivation of wanting to succeed/win. So, UD does a great job of having a super complex cast of characters it does not apologize for, but forces you to view as the complex whole and mix of good and bad they are, and is a great character piece. I hated everyone but Josh, Chris, and Sam when I started (the only three who didn’t do the prank), but by the end Mike, the asshole who pretended to want to make out with the sister, and Emily, the resident bitch, were both characters I loved, and I think I liked everybody but one member. It’s also just a super beautiful game, and it does a great job of being scary and intense, and there’s some amazing sequences. The structure is solid. Your experience will be different depending on how many clues you get ,as will your perception of characters based on choices and motives you understand or don’t, actions you see them take or miss, but that’s just kind of the nature, and it gives it some decent replayability. Also, the dialogue is hilarious and if sometimes pretty goofy, incredibly enjoyable.
The gameplay comes in multiple types. Sometimes you walk around free-reign and look for clues, and sometimes you’ll be in cinematic cutscenes where you act via quick one or the other choices (Run or Hide, Left or Right, etc) and reaction commands. There’s also shooting challenges, where you go into bullet time and line up the cursor on a target and press shoot before time runs out (and if you fail, probably die, but it depends on the severity of the situation), as well as Don’t Move segments, which quite literally mean hold the PS4 controller as still as humanly possible. You can see the glowing sensor on the front of it on your screen, and the bounds you have to keep it in, and can try to correct if it looks like it’s going too far left or right, but these are incredibly hard--I think most people consider them the hardest part of the game--and I know a lot of people just put the damn controller down during those bc they’re so hard. (For this to work you basically have to be playing with your arms already resting on a table though, or it will sense you going to set it down and you’ll auto-fail. It has to be a situation where setting it down legit just means letting go to work). It’s PS4 exclusive game, but it’s also a free game on PS now, so you if you get the 7 day free trial, you can play it on PS now on a computer, so long as you buy a controller (or borrow one or whatever) to play with.
Overall, I think the difficulty level is challenging enough to be fun, and varied enough to not get boring, but the don’t-moves--especially at the very end of the game--can be frustrating. So, I’d recommend either prepping for them and cheating a little in the finale sequence itself (which is like 7 extremely intense Don’t Moves back to back), or living by the age-old decision based proverb “If you hit power before it saves, it didn’t happen,” or both.
The characters are enjoyable, and the story is really good. There’s multiple, well-executed twists, and it’s incredibly sad and compelling as a story--to me anyway. Overall, it’s probably my favorite horror game unless you count season one of TWDG as a horror game, and I definitely wholeheartedly recommend it--especially if you like choice-based games. I’d 100% play it blind your first time, too--that’s the absolutely best way to experience it, even if people die. But, to keep it from getting super frustrating, I’d also totally recommend playing it the “I missed an action command and my fave just died so I hit menu or power before it could try and am gonna do the fight sequence again” way too. Games should be fun! Playing blind is fun, but having a fighting chance to keep your fave alive is too, and that gets you both. Also! Take looking for clues seriously, and do it before you leave an area--the free-walk events are not timed events, unlike in Man of Medan, so it is safe to do so. Some clues will literally change the fate of your character.
Scare wise, I’d say it’s a pretty creepy game. There’s a number of jump scares, but the biggest scares aren’t jump-scares, they’re chase sequences, which are quite nice. It is scary, but not like, any more scary than other horror video games tend to be, like Outlast or Silent Hill. Some of the deaths are pretty damn gorey too, so be forewarned.
And I think that about breaks it down? I’ll throw in some pics for feel.  
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I could write a whole essay on why I think the narrative has intense value for its meta commentary on horror and its work as a self-reflective genre piece, but that would be rife with spoilers, so I won’t right now. Feel free to ask if you’d like to hear the short version of that, but I want to at least keep in a different post so it’s easy for people looking to avoid spoilers to do so! : )
Oh! Also as a last note, the cast is all phenomenal! Hayden Panettiere, Rami Malek, Brett Dalton, Meaghan Martin, Noah Fleiss, Nichole Bloom, Jordan Fisher, Antonella Lentini, Galadriel Stineman, Peter Stormare, and Larry Fessenden all do bang-up jobs, and it’s a pretty diverse cast too. And there’s a good dog, so games get +10 for dogs. There’s super cool making of stuff in the unlockables I enjoyed a lot, and the checkable character stats are fun. Also the intro is beautiful, and the single prettiest rendition of O’ Death I’ve ever heard.
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lauriejuspeczyk · 4 years ago
embarrassing q&a about izzy and john,,, @honeybite and @kiryukazumas ayyyy
1. How did they first meet? Izzy gets transferred to Hope County and on her literal first day on the job she gets sucked up into the whole fiasco with the peggies and she ends up stranded in Hope County (with Reina and Aria wooooo). She and John first find out about each other when she helps Nick Rye steal back his plane!!! Nick tells her about what’s goin down and she feels sorry for him, and then he describes John to her and she’s like “wow he sounds like a douchebag. let’s break into his shit.” because Izzy loves being a shit disturber. It turns into a whole big rivalry after that. 2. What did they think of each other at first? What was their first impression of the other? They do a lot of just like, hearing about each other from other people, or arguing over the radio before they actually physically meet. (They physically meet for the first time when Izzy gets kidnapped to be baptized). John’s first impression is she’s just another out of control sinner who needs to be shown the error of her ways blah blah blah pbbtbtbtbpbt. Izzy thinks John is pretentious and very high strung, which supremely clashes with her own personality, but she really likes fucking with him and gets a lot of satisfaction from making him mad lol 3. Were they immediately interested / attracted, or did that come later? Oh they hate each other at first!! They finally actually like MEET meet at the baptism. John knew who Izzy was right away but she didn’t really piece together who he was until she heard his voice. John was physically attracted to Izzy when he saw her and he like,,, wasn’t expecting that, because all she’d done up till then was piss him off lol. It causes a lot of inner turmoil for him because it’s the whole,,, “I shouldn’t feel like that because you’re a filthy sinner so I’m gonna repress the fuck out of this. im sure nothing bad will come of that. bottling ur feelings is good and works”. He tries drowning her right away at the baptism and Joseph has to come and be like “chill.” Izzy doesn’t really think anything of John after she first meets him, it takes a lot longer for her to be interested in him like that than vice versa, but getting almost drowned is really a big wake up call for her in that the guy she’s fucking with probably has a lot more personal issues than she realized lol 4. Why did they fall for each other? lMFAO UHHHFHFHH its so complicated, fuck. John’s feelings are at the start just a big crush at first. He just thinks she’s very pretty and she pisses him off constantly but he subconsciously likes the attention she gives him. John wouldn’t realize he’s in love with Izzy until a while after their rivalry starts weirdly turning into a strange friendship. I’m writing a stupid fic that may or may not actually ever be finished so I’ll just recap events here: There’s a moment when John is really angry (For reasons...u’ll see... or will u... who knows...) and Izzy calms him down by like,,, grabbing him and making him lie down with his head in her lap and she just kinda like shushes him, and he just lies there looking up at her and he’s like,,, never really been touched like that his whole life. Like never when he was growing up and then certainly never now, especially in response to his anger, so he just kind of I think,,, realizes it in that moment. but also he has a LOT of conflicting feelings about it because he also realizes he can NEVER change Izzy in a way that lets them be together (ie make her join edens gate, nevuuuurrr gonna happen). For John it’s a combination of she’s brave and kind and patient and all her fucking around aside, she’s genuinely a good person, and she relates to his pain and they have funny conversations and she makes him feel good and loved, just like NORMAL ASS REASONS TO FALL IN LOVE? but again, he can’t acknowledge that he genuinely loves her, because she’s a sinner and working against Eden’s Gate, so instead he processes it as this weird crazy religious thing where he thinks she’s a bigger deal than she actually is, like she’s somehow really important and God sent her just for him or something lmao... basically realizing he was in love with her really fucked him up a lot more. For Izzy it’s EVEN MORE COMPLICATTTEDDDD... She probably has feelings for John by the same time he does for her, but she represses it a lot harder and better than he does. For her it’s this thing of she also has genuine reasons to love him but she struggles a lot with how broken as a person he is. She thinks she sees a genuinely good side to him that she’s in love with but she can’t figure out how to make the like,,, crazy part of him,,, stop lmao, and she also struggles with the idea that it’s not her responsibility to BASICALLY FIX HIM so she just represses instead. She also struggles a lot with how he’d probably want her to join Eden’s Gate and how she knows she can probably never convince him to leave so she doesn’t even try to have that conversation. She handles all the repressing like A TON BETTER than John does lmfao she’s much more emotionally stable and just like way more level headed than him, but it’s still a big thing that she’s really just not sure what to do about, so she does......Nothing! 5. Who flirted more before they started their relationship and how? Izzy! flirts! all! the time! She mainly does it as a joke because she loves how fuckin mad John gets when she does lmao!!! 6. Who made the first move/confessed first? no confessioooonnnn I don’t think... probably not ever, or at least not until it’s way too late lmao. See #4, they both are basically pre-convinced that it would never work so they never do anything about it. If anyone was to confess it would be John but he’d have to be under a lot of pressure to do so ie: one of them is about to die or something 7. When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? GOD I DON’T EVEN KNOW HONESTLY I HAVEN’T THOUGHT THIS FAR AHEAD JKJKFKJAFJK. I can honestly imagine Izzy doing something stupid as fuck like asking John to kiss her because she thinks it’ll just make him freak out or get mad, and John actually doing it and then Izzy being like UHHHHHHHHHHH I HAVE TO GO.  8.  Which one is more easily made jealous? John 100% but he pretends he doesn’t get jealous :-) but he is toxic as fuck and getting jealous puts him in a MOOD 9. What do they fight about? Who’s the first to apologize? THEY FIGHT LITERALLY ALL THE TIME IT’S ALL THEY KNOW BAYBEE!!!!! JOHN JUST GETS MAD AT HER AND THEN IZZY LAUGHS ABOUT IT THATS THEM THAT’S THE WHOLE DYNAMIC!!!! 10. Did they have a first date? Where did they go? lmfAO I mean they have a lot of little hang outs together at John’s cabin that despite their intentions can sometimes get TENSE... but   again...you’d have to beat them with a stick to get either of them to acknowledge the romantic undertones to anything that happens between them 11. What do their friends and family think? Do they approve of the relationship? NOBODY KNOWWWWS LMAO. Izzy goes out of her waaay to lie about it; she tells Jerome for example that she’s just spying. Some people think its like glaringly obvious though (ie Adelaide being like “hey so John Seed is like...crazy in love with you huh” and Izzy being like “WHAT?????? NO???????”) The only people who know she’s friends with John are Reina and Aria, but even them she lies to about how deep it got. She’s esp cautious with Reina because Reina hates John and honestly she thinks that’s hilarious. In general depending on the person she actually feels kind of ashamed because it feels like she’s betraying hope county on some level? so she just kind of is constantly juggling various lies depending on the person lol 12. Do they like to cuddle/hold hands? Do they prefer to do it privately rather than in public? honestly I can imagine them ending up holding hands or something and just like NOT looking at each other at all when they do, and then stopping and never acknowledging that it happened ever again lmao 13. How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time (If they do)? Under what circumstances does it happen? ajsfkjsajkfjkakjfjskkjakasfasjf I DON’T KNOW!! I haven’t thought this far but it would probably happen at his cabin when they are alone and they’d probably just like somehow end up just making out somehow lol and Izzy would constantly break it off for a second to be like “we should stop” and then keep going lmfaofjsafkksaj it would be just like way 2 messy and way too much touching and kissing cuz they’re both way too much bottled up, and it would most definitely only happen ONCE and then John would be even more obsessed with her afterwards and Izzy would be like “wow I fucked up lol” 14. Who tops? physically John; emotionally Izzy, does this make sense, who knos......... 15. Do they get married? Who proposes & how? that’s a no from me dog 16. Do they have children? How many? What are their names? again no, but I feel like if you brought up the stupid ass cliche idea of getting married and having some kids and having a little suburban house John would start frothing at the mouth and then izzy would wake up in a cold sweat somewhere
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choicesenthusiast · 5 years ago
The Royal Masquerade, Ch. 7 AKA Scarred for Life
What happened this week:
We were poisoned last chapter, but Renza, the arrogant, idiot villain just left us below decks without killing us herself, or watching us die. Cardinal rule number #2 of villainy: never leave your opposition alive once you think you’ve bested them (Rule #1 is “Never monologue your entire evil plan to the protagonist. It’s just dumb.”)
Our pet (who I’ll now be referring to as Valiant, the default name), Vasco, Hunter, and Kayden rescue us and we all plan on finding an antidote to this lame, slow-acting poison that doesn’t really seem to be doing its job.
Renza and Cyrus come into our cabin and we gotta hide, but they start knocking booties in the most horrifying scene I have ever had to read. Not any It Lives or Bloodbound scene. It was this one. The wording, the underwear, the fucking background shaking… I’m forever traumatized. That was more graphic than any 30 diamond scene ever.
Pay some diamonds to steal back the Fierro Amulet for Hunter, Vescovi Comb for Kayden, Renza and Cyrus’ underwear for our personal entertainment, or all of the above. If you did not pay 10 diamonds for the clothes, then you’re messed up. That shit was hilarious.
The four of us plus Valiant manage to escape on a rowboat? Hours away from shore? How were we unnoticed? Also how did we survive?
Some weird diamond scene involving fever dream/hallucination/acid trip with Valiant to meet some oracle? I don’t know, it was weird...
Our LI pops up on our balcony and confesses their undying love for us. Then there’s a 30 diamond scene that definitely was not worth 30 diamonds. Not even any… *ahem* “gardening” involved. Cyrus got more “gardening” action than we did.
The next morning we’re cured and our sister pops into our room alive. Hmm...
I noticed that the intro music was quite a bit under tempo. A nice touch, reflecting how we were poisoned last chapter, therefore our senses are impaired and slower. The musician and the advanced English student inside me are loving it.
So many weird things have happened in this chapter and I’m still trying to process it all. I can’t even express it. I...it’s...what the fuck?!
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simptasia · 5 years ago
Top 5 horror movies?
1. the mist. a horror movie that is actually horrifying. on several levels. this is most emotionally exhausting movie to watch. the creature effects are fantastic, in that I’m So Upset, especially at the spider things (THAT SCENE UGGHHGHHHHH) and okay, for reals, i think mrs. carmody may be the most horrific, despicable villian in film history. YEAH. THINK ABOUT THAT. the actress playing her deserves a fucking AWARD for how much i fucking hate mrs. carmody. the creatures fuck me up, mrs. carmody fucks me up, the ending. fucks. me. up. i highly recommend this movie but uh, It’s A Tough One
2. se7en. ohhhh boy dude i rewatched this recently, this movie is so good????? what the fuck!! okay so i first watched this as a kid (i may have been 7 when i saw se7en, heh) which, like, yeah i know. but whatever. like, do i need to tell anybody how good this movie is? do i need to tell you morgan freeman and brad pitt are amazing in it? and kevin spacey too. sigh. good actor, terrible person. the deaths are very upsetting and yet it’s really our imaginations making it so much worse. the sloth victim and lust victims are the stand outs, of course. (i said victims plural for lust because that dude. that guy. that fucking dude. you know who i mean. that dude is fucked up for life OR he’s gonna kill himself. i make special mention of him because he’s played by leland orser, for like 20 seconds of footage but FUCK it’s a helluva 20 seconds, such as it kick started his career). anyways. it’s fucked up, it’s emotional, the performances are great, i care about the characters. i think it leans more in the psych thriller genre but i’d say this is a horror movie. this one is another i’d recommend to most people
3. shaun of the dead. i fucking KNOW it’s a comedy and an homage to zombie movies but that doesn’t mean simon and nick didn’t make a genuine fucking zombie movie and also there are parts of this that scare the shit outta me. because zombies freak me out a lot. buuut my love for this isn’t mostly coming from the horror aspect, it’s just a really great movie. it’s funny, intense at times, has some genuinely moving performances (simon pegg, holy fuck). also this movie got me addicted to don’t stop me now by queen and THAT is boss
4. final destination 1 and 3. been super into the FD franchise since i was a kid (twas a time i could get super encyclopedic about it like i can with say, LOST or whatever. what im saying is FD has been a spec interest of mine). and of the 5 movies (so far, c’monnnn) 1 and 3 are the best and the ones i have the most fondness for. also helps that these two have the best acted protags. (i have a crush on mary elizabeth winstead and this is one of the movies that started it. the other was sky high btw) i cannae describe WHY i like FD movies so much so it’s really just like that meme... I Just Think They’re Neat. hope they make more
5. the saw franchise (of which there are 8 movies). it has it’s ups and downs but holy gosh did this series surprise me. it has a rep for being dumb torture porn but no??? like yeah it’s gross, it’s gorey... but i was surprised to find this shit has story?? CONTINUITY??? flashbacks upon flashbacks upon flashbacks. this series is the Master of the retcon to the point where its kinda hilarious. the twists, the backstory/flashbacks/soap opera, the MUSIC, the traps themselves and of course tobin motherfucking bell, who is a boss. yeah. yeah. good shit. also some ppl don’t like the really weird editing but i do, it’s the franchises’ Style ya know. this series is like a grunge music video but way way more fucked up. theres a ton of things that DESERVE to go before the saw franchise but. i really like ‘em
honourable mentions: it chapter one (i haven’t seen two yet), misery, get out, cabin in the woods, thinner, 1408, psycho,  the fly (1986)
there’s probs more but thats what i can think of at the moment
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tumbler-tidbits · 6 years ago
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1)Mr.Quackers by @impala-dreamer
Link: HERE
Summary: None lol
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: NSFW SMUT, Crack!Fic, hilarity
My Review: They say that crack is whack, well in this case quack is whack 😂😂 This little drabble with have you laughing until you cry, it’s just that ducking funny! (See what I did there?)
2)So Good Dean by @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
Link: HERE
Summary: This moment was something completely new to Dean
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: sex toys, vibrator, prostate milking, Dom/sub elements, sub!Dean, praise kink
My Review: Ok so most of us have an affinity to Dom!Dean but Sub!Dean can be just as sexy when done correctly and by God does Sundae do it correctly! This is so fucking erotic it will make you wet! No joke it’s AMAZING!!
3)Helping Hand by @bamby0304
Link: HERE
Summary: You’re frustrated. You need sex, you need that release, but you just can’t get yourself there. It just doesn’t feel… right. Sam notices your change in mood and tries to get you to tell him what’s wrong. When you open up, admit everything to him, you expect awkwardness and tension… instead, Sam lends a helping hand.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Sexually frustrated reader. Low self-esteem issues. Sam questioning himself. A bit of angst. Tiniest amount of crack. Some added fluff. Smut. Way more plot than I’d intended. Explicit language. Fingering. Squirting. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people). Seriously... the plot got away from me.
My Review: whew this one is a doozy! Friends with benefits gets the pair into a very erotic situation! This one is gonna leave you sweating and needy let me tell ya! And as if Amber didn’t do enough to get us all hot and bothered, she adds on the fluff at the end that just makes you go “awwwe” 🥰
4)Fine by @kittenofdoomage
Link: HERE
Summary: Boy loves girl, girl loves boy; boy feels he’s not worth it, girl thinks she’s not his standard. This is the tale of how they realize they’re idiots.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Warnings: angst (a smidge), smut, drunken sexual encounters, fluff. Dean being sexy as all fuck and Sam being a cockblock.
My Review: ok as a plus sized gal these fics have a special spot in my heart and boy this one does not disappoint! Who hasn’t dreamed of Dean pining over them, defending them, and making love to them? Well you get it all in this one! The special meaning of the title is revealed and makes the story that much more passionate. This one is smoking ladies and gents!
5)With Wolves Series by @bamby0304
Link: HERE
Summary: Known as The Omen, your reputation puts fear in some of the most dangerous and deadly Alphas. So when you’re caught and sent to the worst maximum security facility unknown to man, no one expected an unclaimed Omega to walk through the gates in shackles and an orange jumpsuit. Word circulates, and before long there’s a price on your head. Who will claim the untamed Omega?
Characters: Alpha!Dean, Alpha!Sam, Omega!Reader, numerous Alpha and Beta characters
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics. Heat. Rut. Knotting. Marking. Explicit language. Imprisonment. Violence. Angst. Assault. Blood. Murder. Death. Smut. Poly relationship. Medical procedures. Medicinal drugs. Each chapter will have it’s own warnings as this is just a brief list. Please read each chapter’s warnings carefully. There will be triggering content
My Review: If you love angst, smut, passion, and a smidge of fluff then this series is for you! I cannot express how much I loved reading this! I laughed, I cried, and if we’re being totally honest I had to change my panties on more than one occasion! Amber paints an incredible AU with all our favorite and not so favorite characters, a seriously genius plot line and backstory and some of the best smut you will ever read! Hands down you must binge this series! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! P.S she even has a set of visuals for the series!
6)Knot Gonna Hurt Me by @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
Link: HERE
Summary: Sam doesn’t want to hurt his young Omega
Pairing: Alpha!Sam x Virgin!Omega!Reader
Warnings:  first time, abo dynamics, unprotected sex, nipple play, claiming, scenting, fingering, oral sex on a female, age difference, virgin!reader
My Review: This one is soooo passionate! Sam is extra gentle and caring and has to be convinced by his Omega that he will not Hurt her during their first time together. Fluffy feels and hot smut, you can’t go wrong!
7)Journal of Letters by @curly-haired-disaster
Link: Tumblr seems to have eaten the Masterlist for this drabble series, we are working on locating it and I will update when we do 😊
Summary: None
Pairing: None
Warnings: SPN level violence, mentions of suicide/self harm, graphic depictions of violence.
My Review: This series of drabbles takes you on an incredible, infuriatingly confusing journey! Told by way of Journal entries, things just keep getting weirder! Can you put together the pieces and solve the puzzle? Grab some internet because trust me, you WILL start seeking Google for help!
8)I Dream of Cock by @supernatural-teamfreewillpage
Link: HERE
Summary: y/n has a very very weird dream that she kinda explains to the boys and she’s mad and disappointed when she wakes up to find she didn’t really have one instead she had something else.
Pairing: None
Warnings: Porn Crack- Cocks, Dicks, Dildos, The Big Rooster, But its all crack no smut
My Review: Ok y’all if you want to die laughing you MUST read this 😂. Ash is very Brash and it makes for some hilarious dialogue not to mention Sam and Deans reactions. This one is a side tickler for sure!
9)Christening by @kittenofdoomage
Summary:This is entirely written for @oriona75 as part of her birthday present, with the final chapter coming on the day of her birth, the 27th October. The premise - Sam and the reader have just bought their first house, and Sam is intent on christening every room
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Smut all the way through
My Review: Ever dreamed of having sex in EVERY room of the house? No? Well when you move in with Sam Winchester you’ll be a hot mess! Keep the spare panties handy folks, these are hot!
10)Bite Me by @maddiepants
Link: HERE
Summary:This short story came from a conversation with @closetspngirl about Jensen's perfect teeth. I hope you don't that I changed it to Dean.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, biting, Dean's mouth (yes that's a warning)
My Review: Got a bit of an oral fixation? Then this is the drabble for you! Erica’s words are so descriptive that you can feel what is being done in the words she writes! So erotic, so sexy, and oh yeah it’s a panty soaker!
11)Take Care of You by @dean-winchesters-bacon
Link: HERE
Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself since Michael possessed him so the reader takes him on a little getaway.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Warnings: Smut, Explicit Language, Oral (Male Receiving), Fingering
My Review: This one is so sweet and fluffy! Set during the current season the reader takes Dean to a cabin to get him out of his room! I love how Kat sets the scene, she clearly paints a picture as if you were watching an episode! There are tons of fun little quips and dialogue that make you laugh, And let’s not forgot the sexy AF smut! Bonus... there’s a sweet surprise ending ❤️
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Taglist: @idreamofplaid  @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants​  @pisces-cutie​  @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​  @spnmightkillme @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @sammyimpala-67 @lunarboycas​  @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world  @thoughtslikeaminefield @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @supernaturalsammy01​ @ruthiesconnells​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten​ @missjenniferb​  @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313  @spnskinnyballs @getnaildbyme
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camdenfringe · 5 years ago
Since we printed the glossy A5 brochure for the Camden Fringe there have been a number of additions to the line-up and a couple of cancellations. Here is a list of forthcoming changes. Always check our website for the most up to date line-up information
The times for this show are different to those printed in the brochure You Have Absolutely No Sense Of Time The Black Box Theatre 2, 9-11 August at 4.30pm, 3-4 August at 6pm, Hen and Chickens https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2453
Isabelle Farah: Ellipsis Now on 7.45pm on 21 August at the Albany (moved from 4 August) https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2505
Dannie Grufferty: How Brexit sent us all slightly mad 9pm 5-7 August + 9pm 18 August at The Albany (4 August cancelled) https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2421
Remember Tonight Vortex Collision Arts Company 9.30pm 2-3 August at London Irish Centre A young man brings home a stranger who was beaten up on the street. His desperate attempt to help the person in need leads him to discover wounds he wasn’t meant to deal with. Soon, they will be unexpectedly engulfed in a loop where there will be nothing that could not happen.
Joseph Parsons: Baggy Point 5.30pm 4 August The Bill Murray Joseph Parsons (as seen on Channel 4) presents his uplifting, sell-out stand up comedy show, Baggy Point. With his lovable and electric energy on stage, Joseph tells the story of discovering his sexuality as he clumsily navigates his way through social gatherings, love and living in a different country. Joseph also looks at how the perceptions of sexuality in smaller towns and homophobia in football affect younger people growing up. All proceeds to this show will go to Football v Homophobia. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2708
Sea Changes Marina Jenkyns Productions 12.30pm 5-9 August Etcetera Theatre Sharon; `You know what? He was jealous. Never been outside Shepherd's Bush. Imagine fucking a man who's never flown!'Mair: `Soft on my face. Her skin, her tears. Must go on. Mustn't stop. Must do it'.Maeve: `Sally and I lay down, sun on our faces, just touching, like our hands.Understanding the past in order to create the future. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2719
The Feminazis Curious Dispute 4.30pm 5-7 August Etcetera Theatre The Feminazis' juxtaposes a classical duo comedy format with explicit imagery, presenting the question 'how far is too far'? Frustrated with the lack of progression in modern day society regarding gender equality, Sal and Libby decide to take matters into their own hands by creating a terrorist organisation. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2716
The Party Pilgrim Productions 9pm 5-9 August The Cockpit In September 2018, the president's nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, was accused by a woman of sexual assault 36 years earlier. This revelation, broadcast worldwide at a Senate committee hearing, has since become a major cause celebre. 'The Party' by Sam J. Stewart is a 2-act play which re-lives and examines this drama. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2688
Jet Set Go! Pump House CYT 7.30pm 9 – 10 August Theatro Technis A delightful, inventive and witty new musical about 24 hours in the ordinary working life of a transatlantic airline cabin crew; sex, romance, optimism and jaded cynicism are thrown together into a bitchy, campy but essentially tender-hearted cocktail. "A production that’s warm, funny and wonderfully scored” **** The Scotsman. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2720
Love Is... Spitball Theatre Company 9.30pm 9-10 August at London Irish Centre Two women and one non-binary person delve into love, in all its many forms. We all remember our first love, don’t we? Have you tried to block out that painful memory? Does that fleeting eye contact still play on your mind? Featuring movement, music and true stories we take you through loves lost and won. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2698
Fraser Gibson: Self-ish 3.45pm 10-August The Bill Murray Fraser Gibson's debut show is a wrestle with the Self-ish pursuit of being a stand-up comedian. Explained through tall tales, uncanny impressions and a good ol' song or two... A hilarious session of self-therapy! https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2711
Matt Blair – Mattinée 3pm 11 August The Bill Murray An hour of musical comedy, jokes and references from the mind of a movie fanatic. Join Matt on his journey to find out why we love movies so much. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2556
Ordinary Days Pump Priming Productions 7.30pm 11 August Theatro Technis A romance on the rocks, an artist's vision stalled, and a graduates thesis in peril lead four young New Yorkers through a series of humorous and touching musical, intersecting vignettes, as they search for fulfilment, happiness, love and cabs.This melodious one act musical, performed by an award winning cast, is a hidden gem. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2721
Si Deaves - Si's Matters 8pm 11 August Camden Comedy Club Nuclear annihilation!! Brexit?! Rabies?? There are so many issues in the world today, yet Si Deaves still finds time to worry about the little things, in his own unique way. Join Si‚Äôs world as he tackles "inspiration", fears of inadequacy, *that* drunk guy at the pub and much more in his official debut stand-up hour, Si’s Matters. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2722
G(L)ORY Ocular Seven Productions 9pm 11-13 August The Hen and Chickens True crime, murder mystery, serial killer docs, you name it Bobby's binged it. Just like everyone else in the office, so what makes him so different? Through Bobby, we explore the public and media fascination and glorification of violence. Why do we keep watching? https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2712
Be More Bee 12.30pm 13-14 August Etcetera Theatre Feeling broken or lost in a scary world? Looking for a Marie Kondo type, but more Home Counties? Well Bea has got just the ticket to cheer you up. It’s the bees! They’ve got the secret to happiness! Let her guide you through the honey-soaked life-hacks of the British Bee. Preposterous new comedy by Jenni Mackenzie-Jones. With a tombola. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2717
Together For Seven BearFoot 2.30pm 13 – 15 August Etcetera Theatre This is the last place you would expect to find yourself; a police station. You cast your mind back to the good, the bad and the ugly. Teetering on the edge of disaster, wondering whether forgiveness will find you, do you favour the truth or favour yourself? What risks would you take to protect your family when the odds are stacked against you? https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2706
Dougie Dixon: Proper Belter 8pm 13-14 August Camden Comedy Club Meet Dougie Dixon. He's the reality TV star you didn't know you knew. Original TOWIE cast member. As seen on Tipping Point Lucky Stars, Celebs On The Farm (reserve contestant) & Embarrassing Celebrity Bodies. Series winner of The Celebrity Etch-A-Sketch Challenge. Come join Dougie as he launches his first ever debut autobiography; Proper Belter! https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2723
Sam Mitchell: Wham Bam Thank You Sam 9.30pm 13 August The Bill Murray 45 mins of stand up comedy from one of the greats* about growing up**, committing*** and M+M World. * if you ask him ** trying to *** see above. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2707
Faye Treacy is a Work in Progress 8pm 15-17 August Camden Comedy Club As seen on BBC Three and heard on Radio Four, Faye Treacy is back with a new work in progress show. "One of the most unique performances you'll see at the Fringe this year... simultaneously childish, genius and inescapably memorable." **** (1/2) (ShortCom) https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2715
Dan Horrigan's Riot to Heaven Sky or the Bird 8.30pm 16-20 August at Aces and Eights High octane stories from men who would steal the eyes of ya and you wouldn't know until you went to read the paper. Laugh, weep and laugh again as we break into heaven. Raconteuring, storytelling, and theatre of the highest calibre. Second chances are rarer than rocking horse manure so get your ticket before we're off to rob another town. Cheers. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2549
Fatiha El-Ghorri & Katherine Atkinson: Mocking Birds Fat Kat Comedy 4.15pm 18 August at The Bill Murray Join Fatiha El-Ghorri and Katherine Atkinson (both 2017 Funny Women Awards Regional Finalists) for an hour of stand up as Fatiha smashes Muslim stereotypes and challenges you to re-think what you think you know about Islam and Muslims, and Katherine offers up an acerbic, sideways view of motherhood, if she can be bothered. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2728
Dane Baptiste: Work in progress 9.30pm 18 August at The Bill Murray Star of Live at the Apollo (BBC Two), Tonight at the London Palladium (ITV1) and 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (Channel 4) - Join Baptiste as he workshops brand new material for his next tour show. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2727
Red Richardson: Red Notice 8.15pm 21-22, 9pm 23-24 August The Taproom In 2017 Red Richardson left a building in Central London to see thousands of people running down the street screaming, for the next 35 minutes the whole of the country (Thanks to Pop star Ollie Murs tweeting from a basement in H and M) believed it was a terrorist attack. It wasn't. This is an hour of stand up about the human condition in crisis. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2390
Leave this World Alive 9.30pm 21 August at Water Rats 'I hope the exit is joyful' - wrote Frida Kahlo, only days before she died. When was the last time YOU thought about your end? And how does it make you feel? Powerless? Awake? Does it help you appreciate the moment you live in? We will reach out for a topic which brings all these questions on the table: assisted dying - determining our own end. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2731
Nico. No Regrets. 8.30pm 23 August The Chapel Playhouse A show by and with Margherita Remotti in association with Actors East London. Directed by Alberto Barbi. Text by Fernando Coratelli and Margherita Remotti. In this one woman show, we explore the life of Nico, better known as Andy Warhol's superstar, muse and rockstar singer of the Velvet Underground. But you will discover this was only the surface. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2729
The Golden Child William Desmond 5pm 24-25 August The Chapel Playhouse William Desmond has always considered himself the Golden Child. Today, people need to standout in a crowd of hundreds of faces. Will is a twin, and during this 60 minute show he explores what it is like to be in constant competition with his brother. With musical parody and silliness, Will explains being good at everything isn't always the answer. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2718
Ross Drummond & Harry Monaghan: The Orb 5.30pm 25 August The Bill Murray Have you touched The Orb? Want to meet two that have? A mainstay of science, wonder and amazement since its inception in the late 80s, The Orb is science’s greatest invention. What’s its purpose? We’re not sure. Perhaps it merely exists to inspire us. Anything is possible with The Orb. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2709
Darius Tabai: Schrodinger's Mum Comic Quartets Lloyd Langford: New Things (A Work in Progress) Steve McNeil: Video Games
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theactualpilot · 7 years ago
ALL OF THEMMMMM .... mwahaha
1. Are looks important in a relationship?I think they are, you have to be physically attracted to your partner I think2. Are relationships ever worth it?Depends on the relationship mostly. I'd say mine is3. Are you a virgin?No4. Are you in a relationship?Yes5. Are you in love?It's kinda hard for me to actually fall in love, but it's happened before and I'm sure it'll happen again6. Are you single this year?No :)7. Can you commit to one person?Yes definitely8. Describe your crushBrown hair, big brown eyes, shorter than me, adorable smile, hilarious, extremely smart, motivated, takes charge when necessary, doesn't take shit from anyone9. Describe your perfect mateI don't believe in "soul mates" or stuff like that10. Do you believe in love at first sight?No11. Do you ever want to get married?I think so yeah12. Do you forgive betrayal?Kind of13. Do you get jealous easily?Slightly, yes14. Do you have a crush on anyone?Yes my girlfriend15. Do you have any piercings?Nope16. Do you have any tattoos?Nope17. Do you like kissing in public?Yes but not a ton. Not a huge fan of PDA20. Do you shower every day?Every other, it's better for your hair and skin21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?I'd hope so 🤔22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?Probably not, probably focused on studying23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?Duh?24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?I'm not sure25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?I'd like to continue the one I'm in 😂26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?Yes27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?No28. Have you ever been cheated on?Yes29. Have you ever cheated on someone?No30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?No way lmao31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?Who hasnt?32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?Oh yes (from both sides)33. Have you ever had sex with a man?No34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?Yes35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?Yes36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?Yes37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?Oh yeah lol38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?Oh yes39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?Yes definitely40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?No41. Have you had sex so far this year?Yes42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?Oh god it depends. Happens pretty quickly tho43. How long was your longest relationship?6 months I think?44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?4 including current45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?Oh fuck I don't remember!46. How many times did you have sex last year?0 lol47. How old are you?2248. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?uhm rude wtf49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?Eyes and motivation50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?I'm not entirely sure what they'd be apologizing for? Nothing happened worth apologizing for51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?Yes52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?I don't like giving up on people. If they needed something, no matter how long its been since we talked id be there53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?No, everyone's really happy for me54. Is there someone you will never forget?Yes55. Share a relationship story.I don't have any good ones :(56. State 8 facts about your bodyI can't burp, if you touch my collarbone I freak out, I can grow a beard really fast, my back is constantly sore, my eyesights goings I think, I bite my nails, my sense of smell and hearing is excellent57. Things you want to say to an exNothing comes to mind58. What are five ways to win your heart?Be motivated, have a job, be mature, and enjoy talking to me59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)UGHHHHH go on my /tagged/me60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?Only about a year between current one, and all of my previous ones tbh61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?I don't know tbh62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?Show interest in me 😂63. What is your definition of “having sex”?I count oral sex as sex, but pretty much everyone else's definition64. What is your definition of cheating?Flirting with someone who isn't your partner without their knowledge/permission, and anything above that65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?Focusing 100% on my partner to get them turned on, however that may be66. What is your favourite roleplay?I don't know I've never really done display67. What is your idea of the perfect date?Spending time with the person, and doing a bunch of stuff. I like the occasional cuddle and netflix sesh but i get cabin fever very quickly68. What is your sexual orientation?Straight69. What turns you off?Cheating, disinterest70. What turns you on?Lots and lots of things71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?What??72. What words do you like to hear during sex?"I recognize the country of sealandia as a sovereign nation"73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?Spend time with me and send me memes74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?Gotta be shorter than me.75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?my girlfriend got me a lil penguin and sprayed it with her perfume to remind me ofher76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?Wrote them a love letter 😷😷77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?It's fine as long as both are consenting adults78. What’s your dirtiest secret?I don't think I have one tbh79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?It hasn't been lately so I can't remember80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?Last night to my best friend81. Who are five people you find attractive?Bree ❤, Secdef Mattis, the free market system, the good ol' USA, and lady liberty82. Who is the last person you hugged?My mom83. Who was your first kiss with?My friend emily84. Why did your last relationship fail?Distance I think85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?I am ❤❤❤❤❤
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2013-life-calendar-blog · 6 years ago
Camp 2018
Day 3: had a very fun camp fire, I feel so happy. I love hanging out with all of the people from Europe they are super funny! Met some of the cooks who are also nice. Sang campfire songs and chatted all night. The sky had so many stars. Got to witness multiple people having their first roasted marshmallow ever (Lizzy and Sophie).
Day 4 a person from Costa Rica was supposed to get antihypertensives before he came but he never went. Came in with chest pain. We couldn't find the bp cuff so searched for it. Took his blood pressure and it was super high so he told him to sit down. Measured it again and it went down + his chest pain went away. We were worried that we would have to call 911. Asked other nurses for antihypertensives but we don't have that here. They told their supervisors and said we had to wake up Sadie (which was annoying, and we just thought it was angina so we didn't wake her up).
Day 5: enjoyed the sunshine, worked out, played basket ball which was super fun!!!!! Got closer w everyone.
Day 8:
Very fun chatted with auggie and em all night about his girls and life
me and 2 of my friends were in the kitchen at like 11 just eating strawberries with chocolate cause my friends (auggie) is the baker for the camp. Basically tom Thomson (from the group of 7) got murdered on this lake and his body was found ON MY ISLAND. Anyways so we were talking about him and the lights in the kitchen started flickering. We then made a joke saying ouuu it's probs tom Thompson and I was like Emily pass my my phone incase tom shuts off the lights. Then I was saying how once when I was younger we asked for a sign from playing ouiji and the phone went off the hook. Then all of a sudden right after I said that the power went out in the kitchen so we were in the pitch black and it went out on the whole island. But it wasn't raining or anything so there was no reason for it to go out.
8. today in the morning I was like my brain was playing tricks on me after that last night I kept hearing someone walking behind our cabin (which is rocks and water so no one would be back there) and she was like WHAT THE FUCK I heard that too and just thought I was imagining it so I didn't say anything last night
Also went on a canoe trip I portaged the canoe on my shoulders alone for the first time it was so fun v proud of myself. Also learned how to stern the canoe. Learned about different things: cedar tread high in vitamin C, the British were dying of scurvy and asked the aboriginal ppl for help and they showed them to make Cedar tea. Ate wild blueberry leaves (tasted like ripe blueberries and have all of the antioxidants in them that blueberries do), wintergreen leaves (good in tea very minty), can use the sap from a cedar tree to help make a fire, its very sticky!!
July 17- so far it's been very busy. Dealt with an asthma exacerbation. Had Frankie a cute little girl who was obsessed with me always coming in for hugs (I miss her). Did 2 lice parties, one with 4 older girls (took 6 hours) one with 3 younger girls. Mikayla got a boyfriend at home wooo, but the guy here that likes her is sad. There's a nest and 3 little eggs hatched eggwardo Shelton and birdidette. 3 girls in inferm are so nice, chloe is very chill. Georgia and Sasha are hilarious!!!! Went sailing with Georgie and Mikayla and had the best time ever!!!!!!!!! I was so so happy. Javier said he misses me and started sending me hearts AHHHH he's so cute!!!!!!!!! Got to run a sexual health talk about STIs, contraception etc. I'm so happy and love it here
June 28 sat and played cards with Nikki Sophie, lizzy, and Emily on the diving tower. had the staff auction today which was so funny people spent $80 to make their friend chug a coke in front of the crowd, they did a big talk about raccoons at ahmek and had a big thing hiding behind the tarp. Then they took the tarp down and it was a door to the guys cabin. One dude bet $800 to get his door back. Another bet $1400 to get his walkie talkie LOl so funny
July 29- today was wild a 19 year old girl thought she may be pregnant I gave her a pregnancy test and it came back positive. She was super excited but anxious about telling her mom. I got to experience this for the first time which was cool and something I've never done before. Also a camper said she fainted for 30 mins in the past, she said she faints 1-2 times a day when doing lots of activity. She isint on any bp meds but takes 6-8 grams of salt a day. None of this was on camper files. She leaves on trip tomorrow. Said she had to stop swimming cause she thought she may faint. Had to interview her and got an extensive history took her standing and sitting bp, checked heart rate and stats. Relayed the info to doctor sarah and she said I did a great job, wooohoooo
July 30- camper FAKES having heart palpitations and fainting for 30 mins. We hold her back from trip and her dad fucking says she's lying about everything and her symptoms are nonsense.
August 2nd - best day at camp ever. We got to put sparkles all over us for campchella. Jermey had them all over his beard(the resident). We are snow cones, went on bouncy castles, hit eachother off these stands with big poles,  did karaoke to don't stop believing (with the med staff) and went on the slip in slide which was so friggen fun!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy :)
August 8th- this 7 year old girl had been found on the ground after fainting multiple (around 4) times, her vitals and blood sugar were normal. We had called her parents cause we were very concerned I asked a counsellor to watch her faint, and turns out she was just falling on the ground and pretending to faint loooool. She braced herself and would squint her eyes. We told her that if it continued she would have to stay in the infirm. I participated in the bouleé which is a canoe race. Our time was 15 mins 13 seconds. We then dunked our canoe and played on the water tramp with the sun setting a magnificent pink, it was so beautiful and fun. I'm so happy
August 9 The bar was so great, they had a computer plugged into a speaker so we got to YouTube the songs we wanted and be our own DJs. The bus ride was also so fun!!!!! We had to paddle from the island to the bus. On the way back it was so dark, there are lights all over the lake and one of the lights is our camp so it was a big challenge trying to figure out how to get home. Also in the middle of the lake Mikayla and I were paddling and then all of a sudden tipped over by accident. It was so weird cause we didn't even feel wobbly but then we were in the water with all of our stuff, our rain jackets on and shoes. It was very funny, we both were dying laughing. We had to do a T rescue so that we could get back in our canoe cause it was filled with water. I was very smart though cause I made sure my purse was strapped on before we left just incase we tipped and I also put mine and mikayla's phones in a ziplock bag (go drunk shea!!!!). Then we got home and ate Cheetos and chocolate. It was a great night!!!!! Still getting chirped by everyone for tipping
August 11- went to boots and hearts!!!! Had so much friggen fun! A nice cute man named Jordan saved our lives cause our dick head cab driver wouldn't drive us to line 7. Chilled w the pals, saw Vince connor and Liam which was nice. The gals were super pumped to see me. We played frizzy bat, lots of drinking games and chatted. Saw Parker Jackson and he told me he is still in love w me, we dated 4 years ago how peculiar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 13- today was my last intake day, very bittersweet feeling!!!!!! It went by so quickly, only 1 person had lice (much better than our 10 person staff lice party). We got to swim and I paddle boarded with the tocos they are so cute!! I also played this or that while the kids jumped in the water. Today was a great chill day. One toco broke her tooth in half on a rock, she didn't even cry or anything (very proud). For treating a poison ivy rash all over this girl's body we are using prednisone, you have to be careful and slowly taper this medication. She started with 30 mg once a day and then went down to 20 mg once a week. Rash is causing burning and pain, it went away but 3 days later it came back so we had to give her more prednisone.  
Aug 14
Good day got to relax in the sun and swim. Started making my paddle, it is hard work!!! The girl with the poison Ivy's rash continued spreading. they think she may have a hypersensitivity to the meds and this is a delayed reaction of it. She took 20 mg of reactine and 50 mg benadryl. We will see if this helps
Aug 15
The camper from before with the "heart palpitations" is back. She said that she had heart palpitations twice on trips and then listed the 2nd 4th and 5th day??¿ she said the last time she fainted was 2 weeks ago doing a science experiment when the last time we spoke to her it was kayaking and then playing tennis with her brother. Before she said she fainted for 30 mins 2 years ago, now she's saying it happened 1 month ago??? This girl is FUCKED. I'm so angry that she keeps doing this. a girl in her cabin fell off of a horse, so they think she is doing it so that she gets some attention back. I'm going to scream.
August 19th
Council ring
Where are you mike? I'm right here pat,*bonk with sock*
August 20th
Got to watch all of the 50 days paddle in, was so wholesome, very proud of them. Georgia came and gave me a big hug awwwww!!! Wait nvm lmao the doctor found a louse on my fucking ear, must've been from Georgia hahahaha, that's okay still such a good day. Then watched the final play which was AMAZING momma Mia was so good!!! Then went to a dance which was so LIT, everyone was in a small circle inside tables. A girl got hit in the head with a jug and was bleeding everywhere, cleaned her head and tonja applied glue. Contacted parents
August 22nd
Was trying to say boo or bubs accidentally called emily boobs lmao, did inventory got to pop some staff infection wounds like pimples which was AWESOME!!! Mikayla and I are brain dead and hyper and laughing about the stupidest s things hahaha. Did inventory and lots of intakes of kids from trip. Game night final banquet was SO FUN!!!!! Had mozzarella sticks, guac, enchiladas, spinach dip and lots more. Monopoly would go around putting people in jail and everyone would stand up and diss eachother. One of ours to chess was there ain't now yawns on us their ain't no yawns on us there may be yawns on you pawns but their ain't no yawns on us CHECKMATE! Giant mosquito attacked me wahhhh.
Finished inventory. Rose fainted in the canoe was hyperventilating had to calm her down. Mikayla threw tape at me and I threw my phone across the room on the floor to catch the tape
Cute things campers have said
-Willa: comes to infirm and says arm hurts counsellor says what, you said your leg hurts! Then Willa goes it moves, oh look now it's in my tummy.... ouch now it's in my neck.
-evy: says she can't see and won't focus on me and says: where are we?? Counsellors scared that she has heat stroke. I take her with me to the inferm and she is limping walking really slow and saying she's going to faint. Keeps asking where she is. Then I say don't be homesick you only have 7 days left. She stands up normally and says 9 then starts limping and saying she can't see again lmaooo.
-Christina: health checks we ask her if she's been sick at all in the last month, she thinks for a few seconds and says I'm positive I had diarrhea once then pauses and says ya I'm positive. Then she leaves and we hear her counsellors say: don't lie to the nurses. Then we see her running back to the door and she frantically knocks on the door and says: I didn't have diarrhea
-Christina- gets belly button cleaned because she has an infection. She always comes in and lifts her shirt up so she can get it cleaned and today she walked and and pulled down her pants and then goes oops I forgot
-Greer: see at first I would have said that you saying my nose will get bigger if I like wasn't true but like... you're a nurse so you know
it's like chill
me:" so what happens when you eat red food colouring, how are you allergic to it?" Her: " I get aggressive" me: "what do you mean by that" her: "I get violent"
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crashpaddiaries · 8 years ago
Dear Crashpad Diary #34
Yooooooo beasts… hahah whats the story??
I´ll write this one down to have the last few bit of the trip registered… we actually are atm in Dublin… enjoying the new life… having a blast and organizing pretty much everything hehehe
yep… coming back takes time, energy and some mind work hehehe
well… lets go back few pages… I´ll tell yas what happened during our last weeks of the trip in Thailand… plus… we can grab all the awesome energy we were accumulating there!! =)
So… after the fantastic days we had in Pai, enjoying the altitude, the weather a little more chill, the beautiful nature and all the days of the street market… the one you start in one side of the street electing the food you´ll get and at the other end you´ll have so many dishes and snacks already chosen in your had that you have to go through the list a second or a third time and chat loads with your conscience in order to get the food you want not the ones your eyes chose! hahahahaha
And off we went driving the same route… 762 curves back… no one got sick… actually in a bike it´s quite hard getting motion sickness… I, instead, got some bee coming towards us when we were at prob 60-70 km/h and bit me… yep… thats it… the bee came as a bullet ready to make me suffer!! that little bastard!! hahaha
The animals that day were mad… we almost crashed into a crab that was crossing the bridge… haha it sounds crazy but… it´s Thailand!! hahaha
We had to go back to Chiang Mai to get the train… we had already the tickets of the night train to Bangkok… what a great one… we slept well… enjoyed the trip and could relax before getting to the Big City!!
Bangkok, as usual is great… noisy… big… hectic… full of possibilities… options to have fun… and parks… many of them! As we had been there in the past we went for the different attractions and quite started settling down… we needed some time to calm down after all the “jumping from one place to the other kind of trip”!
The parks in there have open-air gyms and we frequented pretty often… we had to get started going back to our normal life right?? And the best option is getting healthier and stop eating all the shit stuff available and that you really don’t care much while traveling hahaha
But be careful peeps…. if you’re exercising, you should look for assistance from a pro if you´re not used or don´t know what to do… cuz we saw some weird drills going on in those open-air free gyms!! Of course, you get the same weird people exercising back in Europe as well… in fact I´ve seen many doing moves that will… at some point… injure badly the person…. mainly guys doing wrong… because if the instructors at the gyms see a pretty girls doing wrong…. they will “professionally” help her correcting the posture… merely because it´s their job!! haha
Among all those “breaking bad” exercises, the ones that stick to my mind are the old man that works out chest 5 days consecutively and the guys that was trying to grow a six pack in his neck…. cuz man… that´s defo not a workout for core…. he was moving his head up and down only!! hahahahah No joking now…. I´ve seen these type of exercises here in Ireland too…. it might be getting hyper!! hahahaha Way to go peeps…. the 6 pack protecting your jugular artery is the trendy!! hahahaha
Talking about weird people… we had the unpleasant experience of sharing a room with a guy that… on the night before his departure (which would be at 5am)… he decided go for a marathon of packing…. he was incredibly packing and unpacking his belongings for the whole night…. I´m not even kidding…. he spent literally the whole night getting ready to his trip…. and the worse is that he did that just outside the room… opening and closing the door every fucking minute hahahah If only he had loads of bags… but spend the entire night doing that with one bag must be quite boring for him!! haha And for us… the sleepy people inside the room…. twas a nightmare hehe oh well…. when you get a dorm it happens though!! =)
You have to be prepared to pretty much everything…. people are amazing!! And they can be awesome for the good or the bad… its a matter of lucky…. but you´ll certainly have fun!! Either or!! haha
Speaking about joy…. we had so much rain the last days in Bangkok…. seemed that the weather Gods wanted prep us to our time back to Ireland haha …. but that was awesome in fact… it is so good the warm rain down there… =)
During the entire trip I´ve been asked how was the life in Ireland with all the rain and stuff… and I always say that people complain too much… the rain is not bad as the rumours… Funny enough… since I came back… in 8 days I got 7 rainy ones!! hahahahah
As we had some days left before heading home, we decided of going in a last adventure… to Ayutthaya… an old city… full of temples pretty close to Bangkok and man… it is worth it!
The Place is just by the river… the temples give it a different atmosphere… Bangkok have´em too… but if you consider the size of the city… Ayutthaya has a concentration of ancient architecture that impress… adding up… the small night market and the people, it all made the experience sweet!!
And bitter at the same time… hehe as this one would be the last trip of the biggest adventure… 11 months of tripping, smiles and love sharing, people, foods… was coming to its end...
We took the train back to Bangkok… incredibly cheap once again…. and as usual… we had to experience the normal life… commuting with the locals gives you a different perspective of the country!
And hilarious facts too… during the trip we were photographed by a local photographer that was taking pics of the station and asked us to pose for him hehe but the best story happened during the trip… I was sharing my seat with an old and huge scale that belonged to the lady selling fruits veggies and all while bringing them to the capital… I was sitting facing the window, listening some podcast and enjoying the way the trees and small cabins were steady while we´re moving but sometimes I would imagine them moving while we were steady…
Funny thoughts going on when, suddenly, some mangoes passed by my head flying through the window.. but I could even feel the wind they created passing close enough to my ears…. I look back and there was the old lady separating the good mangoes and shooting the “not good ones” at whatever was outside the train hehehe PS…. as a mango freak… I would defo eat the ones she was disposing!! (I needed to highlight that for some reason!! haha)
So… after a photo shoot and mango shoot we were back to the big city…
This time of the year the rains are often and you´ll get wet… don’t worry! But the good part is that the water is not cold at all… one must enjoy that type of rain… I loved =) such a great feeling going out… close your eyes and just let the drops and its lack of pattern hit your skin for a while… =)
What is not enjoyable though… is the way coming and going everywhere when it rains… when you add water to that city and its causeways… you get a huuuuuuge iceskating rink as a result… haha it gets seriously dangerous!! The ground becomes so slippery that you must forget about your concept of waking and need to start applying all your skill you gathered during your years of skating/iceskating/inlineskating/snowboarding… and if you´d never done… don´t worry… you can start practicing the most popular sport during the rain season in Thailand… the Water Skating!! BTW… the Converse All-stars are the best for that kinda sport!! hehe
Off course you´ll see many many many peeps failing and ending up in the middle of the street with bleeding knees as so on… but as the philosopher says… there is no way to get better in sth if you don’t struggle!! hehehe
I was thinking of writing an End to the trip… you know… grabbing our bags… taking the uber at 5 am to the airport… enjoying the “awesome” inflight meals…. the movies and the huge spiral of feelings related to the trips… the thoughts of the future and the certainty that amazing things are coming….
However... as life is THE TRIP…. I just wanna emphasize my infinite gratitude and paraphrase Douglas Adams… DON´T PANIC!! =)
Have fun beasts and see you soon around carrying smiles, good vibes, my crashpad and.. a towel! hehe
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katkershaw-blog · 8 years ago
It was like everything off the movies.. except on steroids. Kids running wild, cabins by the lake, jet skis, rock climbing walls, dirt buggies, lazer tag. SMORES. You name it, we did it. It truly was like living in a movie.
Don’t get me wrong, there were ups and downs. Nights where I had three hours sleep, days it was so hot and humid I had no energy left, sessions off spent in bed eating M&m’s with Mandy shedding tears.
Goodness me, so many tears. Happy and sad tears. Tired and hangry tears. But it was worth it. So bloody worth it. 
At the end of week one my fellow colleagues voted me as the star counsellor of the week, sounds pretty standard right? Nah bol. That shit means so much in the crazy camp life bubble, I remember my name being called- not expecting it at all. Can you guess what I did? Correct. I cried. 
Anywho, as part of winning this award you get a this hilarious star necklace that you have to wear 24/7. Going for a swim? Don’t lose it. Showering? Keep it on. Day off? Look like a idiot for the day. But as much of a hinderance it could be (Like being strangled in your sleep?) you wore that shit with pride. The honour to be chosen outweighed everything else, it was such a magical second week being able to look down and be reminded of that special star and remember why it was there and to go that little bit extra for the kids because it was the little things that made the difference. 
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Helen (With her beana award from rockblock) and Myself with the star on our day off, celebrating in good old Maritas
As the weeks went on I gained more (Weight... curse you american food..) and more confidence in my counselling and in myself, so many girls came through the camp gates and touched my life in different ways and I hope that I made an impact on them too. The weeks started to merge together, I was getting behind on my diary and before I knew it week eight was sliding on in. I loved the people I was surrounded with and had a support system out of this world. However, week eight was a struggle, we had a cabin that didn’t quite blend and particular issues that started to really drag us down, it was my first real issue that I had to deal with that I didn’t quite have the expertise, I remember on the Wednesday Dance, rushing from the boathouse to the office trying to get things in check, and in my hurry I remember counsellors looking serious and whispering to one another and rushing off, although my mind was else where I thought it was odd, even mentioned it to one of the returners who just shook his head and said he couldn’t say. Stunned, before I knew it Danny was pulling me aside saying I needed to go to the office. Dread. Fuck, what had I done? Or worse, what had happened? An odd group of us piled into the conference room, seated across from us was my waterfront director and Ren, the life director. She proceeded to ask why we thought we’d be brought here and if anyone wanted to confess anything? I shat myself. Few moments of silence went by. Fudge. Thank god, she couldn’t keep a straight face and before we could say anything pizza was flung onto the table and they were laughing saying they wanted to thank us for all of our hard work. There I was, face painted and dressed up as a dorky tourist, crying over free pizza and relief from not messing up! If you’d explained that scene to me on week one, I would have laughed “Yeah right”. But its that Green Magic I was telling you about, as hard as I can try explain it it will never do it justice, but it’s a thing, and it’s life changing.
It’s crazy what camp can do, I changed so much over those 10 weeks. My way of thinking changed, from the environment and the positive people who were with me for the journey with me. I now genuinely live with a can do attitude, realising the only person who can create change is me. And the only way to get something is to do it, or change something. If you ever get a chance to participate in a program like Camp America, I urge you to do it. Go, with an open mind and learn. 
Believe me, you’ll never look back.
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