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banned-from-kansas · 3 months ago
CB one of the best characters of all time… miss you already (this is what happens when you spend a whole day without listening to CB)
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thisismondaymood · 2 years ago
Headcanons on how StEx characters would react if you give them an energy drink:
Pearl: pretends to not like drinking that kind of stuff but actually enjoys it
Greaseball: pretends to handle the caffeine quite well but throws up when no one is looking
Rusty: he'd either be hyper af (like a kid that ate too much sugar) and a bit sassier or cries his eyes out
Poppa/mama: starts using caffeine to compensate everyday life (just like most adults)
Flattop: he's almost caffeine resistant and even feels sleepy
Caboose (CB and AV): gets hyperactive af and goes feral (there might also be the risk of him stabbing someone with random pointy objects)
Canoose (BV): gets super confident first but has a mental breakdown as soon as the caffeine is broken down by the body
Dustin: takes one sip, finds it disgusting and touches that can never again
The rockies: battle eachother who can drink the most cans
Electra: zaps uncontrollably
Elektra: claims that he can handle that bit of caffeine but shuts down after half a can
Components: are too worried about Elektras condition to feel any difference
Dinah: giggles constantly
Belle (sleeping car): feels more youthful than everyone else
Ashley: she'd probably be very chatty and uses the can as an ashtray
Trax: feel happy and serene for once in their life
Control: gives his parents a hard time
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margaret-the-sylvia · 2 years ago
I give you one week
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eltristanexplicitcontent · 3 months ago
The End Of The Line. This story aired on NBC Nightly News about the last cabeese in 1988
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silverdgolden · 2 months ago
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Tiny little caboose Wrench… he looks COMPLETELY different which was kinda the goal but yeah!!!! Wrench lore since the people for the most part don’t know on here:
Wrench used to be a caboose and worked freight work with his family, though after an accident where a shipping container was dropped on him he had to be converted, and when he got converted he also decided to become a medcar, which had always wanted to be!!!
Anyways, he’s my silly, love Wrench🫶
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marastriker · 2 years ago
Which Caboose (AV,CB,BV) would need therapy the most?
AV is fine. And set in his ways anyway, he probably wouldn't even think he needed it. (And also he's no longer around in my headcanon 😔)
I think in my headcanon CB needs it the most...he ran away and tried to forget every bad thing that happened to him and never sat down to process it. He already had some developmental trouble as a kid, and now, he just has trouble seeing reality the same way as an average train.
It's been hard for him to maintain relationships and jobs due to this issue - hopping yards and trying to convince everyone there that he is friendly and there to help. Even if that's not always how he feels.
I'm going to have CB and BV reunite at some point and I think Bee will encourage him to seek help - because BV is trying to be better, and he wants better for his brother too.
It might be a bit of a hassle, but.
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princeelectra · 2 months ago
thank you, I also ship myself with CB <3
I ship Electra and CB but only like old electra
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ghoulchurch · 3 months ago
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various cabeese (plural of caboose) gifs
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m1dgemodge · 4 days ago
They stop you while walking in an alley what are you doing?
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THE CABEESE CIRCLE ⭕️ ‼️‼️ (and Slick again lol)
Link to the og circle here!! :3
Also I love giving all the Freight members nose rings teehee
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that-railfan · 2 months ago
Guys, guys, the reason CB isn't the one causing accidents before is OBVIOUSLY because it was getting hard to blend in with less and less cabooses (cabeese? cabi ?) in service, so he had to teach Slick all he knew 🤷
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princeelectra · 3 months ago
AHAUHAUSHSJ OK FIRST: I agree with every single word used for BV, I like to think that that ugly thing never existed, he lacks so much in personality and style cof-
Second: How could you describe OG CB P E R F E C T L Y? Everything isn't even a headcanon anymore, it's CANON RIGHT FREAKING NOW.
Third: Electra, CB, and Greaseball insanely fighting for the last gel/pomade/hairspray left on the yard.
Fourth: HEYYYY SUSPENDERS AREN'T BAD!!!!!!!!!! * *Hides my ugly suspenders* *
Fifth: Probably Electra hates heat too!!! I can't see him getting close to anyone mildly sweaty, and the heat hate makes sense when he has a freezer truck around him everyday---
sixth: HIHIHIHIHIH CB......... PRETTY IDIOT...... * twirling my hair*
C.B. headcanons because I'm insane about him!!!!
(productions will be specified if needed ^^)
Original London Cast C.B.
He sometimes forgets that he's not on radio and uses 10-codes while talking to people face to face
He has dyed his mustache before for the rockies when they were 'younger' (or however trains age)
Always has a small comb in his pocket even though he never uses it bc of his hat lmao
He loves 80s slang sm and is always using it. He says tubular and radical unironically and thats kind of iconic
He is SUCH a morning person! It's almost annoying how early he gets up and moving. He is out of the house by 6a and he just has to meander the tracks bc no one is up and work doesn't start until 8a
Pre-2018 Bochum Caboose
He wears suspenders and its so so bad. The ugliest things you've ever laid eyes on
TMI doesn't exist between him and Dinah.
^ Off of that: They've been friends since she arrived at the yard! I like to imagine that they got there around the same time, maybe Caboose a few months before
Seasonal depression like a mf but in the summer. He HATES the summer sm because he doesn't like the heat, and then he and his partner (either Electra or Greaseball bc i can't pick) can't cuddle without sweating to death
The can of pomade hates to see him coming. He uses so much, frankly TOO much, product in his hair. It's like a ritual that he takes like half an hour to do his maybe 6 inches of hair.
He isn't a morning person. Unlike OLC c.b., you cannot get him up before 8 and he is late to work almost, if not every day. How he hasn't been fired is a question no one can find the answer to.
im not doing B.V. because I strongly dislike him🩷 (im working on it but its so hard to like him when olc cb and caboose are right there) (im sorry bv likers😔)
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thatredcaboose · 12 days ago
Electra asked me what the plural of a Caboose was... what do I even say!? Cabooses?! Cabeese?! I need answers!
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captainmvf · 8 months ago
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Some cabeese plus Slick Oil ❤️❤️💙💛
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green-planets · 6 months ago
StEx Appreciation Month Day 5: Electra!
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Face Claim: Leon Maurice-Jones
Favourite Song/Scenes: AC/DC (the versions where he descends from the sky are so funny! Buddy, you're a train. What were you doing up there?), No Comeback ("EAT MY DUST!!"), ORARTM (the kiss boot), when he throws a tantrum during Dinah's Disco
Favourite Costumes: Bochum mid 2000’s to 2018. The perfect Electra costume should have big hair, long lashes, bold makeup, and look like a glitter bomb went off. I also like the early Bochum wigs that swoop to one side
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Electra x Greaseball, Electra x Greaseball x Red Caboose, Electra x Components. His friends are the Cabeese and the Components (and Dinah post-canon)
Headcanons: He is fluent in English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese. He probably knows several other languages too but he mainly uses them to impress others and/or flirt.
Unpopular Opinion: Out of all the StEx antagonists, he's by far the least "evil" (and that word should be taken with a grain of salt-- I don't believe any StEx characters are truly evil)
Bonus round: Elektra!
Face Claim: Semme Prins
Favourite Song/Scenes: AC/DC, Beelektra moments 🥺, his little temper tantrums are funny and I like the way his wig swishes around whenever he moves
Favourite Costumes: I love the LED panels on his costume! They look really cool when he's fully lit. The monochrome looks so good when he's lined up with his components!
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Elektra x Brake Van
Headcanons: Mood ring Elektra!!! (his lights change colors based on his mood)
Unpopular Opinion: His costume isn't bad (?!) or boring just because it's monochrome!
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kibber-cat · 11 months ago
I made a compilation for some cabeeses that i quite enjoy 👀
in order of appearance:
Andrew Prosser on 2013 Live Bochum
Michael Staniforth on the 1983 London Cast Recording
Kapa Kitchen on 1998 Live Bochum
Paul Finocchiaro Los Vegas 1996 (I think?)
Todd Lester on Broadway 1989
I kinda outed myself w/ this one but yall prolly knew that already (Andrew and Kapa are so good as caboose oh my lawd)
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marastriker · 2 years ago
my gripe with new stex fans is treating BV the exact same as his predecessor, CB. like no. Please. They have different personalities
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