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Billy Porter and Cabaret’s Emcee, Eddie Redmayne at The Carlyle Hotel, NYC
Source broadway.com
Thanks to Jenny Anderson photographer!!
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IAMX - Big Man
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Serçenin Gözyaşı (2023)
Serçenin Gözyaşı (2023) #AysunAkyuz #UgurGunes #EzgiSenler #YesimSalkim #SoydanSoydas #ArzuCabar Mehr auf:
Tears of the SparrowJahr: 2023 (Oktober) Genre: Drama Regie: Aysun Akyüz Hauptrollen: Uğur Güneş, Ezgi Şenler, Yeşim Salkım, Soydan Soydaş, Arzu Cabar, Evren Erler, Kubilay Penbeklioğlu, Bilge Şen … Filmbeschreibung: Emine ist eine Frau, die ständig von ihrem Ehemann Mustafa misshandelt und vergewaltigt wird. Eines Tages, als Emine versucht, den Misshandlungen ihres Ehemanns zu entkommen,…
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'The Annunciation' Stob nan Cabar, Glen Coe, Scotland
📸 Damian shields
#Damian Shields#damianshields.com#The Annunciation#Stob nan Cabar#Glencoe#Scotland#Highlands#Amazing#Beautiful#Nature#Travel#Adventure
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Ini adalah pengalaman seks ku dengan cikgu sendiri. Nama cikgu tu, Cikgu Alinda (bukan sepenuhnya nama sebenar dia). Cikgu Alinda ialah seorang isteri yang dah beranak tiga. Suami dia bisnes. Umur dia Cikgu Alinda dalam lingkungan 25 tahun. Anak dia kecil lagi.
Aku dah lama target nak buat seks dengan cikgu ni. Cuma masa dan keadaan saja belum mengizinkan. Kalau di sekolah, murid-murid cukup syok tengok kat teteknya yang begitu mantap tertonjol. Aku selalu membayangkan aku tengah nyonyot tetek dia yang besar tu. Punggungnya yang melentik tu pulak berdenyut-denyut ke kiri dan ke kanan semasa dia berjalan. Manalah tak gila murid-muridnya bila dapat modal melancap yang sebegitu menarik.
Satu hari aku mula beranikan diri kerana aku dicabar oleh rakan ku agar buat seks dengan cikgu Cikgu Alinda. Mereka cabar aku kalau aku berjaya buat seks dengan Cikgu Alinda, diaorang akan bagi awek mereka kat aku.
Aku pun setuju. Aku mula rancang strategi. Mula mula aku cakap nak tuisyen dengan dia sebab nak PMR. Lagipun dia mengajar mata pelajaran sains. Dia kata boleh dengan kadar bayaran RM30 sebulan. Dia tidak tahu lagi bahawa itu hanya alasan untuk aku pantat pukinya.
Aku senyum terangguk-angguk bila dia mengatakannya pada ku. Bagi aku, itu hanyalah bermakna dia telah bersetuju menyewakan pukinya pada ku dengan harga RM30 sebulan. Tak ku sangka begitu murahnya nilai pantat cikgu aku tu. Jalang kelas tiga pun taklah semurah itu harganya.
Pada pagi Sabtu, bermulalah tuiysen aku dengan dia. Aku datang kat rumah dia. Biasa lah…. first time masa tu. Masa tuisyen pun tak betul. Dia suruh datang pukul sembilan tapi masa tu dia pun belum mandi lagi. Kerana dah tak bersabar nak dapat pantat, aku ni pulak awal awal lagi dah datang. Pukul 8.45 aku dah sampai. Dia jemput aku masuk. Aku pun masuklah. Aku tinjau tinjau kat dalam rumah dan tengok anak dia tak ada.
“Cikgu Alinda baik ni,” bisik hati kecil ku.
Aku tanya dia kenapa anak dia tak ada. Dia cakap dia tak suka ada ramai orang.
“Nanti bising,” katanya.
“Sebab itulah kau seorang jer tuisyen dengan cikgu,” ujarnya lagi.
Aku hanya mengangguk jer. Dia kata, dia nak mandi dulu. Jadi aku pun duduk ajelah kat sofa. Hampir lima minit dia mandi. Aku dah dapat membayangkan macam mana cikgu Cikgu Alinda mandi. Sambil tunggu aku urut-urut adik aku yang dalam seluar ni.
Tiba-tiba ku dengar air dalam bilik mandi ditutup. Dia keluar bilik air dengan hanya berkemban tuala jer. Nampaknya jejak awal perancangan ku dah mula nak menjadi. Aku dapat lihat betapa putihnya peha Cikgu Alinda. Dia pun berlari lari anak sambil bergerak masuk ke dalam bilik tidurnya.
Bila dah selesai mengenakan pakaian, barulah dia keluar dari bilik. Dia cuma pakai skirt pendek atas paras lutut dengan berbaju “T” yang boleh aku nampak akan coli hitam yang dipakainya.
Dia pun mulalah mengajar aku. Apa lagi, mata aku tak lekang dari memandang teteknya itu. Mana tidaknya, punat dia pun aku boleh nampak. Giler habis adik aku tu! Tercacak bukan main keras lagi.
Apabila dah tak tahan rasanya, aku beritahu Cikgu Alinda (dia yang suruh panggil Cikgu Lin kerana lebih manja) yang aku nak ke tandas kejap. Tujuan aku ke bilik air tu sebab aku dah tak boleh kontrol lagi. Wajib mesti melancap dulu.
Aku pun masuklah ke dalam bilik air. Tapi sengaja aku tak tutupkan pintunya. Malahan aku biarkan pintu tersebut ternganga seluas yang mungkin.
Aku mula melucutkan pakaian ku satu persatu. Akhirnya aku berkeadaan telanjang bulat tanpa seurat benang pun pada tubuh ku. Aku kutip semua pakaian aku dan sorokkan di luar bilik air tu. Lepas tu aku masuk semula ke dalam bilik air.
Apa lagi, batang aku yang dah lama terpacak tu mulalah aku hayunkan dengan tangan. Sambil melancap aku mengadap tepat ke muka pintu. Bila dah cukup stim, aku pun melaung laung nama Cikgu Alinda. Aku tau Cikgu Alinda pasti datang kerana dia risaukan ada apa-apa yang dah terjadi.
Apabila muncul saja dia di depan aku, jawabnya makin sedaplah aku melancapkan konek. Cikgu Alinda pula bukan main terperanjat lagi bila melihat aku berkeadaan serba bogel sambil tangan ku rancak menghayun konek ku yang keras. Dengan mulutnya yang ternganga-nganga dia tercegat berdiri di depan aku.
Aku tahu dia telah dilanda satu macam kejutan. Masa tu kewarasan akalnya seolah-olah jadi buntu. Dia tercegat kaku sambil berdiri melihatkan keadaan aku.
Dari reaksinya yang macam tu, nampaknya tak perlulah aku melancap sampai terpancut air mani. Sebab aku rasa sudah ada peluang air mani tu boleh aku pancutkan kat dalam pantat cikgu. Tapi aku perlu bijak mempergunakan kebingungannya itu bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut.
Pantas aku menghampiri Cikgu Alinda dan mencapai tangannya. Puhhh… punyalah lembut jari dia. Memang sedap kalau disalutkankan pada konek aku. Apa lagi, aku pun buatlah macam tu. Berdenyut denyut konek aku bila jari jemari Cikgu Alinda melingkari konek aku.
Kemudian dia seolah-olah cuba nak lepaskan jarinya dari situ. Tapi…. cubaannya tu terlalu lemah. Mudah saja hasrat itu aku menafikan. Lama kelamaan dia nampak macam sudah mengaku kalah. Berjaya juga aku memukau ketaatannya.
Lepas tu barulah aku berani suruh dia jilat konek aku. Pada mulanya dia mengeleng-gelengkan kepala sebagai isyarat tak nak. Pada masa tu Cikgu Alinda sedang berdiri.
Perlahan-lahan aku pun tekan bahunya ke bawah sampai dia terpaksa melutut di depan kangkang aku. Masa tu mulutnya betul-betul separas dengan konek aku. Jaraknya pula tak sampai 10 cm.
Aku pegang kepalanya kemas kemas. Kemudian aku tarik kepala Cikgu Alinda merapati konek aku. Bibirnya ku gesel geselkan pada konek aku. Semakin lama semakin kasar ku lakukan.
Cikgu Alinda cuba membuka mulutnya sedikit untuk mengatakan sesuatu. Tapi tak sempat suaranya keluar, aku dah sumbatkan kepala konek aku ke dalam mulutnya yang terbuka itu. Bila kepala konek dah masuk, jawabnya senanglah aku membenamkan keseluruhan konek aku tu ke dalam mulutnya. Pipi Cikgu Alinda nampak terkemut-kemut kerana mulutnya terpaksa menerima muatan konek aku.
Mula-mula tu dia nampak macam kena paksa aje. Kadang-kadang dia cuba tertindak untuk bebaskan mulutnya dari terpaksa kulum konek aku. Tapi cubaannya tu memanglah gagal sebab kepala Cikgu Alinda memang dah aku pegang kemas. Cukup seronok tengok muka cikgu yang paling cantik kat sekolah tu terpaksa berputingkan konek aku kat mulutnya.
Lama kelamaan barulah aku rasakan ada respon yang terbit dari kerelaannya sendiri. Agaknya rasa konek aku tu dah mula serasi dengan selera mulutnya. Maka aku pun perlahan-lahanlah melepaskan kepala Cikgu Alinda yang kemas aku pegang tadi. Tapi mulutnya masih juga setia pada konek aku.
Aku mengorak senyum bangga. Cikgu Alinda kini sudah sangat menyukai konek aku. Bercerup cerap bunyi kerakusan Cikgu Alinda menghisap konek aku.
“Pandainya Cikgu kulum! Cikgu suka ke?”
Cikgu Alinda pun terangguk angguk mengakuinya. Aku pun ceritakan yang aku dah lama stim sejak dari tadi. Cikgu Alinda hanya mampu tersenyum kerana sibuk menjilat tempat keluar air kencing aku tu. Stim gila aku dibuatnya.
“Cikgu ni jenis yang suka seks. Betul tak?” Tanya ku lagi.
Pantas dia menganggukkan jawapan. Sambil itu tangan aku mula meraba bajunya untuk dilucutkan. Cikgu Alinda tidak membantah. Malahan memberikan kerjasama bagi memudahkan kerja aku. Lepas tu colinya pulak aku lucutkan. Maka terlambaklah sepasang tetek dan puting yang menghiasai kemuncaknya.
Tak lama kemudian skirt dan seluar dalamnya pun aku pisahkan dari tubuh Cikgu Alinda. Dengan itu bertelanjang bulatlah cikgu idaman aku tu. Aku nampak pantat dia yang tembam dan ada bulu-bulu halus yang sangat sedikit jumlahnya. Memang berselera aku tengok pantat Cikgu Alinda.
Tangan aku pun mulalah meraba pantat dia. Cikgu Alinda merestui tindakkan aku tu dengan memperhebatkankan kuluman ke atas konek aku. Masa tu konek aku bagaikan menjerit-jerit kerana dah tak larat lagi nak tanggung didihan air mani yang dah membuak-buak.
Namun sempat juga aku memasukkan dua batang jari aku ke dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Aku benamkan jari aku tu sambil korek korek lubang pantat dia. Air dia punyalah banyak. Sampai meleleh kat jari aku dibasahi air pantatnya.
Entah bila air mani aku keluar, aku sendiri pun tak sedar. Tau tau saja, tekak Cikgu Alinda dah berdegup-degup menelan air mani ku. Dah dua minggu aku tak melancap. Jadi memanglah likat dan pekat air mani aku tu. Banyaknya jangan katalah lagi. Dalam tempoh seminit tu, entah berbelas kali Cikgu Alinda terpaksa meneguk air mani aku tu!
Bila dah selesai, Cikgu Alinda pun berdiri semula. Bibirnya yang merah merkah tu aku kucup bertalu talu. Cikgu Alinda pun turut sama menyambutnya dengan penuh kerelaan. Di dalam keadaan bertelanjang bulat, kami ghairah berkulum lidah di antara satu sama lain. Selama beberapa minit kami leka beromen sebegitu rupa.
Bayangkanlah bertuahnya aku bila dapat romen muka idaman para lelaki di sekolah aku tu. Muka Cikgu Alinda yang cantik tu aku cium dan jilat dengan sesuka hati. Lepas muka, kat tengkok pula aku kerjakan. Terkuyu-kuyu mata Cikgu Alinda. Mulutnya tercunggap cunggap. Nampaknya dia memang suka dikerjakan macam tu.
Tau tau saja konek aku pun dah tercacak semula. Betullah kata kata kawan aku kat sekolah. Muka Cikgu Alinda ni memang muka yang senang buat konek keras.
Bila konek dah keras, aku mulalah berhajat nak celapak kangkang dia pulak. Memang itu pun hayalan semua lelaki kat sekolah aku tu. Selagi konek aku tak ceret dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda, selagi itulah hati aku tak senang. Bagi aku itulah mercu kejayaan usaha aku mengheret Cikgu Alinda ke lembah kecurangan.
Perlahan-lahan ku tarik tangan Cikgu Alinda. Sambil melangkah, aku pimpin pergelangan tangannya sehinggalah masuk ke dalam bilik tidurnya sendiri. Bila tiba di sisi katil, aku tolak Cikgu Alinda sampai terlentang di atas tilam. Terkangkang dia terbaring di situ.
Mata aku terpukau pada ketembaman pantat Cikgu Alinda. Ianya nampak sungguh bersih dan cantik kerana belum pernah diduakan penghuninya.
“Hari ini lubang mulia kamu tu akan ku cemari dengan konek aku ni,” bisik hati kecil ku.
Masa tu gelodak syahwat aku dah mula naik ke kepala. Aku pun pantas meniarap di atas badan Cikgu Alinda. Tak sedikit pun dia menyuarakan bantahan. Mulut aku bertaut dengan mulut Cikgu Alinda. Bersiut-siut bunyi permainan mulut kami berdua. Ianya lantang bergema di dalam kamar tidur berkenaan.
Bila ku lepaskan mulut aku, lidah Cikgu Alinda yang kemerahan tu terjulur-julur melewati bibirnya sendiri. Amat geram ku lihatkan keadaan lidahnya yang sebegitu lembut dan bersih. Aku pun layanlah geram aku tu. Aku cium dan kucup lidah yang terjulur itu. Aku jilat dan sedut di situ semahu hati ku. Cikgu Alinda mengeliat bagai nak gila bila kena penangan rakus aku tu.
Lepas tu aku duduk di sisi Cikgu Alinda. Mata aku ghairah menikmati hidangan sekujur tubuhnya. Dada aku berdetup kencang melihatkan kegebuan tubuh Cikgu Alinda yang putih melepak.
Aku angkat kedua dua belah lutut Cikgu Alinda dan biarkan ianya sedikit mengangkang. Aku tumpukan sepenuh perhatian pada celah kangkangnya. Punyalah cantik alur pantat Cikgu Alinda yang berwarna kemerah-merahan. Persekitaran kulit yang putih melepak di situ menyebabkan kemerahan pada alur berkenaan begitu jelas tertonjol.
Aku pun sembamkan muka aku ke bibir pantat Cikgu Alinda. Memang pantat itulah yang dah lama aku berahikan. Mula-mula aku jilat kat bibir yang lembab tu. Kemudian aku turun sikit sampai kat luruh pantat. Bila aku jilat jer bibir lurah tu, secara automatik punggung Cikgu Alinda terangkat-angkat. Bahkan siap dengan mengerang sekali.
“Arghhh arghhhhh… arghhhhhhhhh….!!”.
Punyalah puas hati aku bila Cikgu Alinda cetuskan respon yang macam tu. Aku pun naik syok dan tambah cenderong nak pergiatkan usaha aku. Aku bukak pantat dia lebih luas. Kemudian aku jilat kat situ dengan jilatan yang amat rakus.
“Urghh rghhhhhhhh…..” macam bunyi nak terberakkan tahi keras Cikgu Alinda mengerang.
“Sedapnya,” kata dia kat aku.
Aku gosok-gosokkan lidah aku pada lubang pantat dia. Aku jolok-jolokkan lidah aku tu sedalam yang mungkin. Bila sampai kat dalam, aku kisar-kisarkan lidah aku di situ. Air mazi yang terpancar dari pantat Cikgu Alinda jangan katalah banyaknya. Lidah aku bagaikan bermandi di dalam kolam air mazi yang melimpah ruah. Ianya rata memaliti lidah, bibir dan memenuhi ruang di dalam mulut aku. Air yang keluar itu aku hirup sampai habis! Sedap! Memang sedap!
“Arkkkkkkkkk!!!” tetiba Cikgu Alinda menjerit kecil. Jeritannya itu berbau sakit bercampur sedap.
Oleh kerana terlampau geram, rupa-rupanya aku tergigit kat biji kelentit dia. Tapi aku rasa seronok pulak pekena Cikgu Alinda macam tu. Jadi aku terus mengulanginya. Aku jilat-jilat kelentitnya. Kemudian aku gigit-gigit manja. Begitulah bersilih ganti ku pekenakan biji kelentit Cikgu Alinda. Setiap kali aku gigit, Cikgu Alinda mengelupur dan mengerang macam kena kejutan letrik. Aku layan dia macam tu sampailah puas hati aku.
“Kai…. Please Fuck cikgu! Cikgu dah tak tahan lagi ni….”
Masa tu dia dah tidak lagi kenal akan soal harga diri dan erti kesetiaan pada suami. Unsur unsur kehormatan sudah diketepikan sama sekali. Malahan dia pula yang berusaha menghasut aku untuk melakukan perbuatan yang amat dikeji oleh masyarakat. Sebegitu sanggup Cikgu Alinda merelakan aku mencemari kemurnian martabatnya sebagai seorang guru.
Tapi aku juga amat faham akan keadaannya pada masa tu. Memang aku tau Cikgu Alinda amat perlukan sebatang konek di dalam pantatnya. Tapi aku saja je buat tak dengar sebab nakkan dia merayu lagi. Aku pun terus lagi jilat jilat pantat dia.
“Kaiiiii please… please fuck cikgu!” Sekali lagi Cikgu Alinda merayu.
Kali ini nada penyampaiannya begitu nazak sekali. Rayuan sebegitu telah buatkan konek aku terhangguk-hangguk untuk menerima lamarannya. Aku pun bangun melutut. Batang aku yang keras seperti batu itu ku gesel-geselkan pada biji kelentit Cikgu Alinda.
“Ooooohhhhhh… Masukkan Kai… Ohhh… please darling,” Cikgu Alinda berteriak rayu dengan penuh manja.
Aku pun ketuk-ketukkan konek aku kat pantat dia dua tiga kali. Kemudian aku letakkan ia betul-betul kat pintu masuk lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda. Dengan itu dah bersedialah konek aku untuk dijunamkan ke dalam lubang pantat tersebut.
“Menjadi sungguh plan aku!” kata hati ku.
“Kejap lagi, menduakan suamilah jawabnya kamu ni Cikgu Alinda!” sambung kati ku lagi.
Dengan sekali henjut saja, separuh konek aku sudah pun terjolok masuk ke dalam lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda.
“Ketat betul pantat Cikgu Alinda, walaupun dah anak tiga!” kata hati ku. Tapi yang ketat itu lah yang memang aku suka.
“Ooohhhh…!!!!” Aku dengan Cikgu Alinda sama sama mengeluh.
Dalam masa yang sama, Cikgu Alinda telah merapatkan kedua belah pehanya. Tindakan Cikgu Alinda telah merencatkan kemaraan konek aku. Itu pasal hanya separuh saja yang berjaya aku jolok masuk.
“Kenapa Cikgu kepit?” Tanya ku.
“Be… be… besar sangat Kai!” Terketar ketar suaranya menjawab pertanyaan aku.
“Sakit! Kena masukkan slow…. slow,” sambungnya lagi.
“Ok! Kai make it slowly,” jawab ku pula.
Barulah Cikgu Alinda buka semula kangkangnya. Bila rasa dah cukup selesa aku mulalah jolok konek aku masuk pantat Cikgu Alinda secara perlahan-lahan. Punyalah sempit dan punyalah sedap pantat Cikgu Alinda tu. Tapi yang lecehnya, kepuasan aku jadi amat terbatas kerana teknik yang sebegitu perlahan.
Terlalu sukar bagi ku untuk melanjutkan kesabaran. Jadi aku mulalah mengatur posisi yang memastikan Cikgu Alinda tak berpeluang merapatkan kangkangnya. Kali ini aku tak akan benarkan dia menghalang kemaraan deras konek aku.
Bila semua dah ready, aku pun rodoklah konek aku selagi mau. Jawabnya sampai tersantak bibir pantat Cikgu Alinda bila kena penangan aku tu. Memang terkedik kedik kaki Cikgu Alinda cuba nak rapatkan kangkangnya. Tapi usahanya kali ni sia sia. Sepanjang panjang konek aku tu berjaya juga aku benamkan ke dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda.
Aku pun meniarap atas badan Cikgu Alinda. Posisi begini memudahkan aku untuk mengawal keadaan. Maka bermulalah sesi sorong tarik batang aku in and out.
“Kaiii……. Yours is too big and too long,” Cikgu Alinda bisik kat telinga aku.
“Please…. make it slow. Cikgu takut koyak nanti!” Bersungguh sungguh dia merayu.
Tapi tak sedikit pun keluh sakitnya dapat meraih simpati aku. Aku terlalu asyik menikmati kesedapan pantat Cikgu Alinda. Punggung aku pun tetap juga terus mengepam. Kali ni aku laju sikit rentak henjutan sebab aku rasa ada sikit kelicinan pada lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda. Mungkin air dah banyak keluar, sebab aku rasa bulu-bulu aku pun dah basah berlendir dan melekit lekit.
Dah puas cara tu aku tiarapkan dia, aku pusingkan Cikgu Alinda untuk buat cara doggy. Nampaknya Cikgu Alinda pun tidak lagi menyuarakan sebarang keluhan. Mungkin pantatnya dah mula serasi dengan konek aku. Malahan Cikgu Alinda sendiri macam dah faham faham yang aku nak buat cara doggie. Dia sendiri adjust punggung menaik tinggi sikit.
Sebelum aku cocok pantat dia, aku jilat dulu lendir lendir yang ada kat pantat tu. Lepas tu lubang jubur dia pun aku jilat sekali kasi bersih. Tak lama kemudian, aku pun masukkan konek aku kat pantat dia melalui jalan belakang.
Fuhhhhh….!!!!! Ketat main ikut belakang ni. Namun kali ini mudah aje dapat aku sarangkan seluruh konek kat dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Ishhh….. rasa macam bergigi gigi pulak! Itulah yang menambahkan rasa ngilu kat kepala takuk aku tu.
“Aaaaahhh….!!! Aaaahhhhhh…!!!! Sedap Kai! Push lagi Kai… push it as deep as you can,” pinta Cikgu Alinda.
“Emmmmmmm… Nampaknye dia dah boleh tahan dengan kebesaran batang aku ni,” kata hati ku.
Aku pun hayunlah dengan lebih ganas. Bunyi cupppp… capppp…….cuppp! jelas bergema di dalam bilik itu. Semakin ganas aku menghenjut, semakin kuat bunyi Plup! Plap! apabila peha aku berlaga dengan punggung Cikgu Alinda.
Aku lihat Cikgu Alinda mula meramas-ramas tetek kanannya sendiri. Semakin diramas, aku lihat semakin membesar tetek tu. Pantat Cikgu Alinda pula dari masa ke masa mengemut-ngemut konek aku. Memang berasap kepala aku bila Cikgu Alinda lakukan kemut yang sebegitu rakus.
Kemut punya kemut akhirnya berjaya juga pantat Cikgu Alinda memerah hasil dari konek aku. Masa tu aku dan Cikgu Alinda sama-sama terpancut! Sambil aku memancut sambil itu jugalah Cikgu Alinda terkemut-kemut ganas. Naik juling biji mata aku menghirup kenikmatan yang maha sedap itu.
Setiap kali dia kemut, setiap kali jugalah air mani aku bersembur di dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Punyalah banyak dan punyalah pekat setiap pancutan tersebut. Entah berapa kali ianya berlaku, aku pun dah terlupa nak kira. Tau tau saja aku dah tersepuk dengan keletihan yang amat sangat.
Lutut aku berasa lemah sekali. Aku terus terduduk pada posisi mengadap bontot Cikgu Alinda yang masih bersujud menonggeng. Aku perhatikan pada keadaan pantat yang baru saja mempuaskan konek aku. Aku amat tertarik dengan aku yang ku lihat itu. Hasil kerja dosa kami berdua, jelas meninggalkan kesan yang amat ku banggakan.
Kelikatan air mani aku bagaikan bertasik di dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Limpahan cecair yang serba putih itu sedikit demi sedikit meleleh keluar dari lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda. Palitan air mani aku juga cukup banyak menselaputi bibir pantat serta jutaian kelentitnya. Aku benar benar puas dan bangga dengan rezeki yang telah konek aku perolehi.
Aku ucapkan terima kasih kepada Cikgu Alinda kerana konek aku telah dapat creet dalam pantat dia. Dengan raut mukanya yang kepenatan, Cikgu Alinda tersenyum sambil ketawa kecil bila mendengarkan penghargaan aku tu. Aku tanya kat dia, “boleh tak buat seks dengan cikgu lagi.”
Dia kata, “masa tuisyen ajer bolehlah.”
Keizinan Cikgu Alinda itu aku sambut dengan hati yang sungguh gembira. Kami pun berpeluk-pelukan meraikan kejayaan tersebut. Sambil bercium, aku berkali kali mengucapkan terima kasih sambil memuji muji kesedapan pantat Cikgu Alinda.
Sejak hari itu, setiap kali aku pergi tuisyen, aku pasti lakukan seks dengan Cikgu Alinda. Pembaziran air mani melalui kerja kerja melancap, sudah jadi perkara asing bagi ku.
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Saga das 72h de NF:
Silêncio, não apresse a artista. 68h sem comer e pensando: "não posso pisar na bola quando acabar, não posso pisar na bola quando cabar, não posso pisar na bola quando acabar".
Um beijo para o grupo das borboletinhas de ossos 🦋.
Você é mais forte do que pensa, a sua fome te fortalece.
#ana y mia#tw ed ana#transtornoalimentar#tw ana bløg#ed brasil#beauty#borboletando#garotas bonitas não comem#ed blr#ed rant#borboletinhasdeossos
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Me duelen mis manos, de tanto cabar.
Me duele el corazón de tanto extrañar.
En esta búsqueda incansable de seguridad.
#baul de frases#papittafritta#septiembre2023#7#frases#citas#notas#textos#pensamientos#escritos#sentimientos#amor#solo yo#anécdotas#sentimientos encontrados#freestyle poético#noches de insomnio#noches sin ti#dolor#mis manos#miedos#inseguridad#temor#te extraño#te necesito#sin ti#búsqueda#anécdotas anónimas
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i just. malaysian pines family sebab boleh
#so. am i crazy or what#the twins were born on august 31st alright#what's more patriotic than sharing a birthday with your country!#gravity falls#stanley pines#bill cipher
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bitch who the fuck cares about thanksgiving brazil is winning right now
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hi its @riveracheron you all know the drill by now. murder time.
inspired by @the-joker-of-musicals and just the . act of putting tumblr tropes onto musical characters i decided i wanted to host a bracket for my personal favorite trope:
the failgirl/girlfail/girlfailure/pathetic woman, whatever u call it.
women who are just so messy and pathetic and maybe a little evil but kinda bad at it - yknow your. sasha waybrights and your toralei stripes and your helene bezukhovas
there are So many in musicals and so. they should kill eachother
aaaanyway. here are the rules:
- right now i am . going to accept only female characters - malefailures are their own trope and the flavor is much different than girlfails, at least to me. i’ll probably do a malefail bracket after, because musicals have a lot of those.
- because of the openness of the trope, i will also accept characters from other types of song-based medium, whether thats cabaret, song cycles, operas, musical movies, concept albums, etc. stuff like razia’s shadow, repo or even mechanisms albums are fine here! they’re not technically musicals but. idk the tropes a little niche and i want spots to fill. basically if it uses singing to tell a story, it works here.
- i will be selecting characters based on how much they embody the trope and number of submissions, not how much i like them. this isn’t a popularity contest, and id rather people vote based on their tropeyness and propaganda as well. also,
- i also have the right to refuse any submissions that i find in poor taste, which will not Exclude any musicals from general submissions but i will be screening all of the submissions.
- please. think about what you submit and the real world ramifications of it. i would not feel comfortable calling someone from say, Parade, a failure girl because of the subject material. i know a lot of musicals are dark and talk about real world situations and issues, but there’s a difference between the way history is portrayed in Six versus how it’s portrayed in the aforementioned Parade.
- as always there is room for propaganda! please tell me about why your blorbo should win. i’ll be looking into the ones i don’t know, but i would love to hear anything straight from the source.
Submissions will be open until Sunday, August 6th, 12:00 AM, EST.
#musical failgirl bracket#tumblr bracket#tagging stuff i think might apply:#chicago#great comet#hadestown#be more chill#the mechanisms#dave malloy#heathers#mean girls#high school musical#six the musical
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More photos from opening night of Cabaret!!
Source: (https://www.instagram.com/bwaysho/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=ecdca6d8-5623-4fad-ad57-283fe038acae)
#eddie redmayne#cabaret cast#kit kat club#nyc#cover#cabaret nyc#cabare new production#august wilson theatre#broadway#opening night#Instagram
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I like how small Ali's class is, but it's kinda strange isn't it?
Except for the two girls at the front, we know all the rest by name; Sarsi, Mia, Boy, Shaun, Viktor, Alicia, and Ali himself. Nine students in total.
Now, the strange thing here is this: why are Viktor and Alicia in this class?
If you look at the class again, one of them is a bully (Shaun), and another two don't perform very well (Ali and Boy). It's not a reach to say that this is the "backwards classroom" where the worst students are sent to.
I remember back when I was in school. I was stupid so the school put me in the furthest away class :v
Now, back to the number of students in Ali's class. The obvious reason why there are only nine is because of animation issue. Less people means less animation to do meaning it's gonna be cheaper. But say that we're coming up with an in-universe explanation for this, why are so few students in there?
Well, like I said, this class could be the backwards class where the worst of the worst are assembled to form the ultimate teaching nightmare. Which is kinda interesting isn't it?
I don't know what kinda school SRT Cyberaya 1 is, but as far as my experience goes, Malaysian schools don't only have one teacher per class. But that's not the case for Ali's school it seemed... unless 👀
Now you see, if this class is really where they put their worst students, Puan Munah teaching them makes sense. She's strict, she's scary, she's much more able to look over the rowdy and diffucult kids other than say... Cikgu Bidin.
But why, you ask, if this is supposed to be the backwards class, are Viktor and Alicia there. Well, it's not unheard of that schools would rearrange their classes so that the smart students could mix in with the not so smart ones. This introduces competition that might motivate them to do better in school.
It's arguable if the method really works, but if we go by this theory, Alicia and Viktor are there to be the competition the other students are expected to strive against. We already saw one instance of it in S2E5: Cabar where Sarsi (one-sidedly) competed with Viktor for second place 😗
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most probably my last drawing before I'm busy w school and exams again 🧍🏻♀️I'll try to find time to draw them more🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️
this drawing is them switching clothes and shizuha is acting as karma (the lines said are in malay and is a reference to a drama show called Project:High Council from the character Kahar)
"Dan aku Karma. Kapla SMK Kunugigaoka-" - And I'm Karma. The 'ruler' of Kunugigaoka Junior High/Secondary School
(kapla is hard to translate since it's a slang, but ruler/leader/captain is the closest to the meaning) (in malaysia we use SMK as an acronym for sekolah menengah kebangsaan/national secondary school)
"KAU CABAR!" - You've challenged!
"Sejak bila aku camya oi" - Since when was I like that bro
#art#fanart#assassination classroom#ansatsu kyoushitsu#oc stuff#akabane karma#canon x oc#I wanted an excuse to quote this show LMAO#honestly I recommend it but it has dark themes#pretty cool show though#I love naim
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June 3rd 1863 saw the birth of Neil Munro, novelist and poet, perhaps best known for his "Para Handy"
Neil Munro is best known for his ‘Para Handy’ stories these days but his writing career encompassed journalism, poetry and criticism, as well as his novels, making him one of the most visible literary figures of his time. His books fell out of fashion for a while but reprints of his work in the early 1990s and the appearance of a biography has brought him to the attention of a new audience.
Born in Inveraray in Argyll, in 1863, he came from a family of Gaelic speakers and though the language was beginning to lose its currency in that part of Scotland and Munro wrote in English, its influence can be felt strongly in his writing.
He began his career as a journalist on newspapers in the Glasgow area. After the publication of a short story collection, followed by two or three novels, he cut back on the journalism to concentrate on his writing. The appearance of a new character, Para Handy, in a short story in 1905 introduced a new comic strain in his work and the three collections of Para Handy stories (including The Vital Spark) were immediately successful. They transferred to the small screen in two separate sitcom series with the eponymous hero played by Duncan Macrae in the 1950s/60s and Gregor Fisher in the 1990s.
Munro returned to journalism during the First World War, becoming editor of a Glasgow evening paper in 1918. He died in Helensburgh in 1930.
I've chosen a poem that Munro wrote about the Highland Clearances, it's called "Nettles" I have to add that poems likethis, by learned men like Neil Munro destroy the narrative that the unionists like Neil Oliver like to spread that the Clearances were a natural exodus of Scots.
O sad for me Glen Aora, Where I have friends no more, For lowly lie the rafters, And the lintels of the door. The friends are all departed, The hearth-stone’s black and cold, And sturdy grows the nettle On the place beloved of old.
O! black might be that ruin Where my fathers dwelt so long, And nothing hide the shame of it, The ugliness and wrong; The cabar and the corner-stone Might bleach in wind and rains, But for the gentle nettle That took such a courtier’s pains.
Here’s one who has no quarrel With the nettle thick and tall, That hides the cheerless hearthstone And screens the humble wall, That clusters on the footpath Where the children used to play, And guards a household’s sepulchre From all who come the way.
There’s deer upon the mountain, There’s sheep along the glen, The forests hum with feather, But where are now the men? Here’s but my mother’s garden Where soft the footsteps fall, My folk are quite forgotten, But the nettle’s over all.
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On the first playthrough we got Majma's business card from a vending machine pretty early in the game. We're absolutely sure Kiryu found it stuck in the bills slot. Small vandalism from an unknown Grand customer.
And then Majima got Kiryu's card too.
And somewhere before the end of y0 they surely met, and Majima got his eye on Kiryu, but canon doesn't specify anything. So here’s how we filled up that blank with disco, fate, and quick time events!
– Majima can't leave Sotenbori, so it's Kiryu who comes there.
The trip is definitely related to the nightlife business, and factually is about something really boring, that leaves Kiryu stuck between the hotel and the conference rooms 24/7.
The trip should've taken just a few days, but the partners keep postponing stuff, due to the "unstable situation with ownership of certain places" in Sotenbori.
(This is totally the side effect of the cabare wars going on there right at the same time) (And Kiryu being busy and stuck in the hotel explains why later in the game he acts like he's seeing Sotenbori and Grand for the first time)
Kiryu is not having a good time. When business gets too much in Kamurocho, he knows where to escape to to chill for a bit. At the very least he can drink in the human trafficking bar or something (it's the one in the Campion district, if you know you know). And because Maharajah chain is not related to his business, Kiryu does enjoy dancing his problems away quite often.
So, aimlessly wandering the hotel, he sees from the window, or just hears the glimpse of a disco party in Sotenbori's Maharajah.
(I believe Maharajah was on the same street as the hotel? There were fur trees near the entrance.)
Of course Kiryu waits till Marina will be busy and sneaks out to the club.
Meanwhile, Majima is in the middle of his battle for the title of the best cabare club + Grand duties + Sagava sniffing around. Hard life galore.
At some point he comes to the Maharajah specifically to find Isobe, because he wants to recruit her as a hostess or something like that. She is quite famous, and will attract a new crowd to Sunshine for sure.
Also she might add some dancing to the cabare's evening program. The stage they have is for the musicians, but things can be arranged.
(Isobe will not be so keen on the offer, it's one thing to dance on the dancefloor for your own enjoyment, and a whole other thing to go through the routine on stage. She'd rather train other girls on how to act on the dancefloor of something.) (Isobe is the girl from Majima's dancing substories) (Where Majima danced off all the challenges and became the disco goddess)
Isobe is of course guilt tripping Majima for not visiting the club that much. He jokes that the weight of the problems stiffens his movements, and she laughs it off: "You know, the only way to relax those stiff shoulders is to groove a bit".
She wants to kick him towards the dancefloor. And the best way to do it is to catch him in a bet. So she bets that Majima can't use the fan in his dancing routine or something. "If you prove that you can - l'll come work for you." Majima, being the dance goddess (Scott McCall nod.gif), takes the bait. What does he even have to lose?
Maybe additionally Isobe is worried about some sneaky business going on in the club? And she wants to ask Majima for help, but for that Isobe needs to get him alone.
(Also let's say Majima gets a nickname like all other disco dandies. The crowd knows him as The Lord, and Isobe teasingly calls Majima "mister manager".) (All of this is for plot reasons, bc we don't want Kiryu to add rwo and two about Majima's name and mafia connections)
At the same time, Kiryu is circling around with a drink. There's no friends and dance partners here, and he feels a bit out of place. Though there are some things that remind him of Kamurocho.
In his short time in the disco club: -Locals tried to scam him twice. -There has been at least a couple sneaky ass squeezes. -He paid triple the price for a cocktail with the most ridiculous name on earth (and it was quite mid). True Kamurocho experience. Just like back home .__,
And then Kiryu sees someone putting a pill in a lady's drink and comes up to her to warn about it. After that he assumes the position near the bar, watching other people's drinks like a hawk. This goes on for some time. And let's say that him being around and intrusive like that puts a wrench into the shadowy stuff and deals planned for the night.
The stuff is some new drug, very addictive. The shady people started giving out free samples on the new territory - to people who have money to waste at the disco club. Maybe they even plan to get the girls addicted, and rope them into human trafficking. Perhaps they did the same routine in other districts before. But in Sotenbori all this is in the starting stages for now.
Isobe is sensing weird shit happening, but she can't pinpoint the guys stirring it, they always slither away. So the help of the super manager might be handy.
Obviously, Kiryu has already befriended people at the bar, someone is pouring their heart out to him, and so on. The shady people don't like it that much. But beating up Kiryu would attract too much attention, so they want to kick him out painlessly.
So the plan is: if this guy insults lady Isobe, he will definitely be gone forever. He'll be kicked out and banned from ever entering the club.
And somehow they orchestrate the situation where Kiryu is invited to the lounge zone right at the moment when Isobe and Majima leave it to go dance. And right when they pass each other someone trips Kiryu up and he falls forward.
Goin down full force only a heavy boi like him can provide, in slow motion, Kiryu realises what's about to happen.
Trajectory is relentless.
To his left stands the lady ⬅ To his right – the gentleman ➡ He has instinctively put his hands forward while falling ⬆ ⬅ left hand is about to meet ladies boobs ➡ Right hand is still firmly holding that stupid drink (with the most ridiculous name on earth) ➡🍹 It will certainly spill on the gentleman's tuxedo if Kiryu would not do something ➡❗🍹
(Oh, the quick time events)
Kiryu has half a second to react, and his brain gives him 2 commands:
Do NOT grab the ladies' boobs.
Do NOT wet the gentleman's shirt.
So, with his last braincell, Kiryu decides to throw the cocktail from his right hand to his left 🍹⬅⬅⬅ > wait no. nO. ABORT MISSION.
What happens next is that, obviously, by the nature of inertia, Isobe gets a full splash of cocktail to her face and dress. Everyone GASPS.
And Majima gets. The hand firmly squeezing his left boob. Kiryu didn't want to rip his shirt, so he Gripped Hard. Day saved. High five, brain! Wait, no-
M: …… K: ………. M: your hand. K: M: put your hand somewhere else. K: *slowly puts his hand on Majima's shoulder* *they just look each other in the eyes for a bit* Isobe, with an elegance of a lady: hahah, it seems, I won't be dancing with you tonight, mister manager. What a pity.
(Her snot totally doesn't taste like Malibu swimming pool)
No one listens to her much. Majima is losing his last nerves right here right now, this second.
M: Are you in for some violence tonight? Because it's gonna happen/ K: I can dance with you. M, in a very kansai manner: Wha-t? K: I said I can be your dance partner. M: … K: You know. While the lady is cleaning herself (High five, brain). M: … Isobe, slightly worried about the audience uproar: I don't know if this is a good ide- M: ALRIGHT. I was going to wipe the floor with you, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Someone in the crowd: Hey! The Lord is about to teach that Tokyo boy what's what! DANCE BATTLE! Isobe: …aaand it's too late now. K: Oh, you're into dance battles here too? Sweet. M: What, did you think it's some kind of province, Tokyo boy? Isobe: …. It's totally too late now, ain't it.
(Kiryu hand is still on Majima's shoulder) (Because where else should it go even) (Too late to change positions, human interaction is happening) (You just go forward and improvise)
Majima grabs Kiryu by the collar and drags him to the dancefloor with murderous intentions.
In retrospect, he could've handled the situation much better. In the same way he was handling management, the same way he was juggling invents of his life. But this felt (like the kick in the dick) like a last straw for today. The only thing he wanted now was to punch and claw and forget himself in a feat of mindless violence.
The least he could do is to not do that.
The least he could do is to take this guy, this obstacle, and use him as a little sweet dopamine boost. No one would be hurt by that except this dude's ego. Honestly, the only crime the guy committed was getting in Majima's way today.
The crowd quickly surrounds the stage. Majima gets a bunch of admiring screams, the "Tokyo boy" gets a fair share of booing. But apart from looking around like a puppy, he seems more curious than fazed. This somewhat gets on Majima's nerves. Clearly, it all comes from the arrogance and bad attitude of the guy. Majima has seen too many guys like this, even in the last couple of weeks there's been at least a dozen.
Isobe quickly cleans herself with a pack of 10 yen pocket tissues ™️ and goes to whisper something to the DJ. Her makeup may have been ruined but the synthetic dress has seen worse. So she still behaves like the disco queen and takes her rightful place by the stage. Also she's not gonna stay in the bathroom, when a possible historical event is about to take place.
The music starts, and Majima goes in with a couple moves.
Dancing is a lot like fighting, there's inner structure in both. Maybe that's why he likes to dance so much.
Dancing alone is fine. Just gotta make sure you're true to your rhythm. Dancing against someone - here it comes to who's presence is more overpowering. At least for Majima. Dancing with someone here is where he's having difficulties. He have never been able to fully synchronise with anyone. Outings with hostess girls were almost embarrassing.
The Tokyo boy goes into defence surprisingly smoothly. He acts more cautious than expected. Maybe he's smarter than he looks.
He doesn't attack Majima yet, just looks at what is presented and answers accordingly. He reacts to the movement with his own movement, not mirroring Majima, but taking what Majima's offering and applying it with a little twist. It's amusing to watch, and the boy doesn't even miss a single beat. After a while Majima catches himself doing things just to provoke the boy's reaction. It's kinda curious to see how he would take another blow.
But as curious as it is, Majima can't allow himself to be dependent on someone's reactions. It would mean he doesn't direct the fight- the dance himself. He's gotta lead.
(There was a bit more on the specific way this should play out, but I don't remember now)
The point is, when Kiryu gets more comfortable, he starts to go on the offensive, gathers, dare I say, more fever. So Majima begrudgingly has to adapt to his movements here and there. At one point Kiryu seethes the moment (nice song part, lights are on him) and pulls some impressive moves that he learned directly from Miracle Jonson, and pulls all the attention to himself.
This time they don't synchronise yet. The dance-off is interrupted somehow, and no one wins or loses.
Additional notes: –There's a Whole Thing about feather fans and not knowing what to do with them, for Kiryu and Majima both. –But Isobe counts Majima using them in a fight against the bad guys. –Majima doesn't say he got inspired by the Tokyo boy who grabs in a fight and uses just about everything. –Some plot stuff happens, they barely have time to dance some more. But now it's personal for Majima. He gotta win!!
In a true over the top Yakuza fashion, I wanted to get the underlying plot to the point where they have to fight together against a bunch of baddies, and only then they synchronise, and Majima feels weirdly euphoric.
But it's due for Kiryu to leave, and he disappears like (24 hours) Cinderella.
I've held in my mind a scene where Majima discusses with Isobe later in Sunshine, that maybe he found the one in a million special dance partner. And immediately lost him. Not even catching his name. Isobe understands heavily, because it happened to her once, but what can you do. Gotta work, idk.
– Aaaaand theres an epilogue set after all the main plot stuff. Where Majima, still lost, dishevelled, and healing from the beatings is drinking some Kamurocho bar, not knowing what he's gonna do next. And suddenly he notices Kiryu there, sitting quietly, wearing his red shirt already and sinking of leaving real estate business behind.
And Kiryu, apologising, finally gives Majima his business card and says his name. But he (and I'm so not normal about this) is actually offering Majima his own steel card.
There's a moment of pause, when Majima looks at it and Kiryu looks at Majima. And silence lingers long enough for Kiryu to look at the card too and go all: "!!!So sorry! Sorry! Here, here, this one is mine, I just have this one on the ready."
(He may have just taken out both his and Majima's cards on accident, because they sit in the same inner pocket)
And Majima just stares at Kiryu's card now. Because in his pocket is an identical one given to him by Sera.
So Majima takes it out, puts it on the table. And then offers Kiryu another steel card of his. Because Kiryu's one "is a bit worn down already".
The end.
ABBA - VOULES-VOUS is playing in the distance.
– Epilogue thoughts
My last brainsell is on the dancefloor.
Even Kiryu being surprised that “Lord of the Night” is not just a nickname in Kiwami fits here.
I’ve just been thinking of a million possible reasons why Majima could’ve been focused on Kiryu so much. There’s so many. But this one has such a nice underline.
Oh, to meet outside of the yakuza context, to separate because of it, and still inevitably meet again. It’s all in the human connection.
Something something, fate may be at play here, but the main stuff was laid down before it played its main card.
Going insane over tropes and narratives.
– Kiryu doesn’t meet Majima for a while after 0, instead absorbing legends about him from Nishiki and others.
He already started hearing about him and learning history in the game, would definitely get more of it all while Majima moves cites and re-styles himself.
– Kiryu 10000% kept the first card he found, and had it stored somewhere. But maybe after he went to prison for the first time and got out, it got lost somewhere, with Kiryu’s stuff being moved around.
– Majima in karaoke: you dance much better than you sing, Kiryu-chan! Kiryu: *is torn between taking it as a compliment or not*
– Also I can’t believe at some point Majima can say “First thing he did when we met was grab my boob, and ask to be my partner.”
The punchline is that they are getting married ~30 years later, this is Majima’s toast at the wedding.
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#yakuza#yakuza 0#kazumaji#kiryu kazuma#goro majima#this is canon now#this will be written as a full on fic someday#when we'll have mere time#but for now the draft of the story is cool too#so have fun#<3#reposting again today
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