#ca rambles
saturnneedsspace · 2 months
One of my favorite Destiel moments is definitely when Dean stares dreamily into the distance and calls Cas a "weird, dorky, little guy."
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python-nebula · 7 months
I don’t think allo people understand: you get everyone else. Almost every single fictional character is allo. Every character that exists is allo until proven aro/ace/aroace. So on that rare occasion when we actually get representation, and when it’s genuinely good representation, please just let us have it. Many allo people are respectful, and I thank them for that, but it’s impossible to ignore the massive problem in fandom culture of downplaying the importance of, or even downright erasing, an aro/ace/aroace characters’ identities. Aro characters are shipped all the time, which is fine if you understand the nuances of the identity and see that it is a complex thing to be aromantic, but I see a lot of people who don’t, and think that they can say ‘oh but aro people can date’ as an excuse to ship a character. This happens with ace characters too, they are sexualised in fandom all the time (I’m not talking about any characters specifically, but I’ll tag a few who come to mind). Again, this is understandable if you understand, but if you are sexualising an asexual character just because you find them hot or just for the sake of it, surely you understand why we are upset. This is not me trying to pick a fight, I’m just an aroace who is frustrated. 
You guys get everyone else. Just let us have the few who we see ourselves in. 
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afraidparade · 3 months
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based on a true story, i fear
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gangs’s height hcs lets gooo
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Ponyboy: 5’4-5’5-ish in the book, eventually is 6’0 as an adult. Taller than Soda because of this scene in the TV show where they compare heights and Pony’s taller- it was funny lol
Sodapop: 5’10. Not that tall, but certainly not short either. About average. Wasn’t at all insecure about his height until Pony got taller…now he wears cowboy boots more often (for the heel)
Darry: 6’2. Not much to say here. It’s his canonical height lol
Johnny: 5’3, due to years of malnutrition and sleep deprivation. Would only end up growing to 5’4-ish in adulthood if he reached it.
Dally: 6’1. Pretty tall. In my heart and soul he’s 5’6 but I realize that that’s not true. Still
Two-Bit: 6’0- in the movie he’s 5’7, but idk he gives me tall vibes and he’s tall in the book anyway? I do flip flop on this one a lot tho so I draw him pretty inconsistently tbh
Steve: 5’7. I know he’s “tall and lean” in the book, but Tom Cruise is neither lol, and his version of Steve is the one that made me like Steve. So to me Steve’s always gonna be 5’7. Hell, he’s probably rounding up too. He seems like he would yk
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angelcasendgame · 1 year
After Dean and Cas get into a fight, Cas pours some oil under the Impala and watches Dean lose his shit as he tries to figure out what's wrong
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mattodore · 5 days
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birthday boy 🎂
#river dipping#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#ts4#ts4 edit#simblr#ts4 screenshots#theo i hope you're having the most insane birthday sex rn i hope it's ******** and ***** and ***'** **** *** **** ***** :)<3#sorry i put off making your birthday edit for so long that i had to pivot and post this edit instead of the one i wanted </3#...very funny how similar this is to that LAST render i posted... well so WHAT!! if i think matthias looming is sexy!!#this is based on a photo that everyone was drawing their ocs as so really it's not MY fault he's back there clinging and being a freak#actually if y'all want this pose lmk... i'll share it but fyi it's only meant to be seen from the waist up and idk how it'd look#on a sim that doesn't have the same muscle mass and like. bulk. that matthias has......................................#just got rock hard after typing that... anyway.#HAPPY BIRTHDAY THEO <333333333 LOVE YOU SO MUCH I PROMISE I'M GONNA KEEP WORKING ON THE //ACTUAL// BIRTHDAY EDIT!! like .#posted abt this on the sideblog but the real edit i have planned for him is making me lose my fucking gourd#and it'll probably take me :))) a few more days to figure out#expect a depressing theo-as-a-teenager edit eventually tho. with writing!! accompanying it!!#matthias's face has changed again btw 😭 i redid it almost immediately after i posted that first render attempt so he looks DIFFERENT!!#i posted screenshots of him in cas just the other day on my other acc and he looks so good in them i might post them here too#oh and!! this edit looks massively different than my last because this screenshot was taken with a new preset i made specifically for#the real birthday edit i'm working on... it's a hallway scene so i figured out depth and density to get this really cool fog effect#i'm really excited for it!! in my head the way it looks makes me crazy but idk if i can pull it off properly. but like i WAS SAYING!!#new preset is sooo sexy after i post this i'll reblog with the before and after to show you how good it looks even w/o any editing#like. the colors....... literally have always wanted a preset like this i'm so glad i spent yesterday fucking around with it#ALSO!! i've been doing those oc/ship dynamic templates for fun recently so i might post a few of them here soon#realize i'm rambling so much in these tags bc i haven't been here in forever kfjnkfjhn ummmmm. let me stop.#EVERYONE WISH THEO HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIGHT NOW 🫵‼
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spn2006 · 9 months
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“jared padalecki retweeted” always gets me
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shyshitter · 1 month
it’s been discussed before but hear me out. dean confesses before cas. death has already gone for his heart and cas saved him. there’s a chair between them and his hand shakes as he decides to bridge the gap. he stares at cas’s concerned yet resigned profile and realizes death is going to take his heart again. god took his bravery and death will take his love before dean can do anything about it. he’s made up his mind when cas starts talking to him but cas has already interrupted dean’s speech once and this time dean’s gripping his courage by his bloody fingernails. before he can stop himself, before he can chicken out, he interrupts cas. he apologizes profusely, for everything, for getting cas into this mess, for dragging cas down with him, for treating him like shit, for treating jack like shit. he thanks cas endlessly, for helping him, for staying as long as he has, for choosing him, for forgiving him, for saving him, for saving sam, for saving the world. he pauses, the words nearly choking up in his throat, but he sees cas open his mouth to interrupt and that can’t happen so he keeps going almost mindlessly. “I love you,” he says, eyes wide and both hands gripping cas’s shoulders as if he’s keeping cas from flying off. “I think I’ve loved you for a long time but I didn’t know what to do about it, I didn’t want you to feel bad for not reciprocating. I tried to forget about it or drown it with something else but I failed. Just like I failed now. And now we’re both gonna die. I’m sorry I’m dumping this on you now but I needed to say it, I needed it to be real and my choice, not god’s, not death’s not—” something black begins swirling in the corner of his eye and cas is crying. is he that upset by dean’s feelings? cas removes dean’s hands from his shoulders and switches them so it’s cas clinging to dean. “You weren’t supposed to say it,” cas says between sobs. dean frowns and glances behind him at the black ooze. he knows that ooze. He says cas’s name when he turns back around and cas is still crying but solidifies his face. he shoves dean to the side of the room before using his grace to open the door and grant access to death. the ooze is growing and spitting thick black tendrils around the room. cas’s eyes meet deans. they’re both crying now although dean still doesn’t know why. a black tendril grabs death and drags them through the ooze. cas starts saying something urgently that sounds like “Dean, I lo—” before he’s gone too, stolen by the ooze. dean stares at the spot where cas stood and begins to understand. cas is gone and he doesn’t know why exactly but he had something to do with it. once again, dean felt too much and destroyed the one he loved in the process. he should’ve let death take him instead.
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droolski · 6 months
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❣⋇i need simblr's to FOLLOW⋇❣
hi! my name is taylor! i've been on simblr since i was 17 😪 i dropped off pretty hard for a while, but i'm back with this dead ass account
i'm realizing a lot of simblr's i followed dropped off as well and i'm struggling hard trying to expand and find new simblr's sooooo. if ur on simblr lmk!
here are the basics ab me...
i am a (mostly) maxis match simmer
i am 22 years old
i'm posting a basic ass legacy rn
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nikibogwater · 6 months
Ngl, this one new piece of dialogue from Harvey--
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--has me realizing just how ripe with angst potential his character is. Granted, it was always sort of implied that there was once a patient he couldn't save, and that he has never really forgiven himself for that, but this new line states it more clearly, and also adds some juicy context we didn't have before: that patient was someone he personally cared for.
Now add in the fact that he is still the guy who has to patch up the Farmer after a deadly encounter in the Mines/Skull Caverns--even if they're dating/married. The game actually allows for Harvey to relive the trauma of being solely responsible for saving the life of someone he loves--and the terror that he might fail again.
With all that in mind, suddenly I can't really be that mad at him when he charges me 1,000g for medical expenses.
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saturnneedsspace · 2 months
Dean misremembering the purgatory portal scene is altering my brain chemistry in so many ways. What do you mean Dean remembered it as him not being able to save Cas because he wasn't strong enough, but in reality Cas let go??? We know he remembers some things perfectly like when Cas went into the lake because he had nightmares about that, but how many other things does he misremember? Does he remember Mary dying? Does he remember all his fights with Cas? Does he remember all the times Sam died? This was such a missed opportunity to do more. They could've made Dean even more traumatized by having him misremember something for so long, and then him having to learn it was completely different and having a whole crisis about it.
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moonom0o · 7 months
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THE PINK TRIO!!!! Notes below the cut ↓
This was was literally the most fun I’ve ever had drawing in a while, i experimented with soooo many effects (even though i ended up not using a lot of them lol)
My concept was early 2000s / late 90s in terms of fashion, but i kind of just went with whatever i wanted as i went along
I honestly thought hopper was going to turn out terribly because no matter what i did he just looked like a tiktok fuck boy LMAO and TBH he still kind of does but I’ve just accepted it (i refused to give him his canon hair because i didnt want to draw a hairline so I’ve just gone with this lmao)
Cupid was def my fav, i was tempted to give her tattoos but that was just a lot of detail work i didn’t want to do (I could totally see her getting like biblically accurate angels or smth)
Btw i dont know if briar would’ve looked better with gold jewelry but the silver looked good so i ran with it
If you see the frog.png in the bottom left, OFC i had to draw a frog, it took me so long to write frog in the font and literally no one is going to read it but I HAD FUN
This is the ref photo i used
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steelthroat · 1 month
Autobots and Decepticons but they're just the names of two confining villages in the mountains that hate each other and have a rivalry that dates back to 1467.
And the groups and subfactions are just families. Oh and yes family/small village dynamics are ofc crazy and there's so much draaaama.
Actually I see no differences from this and g1
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afraidparade · 4 months
just had an unprompted emotional moment reflecting upon the gratitude i hold for all of you, so i want to take the time to thank you all again for being here with me 🥺 running this account is legitimately one of my favorite things on earth, i can’t express to you how fulfilling it is to know people are invested in my characters and drawings, especially those relating to an interest i intentionally suppressed for the majority of my life. i love all of you silly billies so much, regardless if you’re engaging with my posts, sending in asks, drawing fanart, or simply lurking, i cherish you all 🖤🖤🖤
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your-unfriendlyghost · 2 months
dally studies
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Was doing some studies for a comic, and I like how these turned out- pretty simple but kinda cool I think. Nothing fancy, but figured I’d post them anyhow
idk, Dally’s such an interesting character to me. I hated him the first time I read this book, but then the second time I nearly teared up at his inevitable death.
He’s an ass, and if I met him in real life I’d despise him- but then he’s got so many traits that I genuinely do admire and sorta envy. (Hell, I even kind of envy some of his bad traits due to my own social conditioning. I’m working on that.) He’s a product of circumstances and in some ways I see myself in him, but he also consistently chose to continue being a bad person. But he wasn’t all bad, either, which I guess is the point…and idk, I wish he could’ve seen a sunset, but then I don’t see them all the time either so who the hell am I to talk.
I dunno, I could talk about him and really ALL the characters in this book for hours and still only scratch the surface, so I’ll leave it at that for now.
still do think he deserves to be shoved a few times though
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 7 months
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what would cas do if he saw this? i personally think he would explode all the lights in the room.
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