#c. mischa
mutatedangels-a · 1 year
@worthless-weight-in-gold //
FADE IN... A lone billboard flickers in the night, atop a mid-size apartment building made of red brick. In the style of an exploitation film from the 1970s, its text reads ███'s WRAG TAG WRECKING CREW! The official name has been scratched out from decades of wear and tear. This side of the city is quiet. All quiet, except for— INT. LIZZIE & EMJAY'S APARTMENT — NIGHT The violent smacking of a palm against a CD player, one from the late 90s or early 2000s. The force of it rattles all the other shit that's on the set of drawers. Perfumes, lipsticks, a fidget spinner. A picture frame falls flat on its belly. We eventually see LIZZIE, 29, almost 30, a short young woman with a curl of wet hair sticking out of a towel. She's using her other hand to hold a towel around herself together. She has faced off with this CD player before but it has never won. The song finally plays. When I'm out walking I strut my stuff And I'm so strung out I'm high as a kite I just might stop to check you out
"How many times have I told you to get rid'a that thing?" Emily asks, brushing past Lizzie on the way to the vanity. And it's the vanity, not her vanity, because it's more of a shared space—sort of like everything else in this apartment, even though it's meant just for the two of them. She touches up her highlighter, keen on reflecting like a disco ball, and puts on jeweltry.
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"It's, like, a relic at this point, Emjay. I can't get rid of it," Lizzie protests. "Besides, trust me, I went to Best Buy the other day. Fully intent on getting one, mind you. Shit cost, like, $50. That's, like, two nights of tips." Then she starts getting dressed with their backs turned to each other. Hell, who cares at this point.
"Yeah, Liz, but it's yer daggone berth-day," the girl from a ways out of Atlanta throws right back. "You deserve to treat yourself."
Now fully dressed in a fuchsia slip dress, Lizzie rests her chin on Emily's shoulder. "Why do that when I've got my best friends to do it for me?" She usually doesn't act this spoiled, but it's her daggone berth-day. She lets Emily do a bit of her makeup for fun and a few more Violent Femmes songs play before...
The pair step out of Emily's bedroom (yes, Lizzie keeps her shitty CD player in there) and present their outfits to the one waiting in the living room. The blonde does a simple spin. Lizzie's a lot more theatrical about it, fingers pinching either side of her dress and hoisting it up just so as she does a little shindig. Peacocking to her boyfriend, Mischa.
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Who rolls his eyes. "It took you two long enough," he says. Then, in a louder voice: "Thes! You ready? I'm not saying it's your fault or anything, but I've literally been waiting here for almost an hour and a half. I have to be at soundcheck in 15 minutes."
Yes, for Lizzie's birthday, they'll be en route to The Wet Spot, one of the better venues in town, where Mischa's band's going to play a special set. A brand new song, apparently.
"We can't go yet! We have to take pictures," Lizzie says with a pout. "Thes, stand in the middle so it's not so obvious you're the tallest." She's usually not in the greatest mood, but nothing can burst her bubble tonight. The four of them are unstoppable as far as she's concerned, and that's to be celebrated.
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darkpsychoterapist · 1 year
More often, many of our inner demons originate in our souls in childhood. The years of childhood are the most important in life.
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And you will fight for the rest of your life to get rid of these little dark monsters 🩸🔪🚬
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raspberrysmoon · 8 months
hi hello
the choir as words i like to call "grockable" aka fun or satisfying to say in some way
ocean- arcadian, uncouth, bee, because
noel- petrichor, elysian, gouache
mischa- heliocentric, zephyr, lucent
ricky- opalite, viridity, ataraxia, anecdote
jane/penny- serendipity, echolalia, apricate
constance- calliope, calypso, callisto, chiffon
honorable mention:
ezra- watch, grockable, every medicine name ever but mostly formaldehyde and xanax, plesiosaurus
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name origins/meanings below:
nischa - a mixture of noel and mischa. the most popular ship name, the most basic, and the one that mathes the least with all of the other rtc ship names (blackrose, spacedolls, sugarspace, etc.)
passionfruit - the second most popular ship name. The "Passion" part comes from Mischa, whose whole thing is his passionate side underneath his gangster persona. The "Fruit" part comes from the fact that Noel is gay. That's it.
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mischa-auer · 6 months
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Colorized stills from East Side of Heaven (1939)
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Because I saw someone on Twitter make one and I was already planning on making one:
Jane: Thomas (I can't really explain this one but I think it fits)
Logan: Ocean (An admittedly rather self-centered perfectionist character who thinks they're better than their friends but gets a shit ton of character growth and tries to be nicer - it's perfect)
Virgil: Mischa (hear me out: angry guy who isn't "from" where everyone else is who secretly loves his friends)
Roman: Noel (flamboyant character who has a rivalry with the perfectionist character)
Remus: Ricky (I have a legitimate reason for this (incredibly imaginative but was never listened to, incredibly observant, etc.) and a funny reason ("Porno is magical" is for sure a statement Remus lives by)
Patton: Constance (shocker, I paired the sweet, borderline naive characters but hear me out: Sugar Cloud is literally Patton's theme song)
And finally:
Janus: Karnak (the confusing mystical being who targets the perfectionist and isn't everything that it seems)
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carpetsucks · 2 years
there’s nothing like the connection between a lesbian and a fictional man that hasn’t had a single good time in their entire life
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Marry the Girl (1937) William C. McGann
December 17th 2022
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ulrichgebert · 7 months
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Da waren's nur noch.... Das Plakat ist für einen "Wen erwischt es als nächsten?"-Krimi ungewöhlich präzis gespielverderbert, die Frage ist aber natürlich "Wer war's?", und konkreter für Bearbeitungen des archetypischen Agatha-Christie-Romans "Wieviele lassen sie übrig?", aber das wissen wir ja inzwischen auch. Zur Überbrückung, weil wir erst in 18 Jahren wieder The Mousetrap anschauen können (vgl. hier).
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iishtar · 10 months
I remember after Marissa died, people being pretty hysterical and coming up to me in airports, crying about it. I thought that was shocking, because it’s TV, you know?
Mischa Barton [x]
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mutatedangels-a · 1 year
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。.:☆*:・ Walking down the kitchen at the top of the stairs Can I mix in with your affairs? Share a smoke, make a joke Grasp and reach for a leg of hope 。.:☆*:・
THES & EMJAY & LIZ & MEESH // @worthless-weight-in-gold
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twistthescript · 2 months
do you have any childhood Mischa H/c's?
Mischa was a mama's boy 100% and never shied away from the more "feminine" hobbies such as cooking or sewing. He could swing a mean punch, sure, but could also whip out a nice quilt too (with the help of his mother).
He would pick flowers at least once a week, pressing them into pages and later gifting them to his mother. Their house was filled with strings of dried flowers- hanging from cabinets, doorknobs, etc.
While on the topic of flowers, he and his mother used to sit out in a sunflower field and just watch/listen to the world around them. There was a family of field mice that they would occasionally encounter.
He once pulled a clothesline down on top of himself (like, the wooden/metal post because he was trying to be helpful and hang a few blankets. Alas, he was too short. (He had a bruise on the side of his head that he tried hiding. It didn't work once it began to show past his hairline)
He had one friend who he was close to when he was younger, but just before he was sent to Canada, he broke off the friendship because the radiation poisoning began to cause a rift between that boy and his parents. Mischa couldn't understand why his (ex)friend would abandon his family because of sickness.
That being said, when he was sent to Canada for the reason he very much understood, his adopted family were so awful to him that he began to feel betrayed by his mother for sending him away. He constantly got angry at his own feelings, and it only caused him to spiral further.
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bi-shop · 1 year
i am desperately trying to think of a name for this au but all i could think of is 'get on the whirlwind' and i hate that i couldn't think of anything better please god i need to think of a good name before i tag these
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penny lamb , the unluckiest girl in town (=> mischa) - she never got a break in st. cassians no words can describe the amount of bullying she faces . the only reason she wasn't left unidentified is because she has foster parents instead of being left by herself and ezra
"c?" (=> jane) - she was nice . forgot a lot of things including her own name . only remembers the 'happy memories'
ocean o'connell rosenberg , the fiercest girl in town (=> ricky) - got a pretty bad leg fracture that made her slow down on her game , which ruined her as she no longer lives up to her own high expectations . somehow more unbearable than before yet stopped insulting people ?
mischa blackwood bachinski , the gentlest boy in town (=> constance) - was put in a good loving environment so he isn't filled with rage . still , trying to cope with the death of his mother and feeling like he doesn't belong in uranium was tough
richard potts , the most artistic boy in town (=> noel) - has jumped to creating by doing art and writing to make the most of his short life . if he's going to go he'll at least release the stories in his head first
noel gruber , the most determined boy in town (=> ocean) - studies hard so he could leave uranium to move to france . partly because uranium sucks and partly because he'll go there to do drag , why would i Not include his historical oc monique gibeau
you can guess which one i had the most fun developing
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feel free to ask anything ! i do put a lot of thought into this !
also virgil and karnak because i Have to include them ... has anyone thought of swapping any of the choir kids with karnak yet
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icepoptroll · 6 months
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So I’m seeing choir redesigns/reference sheets are all the rage right now. I’ve been wanting to make one of these for a while now and I figure now’s the time to throw my hat in the ring and show everyone my two cents on the St. Cassian Chamber Choir of Uranium City, Saskatchewan :) I couldn’t help loosely basing these off of the 2016 version, but I didn’t follow that to a T so a lot of this is my own spin. (more info/hcs under the cut)
Mischa- I hc that he is into body mods. He stretches his earlobes and has facial piercings and tattoos and no he won’t pull up his pants
Noel- a red streak in his hair, Connie did it for him. I like to imagine he has amber/honey brown eyes and some piercings in his ears
Ricky- short king lol, a bow tie cause I thought he’d look cute in one. I love his curious and observant nature. I also gave him magenta crutches, vivid like his imagination C:
Constance- cutie pie sweetheart, pretty purple nail polish because she deserves it!! Loves loves loves purple accessories.
Ocean- . . . She smol. I hc her the shortest and smallest in the choir. Tons of freckles, wavy hair. Could totally be picked up and carried under one’s arm like a loaf of French bread.
Jane- Dolly’s head took some damage in the crash so she’s a bit cracked up. Dolly head is sorta like, magically sized up and stitched on? Just sorta. Levitates
Penny- I like to picture her with curly hair like her brother, Ezra’s. And of course, she must have the greenest eyes.
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thepaintedroom · 12 days
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Mischa "Maurice" Askenazy (Russian/American, 1888–1961) • Nude with a Japanese Folding Screen • c. 1935
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rtc-confessions · 4 months
I hate when people make Mischa like lowkey dumb. This dude knows like FOUR LANGUAGES!!! Assumingly fluidly! Yeah he’ll probably mess up on a word or two sometimes, bound to happen, but I am so convinced that this guys is the smartest of them all!! He’s good at math, he’s good at science, and history. He struggles with English a bit but he can do it. He just doesn’t try in school, he has C’s cause he does some assignments when he’s bored in the basement and then will turn them in like a little bit late and get 100%, minus points for late work. Like guys…he knows what the LGBTQ community is…he knows he can be bisexual. (If you write or whatever him as just not knowing he HIMSELF can be bisexual even if other people can that’s fine if you catch my drift) but please PLEASE believe me when I say MISCHA IS NOT DUMB
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