#c. gilderoy lockhart.
princeheir · 1 year
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˙    💿     This thread takes place in 1981 during the karaoke craze. Severus and @magicalmeee are singing One Way Or Another by Blondie.
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    Fucking hell, Gilderoy Lockhart was hot.
    He was hot in the way that made Severus’ blood run scalding, he was hot like it would scar. And Severus had always loved a flame. Maybe he was a little pyromaniac, following anything that sparkled with a curious gleam in his eyes and enough skin to take burn after burn.
    Snape sneaked near, slithering through the packed bar with a drink on one hand and gasoline on the other, and immediately shot a nasty look to the man who kept the blond company. It didn’t take long for him to go off looking for someone else to bother, leaving the two of them alone. 
    “Long time no see, blondie.” The word got slurred, and Severus got so close to Gilderoy it was unnecessary, liquor messing up his perception of space, — or maybe something else entirely. “Why do I feel like you’ve been avoiding me?” A predatorial smile found its way to the brunette’s lips, amusement dripping from his words like venom. “Repay me with a song, won’t you?” 
 Without waiting for a reply, he started moving towards the karaoke machine, a song already in mind. 
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natti-ice · 6 months
The Blind Date- Sirius Black.
Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader
Summary: Hogwarts annual valentines party has a twist. A test that pairs you with the best match
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.6k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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Valentine's day.
The one day of the year card and candy companies thrive. Couples around every corner, corny love songs on the radio. The perfect day to make all single people feel bad.
This year at Hogwarts they have decided to do a cupid event. Sixth and seventh years who are interested, take a test to see which student they are most compatible with. Each pair can attend the valentine's party together the following week. Most students were excited to be paired with someone, and then there was Y/N,
"Come on Y/N it'll be fun." Lily Evans said dragging her friend into the great hall
"No no, it won't" Y/N protested
"And why is that?" the redhead questioned
"Going on a blind date isn't really my style"
"Lighten up Y/N, who knows maybe you'll meet the one" James Potter chimed in as he sat down wrapping his arm around his Girlfriend Lily
"Right, maybe you won't be so lonely. Honestly, it's getting depressing." Sirius Black said strolling alongside his best friend James.
"Shut up Black, Why are you two here anyway?" Y/N asked the boys
"I came to see my Lily flower" James gushed causing Sirius and Y/N to make faces. Earlier this year James and Lily became an official couple, Ever since they've been inseparable.
"Ew. I'm here because I don't have a date this year, couldn't pick one" Sirius said shrugging
"How humble of you" Y/N said sarcasm in her voice
"Attention please students," Dumbledore announced to the great hall. Heads turned to face him faces full of wonder. "As most of you are aware, we will be hosting a Valentine's party this 14th. For all the sixth and seventh years who are interested in being paired with a date, please see Professor Flitwick for a compatibility test"
"I think it's a great opportunity to put yourself out there Y/N" Lily said wanting to get her friend out of her comfort zone.
"Fine okay I'll do it" Y/N agreed in hopes to get Lily off her back about it. She hesitantly stood up, walking over to the growing line.
She hoped that she didn't get some creep who only tries to get in her pants. Please not Gilderoy Lockhart she thought. Patiently waiting to get the test, glancing around to see all who were in line. Turning around she comes face to face with Sirius Black.
"So who do you want to get?" Sirius asks her
"anyone, I don't care" she lied
"What if you get me?" he smirked
"okay anyone BUT you" she grinned at him
"Ouch, I'll have you know I am the best date anyone could have." he said pretending to be offended
"Oh yeah I bet" she said rolling her eyes. It was her turning in line, thanking the professor as he handed her the paper. Taking it back to her table to fill out the form, pulling out a quill. Filling in the basic information, name, grade, house.
Okay, first question "what's your favorite color?" she read in her head. Easy, Y/F/C. This won't take long, she thought.
She was right, it took her about 5 minutes to fill it out. Walking back up to the table to turn in her paper.
- February 13th
The day before Valentine's Day, the results of the test come out.
Nervously a group of kids walks up to the bulletin board to see who they've been paired with. Most were happy about their partner, others were nervous, some were just confused.
Y/N saw the crowd and knew the list must've been posted. She worked her way through the swarm of people to find her name, scanning it carefully.
Y/N L/N ..... Sirius Black
You have got to be kidding me, she mentally groaned. Of all people, it had to be him. Maybe she could get it changed before he found out. Moving through the sea of people once again.
"Well, it looks like we matched after all" Sirius said leaning up against the wall with his signature smirk.
"You seem awfully happy about this" Y/N said with a questioning eye.
"I just think it's kind of funny" he replied with his hands up in defense. "You seemed so confident we wouldn't be paired" Sirius said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Did you copy my answers or something?" She lightly knocked off his arm.
"Of course not, I never cheat on test" he said defensively
"Really?" She furrowed her eyebrows
"Okay okay maybe once or twice but not on this, I swear" He crossed his heart "don't act like this is the worst thing that ever happened to you"
"It kind of is" she said playfully
"Oh please, do you know how many girls would kill to be you" he matched her tone
"They can have you"
"But in all seriousness, do you want to go to the party with me?" Sirius asked slightly hoping she'd yes
"Well" she sighed "I did promise Lily I would go with a date so, I'll go with you." She agreed
"Fantastic! I promise I'll make it worth your while" he grinned from ear to ear sending her a wink.
"I'll see you tomorrow then" Y/N says walking off
"It's a date!" Sirius yells into the hallway knowing he'd embarrass her
- "Are you excited about tonight Y/N?" Lily asked Y/N walking out of their last class of the day
"Terribly" she replied with a straight face.
"I'm sure you'll have a great time, but you know what this means right?" The redhead said with a mischievous smile
"Make over time!" She was ecstatic
"Yay" she faked excitement. But honestly, a makeover didn't seem THAT bad
- As the night approached, the tension in the air rose. Everyone was nervous about this big group date the school has decided to have. What if it's totally lame and they're stuck with awkward conversation for hours?
"Okay, I'm ready to see myself now" Y/N said impatiently, antsy from sitting in a chair for so long
"Alright alright, open your eyes" Lily told her friend
Opening her eyes allowing them to adjust, glancing at herself in the mirror. Lily had only done light makeup that enhanced her already beautiful face. "Wow. I look quite pretty." Y/N said admiring Lily's work
"You always look pretty Y/N" Lily spoke genuinely "Now, go get dressed the boys will be here any minute"
Doing as told,  putting on an outfit she thought was "fancy" enough for the occasion. It was a school function so, not fancy at all.
A rapping on the door in an unrhythmic beat told the girls one thing. James is here.
Lily opens up the door and is greeted by 2 slightly spiffed young men. "Greetings miss Evans, are you prepared for our gala this evening?" James said in a posh accent. Taking her hand and kissing the back of it gently, causing Lily to blush
"Gross" Sirius commented "Is Y/N here?"
"Yeah she's just getting dressed"
"Hi boys" Y/N said walking out of the bathroom. Lily and James head out first leaving Sirius and Y/N alone.
"I must say, you look very beautiful tonight." Sirius told the girl
"Thank you, Mr. Black" she said mocking his friend
" Are you ready madam?" He offered her his arm
"Certainly" accepting his gesture
- As one could expect, school parties are lame. Sappy songs couples awkwardly slow dance to. That one teacher who thinks they're one of the kids. And of course the infamous punch bowl.
"I knew it would be bad but not this bad" Sirius cringed
"Most of the paired couples didn't even show up." Y/N stated
"Do you want to get out of here?" Sirius suggested
Walking out of the hall, they figured out why some of the couples didn't show up. They were in the halls, snogging.
"Looks like Hogwarts is a great matchmaker after all" Y/N stated not sure to believe it or not.
"Yeah I guess you could say that" The boy replied
Wondering the halls, discussing the uncomfortable things that were seen at that said "party". Eventually, the two make their way into the Gryffindor common room. A few younger students were scattered around probably catching up on homework, sitting on the couch not knowing what to do. Sirius came up with an idea.
"How about a game of wizards chess?" He asked
"Sure, let's play" she agreed
"Good, if I win... I get to kiss you" Sirius said calmly
"You're crazy" Y/N said dismissing the entire idea
"C'mon, afraid you'll lose?" He challenged
"Alright Black you're on. If I win you have to run around the halls in a ballerina outfit, deal?"
- A tough neck and neck game of chess with great concentration and skill led to one's defeat. As Y/N's pawn captures Sirius' king, victory overcame her.
"Checkmate Black, time to get your tutu"
Accepting his defeat and holding his deal of the bargain, he ran around the school acting like a ballerina. He actually kind of liked it, but you didn't hear that from me.
Y/N's stomach hurt from laughing so much. She was glad he didn't get upset with the deal, he was so lighthearted and good-natured. It was hard not to like him.
After Sirius retired his ballet flats, it was already late. This "date" had come to an end, Y/N felt a little sad but didn't know why.
"I should probably go to bed, but I had fun tonight, really" Y/N smiled
"I'm glad you did, I thoroughly enjoyed your company" he brought back the fake posh accent. "Goodnight m'lady" he bowed
"Goodnight good sir" she curtsied.
"I still can't believe you beat me at chess, who knew you were so good" Sirius laughed
"We all have our secrets" she shrugged. Standing on her tippy toes giving him a small peck on the cheek. "Goodnight Sirius"
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Tags: @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @madwcman @timbradfordisbae @de-duchess
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moutainrusing · 4 months
“Hiya, how can I help?” Sirius asked into the speakerphone. An incoming customer call had been directed to him, and it was his duty to answer their queries knowledgeably, clear up any confusion, reassure them that sales were soaring; that investing wouldn’t result in a loss. He took his job as a salesperson for his adoptive family’s hair company with the utmost responsibility.
Usually, he never bothered with anything, always lazily half-hearted and thoughtlessly careless, but he’d always lived to please his family, and really, the hair product was incredible. Without it, he doubted he would have the long, smooth, silky dark hair he was currently brushing behind his ear.
“More like how can I help you?” An exaggeratedly cheerful voice responded, and Sirius sucked his teeth in, recoiling at the fake, saccharine voice, clearly doused in excessive gallons of honey, dripping with insincerity. He’s heard these sorts of people before, mainly a certain Gilderoy Lockhart, who literally poured buckets of honey down his speakerphone, ranting in disgustingly jovial tones about his own brilliance.
Well, at least this person wasn’t Gilderoy — by now, they’d have been at least ten thousand words into how blindingly gorgeous Gilderoy’s new nose job was. (A lie, by the way.) Gilderoy was the worst salesperson by far, not even advertising the product he was paid to publicise. Also, this person was a customer, not a salesperson, and they sounded extremely deranged, which meant Sirius had to help them all the more.
Before Sirius could speak, though, the voice awkwardly rushed in to fill the silence, “Because I have the perfect thing that will help you, not that you need helping, actually, I’m sure you’re, uh, pretty? But, well, I’m bad at this, look, just buy the damn product.”
Sirius blinked. Maybe this person was a salesperson? “Are you okay?”
“No. I’m drunk. I suck at my job. I don’t even care about hair! Oops, that rhymed. Anyway, I try to, but I sound so fake. Even alcohol doesn’t help. Like, in what world does alcohol not help?”
“Uh — none?”
“Exactly! Really, I just need the money. And not in a ‘all I care about is money kinda way’, but ‘cause I’m genuinely broke.”
“Sorry. I’m trying to get you to buy out of pity. I heard honesty really sells it.”
“Right. Well, maybe start by telling me what your product is?”
The faint sound of a head hitting a table. “I’m an idiot, sorry. It’s ‘Potter’s Sleekeazy Hair Products’.”
Sirius slowly smiled, realisation dawning on him. With a smirk, Sirius Potter said, “I get those for free.”
“Name’s Sirius Potter.”
“Oh God.”
Sirius laughed. “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. What’s your name?”
“Are you going to fire me?” The voice asked bluntly.
“Nah, I’m not in charge of that.”
“But you’re related to the people who are?”
“Something like that.”
“So you have the power to get me fired.”
“And with the power I wield over you, I’d like you to tell me your name.”
“Remus,” the person sighed. “Remus Lupin.”
“Don’t sound so miserable, Remus,” Sirius said. “I told you, don’t worry.” With that, Sirius hung up, and decided to take his break, disconnecting from the centre so that no calls would be directed to him. He made a note to report the error of connecting two salespeople as well. He’d been informed that Remus was an incoming call, and Remus had probably been tasked with making an outgoing call. Actually, what if Remus, in his drunken daze, accidentally sent the wrong request? Maybe Sirius wouldn’t report it after all. Because in reality, despite Remus’s doubts, he didn’t want him fired. He actually wanted to befriend him. Which was strange, but Sirius didn’t question it.
He went on a Remus Lupin hunt, merely because Remus was interesting, crazy, weird, direct, stupid, awkward, funny; quite frankly, the most intriguing person Sirius had ever heard. And that was from his voice alone. Who knew what Remus would be like in person? He knew Remus would be at one of the desks in the Potter’s call centre, and blindly walked down the rows and columns of white desks until he saw the man’s name tag.
Remus was dolefully staring down at the headphones he’d taken off and placed on his desk, and he’d probably been doing that for a long time. His hair was awful: knotted, matted, scraggly, overgrown… and yet, the russet curls fell prettily into his eyes, and Sirius couldn’t make out the colour because of Remus’s insanely long eyelashes, hiding them from sight.
Sirius smiled amusedly at the sight, before pushing the headphones to the side of the desk and pulling himself up to sit there instead. Remus blinked up at him in confusion. Golden. The colour of his eyes. Molten, hot liquid, pure and radiant, swirling in his irises; a deep, rich shade of brown that was too shiny to be brown.
“Hiya,” Sirius grinned. “Got any more alcohol on you?”
Remus’s eyes widened in recognition, and he obediently opened a desk drawer and pulled out a huge bottle of vodka — which, concerningly, was already half-drunk. Sirius laughed. “Don’t be so stiff, mate, I’m not gonna attack you.”
“You’re the boss, though.”
“Nah, just one of his sons. I work the same as you, y’know. Salesperson.”
“Cheers,” Sirius nodded, taking a swig of the bottle, letting out a sigh as his throat burned.
Remus’s lips twitched upward. “Usually, I don’t drink so visibly.”
Sirius gave him a levelled look. “I’m a Potter.”
“And that gives you superiority?”
“Yes,” Sirius stated, purposefully taking another sip. He grinned when Remus chuckled slightly, and then even more when Remus froze like a deer in headlights when he was caught.
“Loosen up, I thought you were drunk,” Sirius passed the bottle back.
Remus pursed his lips, before shrugging and taking a massive swig.
“Wow,” Sirius noted. “Really hate this job, huh?”
“Y’know, if you’re broke, how’d you afford the bottle?” Sirius gestured.
Remus grimaced at the impression it gave. A poor alcoholic who spent all his money on his poison. “I actually won it in a lottery. But my best mate was in charge, and I’m one hundred percent certain she rigged it in my favour.”
Sirius cackled. “You deserve it.”
“Clearly,” Remus responded dryly.
“You’re different now than on the phone,” Sirius observed. “You know Lockhart?” All Sirius needed was Remus’s answering grimace to say, “At first, you reminded me of him.”
“What?!” Remus coughed. “I hate everything. I knew it was bad, but not that bad.”
Sirius consolingly patted the top of Remus’s curls as he pathetically buried his face into his elbows, splayed all knobbly and gangly over the desk. “Aw, it’s okay,” Sirius jokingly cooed. “Honestly, you redeemed yourself greatly. So adorable, you were. And I think you called me pretty, at one point in that ramble. And you hadn’t even seen me! I’m touched.”
“You’re still pretty,” Remus mumbled into his sleeve, and Sirius raised his eyebrows.
“So are you,” he whispered.
Remus finally raised his head in comical confusion, but before those lovely lips could form the words asking him to elaborate, Sirius continued in a louder voice, “Well, I won’t fire you, but we’re gonna find you a job you care about. Because, although your hair is beautiful, you clearly don’t give a shit about looking after it.”
- - -
Three years later, Sirius was the boss of Potter’s Sleekeazy Hair Products, his parents having made the decision to retire early and enjoy their remaining years as much as possible. And, it was clear that Sirius was made for the job.
After closing up the office, he skipped down the sidewalk, and rounded the corner of the cobbled street to face the monstrous, arched building, looming over him intimidatingly with its intricate traceries and age-old, weathered bricks. But it didn’t intimidate him, because it was the second home of his partner, who spent his hours poring over dusty pages of ancient volumes, or writing new pages to fill spaces in bookstores for people of all ages.
They’d found the job together, exploring dreams and hopes and ambitions, and dreaming and hoping and striving even more to make it work. And it worked. Because now Remus Lupin was a bestselling author and university lecturer, and he only drank alcohol when he wasn’t working. Oh, and his hair was even more breathtaking, because every week, his partner conditioned it with a new, specially-designed Potter’s Sleekeazy Conditioning Serum.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
from: choose violence ask game
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
a) Gilderoy Lockhart and Snape's comedic potential in any and all fanfictions. To a lesser degree: Quirrel and Snape. Or Umbridge and Snape. Or Bellatrix and Snape. Literally, any excuse to annoy Snape is gold IMO, I'm talking crack fiction.
b) James Potter x Sirius Black in all its forms. Wolfstar this, Jegulus that... nu-uh. The Marauders were all obsessed with James, Sirius and Remus were ready to kill each other over him, and we all know that Peter actually betrayed the Potters because he was jealous of Lily. As for Regulus, he is gay, but just for blood supremacists, I'm sorry, I don't make the rules. He and Barty do fuck but both of them actually want Voldemort.
c) Lord Voldemort's Hogwarts years/his travels before the First Wizarding War. Specifically stories without romance. I want to hear about these baby Death Eaters' shenanigans in school. Also, the comedic potential of the following love triangle: Alphard Black x Tom Riddle x Walburga Black in any and all crack settings.
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mrbingley · 1 year
rip to the greatest lockhart/snape slow burn fanfic (plus a central gilderoy redemption arc) i'll never write. it would've been legendary.
before it all takes place: lockhart doesn't try to unforgivable curse the kids. he makes a big live announcement about his appropriating stories for himself in his books knowing the potter trio will expose him and wants to beat them to the punch. he holes up in his home while the public is outraged and all his fans turn on him.
start of fic: wanting to leave the house but not wanting to be recognized (and harassed) lockhart drinks a polyjuice potion. using the visage of a random woman, he ends up in an alternative night club featuring drag performances. he's instantly mesmerized and into it and after coming back many times, always watching in the audience as a polyjuice woman, eventually tries performing. but he's still not himself, he's still attending and performing as a polyjuice woman. he sees snape one night (snape is there to clandestinely meet albus b/c lbr albus would remember a place like this from his youth and decide this is The Place to meet up to discuss secret important matters b/c it's a hidden building not publicly known or easily accessible) and gives him extra attention. but lockhart can't ever linger for more in depth interactions or conversations b/c the polyjuice potion wears off quickly after performance time and he has to escape back to his home before anyone sees the real him. and more importantly before snape sees the real him, b/c he knows/thinks snape hates him and wouldn't like the real him. it's all very lgbt, gender exploration, redemption, cinderella-night-club.
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wishchthumblr · 1 year
im so glad my mom is also into fandom and knows about fanfics and that kinda stuff!!! because im the type of person who wants to talk about the fanfics i read (even if the other person doesn’t 100% get it) and its so nice that she gets it now. because before i had to be like “so uhm, its this…. online book…. yeah… ahah yeah i forgot the name of it but basically it’s these characters who you’ve never heard of-” because i didn’t wanna tell her i was reading marvel fanfics because shes casually into marvel and i was embarrassed
but now that she watches edits of her k/c/thai dramas that are basically fanfics but in video form and NOW SHE GETS THAT FANFICS ARENT JUST WEIRD AND GROSS!!! i can just walk into the kitchen and be like “aight so, heres the stage. harry potter. BUT. he gets adopted by gilderoy lockhart. it gets better” and she laughs because she knowns the characters and she thinks it’s interesting!! and then she tells me about the new update to the ship edit series she’s watching and i just get so :DDDDD
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despelled · 2 years
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       ⇢            GILDEREY    ‘   REYHAN   ’    LOCKHART        ✶        aslihan    malbora    ,        22    ,        ciswoman    ,        she    /    her    ,        halfblood    ,        fourth    year    ,        healing.    member    of    the    hufflepuff    quidditch    team      ,        aurelius    choir      ,         and     s.p.e.w.    can    be    described    as     reticent   ,        enduring    ,        timid    ,        and    impressionable.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢                        .                  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒         .
 full name : gilderey  ‘  reyhan  ’  lockhart  nickname(s) : rey  ,  reya  age / dob : twenty  two  /  june  25  ,   2000  zodiac : cancer  blood status : halfblood
 gender : cis  woman  pronouns : she  /  her  sexuality : pansexual
 house : hufflepuff  year : fourth  specialization : healing  extracurriculars : hufflepuff  quidditch  team  (  seeker  )  ,  aurelius  choir  ,  and  s.p.e.w.  wand : willow  ,   white  river  monster  spine  ,   11¼"  ;  rather  flexible  patronus : brown  bear
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐢                        .                  𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃         .
 birth place : belfast  ,  northern  ireland  home region / school : north  ireland  /  o'eallaigh.  social class : upper  class  father : gilderoy  lockhart  mother : unknown  sibling(s) : none  pet(s) : a  barn  owl  named  flappybird.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐢𝐢                        .                  𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋         .
 face claims : aslihan  malbora  eye colour : honey  gold - brown.  hair colour / style : chest  length  curly  ,  brown  hair.  usually  worn  down  or  in  a  multitude  of  half  up - do’s  or  braided  out  of  her  face.  much  of  her  childhood  was  made  up  of  endless  stylists  straightening  her  hair  into  total  submission  ,  and  so  she  only  does  so  nowadays  on  the  very  rare  occasion.    height : 163cm      /      5′3″  build : has  a  classical  ballerina  build  ;  lithe  and  long  legged.  very  much  bird - boned  and  tender ,  there’s  times  where  she  appears  almost  too  soft  ,  as  if  on  the  verge  of  crumbling.  clothing style : sticks  to  neutral  colours  ,  with  an  emphasis  on  creams  ,  browns  ,  and  beiges.  tends  to  favour  the  comfortable  over  the  trendy  ,  with  plenty  of  oversized  knit  cardigans  and  layered  turtlenecks.  skirts  ,  wide -  legged  pants  ,  and  mom  jeans  fully  worn  in.  tattoos :  none.     piercings : double  lobe  piercings.  scars :  a  rather  large  scar  over  her  right  knee ,  that’s  faded  with  time.  notable features : dimpled  cheeks  and  wildly  tousled  curls  ,  smiles  that  fall  from  her  face  the  instant  she’s  turned  away  ,  nervous  hands  that  tend  to  wring  and  clench  ,  caved  in  shoulders  and  smothered  laughter.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐯                        .                  𝐓𝐋;𝐃𝐑         .
   —  childhood   for   reyhan   is   a   wound   that   never   stops   bleeding.   stolen   from   her   mother   only   days   after   her   birth   ,      the   both   of   them   are   left   with   nothing   but   memories   ⸻   ones   that   slip   between   the   fingers   like   sand.   intangible   ,      untouchable.   time   and   tutelage   are   what   leave   reyhan   gasping   at   the   maw   of   motherhood   ,      but   it   is   her   father's   spells   that   have   her   mother   grasping   at   straws   ,      left   in   a   constant   state   of   niggling   discomfort.   (   you   are   forgetting   ,      you   are   forgetting   ⸻   YOU   HAVE   ALREADY   FORGOTTEN.   )
   —  raised   by   a   nanny   and   a   handful   of   house   elves   ,      the   days   pass   slowly   with   neither   hide   nor   hair   of   her   father   ;      a   man   far   too   busy   chasing   fame   and   fortune   to   bother   with   a   daughter   he'd   never   even   wanted.   (   at   least   ,      if   reyhan   had   been   a   boy   ,      a   son   to   carry   on   the   lockhart   name   ...   )   but   her   father   is   forced   to   swallow   the   bitter   truth   of   her   failures   ,      and   reyhan   learns   to   live   with   disappoint   as   her   constant   companion   ,      one   that   weighs   heavy   on   both   mind   and   spirit.   
   —  the   burden   of   being   her   father's   daughter   begins   to   bury   her   young.   finally   turning   old   enough   to   become   useful   in   his   eyes   ,      the   lockhart’s   grow   to   become   a   household   name   across   the   wizarding   world.   a   modern   day   hero   ,      and   still   the   perfect   father   ,      reyhan   becomes   a   simple   ,      yet   solid   prop   to   her   father's   eternal   desires.   commended   endlessly   ,      both   high   and   low.   he   drags   her   across   tabloids   ,      and   bares   every   inch   of   her   life   for   public   viewing.   raising   her   to   be   perfect   ,      the   standard   for   easy   consumption   ,      and   she   never   forgets   to   further   praise   her   father   above   all.   
   —  she's   already   fifteen   by   the   time   she   learns   the   truth.   her   father   is   a   fraud   ,      and   she   is   entirely   complicit.   there   is   no   version   of   the   story   where   reyhan   can   claim   innocence   (   where   her   father   would   allow   for   it   )   and   besides   ⸻   what   would   she   do   ?   where   would   she   go   ?   turning   in   her   father   is   not   a   betrayal   she   can   stomach   ,      and   neither   one   she   would   be   brave   enough   to   ever   pursue.   instead   ,      she   remains   :      accessory   to   his   crimes   ,      another   fraud   born   to   fraud.   she   pushes   on   ,      living   in   constant   fear   of   discovery.   
   —  her   entire   world   is   one   made   of   her   father's   intricacies   and   delights   ,      a   pretty   prison   of   his   own   making.   to   go   where   he   tells   her   ,      to   do   as   he   commands.   aurelius   becomes   both   desperation   and   sanctuary   ⸻   reyhan's   first   breath   of   fresh   air.   abandoned   by   a   father   who   knew   she   could   never   betray   him   ,      their   only   interactions   over   the   next   few   years   are   for   the   occasional   shoot   and   cover   spread.   he's   out   there   :      her   father   the   hero   ,      and   all   she   begs   for   is   her   own   quiet   ,      mundane   corner   of   the   world.   
   —  it's   almost   achievable   too.   blending   in   and   keeping   her   head   down   ,      the   years   pass   just   enough   for   reyhan   to   believe   ⸻   to   even   hope   that   her   life   will   calm   past   the   tumultuous   seasons   of   her   father.   but   of   course   ,      how   would   he   ever   allow   for   her   her   freedom   ?   why   would   he   ever   be   so   kind.
   —  the   summer   over   reyhan's   third   year   starts   off   explosive   with   the   reveal   of   her   father's   lies.   revelation   in   the   form   of   her   father's   wrongdoings   ,      dragged   ugly   and   unrelenting   into   the   light.   and   where   reyhan   would   never   dare   to   take   on   the   successes   of   her   father   ,      it   is   his   flaws   that   she   had   learned   to   take   on   too   well.   highly   publicized   and   sensationalized   before   the   masses   ,      the   lockhart   name   ,      which   was   once   built   up   so   high   and   mighty   ,      takes   on   a   steep   dive   off   the   deep   end.   falling   falling   falling   they   go.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐯                        .                  𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂         .
   — so   my   girl   has   truly   been   put   through.   the   absolute   shitter   with   gilderoy   as   a   father</3333   he   definitely   has   a   narcissistic   personality   disorder   to   the   extreme   ,      and   rey   was   on   the   receiving   end   of   that   bullshit   for   the   entirety   of   her   life.   which   has   led   to   ....   an   abundance   of   her   own   issues   ,      but   mainly   :      a   near   non   -   existent   self   -   esteem   ,      the   inability   to   trust   themselves   (   but   also   the   absolute   fear   of   trusting   others   ??   )   ,      a   constant   need   to   please   ,      and   the   tendency   to   over   -   attach   themselves   to   anyone   who's   willing   to   stick   around   </33   just   to   name   a   few   !   she's   definitely   an   enigma   ,      to   both   herself   and   others   but   she   is   trying   !!   very   hard   !!!   
  —  her   first   few   years   at   aurelius   were   probably   spent   keeping   herself   safely   distanced   ,      but   also   attempting   to   reach   out   and   actually   create   some   real   relationships   for   herself   !   unfortunately   ,      she   was   never   actually   taught   how   to   make   friends   ,      without   it   coming   with   all   sorts   of   conditions   and   underlying   schemes   ,      so   the   result   was   her   coming   off   as   entirely   too   standoffish   and   probably   being   known   as   the   shittest   friend   ever   (   rip   akjnfawefa   )
  —  only   ever   truly   comes   out   of   her   shell   with   a   select   few   people   ,      and   even   then   rey   feels   like   she   has   to   like.   bend   over   backwards   and   mould   themselves   into   the   easiest   and   most   preferred   version   of   herself   to   that   person   specifically.   (   a   chameleon   ,      some   say   ?   two   faced   ,      is   what   others   call   her.   but   it   always   comes   down   to   rey   not   really   knowing   who   she   is   when   she's   not   being   perceived   and   dictated   by   others   to   a   certain   extent   !   )   
  —  she   doesn't   particularly   love   her   specialization   ,      but   she's   never   brought   home   anything   less   than   perfect   marks   and   the   image   of   being   a   perfect   student.   and   it's   not   like   she   has   anything   better   to   do   than   what   her   father   instructed   ... ?   : (   most   of   her   club   activities   were   probably   also   joined   because   someone   dragged   her   along   to   one   of   the   meetings   and   told   her   to   sign   up   akefjnawef
  —  BUT   !!!   her   one   real   passion   was   discovered   first   year   when   she   joined   the   hufflepuff   quidditch   team   !   and   whereas   she   will   in   fact   die   of   embarrassment   if   anyone   even   acknowledges   her   talents   as   a   seeker   to   her   face   ,      she   truly   does   love   the   freedom   of   flying   ,      and   playing   a   game   where   she   feels   involved   and   important   as   a   team   member   <333   like   that   is   ....   her   only   passion   ,      and   she   will   perhaps   wither   away   if   you   try   to   take   it   from   her   </333
  —  but   her   life   atm   is   currently   ,      in   shambles   because   of   the   ongoing   case   against   her   father   not   only   being   a   fraud   ,      but   the   endless   damage   he's   caused   by   stealing   and   memory   -   wiping   the   successes   of   other   wizards.   she's   been   cleared   of   any   charges   herself   ,      at   the   defence   of   having   been   a   minor   for   the   majority   of   her   involvement   ,   and   having   been   raised   so   thoroughly   under   her   father's   thumb   her   entire   life.   but   the   case   is   in   fact   ,      as   public   as   it   is   abhorrent   ,      and   so   rey's   been   having   a   Terrible   ,      Horrible   ,      No   Good   ,      Very   Bad   Day   ,      since   the   news   broke   a   month   ago   </3
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*               &            ◞                     𝐯𝐢                        .                  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃         .
  —  𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅(𝒔)   :    embarrassingly   tentative   ,      and   probably   not   numbering   that   high   ,      i'd   like   to   imagine   she's   been   able   to   befriend   at   least   a   couple   people   that   have   been   able   to   see   past   the   worst   of   her   !!   and   also   want   to   encourage   her   to   be   her   best   or   at   least   better   self   <333
  — 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔    :    so   this   could   be   for   all   manner   of   reasons   ,      whether   rey   was   just   a   shitty   friend   and   probably   threw   y/m   under   the   bus   to   safe   herself   previously   ,      or   just   everything   about   her   being   two   -   faced   has   rubbed   y/m   the   wrong   way.   another   interesting   possibility   could   be   y/m   having   a   connection   to   one   of   the   poor   mfs   that   rey's   dad   stole   the   accomplishment   of   before   memory   wiping   them   ....   who   knows   : ~ )
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outrageousrp · 1 year
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* + (SIDE A) EVENTO: Godric's Fair.
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Com os últimos suspiros do verão, a folhagem das árvores que enfeitam e cercam Godric’s Hollow tomam uma coloração dourada; o crepúsculo se desfaz no horizonte num gradiente pálido de azul; brisas álgidas adentram as residências por frestas em janelas e chaminés retornam a emitir fumaça. Enquanto famílias se reúnem para uma xícara de chá, com ajuda do feitiço sonorus, a melódica voz de Gilderoy Lockhart ressoa pelas ruas, invadindo os chalés.
“Boa tarde, godricanos!” Ele começa naquele característico tom energético, e todos conseguem imaginar seu sorriso radiante. “Quem vos fala é o admirável Gilderoy Lockhart, líder do conselho da vizinhança!” O barulho cortante de tapa é escutado, e alguns, em suas casas, soltam risinhos satisfeitos. “Digo! Um dos líderes. Alguém já a disse que sua mão é forte demais para uma dama, Granger? De qualquer maneira, venho os lembrar que nossa amada Godric’s Fair começará na próxima semana! Por isso, a partir de domingo, aceitaremos voluntários para o comitê de organização! Seguindo a tradição de presentear nossos voluntários queridos, esse ano, aqueles que ajudarem receberão uma cópia assinada do meu novo livro, Criando Bebês Golem! Como assim não concordaram com isso? É uma oportunidade única! Só estarão na prateleira em-” Enquanto os ouvintes reviram os olhos, a voz de Gilderoy Lockhart é substituída pela de Monica Granger. “Continuando!” A presença da mulher, mesmo que distante, provoca colunas a se endireitarem e atenções se prenderem, como se ouvissem as ordens duma professora! “Voluntários terão as três refeições do dia providenciadas, muito gentilmente, pela Molly’s Magical Kitchen! Muito obrigada, Molly, querida. As inscrições começam amanhã, sexta-feira, vinte e um de agosto, às dez horas da manhã! Interessados devem assinar a lista que está pregada no mural da Godric’s Manor! Muito obrigada e-” “Não se esqueçam de checar o meu novo livro: C-” “Gilderoy, por Merlin, eu juro!”
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Com sua primeira edição tendo acontecido há milhares de anos, — em celebração ao nascimento de Godric Gryffindor —, a Godric’s Fair é o evento anual mais antigo do povoado. Por uma semana, moradores são convidados a participar de inúmeras atividades que são proporcionadas pela comunidade para a comunidade! O objetivo do evento é celebrar e fortalecer os laços da comunidade, assim como familiares! Por isso, todos são bem-vindos a participar, seja frequentando ou ofertando seus próprios produtos e talentos!
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Pregado no MURAL da GODRIC’S MANOR está o ITINERÁRIO da semana do evento, que ocorrerá dos dias 24 até 28 de AGOSTO.
Doming (23/08), Preparações: Os voluntários deverão comparecer na Gryffindor Manor às 7:00hrs da manhã. Os líderes do Conselho irão dividir os voluntários em grupos para ajudar com diferentes tarefas: decoração de estabelecimentos, preparação e organização das comidas, limpeza dos espaços públicos etc. Almoço, café da tarde e janta serão providenciados pela Molly's Magical Kitchen!
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Segunda (24/08), Abertura: A abertura acontecerá às 10:00hrs da manhã na praça da Gryffindor Manor.
Na praça estarão as tendas dos comerciantes independentes, oferecendo produtos diversos.
Ao meio dia, acontecerá um almoço no jardim ao som da Sounding Ears (a mundialmente famosa orquestra de elfos!). Estarão dispostas mesas para cada família. Os pratos serão magicamente repostos!
No período da tarde, estabelecimentos abrirão com diferentes temáticas. O The Witch Parlor promete vinte e cinco novos sabores ao longo da semana; A Wizarding Beau e a Thousand Wizards farão liquidações de até 80%. Além disso, lojas do Beco Diagonal e Hogsmeade estarão com suas próprias tendas! São elas: Dedos de Mel, Floreios e Borrões, Vassourax, Instrumentos de Escrita Escribbulus, Casa de Chá Madame Puddifoot (tenda restaurante), Zonko's, Chapelaria Bruxa de McHavelock, Dominic Maestro's Music Shop.
Durante a noite, acontecerá a competição de karaokê no The Hollow Pub. O primeiro lugar ganhará 100 galeões! Também haverão sorteios patrocinados pelo Thousand Wizards.
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Terça (25/08), Segundo dia: O evento principal será uma competição de Quadribol com a participação de jogadores do Chudley Cannons nos times!
O almoço acontecerá no Sleeping Mandrake, onde Anatolia Scamander promete uma variedade de pratos de diferentes partes do mundo! * Vegetarianos devem comer nas mesas do lado de fora para não ofender as plantas residentes.
A partir das 14:00hrs começarão as partidas de Quadribol! Serão 04 Times (A, B, C e D) que serão compostos por moradores e jogadores do Chudley Cannons! Emmeline Pettigrew será a juíza das partidas! O campo de Quadribol foi montado nas redondezas do povoado. Comida durante o evento será providenciada pelas diferentes barracas (Molly's Magical Kitchen, Caldeirão Furado, Dedos de Mel, Sleeping Mandrake, Lovegood's).
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Quarta (26/08), Terceiro dia: O evento principal será a exibição de filmes inéditos em vhs no Granger’s Wee Shop!
O cinema da Granger’s Wee Shop exibirá quatro lançamentos em vhs! Serão: Mulan (pela manhã), The Parent Trap (após o almoço), The Truman’s Show (no período da tarde) e The Man in the Iron Mask (à noite). Comida durante as sessões será providenciada pela Dedos de Mel e Sleeping Mandrake.
O almoço acontecerá no celeiro dos Weasley, na Molly's Magical Kitchen. Molly Weasley avisa que o sistema da rede flu do celeiro estará disponível para os moradores não precisarem caminhar até lá!
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Quinta (27/08), Quarto dia: O evento principal será o show no The Hollow Pub!
O almoço acontecerá, novamente, no jardim da Gryffindor Manor. Dessa vez, entretenimento será providenciado pela magnífica cantora bruxa Celestina Warbeck, se apresentando, pela primeira vez, no povoado.
A partir das 17:00hrs começarão as apresentações no The Hollow Pub! Será uma festa, com happy hour de todas as bebidas do bar. O tema da noite é animais fantásticos! Não serão aceitas fantasias, mas todos devem aparecer com looks inspirados por criaturas mágicas! Dentre as apresentações, estão a banda The Weird Sisters e, para encerrar a noite, Glenda Chittock apresenterá seus maiores sucessos!
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Sexta (28/08), Encerramento: O evento principal será o baile na Gryffindor Manor!
Pensando nos preparativos dos convidados, não haverá almoço comunitário. Contudo, a Molly's Magical Kitchen estará fazendo entregas de graça aos interessados!
Às 19:00hrs, começará o baile de encerramento na Gryffindor Manor. O salão de baile do local contará com uma iluminação baixa, providenciada por chamas flutuantes (não há perigo de incêndios!) que emitem luzes avermelhadas e a música será por uma orquestra bruxa e o cantor vampiro Blodwyn Bludd. Além disso, estará decorado com: uma fonte de champagne; tetos e janelas exibindo um céu estrelado; lustre mágico que solta chuviscos de glitter (que não grudam nas roupas!). O fim do baile será às 02:00hrs da manhã. Das 19:00hrs até às 22:00hrs, Evan Rosier estará pintando convidados no hall de entrada.
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Com esse evento, estão abertas as interações!
Em OOC, o evento durará uma semana (podendo estender, dependendo!). Começará hoje, 25/04 e terminará 02/05!
Para ser divertido, durante o evento, postarei o que os npcs estão fazendo! Incluindo, também, interações com os personagens de vocês! Para isso, porém, preciso que respondam esse formulário!
Vocês poderão turnar qualquer um e todos os dias a qualquer momento!
Para inscrever seus personagens nas atividades que acontecerão durante o evento (Quadribol, Karaokê, Apresentações), utilizem os tópicos disponíveis no canal no discord #・୧︰godrics-fair
Como é a última semana de férias dos personagens, vocês podem mencionar se seus personagens estão nervosos, se fizeram as tarefas de verão, como os terceiranistas estão se sentindo em começar em suas ênfases etc.
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Kryptozoologia w fantasy - tekst z mitoslavia.blog
,,Nie było też sensu wykazywać im zdumiewającego podobieństwa do wierzeń górskich plemion w Nepalu, które lękają się Mi – Go, czyli strasznych yeti, żyjących na pokrytych lodem skalistych szczytach Himalajów'' – H. P. Lovecraft ,,Szepczący w ciemności''
,, […] - Parokrotnie obserwowano w Puszczy Kampinoskiej węża, który nie przypominał żadnego z istniejących gatunków, ale nie udało się go złapać ani pozyskać żadnych namacalnych śladów jego istnienia – powiedziałem. - Choć jest teoria, że mógł to być nietypowo ubarwiony wąż Eskulapa. - A ja słyszałem o obserwacjach Tatzelwurm przed wojną na Śląsku...'' - Andrzej Pilipiuk ,,Yeti ciągną na zachód'' [w]: ,,Szewc z Lichtenrade''
Kryptozoologia, czyli dziedzina wiedzy z pogranicza zoologii i mitologii zajmująca się zwierzętami, których istnienie nie zostało udowodnione1, jest bardzo wdzięcznym i co paradoksalne – mało wyeksploatowanym tematem dla fantastów. Już na początku XX wieku niektórzy autorzy tacy jak Arthur Conan Doyle, czy Edgar Rice Burroughs pisali o cudem przetrwałych do naszych czasów populacjach dinozaurów, żyjących gdzieś na tropikalnym płaskowyżu w Ameryce Południowej (,,Świat zaginiony''), na fikcyjnej wyspie Caspak (,,Ląd zapomniany przez czas''), albo w podziemnej krainie Pellucidar, do której trafił sam Tarzan. Współcześnie niektórzy wierzą, że dinozaury przeżyły w dorzeczu Konga. Z kolei pierwowzorem hyboryjskich bestii – podobnych nieco do goryli szarych małp gustujących w ludzkim mięsie (z jedną z nich Conan walczył w lochu), jak również górskich, białych małp, na które Thongor z Lemurii polował dla futer, mogły być yeti. W ,,Podróży 'Wędrowca do Świtu''' C. S. Lewisa pojawia się wzmianka o morskich kryptydach, będących bohaterami mitów i legend, takich jak: gigantyczny wąż morski, który zaatakował tytułowy okręt, a także gigantyczne głowonogi: Kraken i słabo poznana przez naukę kałamarnica olbrzymia. Zdaniem Lewisa, ludzie pragnący z bliska zobaczyć te groźne dla nich stworzenia nie byli zbyt mądrzy. W powieści ,,Harry Potter i Komnata Tajemnic'' J. K. Rowling, pyszałkowaty i nieudolny nauczyciel obrony przed czarną magią, Gilderoy Lockhart (idol Hermiony Granger) napisał książkę ,,Rok z yeti'', w której przywłaszczył sobie zasługi innego czarodzieja, na którego rzucił zaklęcie niepamięci. Z książki tej można się było min. dowiedzieć, że ulubionym kolorem Lockharta był liliowy. W ,,Sadze Zmierzch'' Stephenie Meyer kryptydami były olbrzymie wilki, w które zamieniał się wilkołak Jacob Black i jego koledzy z indiańskiego rezerwatu La Push. Stworom tym przypisywano niesłusznie zagryzanie ludzie, czemu w rzeczywistości były winne złe wampiry o czerwonych oczach. Innym nawiązaniem do kryptozoologii jest imię córeczki Edwarda i Belli Cullenów, Renesme (imię to nadała jej Bella z połączenia imion swojej matki Rene i teściowej – Esme). Wampiryczna dziewczynka była przezywana ,,Nessie'', co nasuwa skojarzenia z potworem z Loch Ness i co nie podobało się Belli. Całkiem sporo nawiązań do kryptozoologii, a nawet do kryptobotaniki można odnaleźć w prozie Andrzeja Pilipiuka. Można by tu wymienić zarówno ,,kudłacza'' – niszczącego uprawy mamuta, którego neandertalczycy z Dębinki sprowadzili czarami z przeszłości, a na którego polował Jakub Wędrowycz (niektórzy wierzą, że mamuty przetrwały do dzisiaj na Syberii), żyjący w czasie II wojny światowej w warszawskich Łazienkach, wielki, jadowity pyton Satha, którego prof. Apfelbaum przywiózł z Tanganiki (ów wąż został zapożyczony z prozy R. E. Howarda), niewidzialna gęś Filaretowa, której kolonia żyła jeszcze u progu XX wieku na polarnej wyspie u wybrzeży Rosji, a nawet sprowadzony do Polski przez prof. Apfelbauma silnie narkotyczny, czarny lotos, znany z opowiadań o Conanie. Antykwariusz Robert Storm w swoich poszukiwaniach natrafił na pozostałości międzywojennego, polskiego filmu fantastycznego ,,Yeti ciągną na zachód'', który jako pasjonat historii zamierzał zrekonstruować.
Do kryptozoologii odwołuje się również piękny film familijny ,,Koń wodny. Legenda głębin'', którego akcja toczy się w czasie II wojny światowej o przyjaźni chłopca z młodym potworem z Loch Ness, zwanym Crusoe. 1 Zwierzęta, którymi zajmuje się kryptozoologia to tzw. ,,kryptydy''. Ich najlepiej znani przedstawiciele to: yeti – himalajski ,,człowiek śniegu'', nessie – potwór z Loch Ness, a także nieco mniej znane Wielka Stopa (bigfoot, sasquatch) i chupacabra.   
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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[Marauder Era/HPHM] Hermia “Mia” Flume Moodboard
Tagging @magicallymalted and @dat-silvers-girl so as to introduce this girl properly! 💗
“Could dress up to get love, But guess what? I'm never gonna be that girl Who's living in a Barbie world... Could wake up, and make up, and play dumb, Pretending that I need a boy Who's gonna treat me like a toy... I know the other girls wanna wear expensive things,  Like diamond rings, But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing  On a string... This queen don't need a king.”
~“Sit Still, Look Pretty” by Daya
The owner of Honeydukes, Ambrosius Flume, is a very sweet man with a rather appropriate talent for manufacturing unique magical sweets. He also has three daughters, all of whom have a certain level of sweetness to them. The youngest, Callisto “Callie” Flume, had men of all stripes eating out of her hand, while the eldest, Hestia “Tia” Flume, earned the affection of the well-respected Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, Dirk Cresswell, and now the pair are happily married with two children. Ambrosius’s middle child -- who was also, in most people’s view, his favorite daughter -- is more akin to a bitter dark chocolate, compared to her soft-spoken, sensitive older sister and her flighty, flirty younger sister. 
Hermia -- or “Mia” as she’s almost exclusively called -- is a witty, relentless young firebrand whose love for her family and hard work ethic dwarfs anything else, including her strong intellectual curiosity and her high aspirations. Mia was both the most ambitious and industrious of her siblings at school, doing her Head of House Pomona Sprout very proud by relentlessly putting 120% of herself into absolutely everything she did. She excelled at the Dueling Club, sang proficiently with the Frog Choir, and earned ten OWLs and NEWTs with nothing but her own sweat and tears. As a girl, Mia was determined to never do anything half-assed -- and this eventually included staying to work at her father’s shop as a chocolatier and pastry baker, even as Callie pursued a career with the Wizarding Wireless Network and Tia settled down into life as a stay-at-home mother. 
Mia’s primary passion is integrating magic and potioneering into the sweets she creates, so as to hopefully heal people just as much as feed them. Mia also -- during the Second Wizarding War -- uses her magical treats to smuggle in secret messages from the outside to Dumbledore’s Army, which her twelve-year-old nephew has aligned himself with, some of which came from Callie, who works as a correspondent for the underground anti-Death-Eater radio show Potterwatch. Mia also is instrumental in helping keep the many people kept in safehouses during the Second Wizarding War fed and in good health, even while staying in hiding. One of these such people who delivers her magical baked goods to different safehouses, including his own, is Jacob Cromwell, who ironically enough actually attended school at the same time Mia did. (Not that that people-dumb idiot remembered this fact, until Mia bluntly reminded him of it.) 
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princeheir · 1 year
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        To one Gilderoy Lockhart,
    I have received a copy of your first book in the mail recently. I can’t say if it was sent by you, your team, — as I assume you have one —, or a completely random third party, but here are my (much convoluted) thoughts.     First of all, the picture of you. Why’d you make it so big? Was it to match your ego? Or to make the size of your forehead look normal? I’d love to hear why, how and when that picture was taken, and why’d you choose it. I’d also love a copy of it for myself (To hex, of course, I’d never use it for anything else).      When it comes to the book itself, dear God, get an editor. I’m begging you. You’ll see all of my more complicated thoughts on my copy, which I am sending back to you. I’ve tabbed and organized the pages in the following manner. 
Pink tabs for what I enjoyed.
Blue tabs for whenever I had to close it and take a walk.
Yellow tabs for changes I’d make.
Green for whenever I wanted to sit down and have a very unpleasant talk with you.
    Now, you must tell me why’d you choose hags of all things, when there are much more interesting things to write about! You truly need someone, something, to guide you, love.     With the book out of the way, how are you? I feel like we haven’t spoken much in these troubling times and I wonder how you’ve been doing. I’d send you a poem but I don’t think you deserve one these days. Hope your response will change my mind.
Do less, God bless, Severus Snape. 
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wariswonhq · 3 years
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Gilderoy Lockhart, 24, Ravenclaw Alum, FC up to player, OPEN.
Birthday: up to player Blood Status: Half blood Gender & Pronouns: up to player Occupation: up to player Sided with: Neutral
Positive Traits:  Negative Traits:  Summary: 
Growing up:
During the war:
No time like the present:
Edgar Bones - Attempted to get Gilderoy to join the Order of the Phoenix. Edgar was unsuccessful in that attempt but still made a point to check in on Gilderoy.
Rabastan Lestrange - Tried to convince Gilderoy to side with the Death Eaters and was fairly convincing in doing so. Disappointingly, the attempts were not good enough to get Gilderoy to even consider taking the mark.
Ezra Tonks - A close acquaintance. The two were friends during their Hogwarts years and have kept in contact ever since.
Bios and posts that reference Gilderoy can be found by clicking this sentence.
Suggested FC’s
Froy Gutierrez, Hart Denton, Graham Rogers
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timetear · 3 years
as we all know, lockhart is gay af. somehow it only just occurred to me that this man would love being a drag queen. i think his introduction to the drag community would most easily and entertainingly happen just after his “i’m a fraud” public confession. when people and reporters are swarming his house and he can’t leave without being recognized. i think one night hermione brews and gives him a polyjuice potion so he can leave his home without being harassed. and the potion is of some woman (not sure who; or if it matters). and he gets to dress up very sparkly and feminine (not that he doesn’t already dress like that; i just mean more traditionally female) with jewelry and a dress and he ends up in a small hidden away bar/club where some drag queens are performing. and he likes how he feels in these clothes and in this different persona and he watches these drag queens who are so comfortable in their bodies that they’ve decorated so beautifully and they look beautiful and are getting so much adoration and attention and he wants that. so the next time he leaves his home he does it in drag so no one recognizes him (he can’t depend on hermione coming around all the time with polyjuice potions). and he goes back to the same bar/club and watches the drag queens again. and then maybe one of the queens notices lockhart during their performance and he goes and talks and flirts with lockhart afterwards and asks if he wants to go backstage and he does lockhart’s makeup. and the next visit lockhart does a small performance and yes he’s adopting a persona like he did before with his stolen autobiographical accounts but this time it’s different. it’s not him pretending to be someone he’s not. it’s him expressing facets of himself and his identity that he’s never been able to share before.
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magic-in-my-mind · 4 years
(Be like) Gilderoy Lockheart
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archive-rennebaebae · 5 years
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nessa’s christmas spree: gilderoy lockhart & rita skeeter ( @ketnisseverdeen )
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