#c-clown ray
yyoon5 · 3 months
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💋🤍 I miss c-clown...
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chattycups · 2 months
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silly thing I made a long time ago with my fancasts for a Netflix Adaption of Nopixel Clownery, ft. just a few of my favorite clowns . I wish I could have included everyone but I got lazy lmao .
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fyeahdprian · 12 years
The GURUPOP Show EP12 - C-CLOWN (Pt.1)
Uploaded: November 27, 2012
The GURUPOP Show EP12 - C-CLOWN (Pt.2)
The GURUPOP Show EP12 - C-CLOWN (Pt.3)
The GURUPOP Show EP12 - C-CLOWN (Pt.4)
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mythicmin · 2 years
Overwatch NSFW Alphabet(s)
MDNI!! If you are under the age of 18, please DNI. Character requests are OPEN. Just slide into my ask box and specify which character you’d like to see :)
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𝑱𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒆 / 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒚
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A = Aftercare ;
McCree is a firm believer in aftercare. Chances are you aren’t getting up to do ANYTHING for at least an hour. (unless he has somewhere he needs to rush to.) Need to pee? He’s gonna carry you. Thirsty? Hungry? Give him a second, he’ll be right back with your favorite drink/snack.
B = Body part ;
You can’t look me dead in my eyes and tell me he isn’t an ass man. He’s practically obsessed with it. Doesn’t matter where you’re at or who you’re with, chances are he’s got his hand on your ass or in your back pocket.
C = Cum ;
Bro is definitely a slut for facials if he can’t cum inside of you. There’s just something possessive about it, like he’s marking you as his.
D = Dirty secret ;
Secretly wants to get topped, cmon he’s a cocky little shit. Put him in his place and make him beg for you. ❤︎︎
E = Experience ;
I am a firm believer in thinking he’s got some kind of old fashioned way of thinking. He knows what he likes, but doesn’t have much experience with it. I know we all love fuckboy McCree, but him being a virgin makes me giggle.
F = Favorite position ;
Doggie. Need I say more?
G = Goofy ;
Bro is a whole clown in bed and you can’t change my mind. He knows how to act serious when need be, but he always wants to see you smile. Even if he’s balls deep in you.
H = Hair ;
I think he manscapes a bit, he’s never bare though. There’s always some sort of hair framing his cock, clean shaven just isn’t his style.
I = Intimacy ;
Lil western baby treats you like the princess/prince you are. Sure he loves fucking your brains out, but making love to you is another favorite past time.
J = Jack off / Masterbate ;
I don’t really know to be honest, I feel like he’d think he’s too busy to get himself off. But maybe it’s just hidden cockiness that only you can get him off.
K = Kink ;
Anal. I know this man eats ass as well. I just know it. Bro also definitely has a daddy kink. (or maybe that’s bc i’m projecting bc he’s so fine.)
L = Location ;
M = Motivation ;
He really gets going when you slowly touch his arms/chest while making eye contact.
N = No ;
Sadly, threesomes. I think he’s just too possessive.
O = Oral ;
He loves both giving and receiving, but he enjoys making you fall apart with his mouth. Playing with that cigar should’ve warned you he was gonna be a beast with his tongue.
P = Pace ;
Whichever you want. He can deliver both fast or slow.
Q = Quickie ;
Loves them. Especially if y’all are out and about doing something.
R = Risk ;
He literally doesn’t care if y’all get caught with him balls deep in you.
S = Stamina ;
I feel like he cums fairly fast, but can go for a few rounds.
T = Toys ;
He’s iffy on them. He wants to be the one to make you feel good, but watching you thrash against the vibrator he’s holding gets him feeling some typa way.
U = Unfair ;
He’s so mean sometimes, bro is a WHOLE ASS tease and he knows it.
V = Volume ;
I don’t feel like he’s overly loud in the moaning or groaning criteria, but he’s definitely a smooth talker blowing your back in.
W = Wild card ;
Pull his hair while he’s giving you head and bro is putty in your hands.
X = X-ray ;
6” soft , a lil over 7” hard. (circumcised)
Y = Yearning ;
Z = Zzz ;
Always waits until you’re asleep first.
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god i love this man.
hope you enjoyed!! lmk who y’all wanna see next ! ❤︎︎
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whipped-cheese · 6 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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milligramspoison · 2 years
So now the portion of the tour for 2022 is over, l'd like to share my (and fan!) favorite (and iconic) moments from it :)
Sorry in advance for the long ass post :P
Live debut of Foundations (Eden night 1)
Disappear for the first time since 2010!
Live debut of Surrender the Night <3 (my first MCR song ever so I FLIPPED when this happened)
Live debut of Boy Division!
Gerard crawling on the floor
Frank moaning in Destroya for the first time in years
FINALLY being able to hear Mikey's line in Vampire $$$
Cemetery Drive for the first time since 2012 (Eden night 2)
Only Hope for Me for the first time since 2012
Tour debut of House of Wolves
Ghost of You for the first time since 2011
Tour debut of S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
Headfirst for Halos for the first time since 2009
Live debut of Mastas
The first two shows having Gerard in normal dad clothes then the third show has the bloody mess we all know as Meta Man (MK night 1)
Deathwish for the first time since 2007
Saying moan instead of actually moaning during Destroya
Bulletproof Heart for the time since 2011 <3 (MK night 2)
Ray and Gerard kissing after Destroya
“How'd you get that off my closet door”
Rat attack documentary played before the show (MK night 3)
Mikey dedicating Helena to Rowan and Kennedy <3
Cancer for the first time since 2012
Rowan dancing on stage before MCR goes on with the crowd cheering for her <3
Piss and vinegar
Tomorrow’s Money live debut (Dublin night 1)
The “fuck the queen” chant
Frank's moans during Destroya
Frank telling a fan to listen to Gerard
Frank picking up a (fake) rat
Piss on stairs (Dublin night 2)
“These are my best friends”
Fuck the queen chant round 2
Ponytail Ray
The birthday balloons for Bandit's 13th birthday (Warrington)
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Bandit for her 13th birthday
“My little bee keeper”
Gerard cardboard cut out
Save Yourself for the first time since 2011 (Cardiff)
“I'm just giving myself an ass pat, sorry”
Frank attempting to toss a hat onto his head
Oil Gerard (Glasgow)
Na Na Na being dedicated to Grant Morrison
Sleep being dedicated to Kristan Morrison
“It's time to drink my piss”
Grant getting the drum head from the Glasgow show
Frank completely shredding it
Mikey Mouse shirt (Paris)
Gerard taking a leap of faith
Joke about drinking Frank’s piss
Video of the band making pancakes (Rotterdam)
Ray playing guitar with his wine glass
Fans recreating this
Mikey wearing a happy birthday Kennedy shirt for Kennedy's 3rd birthday <3 (Bologna)
The crowd singing happy birthday to Kennedy for her 3rd birthday <3
Gerard stating that they hope it won’t be a long time before they come back :)
Discussion of Twilight
The Da Vinki twins went to the show in Budapest
Slow clap moment
“How many of you are MCR Veterans..Trademark”
Na Na Na played a second time in Warsaw but faster
Engagement during Teenagers!!
Gerard taking down Stuart
Heaven Help Us played for the first time since 2008 (Prague)
Another mention of wanting to return
Clown Gerard (Berlin)
Story time about playing in Berlin for the first time
Hearing Frank laugh when he’s nowhere near the mic
The interesting drum
Poncho Gerard (Stockholm)
“I went a little hard the other night with filth clown”
Pointing a rainbow out to Gerard
Mikey’s crooked heart <3
Pink shirt Gerard (two nights in a row in Bonn)
Admitting to googling their own lyrics (Bonn night 1)
Ray's hair being half up half down
Coughing during Destroya instead of moaning
Gerard talking about Hayley Williams
Frank watching Gerard perform Cancer (Bonn night 2)
Llama on stage (a toy but a real one would’ve been cool too)
Closing off the European portion of the tour with Cancer </3
North America:
Clown Gerard 2.0 (Oklahoma City)
Gerard laughing with sparkling water in their mouth
Sleep with an alternate outro
The shirt incident
“Lighten the fuck up, buttercup!”
Ray breaking his wine glass against his guitar
Sleep with an alternate intro and different outro
Second unintentional Frerard moment
Besties moment from Ray and Mikey <3
Iero on the floor
Debut of the Sunshine intro leading into Sorrows
Summertime being dedicated to Kristin, Rowan, and Kennedy <3
Kristin livestreaming the show!!
Everyone (except Gerard) wearing Mikey Fuckin Way shirts!
The World Is Ugly for the first time since 2008; live debut of the studio version
Gerard almost drinking their microphone
Gerard twirling around and Ray cheering <3
Rowan and Kennedy’s drawings make their debut <3
Mikey doing a livestream prior to the show!!
Gerard singing on the floor (Cincinnati)
Frank stealing Mikey’s line in Vampire Money
SHORTS GATE 2.0 (Raleigh)
Gerard's story time about Bandit trying to make advil m&ms
Everybody Hates The Eagles live debut (kinda)
Gerard in a bloody eyepatch
Gerard shushing the crowd (jokingly) so they can take advil
Sleep with an extended outro (Elmont)
Shorts for the second night in a row
Everybody Hates The Eagles for the second night in a row
Weird ass mask debut
Two fans wearing Petekey shirts
And someone else had the Petekey arm notes written on them
Anddddd two other people had matching Frerard shirts
Shorts for the third night in a row (Philadelphia)
Vampires for the first time since 2012!!
Pool Boy at the Vampire Mansion <3
Gerard calling Mikey Lil Mikey
Debut of the mystery shirts
Sunshine intro leading into FLW (Albany)
Shorts for the fourth night in a row
Mikey watching Waterparks perform
Priest/bloody eyes Gerard (Uncasville)
Eagles returns to the setlist
Ray and Mikey brushing their teeth before the show
Sunshine intro but with S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
Skeleton Gerard (Toronto night 1)
Mikey wearing the happy birthday Goose shirt (Goose is what he calls his mother in law)
CAT GERARD (Toronto night 2)
Frank attempting to kick Mikey (jokingly)
Black Swan Gerard (Boston night 1)
Wholesome picture of Ray and Christa <3
Ray and Gerard colliding then hugging
Best Day Ever being dedicated to Thursday (Boston night 2)
Mikey blowing a kiss to Kristin <3
Frank wearing a headpiece
Ray rocking out with his sons <3
Crowd singing happy birthday to Mikey!! (NYC night 1)
Mikey dedicating Helena to Rowan and Kennedy again <3
Everyone except Gerard wearing Mikey Fuckin Way shirts for Mikey's birthday!
Drum is a Mikey shrine for Mikey's birthday
“How ‘bout you birthday boy?”
Fans wearing party hats for Mikey’s birthday
Gerard wearing the outfit he wore when he witnessed 9/11 (just a special moment honestly; NYC night 2)
Lily pointing Mikey out to Rowan <3
Frank crossing himself during Sorrows
Bathroom photoshoot
Gerard’s story time about running into one of the openers while with Bandit
Frank posting a picture of his ass and getting a ass tattoo (Detroit)
Hey Chris in Detroit
“Lucky for him…I had other plans.”
Crossing out Cancer for Helena (not a favorite or iconic, just offensive lol this is a joke dw)
Hawaiian shirt Way Brothers (St. Paul)
Teenagers being dedicated to Gerard's mailman
Bullet hole makeup
Jackie O Gerard at Riot Fest
Wholesome Jamia moment from the LS Dunes set <3
Wholesome family moment from Frank during Weezer's set <3
Hey Chris at Riot Fest
Frank wearing a bandana around his neck
Frank facetiming his dad just before his set with LS Dunes <3
Mikey watching TBS (Taking Back Sunday) perform
CROP TOP GERARD (Alpharetta)
Teenagers was dedicated to the band's crew
First of the hometown shows and Gerard performed with Thursday!! (NJ night 1)
Best Day Ever with Geoff of Thursday
Frank Sinatra Gerard (NJ night 2)
Teenagers was dedicated to Midtown
Cover of Frank Sinatra's My Way
Cherry taking a pic/recording Mikey :)
Miles getting excited when Frank said “trust me” <3
Gerard performing with Thursday
Gabe being one of the reasons why FOB8 is Pete’s villain origin story (iykyk)
The entire band signs a mannequin leg
“You'll get this at the end of class”
Ghost Gerard!! (Sunrise)
Gerard took the trans flag during WTTBP <3
Frank going out on stage with HGP
Mikey going out on stage with Midtown
Gerard being unable to pronounce Florida
Ended off the east coast portion of the tour with Cancer </3
Dress in Houston!!
“I thought about wearing a dress in Texas before...but that's a story for another time”
Ray posting a peanut with a penis after the show
Mikey going out on stage with Midtown (again)
The return of dad clothes in Dallas
Teenagers was dedicated to the opening acts
“Get fucked at an airport bar”
Mikey wearing a Midtown shirt
Dad clothes again in Denver
Frank interacting with his kiddos <3
Teenagers was dedicated to Sydney
Adam of Taking Back Sunday said opening for MCR was the only way to get Mikey to return his calls
Ray moaning during Planetary Go
“Just sit back, daddy’s gonna take you where you need to go” Adam Lazzara, 2022 (Portland)
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Taking Back Sunday
Gerard grabbing their phone to look at something
Tomato soup…hm
“Your turn!”
Meta Man cardboard cut out (Tacoma)
Sign for Gerard’s two cats, Mitch and Lotion
Frank going on stage with Kimya
Meredith and Andy went to the show!!!
“Cause if you think Mikey fuckin Way is coming out here to a cold audience, you’re mistaken”
Teenagers was dedicated to Panda (Kimya’s daughter)
Gerard simping for Robert Pattinson in Batman
Gerard wearing a Twilight shirt
One of Frank’s kiddos giving a fan a paper set list
Smiley face drumhead! (Oakland)
Cum sign
Idk why someone did this but yeah
“Ray and I’s home state. We’ve lived here for...14 years?”
“I see a lot more flesh than usual. It’s fleshy out there”
Mikey and Frank almost bumping into each other before Skylines
Gerard chasing the tech off stage
Singing happy birthday to Worm
Mikey petting Worm’s beard
Gerard in an all black outfit with a rose (Vegas)
Ray rocking out with his sons <3
Ray patting his son’s head <3
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Bandit again <3
The drum was for Bandit <3
Engagement during Helena!!
Mikey having a random book signing (Aftershock)
Crowd surfing a…a sex doll during the LS Dunes set
Frank attempting to do a bottle flip at the end of the LS Dunes set
Ray, Jamia, and Frank’s kiddos watching Frank from side stage <3
Gerard’s shirt saying scabs
Gerard gagging on the microphone
The drum saying choke me which goes perfectly with the point above
A deer running around during WTTBP
“This song is about my favorite fucking human” spotlight proceeds to go onto Frank
Gerard got a haircut
Teenagers being dedicated to Quentin Tarantino
Mikey with his family during I’m Not Okay <3
I Never Told You being dedicated to glow in the dark skeleton man
Dedicating Teenagers to a fan
Frank singing Teenagers to Lily <3
Frank hugging one of the twins prior to encore <3
Frank waving to his kids prior to Foundations <3
Foundations being dedicated to Doug </3
Teenagers dedicated to a random fan again
WTTBP being dedicated to Doug’s wife and kids </3
Teenagers being dedicated to Bandit for the third time as well as dedicating it to her friends <3
Bandit attending the show with her friends
Ghost of You in the encore!!
Mikey bringing Rowan on stage for Kids <3
Rowan making heart hands at the crowd <3
Teenagers dedicated to the crew
Dinosaur in the pit
Gabe’s son having to be “evicted” during Midtown’s opening set
Ray rocking out with his son during Kids <3
Gerard throwing fake insects to the fans
The final bow </3
Luigi cosplayer comforting emos at the first day of WWWY (cause it was canceled)
Katy Perry welcoming the orphans/emo kids to her Vegas residency show due to the first day of WWWY being canceled
Katy bringing an emo kid on stage with her and starting a mosh
Opened with I’m Not Okay!
Secretary of Salmonella
Gerard misaddressing the crowd as Utah
First time Foundations isn’t on the setlist since it was released (not a favorite or iconic, just really strange cause we’re all so used to it every night lol)
Frank walking onto the stage like an actual old man
Gerard flipping the crowd off before the show even started
Hayley (from Paramore) mentioning and thanking MCR <3
Person who did their prosthetics last weekend is back! (WWWY night 3)
Adam from TBS sitting on a whole ass person (ik it’s not MCR but it’s too funny to not include)
Foundations returned to the setlist!
Gerard dressed as an army general
Mikey wearing the Kristin Fuckin Way shirt <3
Closing off their final US show with Kids </3
Jamia, Kristin, and Christa taking a photo with each other <3
MCR’s first time in Mexico since 2008!
Another sex doll for some reason
“You look good today baby boy” Anthony to Frank during LS Dunes’ set
Gerard spelt fuego wrong
Mikey winked and smirked at the camera
Gerard playing a telephone sound
Gerard shouting out Frank and the rest of Dunes <3
Gerard got an axolotl plushie <3
Ending the North American tour and the final show of 2022 with Kids </3
If you’ve made it this far, first of all, hi! Secondly, ty for looking through this haha.
I’ll probably do this again when they’re in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan next year, so stay tuned! :)
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reisakumaproducer · 6 months
Moonlight - A Wataru Hibiki x Reader Fic
Warning: This fic is a parody fic and not meant to be taken seriously. I do not recommend reading if you are looking for a serious Wataru x Reader fanfic.
Summary: You are going on your first date with Wataru Hibiki! As you spend time with Wataru, you can't help but worry that the brilliant idol might just be out of your reach. (Takes place during the ! era)
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You fidget with a loose strand of your (h/c) hair as you stare out the window. Sunlight poured through the window, illuminating your living room and causing your face to glow brightly. Today was a very special day for you. Today was the day you would meet with Wataru Hibiki. 
Yumenosaki Academy was known for having weirdos and Wataru was no exception. You were just a humble student from the general course when you noticed the idol practicing on the rooftop. His loud voice and imposing stature captivated you, like a siren luring in a sailor. Wataru did not take notice of you at first. He was wrapped in the world of theater, reciting poems and lines that you recognized from your Shakespeare unit in English class. You felt your cheeks blush when he finally noticed you. As you spent time with the theatrical idol, you became close with him. Now you are on your first date with Wataru Hibiki.
It was six o’ clock, and Wataru had not shown up at your front door step yet. You sigh, realizing he probably abandoned you. Then suddenly you hear a loud noise coming from outside of your house. You rush outside, your (h/c) hair blowing furiously in the wind. The wind was coming from a blimp in the air.
“Ahahahahah!” you hear a gleeful laugh coming from the blimp. Your heart skips a beat as you recognize that laugh. “My beloved (y/n) ! It is I, your very own Hibiki Wataru!”
Wataru jumps from the blimp and lands on the ground. He stands up as though nothing happened to him, smiling at you with his hands on his hips. “Fufufu, you should check your right pocket! You will find a pleasant surprise in there from your very own idol! ☆”
You put your hand in your right pocket and pull out a bouquet of red spider lilies. “Oh Wataru! This is lovely. You shouldn’t have.” You smell the bouquet and smile at the pleasant aroma that floods your nostrils. Wataru plucks a flower from the bouquet and places it behind your ear. He bows. 
“Today is the day we embark on a new journey of love! Let us take the first step in this new chapter in our lives.”
A ladder from the blimp descends in front of you. You stifle your laugh, appreciating Wataru’s comedic timing. He takes your hand and guides you toward the ladder. He helps you climb up, your hands shaking as you slowly ascend into the air. Wataru notices your anxiety and sings a calming melody as you climb. You feel a tingling sensation on your cheeks as you realise he is looking out for you.
You get into Wataru’s blimp. He takes your hand and you follow him onto the couch. You both sit down, and he lets you lie on his shoulder as the blimp flies into the evening sky. You rest against his silky hair, letting it sift between your fingers. Wataru strokes your back as you do this, causing you to smile as you look into his lavender eyes.
“Your eyes are so beautiful. I can just swim into them for hours on end,” you tell him. You immediately feel a pang of embarrassment in your stomach. Swim in his eyes? Why would you say that! You don’t even know how to properly swim. Wataru chuckles, ignoring your flustered face.
“Your eyes are like the night sky itself! I can see the reflection in them, like the stars across the darkness. Even clowns can be enamored by your beauty.”
Your cheeks turn red. You lean in for a kiss when suddenly, you notice the lighting in the blimp starts to change. As the sun started to set, the moon started to peak from beneath the clouds, casting its milky rays through the blimp’s window. Wataru’s hair started to glow. It was like it was the moon itself, illuminating the darkness of the blimp. You wanted to play with it again. You want to feel his soft strands brush against your fingertips. Yet Wataru was like the moonlight. No matter how much you wanted to bask in it and have it shine down upon you, you could never have it in your possession. You cannot grab onto moonlight, just like how Wataru’s hair would sift through your fingers if you tried to grab onto it. The moon can comfort you with its light while all you can do is admire it from afar. 
Tears roll down your cheek at this realization. Wataru notices your tears and shakes his head. He uses a strand of his sentient hair to wipe your cheeks. His hair feels soft against your delicate skin.
“Do not cry, my dear (y/n). It is a clown’s job to entertain, and a clown is doing a poor job if their audience is drowning in tears,” Wataru quietly whispers. “Your face is very beautiful in the moonlight.”
Your tears dry. You realize you can reach the moon, even if it feels far away.
Wataru stops the blimp over a forest. He helps you descend the rope ladder. You find yourself in a clearing surrounded by tall pine trees and a pond. There is a wooden arch bridge over the pond and a willow tree casting its leaves over the water. You feel a cool breeze flutter through the area. You take Wataru’s hand, his firm fingers interlocking with yours.
Wataru leads you onto the bridge. Its wooden surface creaks with each step you take. You both admire the moon shining into the water below. You lean against Wataru’s shoulder. 
“Wataru, I’ve been meaning to show you something,” You tell him.
“Fufufu, it is my turn to be surprised! What are you planning on showing me, (y/n)?”
“I have been practicing a poem to recite to you. I want to get better at acting. Would you like to hear it?”
Wataru nods his head. You take a deep breath and recite your love poem for him.
“Oh Wataru my dearest,
You are the fairest.
You are like the Sans 
to my Nagito who dances
With glee with his love
Who fits him like a glove.
Oh Wataru my moon,
You make me swoon
I love you.”
You deliver the poem in a completely monotone voice. Wataru claps his hands and sheds a few tears.
“Amazing! The purest of words from your heart have been delivered. I wish I could return them but atlas, I am not good at acting without a script.”
Wataru then kneels down in front of you and retrieves his mask from his back pocket, as though he was proposing to you. This is the purest form of Wataru’s love for you. You reach out to touch the mask, when suddenly you hear a loud crack.
The wooden boards of the bridge break and you fall into the pond. Wataru uses his sentient hair to reach for you. You grab onto his strands, but his hair sifts through your fingers. You become drenched in the cold pond waters. The moonlight shines above you as you desperately try to tread the water.
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rocksteadydeadboy · 4 months
📻🙾 [charles as ska/punk lyrics] 🙾📻
playlist [ here on youtube ] or on desktop view of this blog! just some random lyrics that remind me of the lad (not 100% ska or punk songs but for the most part!)
[ 📀 for songs i think fit best / my faves, 💿 for the rest lol ]
📀 The Selecter - Washed Up And Left For Dead
[ basically the entire song lol ] but I like these in particular:
He was washed up and left for dead Nobody told him he was just not wanted It got so cold after midnight
Night after night he's out biting the pavement Hurt his hands clapping for the group He can't dance, but he can certainly cause trouble
📀 The English Beat - Tears Of A Clown
[ full lyrics ]
Now if there's a smile on my face It's only there tryin’ to fool the public But when it comes down to foolin’ you Now, honey, that's quite a different subject
📀 X-Ray Spex - Germfree Adolescents
[ full lyrics ] a song for edwin!
I know you're antiseptic Your deodorant smells nice I'd like to get to know you You're deep frozen like the ice
[His] phobia is infection [He] needs one to survive It's [his] built-in protection Without fear [he'd] give up and die
📀 Amanda Lear - Follow Me
[ full lyrics ] tbh just here so i could have a song for the cat king. entire lyrics apply i love this song
I'll sell you dreams and new desires, I'm trading hopes, I'm open late
Unbelievable, maybe / You'll have a new identity For a second of vanity, I want to change your destiny
I'll give you wings, I'll sell you fame, merry-go-round maybe to Hell I am the key to your problem, so follow me, just follow me
📀 The Specials - Hey Little Rich Girl
[ full lyrics ] a song for crystal (and david the demon)
You left for London When you were nineteen Had to pull off your nice clothes Just living on dreams A man in the bright lights Took all that you own Now he's taken your freedom For a fate unknown
📀 The Business - Another Rebel Dead
[ full lyrics ] another charles gets murdered song :(
They say he killed himself But it was someone else His name was on their list And now he don't exist He didn't stand a chance Upon his grave they dance They were determined to blow him out
📀 Madness - It Must be Love
[ full lyrics ] another edwin song codependent king
As soon as I wake up every night, every day I know that it's you I need to take the blues away
I've got to be near you every night, every day I couldn't be happy any other way
📀 The Specials - It Doesn't Make It Right
[ full lyrics ] 'these cases have to matter', etc
Just because you're nobody It doesn't mean that you're no good Just because there's a reason It doesn't mean it's understood
It doesn't make it alright It doesn't make it alright It's the worst excuse in the world And it, it doesn't make it alright
💿 X-Ray Spex - I Can't Do Anything
[ full lyrics ] this one is a bit on the nose
I can't read / And I can't spell / I can't even get to hell I can't love / And I can't hate / I can't even hesitate
💿 The Toasters - Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down
[ full lyrics ] mostly here for vibes
I'm living in a world where I don't really fit Every day walking through the same old shit I'm gonna get my gun, gonna get prepared I'm not impressed and I'm not scared
💿 Fishbone - Everyday Sunshine
[ full lyrics ] a bit of a niko song as well
I wish everyday the sun would shine Take me to another place in my mind Where everything is beautiful
If we could fly away on wings To a place where all could be true And the skies were blue And love was true
💿 Special Interest - Don't Kiss Me In Public
[ full lyrics ] charles & crystal song #CuteDistraction
Why don't you kiss me in public? And smear your lipstick all on my cheek Boo hoo won't cry for heartless cinema Boo hoo don't cry for you and me
💿 Angelic Upstarts - Never Return To Hell
[ full lyrics ] another overly literal pick lol
Never return to hell Hey boys, quite enough to fulfill the final blow One day all your games will come to an end
💿 Tamar-kali - Boot
[ full lyrics ] another charles & crystal song, i just like this line
She is sweet tasting fruit whose juice is bitter tears
💿 The Oppressed - Do Anything You Wanna Do
[ full lyrics ] mostly for the vibes
Why don't you ask them what they expect from you ? Why don't you tell them what you're gonna do You get so lonely, maybe it's better that way It's not you only, 'cause you got something to say Do anything you wanna do
💿 Angelic Upstarts - Never 'Ad Nothin'
[ full lyrics ] also just here for vibes!
I'm gonna go up in a puff of smoke I wanna go up in a puff of smoke (2x) If I'm goin' out I'm takin' some of you fucks with me!
💿 The English Beat - Mirror In The Bathroom
[ full lyrics ] that's right another codependent payneland song
Mirror in the bathroom, please talk free The door is locked, just you and me Can I take you to a restaurant that's got glass tables? You can watch yourself while you are eating
💿 The Specials - Do Nothing
[ full lyrics ] lastly! another depressing one lol. perhaps charles thoughts on being dead in ep 4
They're just living in a life without meaning I walk and walk, do nothing They're just playing in a life without thinking They talk and talk, say nothing I'm just living in a life without feeling
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siphoklansan · 1 year
“How curious…there’s a sketchbook on the ground. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, would it?”
As you flip through the pages you notice these things:
The artist goes by the name Siphok. A peculiar name, isn’t it? Don’t you just wonder what that means?
The artist only draws Twisted Wonderland, including her OCs that are in the fandom.
The artist draws comics, plain art, or does animatics.
The artist does not draw NSFW or gore, whatsoever.
Art requests are something the artist wishes to do, and she loves drawing for her followers and mutuals.
The artist reblogs a lot of Twisted Wonderland fics, do keep in mind to block tags mentioned below if you do not wish to see it. She”s quite lazy, so she tends to not switch to her spam account.
The artist is quite friendly, feel free to leave a note or two in the back of her sketch book. (askbox)
“There are sticky notes between the pages. How strange…”
❦siphok-reblogs❦ (for reblogs of art/fan-fiction)
✰siphok-moots✰ (her mutuals, they have a special place in her heart)
༄siphok-chatters༄ (she answers whatever question thrown her way)
☂︎︎siphok-museum☂︎︎ (for her art, specifically)
☞︎siphok-spams☜︎ (she spams quite a lot, but they don’t involve in anything else.)
➪siphok-ANNOUNCING➪ (for announcements)
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“Having fun, are we?….You buffoon! She’s walking over here— you’ll get caught!”
As you hide in the bushes, you notice something about the artist.
She’s South East Asian, specifically from Thailand. English is not her first language, and the artist appreciates it greatly if you don’t judge her for her bad grammar.
The artist goes by she/her pronouns
The artist loves literature and reading, however, she does have a bad habit of buying news books despite not finishing previous ones. Crime and Punishment is one of her favorites, along with No Longer Human. (she did not finish Crime and Punishment, what a clown)
The artist loves history. You can leave notes about fun facts on history, and she’ll love it more if you share your homeland’s history, mythology, and culture. The artist’s is always open minded, and is excited to hear what you’ll leave in her sketchbook.
The artist is quite forgetful, hence why she forgot her sketchbook on the ground in the first place.
Her favorite characters are Leona Kingscholar, Riddle Rosehearts, and Jamil Viper. But she does love other characters dearly.
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“The artist is…writing a letter? Squint your eyes; maybe you’ll see who she’s writing to.”
@ceruleancattail , the talented mage next door, ready to acquire all your magical needs
@shinmon-c , the prison guard of Milgrim prison, do be careful now
@twistedchatterbox , the water nymph of Octavinelle. you may want to watch your back; or she’d pull you into the depths of the ocean. but, it seems like you don’t mind, do you?
@oepionie , the love witch. are you interested in capturing one’s heart?
@fukashiin , what a lively soul. you can feel the warm rays of sunshine beaming onto your soul just by the look of that name
@azurevi , quite the talented author they are. they have left a deep impression that the artist will never forget
@taruruchi the artist’s new acquaintance, she is excited to interact more with them
@ryuuryuuhoney , the artist doesn’t know when their wedding will be held with Trey— excuse me, Tr*ey
@the-dumber-scaramouche , a new acquaintance whom the artist simps on Leona with
@hisui-dreamer , a talented author the artist have just be acquainted with. their works are quite lovely
@the-v-lociraptor , ah finally….someone who shares the same interests with the artist
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“You idiot! You’re breathing too— loud…..”
You are caught red-handed by the artist. Perhaps some day you’ll get to see her OCs. What were their names again? Ah, yes…
Charin, the half-merman and Yaksha, and Anan..the fallen aristocrat
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auriel187 · 1 year
The More Things Change. (S1 E6)
Word Count: 4233
Series Masterlist
A/N: If anyone doesn't like the fact that the oc is black, go away.
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I was sketching on a blank sheet of paper, not paying much attention to the world around me as I filled the paper with seashells. Shawn and I have been swapping our papers every few minutes so I was making an effort to add mathematical and scientific information into my drawings. He just looks at me weird before he uses my notes to solve the equations. Then he adds to the drawing.
"I have graded your book reports from last Friday and after I pass them out, we'll discuss them." Our teacher said before he saw Cory looking at Shawn with a clown nose on his face. I started adding Clown Cory to my paper. "Ah, Mr. Matthews. Shall I express my usual disappointment or just ask you to guide my sleigh tonight?" Mr. Feeny looked over at the three of us with disappointment in his eyes. I shrank in my seat.
"Uh, wrong holiday, Mr. Feeny. See, Halloween's coming up and I was just test driving my clown nose." Cory explained, taking off the large red nose.
"Then I insist you stay in the driver's seat. Put the nose back on... for the rest of the morning." Was I mean? I laughed at that? "Mr. Minkus, excellent work as usual. I particularly enjoyed your haiku on Captain Ahab's obsession with the great white whale." Mr. Feeny said as he handed the small boy his book report.
"The calm blue ocean. Sun lights up the monster's eye. He sees me... whale food." He recited dramatically.
"It works on so many levels." Feeny praised him and I rolled my eyes. Give him a bigger head.
"Brown-noser." Shawn muttered.
"Troglodyte." Minkus replied. That made me mad.
"Sanctimonious twit." Minkus looked over at me with a glare, which I readily returned.
"Mr. Lewis, very good work. Mr. Matthews, not one of your better efforts. Mr. Hunter, there you are. Ms. Archer, bravo." Mr. Feeny handed our book reports back.
"Hey, this isn't fair. Rick and I both got Cs. How come you tell him he did good work and you tell me it wasn't one of my better efforts?" Cory bellowed. I swapped my paper with Shawn again.
"Would Bozo please come to the center ring? Mr. Lewis worked very hard to get his C... and I respect him for that. You, on the other hand, waste your efforts... on being the class clown." I mean, he had a point.
"How come you always pick on me, Mr. Feeny? How come you never pick on Minkus? Or Raven?" I looked up at Cory. He looked back at me and quickly turned back to our teacher.
"Have you taken a blow to the head, Mr. Matthews? Stuart Minkus gets nothing but As. If there was a letter before "A," he would get that. Ms. Archer has had perfect grades since she transferred here and she barely says three words in class." Mr. Feeny exclaimed.
"I guess that's why they get away with so much." Cory slumped away.
"And just what do they get away with?" Mr. Feeny asked.
"How come when she draws in class and goofs around with Shawn, she's allowed to but when I do it I get in trouble?" He pointed to his clown nose. Mr. Feeny did the come hither motion.
"Ms. Archer has an anxiety disorder . Extremely severe anxiety disorder by the looks of it. She also needs multiple forms of intellectual stimuli. I can condone her drawing and her 'goofing around' with Mr. Hunter because I noticed that she can get him to focus on school for more than ten seconds." Shawn looked over at me and smiled.
"Well, how come when I make paper airplanes, I get detention, and he doesn't?" I looked over at Minkus who was making a realistic paper plane. "I withdraw the question."
I sat in front of our classroom with my chemistry book (technically Jazmyne's old book) open on my lap as the seconds ticked by on the clock just above me. I jumped when I felt something poke my back. "Hello, my little ray of Sunshine." Shawn pulled me up and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Hi Puppy. How was detention?"
"Boring. Thanks for this though." He held up my periodic table, which he coloured in with my coloured pencils.
"No problem." I replied as he hugged me and continued to read over my shoulder.
"You guys are gross." Cory said exiting the class. He looked between Shawn and I. "You guys waited for me?"
"Am I not your best friend?" Shawn said coolly. I rolled my eyes.
"You had detention, too, didn't you?" Cory smiled, knowingly.
"Oh, yeah. Mrs. Engles nailed him. How'd you get detention in art?" I asked, picking up my stuff off the floor.
Shawn lifted me off the ground, spinning me. "Well, that's what makes me one of the greats." Cory looked so sick with us.
"It's what makes you a dingus!" I poked him as he put me down.
"You two make me sick." Cory groaned in disgust. I don't know what his problem is, Shawn and I are just being friendly. It's not like we just started acting like this. This has been us since we became best friends. Shawn rolled his eyes and tossed his drink in the trash. Then he peered into it like a weirdo.
"Hey. Check this out, answers to a test." He spoke excitedly.
"We can't be looking at test answers. That's major cheating, detention for life." Cory stared in shock.
"Shawn, first of all, Eww. Second of all, put that down!" I smacked his arm repeatedly. He just kept reading the sheet. "Puppy, this will be the end of your educational life! That means no school, no field trips, no sports!"
"I can just do that at home, my field trips will be better because I can bring my bed and my TV." He bumped me with his hip.
"Do you think Jefferson or Brianna will let me speak to you if you do this?" I countered and his demeanour cracked. Good.
"The control you have over him confuses me so much." Cory whispered to me.
"These aren't for a real test. They're for that stupid lQ exam we're taking tomorrow." I let out a sigh of relief when he started to crumple it to throw it away.
"Wait a minute. Let me take a look at this. Wow. The person who knows these answers gets a perfect score." I shook my head and tried to grab it from him.
"On a test that doesn't even count for a grade. Why bother?" Shawn asked. Good!
"Are you kidding? This is my one ticket to get Feeny off my back. If Feeny thinks I'm a genius... he'll treat me just as good as he treats Minkus." I shook my head at him. I was about to say something when Shawn beat me to it.
"Hey, Cory, do yourself a favor. Crumple the paper up, throw it away in the trash. Don't complicate your life." I have no idea what got into him but I was so proud.
"I could kiss you right now!" I turned to the blue eyed boy, who had this look on his face as blush crept over his entire face. He giggled awkwardly but I turned my attention back to Cory when he began to smooth out the paper.
"You know, that makes a lot of sense... and if I was a smarter person, I'd probably listen to you... except I'm not a smarter person... But tomorrow, I'm going to be a genius." Cory smirked, I smacked upside the head. This is gonna backfire on him. You don't need to be a genius to know that.
It was Thursday. We still hadn't heard anything about the tests yet but I know that the reason it was taking so long was all because of Cory. "I have in my hands the results of Tuesday's lQ test... and one person here deserves special mention. This person achieved not only the highest score in the class, not only the highest score in the school but a score so high as to give rise to the question... "ls there, in fact, a ceiling on human intelligence?"" I looked at our teacher in shock. He can't possibly believe that!
"Please, Mr. Feeny, you're embarrassing me." Minkus let out, confidently. The only plus about all this is that his ego gets to be knocked down a peg.
"Mr. Minkus, you technically came in third." Mr. Feeny deadpanned and the class fell silent.
"Third?" Minkus sounded dumbfounded. Serves him right.
"Uh-huh. Well, in all honesty you got tied with the second person in terms of your responses."
"As in the context of not first? Someone scored higher than I did on the lQ test?"
"That is typically how being third works." I mumbled more to myself than to anyone else.
"Oh, one blew you out of the academic water. The other demonstrated an extensive knowledge of complex mathematical inquiries as well as artistic prowess. And both of them are sitting in this room...Someone in this very classroom is a junior Kierkegaard." Mr. Feeny was preaching.
"A what?" Cory asked. I smacked my hand on my forehead.
"A great mind, Cor." I whispered boredly.
"She's correct, Mr. Matthews... just like yours. I have clearly underrated you, and I bow to your genius. Come on. Bravo." Mr. Feeny applauded and I thought he was actually buying all of this.
"It's no big thing, Mr. Feeny."
"On the contrary, Mr. Matthews, it is a big thing. It is a very big thing."
"Uh-oh." I heard Cory mumble as Shawn raised his hand.
"Mr. Hunter?" Mr. Feeny looked about as confused as the rest of us did.
"Who got the other high score?" He asked, side eyeing me slightly. But Mr. Feeny didn't say anything.
I walked up the walkway behind Cory and Shawn. I smiled when I saw Amy, Eric and Morgan leaving the house. "Oh, hi." Amy said as the boys sprinted upstairs.
"Can't talk, mom, lots of homework. Got to go." Cory said halfway to his room.
"Yeah. What he said." Shawn yelled in agreement. I stopped to greet the three of them properly.
"Something terrible?" Amy asked as I hugged her.
"Oh, yeah. Absolutely." I replied, lifting up Morgan.
Eric grabbed me and lifted me up when I let go of Morgan. "You gonna set them straight, Pigeon?" I nodded, saluting them before I whipped off my shoes and sprinted up the stairs to see Cory in the middle of a major freak out.
"Feeny knows. Somehow he knows, and he's going to get me." He paced while I took a seat next to Shawn on one of the beds.
"You're wrong." Shawn tried, and failed, to defuse the spiraling curly haired boy.
"You think he's just sending a thank you note to my parents? "Thank you for bringing up your son. He's a genius. He's smarter than Captain Kirkaguard.""
"It's Kierkegaard, Dingus." I mumbled laying on the bed. "Besides, Mr. Feeny gave me one for Jefferson and Brianna too. Stop being dramatic." As I said that, Shawn just grabbed the letter and ripped the envelope open.
"What are you doing? That's a sealed envelope addressed to my parents. Now they're going to know I opened it." Cory exclaimed, making me sit up to stare at him.
"Cory, do your parents ever write letters to anyone?" I asked, he couldn't possibly be this dense.
"Yeah." He affirmed.
"And when they do, what do they put the letters in?" Shawn continued my thought.
"Envelopes. Just like this one." Cory caught on.
"So we could read the note." Shawn started leaving room for Cory to jump in.
"And seal it back up in a new white envelope. Ha! I love how we think. What's it say?" Cory finished excitedly.
"Uh-oh. He's bringing in the S.E.A." Shawn read, but I knew he was lying just to mess with Cory.
"What?" Cory looked baffled.
"The State Education Authority." Shawn answered. He's a good actor. Mischievous and sneaky but good.
"They have special field agents who handle intelligence fraud." I joined in. I buried my face in the crook of Shawn's neck. I knew if I looked at Cory, I'd bust a gut.
"I'm cooked! I'm cooked, Shawn! For the first time in my life, I'm in real trouble. Raven, you're smart! Help me out here! I'm cooked!" Cory started pacing frantically.
"Not if we're making all this up." Shawn said tauntingly.
"Are you?" Cory asked hopefully.
"No." Shawn snatched all hope away from him.
"I'm cooked!" Cory screamed.
"Relax, of course I'm making it up. He just wants to talk to your parents." Shawn said while I was clutching my side, nearly rolling off the bed in a fit of laughter.
"What if he tells them he doesn't think I'm a genius?" Cory whined.
"Who cares if Feeny doesn't think you're brilliant? As long as the test says so." Shawn waved it off. I rolled my eyes, about to tell them that was wrong but when did that ever stop them?
"But I'm not, and my parents know I'm not." Cory sighed heavily.
"Then you'll have to make them think you are." Shawn said, smirking back at Cory.
"How do I do that?" Cory asked, watching as Shawn turned to me, then back to him.
"Get with the program, Cory. It's Halloween, and this year you're going as a genius. Now," Shawn turned to me and smiled brightly. "Sunshine, what do you have in your magic bag that can help Cory?" He asked all wide eyed.
"Absolutely nothing because this is going to blow up in his face." I pointed at Cory.
"Come on, Ray. You know nobody's smarter than you." Shawn moved closer to me and Cory leaned away, starting to get grossed out.
"A lot of people are smarter than me and all of them say this is a bad idea." I countered.
"Please." Shawn moved even closer and Cory stared wide eyed. "Help us, Rae Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope." Shawn put his forehead on mine and I felt myself smiling like an idiot.
"I..." I started, ready to flat out deny them both but they both sat in front of me giving me puppy stares. "....I have a Beethoven CD in my bag." They both looked at me like I was a weirdo. "I can let you boys deal with this on your own."
"You wouldn't do that, you love us too much." Cory exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug before he fell onto the bed.
"I'm home." I said as I removed my shoes and ran into the living room, where Jefferson and Adam were sitting on the couch as Rochelle, Brianna, Jazmyne, Tamara and Mariah sat on the floor doing one another's hair. I hung up my coat, noticing some boxes from the attic were seated by the stairs.
"It's little Vinny! Hi, kid." Adam seemed happy as Jefferson got up so I could sit. He took a seat on his lazy boy. I waved at all of them. That's when Jefferson noticed the envelope in my hand.
"Uh oh, Rae Rae got a letter for us." Jefferson said teasingly as he read it. "Well, well, well...Rae -over here- 's teacher has some concerns. I stared wide eyed. I never got in trouble with Mr. Feeny before.
Brianna looked about as panicked as I felt. "Pardon me?" She asked in a way that wasn't really asking.
"Well apparently, A Mr. George Feeny is concerned with her class work due to a test they did on Tuesday." Jefferson explained. I could feel my stomach begging to get tight until I remembered that we didn't do any real tests on Tuesday. Just the IQ test.
I let out a sigh of relief.
"What? Does she need help? I can tutor her if she'd like?" Tamara offered, looking worried. Jazmyne didn't. I assume it's because her father liked to mess with people similar to what Shawn did to Cory earlier.
"According to Mr. Feeny: Raven-Anniya Amberhide is an incredible and highly gifted student. Though she struggles with severe anxiety, she still manages to be at the top of her class with ease and without much hesitation. My only worry is that this class may be too simple for a student of her intellect.
Typically, an IQ such as her could be cause for an advanced student placement, however given that she does suffer from anxiety and seems the most secure and comfortable when immersed in conversations with Cory A. Matthews and Shawn P. Hunter, I've advised the school to not separate them.
You should be very proud." Jefferson recited clearly.
"So...What'd she get?" Jazmyne asked. I could see her buzzing with excitement and it must've been contagious.
"187! She has an IQ of 187!" Brianna boasted once she read the letter herself. She was so happy she practically suffocated me.
I wasn't surprised when Cory was complaining about this whole situation. He had a good heart. He can't lie to people he cares about.
"Shawn, this whole thing is getting out of hand." He looked so sad. I simply rested my head on Cory's shoulder.
"Relax. Everybody thinks you're brilliant. You should enjoy it." Shawn said nonchalantly. He peered down at my sketchbook whilst I was drawing.
"When it was just Feeny, I could enjoy it. But now my parents are involved, and I don't like lying to them." Cory mumbled.
"You don't?" Shawn looked up in confusion. Cory simply shook his head. "'Cause it gives me a little rush. Besides, you didn't tell them you were a genius, Feeny did." I looked up at them like they were crazy.
"And I didn't tell Feeny I'm a genius." Cory smiled and I knew my boys were gonna start ping ponging off each other.
"The test did. And you didn't ask to take the test." Shawn said.
"They gave it to me. And you wouldn't have even seen the answers..." Cory went, get lost on his train of thought.
"If they didn't give us..." Shawn caught on instantly.
"Detention." They said together.
"We're innocent victims." Shawn smiled proudly.
"Nothing we do is actually our fault." Cory sounded like he was having an epiphany.
"It's good to be kids." Shawn held his hand out and Cory gave him a very loud high five. I smiled at them. They're such lovable nimrods.
"I don't get it." Minkus spoke, petulantly.
"What?" Shawn didn't have any form of patience in his tone.
"If you're smarter than I am... how come you're always trying to copy from my paper?" Minkus asked, which caused Cory to stammer.
"He's not copying, Minkus. He's just glancing over to admire... the work of a fellow genius." I jumped in, internally berating myself for getting further involved in this.
"You are?" Minkus asked Cory.
"He is." Shawn nodded in agreement.
"I am." Cory smiled stiffly.
"Oh, well, that's oK. In fact, from now on I'll kind of tip my test papers up so you can admire the answers even easier." Minkus said with a plastered smile on his face.
"Would you do that?" Cory asked, causing me to shake my head.
"No." The blond says and walks away.
"Genius envy." Shawn reasoned before looking over at me. "Where'd you come up with that lie?" He asked before the bell rang and Mr. Feeny walked in with a tall Asian woman.
"Class, this is Miss Chin. She'll be with you for the first half hour... while I have a word with Mr. Matthews." Mr. Feeny said. The class 'ohh ed' as Cory walked out of the room.
"Tell my mom I went out like a man." The curly haired boy said as Miss Chin told the class to take out our workbooks and complete lessons 8 through 12. I had already finished the chapter so I turned to Shawn.
"Five minutes before I hand in my tests, I look to see where everyone else is." I admitted and went into my sketchbook, doodling until Mr. Feeny came back. Cory walked into the class and slumped into his seat. I could see the little pout he had on his face and decided to move my seat and help him with his work. I chuckled when he passed a note to the blue eyed boy and turned back to his work. When he was finished I turned to help Shawn.
"OK, we're here. What's the big emergency?" Shawn asked when we entered the room. We didn't expect Cory to start shooting us. Shawn pushed me behind the desk before he almost went through the window. "Hey! What are you trying to do, kill us?" Shawn exclaimed, pushing me behind him in case Cory tried to shoot us again.
"Kill you? I'll tell you about killed? How about what you did to me?" Cory whined.
"What'd we do?" I asked. This better not be about the stupid IQ test.
"Where are you spending your next recess? Playground? Shooting hoops? Playing ball? Drooling over Raven-Anniya?" Well, that last one was a little out of left field but alright.
"So?" Shawn completely ignored the last one.
"So let me tell you what I'm doing. I'm searching for Bobby Fischer!" Cory screamed.
"That's such a good movie." I muttered. I saw the two of them look at me like I was nuts. "...I like Joe Mantenga and Lawrence Fishburn." I shrank back behind Shawn.
"What are you talking about?"
"Geniuses go to a special school. Did you know that? You killed me. I'm going to be in a class full of Minkuses. Wait a minute. What am I talking about? These kids make Minkus look like Fabio."
"Wait a minute. They're putting you in another school?" Shawn looked back at me. He looked at me like I was leaving too.
"Yes. The lady is going to be here in a half an hour and they're going to give me another genius test and then they're going to take me away. So I just called you up to say good-bye. Or as geniuses say, good-bye in Latin."
"You do realize that this is your fault, right? Shawn and I told you to put the answer sheet back in the garbage and your exact words were 'You know, that makes a lot of sense... and if I was a smarter person, I'd probably listen to you... except I'm not a smarter person... But tomorrow, I'm going to be a genius' remember? So please tell me how we killed you?" I said.
"You're the smart one! Why didn't you tell me that geniuses get sent to genius school?" Cory bellowed, pointing an accusing finger at me. I smacked it.
"Because they don't. Mr. Feeny probably suggested it to catch you in your lie." I shrugged.
"Well, they're coming to send me to the fancy school so I guess his plan failed!" Cory whined.
"Hey, idiot." Shawn spoke.
"What?" Cory mumbled.
"Are you a genius?" The blue eyed boy asked.
"No." The brown eyed boy answered.
"Do you have the answers to this test?" The brown haired boy asked.
"No." The curly haired boy responded.
"You kind of see where he's going with this?" I say, leaning towards Cory.
"You want me to throw the test?" Cory looked between the two of us.
"Oh, no, no. I want you to take the test to the best of your ability. And no guessing. I wouldn't want you to stumble onto a right answer." Shawn said as he pulled me towards the door.
"Vale, Cornelius!" I screamed as Shawn pulled me down the stairs. "Bye, Matthews!"
I linked up with Eli and Mariah just around the corner of Cory's street. Mariah was a princess and Elijah was a vampire. We were waiting for Cory and Shawn to get here. Which is weird because we were on Cory's street.
"Boo!" I heard someone scream behind me as I was lifted off the ground.
I smacked Shawn in the arm as Cory approached with a goblin mask. He looked over at my pseudo cousins. "Cor, this is Elijah and Mariah. Mariah is just hearing impaired, she can hear you." I say quickly as they all shake hands.
Jefferson was standing by a lamppost dressed as a mad scientist. "Looks like you guys are all here, so how about a nice Halloween picture before you go torture your teacher?" It was a unanimous yes. The flash was quick and blinding. Tonight was already getting chaotic.
We were about to walk up to Mr. Feeny's house when we noticed him running to Cory's. "This is gonna be good." Mariah whispered. I took her hand.
Cory rang the doorbell and the boys pulled down their masks. I hoped my make was enough of a disguise. "Trick or treat!" We all said and much to our joy, Mr. Feeny answered the door.
"The candy's on its way." He replied, not recognizing anyone.
"Hey, aren't you that Feeny guy from school?" Shawn said looking up at our teacher. That was Elijah's signal.
"I'm Mr. Feeny, yes."
Eli took a step forward. "My brother's friend Cory Matthews said I'm going to have you as a teacher next year. He said you're the best teacher in the whole school." He crushed it!
"Oh, please, Mr. Matthews. I wasn't born yesterda..." he lifted up the mask to reveal that it was in fact not Cory. "I'm terribly sorry. Happy Halloween. Here, have a ruler. Have all the rulers." I suppressed my laughter as he dumped all his 'treats' into Eli's bag.
When Amy called Mr. Feeny from the kitchen, he smiled awkwardly at us and ran away. "And they say I'm not a genius!" Cory laughed proudly after removing his mask.
"So, Frankenstein? Where's the big candy bar house on this street?" Mariah asked, looking up at Shawn.
He pushed me forward. "Our Dragon Queen usually leads." And with that we s made our way from house to house getting so much candy we'd be sick for a week!
I love Halloween!
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The Roadblock.
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!*
*After coming to a decision, Nagito tries to escape from Zetsubou’s base. He runs, and runs and doesn’t look back.
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(I know what I need to do now...At least...I hope I do...)
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(I’m sorry Narumi...I appreciate everything you’ve done for me...You too, Akira...)
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(But...I don’t know if I was ever meant to be here...I was blinded and...I...)
*These idle thoughts cloud his mind, but he does not stop running. He leaves the front gate of Zetsubou’s base and starts running through the forest outside the compound.
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!*
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....H U H...?
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*Nagito suddenly gets slammed in the face so hard, he tumbles back along the ground like a tumbleweed until he collides with a tree!
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GUURGH! ...Nngh...Wh-What the...!?
*He grabs the tree, then clambers to his feet.
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*When his vision clears he stares through the opening at whatever attacked him...And he sees...
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...Going somewhere?
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G-Gyalusetsu...? What are YOU doing here?
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No real reason...I was simply out for a walk, then I saw you running off into the distance like the world was about to end...
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So...you PUNCHED me?
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Actually, I kicked you.
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Ok, but...WHY!?
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Tell me what it is you’re doing out here, and maybe I’ll apologize for it.
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You looked panicked after all. I doubt you were here for any idle reasons, like myself.
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I don’t believe for a second you were here idly...
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It’s nothing...I’m just taking some time off. My head’s been all over the place recently and...I just need it.
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When we have escaped prisoners running around the base?
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And when you’re probably our best chance at tracking them down with your Ultimate Talents?
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What good is that kind of power if you can’t even use it? And to think, you criticized Hinata for putting those powers to shame.
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Alright, alright! I’ve heard enough of that kind of thing today...I don’t need you breathing down my neck about it.
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*Matta approaches menacingly.
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You’ve “heard enough of that kind of thing?” From WHO exactly?
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That...doesn’t matter. I’m just...going somewhere...Just leave me alone, please.
*Nagito walks past Matta, who turns around.
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Somewhere very special indeed...The Future Foundation, if I’m not mistaken?
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*Nagito screeches to a halt.
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Y-You don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing left for me with those people...
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Isn’t your beloved Seiko Kimura with them now? That seems reason enough.
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That’s not why! This has nothing to do with her!
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You don’t deny then that you’re going to the Future Foundation?
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For an Ultimate Everything, you’re not a very good liar...
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Look, I already said, I’ve heard ENOUGH of that! I don’t care about these talents or what I use them with! With any luck, I’ll be rid of them soon!
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Why do you even care what I’m doing or where I’m going? You never did before...
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Given that I assume you’re going to the Future Foundation to sell Zetsubou out and inform them of Kamukura’s capture, that’s not something I can really let you go and do without at least questioning you about it.
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*Nagito turns around to square Matta down.
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How could you possibly know all of this!? Can you read my mind or something!?
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No. I’m just not a brainless idiot like the rest of these clowns. I actually check my facts before I spit them. 
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I know that Kamukura played the bad guy so he could lure Zetsubou into a trap, destroy the Hope Serum, and undo everything this organization has done.
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And I also know that he removed your suicide chip months ago...
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But how-
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I might not be able to read minds...But I DO have X-Ray vision...
*He taps his head.
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Oh, ha ha...VERY funny...What are you, some kind of robot?
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*Matta shrugs.
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That’s not an answer.
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I don’t owe you one.
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Well, then I guess I shouldn’t really ask why you suddenly changed your tune?
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You never cared about Zetsubou’s goals before. You even showed hospitality to Kanata and Seiko when they needed it...How could you betray their trust like this!? I just thought you were in it for the credits.
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That’s rich coming from you...
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The Remnants of Despair showed YOU hospitality for years; treated you like you were family, and would have done anything to protect you, no matter how much you drove them up the wall or how much you did in the past to hurt them.
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And what do you do? You get so obsessed with your pathetic ideals of “Hope will always prevail!” and “Talent is all that matters!” that you turn your back on them. You ruined their lives, and helped to destroy their home.
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If you really think they’re going to forgive you after all that, you’re wasting your time...
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*Nagito stamps on the ground with his foot so hard, he leaves a small crater.
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WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, LECTURING ME!? I don’t have to hear these kinds of ramblings of treachery and distrust from a man who’s too afraid to show his own face!
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If you knew what my face looked like, you wouldn’t be saying that.
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Well maybe not, but trust me. I’ve seen my fair share of ugly mugs over the course of my life.
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That aside...For all I care, Mahiru, Chiaki and the others can KEEP their forgiveness. There are greater things at stake here than my pride and obsession.
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I made peace a long, long time ago that I’m ultimately worthless...Even with every ability under my belt, I’m STILL...WORTHLESS...
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But I never realized until the dust settled just how much harm I was doing to the world, and to my friends. I don’t deserve them, and I’m ok with that...
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But...the least I can do for them now is make sure that they can live a life they love without me...and if Shirogane really plans to destroy humanity with her Hope army, that’s not gonna happen.
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And you...? 
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What do YOU want Nagito Komaeda? What achievement or accomplishment do YOU get from this?
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Validation, I guess...To know that I at least did something right...
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I don’t know where I’m going to go from here, but I’m done acting like a big shot...I’m done being the top dog...
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*sigh* Alright then...
*Matta suddenly reaches up towards his ear and sticks his finger inside.
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It’s time...Tsutsuji...You know what to do...
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*Nagito’s eyes widen as Matta lowers his hand.
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Ts-Tsut...suji? Who or...what...is that?
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You don’t need to know...All you do need to know is that even if I have my own agenda, I still have a job to do.
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I can’t let you leave, Komaeda...Not without a fight, at least...
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...I figured...
*Nagito clenches his fist.
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You don’t want to do this, Gyalusetsu...
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Oh, I think I do...Everyone and their grandma has been waiting to see you punched in your smug face for a while now...I will succeed at putting you down where Hajime Hinata failed...
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Oh, Hajime Hinata...He really did want to be your friend, even after all the trauma you put him through...
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THAT was a mistake...
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You don’t know ANYTHING about me OR Hajime! RAAAAAAAAGGH!
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*Nagito rushes forward at blinding speed, reels back his fist as far as it can go, and lands the hardest and fastest punch he can muster dead in Matta’s chest! The impact is so hard and heavy, the ground around them 
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...*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* Hah...
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*The dust settles and Matta’s figure is seen with Nagito’s fist slammed hard against Matta’s chest...Who is still standing, almost completely unphased by the nuclear-level punch.
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For you see...Komaeda...
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*Matta grabs Nagito’s wrist, and starts to twist it! Nagito falls to his knees, overwhelmed and overpowered...!
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You were NEVER the top dog...!
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*Matta’s punch sends Nagito soaring back and crashing through about 100 different trees until he skips across the ground like a stone on the water and grinds along the ground, covering him in dirt!
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GUUGH! Haah...
*Nagito winces in pain as he sits up relocates his jaw.
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*He is just narrowly able to roll out the way, as the now crimson-eyed hitman nearly slams down and 
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What...What the hell ARE you!?
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*Matta rises and points towards the Ultimate Hope.
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You want to see what a REAL god among men looks like!?
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Then I’ll show you...DIVINE RETRIBUTION!
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fyeahdprian · 10 years
C-Clown - Let's Love, 씨클라운 - 나랑 만나, Show Champion 20140709
Uploaded: Aug 11, 2014
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writerkatsblog · 2 years
Now I can't stop imagining Kimiko being shocked and covering someone's ears when Guan first says Bobo (can't decide if she'd covered Clay's or Omi's or Dojo's) because she thinks Guan just crudely called Rai a c*nt in Japanese instead of a fool in Portuguese.
Meanwhile Clay thinks it's just a clown-sounding name.
And Omi thinks Guan said "勃勃 (bó bó)" (which means vigorous/exuberant and is... more like a compliment?) so Omi doesn't know why Kimiko is gawking at him like that when he repeats it later.
Ah, the beauty of inter-linguistic misunderstandings. What for one person is innocuous ends up being horrifyingly rude/gross to someone else. Gotta love human languages in all their variety.
Poor Kimiko is about to shake Omi for being rude while Omi might be assuming that Guan is being sarcastic about the nickname. And as a child to whom sarcasm is very new in his lexicon, he wants to learn as much as possible.
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chattycups · 23 days
eta: omg help 💀
i just wanted to add this post took place PRIOR to the resentment box comment made by the streamer omfg what bad timing on my part LMAO. i swear; the time stamps are there 😭😭 but I was not criticizing that, or people who are excited for it: this was abt people villainizing ray mond in the situation and saying she doesnt DESERVE chatty & that he should just leave her-- that he'd be perfectly valid to give up on her atp bc she hasn't been around and/or she was 'toxic' anyway... which was s/t i was seeing in meta chats .. and then that same day during stream, strimmer brought up resentment box and discourse WENT CRAZY lmao i would / should edit or delete this post so it doesnt seem like im being one of the dicks who is criticizing the idea as a whole but... welp. i still stand by saying that ray mond isn't 'undeserving' and she doesn't love less or whatever..... it was just... an unfortunately timed post that now seems like i was talking abt something else, end me 💀💀
my least favorite chattercups take I’ve seen a few people say is that… “chatterbox should move on”, “he loves her more than she loves him”, “I wouldn’t blame him if he moves on from her atp”, “resentbox would be valid” type of things…
and you know what?
no. I WOULD blame him, and I think you should too, LMAO
he promised to wait for her & he promised her a loyalty like she’s never had before… if he doesn’t wait for her, that tells her he’s not much different than everyone else before him.
but that’s not who he is tbh and I really really doubt that’s ever going to happen…
but just the fact that I’ve seen people unironically give this take??? it just makes me sadge…
you are not real yearners or piners…. you don’t understand the real loverboys and lovergirls of the world…….. :/
lmAO no but seriously, what I hate is the idea that she doesn’t “deserve” him. yes yes his male pining IS very romantic of him, I know…… but I think that because the last time we saw Ray, she was in such a bad place mentally, it’s clouding peoples’ view and their memory of how down bad, caring, and loving she was. let���s not forget our girl, the first among us, the FIRST chattyray truther….. Ray Mond herself. the biggest chattercup stan of them all.
let’s not forget who said that he was the best thing that ever happened to her…
and who pursued who: It was RAY who wanted that fucked-up clown guy.
it was ray mond who was not afraid to bark at chatterbox when the rest of us were too afraid to say what we were all thinking LMAO…..
ray mond, who tried to baby trap and force him to propose at gun point…..
ray mond who painstakingly organized a whole days event for him (yups to cups) that was actually so fun and sweet and romantic ?????!?! like that was a crazily thoughtful and sweet gesture, when she could have just tortured him all day jajssj.
and she made them get matching tattoos that day… 🥺
ray who said if he dies (which she has forbid him to do) she is going to cut off his dick and keep it…….
……… so. yeah.
jajsjsj she’s just as romantic in her own way! I know chatty sadgefarming about being a sad lonely clown without his mask is making people sad for him and they just want him to be happy……
but don’t forget that ray really did (does) love him deeply, and changed him with that love. she has been very sweet and romantic to him too…. the waiting is more than justified, BECAUSE of all the love and care she has shown to chatterbox. and its been a lot. the reason he’s able to be patient and wait for her is BECAUSE she was so good to him.
DONT BETRAY AND DISCOUNT OUR MOTHER LIKE THAT jsjsjsk dad would not approve > : c
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Kleinman: Woody Allen Prostitute: Kathy Bates Student Jack: John Cusack Irmy: Mia Farrow Prostitute: Jodie Foster Hacker’s Follower: Fred Gwynne Clown: John Malkovich Alma: Julie Kavner Marie: Madonna Magician: Kenneth Mars Eve: Kate Nelligan Doctor: Donald Pleasence Prostitute: Lily Tomlin Mr. Paulsen: Philip Bosco Spiro’s Assistant: Robert Joy Simon Carr: Wallace Shawn Vogel’s Follower: Kurtwood Smith Priest: Josef Sommer Hacker: David Ogden Stiers Cop at Police Station: John C. Reilly Woman with Baby: Eszter Balint Vigilante: James Rebhorn Roustabout: Richard Riehle Cop: William H. Macy Undesirables Onlooker: Fred Melamed Killer: Michael Kirby Vigilante: Victor Argo Vigilante: Daniel von Bargen Landlady: Camille Saviola Dwarf: Tim Loomis Fat Lady: Katy Dierlam Strongman: Dennis Vestunis Prostitute: Anne Lange Student: Andy Berman Student: Paul Anthony Stewart Student: Thomas L. Bolster Police Chief: Greg Stebner Cop at Police Station: Peter Appel Cop at Police Station: Brian Smiar Cop at Police Station: Michael P. Troy Cop at Police Station: Remak Ramsay Cop at Police Station: Ron Turek Bartender: Peter McRobbie Cop with Priest: Ira Wheeler Baby: Rebecca Gibson Hacker’s Follower: Robert Silver Spiro: Charles Cragin Vigilante with Spiro: Tom Riis Farrell Vigilante with Spiro: Ron Weyand Roustabout: Max Robinson Film Crew: Additional Casting: Todd M. Thaler Casting: Juliet Taylor Writer: Woody Allen Producer: Robert Greenhut Assistant Editor: Mark Livolsi Costume Design: Jeffrey Kurland Production Coordinator: Helen Robin Executive Producer: Charles H. Joffe Executive Producer: Jack Rollins Editor: Susan E. Morse Hairstylist: Romaine Greene Assistant Art Director: W. Steven Graham Casting Associate: Laura Rosenthal Supervising Sound Editor: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Carlo Di Palma Gaffer: Ray Quinlan Sound Designer: Dan Sable Foley Artist: Brian Vancho Set Decoration: George DeTitta Jr. Assistant Costume Designer: Donna Zakowska Production Sound Mixer: James Sabat Production Design: Santo Loquasto Assistant Sound Editor: Stuart Levy Co-Producer: Joseph Hartwick Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Construction Coordinator: Ron Petagna Key Scenic Artist: James Sorice Production Assistant: Robert C. Albertell Makeup Artist: Bernadette Mazur First Assistant Director: Thomas A. Reilly Art Direction: Speed Hopkins Property Master: James Mazzola Assistant Production Coordinator: Ilyse A. Reutlinger Still Photographer: Brian Hamill Standby Carpenter: Joseph A. Alfieri Jr. Scenic Artist: Cosmo Sorice Set Dresser: Dave Weinman Assistant Camera: Michael Green Sound Recordist: Frank Graziadei Camera Operator: Dick Mingalone Script Supervisor: Kay Chapin Set Decoration: Amy Marshall Boom Operator: Louis Sabat Dolly Grip: Ronald Burke Key Grip: Robert Ward Wardrobe Supervisor: Patricia Eiben Second Assistant Camera: Michael Caracciolo Camera Trainee: David E. Baron Art Department Coordinator: Glenn Lloyd Second Assistant Director: Richard Patrick Assistant Editor: William Kruzykowski Transportation Captain: Peter Tavis Transportation Captain: Harold ‘Whitey’ McEvoy Production Assistant: Justin Moritt Wardrobe Supervisor: Bill Christians Foley Artist: Elisha Birnbaum Additional Casting: Judie Fixler Key Construction Grip: Vincent Guarriello Production Assistant: Danielle Rigby Projection: Carl Turnquest Best Boy Electric: Jim Manzione Costume Assistant: Lauren Gibson Assistant Art Director: Robert Perdziola Foley Editor: Lori Kornspun Assistant Art Director: Peter Eastman Location Scout: Megan Monaghan Assistant Art Director: Richard Michael Miller Apprentice Sound Editor: Yasmine Amitai Location Manager: James A. Davis Movie Reviews:
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k-439 · 5 months
Could you give a list of your characters? I want to ask questions but I don't see any information on any of them. I tried going on your toyhouse and it leads to nothing.
Oh my gosh, I haven't been on this account for a while, my apologies.
Yes I can! Its under the keep reading. I have over 100s of characters haha so It's pretty long. My toyhouse is here! Sorry it doesn't work on the blog, I will try and fix that. Thank you for being interested in my characters and oc blog :). My artfight has some of my fleshed out characters that I really love.
always growing!
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��� Beau
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○ Circus owner mistress
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○ Iggy's other sister
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○ "Night and Sun" (Nox Dawn and Daisy Dawn, sadly not a Fnaf AU.)
○ "No Arms" (2 no named)
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○ "Witch" Crystal ball reader (unnamed)
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