#c'mon gosho
leonawriter · 4 months
I reached ch700 last night, with one of the cases being "someone asks Kazuha for an omamori because he's got a crush on her, and finds out she's already interested in Heiji" and this morning started thinking-
While people saying that certain twists are out of the blue, un-foreshadowed etc, I've been a Cousins Truther since 2008, at least.
D'you know what hit me hard as "what the fuck is going on here, I have no idea what this is supposed to be, c'mon this is annoying"?
Momiji Ooka.
When I first saw her, I was exactly as I just said - at no point that I've read so far is she hinted at! If anything, the way she was introduced reminds me of how Shiratori's whole story of his "first love" (and the subsequent non-reveal that said first love wasn't Sato Miwako) took place in a grand total of... THREE CHAPTERS. It even included the reveal of who his first love actually was, who was someone we already knew, in spite of the huge number of people in Tokyo it could have been.
Momiji - per my years-old memories of her - just appeared out of thin air purely to act as a love triangle interest to Heiji, and a rival to Kazuha (who's already having enough issues on her own!). Because of that, I got annoyed and frustrated at what to me was clearly a blatant case of the author throwing a character in to prolong things and not make it too easy, when it'd already been long enough. She read to me as more plot contrivance than "character."
Now, I'm hoping that in my re-read, I'll be able to appreciate her this time, as I'll be prepared for her appearance. I think Gosho also took pity on her and created a canon boyfriend for her? I never got that far, so I don't know the details (don't spoil me).
Also, looking up her name to make sure of the spelling, I was reminded that I never actually read all the way through the school trip to Kyoto arc. I vaguely remember trying, but not getting all the way through? So there. We have a vague sense of where I left off. More or less. It could've been a bit earlier, and I may have simply read the flashback case on its own.
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digitallyfanged · 9 months
Happy New Year! 😍 Anyone who does Good by Akako in this fandom is a hero
Happy New Year!
I love Akako. So much stuff you can do with her. Wish she was more of a serious barrier to Kaito more :D C'mon Gosho, let her win against him a little
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dcmk1412 · 7 years
i want shinichi to tell ran the truth and have her be super chill about it. then years later, when they have a kid, ran just fucks with him by dressing the kid in conan's old clothes. and when it turns out the kid needs glasses, she insists they get proper lenses in conan's glasses so the kid can wear them. then recreating any and all photos with conan in them with their kid. and just generally being a salty sailor while shinichi wails in the background that he already said he was sorry!
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dal-li · 5 years
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anyone done this yet?
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detectiveran · 5 years
I swear if Ran doesn't become a history professor or an archeologist or a curator or something along the lines of an academic, I would be so let down. She has so much potential in that field. Imagine adding a 'Dr.' infront of her name.
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Ran for character opinion bingo?
Thanks for playing, dear! ^o^
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Wasted Potential: The way Gosho invents this bright young woman who is like a world-class karate champion but 90% of the time she's reduced to The Mom/The Girlfriend stereotype is just flat out a crime. Give me more Ran during tournaments, give me more Ran outside her role as the sole caretaker of Conan and Kogoro, c'mon.
If they were real I would be afraid of them: Though I do mainly blame Gosho for this because it's a theme throughout the series - it's not just Ran, it's every character who is a professional martial artist. They just randomly attack people. Like, the first meeting between Sera-Ran? The first meeting between Sera-Makoto? The way they don't ask questions but rather wield their weaponized bodies against total strangers at the slightest provocation is absolutely unprofessional and terrifying.
Free space: I think that it's actually a crime that she has never gotten to interact with her MK counterpart before. The Nakamori-Kogoro shenanigans are always honestly so hilarious and the Kaito-Shinichi dynamic is something so personal for me but Aoko has not once interacted with Ran and that's a crime. We know from MK that Aoko attends the occasional heist to protest KID or to bring her father a meal, why can't she have a DC cameo too and they meet and talk while their fathers bicker. Why. Give it to me.
Nothing I like about them is technically canon: I mean, half-way. Like, I prefer my Ran as a lesbian whose worry for Shinichi is purely about her best friend or who had that realization through Sera and is now moving on to build a life of her own without constantly glancing at her phone in hopes he might have called.
Why do they look like that: The horn. I just. I don't understand. Why does she have a horn. No other character in this franchise has stupid anime hair styles like this only her, everyone else has normal hair. But she has some weird cone sticking outta her head like does she wake up and put a ton of hair-spray in to build that thing? How does it work? Why is it there? I don't understand.
They work better as part of a dynamic: When she is alone, she tends to be reduced to Sad Thoughts About Shinichi. But I prefer happy, carefree Ran, when she's with Sonoko and Sera or Kazuha, having fun with her friends. I also wish the show would give just the occasional non-Conan episode? Like, just an episode fully about the other Detective Boys, or about the police taking on another different case, or Ran and the girls having a day out. I think that at over 1000 episodes, you could. Just, one such episode every 100 episodes or so.
Character Opinion Bingo
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lesbianhidemi · 4 years
What are your top 5 ships in DC?
hii thanks so much for this ask 💕
1. Shinichi x Ran
my dc otp. my babies who deserve the world. there's ran who always worry for shinichi without knowing he's actually right by her side and shinichi who's always there for her, both as conan and shinichi. also i love how one of shinichi's major driving force ( if not the driving force) is ran. like one of the reasons he wants to defeat the organization and be normal again is to be with her. now that they are dating, i'm so excited to see what happens next! and when ran casually refers to shinichi as her boyfriend i get so soft 🤧
2. Heiji x Kazuha
my babies who think the other one isn't attracted to them but in reality they like each other! heiji is this cool guy™ but would go absolute apeshit feral if you ever lay a finger on kazuha. also he's is a smart boy but would is would lose all rationality when it comes to her (ehem ebisu bridge). yes im all for that. also gosho please let them confess to each other already 😭
3. Rei x Hiro
i love angst. i hc they were together before hiro died, or if they aren't, at least feelings are present. when I read wps, my hc that they were in love only got stronger (I mean c'mon, they're childhood friends after all). i love how hiro, even though he's dead, is still very present on rei's life. also, they're probably the closet to an lgbt relationship/rep that we'll get 😔
4. Makoto x Sonoko
a soft himbo who would do anything to protect his girlfriend. im all for it
5. Takagi x Sato
i love how their relationship progressed through out the series. also i love how takagi is ready to do anything for sato, even quit his job and become a full time dad 😭 i would like a him please
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mistymistery · 7 years
Hi Daniela! Here are my numbers for you for the DC questions: 1, 11, 23, 30! Also a bonus, which do you personally prefer: The old/original DC art or the more recent style?
Thank you @daigakuimo for the questions :D this is going to be long…
1) How did you get into Detective Conan, and what was your first case?
Well, I used to watch a lot of series with my older brother when I was a child then I guess I was like 5 or 6 years old when I first watched Detective Conan. We used to watch it every day and my brother recorded all the episodes so I know the first episodes by heart jaja. Well, my first case I suppose it was the first episode… but I was too young so I don’t remember exactly which one was. I can say that the case that really shocked me and I remember the most was the one in which Ran, Conan and Sonoko went to that house and there was that bandage man, I was scared as fuck. (btw I love that type of episodes until today)
11) Which character do you least and/or most identify with?
 The one I identify the least is this guy…
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I am not a serial killer and I do not have that awesome hair c'mon! (?
Now, seriously the one that I identify the most … Uhmm I’ve never thought about it…. I think is a combination of Yukiko and Ran.
On one hand, Yukiko because she is always positive and cheerful, joking about everything, her sense of humor is the best. She’s such a troll so in that way she is my spirit animal. Ah! and of course because of her infinite love for shin ♥
On the other hand, Ran in the way she cares about the people she loves. As her, I am really sensitive but at the same time really strong (I’m not talking about karate) but I’m not brave enough as her she is badass. Also, I feel that Ran sometimes overthinks about some issues and so do I.
23)  What’s your top pick for the most heartbreaking moment in the series?
The restaurant scene… always got me. *sounds ai wa itsumo at the background* Haibara suddenly appears and Shinichi knows that his time is over and he couldn’t say what he wanted to, then Ran realized that he left her again, Conan is back not as he wanted to, his face and the “he’ll definitely come back, wait for him (me)”…I can’t, I mean look at this face.
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 Even though I have to confess that one part of me enjoys seeing Shinichi suffering because he is too cool to show his emotions however, he has improved that aspect little by little. Also, I want to mention when Akai died… Jodie’s reaction was heartbreaking. Did I mention Matsuda? Never forget that one.
30) What’s something you hope to see happen in the series?
Blood, murders, destruction everywhere!! I really want to know Vermouth’s story for me she is one of the biggest mysteries in the series, she’s amazing.  Also, can I have more OTP moments? *cough* shinran *cough* I have expectations for the school trip arc but who knows what Gosho has prepared?
Bonus:  The old/original DC art or the more recent style?
I think that both of them are great, the Detective Conan art is really particular and unique. The old one (at the very beginning) it’s sooo 90’s style and it has some unique characteristics as the big ears and eyes for example. Through time I think that Gosho has improved a lot and nowadays the art style is more detailed and has finer features so it was a good change. I like them both, the art style always evolves and changes and I think in this case it was a good change :)
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nenekobasu · 6 years
also i think it would further cement the ikemen akai fam as an omnipresent narrative monster that devours everything in sight
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leonawriter · 4 months
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Ok but that made me think - we've seen Shinichi's childhood. An almost unfairly big amount of it, even. Ok, he's the protagonist, so it makes sense. We've seen Hattori's childhood (Crossroads at the Ancient Capital, this case here, a few others I think?), and we've seen a bit of Kaito's (mostly just smaller flashbacks, but especially in that one scene in Shinichi's Childhood Adventure, with Yukiko).
We have NOT seen anything much at all with Hakuba's childhood? As far as I know?
C'mon, Gosho. Complete the quartet. Let's see when the White Horse was a White Pony!
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