#c;; Greyface
silvcrignis · 1 year
You can't spell advertisements without semen between the tits. Until we meet again.
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“… Where DO you get your drugs & are they still in stock?”
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cloudcountry · 1 year
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🔫 Your eel facts-- Hand em over!!!
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OGM i love moray eels w/ my whole heart and soul they are so cute and squishy and toxic and slippery and mrphrmhpmrhmphrmpmprhmphrmphmrpmphrpmhpmrpmrhm
so the shrimp thing!!! ofc morays do eat shrimp, but they also have mutualistic relationships with them (example: the red rock shrimp. the shrimp rids to eel of parasites and the moray protects the shrimp. win win!)
(i had one of my quotev readers ask me what kind of shrimp i thought floyd saw mc as, and we both eventually came to the conclusion that they were just Shrimp since there's a bunch of different kinds of goldfish and riddle is just Goldfish.)
also yeah, the whole thing with jade and floyd both listing some form of octopus as their favorite food? that's not them being little shits (though part of it very well could be.) moray eels do eat octopi and they like it. they also have this behavior where they tie themselves in knots to gain leverage over their prey, so they can rip off chunks of flesh easier. think about how the hagfish feasts on whale falls and you'll have a pretty good idea of what i'm talking about.
they secrete mucus which comes from goblet cells, and that mucus protects them from scraping against the coral reefs they swim through and hurting themselves. !!! this mucus can be toxic !!!
morays have very poor eyesight but a good sense of smell, hence the two little antennae like thingys sticking out of their head
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yeah, those are their nostrils. (also thats a california moray eel!! it has ridges on the roof of its mouth to help keep prey in place. plus moray mouths are just really cool because if they have a wacky pattern, chances are that pattern continues in their mouth!!)
speaking of prey!! they have a second set of jaws call the pharyngeal jaws. they're attached to muscles that act as rubber bands and can shoot the jaws forward to help pull prey down the moray's throat.
if you see a moray "yawning" or just showing off his silly shiny teeth, it's not a threat. that's how they breathe! they're pushing water over their gills with that opening and closing of the mouth motion.
they come in so many shapes
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(dragon moray eel, a very colorful boy!!)
and sizes!!
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(the banana moray eel, very small and adorable :C)
and some of them look so goofy and huggable
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(the greyface moray!! isn't it the cutest???)
some of them might look a little scary...
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(the fangtooth moray <3 they get a bad rep from what i've seen :(((( unfair.)
and some are just iconic!!
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(the snowflake moray eel!! aka the millennial moray smh /lh)
morays are truly beautiful and i swear we dont talk about them enough. thank you twst for plunging me into moray eel hell. it changed my life.
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zumpietoo · 3 months
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PP either had or faked a panic attack for manipulation/attention....and her stans are thrilled because she claims no medical training SweatBoi walked her through it, by having her deep breathe....once again, if you're going through something that debilitating? You need much more serious intervention...
Also---here's the thing, if this is real (all seems kinda munchausen-y, TBH), I do feel bad for PP, but that doesn't mean anybody needs to stay in a relationship with her because of it...and I definitely think she uses it to manipulate others.
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No, it's the day PP either faked debilitating MH issues for attention or informed the world she likely needs inpatient care.
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Errmmm, again, Cole wasn't required to be PP's caretaker. It isn't "truly loving", it's co-dependent....and Cole DID put up with it for years. It's precisely what he meant by "being more of a nurse than anything else".
Again, "being a true companion" (and it's partner, dude), isn't about being the other person's caretaker....it wasn't remotely selfish at all....plus, he should put himself first, that's healthy/self care, no?
Dude, if anything, the "selfish" one is PP......if you love somebody, you don't expect that level of never ending sacrifice from them...we've just seen full illustration PP's MH issues aren't remotely cute or charming.
Also, it's interesting how they DO see it that way for her, but scorn any potential MH issues (or remote perceived imperfection) in anybody else...
Oh and about the ability to be a "decent partner"? Seems like Cole's been an excellent one to Ari for over 3 years.....
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Ummm......they're basing this on....hydrangeas???? Also, I thought that was their fancee, old $$$ summer house??
To say nothing of, why wouldn't SweatBoi just bring PP, then? Neither is doing anything, seemingly, besides freaking out, stuffing their faces, etc...
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Dude, Cole HAS anxiety, himself----and gets psychiatric care for it. And he'd dumped her three years before she got SweatBoi to cosplay him for her....learn to math....
Again, it's also funny how it has to always be about PP, huh?
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Or let her use it to manipulate you/guilt trip you into coming back...
And by "a lot of us", you mean all 2 of you, right?
Seriously, this is gross, from both PP and the 2 of you....
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Because whatever's "true", yeah, nothing moar reliable than a greyface.....
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A) "let him"???? EEEWwww.....your apparent ongoing control issues are seriously warped and gross
B) Or (moar likely), he dipped for a few days and then she guilt tripped/manipulated him back....
C) again, so trust/independence are bad....being a codependent wet nurse is awesome.
I'm legit starting to feel bad for Cabana Boi and I neverrr thought I'd say that.
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Again, he not only doesn't have any (and does go to therapy), he's also not the one in cult and publicly bragging about getting wasted.
And he seems to be a great partner to Ari and was a good enough one that PP stalked him (and Ari) for years until she found somebody willing to pretend to be him. Ditto Breetch was so obsessed with him, she did the same to him and PP (before PP joined the psycho exes club and became friends).
If anything, Cole's "addiction" was trying to fix loony girls. He has, finally, overcome that one.
Enjoy being fans of the fucked up girl.....to say nothing of how fucked up y'all are for being all jazzed for "content", when it's about somebody either revealing they had a debilitating MH condition or clearly have Munchausen's
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If you were forced to commit one (1) sin, what sin would you choose?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. (2/10)
“C-commit a sin?!” Horror befalls the angels face, cringing back from the greyface in horror. “I-I would never want to commit a sin! Sinning could cause me to fall. Or worse!”
But they said if he was forced to commit a sin. Swallowing nervously, Lucid takes this predicament into heavy consideration. “W-well I suppose sloth would be the least problematic. You know, being lazy and not doing my work for a while. Father Almighty I haaate to think of not keeping busy.”
However, there is indeed one sin that has tarnished the seraphim’s mind before, a flush of yellow blooming upon Lucid’s porcelain cheeks. “…I…would consider…lust as well. If it was with um, certain parties.” He says this barely above a whisper, hand cupping his cheek while the other hand propping his elbow. Eyes avert to the floor.
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If your gyatt is out, he's here to grab it. Yoink! Barbie patch. "Heya, fuckwad! Where you been? My caffeine intake has been significantly lower than it should be!" - @originemesis
Lost in his own little world, Lucid does not hear the sumo sized angel come up behind him. Wings flare and ruffle, the ever recognizable squawk of the short seraph gracing the commanders ears in a perfect C-pitch. Lucid spins around, face fully flushed and flustered, brow heavy as he pouts.
“Do ya really gotta goose me every time? There’s plenty of other less grotesque ways of gaining my attention.” Despite his grumpy words there really isn’t much sass and fire behind them this time. “And as for where I’ve been, in my workshop doing my duties.”
And being tormented by the greyfaces and their comments. The thoughts have been sewn onto his mind and frankly overshadowing his usual blissful, daydream thoughts.
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Did you check on your inmate too Officer Nakano? I don't know if you told her about the new second week coming up. I hope she's holding on.
As Yuria was resting in her office, she tenses hearing another greyface voice looking at them. "H..how did you get in here?" she thought she locked the door but she only flushed to look away.
"Second, yes I already c..checked on her. Seon is fine....I even got her some new games to try in case she got bored but......I hope they will help after telling her of the second week.."
Yuuka was nervous seeing Oblivion's expression after telling her what is going on. However, she didn't seem that happy about it. For a moment, she had to let it sink in before slowly looking at her new games for her game hand held system. In a bit she speaks.
"So let me get this straight; your telling me that Warden Henderson added another week to this stupid test of his..and now I have to wait a little longer.....is that what your saying to me?" she said in a monotone that Yuuka sighed.
"Yes. He said he was hoping to get more information about your behavior along with the other inmates. S..so he's adding another week..." she said with arms crossed but Oblivion said nothing to look at the games then sighed.
"And that's why you got me new games to keep me....busy. Is that right?"
"Ummm..y...yes?" she said nervously that Oblivion lowers one of the new games she had to sigh.
"I see...."
"But think of it this way, at least I won't bother you unless it's checking up on you. S...so you got time to yourself. I won't e..even take your game hand held system from y..you either so you can have fun. That's fair right?" she said laughing nervously and yet Oblivion said nothing to slowly look at her.
She blinks seeing that but sweatdrops to wonder if she said something wrong. "Uhhhh y...you okay?" she asked. However, Oblivion stood up from where she sat and walks over to Yuuka. She got nervous backing up a bit only to feel her back pressed against the wall. As she tries to sit up to move, two hands were on either side of her head as she closed her eyes to yelp but knew Oblivion was right there.
"Hey. Open your eyes.." she said but Yuuka was nervous to look at her thinking she was mad about this. Seeing she didn't do that, she slowly reaches to touch her side slowly. "I said..Open your eyes.....and look at me."
A small shock was given making Yuu gasp but she obeyed to open her eyes slowly to meet with glowing teal color eyes looking into her purple ones.
"...I...I'm sorry but I'm just following orders....p..please don't be-" that's when Oblivion suddenly kissed her deeply on the lips that her own eyes widen. She feels her holding her cheek while doing this but her face was pink before she slowly feels her break the kiss.
"W..Why did you-"
"Because I wanted to. It's not fair I have to wait like this but seems even you are going through it too. I will thank you for the games..but It still is annoying I don't get the time to unwrap you slowly....I was even curious to see what makes you tick." she lowers her hand down Yuu's uniform jacket but she tries to move back only to see Oblivion keep her right where she was.
"....Though it's fine....if your following orders...then that means I'll have to wait....but not for long....if I can't have you right now..I'll just have to be sure to wait till you break." she looks to her but her long black hair was covering her shoulders but was out this time. Even if she looks to Yuuka she saw how red she was right now.
"But...let the kiss be a reminder. I will try to behave...but....I won't like the ideal of waiting too long...because if I want something..." she slips her hand up but held her against the wall. "I get it. I wonder how long you can hold on...before you break yourself." she whispered against her lips in her cell.
"Because when you do...I'll be sure your punished for making me wait.."
She was red now remembering that even touching her lips when Oblivion kissed her. Even now, she was nervous but shaking slightly. In that moment, she clears her throat. "B..but I have work anon s..so please move o..on.." she mutters.
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nicholas-wolfwood · 2 years
M!A: Maximum Stampede
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“...Considerin’ Master C. wouldn’t waste time sendin’ some newbie, I’m guessin’ this is what that greyface was talkin’ ‘bout. What the HELL is this?! 
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“You tell me. Fuck, is that old bastard doing cloning now?! Mind tellin’ me what the fuck you’re doin’ with that gun?”
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“Aimin’ it at you, dumbass! An’ it’s mine! What kinda glowstick is that?!”
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“Come closer an’ find out, jackass!”
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kingxfmischief · 3 years
i think you can go in and change all of the links to be https!!
Yeah I did that, and I wanna get it out that this is the solution for that problem, but my bg is just gone from my theme even with the proper new coding so I’m....still kinda boned
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justasmidgx · 6 years
I am scared for you. I see your messages on my dash sporadically. I’m not always online. I don’t always write and I don’t always have muse to write. I am worried for you, I’m worried that you can’t seem to find any happiness to hold onto. I wish I could help you, but I’m not qualified. You need a therapist, someone who can help you find the happiness you’re seeking. I do not think tumblr or the people on tumblr are going to help you. I wish you the very best. Know that someone cares for you.
[Nothing helps, I’m not worth worrying about and I’m just too far gone. I was fucking stupid enough to think my most recent med change was working and I was actually feeling better and now the universe has kiccked me in the fucking stomach and given me the worst fucking day I’ve had in months, reminding me I’m not fucking allowed to be happy. And I can barely even fucking post any of this on the blog I actually rp on because whenever I do I get hate. 
I never have muse to write anymore, I haven’t really for months. And the only muse I have left is the one from my other blog and now I can’t even get ahold of him. And here I am, a complete idiot hoping to get published and famous someday when I can’t even handle one character in a short rp reply and my writing is crap. 
I’ve got a therapist, I’ve got a psych, I’ve had others in the past and these are the ones that work for me and actually listen to me but it still doesn’t help. Nothing ever has and I just get worse and worse. I’m 25, never had a job last more than 6 months, haven’t had a job in years, dropped out of college at 19 saying I’d go back soon after therapy and here I am, still nowhere near being able to handle a job or school, living with my mom and her shitty bf, not even paying rent or bills because the only income I have is the occasional babysitting for one family. 
I’m sorry.]
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ewkpop · 3 years
ngl, im surprised youre still active
lmao i lowkey can't tell if this is hate mail or a friend from back in the day...
either way nah i'm not goin anywhere, i really like the tumblr format ig. even if i got sick of kpop i'd probably still be on my main or another side. 🤷‍♀️ i'm like roaches
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Hey jsyk because you’re sensitive content’d you only appear in people’s notes or timelines :(
(...well that sucks.)
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silvcrignis · 1 year
I need to know this, for science... What's Claude's opinion on being called "sir" ( or similar ) when he's getting down and dirty. This is very important for my research
A deep, mildly exasperated sigh left the Frenchman's lungs at the question...
"Whydoyou motherfuckers HATE mesomuch...?" the mumbled words were jumbled together through gritted teeth before he ACTUALLY answered the (honestly not as terrible as he was making it) inquiry.
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"I do indeed in the words of the youths "Like that shit." Your desire for my blood is SATED now begone foul spectre!"
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mr. krabs, i accidentally messed up a ten dollar bill by throwing it in the washer and it tore apart. thoughts?
$$$ Anonymous sent in a complaint !
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               $  “  —  G A S P ! ! !  I can’t believe ya’d do that to such a beautiful girl! She never knew she’d end up torn to shreds! How could ya do that to ‘er? I–I can’t believe ya…
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               $  “  —  Ya need to watch yerself, lad! Check your pantholes ‘n’ see if any innocent, lil’ paper presidents are about to get shoved into their wet, shredding doom! They… They don’t deserve it!  “
               $  Yeah, catch the crustacean crying in the corner over the ten he couldn’t save, love, and cherish as his own. Mumbling about how he could have loved it like a father, giving it a home it never had.
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diviniteceleste-a · 5 years
ahh how about i reword myself then? you gotta lot of people who'd love for you to conquer them if you catch my drift ;)))
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          ❛ insatiable, unquenchable thirst, you be cursed with such tainted thoughts… ❜
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Damn right I’m jealous. I can’t even get any dash commentary to start because of me, not even a event at that and ya’ get one to work effortlessly? Man... >:c
tbh i dont even know how i started this dash event.
:o in honesty ive always been the lower tier rper i would get a few rps maybe 1 or 2 greyface asks a year, mostly spent my time planning shit that never got to do...had 1 or 2 really good mutuals
so the past year and a half has just been insane for me
i got like 200 followers in 2 months when it took like 4 years to get to 500 and another one to get to 6. now im at 8 almost 1 thousand and im just liek "what? my content? 4 real?"
so idk if this joke or not but if ur someone whodoes struggle
keep pushing
keep invoating
keep bringing new things to do the table
dont give up, slow days, month, years happen but eventually
if you keep up your grind, you keep improviing yourself and your writing abilites
u too can accidently become popular and have no idea how u got here whilst people tell u your kool and u cant believe it because uve had a rough time rping but they keep sayin it so it must be true.
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kingxfmischief · 4 years
‘There would be no LGBT rights’ wrong and here’s why for your American centric brain: Stonewall did not start the LGBT equality movement. It existed before and in fact Stonewall barely made the news in many countries. Also Stonewall was started by a black lesbian named Storms Delarverie and Marsha P Johnson admitted he didn’t get there until it started and in his last interview before death he confirmed himself as a gay man, not a trans woman.
[Big yikes at trying to erase LGBT history specifically because you don’t like trans people like damn. Like straight up making shit up about Marsha AND misgendering her. Fuck off, transphobe.]
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