#c;; Bree Tanner
legends-and-savages · 2 months
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@devilsanddarlings sent: the world is ugly, and no one wants to give anyone the benefit of the doubt about anything. (For Bree from Jasper)
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Eyes shifting up to Jasper. A nod from her. "I know that." She said. "I know I'm lucky that I got this second chance." She had barely told Carlisle what her father had done to her. But she wondered if Jasper would get it.
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wastheheart · 4 months
@newbrn asked: "it's hard to know what was a lie and what wasn't." (hello & thank you!)
It has been months since Bree's addition to the coven. She has become settled (or at least Esme hopes); so much so, it's strange to even imagine a time when she was not here.
With her addition has come understandable struggles, but they are struggles Esme is sure can be solved together.
She isn't doing much of anything when Bree speaks. In fact, the young girl takes Esme by surprise. She doesn't voice it, but hearing Bree begin to speak more honestly is truly overwhelming. As well as she thinks she might hide it, Esme recognises familiar hurt in dulling red eyes.
"Victoria was a master manipulator." The woman's name leaves a bitter taste in Esme's mouth. "No-one can blame you for not knowing what is what. You entered this world in chaos— it's how she wanted it. For that, I am sorry."
Esme nods toward the chair in front of her. "But I can help you figure that out now... Would you like that?"
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bittenfms · 1 year
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───  𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ! welcome  to  forks, rosie !  we  look  forward  to  seeing  you  around  town, and  do  hope  nothing  bad  happens  to  bree tanner, maria +  felix . please  go  through  the  checklist  and  send  in  your  account  within  twenty-four  hours  or  your role  will  be  reopened !    
⟨  –  taylor russell, cis woman, she/her.  ⟩ it seems like bree tanner has been seen around town, humming cherry coloured funk by cocteau twins under their breath. apparently they are a 23 year old human. townsfolk whisper about them being seraphic and assiduous, but also fickle and mendacious. the motel housekeeper / bowling alley clerk has been in town for just under a month, and gives off the vibes of an ache somewhere deep in your belly for something unknown / when charles bukowski wrote ‘and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?’, thorn-marred knees sinking ever so slowly into the glacial embrace of a placid lake / lost recollections of how you’ve come to the water but oh isn’t the call of the wet soil and sunken dead branches so divine?, nightmares from a past life that awaken your body in a violent and sudden heave / names said like a hushed prayer to comfort a mind all turbulent thoughts and bloody memories. ( penned by rosie, twenty5, she/her, cst. )
⟨  –  lizeth selene, demi woman, she/they.  ⟩ it seems like maria has been seen around town, humming nocturne no. 21 in c minor by chopin under their breath. apparently they are a 24 / 319 year old vampire. townsfolk whisper about them being sybilline and astute, but also parlous and unscrupulous. they’re a member of the mexican coven, and they give off the vibes of the tar-thick feeling of the air as a thunderstorm approaches and everywhere you look is dark and filled with a sort of unrelenting fury like an omen given by some wrathful old testament god to the faithless, rotten girlhood as antecedent to monsterhood and teetering along the cusp of sanity / when margaret atwood wrote “there’s something off about that girl. borderline. any little shock could push her right over the edge”, the loneliness of a cruel winter night and how hollow the body feels as december claws itself inside the carcass of a life mourned, a life forgotten. ( penned by rosie, twenty5, she/her, cst. )
⟨  –  park seojoon, cis man, he/him.  ⟩ it seems like felix has been seen around town, humming valse sentimentale op. 51 no. 6 by tchaikovsky under their breath. apparently they are a 34 / unknown year old vampire. townsfolk whisper about them being sycophantic and debonair, but also mephistophelian and tenebrific. they’re a member of the volturi, and they give off the vibes of blood as it runs down a cracked porcelain visage and that painfully lovely smile... oh how beautiful it looks accompanied by fresh crimson stains and tribulations of slaughter and debauchery, how the moon rises at dusk and paints the sky a great abyss / how the chastity of twilight is mutilated and warped (metamorphosis that promises the grotesque from something once beautiful and pure like monsterhood, like boyhood), a rage so glacial and hollow and ugly — and isn’t it mine, still? good god, isn’t it mine? oh, how this cruelty has clawed itself so deep within raw flesh and made more monster than man, more venom and ruination and bedlam. ( penned by rosie, twenty5, she/her, cst. )
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fangbangs · 4 years
“Yeaaaaaaah... I don’t buy what you’re selling here, Princess. Sooo, I’m thinking... here are your new options. You listening? Okay, good. A) You either you tell me what I want to know in the next three seconds... or we move onto B) Your ability to cram in air through your esophagus goes ‘ bye-bye, ’” I shrugged. “Totally your call. The clock starts... now: 3...2... 1 and a half...”
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priscnvr · 3 years
the twilight saga en netflix es todo lo que mi alma necesitaba ;u;
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stan-joonies · 4 years
Leave Me Like Everyone Else, It's Not Like I Believed You'd Stay
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Y/n laughed when she spotted Rosalie in a tree, her face obscurred by leaves.
"I can see you, Rose." She giggled, standing near the tree.
Rosalie cleared her throat unnecessarily before jumping down, the crack of twigs and leaves filling the silence.
Y/n raised an eyebrow as Rose ignored her in favour of staring at her hands.
"Rose?" Y/n's smile dropped. "Are you ok?"
Said blonde shook her head, breathing before looking at the human. The human. Not just a human. The human.
The human that changed it all in the best way possible.
The human that made Emmett do that amazing belly laugh and Rosalie to giggle.
The human who unknowingly fell in love with two monsters, and stayed when she found out the truth.
The human who made two happy vampires even happier.
The human who's heart Rosalie had to break.
The vampire steeled herself, her lips pressed thinly and her shoulders squaring.
"This isn't working." Just those words made Rosalie feel like her insides were aflame. Hands digging their way out of the ground and clawing at her feet, pulling her underground.
Y/n felt like the breath had escaped her, eyes widening.
"What? Rose...What's going on?"
Rosalie gently shook of her hand, closing her eyes and grimacing.
"Me and Emmett thought we were missing something, so we experimented. We thought you were the one we needed but we were wrong. Me and Emmett..." Rosalie felt hands of air trying to choke her. "Are better on our own."
Rosalie wanted to cry in that moment as Y/N's eyes glossed over, lines appearing on her forehead.
"This is a joke right...?"
Rosalie could only shake her head, watching as Y/N broke down, her heart slowly being ripped apart.
Rosalie took a careful step forward, reaching a pale hand to touch her, gasping when Y/N slapped it away.
"Don't touch me!" She exclaimed, h/c brows scrunching up. "You don't get to do that!"
"No!" She shouted furiously. "Where's Emmett? He couldn't bother to be here too? I'm not worth the two second trip, am i?" Y/n snarled, crossing her arms over her chest as if trying to shield her fragile heart from more damage. "To think i was this stupid."
"Y/n...you're not..."
Y/n ignored her, rolling her eyes.
"Ever since we got into this relationship. In the back of my mind it was always 'Emmett and Rosalie'. You were always there! My thoughts couldn't escape! Where's Rosalie and Emmett today? Are Rosalie and Emmett having fun? Are Rosalie and Emmett happy today." She let out a sob. "Then i found out...that you weren't what i thought you were. The thoughts got so much worse, so much more negative. Rosalie and Emmett are immortal...will they be there even when I'm old? How would Rosalie and Emmett feel once i die? How can i be equal to Rosalie and Emmett if i die soon. Can Rosalie and Emmett love me equally even if they have hundreds of years together against my fifty? You never left. Those thoughts consumed me. The doubts and thoughts became my daily. But i had the both of you, when you invited me over and we'd snuggle on the couch with Emmett at our feet and we'd watch him play video games, giving him praise when he won. When he was done he'd lift us both and carry us to his room where we'd all hug eachother close. I'd be wearing three jumpers because you both would make me feel freezing. Those moments made doubts go away, if only for a day."
"Y/N," Rosalie encased her in a hug, wincing when, instead of melting into it, she freezes. "You a--were everything. We love you so much. There was no need for those doubts. We love you like you love us and we love eachother."
"But that's still not enough to stay," Rosalie tensed, eyes widening. She didn't even move when y/n broke out of her lax hold.
"I need to find Bella," she quickly turned, running out of the forest and away from Rosalie.
Once she was far away, Emmett jumped down from the trees, quickly taking Rosalie into his arms.
"Why couldn't you be here with me," Rosalie muttered, digging her head into his chest.
Emmett closed his eyes, feeling his heart throb and a familiar emptiness consume him.
"Cause I'd run after her..."
Y/N was doing better. When she found out the Cullens had skipped town she was heartbroken, a hollowness consuming her for months on end.
Then, University arrived. A chance to leave the little town of Forks and escape the bad omens lurking in the darkness.
She smiled when she got her acceptance letter. It was far away yet still only a five hour car ride. Bella tearfully told her to come see her once a month, Y/N just as tearfully agreed while hugging the girl's oxygen away.
Y/N remembered driving away, her family waving her off and a sense of lightness came about her. She wasn't healing or living. But she was surviving.
With her stomach full, Y/N made her way out of the cheap restaurant and down the dark road. It was swallowed in shadows, rain pouring down and clanging against bins.
Shaking off a sudden chill, she continued walking, her boots clicking against stone.
From her right, a bin tipped over, clashing against the floor and echoing around her. She wanted to stop, see what had caused it.
But Rosalie taught her better.
"No matter what happens, keep moving."
Her voice echoed hauntingly in her head and she followed it, her steps quickening slightly when another bin fell up ahead. Then another. And another.
It was like a horrible, screeching banshee echoeing around her. Her heart was drumming against her ribs cage and her vision became blurry when she forgot to breath.
So when hands slithered around her waist like snakes and pulled her into the darkness, she couldn't scream...
When Y/N woke in the barn, seeing Victoria smiling down at her, she jolted up and accidentally smasher a hole into the barn. That earned her being ripped apart and left to slowly reassemble. After that, Y/N chose to brood in silence, actively thinking about her human life and grasping onto them. They were the only things she had now.
When a shirt Y/N recognised was passed around, she hid in shadows, resisting the temptation to snatch it and smell it herself.
That clothing was Bella's. The same Bella who changed her life and now it was the Bella who smelt so sweet to Y/N that she wanted her.
Then, after a month, she met Bree Tanner. A small girl who built up her own resistance, something Y/N admired.
They spoke about their lives before, everyday they became closer, to the point of being sisters.
When Victoria released them, making the mindless newborns follow her by scrunching up a piece of Bella's clothing in her hands, their resistance was put to the test.
They stayed up on trees, far away from Bella.
Y/N watched as her family defeated the monsters, ripping off their heads and throwing them into a fire. But the newborns were vicious, biting and scraping at tough skin.
When Y/N caught sight of Emmett and Rosalie, it felt like a rusty wrench sunk into her heart.
She wanted to go to them, fight with them, but Bree held her back.
"They'll mistake you for the enemy." She informed, making Y/N rethink her options.
When they were all destroyed, a wolf taken away, they jumped from the trees, announcing their presence.
From down here, Bella's scent was much more potent and strong, but Y/N's resolve was stronger.
"No..." she heard someone cry. Y/N looked up, her eyes connecting to Bella's teary ones. "Y/N...what happened."
The vampire looked down in shame, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Victoria caught me, wasn't intentional, but she was ecstatic when she did," she huffed.
Their eyes travelled to her body, where all her scars showed. One thick one on her neck where they ripped her head off. Two on her arms. Two on her legs. Multiple on her stomach...
"This is Bree Tanner," she introduced. "She's my friend."
She tried with all her might to not look at Rosalie and Emmett, who, in comparison, desperately tried to catch her eye.
Then, figures emerged from the forest in billowy black cloaks that masked their faces from view.
"You missed a couple," Jane stated, eyes trained onto Bree and Y/N.
Rosalie snarled angrily, stepping between her and Jane.
"They're with us,"
Y/N sighed, pulling Rosalie back and looking into her eyes.
The world tilted, her dead heart hammering against her chest. Rosalie was even more beautiful then she remembered. Her golden strands of hair framed her face like an antique painting, her porcelain skin glowed from the faint sunlight that peeked through the clouds. Her eyes were black and cold yet they invited Y/N in, almost begging her to come closer and look into them more.
The dam had broke and her eyes immediately searched for Emmett's, who sped to her side and grabbed her by the waist. He was larger it seemed, muscles more defined and his cheekbones higher. His eyes were dark and dangerous but inviting too. His dark hair in contrast to his pale skin created a beautiful painting of a fallen angel. She felt warmth spread through her and caress her slowly mending heart.
Everything was misplaced. Her feelings clashing with her brain and her senses becoming completely overloaded. Memories swarmed her, pushing others out of the way.
The feeling of being disconnected from reality felt freeing yet absolutely terrifying.
But Emmett and Rosalie hugged her, and their bodies were no longer cold to her.
In those arms, the same that had comforted her, the same that had loved her, the same ones thst had broke her, she knew things would happen. Good or bad, she didn't know. But things were coming her way, and she'd be damned if she faced it alone.
Her resolve melting, her arms, with no lack of struggle, snuggled into them both.
For a couple of seconds she could forget the outside world. Just for a couple of seconds.
A white field, burning, suffering. Screams rising into the cool air.
Emmett screaming, Rosalie crying.
A s/c head rolling on the ground, imprinting the snow.
Alice gasped, shaking out of her vision, her eyes going to the three vampires cocooning themselves from the world.
Alice felt sympathy rise up into her chest.
There was only one future...and it didn't see them all in it.
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bogusavathepit · 3 years
Vampire Hair in Twilight
 Meyer makes her vampires more biological than supernatural/magical.
Vampires nonetheless in Twilight have a freaky physiology .
So it seems when it comes to vampire hair and how she portrayed vampires needing to lick body detached body parts to the sites of dismemberment, Meyer made it so that vampire can’t grow hair as she uses the fact that the hair’s shaft is a non-living thing.
My Pirated Copy of the Twilight Guide
The Official Site for Twilight (FAQs)
The Purchased Books written by Meyer, especially The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
This Post
And This Post
A mammalian hair comes in two main parts: the shaft and the root. 
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Image Credit @ Human Anatomy Atlas.
The shaft is the structure just below the tendril hanging out of the scalp. The root is further down under the scalp, receiving blood for the entire tendril. 
The root part of the cell is also made up of living cells. Keratin is a protein that is itself made up of dead skin cells and it makes up the shaft of the hair..
So, what happens if the follicle or the root of the hair is damaged--affecting necessary blood-flow/nutrient absorption that is necessary for a hair’s shaft to lengthen? For humans, it becomes more difficult to grow hair regularly, or at all. 
Then if we look at what venom does to the human body to make it a vampire’s....
When venom transforms a human, it petrifies every single living cell in the body, giving vampires their famed “stone-hard” skin/flesh. Meyer says it makes human cells less “pliant” and when they become vampire cells, they obtain molecular structures similar to crystals. 
Superficially scientific. In name only.
And venom also essentially stops all capability of physical growth. Except those cycles that heal flesh/living cells. 
It does this by either destroying--or severely limiting--the body’s biological cycles for the sole purpose of blood absorption.
Venom stops/freezes the menstrual cycle so that vampire women--or truly those vampires with wombs and such--can’t give birth to the hypothetical vampire offspring.
A vampire also doesn’t gain or lose weight (unless parts of their body are ripped off) .
BUT vampires can grow new skin, if the scars from their own or others’ venomous bites is an indicator.
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GIF Image from HERE 
Quick Run Down
hair shafts are nonliving/dead
the follicles and roots (which is living) are rendered incapable of affecting the hair shafts because venom essentially stops them from “changing”--> human hair is the only part of the body venom doesn’t change--> vamp hair = human hair
Venom also can’t “glue” nonliving cells to living ones. It strictly changes the cellular structures of living things, so it can only affect living cells
If we were to argue that if venom is like human blood in that they are both circulatory substances--> that humans’ blood is used for hair treatment by taking hairs from one place, using blood as coagulant to stick it to the balding space--> and that vampire venom should then reattach hairs to the roots similarly to how humans reattach their hairs...
Here is a long rebuttal:
venom doesn’t function to transport oxygen like human blood as vampires don’t need or use oxygen to create energy--> they seem to always have energy and are always hyperaware--> they don’t get physically weaker if they starve themselves of blood, as what the first book has Edward say to Bella what happened with Carlisle
so it seems venom merely replaces the human blood in the veins/arteries as the human becomes a vampire
vampires only absorb blood to keep sane and in control (if we go by canon Carlisle’s story)--> so it seems that their blood-drinking is to refeed the venom demanding more blood--> blood could prevent the vampire’s own venom from eating their brains...future post?
the treatment of hair transportation I described is a replacement procedure; it takes hairs from where there is a lot of hair/the most abundant/the healthiest and transports it to places lacking--> assuming that most of the vampires since not a lot of humans are aware of this process I imagine that some vamps would not know about it or see the entire enterprise as either too risky (human contact) or a complete waste of time
when it comes to hair replacement, humans use tech to do so and vampires don’t have access to such tech. yes they can see near microscopically and can steal a mirror and they have all the time in the world, but when you’re living apart from humans and consider them as more cattle or mate resources than actual people, you don’t pay attention to what they are doing espec. over decades passing
unlike the Cullens, most vampires don’t have a set place to bring stolen equipment nor do they have the knowledge they’d have to got to college for and steal those books...because most vamps already dissociated themselves with everything human...enough that the thought of how they can get their hair back would seem a lost cause or frivolous
Twilight vampires are arguably not biologically dead corpses running around like traditional, 19th century vampires. 
The conventional vampire trope of paleness can come as purely metaphorical (vampires are pale, therefore they are like corpses) or is derived from the assertion that a vampire is a corpse reanimated by an evil spirit or bad mojo in different stories, franchises, etc.
Still, over the years--since Stoker’s and Le Fanu’s vampires--writers and readers have both come up with stories that try to make vampires as scientifically explainable as possible without removing their literal magic.
Twilight vampires flesh/skin is still very much “alive”, even though it is practically invulnerable and pale--the latter both alluding to and ignoring the trope of vampires looking like bloodless corpses or literally being reanimated bloodless corpses. 
Because their bodies’ do seem to need blood, just exactly like how humans need nutrients.
hair shafts aren’t “alive”
venom destroys and prevents the more complex life cycles from continuing
it seems venom can only affect living cells to convert them into vampire “non-pliant” vampire cells 
To be able to reattach a vampire’s hair to their skin/follicles is canonically impossible. 
But @therealvinelle gives an argument for why vampire hair should be able to otherwise grow naturally or replenish itself in this post. And I find vinelle’s bits about venom not touching the hair during the actual transformation and Carlisle/Jasper’s non-baldness compelling enough to make vampire hair able to grow but only to the length they had when they were turned. Like in The Vampire Chronicles. This would extend to nails, too. Just to make it fun.
And @panlight​ brings up another way vampire hair can be as long lasting as it is shown in the books. They suggest that either venom replaces the blood that used to supply hairs with nutrients or, of which I think is better, there being a coating over each hair strand protecting it. This is their post.
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costiascoven · 3 years
7, 9, 13, 26, 27, 29, 35, 38, 42, 44 :)
7. How do you feel about country music?
I can listen to it in a very small amount at a time and very rarely. Not really my cup of tea.
9. Cats or dogs?
Cats, I'm a very stereotypical le$bean/sapphic in this. Catperson for life haha
13. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Warm but not to warm, I'm from a land of ice & snow after all so anything in the 20°C is good.
26. Wine or beer?
Wine, preferably white wine. A few rosé ones and a very select few red ones.
27. Coffee or tea?
Ice coffee or a type of coffee with sweet stuff in it so it masks the bitter coffee taste.
29. What’re your thoughts on the Twilight series?
I'm so sorry @pxmpkinn but I have issues with it..like it's written by a mormon person. Edward's stalker habits and how it doesn't have queer characters. Vampires are cool, but I'm also more interested in the werewolf lore and I felt so bas for Bree Tanner. She deserved more.
35. Day or night?
Eh, both has positive side and negative sides so 50/50
38. Sweet or savory?
Sweet is good but it can be to much of one thing, so savory!
42. Do you believe in supernatural things? (Ghosts, werewolves, etc.)
I do believe that there's more out there that we can see and ghosts definitely makes sense. Why wouldn't you hunt earth if you finally could experience full freedom. You can go anywhere and do anything, no money needed. I'd for sure do all the things I didn't get to do in life.
44. Summer or winter?
Summer, when I don't work. Haha.
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bellaswansjuul · 4 years
Newborn Army Lives
Victoria and Riley picked people (mostly teenagers) that nobody would miss for their army. They all had been dealt a shitty hand in life. Is it me or is that extremely out of character for the Cullens to brutally murder a bunch of brainwashed kids? And the Volturi’s actions didn’t make any sense either.
Also, we’re never given an exact number but from what I counted on the wiki eighteen newborns were named in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner so I just added another eighteen.
so...thirty-six bouncing baby vampires!
So here’s what I propose:
The Cullens don’t kill the newborns. They incapacitate them. Yes, there is still the epic battle and the newborns have been ripped apart (which is traumatic and the Cullens feel bad but it was necessary) but they’re not burned.
They don’t dismember Bree
She’ll be used as a witness
The Volturi swoop in and the Cullens present the bodies of Victoria and Riley
Jane interrogates/tortures Bree to get information
Learns that none of them knew anything about the laws
The fact that the newborns are in pieces and not ashes aren’t lost on the Volturi
Jane makes the comment about the Volturi not giving second chances
Which is bullshit because the newborns never even got their first chance
Jane agrees to allow the newborns to live. The caveat being that for one year starting on that battlefield the Cullens are responsible for the newborns
Meaning that if any one of them step one toe out of line they’ll rain down hell upon their heads
Jane didn’t do this out of the goodness of her own heart
She had orders
With Carlisle not only generally well-liked amongst vampires (he has quite a few powerful friends), he also has one of the most powerful vampires in existence in his coven
He was a threat but they couldn’t take him out directly
They half hoped the newborns would do it for them. It’s why they didn’t squash the newborns earlier
But they also knew that skilled vampires with experience will win against the newborns any day
They also, to some degree, know Carlisle and his bleeding heart
So they send Jane along with orders
If the Cullens killed all of the newborns, great! Their job has been done for them
If they spared - kill the spares.
It’ll send a message
If they spare more than five newborns, allow the spared ones to live. With the ultimatum of the Cullens being responsible for them as if they created them
Well it kills some birds with one stone
If the Cullens fail to control the newborns properly (which the Volturi are sure they will) then the decimation of the Cullens would look justified
They could also say that the Cullens knew what they were agreeing to and accepted the potential consequences
They could get rid of the threat and wouldn’t have to deal with the political implications and backlash of the Volturi killing the Cullens for either no legal reason or a flimsy one
The fact the Cullens spared all the newborns was both unexpected and delightful
Aro also wanted to see how it all played out
So he allows it
Breaking Dawn is the Cullens trying to wrangle the thirty-six feral newborns
Edward gives in and Bella is changed and joins the rest of the newborns in training
The Cullens move to the most remote place you can think of
but they still have a hard time controlling all of them (duh)
So they call their vampy friends and ask them to help them out with their pack of feral vampires
Jacob’s pack - Jacob, Seth, Leah, Embry, and Quil - are there too.
Cue vampire-werewolf solidarity
-Insert hundreds of headcanons about The Year of everyone trying to house train thirty-six buck wild baby vampires but this is already too long-
And The Year draws to an end and they did the impossible. 
now where the f u c k do the fully grown and matured vampires go now
Some newborns are adopted into covens that helped “raise” them
Others go off by themselves and become solitary nomads 
Others form covens among themselves and leave
Some take up the vegetarian diet
others don’t 
During the year Bree Tanner and Diego (he’s alive), and Dean grow close to Rosalie and Emmet
the five create an entirely new coven
With Rosalie as the mother figure and Emmet as the father 
Renesmee’s name is instead Carlie (a nod towards the canonical name but less gross) and she’s a newborn that develops a close relationship with Edward 
They also adopt another newborn, Mason 
Essentially Bella, Edward, Mason, and Carlie form a coven of their own and leave to start a new life 
Alice and Jasper also adopted a newborn, Heather, and go off on their own
Don’t feel too bad for Carlisle and Esme, having to say goodbye to their adopted children
They adopted four newborns
Warren, Logan, Daniella, and May
Plus their older children visit quite often 
Sometimes separately
Sometimes it’s a huge family reunion
Bella’s and Edward’s wedding happens at the very end when they’re all fairly certain she won’t massacre the human guests. Her supernatural beauty is passed off as god tier makeup and contacts 
Oh, and Jacob doesn’t imprint on a baby!
Or on this version of her either
And they all lived happily ever after
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moonflower91 · 5 years
Somethings I just remembered about twilight
Edward likes to watch Bella sleep
Bella’s mother kidnaped her and moved far away from Charlie
Alice was likely in an insane asylum, reason why her hair is so short
Carlisle tried to starve himself to death because he really really didn’t wanna hurt people
Carlisle’s dad was a vampire hunter, I think?
Edward really wanted to fight in WWI but the flu stopped him :(
Esme, probably the most tragic of stories, married an abusive man, found herself pregnant, ran away, and gave birth. But her baby died very shortly after the birth and so devastated, she threw herself off a cliff, hoping to die, but was still alive when they took her to the morgue and was turned by Carlisle. As a result, she acts as a mother to a bunch of hundred year old teenagers
Rosalie was so kind and supportive of Bella’s pregnancy because she always wanted a baby of her own
When Bella laid dying of blood loss and shock from her c-section, Edward bit and licked all over her to make her turn and his spit closed the bite marks
Carlisle turned Rosalie because he wanted Edward to get a girlfriend and stop being so damn moody
Jasper was legitimately depressed and haunted because he could feel his victim’s feelings while he hunted and killed them and did not know any other way of living as a vampire so he thought it was the only way
oooooooh....15 year old Bree Tanner’s dad was abusive and so she ran away from home, and as she was starving on the street, a new vampire named Riley approached her, offering her a cheeseburger, and knowing that he likely wanted sex in return, she took up his offer and he turned her into a vampire. 
Bree Tanner fell in love with another newborn vampire who was killed and Bree was killed after the vampire war of Eclipse, ending her short painful life...thinking Edward’s words of “Don’t look” were for her. 
vampires bloody SPARKLE
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legends-and-savages · 6 months
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@acourtcfmuses sent: you look… better than before. (For Bree from Emmett)
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A smile at the older vampire as she brushed some of her hair behind her ear. There were still moments where she missed Diego, but she was adjusting well. The red in her eyes was already starting to dim. "Thank you." She said. "I'm enjoying it here." It was vastly different then the army had been.
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wastheheart · 3 months
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“Carlisle?” she asked in a confused voice, staring at me.
“She doesn’t want to fight,” he told her.
The woman touched his arm. He was still tensed to spring. “She’s so frightened, Carlisle. Couldn’t we…”
okay for mutuals to reblog.
PSD is Hope by passionpale on deviantart.
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deadangelo · 4 years
ok so i’m gonna need another round of that ‘twilight new voices’ thing once this pandemic is contained b/c i need short films that portray: 
carlisle’s transformation (that bitch was SILENT while the venom practically burned the POTENTIAL of that scene holy shit) & him realizing what he is but refusing to hurt humans from the GET-GO. a fucking MAN
rosalie finding emmett & emmett asking if she’s an angel; just anything w/ emmett & rosalie i love them so much please they were robbed in the movies
victoria’s backstory! VICTORIA’S BACKSTORY! she was abused most of her human life and only had her sister, and then her sister got turned and came back for her and turned her. give me victoria’s coven before the volturi killed everyone but her and heidi. her coven was made up of abuse survivors and smeyer was a COWARD when she killed them all off and took victoria’s family away. she deserved so much better i stfg
i personally would love to see jasper’s time w/ peter & charlotte. maybe as part of a larger story of his transformation/early life as a vampire but i wanna see his relationship w/ peter & charlotte
bree tanner adaptation??? like maybe not her death (since we saw it in eclipse) but her time w/ the newborn army and her relationship w/ fred and her falling in love w/ diego only to lose him. that girl deserved so much better i’m still bitter
i would NOT be mad about a denali short. give me their evolution from feeding off of human males to deciding to feed from animals instead. give me them bonding w/ the cullens. give me carmen & eleazar coming to join them. 
feel free to add any other ideas!! i love the potential of this universe sm even if canon is less than satisfying
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janevolturi · 7 years
Bree Tanner
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: her cautiousnessworst quality: her cautiousness (she should go for it man!!! but also being cautious almost saved her so)ship them with: D I E G O i stg try and ship her one more time with alec u fuckers i’LL FIGHTbrotp them with: Freaky Fred duh!!!needs to stay away from: The Volturi lmao. and pretty much everyone she stayed away from in her novella.misc. thoughts: I LOVE BREE TANNER AND SHE NEEDS MORE APPRECATION AND NOW I NEED A DIEGO/BREE FIC
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
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hiddenwashington · 4 years
can i please drop bree tanner - all muse died :c
absolutely, sunshine! bree tanner is re-opened for applications! members, do not unfollow - this blog is a mumu! 
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empathetic-cowboy · 4 years
I honestly want to read all of your answer for those asks. 1-40? Or those you like the most c:
Because I don’t have time to answer all 40, I’m going to give you TEN randomly picked questions from the list and answer below ~! 
(thank you random number picker!!!!) 
40. Do you think the movies did the books justice?
Yes and no. I will stand forever and die on the Catherine-Hardwicke-Did-It-Best hill. Above them all, I’d say that Catherine captured the essence of the books the most accurately. Maybe it’s the blue filter, I don’t know, but she got that creepy/sad/romantic Forks vibe that drew me into the series in the first place. She really got the perfect balance of romance, action, fantasy, high school, the whole thing. So yeah, I think she did a great job with the books. Chris Weitz did alright with New Moon – I love the brownish, jacob-y vibe, I think they adapted the script well and did a fan-fucking-tastic job on the soundtrack too, so that one would be my second favourite book-to-movie. The other two? Eh. I think they lost something that the books had. Eclipse WAS my favourite when it first came out but watching them now, I feel like the last three movies are just missing something wonderful that the first two movies and the first three books (sorry bd) had. 
28. How would you personally rewrite Twilight?
For those of you who haven’t seen it, I have a bit up on my personal twilight rewrite idea up here! It’s a little bare bones in terms of what I’d do with breaking dawn, but I can elaborate on that here! 
Going with the rest of my switch-new-moon-and-eclipse-au, I’d have Bella changed and conflicted starting in BD. I think it would be SUPER interesting to have the main conflict be something to do with the volturi and the shape shifters. Maybe the clan and the pack finally join forces bc Bella is changed but still loves her Jake, but out in the world shapeshifters are showing up dead at the volturi’s hand or something ??????? and they need to band together to save the wolves and Jake before the volturi eliminate the species altogether.
Could be interesting, IDK. There’s a lot less renesmess and an opportunity still for Jake to meet Benjamin so I’m all for it. 
37. What’s your perspective on Twilight now compared to when you first read it?
I think about this all the fucking time.When I first read Twilight, it was just before the first movie came out in 2008. I was almost twelve years old, and dumber than most twelve year olds, lbr. I didn’t see any issues in the book. I thought it was novel (pun intended), and romantic, and Hell, come Breaking Dawn I was even all aboard the Nessie train. I was SM brainwashed, kind of. I trusted our author. Coming back to Twilight in 2019 was a literal fucking shock to the system. I watched the movies for the first time in like five years, and was utterly shocked by the ample fucking problematic shit I noticed in every fucking scene. What hurt the most? Realizing my favourite character was the worst fucking show of racist propaganda in the entire goddamn series. I got angry when I watched the series again for the first time. I didn’t want anything to do with it. I felt ashamed, honestly. I felt bad looking at the piece of media, and seeing how twisted and disgusting and wrong so many parts of it were. But then I went online. I knew Twilight was becoming a thing again, and I didnt understand how such problematic media worked in this day in age, so I was curious to see what the discourse was like. Guys, I’m so fucking glad I did. There’s something so nice about being able to clearly see and discuss issues in this saga, while still appreciating that it digs into your nostalgia and has the opportunity to be so much bigger and better than SM ever intended. I love signing on here and seeing someone discuss our HCs – seeing how people take these characters and stretch and shift and mold them to embody what the world looks like today. I love coming here to read about favourites portrayed as characters of colour, or how said characters could be portrayed as trans,  or nb, or gay, or how this character could be better shown as A, B, C – you catch my drift. It’s not just that, either. It’s not just the changes that I appreciate, either.
There’s something about acknowledging the things that can’t be changed within the original text – starting conversations about the treatment of native characters, discussing the portrayal of females presenting characters, working through SM’s religious biases – that not only helps me appreciate what this text should have been / can be now, but seriously, has helped me learn a lot along the way. I’m a very faulty white girl. Coming here and learning new perspectives from people who are impacted by specific biases / choices made in this series has been one of the most eye opening experiences I’ve had online. And that’s another thing – I’ve never once been criticized for still having so much to learn, un-learn, or understand from a different perspective. The people in this fandom (so far – I feel very lucky) have been more than open in discussing their criticisms, concerns, and understandings in a way that makes me feel welcome, and encouraged to learn/understand more. It’s a super inclusive fandom –  freakin’ rare to see – but it’s also the kind of fandom that isn’t afraid to see its own faults – that’s even more rare. We’re all aware of our fandom’s problems, and we aren’t afraid to talk about them, or acknowledge the fact that SM’s beliefs aren’t a reflection of US. It’s special. It’s amazing. It’s why I’ve stuck around for almost a year now. 
3. Fave headcanon brotps?
Oh, dude. Seth / Edward Jake / Emmett Emmett / Paul Charlie / Billy Bella / Emmett Rose / Leah Carlisle / Sam Alice / Jake 
30. Which characters do you wish had their own spinoffs?
Oof. I think it would be SUPER interesting to have a whole spin-off series just on the wolves, actually! Not one in particular, but I think the whole world of shapeshifters could and SHOULD be explored more deeply!!!!!In terms of specific characters: Alice (duh), Carlisle (take me back to the 1800s or some shit show me his life in the volturi!!!!!), Leah Clearwater (she’d be my wolf-pack-spin-off main character). 
15. Top 5 fave vampires?
Alice, Jasper, Esme, Emmett, Rose.Yeah, they’re all Cullens. Suck my Olympic-sized dick. 
9. Astrology sign headcanons for the Cullens?
YEEEEEEEES. I am very stuck in my opinions for these, and I’m not sure why. It’s pointless, but I care VERY DEEPLY. Carlisle: Capricorn Esme: Pisces Edward: Gemini / Cancer cusp is perfect for this S.O.B.Bella: VirgoRosalie: ScorpioEmmett: Sagittarius Alice: Aries Jasper: Taurus (but I go back and forth on Jasper daily so ask me again tomorrow) 
13. Hogwarts house sorting headcanons for the wolf pack?
I’ve never considered this before, so this is first-instinct. Sam: Slytherin Paul: SlytherinEmbry: Gryffindor Quil: GryffindorJake: Gryffinpuff?? the man is brave, but he’s loyal to a GD fault. I think that might just be the wolfy traits comin’ through though. Leah: RavenclawSeth: Hufflepuff(just doin’ these guys to keep it simple) 
20. Pick a character you wish deserved a better fate (that wasn’t death).
Bree. Fucking. Tanner. 
Any chance I get to write something, I add in a redemptive arc for Bree Tanner because I can’t for the life of me understand out of all the characters why fucking SM decided to kill the one that DEFINITELY deserved a fucking soft and perfect life. 
Fuck you SM, Bree is alive and well. 
1. Fave wlw ships?
!!! YAY !!! Leah / Angela Bella / Rosalie Carmen / Esme AND THEN JUST BECAUSE I CAN: Edythe / Bella Jessamine  / Alice Carmine / Esme Julie / Leah Julie / Bella  
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