#c; Severus Snape
severass-snape · 1 year
Severus lay in bed, his usually stern and composed demeanor replaced by an expression of discomfort and irritation. An assortment of potion vials and books adorned the bedside table, evidence of his attempts to cure whatever had befallen him. Yet, the ailment seemed to elude his expertise, leaving him confined to his quarters, much to his dismay. Cancelling his classes were an extremely rare occurrence, yet, today seemed to call for such a situation.
The dimly lit room offered little solace, and the restless Potions Master shifted uncomfortably under the covers, his body aching with every movement. His wand, usually within easy reach, lay on the table just out of his grasp, reminding him of his present vulnerability.
As the day wore on, he found himself drifting in and out of restless sleep, his mind plagued by a strange blend of feverish dreams and painful memories. He couldn't shake the feeling that his past sins were catching up to him, manifesting in this affliction as a punishment for his actions.
The sound of a distant knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts, and he glared at the intrusion, not in the mood for company or pity. Nevertheless, the knock persisted, growing more insistent, and he knew that someone was determined to enter despite his reluctance.
With a hint of resignation, he slowly got out of his bed. His black tee shirt stuck to his chest from the layer of sweat he'd found himself in, black pajama pants hanging loosely from his waist, he opened the door with a scowl.
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rp-tea-and-magic · 1 year
Bloody hell... Where am I ?
Open : To anyone over 18
(Simply reblog with your text if you want to RP!)
Context : Severus Snape is in his last year of Howgart when he got transported to another place/time/dimension. Where ? You choose ! Does your character know who Severus is ? Your choice as well !
"... it's the same bloody plant, Mul..." The young man stopped abruptly, realizing that his dormmate, who he was talking to, was not standing next to him anymore.
Shoulders hunched protectively, eyes darting back and forth in search of an enemy, he wiped out his wand, ready to strike.
He seemed dangerous, in a eerie way. Like a cornered beast, ready to kill to escape. And yet, in some other aspects, he was very similar to a normal, panicked teenager, clenching his worn-down books against his chest.
"What... Where...?", he mumbled for himself, turning around, finally noticing that there was someone standing close to him.
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severussnapemylove · 9 months
Things that make me murderous: Snaters who are like “why didn’t Snape just grow up and get over it”, as if c-ptsd from a lifetime of abuse at home and school doesn’t cause damage to the mind and can’t just disappear the minute you turn 18. Untreated, unhealed childhood c-ptsd in adults is a nightmare. It is hellishly hard to function in society emotional stunting and anger issues are common. And it’s made so much worse by continuously being around triggers of your trauma.
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madfantasy · 10 months
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Cauldron POV
More doodles of Sev, purely my version of him that i enjoy drawing the most, I'm so happy to see you guys enjoy him too- lov yous :'c
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26.11.2023, commission/Support Mani
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 6 months
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Suffer the heat with me, Sev!!
Whoever said global warming isn't real, I'm gonna start throwing hands. Also, Sev with moles?? Yes pls, we be mole pals. The mole on the neck is inspired by bananagege's wonderful fic.
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saintsenara · 4 days
At what age do you think Snape joined the death eaters? And when do you think he got the dark mark? (it's hard for me to believe that all death eaters got them right when they joined, but if you think differently, I'm open to reading why)
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i'm currently writing a big "snape's experience in the first war" fic - scylla and charybdis [don't be put off by the pairing! it's really all about politics! don't be put off by that either!] - so this is, unsurprisingly, a question i've spent a lot of time musing on.
the timeline i'm laying out in that fic is that snape's first contact with the death eaters as an organisation comes in the summer of 1976 - when he's just finished his fifth year of school and is, since his relationship with lily has only just broken down, raw and angry and unmoored, and primed for radicalisation.
it's clear in canon that the death eaters were recruiting openly at hogwarts during the 1970s, especially within slytherin, by exploiting not only the social networks caused by all the pureblood families being interrelated, but also the social ties which existed between recent graduates and those still at school. lucius malfoy - for example - is heavily implied in the text to be one of voldemort's primary sources of new recruits, and to be the person responsible for putting snape in touch with the dark lord specifically.
[it's also clear that this is an element of voldemort's recruitment process that the order are spectacularly naive about - the reaction to harry's belief in half-blood prince that draco malfoy has been marked as a death eater is a case in point. slughorn's complete unwillingness to do anything about the death eaters looking for fresh meat is a key part of this - but dumbledore's failure to intervene is also significant.]
i decided, then, to have lucius tell voldemort - whose operation would need potions for all sorts of reasons [poisons, healing potions for terrorists who can't just rock up at st mungo's, illicit brews for the black market] - that he knows a potions prodigy who, as he's uncovered through his network of contacts at hogwarts, is sympathetic to the dark lord's cause. voldemort then begins a long, multi-stage vetting process to test if this is true - snape is instructed to make a potion of dubious legality and deliver it to one of voldemort's agents, who reveals the criminal use it will be put to. when snape doesn't contact the aurors, the process repeats, with him gradually moving up a chain of command - from a low-level petty criminal [voldemort's version of mundungus fletcher] up to the dark lord's spymaster general, augustus rookwood. having passed the test with rookwood, he is then permitted to meet voldemort.
my view is that snape spends the final two years of his schooling being subjected to a voldemort-sanctioned charm offensive, the most important part of which is the dark lord promising him a salaried job as a potioneer once he leaves hogwarts.
i say this a lot, but it's clear in canon that snape was particularly susceptible to voldemort's propaganda because he believed [not incorrectly!] that the dark lord would offer him opportunities which his blood status and class background would ordinarily deny him - and i think we can assume that the wizarding version of academic science [which - as i've said here, in a longer meta on snape's training, seems to retain its early-modern structure, and therefore rely on personal wealth rather than institutional settings] is one of the things he believed he had no chance of pursuing.
and so, when snape graduates in 1978, i think he becomes a death eater full time - working for voldemort on a stipend paid by the malfoys. i don't think that he's given the dark mark until he's been in voldemort's service for several months, but i don't think he's kept from it for too long either.
[not least because snape's entire relationship with the mark is hubristic - he's so ashamed of it in the second war because he was so proud of it in the first - which means that he has to be given it before voldemort settles on harry as the child referred to in the prophecy in the latter half of 1980.]
my view is that voldemort doesn't have a set timeline for granting the mark, but instead offers it to his followers whenever he thinks it will be most useful [to him] for him to do so.
draco malfoy, for example, is clearly marked the second voldemort decides to use him to kill dumbledore - and voldemort does this as a way of emphasising the utter disregard in which he holds lucius malfoy following the prophecy debacle, by taking ownership of [and quite literally branding] his son. i think regulus is given the mark similarly quickly after joining the death eaters - not because voldemort has any particular interest in him but because, as i've said in this meta on him, regulus is evidently accepted into voldemort's inner circle because he's related to other prominent death eaters, and so giving him the mark is a way for voldemort to keep these death eaters [bellatrix in particular] happy. on the other hand, i am certain that peter pettigrew doesn't receive his dark mark until 1994, after he's restored voldemort to the semi-body which allows him to be moved, brought him to england, and helped him contact barty crouch jr. and put the plan to kidnap harry in motion - and that voldemort dangled the promise of the mark [without ever seriously intending to grant it] over him in 1980-81, as a way of keeping him loyal, deferential, and eager to please. he's implied to be doing something similar with fenrir greyback in deathly hallows.
voldemort, master manipulator that he is, will have been very well aware that snape's fundamental pathology is a desire for respect. the teen snape wants to be recognised for his brilliance - and, indeed, his superiority - by those who currently consider him beneath them. he wants james and sirius to cower before him because they recognise that he's fundamentally better than them - despite their wealth and their social position - and he wants lily to choose him over james because she recognises this too.
and so i think snape would regard a quick dark mark as a participation trophy - something someone like regulus gets because they're a toff, but not something which indicates that voldemort holds the bearer in high esteem. but he's also not going to be prepared to wait for years with the mark dangling over his head like a carrot, because he'd regard that as voldemort being perfectly willing to give the posh the mark just for being rich and annoying, but not being willing to recognise that he's the superior recruit.
what he'd want - and what, i presume, he gets - is for him to be rewarded with the mark for doing something specific for voldemort which he thought displayed his brilliance perfectly and which voldemort was happy to indulge him in thinking.
and i have two suggestions for what that could be:
a. snape assists voldemort in the creation of the potion which guards the locket-horcrux [not, of course, knowing exactly what it would be used for], which adds another layer to his involvement in dumbledore's death [and - which is relevant in scylla and charybdis at least - also involves him in regulus']. b. voldemort gives him the mark for reporting the prophecy.
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zephahhhh · 4 months
i wanna bite him
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snowyblondie215 · 3 months
Mines are Rei, shinji, ritsuko, kaworu, lilith, kensuke and shigeru ^w^
Happy pride month btw, the LGBT community is amazing, beautiful and super cool!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💕💕
For those who doesn't know, Maya, Shigeru and Makoto are this guys:
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If you like my content and wanna support it, follow me,press the heart/reblog button and leave a comment below here 👇
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Rachel Dalles: Snape, if Lucia turned into a worm would you still love her? Snape: ...yes? Rachel, glaring at her boyfriend and fiancé: This is how you're supposed to answer the question. Vincent, sweating and glaring at Snape: And how was I supposed to know that? Rachel, sighing dramatically: Lucia and Francis would still love me if I turned into a worm— Vincent: My love, please—
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Snape did not adopt Harry b/c he reevaluated himself and became self-aware of his own biases. While Snape would never physically abuse a child, I believe that he’s not averse to using psychological tactics as we see in the books. Here are some alternative reasons why he came to adopt Potter.
Reason #1: Harry is a Slytherin in my AU. Snape’s alr doing mental gymnastics to believe that Harry’s in his house.
Reason #2: Celaena had the brilliant idea of dyeing Harry’s hair color to match Ron’s, separating Harry from James Potter. Harry is not only James’ son; he’s Lily’s as well. 
Reason #3: Celaena & Theo didn’t allow Snape to deflect at Harry’s abuse he incurred at the Dursley’s. This would’ve been a turning point b/c there’s some immediate empathy between people who’ve gone through similar trauma. It would also aid greatly in separating Harry from James Potter.
Reason #4: Harry’s sarcastic tone started to suspiciously sound like his. McGonagall and Flitwick pointed it out at a teacher’s meeting & he was hit with sudden awareness much to his dismay. 
In short, he would be able to “adopt” Harry when he finally separates Harry from his parents. Once Snape realizes that Harry isn’t James Potter’s reincarnation (except for physical appearance but Harry’s not gonna dye his hair red every three weeks just for him—his hair is so close to frying), it’s slightly more natural (?). He does have a duty to protect him, so this is how severitus comes to be.
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Snape prompt
AU where Tommy-boy dies for realsies in '81 and they actually fix most of the society, including Hogwarts. Teachers, and especially Heads of Houses, as they will act as parents for most of the year, are now required to participate in parenting classes before school begins. In doing so, Snape realises how part of who he is was shaped by the adults in his life, and that as he is now free and an adult, he gets to make himself who he wants to be. Therefore, he applies himself to learning how to deal with his students in a supportive, parental manner, in the hopes of helping them shape themselves into better adults that he started off as. And okay, so maybe half of it is just because seeing the faces of the other teachers when they see him do it or hear about it, has now become the funniest part of his life.
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severass-snape · 1 year
In Need of a Goddess (CLOSED)
Severus surveyed the bustling scene before him. Students and staff were scattered around the Great Hall, coughing and sneezing, their noses red and eyes watery. A magical flu had broken out, leaving the castle in disarray. Severus Snape, with his usual air of authority and disdain, strode towards the center of the chaos.
"Silence!" Snape's voice rang out, cutting through the cacophony of coughs and sniffs. "I trust you all remember that this is a place of learning, not a refuge for ailing patients." He narrowed his eyes, observing the sea of pale faces before him. Alas, his voice could not be heard above the mixture of the sickly staff and students. He, himself, had found his throat ached, no potion he'd brewed yet had soothed the pain, but there was still teaching to do. He just had to wait for the extra help Dumbledore promised would be arriving soon.
His stock of ingredients for potions was beginning to run low, from all the brews Pomfrey was requesting of him, from all the potions he was trying to brew to find relief from the damned sickness spreading within the castle walls.
As if the world read his mind, the main doors opened to reveal an unfamiliar face.
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rp-tea-and-magic · 1 year
Echinacea's thief
Open : To anyone over 18
(Simply reblog with your text if you want to RP!)
Context : Severus Snape is in his last year of Howgart; Lily and James are dating, death eaters are recruiting, and the war has started.
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The warm light of a late afternoon was seeping through the large bay windows of the greenhouse, dancing across leaves, thorns and flowers.
Classes had ended half an hour ago, and the only noises that could be heard were the snip of his scissors. The silence was relaxing, but Severus had to stay on guard, in case someone was coming.
Echinacea was a relatively common plant, but despite his efforts, he had not managed to find it, nor around the Quidditch field, nor on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and the potion he was experimenting on would become an unsalvageable mess if he waited any longer.
Severus had become, over the years, quite efficient when it came to stealing potion ingredients from the greenhouse or from Professor Slughorn's storage. He knew that no one would be there, at this time of the day, after classes and before curfew, and he knew how to unlock the door without raising suspicions.
Unfortunately for him, this time, someone else had decided to go into the greenhouse.
He heard the door unlocking and opening, and turned to face the visitor, whipping out his wand, ready to defend himself against another student -or to accept gracefully the inevitable detention if it was a teacher.
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severussnapemylove · 1 year
Seriously? A 21-year-old with untreated complex trauma disorder, no social skills and recently escaped from a violent cult, is put in charge of a hundred teenagers. Oh there's no way this could go wrong.
Albus Dumbledor, I have so many questions for you.
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madfantasy · 1 year
Mmm again, spent way too much time on this supposed "quicky" hehe. The entrance to the Malfoys Manor, as I like to think Lucy just loves according-to-the-head-of-house's-mood changing tinted windows 14.9.2023
Commission Mani:'
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kuroosdumbslut · 11 months
would yall want me to post the first bit of this snape x oc thing i've been working on? it's a slow burn, not yet done, and will have a healthy mix of angst and fluff c:
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