mcnstercus · 1 month
closed starter - ren & connie ( @immcrtalsx )
Ren got home and just wanted to lay down, although his dexcom app has been screaming at him for his arrow down borderline low blood sugar. Between that and just feel weak from using his abilities for so long, he was exhausted, and he knew he should call Connie before she finds out herself. Ren was grabbing some orange juice when he heard a knock at the door, he opened it. "Hey, I was just about to call you... I assume you heard?" as he assumed she wouldn't just be showing up without knowing, "I'm fine, I promise."
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drew-a-tanaka · 4 years
[My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.] "Ren, do you think Noura's more powerful and more socially prominent than you?"
“Yes and no. She is a very successful and A natural at everything she does. So in that way I feel that she is more powerful than me she has control over the company she runs where as I still work underneath my father. But socially prominent no, because of my mother and the traits I have inherited being social comes easy to me. I don’t really even have to do anything and people flock towards me. This is not me being arrogant this is me telling the truth. Aphrodite charm what can I say?”
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fwmgofficial · 6 years
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Look at this incredible art of Ren by @stasiscorrupt from Artfight! My favorite part is how soft the shading is; it’s so beautiful! You can check out more of her work on Deviantart, Twitter, and follow her for next year on Artfight! 
Thank you again for this incredible artwork! 
Want to be featured for fanart friday? Submit your own and we’ll post it! 
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vxsicns · 7 years
Los viajes en el coche de la productora eran un martirio, éste databa casi de Matusalén y encima las carreteras tampoco guardaban su mejor aspecto. Si decidían pasar de largo, solo les quedaba pedir una limusina o un auto lo suficientemente caro para ser ojo avizor de los paparazzis – o como Reneé les llamaba, parásitos – y entre eso y verse envueltos en una masa de flashes y cercanías peligrosas, optaron por subirse al trasto. Además (y afortunadamente) pasaría un tiempo hasta que un nuevo guion se volcase en el buzón del hombre, las vacaciones empezarían en cuanto la rubia se deshiciera de los malditos tacones que oprimían a sus deditos más chicos y celebrasen en confidencia el final de otro set y partido para su estrellato. Tomó el brazo de James durante la mayor parte del trayecto como escudo salvavidas, evitando que su trasero pegase brincos con el muelle del centro. Sus orbes oceánicos mostraron resignación “Te prometo que este año pienso sacarme el carnet de conducir. Aunque tenga que practicar con los juegos simulación de la fórmula 1” 
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ha-seonnie-blog · 7 years
your muse is my muse //━━☆
        Ha-seon touched the crisp white pages with his fingers, not stopping what he want his hand wanted to draw. The corners of the page was covered in swirls and doodles as his eyes watched the park, trying to force himself to find inspiration somewhere because he wasn’t going to get an artist block. (No, not ever again.) The pencil felt like it would snap in his hand from the harsh grip between Ha-seon’s long and anxious fingers. His eyes caught a particular view from the opposite side of the park. A man holding a camera. He didn’t look out of place, if anything he blended with all the brightness, but it wasn’t an everyday sight in a park. He looked nice with all the surroundings, and it got Ha-seon into working on the paper. @rvniism
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binary0111 · 7 years
‘ if you don’t get some sleep soon, you’ll make yourself sick. ’
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“Why the sudden concern for my sleep habits? I’m fine--” A lie. His concentration wavered constantly, and he already felt his strength slipping. “I’ll live. Or not.” It couldn’t be that big a deal, as long as his job got done.
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jameson-kennedy · 8 years
Group Chat
J: i heard something about wanting to go on vacation together during winter break and i absolutely disapprove
J: bc i know you two little fucks are gonna screw EVERYWHERE
J: also im broke as hell but
J: who has suggestions on where we're heading out to?
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shevvrites · 8 years
Meet Dr. Renata Santiago!
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Ren is an ER Doctor may also be a drug dealer. She started in college to pay her loans off, and to this day she still sells the occasional dimebag for her supplier. Surprisingly, or not, sometimes it is to her co-workers. She never uses, but she has the hook-up. She also acts as a doctor for the gang/mob she’s loyal to when shit goes down.
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mcnstercus · 9 months
closed starter - louisa & ren ( @nctural )
"Come on, you should come on a double date with Maggie and I, I found such a cool place. I mean, look at you, I doubt there's a lack of people who'd say yes if you'd ask. It would be like a fun bonding event, you know, like we should probably do more with others in our coven."
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drew-a-tanaka · 4 years
noura @ ren: “I want to know what makes you sad.”
Ren stroked his fingers through Noura’s hair his digits pausing for a moment at her questions. Should he answer this bizarre question? He never really thought about the things that made him sad preferring to avoid that emotion at all cost because being down and depressed didn’t go with his fast paced, live fast and reckless lifestyle. His fingers began to move through her dark locks a laugh rumbling through his chest as he looked down at the beauty “I don’t know princess I have never really thought about it. Why do you plan on making me sad?”
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fwmgofficial · 6 years
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Artfight 2018 illustration of Ren by YinYoru! You can check out more of their art here:https://www.deviantart.com/yinyoru I try not to pick favorites, but this painting style is so beautiful! (╥﹏╥) Want to have your art featured for fanart Friday? Submit it to us to cry over!
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tykasterly · 9 years
eight-nine-ren said: Says the guy wearing a beanie in 80F weather?
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forgive me indiscretion, madame. would this suffice your climate appropriate demands?
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cindybonas-archieve · 9 years
@littlemisscindy: there’s always that one person at school that makes me want to leave
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rubenwatts · 10 years
*in his car; outside of the Maine residence*
*beeps his horn for Ren*
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mcnstercus · 2 months
closed starter - ren & maggie ( @howmcnythings )
Ren held out his hand to Maggie when a slow song came on, "Care to dance?" he asked.
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drew-a-tanaka · 5 years
noura @ ren: ‘ is that a rom-com you’re watching, seriously? ’
Ren jumped, she had been asleep and not wanting to wake her he had decided to watch a few movies while finishing off some paper work. Laughing he set down his laptop “I will have you know there is nothing wrong with Rom-coms or have you forgotten who my mother is?” Taking Noura by the hand Ren sat her on his knee burying his face into her beautiful smelling hair. “My cousin is assistant producer on this film and it isn’t that bad, no one has died but someone has been shot at least.”
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