#c: zach mccall
dimitrisanya · 8 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present the McCall’s. Almost.
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flowerbinniee · 4 years
What are all the shows/characters you write for?
hi, sweetpea! thank you so much for asking that question. 
i have a rough list of who all i write for, so here’s that list:
m a r v e l
1. peter parker/tom holland
2. harry osborn/harrison osterfield
3. michelle jones/zendaya
4. steve rogers/chris evans
5. bucky barnes/sebastian stan
c r i m i n a l  m i n d s
1. spencer reid
2. derek morgan
p e r c y  j a c k s o n  /  h e r o e s  o f  o l y m p u s
1. percy jackson
2. jason grace
3. leo valdez
4. nico di angelo
t h i r t e e n  r e a s o n s  w h y
1. zach dempsey
2. justin foley
3. scott reed
4. tyler down
t e e n  w o l f
1. scott mccall
2. stiles stilinski
3. derek hale
4. isaac lahey
t h e  1 0 0
1. bellamy blake
s u p e r n a t u r a l
1. dean winchester
2. sam winchester
3. jack klein
m a z e  r u n n e r  t r i l o g y
1. thomas
n e w s i e s  ( b r o a d w a y )
1. jack kelly
h a i k y u ! !
1. kageyama tobio
2. hinata shoyo
3. sugawara kōshi
4. daichi sawamura
5. nishinoya yuu
6. tsukishima kei
7. oikawa tooru
8. iwaizumi hajime
9. kuroo tetsurou
10. akaashi keiji
m y  h e r o   a c a d e m i a
1. midoriya izuku
2. bakugo katsuki
3. todoroki shoto
i would also like to try writing for gilbert blythe (anne with an e) and zuko (avatar: the last airbender), but i wouldn’t know where to start.
holy, shit, this is a long list. i’m so sorry.
updated 7/15/20
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the-record-columns · 6 years
Feb. 13, 2019: Columns
She gave much, but asked little
Editor’s note: This column originally appeared in a slightly different form on Feb. 17, 2009)
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           Willa Mae Lankford
Record Publisher
Lifelong Millers Creek resident Willa Mae Lankford, widow of Sammie Lankford died Thursday, February 12 (2009).  
Willa Mae died as she lived, peacefully, and surrounded by those who loved her.
Her son, Jerry Lankford, is the editor of The Record.  What follows was adapted from remarks I made at Willa Mae’s funeral service on Sunday, Feb. 15, 2009, at the Arbor Grove United Methodist Church in Purlear.  The service was conducted by Rev. Ed McKinney, and special music was provided by David Johnson, Eric Ellis, and Keith Watts, longtime friends of the Lankford family.
David, Eric, and Keith make that music look easy, don’t they, but it sure isn’t. As they played, I couldn’t help but remember the little half-smile that would come over Willa Mae’s face, much like the one on this page, when she would listen to her son, Jerry, or one of her grandchildren play music.  She enjoyed listening, then combined that enjoyment with the feeling of pride only a mother and grandmother can know.  
I actually came to know Willa Mae Lankford because of her son, Jerry, and much of what I say today revolves around that.
A bit over 10 years ago (20 years now), a man stopped me and asked when I was going to turn Thursday Magazine into a newspaper—I replied that I was looking for the right person to do just that.  He inquired further, and I told him I was looking for a man in his 30’s who had newspaper experience outside Wilkes County, and who might be in a situation with aging parents or something and looking to settle back down in Wilkes.
“I know that man,” he replied, “I know exactly that man.”  
In my mind I said “Sure you do,” and told him just to have that fella call me.
Well folks, about four hours later, that very same day, I got a phone call from a man who identified himself as Jerry Lankford, and who began the conversation with, “I understand you might like to start a newspaper.”
The rest, as I like to say, is history.  Very soon, after Jerry began working with us, The Record began publishing and thankfully, continues to do so. There is an aside I must tell on Jerry, however. We agreed that he was to give a two week notice to his employer the following Friday.  That afternoon, he came by my office to tell me when he gave his notice that they sent him home on the spot.  I told him not to worry, just come on in on Monday and we would just start work a little earlier than planned. So you see, his first day at work on his new job was a day off.  Pretty good deal, huh.
Particularly in the earliest years of The Record, circumstances called for me to spend many, many late hours with Jerry Lankford. Anytime we were anywhere near Kite Road in Millers Creek, we would stop in for a visit with his mother. As long as I knew her, she was in fragile health.  As the years went by, more and more things went wrong and she became noticeably weaker and weaker.
But her spirit remained strong.  I never heard her complain, in fact, she was always asking how I was doing—most especially after I suffered a stroke some years ago.
And, she stayed busy.
Unable to get around very well, she was always making something with her hands.  I guess it was from all those years at the City Florist, working and talking with that wonderful gaggle of ladies who we all knew by sight, if not by name.  In fact, one of the gifts I enjoy most came from Willa Mae—not counting Jerry, of course. One day he brought me a package about the size of a bowling ball and said simply, “My mother made this for you.” Inside was a multi-sided quilted star. “It is to be used as a doorstop.” Jerry said.
It was amazing.
You can look and look and you can’t find a starting place, or a stopping place, and I still have no idea how she put that thing together, but it’s beautiful, and remains one of the most noticed items in my home, and a gift I’ll always treasure.  
And that was Willa Mae.
She gave much of herself and asked for little.  
She loved her husband, her children, and her grandchildren.
And she loved the people of Arbor Grove Methodist Church so much.
To Ellen, Mike (now also deceased), and to my good friend, Jerry, I must be honest and tell you that nothing will ever be quite the same for you again.  But hold on to those wonderful memories of your mother, indeed, wrap yourselves in them, for they will carry you through a lot.
Willa Mae Lankford—a kind and caring soul if ever there was one.  
Clearly, she rests in peace.
                                             Willa Mae Lankford
                                    Nov. 9, 1926 – Feb. 12, 2009
Gentlemen of the Jury…
Record Reporter
Next week I will be performing with Alleghany Community Theatre as they present “12 Angry Jurors” in the historic courthouses of Sparta, N.C., and Independence, Va.
Readers may remember the original title of “12 Angry Men,” a stage play written by Reginald Rose, which was also adapted to a 1957 movie starring Henry Fonda.
Over the years the title has changed in production as women have been allowed to be seen as competent jurors. But that wasn’t always the case.
Even though women have served on juries for over 100 years, it was considered more of a novelty, which quickly turned to critique, with national newspapers lamenting that “men would be only too happy to cede the burden of jury service to women, if only female jurors could be trusted to endure the gruesome business.” And so the “woman of the jury experiment” began. The results? Good female jurors were conscientious and committed to justice, just like their male counterparts (gasp!).
For those not familiar with the show, the plot revolves around the murder trail of a Latino teenager accused of murdering his abusive father. His conviction would mean execution by electric chair.  The case seems open and shut with a murder weapon and witnesses to place the boy at the scene of the crime. One lone juror, attempts to prevent a miscarriage of justice by forcing his colleagues to reconsider the evidence “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
As the case unfolds more is learned about each juror, in some cases, the paranoia and prejudices that expose the ugliness of white privilege and imagined American supremacy.
I play juror 11, an immigrant watchmaker and naturalized American citizen who demonstrates a strong patriotic pride. (George Voskovec had this part in the 1957 film).
Voskovec was a Czech actor, writer, dramatist, and director who became an American citizen in 1955.
I am the fourth to cast a not guilty vote, but not without repercussion. Prejudice runs amok among the jurors, and my character at one point is questioned because I am not a “real American.” One juror even throws up the fact that I ran for my life during the Second World War, taking advantage of the American Immigration system, doubtful that I was really a refugee, and that I had no right to come over here, or even serve on a jury, and I certainly did not get to tell them how the Constitution works. She follows this up with a threat to “knock my GD middle-eastern head off” if I don’t shut up. Needless to say, our characters have quite a row after that exchange. In fact, a lot of murder threats get thrown around to other jurors, making our task at hand seem like the background noise to the real issue of the intricate divisiveness of human nature when questioned with what it is to “be a good American.”
This play is both eye opening and disheartening to me. Even though human compassion wins in the end, kind of, the relentless diatribe of how of a kid literally from the wrong side of the tracks, because of his skin color, his nationality, and his lack of being able to speak English is ENOUGH for the many of this jury to dismiss him and actually be happy about sending him to his demise, to keep the country “clean.”
The absolute prejudice shown in the 50’s is still being shown today, most recently with a supposed crisis at the border. The vitriol spouted in this play is the same we still hear on national news 60 years later. I get chill bumps at some of the lines realizing that the more things change, the more they stay the same, and that we have a humanitarian duty to make sure the cruel side of history stops with us.  
To quote Henry Fonda’s character’s closing line “Let them live.”
 12 Angry Jurors is presented by Alleghany Community Theatre and Alleghany Arts Council and is directed by Danny Linehan. Tickets are $8 adults, $5 students. Friday Feb. 22, and Saturday Feb. 23, shows are at 7 p.m. at the Alleghany Courthouse, 12 N Main St Sparta, NC 28675. Sunday Feb. 24, show is at 2 p.m., at the Old Grayson courthouse in Independence, Virginia, 107 E Main St, Independence, VA 24348.
 Cast includes: Foreman (An assistant football coach): Lori Hirschy; Juror Two (A shy bank clerk): Beka Perry; Juror Three (Small business owner): Kevin Bennett; Juror Four (Stock Broker): Brant Burgiss; Juror Five (EMT in a Harlem Hospital): Zach Weaver; Juror Six ( Housepainter): Charlie Scott; Juror Seven (Marmalade salesman): Laura Kennedy; Juror Eight (Architect): Danny Linehan; Juror Nine (Elderly Retiree): Marion Adams; Juror Ten (Mechanic): Donny McCall; Juror Eleven (Immigrant Watchmaker): Heather Dean; Juror Twelve (Marketing Agent): Michael Bridges.
  Anti-Semitic Strategy at the UN ​
Special to The Record
At first glance, the recent G-77 gathering seemed like a “Saturday Night Live” parody of the UN’ s largest bloc. The new chairman, with rehearsed political correctness, to smiles and applause, called on “all states” (except his) to end the “epidemic” of terrorism and “work with us to put an end to this scourge.”
The speaker was Palestinian Authority President and PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas— infamous inciter and propagator of violence and terror against the sovereign State of Israel, and bankroller of Palestinian terrorism to the tune of more than US $138 million to terrorist prisoners and ex-convicts in 2018 alone.
Abbas’s chairmanship, which violates G-77 principles and the UN Charter, is the latest blight on the UN’s eroded legitimacy and credibility. Created to safeguard world peace, security, human rights, and the sovereign equality of states by peaceful dispute resolution, the UN has been hijacked by an anti-Semitic, terror-tainted political agenda—discrediting itself by violating its own charter.
How did this sorry state of affairs develop? And what can be done by those states who are committed to the UN’s ethical, democratic founding principles?
Anti-Semitism at the UN began not randomly, but as a deliberate strategy. Some historians believe it started after Israel won the Six-Day War in June 1967, damaging Russian prestige at home and abroad. The Soviets, enraged by Israel’s defeat of its proxies Egypt and Syria, retaliated, aiming its Cold War weapons of propaganda and disinformation against the Jewish State—by a state-sponsored vilification campaign against Israel and Jews, and then at the UN, where it forged a political alliance with Arab and Third World states. Starting in 1969, the General Assembly produced multiple resolutions affirming the “inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.”
Russia uses language for totalitarian social control, said historian Joel Fishman. Following the Six-Day War, the selected vocabulary was published in the party newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda in October 1967: “Zionism is dedicated to genocide, racism, treachery, aggression, and annexation ...attributes of fascists.” In 1975, the Soviet- Arab bloc passed GA Resolution 3379, “Zionism is Racism."
But historian Joel Fishman said Resolution 3379 was brewing in 1964—before the Six-Day War. In March of that year, the U.S.proposed that the UN recognize anti-Semitism as a form of racism along with apartheid and Nazism. The Soviets stonewalled, because they were, after all, anti-Semites who persecuted Soviet Jews, Fishman said. They threatened the United States to drop the proposal or face a Russian amendment condemning Zionism and Nazism—thus equating the two.
In October 1965, the US pushed an amendment to the final draft condemning anti-Semitism, but the Soviets insisted on adding“Zionism” to the forms of racism to condemn. After a bitter debate, a compromise struck all references to racism except apartheid. Thus, the Soviets succeeded in excluding anti-Semitism as racist without leaving behind a voting record—which could augur future charges against its own state-sponsored anti-Semitism.
The 1965 debates critically impacted evolving world opinion and international law on Israel and Zionism. “From then on, it was almost impossible to raise anti-Semitism as a human rights issue,” Fishman said. Thus Soviet political propaganda became a bridge to today’s global outbreak.
For the Soviets, the Cold War never really ended. Recent revelations of their digital disinformation and propaganda are well-publicized.
But neither has the UN been a passive instrument of Soviet manipulation. Israeli Major General (res.) Yaakov Amidror recalled how UN Secretary General U Thant endorsed President Nasser’s request to withdraw UN forces from the Sinai. Nasser replaced them with Egyptian military divisions, helping to spark the Six-Day War. And that’s just one example of UN complicity against Israel.
 Israel’s concerted relationship-building with individual nations, and delegations of visiting UN ambassadors to see and experience the “real” Israel firsthand, are part of the solution to return to the UN Charter principle of friendly relations between nations. Likewise, while keeping an eye on Russia, Western democracies should continue to strengthen democratic blocs of nations to defend against the real “scourge.”
At all costs, the truth must be published. What does Israel or the US gain from “dialogue” in a tilted UN that could be better served by bilateral or Western-bloc diplomacy? 
 Heart to Heart
Life in the Carolinas
The past few weeks have been exciting and entertaining.
The Carolinas are well known for seasonal abnormalities. It’s not odd to have near recording breaking cold weather for a few days and then Spring-like weather. Just enough to tease our spring flowering plant life and then in the twinkling of an eye it’s cold again.
So, it goes in the Carolinas, we are people with many layers, and those layers come in handy during our winter months. We also love metaphors, and a colorful story fills the need we have to be a good storyteller or a great listener. The need for both is never-ending.
While in the barber’s chair last week, Garry, my barber, had big news. It looks like he may have a brother he is just now learning about. I asked him if he was excited about having a new brother. He said he was; however, the idea is so new he is still processing the emotions that come along with such a discovery.
Josh, Garry’s son and the fellow barber said they have been invited to visit their new northern family member.  Garry is not much for long-distance travel; his heart indeed is in the Carolinas, and he is not excited about venturing too far away from the land he calls home.  
In the style of true Southern Hospitality, an invitation will soon be extended to the brother from afar. From what I understand hints have already been given by the new brother that suggest an invite and visit to the Carolinas would be welcomed.  
Bill Barns ask for my thoughts on his new book that is in the final stages before publishing. The first sentence of Chapter One is “One beautiful, moonlit night, a young mother opossum known as Oden was out in the woods foraging for food.”  
I plan to read every word.
I had the opportunity to take in a few live shows. One was an open mic night at The 1915 in Wilkesboro, and the other was at the Reeves Theater in Elkin NC. The Reeves Theater is the subject of one of our broadcast segments that we are calling The Carolina Theater Trail. The segment series will be part of our Life In The Carolinas syndicated show. Over the next few years, we will be producing segments on historically significant Theaters in the Carolinas. We have a good variety of theaters to choose, and each one plays a vital role in our charming towns in the Carolinas.
I enjoyed dinner with Ken Welborn, publisher, and friend who loves the Carolinas with a strong focus on Wilkes County. It’s never a dull visit with Ken. The food and service at Sixth and Main in North Wilkesboro is excellent. I enjoyed the crab cakes with asparagus and baby potatoes. Ken dined on and spoke well about the salmon and vegetables. I think digestion works better when you have dinner with a well-seasoned storyteller.
In celebration of February as the Heart Month, we had Dr. Julian Thomas as a guest on the Life In The Carolinas Podcast. We titled the episode Heart to Heart. The special show focused on the journey of dealing with matters of the heart. Dr. Thomas is brilliant, and his approach to healthcare is driven by promoting awareness and a passion for healing.
Wherever we find ourselves, it’s a good idea to stop for a moment and share our lives with those we are around. The love month can be demanding, but it can also be gentle, kind and full of passion.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
 Carl White is the Executive Producer and Host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In The Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its 10th year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday’s at noon and My40. The show also streams on Amazon Prime. For more information visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com. You can email Carl at [email protected].
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janesloans · 7 years
(for the blog rates thing) tbh i'm super happy that tumblr is finally appreciating 13 reasons why b/c it's been a super important book to me for years so yeah i'm just so relieved that the adaptation was everything i wanted it to be
honeSTLY SAME? i remember reading the book and being like ‘wow this is deep’ but it never seemed really famous or popular ?? which was sad because everyone needed to read it. and then i heard they were making a movie and i got so excited but that fell down and i was hella disappointed. BUT THEN I HEARD ABOUT A TV SHOW AND I GOT EVEN MORE EXCITED BECAUSE I HAD A FEELING NETFLIX WOULD NOT LET ME DOWN. and they really didn’t. and i am so glad more people are getting to know this masterpiece. 
icon: 7 | 8 | 9 | lydia martin (i am laughing because literally)
url: 7 | 8 | 9 | zach dempsey
theme: 7 | 8 | 9 | isabelle lightwood (i love the blue color scheme)
mobile theme: 7 | 8 | 9 | maya hart
updates tab: 7 | 8 | 9 | brooke maddox
posts: 7 | 8 | 9 | scott mccall
overall: 7 | 8 | 9 | karma ashcroft
following? yes | no | i am now! | always
compliments: first of all, i just wanna say you have really really pretty icons and the coloring on your sidebar gif is pretty. i am a huge lydia stan and i love motel california so much but i usually see people go to the red / purple vibe rather than blue and i am in a blue mood lately so yeah!! ALSO YOUR EDITS ARE SO STUNNING IM TRULY BLOWN AWAY ?? THE TEEN WOLF PICSPAMS MOSTLY. and you also seem really nice, not to mention you like taylor swift and, curiously enough, we are actually majoring in the same thing.
want one?
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 25 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half nephew) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a son, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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voldiebuns · 8 years
100k+ Multi Fandom Fic Recs
Happy Fandom Fic Rec Days! I read a lot of fic, and I read a lot of really long fic, so I thought it would be fun to put together a list of really long fics for day one. Here’s a list of 20 of my favorite 100k+ fics. Fandoms represented are:
Harry Potter
Stargate Atlantis
Star Trek
Star Wars
Teen Wolf
I’ve noted the ratings and some of the tags/themes, as well as primary and additional ships, but please be sure to check the warnings before reading.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Abandon and Reclaim by Batsutousai series | others | Rated E | AU, child abuse, torture, angst Harry Potter is left to fend for himself in muggle London the summer between his sixth and seventh years. There, he meets Voldemort and, in a strange turn of events, they become friends.
Kiss or Kill by mortalus Rated M | AU, time travel A freak accident transports our favorite attractive psychopath forward in time from 1942 to 1996. Attempted homicide and attempted romance ensue, not necessarily in that order.
A Snake Named Voldemort by estalita11 Rated M | AU, turned into a snake!Voldemort After being turned into a snake and unable to change back, Lord Voldemort is forced to turn to the only other living Parselmouth, Harry Potter. After making a deal, Harry agrees to help the Dark Lord return to his human form.
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
The Dangers of Dating a High School Principal by tawg series, WIP | Rated E | AU, principal!Phil, civilian!Phil Clint has never been a fan of museums, especially not museums where the exhibits are trying to kill him. But he will admit, it's not a bad place to meet people.
Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse by scifigirl47 series, WIP | Steve/Tony, others | Rated E | AU Phil has problems with these people.
Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto
Supernova by medeafic series | Rated E | angst, D/S, caning, knifeplay, and more Chris and Zach are trying to make a long distance relationship work. And Chris is getting curious about what things are like from Zach's perspective. Sequel to Captain Spanky.
Stargate Atlantis
Carson Beckett/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Arpeggio by perryvic, Zaganthi (Caffiends) series, WIP | others | Rated E | AU, trans!Rodney, mpreg, kidfic, non con (forced in side pairing), presumed dead "An All-Life. Two-Made-One," the Wraith said and Rodney started to get a really bad feeling about this. "Male and female combined in one form. They are food only for the Queens. They must not be fed upon by others."
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Indelible by shaenie Rated E | AU, spanking, angst, getting together, miscommunication John has a useful gift for compartmentalization: he discards the irrelevant and moves on. Then Rodney makes an ill-considered move on a mission, John steps up to take responsibility for making reparations to the locals, and things take a turn for the complicated as Rodney, an alien society, and an armada of ships make standard operating procedure completely impossible.
Whaleverse by naye and Sholio series | AU, magic, fae!John, angst, hurt/comfort Rodney McKay, raised by a pod of telepathic whales. John Sheppard, mage with fae blood. Teyla Emmagan, rune-scientist. Ronon Dex, winged soldier. On the waystation of Atlantis, they're about to become embroiled in an age-old war against a brutal enemy.
Star Trek
James T. Kirk/Spock
Evolution by rhaegal Rated E | AU In his first year in command of the USS Enterprise James T. Kirk must gel his new team together, adapt to his abrupt change in status over his friends, and deal with falling for his first officer. And, of course, there's always someone out to threaten the galaxy.
Sunset and Evening Star by LeslieFish Rated M | AU, time travel, religion A time-travel mission gone wrong traps Kirk in the past and returns the Enterprise to a different and challenging future.
Take Refuge in What You Know by corpus-invictus Rated M | AU, Starfleet Academy, agoraphobe!Spock, bonding, h/c Kirk has moved into a apartment and wants to get to know his neighbors. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Kirk thinks he's beautiful enigma.
Star Wars
Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Children, Wake Up by hollycomb WIP, series | Rated E | rape recovery, angst, violence, hurt/comfort Hux and Kylo find something in each other that completely changes everything.
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
His Only Defence by LunaCanisLupus_22 Rated E | AU, omegaverse, mates, knotting, violence Stiles had just accidentally challenged an alpha. Oh God and Scott had just stood by and let him do it. He was the worst best friend ever. Stiles was going to kill him. Except oh right the alpha was going to kill him first. Like beyond dead, ripped into tiny little pieces dead. So far dead that his dad would not be able to identify him, dead.
Not as Described by febricant series, WIP | Allison/Scott, Jackson/Lydia | Rated E | AU, slavery, non con Stiles may have made a huge mistake.
The Rory to My Amy by linksofmemories series | others | Rated E | AU, everyone is human, pining, fluff, angst, age difference, family Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
The Searching Ceremonies by KouriArashi Allison/Scott, Cora/Isaac, Peter/Sheriff, others | Rated M | AU, mating, underage, angst Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
Starts with "F", Ends with "U" by RemainNameless series | Rafael McCall/Stiles, others | Rated E | dubcon, rape/noncon, underage, pedophilia, angst, daddy kink, BDSM, violence, read all warnings An alternate (but compliant) canon wherein Rafael McCall and Stiles hook up pre-werewolf shenanigans. When McCall comes back to Beacon Hills, it quickly spirals out of Stiles' control. Derek becomes his sole confidant, his anchor, and maybe something more.
War Zone by StereKDestiel series, WIP | Allison/Scott, Castiel/Dean | Rated E | AU, Supernatural crossover, violence, character death, angst Stiles makes a move. Derek shoots him down. Viciously. Stiles runs away and gets himself kidnapped by a werewolf pack.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm Allison/Scott, Isaac/Lydia | Rated E | AU, magic!Stiles, wolf!Derek There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life. There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
Combo Breaker 2018: The Full Results
Combo Breaker 2018 has concluded. Chicago's biggest fighting game tournament has wrapped up for another year and all of the champions have been crowned. Shacknews has covered a couple of the winners already, but for those who missed the weekend tournaments, here's a helpful recap. We'll also make sure to add some of our own thoughts here and there.
GO1 vs. SonicFox (Photo Credit: @TischPhotos)
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Shacknews has a full recap of the Dragon Ball FighterZ Grand Finals up and running right now. SonicFox went into this event having never beaten consensus best player in the world GO1, but Combo Breaker went just a little bit differently.
1st - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 2nd - GO1 (Goichi Kishida) 3rd - Dogura (Ryo Nozaki) 4th - NyChrisG (Christopher Gonzalez) 5th (tie) - Kazunoko (Ryota Inoue) 5th (tie) - HookGangGod (Eduardo Hook) 7th (tie) - Fenritti 7th (tie) - Doza (Glyn Mendoza)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
Shacknews has a full recap of the Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition Grand Finals available now. NL and Xian break through to shake up the Capcom Pro Tour leaderboards.
1st - NL (Sim Gun) 2nd - Xian (Kun Xian Ho) 3rd - Infiltration (Seonwoo Lee) 4th - Nemo (Naoki Nemoto) 5th (tie) - Verloren (Hyungsuk Kong) 5th (tie) - Bonchan (Masato Takahashi) 7th (tie) - Dogura (Ryo Nozaki) 7th (tie) - Oil King (Li-Wei Lin)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Tekken 7
Shacknews has a full recap of the Tekken 7 Grand Finals available now. Knee's victory puts him atop the Tekken World Tour standings.
1st - Knee (Jae Min Bae) 2nd - JeonDDing (Sang-hyun Jeon) 3rd - LowHigh (Sun Woong Youn) 4th - SAINT (Choi Jinwoo) 5th (tie) - GoAttack (Jihwan Kim) 5th (tie) - CHANEL (Seong ho Kang) 7th (tie) - Trungy (Trung Mai) 7th (tie) - Anakin (Hoa Luu)
Photo credit: @TischPhotos
Injustice 2
The Injustice 2 Grand Finals went down to the wire between Tweedy and DR_Gross. Gross brought the heat with Green Lantern throughout the finals, but Tweedy was eventually able to ward off one last GL onslaught, thanks to Starfire's effective zoning techniques. GL wasn't able to close in and Tweedy took the tournament.
1st - Tweedy (Tommy Tweedy) 2nd - DR_Gross (Daris Daniel) 3rd - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 4th - GunShow (Jon Snow) 5th (tie) - Biohazard (Matthew Commandeur) 5th (tie) - SylverRye (Ryan Amaechi) 7th (tie) - Rewind (Curtis McCall) 7th (tie) - Scar (Brad Vaughn)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- 2
This was another wild Top 8 that culminated with a barnburner of a Grand Finals. Korea's Jaewon "Daru I-No" Kim just needed the opportunity to prove himself, but has had trouble getting to tournaments in the past. He even relied on a community fundraiser to get him to this very event. But he made his opportunity count, as he narrowly edged out Fukuda "Teresa" Norihiro in a Grand Finals that left both men emotionally spent by the end.
1st - Daru I-No (Jaewon Kim) 2nd - Teresa (Fukuda Norihiro) 3rd - Hamad (Hamad Akbar) 4th - Kazunoko (Ryota Inoue) 5th (tie) - PepperySplash (Justin Campbell) 5th (tie) - BjornSonOfBear (Alain Kim) 7th (tie) - Blaze (Manny Blaze) 7th (tie) - Kid Viper (Jason Srouji)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Killer Instinct
One of the most exciting tournaments of the weekend that went largely under the radar was Killer Instinct. Combo Breaker has always been one of the best places to catch the top Killer Instinct and this was no exception. While he fell short last year, there was no stopping Latrell "Amenty" Thomas in 2018. He has a total mastery of new character Eagle and former Evo champion Darnell "Hollywood Sleep" Waller had no answers. This was a master class in how to work opponents with KI's last character.
1st - Amenty (Latrell Thomas) 2nd - Hollywood Sleep (Darnell Waller) 3rd - Bass (Kenneth Armas) 4th - Thompxson (Deion Thompson) 5th (tie) - SonicDolphin117 (Andrew Honigman) 5th (tie) - Storm179 (Calvin Phelps) 7th (tie) - DevilMayCare (Michael Figueroa) 7th (tie) - Nicky (Nicky Iovene)
Photo credit: @HelloItsLi
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
It's hard to argue against the idea that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has lost pretty much all of its steam since its damning Evo snub. While registration numbers have remained consistent, many of the game's high-profile players have left, viewership has dipped, and Capcom looks to have abandoned the Marvel fanbase... again. But the Marvel tournaments are still incredible to watch, as evidenced by Combo Breaker's Top 8.
Watch as Kevin "Dual Kevin" Barrios caps off an incredible Losers Bracket run in the most epic fashion possible. Don't put Hawkeye in a box, because all he needs is his bow and arrow.
1st - Dual Kevin (Kevin Barrios) 2nd - DekillSage (Jon Coello) 3rd - Banehollow3789 (James Marroquin) 4th - NyChrisG (Christopher Gonzalez) 5th (tie) - Abbock (Brian Murphy) 5th (tie) - Lariat GOD (Tyler Hinson) 7th (tie) - Emorawr79 (Jose Ramirez) 7th (tie) - Noelbhungry (Noel Brown)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Super Smash Bros. Melee
The best players across both Super Smash Bros. Melee and Smash 4 were attending MomoCon this weekend, so there was a lot of A-tier talent missing from Combo Breaker. Still, the tournaments were exciting and it was an opportunity for some new faces to shine, like Melee winner Kalindi "KJH" Henderson.
1st - KJH (Kalindi Henderson) 2nd - Swedish Delight (James Liu) 3rd - AbsentPage (Charlie McKinley) 4th - Michael (Michael Rollberg) 5th (tie) - Drephen (Drew Scoles) 5th (tie) - Duck (James Ma) 7th (tie) - S2J (Johnny Kim) 7th (tie) - Ginger (Avery Wilson)
1st - AbsentPage (Charlie McKinley)/S2J (Johnny Kim) 2nd - Swedish Delight (James Liu)/Nintendude (Michael Brancato) Scythe (Diego Rodriguez)/Sago (Samuel Woodka) 4th - Joey (Joey Hogan)/ESAM (Eric Lew) 5th (tie) - Rodohk (Bradley Gerkin)/Egg (Thomas Kirby) 5th (tie) - Rubzterz (Ruben Morin)/Poseidon (Ian Koscuik) 7th (tie) - Miles (Jeff Stanislaw)/GioGio (Tom Dattalo) 7th (tie) - Pregnantand16 (Daniel Lopez)/Thornswaggle (Brandon Thongsawa)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
1st - Maister (Enrique Hernandez) 2nd - Tyroy (Tyler Awdisho) 3rd - ESAM (Eric Lew) 4th - MVD (Jestise Negron) 5th (tie) - 8BitMan (Brett Esposito) 5th (tie) - Chag (Santiago Perez) 7th (tie) - Ned (Nicholas Dovell) 7th (tie) - John Numbers (John Goldberg)
1st - ESAM (Eric Lew)/MVD (Jestise Negron) 2nd - Ned (Nicholas Dovell)/Tyroy (Tyler Awdisho) 3rd - Z (Nizar Awada)/Blacktwins (Aaron Grandison-Vargas) 4th - 8BitMan (Brett Esposito)/Port 5th (tie) - pu55yk1ng (Eman Baha)/BlackDynoWright 5th (tie) - Maister (Enrique Hernandez)/Nuhuh (Adrian Cuellar) 7th (tie) - Youma (Jorge Manuel Leon)/Hoover (Brandon Hoover) 7th (tie) - Gamegenie222 (Nathaniel Taylor)/Marathon (Michael Simpson)
Photo Credit: @Vexanie
The King of Fighters XIV
1st - Xiaohai (Zhuojun Zeng) 2nd - Wero Asamiya (Agustin Escorcia) 3rd - Tamago (Angel Chong) 4th - ViolentKain (Rolando Neri) 5th (tie) - El Rosa (Abril Diaz) 5th (tie) - Reynald (Reynald Tacsuan) 7th (tie) - Juicebox (Eric Albino) 7th (tie) - Dechimo (Ernesto Davila)
Photo Credit: @TischPhotos
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
1st - Fenritti (Shoji Sho) 2nd - SKD (Jachin Harte) 3rd - Garireo (Okamoto Keiji) 4th - Brkrdave (Eddie Sayles) 5th (tie) - Grover (Grover C.) 5th (tie) - Genosade (Brandon Joseph) 7th (tie) - Uri (Devin Mills) 7th (tie) - Clim (Christian Lim)
Photo credit: @HelloItsLi
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
1st - Swiftfox-Dash (Troy Chapa) 2nd - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 3rd - Liam (Liam Orr) 4th - Rabbleflaggers (Christopher Perez) 5th (tie) - Elda Taluda (Jared Doty) 5th (tie) - Cloud (Daniel Normandia) 7th (tie) - Yaya (Jason Wickman) 7th (tie) - PME (Emmanuel Calderon)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Mortal Kombat XL
1st - Killer Xinok (Bruno Henrique Gomes de Sousa) 2nd - Scar (Brad Vaughn) 3rd - Rewind (Curtis McCall) 4th - Tekken Master (Sayed Ahmed) 5th (tie) - Waz (Tasman Stoker) 5th (tie) - Coosco (Michael Henderson) 7th (tie) - Damaja (Scott Smith) 7th (tie) - A F0xy Grampa (Denom Jones)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Mortal Kombat (2011)
1st - Curbolicous (Dominic Curbelo) 2nd - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 3rd - Wafflez (Tom Nieter) 4th - Dizzy (Aaron Davis) 5th (tie) - Biggs (Chris Biggs) 5th (tie) - soonk (Will Searle) 7th (tie) - Compbros (Albert Smith) 7th (tie) - Dab (Aric Dabajae)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
1st - eltrouble (Eugene Lin) 2nd - Alex Valle 3rd - Silentscope (Steven Dawson) 4th - LordJimmyBones (Jimmy Lee Pierre) 5th (tie) - Killer Miller (Tania Miller) 5th (tie) - JigglyNorris (Joshua Alvarado) 7th (tie) - Mr. Igloo (Chris Bailey) 7th (tie) - Immortal (Brent Werling)
Photo credit: @TischPhotos
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
1st - Justin Wong 2nd - Chi-Rithy (Henri Oung) 3rd - Simon Yoo 4th - Dirtmaster (Adam Hernandez) 5th (tie) - EAT (Michael Rocha) 5th (tie) - Keninblack (Patrick Kelly) 7th (tie) - SoulAvenger02 (Kerry Craigwell) 7th (tie) - Cookye (Michael Saxton)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Under Night In-Birth Exe
1st - Clim (Christian Lim) 2nd - J3 (Justin Joseph) 3rd - Drunk Suika Ibuki (Christian Tuliao) 4th - Redblade (Aren Stimage-Norwo 5th (tie) - RoyalHeartv2 (Isiah Smith) 5th (tie) - Magnets (Matt Guzik) 7th (tie) - NeoN 7th (tie) - AyoltsDave (Dave Clymer)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Vampire Savior
1st - Mr. Igloo (Chris Bailey) 2nd - Dyne 3rd - MightyMar (Mario Gomez) 4th - YetiGhettoSlang (Luke Bellamy) 5th (tie) - JayOneTheSk8 (Justin Cox) 5th (tie) - Ailerus (Zach M.) 7th (tie) - Xanoz (Kendra Horton) 7th (tie) - Diar (Jie Moc)
[Header photo credit: @TischPhotos]
Combo Breaker 2018: The Full Results published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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marienela · 7 years
On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 4 p.m. EST, inside Pier 59 Studios, Stage C in New York City, Supima along with recent graduates from the nation’s top leading design schools presented the 10th annual Supima design competition.
A collective runway showing of participating designers from the nation’s top design schools [Abigail Griswold from Rhode Island School Of Design, Alyssa Wardrop from Fashion Institute Of Technology, Alexandra Pijut from Savannah College Of Art And Design, Elizabeth “Nancy” Hennessey from Fashion Institute Of Design & Merchandising, Lela Thompson from Drexel University, Margaret Kwon from Parsons The New School and Sarah Johnson from Kent State University] presented capsule collections of women’s eveningwear made exclusively with donated Supima cotton fabrics from the organization’s partners including AG Jeans, Brooks Brothers and Uniqlo.
The winner, Alyssa Wardrop from Fashion Institute of Technology, was selected by the below panel of judges, and received a $10,000 check from Supima to kick-start her design career. Additionally, Alyssa will present her collection during Paris Fashion Week on Sept. 26.
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Abigail Griswold, Rhode Island Shool of Design walks the runway at Supima Design Competition SS18 during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Alexandra Pijut, Savannah College of Art and Design walks the runway at Supima Design Competition SS18 during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: (L-R) Winner Alyssa Wardrop, FIT and June Ambrose attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Lela Thompson, Drexel University walks the runway at Supima Design Competition SS18 during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Margaret Kwon, Parsons The New School walks the runway at Supima Design Competition SS18 during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Elizabeth Nancy Hennessey, Fashion Intstitute pf Design and Merchandising walks the runway at Supima Design Competition SS18 during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Sarah Johnson, Kent State University walks the runway at Supima Design Competition SS18 during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
Participating for the first time, June Ambrose served as host. Judges included: Alexandra Wilkis Wilson – co-founder, Fitz. Co, Carmen Lilly – stylist, Fern Mallis – founder, New York Fashion Week, Jade Frampton – executive market editor, ELLE, Katharine Zarrella – founder, Fashion Unfiltered, Nicole Chapoteau – fashion director, Allure, Paige Reddinger – fashion editor, The Daily Front Row, Sarah Kauss – founder, S’well, Scott Morrison – designer, 3 x 1, Tracey Greenstein – business reporter, WWD, Tyler McCall – deputy editor, Fashionista, Zach Weiss – columnist, Observer.
For the third year, fashion designer Bibhu Mohapatra served as mentor to the seven finalists, providing invaluable feedback and insight throughout the process.
Started in 2008, the annual Supima Design Competition was created to give runway exposure to emerging talent and was modeled on the legendary 1954 Wool Secretariat competition that launched the careers of the then-teenaged Yves St. Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld. Since its start, former Supima Design Competition winners have gone on to launch their own labels, show at New York Fashion Week, and secure jobs with top international labels including Michael Kors, Marchesa, Ralph Lauren and Phillip Lim.
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Designer Alyssa Wardrop, Fashion Institute of Technology backstage at Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: (L-R) Tyler McCall, Buxton Midyette, June Ambrose and Bibhu Mohapatra attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: VP of marketing and promotions at Supima Buxton Midyette attends Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Buxton Midyette presents winner Alyssa Wardrop, FIT, at Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: (L-R) Buxton Midyette, Alyssa Wardrop; June Ambrose and Bibhu Mohapatra prepare backstage at Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: June Ambrose speak onstage at Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Celebrity stylist June Ambrose and designer Bibhu Mohapatra attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: (L-R) Katharine Zarrella, Alexandra Wilkis Wilson and Fern Mallis attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: (L-R) Nicole Chapoteau, Paige Reddinger, Tyler McCall attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Scott Morrison and Zachary Weiss attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Scott Morrison, Alexandra Wilkis, Zachary Weiss, Fern Mallis, June Ambrose, Carmen Lilly, Katharine Zarrella, Tyler McCall, Tracey Greenstein and Buxton Midyette at Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Tracey Greenstein and Scott Morrison attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: (L-R) Tyler McCall, Buxton Midyette, June Ambrose and Bibhu Mohapatra attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Buxton Midyette, June Ambrose, and Bibhu Mohapatra attend Supima Design Competition SS18 runway show during New York Fashion Week at Pier 59 on September 7, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for Supima Design Competition)
@SUPIMA Presents 10th Annual #SupimaDesignCompetition @LaForceNYC On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 4 p.m. EST, inside Pier 59 Studios, Stage C in New York City, Supima along with recent graduates from the nation’s top leading design schools presented the 10th annual Supima design competition.
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dimitrisanya · 8 years
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You are the first. The first of many. You will bring the end.
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barbosaasouza · 6 years
Combo Breaker 2018: The Full Results
Combo Breaker 2018 has concluded. Chicago's biggest fighting game tournament has wrapped up for another year and all of the champions have been crowned. Shacknews has covered a couple of the winners already, but for those who missed the weekend tournaments, here's a helpful recap. We'll also make sure to add some of our own thoughts here and there.
GO1 vs. SonicFox (Photo Credit: @TischPhotos)
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Shacknews has a full recap of the Dragon Ball FighterZ Grand Finals up and running right now. SonicFox went into this event having never beaten consensus best player in the world GO1, but Combo Breaker went just a little bit differently.
1st - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 2nd - GO1 (Goichi Kishida) 3rd - Dogura (Ryo Nozaki) 4th - NyChrisG (Christopher Gonzalez) 5th (tie) - Kazunoko (Ryota Inoue) 5th (tie) - HookGangGod (Eduardo Hook) 7th (tie) - Fenritti 7th (tie) - Doza (Glyn Mendoza)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
Shacknews has a full recap of the Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition Grand Finals available now. NL and Xian break through to shake up the Capcom Pro Tour leaderboards.
1st - NL (Sim Gun) 2nd - Xian (Kun Xian Ho) 3rd - Infiltration (Seonwoo Lee) 4th - Nemo (Naoki Nemoto) 5th (tie) - Verloren (Hyungsuk Kong) 5th (tie) - Bonchan (Masato Takahashi) 7th (tie) - Dogura (Ryo Nozaki) 7th (tie) - Oil King (Li-Wei Lin)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Tekken 7
Shacknews has a full recap of the Tekken 7 Grand Finals available now. Knee's victory puts him atop the Tekken World Tour standings.
1st - Knee (Jae Min Bae) 2nd - JeonDDing (Sang-hyun Jeon) 3rd - LowHigh (Sun Woong Youn) 4th - SAINT (Choi Jinwoo) 5th (tie) - GoAttack (Jihwan Kim) 5th (tie) - CHANEL (Seong ho Kang) 7th (tie) - Trungy (Trung Mai) 7th (tie) - Anakin (Hoa Luu)
Photo credit: @TischPhotos
Injustice 2
The Injustice 2 Grand Finals went down to the wire between Tweedy and DR_Gross. Gross brought the heat with Green Lantern throughout the finals, but Tweedy was eventually able to ward off one last GL onslaught, thanks to Starfire's effective zoning techniques. GL wasn't able to close in and Tweedy took the tournament.
1st - Tweedy (Tommy Tweedy) 2nd - DR_Gross (Daris Daniel) 3rd - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 4th - GunShow (Jon Snow) 5th (tie) - Biohazard (Matthew Commandeur) 5th (tie) - SylverRye (Ryan Amaechi) 7th (tie) - Rewind (Curtis McCall) 7th (tie) - Scar (Brad Vaughn)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- 2
This was another wild Top 8 that culminated with a barnburner of a Grand Finals. Korea's Jaewon "Daru I-No" Kim just needed the opportunity to prove himself, but has had trouble getting to tournaments in the past. He even relied on a community fundraiser to get him to this very event. But he made his opportunity count, as he narrowly edged out Fukuda "Teresa" Norihiro in a Grand Finals that left both men emotionally spent by the end.
1st - Daru I-No (Jaewon Kim) 2nd - Teresa (Fukuda Norihiro) 3rd - Hamad (Hamad Akbar) 4th - Kazunoko (Ryota Inoue) 5th (tie) - PepperySplash (Justin Campbell) 5th (tie) - BjornSonOfBear (Alain Kim) 7th (tie) - Blaze (Manny Blaze) 7th (tie) - Kid Viper (Jason Srouji)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Killer Instinct
One of the most exciting tournaments of the weekend that went largely under the radar was Killer Instinct. Combo Breaker has always been one of the best places to catch the top Killer Instinct and this was no exception. While he fell short last year, there was no stopping Latrell "Amenty" Thomas in 2018. He has a total mastery of new character Eagle and former Evo champion Darnell "Hollywood Sleep" Waller had no answers. This was a master class in how to work opponents with KI's last character.
1st - Amenty (Latrell Thomas) 2nd - Hollywood Sleep (Darnell Waller) 3rd - Bass (Kenneth Armas) 4th - Thompxson (Deion Thompson) 5th (tie) - SonicDolphin117 (Andrew Honigman) 5th (tie) - Storm179 (Calvin Phelps) 7th (tie) - DevilMayCare (Michael Figueroa) 7th (tie) - Nicky (Nicky Iovene)
Photo credit: @HelloItsLi
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
It's hard to argue against the idea that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has lost pretty much all of its steam since its damning Evo snub. While registration numbers have remained consistent, many of the game's high-profile players have left, viewership has dipped, and Capcom looks to have abandoned the Marvel fanbase... again. But the Marvel tournaments are still incredible to watch, as evidenced by Combo Breaker's Top 8.
Watch as Kevin "Dual Kevin" Barrios caps off an incredible Losers Bracket run in the most epic fashion possible. Don't put Hawkeye in a box, because all he needs is his bow and arrow.
1st - Dual Kevin (Kevin Barrios) 2nd - DekillSage (Jon Coello) 3rd - Banehollow3789 (James Marroquin) 4th - NyChrisG (Christopher Gonzalez) 5th (tie) - Abbock (Brian Murphy) 5th (tie) - Lariat GOD (Tyler Hinson) 7th (tie) - Emorawr79 (Jose Ramirez) 7th (tie) - Noelbhungry (Noel Brown)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Super Smash Bros. Melee
The best players across both Super Smash Bros. Melee and Smash 4 were attending MomoCon this weekend, so there was a lot of A-tier talent missing from Combo Breaker. Still, the tournaments were exciting and it was an opportunity for some new faces to shine, like Melee winner Kalindi "KJH" Henderson.
1st - KJH (Kalindi Henderson) 2nd - Swedish Delight (James Liu) 3rd - AbsentPage (Charlie McKinley) 4th - Michael (Michael Rollberg) 5th (tie) - Drephen (Drew Scoles) 5th (tie) - Duck (James Ma) 7th (tie) - S2J (Johnny Kim) 7th (tie) - Ginger (Avery Wilson)
1st - AbsentPage (Charlie McKinley)/S2J (Johnny Kim) 2nd - Swedish Delight (James Liu)/Nintendude (Michael Brancato) Scythe (Diego Rodriguez)/Sago (Samuel Woodka) 4th - Joey (Joey Hogan)/ESAM (Eric Lew) 5th (tie) - Rodohk (Bradley Gerkin)/Egg (Thomas Kirby) 5th (tie) - Rubzterz (Ruben Morin)/Poseidon (Ian Koscuik) 7th (tie) - Miles (Jeff Stanislaw)/GioGio (Tom Dattalo) 7th (tie) - Pregnantand16 (Daniel Lopez)/Thornswaggle (Brandon Thongsawa)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
1st - Maister (Enrique Hernandez) 2nd - Tyroy (Tyler Awdisho) 3rd - ESAM (Eric Lew) 4th - MVD (Jestise Negron) 5th (tie) - 8BitMan (Brett Esposito) 5th (tie) - Chag (Santiago Perez) 7th (tie) - Ned (Nicholas Dovell) 7th (tie) - John Numbers (John Goldberg)
1st - ESAM (Eric Lew)/MVD (Jestise Negron) 2nd - Ned (Nicholas Dovell)/Tyroy (Tyler Awdisho) 3rd - Z (Nizar Awada)/Blacktwins (Aaron Grandison-Vargas) 4th - 8BitMan (Brett Esposito)/Port 5th (tie) - pu55yk1ng (Eman Baha)/BlackDynoWright 5th (tie) - Maister (Enrique Hernandez)/Nuhuh (Adrian Cuellar) 7th (tie) - Youma (Jorge Manuel Leon)/Hoover (Brandon Hoover) 7th (tie) - Gamegenie222 (Nathaniel Taylor)/Marathon (Michael Simpson)
Photo Credit: @Vexanie
The King of Fighters XIV
1st - Xiaohai (Zhuojun Zeng) 2nd - Wero Asamiya (Agustin Escorcia) 3rd - Tamago (Angel Chong) 4th - ViolentKain (Rolando Neri) 5th (tie) - El Rosa (Abril Diaz) 5th (tie) - Reynald (Reynald Tacsuan) 7th (tie) - Juicebox (Eric Albino) 7th (tie) - Dechimo (Ernesto Davila)
Photo Credit: @TischPhotos
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
1st - Fenritti (Shoji Sho) 2nd - SKD (Jachin Harte) 3rd - Garireo (Okamoto Keiji) 4th - Brkrdave (Eddie Sayles) 5th (tie) - Grover (Grover C.) 5th (tie) - Genosade (Brandon Joseph) 7th (tie) - Uri (Devin Mills) 7th (tie) - Clim (Christian Lim)
Photo credit: @HelloItsLi
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
1st - Swiftfox-Dash (Troy Chapa) 2nd - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 3rd - Liam (Liam Orr) 4th - Rabbleflaggers (Christopher Perez) 5th (tie) - Elda Taluda (Jared Doty) 5th (tie) - Cloud (Daniel Normandia) 7th (tie) - Yaya (Jason Wickman) 7th (tie) - PME (Emmanuel Calderon)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Mortal Kombat XL
1st - Killer Xinok (Bruno Henrique Gomes de Sousa) 2nd - Scar (Brad Vaughn) 3rd - Rewind (Curtis McCall) 4th - Tekken Master (Sayed Ahmed) 5th (tie) - Waz (Tasman Stoker) 5th (tie) - Coosco (Michael Henderson) 7th (tie) - Damaja (Scott Smith) 7th (tie) - A F0xy Grampa (Denom Jones)
Photo credit: @Vexanie
Mortal Kombat (2011)
1st - Curbolicous (Dominic Curbelo) 2nd - SonicFox (Dominique McLean) 3rd - Wafflez (Tom Nieter) 4th - Dizzy (Aaron Davis) 5th (tie) - Biggs (Chris Biggs) 5th (tie) - soonk (Will Searle) 7th (tie) - Compbros (Albert Smith) 7th (tie) - Dab (Aric Dabajae)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
1st - eltrouble (Eugene Lin) 2nd - Alex Valle 3rd - Silentscope (Steven Dawson) 4th - LordJimmyBones (Jimmy Lee Pierre) 5th (tie) - Killer Miller (Tania Miller) 5th (tie) - JigglyNorris (Joshua Alvarado) 7th (tie) - Mr. Igloo (Chris Bailey) 7th (tie) - Immortal (Brent Werling)
Photo credit: @TischPhotos
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
1st - Justin Wong 2nd - Chi-Rithy (Henri Oung) 3rd - Simon Yoo 4th - Dirtmaster (Adam Hernandez) 5th (tie) - EAT (Michael Rocha) 5th (tie) - Keninblack (Patrick Kelly) 7th (tie) - SoulAvenger02 (Kerry Craigwell) 7th (tie) - Cookye (Michael Saxton)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Under Night In-Birth Exe
1st - Clim (Christian Lim) 2nd - J3 (Justin Joseph) 3rd - Drunk Suika Ibuki (Christian Tuliao) 4th - Redblade (Aren Stimage-Norwo 5th (tie) - RoyalHeartv2 (Isiah Smith) 5th (tie) - Magnets (Matt Guzik) 7th (tie) - NeoN 7th (tie) - AyoltsDave (Dave Clymer)
Photo credit: @CarltonBeener
Vampire Savior
1st - Mr. Igloo (Chris Bailey) 2nd - Dyne 3rd - MightyMar (Mario Gomez) 4th - YetiGhettoSlang (Luke Bellamy) 5th (tie) - JayOneTheSk8 (Justin Cox) 5th (tie) - Ailerus (Zach M.) 7th (tie) - Xanoz (Kendra Horton) 7th (tie) - Diar (Jie Moc)
[Header photo credit: @TischPhotos]
Combo Breaker 2018: The Full Results published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 26 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half nephew) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a son, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 25 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half nephew) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a son, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 25 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half nephew) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a son, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 25 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half nephew) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a son, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 25 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half niece) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a daughter, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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Name: Matthew Gabriel Donovan Age: 25 Birthday: February 26, 1991 Birthplace: Mystic Falls, Virginia Occupation: Police officer at Mystic Falls police department Family: Lydia Martin (half sister), Riley McCall (half niece) Species: Human Playby: Zach Roerig Availability: Open
Matthew Donovan was born and raised in Mystic Falls, being the son of Peter Donovan and Kelly Donovan. Matt has an older sister named Victoria Donovan and he also has a younger half sister named Lydia Martin. His father left the family when Matt was only twelve years old, yet his mother was also never around when he was growing up. Kelly was usually hopping from bar to bar to dance, drink and forget about her failed marriage. Rather than taking care of her children, she went home with men whenever she was able to find one during her trips to the bars she liked to visit. This resulted in another child being born after she had Matt, but it was another child she would never raise and take care of. Luckily, Lydia’s father took care of his daughter, which wasn’t what Kelly’s husband did with Vicki and Matt. Matt has been working at Mystic Grill ever since his dad abandoned him and his mother and sister, knowing that someone had to make some money to pay the bills. It didn’t take long for his sister to also apply for a job at the same place, just so she could remain close to her little brother. Matt’s mother was never home and left her two kids to fend for themselves, spending most of her time in Virginia Beach with a man she’d started a relationship with. During his freshman year of high school, Matt started dating Elena Gilbert, the girl he’d grew up with, along with his other childhood friends. At that time, Matt, along with Jackson Whittemore, had become co captain to the Mystic Falls Timberwolves, which was the high school football team. Coach Robert Finstock found both Matt and Jackson equally as good and he was unable to choose between the two, which was why both boys were chosen to lead the team. Back then, Matt’s best friend Tyler Lockwood was very displeased with the fact that Jackson had been chosen too, alongside Matt. He felt like either Matt should have been the captain, or he himself should have been chosen as co captain instead of Jackson. Matt wasn’t too bothered by it and he was usually the one who had to separate Jackson and Tyler whenever they were clashing during practice or games. It’s because of him that Tyler didn’t get kicked off the team, since he tended to plead the coach to keep his best friend on it. At the end of his junior year in high school, something happened that devastated Matt. He’d been dating Elena for about two years when the two had gotten into a fight, with Elena seeing their future differently than Matt did. He’d mapped it all out, while she had no idea what she wanted. It was that night that her parents had picked her up to take her home, but the car drove off of Wickery bridge and ended up in the water. The last time that Matt talked to Elena, they had been fighting, which was the last conversation the two had ever had. It wasn’t too long after that he’d received another phone call where he’d been informed of his girlfriend’s passing. Matt didn’t even believe it at first, but knew that he needed to come to terms, no matter how devastated this was making him feel.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for Elena’s death, thinking that if he hadn’t gotten into that fight with her, she’d still be alive. If he hadn’t fought with her that night, she wouldn’t have called her parents to ask them to pick her up, meaning that their car wouldn’t have driven off of Wickery bridge. After some time passed, Matt found out that Vicki had been sleeping with Jeremy Gilbert while still dating Tyler. He disapproved of her behavior and tried to get her to stop, but things took a turn for the worse when Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Vicki ended up getting too dangerous for those around her, resulting in Stefan Salvatore killing her by driving a stake through the girl’s heart. Matt felt like everyone around him was dying and leaving him and he didn’t know how to deal with losing his girlfriend and his sister in such a short period of time. After realizing that his sister’s death was Damon’s fault, Matt decided to team up with Elizabeth Forbes, making plans with her to kill the older Salvatore brother. That plan soon backfired, with Damon almost killing Matt, but Caroline Forbes makes sure that doesn’t happen. She pleaded Damon to spare her friend and for some reason, he did so. After Jeremy’s uncle John Gilbert passed away and left his Gilbert ring to his nephew, Jeremy gave it to Matt. He wanted his friend to have the ring after realizing what Damon had done to the guy and he wanted Matt to be protected from supernatural harm. Rather than applying for college after his high school graduation, Matt decided that he wanted to get into the police program in town. He knew how dangerous Mystic Falls was and he wanted to keep the innocent locals safe, so he chose to be a part of something good. For months, Matt worked hard to prove himself to the two Sheriffs and to pass the exam, wanting nothing more than to join them in their mission to serve and protect. Eventually, Matt passed and was ready to become a police officer. He was only eighteen years old and a regular human, but he knew that this was what he wanted to do. Ever since then, he’s been working at the police station as a police officer, spending most of his lunchtime at the local cafe to grab some food. Recently, he met Vanessa Griffith there, a new waitress who’s been nothing but kind to Matt. Though one day, the cafe gets invaded by a group of vampires who began to feed from the customers. Being a police officer, Matt did his job and started to shoot at the supernatural creatures with vervain bullets to take them down. However, he was blindsided and subdued by another vampire that he hadn’t seen coming. Just in time, Vanessa saved his life by using her werewolf strength, which was something that Matt didn’t know about her. The two teamed up and took down the group of vampires together, making sure that the injured customers would get proper treatment at the hospital. Matt can’t help but feel like this event is something that drew him and Vanessa closer together and he’s thankful that she saved him.
Lydia Martin
Lydia has known Matt ever since she was little and the two are half siblings. The two were never that close before Vicki died, but after that event, Matt realized that Lydia was the only family he had left. He knows a lot about her on and off again relationship with his best friend Tyler and now that Lydia has a daughter, Matt feels more protective of her and the baby. Lydia feels like maybe she can establish an even closer relationship with Matt now that she has a newborn baby that he cares about a lot.
Allison Argent
Matt and Allison dated for about two years back in high school, but he ended things after they graduated. Matt wanted to focus on becoming a police officer and he wanted Allison to focus on becoming a nurse. He wanted them to chase and realize their dreams and told her that if they were truly meant to be with each other, they’d find their way back eventually.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler and Matt have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. The two always have one another’s backs and were also on the high school football team together. Tyler dated Matt’s sister before she died, but he wasn’t that good to her, which he now feels bad about. After Elena died, Tyler was there to support Matt and helped him through it and Matt has supported Tyler through his relationship with Lydia in return.
Vanessa Griffith
Vanessa saved Matt’s life at the cafe after a group of vampires invaded the building. He feels grateful that she did what she did and somehow, the two took the vampires down together, making sure the injured customers made it to the hospital safely. This event brought Matt and Vanessa closer together and he feels like she’s becoming a very close friend.
Liam Dunbar
Even though Matt isn’t a supernatural, Liam still turns to him because he’s a police officer. Those are usually good at tracking people down, right? So Liam will take his chances with Matt, but he also tells the guy not to broadcast the information about his missing sister to the entire police station. He doesn’t want too much publicity just yet, not if he can find her by asking Matt to track the girl down. And with Matt being the kind person that he is, there’s no way he’d say no.
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