#c: todoroki natsuo
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livviewritess · 2 months ago
Time Of The Month.
Normal!Touya todoroki x Pro Hero!reader
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Summary: young touya accidentally burns his girlfriends favorite teddy that she's had since childhood - she's gutted. It doesn't help that she's on her period too.
AU: Touya never became a villain.
Warnings: cute touya, crying, mentions of dark past, touya having a panic attack
Authors note: send in requests.. i need motivation. Enjoy!
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"Shit.." touya said, scrambling around to try and find something to fix the teddy with. It was burnt to a crisp, only one side of it barely intact - only one eye, and the plastic nose had melted into the now rough fabric.
In his defense, you spent too much time with your teddy. He patted out the blue flames - you'd be home in an hour - what should he do? He can't fix it, and he certainly couldn't buy another one, he didn't have time. He ran his hand through his white hair and picked up a black pen from the bedside table and scribbled a little note.
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He clicked the pen, setting it down next to the note, quickly slipping his shoes and coat on to go and meet up with his family for dinner, while you was on Patrol. He mentally kicked himself for being so reckless, and headed out the door.
About an hour later, you opened the door, kicking off your hero boots and quickly waddling to the bathroom to change your pad. God.. the cramps where really getting to you now - the villain you had just fought had gotten the worse side of it. The short end of the stick.
"Such an awful day.." you mumered to no-one in particular and slumped onto the couch.
You sniffed, smelling burnt plastic - unusual. Touya never does his little DIYs in the house, he does them in the garage.
You got up lazily, and headed to their shared bedroom - the room dark, the sunset seeping into the room, giving it a nostalgic feeling. The dark blue walls contrasted to the beautiful paintings touya had drawn, some unfinished, some framed on the shelving units that he put up the moment you said it'd look cool. The bed was made messily, touya probably waking up late and scrambling to get dressed to meet his family like he said he would.
Then, your eyes drifted to a lump in the sheets. You peeled it back - your teddy. Well, what was left of it. "No!.." you thought to herself, and tears brimmed your E/C eyes. "Damn you, touya!"
You looked at the note, and picked it up quite aggressively. You read over it with foggy eyes, and tore it up, chucking it in the bin, doubling over in pain. Your cramps really weren't helping her situation.
You flopped onto bed, softly crying into your pillow, hugging the now burnt teddy.
"So, touya. How's life?"
Natsuo said, munching on some Katsudon that Fuyumi made fresh, Rei talking to Shouto who was spacing out. Enji just sat there eating peacefully.
"Alright, I guess, y/ns convinced me to enrol in the hero course, but I don't know. I don't really want to be a hero - I think she just wants to close off any loose ends of me going down the wrong path.. I told her it wouldn't happen, but yknow. She doesn't listen." Touya explained, shouto snapping out of thought, walking over to sit next to his big brothers.
"Touya-nii? Shouldn't she be off Patrol by now?" Shouto said, looking at the clock. It's half 6, and liv got off work for about half 5.
"Yes, shouto, I'll text her," he said, whipping out his phone.
Babe, you off work?
Are you alright?
No I'm not.
It's because of your teddy right?
I didn't know what to do
I'm so sorry baby
I picked it up while I was having a bad dream and burnt it
I'm so sorry
Please answer
Touyas eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at his phone - you had read his messages, but you haven't responded. He felt his breath catch in his throat, feeling like he was suffocating. He couldn't breathe. His chest got tighter, a burning sensation in his eyes as he got up and rushed out of the front door and straight to their shared apartment. He needed to apologise to you. Now.
He swung the door open, and he caught you walking into their room before you shut it.
"Babe, let me in please.."
"Go away."
"Baby, please- I didnt- I didn't mean it, i- I had a really bad dream and I burnt it- please- please open the door!.." Touya struggled to get his words out as his throat closed up, choking back sobs.
The door opened slowly, and you let him in. He was a tall guy, not muscular but not skinny, his big blue bug eyes filled with tears, his eyebrows contorted with pain and sadness. His knees buckled, and he gripped your tshirt, his forehead resting against your stomach as you stood looking down at him, your own eyes puffy from crying.
"I'm so sorry!.. I didnt- i didn't mean it!- Please, please don't shut me out! Please don't leave!.." he blurted out, tears staining your sleep shirt. You ran your fingers through his his hair, and your heart sank with worry as he clutched at his chest, struggling to breath, and crying at the same time.
You dropped to the floor infront of him, taking his chin into your hands, trying to ground him. "Touya, baby, listen- I'm not gonna leave you, it's okay-"
You said, raking your fingers softly through his hair.
"Promise me?.."
He said, his shaking shoulders calming down, now more able to breath. He hiccuped a bit from the crying, and you brought your hand to the back of his neck, gently pushing his face into your neck, and the two of you just sat there in your home, calming eachother down.
"I'm not that sad, touya. I'm just a little annoyed that you didn't wake me up after your nightmare." You said, pushing his hair out of his face.
"I'm sorry.. I didnt want to disturb you.."
He said, and your heart clenched. You hated seeing him like this - but it was one step closer to healing him - you had stopped him from going down that horrible path that he had planned to drive down, and you where there to turn him around.
"Come on. Let's get into bed, yeah? Nice and comfortable." She said, standing up, and climbing into bed with him.
He was almost always little spoon, just wanted to be hugged and loved the way he always yearned for. In his head, his voice was baby touyas. Because at heart, that's who he'll always be. That small little boy, who always wanted to be loved and looked at. And you where there for him, to nurture him and look after him like his parents never did.
"I love you touya." You said, hugging him tight.
"I love you too." He said, before drifting off to sleep.
At least he looked peaceful in his slumber -
when he didn't have to worry about a thing.
Authors note: cried writing this chat. The end really got me.. MY BOY..
Rip Touya Todoroki 🕊.
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bakugou-jpg · 5 months ago
✧ Past never dies | Touya Todoroki/Dabi ✧
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Request: Ayee! Can i request a scenario for Dabi with a female s/o who is a hero. They were childhood friends, till they were like 16, until dabi left and became a villain. Dabi never clicked in, except for y/n who was his only and best friend. They used to have feelings for each other and Dabi still does since he always had watched over her? by anon.
⤷ -Genre: angst -Characters: touya todoroki/dabi -Tags: light angst, reunion, childhood friends, grief -Word count: 5.9k words -Warnings: violence, blood, vomit, death, abuse [mention] -Author: noelle part of the rewriting series
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You were 5 years old when your parents decided to move away from the small town village you had known all your life. With your father's business having grown a whole lot larger over the years, it was only a matter of time before he took it to the bigger cities. A man who had taken his glass shaping abilities to the industrial world rather than the hero one.
From a very young age you had known what path you wished to take. Unlike your father, you had been granted the ability to harden and shape your very own skin with it. As fragile as glass could be, you were determined to proof the world the opposite. To proof the world that your quirk had as much potential as any other.
You were 5 years old when you hid behind the legs of your mother as your parents had taken you to meet your new neighbors. At the time you thought the house you and your parents moved into was big —especially compared to your old one that was. A thought immediately thrown out the window when you first laid eyes on the Todoroki residence. The fact that the head of the household, the number two hero as if he wasn't intimidating enough yet,  watched you like a hawk the minute you stepped foot into their house didn't make it all too better.
At the time they only had three children— Touya the eldest who was the same age as you, Fuyumi who was 4 and Natsuo who was still but a baby at the time. Shouto hadn't even been born yet, Touya still being Endeavour's greatest creation at that moment.
Your mother wanted to you to befriend more children so you'd feel more at home in your new town and what better way but to meet the children next door? Something which didn't take too long as you almost instantly bonded with their eldest son over your shared ambitions. Touya more than eagerly showed off his quirk to you, your eyes immediately widening in amazement upon feeling the warmth of his flames brushing against your cheeks.
He had laughed at you when you had shown him yours, immediately pointing out the fragility of glass. Upon hearing his words you, like any child at that age, did what anyone would do after getting called weak— which was immediately jump him to proof him wrong. Touya, like any child at that age, acted accordingly— gladly returning your sparring to proof himself right.
And just like that, each of you having received a good amount of minor burns and cuts topped off by a good scolding of both your mothers, you had found yourself a new friend. In truth you got along with all the Todoroki siblings at the end of the day, but Touya was the one who you clicked almost instantly with.
At the time you didn't know about what went on behind closed doors. About the both emotional and physical abuse, neglect and the pressure put on those he viewed as an extension of himself rather than their own person. Of course, Endeavour never played the part of a warm loving father and you were aware of the fact Touya had very limited time in which the two of you were allowed to play together, but you hadn't known of the seriousness of it all.
It wasn't around the time the youngest Todoroki sibling was born that you glimpsed into the family's real problems. Around the time that it came to light that Touya's body was made to withstand the dangerously low temperatures of ice like his mother but simply unable to handle the heat of his own quirk.
When Endeavour cast Touya aside to focus on his new successor— the one who would surpass All might. With Shouto possessing both his mother's and father's quirk, Endeavour became obsessed with training the boy into what he viewed to be the perfect hero. Unlike Touya, Shouto's body was able to withstand both ice and fire making him Endeavour's perfect creation.
It was around that time that Touya started his late night journeys to sneaking off to your house. With Endeavour not even granting him as much as a glance anymore, his siblings not seeming to understand and his mother at the edge of madness, Touya had no one. You had been the only one who would listen to him, the only one that seemed to understand the reason for feeling he way he did. After all, becoming a hero was the thing the two of you had bonded over since the very beginning.
It was a silly promise the two of you had made at the time, swearing to one another that you'd become heroes together. Hero agencies right next to each other so you could visit all the time, maybe even a shared one if given the chance. The plans you came up with were never ending— the very last source of hope for Touya who believed the entire world had given up on him. The one who believed he could find a way eventually.
He could always count on you to be there with your comforting words, listening ear and pretty smile to welcome him with open arms. Touya was your very first true friend. The type you genuinely believe you'll grow old with— two 40 year old somethings sitting on your couch with a drink having a laugh while reminiscing on old times. Someone you knew was always gonna be there.
Touya had also been your first heartbreak.
That unexpected Thursday morning in which frantic pounding on your front door woke you and your parents up— an inconsolable Fuyumi and Natsuo barely being able to form words through their sobs and hiccups standing in front of your doorstep to bring you news you hadn't expected to hear for another 60 years in the least.
After all, Touya would grow old with you right? You had so many things planned after all with attending UA together, the hero agencies right next to each other and both being in the top 10 together right? Touya knew that as much as you did, so how could he just go ahead and leave you?
You were only one year away from attending UA,  the very first step towards your dream. One that wouldn't feel complete without him there. For Touya to just go ahead and die right before that..
The image of the closed casket would forever be burned into your retina. His quirk apparently having gone out of control, burning his own body to ashes. There wasn't even anything left to bury, so why had they even bothered getting a casket in the first place? You couldn't help but wonder how scared Touya must've been in his very last moments. How alone.
At times you blamed Endeavour for what happened, believing that the pressure the man put on his family and the abuse he had caused having been the reason Touya was so determined to proof himself even to the point of his own demise.
There were times in which you blamed yourself. Had your naivety been the cause of it all? Had those times in which you spoke of the future together and told him you believed in him, given him false hope? Even though his body couldn't handle his quirk, had you made him believe that maybe if he went all out it could?
The weight of your grief was always present in your heart, every achievement that you had made leaving a bitter taste in your mouth at the thought he would never get that same chance as you. Nor was he there to celebrate it with you. Surely through the years you had come to a point of acceptance, after all death is part of all our lives. It is inevitable and as much as you could never fully let him go, you had found ways to go on with your life.
At the end of the day, you had graduated. Years of hard work having been paid off in fond memories and a hero license in your pocket. At the end of the day it all worked out. Now at 24 years old, you had your fair share of experiences in the hero world already.
You weren't one of the big name heroes, but you still had a handful of fans. Here and there your name had been mentioned on the local news and you had even teamed up with some of the bigger one such as Hawks and, unfortunately, Endeavour. Now having climbed your way into the top 30, you finally allowed yourself to feel some sort of pride for your hard work.
Something which was fast to fade away as you had managed to get yourself cornered by some unnamed criminals you caught causing a ruckus late at night after some drinking. 
Your body was failing you in every possible way. For your quirk to still be somewhat cooperative was a miracle on its own, but with your knees already having succumbed to whatever it had been the tailed man had injected you with, it could only be a matter of time before the rest of your body would follow.
Maybe this was your doomed fate— to die right at the very start of it all, just a few feet away from the starting blocks. Barely having made a name for yourself, the headlines probably wouldn't even give you the recognition you deserved and simply describe you as 'B-tier hero' as the announced your death. The least you could hope for was they'd at least mention you went all out until the very end.
At this point, you weren't even sure what you were fighting for anymore. Was it still the dream of a naive teenager who believed that the life of a hero was exactly as it appeared in the movies? Praised by millions, helping those in need, and never having to worry about expenses?
But all that was washed down the drain when you realized that life was only reserved for those with flashy quirks and big personalities. People like Endeavor, whose heart was as rotten as a corpse left to wither and decay in the open sun. Men like Hawks, who hadn't even gotten a choice but to accept the cruel fate set in stone for them by the Hero Public Safety Commission—a company that did as it pleased.
All Might had been one of the few genuine ones left, but with his fall came the collapse of hero society itself.
You blindly followed the path you had chosen—after all, what other choice was left? At the very least, you hoped to be one of the few good ones remaining, to show what the true meaning of a hero was. That very thought was what kept you going, what helped you get out of bed in the morning.
With that in mind, you groaned through gritted teeth and raised your arms in front of you. Your skin tingled before a thick layer of glass replaced its upper layer. The sharp material extended to the tips of your fingers, hardening and fusing into sharp spears.
Even with all odds against you, you were determined to prove yourself. Pushing yourself up using the spears you'd just created, you struggled to harden your knees to stabilize yourself. Though you were in no shape to take even a few steps forward, perhaps this way, you at least stood somewhat of a chance. The men could only laugh at your pathetic display of courage. Three of them— all still standing and suffering only minor injuries— against you, someone who could barely stand on her own. It was only a matter of time before the rest of your body succumbed to the venom slowly spreading through your veins before giving out.
Seeing you stand again made the bald-headed man raise his tail once more. He could only smirk when he saw you slightly wince at the sight of the stinger, it still dripping a mixture of your blood and poison from the last time it struck you. You couldn't help the hairs in your neck from rising.
"Haven't had enough yet, girly? Can't blame you—"
The stinger whipped back before lashing out your way, its tip shining with beads of poison. It was the last thing you saw before shutting your eyes, arms thrown up to shield your face. Fragile as glass maybe, your very existence was proof it could be much more than that.  
Before you knew it, a wave of screams erupted from the men, followed by an almost incinerating heat slamming into your face. For a moment, it was almost comforting— right until the moment you felt the tips of the spears heat up, to the point the melting heat spread through your entire arm and burned the skin beneath
Had it been Endeavour that came to your aid? 
As quickly as your skin had turned to glass before, as quick it was to turn back. With your arm shielding your face from the heat, you finally managed to peek through your eyelashes. Almost instantly you were blinded by the brightness of the flames before you, the blue sea of fire becoming almost unbearable to stand next to. It was a challenge to be able to make out whoever was the source of the heat— the searing wind almost drying your eyes out. You could only hope the heat hadn't burned your eyelashes and eyebrows off.
It was then that you saw the source of it all—a tall dark haired man standing only a few feet away from you. He had his arm stretched out in front of him, hand open and palm directly pointed towards where the men had been standing whilst his other one was snuggly tucked into his pocket. The power held in just the palm of his hand was enough to fill the entire alleyway with a sea of flames.
He didn't even seem slightly fazed by the fact the three men from before had completely burned to crisp— there ashes falling to the ground as their entire existence had just been wiped off the surface. Even their bones had been completely incinerated.
You couldn't dare move. Whether it had been fear which caused you to freeze up or the fact forming a single coherent thought seemed impossible after what just happened, you weren't sure. You could only watch the man's back— eyes shot wide like a deer caught in headlights. 
For a moment, you had completely forgotten about your knees— until they could no longer bear your own weight. Almost instantly you fell back into the wall, a soft groan rumbling in your throat at the impact before your hand instinctively reached out to the swelling sting mark on your hip. 
The place where the man had stung you started throbbing, the burning sensation in your muscles now spreading throughout your legs. Besides the feeling of your muscles on fire and throbbing, the wound itself had swollen to twice its size from before. You could only hope the infirmary had some sort of antidote lying around for a situation such as this.
Finally the man in front of you lowered his arms, the wave of fire immediately dying down leaving only a few small fires in its wake. Brick walls were covered in black soot, nearby trash containers melted to the ground and you couldn't even begin to describe the smell of burned trash and bodies. The three men from before had been reduced to nothing but a few piles of ash, blowing away in the wind.
"You should've ran."
His husk voice rang— back still turned to you. With the heat gone you could now take a much better look at him than before. He didn't seem like a hero, at least not one that you knew of. His coat was torn in several places, a bad stitching job holding the sleeves together and most of its edges having fire damage. Despite the poor state of his clothes, it was a miracle they managed to only have such minor burns to them.
It wasn't until the man glanced over his shoulder to look at you that you caught a slight peek at his face. Purple scars, presumably caused by his fire, littered his face all the way up to his ears and neck—a collection of messily placed staples holding it all together. You wondered if he still had sensation in those areas; the patches looked so rough and dark you could only assume the skin had died a long time ago.
When the man finally turned on his heel was when you finally got to take a good look at him. The scarred skin seemed to spread across his entire body. There seemed to be more scarred places rather than normal healthy skin. Could his body even withstand his own quirk or had it been someone else's that had caused such severe burns? 
As shocking as his scars had been, it was his piercing blue eyes that locked with your own that almost instantly caught your attention. The very same bright blue in which his flames burned. Almost mesmerizing if it weren't for the fact fear currently settled deep within your stomach.
For any hero, or even civilian, would've been able to figure out who the man was after taking a quick look at him. A face that had been on the news and headlines so many times even children heard of him—and feared him.
It should've been obvious from the very start with how high of a temperature and what color his flames burned. No hero would go so far as to wiping someone's entire existence off the earth within seconds. Despite this, there had been something in you that tried convincing you that perhaps the knight in shining armor that came to your aid was just another hero—maybe even a vigilante.
Not a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Was he here to mock you? Toy with you until the very end? It was embarrassing enough you couldn't help yourself against the other three but looking back you should've been thankful for such a quick end. 
After all, the villain known as Dabi, someone affiliated with the League of Villains, was known for his cruel methods. If it wasn't death by hours of torture, body littered in severe burn marks and clothes melted onto your own flesh— it was death after having been consumed in his sea of flames. In which case you could only hope he left your bones so that people still had something they could bury or identify you by. 
Maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't been in the condition you currently found yourself in you could've stood somewhat of a chance. Not even a chance at victory, that was completely out of the question, but just a mere chance to flee at the slightest opening given. Flee from the fire, flee from him. Even then you were in no shape or form a good match against him— glass had a melting point after all.
Heavy was the sound of boots echoing through the alley as he got closer to you. Not once had he broken eye contact with you ever since your eyes had locked for the first time. Dabi was a man that was hard to read, a villain known for the fact he genuinely did not seem to care about his actions. You couldn't tell if what just happened affected him in any way or whether it was just another day on the clock for him.
You weren't sure whether or not the unsettling heaviness in your stomach and the sweat beading on your forehead were caused by fear or side effects of the poison coursing through your system. Maybe if you were in luck the poison would take you out faster than he would. What seemed like a slow and painful death before, now looked like a merciful one.
"You are no Mirko or Mt lady. Know your limit."
His tone was a condescending one— voice awfully low as he got closer to you.
"W-what the fuck do you want from me..?!"
The words came out lacking every little bit of confidence you would've liked it to have, voice trembling in a way that betrayed the tough facade you had tried to maintain. It was painfully obvious that the act you tried putting on did in no way match the fear that had run your blood cold. You felt like a lamb cornered by a wolf, one who got their pleasure out of seeing the fear of its victims before ripping them to shreds,
Hearing you snap back at him caused him to pause for a moment, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. With the obvious power difference he probably hadn't expected you to still try and bite back at him. For just a moment there was a tiny flicker of hope in you that held onto the thought that maybe, just maybe, you had intimidated him for a moment. A tiny flicker that was immediately dimmed beneath the shit-eating grin that tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Is a man not allowed to perform a good deed once in awhile, miss he-ro?" The last word spoken a little dragged out, the R rolling over his tongue, tainted with mockery. To him you must've been no better than a kid dressed up as a hero for Halloween. A mere joke.
Dabi didn't even seem to consider you a threat as he continued to drag his feet forward, hand stuffed deep into the pockets of his slightly damaged coat. With the way his eyes bore into your own you didn't dare look away, scared he'd be at your throat the minute you would. You weren't even sure whether to be relieved he had yet to make his move or to be even more frightened of that.
A sharp scoff escaped your throat shortly after he finished his sentence. For him to even consider himself a man rather than the monster he had proven himself to be, was as much as a joke to you as your entire existence was to him.
"Working on your good karma now?" 
There was a nauseating feeling slowly spreading through your chest, your insides churning as the internal battle against the poison was starting to get the best of you. Cold sweat began to drip down your face, every fiber of your being screaming for relief as if your organs cried out for help.
You weren't sure whether to focus on him or the rising panic of trying to swallow down the inevitable, desperately trying to stall the moment in which the content of your stomach made its way into your mouth. It was only a matter of time before you'd succumb to the effect of the scorpion man's quirk.
A loud cackle echoed through the alley, the disturbing laughter bouncing off of the charred cement walls. The sound of his voice invaded your eardrums, adding only more discomfort to the already throbbing pain inside your skull.
His hand ran through his hair as he smiled down at you, a visible joy radiating off his face. The further his lips curled upward, the more the staples seemed to strain against the pull of his lips. You wondered what it felt like— whether or not they hurt. Could he feel them pulling at his skin constantly? Did the sharp edges hurt the inside of his mouth? Maybe they felt like piercings to him, no different from the ones in his ears and nose.
"You haven't lost your sense of humor— how wonderful." 
Dabi stopped in front of you, his piercing blue eyes peering down at you as he towered over you. Only then did you realize just how tall he actually was. As if his appearance on its own wasn't already intimidating enough, dead charred skin only being held together by low quality staples of which some were still covered in dried blood.
It was hard to put your full focus on his words as you tried your very best to keep your breath steady. With every second that past the strength to keep your own head up felt like a much bigger challenge than before.
"Such a marvelous hero you've become—"
The man kneeled down in front of you, a grin still very present on his face as his eyes scanned over your face. With a slight tilt of his head, Dabi pressed his lips together into a thin line. The way he was studying you felt almost violating with how close his face was to your own. 
A heavy, stale smell of smoke invaded your nostrils as he got closer. His clothes reeked as if they had marinated all night by campfire, a scent that made you feel strangely nostalgic to your youth. It was the very same smell which Endeavour carried around with him after a long day of work. Though Endeavour's was more subtle, it always lingered in his office.
"—and still as pretty as ever." his husky voice murmured, a small grin spreading onto his face.
Before you could even fully process his words, his fingers were on your face— gently moving the strands of hair that stuck to your sweaty forehead away from your face. His touch was strangely gentle, the skin of his fingers being nowhere as rough as the rest of his exterior. Soft even.
Death was kinder than any man ever would be. To be humiliated at the hands of the cruel, scarred pyromaniac in your final moments was not how you wished to spend your last moments. At this point, even if he planned of mutilating your body beyond recognition, the poison currently having spread through your entire body would take you out long before that.
With that final boost of motivation, you managed to use the last bit of strength your body could offer to activate your quirk at your fingertips. A tingling sensation spready through your skin as it transformed, a glassy layer forming at your finger tips. Tiny claws extended, and in one quick motion, you managed to slash the palm of his hand.
With the current pathetic state you were in you only managed to cut him once before he leaped back, causing you to fall forward. In your life had you never felt so incredibly betrayed by your own body— usually being able to fully transform yourself and now barely having managed to turn your fingers.
Your arms were the only thing currently supporting you, but with the way your muscles were currently twitching you barely even managed to do that. It was a fight against your own body at this point— vision starting to blur the longer you stared down at the ground and your heart hammered against your ribcage, each thump echoing the growing despair of your declining health.
Turquoise eyes widened as they stared at the blood seeping from the palm of his hand, forming a small puddle on the ground. If you had cut just a little deeper, you would have split open his staples, forcing him to endure the hassle of putting himself back together again. The thought made him smirk.
Even in the state you currently found yourself in, you still tried fighting him? Though your quirk might've not been one of the flashiest ones and especially not one that could match his own— yet here you were. Willpower that could rival those in the top 10.
He squeezed his hand, more blood seeping between his clenched fingers before dripping down his wrist onto the ground. In a swift motion, his tongue dragged across his skin licking up some of the blood that stained his skin.  It was then that you noticed a glistening, small metal ball resting on the tip of his tongue now tainted in crimson blood.
A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat, a twisted smirk once again tugging at the edges of his mouth. "My, my— that's no way to greet an old friend, (Y/n)-chan" He taunted, voice laced with mockery.
As hard as it was to focus on your surroundings with your current state, those words had not gone past you— eyes immediately narrowing in response.
It had been quite a few years since your debut as a hero, years in which you faced countless of villains. From street-level pick pocketers to more notorious criminals that had made a name for themselves, you had fought many. However, due the fact you had not been one of the top heroes, you never crossed paths with anyone affiliated with the League of villains— that was until now.
For an organization that hadn't been around long, the League had grown at an alarming rate in the last few months. The Hero Public Safety Commission had their hands full with them, especially after All might's fall. Missions regarding the League were reserved for the top heroes— people like Hawks and Mirko.
Especially someone like him—a man covered in scars from head to toe with flames that rivaled those of Endeavour, would surely be someone engraved on your memory. Even if you had encountered him, there was no way you could've gotten away unscathed.
A soft grunt rumbled in your throat as you pushed yourself backwards again, your back resting against the wall. You searched your mind for any possible solution, confusion clouding your mind as you tried to recall where you possibly could've seen him.
Black hair, piercings, scar littering half of his body, flames that burned hotter than anything you'd ever felt before, turquoise eyes—
"C'mon doll, i haven't changed that much have i?"
Your breath hitched in your throat , a gasp caught by disbelief as your eyes widened in realization. For a moment it seemed as if the world around you had gone completely still, the only thing you heard being your heartbeat echoing in your own ears. It felt as if your heart had turned to ice, the chill spreading quickly through the rest of your body— numbing your limbs and wiping your thoughts.
His piercing gaze felt even more unnerving than before, turquoise eye boring into your own staring straight into your soul. The intensity of his soul sent shivers down your spine, unsure whether or not to feel relieved or scared.
Before you could even utter as much as a word, Dabi was right in front of you with the palm of his hand pressed against your mouth in an attempt to silence you. The rough skin of he bottom of his hand felt like sandpaper against your lips, the sharp edges of the staples grazing your skin as his other hand held the back of your hand.
He leaned down and once again, the heavy, stale stench of smoke that he carried with him invaded your nostrils. The very same suffocating smell of death and ash that hung in the alleyway. As his cheek lightly brushed against your own, his warm breath fanned onto your ear-shell causing a shiver to run down your spine.
"Sshh— wouldn't want anyone to hear now, would we? I've got a whole show planned for it and all, would hate to spoil the surprise.."
His voice dripped with amusement as he whispered into your ear. You didn't even have to see his face to know that he was smirking, this was all a game to Dabi after all— your confusion and fear were his entertainment.
"I did miss talking to you, you know? About time we catch up."
The man leaned back slightly and, just as you had suspected, that same shit-eating grin pulled at his lips. The rough texture of his hand was still firmly pressed against your lips, the suffocating pressure only adding more rising nausea in your throat. Even despite all this, you couldn't ignore the feeling of his other hand softly threading through your hair like a twisted display of affection.
For just a moment you had completely forgotten about the state your body found itself in, that was until the nauseating feeling creeping up your throat from before that you had tried to swallow down came crashing back down on you.
As if sensing your discomfort, Dabi quickly pulled his hand back, just in time for you to throw your body to the side. You heaved as you gagged, the bitter taste of vomit rising in your throat and burning in your stomach. Tears burned in your eyes, a combination of both the nausea and helplessness, and the overwhelming wave of emotions running wild in your head. 
A pair of hands grasped the back of your head, plucking away the damp strands of hair that clung to your face as you leaned forward while emptying the contents of your stomach on the pavement. Your hands desperately clawed at the ground beneath you, the sound of your retching echoing in the alleyway.
After a few seconds you could finally allow yourself to breathe again, coughing violently as the acidic burn from the vomit scratched at your throat. You couldn't help the tears that streamed down your face as you desperately gasped for air, your arms trembling beneath your weight as you tried to keep yourself from falling down.
"Y-you— i was there..I-i..i buried you, you..ha.. you died." Your voice trembling, each word weighed down by the grief and disbelief coursing through you.
With the last bit of strength your body could grant you, you managed to crawl a little to the side before your arms gave out causing you to fall to the ground. The lightness in your head was slowly consuming you, the faint noise from the nearby fire crackling and distant cars now fading into a muffled blur.
You couldn't even muster the strength to turn yourself over, holding your eyes open being enough of a challenge on its own. It was Dabi who's hand gripped your waist that rolled you onto your back with ease so he could look at you. It was hard to focus through your blurry vision, his face blurred— only his eyes vibrant enough to capture your attention.
A strangely affectionate smile tugged at his scarred lips, unsettling as it was you couldn't help but feel at ease for a moment— but the ominous gleam in his eyes was quick to take that comfort away. It was the cloth he used to wipe your mouth clean that made you— just for a moment — recognize his old self beneath the rotten exterior he had build around it.
His thumb ran softly over your cheek, brushing away the dirt smeared across your skin. You could barely even feel his touch at this point, the exhaustion weighing you down to the point it barely registered. As your eyelids grew heavier, you felt a sudden shift— a pair of hands sliding beneath your back and knees right as you were lifted from the cold ground with ease. Your head lolled to the side, resting against his solid chest where the faint, steady thrum of his heartbeat felt like a soothing lullaby dragging you further to the edge of passing out,
"—the past never dies." was the last thing you heard before you felt yourself slip away into unconsciousness.
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A/N- I rewrote this entiiiire thing! The original was so corny and bad i couldn't stand it. Hope you guys enjoyed and please stick around for more rewrites :D Also big thank you to my lovely friend for proofreading <3
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class1akids · 9 months ago
9th Popularity Poll Recount results
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The big change:
AFO jumped to the 18th place !!
Dynama made top 50 (Bakugou lost about 150 votes)
Full results:
1 - Bakugo (23,312) 2 - Deku (18,488) 3 - Shoto (13,478) 4 - Dabi (6848) 5 - Hawks (5755) 6 - Endeavor (4973) 7 - Kirishima (4827) 8-Iida (3420) 9 - Uraraka (3315) 10 - Shoji (3279)
11 - Monoma (3204) 12 - Kaminari (2767) 13 - Aizawa (2745) 14 - Shinso (2720) 15 - All Might (2499) 16 - Toga (2263) 17 - Shigaraki (2255) 18 - AFO (2106) 19 - Jiro (1879) 20 - Sero (1613)
21 - Rody (1268) 22 - Mic (1121) 23 - Tokoyami (912) 24 - Momo (801) 25 - Mirko (723) 26 - Shindo (721) 27 - Tsuyu (587) 28 - Chronostasis (566) 29 - Hagakure (561) 30 - Tamaki (517)
31 - Mirio 32 - Overhaul 33 - Mutant lady from the Paranormal Liberation Front 34 - Mineta 35 - Shishikura 36 - Mustard 37 - Nejire 38 - Mr. Compress 39 - Best Jeanist 40 - Kacchan brainwashed by Mahoro
41 - Nagant 42 - Ashido 43 - Stain 44 - Geten 45 - Ojiro 46-Horikoshi 47 - Twice 48 - Dynama 49 - Gentle 50 - Nemoto
51 - Edgeshot 52 - Flect Turn 53 - Bakudog 54 - Tokuda 55 - Tsukauchi 56 - Fukidashi 57 - Fatgum 58 - Aoyama 59 - Yoichi 60 - En
61 - La Brava 62 - Dekusheep 63 - Setsuno 64 - Natsuo 65 - Shirakumo 66 - Shotocat 67 - Honenuki and Kudo 69 - Hatsume 70 - Magne
71 - Kodai 72 - Mutant from the PLF who took off his arm in chapter 370 73 - Eri 74 - Gang Orca 75 - Nighteye 76 - Tetsutetsu 77 - The Bakugo that Horikoshi drew for Okamoto's birthday 78 - Deku in Mirko's costume 79 - Fuyumi and Spinner
81 - Star and Sato 83 - Burnin' and Mera 85 - Mt. Lady 86 - Ms. Joke 87 - Ordinary lady 88 - Midnight and Cementoss 90 - Rin
91 - Skeptic 92 - Inasa 93 - Hound Dog 94 - Anpanman 95 - Kendo 96 - Koda 97 - Kido 98 - Melissa
99 (12 votes) - Rappa and Majestic and Shinomori
102 (11 votes) - Camie and Bakugo's sweat sphere
104 (10 votes) - Dark Shadow, Tensei, Hawk's eyeliners, Beros and Aizawa's mustache
109 (9 votes)- Inko, No. 13, Mandalay, Deku's freckles
113 (8 votes) - Gran Torino, Koichi, Imamura the editor, Kaibara, Wolfram
118 (7 votes) - Kinoko, Mitsuki, Manual, Reiko, Shiozaki, Shoda
124 (6 votes) - Sun guy from the daycare, Bruce, Awase, Sokiru, Zookeeper, Powerloader and the U.A. robot that carried Rei
131 (5 votes) - Bakugo's gauntlets, Setsuna, All Might's mom, Flower bakugo, Nezu, Rei, Illusionroki, Tsuburaba, Baby For One, Bakugo's quirk and the support item All Might gave to Bakugo
142 (4 votes) - Pony, The Shie Hassaikai's boss, Slime Todoroki, Nomu, Hercules, Aoi Hana, the female hero who got licked by Stain, Intelli, Deku's cheek, Jiro's bass, All Might card
153 (3 votes) - Recovery Girl, Kuroiro, Nana, Curator, Y-san from Chiba, Mon, Muscular, Gojo Satoru, Crust, Kurogiri, Okamoto, Shishido, Tameda, Keriage (bakugo's friend), Miyashita, Baby Shoto, Kurumada, Toya (not dabi), Yanase Takashi, Yokoyari Mengo, Shinso's friend from 1-C, Abandoned Bakugo, the electric villain from USJ who defeated Kaminari, the skull-mask guy from the PLF, Kamui Woods, Super Dog, Tokoyami reacting to Illusion Hawks in chapter 380, Bakugo's tie, Bakugo's hero costume knee thing
182 (2 votes) - One For All, Roboco, Death Arms, Twice (the kpop one), Bakugo's shoulder scar, Horikoshi's hands, Wash, Deku's gloves, Shoto's ice leopard, Deku from the Midoriyas (not Izuku Midoriya), 1-A, kids from Masegaki, Nine, Kota, Redestro, Ganriki, Banjo, Itejiro, Todo Aoi, Pino, Takahiro, Giran, Katsuma, Agoyamato, Fuwa, Tamashi Moko, Sansa, Curious, Everything All Might loves, the girl who was with Kashiko Kashi, Tomura's mole, Dragon Kirishima, Sanctum, Rokuhira Chihiro, the civilian with the All Might shirt, Sato's chiffon cake, Kacchan Eri, Tabe, Fujino Shiroha, Fatgum's sidekick, Lady from the PLF's violet squad who was hiding her mouth, mutant-like PLF member in a suit holding a katana, Trumpet, Kashiko Kashi, Demi-human lady, the pork cutlet bento All Might made, Mineta's sticky balls, Moca, Deku's shoes, Kaminari's scar, Ochako holding flour, Roro Soul, Lala Soul, the star man from chapter 1, Garaki, Deku's Chiikawa
(TL by Rukasu on Twitter)
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daetko · 8 months ago
hiii talia!!! so much cheers and congrats on 200!!
for ur celly can i pleasee req dabi for this one ? HEHE THANK U!!
CASTLE ARCHITECTS ; send me a character and i’ll write a fluff drabble about building sandcastles together!
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶ��⛱️ castle architects ; touya todoroki
⊱ cw ; gn reader ( no pronouns mentioned), fluff, drabble so a bit short!
⊱ a/n ; RUEEEEE HIII THANK U SO MUCH!!! of course anything for u!!! had so much fun writing this ❗️❗️ made it more like a trip with the whole family but spending time with touya alone,,, i feel like its way too cute like this! let me know if you’d like any changes !
⊱ masterlist , event navigation
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“touya!” you shout, laughing despite your frustration as he smirks, having knocked over yet another tower of your sandcastle. he shrugs with feigned innocence, like he’s an angel with a halo above his head. “what? I thought it needed a remodel.” you roll your eyes at him, “i’m going to remodel that brain of yours because it clearly doesn’t seem to be working best right now” he stuck his tongue out at your remark as you raised your brows and crossed your arms. “you either help rebuild or i’m calling natsou to help me instead.” he practically huffs like a baby at the mention of his brother, glancing over to where natsuo is “play fighting” with shoto, dunking his younger brother’s head in and out of the water amid a fit of laughter.
You nudge his leg, which is sprawled out with the sandcastle in the middle “close your legs and fix your posture before you get stuck looking like the letter C for the rest of your life touya” a grunt escapes him, making you roll your eyes. “such a baby you are.” “am I your baby?” he quips. you blinked. “not if you don’t rebuild the tower you just knocked off” “fineeeeeee… okay..” you can’t stay mad for long, though, especially when he scoots closer, finally deciding to help you rebuild. the two of you work together, his occasional sassy comments earning him a slap on the nape. when the sandcastle is finally done, you both stand up to admire it as you take pictures like a proud parent. your boyfriend glances to you and gives you the most sinister smile you believe a man can ever plaster on his face. you sigh, already knowing you won’t be able to say no as he took your hand in his and kicked the sandcastle down with you.
it was a fun day, to say the least—though the sand between your toes and all over your legs makes you question your conclusion.
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I MESSED UP THE BORDERS forgive me….. 😓😓
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year ago
Why do all of the Todoroki kids have something ice-related about their Quirks but only two got the fire?
Never mind the fact I am applying logic to an anime where people have superpowers, but I’m bored right now, so this is the content I’ve got:
Cold is a concept we invented to describe the absence of heat.  Temperature is measured by heat units.  Heat controls the temperature of water.  32° F (0°) is the freezing point of water, 212° F (100° C) is the boiling point.  The Second Law of Thermodynamics shows that heat will always travel from hot to cold.  A heat source is going to warm up a cold space, not the other way around.  Even in a situation where you are unfortunate enough to be dropped into a frozen lake, the heat your body naturally generates will do its absolute damndest to heat up the water and try to keep you from freezing to death.
Everything temperature-related revolves around heat in some way.
So translating that into superpowers where genetics are at play, you’d think the fire Quirk would be the dominant factor here.  Instead, what we got here is two kids who have fire powers while all four have some traits that incorporate the ice in some way.  Shouto has an even divide between the two, Fuyumi and Natsuo solely have the ice Quirk, and Touya is biologically built to withstand ice instead of fire.
So Mama Todoroki’s genetics coming in for the win, but why?
Whelp, let's zoom out a bit, take a look at the wider family tree, and put the recessive genes into play.  We don’t know a whole lot about Endeavor’s side of the family, but we do find out later from Geten that Rei has a whole pedigree of ice-users in her family.  There is an avalanche of an icy recessive gene pool that the fire had to compete with.
Remember what I said about a single person’s temperature struggling to heat a frozen lake?
So Endeavor thought one (confirmed) generation of fire-Quirk was going to have a chance against all that?  What a fool. No wonder all four of the kids have traces of ice. Touya and Shouto are genetic improbabilities having a fire Quirk at all.
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queenofcandynsoda · 15 days ago
Quirk: Black Frost
Black Frost
Flames flicker, bodies shiver, and warmth is fleeting… but my frost? It devours. It seeps into your bones, drains the heat from your blood, and leaves nothing behind but the hollow stillness of ice. Even fire forgets how to burn when trapped in my cold.
Name: 黒霜, Kuroshimo
User: Tosho
Type: Emitter
Range: Contact, Long-Range
Description: Black Frost, formerly known as Frost, is a Quirk used by Tosho. Black Frost allows Tosho to emit a necrotic cold that drains heat and vitality from anything it contacts. The ice is completely black and jagged with dark blue edges. Unlike the ice generated by Rei, Natsuo, and Shoto, this Quirk manifests as a withering frost that causes materials and living tissue to blacken, crack, and decay, resembling severe frostbite. The emitted cold creates an oppressive atmosphere, making the surrounding area feel unnaturally still and lifeless. Black Frost is extremely cold, usually at -100°C (-148°F) but it can go as low as -200°C (-328°F) or even beyond. Tosho can cause her immediate surroundings to go to sub-zero drop in temperature around her, turning the air into an oppressive chill. 
Black Frost can feed on heat from the surroundings, body heat, or even fire. The more warmth it absorbs, the stronger and faster it spreads, making it especially effective against most fire-based quirks, such as Hellflame. This is effective for when Tosho needs to use Rime Kiss. By coating her lips with Black Frost, Tosha can drain the body heat of opponents if there is prolonged exposure, causing hypothermia, paralysis, or even death. She can use that heat to sustain herself. 
The shade of Black Frost depends on Tosho’s mood. If she has positive emotions, Black Frost becomes lighter, almost to a grayish shade. As Tosho's negative emotions, such as grief, mania, and anger, intensify, Black Frost becomes far more volatile and gets darker.
Weaknesses: The greatest drawback of Black Frost is Tosho’s inability to withstand her own ice, having inherited Endeavor’s heat resistance. This means that Tosho would get frostbite and hypothermia, which would worsen due to prolonged use. Black Frost caused Tosho to develop severe frostbite and mild hypothermia. Parts of her skin got blackened due to necrosis, blindness in her right eye, loss of her left ring finger, and being numb. 
Usage: Fuyumi was born from a Quirk Marriage between Enji and Rei Todoroki, though it is more about giving Touya a sibling. While having a stronger variation of Frost, she inherited her father’s heat resistance. It is the inverse of Touya’s Blueflame. Unlike Touya, Endeavor had no expectations for Fuyumi to become a hero and surpass All Might. However, she ends up becoming Touya’s healer whenever she sees burns on his body, and she uses her Quirk to help him. As Enji continued to neglect Touya and her older brother continued to train himself, Fuyumi became more distressed when healing him. It had gotten so bad that her frost became darker one day when she cried to Touya to stop. The frost continued darker as Fuyumi saw the slow decay of her family and did her best to keep it together, especially when Shoto was born and Touya descended further into rage and harmful training. 
Fuyumi used her Quirk to save Touya when he burned himself at Sekoto Peak. It had covered the entire area in permafrost and her older brother in rime, leaving him with only first and second-degree burns. However, due to her lack of cold resistance, caused Fuyumi to have second-, third-, and fourth-degree frostbite. This even led to her left ring finger to fell off. Her body went into hibernation, causing Touya to believe that she had died.
After surviving and becoming Tosho, she started to train her Quirk to counter Hellflame and Blueflame, spending years watching their techniques. She also started to use Black Frost to absorb heat from unsuspecting men to maintain her body temperature and avoid potential hypothermia via Rime Kiss. 
Her fighting style is primarily long-range as Tosho wants to prevent further frostbite on herself. The fast release of ice and frost would leave her enemies with a short reaction time. She also uses Black Frost to create barriers, freezing the ground to skate through, creating mists to blind opponents, and releasing small bursts of frost to allies to prevent blood loss from injuries. Tosho can lower her Quirk’s temperature. There is speculation that she can lower the temperature to -200°C (-460°F), but it is purely theoretical. 
Surprisingly, Black Frost has good synergy with Compress. Tosho’s ice immobilizes enemies, making them easy targets for Mr. Compress, who only needs a brief touch to shrink them into marbles. By lowering temperatures, she can weaken heat-based Quirks, giving Mr. Compress an opening to strike. Their teamwork also excels in stealth and deception. Tosho’s frost can create mist, obscuring vision and allowing Mr. Compress to ambush opponents unnoticed. 
My Thoughts on Creating This: I basically created an inverse of Blueflame, where Fuyumi inherited a stronger variation of Rei’s Frost but also inherited Endeavor’s heat resistance. I have a headcanon where Fuyumi is incompatible with her Quirk like Dabi but she rarely ever used it unless she had to. Now, in the Tosho AU, she used her Quirk to save Touya from his own flames. This, however, caused Fuyumi to have severe hypothermia and frostbite, causing her left ring finger to fall off. 
Black Frost being able to spread because it absorbs heat is something I love to add since it shows that it has a small connection to Hellflame, Blueflame, and Half-Hot Half-Cold. Plus, it makes it more of a threat to like Dabi’s Blueflame. 
Yuki-onna is a major inspiration for making this Quirk, especially with Rime Kiss. With Rime Kiss, Tosho can kill her victims to take in their body heat to sustain herself, like how the Yuki-onna uses her own snow to take in life force. 
That led me to the research of hypothermia and paradoxical undressing. Paradoxical undressing is when a person who is suffering from moderate to severe hypothermia starts to get confused and undress themselves. An explanation for this is that the body increases its body temperature due to the hypothalamus malfunction or the peripheral blood vessels becoming exhausted. This led to many hypothermia victims being mistaken as victims of sexual assault. 
This explains why Tosho appears dressed AND undressed for cold winter, such as wearing a fur-lined jacket and leggings yet also wearing a summer-like dress. This goes with the simultaneous fan service and fan disservice to her physical appearance. Though, honestly, there will be a lot of people who would find her attractive like they are with Dabi once her pic gets posted. 
What are your thoughts on this?
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lvoryingrid · 1 year ago
Touya Todoroki x fem!Reader
(Quirkless AU)
Part 2
Synopsis: Touya's teasing becomes a focal point. As (Y/n) decides to confront Touya's playful banter with indifference, a silent battle of wills ensues. The unexpected shift occurs when Touya is unable to resist his growing feelings
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From as far back as Y/n can remember, she has always shared an indescribably close bond with Shoto Todoroki, the young boy living across the street. They were inseparable, always playing together, exploring the neighborhood, and sharing their secrets and stories.
As they grew up, their bond only grew stronger, and they became each other's confidant and support system. Despite their young age, Y/n knew that Shoto was someone she could always rely on, no matter what.
They would talk for hours on end about anything and everything, and their conversations were always filled with laughter and joy. Y/n cherished every moment she spent with Shoto, and she hoped that their friendship would last a lifetime.
(Y/n) shared a close and special relationship with each of his three siblings, Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo. During their childhood, the five of them would spend endless hours playing together, creating countless happy memories that they would cherish for a lifetime. They would often engage themselves in various activities, such as playing board games, cycling, and exploring the outdoors, and in doing so, they would share laughter and joy, which brought them closer together.
These joyous moments helped solidify their sibling-like bond, creating a deep, unbreakable connection between them. As they grew older and took different paths in life, they never lost touch with one another and always found ways to maintain the strong bond they had formed in their childhood. Whether it was through weekly phone calls, annual family gatherings, or spontaneous reunions, they always made time for each other and continued to support and love one another through thick and thin.
As the years passed by, the bond between her and Shoto remained strong and unbreakable. However, she found that her connection with his other siblings started to dwindle, except for Touya. He was always there to tease them. Whenever she would go over to her friend's house to hang out, she would usually find Touya answering the door.
As soon as he laid eyes on her, his lips would curl into a sly smile and he would look her up and down before teasingly calling out, "Well, well, well…if it isn't Shoto's girlfriend!". The young woman's expression was one of irritation and annoyance as she raised her eyes to meet the gaze of the white-haired young adult standing before her.
In a firm and somewhat exasperated tone, she spoke up to clarify a point, "He is not my boyfriend and you are well aware of this fact." As he gazed into her eyes, which were of a beautiful (e/c) color, he couldn't help but notice the faint blush on her cheeks. It was a sight that he found incredibly adorable and it always made him feel a sense of amusement.
He always loved toying with her, teasing her with his words and actions, just to see her cute and adorable reactions. In response to her statement, he would simply mutter, as he playfully leaned on the doorframe "Yeah, yeah whatever, Shoto's in his room" as he continued to enjoy the playful banter between them.
As (Y/n) barged into Shoto's room, cheeks flushed with a mix of frustration and her conflicted feelings, she couldn't contain her outburst. "Your brother is a dick," she exclaimed, catching Shoto by surprise. Shoto, ever the calm and collected one, looked at (Y/n) with a mix of curiosity and familiarity. "What did he do this time?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.
(Y/n) took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing slightly as she began to explain the latest escapade involving Touya. She recounted how he had teased her relentlessly, a smirk playing on his lips as he pushed all the right buttons to elicit a reaction. Shoto listened attentively, his lips quirking into a small smile at the vivid picture (Y/n) painted of Touya's antics.
As (Y/n) continued her animated recounting, Shoto couldn't help but admire the genuine frustration on her face. He had witnessed his brother's mischievous side more times than he could count, and it seemed that (Y/n) had become his favorite target.
With a subtle nod, he acknowledged (Y/n)'s plight. "Touya does have a way of getting under people's skin," he remarked. "Best you can do is ignore him, that will annoy him more".
As Shoto offered his advice on handling Touya's teasing, (Y/n) took it to heart. Determined to show that she could rise above Touya's attempts to provoke her, she decided to adopt a new approach – complete and utter indifference.
The next time Touya greeted her with his trademark sly smile and teasing remarks, (Y/n) met his gaze with an indifferent expression. Ignoring his comments, she headed straight to Shoto's room without giving Touya the satisfaction of a reaction.
Touya, not used to being ignored by her, couldn't help but find (Y/n)'s newfound nonchalance intriguing. He was accustomed to getting a rise out of her, but (Y/n)'s refusal to engage left him frustrated and amused.
As days turned into weeks, (Y/n) maintained her cool demeanor in the face of Touya's teasing. She became a master of brushing off his comments with a casual flick of her (h/c) hair or a nonchalant glance. The more she ignored him, the more intrigued Touya became. It became a silent battle of wills, with Touya determined to crack her composure and (Y/n) equally determined to prove her resilience.
Behind the scenes, Shoto observed the unfolding dynamics with amusement. He found himself caught between his mischievous older brother and his steadfast best friend, wondering how this silent showdown would ultimately play out.
One afternoon, (Y/n) made her routine visit to Shoto's house, mentally bracing herself for the customary teasing from Touya. With a determined knock on the door, she prepared for another round of banter, expecting the usual smirk and playful comments that had become a part of their interaction.
To her surprise, the door swung open to reveal Touya, his familiar turquoise eyes meeting hers. However, this time, something was different. Instead of the usual teasing remarks, an unreadable expression adorned Touya's face.
Caught off guard by the absence of the expected banter, (Y/n) blinked in confusion. "No witty comment today?" she quipped, trying to break the tension with a light-hearted remark. Touya, still wearing that enigmatic expression, simply shook his head. "Not today," he replied, his voice devoid of the usual teasing tone.
Intrigued by the change in atmosphere, (Y/n) entered the silent house, glancing around for any sign of Shoto. Touya, closing the door behind her, seemed deep in thought. The air felt charged with an unspoken tension, leaving (Y/n) to wonder about the shift in dynamics.
"Okay, seriously, what's going on with you today-" Before (Y/n) could further inquire, Touya took a step closer, closing the distance between them. The turquoise eyes that were usually filled with mischief now held a depth she hadn't seen before. Without saying a word his hands gently found their place on either side of (Y/n)'s face, pinning her against the wall.
Caught off guard, (Y/n)'s heart raced, her (e/c) eyes widening in surprise. "What changed?" Touya finally spoke, his voice low and tinged with a hint of vulnerability. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension as his thumb traced a gentle line across her cheek. Her (e/c) eyes searched Touya's turquoise gaze for answers.
"I-I don't know what you mean." His eyes bore into hers, his gaze unwavering. "You used to react so vividly to my teasing. But lately, it's like you're seeing a different side of me," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.
The room seemed to shrink as (Y/n) processed Touya's words, her mind racing to make sense of the unspoken tension between them. The realization dawned on her that, perhaps, there was more to their dynamic than playful banter.
"I miss that adorable reaction of yours," Touya admitted in a whisper, his lips grazing her ear. "Tell me, (Y/n), what changed?" (Y/n) felt a swirl of conflicting emotions – surprise, curiosity, and a newfound awareness of the complexities beneath the surface of their friendship. She met Touya's intense gaze, unsure of how to respond to the unspoken confession that hung in the air.
As the two stood there, locked in a moment charged with unspoken feelings, the familiar sound of Shoto's footsteps approached. The spell broke, and Touya stepped back, leaving (Y/n) to grapple with the unexpected turn of events.
"Am I interrupting something?" Shoto asked, a touch of concern in his voice.
Touya, ever the master of composure, offered a casual smirk. "Just having a heart-to-heart with your girlfriend here. You know, the usual stuff." (Y/n), grateful for the diversion, managed a faint smile. "Yeah, just a typical bantering," she added, attempting to diffuse the tension.
Shoto's perceptive nature didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n) as he raised an eyebrow, silently acknowledging the undercurrents in the room. Opting not to pry further, he smoothly changed the subject, extending an invitation to (Y/n) for a night out.
"Hey, (Y/n), there's a classmate of mine hosting a party tonight for his birthday. Would you like to come?" Shoto asked, his demeanor casual but his mismatched eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.
(Y/n), eager for a change of atmosphere and a distraction from the unspoken tension, readily agreed. "Sure, sounds like fun! I could use a night out."
As they discussed the details of the party, Touya, who had been observing the exchange with keen interest, couldn't hide his displeasure. The subtle shift in dynamics hadn't escaped his notice, and the idea of (Y/n) spending time with Shoto and not him seemed to irk him.
"Well, well, aren't we making plans without me?" Touya interjected, a teasing smirk playing on his lips, though his eyes betrayed a hint of genuine annoyance. "Won't you invite your dear big brother?"
Shoto, maintaining his composure, raised an eyebrow. "No," he replied succinctly, his response leaving little room for negotiation.
Touya's smirk faltered for a moment, a mixture of surprise and amusement crossing his face. "Oh, come on, Shoto. Don't be so cold. I promise I'll behave," he added with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
(Y/n), caught in the middle of the brotherly banter, couldn't help but hide a smile. She knew Shoto's straightforward nature, and it always amused her how he could shut down Touya's attempts at manipulation with a simple "no."
"Sorry, Touya, maybe next time," Shoto said, the corners of his lips twitching in a small smirk.
The neon lights of the club flickered as (Y/n) and Shoto entered, the pulsating beat of the music resonating through the air. Shoto's friends, a lively group from his class, waved them over to join the excitement on the dance floor.
As (Y/n) and Shoto approached the group, they were enveloped in the vibrant atmosphere of the club. Laughter, music, and the energetic chatter of the crowd surrounded them. The night promised to be a memorable one, filled with dancing and camaraderie.
(Y/n) couldn't deny that the night at the club was exhilarating. The pulsating music, the vibrant lights, and the laughter of Shoto's friends had created an atmosphere of joy and carefree enjoyment. However, despite the lively ambiance, the earlier encounter with Touya lingered in her mind like a shadow.
Unbeknownst to her, Touya, unable to resist the nagging fear of (Y/n) spending time with Shoto's friends, discreetly followed them into the club. In the shadows, he watched from a distance, his eyes fixated on (Y/n) blending into the crowd. The sight of (Y/n) in that dress ignited a fire within him, awakening a passion that he had been struggling to contain. His overprotective instincts and lingering jealousy drove him to keep a watchful eye on the unfolding events.
As (Y/n) danced and moved with the rhythm of the music, the dress showcased her confidence and allure. The vibrant lights of the club played over the contours of her figure, making her a captivating presence on the dance floor. The short length of the dress revealed her legs, adding to the overall impact of her alluring appearance.
Unable to bear the thought of (Y/n) having fun with those brats, Touya struggled with conflicting emotions. In a moment of impulsiveness, he decided to approach her in secret, his movements careful to avoid detection.
As the music thumped and the crowd danced around them, Touya discreetly slipped through the crowd, finally catching up to (Y/n). His hands landed on her body, the touch unexpected and sending a jolt through her.
Startled, (Y/n) turned around, only to find herself face to face with Touya, his expression a mix of intensity and vulnerability. "Touya?" she exclaimed, the loud music drowning out her words.
Unable to contain his turbulent emotions, grabbed (Y/n) by the arm and guided her toward the bathroom, the urgency of the moment propelling them into a realm of shadows and whispers.
Once inside, the dimly lit bathroom offered a brief reprieve from the pulsating energy of the club. Touya closed the door behind the stall, creating a cocoon of semi-privacy. (Y/n), still caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, tried to process the situation. "Touya, what's going on?" she asked, her voice a mixture of confusion and concern.
Touya, his grip on her arm loosening slightly, hesitated for a moment. The intensity in his eyes wavered between vulnerability and a desperate longing. "I couldn't stand the thought of you being with them," he confessed, his words laced with a mix of frustration and yearning.
(Y/n)'s brows furrowed as she attempted to understand the turmoil in Touya's eyes. "Touya, we need to talk about this. You can't just—"
Before she could finish her sentence, Touya, unable to hold back any longer, closed the distance between them. Leaning in, he captured her lips in a fervent kiss, the intensity of the moment taking them both by surprise.
For a moment, the chaotic world outside the bathroom stall faded away, leaving only the muffled sounds of the club and the shared breaths between Touya and (Y/n). The kiss, born from a whirlwind of emotions, carried a weight that spoke of unspoken desires and the complexities of their relationships.
As the kiss lingered, (Y/n) felt a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The intensity of Touya's actions sparked a flicker of response within her, but her mind raced with the implications of what was happening. Breaking away, she gasped for breath, her eyes searching Touya's for answers.
"Touya, we can't just—"
Before she could finish, the bathroom door creaked open, a stream of light pouring in, and Shoto's voice cut through the hazy atmosphere. "Hey, (Y/n), are you okay? I've been looking for you."
(Y/n)'s heart raced at the unexpected intrusion, and she quickly composed herself, attempting to hide the fact that she was with Touya inside the stall. "Yeah, I'm fine, just needed a moment," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of unease.
Touya, however, seemed unfazed by the interruption. Instead of pulling away, he continued leaving a trail of kisses along (Y/n)'s delicate neck. His actions were both bold and unapologetic, as if daring the world to challenge the boundaries he was breaking.
Shoto, growing increasingly worried, pushed the bathroom door open wider. "Seriously, what's going on in there? Is everything alright?"
(Y/n), attempting to maintain composure, replied with forced casualness, "Yeah, Shoto, I'm just fixing my makeup. We'll be out in a minute."
Touya, with a subtle smirk against (Y/n)'s neck, continued his intimate gestures, leaving her torn between the thrill of the moment and the awareness of Shoto just outside the stall.
Shoto, unconvinced but choosing not to press further, sighed. "Alright, take your time. Just wanted to make sure you're okay."
As the door closed, (Y/n) felt a mix of relief and apprehension. The bathroom stall became a temporary sanctuary for a secret affair, a clandestine moment born from years of unspoken feelings.
"Touya, we need to stop," she whispered, her words a delicate plea. "Shoto's right outside."
Touya, undeterred, lifted his head from her neck, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't care. I've waited too long for this," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.
Despite her attempts to resist, (Y/n) couldn't deny the surge of emotions that Touya's actions ignited within her. The lines between desire and the complexities of their relationships blurred in the dimly lit confines of the stall.
"You know, we could have a little fun right here, right now," he suggested, his tone playful yet laced with desire.
(Y/n), torn between the intensity of the moment and the awareness of Shoto just outside the stall, managed to gather her thoughts. "Touya, we can't. Shoto is waiting right outside," she insisted, her voice a hushed plea.
Touya, undeterred and grinning mischievously, leaned in, brushing his lips against her ear. "Well, my dear, we'll just have to save the fun for later. How about you leave the stall, tell Shoto you're not feeling well, and make your way to my place? I won't keep you waiting for too long."
(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The idea of leaving the club and rendezvousing with Touya ignited a mix of excitement and nervousness. With a final lingering kiss on her lips, Touya encouraged her, "Go on. I'll be right behind you."
Summoning her best attempt at composure, (Y/n) left the bathroom stall and approached Shoto, who was waiting with a concerned expression. "Hey, (Y/n), are you okay?" he asked.
She offered a weak smile, feigning discomfort. "I'm not feeling too well. I think I need some fresh air. I might head home. You stay and enjoy the party, Shoto."
Shoto's concern deepened, but he nodded understandingly. "Alright, (Y/n), take care of yourself. Let me know if you need anything."
As (Y/n) made her way out of the club, Touya followed at a discreet distance. She headed to his house and waited by the backdoor, the anticipation building with every passing moment.
When Touya finally arrived, he caught her off guard. "What took you so long" she asked a small blush lingering on her cheeks. With a smirk, noticing the effect he once more has on her he responds "I had to make sure Shoto wasn't suspicious" signaling her to enter his room.
Before going in, (Y/n) asked "Are you sure about this?" her eyes searching his for reassurance. Touya, with a teasing smile, responded, "I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life."
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queenangst · 1 year ago
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024: My Hero Academia!
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Bidding for @fandomtrumpshate 2024 opens this Tuesday, March 5th at 8am ET! There are 22 creators this year offering BNHA fanworks!
Fandom Trumps Hate is an online multi-fandom auction of fanworks, to benefit progressive nonprofits. For more information about FTH, check out their blog.
So, before bidding starts, here's a roundup of all the BNHA offerings this year! This is a summary and not comprehensive. To see the offerings in full, check out the BNHA fanworks tag.
Not interested in BNHA? No problem! There are plenty of other fandoms, and fan offerings. Check them out here.
Potato_pods (AO3) - 10-20k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Dabihawks, open to a lot of pairings/themes.
Domoz (Art blog) @domoz - Banner, Book cover, Comic, Drawing/painting/etc, minimum bid $5.
Ace (AO3) - 20-50k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Angst, whump, emotional h/c, trauma exploration/recovery/bonding, mental health issues
Tierfal (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: EndHawks and TodoBaku; EndHawks+Jeanist or TDBKDK. Lighthearted action-heavy stuff, also angst, AUs, or pretty much anything.
Blackat_t7t (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: M/M or gen fic. Angst and h/c, canon divergent AUs. Anything focused on All Might or Deku.
Blindinglights (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 10-20k and 5-10k words. Especially interested in: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, ShinBaku, TodoBaku, KiriDeku, KiriKami, ShinKami, BakuKami, KiriBakuDeku, TodoBakuDeku, Todo/Deku, ShinBakuDeku, ShinKiriBaku, ShinBakuKami, and KiriTodoBakuDeku, SeroRoki. AUs (college, coffee shop/cafe, camboy/porn star, "and they were roommates", villain AUs, yakuza, vampires, etc; I love AUs!), enemies to lovers, break up/getting back together, friends to lovers, single parent/kidfic, omegaverse, dub-con, incest, angst (with a happy ending), online dating/blind dates, fake dating, pro heroes, mind break, canon, and age gaps.
Wander_wren (AO3) @wander-wren - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Izuku, Bakugou, Shinsou, Hawks, Dabi, Todoroki, Sero, and Kirishima; multiships. Trauma and trauma recovery, heavy angst with hurt/comfort. Canon or no-powers AUs, Omegaverse and BDSM AUs. Established relationships and platonic/found family-esque dynamics.
Roxi2star (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Tododeku, Kiribaku, Shinkami, Dabihawks, TDBKDK
Achievingelysium (AO3) @queenangst - Hey, that's me! Less than 5k, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: Whump, H/C, emotional, healing, coming-of-age and new adult. Found family, friendship, characters taking care of each other. Monster-of-the-week/mission-fics, epistolary, identity, canon divergence, future fic, ambiguous relationships, slice of life. Dadmight, platonic BKDK, Dekusquad, Class A girls, Class A.
Starburstsunshine (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5.
Jane (AO3) - less than 5k words, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: BakuTodo. Also any of Kirishima, Iida, Ochako & Deku; Kaminari, Jirou, Sero and Kirishima; Shinsou/Monoma; Momo/Kendou; Iida/Sero; Iida/Shouto, Natsuo/Hawks & Aizawa/All Might. Love all platonic dynamics.
One-fandom-became-all-fandoms (AO3) @one-fandom-became-all-fandoms - 1k words per $10 bid, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: (Romantic): BakuDeku, BakuTodo, TodoDeku, BakuTodoDeku, ShinKami, KiriKami, EraserMic, MomoJirou. (Platonic): Most other pairings. Gen/No pairings, poly-ships, non-hetero ships, BDSM, voyeurism/exhibitionism.
Quillifer (AO3) - Less than 5k, minimum bid $10. Mature and/or Explicit works. Non-traditional omegaverse and genderbending.
Luna_SelfIndulgentKitten (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 1k minimum for every $10, minimum bid $5.
Helix_Stomper (AO3) - 20-50k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: queer romance/ship fics, angst with a happy ending, misunderstandings, pining, idiots to lovers, genfic. Dadzawa with Quirkless/Vigilante Izuku. Most BNHA queer ships; Bakugou or Aizawa focused. Class 1A bonding, Pro Hero AUs, etc.
Yikesohdear (AO3) @livelikeheroes - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Character/relationship studies (including platonic relationships!), Canon-adjacent AUs, slice of life, angst and hurt/comfort
Ternary (AO3) @ternaryflower53 - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: queer, ace&aro, and disability themes. Trauma recovery and emotional hurt/comfort. Dadzawa adopting someone, Quirkless Midoriya and exploring quirk(less) discrimination in fic. Fave ships: Midoriya/Todoroki, Midoriya/Shinsou, or those three as an OT3.
FillyBoy (AO3) - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Dark tropes, SFW, NSFW, Fluff.
Juurensha (AO3) @juurensha - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Interesting and unique AU's, Romantic Comedy situations, rarepairs, side characters being fleshed out. Dabi/Hawks, Todoroki/Izuku, Shigaraki/Natsuo, Todofam without Endeavor, Rei/Inko, Shinsou/Iida
Lydia (AO3) - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $15. Especially interested in: Fantasy or College Alternate Universes, and tend to drift from established canon a lot. Found families and romantic relationships as well.
AzzaBynes @azzabynes - Fan poetry. Less than 5k words, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: Symbolism, neurodivergence (particularly autism, ADHD, OCD, and touch aversion), coping mechanisms, in-universe politics, asexuality/aromanticism, worldbuilding, pairings with interesting narrative consequences (for example, Bakugo/Midoriya has more narrative consequences than Iida/Midoriya, but it's not a hard line), angst with a happy ending
DarkTenshi17 (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 5-10k, minimum bid $5.
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eliseuocscreator · 6 months ago
Lukah Todoroki bio(I plan to update in the future, just some basic informations)
Name: Lukah Todoroki
Birthday: 12/06
Age: 22(First appearance)
23(Endeavor Arc to Final War Arc)
Height: 188cm
Ethnicity: Russian/Japanese
Weight: 85kg(187lbs)
Unnamed Parents(Deceased)
Enji Todoroki(Adoptive Father, Alive)
Rei Todoroki(Adoptive Mother, Alive)
Touya Todoroki(Older brother, alive)
Fuyumi Todoroki(Older Sister, Alive)
Natsuo and Shoto Todoroki(Youngest Brothers)
Moe Kamiji(Girlfriend, Future wife, Alive)
Hero Name: Borealis
Epithet: The Plasma Hero
Brief description of his quirk:
"The Borealis Hero can manipulate the plasma gas present in his body, and by eating food and drinking drinks with Vitamin D, he can use his quirk to its full potential, the gas present in his body allows him to manipulate his plasma, in versions of plasma bursts or using it in the form of projectiles, bolts. What draws the most attention to the hero Borealis is that depending on where he uses his quirk, it is possible to see the veins on his body shining depending on where he uses his quirk."
Description of Lukah:
Lukah is a man of tall stature, with the physique of an Elite athlete, being quite strong, resistant, and always ready to act like a hero, like his adoptive father Endeavor, he has dark crimson colored hair(Changes color while using his quirk), He has lava blue eyes (color code #2e5169, also changes color while using his quirk). The color of his hair and eyes change color when he is using his Quirk, they change color, he uses this as a form of intimidation against villains, the color of his eyes naturally shines in dark, and a curious fact is that every time he breathes, you can see his rib cage, along with his heart and lungs, glowing, showing that The Air It is being transformed into Xenon (as opposed to Oxygen). When he was with the quirk, in full awakening mode, it kind of made him able to see all the bones in his skeleton shine, currently he can't use this mode much, except for 4 hours, If he goes over the limit, he runs the risk of having a heart attack and dying. He only uses this mode when he is in pure anger...
Although his quirk has a lot of potential, it has a very bigs drawbacks.
He has to eat foods and consume drinks with vitamin D, so he can heat the plasma gas inside him, so he can use it to at least reach a temperature of 4,500°C.
He has a heart problem, after he used the full awakening of his quirk, this made his heart more prone to suffering a heart attack.
His quirk only increases his strength, agility and speed, only when he is in full awakening mode of his quirk, other than that, he only uses strength, speed, endurance and agility, that he achieved in his training (gym and athletics)
His quirk can leave severe burns, if he uses his quirk on the other limbs (if it is on the hands or arms), he can suffer 2nd degree burns.
Power: 6/5(S)
Speed 5/5(A+)
Technique: 4/5(B)
Intelligence: 5/5(A)
Cooperativeness: 4/5(B+)
A good boyfriend, Son and brother (according to Burnin, Rei and his older/Younger brothers(and Sister): 5/5(A+)
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year ago
Good evening! I hope you don't mind the question, but what drew your eye to Natsuo? c:
of course not!!! thank you for asking 💓
on my first full bnha watch i was drawn to him because i love men who hate their dads as someone who also hates their dad and then by my second i was like ykw there’s something going on here im enchanted by this man…hes so cute…:I watched the dinner at the todoroki home scene 200 times and was literally just about to burst from that alone then I started reading the manga and got to know him better and sigh. also when they went to see rei in the hospital and he got all flustered when asked about his gf i was a goner bc hes just Sweet and Good
he’s just so good. despite the hurt he wants to help, he wants everyone to be better but not at the sake of his own peace. forgiveness has a cost and he isn’t willing to pay it and I appreciate that about him so much
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nonobadcat · 2 years ago
I literally adore the way you write shiggy and I've gotten obsessed over that little crusty. You write all bnha characters amazingly and that's why I'm very curious about your dabi ban. Just out of pure curiosity why not dabi despite you'd write him amazingly? I mean to be honest there's million good reasons to leave that melting ass on his own but which did you pick ? Thank you for your amazing content all the same and you're the best!
Oh that. Long story short - I have daddy issues. (・・;)
TW: alcoholism, death, child abuse
So... part of the reason I'm so awol on and off for these last 6 months is my father died of his alcoholism and alcoholism induced dementia in Dec.
My childhood was a mixture of two types of memories:
A loving, supportive father who was super proud of me to other people (and many times, to my face).
A: Showed up to every childhood play, project, band concert even if it meant being penalized for taking off work B: Damn near punched a female gym teacher who told me to "suck it up and stop pretending" when my endometriosis left me so anemic I was blacking out. C: Raised me to learn that my opinion was valued and of equal weight to the adults in the home when making family decisions. As a result, numerous adults told my parents "It's so weird. Your daughter looks me in the eye and speaks to me like an adult even though she's so young". D: Supported my mom through multiple college degrees by handling my brother and I, the cooking, the bills, the mail and anything else she didn't have the emotional energy for. E: Being a life line to numerous friends with PTSD from military service, dangerous marriages, etc. When it came to protecting others, my father never backed down from a bully even if it put him in danger for his own life.
A red faced, frothing mad, perfectionist who screamed me out of the house over the following things:
A: The dishes being in the wrong place in the dishwasher (the "correct location" changed weekly so it was impossible to do it right) B: Being unable to spell words which were far below my reading level despite having perfect grades in every subject and a vocabulary large enough to pass the English component of the GRE at 12 years old. (Turns out I have dyslexia. Found that out at the age of 25.) C: Telling him I was too scared to drive with him because he was unable to stand up. We now know that, for him, that means his BAC was over 3.0%.
There is much more to it then that, but this is what I am will to talk about on the internet.
As to my fathers death: he got black out drunk, injured himself, had multiple surgeries to fix the injury, had been detoxed for 3 months, was literally coming home in 12 hours, and died from a massive blood clot to the lungs (while on 3 blood thinners) as my mother was walking through the threshold to his hospital room.
So... what does this have to do with Dabi? This basically:
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Don't get me wrong. Unlike most of tumblr, I do not hate Endeavor. I think his character is well done, the Todoroki's varied reactions to the abuse are horrifyingly realistic, and the way he projects a public image and a private image is spot on. Honestly, in many ways, he's the opposite of my dad's sweet, soft sober personality, but the abuse resonates perfectly except for two things:
Endeavor canonically regrets what he did and tried to change (it'll never be enough, but he's trying).
My father couldn't remember, so there was neither regret nor acknowledgment of the abuse nor any attempts to change it.
As to which of the BNHA children I feel best represents me: it depends on the day. When I can recall the kindness, I'm Fuyumi. When I recall the heated arguments about how he was going to die of liver failure, I'm Shoto. When I recall how my mother had to spend her entire marriage being his "handler" at every social event, I'm Natsuo.
I when I recall all the times I hid with my cat in my room as he shrieked at me through the door... well...
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However, unlike Shigaraki, I will never get closure for my abuse.
Where does that leave me?
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I just can't bring myself to be romantic about the worst parts of myself. I want to forgive, if for no other reason then this hatred will eat my soul if I do not. However, my feelings are just so raw that Dabi hits too close to home.
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years ago
White Wight
White Wight by LapisJubilee
Touya's burns have irreparably damaged his brain, leaving little of the eldest Todoroki left to save. But still, everyone tries to make the best of it. They had abandoned him once before, and it'll be through hell and disaster to split them up again.
A decline, a descent, a drop to a slow death.
Touya's condition steadily gets worse. It does not get better. // Or, four outta five of these Todorokis are talking to a vegetable and the last one is the vegetable.
Words: 8405, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Todoroki Family
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Rei, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Additional Tags: Character Death, Angst, Anterograde Amnesia, Retrograde Amnesia, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt No Comfort, But there's some catharsis in the end, Rei Todoroki's C+ Parenting, Sad Ending, With five grains of sugar to sweeten the whole pot of tragedy, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Manga Spoilers, Whump, Post-Canon, Mentions of Blood, Both Poetically and Actually
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48107476
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ao3feed-izch · 6 months ago
For How Long Will You Hide? (I Promise It's Okay)
by Piece_of_melon_water
In a world were more than 85% of the population has superpowers dubbed 'quirks', heroism became a viable profession long ago, to help fight the criminals called 'villains'.
After the two paranormal liberation wars, society rebuilt itself. No more ranking heroes, no controlling hero commission, civilians helping each other - society was at it's peak.
Even as the rate of quirkless people decreased, they were way more accepted.
But, a strange phenomenon started to occur- children started to manifest quirks too powerful, for even their own good, more frequently. Approximately 20% of the quirked population.
And with that, society wavered. Fear just hiding beneath their skin- and what way better to ensure those people didn't hurt anyone?
That was the fate Izumi Pomoko found herself in- and not just hers, but the entirety of class 1-C.
But looking at the bright side- they were lucky enough that the pro hero Deku would be teaching them from now on.
What could go wrong?
How society is never perfect, so they found a new victim to bully- people with dangerous quirks- and how Izuku is just the best teacher, and father figure, class 1-C could ever ask for.
Words: 3, Chapters: 1/50, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Class 1-C shenanigans
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Iida Tenya, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Eri (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Todoroki Natsuo/Original Female Character(s), Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Original Character-centric, Next Generation, Next-Gen, Pro Hero Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), U.A. Has a Traitor (My Hero Academia), U.A. Teacher Midoriya Izuku, Mentioned League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Platonic Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Good With Kids, Bakugou Katsuki Doesn't Call Midoriya Izuku "Deku", Protective U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia)
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59609563
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ao3feed-spinaraki · 1 year ago
ya no hay crimen en Japón, qué hiciste Inko?
by b3r94m0t4
El bebé Izuku es un poco demasiado para Inko e Hisashi, ellos... no saben cómo manejarlo...
ya es la tercera vez en el mes que Izuku trae a un vagabundo (héroe clandestino) a su casa
Que se supone que deben hacer, para que entienda que no hay que traer extraños a casa?
Words: 285, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Hisashi, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Todoroki Fuyumi, Eri (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Natsuo, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Todoroki Fuyumi, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress/Todoroki Natsuo
Additional Tags: Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, Shinsou Hitoshi is Bad at Feelings, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Little Shit, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Nerd, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is Good at Feelings, Kid Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is in Class 1-C, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53560042
0 notes
todoroki-natsuo-rp-blog · 4 years ago
✨I hate my dad✨
{{volume warning}}
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strickenice · 5 years ago
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You can never say never
While we don't know it
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
/for @quirkfi bc i started to think about natsuo again and it's 3:30 am 💚
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