#c: thor odinson
thorsource · 2 months
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"Thor slept the sleep of the dead. For this was the All-Sleep, price of the All-Power—the mortal sleep of many days in which even an All-Father can be killed by a well-struck blow. And in that sleep, Thor dreamed... of falling."
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jiyascepter · 5 months
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˗ˏˋ➳ Loki In Thor (2011) | icons
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finally posting these icons & headers that have been sitting in my drafts since forever, more coming!
-> more from this movie
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
There’s zero chance Loki and Hela having so many similarities is just a coincidence. And even though we’re most definitely never getting a full explanation for it, I’m so curious as to what you guys believe the reason is. Do you think:
a.) Loki’s a shapeshifter who can see people’s memories when he touches them. So when Odin picked him up as a baby, he saw Hela in Odin’s mind and shifted himself to resemble her.
b.) Loki and Hela have the same biological mother.
c.) Hela is Loki’s biological mother.
d.) Odin changed Loki to look like Hela when he first held him, because he missed her.
e.) Hela’s biological mother is jotun, and she and Loki both have black hair/pale skin/green aesthetic/etc because that’s just what frost giants look like when they take an asgardian form.
f.) Hela and Loki are both adopted, both children of Laufey. Odin took Hela centuries earlier, then when he realised Laufey’d had another child, he took Loki too.
**I’ve listed these in order from the ones I find most likely to least likely, if you’re curious. Tell me which headcanon you prefer, I wanna see.
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squids-comics · 7 months
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This is so cute!! Wanda's a car girl! And Quicksilver likes racing against her cars!
But if he's running at the same speed of the car, he's probably going a lot slower than half speed. He wants to spend time with his sister, but doesn't want her to feel bad about losing an unfair race.
From: The Mighty Thor #134
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eva-knits12 · 9 months
Valentine's Day With Steve
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Trigger warning: labor, emergency c-section, childbirth, Steve Rogers, fluff in the end
Summary: It's Valentine's Day, and you and Steve welcome James into the world.
The nursery is set up. The crib is built, the changing table is built. The dresser is full of onesies, booties, and various other baby clothes. You're napping in bed, while Steve is giving you a foot rub.
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You feel a sharp pain. At first, you think it's Braxton Hicks, so Steve fetches you a glass of water. You drink the water.
"Thanks, Steve," you say, and drink the water.
"Shh, doll. James will be here soon," says Steve.
"Steve, can you help me up? Our son is sitting on my bladder again," you say.
It seems that just when you would get comfortable again as best as you can, James would sit on your bladder. Steve helps you up, and helps you to the bathroom, because you need to pee for the 200th time this morning.
Steve looks at the sketchbook. Today's sketch was with you, naked, and you have a bright red heart and nice, white heart with lace trim on your belly. The little chalkboard that had that day's stats were in the drawing, and each stat is of the chalkboard that is drawn up close. It's dated February 14th.
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A little while later, you feel another pain, this one sharper and more painful than the last.
"STEVE!", you scream.
Steve comes rushing and sees you doubled over.
"Oh, Doll," coos Steve.
"I'll call the doctor," says Steve
"AHHHHHHHH, the baby's coming Steve!", you scream.
Steve is calling the doctor, and you feel dizzy and lightheaded. You faint, and Steve immediately calls 911. Something is definitely wrong!
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Steve is on the phone with the operator, and is trying to bring you back around. The ambulance arrives, and the paramedics are busy taking your vitals and setting you up on a fetal monitor. The fetal monitor indicates that the baby's heartbeat is going down rapidly, which is affecting you. You're also bleeding uncontrollably, which is another reason why you passed out. The paramedics are trying to control your bleeding, and they realize that you now have a placental abruption.
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Steve is sitting in the ambulance, worried sick. The paramedics are busy working on you, and are keeping in touch with the hospital. The hospital immediately sets up an OR, and your ob/gyn is there, wanting to keep an eye on the baby.
When the paramedics arrive at the hospital, you've finally come around. You still have an oxygen mask on, and you're still bleeding. The doctor and nurses rush you to the OR, and get ready for an emergency c-section. It was the only way that James could be delivered safely. Steve is in there, and his nerves are frazzled. He's trying to keep it together for you, but he is worried sick.
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The doctor immediately puts you on IV drip with anesthetic coming in your spine locally. They don't put you to sleep during a c-section, and you're still breathing through the oxygen mask. You came to when you arrived at the hospital.
"Shh, James will be here soon, doll. Just hang on," says Steve, who has grabbed your hand, and kisses your hand.
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You nod with the oxygen mask on. The IV drip is providing the anesthetic, and the doctor has now cut you open. James is immediately removed, and it was discovered that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. He was losing oxygen rapidly, which was caused you to faint. The cord being wrapped around James' neck was what caused the placental abruption, so it was basically the lack of oxygen that James was getting that was causing the placental abruption.
James Joseph Rogers is born on February 14 at 1:15 p.m. via an emergency c-section.
The ob/gyn, and the nurses are now trying to bring James around. The doctor had managed to get the cord unwrapped, but it took a while for James to start breathing. When you and Steve hear James cry, you both breathe a sigh of relief.
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An incubator in the NICU is ready, and James is placed in the incubator. The incubator will not only keep James alive, it will help him start to breathe regularly, have a regular heartbeat and it will help him recover. The doctors give you and James and excellent prognosis. James may not have to be in the incubator for long, and you have an excellent chance at recovery, since Steve had enough sense to call an ambulance the second you fainted. James is set up on a machine that is keeping an eye on his vitals.
You just wanted to hold James after he was born. You're devasted, and Steve is sitting next to James in the incubator. He's stroking James' head, and telling him that he's amazingly strong, just like his mama. You sleep after a while. A few hours later, the nurse takes you to the NICU so that you can feed James. The nurse asked if you planned on breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or pumping. You were going to breast feed James for the first year of his life.
"James, this is not how we wanted you to start life. Originally, your mom and I were planning on home birthing you," says Steve.
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The home birthing part is true. You had no intention of wanting to give birth in a hospital. You were low risk, everything was normal, and you had the doctor, a nurse, and a midwife at the ready. You had everything ready for the home birth. In fact, you felt it would be more natural to have a home birth. Steve felt the same way. Steve would be behind you, saying soothing things, while you were in labor. You would eventually be naked, giving birth to James. You would be squatting and pushing James out. You felt that a home birth would be the one of the most beautiful and natural things that you and Steve would experience as a couple. Valentine's day would be even more meaningful since James would be born, and it would be the best Valentine's day ever!
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James had other ideas. He was born via an emergency c-section.
The nurse helps you pull down your gown, and you release your breast. The nurse carefully removes James from the incubator, and hands you James. You hold your breast to James and he takes it.
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James and you are bonding in the most beautiful and natural way possible. Steve is smiling at the wholesome site. Steve is sitting in the corner, drawing a picture of breast feeding James.
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You finish feeding James, and Steve gives you a loving kiss to your forehead.
"Get some sleep, doll," says Steve. You were tired. You looked tired. The nurse takes you back to your hospital room, and Steve is right next to you. You both fall asleep in the hospital bed, exhaustion taking over the both of you.
"Good morning, doll," says Steve. Steve and you wake up in the hospital.
"Good morning, Steve," you say.
The next morning, you see a hospital crib in your room. You think you're seeing things, and you call the nurse. It takes you a while to realize that it's your baby, and that James must be doing a lot better.
"James made a full recovery," explains the nurse.
"He's breathing normally, he has a normal heart rate, he's a strong, healthy baby boy," says the nurse.
"How did he recover so quickly?" you ask.
Dr. Banner walks in, and says his congratulations. He explains that Steve's altered DNA and Steve's serum made James be stronger than most. He explained that it was the altered DNA that helped speed up James' recovery. Bruce even packed a hospital bag for you that contained all the basic needs. His girlfriend helped him. What happened was so fast that Steve didn't have any time to pack, let alone think. He was concerned with you.
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It turned out the reason why Bruce was here was that he was dating one of the nurses. He heard about what happened, and that she had to be in the OR. Being a nurse had it's advantages, and Bruce was the only person that she could think of to call. Luckily, Bruce told Tony and everyone. Bruce was a gossip, and he was the one that blurted out that you were pregnant well after you had hyperemesis gravidarum. You and Steve wanted to announce it when you both had the cookout at the house you both bought.
'Thanks, Bruce," you say, tiredness in your voice. Steve hugs Bruce.
Later on, the rest of the Avengers arrive to see you and James. Tony says that James should have been named after him.
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"Tony! This is our baby," you say.
"We chose to name him after Bucky and after my father," says Steve.
"Anthony Rogers has a MUCH better ring to it," says Tony.
"I wanted to name our son after Steve's best friend and his father," you say.
Bucky and Natasha come in and congratulate you and Steve. Bucky found another teddy for James that looks like Bucky that's dressed as the Winter Soldier.
Thor sees James, and comments to Steve that James was already a figher.
"Thanks, Thor," says Steve.
Clint comments how much James is like Steve, even down to Steve's features. You thank Clint.
A few days later, you and Steve are ready to take James home. Bucky arrives in the car you and Steve picked out. The car seat was already loaded in, your hospital bag was already packed. You had already applied the antibiotic ointment. Steve pulls the car around, and Bucky wheels you down. Bucky drives you and Steve back home, with you and Steve sitting in the back.
Bucky parks in the driveway, and Steve gets out and opens the door. You and James are sleeping in the backseat, so Steve carries you into the house, bridal style, and Bucky carries James in, and places James in his crib.
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Steve falls asleep next to you. Bucky decides to stay for a while in case you and Steve need anything. Natasha comes over, and helps the both of you.
After a while, James cries, and he needs to be fed. You breast feed him, and this feels amazing. You and Steve are tired, you had an unplanned c-section, you feel sort of frumpy, but Steve tells you every hour how beautiful you are.
"Shh, James. I know you and mama went through a lot," says Steve. Steve places a Captain America pacifier in James mouth. James falls asleep again.
"You are so beautiful and so strong, doll," says Steve.
"You are the most beautiful new mother ever," says Steve.
You cry at this because Steve is so right. You feel ugly at times, but Steve makes you feel less insecure and more beautiful. Your body housed your and Steve's baby for nine whole months.
Steve and you slow dance to "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by Kitty Kallen and then to " Perfect" by Ed Sheeran.
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"Steve, I love you so much. You are the best husband a woman can ask for, and more. You even made me feel safe after I had James via a c-section," you say.
"Shh, I love you, too, doll. I love you so much. You went through a lot to bring James into the world. You made my dream of marriage and fatherhood come true. I love you so much because you are so strong, even after you escaped your last relationship. I knew you were going to be my wife the second we bumped into each other," says Steve.
"Yeah, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I was too busy making sure the papers that Tony gave me were in order," you say.
"Being the gentlemen you were, you stopped to help me pick them up and you looked like a little lost puppy trying to navigate a new world in a new place," you say.
"You were the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," you say.
You and Steve kiss each other lovingly. This feels amazing because Steve is doing his best to make you feel beautiful again, even though you're tired, you feel frumpy, and you can't even remember when was the last time you showered or even brushed your teeth.
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You and Steve continue like this for a while. Bucky and Natasha order Chinese for everyone. You all eat your dinner, and Bucky and Natasha stay the night in case you both need anything.
You and Steve fall asleep in each other's arms. After a while, James cries, needing a feeding, then cries again an hour later, needing a change. You feed James, and Steve changes his diaper.
The love between you and Steve was special and beautiful. James even added more love between the both of you and he added even more love to the Rogers household.
It was the best Valentine's day ever! Next year, you and Steve would be celebrating James' first birthday.
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ircnwrought · 2 years
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[ WET ] : our muses find one another in a torrential downpour of rain, both soaking wet.   //   @mercybloomed​  (thor)  for  sif  !!
__________⚔      BLONDE      HAIR      IS      PLASTERED      TO      HER      FACE      AS      SHE      RUNS      BETWEEN      THE      TREES.      the  forest  isn’t  far  from  the  palace,      but  the  night  is  still    &&    quiet,      punctuated  only  by  the  sound  of  twigs  crunching  underfoot.      the  party  hadn’t  anticipated  the  storm    &&    somewhere  in  the  dark,    she  had  been  separated  from  the  group.      dodging  low-hanging  branches  does  not  seem  to  be  enough  as  she  plows  into  something  sturdy,      only    hands    steady    her    &&    keep    her    from    slipping    into    the    mud,      clearly    this    is    no    tree.      the  thunderer  merely  smirks  as  he  pulls  her  along,      finding  shelter  under  an  overhang  in  the  twisted  roots.        they    are    both    soaked    to    the    bone,      silks    &&    furs    ruined    beyond    repair.
⚔__________      BODIES      PRESS      TOGETHER      IN      THE      TIGHT      SPACE.      despite  the  temporary  reprieve  from  the  lashing  rain,      goosebumps  rise  on  her  skin  as  she  realizes  his  arms  are  still  around  her    &&    her  hand  is  pressed  against  his  chest      breathing    becomes    difficult      she  can  feel  his  heartbeat  under  her  palm    &&    wonders  if  he  can  feel  her  own  thundering  against  her  ribcage.      the  air  is  heavy    &&    he  speaks  first,      it    was    my    duty    to    find    you    in    case    danger    lurked.      her  voice  meets  his,      low  in  tone.    what    does    your    duty    dictate    now    that    you’ve    found    me    ??      this    is    exhilarating,      wild,      thrilling.        it    is    impossible,    borderline    dangerous,      reckless.  
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lokisgoodgirl · 3 months
Successional Pleasure: The Rite (II)
A Masterlist for The Rite is here A link to my regular Masterlist is here Summary: (2) Loki arranges a meeting, and you're offered the opportunity of a lifetime (w/c 4.8k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Thirsting for unattainable royals. Language. Heavy petting. Ridiculous Asgardian HC lore. Smuttish.
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This morning the palace criers announced mandatory palace court attendance for all of Asgard.
Word travels fast, you muse as another person shoves into your shoulder; especially when the Odinsons will be in full ceremonial dress.
A swell ripples through the crowd, pulsing forward. Only one row of people stand in front of you, and the guards lining the jostling mass are becoming impatient.
You always make an effort for these events; everyone does. However bland and self-aggrandising the subject matter (and with the Allfather, when is it not?) – one never knows who’ll attention you’ll draw. But this time, it’s different.
This time, as you fixed your hair and let your solitary maid tighten the laces of your dress – there was only one person you wanted to impress. Him. Because this time, for the first time, he may actually notice you.
But that’s madness, you think as you try and focus. His lovers are legendary. He has his pick of…anyone. Literal deities.
But then, the memory of Prince Loki’s glistening chest emerging from the palace baths with wet hair plastered over his brow as he grunted through his orgasm erupts in your mind. That’s a memory not easily forgotten. In fact, it’s very easily encouraged. And each time you think of it, more layers appear.
In the extended, delusional version, he crosses the pool, the lapping water licking around his proud cock snug to his stomach as he wages a path to cage you by the stone edge and—
Trumpets blare. “They’re here,” a woman beside you squeals. Her hand flies to yours, clawing with unhinged excitement. The guards straighten, spears thudding against marble in ceremonial greeting.
He probably does that shit all the time; wanking in the palace baths with people he doesn’t know. He won’t see you amongst thousands of faces. That’s madness. But when it came to Loki Odinson, didn’t that make it more likely? Nerves tighten your stomach. The glint of their ostentatious headwear is the first sign of approach; two small figures against the expanse of the ancient doors floor to ceiling of the hall. Cheers thunders like a burst dam through a canyon as they move in sync down the wide aisle, each set of guards they pass thunking their staff in salute. Each thud made your pussy clench. And finally, you catch sight of his face.
It's the picture of haughty expectation at the wild crowds losing their minds as he passes. Every slice and draw of his bone structure is set like marble. He’s above it all; stunning decorative armour that would be absolutely no use in battle accenting broad shoulders at sharp angles. Impeccable posture, as ever. Today, the prince wears full leathers beneath – ridiculously fitted trousers which melded seamlessly to a forest green tunic stitched in golden trim.
To complete the act of war that’s his outfit, a stiff collar cut to the curve of his jawline sweeps up to his earlobes; a solitary curl of ebony hair lying against the leather, freed from his helmet. Thor wears the same red and garish gold he always does, beaming greedily at the crowds.
Your eyes roam over Loki’s sweeping entrance and you smile to yourself that the last time you’d seen him – he’d been naked. The woman beside you begins to breathe heavily as they draw closer. You have no idea, you smirk.
Loki’s cape billows with theatrical elegance down the open aisle, and you wonder briefly if his magic has something to do with it. Thor’s certainly doesn’t flutter around his ankles with the same effortless gravitas. Thor’s doesn’t undulate with every stride, timed with the military precision of its master’s thighs.
The guard in front of you lifts his spear, ready to thrust it to the marble floor. You hold your breath, biting your lip, their glory radiating with each falling step. And then, time seems to stop. Because then, Loki, Prince of Asgard, looks at you. His eyes flicker to the side, narrowing softly in your direction. A low dimple in his cheek flashes, only for a moment. And then - -thunk
The metal clang makes you jump out your skin, and by the time you get your bearings, the princes have moved on. They each face the platform, sinking on one knee with bowed heads while Odin pats down the cheers. He begins to rumble on, something about war, or tradition or blah blah.
The dark prince’s jawline is a work of art as he kneels in performatively rapt attention. With each swallow, his cheekbones flash. The golden helmet highlights the harsh lines of his face, lids dropping every few minutes as he struggles not to roll his eyes. You smile.
“Oh that’s good,” the woman beside you hums. You frown at her, concentration broken. It was her turn to frown. She shakes her head, gazing back to Odin. “Thor reached a treaty with Muspelheim.”
The next hour passes slowly, and for once, you’re grateful. When Odin stops, it’s the Crown Prince’s turn to regale the audience of thousands with his diplomatic success. Only half-listening, you use the time to your advantage, perving on Loki kneeling on the polished floor with those long, pale fingers clasped around one knee. When the dark prince stands, the rest of the high-nobles do the same. He whips his cape back, allowing the crowd a gratuitous view of his muscular ass and thighs flexing beneath tight leather while he unfurls. Loki’s imperious eyes scan the heaving crowd with an air of disdain. The look rolls like a sea wind, cold and unforgiving until you feel its weight land on you.
You’re pinned by that stare as plainly as though it’s his hands; his body. Goosebumps ripple beneath your dress. I see you, he mouths silently, subtly, before his gaze falls on his brother once more.
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The royal family wave a final time before slipping to the doors at the back of the Great Hall. Loki’s attention hadn’t fallen upon you again, but the waiting. The anticipation; it was exhausting.
Around you, the bustle of a thousand conversations grows to a roar. The front rows of the crowd begin to file out and follow the same path the royal family had taken through the golden doors. High-court, only. Friends and family, that sort of thing. A huge curtain hangs behind the throne, buffeting gently from some unseen breeze. It’s a rich amber with threads of green and red and blue, shimmering patterns that no mortal fingers could accomplish woven over centuries, millennia even.
Gods, noted warriors and chancellors all dutifully bow to the empty throne before circling around the platform and disappearing behind the curtain. On their way to a feast, no doubt.
A set of bird-like fingers wrap around your wrist. With a yank you pull it away, whipping round to see the expectant face of a young boy.
“Get out of here,” you snarl. Pickpockets are rife at these sorts of things. The boy stares. Puberty hadn’t darkened a shadow on his skin, and despite his age, he was un-phased by the abruptness.
“You are requested,” he says, bored eyes searching your face. People jostle by your shoulders in annoyance. “By who?” you scoff. They’d try anything these days.
The boy tugs your hand. “Requested,” he says again as though it explains everything, turning and pulling you earnestly towards the line of guards. With a single glance at an insignia on his tunic, they part for him.
You traipse behind him at pace, clutching long skirts in one fist while eyes in the crowd follow you down the marble aisle against the sea of people and behind the mysterious curtain. “Name?” a voice grunts.
You look from the back of the boy’s head to the bulky figure in front of you. He’s dressed in robes of scarlet, the hint of a dagger’s hilt beneath a thick belt. A wiry red beard hangs down his chest, resting on a buckle of black steel. “I know you not…” he sneers slowly. “No names,” the boy snaps. He barely came up to the gatekeeper’s stomach. “She’s been requested.” The gatekeeper’s face crumples and his eyes dart to the emblem on the boy’s chest before standing aside, holding his tongue.
The youth gestures with his head to follow him, and you do…. down a short corridor flooded with buttery light. Delicate jangling of lutes and laughter ring to ornate cloisters, a glittering view of Asgard below the balcony-walkway taking your breath away. “Hurry,” the boy snips without a backwards look. “Master is not a patient man.”
He claps his small hands three times and a set of golden doors at the end of the cloister swing open. Thor comes into view mid-conversation, still wearing his ceremonial armour, a goblet spilling over the sides clutched in one hand as he gesticulates wildly. There’s a rumble of polite laughter. Your hand shoots out, grabbing the boy’s shoulder.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you mutter. He shoots a scathing glance over his shoulder, casting a salty look down to your feet and back again. “You have been—”
“—requested,” you finish petulantly. “Yeah, I know.”
Your ribs thrum as you walk through the doors, pulled by invisible hands. There can only be one person who harbours the desire to have you at this exclusive gathering. And even that’s beyond insanity. Has he mistaken you for someone else? The boy, that is. He’s a barely more than a child. You were about to ask where you should go, when you realise he’s gone. Casting a frantic look around the room it’s evident that familiar groups have already formed, jokes cracking in waves; picking at piles of nuts and fruit and meats. Frigga herself stands by an ornate silver trolley, ladling wine into a goblet while Lofn whispers in her ear. Your knees buckle slightly. There he is.
A small figure works through folds of silk and armoured angles to the back of the room. You follow him, before halting abruptly, steadying yourself against a table. The boy’s come to a stop in front of a shadowed figure, exchanging a conspiratorial nod. Loki Odinson claps him on the back, raising a goblet to his lips. He rests against a pillar, choosing to stay apart from the revels. Watching. Waiting. His eyes meet yours as he sips; dark and dangerous over a rim of gold. One brow twitches upwards in, you presume, greeting. Sweaty palms run slip the front of your dress and you fight the sudden urge to run. It’s pale blue, the finest you own. Which isn’t saying much. The same colour as his eyes, you realise.
The Prince lowers the goblet, cocking his head. He’s still adorned with the ensemble his part in the day’s festivities required save one, the helmet. Dark curls spill freely over the shoulders of the cape fastened to guards beneath, intricate folds of fabric worked to perfection.
He raises a hand, forefinger beckoning twice in subtle succession before lowering it again. Just like the baths, you think with a shameful thrill. Your gaze darts to faces you’ve only seen in paintings around the court as you glide over, trying to look like you belong - but no one bats an eye. Loki unhooks one foot from behind the other, nudging himself off the column. Leather boots gape teasingly around his calves. You wonder, if you beg like a common trollop, if he would fuck you wearing those boots. Only those boots—
“You’re not wearing green,” the Prince drawls. You open your mouth and close it again, irritatingly mute while his blue irises smoulder. “Usually they wear green.” You press your lips together, collecting yourself. “Who?” “Those trying to bed me,” Loki says.
“I’m not trying to—” The prince waves a dismissive hand. “—Catch my attention, then.”
You feel your cheeks heat under scrutiny, a very obvious swallow working its way down your throat. “I don’t know what you mean your Highness,” you say. “You summoned me.”
“Indeed, I did. So I imagine I must have a very good reason,” the Prince murmurs. He brings the pad of a fingertip to his lower lip, brushing it across the skin as you stand in silent bemusement. “Loki! Did you send for a jester? What fun!” You inhale sharply as Fandral slides into view beside your shoulder. His hair is on point this evening, a lush wave cresting over his forehead and swept to the side as his eyes trail to your feet and back to your face. “Oh, my mistake. Just someone getting a little a carried away with the rouge, it seems.” Your stomach tightens. “I’m leaving, your Highness,” you say with a lacklustre bow and a bitter taste in your mouth. “But you do not have my permission,” Loki growls quietly. His feet come into view on the floor and you raise your head, inhaling the sweet breath from his lungs clouding your lips. “More wine, Loki?” Fandral asks brightly, already pouring into Loki’s goblet. The prince’s eyes don’t leave yours, but his mouth hardens.
“Can’t you see I’m busy?” he asks through gritted teeth. Fandral looks at you with mock-surprise. “Oh yes, most recent conquest is it? Come for a peek behind the gilded curtain before you’re sent back to the depths of banality? I thought he’d run out of new faces.” He winks; it makes your stomach churn.   “She’s not a conquest,” Loki says, hovering the goblet by his lips. “Not one of mine, anyway.”
Your eyes dart to his and catch them narrow slightly. Fandral looks genuinely confused. “Well, what then? Why is she here? Who is she?”
Suddenly there’s a loud crash to the side. Thor stumbles against the table laden with wine-soaked pears and pastries and mounds of tartlets, knocking a pile of cold meats to the ground. He wobbles after them, kneeling on the floor and beginning to pick them off the stones as if they were jewels. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” Loki mutters, and you feel the gentle pressure of a hand on your waist. “Walk with me,” he urges in your ear and a shudder rolls down your spine.
“Loki?” Fandral calls as the figures around you start to blur and the Prince manoeuvres you through the crowd like a feather. “Loki, I must speak to you about the…matter, I’ll…later. Yes, later. Quite.” A wall of fresh air skates over your skin. You hadn’t realised how warm it was inside. The two of you come to a stop at the wall of the balcony, nails skimming against polished marble. Loki clears his throat.
“I apologise for Fandral he’s…” Loki looks up from beneath his lashes, a performative sheepishness softening his face, “well, himself.” You stifle a laugh, focusing on the edge of the moonlit waterfalls in the distance. Silence hangs between you, made louder by the jumbled festivities inside. “Why am I here, Prince Loki?” you whisper, not daring to look at him. “If it’s about what happened in the baths, I won’t tell a soul I swear—” “—It’s not.” Irritation begins to brew in your stomach. “Well then Fandral has a point. Why am I here? I’m no one.” “Exactly.” A prickle of heat rises up your neck, stinging your ears. “Am I a joke to you, your Highness?”
Loki’s eyes flashing in moonlight, but he says nothing. It stings.
“You bring me here to make a fool out of me in front of your friends? In front of Frigga? Frigga.” “I needed to see if any of them knew you.” Loki’s voice is eerily calm, his gaze as unflinching as a cliff jutting into night. “And clearly, they do not. Fandral would recognise you if they did; that little fishwife knows absolutely everything.” “Why would they know me? And what does it matter?” “It matters a great deal. To me, at least. And to you, perhaps.” You push a strand of hair back from your forehead, hating that its damp. The skin feels hot. Hot and flustered and clammy with embarrassment and…shit, arousal. Can he tell?
Black strings of lax curl blow gently around Loki’s jawline, pale lips stained with wine. “Tell me, my Lady…have you heard of the Rite of Successional Pleasure?” he asks, and suddenly all other noise vanishes from your ears save the hum of his voice.
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Loki’s eyes run down the blue chiffon of your robe, wondering if he could peel it off and cast it skating across the stone with a solitary swipe of his hand. Allowing you a moment to collect yourself, he decides that yes, he could. “Surely just a legend, my Prince…” you answer demurely, busying your hands and staring off into the distance as an unmistakable waft of heat courses from your bare neckline. He licks his lips, feeling a smirk curl the corners.
“Aren’t we all?” he purrs. Their eyes meet. “I assure you it is very real. A relic, to be sure. But real enough. And I require a partner to enact this Rite, else my succession to Asgard’s throne will not be entrenched in law. I have waited too long as it is, as I keep being reminded.”
“That’s very…interesting,” you say.
Loki straightens. He hadn’t taken you for a dullard, but he does appreciate the delayed gratification of enthusiasm at the proposal. Loki can hear your heart thud faster; he wonders how much of that blood is flushing to your sex beneath the gown billowing about your ankles. You glance at him and quickly look away. It makes Loki’s stomach twist. Perhaps he was wrong. Perhaps events in the bath-house were simply…opportunity. Or worse, fear. You clear your throat. “What is it, exactly? The Rite of Successional…” “—Pleasure,” Loki finishes abruptly. He rolls his shoulders back, steadying the flurry of unwelcome nerves in his chest.
“One of my family’s farcical traditions. When Asgard’s twin moons are in perfect equilibrium within the heavens, once every half millennia – eligible members of the royal family suitable for rule must, in order to be considered for finite succession, perform the Rite.” “Which is?”
Loki’s eyes fall down the curve of your neck, hovering on your moist lips. He’d thought of nothing else in the days since the bath-house; those lips sucked between his teeth, stretching around his cock; swollen and wet and…
“Pleasure.” It comes out sterner than intended. “To be given, only. A king must not just be skilled in diplomacy, in combat, in war and sacrifice, but in giving pleasure,” he says, imitating the cadence of his father’s voice with a caricatural wave of his hand. “How else can Asgard’s citizens know we are to be trusted, to be benevolent, if is not documented in the annals?”
“You can’t be serious,” you say. “I thought it was a joke, like the other things.” “Contrary to belief, I can be very serious indeed, little owl,” Loki replies with a smile. It fades. The weight of the pet name plucked from nowhere hangs in the air like smoke as you fidget with a fold of your dress. Gods, how he hates that it’s blue. “I still don’t see what it has to do with me,” you posture meekly. Loki tenses, words hissing between his teeth. “Bifrost’s blood, woman. I’m asking you to be my partner for the Rite. Must I carve it in stone?”
The widen of your eyes makes his stomach flutter and you attempt a clumsy curtsey which makes Thor’s staggered collapse among the strewn meats look elegant. “I…I don’t know what to…I—” Suddenly, you look up. “Is it witnessed?” “Of course.” Horror blossoms in your eyes. “Oh…it’s very tasteful,” Loki says, inspecting his nails. “Much more so than the Ceremony of the Sacred Seed, I assure you. It relies more on…aural methods. For the most part.”
“I’ve never been invited to that,” you reply absently, and Loki notes that your fingers have curled around his wrist armour, steadying yourself. “When is the…the moon thing?” “Five nights from now,” he says, and your jaw drops. “I understand I’ve left it rather late, but I really am in rather a bind.” The irony of him practically begging this unknown woman of the court to bring her the greatest ecstasy she’s ever know wasn’t lost on Loki, but for the moment at least…he decides to restrain his natural urge to remind her of that fact.
“Your reputation will only be enhanced, I assure you,” he adds. “It’s a great honour. And I am, if I may say, quite renowned for my skill in that department.” “Why me?” she asked. And there it was. He grimaced. “Don’t lie to me,” she added bravely, and his grimace deepened. “The Rite will only be valid if the recipient has never known the touch of a god. Or, more specifically their…essence. Our essences must never have touched each other. The punishment is severe; there are tomes and everything; rules…how I loathe them,” he says, offering a weak smile. Realisation blossoms in your eyes. “And���I’m afraid my roster has been rather full these past centuries.” A small laugh erupts from your throat that makes it incredibly difficult not to shut you up with his mouth. “Surely you can’t have fucked everyone in the high-court?”
Loki bit back a laugh of his own. “Rather brazen, aren’t you?” he says, narrowing his eyes. “Regrettably, my options in that circle are limited to Fandral. And I’m afraid I cannot bring myself to give him the satisfaction he most desperately desires; it’s far too much fun tormenting him.” You raise an eyebrow and Loki scoffs, smoothing a curl back. “Oh, don’t act so surprised. I know what they must say about me.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, your Highness,” you say with a conspiratorial smile.
“Liar,” Loki replies softly. The sparkle of your mischief fades, and he finds he immediately misses it. “So, I’m…a last resort, then?” “Somewhat, yes.” You bristle, goosebumps rising along your bare arms in the evening chill. Loki watches them flare, fighting the urge to soothe them with his fingertips. Another eruption of his brother’s drunken laughter bounces from the archways.
“What happened in the baths,” she says, eyeing him warily. “Wouldn’t that count? Wouldn’t your…uh, essence have…travelled?”
A small noise scratches from Loki’s throat. “Far too diluted. Fortunately…we were rather far apart.” She moves a step closer, looking up at him beneath her lashes. Her scent makes his mouth water. “And besides, if memory serves you made rather a hasty exit.” “If I agree to this, what’s in it for me?” you ask with a coolness he isn’t expecting. He frowns. “Aside from the obvious?” You shoot him a scathing glare. “You’ll be an honoured guest of Asgard’s highest echelons until the ceremony; luxurious quarters, the finest garments…yours to keep, naturally. A feast in your honour, the honour of my escort, a place in Asgard’s history, and of course…my eternal thanks.” He waits until you turn fractionally towards him before deploying a calculated wink. Your expression is stamped with suspicion, and yet he sees the intrigue nestled beneath the veneer of resistance. He’s not surprised when you shuffle closer, glancing over your shoulder. “Is there um…practice, involved?” Loki feels his brows shoot up. “Practice? Norns haven’t you been listening to a word I’ve said? Our…”
He whips his cape as he spins, eyeing over his shoulder, catching the glint of Fandral’s flaxen hair hovering by the feasting table. “Our evidence of arousal cannot be in contact before the Rite…not a single drop, lest the entire ceremony be declared null and my honour as a successor questioned.” “Right,” you say stiffly. “Of course.” He can feel the heat of embarrassment radiating from your skin.
You need her, fool. Loki clears his throat with a dry rattle. “But we may…get to know each other. That is expected, at least. If you agree, of course.” You turn to him, eyes shimmering in moonlight. Loki wonders again how he could possibly have missed such a rare jewel in the drab sameness of Asgard’s court. He straightens as your finger runs over the metal at his wrist, trailing up the hem of his cape. “Are you allowed to kiss me?” you ask. A thick swallow works down his throat, his trousers tightening as you add, “What do the rules say about that?” Suddenly it feels as though he could be three-hundred again, unfamiliar nerves sizzling in his belly like fire. “I…there is no impediment to that particular act, no.” “Don’t you think it would be wise to…make sure we’re compatible before you make such a momentous decision?” A flush creeps up Loki’s neck above the high collar of his tunic as the clink of goblets and laughter continue inside the archway and he’s thankful for darkness. A muscle in his jawline twitches, fingers clenching and unclenching by his sides. There it was again, that audacity. So wilful, and yet…
In a flash his fingers wrap around your wrist, tugging you back with him into shadow. He slips a hand around your back, cushioning your spine as you meet rough stone with a gasp. Your sultry eyes look up at him with manufactured innocence.
“Let’s spare ourselves the virginal theatrics,” he hums, drawing his nose up the line of your cheekbone. The shiver that racks your body makes the toes in his boots curl. “You will be my partner for this sacred Rite?” You catch his lips with the brush of an autumn breeze, grazing against the words. The scent of you overwhelms him; a deep forest tang with overtures of a fragrant sweetness he can’t place.
He groans into the kiss, hungrier with every work of his mouth against the reach of your tongue. Loki’s hands slide up the swell of your breasts, each moan shivering from your throat into his making him want to explode.
As your fingers card through his hair, he realises the other hand is working down the harsh wall of tunic, sliding down his abdomen, hungry for the engorged lust strapped to his hip. There is a barrier, he thinks wildly, tempering his fear. There is a barrier. You squeeze. “Norns, woman…” he growls between gritted teeth, steadying a forearm against the wall behind your head as his gnawing kisses work down your neck. Stone veins spread in crunching crackles under the pressure. “Loki,” you gasp beneath him, bucking into the press of his armour into your endless curves. The realisation he can’t sate it hits with sudden, unwelcome clarity.
“Far too familiar,” he chides against your ear with a feigned derision that makes another moan snake from your throat. Loki’s cock throbs harder. “I remain your Prince, and you will address me as such.” You crush his lips with a kiss full of such desire Loki thinks he might shatter. His cock rubs against your stomach, harsh friction sending jolts of pleasure lancing through his body and suddenly, you break from him with a pant. “Do you want to know my name now, my Prince?”
His saliva rings your mouth; lips swollen and puffed. He nods twice, keeping his chin low on the second as his eyes flutter closed as you lean to his ear, whispering the word. Now that he knows it, he can’t imagine it being anything else.
“…and I’m no one’s last resort, not even a god,” you say, meeting his eyes. Loki steps back, jaw hardening as you smooth down the front of your dress. “I didn’t mean to imply—” “—Well, you did. So, if this still seems like a good idea in the morning, I expect to see you again under less…crowded circumstances.” Loki bit back the urge to protest, but as much as he was loathe to admit it…she had a point. Preparations for the Rite were usually conducted over months, and as he widened his stance, clasping his hands behind his back, a familiar coiffured sheaf of golden hair glinted and disappeared with suspicious urgency. “Unless you’d rather partake with Fandral?”
Loki’s stomach flips but he swallows down the urge to answer. “You’re familiar with my apprentice?” he asks. You nod. “He shall come for you at noon tomorrow.” A small smile flickers at your glistening lips. “Very well, your Highness,” you say, sinking into a curtsey that makes Loki’s cock ache before rising and gliding towards the open archway. He rolls his lips together, fighting the urge to follow you – but he’s already shown his hand too heavily tonight.
As you pass through the arch, Thor wobbles in the other direction, casting a quizzical glance backwards. “There you are, brother,” he slurs, slumping onto the balcony. His arm makes a heavy gesture towards the party, swinging wildly. “She is the one?” Loki bristles. “Yes, brother.”
“Finally. Norns preserve us, I thought you’d never make it. You know she is not suitable for the ceremony if she has been...sampled, already?” he asks as both eyebrows rise. Loki scoffs and throws his brother an incredulous stare. “I know that,” he snarls. “What do you take me for, some kind of rube?” Thor sighs, picking a slice of cured boar from his breastplate and dangling into his mouth. “Let’s hope you can satisfy her, then – in every way. For all our sakes.” Loki’s nose wrinkles in disgust. “If you can scrape past the requirements, we both know I shall have no issue.” “Mmm,” his brother hums. “If it wasn’t for the other matter her response will be measured on.”
“It’s all in hand, brother,” he lies, ignoring the thump of his heart, watching the bob of your head as you wind between intoxicated council members towards the door. “Five moons is more than enough time for that.” And beside him, Thor snorts.
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Chapter Three: Measurement The Masterlist for the Rite is here Tags in comments (≧ヮ≦) ��
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
thor nsfw alphabet
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Pairing: Thor Odinson x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: ~1800 words
Warnings: : pretty much everything, ejaculations, penetration, sex toys, oral sex, size difference, oral fixation. if I missed anything major please let me know!
Author’s Note: Thor won that poll by a landslide! coming after him at the poll were billy & joaquin so let me know if you want one with either if them, and as always if any of this sparks an idea or you wanna see me explore something please let me know! Yeah, that was supposed to be written 2 months ago, what about it!
PS: dividers & banners by @saradika
Main Masterlist ・❥・Thor Odinson Masterlist
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Thor takes his time to soothe you and your body after the act, he holds you close and uses a washcloth on your body if you can't move to go to the bathroom. He rocks you slowly until you fall asleep on him, making sure to kiss you everywhere and relax your heartbeat a little, warming you up with his pure god heat and smothering you in love and dedication.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
Thor is lowkey obsessed with your neck and collarbones, he loves grabbing it and turning you around or caressing you softly before he is kissing you tenderly. Not to say that he doesn't worship any and each part of your body but something about an uncovered neck makes him go crazy.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Thor as a god has a different flow than that of a mortal man. Thicker and shinier in its consistency Thor's cum is also filled with incredible breeding potential, that's why he is always careful when he cums inside you. Rich in its nutrients when you get to swallow some it always leaves your skin shining.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Now Thor's biggest secret is that he loves it when you initiate it and especially when you want to be on top, he would love to be pliant for you and do exactly as you say. He loves following a good order and worshipping every single word that you say, most of all he loves being yours and your own personal toy, although he'd rarely admit it he loves when someone wants to take care of him.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Thor could not be any more experience. Firstly he has read every single book or guide there is to know about sex and female pleasure and second, he always keeps himself in check by analyzing the way you take him and the way you react to him.
F= Favorite position
Oh, Thor's favorite position is missionary, direct eye contact with you, your breasts moving for him, his hands on your waist when he is inside you, moving you as he does, able to watch his cock inside your stomach, your thighs around his waist. He could never get enough of it, although he does switch you on your back so he can get deeper inside you, the first one remains his favorite.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
Thor can be incredibly goofy during the act, he is a giant ball of fluff anyway so he always takes his time to make you feel as comfortable as possible and he will use his charms on you, although there are times when he is serious but only when he hasn't seen you in a long while and he just wants to worship your body.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Thor as a prince does keep himself very well groomed, he has a legion of people taking care of him anyway so he knows how important it is to be very clean everywhere.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Thor is incredibly romantic, he loves looking deep inside your eyes and holding your face firm for him when he is deep inside you. He loves admiring you and your body for all that you do for him and he never forgets to praise you and worship your every move.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Thor is not known to masturbate often, only when he is very far away from you, he is disciplined and knows how to keep his pleasure just for you.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Thor is big into bondage. He knows a lot of different knots and rope styles and he loves taking his time, tying you up, dressed or not, in many different styles of ropes such as silk or rougher material. He loves moving the ropes on you and later on tracing the markings on your skin with his fingers.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
Thor is into every place really just as long as he can get to have you all to himself. He has the ideal cause of his size to being able to carry you and lift you anywhere he needs to so the location itself doesn't matter although his favorite place has to be right behind any door the minute he can get you alone.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Thor is motivated just by looking at you, your body, and your figure, and your face is enough to keep him going and make him attracted to you. He is allured and enamored with you in a unique passionate way and watching you laugh and throw your head back or his favorite licking your lips together is enough to make him come close to you.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Thor is kinda possessive, so he would not be too cool with a threesome, he wants you all to himself and doesn't like the idea of ever sharing you with anyone else.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Thor is really good at eating you out. His big tongue allows him to touch your nerves in all of their sweetest spots until you are trembling. He likes using his fingers and tongue and burying himself down there for hours although he is never opposed when you want to swallow him whole. He loves watching you eager and desperate to deep throat and he easily guides you on him until you got the handle of him ready. He also doesn't mind teaching you a way to check your gag reflex until you can take him. His preferred position is for you to lay on the bed while he is guiding his cock down your throat because it's easier than you being on your knees. On the other hand, he doesn't mind getting on his knees himself, your legs on his shoulders when he decides to eat you out.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Thor can be fast, it's just that he prefers not to in order not to hurt you. His vast size and huge cock need some preparation to get used to so he tries to be slow enough for you to handle him until he can let himself a little looser.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Quickies are not his preference although he does like them fast and hard, it's just that he prefers a combination of slow, sensual, and fast. He can fuck pretty roughly when he is fast so he prefers allowing himself to slow down a little to better suit you.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Thor is an innovator and a curious person, there is nothing he is not willing to try including allowing you to peg him or following any sex guide book you might find.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Thor is the king of stamina. He could go again and again if your body could keep up instead he is more than willing to wait for you whenever you need him to. Each round lasts up to how much you can take.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
Thor is a gadget guy, always fascinated by technology and the such and whenever he finds something new or learns something new he wants to try it with you or on you. He doesn't mind using cock rings either albeit it's very hard to sustain him. But he is very willing to try.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Thor likes teasing you, he doesn't have to do much because his just existing is a tease but he will take his time to whisper to your ear when he doesn't have to or kiss you below your neck or place his hand on your waist to pull you close. He is not big on being teased himself because when he starts something he wants to finish it and getting him hard in the middle of the day is something that will inconvenience him. Not that he complains though.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
Thor is a talker only when he decides to edge you, the other times he is more focused and is fluent in moans and groans and repeats of your name. He is loud when he cums as well, a deep growl leaving his mouth, especially when he cums on you and he can see the glistening liquid on your body. The more pliant you become the louder he is with his actions. The distinct sound of skin on slapping skin due to his enormous size is enough to make for a very noisy scene.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
Thor loves using his thunder powers on you. Although he only does it in a well-established relationship and after getting his time to know you and confirm that this is alright but the first time that he does it, it's slow, zaps you a little on your hand as you are cumming to intensify your pleasure. At later times he will always use it directly from his cock to your inside, to shoot his cum deep inside you to breed you and to watch your own eyes turn blue in thunder colors.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Thor is huge. He has the girth, the curve, the veins, the length. His cockhead is so big that makes you tremble the first time you see it. But he knows exactly how to work it for your pleasure. Although he does love holding it close to your head and laughing. Just for fun.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
Thor has a godly sex-drive, he could constantly be horny and hungry for you but he rarely acts on it. He will wait for the right time to take his sweet time with you as opposed to something fast therefore he keeps his needs under control and can keep it for hours once he starts having his way with you.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Thor is a big sleeper after sex, he loves cuddling you close and nuzzling you matching your breath, engulfing you completely into his arms, and kissing the top of your head. Usually, he drifts off first, although he tends to sleep less than you do.
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If you want to be notified about my future stories please follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications!
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plscallmeeren · 1 month
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Loki Laufeyson / Odinson x Reader
Request: no just feeling in love
Summary: completely mixed batch of romantic headcanons including fluff, smut and some toxic things that would probably come into play at some point
Warnings: some general sexual stuff but nothing rough lol; mentions of extreme jealousy etc
Word Count: about 1K
He loves recommending books to you and talking about them afterward. It used to be him accidentally gushing about a book (usually poetry or fairy tales) and at some point you just started reading them without him knowing. Eventually he gave up on keeping the titles secret.
At first he was put off when you weren't too submissive during sex, but he adopted the "treat her like a Queen" idea and now, without diminishing his own pride, he looks forward to worshipping you every day.
He loves dancing - spinning you around the room, slow steps, but very close - anything. If you are in a room filled with of people he can show you off, but alone it is just as intimate.
When he's insecure, he can revert to considering himself superior. You generally let him be aloof for a while before addressing the problem directly, but it's a struggle every time to make him admit why he has low self esteem.
He has a treasured copy of Nordic fairy tales with beautiful illustrations that he shows only you. He lets you tenderly flip the pages, in awe at wonders like forest fairies, nymphs, glamorous witches and hags alike. Not like Thor, that 'oaf'.
One night, you sat on the edge of the your shared bed, legs bare, teasing him for how desperately he wanted you. He knelt before you, whispering "please", kissing his way up from your ankle to your thigh on one leg.
Loki hates it when she is a woman and is handles awkwardly at first. You have a habit of immediately talking to her or circling an arm around her waist when she enters the room so that she can't worry to the point of turning back into a male body.
He loved hearing his name from your lips as he pleasures you: "Loki, Loki, Loki". It is only right for a god to be subject to whispered prayer.
He makes fun of/critiques Thor a lot, but in quieter moments he loves telling childhood stories and Thor's adventures. On darker days he will ask whether you're sure you wouldn't prefer Thor - after all, everyone else did.
He lives to kiss you. It sounds dopey, but anywhere, anytime, in front of everyone - kissing you on the lips, on your neck, hair, chest, arms, especially hands. Anything to taste you, to feel as close as possible.
She feels particularly sound in her own body when you fuck her as a woman. When she's spread out before you, bare, there's no hiding who she is, and you are more than happy to ravage her as much as their common body.
Loki doesn't need much sleep. At night, he sometimes feels lonely and yearns for the halls of Asgard. He cries quietly in bed, careful not to wake you. Some days, he retreats to the library and sobs, cries absorbed by surrounding stories.
Tea. Tea. Tea. Always. And every time he makes a cup for himself, you get one, too. He knows your favourites and which ones you like at what time of day.
He writes you letters. Love letters full of poems - some of his own hand and others quoted - and confessions. Every swooping letter is drawn with careful precision, every reference a new find from the library in honour of you. Such a hopeless romantic. When you write such letters back, leaving them with him before he wakes, he almost sheds tears of bliss.
If you have tattoos or scars or burns - anything of the like - he will trace them, stare at them as he comes, turned on endlessly by every unique mark on your body. All his. No one else knows every freckle like him.
He is possessive. He always has been, and as much as you try and calm him and prevent jealousy... sometimes he yells at you for talking to someone else too much. Sometimes he whispers that you have betrayed him like his father. Sometimes you find him searching through your things; what for, you will never know.
Loki loves your laugh, and he will do the most ridiculous things to earn it. Before knowing you, he would have considered every antic and joke beneath him and embarrassing, but he hardly cares anymore. That is, until Thor laughs so loud from beside you that he can't hear anything at all.
Stargazing. He points out every constellation, knows every myth - some are inspired by people he knows.
He reads to you. He takes you on surprise picnics and plans fancy evenings.
He loved how you see through his lies and tall tales, but take him seriously or laugh anyway. Every one of them has a grain of truth, after all, and it doesn't make him untrustworthy.
He doesn't really swear, but secretly likes it when you sound harsh talking to others.
Loki will talk about your future all the time, especially after making love, rambling on about your house, lifestyle, garden, parties.
You talk for hours at once, incorrigible.
No one can calm him down like you. The moment you touch his arm when he's yelling at Thor or anyone else, it ceases, but he sometimes pretends to be angry a bit longer, just enough to get to your room and keep his pride in front of the others.
Loki loves you. Selflessly. Eternally. Insatiably.
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candy girl 6
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as cheating, age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: as you’re about to take the next step with your boyfriend, doubts begin to arise. (short!plus!reader)
Characters: Thor (boyfriend’s dad/silverfox)
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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You can hear Thor following you as you storm down the pavement. You cover your face as your horror overflows in choking sobs. You’ve never hurt like this before. The pain is so deep you could crumple to the ground then and there. 
He grabs softly at your hand as he tries to stop you, “little one.” 
“Please, let me go,” you beg as you tear away from him, nearly tripping, “oh god, I can’t believe--” 
“Shh, shhh, please, breathe,” he grasps your wrist firmly and stops you, “it’s late, I can’t let you go running off into the dark.” 
“I’ll find a bus,” you insist, “please, I--” you face him and heave, “how could he do this to me?” You babble and use your free hand to mop your cheeks, “how could I ever think he wanted me?” 
“Oh, dear,” he sweeps you into a hug before you can stop him. “It isn’t that. He is wrong. He is... I am ashamed to call him my son.” 
You want to resist. You know you should but his embrace is soothing. The sound of his heart beat as he pulls your head to his chest keeps yours from racing. You hug him back and sniffle. 
“Thank you,” you murmur, “but he is your son.” 
“And?” He rubs your back and rocks you, “it doesn’t mean I condone this behaviour. I’ve been soft on him too long.” 
His words drift into the cool night air as you cling to him. He’s warm against the chill. You shudder out a breath as the silence roils with tension. His hand stills and crawls up to the back of your head as he slowly parts. He looks down at you as he holds you at arm’s length. 
“You will stay. Just for the night so I know you are safe,” he says. 
“I can’t--” 
“Yes, you can,” he drags his touch down your neck and arm and takes your hand, “come.” 
“Mr. Odinson,” you plead as he tugs you back towards his house. 
“Thor,” he corrects swiftly, “trust me, just this once.” 
You can’t argue. He’s already done so much. Your car, the tip, you feel as if you owe him. Even in this circumstance. 
He takes you up the front steps. Your reluctance weighs down your steps and he coaxes you forward. He hushes you again as he takes you through the front door and stops you just short of the staircase. 
“You will go to my room, right at the end of the hall,” he points as he turns to you, “lock the door for now.” 
“Thor, what’s going on? What are you going to do?” You squeak. 
“What I should’ve done long ago.” 
“Are you...” 
“He is my son, I wouldn’t harm him, yet he has hurt you. He has made a habit of using people, not only you but myself, his brother, his mother... it cannot stand,” he declares, “please, go, I shouldn’t like him to see you, in case he does choose violence. We both know his temper.” 
Your mouth falls open and you look past him then to the stairs, “you don’t have to... for me.” 
“It is right. He is not a child anymore. It is a lesson overdue for many years. I cannot help but blame myself for your pain so let me try at least to atone,” he squeezes your shoulder then nods to the stairs, “please.” 
You lower your lashes and turn to climb the stairs. You stop at the top to peek back again. He looms. You continue on and find your way to his room. You shut the door but cannot move away from it. 
You flick on the light. His room is painted a deep shade of evergreen. The wooden floor is dark and smooth, with a rug beneath the large four-postered bed. A king-size with a thick frame built of square planks. There’s a desk by the window and a chair of the same heavy wood as the bed. A large wardrobe stands opposite with a houserobe hung from the slightly ajar door. 
You turn to the door and press yourself to it. You can hear his footsteps below. It happens all at once, muffled but decisive. Magni’s door swings open and hits the wall, Something falls over, probably that table you told him was too close. 
Then a girl’s yelp and deep timbres. An argument you can only make pieces out of. Their voices rise higher and get clearer as you hear them moving. The front door opens and snaps shut again. They’re still yelling. Oh god, what do you do? 
You can only listen as the tempest blows below. There’s movement too, some banging and slamming. Footsteps back and forth. It lasts forever. Your chest is about to split open. You hear Thor’s voice as clear as if he’s right beside you. 
“Get out,” he demands. 
The front door opens again and you hold your breath. There’s a strange cracking noise before feet stomp outside and across the porch. You scurry to the window to look out. Magni’s shadow stalks angrily through the dark, the outline of his knapsack crooked over his back. 
You retreat and pace around the room. Waiting. The house falls back into silence and you hear Thor climbing the stairs. He sighs and it drifts toward the door. You face it as he knocks from the other side.  
“Hi,” you utter dumbly. 
He slowly twists the knob and peeks around the door, “he’s gone.” 
You gasp as you see his face. There’s a split across the bridge of his nose. Your fear subsides in the wake of concern. 
“What happened?” You rush forward as he lets the door fall all the way open. 
He won’t look at you. 
“Ah, he was caught offguard is all,” Thor rubs the back of his neck. 
“He hit you?” You stop before him, looking up tremulously. 
“I’m glad it was me and no one else,” he intones. “If you weren’t here, I can’t say I’d have left him in one piece.” 
“Oh,” you whimper. 
“I don’t mean to scare you,” he shakes his head. 
“Your bleeding,” you say as his nose drips red. 
“Ah, I thought I’d stopped it,” he presses his knuckle to his nose. 
“Here, let me help, um,” you look around and rush over to the en suite bathroom. You dip inside as you hear his uncertain steps in the bedroom. You return to him, “er, can you sit? I can’t reach.” 
“Of course, little one,” he sits on the bed and drops his hand. You unravel toilet paper from the roll and fold it into a square. You raise it to dab his nose gently. 
“Does it hurt too much? Is this too rough?” You ask. 
“Not even close,” he assures. His blue eyes sparkle at you. The way he watches you makes you sweat. 
You stare at the split higher up his nose over the cartilage, “do you think it’s broken?” 
“He had it crooked but I put it back,” Thor chuckles. 
“Oh,” your frown. 
“I can take it,” he says, “I’m so disappointed...” he flicks his lashes down, “to think I could raise a heathen like that. Someone who would hurt you.” He winces and reaches to take the toilet paper from you, “I’ve got it.” 
You retract your hand as he presses the tissue to his nose. You clutch the roll and sway nervously.  
“Where’s he gone?” You ask. 
“It isn’t my problem,” he growls, “the idiot. How could he not see--” He stops and looks at you, agonized, “you don’t deserve that. What you said before, it isn’t true. You are easy to want, little one, but he is young and arrogant.” 
You bite into your lip at the unexpected compliment. You can’t help but think he only says so because it’s what he’s meant to say. Everyone’s nice to the broken hearted. 
“I suppose I shouldn’t care either,” you resign. You look him over and your chest pangs. “Can I get you anything? Water? Tea?” 
“Oh, no, I should be asking you,” he stands. “First, let’s get you settled. Modi’s old room should do, I think.” 
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the-iceni-bitch · 8 months
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕲𝖔 𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖘, 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖒 𝕴 𝕾𝖚𝖕𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝕾𝖆𝖞?
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𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙾𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗
𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚒𝚐 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎. 𝚂𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛.
𝙰𝚕𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊 ~ 𝙰 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛
Relationship: merman (havmand) Thor Odinson c princess!reader
Words: ~2.2k
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal and anal sex, size difference, multiple orgasms, double penetration), pet names, dub-con, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: I know it’s not October or 2023 anymore, but let’s not all about that. Let’s just talk about the fact that Thor is big and beefy and has two dicks.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library .
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You felt as though you didn’t have any tears left to cry while you stayed curled up in your bed. You could still hear your mother shouting at you through your door, though it did seem as though she was finally walking away as her voice was getting quieter. Perhaps she was finally going to leave you alone.
The thought of having to leave your home made you sob again in spite of your lack of tears. Leaving the sea and the cliffs you were used to and having to be surrounded by mountains sounded like torture. You needed the sound of the waves crashing against the towering rocks and the smell of the salt air as the wind carried its spray against your face. What were you supposed to do with the scent of snow and pine?
At some point your eyes drifted closed, and when you opened them again it was the middle of the night. The moon was reflecting off the sea below your window. You rubbed your eyes as you rose to your feet to open it, sighing at the scent of brine and frozen air made goosebumps rise on your skin. Another hour passed with you just staring at the ocean, the movement of the waves and the silvery light of the moon stirring something deep inside you. That was when you made your decision. You couldn’t be the wife to some king in a frozen, rocky wasteland. The sea was your life, it meant everything to you.
Your dressing gown slid to the floor so you were standing in nothing but your shift. A few steadying breaths were all you needed before you climbed out of your window and found purchase on the notches in the stone wall of your tower that you had scrambled down so many times before. Even though it was slick from the spray and starting to get icy, you still made it down in one piece. It was freezing, but it made you feel alive.
As soon as you reached solid ground you didn’t hesitate, running the few meters to the cliff’s edge and diving off into the empty air. Wind whipped around you for the perhaps three seconds before you entered the water and the shock of cold forced all of the breath from your lungs. There was no time to adjust, though, you had to start swimming. You breathed deeply when you resurfaced, your limbs fighting against the brutal push and pull of the waves as you made your way to deeper waters.
Every time your body was rocked by the waves your breath caught in your throat. It was like the sea was calling your name, desperately trying to pull you under and make you one with its murky depths. If you didn’t have a goal in mind you may have let it, but your eyes were fixed on the massive rock that rose from the waves a few miles from the coast, the one that was almost an island unto itself. His rock.
You were almost there when something wrapped around your waist and pulled you under the waves, making you scream as seawater burned your throat.
“Do not scream, kjæreste,” the sound of his voice immediately soothed you, your face tucking perfectly into Thor’s neck when he rolled onto his back and carried you towards the rock that was his home above the sea, “swimming in the middle of the night, there are far more dangerous things then I that rise from the depths at this hour, little princess.”
“I don’t care,” even in the freezing cold water he was warm, as was his smile when you peeked up at him through your lashes. “It would be better than what my mother has planned for me.”
“She still intends to marry you to the inland princeling, then?” Thor lifted you onto the slick black stone and climbed up after you, hushing you when you immediately crawled into his arms and buried your face in his chest. “My sweet little princess, you haven’t even met the man, you may like him.”
“No I won’t,” you gave him a stubborn pout. “I need the sea, I need you. I love you, Thor.”
“Little one…” Thor kissed the top of your head when you pressed your body even closer to his. “You may or you may not, kjæreste. Give it time. When you have been married to your princeling for a few years it will pass.”
“Don’t say that!” Your wail was truly miserable, your tears falling freely as you looked up at Thor with a wretched expression. “I don’t want to marry him! I want to be with you! Don’t make me go back, please.”
“You do not realize what you are asking, princess.” Thor stroked your hair and let out a deep sigh. “You would never be able to go home. You would never see another human being for the rest of your life.”
“I don’t want anything except you.” You clambered so you were straddling his tail, running your fingers through his golden hair and grinding against his sheath. “Only you, Thor. You’re all I need.”
“You are such a tenacious little thing, I do not believe I could ever say no to you.” Thor pulled you close and kissed you deeply, groaning into your mouth as he felt his cocks sliding from their sheath and growing hard under your ass. “You must be sure though, little one. You must tell me now that you can give up your family, the land of your birth, and all of your friends to be mine. That you will stay true even when I must stay beneath the sea for weeks at a time. Can you promise me, kjæreste?”
You felt your lower lip starting to quiver as you gazed at him. Of course you would miss your family and your friends, and the thought of not seeing them ever again gave you pause. But you really did love Thor. He was like the sea brought to life, and you could no sooner live without him than you could the sea itself.
“I promise, Thor.” You moaned into his mouth and fluttered your eyes when he kissed you deeply, one of his large hands gripping the edge of your shift and dragging it up your hips. The fingers of his other hand were suddenly filling your mouth and you sucked on them greedily, making sure to soak them with your spit as they muffled the sound of your voice. “I love you.”
“And I love you, little princess.” Thor smiled warmly as he dragged his fingers out of your mouth and kissed you again, his tongue tracing the curves of your lips as he slipped his spit-soaked fingers between the cheeks of your ass and teased them over the satiny skin of your asshole. “Just remember to keep breathing for me.”
Even though you nodded you couldn’t help but choke on your tongue when suddenly both of the trembling holes between your legs were full of him; your pussy with one of his thick cocks and your ass with two of his fingers as he stretched you in preparation. He swallowed each pathetic, desperate noise that fell from your lips when he started to move, cooing softly when your cunt fluttered around him and your fingers gripped his hair at the base of his neck. It was exceptionally adorable how quickly you turned into a whimpering mess once he started to fuck you, but he found it endearing.
You were very quickly starting to fall under the same spell you always fell under once he was inside you, murmuring nonsense words in between your whimpers while you struggled to move your body on top of his. He was so big, he always made you feel so tiny but never more so than when the two of you were locked together like this. The way he stretched you open to take him was almost painful from the strain but you secretly loved it, and when he removed his fingers from your ass and replaced them with his second cock you couldn’t do more than let out a garbled scream of pleasure as an orgasm raged through your body.
Thor took control when your body succumbed to the unimaginable bliss he always inflicted on you, kissing you gently in a way that contrasted beautifully with the sudden sharp and brutal movements of his hips. You were lost in a warm, gray haze when he rolled the two of you so he was on top, mumbling when you felt the sharp scrape of his teeth along your jaw as he fucked into you with abandon. Even in your incoherent state you still rolled your body to meet his, your breasts pressed against the smooth plane of his chest and your fingers clawing across his back as they struggled to find purchase on his slick skin.
Even though he made his home in the arctic waters of your country, Thor was so warm. Slippery and warm and large all over. It was addictive, like bathing in the volcanic pools and hot springs you had enjoyed in your youth. But in truth they were nothing like having Thor fuck you. Both of his cocks seemed to fit inside you perfectly, drawing orgasm after orgasm out of your body until your own body was almost as slick as his. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once; cupping your breasts and squeezing your ass, gripping your hips and massaging your thighs. Then suddenly they were holding your face tenderly as he kissed all the breath from your body and fucked you so deep you could feel him in your throat.
When he ground against your clit you sobbed, your pussy fluttering wildly and your asshole clenching around each of his cocks as he kept moving faster and deeper. Your eyes stayed fixed on his even as they grew glassy and unfocused, your lips moving as though in a silent prayer as he growled into your mouth and began to thrust even more wildly. Thor’s lips trailed down your throat as you squirted and writhed against him, the low timbre of his voice vibrating your whole body and making everything even more intense.
You let him move your body however he pleased, putting up no resistance when he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head. When he bit your shoulder you just whined, shaking when the sudden sharp pain drew another climax from your exhausted body. It had never been like this before. It had always been intense and passionate but not like this. It was as though he was doing everything in his power to make his mark on you, and you were accepting it without protest.
All of your focus suddenly snapped to the sensations between your legs, one final, practically painful orgasm ripping through your body and making you scream so loudly the rock shook from the sound. And then his cocks were swelling and stretching you even wider and you could feel yourself about to pass out, the sudden warm rush of his cum into the deepest parts of you finally pushing over the edge into pitch black emptiness. Thor sighed as he watched your body sag and your eyes roll back in your head, smiling at you and gently cupping your cheek as you slid into unconsciousness. He took a few minutes to enjoy the sight of your sleeping form before carefully pulling out of you, chuckling when your pussy and asshole clenched around the emptiness and his seed dripped from your wide-stretched holes.
He pushed you into a corner near one of the steam vents to keep you warm while you slept, kissing your forehead before sliding back towards the sea and silently slipping into the water. It didn’t take him long at all to reach the murky depths, swimming through the algae as he sought the underwater cave he needed. Brunnhilde was there waiting for him, grinning wickedly as she flexed her tentacles around the stone she was reclining on and toyed with a brightly colored anemone. It was rare that she traveled this far north, but they’re kingdoms were friendly, and the sea witch would always be there for her friend and whatever assistance she could lend to his sinister ambitions.
“I take it your little princess gave her consent?” She chuckled darkly when he nodded, swirling her fingers through the cold water and sighing when it glowed with her magic. “How many have you collected now, seventeen?”
“Nineteen.” Thor found his own rock to rest against, burrowing his tail in the volcanic sand and beaming at his friend. “One for each of the rocks in the bay. Though I do find myself growing incredibly fond of this one.” A seahorse made the mistake of swimming too close to the havmand and he snarled as he snatched it from the water and ripped it in half with his teeth before chewing and swallowing. “If I sacrifice the others do you think you could work up a spell that might allow me to keep her?”
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thorsource · 21 days
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"The stars are in the same places I left them. For all the time spent in your wilderness, no time here has passed. Yet all the same, I slept the All-Sleep... I return renewed... And that is all that is keeping thine head upon thy shoulders! What meant you by this game, Loki?"
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Last Updated: 2024-08-06
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki Odinson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Cool Me Down│Prt II│Prt III│Prt IV by sserpente • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Tony invites you all to spend a relaxing week in Greece. You insist that Loki joins you and after some agitated convincing on your behalf, he does. Sounds like a promising vacation, no?
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✑ Asgardian Summer│Prt II by sserpente • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine convincing Loki to go skinny dipping with you" then "Loki taking you to celebrate midsummer on Asgard... it certainly is a first that you see him drunk singing karaoke"
✑ Bora Bora by sserpente • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Imagine Tony taking you all on a vacation to Bora Bora for three weeks. Even Loki gets invited, making you all the more excited..."
✑ Call You Mine by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "It's your third anniversary with the love of your life, and Tony [gives] you a very thoughtful gift."
✑ Dancing with the Devil│Prt. II by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "You've burned for him for centuries, but you know he sees you as nothing more than a prize to claim. Still, you play his game of teasing and innuendo, but never give in to how badly you crave him. That is until an innocent smell of a flower on Midsummer leaves you with no other choice."
✑ Forage by mochie85 • 〔F〕 •
Summary: When circumstance requires you and Loki to take refuge in a safe house without modern conveniences you discover a new side to the God of Mischief and you must admit you like it.
✑ Happy at Last by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "The God of Mischief had finally found his true glorious purpose—in the shape of [you and your children]."
✑ Heatstroke by mochie85 • 〔E᜶A᜶C〕 •
Summary: "…"
✑ Midsummer Pinning by mochie85 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "It's summer in Asgard and you and your brother, Hogun, have come to stay with the royal family for the season before you are presented to society."
✑ Pranking the Odinsons by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You and Jane Foster hatch a plan involving a beach, Loki, Thor and two pairs of dissolvable swimming shorts."
✑ Sundress Season by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You wear a sundress. Loki likes this very much."
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✑ All Mine by michelleleewise • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ By the Sea Shore by oliwrites • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Casual by lokisgoodgirl • 〔E〕 •
✑ Coca-Cola by gaitwae • 〔F〕 •
✑ Cool Down by michelleleewise • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Loki Vs. Puppies by that-little-zebunny • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Refreshments by asgardwinter • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Teddy "Bear," the by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Master Index
Authors: @asgardwinter || @gaitwae || @holdmytesseract || @lokisgoodgirl || @michelleleewise || @mochie85 || @oliwrites || @sarahscribbles || @sserpente || @that-little-zebunny ||
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squids-comics · 3 months
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I always love when Thor transforms back into Dr. Blake and gives us a whole spiel on why he sucks.
From: Mighty Thor #138
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wint3r-h3art · 1 year
More Than You Bargain For | Sinfully Yours Au
Summary: Sugar Daddy! Strange is back. It's been five months since the events of The Beginning. Nothing was more blissful than spending your first summer at Lake Como by your doctor's side, but of course, there was always something or someone that may have ruined just that.
W/C: over 2K
Warnings: smut: cunnilingus & angst. Plot heavy that lead to the next part. Mentioned of Odin, as well as an appearance of Loki & Thor 😈 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI.
A/N: My writing for Strange is a little rusty, but this idea has been floating for some time. I just think that their arrangement is a bit messy, especially when feelings do evolve. 🥲 As usual, no beta. If I missed anything, I do apologize. If you enjoyed this, please comment & reblog for support. I love hearing about your thought on this little Drabble.
*** Do not copy, repost, or translate my works anywhere else!!
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Sweat trickled down your neck as you felt his lips skim along your collarbones. Your back ached as his body pinned you against the wall of the villa. Rough fingertips dug into the soft skin of your hips, imprinting his touches straight to your bones.
The cool breeze from the lake did nothing to cool down the fire he set upon your senses as he slid his tongue along the slippery seam. Every part of you buzzed and hummed with anticipation of being discovered. What would they say about the well-respected Doctor Strange, down on his knees with his face buried between some woman’s legs? 
The age gap between the two of you has never been an issue–or at least that’s what you assume. The arrangement that you came to be was purely out of desperation between needing financial support from him, and him needing companionship from you. You made a deal with him some five months ago, and looked how far you have come now with your sundress hiked up to your waist, and the good doctor’s face buried right between the legs.
The sex had always been easy because you had always had a crush on him since your day as the barista from a small coffee shop he frequented. He was also quite understanding about this whole arrangement as well, which begged the question as to why he was single in the first place. But you kept that to yourself because your job was to be his sugar baby–to be his arm candy, and to make him look good. It wasn’t your job to ask him questions that he doesn’t want to answer.
And quite frankly, you were too attached to him to want to know why he wanted to stay single.
A muffled, tortuous moan slipped past your lips when you felt him parting your folds with his tongue as he settled into a feast. Your legs trembled. Your hand in his hair, bunching and pulling at the soft strands until he let out a low, rumbling groan that reverberated straight into your pussy, pulling you closer to the edge. 
He was spreading you open with his hands as if he was trying to plunge his tongue deeper inside you, and you couldn’t help but ground your hips to meet your mouth.
“Stephen…” you sobbed softly, trying to not make any loud noises because there were people up front.
Thor Odinson had invited Doctor Strange to his summer home here at Lake Como since the doctor was a good friend of his father, Odin Borson. 
With the state that the two of you were in though, you weren't quite sure if Thor would ever invite you to his home ever again if he walked in on the two of you fucking like a bunch of horny teenagers behind his villa.
Stephen Strange didn’t reply to you as he thrust his tongue into your drenching pussy. Your hips churned as your pulse pounded to your clit. Each shallow penetration continued to push you further and closer to your release. 
He was your heaven and hell wrapped into a six-foot-something, forty-year-old man. And when he started to suck on your clit, your brain turned into a puddle.
You came with a strangled moan as your body clenched and trembled. Your thighs clenched tightly around his head, but that didn’t seem to bother him much as he continued to drink all of your releases. 
It felt like an eternity though as you stood there waiting on Strange to finish what he was doing. Your body felt warm from the Italian summer air and well from what your doctor was doing to you. Your legs felt almost boneless and you had to brace yourself against the wall of the villa.
You looked up, and Strange wasn’t in a better state than you as his hair was messy, standing up in various directions. His face was flushed. Lips gleam from the remnant of your little act. You helped straighten his clothes of course, because everyone would be suspicious if he returned looking so disheveled and so…relax now.
He smiled and looked at you as you helped him fold the sleeves of his linen shirt, revealing the many tattoos he adorned.
“They're gonna know,” you mumbled.
“Nobody’s going to know. They probably think we’re exploring the house or something.”
He failed at trying to reassure you, especially when he looked so…smugged.
“Besides, Thor is a friend–everyone here are friends. Nobody cares.”
Yes. Your friends. Not mine.
“Even his brother?” 
Loki Odinson. Thor’s younger brother had never gotten along with the doctor. Even when you and Strange first showed up here, you didn’t feel the welcoming air around him like the rest of the family. The two men could not stand each other. Something about Strange humiliated the younger Odinson during his Ph.D. days.
Again, their history had always been vague, and you weren’t close enough to ask questions. 
“Loki is…Loki. Acknowledging him will not do you good. It is best if you’re not acquainted with him.”
“That bad?”
Strange chuckled. “Depends on your definition of ‘bad’. I think of it as a friendly banter between old acquaintances”
You stared at him with the expression of ‘Are you kidding me?’. Strange just chuckled again.
“Don’t worry, ok?” His large hands clasped over your shoulders.
You chewed on your lips briefly before you nodded. Stephen placed a kiss on your forehead before heading back to the party first, leaving you here to your worried thoughts.
As Stephen Strange disappeared out of your line of sight, you heard another footstep approaching, and of course, who else would that be beside the one person you dreaded to be alone with the most?
Loki noticed your expression and he stopped and leaned against the stone railing that overlooked the lake. A mischievous smirk quirked at the corner of his lips as he observed you for a long moment.
“The doctor is a bit too old for you, don’t you think?”
“I’m a full-grown adult…my decision is my own.”
Loki chuckled as he raked his long slender fingers through his hair. Oh, you definitely exceeded his expectation alright. Perhaps this was why Strange picked you. He was never the type to go for someone with no backbone.
“Of course. I just thought it’s funny that you would be with someone twice your age…especially when you can do so much better.”
You could feel the heat flooding your face. You couldn’t tell what his intention was. 
“I did a little research–,” he continued. “Y’know as one would when an outsider suddenly got invited to a private gathering. I’m not here to judge, but I do applaud you for the sort of scheme you’re playing. Never thought that Strange would be into the whole sugar daddy thing, but hey, when your ex of over five years dumped you and married some guys she met just a little under a year, I would do something out of the ordinary too.”
His words sting you deeply, and you were trying very hard to now show him any sort of emotion to satisfy his little jab.
“What is your point then, Mr. Odinson?”
Loki chuckled as if he found this whole situation funny.
“Nothing at all. Just curious about what the two of you are going to be…Strange is not the type to settle that easily, and I don’t think he would settle for someone…well…”
“Someone like me?”
Loki smirked. “Oh darling, I think you can do so much better than the doctor. I would hate to see your heart get broken. That’s all.”
“What makes you think that I’m going to get my heart broken when you already know that this is just an arrangement.”
“Sweetheart, I can see the way you were looking at him…It is more than what you bargained for, and to be quite frank with you, I don’t think he’s worth it.”
Loki took a few steps toward you until he was in front of you. His designer cologne permeated the air around you, filling you with nothing but his scent.  
“There’s plenty of fish in the sea. Why settle for one rich guy, when you’re surrounded by plenty here?”
You couldn’t miss the gleam in his eyes as he stared at you with a newfound interest.
“If money is what you want, it shouldn’t be a problem, and of course, it doesn’t hurt that I am much closer to your age than he ever is.” 
Anger that was simmered beneath your skin was finally boiling over. It was never about his interest in you. It had always been about looking at you like you were some sort of a whore, wanting nothing more than money. What you had with Strange was more than an exchange of money and sex–it was about seeking solace in each other–About filling the void of the loneliness that only the two of you understand. He warned you of the way others would perceive this sort of arrangement, but you just didn’t imagine it was going to be this way. Perhaps you were naive after all.
 You were about to open your mouth to say something, but a voice interrupted.
“Is this how you are trying to flirt, Loki?” came Strange’s voice, making the other man’s head whip back. You could see Loki’s expression change as he straightened up to his full height. Anger? Annoyance? You couldn’t distinguish between the two, but you could see the way his thin lips pulled into a straight line. His deep green eyes darkened with stormy clouds. 
“Couldn’t keep your clammy little hands to yourself, huh?” Strange was now standing right beside you, with his arm around your waist as he offered the other man a friendly, yet cold smile.
“Oh, you know. Couldn’t help but entertain your little friend here…”
“Girlfriend,” Strange corrected, and you could feel heat spread out onto your face and straight to the tip of your ears.
Being called his girlfriend was definitely, and definitely welcoming. The thought just never occurred to you that he was going to say it out loud so casually.
Unless he really didn’t mean it like that.
Loki noticed the unhinged expression on Strange's face, and he knew when the battle was lost. As much as he hated it, Loki conceded with a smirk. 
“Of course. How could I ever be mistaken? Perhaps another time, Ms. Y/L/N.”
You watched as the dark-haired man walked back into the house without so much as turning back. His slender form disappeared behind the white door, and for the first time, you found yourself breathing again.
Strange now rubbed your back in a slow, soothing motion.
“Well having him hitting on you was definitely not on my bingo card, but I supposed, it means that I am lucky enough to find someone as enticing enough to pique his interest.”
“I think he just wants to hurt you by trying to get on with me,” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I can’t blame him for trying…”
You turned and looked up at him, clearly confused by his words. Strange didn’t say anything more, other than pulling you back to join him with the rest of the party.
More questions have arisen. Were you two officially dating now, or was the doctor simply trying to get Loki off of both of your asses. You would never know because, by the time you could even form a coherent thought, you were greeted by the people at the party again.
If only you knew the truth…
“Am I really your girlfriend?” You asked after sometimes later, when the people started to settle down and mingle in smaller groups. You could still sense Loki’s gaze across the garden as he eyed the two of you.
The question somewhat surprised him. He thought he was being more than obvious and clear when he declared you just as that. Strange was oblivious to the conflict you were battling inside your head.
“I thought that I was being clear earlier.”
His tone was neutral, which made you perceived it as if he was being nonchalant about the whole ordeal. Perhaps it was the wine or perhaps it was Loki who made you question everything that has to do with Strange. Whatever it was, slowly consumed your thought, and you found yourself not wanting to be here anymore.
“Well, under the circumstances that those words were said out loud, I cannot be sure.”
Strange turned and looked at you. Clearly confused.
“If I said yes, does that make you feel better?”
Something about his tone that ticked you off. It was like something in your head snapped.
“It’s not about how I feel, Stephen…I just want to know what’s going on. For all I know, you only said that I’m your girlfriend just to get Loki off our asses…”
“Is that how you think of me?”
He was offended at the fact that you would think of him like this—like some sort of an asshole. I mean, he was like that once upon a time, but he was different now.
“I—I don’t know. It just sounded like that when you came out of nowhere and declare me as your girlfriend. We have never discussed it before. I just—“
“What? Repulse by that idea?”
You opened your mouth then close. Every words that you try to say suddenly get twisted. You weren’t a fan of that at all.
“Do not put words into my mouth,” hurt laced every words of that statement. Even Strange could see the way your eyes were suddenly watered, and the way your jaws were clenched tightly as you stared ahead. “I am trying to understand you, but all you do is avoid answering my questions.”
“Y/N…please just don’t…” he raked his fingers through his hair in a frustration matter.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to humiliate you in front of your friends today…I’ll be here and be pretty like what you paid me to do.”
Strange now really turned and looked at you with exasperated look, yet his mouth wouldn’t open to say anything more. Had he screwed up for not admitting the truth? Was he even good enough to even call you his girlfriend? That, he was really unsure about.
As much as he wanted to blame Loki for this, he knew better that it was him who was the coward in admitting his own feelings.
This was definitely more than he bargained for, alright.
"Brother...You're awfully quiet this evening. Would you mind indulging me in what you are scheming at the moment?"
Loki turned to Thor, who was quite perceptive today. He was more observant than usual, which made him a bit more annoying than anything.
"Something is off between those two, and I am trying to figure it out..."
Thor followed the path of his brother's stare and found that you and Strange barely looked or talk at each other. You had your arms crossed over your chest, barely acknowledging the doctor beside you.
"Careful now. It's not your business," Thro said softly. His voice had always been so deep and rumbly, even if he wasn't trying to sound serious.
"Did he say that she's his girlfriend?"
"Why do you want to know?"
Loki didn't answer.
"Loki...Do not--and I repeat, do not insert yourself in their affair."
The dark hair man smirked in triumph. "I don't know, brother. I just got the best idea around."
Thor raised an eyebrow and waited for Loki to continue.
"How do you feel about roping Doctor Strange to become your CMO for your company?"
Thor had considered the possibility many times before, but Strange had always wanted to work in New York. Moving him all the way to Norway to become the CMO of Odis Therapeutic not only cost them a lot of money but also required a lot of convincing as well. the man just wanted to teach more than anything. Putting him in the C-suite could be the best decision he ever made or the stupidest one..Mainly the man demanded a lot, and he just didn't know if that was worth it or not.
"Why the sudden recommendation?" Thor asked
"I just think we need a brain like him in our company. That's all." He smirked even though he had another plan in mind that involve you in it. "So...What say you?"
Thor chewed on his lips momentarily before chugging the last remnant of his drink.
"It wouldn't hurt to ask him again..."
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A/N: CMO: chief medical officer.
I just thought it would be neat to have Thor as the CEO of a biotech company. Anyway, what do you guys think Loki is scheming? Is he not ready to give up on our reader just yet? Let me know.
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saraakpotter · 7 months
you lied (loki x reader)
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summery: when Loki came to TVA he has to watch his life. and not all parts are happy. genre: angst warning: spoilers for Loki season 1
They were in the interview room. Mobius was showing him some tragic pictures\ videos of his life.
''you think i care?'' Loki said obviously annoyed .
''you don't?'' Mobius asked looking at the video of Loki s first fake death confused
''not a bit''
''well maybe it would change with your little crush.''
Loki went pale: ''i have no idea what your talking about!''
''oh please Loki! i have been studying your whole life, i know these things!'' by that he clicked on a a file that showed a female avenger at the battle of New York\the first time they captured Loki. since he saw her he started having a crush on her!
''y\n....isn‌‌'t it?'' Mobius said slyly, then he show the next video: y\n helping them in Ragnarok. Loki smiled but refused to talk. Mobius annoyed of his actions went to the next slide witch literally broke Loki's heart:(y\n kissing Thor) his eyes filed with tears while he was trying to hold back a scream. Mobius left the room satisfied with what he had done.
Loki watched the video being played over and over again: y\n was in the hospital obviously injured and Thor sitting next to her. the video had no voice so he didn't heared what they where saying but suddenly y\n pushed her y\h\c (your hair color) behined her ear and blushed then they kissed. they kissed! every minuet seemed like torture to him. Loki sighed and went to the next slide they were some of y\n's battels then a slide from Loki's death: y\n was struggling to make Thanos let him go and when his body fell to the ground tears flowed down her face then she screamed making an energy blast that ruined the whole place
the next video was y\n sacrificing herself in end game. Loki felt tears again he was struggling to hold back a scream when the next video got played, but this wasn't y\n, it was one of the TVA guards
''Mobius i faked the kiss between y\l\n and Odinson as you wanted i hope this could make the variant talk'' the guard said before the video fades away Loki wanted to either scream in anger or stab someone.
Mobius entered the room and saw the situation: ''oh shit! shit! shit!''
''why did you lied to me?''
''ok Loki calm down.....how about you tell me what i need and i will tell you the truth!''
''pfff how can i trust YOU?''
''she isn't dead!'' Loki paused for a second for him to continue ''in fact she is here.'' Mobius said pointing to the corridor behind the door.
Loki sat with hesitation ''start''
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