#c: ramsey mcbride
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brookefitzgerald · 7 years ago
ramsey gretzky mcbride 
25/26 | emt | a blonde
1/2 of the roller blading bandits, find her ditching as many responsibilities as possible with her fellow dumpster quinn.  just wants to live fast and die young.  named after hockey because its the only legal thing her dad loved.  shockingly good at her job and actually gives 100% when she’s on duty.  currently hanging out with tony but labels are SO lame and they’re totally chill but please don’t look at him or she’ll have to claw your eyes out thanks.  
needs: trash can friends, fellow emts/people in the public safety field, guys to flirt with to make tony lime green jello 
amethyst ocean abernathy 
21/22 | actress | ginny gardner
named after a rock and about as smart as one.  goals include swooping insta’s most followed crown, banging zefron, and figuring out if one of her boobs is actually smaller than the other.  over hashtags everything and demands 50 selfies per photo opp to make sure everyone has their best angle.  part of that new netflix show and SO READY to become the next big thing.  actually has a big heart until the vapidness but good luck getting to it.
needs: literally everything please ruin her life 
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pcssessivc-blog · 7 years ago
a abbott abernathy adair adams adkins alexander allen allison andersen anderson andrews archer armstrong arsenault ashby ashworth atkinson austin ayers 
b bailey bain baker baldwin ball ballard banks barnes barnett barr barrett barry bartlett barton bateman bauer beck bell bennett benson bentley benton bird bishop black blackburn blackwell blair blake bolton bond bowen bowers bowman boyd boyle bradford bradley bradshaw brady brennan brewer briggs brooks broussard brown bruce bryant buchanan buckley bullock burgess burke burnham burns burton butcher butler byrne 
c cahill caldwell calhoun callahan cameron campbell cannon cantrell carey carlson carney carpenter carr carroll carson carter carver casey cassidy castillo castro chandler chaney chapman chase chavez christian christie church churchill clancy clarke clay clayton clifford cobb cochran coffey cole coleman collier collins combs compton conley connell connolly conrad conway cook cooke cooley cooney cooper copeland corbett costello coughlin cowan cox coyle coyne craig crawford crockett cross crowley cruz cunningham curran curtis 
d daley dalton daly daniel daniels daugherty davenport davidson davies davis dawson day dean delaney dempsey devine diaz dickey dickinson dillon dixon dobson dodd doherty dolan donahue donaldson donnelly donovan dougherty douglas dowd downey doyle drake drew driscoll duckworth dudley dugan duncan dunlap dunn dwyer 
e eaton edmonds edwards egan elliott ellis emery erickson evans 
f fallon fanning farley faulkner ferguson fernandez finch finn finnegan fischer fitzgerald fitzpatrick fitzsimmons flanagan fletcher flores flynn foley forbes ford foster fowler fox franklin fraser freeman frost fry fuller 
g gallagher galloway garcia gardner garner garrett garrison garza gauthier gentry george gibbons gibbs gibson gilbert gill gillespie glass gonzales goode goodwin gordon grace grady graham grant graves gray greene greer gregory griffin griffith gunn gustafson guthrie 
h hackett hagan hahn hale haley hall halsey hamilton hammond hampton hancock hanley hanna hansen harding hardy harper harrington harris harrison hart hartley harvey hastings hatch hawkins hayden hayes haynes healy heath henderson henry hensley hernandez hewitt hickey hickman hicks higgins hill hodges hoffman hogan holbrook holden holland hollis holloway holman holmes holt hood hooper hopkins hopper horton houghton houston howard howe howell hubbard huber hudson huffman hughes hull humphrey humphries hunt hunter hurley hurst hutchinson hutchison 
i ingram 
j jackson jacobs james jamison jarvis jensen johnson jones jordan joyce 
k kane kearney keating keegan keene kehoe keith kelleher keller kelly kemp kendall kennedy kent kerr kidd kilgore kincaid king kinney kirby kirk kirkland kirkpatrick klein knight koch koenig krause 
l lacroix lafferty lake lamont lancaster lane larkin larsen law lawrence lawson leblanc lee leslie levesque lewis lindsay little lloyd lockhart long lopez love lowe lucas lynch lyons 
m macdonald macgregor mackay mackenzie mackinnon maclean macleod macmillan macpherson madden maher mahoney maldonado malloy malone maloney manning marsh marshall martin martinez mason massey matthews maurer maxwell may maynard mcallister mcbride mccabe mccaffrey mccain mccall mccann mccarthy mccartney mcclellan mcconnell mccormack mccoy mccullough mccurdy mcdaniel mcdaniel mcdermott mcdonald mcdonough mcdowell mcgrath mcgraw mcgregor mcguire mchugh mcintosh mcintyre mckay mckee mckenna mckenzie mckinley mckinney mckinnon mcknight mclain mcleod mcmahon mcmillan mcnally mcnamara mcneill mcpherson mcqueen mead meadows medina meier melton merritt meyer middleton miles miller mitchell molloy monaghan monroe montgomery moody mooney moore morales moran moreno morgan morris morrison morrow moss mueller munn munro murdock murphy murray myers 
n nash neal nelson neville newton nichols nicholson nielsen noble nolan norris north norwood 
o o'brien o'connell o'connor o'donnell o'grady o'hara o'keefe o'leary o'neal o'neill o'reilly o'rourke o'sullivan ogden oliver olson orr ortega ortiz owens 
p page palmer parker parks parrish parsons patterson patton payne pearson penn pennington pereira peters peterson phillips pierce pike piper pittman pollard pollock poole porter potter powell power powers pratt preston price prince pritchard proctor pruitt purcell putnam 
q quinlan quinn 
r rafferty ralston ramirez ramos ramsey randall rankin ray reece reed reeves regan reid reilly reyes reynolds rhodes richards richardson riley ritchie rivera roberts robertson robinson roche rodgers rodriguez rollins romero rooney rose ross rossi roth rowe roy russell russo ryan 
s salisbury sampson sanders sandoval santiago saunders sawyer schaefer schmidt schneider schofield schroeder schultz schwartz scott sears serrano sharp shaw shea sheehan shelton shepherd sheridan sherwood shields short simmons simpson sims sinclair skinner slattery sloan smart smith snow snyder somerville soto sparks spears spence spencer stack stafford stanley stanton steele stephens stevens stevenson stewart stiles stokes stone strickland strong stuart suarez sullivan sutherland sutton sweeney 
t taylor temple tennant thomas thompson thomson thornton thorpe thurston tierney tilley timmons tobin todd torres townsend trevino tucker turner 
u underwood upton 
v vance vaughan vega vogel 
w walker wallace walsh walton ward ware warner warren watkins watson weaver webb weber weeks wells welsh wentworth west whalen wheeler whitaker white wiley wilkinson williams williamson willis willoughby wilson wood woodard woodruff woods woodward wren wright wyatt 
y yates york young 
z ziegler
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georgiapioneers · 7 years ago
Chatham Co. NC Genealogies and Histories #northcarolinapioneers
Images of Chatham County Wills and Estates
Chatham County was established in 1771 from Orange County, having been named for William Pitt in 1759, the first Earl of Chatham. It was Pitt who served as the British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1768 and opposed harsh colonial policies. The earliest known settlers were Quakers from England who settled along the Haw and Eno rivers. In 1907, parts of Chatham County and Moore County were combined to form Lee County. The county seat is in Pittsboro, North Carolina and Chatham County is part of the Durham-Chapel Hill area.Among the first settlers were the families of Armistead, Alston, Dodd, Kemp, Edwards, Womack, Brewer, Lambeth, Taylor, Fooshee, Waddell, and Patrick.Chatham County Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers Images of Wills and Estates 1798 to 1819 Alston, James to Phillip Alston (deed) | Babb, Moses | Bagley, , Henry | Barbe, Goin | Bennett, , James | Bishop, Richard | Booker, John | Booth, Moses | Branch, Edmond | Branch, Edmund | Brantly, John | Brantley, Joseph | Brasington, Joseph | Braxton, Thomas | Bray, , Henry | Brewer, Jeremiah Brooks, Thomas | Brown, Daniel | Brown, Joseph | Brown, Nancy | Bryant, Elizabeth | Bryant, Obediah | Bullard, , James | Burnett, Alexander | Burns, John Sr. | Bynum, Luke | Carniss, Matthew | Carrell, Starling | Carter, Samuel | Cate, Richard | Chapman, David | Collen, John | Cook, Abraham | Cook, , Henry | Cook, John M. | Copeland, , James | Coskatt, John | Cotton, Seth | Cox, William | Crow, John | Crutchfield, Martin | Culberson, Andrew. | Culberson, Samuel | Dabney, John and Thomas Perkins to William Vestal | Dark, Joseph Sr. | David, Richard | Davis, John | Denton, , James | Doan, John | Dorsett, Travis Douglas, John | Dowd, Judith | Dowd, Richard | Dowdy, Thomas | Duffy, William | Duly, William | Edwards, William | Emerson, Margret | Evans, Ruth | Farrar, John | Farrar, Milly | Ferrington, John | Fooshee, Joseph | Fooshee, Simon | Fuller, , Henry | Futterlok, Elizabeth | Gillimore, Samuel | Glasson, Joseph | Glover, Benjamin | Glover, Thomas | Goodwin, Gideon | Gotarton, William | Grady, Thomas | Granger, Thomas | Graves, William | Guthrie, William | Hadley, Joshua Sr. | Hall, John | Haynes, Andrew. | Headin, John | Henderson, Angeline | Hines, Boling | Hinson, James from Sarah Ronalds | Hinton, Joseph | Hobson, Joseph | Holaday, , Henry | Hollowell, Reubin | Hunter, Elisha | Hurley, Amos | Jenks, Joseph | Jones, Elizabeth | Kinchen, Alexander | Kirby, , James | Kirk, George | Lacy, Ann | Lacy, Philemon Sr. | Lea, Joseph | Leavens, Richmond | Ledbetter, William | Lucas, George | Lucas, William | Marley, Benjamin | Marsh, Robert | Marshall, Benjamin | Marshall, John | Martin, Clementine | Martin, George | Martin, William | Martin, Zachariah | Massey, , James | Matthews, Clybron | May, Joseph | McDaniel, John | McIver, Duncan | McManus, Lawrence | McSwan, John | Meacham, William Sr. | Medlin, Michael | Milliken, Quinton | Minter, John Sr. | Moffit, Hugh | Montgomery, John | Moody, William | Moon, , James | Moon, John | Morgan, Joseph | Odean, Thomas | Pace, Richard | Parker, Robert | Parish, Davis | Parrish, Robert | Partridge, Sarah | Patterson, , James | Pattmon, Mark | Pearce, Richard | Peoples, Hugh Piggott, John | Pike, Lydia | Pilkinton, John | Poe, Robert | Poe, William | Powers, David | Powers, John | Prince, Nicholas | Pritchet, Thomas | Purvis, Robert | Pyle, John | Ragland, Thomas to James Alston (deed) | Ratcliff, John | Rayland, William | Reynolds, Florence | | Ritch, Jacob | Rives, Seley | Rives, Thomas | Rogers, Josiah | Rogers, William | Rows, John | Self, Parish | Sellars, , James | Smith, John | Smith, William | Springfield, John | Staley, Christian | Stinson, Aaron | Stokes, Thomas to Obediah Bryant | Stone, Francis | Straughan, Richard | Tabor, Thomas | Teague, Bunsby | Teague, Moses | Temples, William | Thompson, John | Tomblinson, John | Tripp, John | Uttey, William | Vestal, Thomas | Vestal, William | Wade, Edmond | Ward, Rachel | Whinnery, Robert | White, John | White, John (2) | White, Katherine White, Thomas | Whitehead, Arthur | Whitehead, Joseph | Wilkins, Alexander | Williams, A. | Williams, Burwell Williams, John | Willis, William | Willson, Michael | Wilson, Rebecca | Winter, Daniel | Wistray, Benjamin | Womack, John Sr. | Womble, , James | Womble, Thomas Wills and Estates 1818 to 1833Armistead, Alexander | Atkinson, John A. | Atkinson, John | Avent, John | Avent, July Ann | Barbee, Betsy | Barbie, Gray | Beasley, Elizabeth | Bell, Thomas | Bland, John | Booker, , James | Branson, Joseph | Branson, Levi | Brantly, William | Branton, William | Brewer, Samuel | Brewer, Solomon | Brooks, Isaac Buchannan, Elizabeth | Buckanon, Sarah | Buckner, Jesse Burns, Thomas | Burns, William | Bush, Mary | Cate, Richard | Caveness, Matthew Cole, Elizabeth | Cole, Thomas | Cole, William Sr. | Copeland, Mark | Cotten, Rhoderick | Curl, William | Denny, Anderson Dismukes, George | Dixon, George | Dixon, Nathan Dixon, Sarah | Dixon, Solomon | Dixon, Thomas | Dodd, William | Edwards, , James | Edwards, Joshua Sr. | Fann, Rachel | Farrar, Peter | Farrar, William | Fooshee, Happy | Fooshee, Joseph | Fields, , James | Garner, , James | Gillam, William | Glass, Josiah | Glass, William | Gunter, Richard | Guthrie, Cleburn | Hackary, William | Hadley, Jane | Hamblett, William | Harris, Benjamin | Henderson, John | Hinshaw, Joseph | Hinsley, William | Hobson, Stephen | Holaday, Samuel | Horton, Benjamin | Horton, Jesse | Horton, William | Howard, Dorcas | Johnson, Jesse | Jones, , James | Justice, David | Kemp, Joseph T. | Kemp, Josiah | Lawrence, Elizabeth S. | Leighleman, John | Lindley, Thomas | Lucas, Mary | MacIver, John | Manly, Basil | Mann, Thomas | Martin, , James | Mazey, John | McCan, Mary | McDaniel, , James | McInnis, Miles | McIver, Evander | McKenzie, Murdock | McQueen, Archibald S. | McQueen, Murds | Mebane, John | Merritt, George | Merritt, William | Milton, David | Minter, Joseph | Moran, William | Moss, John | O'Kelly, Elizabeth | O'Kelly, , James | O'Kelly, William | Oldham, John | Pattishall, William | Penny, Charles | Phillips, William | Poe, Stephen | Powell, Eliza | Powell, Thomas | Prince, William | Purvis, George | Quackenbush, , Henry | Ramsey, Ambrose | Ramsey, Eliza | Ramsey, John | Richardson, Isaac | Riddle, John | Roberts, Ishmael | Roe, Solomon | Rollings, John | Sanders, A. | Sanders, Benjamin | Scarborough, Miles Sewter, , Henry | Smith, Ambrose | Smith, Lemuel | Stedman, Wiinship | Stone, Ann | Stone, Thomas | Taylor, George W.| Taylor, , James | Taylor, James (1829) Teague, David | Tyson, Cornelius | Vestal, Benjamin | Vestal, David | Walden, John C. | Ward, Robert | Ward, William | Watson, Robert | West, Ignatius | West, Thomas | Wester, Mary | White, John | White, Stephen | Wicker, Thomas | Willett, , James | Willis, Francis | Willis, William | Wilson, Stephen | Wistory, Elizabeth | Woody, Hugh Images of Wills and Estates 1834 to 1857Adcock, Joshua | Albright, William | Allen, John | Allen, Peter | Alston, Aran | Alston, Gideon Alston, John | Alston, Nathaniel | Armistead, Larry | Armistead, Westward | Atkinland, Richard | Bain, Francis | Barham, William | Baute, Randolph Bay, Thomas | Bell, Elijah | Bell, Mary | Benett, Solomon | Blande, , James | Booker, Phylis | Boon, Raford | Bowen, William | Bray, Harman | Bray, , Henry | Bray, , James | Bray, William | Brewer, John | Brewer, Nathan Bridges, Joseph | Bright, Simon | Brooke, Larkin | Brooks, Joab | Brooks, Richard | Brown, Ebenezer Brown, Nancy | Brown, William | Bryan, Aaron | Bryan, Reddin | Bunn, John | Burchard, Elizabeth | Burchard, Jedekiah | Burgess, John | Burnett, Isaiah| Burns, B. J. | Burns, , James | Carter, John | Chawney, Joshua | Cook, Mary | Cooper, , James | Cross, Parish | Crump, Martha | Crutchfield, Thomas | Dane, George | Daniel, Mary | Dark, Susannah | Dickens, Thomas | Dison, Benjamin | Dodd, Benjamin | Dodd, Herbert | Dodd, , James | Dorsett, John | Dowd, Richard | Dowd, Samuel | Drake, Richard | Drake, Sally | Drake, William | Edwards, David | Edwards, Hanah | Edwards, Hugh | Edwards, Isaac | Edwards, , James | Edwards, Joel | Edwards, Stokes | Emmerson, Eli | Evans, Anthony | Evans, Richard | Farrah, Powell | Ferguson, Archibald | Fooshee, Bethany | Foushee, Nelly | Fooshee, Simon | Fooshee, William | Fox, David | Fox, John | Freeman, Lewis | Garner, William | Gee, George | Gilden, , Henry | Gilmore, Stephen | Goodwin, , Henry | Gunter, Isham | Gunter, John | Guthrie, William | Hackney, Joseph | Hackney, Robert | Hadley, Jacob | Hammond, William | Hanks, John | Harland, William | Harman, George | Hartsoe, Isaac | Hash, John | Hatley, Uriah | Hattey, Abner | Haughton, John | Headen, Dolley | Headen, Isaac | Heathcock, Patrick | Henry, George | Herndon, Reuben | Hill, Jeremiah | Hinshaw, Benjamin | Hinshaw, Nancy | Hinshaw, Thomas | Hinshaw, William | Hinton, A. J. | Hobson, Joseph | Holland, Sampson | Holland, Wiley | Hodges, Joab | Holmes, Lewis | Horne, James | Horton, James | Jacks, Job | Jackson, Samuel | Jean, Barber | Jenkins, Sanford | Jinkins, Sanford | Johnson, Daniel | Johnson, John | Johnson, Michael Sr. | Johnston, John | Jones, Alston | Jones, Edmund | Jones, Susan | Jordan, William | Justice, Susannah | Kelly, Mary | Kemp, Daniel | Kemp, Joseph | Kemp, Susannah | Lamberly, John | Lambeth, Rachael Lambeth, Thomas | Lassater, Bennett Lassater, Thomas | Lassatar, William | Lindley, , James | Lindley, Joshua Mann, Isham | Mann, Joseph | Marcus, Jane | Marks, Margaret | Marsh, Susan | Masey, Sally | Mason, William | McBride, Archibald | McMasters, William | Mebane, John | Moody, Benjamin | Moon, B.| Moore, J. | Moore, Rebecca | Morgan, Joseph | Neal, , James | Owen, Winnifred Palmer, Robert | Patrick, William | Pattishall, John | Peoples, John | Perry, John | Perry, Turner | Pickett, Simeon | Pickington, Samuel | Poe, Rebecca | Pugh, Thomas | Ridell, Cato | Riggsby, Phebe | Rives, Edward | Rush, Elizabeth | Scott, Stephen | Siler, Philip Sr. | Simon, Whitney | Small, Joseph | Snipes, John | Snipes, Thomas | Stanton, Willis | Stewart, Alexander | Stillman, Robert P. | Stinson, Robert | Stone, John | Stout, William | Strom, Alston | Strangham, Bailey | Swann, Sarah | Taylor, Rowling | Taylor, Sarah | Terry, Hannah | Terry, , James | Thomas, Benjamin | Thompson, George | Toomer, John | Torance, Sarah Ann | Uttey, Gabriel | Vistal, David | Waddell, Sarah | Ward, Martha | Watson, Elizabeth | Watson, John | Webster, Elizabeth | Welch, , Henry | Welch, William | Whiteheade, John | Whitner, Margaret | Wickson, Milly | Williams, Delpha | Williams, George | Williams, John | Williams, Richard | Williams, Thomas | Womack, Green | Womack, John | Womble, Catharine | Workman, Thomas  Find your Ancestors Records on North Carolina Pioneers SUBSCRIBE HERE
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brookefitzgerald · 7 years ago
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ramsey gretzky mcbride | 25 | the 70s or 80s tbh i suck
personality:   energetic. loud. spontaneous. easy going. irresponsible. cocky.  sarcastic. stubborn. immature. loyal. for a good time call. hot mess tbh
needs: exes, people to flirt with to make tony jelly, all the friends 
tw: drug use, bad assery under the cut
once upon a time two hockey obsessed drugs addicts decided it would be a good idea to procreate. first came her brother crosby and then seven years later with child services miraculously oblivious, out popped ramsey.
while their home life sucked, to ramsey it was normal. parents passed out on the couch for days at a time? typical. or higher than a kite throwing wild house parties at 3 am and waking her up to come downstairs and dance with their friends? just another wednesday. it wasn't stable by any means and they are honestly blessed that crosby instilled in her that the coke left on the table wasn't to be touched or she would have probably just followed their lead and snorted it right up.
long story short, they were saved when seven year old ramsey went to pull out her turkey sandwich in the cafeteria and pulled out a bag of drugs instead. child services finally swooped in and put them in foster care and while she was old enough to know that they were being taken out of a toxic environment, she was still low key bummed. the foster system was no joke and the fear of being separated from crosby was always real. luckily he was old enough to raise hell and after a couple attempts at placing them with different families, they found the mcbrides.
 they were whisked off to denver and went from being trashy to classy overnight and it was a mind fuck, one that she fully embraced. and while her brother was coming out of his rebel phase, she decided that it was only right she do him proud and pick up where he left off. in elementary school that meant always winding up in the principal's office after recess, middle school it was pounding mikes hard lemonade (#hardcore) before the school dances, and by high school she had morphed into an all out party girl. but her grades were mediocre enough and she never brawled or wound up behind bars so her parents considered it a win and the punishment for the few times she was busted was never too severe. basically she was super cool and super rich and super awesome. (her words, she might be just a little cocky)
she decided to become a paramedic after doing a ride-a-long for a senior project. tbh before that point, she had no idea what the future held. she was just going to go to college and wing it. but that wasn't good enough for her guidance counselor so she wound up picking what sounded the least boring and luckily enough, she fell in love with it. she got to help people and see some gnarly injuries and best of all, got to press the sirens and feel all powerful as everyone moved out of their way. she went to school, continued to party but in a cool college way, and graduated four years later ready to take on the world. and so far she has.
 her job is her life and she's actually kind of great at it. its also one of the few times you'll ever find her cracking down and being serious. does she get a hero complex from rushing in and bringing someone back from the brink of death? maybe. but she also gets incredibly down on herself when she shows up too late to be useful. its a vicious cycle and its given her kind of a dark sense of humor. find her cracking jokes at inappropriate times but hey, everyone's gotta cope somehow.
 that being said, the rest of her life is a hot mess to the max. her apartment looks like a bomb went off and if you want her to show up on time you should probably tell her the plans are at least a half hour earlier than they actually are. she will forget to text you back and then randomly show up at your door three days later like oops did you need something? she considers herself invincible and is cocky about how awesome she believes she is. basically she still has a ton of growing up to do but eff it, where’s the fun in that? 
is also low key seeing tony munoz after he broke into her apartment on accident but they’re idiots and refusing to define it. its FINE though. it doesn’t bother her at all when he gives other girls attention.  that would be RIDICULOUS.
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