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brookefitzgerald · 2 years ago
— zane holtz in katy keene 🤩
by clicking the source link below you’ll be directed to #127 gifs of zane holtz in katy keene. please do not repost, edit without my permission, or claim these as your own.hope you enjoy!
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brookefitzgerald · 2 years ago
— jeanine mason in roswell, new mexico ( season 1 & 2 ) 🤩
by clicking here you’ll be directed to #614 gifs of jeanine mason in roswell, new mexico.  this pack will be updated so expect an update when i add on. please do not repost, edit without my permission, or claim these as your own. hope you enjoy!
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brookefitzgerald · 2 years ago
– CLICK THE LINK IN THE SOURCE to be redirected to 776 gifs of EMMA ROBERTS from Holidate. These gifs were all made by me, and are all 268x151. Find all of my gif packs ON MY DIRECTORY at /directory on this blog! (3,649 gifs total)
MY GUIDELINES HAVE CHANGED: Do not edit these into gif icons. Crackships and sidebars are fine. Please like or reblog if you found these helpful, as that really helps get the word out!
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brookefitzgerald · 2 years ago
In the source link below, you will find 158 gifs in 245x150 of SOPHIA ALI (1995) in Uncharted (2022). She is of Pakistani descent, so please cast accordingly. All gifs were made from scratch by me and are for roleplay purposes only. Please like/reblog (preferably reblog!) if using, or if you found this to be useful. Do not edit, repost or claim as your own. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!!
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brookefitzgerald · 2 years ago
Billie Lourd AHS: Apocalypse
Here you can find 193 gifs of Billie Lourd as Mallory from American Horror Story: Apocalypse. I hate AHS’ coloring but I tried to do my best here. Please don’t use these in any gif hunts, resize, or anything of that sort without permission. They are for roleplaying purposes. These were requested by: Anonymous.
Gif page here.
TW: blood, magic, I mean it’s American Horror Story so…
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brookefitzgerald · 6 years ago
remember that time i had photoshop downloaded?  me either, so please accept this plain burb as the garbage it is. 
jack sumpter | 27 | gregg sulkin 
who drake bell wishes he could be.  played the dumb but lovable musician on jack & name here (someone make his josh peck thanks).  wasn’t that great at the music half and dropped it as soon as the show ended.  didn’t turn into a complete weirdo like the real drake but rather started down a ryan reynolds type path of playing frat boy types with secret hearts of gold and trolling everyone in his life.  like his fiance hanna montgomery.  they met at an awards thing, banged, popped out two children with ridiculous names, and are now heading down the aisle if he can get her to stop “dumping” him because her psychic told her he was “being ruled by neptune” or whatever.  doesn’t take anything seriously  - catch his instagram dedicated to taking pictures of the people in his life taking pictures for their insta, it’s ~art - and has a lot of growing up to do but he’s fun and harmless enough in a dumpster fire kind of way.  if anything keep him around for the great comments he’ll leave on all your social.  
needs: the josh to his drake (minus the weird fall out), a couple siblings - older or younger not too picky tbh, an ex or two, any and all friends to hang out with when hanna tells him he’s bringing down her vibes 
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brookefitzgerald · 7 years ago
ramsey gretzky mcbride 
25/26 | emt | a blonde
1/2 of the roller blading bandits, find her ditching as many responsibilities as possible with her fellow dumpster quinn.  just wants to live fast and die young.  named after hockey because its the only legal thing her dad loved.  shockingly good at her job and actually gives 100% when she’s on duty.  currently hanging out with tony but labels are SO lame and they’re totally chill but please don’t look at him or she’ll have to claw your eyes out thanks.  
needs: trash can friends, fellow emts/people in the public safety field, guys to flirt with to make tony lime green jello 
amethyst ocean abernathy 
21/22 | actress | ginny gardner
named after a rock and about as smart as one.  goals include swooping insta’s most followed crown, banging zefron, and figuring out if one of her boobs is actually smaller than the other.  over hashtags everything and demands 50 selfies per photo opp to make sure everyone has their best angle.  part of that new netflix show and SO READY to become the next big thing.  actually has a big heart until the vapidness but good luck getting to it.
needs: literally everything please ruin her life 
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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lennox savage + her phone 
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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ramsey gretzky mcbride | 25 | the 70s or 80s tbh i suck
personality:   energetic. loud. spontaneous. easy going. irresponsible. cocky.  sarcastic. stubborn. immature. loyal. for a good time call. hot mess tbh
needs: exes, people to flirt with to make tony jelly, all the friends 
tw: drug use, bad assery under the cut
once upon a time two hockey obsessed drugs addicts decided it would be a good idea to procreate. first came her brother crosby and then seven years later with child services miraculously oblivious, out popped ramsey.
while their home life sucked, to ramsey it was normal. parents passed out on the couch for days at a time? typical. or higher than a kite throwing wild house parties at 3 am and waking her up to come downstairs and dance with their friends? just another wednesday. it wasn't stable by any means and they are honestly blessed that crosby instilled in her that the coke left on the table wasn't to be touched or she would have probably just followed their lead and snorted it right up.
long story short, they were saved when seven year old ramsey went to pull out her turkey sandwich in the cafeteria and pulled out a bag of drugs instead. child services finally swooped in and put them in foster care and while she was old enough to know that they were being taken out of a toxic environment, she was still low key bummed. the foster system was no joke and the fear of being separated from crosby was always real. luckily he was old enough to raise hell and after a couple attempts at placing them with different families, they found the mcbrides.
 they were whisked off to denver and went from being trashy to classy overnight and it was a mind fuck, one that she fully embraced. and while her brother was coming out of his rebel phase, she decided that it was only right she do him proud and pick up where he left off. in elementary school that meant always winding up in the principal's office after recess, middle school it was pounding mikes hard lemonade (#hardcore) before the school dances, and by high school she had morphed into an all out party girl. but her grades were mediocre enough and she never brawled or wound up behind bars so her parents considered it a win and the punishment for the few times she was busted was never too severe. basically she was super cool and super rich and super awesome. (her words, she might be just a little cocky)
she decided to become a paramedic after doing a ride-a-long for a senior project. tbh before that point, she had no idea what the future held. she was just going to go to college and wing it. but that wasn't good enough for her guidance counselor so she wound up picking what sounded the least boring and luckily enough, she fell in love with it. she got to help people and see some gnarly injuries and best of all, got to press the sirens and feel all powerful as everyone moved out of their way. she went to school, continued to party but in a cool college way, and graduated four years later ready to take on the world. and so far she has.
 her job is her life and she's actually kind of great at it. its also one of the few times you'll ever find her cracking down and being serious. does she get a hero complex from rushing in and bringing someone back from the brink of death? maybe. but she also gets incredibly down on herself when she shows up too late to be useful. its a vicious cycle and its given her kind of a dark sense of humor. find her cracking jokes at inappropriate times but hey, everyone's gotta cope somehow.
 that being said, the rest of her life is a hot mess to the max. her apartment looks like a bomb went off and if you want her to show up on time you should probably tell her the plans are at least a half hour earlier than they actually are. she will forget to text you back and then randomly show up at your door three days later like oops did you need something? she considers herself invincible and is cocky about how awesome she believes she is. basically she still has a ton of growing up to do but eff it, where’s the fun in that? 
is also low key seeing tony munoz after he broke into her apartment on accident but they’re idiots and refusing to define it. its FINE though. it doesn’t bother her at all when he gives other girls attention.  that would be RIDICULOUS.
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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lennox zephyr savage | 24 | the 60s or the 70s idk bro
personality: sweet. slacker. space cadet. sensitive sally.  prank queen.  little shit.  unreliable.  unrealistic.  optimistic.  big mouth.  flirt.  gullible
needs: all the friends, past loves, people who think she’s dumb af?
grew up on a hippie commune outside of denver but it was not weird, okay?  just like it was not weird her parents renamed themselves gravity and starshine (right?  we said that was a thing?) and proceeded to have 500 children with ~unique monikers of their own (as well as take in jordan I DID NOT FORGET KELS). 
but seriously, home girl loved her life.  one half of the nightmare dream team savage twins, she and hero ran around the place causing havoc and pranking the shit out of anyone and everyone.  think fred and george only the dumbed down version and there ya go.
never one to take things too seriously, it seemed she was always in trouble for one thing or another.  in elementary school it was not following instructions, middle school not doing her homework at all, by high school it was just expected that she’d slide by the skin of her teeth and that’s exactly what she did.  it wasn’t that she was a bad kid, she just didn’t have the patience for rules or see the point in most of the things they were trying to teach her.  especially effing math.  that’s why calculators were invented. 
realized senior year that she had no life plan whatsoever.  like, could any of her hobbies even qualify as a life skill?  so as a joke she picked the most obscure degree she could find assuming someone would be like uh no get your life together.  only... her parents weren’t those kind of people and her guidance counselor had already given up on her so off she went.  which is how she became familiar with the occult and all things freaky.  it was actually a fun thing to study and she regrets nothing, even if she can’t apply it to anything (unless her time comes to help guide a slayer or she finds out she’s a charmed one which would be hella). 
wound up in denver living with her bff zoey across the street from a bunch of clowns and is honestly having the time of her life.  she works like twenty part time jobs but the main ones are as hostess at double ass’s restaurant and as a fake ass psychic.  at the first she spends her time being like dat booty while also low key trying not to cry when butt butt yells at her and the second she just makes up the most random/ridiculous readings possible just to see what people are willing to believe. 
should be getting her shit together but nah.  that’s for future lennox to deal with.
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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lennox savage + aesthetic 
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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lennox ‘oh, this is supposed to be serious?’ savage
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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lennox ‘why would you ever text her’ savage
read receipts.  bitmojis.  k.  spelling errors.  useless facts.  leaving a text half finished.  replying to the wrong person.  replying days later.  not replying at all.  
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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nick chambers spotted with local margo flemming
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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reagan mueller | 22 years old | bottle service girl | chloe bridges 
parallels: malia tate, rebekah mikaelson, mandy milkovich
she grew up in shambles, with an absentee mother and a father who was only as good as his next con.  their house, if you could call if that, was crowded and messy on good days, downright trash on the bad, with a revolving door of whoever her dad was screwing that month.  
despite being poor af in a neighborhood that boasted about its crime rate, she was a happy kid.  one of the only girls on the block, she was skinned knees and backwards baseball caps, mud caked under her fingernails and hair ratted as she chased after the boys desperate to prove she could hang with the best of them.  
even her dad’s schemes were games when she was too young to know better.  and once she was they were just means to survive.  no one was perfect and if the government was hellbent on screwing them over why the eff wouldn’t she do what she had to, to survive?  
she went from being the little girl returning your “lost” wallet or dog to full on hustler.  she learned to lie through her teeth, and generally talk her way into and out of any situation.  it didn’t hurt that she was growing into her looks and with the right outfits and amount of cleavage, she was basically god to the low lives in her pathetic town and was never ashamed to use it. 
still, she dreamed of getting out.  it was unrealistic and damn near impossible, at least according to everyone around her.  but she would be damned if she wound up wasting away.  so at eighteen she booked it out of there.  took what little money she had and caught the first plane and never looked back.   
after that she bopped around from place to place, hitching her star to the nearest wagon (is that a phrase) and hustling her way to bigger and better things.  she fell in love a couple of times, broke their hearts as much as they broke hers and just lived fast and hard.
anyways, sooner or later she wound up in florida and through a friend of a friend got a job at bliss as a bottle service girl and at first she had this plan to be this big phony bubbly good girl persona because she thought showing she was straight up trash would get her fired and she lasted like a shift and a half before a guy said something gross and she threatened to cut his balls off and really should have been fired but wasn’t and surprise guys this is the real her
and yeah, she is blunt and says what she’s thinking and often times its mean but is it really mean if she’s just being honest?  she sure doesn’t think so.  but once you get past that whole tough girl defensive thing she has going on that she will deny exists until the day she dies you can find she actually DOES have a soul and is actually kind of a softie who secretly just wants to be loved and validated.  she also has a wicked sense of humor and once you’re on her good side she will murder for you, its chill she knows how to dig a grave.  
idk this is trash but just love me thanks byeeee 
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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nick anderson and margo flemming + the basics
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brookefitzgerald · 8 years ago
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