9-kit-qx · 7 years
Heya Angel! Stopping by with a random ask: BM from K.A.R.D, am I right??
oh hell yes.
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
hey hey hey do you mind sharing your templates with me?
of course! template as in what? my writing process? or what i use?
If it’s how I come up with my ideas and chaptered scenarios, I just kinda know my end goal, figure out how i want my characters to interact with one another and i literally just weave my ideas together as i write. So i don’t really use a ‘template’ per se, it’s more of a ‘just write as i go’ type of style. It doesn’t really work with everyone is what i’ve been told, but i love the flexibility of it and it works well with my brain, if that makes any sense at all😅
I use my ipad’s notes app. I type everything up there and use the in-app tool of being able to add pictures in to insert it into the writing, and I just text myself on my phone to create the illusion of my characters ‘texting’ each other. I use the app social dummy to recreate any social media app’s i want them to have.
If this wasn’t what you were asking, please feel free to send me another ask! It’s just how I interpreted the ask, so hopefully i answered it correctly😅💕💕
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
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may i? 🙊💕
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So, I’ve talked with a few people about the fact that I take pictures so I thought; why not post some of them? I can’t really remember with how many people I’ve talked to about it (oops) so I’ll just tag all my mutuals 😅
@rinef, @j0nj0s, @btslatebloomer, @mikaela-jl, @louisayato99, @stay-weird-people, @haileyjikai, @michi04ic, @jeonsminssi, @whatspoppin-yoongi & @haremofparkjiminsmh.
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
I love Tae so much 😂 I'm glad you're back to writing!
aww thank youu🙈
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
just a baby update. i’m back to writing though, so i should be pumping out more very soon ✌🏽
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
“Thank you! Sorry for disturbing!” I bow deeply at the dance instructor and turn to run back toward the school cafe.
We had initially wanted to catch up and talk in the dance room but not soon after, a class started piling inside for their afternoon dance class.
Amidst the chaos, Namjoon hyung (quite predictably) left his apparently-super-expensive scarf behind. And only ‘till we made it to the school cafe did he remember the discarded article of clothing and begged me to come run back for it.
Hence my current situation.
Ugh. What now. Does he not know that if he stopped texting me to hurry up, i’d probably be back by now?
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I chuckle to myself, “fu.”
Nice come back hyung, real witty.
He always gets left speechless when I mention Nurse Kim.
I shoot him back a meme in reply and pick up my pace to a slight jog.
A hooded figure crouching by the corner catches my eye.
What the..
I slow down to a halt to get a better glimpse. Cooing noises were coming from the figure crouching.
Walking a little closer, to see better, I notice the figure’s hand stroking..kitties..?
Oh yeah. Definitely kitties.
I scrunch my nose in distaste.
Why are there kitties in a box?
“They were left here two days ago.” A deep male voice emerges from the hooded figure. He turns his head up towards me and raises an eyebrow. “You were wondering why there’s a box full of kitties right?” he continues, catching my eyes and garnering my full attention.
The man’s features were astonishing. Big huge eyes and perfectly proportioned nose and lips.
Well that’s just not fair.
Suddenly a black little cat obscured my view and pawed at my face. I had unconsciously walked closer to the man and he had lifted a kitty up towards my face.
“Look, I named him Peppero.” He tilts his head and smiled, innocent eyes sparkling.
“Err wow, he’s uh..that’s a..good name.” I stammered, taking a step back. He pouts and looks back towards the box of cats.
Did..I say something wrong..?
“I can tell you don’t like cats.” he murmurs, almost inaudible. “It tells on your face. You probably like dogs don’t you?” he asks, voice muffled by the large hoodie he was wearing.
“Uh..yeah. But..I don’t necessarily hate them..I just .. don’t care much for them..” I reply back in earnest, remembering an orange cat running away with my favorite boxers. “I like cute things though, and kitties are cute.” I found myself wanting to reassure him.
He looks up at me and slowly smiles, “Well good. We can be the parents to these kitties then.” He states, grabbing my sleeve and lightly tugging me to crouch down along with him.
Wait. What?
“This is Peppero, Van Gogh, and Bolt. That one over there I haven’t named yet, so you can name him.” he points at the kitties, who reach out for his well manicured fingers. He looks at me and smiles happily, “So..? What’s his name?”
I look down towards the cat in question and watch as the man plays with him, his two fingers clenching and unclenching in a peace sign for the kitty to bat at.
“Uh..V..?” I answer hesitantantly, not really believing I was really in the situation I was in at the moment.
He halts and looks at me in a strange way, “As in..Victory..?” he hums, “That’s a good one! V it is.” he beams and chuckles a dopey laugh. Stroking the newly dubbed cat on the chin and stands up.
“You can take care of them for this week, I’ll take them next week ok?” He states, putting the kitty back in the box and brushing off his pants as he stands.
Wait. What??
“Well then, I’ll see you around!” He smiles widely and salutes me goodbye. “Annyeong~” He coos at the box of kitties and turns to walk away. Waving his hand in farewell at my dumbstruck face.
I blink owlishly and end up saying a strangled response of farewell.
What..Just happened.
I was trying to get my thoughts back in order, when I hear a voice yelling at me from his direction, “Oh! By the way! If we’re parents, you’re the wife ok?” He yells, hands cupped to his mouth in a megaphone type way. “Okay!” he responds to himself and throws a thumbs up in my direction before turning around to run back to where we he was headed.
I look back to the box of kitties in disbelief. The cat’s meowling for attention.
My legs give out from my crouching position to land soundly on the floor, forgotten scarf in tow.
What. The fuck. Just Happened.
previous and the next
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
just a lil something i did for the bday boy
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
thank you!! 🙈 should i post what happened? 🤔 it’s a little sad and depressing tbh and will definitely have to have trigger warnings. but as long as everyone’s ok with it, i’ll post it! ❤️
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
I just read the entire Allure of dance in one sitting and I'm in love. This is so good! The additional parts after part 28 about JK and hyung line made me really happy❤ I really love this au I'm so sad I finished reading it. I want more TT
i’m just so happy you loved it so much🙊 AofD is my baby so it really does make me so so happy knowing it’s so well received and well loved. thank you!! ❤️
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
😳 oh my goodness thank you 😭😭😭❤️💕
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
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this is so awkward and weird and i’m so sorry but i’m very shy but i really wanted you to know that i love and appreciate you. you’re a beautiful ray of sunshine and i love seeing your posts on my feed. every time you tag me in anything my heart skips a beat
Yah, it’s not weird! This message was so sweet, it literary warmed up my heart! 💗💗💗🙈 Thank you, cutie! Please, don’t apologize! ! ! 🙈🙏💖💖💖 You’re more than welcome to say whatever you want to me, so no sorries! And the fact that you said sth so nice overwhelmed me so much I can’t-It’s damn good to see you here again! I hope you feel better now 🙏😭 If you’d ever need to talk, you know where you can find me, cupcake! 💗 ALSO: HELLO OFFICIALLY!
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
💝 I missed you so much, my Angel. I hope you know how important you are and how much love there is, just for you. I am glad to have had as much contact with you as I have (to make sure that you were well enough to have contact with /someone/). But, my darling, be sure that you are a 100% alright enough to start being on this site again. We want you back, but we want you back healthy. Love you, Angel. 💝
i really don’t deserve you being in my life, you sweet sweet human being. you are such an inspiring soul, absolutely astonishing inside and out. i’m thankful everyday i got to meet you and get to know you. your thoughtfulness and care for my wellbeing is so touching, i really do appreciate you with all of my being. thank you my love, you mean the most ❤️
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
❤️ I'm glad you're back! We missed you. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, I hope you're feeling okay. If you ever want to talk things out with someone who doesn't have any connection to the issue, my messages are always open!
oh my goodness, you’re such a sweet soul 🙊 thank you so much! truly, you’re so thoughtful. ❤️
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
Well I hope You’re doing good now love, I missed seeing you on my dash 💜
you are seriously the sweetest thing. thank you so much my love. you’ve just made my day so much brighter. please keep being the sweet angel that you are. i hope to always be shined on by your love and positivity. ❤️
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
I was tagged by @canyoucallthiswriting and @mariasworldwoohoo
1. Nicknames: boo, babe, baby, ducky, mikee, mikae, and babygirl
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: leo
4. Height: 5”1
5. Time: 3:26 p.m
6. Birthday: July 29
7. Favourite bands/ groups: I pretty much like a lot(all) kpop boy and girl groups so i’ll just list my ultimate gg and bg : BTS, Mamamoo
8. Favourite solo artists: again. a lot of favorites(there are a lot of good ass music out there ok), so i’ll just do my ultimates again : Heize and Sanchez
9. Song stuck in your head: Heart Shaker - TWICE
10. Last movie you watched: the arrival
11. Last show you watched: descendants of the sun (highly recommend. my bf loves it too)
12. When did you create your blog: June 2017
13. What do you post about: anything i like really, but majority of it is BTS related. I try to keep the rest under my likes. (for the sake of the sanity of my followers)
14. Last thing you googled: “What does Mr. Handy do in Fallout Shelter?”
15. Do you have any other blogs: i do indeed. @unrefined-unfinished i don’t get on it very often though. just my side blog that i post my doodles on really, haven’t updated it in a LONG time.
16. Do you get asks: i do! and i love every single one. both positive and negative. unfortunately my inbox is a little glitchy i use the tumblr app and it really blows d*ck(: so sometimes it’ll show me that i have asks, but it doesn’t show up till a few days later. :(
17. Why did you choose your URL: its just my name really lol
18. Following: 99
19. Followers: 850 and i am shocked every single day that it’s that many people. truly. like really shocked. i really didn’t think i’d even break the 100 barrier tbh. thank you guys so much, i don’t deserve you at all.
20. Average hours of sleep: 7 hours on average i think?
21. Lucky number(s): i don’t have any lucky numbers, but my favorite number is 9!
22. Instruments: a little bit of piano
23. What are you wearing: my work clothes, i’m sitting in my car right now, waiting to clock on😅
24. Dream job: working at home and being a good housewife
25. Dream trip: all around the world.
26. Favourite food: sushi, korean bbq, and a lot of filipino food.
27. Nationality: 🇵🇭
28. Favourite song right now: Uno Dos - ¿Téo? (feat. Jaden Smith)
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
i’m so sorry i’ve been gone for so long. i just needed some time for myself and to set things right on my own. i’ve had some personal problems that i didn’t want affecting any of you, so i just stayed clear of tumblr for a little bit.
but! i’m back in action. i’m all better!
i have a bunch of asks and mentions and tags that i’ll reply to as soon as i can, i promise i do see it all and i have plans of responding to every single one of them! just give me time my lovelies.
also! i would love to be mutuals with my followers🙊 if you wouldn’t mind my following you, send me an ask with a ❤️ so i know it’s not weird to follow you and that i’m welcome to do so (i didn’t want to be awkward and follow you silently, so this is me asking for permission😅)
and i do have updates coming up soon as well. for those who just follow bc of the au’s i’m so sorry i’ve been slacking, i’ll get on it asap, i just don’t like my work feeling rushed and forced so please understand. and thank you for being so patient ❤️
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9-kit-qx · 7 years
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