#c: no longer human
lesbianyosano · 2 years
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based on this
anyway this is how the first light novel went in my head
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sethdomain · 2 months
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someone should write a species swap fic
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❤ 2 ships passing in the night, reunited at the docks 💚
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Books of 2024: NEVER WHISTLE AT NIGHT: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology, ed. by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
This has a bunch of authors I already love in it (Stephen Graham Jones, Darcie Little Badger, Waubgeshig Rice, and Rebecca Roanhorse!!), and several authors I've been meaning to try (like Tommy Orange, Nick Medina, and Kelli Jo Ford, to name a few), so I'm really hyped for them all to be together in one volume! Plus dark fiction is very much my jam (especially when it comes in a bright and colorful package).
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isfjmel-phleg · 8 months
This work day is never going to end.
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mel-loly · 1 year
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twicecut · 6 months
Yk I think a good example of how much the writing for Diego changed between S1 and S3 is Diego going from being ready to throw hands when someone calls Grace a machine in S1, to telling Klaus the only mother they knew "plugged into a wall" in S3, like he wouldn't have punched someone out if they had said the same thing one month ago.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
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a quick facial painting to practice effects and lightning :D
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thatoneluckybee · 4 months
They should make it illegal to have to wear nice clothes when it's COLD
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x-i-l-verify · 1 year
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「 Dream SMP Daemon AU 」
Wandering albatrosses are a patient, confident, cooperative species of seabird found primarily in the southern hemisphere. Their wingspans are the largest of any bird, and the design of their wings, use of weather patterns, and style of flying means they can travel 1,000 km/d (620 mi/d) without flapping their wings once. This efficient long-distance traveling underlies the albatross's success as a long-distance, nomadic forager, covering great distances and expending little energy looking for patchily distributed food sources. 
They are opportunistic and adaptable feeders, consuming primarily fish, but they are willing to scavenge on carcasses and feed on the scraps from commercial fishing operations and other predators. Like other seabirds, albatrosses drink seawater, harmlessly filtering out the saline that would otherwise kill them. The only time they ever return to land is during the breeding season; the rest of the time is usually spent alone out on the open sea, though they are capable of coexisting peacefully with small groups of other albatrosses when foraging and feeding. As the breeding season arrives, huge colonies of birds flock to their breeding grounds together, even though pairs are quite protective of their own nests and space. 
Wandering albatrosses are dutiful and loyal birds, in it for the long haul once they have made a commitment, as once a wandering albatross has found a suitable mate, it continues to breed with that one bird for the rest of its life. They are expressive and open creatures, undertaking elaborate and painstaking mating displays to ensure that the appropriate partner has been chosen and to perfect partner recognition, as egg laying and chick rearing is a huge time and resource investment. 
Once their chicks are born, they prove to be doting parents, with both adults equally taking great care in rearing their offspring. It sometimes takes up to a year for the chick to learn how to fly and become independent of its parents. However, because Albatrosses live much longer than other birds, they delay breeding for longer and invest more effort into fewer young. 
Philza is efficient, laidback, and indulgent. Lai is tenacious, focused, and decisive.
NAME MEANING Aellai is a variant form of Greek Aellô, meaning "whirlwinds."
SOURCES https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25946
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worldwhampion · 1 year
I just found an archive did u kno vy'keen evolved from
p r e y a n i m a l s
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i somehow completely forgot about this so this ask made me try to recall everything i ever knew about the vy'keen. THANK GOD i have like every piece of nms lore locally on my laptop. okay now to the vy'keen lore bc i've got some thoughts on this.
the vy'keen being originally prey brings another layer to their weirdly deep lore iceberg. i'm calling it weird because i think their lore is more based on implications of what is told (?) hence why people tend to overlook them.
i do think it's very interesting how fear is a major aspect of their ideology, and how largely it's connected to their aggression. You'd think that fear would be highly looked down upon in vy'keen society, but fear seems to be in fact their prime motivation, fuel and cause for being aggressive. They've made a weakness into their strength. this is rather oxymoronic, and it's not the only oxymoron related to the vy'keen. there is a second one (and you're the one who told me about this!): they're militant pacifists. now i guess you can call them fear-strengthened as well.
i remember the armorer having a raw quote related to weakness, something of: 'you can be weak, but you cannot stay weak.' For a society that's based on hostility, that is some amazing advise right there.
also i just had a WILD realization. humans are actually quite similar to the vy'keen. it's even safe to say that out of all the races, they're the most alike. hear me out: humans were once prey too in prehistoric times, and it was through cultivation of technology (or weapons!!) that they got elevated to the top of a figurative food chain. and the fact that human history is literally littered with war. Now this is making me wonder what the vy'keen exactly do with their aggression, like do they wage war the same way humans do or is there a difference in motivations? like what's their key goal for war.
all of this is proof for why the vy'keen is highly underrated. maybe one day i'll write something to spread the good word of the vy'keen.
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lesbianyosano · 2 years
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they're showing him their favourite vines compilation (he doesn't get it)
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dragonstoned · 1 year
well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then maybe some part of it has intrinsically become human i mean duck
re gomens ending i've seen suggestions that a/c physically become human and i'm not very into it, partly bc i like their supernatural bits, partly bc i want them to enjoy the earth for as long as possible, and partly bc. they are already human enough, actually
they've eagerly lived in our skins and long adopted our customs and culture and messy human feelings and loved existing in this way, in this world, and that's what matters. this is a big plot point and one i've always liked, and feel no need to change. i am happy to welcome them to the club no additional membership fees required, no other "final step"
while they are baffled by some things Whomst the among us actually understands all of humanity btw huh no one. the incomprehensibility of the human condition is a key feature of the human condition. also i dare anyone to say there haven't been pure homo sapien individuals who've ended up more Other and Eldritch than a/c could hope to be. we contain multitudes. unironically we are all special snowflakes in some way why gatekeep a/c bc of a little spot of immortality??
so yeah might be predictable but this is my ideal ending: crowley and aziraphale just as they are except without the threat of looming destruction over their heads, and It Is Good, but also why stop there. humanity™ for EVERYBODY who wants it tbh!!
heaven and hell are abolished and now it's everyone else's turn to discover their personhood here, on not god's who has long fucked off mysteriously our not-so-green anymore earth. it's lovely and terrible and wonderful welcome to the jungle. or they can go off elsewhere if they want its a big universe. no sides no limits as long as no one's harming others it's free real estate to exist on their own terms
anyway i digress!!!! hell yeah a/c become human in the end!!! bc they are!! by choice!!! but also they deserve at least another 6000 years to live on their own terms, freely, together!!! being an us!!! both a group-of-the-two-of-us us and an all-of-us, us
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probably wont finish this but....its C :3c semi redesigned.
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warriorfujoshi · 1 year
I need to have sertan refs and info locked and loaded so I can snipe comm spots but whenever I try to write down anything about them I get like this
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aetherose · 18 days
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@maris-stellar sent: (from maris-stellar, SKK Yulia heehee - for Luna!) It's not ideal to share the same space as an enemy of any note, but circumstances rarely bow to one's whims. One moment Yulia is with her fellow ravens, carefully rummaging the ruins of civilization like the titular birds - the next, she's been separated and locked in a long standstill. A foolish champion of humanity would draw their weapon and fight, no hesitation. And while Yulia may indeed be on Babylonia's payroll, she champions her own cause in between her work - and so, isn't so foolish as to start blindly shooting at an Agent of the virus. Besides. Survival rates increase if she stays on the defensive. More so if she simply doesn't provoke a fight in the first place. Still, with a hand warily kept on her weapon, not drawing it out but nonetheless easily prepared for that scenario - the young commandant stares quietly at the Ascendant, her face blank as she thinks and considers and— "Divide et impera." She tilts her head, thoughtful, though it comes off as rather absent-minded. "Separate the group into stragglers, then pick them off one by one by one. A fine tactic. Not the most impressive but not the worst choice to make. But it relies on the hope that nothing can stay infinite. "Humanity is flawed in its mortality, but its nature is pervasive enough to be otherwise. So how do you know for sure, Miss Ascendant, whether infinity is or isn't eternal?" And does Yulia know that blabbering and bullshitting away, stalling, won't work forever? Of course she does. But in that case, even this stalemate won't last forever - and someone will come looking for her. Just needs to last long enough for that.
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The Commandant surely knew what a precarious situation she was in, Luna had no doubts. Using the Corrupted, she separated the Gray Ravens from Yulia, and then cornered the Commandant.
All it would take was a wave of the Agent's hand to summon Heteromer spikes and eviscerate the Commandant.
But Luna did not make a move. She did not attack.
For the moment, at least, Luna hovered in front of Yulia, the Agent levitating a good two feet taller taller than the Commandant, and looked down at her.
She honestly expected Yulia to crumble and plead for mercy, and those pleas fall on deaf ears as the Ascendant pierced her heart. Alternatively, she also expected for the Commandant to attack her in a last-ditch attempt to avoid a certain death.
But, she did not. Rather, she spoke. And the Agent decided to humor her.
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"A normal person would be bargaining and begging to be spared, or would have tried to bring me down with them as I shred them to pieces. Yet, you do not." It was an observation, a statement, as the silver-haired girl looked down at the human.
"By all rights, I should kill you here. I should carve out your heart and feed it to the Corrupted, tear you apart as your despicable species deserves—" Her face is a faint glare, her voice filled with vitriol; pure, unbridled hatred for the species Yulia belongs to. Flickering red energy; the Virus; faintly emanated from her as she spoke. Though her voice was soft, hearing such a voice be filled with such rage perhaps only intensified the impact.
But then, her tone softens, becoming vaguely curious, as she tilted her head. "—And yet, you've piqued my curiosity, Gray Raven Commandant," She states, as she simply hovers and stares at Yulia for a moment, thinking, before she answers, indulging the human's question.
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"All things come to an end one day. I know it well. Hopes for 'forever', or at least for something to last a lifetime, are crushed under the wheel of time," There's... a faint sadness as she said that, but it's so faint and momentary you'd likely miss it. "Humanity, the Punishing Virus, the universe itself... the old will be washed away, a new canvas born to allow for something new. The only thing 'infinite' is the cycle of death and rebirth. None can escape, even that which is said to be 'eternal'. And if the cycle is not infinite, we will never know, for everything will have ended when it at last comes to a halt."
Her face soon hardens somewhat, "But I live in the era of which it is time for humanity to die, to allow for something new to be born. A new world order of the Punishing Virus. And I am it's chosen harbinger." However, she soon leans in, and it's hard to read her face as her golden eyes stares into Yulia's own black ones.
"Humanity fights amongst itself, destroys itself, even now. Even if the Virus did not appear, humans would've surely obliterated each other. Yet, you seem to believe this would not be the case." Her eyes narrow the slightest bit, but are also full of evident interest. "So, Gray Raven Commandant; what is your thoughts on the eternity of infinity, and of the destiny of humanity?"
Yulia's fate now rested on keeping the Agent curious and interested in her perspective on these matters.
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