twsecretproject · 9 years
dear laura ( @laura-log)
i hope you enjoy this gift, despite the late nature of it. i picked your name up as an extra valentine, but i also very much so enjoyed writing this. :)
xoxo, your friendly neighborhood stand in secret valentine
@bansheemrtin​ || kayla
somewhere along the way 
summary: lydia martin wasn’t normally one to drink away her feelings, but maybe after meeting a certain stiles stilinski on an off chance, she may just be able to stop feeling so alone - college au
wc: 1236
a/n: character death mentioned
Lydia Martin was wasted. And not just a little bit. She had downed two more shots than her usual limit, as well as three beers and a vodka soda, and she was stumbling around the mansion of a frat house. She was barefoot, her heels abandoned in some room, although she wasn’t sure of where they were exactly. 
She was too drunk to care.
Normally, Lydia was more responsible than this. Usually she contained herself to one or two drinks, just to make sure she stayed in control. But after her boyfriend Aiden’s untimely death, she’d found herself drinking herself into oblivion on more occasions than one. Her best friend Allison had dragged her out to a party every now and then, but Lydia usually didn’t feel up to it. Every now and then, she found herself giving in and going, but feeling more like a third wheel than anything around Allison and her boyfriend Scott. So she spent the party wandering, drinking, trying to feel a little better. 
It never really worked. 
So she drank a little more, and a little more, until she had consumed so much alcohol that she couldn’t take any more less she wanted to vomit. 
It wasn’t a surprise when she stumbled over herself, landing face first into a boy she didn’t immediately recognize sitting on the couch. It also wasn’t a surprise that, being the klutz she was, landed right on top of his dick. 
“Shit!” she shouted, pulling herself up and off of the guy, sobering up pretty quickly as she took a seat on the couch, leaving about a foot between them. “Oh my god I am so sorry,” Lydia said, looking up at the brunette whom she had just landed on. His face was red, his wide eyes a beautiful hazel brown, mouth agape, staring at her.
“I… uh.. no, no, it’s… it’s totally… totally fine,” he stuttered, obviously caught off guard. “Totally… completely fine.” Slowly, his eyes caught hers, locking with them gently. “Stiles,” he said quietly, holding out his hand for her to take.
“Lydia,” she responded, still bright red, but her smile was gentle. “I’m really sorry I…” she trailed off, not really wanting to repeat what had happened. She took his hand, immediately realizing the bony feel to it, the veins that ran up and down his knuckles. She noticed his freckles and moles next. The splatter across his cheek. It was gentle, as if it was just the simple detail that made him easily remembered. 
“No, really… don’t worry about it,” he said, taking a breath, seemingly the first one he had taken since they had stated talking. Lydia felt herself smile gently. “So… what brings you here?” Stiles asked. 
“I don’t know… my friend dragged me here, promised we’d have a good time, but, like always, she ditched me for her boyfriend.“

"Funny,” Stiles chuckled, “Scott ditched me for his girlfriend.”
“Scott McCall?” Lydia asked.

“I’m assuming your friend is the Allison Argent that he talks about all the time?” he replied.
“That’d be her… They drag us here with promises of fun and happy memories,” Lydia started.
“Ones to erase the pain…” he added. Lydia realized what he said, noting the fragility in his tone. He was broken, too.
“Nothing ever works… But I think this might be the closest I’ve come in a long time,” she whispered. 
“I couldn’t agree with you more,” he admitted. 
Lydia didn’t know when it happened, but at some point in their conversation, the two found themselves inching closer and closer together, and all of a sudden the foot of space between them had been narrowed down to a few inches, centimetres even, before she took a breath, leaned in. The alcohol in her system was driving her, and she wasn’t quite sure what she was doing herself, but soon, their lips had touched, gentle at first, before Lydia and Stiles pulled away. 
“Do you think you maybe want to help me forget some more?” she asked, eyes sad and soft, laced with a gentle desperation.

“Yeah… I think I would.”
Their night was bliss, a splattering of aggression, teeth on lips and tongue before they finally succumbed to their desires and slowly, gently, they worked their way into a pattern, a rhythm of sorts. He took off her shirt, trailing kisses down her exposed spine as she played with his hair. He seemed to know everything she wanted, and how to do it right, made her feel better than she ever had before. It was like they were made for each other. 
Only in the dim light of Stiles’ bedroom did they share their secrets. That Lydia’s boyfriend had died, that Stiles’ girlfriend had broken up with him after he had become distant because of some past demons haunting him. They shared whispers like they were best friends and not two strangers passing in the night. 
They tried to pretend that it was no big deal. Their friends were dating and they would see each other every now and again, but it was a pull that was too strong for either of them to resist. Soon there were stolen kisses on the way to the bathroom , sneaking around, hiding in closets because it wasn’t going to be this way forever. 
Every time they whispered to each other that it would be the last, and every time, it happened again. 
And somewhere along the way, Stiles fell head over heels in love with Lydia Martin. With her strawberry blonde head of hair that just reached the height of 5'3”, or her green eyes and left handed penmanship. Everything about her was perfection in his eyes. She was intelligent, someone who was willing to banter back and forth with him. Hell, she’d even watched Star Wars with him. But she was more than just his friend. She was his partner in crime, his other half, a tether keeping him grounded. 
Little did he know that he was the same for her. His smile kept her from falling apart and his laugh made her heart melt. His lips were soft and sweet, tasted like buttercream every time she touched them. 
But neither of them would admit it. 
At least, not right away.
They spent two more months stealing kisses behind closed doors and glances at parties. It was only when Scott and Allison noticed their distraught behaviour when the other wasn’t around that they finally brought it to the attention of the strawberry blonde beauty and the sarcastic brunette. 
“What is this?” Lydia asked, looking up at Stiles, with whom she was cuddling with on the couch, The Empire Strikes Back shoved haphazardly in the DVD player. 
“What’s what?” Stiles asked, caught off guard with her question.
“Us,” she responded blatantly. “What are we?”
“Well, what do you want us to be?” he asked, looking at her, searching for the answer in her eyes. Lydia didn’t miss a beat, responding immediately.
“More than this,” she admitted.
Their lips crashed together like waves, a mixture of gentleness and passion before Stiles began to lean into Lydia, soon finding themselves totally horizontal on the couch before they decided that a bed may be a bit more comfortable. They made their way into Stiles’ room, speaking in whispers of sweet nothings and one simple phrase that they began repeating to each other. 
“This is not the last time.”
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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au: lydia gets turned into a werewolf. allison doesn’t believe her… untill well she does.
to: roo (@mariesjeannesvalet) from: andi (@kira-yukimura)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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   the   banshee   &   the   hellhound
to: heather (@devilsstraightedge) from: aída (@kaladandkar)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
hey, im in oove with your twedits they are amazzzzing... i wanted to ask do you have tumblr message if we could talk😁
Thank you! Since this is a sideblog, the messaging system won’t really work. If you wish to contact any of the blog owners, then you can privately message us on our blog! @kaladandkar & @alexslightwood
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twsecretproject · 9 years
Do you take chimera one shot requests??
I’m sorry, but we don’t really make any of these gifts. All the posts on this blog are made by various users. If you’re interested we have 2 submissions of fics that have the chimera pack in them. 
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twsecretproject · 9 years
First of all thank you for this amazing fest, I'm really glad you organized this! Secondly, I know my edits aren't the best, but if you need help to make the gift i'm happy to help since I got some free time! Thank you again for all, I really appreciate what you all are doing! :)
Thank you so much for the kind message! I’m really happy to know that you would like to help us, however, there is no need! we were able to finish the gifts with the help of other bloggers. Thank you so much :)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
Can you make an AU: stydia when stiles he’s a bad guy but lydia loves him, please? :)
hello, we’re sorry to inform you that we do not make any au’s or any other sort. all the gifs/graphics/playlist/fics/aus posted on this blog are made by other bloggers! if you like a certain fic or au written by someone, then you can contact that person and see if they are willing to write one :) they can submit it to us and we can post it on here.
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twsecretproject · 9 years
What editing software do you use? :)
Hello! Well… this is a difficult question since each one makes their own edits but… pretty sure the majority uses Photoshop. There are different versions but CS5 and CS6 are the most common. :)
* we don’t make ALL the gifts submitted here, they’re made from various tumblr users. if you’d like to know who uses what, then just contact the person it is from!
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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i really think you like me ❀ [listen] a mix celebrating marrish and the way they look at each other ♥‿♥
to: neve (@carolineforbvs) from: aída (@kaladandkar)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
Not everyone submitted their gift for which, in the first place, we apologize. That’s something out of our hands since we trust everyone to remember and fulfill their work. Also, it’s impossible for us to work on something on time if they don’t tell us anything. :(
Saying that, and as we stated in the beginning, we will take charge of the gifts of the persons who made theirs but haven't got anything. We'll contact you asap, but we would like to ask you to be patient since we both are kinda busy with school. You will receive something. :)
Thanks and, again, apologies.
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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famous not-so-secretly-a-nerd hot photographer derek hale and beach-loving wild-spirited surfer stiles stilinski weren’t the kind of people who generally ran in the same circles, but when stiles sees derek taking pictures of surfers on the beach and offers him a private photography session, who would’ve thought they’d end up together? (spoiler: everyone but them. the boys are just oblivious :)
for @m-rphy from zara (@kingmccalled). happy valentine’s day, clara! hope you enjoy it <3
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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Lydia, please shut up and let me save your life.
Happy Valentines Day Arooj! (@jazewayland) (ノ★ヮ★)ノ*:・゚✧
❤ You’re the sweetest muffin of all and I hope that you like this (hopefully not too blurry) edit. ❤
from: esme (@layden)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
Fast Forward (Sciles)
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For San (@royalsansa)
Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy it with all those who love you, and all those whom you love. x 
Pairing: Scott x Stiles
Synopsis: At 9 years old, Scott teaches Stiles how to kiss. At 18, Stiles shows Scott he remembers. 
Authors Note: I know you don’t like Stydia, however I included it in the beginning (kind of (sorry!!)). And I’m sorry it’s short and isn’t paced. I was away from my computer for a while and I didn’t have long to thoroughly write you a fic with a steady pace. I hope you enjoy it! P.S. I haven’t proofread it, oops! 
Alysha xxx (@jordnsbanshee)
Flashback. Flashback to 9 years ago. Scott and I were like brothers. We were 9 years old and we were inseparable. We went to school together. We spent our afternoons together. Some would believe that we really were brothers; we liked to think so too. Scott had the girls trailing behind him at school all the time. It was almost like he had a mini pack of puppies, succumbing to his charm. I, however, was the puppy. A puppy to Lydia Martin. Lydia was my kryptonite. Her long strawberry-blonde hair bounced in gentle curls wherever she went. Her green eyes and perfect smile started a flame in my chest. A tiny crush blossomed. A first love.
Every afternoon Scott and I would rush home to his house. Melissa would leave a carton of strawberry milk in the fridge just for us. Scott liked to pour the milk, but he needed two hands to hold the carton.
“Scott,” I said, taking a seat in the living room beside the kitchen. Scott dawdled in, carrying two large glasses of strawberry milk in both hands.
“What’s up, Dude?” Scott asked, sticking a blue straw between his lips.
“I’m in love.” I said with my eyes closed, a wide grin plastered on my face.
“With who?!” Scott said, his eyebrows raised higher than I’ve ever seen them.
“Lydia. Lydia Martin.” I whispered dreamily. The sound of the last of the milk escaping through the straw interrupted my daydream.
“Well, what are you gonna do? Do you think you might��� um, kiss her?” Scott giggled. I glared at Scott for a moment before pursing my lips into a frown.
“I don’t really know how.” I admitted. Scott straightened.
“I know how! Chelsea taught me.” Scott showed a cheeky grin. “I can show you.” Chelsea was Scott’s current girlfriend. She was just like Scott; a pack of puppies in tow. It’s funny how people who are liked the most end up together.
“What? No! Dude, I like girls.” I laughed. Scott was my best friend, and I really did like girls. That would be weird.
“Trust me it’ll be fine. We don’t have to tell anyone, Dude.” Scott said. He stood up and stretched out his hand, silently asking for me to stand with him. I sighed and put my glass onto the coffee table and took his hand. I stood from the couch and let Scott begin his lesson.
“First you take their hands,” Scott began. Both of his delicate hands gently clasped mine. “And then you stare them in the eyes.” I obeyed and stared into his eyes. He’s been my best friend since birth and I knew Scott like the back of my hand, but I’d never noticed how mesmerising his eyes were. My gaze was lost in my best friend’s eyes. A soft set of lips interrupted my gaze with a gentle peck on my lower lip. My jaw dropped open slightly, my entire body stiff. Scott’s hands fell from mine, his eyebrows burrowing as he stared at my paralyzed state. My first kiss was Scott McCall. And I didn’t want it to be my last.
Fast forward. Today I still think of Scott’s lips and how they locked with mine. I’ve always told Scott that Lydia was the reason a flame burned in my body, little did he know it was him that truly sparked it. Everything I’ve been through, he’s been through it to by choice. By choice to stand by me. Now I know for him it’s because we’re best friends, but for me, it’s because I love him. I truly do. It’s like one of those things where it’s all in your head and you feel like there’s been moments between you where something could’ve been, but in the end he’ll never see you that way.
Biology was the last class of the day. I tapped my pencil against the table as I watched the clock tick its way to three o’clock. I chewed my lip as I thought about Scott.
‘Can I come over to study tonight?’ Scott had asked before class. I’d agreed. I’ve never been nervous with Scott. Especially with just the two of us. But something felt off and my heart would thud against my ribs at every thought of him. The ring of the school dismissal bell made me jump in my skin. Students were already pouring into the corridor. I shoved everything into my backpack and hurried out of the classroom. I pushed my way through the crowd and out of the school. I saw my Jeep in the parking lot with a figure beside it, slumped against the passenger side. It was Scott.
“Hey Dude,” Scott smiled as I neared him. My heart jumped.
“Hey… Scott.” I stuttered. I unlocked the Jeep and climbed inside, Scott doing the same on the opposite side.
“Is everything okay?” Scott asked. His hand found my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. I cocked my head to face him, and his face immediately broke out into a smile. I couldn’t help but smile back. His grin lit up the world; my world.
“Everything is great.” I grinned. I put the car into gear and rolled on to the road, heading to Scott’s like we used to.
We sat in silence for a while. Shallow breaths hovering, the radio gently playing a variety of songs I’d never heard.
“Stiles, let’s go get some pizza.” Scott said.
“Aren’t we studying?”  I asked, staring at him from the corner of my eye. Scott just shrugged.
“I want to spend the afternoon with my best friend, doing something that’s not going to kill us and not going to bore us to death. And we haven’t gone for pizza in a while. Let’s just go get some pizza.” Scott answered. I thought for a moment before turning the Jeep around, heading towards town. It wasn’t a date, but I liked to think it could be one.
We pulled up outside the pizza place and ordered a larger pepperoni, our favourite, and waited a while.
“Where are we eating?” I asked. Scott folded his arms and twitched his lips. “We’ll go to the woods,” Scott suggested. “We’ll have a fire, play music from the Jeep. Let’s just have a good night.” I smiled at Scott.
“That sounds good.” I agreed.
“Scott?” The counterperson called out, breaking our gaze. Scott moved to collect the pizza and we left the room, sliding into the car once again.
It began to darken. Scott carried a heavy load of twigs and branches to where I sat. We assembled the fire and lit it, watching as he sticks caught fire and grew larger. We sat ourselves down beside the fire and opened he pizza box, taking a piece each and taking out first bite in synchronisation. Through our pizza we smiled at each other, breaking out into a chuckle.
For hours we talked. About Allison, Kira, Liam, Lydia. We talked about everything and everyone. It’d been too long since we did this. Since we spoke to each other about how we felt.
“I’m so happy we did this.” I said out loud. I stared at Scott who grinned back at me.
“Me too.” Scott said through his smile. I just stared at him for a while. The fire flickered gently over his olive skin. The orange flame illuminated his face, inviting my fingertips to touch his cheek. Of course I didn’t, but I would like to. I snapped my eyes away from his and stood. The intensity was too much and my heart was thudding too fast. Scott would hear it and know something was up. I made my way to the car. I heard the rustle of the leaves beneath Scott as he stood and followed me. I stopped moving, Scott nearing me.
“Is everything okay? I can hear your heartbeat, Stiles.” Scott stressed. Too late, he’d already figured it out. I froze for a moment before cocking my head to see his face. His lips were gently pursed. I balled my hands into a fist to stop myself from spilling my secret. To stop myself from telling him I loved him. Scott came closer. Every step increasing the speed of my heart pumping through my chest. Scott’s hand reached out to touch my shoulder. My heart pounded. My breaths were short. Scott’s brown eyes painted my face with a gaze. My body twisted to face his own. We stood only centimetres apart, I could almost feel his warm breath on my chin. I gently placed my right hand onto his neck. I looked deep into his now wide eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort. Instead, his eyes looked inviting, desperate. I gently squeezed Scott’s neck before pressing my lips to his. His lips were soft and warm, a perfect pair. His teeth softly bit my lower lip, light breaths between movements. Scott pulled away, his eyes still closed. Our breaths loud and short filled the air around us. I felt his fingers find mine.
“First you take their hands.” He said, locking his hand in mine. “Then you stare them in the eyes.” His eyes flashed open and they locked immediately with mine. 
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twsecretproject · 9 years
Bite Back
Happy Valentine’s Day, neon @neiljos10 from: amanda @nerdyderekhale
Never let it be said that Stiles was clueless about his problems. He may ignore them until they went away, but he was painfully aware of every obstacle that lay in front of him. Most of his obstacles were of his own making.
The particular obstacle currently facing him was no exception. When Stiles had first seen Derek in the woods at sixteen, he had no way of knowing how drastically his presence would change his life, or that this would be the beginning of an ever evolving and often times awkward sexual awakening. Now Derek Hale, resident badass Alpha and secret cuddle monster, had found the perfect way to transform Stiles into a puddle of former human parts in five seconds flat.  
Derek had always indulged in love bites, and the sheer amount of affection he could convey in his pressing teeth never ceased to make Stiles shudder. Whether it was gentle marks as they cuddled in the dawn or harsh indentations created in the heat of the moment, Stiles never shied away from wearing Derek’s mark.
The bites would’ve been enough for Stiles, more than capable of getting him hard so fast his head spun, if Derek hadn’t let slip some interesting information about mates in a post-sex haze one night.
“What,” Stiles said, brain already scrambling to decide which books to read first on this subject. Derek looked bemused, but frowned grumpily when Stiles attempted to leave the bed. Gently wrapping one arm around Stiles’ middle, Derek secured him to his chest, and well Stiles couldn’t argue with that.
“I thought you knew.” Derek stated simply, snuffling into the back of Stiles neck as he breathed in his scent. Stiles shivered, always so attuned to Derek’s presence that simply hearing his footsteps walk through the door caused his heart to beat faster. Maybe he should’ve known from that alone, but there was no convenient guidebook for the supernatural. It was a bunch of trial and error and reading dry text in dead languages.
“Hey asshole, not all of us were raised in the know, okay? Still a puny human here, you need to clue me into these things,” Stiles retaliated, but he pressed impossibly closer to Derek’s body to show that he wasn’t really mad. And if it sent tingles up his spine to feel the muscles rippling behind him, who could really blame him?
“Hmm, your reaction to my biting you seemed obvious enough,” and to demonstrate this Derek dug his teeth into the meat of Stiles shoulder. Stiles was momentarily lost in the sensation, and had to work to focus. This conversation was too important to get sidetracked.
“So, I’m your mate and you could’ve claimed me ages ago and you didn’t do it why?” Stiles demanded, finally arriving at the center of his concerns. He knew that Derek was it for him, and knowing that Derek had kept this information from him made his insecurities come raging forward. What if Derek didn’t want him to know because even if they were mates, he didn’t want to be stuck with Stiles? Derek could have anyone, and it still surprised Stiles every day when Derek came home to him.
Silence stretched between them, and Stiles could feel the beginning signs of tears pricking at the edges of his eyes. This wasn’t how their relationship was supposed to end; even if he doubted their forever, he dreamed of having kids with Derek, growing old and getting to see his sunshine smile cross across his face every time Stiles made him bacon. Now that he knew that future seemed gone, he felt inconsolable.
A soft whine escaped from Derek, and it took everything in Stiles not to turn around and comfort him. HIs heart may be breaking, but Derek was still everything to him. “I didn’t want to scare you away,” Derek whispered, fear shadowing his eyes as he looked away from Stiles. Wait, what?
“Um dude, I think there’s been some sort of misunderstanding. Where did you get the idea that forever with you would scare me?” Stiles blurted out, and he could only regret his words for a moment before shock and hope bloomed across Derek’s face, knocking the air out of Stiles’ lungs.
“Really?” Derek asked, and the only answer Stiles could give was to turn and launch himself at Derek, landing in a heap on top of him but not slowing his movements as he and Derek kissed. It was heat and love and promise, everything Stiles had wished for but had stopped himself from believing in.
“So will you give it to me?” Stiles finally breathed out, coming up for air. Pink tinted Derek’s cheeks, and Stiles felt like his heart might burst with how much he loved him.
“Yeah I-I can do that,” Derek stuttered out, and before Stiles could blink he felt the familiar prick of Derek’s teeth. This time, the sharp sensation gave way to a deluge of emotion as their mating mark solidified. He felt lightheaded, but a rightness had settled through him he had not known he had been missing.
It felt like hours passed in seconds as they lay together, Derek’s lip resting gently against the bite as they dozed. When Stiles stirred awake once again, he looked to see Derek’s brilliant gaze settled on him. “You can give me a mate bite too, if you want,” he said simply, and Stiles did.
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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happy valentines day alyssa (@liemdunbars​) from: arooj (@jazewayland)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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to: amanda (@nerdyderekhale) from: clara (@m-rphy)
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twsecretproject · 9 years
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Allydia RoadTrip!Au. 
Allison isn't ready to be a freshman again, she wants to travel for awhile, so she can forget the Supernatural World, in all its glory and all its horror. Lydia isn't ready to let her go, especially because she watched her nearly "die" nor once, but two times already [and maybe because she was in love with her since their first meeting.] So they drive Across the USA, spending their night in crappy motels (and saving some money, so they can sleep in a real comfy bed once in a while), working one or two of the weirdest job they've never heard of, so they could afford more travel (Sometimes they found a nice job, like that time a local band was searching for a Lead Singer and Lydia was getting paid to serenade her girlfriend with the cheesiest rock songs ever made™.) having sex in awkward places (and breaking twelve laws at least), and recording every little moment for posterity (sometimes they sent those videos to Stiles and Scott, to show them what they're missing out.)
To: @TattooedSterek [Happy Valentine's Day Sarah! <3] From: Margherita (@wolfwillkeepyouwarm
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