#c: hana
cecils-dragons · 1 year
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A little piece tonight of Hana and Caspian having a fun little time. It’s a bit hard to take care of a non sea faring child while being a sea denizen.
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mjjune · 7 months
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Thanks for the tag @forthesanityofstorytellers !
Tagging (optional) @isabellebissonrouthier @lexiklecksi @atelierwriting @little-mouse-gardens or anyone who wants to!
This is from my current editing pit of chaos, ds
Sometimes I wondered if I was actually disconnected from the role of cultivator, or if I didn’t want it simply because I was told I should. “Thank you for telling me,” I finally said, a whisper barley audible over the grains as they thudded against her basket. “I know what means to want something you can’t have.” Something struck her face, enough that her movements slowed. I thought I must have said or done something rude. Her expression contorted, as if something had hurt her. “Have I said something wrong?” “No,” she said, and looked away. “I’m just wondering if maybe I have.”
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DS TAGLIST: (message or comment below to be +/-) @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @careful-fear @cherrybombfangirlwrites @cljordan-imperium @cocomerocollection @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @garthcelyn @hope-hopefully-writes @isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @kingkendrick7 @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marrowwife @mr-writes @saintedseraph @saphoblin @thyroidhormones @treesandwords @wildswrites @wip-nook
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carnavalesque · 10 months
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pov : you can't help but fall in love with your babies all over again.
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lustsfuls · 6 months
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❝WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do now? are you gonna kill me?❞ hana asked with a taunting snicker. it was unwise for her to provoke them especially in her position. she didn't have the upper hand here yet her pride and brazen attitude was fully on display. she refused to be pathetic especially at her lowest point. was she scared? maybe but not scared enough to beg for mercy.
– muse: lee hana / 27-32 / escort & con-artist – open to: anyone – plot(s): enemies to lovers — hana got caught after screwing your muse over / anything that makes sense
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{Cap's by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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austin-cartwright · 7 months
WHO: @hcnayun WHERE: Holiday Speed Dating at Some Bar
There was pro/con list a mile long in Austin's phone detailing both the good and bad things about being back home. She found herself constantly adding and moving things around on it, but one thing that had stayed firmly in the con column was the stale dating pool. The photographer had grown up in the city and while the population ebbed and flowed, she found she was a creature of habit when it came to the people she'd surrounded herself with and the places she went. So, in an attempt to expand her horizons (and dating pool), Austin found herself at a local bar's speed dating event and it was going... fine.
She'd already seen three people from high school and one former one night stand who'd insisted she take their new number and she was only halfway through the rotation. So when she sat down at the next table once the bell rang, she let out a breath of relief as she checked the time on her phone. "Please tell me we didn't go to high school togeth-" Finally looking up from her phone screen, Austin's sentence cut off as her jaw hung slack for a moment and a wide grin overtook her features. "Holy shit, no way! Dally said you were in town but not that you looked this good. He never has been great at the important details."
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Han Yeeun.
PRONOMES: Ela/dela.
NASCIMENTO: 31/10/1999.
CIDADE NATAL: Busan, Coréia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Sub vocalista, dançarina guia, maknae do Soda Pop!
DEBUT: 20 de outubro de 2015.
FACECLAIM: Gowon (LOONA), idol.
Comercial para KakaoTalk (2012): 15 pontos.
Capa da Vogue Korea (maio de 2022): 15 pontos.
Capa da Allure Korea (janeiro de 2018): 15 pontos.
Spread da Star1 solo (agosto de 2020): 10 pontos
Embaixadora da marca Songzio por 6 meses (janeiro de 2021 - junho de 2021): 40 pontos.
Papel coadjuvante no filme "Parasite", como Dahye (2019): 30 pontos.
Momento viral com "shy shy shy" (2016): 20 pontos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWKMF-Nplds&ab_channel=M2)
TW: família disfuncional, abuso físico, psicológico e sexual, negligência parental, venda de fotos inapropriadas.
Han Yeeun nasceu como a mais nova de uma família de classe média alta, originária de Busan. Possuindo dois irmãos mais velhos e pais ambiciosos que fariam qualquer coisa para ascender socialmente, não é exagero dizer que os olhos dos progenitores brilharam ao perceberam quanta atenção sua filha atraia pelas ruas por sua aparência, descrita, por muitos, como angelical. A oportunidade vista foi agarrada com afinco: Yeeun entrou no mundo do entretenimento ainda muito nova, aos 5 anos de idade. Primeiro, modelando para lojas infantis locais e algumas marcas pequenas; depois, fazendo pequenas aparições na televisão e até mesmo alguns comerciais. A menina passou a ser conhecida pelo nome artístico Hana, seu significado intrínseco ao que a família almejava: nada mais, nada menos, que o número um.
A visão superficial da família Han era de completamente comum: pais amorosos que queriam o melhor futuro possível para os filhos, e crianças talentosas com potenciais imensos. No entanto, apenas os integrantes daquela unidade familiar sabiam a verdade — o quão desestruturados eram. O pai da família, Siwoo, era ausente e pouco interessado em participar mais ativamente da vida dos filhos, exceto quando se tratava de oportunidades monetárias. A matriarca, Hayoung, dona de uma personalidade extremamente controladora, ambiciosa e violenta, estava disposta a tudo para seus objetivos: era responsável por cada passo dado pelos filhos e, principalmente, pela carreira de Hana, que logo tornou-se sua filha favorita. Han Yeeun era seu alvo, tanto de afeto, quanto de abuso. Os irmãos mais velhos de Hana, gêmeos fraternos de nomes Wonchul e Wonsik, recebiam tanto a negligência quanto às cobranças de ambos os progenitores, focados demais nas oportunidades que a carreira da menina lhes dava. Não foi surpresa quando ambos cresceram ressentindo a irmã mais nova — e desenvolvendo comportamentos abusivos voltados a Hana.
Yeeun cresceu como alguém extremamente solitária. Dentro de casa, era como ir do céu ao inferno em alguns poucos momentos, dependendo do humor da mãe e dos irmãos. Se algum deles estivesse de mau humor, ela poderia esperar abusos psicológicos e físicos de ambos os lados — especialmente vindos de Hayoung e Wonchul. Wonsik raramente participava das agressões, preferindo manter-se quieto, sem envolver-se. E Siwoo não importava, a bem verdade, desde que o dinheiro continuasse entrando em sua conta. No colégio, Hana tinha dificuldade imensa de fazer amigos, sendo sempre alguém muito tímida e fechada, fato que piorou após mudaram-se para Seul, em busca de ainda mais possibilidades para a menina. Na capital do país, Hana fechou-se ainda mais no seu próprio mundo, encontrando conforto em livros e na escrita. Passou a publicar contos e poemas de maneira anônima em sites, o que  se tornou sua forma de escape da realidade que vivia.
No ano de 2012, ao completar 13 anos, Hana imediatamente tornou-se trainee da ATOM Entertainment, sob ordens da mãe, que conseguiu sua vaga de maneiras pouco ortodoxas, mas nada importava diante de mais possibilidades de enriquecimento. Foi incluída no reality show Fresh Juice, onde acabou em terceiro lugar, debutando no SODA POP! aos 16 anos de idade. Hana ficou conhecida por sua personalidade doce e gentil, apesar de não destacar-se realmente nas áreas de canto e dança, pelas quais recebeu diversas críticas, principalmente no início da carreira. No mais, conquistou uma base fiel de fãs e sua carreira cresceu exponencialmente desde então. Por trás das câmeras, apesar de manter sua característica bondade, Hana é extremamente fechada e tímida, raramente relacionando-se além do superficial com as pessoas, ou até mesmo, com as integrantes de seu próprio grupo. Conforme os anos passaram, afastou-se consideravelmente de Siwoo e Wonchul, mas Hayoung e Wonsik ainda são figuras presentes em sua vida, e a controlam milimetricamente em prol de seus interesses. Wonsik, que antes era uma figura omissa na vida de Hana, passou a participar ativamente de seus abusos: quando Yeeun completou 19 anos, passou a vender fotos e vídeos sexuais da garota, e tornou-a seu alvo de toques indesejados. Tudo isso, é claro, mantido em segredo, a fachada de família perfeita intocada.
Aos 23 anos, Han Yeeun ainda vê-se presa em relacionamentos familiares abusivos e uma intrínseca rede de omissão, dos quais ela não se vê escapando, aceitando seu papel como “galinha dos ovos de ouro” na sua família.
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riotcat103 · 4 months
Ren: He understood things , He...Thaught me things , And he took care of me.
M/C: so like a sugar daddy situation?
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pawsedits · 6 months
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⟡ ⸻ ⊹ ⸻   D.Va / Hana Song graphics for anon   ...   Like / Reblog if You use . Gifs made Myself , from the official animation " Shooting Star " . PSD made by me !
(pt: D.Va / Hana Song graphics for anon. Like or reblog if you use. Gifs made myself, from the official animation Shooting Star. PSD made by me. /end pt)
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cecils-dragons · 8 months
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My brains been a bit of a mess lately, what if I threw two of my guys together to make me feel better 🤔 this isn’t cannon I’m just having fun with my characters to entertain myself heho. I love Savorda and Caspian so much :D
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mjjune · 9 months
Find the Word !
Thanks so much @pb-dot !
Tagging (optional ofc): @deanwax @petals4soho @atelierwriting @isabellebissonrouthier or anyone who wants to!
My words were: arm, happy, late, and switch!
Your words are: darkness, paint, cup, watch, forgive
these are from ds my newest wip <3
With no more questions from the crowd, the messenger parted. She bowed, returned to her boat, and with an easy circular motion of her arms, the water beneath propelled her forward and away from the beach.
“Well, since you won’t tell me, I’ll just have to assume. And I do know you better than anyone, so I’m probably right,” Saya said, shooting me one of her sneaky smirks. “And I think it’s a good choice. And even on the very, very slim chance that I’m wrong, I’ll be happy for you either way.”
Just wait, they said. Maybe you’re just late.
“You have been more reckless in the past few weeks then you have ever been. The switching of roles, the breaking of tradition, choosing a role only to immediately abandon it. Sasha, wherever you’re going, I don’t recognize you.”
DS TAGLIST: (message or comment below to be +/-) @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @careful-fear @cherrybombfangirlwrites @cljordan-imperium @cocomerocollection @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @garthcelyn @hope-hopefully-writes @isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @kingkendrick7 @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marrowwife @mr-writes @saintedseraph @saphoblin @thyroidhormones @treesandwords @wildswrites @wip-nook
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qqqq-q-to · 8 days
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Hana Shirato / 白桃はな
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carnavalesque · 10 months
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i'm liquid smooth, come touch me too.
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diositareme · 1 month
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alternative ending: M/C gets divorced
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rising-volteccers · 3 months
*agressivley slurps up the frozen wip through a silly straw* GOOD SHIT
You know what anon? Seeing this honestly sparked motivation that I ended up finishing the idea I have for [Frozen] so...
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Murdock, Liko, Roy
Part of my Status Effect series. I'll see if I have the motivation to do the caretaking part of this piece. Here's [Poison] if anyone wants to read that haha.
No one ever asked why Friede hated winter.
To be fair, even if someone did ask, he wasn't entirely sure what he’d say. Friede didn't exactly hate the season after all. How could he when it brought out a festive mood to the Brave Olivine? Where his crew brought out their scarves and jackets, sipping on Murdock’s special hot chocolate? Even the Pokemon that traveled with them for years understood the changing seasons meant special treats made to warm them up were given after dinnertime. 
Friede didn't really hate winter. Not at all. It was the cold. 
He hated the cold. Friede couldn't stand the way the cold air seeps down into his lungs, freezing him from the inside out. The chill always curled into the space around his heart, causing it to tighten with every breath he took. 
He hated how keeping warm was an ongoing battle. It felt like he just couldn't stay warm during the winter months no matter what he tried. Layering jackets and scarves, cocooning himself into multiple blankets in bed–regardless of his efforts, the cold would still somehow find its way through into his bones.
By this point in their travels, his crew rarely bat an eyelash when he started complaining about the cold. They knew he disliked it, not that he hated it. Sometimes they do get annoyed when he whines a little too much, and when that happens he'd sequester himself within his room, wrapped in multiple blankets until he felt a little more like himself again.
Friede complained a lot because the alternative was to let the chill settle in, leaving him miserable with chattering teeth and hands shoved deep into his pockets. He didn't want to bring a dampened mood to the table, and he somewhat preferred annoyance to concern. 
He knew it was by his own fault for not having the cleanest track record when it came to things that inconvenienced him. Friede kicked up a fuss for something minor like a cold but kept to himself when he sustained more serious injuries. It was just second nature for him to hide when vulnerable, as well as not worrying the people around him.
So Friede complained and whined so they don't see just how much he hated the cold. That it reminded him of long days within a dark, cold lab feeling numb. They just chalked it up to him being over dramatic, which suited him just fine.
When Liko and eventually Roy joined the crew, Friede slowly came to realize that these two looked up to him. It wasn't difficult to notice the way Roy hung on to his every word, or how Liko often turned to him for advice. With that realization came this want to be a good role model. 
So Friede helped with their training, imparting knowledge and doing all that he could to help these two grow. This also meant conducting himself in a certain way, seeing that he didn't want them to pick up on any of his ‘bad’ habits. 
When they eventually landed in a region deep into its winter months, he didn't complain about the cold. Friede simply found himself unable to in the first place, not when Roy expressed such wonder upon seeing light snow falling from the heavens. He didn't want to ruin it with his usual spiel, nor did he wish to break this strong, dependable image the kids had of him.
When it came time to explore the nearby town for supplies, Friede found himself trudging through ankle high snow alongside Liko, Roy and Murdock. He'd rather be back on the ship than out here but Murdock requested as many hands as possible to help carry the groceries he planned on buying. Orla had repairs she needed to do while Mollie went to check up on the Pokemon, leaving him and the kids as the only ones capable of assisting.
Sporting multiple layers to combat the cold, Friede stamped down on his mild jealousy of seeing Murdock and the kids dressing warmly with only an additional layer to their long sleeved clothes. He felt a bit stifled when moving about but the extra clothes kept him somewhat warm. 
Friede remained at the back of their little group throughout their walk. Quietly, he observed Roy’s open awe, Liko's quiet wonder and Murdock's musings. He listened to idle conversations shared between the trio, about how Roy’s island didn't even really get snow while Liko only experienced light dusting of it when winter arrived. Their excitement was palpable enough to make him smile.
At some point, the group walked along an elevated path next to a frozen pond. From their position, they spotted various Ice-types by the pond’s edge, looking like they were moving towards the nearby forest. 
Friede squinted his eyes to make out the exact Pokemon in the distance, leaving him half distracted. He didn't notice Fuecoco walking closer to the edge, prompting Roy to drift away from the group while Liko and Murdock were caught in a conversation. 
The sudden yelp immediately drew his attention. Friede whirled around just in time to experience a mild heart attack when he saw Roy disappear over the edge. Everyone scrambled to where Roy fell, peering down to find that he and Fuecoco had slid down the (thankfully) short slope onto the frozen pond.
“Roy! Are you and Fuecoco alright?” Friede called out, eyes already seeking for a path that would bring them closer.
“Ow… yeah, we're fine!” Roy responded. He held tightly on Fuecoco when his gaze swept his surroundings.
“Alright we're heading down! Make your way over there!” Friede pointed to the closest edge where Roy could get back on solid land. 
After Roy shakily got to his feet, all three of them quickly headed to the edge. Roy slowly shuffled his way over through slow, hesitant steps. He was about halfway across when he suddenly stopped, eyes widening.
“U-Uh. I think–I think I see cracks?”
“Keep moving Roy! Slow but steady!” Murdock’s voice encouraged the boy to continue but it was obvious how scared he was.
Without much thought, Friede stepped onto the frozen surface. Ignoring Murdock and Liko's surprised cries, his focus lay on getting to where Roy was. Seeing his approach granted the boy some much needed courage to keep moving.
When he got closer, that was when Friede spotted the cracks Roy mentioned. He didn't say anything, simply encouraging Roy until Friede managed to grab hold of his hand. 
“C’mon, just a little bit more. Slow and steady.”
Roy gave a tiny nod. Together, the duo shuffled their way closer to the edge. By then Murdock had stepped onto the pond while Liko remained on solid ground. He had his arm outstretched, ready to grab hold and pull them towards safety. 
Just when it seemed that they were in the homestretch, Friede's ears picked up on a terrifying noise. He couldn't help but look over his shoulder. 
A large crack had formed, rapidly moving to their position. 
His body simply moved on its own. Friede pulled Roy and Fuecoco close before shoving them towards Murdock’s outstretched arms. Another sharp crack sounded, followed by a litany of others. Friede looked up just in time to see the horror on everyone’s faces before the ice gave way, plunging him into dark waters.
The shock he experienced differed from Cap’s electrical ones; painful as can be but cold cold cold. Friede instinctively gasped, causing freezing water to fill his throat. Before panic truly seized him, he desperately kicked his legs, slowly propelling himself towards the hole he fell through.
Friede didn’t know who’s cry was louder; his or the kids when his head breached the water’s surface. He barely got a lungful of air before his head went back under again. With his eyes squeezed shut, it was pure instinct that pushed him to swim for the surface. 
He managed to get his head out of the water again, fighting to keep the panic at bay. Each breath was wet and painful, like millions of needles prickling his lungs. The extra layers he wore to keep warm now acted as anchors that weighed his body down. The frantic yell of his name prompted Friede to seek for its source.
That was when he spotted Murdock, stripped of his outer jacket whilst on his hands and knees. It looked like he was slowly crawling to where he was at. His friend looked fearful but determined.
“Grab it!” Murdock shouted, holding onto one of his coat’s sleeves before flinging the rest towards his general direction. Understanding his intent, Friede shakily grabbed onto the other sleeve, holding on for dear life.
Murdock started to worm backwards, flat on his belly with one hand tightly gripping the sleeve. He was doing a valiant attempt of dragging him out of the water but every time Friede got his elbow up on the edge of the ice to pull himself out, the ice couldn’t support him and broke.
Each time he fell back into the water, it squeezed out the air in his lungs. His heart pounded faster than he thought possible but adrenaline was one hell of a drug. Still, the icy waters rapidly drained his energy. Friede knew that the moment he let up in his desperate attempts of getting out, that was it.
Murdock ended up crawling closer again. Friede wished he had the breath to tell him not to reach out himself; falling in along with him would defeat the purpose of trying to rescue him.
“Roll,” Murdock gasped instead. “I know you can do it Friede. Roll.”
Even as his senses were getting dull, Friede had enough mental clarity to understand what Murdock meant by that. He got a shaking arm out of the water, still holding tightly onto the coat with his other hand. Through harsh, irregular breaths, he gingerly placed his elbow on the jagged edge of the hole. He twisted his body inwards, getting his knee onto the edge as well. With one last burst of energy, he pulled himself out before rolling away from the hole. He rolled and rolled until he couldn’t move anymore. 
As he laid there simply breathing, drenched and freezing cold, Murdock had wormed after him on his belly. Friede didn’t have anything left in him by the time Murdock hooked his hands underneath his armpits, pulling him away until they were presumably out of danger. 
Murdock eventually fell back, gasping for breath himself from the exertion of saving his life. Liko and Roy frantically approached them moments later.
“Friede, are you alright?” Liko asked first. He didn't have to look at her to know that she was scared.
“F-Friede I'm so sorry because of m-me…” Roy sounded like he was moments away from bursting into tears.
“H-Hey it's fi–” Whatever assurance he wanted to give evaporated the moment he tried to turn onto his side, coughing out the water he inhaled during his struggle. Odd how he’d be freezing but feel like his lungs were burning.
Hands quickly settled on his back for support, and it was those same hands that helped him sit up. Friede ended up slumping against Murdock's side, too drained to be of much help.
“S-S-Sorry ‘bout g-getting you w-wet,” he spoke through chattering teeth. Feeling the way his hair plastered over his face, it wouldn't surprise him if a layer of frost had formed already. Friede certainly felt more ice than human by this point.
“That's the least of your worries. C’mon, we gotta get you back to the ship.” Thankfully, Murdock took charge of the situation. Friede didn't have the capacity to assure Liko and Roy right now.
Before Murdock lifted him to his feet, Friede shakily put on the damp jacket Murdock used to pull him out. He couldn't protest when Liko wrapped her and Roy’s scarves around his neck. They couldn't remove his soaked clothes right now so the best they could do was put more layers on him. 
“You have Charizard's Pokeball on you?” Murdock asked.
Right, he did have it. Charizard would be able to provide some much needed warmth. Friede tried to reach for the Pokeball clipped to his belt but his fingers refused to cooperate. 
Liko noticed his struggles so she leaned in to carefully grab the Pokeball, uttering a soft apology for encroaching on his personal space like this. She swiftly released Charizard from its Pokeball.
His partner immediately zeroed in on him. It growled softly, quickly going to his side, eyes shifting between Friede and Murdock.
“We need to get him back to the ship. Can you stick close to his side for some warmth?”
Charizard grunted once. It opened up one wing to partially cover Murdock and Friede, somewhat shielding them from the light breeze blowing past. Flying directly on Charizard would be the faster option but Friede barely had any strength for even walking, let alone holding onto Charizard through the flight. This was the best option they had at the moment.
“Liko, Roy can you head back to the ship first and let Mollie know what happened? Contact her on the way back and help her with anything she needs.”
“Okay!” The kids quickly set off to do just that.
“I think it's better if I carry you on my back. Do you think you can hold on?”
Friede's teeth chattered too much for a verbal reply so instead, he gave the tiniest of nods. With Charizard's help, he got on Murdock's back, arms loosely wrapped around his friend's neck. Murdock kept him secured by holding onto his legs. 
By the time Murdock began the journey back to the ship, Friede's eyes slid shut. Vaguely, he recalled Mollie’s words on how dangerous it was to fall asleep when freezing cold. He did his best to stay awake but he had no energy left in the tank.
Friede drifted off in the cold he hated, unaware of Murdock's increasingly frantic calls and Charizard's growls.
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tearintears · 3 months
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воу воу
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