#c: goro akechi
rrotostap · 2 months
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#shuakeweek2024 | Day 6 | Wound tending
Joker could easily dodge that but he just wants Crow's hands on him
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Toxic Yaoi Tournament Round 1: Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist (Persona 5) vs. A-ya/C-ta (Shuuen no Shiori Project)
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masked-ragdoll · 3 months
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I realized a common theme among my blorbos: theyre all traumatized puppet lads!!
in order from left to right:
Akechi (Persona 5) Akira/Ren/Joker (also Persona 5) Pete/Peter Spankoffski (Nerdy Prudes Must Die) Philza (QSMP) Ranboo (Generation Loss) Ranboo (DSMP) Jon Sims (The Magnus Archives) Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact
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pinkelotjeart · 9 months
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The first worst thing to happen to those orphans meets the second worst thing to happen to those oprhans
What could go wrong?
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phellycheesesteak · 3 months
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Me when the ace detective is a princess?????
Transfem goro akechi by me and some headcanons under the cut <33 fem joker up next!!!!
-transitioned very early in life, long before hee ace detective days. She’s not exactly ashamed per say but she won’t admit it on tv
-breaks out suuuoer easy, both due to HRT and just a bad life structure so she used a lot of makeup and skin care product
-on tv, she usually plays the role of a sorta “flirty princess” with female fans. Lots of “and I didn’t forget about you lovely ladies in the audience <3”
-has a sorta performance voice. Similar to a customer service voice but for talk shows and interviews. Her natural voice is still pretty deep even after HRT and she’s still doing voice training
-not entirely sure about her sexuality. She’s so focused on her goals and tv that when akira came by ( who will have her own post ) akechi short circuited BAAAD
-resting bitch face in private, very :] face in public. Only joker can see how fake it is after a while
-aside from feathermen, she has an interest in jpop idols from how they interact with fans and researches too much about them and their mannerisms
-her evil cackle sounds like she’s crying and laughing at the same time :(
-part of her resentment to joker is the fact she has a biiiit of internalized homophobia but I imagine during social link gatherings being around the thieves helps allievate it and towards rank 7, a bit more romantic subtext
-while she still throws her glove to joker, she throws a hair bow as well. Joker wears it after the boiler room incident.
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c-o-t-o · 9 months
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Akira dreams of Akechi
Author: c-o-t-o
Characters: Akira Kurusu x Goro Akechi
CW: none, sfw
Misc: ~1.4k words
About: Akira dreamt that Akechi cooked for him and tells Akechi about it. In the hopes that acting it out will stop Akira from dreaming about him constantly, Akechi pays a visit to LeBlanc to prepare a home cooked meal.
*Do not remove info or credit from posts when reblogging or sharing!*
‘I had a dream where Akechi made a home-cooked meal for me…’ Akira recalled to himself upon waking up. He grabs his phone that's half stuck under a sleeping Mona to tell Akechi about it.
“Another dream about me?" Akechi responds. “At least it's better than the dream you had of us at the beach with your bathing suit shorts washing away…"
Akira chuckled. He didn't know why he was always dreaming of Akechi, but lately he found himself enjoying those dreams more and more. As he and Akechi became closer friends, those dreams started to feel somewhat warm and fuzzy to him. Akira found himself feeling flustered around Akechi now, sometimes getting nervous for no real reason.
Akira got up and ready to help Sojiro downstairs in the cafe for his morning regulars. Sojiro was teaching Akira how to roast his own coffee beans, about the different kinds of roasts and brewing methods, and he kind of loved it. He was able to make drinks for the regulars now, some say even better than Sojiro himself.
Around noon when it quieted down, Akira was startled by the bell suddenly ringing from the front door opening. A customer around this time?
To his surprise, it was Akechi. More specifically, Akechi holding a shopping bag with a look of annoyance on his face.
“I'm here to…” Akechi’s face contorts as if he doesn't want to say the words. "I'm here to make you a home cooked meal. Maybe this will stop you from having all those goddamn dreams about me.”
Akira stands behind the counter in his apron blushing, trying to figure out if he's excited about the idea of Akechi cooking for him, or if he's nervous because they're alone. They've spent so much time together before, but it was usually in a public place with others around. It's been a while since the two of them have been alone by themselves. Especially since Akira started having these dreams and feelings.
Akechi takes his jacket off, rolling up his sleeves, and putting a spare apron on as he rounds the counter. He starts tying his apron at his back when he looks at Akira whose cheeks are still red. Akechi huffs through his nose, still looking annoyed.
“Don't get excited about this, I'm only doing it so that your freaky dreams about me stop. Maybe if I can act out one of your dreams it'll satisfy your subconscious." Akechi combs his fingers through his hair. “And then you can stop texting me EVERY MORNING about them."
Akira awkwardly smiles as Akechi brings the groceries into the kitchen. He didn't realize he was bothering Akechi with all his texts about his dreams, but at the very least it lead to them hanging out again.
“Usually curry is everyone's go-to for a simple meal, but I won't attempt that here. Even I know I'd be a fool for trying to make curry in Sojiro’s place.” Akechi takes the ingredients out one by one, looking at some almost questioningly, before placing them on the counter.
Akira starts looking through the ingredients when Akechi lightly slaps his hand away.
“No. I have to be the one to cook it all, or this might not work.” Akechi's eyebrows narrow as pinches the bridge of his nose. " Why don't you… go sit down or something.”
Akechi flicks his phone screen with his thumb to scroll through the recipe he found online for some stew. He figured it would be hard to mess up something where all he had to do was boil chunks of beef and vegetables together and add some sauces and seasonings.
“Simple enough," Akechi mutters to himself. As he starts chopping the vegetables he looks up to see Akira watching him from the counter, chin resting on his folded hands. “Why are you so quiet? You haven't said a word since I came here." Akechi said with an air of annoyance.
“Sorry," Akira mutters softly. "First I dreamt you were cooking for me, and now you're actually here... I'm just excited."
Akechi's face becomes flush, so he lets his hair fall over his face to cover up the red that has spread across his cheeks. He breathes out quickly through his nose as if to laugh.
Akira studies Akechi carefully, noticing that he's following a video as he chops everything and adds ingredients to the pot.
‘How much did he prepare for this? He even found a video to make sure he did it right,’ Akira thinks to himself.
While Akechi finishes cooking, Akira brews coffee for them with beans he had just roasted a few days ago. He had been letting them rest for a few days and was excited to finally try them.
Finally, Akchi walks two bowls over to the bar counter and places the bowls by each of their coffee cups. He looks at Akira questioningly at the sight of the drinks.
“I roasted and brewed this coffee myself, I hope you like it." He grabs the coffee cup and holds it up to his mouth as a way to use his hands to hide his blush. The flavor was deep and chocolatey and came out even better than he expected.
As Akechi sat down next to him, his leg and arm brushed against Akira’s, causing him to momentarily choke at the feeling. Why was he getting so flustered? Although… now he notices a faint smell of cologne coming from Akechi. Did he always have some on? Was it only today? Before his thoughts could wander more, Akechi grumbles and holds a spoon of stew out to Akira.
“C’mon already. Eat. Before it gets cold…” Akechi says with a look of annoyance on his face. It quickly turns to one of embarrassment as Akira takes the bite from the spoon being offered to him. Akechi opens his mouth to retort, but closes it, blushing. Looking away with his eyes, he asks Akira how it tastes.
“It's really good, I can't believe it." Akira’s eyes widen in surprise as he eats the stew. He honestly expected Akechi to mess it up somehow.
“Why are you so surprised? It doesn't take a genius to follow a recipe…” Akichi retorts. He stops himself though, and sighs. Still looking away, he slightly mumbles, “Thank you. I'm glad you like it."
Without thinking about it, Akechi uses the same spoon he just fed Akira with and uses it to feed himself. Akira stares at him completely blushed at the same moment Akechi freezes with the spoon in his mouth, suddenly realizing the same thing. Him eating from the same spoon is like sharing an indirect kiss. He slowly pulls the spoon out of his mouth and chews his food, eyes spaced out on nothing in particular ahead of him.
“Not. A. Word." Akechi threatens.
Neither of them realized that Mona had wandered downstairs. All he knew was that the two of them were eating and suddenly heard Akechi threatening Akira. Out of spite, Mona jumped up on the counter and swiped Akechi's bowl off the table. Akira heard Mona snickering to himself before running off somewhere.
“Aaghhh! Your cat! He-" Akechi stands up abruptly and tries to wipe the stew off his clothes. “My stew! My clothes…” he said aggravated.
"I'm so sorry! Let me get you a change of clothes so I can wash yours.” Akira pleads. After a few minutes, Akechi returns wearing Akira’s spare gym clothes. " I'm sorry about him,” Akira says, referring to Mona. "And I'm sorry we didn't really get to eat your stew.”
Akechi sits at the countertop that Akira cleaned while he changed. He takes the warm coffee in his hands and, after sipping it, grimaces.
“Damn it," he quietly mutters to himself. “How is this so good…” he continues drinking Akira's coffee with a mixture of satisfaction and annoyance. In the end, he wasn't really able to give Akira a home cooked meal, not completely. And Akira brewed this incredible coffee, somewhat outdoing anything Akechi could have made.
Akechi tries to rack his brain for ideas on how to live out one of Akira's dreams so that maybe they'll finally stop. He really believes acting one of them out might satisfy Akira enough. He rests the coffee cup on the counter, still holding it to warm his hands. Akechi looks down into the coffee, once again letting his hair fall over his face to hide the immense blush covering it when he asks Akira his question shyly.
“Should we… try going to the beach next time…?”
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weloveakechi · 16 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akechi Goro & Kurusu Akira, Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist Characters: Akechi Goro, Persona 5 Protagonist Additional Tags: Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Status Effects, Freezing, Cold, Goro's having a rough day, Akechi Goro is Bad at Feelings, This is literally just an excuse for Akira to take off his coat and put it on Goro, nothing else really, Just a soft little moment between them, mild edits, we die like mne Summary:
Joker turns, face a mask of fury for a moment before he sees Crow and the look is wiped away with relief, “You’re okay.”
It’s said like that’s the only thing that matters. Like that is all he could think of in the moments between attack and cure. Like his world stopped when  Crow just ended up incapacitated in his stead. Like he's going to do something about the fact that Crow is going to spend the next half hour just trying to stop shaking and be useless if they come up against anything else.
Quick shoutout to @vulpesorion for inspiring this with this little gem. I know I threatened to write a fic in your tags earlier, and this is not that fic (that fic is coming) but enjoy! 
Crow growls, flinging his saber up to block an attack from Scathach, shoving the Shadow back. As he does, Violet leaps forward, Cendrillion flashing behind her, blades spinning in the fluorescent light of Maruki's Palace.
He takes that moment to cast his attention around him, swearing under his breath at the number of Shadows remaining. He hates it when they’re ambushed. It wouldn’t have happened at all if Skull and Oracle hadn’t been arguing about some inane show they’d been watching and distracted the group with actual yelling.
Not that he’s complaining about an actual challenge. He can handle far worse than this on his own. No, the problem is it’s a waste of time. They need to be working their way through Maruki’s Palace, not standing around here dealing with a third wave of enemies trying to pick away at their health and resources.  
The Thieves are clumped in groups, even their rear guard joining the fray as the heavier hitters like Panther and Skull find themselves worn down. Crow’s doing his best to support Violet, and keep her standing as they face off against the Scathach. To be honest, she's doing a lot of the work, since his own curse skills are null in this instant.  
“Debilitate!” He calls on Loki to fire off the spell, using this as an opportunity to help Violet get more experience rather than just hanging back and supporting the others. She tosses him a smile, and aims her gun at the Shadow, firing off a few shots in quick succession to send it tumbling to the ground.
Crow lets himself grin, and considers aiming his own pistol to finish it off when he hears Oracle.
“Someone help Joker! He’s stunned!” Her voice comes from above them as she examines the field of battle.
Crow’s attention snaps up, eyes going to the last place he saw their leader. There he finds Joker on his own, slumped onto the ground, stars practically spinning around his head. He hisses with frustration. The fool probably split off to try and deal with the Alilat all on his own, like the martyr he is.
“Finish it off with a heavy hit!” He snaps at Violet, “Then join Panther and Noir!”
That’s all the direction he gives her before bolting in Joker’s direction. None of the others are even close enough to get to him, let alone ready to abandon their own fights. That would only end up either leaving their teammate alone or they’d have Shadows trailing them to their rescue.
The monolith like Shadow is already spinning, glowing as it prepares to fire off a spell at Joker.
“Loki!” Crow yells, sending his Persona ahead of him, bursting forward and blasting it with a Riot Gun by way of distraction.
The Shadow stops spinning for a moment, wobbling in the air as the attack lands. Still he feels like he’s attempting to fly across the whole room, even if it’s far less than that in reality. The burst of damage only manages to eat up a few seconds before Alilat is spinning again. Crow pushes himself harder, attention half on the Shadow, half on Joker, still on the ground.
The Alilat pulses, charging a little into its spell, and giving Crow just enough time to make it to Joker’s side.
“Idiot!” He yanks the boy to his feet, “I take my eyes off of you for one second and this happens!”
Gray eyes blink at him for a moment before a smile slips up over Joker’s lips. As he’s coming back to himself, Crow feels the temperature around them drop, the air snapping with power for a moment before the blow comes.
“Move!” He yells, shoving Joker back.
Joker stumbles, then leaps as he catches onto the spell, flipping backwards just in time.
Crow attempts his own escape, but the burst of air is too fast, and his momentum is in the wrong direction from shoving Joker. Mist wraps around him in an instant and his world stills, the air particles almost hovering in place. It moves like it has a mind of its own, encasing his arms and legs, toroso, and whole body, firm and freezing, so cold it burns .
Then it snaps into place, and Crow can’t even scream through the pain as he feels ice overtake his lungs and throat. Everything’s frozen, limbs locked in place, air solidified into something solid, too firm and unyielding. It’s like he’s looking out through glass, his eyes burning with the effort of trying to blink. Everything around him should be silent, but he can hear the rush of wind, the crackle of ice snapping as it eats up any liquid around it.
He’s stuck like that for an eternity. Part of him knows that it is moments, but to be frozen and unmoving feels like far longer. Chest screaming at him to take in a breath. Heart sluggish against his chest, like the ice around him wants to stop that too. Then the air glitters in front of him, like stars raining down, and then the ice is gone, his limbs free as a gentle warmth brushes over him. ‘Amarita shower’ , his sluggish mind supplies. Joker’s favorite skill when they hit any type of effect lately.
Crow drops to his knees, body wracked with violent shaking. He coughs, feeling the way the ice in his throat breaks up to splinter out against his glove. His lungs feel raw. Noise returns in a rush, the fight still going on. He thinks he can hear Joker, but he can’t quite lift his attention from the floor, vision still wanting to waver like he’s still looking through ice.
He has to get up. He needs to keep moving, but he’s so cold.
Finally, he shoves his hands against the ground and stands, blinking at the empty space where the Shadow was. Joker’s right there too, hands clenched into fists by his side, Raul fading behind him.
Joker turns, face a mask of fury for a moment before he sees Crow and the look is wiped away with relief, “You’re okay.”
It’s said like that’s the only thing that matters. Like that is all he could think of in the moments between attack and cure. Like his world stopped when  Crow just ended up incapacitated in his stead. Like he's going to do something about the fact that Crow is going to spend the next half hour just trying to stop shaking and be useless if they come up against anything else.
He tsks, “I’m fine. Worry about the others.” The words come out as cold as he feels.
They have almost wrapped up the rest of their fights. Shadows dissipating across the room as the various groups find victory. Crow is happy to see that Violet did indeed join the others, and wasn’t still dealing with the Shadow he’d left her with.
Too soon they’re on the move again. Crow hangs back further than he normally does, pretending like he’s keeping an eye on their backs. In reality he’s simply trying to stop shaking. His bodysuit might cover him head to foot but it is not warm. Not like a coat or proper cloak would do. He’s not sure even those would fix the way he feels the chill even in his bones. Like that spell had not just encased him in ice, but turned him into it too.
“I sense a safe room!” Oracle’s voice is singsong as she announces her discovery.
Crow is not the first one through the door, though he’d like to be. He slinks over to a row of cabinets away from where the group has huddled around a research table and lets himself slip to the floor, too chilled to bother with standing anymore. No one notices his dip from sight, they’re all far too busy passing around cans of Starvicks or Earl Green and digging out the bandages to patch up after that ambush. He’s not the only one to walk away banged up.
His mask feels cloying, stuck to his face in a way he hates. He can’t quite breathe right with it in the way so he shoves it up, atop his head instead. Theoretically he knows it’s not the source of his problem, but having it gone helps somewhat. He curls forward, arms wrapped tight around his raised knees, heedless of what the others might think if they see. He’s long since stopped caring how anyone views him. He’s still shaking, and wants it to stop, that's all that really matters. It’s bound to clear up soon, he knows that. He’s been frozen before and it’s never fun, just another thing to push through. He only needs a few minutes without the sound of idiots in his ears or the threat of a looming fight. Then he’ll be fine.
Something heavy drops over his back and shoulders, warm and weighty. He looks up as Joker flops down beside him, his own arms bare without his jacket covering them.
Crow scowls and moves to shove the jacket off, but Joker just shakes his head. He pushes his own mask up so his face is clearly visible, exhaustion lines his face in contrast to the alert look he normally wears.
“Just let it warm you up. As thanks for, you know.” He shrugs.
“For saving your ass?” Crow raises an eyebrow.
White teeth flash at him, “Exactly.”
The temptation to throw the jacket in his face is real, but even draped over his shoulders it's doing wonders chasing away the chill. He drags it tighter around himself, letting Joker’s leftover body heat still stuck to it seep into his own skin. It smells like him, curry spices tickle his nose just hovering over warm, familiar, coffee.
“This too.” Joker says as he fishes a thermos out from one of his seemingly never ending pockets. The Metaverse truly is a wonder.
The Leblanc coffee is something Crow wants, but doesn’t need. He pushes it back, “I have plenty of SP.”
"For the chill. It’s still warm.”
He hesitates, They don’t really use recovery items for everyday needs in the Metaverse. They’re too valuable, especially if they run into more problems like the ambush they just dealt with or a particularly powerful enemy. As adept as Joker is at making coffee, there’s only so much he can brew and pack for them ahead of time. But his chest is still rattling, and he can’t forget the taste of ice on his tongue.
At last, he takes it, and unscrews the top. Just the scent threatens to thaw the rest of the ice in his veins. His first sip feels so hot against his throat he almost spits it back up as the liquid eats away at the chill he hasn’t been able to shake. Stubbornly, he swallows it, and downs another gulp, hoping to force himself into adapting to the heat.
He’s just tilted the cup up to his lips for another, much smaller, more reasonable, sip, when he feels the brush of weight on his left shoulder. He turns his head down to see Joker leaned over, eyes shut, chest rising and falling in deep, even, breaths, hands limp in his lap.
Crow freezes again, stilling on his own this time rather than as part of an attack designed to kill him. He’s not sure he’s ever seen Joker fall asleep like this, let alone against him. Perhaps one of the other thieves, like Skull or Panther. But not him. Never him.
Not with what’s between them.
His grip on the thermos is tight, air rattling against his ribs, freezing air on the window of a room only just starting to warm up. Gentle heat radiates off Joker, his bare arm brushing Crow’s covered one, warm puffs of air from his lips weaving their way into Crow’s collarbone through his suit. It’s like Morgana has decided to sleep on his lap, or the kitten who hangs out on the set of Good Morning Japan, he can’t move for fear of ruining this moment.  
He shouldn’t trust him like this. Accepting him back onto the team was enough. More than enough after his betrayal. After he’d tried his very best to kill him not once but twice. They are, were , enemies. No sane person would get angry over him the way he had. Would offer this much comfort against a temporary discomfort with his jacket and valuable supplies.
And they’d certainly never fall asleep against him.
Joker hums, not really saying anything in his sleep, and nuzzles a little closer, hair brushing at Crow’s collar. He kind of wishes he’d taken that off too now, just so Joker wouldn’t accidentally scratch himself on the metal.
“Fool.” Crow finds himself whispering gently, too much fondness laced in his voice.
It takes a little work, but he tugs the end of the coat out from under Joker’s shoulder as gently as he can to stretch it over the other boy. It’s not quite big enough to engulf them both even huddled together, however Crow has warmed enough he doesn’t totally need its full weight. Not with living warmth settled against him.
He watches him for a long time, coffee between his palms cooling as it’s exposed to the air, but he doesn’t really mind. Finally, he takes a slow sip, eyes locked on Joker in case even that much movement shakes him awake. When it doesn’t he lets his head fall back against the pristine white cabinets to finish off the drink. It’s still warm, not burning hot like it had been. Either that or he’s acclimated finally.
Too soon now and they’ll have to get up and move again. Keep picking their way towards the center of Maruki’s Palace. To the end of this whole charade. Too soon will he have to say goodbye to Joker again, let him in on the secret he’s been cushioned from so far. Too soon he’ll have to pray that weight doesn't crush his friend, or freeze him with indecision. But all of that is still in the future, even as rapidly as it approaches. And for now, he’s content to sit here, slowly warming up as the closest person in the world to him gets some much needed rest.
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sirjackiev · 2 months
Fandom mash-up
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hehehehe problematic fandoms go wee
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flowersforthemachines · 6 months
Team S: Suspicion [A Dead End]
It's the 5th day of the @royaltrioweek, and I can finally share the work that's very near and dear to my heart - a crossover/fusion between the Royal Trio and the C-team from the game Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma!
Rating: M
Tags: Major Character Death, Additional warnings in Author’s note, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - No Personas (Persona Series), Horror elements, Depictions of Violence, Blood, Time-travel
Locked in a Pantry after Akira's sudden disappearance during the death game, Akechi and Sumire have to solve a puzzle to find a way out, and discover the truth behind what happened.
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gay-akechi · 9 months
i should ALSO draw the "we're gonna have to kill this guy steven" meme with akechi and nny because that would be so fucking funny
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
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international holiday. que chingue su madre el cumpleañero!!!!! <3333
ids in alt
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orcelito · 2 years
oh but i am so excited for the change in narrative of discacc bc aside from the initial stuff with goro getting into the metaverse, there really wasnt That much action to capture, bc most of the action was like. ykno. stuff that already happens in the game. i wasnt gonna have repeats of things that werent significantly different
BUT NOW.............. omfg omfg omfg ive been thinking about the thing this chapter sooo much (which is good considering im at the cusp of writing it) and just. it’s so goddamn FUN. i love writing action!!!!!! fight scenes r so fun!!!!!! and like no i dont have any kind of formal training with fighting BUT neither do my characters. & by working within the bounds of a video game, i have a general set of guidelines to follow, BUT ALSO of course i wont follow them 100%. no one wants to read a fight scene that just perfectly follows the bounds of turn-based gaming, complete with definite restrictions on skills and sp and whatever the fuck. like. the skills are whatever i need them to be. the sp is whatever i need them to be. i can give them whatever items i need them to have for the narrative. that is my freedom as a writer
AND SO. im having some fun stuff. sorry phantom thieves ur having a rough day today
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goldentlme · 3 months
tagged by @hyenagirlbulge smile
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
i tag ummmm . @calabrithedragon @chihirolovebot @nexfarious @enby-berries do it if you want : )
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pinkelotjeart · 9 months
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The saga continues
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randoimago · 1 year
Hello! May I request h/c of Maruki, Iwai, Akechi's s/o playfully avoid their kisses (but in the end s/o kisses them all over their faces)? Thanks
S/O Avoiding Their Kisses
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Goro Akechi, Munehisa Iwai, Takuto Maruki
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): This is super cute and here you go!
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Akechi hardly gives you a lot of physical affection since he's typically busy. You get praise and he's honest with his feelings, but not a lot of physical affection.
So he is a tad surprised that you move out of the way when he's going to give you a kiss. Akechi stares at you for a bit and for a split second he thinks he did something wrong or you're hiding something from him and don't want kisses. But he notices the small smile on your face and rolls his eyes.
He does try to give you another kiss before he leaves and narrows his eyes when you avoid that kiss too. Can't help a scoff at whatever game you're playing. You move to try and hug him at least and he gives a pleasant smile and avoids your hug as he leaves for work.
You wanted to start this game of yours, so he'll play it too. You see him at lunch and when he gets a break, you and him hang out again. And the whole time he's avoiding any kind of physical affection that you try to give him. Doesn't even try giving you kisses now until you admit defeat.
When he gets home from work, annoyed with his superiors and the fact that he hasn't had any kind of love from you, well he's quick to call you over and tell you that he's tired of this game you're playing. Is much more pleased when you do sit down with him and pepper his face with kisses.
Also not an overly affectionate person, but always kisses you before he goes to work. His job can be dangerous and he don't know what bullshit the police could come up with to bring him in or what yakuza buddies he might see that could bring trouble.
But you avoid the kiss he wants to give you and he stares at you for a moment. Will ask you if you're sick or something and you just smile up at him and shake your head. Iwai goes to kiss you again, but you dodge out of the way and he rolls his eyes.
You visit Iwai at work during the day and Iwai tries to kiss you again when no one is in the store. Iwai never engages in affection when you're at his store. You almost forget your game at his actions, but still move aside.
Some regulars call Iwai out throughout the day of seeming grumpier than usual, to which he states that he's not grumpy and for them to hurry up and get out. At home, Iwai is still grumpy and doesn't even try to give you affection. Obviously you don't want it for some reason and he's not going to pester you.
It isn't until he's sitting down that you approach him and give him a kiss to the cheek. That causes him to raise an eyebrow and ask if you're done being childish now. You give him a grin and attack his face with kisses. You have to wear a scarf or something for all the bite marks your neck has the next day.
He wanted to give you a kiss to your cheek before he left for work. Was a bit surprised when you took a few steps to the side instead. Maruki definitely pouts a bit. But at least you give him a hug.
Maruki is at school and humming and overthinking about why you avoided his kiss. Maybe this is like one of those TikTok trends his students talk about?
You visit him at lunch and he's happy to see you and ready to kiss you again. But you avoid his kisses again. You make some excuse about someone seeing and he pouts more.
That night he gets home and wants to just relax and kiss you and you still don't let him. Maruki lets out a sigh and asks if he did something wrong or if you're doing okay and that's why you're avoiding him.
At his sad face, you do give in and tell him what you've been playful and that's why you're avoiding his kisses. Maruki was so pouty at not kissing you that he didn't even notice you were being silly. He can't help a chuckle as he realizes his silliness. Thankfully you're quick to make things better by having him sit down and just peppering his face in kisses.
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megaderping · 4 months
I'm seeing a few more Akechi in Inaba/P4 fics popping up, and tbh, I'm all for it. I don't really feel like I have ownership of the idea with The Crow Cries at Midnight because it's just a loose premise that anyone can give their own creative spin on. I think the extensive canon divergence TCCAM is building to is fairly uniquely tied to the fic itself and the personal creative decisions I have made. The amount of breaking the plot of Persona 4 that's kinda just happened in the unreleased segments I'm writing kinda just were a domino effect, which is leading it in a direction that is very different from, say, Throw Away Your Mask's P4 section. We have some commonalities, like Akechi and Kanji friendship, but then some of our ideas are very different, and I think that's super cool! A fic like TAYM has a very different feeling because its Akechi a) remembers canon, b) went through a divergent version of P3, c) TAYM includes things like "Tsuyoshi," Akira in Inaba, and d) Akechi arriving in Inaba partway into Persona 4's plot rather than being there since before Yu's arrival. My fic gives Namatame and the Moel Gas Station Attendant a ton of time in the spotlight, whereas TAYM does a fantastic job giving Kanji's mother screentime in a way that is really fun and satisfying. Recently, a fic called If You Want Peace (Win it Yourself) popped up that has Chisato as Goro's aunt who takes him in after his mother's death, so Goro is actually a blood relative to Nanako and Chisato, which is very different from TCCAM where he has no blood relation and that lack of blood relation plays into a lot of his apprehension with his initial starting place in the Dojima household. And I just think that's neat. I read the first chapter and thought the creative choices were really cool and distinct from both TCCAM and TAYM's P4 segment, and I look forward to seeing how this story develops in contrast to both my story and TAYM. There are so many unique Joker and Akechi roleswap fics, multiple takes on Joker in Inaba. A trope or concept for an AU can be spun in so many unique ways, and I really like to compare and contrast and enjoy each of these stories for what they bring to the table.
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