#c: giselle
wmu-cedes · 7 months
I'm glad you get me
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wmustaceevans · 7 months
“Fancy checking out the pub in town for a drink with me?”
"With you Giselle? Always. Is that even a question?"
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tapestriies · 8 months
so the brain is revisiting my oc Giselle Didier. Time to take a stab at a revamp & recap of her dramatic story (which was originally written over 10 years ago and then with some alluded to collaborative backstory things done ~5 years ago) ! Newly inspired by various female tragedies out of Hogarth, a bit of Fantine, & the ballet Giselle.
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If there is one thing Giselle Didier loved - it was to dance. Starting from humble beginnings and growing up in an orphanage, the impressions of what she saw from a band of troubadours and dancers as well as dusty old books on ballet answered Gigi's burning question if her means to ends in life could also be her gift and passion.
And so she sought a life of freedom and self-expression by pursuing her gift and becoming a ballerina. Her dreams brought her to the greatest of places and capital of dance - Paris. But to dance on the stages of Paris was no primrose path. But the arduous journey only makes holding the dream in the palm of one's hand only sweeter.
Yet what could stop the inevitable end one that starts with such bright promise only to end a Willi?
[More under the cut!]
Act i.
The road to success is hardly easy. In much happier years, there still lay a mountain to climb and several failed auditions when dreams were still dreams. Yet this did not yet deter Giselle. She's a hurricane when she sets her mind to a goal. To make ends meet worked any odd-job she could find from working in coffee houses to seamstressing, to gigs beside her friends at the tavern cabaret; and practiced rigorously with local instructors of the artsy side of Paris (who, while they lacked the prestige of the ballet schools she aspired to, were no less excellent teachers of dance). The lower rungs of Paris were content to her, it was a struggle, and there was the bad and ugly side to it, but at least some were authentic.
At last, Giselle made her breakthrough among the corps du ballet. Many years pass, and Giselle dances. Whether she is a rising star or not is anyone's judgement, but she cunningly navigates her way and is most happy to do what she loves. She even begins to aspire in her future to become choreographer of the corps de ballet, or at least ballet mistress to teach ballet to the younger generation. Her future seemed bright.
Act ii.
If only, certain people hadn't come into her life that derailed her from her dreams.
It is not long after this that Giselle madly falls in love with a newly arrived lead dancer, Albert. Yet what she does not know is that he is a nobleman in disguise. Their dances are passionate, and it is her best work.
Alas if there was only someone to warn naive girls of such men! However much too late, to Giselle's horror, her lover is exposed to be a nobleman by another dancer named Ilarion. Worse, Albert is also revealed to be engaged to the patroness noblewoman Lady Bathilda.
Knowing they can never be together, the heartbreak to Giselle's weak heart would be enough to make her go mad. Her grief inconsolable when face to face with his deception. 
This catastrophe makes Giselle deathly ill. If fate would, she'd have joined her sisters and betrayed maidens of the true Willis. But fate it would seem had different plans for her.
The conclusion of this act of her life Giselle doesn't speak about. Perhaps there's a newspaper story, or perhaps it's only told by the silent walls of the Opera stage.
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Act iii.
Giselle emerges in the 'afterlife' after dedicating nearly all her years to her dancing career.
The ‘Queen Myrtha’ leader of her new 'Willis' was none other than Madame Adrienne de Beaumont, a woman of mystique.
Giselle was just her housekeeper. She became so after losing a bet and debt with Madame, making the grave mistake of not knowing who she really was beforehand. Let alone Madame de Beaumont's other business - her business as a madam.
But it wouldn't be long before the attention Giselle garnered even as a mere maid made her coerced into that other business, with promises of better pay. Pay that Giselle needed. But Giselle would not comply. In fact, every coercion made her more of an unpredictable liability. To make her point, whenever left alone with any of the ‘cochons’ (any one clients sent encouraged to persuade her) were left with bruised egos... or physical bruises.
Fighting back, Giselle had less to lose now. Yes, de Beaumont could have her arrested, but even with bribery it risked investigation into that 'other business'. But where else could Giselle run to? De Beaumont wouldn’t give her a reference to a new house to work as a maid. She could perhaps pick up any other small job or move to a smaller town to teach but had no money, not without that remaining unpaid debt looming she would surely be hunted for.
If she complied with de Beaumont, perhaps there could be a silver lining to it. Giselle found Albert's name was among her clientele ledger, and it could seem the perfect revenge against him to blackmail. But GiGi could not bring herself to do this. Perhaps it was not Albert's life she wanted to protect. Perhaps she would sacrifice her revenge for forgiveness. Protect her own and what remained of her dignity. But still her desire for freedom, if not justice and revenge, was insatiable.
Spitefully, Giselle would climb out of this picadillo one way or another, and so came up with a plan.
Specifically, an escape plan.
Seemingly relenting, Giselle negotiated that if she was going to meet the Madam’s expectations and earnings and pay off the burdening debt without accruing worse interest, she should have no client but one - and only one of her cochons. A more reputable life of a courtesan than a mere tainted dove. De Beaumont surprisingly was amenable.
That fateful night Giselle was to be carted off, her life would never be the same.
She did not know what lay before her. Only perhaps it was better this way back to those lower rungs again. She came from the gamin and gutter, and knew it best to navigate in this dance of survival.
Giselle played along and played the part well for as long as she could, following de Beaumont’s orders and guidance for a successful and pleasurable business venture. Finally, De Beaumont arranged her with an Englishman named Edmund.
Here Giselle enacted her calculated escape. After beckoning the Englishman to the comfort of her room before their departure. For a toast, Giselle insisted. Or rather, ensuring he had enough to drink to impede his full senses. At the opportune last moment, Giselle sprung to the action of attack. She knocked the Englishman unconscious and tied him to a chair, before making a mad dash for the window to flee through the Parisian rooftops.
Fortunately, she managed a successful flight.
Unfortunately, someone had caught on to the odd commotion too quickly and alerted de Beaumont. Giselle had no time to finish changing before Madame de Beaumont's staff could break the door down.
In nothing but her shift, drawers, corset, and with whatever she had in her pockets, Giselle draped the bedsheet over her in some form of makeshift covering and like a runaway fled into the night.
The carriages of de Beaumont and the now conscious Edmund chased after her. Yet the trail ran dry and they could not find her.
Like a ghostly Willi, she had vanished.
OC Cameo - (Criminal!AU) Madame de Beaumont :: @reverdies ;)
And whom she crosses paths with that night, a certain Jean, again things would never be the same... ;)
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iamjuztoz-ke · 1 year
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jaes1lvr · 1 year
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our very sweet escape 𓆹 ﹕ ◝ ◜ ✶ 🪴 ‘ॱ
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𓆹 ﹕ ◝ ◜ ✶ 🪨 ‘ॱ please take me away
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@iluvrei 𓆹 ﹕ ◝ ◜ ✶ 🪸 ‘ॱ
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leaving-fragments · 1 year
also mona lisa smile was sooo gay like i cannot believe there was not a single canon lesbian couple in this movie, it was barely subtext
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c-amizita · 1 year
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winter & giselle lockscreens !
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thelolarahaii · 4 months
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240528 | aespa Ningning on Leemujin Service
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limalatina · 5 months
are we out of the woods ?🌲
Santana found herself at a crossroads, torn between her own fear and desire. The memories of past arguments and unresolved issues lingered in the corners of her mind, warning her against diving headfirst into a relationship that had once caused her so much pain. Yet, the warmth of Giselle's presence, the tender moments shared under the Mexican sun, whispered promises of a brighter future together. The Latina's heart longed to embrace this newfound peace and possibility, even as her brain hesitated, wary of the uncharted territory ahead. The prospect of a weekend getaway held the promise of renewal, while the gentle hum of the car engine provided a soothing backdrop to the spirited conversation between the two women. Their laughter floated through the air, painting a picture of intimacy and understanding. As they turned off the main road, the trees growing taller and the air growing sweeter, Santana felt a sense of determination settle in her chest. This was it, their chance to confront the demons, to face the music, and to emerge victorious.
Nestled amidst the trees, the lake house stood as a magnificent oasis. It boasted towering glass windows, spanning three stories high, and a spacious deck, furnished with comfortable lounge chairs. Below, a rock waterfall cascaded gently into a shimmering swimming pool. Most of the area was enveloped by lush forests, except for a patio that offered a stunning view of the lake. By the time they finished unpacking their belongings, the sun had dipped behind the trees, emanating a warm glow from the twinkling lights around the fire pit. The Latina suggested grilling outside while Coco explored their new abode, often pausing to admire the surroundings — particularly her girlfriend, whose beauty remained unmatched. Once she’d tended to the simmering vegetables on the grill, Santana approached the other woman from behind and embraced her tightly. Toned arms wrapped around her waist, their bodies molding together perfectly. Resting her chin on Giselle's shoulder, she smiled as they gazed out over the tranquil waters. "I almost forgot how beautiful this place is; it stirs up so many memories." Despite the passing years and the shadow of her parents' separation, the family lake house remained a sanctuary of cherished memories. It was a place of nostalgia, of childhood adventures and family gatherings. As Santana held her girlfriend close, she knew it was meant to be shared with someone destined to be by her side always.
"I know where my dad stashes the Bourbon in case you wanted to have a little fun later and go skinny dipping." Her playful suggestion hung in the air like a promise, her fingertips leaving a trail of fire on Giselle's skin as she planted soft kisses along her neck. The long car ride had left Santana feeling a bit antsy, eager to satisfy her impulses before things escalated and they ended up spending the whole night breaking in the new house. Since rekindling their romance, neither of them had been successful in holding back their desires, and the Latina anticipated that this weekend would be no exception. "Oh, and just so you know, the pool is heated," she added with a mischievous smirk before stepping away to tend to the food. Taking the kebabs off the grill, she placed them on a nearby plate, ready to be savored. Coco bounced over shortly after with her tail wagging, likely enticed by the delicious aromas. Santana shot the dog a look before settling into a lawn chair. "If we're still planning to take the little troublemaker for a walk, we should do it soon before it gets dark." With a knowing glance, she imagined what a twilight stroll through the forest might entail, a prelude to the night of excitement and passion that lay ahead.
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wmu-cedes · 7 months
Mercedes! I don't care what else you're planning to do while we're in Mexico, but we're gonna shake ass and get drunk in some bar together at least one of those nights!
Baby yes. I've already bought one of those obnoxious Stanley cups so that my drink can stay filled while where there. You tel me when you wanna go out and I'm all yours.
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wmustaceevans · 7 months
Hey, cutie. I was keeping tabs on stuff during the blackout and I didn't see you kissing anyone. Was my dare too much for you?
I wont lie to you Giselle, I chickened out. Mainly because there was like one person I reeaaallly wanted to kiss but she stunned me. i was gooped. i was gagged. So I went and ran around to find some candy instead. My mistake was going to her first. I should have hit you up first. Would you have let me kiss you Sweet sweet G?.
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15billionyears · 4 months
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When asked how we got together, we always answer: ‘Liz Taylor and James Dean.’ But we really owe it all to Richard Miller, the freelance entertainment and stills photographer, who captured the image of them relaxing on a sofa in Houston, Texas in 1955.
In truth, saying ‘Richard C. Miller’ doesn’t carry the weight and humour of saying ‘Taylor and Dean’, but it should. We have all heard the adage, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, and we don’t disagree – but what of the person who took it, or the people in it, what we take from it, or what happens because of it? We feel that those stories are equally as captivating, should be shared, and well… at times, they may take a thousand words to tell.
So, we thank Hollywood Authentic and our dear friend, Greg Williams, for indulging us with this opportunity in the forthcoming issues to share the stories of how some of the most iconic images were taken, pay homage to the extraordinary photographers behind them, and take you on the journey of how the love of photography changed our lives forever.
Over the course of his career, Miller took photographs of celebrities and stills on more than 70 movie sets, with his work appearing in The Saturday Evening Post, American Weekly, Colliers, Time and LIFE. He was one of the first photographers who took pictures of Norma Jean for the Blue Book Modeling Agency long before her transformation into Marilyn Monroe, and he covered the set photographs of what would be Dean’s third and final film, Giant. Which brings us to this photograph.
Miller studied to be a cinematographer and was an actor prior to establishing himself as a photographer. Dean aspired to be a film director and shared a passion for photography – among his closest friends were notable photographers Phil Stern, Dennis Stock and Roy Schatt (the latter being Dean’s photography instructor who had also given Dean his Rolleiflex). Hence why when Miller met Dean, they became fast friends who bonded over their love of Porsches, cameras and the filmmaking process, and Miller told his wife, ‘This is a guy who will be a best friend for life.’
A great image is typically generated by knowing when to click the shutter, but it also needs the right elements of composition. Between the photographer and the subject, cooperation and collaboration, magic can happen. Miller recounted that when Dean saw him about to take the photograph, he would do something to make it better; a look, a stance, a gesture, and in this case, simply grabbing the LOOK magazine featuring Taylor on the cover as Mother of the Year, while she napped beside him.
This very photograph is what brought Gary into the gallery where I worked and now hangs proudly in our home. It’s the image that we bonded over, and began our conversations on cameras, film and photography; it is what started us on the path to becoming best friends and partners for life. And come to think of it, Gary did drive over in his Porsche.
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cloudxyz · 1 year
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Aespa in Berlin | 25.09.2023
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lindalima110563 · 11 months
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yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
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 “I don’t think I’ll ever be used to this world and it’s clothing. You look beautiful, Ivy.” 
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