#c: doltish snackhound on the surface | dakota
danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
Dakota tries to impress the cute boy he just met, but immediately wipes out on the asphalt. Bi disaster, iconic.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
When Cavendish dies again:
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
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Poor Cavenpus... credit to @elxsivegem for the idea!
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
cont. | @airborne-disaster
Dakota smiled as the other took the offered corn dog, taking a bite out of the one he kept. At the compliment, he actually beamed, his body language shifting as his whole self perked up.
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“Why, thank you! Finally, someone appreciates my style! You’re lookin’ pretty cool yourself. Aviator jacket, huh? Name’s Vinnie Dakota, by the way.”
He held out his free hand in greeting, taking another bite from his corn dog in the process.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
can’t remember if i ever made a post about it on here but
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cinematic parallels 
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
Make your character!
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Tagged by: @highabcveground Tagging: Whoever wants to!
I tried to make Dakota, but they didn’t have shades.... so he just has normal glasses!
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
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“Sorry, is this not a standard Federation greeting in your time?”
So uh... Star Trek AU for Loab! Yes, Cavendish still gives him the impression that shaking people around is some kind of greeting. This is why Loab is in Operations and not diplomacy.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
cont. | @highabcveground​
Dakota wasn’t buying it from the start. It wasn’t the first time he’d shared a bed with Mark, and he knew how the parrot usually slept. Normally, Mark slept like not even the world’s end could wake him. Last night was different. Dakota had woken the first time he felt his companion stir, and he’d seen how turbulent his rest had become. He couldn’t soothe him, not even when he’d enveloped him in his arms. 
He knew what nightmares were like, how they took your traumas and deepest fears and tormented you until you feared closing your eyes. He knew it wasn’t just nothing. Even now, that Mark was awake, he could still tell that it wasn’t just as simple as a bad dream. Not when it was so clearly still upsetting him. He could see right through that smile. Taking a sip of his coffee, Dakota leveled his gaze at Mark, expression softening.
“Mark... Nightmares aren’t nothing. Trust me, they’re usually an indication that something’s wrong in your little world. So, y’know, maybe I can help. Get it figured out and sorted so you don’t... have that nightmare again.”
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“You know you can always talk to me, right?”
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
cont. | @sviker
“You’d better start sighing, then, because not only was the pun intentional, I’ve got several more up my sleeve.”
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“Sweet fruits are nice, yeah, but I’ll eat just about anything. Except fish sandwiches.”
Dakota smiled, a relaxed expression with just a hint of mischief behind it-- clearly the driving force behind his puns. He did have to be honest, though. It wasn’t every day you saw someone turning blue, and that usually involved severe hypothermia or some other kind of life-threatening situation.
“But I digress... what’s your story? Get kicked out of the Blue Man Group for daring to have luscious hair?”
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
“Nice outfit. I think you’d look better in Mauve or... maroon ..” (paranoirwindakota to Vinnie)
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“Hey, thanks! Your outfit’s pretty cool as well!” 
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“…To be honest, I think I’ve worn maroon once, but that didn’t last very long. I did cut a dashing figure, I think– Not sure if Cavendish agreed, though.”
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
🖋 Cavendish!
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“Oh, blast it all!” The man shouted, standing upright as a glob of ice cream fell from his lap. He furiously began to scrub at the spot left behind with a napkin, already beginning a rant. “This is why I always order it in a dish, it’s less likely to topple off and ruin your clothes! But nooo, they were ‘all out’ of dishes. All they had were cones. We should have just decided to go somewhere else! Now my suit may be ruined!”
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“Y’know, I keep telling you that you don’t need to wear that thing everywhere. Loosen up a bit, relax, it’s just ice cream.”
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danvilleiisms-blog · 6 years
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He’s so damn cute... Who authorized this?
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
“Shut up and kiss me already.” // Ya'll already know who this is for >83c
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Dakota had, admittedly, been rambling a little. It had started off on a tangent about the zoo and the aviary sections, and had segued into hypothesizing on what it would be like to kiss a bird, and how that would even work out. Of course, the hypothetical bird was sapient and anthropomorphic, so that meant consent wasn’t the main obstacle. The real question was where to kiss. The front of the beak, the corner of the beak, the forehead? How would one angle their head in order to try a more traditional kiss? What--
Right, right!
He snapped out of his little rant-mode, and stared at Mark with wide eyes, lips parted in surprise. Kiss him? This was unexpected, yet not entirely unwelcome. In retrospect, perhaps he should have seen this coming. For all intents and purposes, this seemed like it was meant to be a date. The table for two at the cafe, the fact that it was outdoors in a more secluded spot of the patio, by the flower bushes. Realization dawned on Dakota’s face, and he smiled.
“Ohhhhh... Well... if you insist.”
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He reached out and gently cupped Mark’s face, leaning across the table and planting a soft kiss on his beak.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
cont. | @paranoirwindakota
“Not a fan of yellow, huh? Eh, to each, their own.” Dakota simply shrugged, he could see how on its own and in the wrong shade, yellow could be rather garish. But in conjunction with the rest of his tracksuit, he thought it made for a nice sunset color combination-- perfect for his 1970s aesthetic. Plus, it was comfortable.
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Holding out his hand in introduction, he smiled. “Oh, no, you’re fine, kid. Name’s Vinnie Dakota, it’s nice to meet you, too.”
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
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Loab is adorable, lookit him scooting over after Cav was hit by a bus.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
tagged by: stolen from @104summer
tagging: whoever wants to lmao
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“Especially if you’re a nutjobber. Fuck off!”
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