#c: noble disaster idiot beanpole | cavendish
danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
Dakota tries to impress the cute boy he just met, but immediately wipes out on the asphalt. Bi disaster, iconic.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
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“Sorry, is this not a standard Federation greeting in your time?”
So uh... Star Trek AU for Loab! Yes, Cavendish still gives him the impression that shaking people around is some kind of greeting. This is why Loab is in Operations and not diplomacy.
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danvilleiisms-blog · 5 years
🖋 Cavendish!
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“Oh, blast it all!” The man shouted, standing upright as a glob of ice cream fell from his lap. He furiously began to scrub at the spot left behind with a napkin, already beginning a rant. “This is why I always order it in a dish, it’s less likely to topple off and ruin your clothes! But nooo, they were ‘all out’ of dishes. All they had were cones. We should have just decided to go somewhere else! Now my suit may be ruined!”
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“Y’know, I keep telling you that you don’t need to wear that thing everywhere. Loosen up a bit, relax, it’s just ice cream.”
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danvilleiisms-blog · 6 years
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He’s so damn cute... Who authorized this?
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