#c: arcanus
new-dinosaurs · 1 year
Catharus arcanus Halley et al., 2023 (new species)
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(Preserved skins of Catharus arcanus, from Halley et al., 2023)
Meaning of name: arcanus = mysterious [in Latin]
Suggested common name: Darién nightingale-thrush
Age: Holocene (Meghalayan), extant
Where found: The Serranía de Majé and Serranía del Darién mountain ranges in Panama
How much is known: At least 26 collected specimens are held in museum collections.
Notes: C. arcanus is a thrush, one of several types of secretive, dark gray thrushes from the montane forests of Central and South America. Until recently, these thrushes were considered members of a single species, C. fuscater. However, a new study on the anatomy, vocalizations, and genetics of these birds has suggested that they should instead be split into seven distinct species. Out of these seven, C. arcanus had not been previously named as a subspecies of C. fuscater, and therefore needed to be formally described as a new species.
Among the former members of C. fuscater, C. arcanus is most closely related to the Pirre nightingale-thrush (C. mirabilis), which is found nearby on the Cerro Pirre mountain in Panama. C. arcanus has a slightly paler back than C. mirabilis, and female individuals of C. arcanus can be distinguished from those of C. mirabilis in lacking a dark "cap" on the head. Both species differ from their close relatives in South America in their calls as well as the yellowish tinge on their undersides, though this coloration fades within a few years after death and is not apparent from old museum specimens.
Reference: Halley, M.R., T.A. Catanach, J. Klicka, and J.D. Weckstein. 2023. Integrative taxonomy reveals hidden diversity in the Catharus fuscater (Passeriformes: Turdidae) complex in Central and South America. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad031
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starfata · 1 year
Star Names
I have, once again, gotten into Harry Potter fanfiction. To be specific, Rigel Black chronicles recursive fanfiction.
So I'm making my way through wikipedia, going through the constellations and star names, making notes on the ones that are most Given Name-like, ignoring the ones that are after 1980 (quite a few), and noting the ones that might still be too modern/muggle for the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.
Then I bought a book called Star Names, their Lore and meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen* and went through that. Given how confusing the book is to me, and how it includes poetical names as well as designations, I've marked the beginning of his contributions with *, the end with (RHA).
After all that work, I may as well share it.
Organised by Constellation, the genitive, and sometimes the constellation's abbreviation. Then the names of stars, which I haven't sorted at all. I used the Caelum constellation as a cutoff, which was something like 1756, which cut out suprisingly little compared to the post 1990 cutoff. The IAU has been Busy the last few decades, so many wonderful star names...
Too modern list
Nahn (1971)
Navi, Regor, Dnoces- (before 1967, by astronaut Gus Grissom)
Kaffa, Kruz, Haris, Heze, Ksora, Tyl, Achird (1950's)
Avior (1930's)
Miram (20th Century)
Leaena (Lioness, Leo Minor 1870)
Pulcherrima (loveliest, sometime before 1864)
Miaplacidus (1856) *(Maiaplacidus in 1835 typo) (RHA)
*Libella, (Norma, post 1840) (RHA)
Malus (Mast), proposed constellation, 1844
*Debilissima- Vega star, 1823 (RHA)
*Norma Nilotica- 1822 (RHA)
Noctua- Noctuae (owl, 1822)
Rotanev, Sualocin (1814)
Dalim (1803/1814)
Felis (cat, 1799) *Faelis (RHA)
*Niveau (Norma, 1776) (RHA)
The List
Andromeda- Andromedae (myth, princess) *The Woman Chained, Mulier Catenata, Persea (wife of Perseus), Cepheis (daughter of Cepheus), Virgo Devota (a scholiast), (Asnade, Alarmalah, Antamarda,) *Almara- sea calf(RHA)
Stars- Alpheratz/Sirrah/Sirra, Mirach/Mizar/Mirac/Merach, Almach, Nembus, Adhil, Almak, Manus Catenata, *Mirax/Mirath, Ventrale, Miyan (Persian)/Artulosia (Coptic)/Wabir (Khorasmian)- well mouth (RHA)
Antlia- Antliae (air pump)
Apus- Apodis (bird of paradise), *Apous, Avis, (RHA)
Aquarius- Aquarii (water carrier), *le Verseau, Amphora, Diota, Juvenis, Ganymedes, Puer Idaeus, Iliacus, Aristaeus, Cecrops, Hydridurus, Idrudurus, Hauritor Aquae, Imma, Monius, Eldelis, Daulo, Dolium, Aquary, Aquarye, Effusor, Eusor Aquae, Eluvius Aquarri,(RHA)
Stars- Sadalsund Rucbah, Sheat, El Melik, Lucida Fortunae Fortunarum, Hydor, Albali, Ancha, Situla, Albulaan, *Urna, Bunda, Kalpeny, Alpin, Mantile, Mantellum, Sidus Eastrum Regis (RHA)
Aquila- Aquilae (eagle) *Aigle (French) Adler (German), Jovis Ales (bird of Jove), Jovis Armiger (armor bearing of Jove), Merops (King of Cos), Vultur Volans, Flying Grype, possibly Erign (Euphratean, powerful bird), possibly Muru (Persian, bird) (RHA)
Stars- Aquila Tarazed, Alshāin, Deneb el Okab, *Atair, Alcair, Alcar, Althar, Althair, Attair, Alchayr, Gherges, Neshr, Alshain (RHA)
Ara - Arae (altar) *Altare (Italy) Antel and Encensoir (France), Ara Thymiamatis, Thymele (Altar of Dionysus), Arala, Apta Altaria, Acerra (altar where perfume burned for dead), Batillus (incense pan), Focus, Lar (hearth), Vesta. Pharus, Piteus (pit), (RHA)
Aries- Arietis (ram) *Ariete (Italy), Bèlier (France) Widder (Germany), Wider, Bamm (Anglo-saxon), Multans (Anhlo-Norman. 12th C), Phrixea Ovis, Phrixus, Athamas, Cornus, Corniger, Laniger, Vervex, Arcanus, Montone, Tèli (Hebrew), Amru/Emru (Syrian), Bara/Bere/Berre (persian), Kriya (Greek) (RHA)
Stars- Hamal, Sheratan, Mesarthim, Lilii Borea, *Hammel, Arnum, Padevar, Shalisha (RHA)
Auriga- Aurigae (charioteer) *Wainman, Cocher (French), Cocchiere (Italian), Fuhrmann (German), Hyginus, Heniochus, Erichthonius, Erechtheus, Erichtonius, Myrtilus, Cillas, Trethon, Bellerophon, Phaëthon, Aurigator, Arator, Mavors (Mars), Maforte, Ophiultus, Mafurtius (RHA)
Stars- Capella, Haedus/Hoedus Maaz, *Alhaior, Alanac, Alanat, Alioc, Capra, Gaper, Hircus, Crepa, Olenia, Olenie, Olenium, Cabrilla (Spain), Chevre (France), Alathod, Atud, Alcahela, Menkalina, Menkalinam, Aurigae Manns, Haedi, Dolones, Stimulus, (RHA)
Boötes- Boötis (ox/herdsman) *Bouvier (French), Bootis, Bootres, Arator, Boetes, Clamans, Clamator, Plorans, Alhava, Herdsman, Artophilaxe, Gustos, Arctni Custos, Lyacon, Areas, Sepentrio, Atlas, Philomelns, Nimrod, Icarus, Icarius, Cheguius, Chegininus, Thegius, Bubulus, Sabazius, Carman, Lanceator, Ogka (RHA)
Stars- Arcturus, Izar, Mizar, Mirak, Muphrid, Lancea Lanceator, Seginus, Ceginus, Princeps, *Aramec, Arcturi, Gladius, Kolanza, Pugio, Asad, Audiens/Audens. Artue, Arthurns, Arturis, Ariture, Arctuzona, Arctur (German), Arturo (Italian, Spanish),Mufrid, Mufride, Asellus, Clava, Inkalunis, Kalurns, Incalurus, Merga, Marrna, Falx Italica (RHA)
Caelum- Caeli, abbr Cael- Chisel *Burin (French), Bulino (Italian), Praxiteles
Cancer- Crab, *Litoreus, Astacus, Cammarus, Nepa, Lernaeus, Sartono
Stars- *Acubene, Azubene, Cirros, Cirrus, Flagella, Sartan, Sertan, Asini, Aselline, Elnatret, Nubilum, Nebulosa, Presepe, Pesebre, Mellest, Mallephon, Ermelia, Tegmine, Tegmen, Piatos (RHA)
Canes Venatici- Canum Venaticorm (hunting dogs) *Chiens du Chasse, Levriers (French), Jaghunde (German), Levrieri (Italian) (RHA)
Stars- Cor Caroli (Charles' heart), Asterion, Chara (joy), *Catuli, Coeur de Charles (French), Cnor di Carlo (Italian), Herz Earls (German), La Superba (RHA)
Canis Major- Canis Majoris (greater dog), *Canis, Canicula, Erigonaeos, Icarius, Sirion, Syrius Dexter, Magnus, Secundus, Alter, Sequens, Kelbo Gavoro, Greip (RHA)
Stars- Sirius, Sothis, Adara/Udara/Adhara, Wezen/Weseb, Aludra, Mirzam, Mirza * Serins, Latrator Anubis, Halabor, Gabbar, Ecbar, Habor, Sira, Vanand, Sivinam, Elseiri, Elsere, Sceara, Scera, Elchabar, Aschere, Alsere, Thoth, Sihor, Sothi, Solechin, Hannabeah (barker, Phoenician), Murzin, Adard, Udra (RHA)
Canis Minor- Canis Minoris (lesser dog) *Praecanis, Procanis, Gatellus, Catulus, Canis Orionis, Erigonins, Argion Ascemie, Algameisa, Fovea, Morns, Alchamizo, Alasgar, Dog of Tobias (RHA)
Stars- Procyon, Antecanis, Elgomaisa, Gomeisa, *Procion/Prochion, Siair, Siami, Aschemie, Algomeysa, Algomeyla, Algomeiza, Algomisa, Algomiza, Algomyso, Pallika, Palura, Gomeiza, (RHA)
Capricornus- capricorni (horned goat) *Capricorno (Italian) Steinbock (German), Bucca/Buccan Horn (Anglo Saxon), Gaper, Hircus Corniger, Capra ilia Amalthea, Pelagi Procella (ocean storm), Imbrifer (rain bringing one), Gelidus, Athalpis, Aegoceros, Alcaucurus, Alcantaras, Elgedi, Gadio, Mendes, Azazel, Oxirinque, Akokera, (RHA) Stars- Nashira
Cassiopeia (myth, princess)* Cassiope, Cassiepeia, Cassiepia, Carion, Mulier Sedes, Sedes, Sella, Solium, Inthronata, Cerva (a roe), Jostandis (girdle) (RHA)
Stars- Schedar, Caph, Rucba, Rucbar, Segin* Shedar, Schedir, Shedis, Zedaron, Chaph, Ruchbah (RHA)
Centaurus- Centauri (centaur)* Minotaurus, Peleanor, Pelethronius, Chiron/Chyron, Philyrides, Phililyrydes, Sonipes, Asemarik, Asmeat, Albeze, Albezze, Albizze, Birdun, Arma (RHA) Stars- Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman, Hadar, Agena, Menkent, Alnair
Cepheus- Cephei (myth)* Cēphēe (French), Cefeo (Italian), Vir regius, Regulus, Flammiger, Incensus, Cantans, Sonans, Kankaus, Kifaūs, Phicares, Phicarus, Caicans, Chipus (RHA) Stars- Errai, Arrai *Alderamin, Alfirk, Ficares, Garnet Star, Castula (RHA)
Cerburus * Cerbero (Italian), Ramo (the branch), Rameau et Cerbere (French) (RHA)
Cetus- Ceti (myth, sea monster)* Baleine (French), Balaena (Italian), Wallfisch (German), Pristis, Pristix, Cete, Belua (beast), Elketos, Elkaitos (RHA) Stars- Diphda, Menkar, Mira, Collum Ceti, Stella Mira, * Monkar, Difda, Rana Secunda, Boten, Dheneb, Schemali (RHA)
Circinus- Circini (compass)* Zirkel (German), Compasso (Italian), Compass (French) (RHA)
Columba- Columbae, abb Colm, (Dove)* Columba noae (Noah's dove), Colomba (Italian) Taube (German) (RHA) Stars- Phact, Phaet, Phad
Coma Berenices (myth, Berenices hair) * Chavelure (French), Chioma (Italian), Haupthaat (German), Ariadne's Hair, Crines, Capilli, Cincinnus, Trica, Tricas, Tericas, Rose Wreath, Ivy Wreath, Rosa (RHA) Stars- Diadem
Corona Borealis (northern crown) *Corona Borea, Ariadnea Corona, Corona Ariadnae, Corona Ariadnes, Cessa Corona, Corona Gnosida, Corona Cretica, Gnossis, Minoia Corona, Diadema Coeli, Oculus, Maera, Naxius, Ardor, Parma, Alphena, Caer Arianrod, (RHA) Stars- Alphecca, Gemma, Ashtaroth, Gnosia (knowledge), Nusakan *Munir, Munic, Gema, (RHA)
Corona Australis (southern crown) *Corona Austrina/Meridiata/Meridionalis/Notia, Südliche Krone (German), Couronne Australe (French), Centaur's Crown, Rota Ixionis, Coelum, Coelulum, Corolla, (RHA) Stars- Alphecca Meridiana (Alphecca South)
Corvus- Corvi (crow/raven) *Raven, Rabe (German), Corbeau (French), Corvo, Phoebeius Ales, Avis Eicarius, Emansor, Pomptina (RHA) Stars- Gienah, Gienah Ghurab, Algorab, Alchiba
Crater- Crateris (cup) *Coupe (French), Becher (German), Tazza (Italian), Cratera, Creter, Uma, Calix, Scyphus, Poculum, Alhas, Alker, Elkis, Patera, Elvarad, Pharmaz, Alkes, Alhes (RHA)
Crux- Crucis (cross) *Crur, Kreuz (German), Croce (Italian), Croix (French) Croisade, Mandorla, El Crucero, Crosier, Crusero, Crosers, Cruzero (RHA) Stars- Mimosa
Cygnus- Cygni (swan) *Cygne (French), Cigno (Italian), Cisne (Spanish), Schwan (German), Ales, Avis, Volucris, Olor, Myrtilus, Adige, Hyresym, Galina (RHA) Stars- Deneb, Arided, Ardidif, Arrioph (Gallina, Rosemund in poetry), Sadr, Sador, Aljanah, Al Janah, Fawaris, Albireo *Arion, Alberio, Abbireo, Albeiro, Hierizim, (RHA)
Delphinus- Delphini (dolphin) *Dauphin (French) Delfino (Italy), Delphin (Germany), Delphis, Delphyn, Delphyne, Dolphyne, Curvus, Persuasor, Smon, Hermippus, Acestes, Zizumara, Dulfin, (RHA) Stars- Dzaneb al Delphin, Cauda Delphini
Dorado- Doradus (dolphin fish) *Dorade (French), Xiphias,
Draco- Draconis (dragon) *Drache (German), Dragone (Italian, Anguis, Coluber, Python, Audax, Arctoe et Draco, Monstrum, Maximus Anguis, Ladon, Tanem, (RHA) Stars- Eltanin, Rastaban, Asuia, Alwaid, Aldib, Altais, Edasich, Thuban, Adib, Grumium, Nodus Primus, Erakis, Kuma, Giausar/Gianfar, Giansar, Giauzar, Dsiban, Dziban, Alsafi, Athāfi, Arrakis, Errakis, Al Rakis, *Etanin, Aben, Taben, Alanin, Altanino, Daban, Taeban, Adive, Eddib, Rastaben, Asvia, Rasaben, Etanim, Jais, Genam, (RHA)
Equuleus- Equulei (pony) *The Foal, Eculeus, Cavallino (Italian), Celeris, Cyllarus, Hinnulus, Rosa Mystica, (RHA)
Stars- Kitalpha, Kitalphar
Eridanus- Eridani (myth, river) *Eridan (French), Eridano (Italian), Amnis, Flumen, Fluvius, Padis Nilus, Gyon, Mulda, Melo, Vardi, Guad, Guagi, Alvahar, Nar, Nahar (RHA)
Stars- Archernar/Achenar, Acamar, Cursa/Kursa, Dhalim, Postrema Fluminis, Zaurak/Zaurac, Theemim, Theemin, Beemin, Azha, Beid, Angetenar, Zibal *Ecnar, Acarnar, Sulcus (RHA)
Fornax- Fornacis- the furnace/brazier
Gemini- Geminorum (twins) *Gemelli (Italian), Gēmeaux (French), Ledaei Fratres, Anaces, Algeuze, Elgeuzi, Gieuz, Apollo and Hercules, Triptolemus and Iasion, Theseus and Pirithoüs, Alioure, Duo Pavones (RHA)
Stars- Castor, Pollux, Muekher al Dzira, Alhena, Almeisan, Calx, Nuhuta, Tejat, Mebsuta, Propus, Praepes, Alzirr, Alzir *Almisan, Almeisam, Melaeta, Mebusta, Meboula, Menita, Mesoula, Propus Praepes, Tropus (RHA) *Castor- Eques, Apollo, Alefar, Aphelion, Aphellan, Avellar, Avelar, Anelar, Theseus, Phoebus, Algueze. (RHA) *Pollux- Polluces, Pugil, Aracaleus, Iracleus, Garacles, Rasalgeuze.(RHA)
Grus- Gruis (crane) *Le Groe (French), der Kranich (German)(RHA) Stars- Alnair
*Phoenicopterus- The flamingo. Bittour, Bittern (RHA)
Hercules- Herculis (myth, hero,), *Ercole (Italian), Melkarth, Engonasi, Engonasis, Engonasin, Gencenixus, Ingeniclus, Ingelicla Imago, Procidens, Saltator, Clavator, Claviger, Nessus, Nisus, Malica, Melica, Melicerta, Melicartes, Aper Cemuator, Ceteus, Alcides, Almannus, Celticus, Pataeus, Maceris, Desanaus, Desanes, Dorsanes, Ixion, Prometheus, Thamŷris, Oetaeus, Sanctus, Theseus, Melius, Ovillus, Diodas, Manilius, Orpheus, Trapezius, Temuelles, Samson, Elhathi, Alchete, Alcheti, Algethi, Row of Pearls (RHA)
Stars- Ruticulus, Rasalgethi, Masym, Misam, Sarin, Maasym, Marsic, Marfik, Marfak *Rutilico, Korneforos, Ras Algiatha, Ras Algetta, Marsia, Mirfac, Marfic, Masini, Mazym, Mazim, Gaiam, Guyam, Cujam (RHA)
*Horologium- pendulum clock, Orloge (French), Orologio (Italy), Pendeluhr (German) (RHA)
Hydra- Hydrae (myth, monster) *Hydre (French), Nepa, Nepas, Hydros, Hidra, Idra, Ydra, Idrus, Asina, Asnia, Asvia, Coluber, Echidna, Furiosus, Magnanimus, Lieu (RHA)
Stars- Alphard, Alfard *Alpherd, Alphrad, Alphora, Cor Hydrae, Collum Hydrae, (RHA)
Hydrus- Hydri (lesser water snake)
Lacerta- Lacertae (lizard) *Lēzard (French), Eidechse (German), Eidexe, Stellio (Stellion Newt)(RHA)
Leo- Leonis abbr Leon (lion) *Leone (Italian), Leun (Anglo-Norman), Nemeaus, Artān, Aryē, Asad, Alasia, Aleser, Asis, Assid, Alasado, Asid, Ellesed, Alezet, Leya, Leyaya (RHA)
Stars- Regulus, Denebola, Algieba/Juba, Zosma, Zozma, Zozca, Zosca, Dhur, Algenubi, Chertan, Chort, Coxa, Adhafera, Aldafera, Adhafara, Subra, Rasalas, Alteris, *Rex, Sharru, Miyan, Musu, Basilica Stella, Begia, Basilicus, Cor Leonis, Kale Alased, Achir, Nian, Nebulasit, Alesit, Nebollasid, Dafira, Asumpha, Serpha, Mutatrix, Avdem, Asphulia, Algieb, Zubra, Alterf
Leo Minor- Leo Minoris (lesser lion) *Leoncino (Italian) (RHA)
Stars- Praecipua*/Praecipna (RHA)
Lepus- Leporis (Hare) *Lepues, Haee (German), Lebre (Portugese), Lepre (Italian), Lièvre (French), Lepus Auritus/Levipes/Velox, Alaraebet, Elarneb, Hameb, Arnebeth (RHA)
Stars- Arneb, Arsh, Nihal
Libra - Librae- Scales *Bilancia (Italian), Peise (Anglo Norman), Zichos, Jugum, Noctipares, Mochos, Astraea, Tulam, Tolam, Almisan, Almizen, Mizin (RHA)
Stars- *Mizan, Aliemin, Zaban, Fasarivas (RHA)
Lupus- Lupii (wolf) *Wolff (German), Lupo (Italian), Loup (French) Bestia, Fera, Hostia, Hostiola, Panthera, Fera Lupus, Leaena, Martius, Lupa, Lycisca, Belua (RHA)
Stars- Kekouan
Lynx- Lyncis *Lynx sibe Tigris (Lynx or Tiger), Linx (French), Lince (Italian), Luchs (German) (RHA)
Lyra- Lyrae (Lyre, harp) *Leier (Germany), Lira (Italy), Clara Fides Cyllenea, Mercurialis, Cithara, Apollinis, Orphei, Orphica, Fidicen, Canticum, Aquilaris, Sangue, Mesanguo, Asange, Asenger, Azzango, Asanja, Arnig, Aznig, Brinex, Harapha, Hearpe, Harpa, Talyn Arthur, Albegala ange Albegalo, Lutaria, Marino, Testudo, Galapago, Testa Pupilla, Nablon, Nablium, Allore, Alloure, Alchoro, Lura (RHA)
Stars- Vega, Fidis, Lucida Lyrae *Fides, Fidicula Vuega, (RHA)
Mensa- Mensae (table)
Microscopium- *Neper (the auger), Bohrer, (RHA)
Monoceros- Monocerotis (unicorn) *Liocorno (Italy), Cervus, (RHA)
Musca- Muscae (fly) *Abeille (French), Mosca (Italian) (RHA)
Norma- Normae (carpenter's level) *Norma et Regula (the level and square), Quadra Euclidis, Lineas (Germany) (RHA)
Octans- Octanis (Octant, predecursor to sextant), *Octant, Ottante (Italian), Oktant (German)
Ophiuchus- Ophiuchi (myth, serpent bearer) *Ophiuchuls vel Serpentsrius, Ofiuco (Italian), Serpentaire (French), Ophiulchus, Ophiultus, Serpentiger, Serpentiharius, Anfuifer (RHA) Stars- Sabik. Cheleb, Celbarai, Kelb Alrai, Alrai, Sinistra, Muliphen, Marfic, Marfik, *Arangue, Alange, Rasalange, Alangue, Azalange, Alhague (RHA)
Orion- Orionis (myth, hunter) *Oarion, Aorion, Argion, Dianae Amasius, Comes Dianae, Jugula, Jeuze, Sugia, Asugia, Audax, Bellator, Fortis, Fortisisimus (RHA) Stars- Rigel, Algebar, Elgebar, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnilam, Saiph, Meissa, Rekbah al Jauza al Yemrniat, Tabit, *Mirzam, Gula, Klaria (greek, armlet), Begel, Riglon, Algauza, Mintaka, Mintika, Zona, Ensis, Ell, Manica, Thabit (RHA)
Pavo- Pavonis (peacock) *Pavone (Italian), Faon (French), Pfau (German) (RHA) Pegasus- Pegasi *Pegase (French), Pegaso (Italian), Melanippe, Menalippe, Theano, Cornipes, Alatus, Pegasides (RHA) Stars- Enif, Enir, Scheat, Seat Alpheras, Markab, Salm, *Artulos, Algemo, Enf, Homam (RHA)
Perseus- Persei (myth, hero), *Perseo (Italian), Persēe (France), Parasiea, Profugus, Cyllenius, Alove (RHA)
Stars- Alcheb, Mirphak, Misam, Atik, Ati, Demon star/Algol/Gorgona/Gorgonea, *Algenib, Chenib, Mirzue, Alove, Gorgonis Ora (RHA)
Phoenix, *Phènix (French), Fenice (Italian), Phönix (German) (RHA) Stars- Phoenicis, Cymbae
Pictor- Pictoris (easel)
Pisces- Piscium (fish) *Pesci (Italian), Poissons (French), Fixus (Anglo Saxon), Peisnn (Anglo Norman), Echiguen, Ichiguen, Aquilonicus, Aquilonaris, Nuni, Celeste Lasca, Dercis, Dercetis, Dercrete, Phaecetis, Dagiotho, Dione, Hermidone, Ittha/Anta/Titu/Mina/Minam (Tamil) (RHA)
Stars- Alpherg, Alrischa, Alrescha, Alrisha, Kaitain, Okda, Samaka/Samakah, * Desmos, Vincla, Kuton, (RHA)
Piscis Austrinus (southern fish) Formalhaut *Fomahant, Phomelhant, Phomant (RHA)
Pyxis/Pyxis Nautica- Pyxidis (mariner's compass), *Boussole (French), Bussola (Italian) (RHA)
Saggitarius- Sagittarii (archer), *Sagittiger, Sagittary, Sagitar, Scytta (Anglo Saxon), Crotos, Croton, Arcus, Pharetra,(RHA)
Stars- Kaus Australis (southern bow), Thalith al Warida (3rd of Warida), Sadira, Ascella
Scorpius- Scorpii (scorpion), * Scorpio, Scorpios, Hacerab, Scorpioun, Escorpiun (Anglo Norman), Throwend (Anglo Saxon), (RHA)
Stars- Antares, Cor Scorpii, Vespertilio, Satevis, Shaula, Larawag, Sargas, Acrab, Elacrab, Graffias, Lesath, Lesuth, Apollyon, *Insidiata, Antar, Iclil, Stephani (crown, coptic), Venand, Shauka, Mosclek, Shomlek, Sarur (RHA)
Sculptor- Sculptoris Serpens- Serpentis (serpent), *il Serpente (Italy), Anguilla, Anguis, Caesius, Laocoön, Serpens, Herculeus, Serpentis Lernaeus, Draco Lesbius, Tiberinas (RHA) Stars- Alga, Alya,
Taurus- Tauri (bull), * il Toro (Italy), le Taureau (France), der Stier (Germany), Portitor, Proditor, Europae, Agenoreus, Tyrius, Inachis, Cornus, Altor, Ataur, Altauro, Tora, Fearr (Anglo Saxon) (RHA)
Stars- Elnath, Aldebaran, Ain, Oculus Boreas, Hyadum, Cleeia, Kleeia, Ruby Star, *Aldebara, Aldeboran, Debiron, Atin, Hain Altor, Baharu (RHA)
Pleiades, *Peren, Parur, Perven, Pervis, Parviz, Parwin, Parven, Pliades, Plias, Peleiades, Sette Palommielle (7 Dovelets), Butrum, Vergiliae, Signatricia Lumina, Hedperides, Griglean, Grioglachan, Plejadi (Italy), Plejaden (Germany), Atorage, Athoraiae, Athorace, Altorich, Neith, Gallinelle, Gallinella, Crannarain (RHA)
Stars- Alcyone, Atlas, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta/Taygete, Celaeno/Celeno, Pleione, Asterope/Sterope, *Alcione, Alcinoe, Altione, Altorich, Athorric, Pleias, Mea, Maya, Maija, Electa, Atlantiz, Plione (RHA)
Hyades- Stars- *Kleea, Eudora, Koronis, Phaeo, Phaesula, Aesula/Pedile, Ambrosia, Dione, Thyene/Thyone, Polyxo, Phyto, Paricilicium (RHA)
Triangulum- Triangle, *Dreieck (German), Triangolo (Italian), Deltoton, Deltotum, Delta, Nilus, Trigonum, Trigonus, Triangula, Trigon, Tricuspis, Triquetrum, Trinity, Sicilia, Trinacria, Triquetra, Mutlatun (RHA)
Triangulum Australe- Southern Triangle Stars- Atria, Betria, Gatria
Tucana- Tucanae- Toucan, *Toucana, Touchan, Tukan (German), Toucano (Italian) (RHA)
Ursa Major- Ursae Majoris (great bear) *Orsa Maggiore (Italian), Grande Ourse (French), Arctos, Arctoe, Arctoi, Kallisto, Lycaonia, Erymanthis, Maenalia Arctos, Maenalis, Parrhasis, Parrasis, Wain/Wagon, Arthur's Chariot, Charere (chariot), Amaxa, Aganna/Akanna/Ajala, Cateletto (Italian, bier), Carro, Càrreta, Wagon of Odin, Woden, Wuotan, Horwagen, Hurwagen, Vaynes, Triones, Sepentrio/Septemtrio, Benenas, Benath As, Ben et thasch, Cynosuris, Helice, Catuli (lapdogs), Grigirean, Crann, Casserole (French, sausepan) (RHA)
Stars- Alioth, Allioth, Aliath, Dubhe, Alkaid, Benetnasch, Mizar, Phecda, Phegda, Pheka, Phad, Tania Australis, Tania Borealis, Talitha, Megrez, Muscida, Alula Borealis, Alkaphra, Alphrika, Alcor *Dubb, Merak, Miraë, Phaed, Phekda, Aliot, Risalioth, Alabieth, Aliare, Aliore, Alcore, Mirach, Micar, Mirak, Mizat, Elkeid, Benenaim, Bennenatz, Benenacx, Beninax, Benenath, Benenatz, Ackiar, Ackaïr, Alchayr, Talita, Alula Borealis, Awla, Acola, Eques Stellula (little starry horseman), Alkor (RHA)
Ursa Minor, *Orsa Minore (Italy), Unosoura, Phoenice, Horne, Bocina (bugle), Bogina (boa), Rukab, Tramontane (RHA)
Stars- Alruccabah, Yildun, Vildiur, Yilduz, Gildun, Alasco, Pherkad, Pherkard, Polaris, Cynosura, Stella Maris, Phoenice, Tramontana, Angel Stern, Navigatoria, * Alrucaba, Ludentes, Ludiones, Vigiles, Pollaris, Nortes (Spaniards), Cinosura,
Virgo- Virginis (virgins)* Mæden (Anglo Saxon), Pulcele (AN), Arista, Aristae Puella, Spicafera Virgo Cereris, Irene, Pax, Concordia, Fortuna, Ano, Atargatis, Cybele, Diana, Minerva, Panda, Pantica, Thespia, Beltis, Belit, Eladari, Eleadari, Adrendesa, Sunbala, Sumbela, Bethulta (RHA)
Stars- Spica, Azimech, Almuredin, Vindemediator, Vindemiatrix, Auva, Minelauva, Zaniah, Syrma, Khambalia *Spicum, Spigha (Italian), Erigone, Arista, Khoritos, Acimon, Alaraph, Alaces, Alazel, Azimon, Azimech, Eleazalet, Zavijava, Zavijan, Ninsar, Porrima, Antevorta, Postvorta, Prosa, Prorsa, Alacast, Alcalst, Almucedie (RHA)
Volans- Volantis- flying fish
Vulpecula- Velpeculae (fox), * Vulpecula cum Ansere (,the little fox with the goose), Volpe Colla Oca (Italy), Fuchs, Füchschen (German), Petit Renard avec l'Oie, Vulpes, Vulpecula, (RHA) Stars- Anser
Argo Navis- Argus Navis (myth, ship) *Schiff (German), Navire Argo (French), *Nave Argo (Italian), Argolica Navis (Cicero), Ratis Heroun (Heroes raft), Navis Jasonis, Osiridis, Celox Jasonis, Curris Marris (sea chariot) (RHA)
Puppis- (poop deck) *Argoa Puppis (RHA)
Stars- Naos
Carina- Carinae (keel)
Stars- Canopus, Soheil, Soheila, Suhel, Wazn, Hadar, Aspidiske, Turais, Tureis, *Karbana, Suhilon, Subilon (RHA)
Vela- Velorum (sails) *Segel (German) (RHA)
Stars- Suhail, Alsephina
Former Constellations Anguilla- Anguillae (eel) Antinous/*Antnoüs- (historical person, god/hero) aka Ganymede, Puer Adrianaeus, Troicus, Pincerna, Pocillator, Phrygius (RHA)
Rosae (rose) Tigis- Tigridis (Tigris river) Siren and Ceneus (myth) Apis (bee) Aranea- Aranae (long legged spider) Apes- Apium (bees) Vespa- vespae (bees/wasps) Asselli and Praesep (myth,Dionyus's asses and manger) Bufo- Bufonis (toad) Capra and Haedi (myth,Goat Amalthea and kids) Cerberus- Cerberi Deltoton- delta Gallus- Galli (rooster) Hirudo (leech) Lilium- Lilii (Fleur de Lys) Manis (pangolin) Pinna Marina- Pinnae Marinae (mussel) Phaethon- (myth, river) Ramus Pomifer (apple bearing branch)
Asterisms- Pleiades, Hyades, Warida, Thalith, *Thronos of Caesaris, Tre Facelle, Al Mīzān (scale beam), Row of pearls, Nairn (Persian), Testudo, Eahne, (RHA)
Unsure of lists Ruby star, Garnet Star, Stella Maris, Hydrobius, *Necht (unidentified Egyptian constellation) Ina, Mere, Vena, Aumea, Nubilosa, Luminosa, Sirian, Aelian, Paria (RHA)
Zodiac- *Zodiacus, Orbis, Orbita Solis, Belteus Stellatus (starry belt), Fascia (band/milky way), Cerole (zodiac is Cerole of Bestes), Mielan circul Zodiacum (great zodiac circle, Anglo Saxon) (RHA)
Generic- Nebula, Asterism, Nova, Pulsar, Borealis, Australis, Astromeric, Astronomer, Lucida, Zenith, Astra, Astro, Cosmos, Celestial, Galaxy, Cluster, Pearl Cluster, *Trigon, Decans, Decania, Decane, Decanica, Degane, Deganae, Decima, Decani, Sidera, Signa, Constellatio, Stellatio, (RHA)
*Milky Way- Aroch, Arocea, Strazu, Hilde, Hulde, Veierveien, Maiarati (RHA)
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shardclan · 4 years
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Sirius is *still* correct, this is a man worth pursuing even in unrequited circumstances.
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spiteweaver · 6 years
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“Sirius? What are you doing here?”
The young Fae started at the sound of his brother’s voice, and when he turned, Jorah knew it was out of more than simple shock. He wore the expression of a naughty child who’d just been caught plotting mischief, his hands fidgeting in front of him, his eyes wide with alarm as they darted to and fro in search of an easy escape.
When they found none, they fell to stare at his feet. “Nothing,” he mumbled, “I was just--what are you doing here?”
Jorah crossed his arms over his chest. “Looking for da,” he said. “He wasn’t at home, so I thought he’d be with dad. Crucis wants him to look over some readings from the Crystalspines, and I’m the errand boy.”
“O-oh...” Again, Sirius’ gaze wandered off to his side--only this time, Jorah was too quick for him to correct himself. “Wait!” he cried. “I can explain!”
Jorah wasn’t certain what there was to explain at first. The Court of Five Lights was a popular place, particularly now that the autumn flora had begun to bloom in earnest. Their fathers often came here in the evenings to enjoy time out of their busy schedules, so he wasn’t surprised to see several familiar faces lingering between neat rows of greenery.
Then he realized that it wasn’t the scenery Sirius had been admiring.
“Why are you watching Arcanus?” Jorah asked. The former queen’s guard stood out among sun-dappled gardens, so it was easy to trace Sirius’ wistful stare to him. “Did you need him for something? Actually, he probably knows where da is...”
“Y-yeah!” Sirius said hurriedly. “I was going to ask him that!”
“...Then why haven’t you?”
Jorah heaved a long, weary sigh. He’d known this day would come, but he hadn’t expected it would be so soon. There was only one reason why a fledgling on the cusp of adulthood would have tucked himself away behind a tree to spy on a drake like Arcanus.
“Ok,” Jorah said, clapping Sirius on the shoulder, “how long has this been going on?”
Sirius looked like he might cry, but answered in a quiet voice, “Since he returned to the territories.” Then, his tone pitching with panic, he added, “Please don’t be mad! Don’t tell da!”
“Why would I be mad?” Jorah asked. “It’s normal at your age, although...” He crinkled his nose in a rare display of emotion. “I didn’t think you’d fall for someone like Arcanus.”
“Phantasos told me he and grandma were close,” Sirius blurted out in a rush, “and that he was probably upset about her exaltation! So I thought we could all go and talk to him, but I couldn’t find any of you, so I was going to go alone, but then when I saw him, I just--” He gulped down a frantic breath, and promptly dropped his head into his hands. “I just couldn’t...”
Jorah looked between Sirius and Arcanus. Of course, he could admit that Arcanus was a handsome drake, and his reputation spoke for itself. There were many in the territories who found him alluring; there were many more who were hoping he may find another charge in them. Sirius wasn’t the only one to have fallen for his charms.
There was just one problem.
“I don’t think he likes drakes, Siri,” Jorah said.
“I-I figured...” Sirius let his hands fall back to his sides and shuffled his feet awkwardly, kicking up a cloud of tiny insects that he pretended to be distracted by. He risked another glance in Arcanus’ direction. “I knew he’d never be interested in someone like me,” he said, “but I just can’t stop thinking about him.”
Jorah’s ears flattened. “What do you mean ‘someone like you?’”
“A drake,” Sirius replied, “and someone young enough to be his great-grandson. Even though I’ll be old enough to mate next eon, I’ll still be so much younger than him. We wouldn’t have anything in common.”
“Then why do you like him?” Jorah asked.
Sirius’ cheeks flushed, and he busied himself plucking at a loose strand in his shirt. “He’s nice,” he said, “and he spends time in the gardens; I like that he likes flowers. Everyone’s always talking about how strong he is. I feel safer knowing he’s in Aphaster. I feel like he would protect me, even if I’m weird.”
Ah, Jorah thought, so that’s it after all.
“You aren’t weird,” Jorah said, “but I’m sure he would protect you even if you were. There are other drakes who could protect you just as well, though; drakes who like other drakes.”
“I know,” Sirius said, “and I think about them sometimes too. I just think about Arcanus more than anyone else...”
“Have you tried to talk to him since--”
“No!” Sirius shook his head, his wild hair becoming somehow wilder. “He’d know how I felt if I did! He’d be able to tell! Then I’d--I’d just die!”
“If you can’t be his mate,” Jorah said, “you should be his friend.”
“I’ll mess it up!” Sirius insisted. “He’ll think I’m creepy!”
“You just said he’s nice,” Jorah pointed out. “A nice person wouldn’t think you were creepy for liking them, so which is it? Is he nice or not?”
“He’s nice!”
“Then go talk to him.”
Jorah had seen the look on Sirius’ face many times. It was the same expression their da always wore before he burst into tears. They may not have been blood related, but they had certainly been cut from the same cloth, a pair of crybabies through and through.
Jorah sighed again. “Listen,” he said, “you’re going to find a mate someday, so consider Arcanus practice. If you can’t talk to him, you’ll never be able to talk to your future husband.”
Sirius gulped. His already pale complexion had gone completely white, and Jorah was sure that if he didn’t stop trembling, he’d shake himself to pieces. Jorah’s scare tactic must have worked, however, because despite his fear, Sirius turned stiffly and took a wobbling step toward Arcanus.
“O-o-ok,” he stammered, “h-h-here I g-g-go.”
“Just say hello,” Jorah suggested. “Start small.”
“W-w-what if he w-w-wants to t-t-talk?”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“I’ll d-d-die...”
Jorah rolled his eyes, grabbed Sirius by the shoulders, and began steering him forward. Sirius dug his heels into the dirt, but Jorah was older and stronger. “Fine,” he said, “I’ll just have to come with you.”
@nostlenne​  @sophiellum-fr @serthis-archivist @airris-fr @jaxxem @reanimatedfr @jollyroger-fr @megane-pigeon @griminal-rising
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axe-wound · 3 years
What is the weirdest kinks y’all have?
Calami Pilaki
c| w-weirdesht uh uh uh sh-shoot well uh dot dot dot... that dependsh on a lot of uh pershonal uh conshiderationsh but uh I-I have heard quitu a lot of things about uh hypnoshish and uh control over one'sh pan end end end end what the heck! |ɔ
Frustrated, Calami went to actually type her message this time.
c| I, uh, I think it'sh neat! |ɔ
Chanel Masken
go to hEll.
Kontra Kritik
ohohohohoho wowldn't yow liku to know bwlgu for brains wull i truaswru powur i want to wiuld thu powurs of thosu scions of thu arcanu arts and swbjwgatu the minds and bodius of thosu arownd mu! i also want to maku thu smwg bastards pay. luts suu thum throw mu arownd whun thuyru shortur than mu!
Didelf Oposym
what a question, snif... i've felt quite titilated some days at the concept of being able to eat anything i'd like, snif. the way fresh brick feels, smells, and looks is tantalizing, snif. but i don't want to break no teeth, snif.
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swedextea · 3 years
teodora “tea” lindqvist: en introduktion
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❙❙ ❙ ❚❙ ❚ ❚❙❙ ❚ ❙❙  𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎 → 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎 0MFS0318 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 ⤿
teodora “tea” lindqvist, better known as the vagabond, is currently a spy in the zeta division. the file lists them as headstrong and cynical, and originating from mölndal, sweden and currently located in the european sector. at the age of 23, they are currently a junior member and are in favor of the current mission. the file notes that they have the following associations: the crackling of fire on a cold night, bags of sweets only consumed on saturday, getting lost in a cloud of smoke, a collection of old lighters,  greysexual lesbian pride flags, & perpetually bruised knuckles  ✦ amalia holm bjelke.  cisfemale.  she/her. 
TW:  Mentions of Murder; Stabbing; Death {parental}; Blood; Neglect; Drugs
Teodora {more commonly known as Tea} was born on the 21st of December in Mölndal, Sweden to Svante Stellan Lindqvist & his wife Inga Elsy Lindqvist {nee Läckberg}, two young scientists in the Society of Arcanus’s Omega Division: European Sector. Her father worked as an analytical toxicologist; and her mother worked as a genetic researcher. Both Svante and Inga were praised for their work and the accomplishments they made at such young ages, especially given their shared time with raising their two young daughters.
When Tea was seven, her baby sister Viktoria {more commonly known as Vika} was born; and the instant she was first given the chance to hold her baby sister, her whole world changed. She knew from that moment on, she would do anything and everything within her power to ensure her sister’s safety and happiness. She didn’t care if Vika’s birth meant less attention for herself. She loved her sister with all her heart.
Growing up, Tea’s life was pretty ideal for a child in her shoes. Her family lived in a large cottage in a well-off part of town. They had cleaning staff who came by the house once a week. She had all the dolls and books she could ever want. She was sent to the best private school in the nearby city of Göteborg {Gothenburg}; and once her sister was of age, she would be sent there as well. And best of all, she had two attentive parents who loved her.
Until one fateful September afternoon...
Just a week earlier, she had begun Högstadiet {7th grade}; and her sister had begin  Förskoleklass {preschool}. The two Lindqvist girls never in a million years expected to find what they found upon opening their front door after being dropped off by a family friend. Their house had been broken into, first evident by all the broken glass and furniture in the foyer. Tea had been about to call out for their parents when she noticed the red stains on the wall, a trail which ultimately led to a sight forever burned into the forefront of her mind. On the formerly white carpet of the living room lie her parents, both having had their throats slit and been stabbed repeatedly.
She never let Vika see the dead bodies, instead scooping up her sister before she could enter the room and running outside with her. She had no idea what had happened; but she knew she had to get as far from their house as possible. Whoever murdered their parents might have it out for her and her sister as well. 
The rest of that fateful day as well as what happened the next several days are still nothing but a blur to Tea. All she knows is her and her sister ultimately ended up in a children’s home in Göteborg called Västra Götalands län Hem för Barn {Västra Götalands County Home for Children}. 
From day one at the children’s home, it was an absolute nightmare. The place was overcrowded with not enough beds to go around. The food was always cold and sometimes moldy. The outside “playground” was beyond rusted and quite the safety hazard. Fights would break out between the children countless times a day. There was little medical attention given when needed. The staff didn’t seem to give a fuck regarding the children’s overall wellbeing... They only cared in terms of keeping up appearances when a couple came in to acquire about adopting a child.
Since Vika was only six and was absolutely adorable, it was no surprised a family showed interest in adopting her after only several months in the home. However, the family had zero interest in a clearly disturbed thirteen year old. The fact they didn’t want her big sister led young Vika to say no. She wouldn’t go with anyone unless her sister came too.
Tea unfortunately came to the understanding early on that the likelihood of someone wanting both Lindqvist girls was slim to none. This led her to begin encouraging her sister to accept the next offer for adoption she received. She couldn’t stand to see Vika with such sad, tired eyes. Her sister needed a proper home. And that home came just a month after the first family.
It was one of the toughest moments of her life watching Vika ride off with a new family. She never knew if she’d see her sister again; and while that thought pained her to the point she was physically ill, she had to keep telling herself it was for the best. Her sister would be safe. She’d have her own room and would never go to bed hungry. She’d have toys to play with and would attend proper schooling. And meanwhile, Tea could find some way to survive the children’s home until she aged out at eighteen.
The next two and a half years were brutal; and there were moments Tea questioned her ability to survive. She thought about running away numerous times; but she never knew where she would go. She had no idea where Vika was; and she had no other known family anywhere in Sweden. All she knew was she couldn’t last another two years in Västra Götalands län Hem för Barn. She had to get out somehow.
So after much contemplation, she packed a small rucksack with the few belongings she owned and climbed out the window of her share room, scaling the side of the building until she could safely jump into one of the bushes below. From there, she ran. She had no destination in mind; so she ran until her legs collapsed beneath her.
She spent the next year hitchhiking through Sweden, picking up odd jobs here and there in order to pay for the occasional hot meal or cheap youth hostel. Near the end of her first year away from the children’s home, she met someone {called Monika} with whom she’d end up traveling with for the next several years.
Tea and Monika acquired passports {illegally} and ended up taking trains all throughout mainland Europe. She never questioned how they acquired anything they did or how they could afford the constant traveling. All she knew was she was glad to once again know where her next meal would come from and that she could finally get a proper hat and coat for those brutal winter nights.
While travelling, Tea made the executive decision that she wanted to follow in her parents’ footsteps someday and join the Society of Arcanus. But since her education had been halted as a young teen, she figured the Omega Division was out of her league. Then again, she figured all of the divisions were out of her league. She had no real skills to offer, no formal training, no connections... She had nothing. 
To make a long story short, she did everything she could while travelling to somehow make herself good enough to join Arcanus. With Monika’s encouragement and support, she began to train. She channeled her pent up aggression and grief into mixed martial arts. She studied poisons and languages and weapons and computers. She even went as far as taking justice into her own hands on more than one occasion. And in the end, it wasn’t all for naught.
Once of age, Tea formally joined the Society of Arcanus’s European Sector as a junior member and spy within the Zeta Division. She’s been with them ever since. She knows she still has much to learn in terms of what it means to be a spy; but she’s proven to be a quick study. When she’s not mouthing off, she’s quite the hardworking young woman. She wants to make something of what her life’s become; and she hopes maybe someone in the Society can help her find her sister. Even if she never speaks to Vika again, she just wants to know she made the right choice in pushing her sister to accept the offer for adoption. 
M I S C E L L A N E O U S 
Tea is pronounced “TAY-uh”. 
She has aquagenic urticaria {which means she is technically allergic to water}... but she’s vowed to keep this a secret as she doesn’t want it hindering her becoming a better spy.
She suffers from severe claustrophobia due to events occurring whilst at the children's home in Göteborg {Gothenburg}. 
The way to her heart is with a bag of surskalle {skull shaped sour gummy candies}, coffee, or a fat joint.
Whiskey is her drink of choice; she drinks it on the rocks.
She identifies as a homoromantic greysexual.
While raised Lutheran, she is now a practicing Neopagan. 
She is tiny, coming in at only 1.53m {5ft} tall.
As an avid reader, she almost always has a book or two in her bag.
Music is her outlet; and she can almost always be found with earbuds dangling from one or both ears.
She always carries both a lighter and a switchblade on her person; and she’s not afraid to use either of them.
Her weapon of choice tends to be throwing knives/stars; but she’s not against using a switchblade or a lighter or brass knuckles or the occasional handgun/pistol.
She has two blackbelts, one in judo and the other in taekwondo. 
She has a pet black rat called Sofus who sometimes hangs out in her coat pockets.
She absolutely loves the characters from Moomin and has several Moomin related items she treasures very much.
Due to her preference for cold weather, she is known for keeping her room/accommodations at Nordic levels of cold. 
She got her first tattoo whilst living on the streets after leaving the children’s home: it was an algiz {the rune of protection} on the back of her neck, gifted to her by a tattoo artist who’d found her sleeping in the alleyway near their shop. 
Don’t ask; but she may or may not have had her first kill at the age of 14 but made it to look like an accident.
more coming soon...
click here for biography page
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windofmarduk · 4 years
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Marduk as a Pokemon
Arceus's name may come from the words arch (highest) and deus, which is Latin for god. It may also have a root in the Latin word arcanus, which means secret; sacred mystery. Arceus's name may also come from the word archaic (ancient), which comes from the Greek arkhaios, and is derived from the ancient Greek word for "beginning", arkhē. It could have also come from the Latin word archetypus (original). Alternatively, Arceus's name can be seen as a portmanteau of Zeus, the most powerful of Greek gods and arch (highest). Another theory may be the combination of Zeus and Ra spelled backwards (Zeus being the king of gods and Ra being the solar god and creator, albeit in different pantheons). Those two qualities are shared by the Pokémon. Also, Arceus can also be derived from aureus (golden), possibly referring to its hooves and wheel. Nevertheless, Arceus's name origin and possible theories have led fans to believe that Arceus may be in fact a creator deity in Pokémon form. Arceus's name is pronounced with a soft "c" (or "s" sound) by the announcer in Pokémon Battle Revolution; in keeping with its probable name origin, it is pronounced with a hard "c" (or "k" sound) in television commercials and in Arceus and the Jewel of Life. Its name could also come from arc, as in round/ring, since it's surrounded by one.
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eeveecraft · 4 years
Would you and your system ever be interested in posting introductions for yourselves? I’d love to know more you and your systemmates 😊 also sorry if you all have already done that. I’m still new to your blog!
Oh! We did actually have a less formal introduction as our first blog post, which you can find right here: https://eeveecraft.tumblr.com/post/182129115507/blog-introduction 
 It's pretty old, though. We could always do more in-depth introductions, but for introductions, I'm the only one who has one, which is right here: https://aminoapps.com/c/tulpashosts/page/item/ryleigh-host/g03J_QKwFKIGoZJ22W5xqRX5BqJ5mmrNRJv
 Reason why we don't have any more intros is because I like to do art for each systemmate, including a reference sheet, and some systemmates have no art of them that's colored. In fact, I *just* finished an art piece for Arcanus, which I'll be uploading earlier. If you want to learn about any of us, feel free to ask! Pretty much anyone in the system will talk if someone wants to talk to them, they just don't front very often and tend to avoid social media. Anyway, hope this answer makes sense! 
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astralnexus · 4 years
Tagged by @bicycleonfire​
Top 3 Ships: Darkiplier & Wilford Warfstache, Lesthael, Nirihel & Arcanus (fuck you my poly OC ships count sdjfhgsdjhg) & Merlin & Morgana (so much potential, so much poor writing).
Last Song: Attitude by AFISHAL.
Last Movie: uhhhhhh I wanna say IT Chapter 2 since I don’t casually watch movies or go out into town to see them.
Reading: nothing atm :c
Three Random Things That Make Me Happy: the moon, cheese & the quiet.
Tagging: idk if you see this then i’ve basically tagged you i’m terrible at picking & choosing sdjhfghjsd
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So. This is a thing.
I’m sure some of you already know about this - its been tweeted about, its been updated on the Wikia, there’s two articles on it on Pottermore... the information is out there now. Claudia Kim’s character, the unnamed Maledictus, is named Nagini. It is outright stated that this is indeed the very same Nagini we see in the main series at Voldemort’s side.
Guys, JKR has never been perfect. There’s some stuff even in the original main series which wasn’t great (The goblins. I mean the goblins). But as time has gone on, things have got worse. We all know about the Illness & Disability thing from Pottermore. We all know about the treatment of Native American groups in the Pottermore pieces on magic in the USA. We all saw the massive whiteness of the first Fantastic Beasts film.
This, however, this takes the fucking cake. Mod is angry, peeps. Be warned.
There’s multiple issues with this narrative choice, if this is indeed a) what they’re saying, b) what they’re going with and c) what they’re sticking with. And d) please note that given her heavy involvement in the Fantastic Beasts films, this decision was okayed by JKR herself. The woman who made her millions with a pretty obvious race metaphor.
Lets dig in, hm?
As it stands we know only a few things about Claudia Kim’s character and the  Nagini of the main series. As a basic list here’s what we’ve got:
Claudia Kim herself is South Korean, and so its quite likely that her character is either Korean or at least East Asian.
The character is a Maledictus, an individual with a curse on their bloodline which only affects women of the line, enabling them to turn into a beast with the eventual cause of them losing their humanity entirely to be a beast forever.
That she works at the Circus Arcanus, which is a wizarding circus full of living oddities, including Credence Barebone the Obscurial, but also an Oni (a kind of Japanese ogre-like creature), a Kappa, Firedrakes, and the Zouwu we’ve been seeing in trailers. She works under the name Nagini.
The character can transform back and forth between snake and human form at will, at least when we meet her in 1927. At some point, however, she will lose that ability, and become a beast forever.
She is described as having “powers that are yet to be explored” and we are pointedly not told if she has magic of the same kind as wizards. She also does not have a wand.
By the 1990s she had transformed completely and was utterly and only a snake.
It was in the 1990s that she met and allied with Voldemort, possibly in the forests in Albania.
As a snake she was loyal to Voldemort with her venom being used to provide him with a rudimentary body, as well as she herself warning him of spies, and becoming one of Voldemort’s many Horcruxes.
She worked with/for Voldemort for several years, killing and attacking a number of people including Arthur Weasley, Charity Burbage, Bathilda Bagshot, and Severus Snape.
She was eventually killed by Neville Longbottom as one of Voldemort’s horcruxes.
I’m going to start with a summary to really drive home the ways this is fucked up, ok?
Nagini was already a female snake of unknown origin, named for a highly significant and usually benevolent part of Hindu religious belief who was the willing ally of a Wizard Neo-Nazi as well as his pet and soul anchor.
With this new information we can add this to it:
Nagini was a Korean - or at least East Asian - woman under a curse which specifically only affected women forcing them to transform into an animal shape and which would eventually lead to them losing their humanity. She worked under an Indian stage name - whether that was her birth name is up for debate - in a Circus which displays primarily for Western wizarding audiences, and at some point transformed completely, losing her humanity, resulting in a Korean woman with an Indian name acting as the pet and soul anchor of a genocidal Neo-Nazi Metaphor.
I hope I do not have to explain how fucked this is!
Firstly, for whatever reason, we have been informed by JKR (fourth bulletpoint, below) that only women are Maledicti, meaning this is a thing which is specifically and solely dehumanising to women who already get enough dehumanisation by society and media thank you very much. 
Secondly this very Latinate curse has been applied to an East Asian woman. East Asian women who are often displayed polarisingly in media as either demure fainting flowers or dragon ladies, neither of which is great! And now we can add “literally dehumanised forever because she’s forced to become a snake for all time” to the list.
Thirdly, we’re clearly told that this character has no wand. Now, wandless magic is a thing we know that. But we’re also pointedly not told if she has magic like that of other wizards and witches leading me to quite strongly believe that she may not meaning that someone placed a Latinate - and so likely European curse on an East Asian Muggle Woman for reasons of ??????????????
Racism? Sexism? Desire to dehumanise? Both? Who fucking knows, but its really not painting a very good picture.
And sure, lets play nice and ooh and ahh because this is actually a genuinely sad thing for someone to be put through. This is a woman who may not even have known about magic until the Maledictus curse affected her and who is now stuck going back and forth between human and animal knowing that one day she is going to lose all trace of who she is forever, likely long before she’s actually due to die. To the point where she feels compelled to leave her family - and possibly her home country even - to travel amongst strangers and live under an appropriated name and work in a circus as a sideshow and carnival attraction.
These are terrible and sad things! That these people chose to write about. That these people want us to think make for a cool character and ignore the knock-on effects this then has because they’ve decided to combine this tragic individual with Nagini.
I’m not saying not to consider racist motivations and narratives in your stories. Considering those things can lead to some excellent trope and narrative subversions that allow us to heavily critique the prevailing and often racist and sexist narratives of the media that we consume.
But that really doesn’t seem to be the case here because they combined her with goddamn NAGINI. The pet, servant and soul anchor of a literal goddamn genocidal neo-nazi.
I’m not going to make a holocaust comparison, because I don’t have the right. But this is... a special level of scummy. This is up there with MCU having the Maximoff twins experimented on with Nazis. In that case, that the prelude comic revealed that they didn’t know that Strucker and List were HYDRA when they signed up frees the twins of any guilt sure... but it only makes the narrative more gross when you consider that they were tricked into it. In this case, with the Maledictus? They try to - and arguably succeed in - freeing the character from guilt by making it so she loses her humanity ensuring it wasn’t her choosing to ally with Voldemort... but all that means was that the ability to make that choice at all was robbed from her by a curse which quite literally dehumanises her.
They succeeded in making Nagini sympathetic.
They haven’t done anything to make themselves sympathetic.
There are a myriad options they could have chosen instead. They could have simply not named her Nagini. They could have kept the character being called Nagini and made a narrative about appropriation and directly addressed the name issue by casting a white actress. They could have had an Indian Parselmouth who young Riddle heard of and took the stage name of for his pet.
They chose this.
I’m going to take a line from Yahtzee, one of the internet’s favourite shouty men.
No. That's too much. That's gone right over the Tropic of Fuckabout on a jet-ski full of dicks. I'm done.
I’m going to be continuing this blog because I’ve got too many ideas not to, but I am going to massively up my crit of JKR and any time I think she’s created something beyond the realms of acceptable I am going to change it and I am going to explain why.
The decision making process for this character, to take another line from Yahtzee, was a cock-up cascade and I hope I’ve adequately explained why.
https://zeropunctuation.wikia.com/wiki/The_Surge - for the last quote. 
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lesbianalicent · 7 years
full name: thradia ae’therin starshard
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: lyrinel morningflame - childhood best friend/adoptive sister, hanniel morningflame - godson, liara aerra’then - gf (DECEASED), zosine goldmyst - mentor/adoptive father, thinariel farmight - mentor/adoptive mother, alariah verrodyn - mother (DECEASED), mae’daras starshard - father (DECEASED), alorinus daybreak - husband, morisell redsky - ????body????guard????fuckbuddy????
birthplace: ardathiel
job: magistrix of silvermoon specializing in demonic and alchemical research
phobias: [lana del rey voice] NOTHING SCARES ME ANYMORE, failure
guilty pleasures: cinnamon rolls, lighting up her demons like christmas trees when she’s mildly irritated, experimenting on kirin tor agents for shits and giggles, you know, girl stuff
alignment: lawful evil
sins - WRATH
virtues - patience, justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: close minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unempathetic: unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: alorinus & thradia, morisell & thradia 
ot3: lyrinel & thradia & autonomy
brotp: thinariel & thradia, lyrinel & thradia
notp: t///arcanus & thradia thradia & morals
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pheonixanxiety · 5 years
Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳! *more tentacles wrap around you, slowly making it's way to your chest, as some black 'water' starts dripping from the celling*
WAIT! Arcanus, I convinced him not to punish you, I convinced shadow anon not to punish you and he might’ve killed you! I saved you! C-can you repay me just this once? Please, I’m begging you
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shardclan · 5 years
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@boyonetta Sirius and Rebis were right. 
I too would like to be Arcanus’ charge. 
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spiteweaver · 7 years
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“What in the eleven hells was that?”
Tarragon thought he had been asking that question an awful lot lately; too often for his liking, if he was being perfectly honest. If it was worldly magic, he could tell you everything there was to know, from conception to technique. The problem was that no one in Clan Feldspar seemed to use worldly magic; or if they did, it was of the impossible sort that never should have been placed in the hands of the common folk.
So when he felt a surge of distinctly unworldly energy, he at first thought nothing of it. He merely asked the question he always did, to no one in particular, and then continued on toward the market.
It wasn’t until everyone around him began to react, flocking toward the town center like rats fleeing floodwaters, that he realized something was amiss...
...and quickened his pace.
The square was already full to bursting when he arrived, and above it all was Dreamweaver, barking orders from the steps of their own home. It was a poor stage; their voice was barely audible underneath hundreds of others, growing weaker by the second. “Please,” they called hoarsely, “please, everyone, calm yourselves! We won’t get anything done by panicking!”
“What was that surge?!”
“It came from the Hewn City!”
“Have you heard anything from the Wardens?!”
“It’s those Arcanites, I’d wager! They’re the ones in charge of Thunder’s March!”
“They closed it down, you know? What a mess that was!”
“I heard Omen was there! My cousin saw her with his own two eyes!”
“Your cousin’s a drunkard, he didn’t see anything but the bottom of a bottle!”
“Be silent!” Dreamweaver demanded, and for a brief, blessed moment, all was still. Then another surge rolled over the square, and the clamor began anew. “Solaire,” they groaned, “will you please see to it that the Wardens begin their evacuation procedures, if they haven’t already? I want every settlement east of Weaver’s Crown emptied.”
“I’ll see to it,” Solaire assured. “Shall I route them here?”
“Yes. Feldspar Proper is the safest place for them.”
“I’ll go,” Abaddon offered. “You need Solaire here to oversee our defenses. They could use a bit of shoring up.”
“I can’t sit on my ass to keep Junior happy.” Abaddon spread his wings wide, pushing back the throng around them, and lowered his immense head to meet Dreamweaver’s gaze. “Just watch after him,” he requested. “Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. If Aphaster’s involved, he’s liable to go running off in search of Zo.”
“Very well.” Dreamweaver placed a hand against Abaddon’s cheek. With furrowed brows, they drew the symbol of the Lightweaver upon his forehead, blessing his mission. “Be careful.”
“When am I ever anything but?”
“Solaire, I want a tight watch on the borders,” Dreamweaver commanded over the roar of Abaddon’s take-off. “No one leaves. If Aphaster citizens must flee the territory, I want them brought directly here. Prioritize the sick or wounded.”
“Do you think it’s another exodus?” Solaire asked.
“I certainly hope not,” Dreamweaver replied, but they didn’t sound convinced. Solaire did not press them for their theories; he had his orders. “Winter,” Dreamweaver went on, “find Juneau. If push comes to shove, we may need his black ice. Come straight home once you’ve found him.”
“I’m not Phantasos,” Winter scoffed. “I don’t go looking for new and inventive ways to die.”
“Eat me,” Phantasos spat.
“Only if whatever’s out there doesn’t do it first.”
“Ozymandias...” Dreamweaver inhaled deeply, and Ozymandias, who was far more accustomed to their temper than even their own mate and children, took a cautionary step back. “Does this have anything to do with you abandoning your post?” they asked. “Because, if it does, I’m going to--”
“It may,” Ozymandias answered honestly, bowing his head in contrition, “but the fault does not fall to me alone. There are other forces at work; dark ones. They may have taken advantage of my noted absence to enact this plot.”
“Don’t say that,” Phantasos pleaded, “it’s my fault you’re here in the first place!”
“I learned long ago never to lie to your progenitor,” Ozymandias replied. “The fact remains that had I not abandoned my post, this very likely would not be happening. I would have never allowed anyone black of heart into the Hewn City.”
“We could always go and smoke them out,” Thalassinus suggested, “like old times, yes, oh, how nostalgic it would be!”
“Absolutely not,” Dreamweaver said. “As if I’d let the two of you go gallivanting off at a time like this. Thalassinus, you’re with Seaglass. I want our border with the Sea of a Thousand Currents secure and prepped for--for--”
“For the worst case scenario,” Banrai concluded.
“Yes.” Dreamweaver toyed absently with the raised gold patterns in their robes. There was noise all around them; they couldn’t think clearly with so many voices speaking all at once. “The worst case scenario,” they whispered, “another exodus, our clan uprooted, my pact with the Lightweaver dissolved--”
“Dede.” Phantasos took their hand in his and squeezed. “It’s fine,” he said firmly. “We’re going to be fine.”
Somehow, his conviction was soothing to Dreamweaver. They gave a stiff nod. “I have an important job for you,” they said. “I need you to gather those among us with strong ties to Aphaster. Specifically, I want Tau, Junior and Jorah, Asura, Xerxes, Almond, Yọmí, Rue, and Atsushi brought to me. None of them can be allowed to leave, least of all alone.”
“So you’re gonna play babysitter?” Phantasos snorted with laughter. “Sounds about right. How do you know I’m not gonna run off, though?”
“You know where you are needed most,” Dreamweaver replied, “and I trust you.” They turned to their son then, clasping his hand in both of their own. “I know you’re worried about your friends; but you must know that Telos will protect her people, and that I will be there to aid her should she falter. Trust us as I trust you.”
“I do,” Phantasos said, “I do trust you, dede--and Telos, too.”
“Then go.”
Before Phantasos could leave, however, Delucius arrived, out of breath and very red in the face. He was a rare sight this far west, especially after the unwitting part he’d played in the nightmare’s schemes, so Dreamweaver gave him their undivided attention.
“What’s happened?” they asked. “Do you have news from the east?”
“No,” Delucius panted, “nothing out of the ordinary to report on my end. But, Dreamweaver, Atsushi’s--he’s gone to Aphaster--”
“What?!” Dreamweaver’s hair unfurled around them, their eyes beginning to take on a tell-tale golden glow. They seemed to close the distance between themself and Delucius in a single step; the Wildclaw shrank back against the crowd behind him. “When?!” Dreamweaver cried. “When did he leave?! Why has he gone?!”
“C-Carnelian’s been MIA for two eons,” Delucius stammered. “He went to talk to Arcanus, not--not long before the surge--”
“I’ll go and fetch him,” Dreamweaver said.
“That would be unwise.” Ozymandias swept his arm out over the square, over the hundreds of dragons gathered there in search of guidance. “The nature of this threat remains unknown,” he reminded. “Additionally, you have duties to tend to here.”
Much as they wanted to, Dreamweaver could not argue. The square was still packed with panicked faces, all of them turned upward in anticipation of their founder’s next decree. The fact of the matter was, Atsushi was one, and the people of Feldspar were many--and although it pained them greatly, they could not abandon their post for the sake of a single dragon.
“No one tells Seaglass,” they said, “and that’s an order. We’ll just have to trust that Telos will ensure Atsushi’s safety. I’m not going to risk any of you, and I cannot go myself--”
“I could do it,” Phantasos said. “Dede, you know I could.”
“I need you here,” Dreamweaver insisted. “You and I are dreamwalkers, Phantasos. We have power beyond that of our people. We must remain. We must preserve the integrity of these walls. It is our duty as leaders.”
Phantasos opened his mouth to respond, then cursed under his breath. In a flash of golden light, he was transformed. “I’m going to find the others,” he said. “Ozymandias will be with me, so I can’t talk myself into doing anything reckless.”
“Do not let him out of your sight,” Dreamweaver said to Ozymandias. “If anything happens to him, I will hold you responsible.”
“As will I,” Ozymandias replied.
“Now...” Dreamweaver took in another deep breath, and returned their full attention to the crowd at their feet. “Listen!” they shouted. “Listen, all of you! As of this moment, I am declaring a state of emergency! Those who wish to leave the territories must do so by way of our western borders--but I encourage you to remain in Feldspar Proper, where I can ensure your safety! Those who wish to remain, be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice! Have essentials packed and transportation organized!
“Healers, report to the hospital! Magic-workers, accompany Isolde and Petros; you will aid them in strengthening the magical barriers around the city! I want our Flight Representatives front and center! Everyone else, remain in your homes! Do not go beyond the walls!”
“Dreamweaver,” a voice hollered out, “what is it? What’s happening?”
“I...” Another surge of magic engulfed the square. Dreamweaver let out a hiss of pain; their temples were throbbing from the noise and the magical pollution. “I don’t know,” they confessed, “I haven’t the foggiest. That’s why, until I can ascertain the source of the surge, I need you all to remain calm.”
There was a murmur of uncertainty and a great many skeptical glances exchanged; but perhaps the sight of their founder in such great pain, and their worry for their people despite it, was a strange comfort. The crowd began to disperse, and soon, they were welcoming evacuees from the eastern settlements into their homes.
“It’s humbling,” Banrai said, “the goodness of dragons in times of crisis.”
“Banrai...” Dreamweaver stumbled and collapsed into their husband’s arms. “Banrai, whatever happens, promise me you’ll watch after them all; our people, our children, Telos.”
“You’re talking like you’re going to try and sacrifice yourself again,” Banrai noted. “I don’t like that.”
“I’m not,” Dreamweaver said, “but you know that’s always my last resort. Besides that, I feel like my head may just split in two, and not even I could survive that.”
“You should rest.”
“Don’t start that again.”
Another small crowd had begun to form around the pair. Each of the eleven Representatives had arrived, and while their founders sought solace in one another, they exchanged farfetched theories. Levi suggested aliens; Silhouette countered with mole-people; Dahlia insisted that it was somehow Crucis’ fault, to which Crucis took great offense.
They were all so busy joking that none of them noticed Isaiah shoving past them. “Hate to interrupt,” he said when he caught sight of Dreamweaver cradled in Banrai’s arms, “but I thought you ought to know that Penumbra’s woken up--and you’re going to want to hear what they have to say.”
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shardclan · 5 years
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The doors of the Clan Hall shuddered open and scattered the solemn peace. Azricai flinched, but did not reprimand Arcanus. Something was wrong. She had been feeling the discord outside grow all morning, and his’ worry was visible well before he was close enough for it to manifest as a nauseous heaviness in her antennae.
One of his palms faced the ceiling, held open at his waist with care. His voice was full of subtle ripples and unusual edges as he splayed it out for her. “It’s Rebis.”
Her stomach sank, and only more so when she read the fading gold letters inscribed on his skin.
No crown Bstlcn thrall ?Rnva? Inner garden noon Help
Azricai’s cane groaned and her bony knuckles popped. A gust swept around her ankles and rushed out into the courtyard in search of even a trace of the fae queen. Through the arcades, into the garden, as far out as the Tahalil Infirmary. Further and further until her forehead gem grew hot and a vicious ache spread through her horns.
“Stop.” He pressed his hand heavily over hers, until he felt the releasing flex of her tendons. “She lapsed right after she wrote this. You won’t find her now.”
“Of course…” Azricai answered weakly. The gust settled, and she pressed her fingers to her temples. “You wouldn’t have…let her out of your sight in any other case. How do we find her?”
“At noon in the inner garden. We have little else to trust in this situation but Rebis’ message. Get everyone away from here. Bestealcian is dangerous, and Titi-tet may be nearby.” He paused in the middle of a turn to go prepare, and met her eyes. “You have the strongest mind I have ever known. If Dust broke free, I have no doubt the astral would find your will impossible to subdue, but–”
She tried a reassuring smile, but she struggled with an ominous guilt. Then and there was not the time to distract him from his charge. But the memory of her time with Lavi persisted.“I will guard my sight. Guard yours as well–Rebis is not the only one of our leaders who needs you.”
Bright green stalks tipped with yellow and blue bulbs reached for the sky around Rebis’ head. She had lapsed once or twice since escaping Rubranova, but never much later in the day than high noon in the arcade. The implications worried her. She still had the will to retrieve her crown, but her nerves were frayed, her body sluggish from too many spikes of adrenaline, and her mind disoriented by the disjointed and out-of-sequence way she was living through the day.
She needed a moment. Just a moment.
The scent of damp soil and unbloomed flowers lulled her with familiar comfort. She could not help but relish the warmth of the sun and the smooth, cool touch of young leaves against her forehead.
Rebis’ breath caught in her throat. She had no idea what time of day it was, or if she had timelapsed again. A risked glance at her hands told her she was still using the light-bending skill. So if she just stayed still–
“Are you supposed to be dead or somethin?” the blithely cheerful voice guessed.  
She looked up into the smooth, golden eyes of an imperial cub perched on the squat arcade balustrade. A brief wave went through Rebis, a dizzy magnetism that made her want to lay back down. But atop the golden head was the crown. She sat up, and snatched for it, but the hatchling smacked her hand.
“That’s my crown,” Rebis gritted.
“Nuh uh, this is mine. I got it as a gift~”
“There is only one white celestine crown. And it’s rightful place…is on my head.” She took a steadying breath, stood, and gathered up her light magic. “I’ll be taking it back, astral.”
Titi sneered, and reared up to her full height, wiggling the crown well out of Rebis’ reach. “Haha~ You can’t reach it can you. Tiny queen, tiny queen~ Come on, let’s see you jump for it. Maybe we can be friends and I’ll let you borrow it from me~”
Rebis’ frills crept upright and her fists tightened. Ranti made the crown to her, even set it on her head. She depended on it for survival, but that hardly mattered at all in that moment. It was the emblem of the promise she’d made. The physical form of Telos’s trust and Lightweaver’s expectations. Seeing it waggled like some cheap trinket scattered all her worries like clouds and replaced them with one singular purpose.
Her thesis spell wasn’t ready. It needed more polish, more practice; but it was all she trusted to have any chance. 
A golden specter took form between them. The shape of the previous queen towered over Titi-tet, and silenced the astral’s taunts. As she grew solid and present with Rebis’ light magic, the astral cried out.
“That’s not fair!”
The vision of Telos drew her saber and moved with lethal purpose. Titi-tet barely managed to flinch away, but the tip of the blade sliced her from cheek to ear-tip. The crown sailed off into the air, and Rebis tottered backward to catch it.
A dark paw reached over her and neatly swiped it.
Rebis swallowed, and her eyes crept over her shoulder. “Bestealcian…”
The coatl flicked her tongue as casually as ever, and patted Rebis’ head. “That was a neat trick, your Majesty! But was that really called for?” She slipped past Rebis as easily as oil. “Titi’s only a kid, you know.”
“You serve a new master, Umbra Wolf?”
“What?” Her feathers ruffled, and she peered quizzically back at Rebis. “I’m the Hound of Aphaster. I serve the crown.”
“The crown that should sit on my head?”
“Goodness~ That’s quite a selfish streak, your Majesty. Let the kid borrow it. You’ll be fine.”
On the other side of the balustrade, Titi-tet pierced the morning’s peace with her hysterics. “She hit me! I’m bleeding!”
“Well yeah,” Bestealcian snickered. “You didn’t expect her to just sit pretty, did you? She’s gonna be an archmage someday. Come on, no need for a fit. Your Majesty, you should apologize. You cut her up pretty good.”
“I will not,” she answered darkly. “That’s my life she’s playing with.”
Titi-tet whipped up onto the balustrade, her cheek stained and matted by blood. Her face was twisted in fury. “It’s MINE!” she shrieked. “I got it fair and square and you cheated and cut my face! I wish you’d just DIE! Bestealcian make her die!”
Bestealcian rubbed at her neck. “I don’t really wanna do that, though~” Titi and Rebis momentarily forgot one another and the situation to stare at the coatl incredulously. “What? I don’t want to get in trouble with my teacher.”
Rebis almost laughed. Even enamored to a being of unknown power, Bestealcian was still insufferable.
“Fine, fine!” Titi yielded.  “But you have to pay her back! Three times!”
Bestealcian hummed thoughtfully, and drew her sickle from under her wing. “Sorry, my lady, but fair is fair, right?”
Her apology didn’t match the look in her eye, and Rebis scarcely had time to stumble back and let her spell defend her. The envisioning of Telos was as strong as Rebis believed her to be–the real one would never have kept up with the Umbra Wolf half so well. But making an even match to her was double edged. The more serious Bestealcian became, the more bloodthirsty the look in her eye grew.
The imperfect spell was also rapidly depleting Rebis’ light magic, shifting the balance in her body firmly to the Arcane. Pain troubled her focus. The envisioning parried and sliced, but it no longer resembled Telos.
A tug in her chest dropped her back into the dirt with a strangled groan. The apparition still stood, but there was no magic left to give it weight. It was only a vaguely bipedal blob with a sharp but immaterial protrusion. Bestealcian strode right through it, and twirled her sickle over Rebis’ head. Her crest fluttered high, and her eyes shone with excited menace.
“That’s a really neat trick,” she repeated in a sincere and congratulatory tone. “You’re gonna be a great Archmage someday. Now hold still~”
Rebis squirmed back, and frantically blurted the very first spell Prophecy had ever taught her. “Blenden!”
Bestealcian was quick to cover her eyes, but Titi’s distant snarl suggested the flash of dazzling light had caught her unaware.
“That’s MY TRICK!!!”
Rebis clenched her eyes shut and prayed. Losing time didn’t feel like anything; it never did, so she couldn’t help a weak scream when someone yanked her off the ground.
Her eyes flew open. A familiar shade of fuschia peered down at her from under brows ridged with worry. “Arcanus…? Arcanus!” She threw herself into him gratefully and without regard for the hard, uncomfortable angles of his armor. It felt like it had been weeks since she last saw someone she trusted.
He laid a hesitant, but comforting hand on her back, and carefully knelt in front of her. “What are you doing out here? Where is your crown?”
Her head swam. Even if he held onto her, she could still lapse, and she didn’t trust herself to talk without crying. She forced her eyes to stay open and traced a message weakly into his hand in her own magic. She hadn’t gone beyond the timepoint of the first lapse. Hopefully, if he was there, something would change.
She curled the message safely into his palm, and tried in vain to blink back tears. It had been only a romantic fairytale that he would rescue her from some imaginary danger the night before. It was significantly less romantic now, but in spite of her fears, she trusted him. He would be there no matter what, and the relief of that alone was enough for her to keep her bravest face on.
She dropped her head to wipe her eyes and when they opened again, he was no longer with her.
The high noon sun glared down from the clear sky, and the flowers of the courtyard happily opened to the light. Pain pricked at Rebis’ wrists where the common celestine had sprouted new, jutting formations. Her chest ached. Her breaths were ragged, but  without the agony she remembered from her first visit to that time.
A clang brought her into the moment. 
Bestealcian’s fan sang and Rubranova’s sword hummed. Pistis sat on the balustrades with Phi, and Titi-tet bounced in both their laps, her wound forgotten as she watched with all the excitement of a veteran coliseum gambler.
“It seems we have a guest,” said Pistis, her antennae twitching in Rebis’ direction.
“That’s the girl who cut my face!” Titi leapt down and vanished into the sunlight, reappearing only as she bashed the full weight of her body into Rebis’s stomach. A rewarding dry heave answered, and she smiled triumphantly over the figure of the fae writhing on the ground.
“That’s what you get!” she hissed. “You think you’re better than me just cause you can make your own friends?!” She kicked viciously but clumsily at Rebis’ body, each motion a bad-tempered thrash. “Well I’ve got my own friends! Lots of them! And they can beat yours easy!”
Rebis squinted up between her protectively thrown up arms. Rubranova had the benefit of armor and size, but the Umbra Wolf had speed, experience, and the use of her wings. The blacksand fan was both a keen blade and a strong deflector, while Rubranova had only a single, massive sword. Her heavy swings pushed Bestealcian back, but she was growing distracted. She kept glancing over at Rebis.
Rebis croaked, but no sound came out. Bestealcian was not the kind of opponent anyone could afford to look away from.
The sickle sailed by Rubranova’s head. Rebis watched the attached rope snap taut, watched Rubranova flinch, but not enough to avoid the gouge. A torrent of blood spilled from her neck, slicking her armor and soaking into the clothes beneath.
The scent of blood saturated the air. Bestealcian tucked the sickle back under her wings, and took a deep, gratifying breath.
“You could have just been Titi’s friend, you know~”
Rubranova’s mouth twitched. The wound wept even as she clutched her hair to it, and stubbornly supported herself on her sword.  She spat blood in Titi’s direction.
 "A Tahalil’s oath…“ she gritted between her stained teeth. "Survives all…!”
“Bet it can’t survive Bestealcian taking your head off,” Titi teased. She spared a smug smile for the coatl. “You’ll do that, right? She attacked you first.”
“She did, didn’t she~” She swung her fan almost playfully, but the distinct motion of a swinging guillotine couldn’t have been missed. “I’m sure the Tahalil’s will hold a hefty grudge… But I’ve always wanted to see what Haematica can really do in a fight~”
A pink bolt as sharp an an arrow exploded against the fan. The sparks had not yet settled when a dozen more followed and riddled the weapon with holes.
Bestealcian’s tongue flicked irritably. “Dammit, that’s the second one…”
Arcanus descended. The edge of his sword shone neon pink, imbued with his magic and focused to an edge keen enough to cut the tail from a comet. Bestealcian wasn’t equipped to handle a magic knight of an element that rose over her own, and without the fan she had no defense and no way to match the range of his sword. And the look in his eye was serious. She could outrun him, sure, but he knew how she fought. He would kill her by any means necessary if she showed even the slightest intention of fighting back.
“I give, I give!” she barked, dancing backward away from him with a supplicating flutter of her feathers. She sat on her haunches, waggling her paws. “See?”
He scowled, and barked back a single syllable that crushed her into the brick. Phi leaped into the fray with his own black and gold swords at the ready but the magic of the Hewn City was still only light magic. And even if he was a Parhelion, Phi was still only a fledgling. Arcanus cut his swords out of existence with a single precise swing. He took Phi by the neck, and carelessly shoved him into the gravity field to join Bestealcian on the ground.
That left just him and the astral.
Titi-tet drew back. She took the crown from her head, and held it out like a ward. “Don’t come any closer, Arcanite! This can kill you!”
Arcanus scowled and shot another bolt. It struck the hatchling’s paw with a sizzle. The scent of burnt fur stung their noses, and Titi vanished into the light with a wail.
Rebis jerked to catch the falling crown, and this time it landed safely in her hands. A sucking numbness crept into her fingers, but she clutched it to her chest, welcoming the unpleasant sensation of the Arcane buildup being siphoned away.
Arcanus peered suspiciously around for the astral, and even cast a searching glance at the arcade where Pistis had been. But the skydancer and astral were both gone. He carefully lifted Rebis into one arm. “Are you unharmed?”
“Not entirely,” she answered with a feeble smile. She let her head fall against his shoulder. “But I’m alive.”
“My apologies for not helping you sooner.” He turned to Rubranova without lowering his sword. “Is she…?”
“No,” Rebis sniffled. “Titi couldn’t enthrall her. Please, we can’t leave her here.”
“Thought I was enthralled…?” Rubranova gave a wheezy, garbled laugh. “Well, that…puts the morning in context. You scared me half…to death.”
"Easy,” Arcanus murmured, and ripped his mantle from his neck. “Here. That should do better than your hair.”
“Much obliged…” She dropped her sword, and pointed a wobbly hand at Bestealcian and Phi. “They going anywhere?”
“Not until we’re a long way away from here.”
“Good, good.” She spat another spritz of blood and flicked them both a rude gesture. “I’m gonna beat… both your asses…all up and down Noon Point when you’re back in your right minds…”
“Come on,” Arcanus urged, kneeling down and flicking his fingers for her to climb on. “You shouldn’t move.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” she sighed haggardly, draping herself over his back. “If I gave…a piss about romance…this’d be sweet.”
Rebis laughed and tiredly chastised her with a single whispered: “Quiet.”
Rebis’ hand instinctively flew to her head. 
The crown was still there. Her breaths were short and laborious, but it wasn’t from her illness. A weight crushed down on her back, pinning her to the dirt. It was far colder than it should have been. Vast blue-white pillars reached toward the clouds in the distance. 
The Starfall Isles?
She struggled against the heavy weight pressing her into the ground, and managed to tug her torso free only to feel her waist immediately go cold and wet. Dread crept up her spine and flattened her frills against her head. She swallowed over a suddenly dry tongue and twisted her body around. 
Blood saturated her nightgown and caked her legs beneath it. Rubranova slumped over off to the side, so pale she was nearly blue. Rebis couldn’t tell if she was breathing or not. The mass pinning her legs…
A sprawl of familiar black hair and a broken horn was all she managed to take in before her chest began to heave with rapid, sobbing breaths.
She pressed her face into the dirt and screamed. 
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shardclan · 6 years
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On two sides of Carnelian’s card table, there was war.
“You enjoying that book in your hand, Cas?”
“Sure am. I love having options. Like skipping you so you can meditate on the benefits of shutting the fuck up.”
On the far side of the table, there was Gethsemene, who snorted and took another swig of her drink before casually tossing down a card. “On my last.”
Castel and Carnelian stared daggers at Arcanus. The knight sat between the conniving wits of Carnelian and Castel and had been a wrench in their plans to attack Gethsemene and each other all night long. He was nursing a surprisingly small hand, and poring owlishly over it with the deliberation of a drake trying to  figure out how to grab a bar of wet soap covered in oil.
The level of thought was surprising, given he had foolishly attempted to keep up with the evening’s Trickmurk drinking games. Castel, Carnelian, and even Gethsemene had all known life at the bottom of a bottle at some point. The same could not be said for the Analemma knight, and it showed.
“Reverse…” he said with grave intensity.
Castel and Carnelian tensed up and glared at Gethsemene.
The old imperial’s eyes creased with wicked crow’s feet. She glanced at her card, and gently plucked from the pile.
Carnelian slapped down a jack, and looked expectantly at Castel. “Come on, you must have one ready. Or do you need time to find it?”
Castel lifted her chin and fluttered her lashes. “What a rush you’re in all of the sudden. I thought you wanted to protect your cute civilian friend’s honor from the big bad domme~?”
“Only dominating being done here is coming from me,” Gethsemene purred from across the table.
Castel shot a nasty aside glance to the other female, and threw down a matching jack. Before Arcanus could become engrossed in his cards, she started to pluck them for him.
He blinked at her, and held up another jack with an entirely mystified look on his face. “Can I not…?”
Carnelian’s eyes glittered, but the light died just as quickly when he saw the unruffled look on Gethsemene’s face.
She threw another jack, and the table erupted in laughter as Carnelian stared down the barrel of receiving 20 cards. Gethsemene quietly dealt him the full count, and gave him a merry pat on the shoulder.
“On my last. Enjoy the book club!”
Castel sat her hand down with a bright smile and plucked the last remaining card from the now non-existent deck. “According to house rules, the deck’s gone so the round is over.”
“Bullshit!” Carnelian barked. “You have cards you can play!”
“Maybe I do and maybe I don’t, but you’re not allowed to look at my hand to find that out for sure until the round is already called.” Her smile widened into a delighted leer. “Isn’t that so, detective?”
Arcanus gave a lovely disaster of a smile. “Carnelian’s a sore loser~”
“And a bad host~” Gethsemene sang, adding fuel to the fire.
“Fine, FINE,” Carnelian snarled. “But I know you cheated, Cas.”
“Mm, that’s all well and good.” She laid out her hand, all but riddled with cards she could have played. “But you weren’t able to prove it before it was too late.”
Gethsemene got up with a laugh, tossing her last card–an 8 which would have let her go out after the reverse–carelessly to the table. “Sometimes you just have to enjoy the game.” She grabbed a nearby bottle, refreshing her elderberry spirits and leaning back in her chair.  "Now, secret or strip, babes?“
Carnelian immediately divested another article of his clothing. As could be expected, he was telling the bare minimum of secrets and would likely bow out of the game entirely once his ass was out in the open. Castel was also doing the bare minimum of secrets. They had all seen each other nude before–community bathing being what it was, they had even held conversations nude. But Castel stripped with the kind of brazen sultriness that left a palpable erotic charge in the air.
"Your mouth’s open,” she said to no one.
Arcanus closed his mouth so quickly his teeth clicked, while Gethsemene leaned into it. “It does that when I see things I want to eat.”
“You’re welcome to the play room any day. Promise I won’t dislocate your hips.”
“I might surprise you and dislocate yours.”
“Y'all want a cup to catch all that drool in?” Carnelian intervened, and nodded to Arcanus. “Strip or secret, Arc. You brought these demons here, pay up.”
Much like with his cards, Arcanus had to deliberate about his choice in the matter. He was the least undressed, choosing to reveal his secrets more readily than his body. One couldn’t help wondering if he realized he was playing games at Bramble Step during Trickmurk with that attitude.
“I stripped last time, right?”
Castel smirked at the fine trail of hairs rising from over his underwear, and muttered into her cup. “Hell yeah you did.”
Carnelian cuffed her over the horns.
“Then a secret…” His eyes, watery as they were, took a sad hint, and he grabbed Gethsemene’s bottle for dear life. “I… My..my first love…was Telos..!”
Gethsemene and Carnelian shot looks at one another that quickly and silently confirmed both of them knew this (and by Carnelian’s gaze that they were going to have a very long talk later about just how Gethsemene already knew.) This left them both looking uncertainly at Castel.
Her eyes were wide and bright as a newly made pearl. “You poor, dumb sod; that explains so fucking much about you.”
“What’s that s'posed to mean?!” Arcanus cried, more confused than upset.
“It means you were way out of your league.”
“I knew that already,” he muttered defensively. “I left…so she wouldn’t have to see me while she was preparing to to leave.” He sniffed and sank forward until his head sank to the table. “I wanted to see her. I wanted to see her… smiling. Up at th'bservatory. But I couldn’t…”
Gethsemene sighed, and took another swig of her drink. “Cripes you sad bastard, when you remember a woman that fine you’re supposed to be happy about it.”
“I am,” he giggled, and closed his eyes. “I just…don’t think I’ll ever… fall in love again…”
The response from the three other dragons in the room was immediate and unanimous.
“Yeah, that’s bullshit.”
Arcanus looked up, red to his ears and more confused than ever. “But Telos was–”
“Extraordinary,” Gethsemene completed. “A diamond from top to bottom. But you’ll fall in love again, you little greenstick. I’d stake my old wedding band on it.”
“The moment you take her off that pedestal you have her on it’ll be simple,” Castel assured, twirling her finger in her drink until it was cold enough to her liking. “You’ll fall for the first strong woman of principles who shows her softer side to you in private.”
Carnelian wheezed into his drink, and Gethsemene suddenly pretended to be interested in something under the table.
“Telos was…” Arcanus struggled indignantly. “She was more than that.”
“I’m sure. You also need someone who can command you.”
Through the alcohol, his answer came through with the perfectly clarity of bone-deep conviction. “The only person who can command me is the head of the clan.”
Castel noted the subtle head shake from Carnelian in the corner of her eyes, and elected to heed it…for now. “That’s your knighthood talking, not your heart, pet. When you come across a woman who makes you want to kneel, you will. It’s really that simple.”
Arcanus stared hard at the nocturne, but his mind was cloudy with alcohol and his principles felt less solid that usual. He looked seekingly to Carnelian and Gethsemene, but they were both silently laughing into their cups.
They thought Castel was right.
Worse, they thought it was obvious enough to be funny.
His cheeks flushed, and he grew dizzy as heat erupted from the tips of his ears. “I…” He lurched. “I think I’m–”
Carnelian kicked him a bucket before he had time to finish the sentence, and was ushering him to the bathroom just as the first violent jerk of his stomach came.
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