#c: Thade
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void-botanist · 29 days ago
OCKiss 2025 Day 5: Conservative
OCs: Thade Orech-Pabat and his husband Pirianus
Setting: locality space, specifically the kingdom of Iecunem
Words: 3,187
Content warnings: none
Notes: Thade is a human and Pirianus is a green ferasca (dragon person). They are part of a now-retired royal polycule; Minaya is their legal daughter and now the queen, and Thade still works as ambassador to Landris under her, just like he did with her mother/his wife/the previous queen, Kiatcarmen.
Thade was almost finished with the news and his sandwich in the dining room when he felt a presence slide up to the end of his booth table. He looked over, then up when he realized it was Pirianus standing there, two fingertips perched on the very edge of the table. They hadn’t really spoken in the four days since their barely-avoided breakup, and it had been kind of nice, except for the looming sense that he was going to be thrust into a conversation at any moment. Apparently this was that moment.
“Sup?” he said.
“Are you busy after lunch?” Piri asked.
He knew he wasn’t, but “Why?”
“I thought you might like to take a walk with me in the conservatory.”
Right, like taking a walk with Piri was some kind of thoughtful gift. He was about to respond something sarcastic along those lines when it occurred to him that this was an invitation.
“Sure,” he said. “Just give me a minute.”
“Of course.” Piri withdrew his hand from the table. “I’ll wait for you.” He vanished in the direction of the door. Was he going to wait at the doorway, or at the conservatory…? Whatever, there were two bites left in this sandwich. Thade ate them faster than he should, chased them with the last of his water, and dropped his e-reader in its belt pouch as he left.
He found Pirianus just outside the doorway of the dining room scrolling through his phone. When Thade emerged, Piri glanced up, put his phone away, and started in the direction of the conservatory without a word. Thade followed. So far this didn’t feel any different than, say, Piri making him come to a fitting for some jacket he had to wear for an appearance. Piri always strode ahead on his long legs and never made conversation. Apparently Thade was still just another task to be checked off of Piri’s to-do list, even when they were supposed to be doing something together.
As they rounded a corner, Piri suddenly slowed. Thade did too, peering around Piri to see if something was going on. The hallway was empty. What was Piri doing…?
Piri started walking again, not as fast as before. Apparently the weird deceleartion was to get in step with him. Interesting.
“When are you going back to Landris?” Piri asked.
It sounded like a neutral question, even though the words smacked of Piri telling him to go home. “In three days.”
“And then you’ll resume the six-week cycle?”
“Well, it’ll be less than six weeks this time, since I’m late for the current session. But yeah.”
“Ah.” A few steps later he added, “I’m sorry.”
“For what? Making me late?”
“I mean, I could have gone back already. But Wyn told me not to bother until the Secretary of Agriculture gets back. So it’s fine.”
“Ah.” Silence again.
“Have you ever been to Landris?” Thade asked.
“Of course,” Piri said. “I went to college in Maesune.”
Thade stopped dead. “You what?”
Piri paused a step ahead of him, turning back to face him. “I went to college in Maesune.”
“Yeah, I heard you. How the fuck did I not know that?”
Piri made a motion halfway between a shrug and a roll of the shoulders. “I didn’t tell you.”
What he wanted to do was ask why the hell not, too loudly for this hallway, but Piri seemed to be trying. Not that much, maybe, but Thade should at least try too.
“Apparently not,” Thade said, starting forward again. As Piri fell in beside him, he added, “What did you even go to school for?”
“What I went to school for and what I got a degree in were not the same subject.”
“I mean, that’s pretty common. I changed my major three or four times.”
“I graduated with a degree in political science. I went to school for dance.”
Thade wanted to stop again, but it seemed like if he did that every time Piri said something shocking on this walk, they would never make it to the conservatory. “How’d you manage that?”
Piri’s nostrils flared. “I sustained an injury that took some time to heal, and ultimately I was forced to pick up something else.”
That couldn’t be the whole story, not the way his eyes burned and his jaw squared, but Thade decided to leave it. “What kind of dance?”
A part of him wanted to laugh on impulse—Piri, a dancer of the utmost control and grace, trailing ribbons behind him? But when he thought about it for more than half a second, it made sense. Piri wasn’t clumsy with his body the way he was with most other things. And he was a good partner to have in the ballroom.
“Do you still do it?”
“Of course not. I’m far too old.”
“Are you?” That made Piri look at him. “I mean, you might be too old to do it professionally, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it at all.”
“I’ve been out of it for too many years,” Piri said like that was the end of that.
On the one hand, Thade didn’t know anything about being a dancer. On the other, he did know Piri’s way of being stubborn about nothing at all. It had to be a mental block, because Piri was in pretty good shape physically. But probably now wasn’t the time to press it, as they stepped through the double doors into the conservatory.
Piri slowed to a stroll almost immediately, like the humidity had affected him. Thade kept pace, feeling the smooth white-gravel path shift under his house sandals.
“So,” Thade started, “why did you want to come to the conservatory?”
Piri sighed. “I thought it would be nice. I know you enjoy the gardens, but it’s more comfortable for me in here.”
Somehow he’d kind of thought this was a setup for them to have another serious conversation, but apparently Piri had just invited him to do something fun, and he was being suspicious about it. Whoops.
“It is nice,” he said, changing tacks. “I always forget this place exists.”
“I come here often.” Sometimes Piri seemed to vanish—maybe he’d just been in the conservatory.
“Do you just like it better, or…?”
“There are never any bees in here.” Oh, right. Piri was allergic to bee stings.
“Wait, so they never even put bees in here to pollinate stuff?” The place was full of flowers sprinkled among leaves and branches.
“No, they’re all pollinated by other insects. Ants, beetles...artificial winds as well.”
As they followed the curve of the path, Piri bent to pick up a green twig that had fallen off a nearby plant. He raked a claw down a couple of its broad needles, then reached over to tuck it between two layers of Thade’s robes, just over his heart. Thade wanted to say something a little underhanded about how Piri should be doing that with a flower, but as he held his tongue, he breathed in the heady, bright herbal scent the twig gave off and immediately recognized it from the train station in his hometown.
“What is this?” he asked Piri’s impassive face.
“Nasedro,” Piri said. “Its flowers are quite showy in the summer—an ideal time to visit Paforet City.”
“Yeah.” That was how he remembered his last visit to Paforet City—petals and needles around the edges of everything. “You grew up near there, didn’t you?”
“The larger metro area, yes.”
“Isn’t there a big dance school there?” He knew there was. He’d seen its massive glass and metal shape in the middle of the city.
“Yes. They rejected me.”
“Ah. Wait, where did you go to high school?”
“No shit? We played Abernout in golf regionals in...third year, I think? I remember because there was this cyoran that I was neck and neck with for the last cutoff spot. They acted like they were hot stuff, probably because it pissed off whoever they were playing against—because neither of us were good, we just didn’t suck that much. I won it, and then immediately got cut out in the next round.” Man, he’d been so mad that day, but forty years later it was just funny. “So yeah, moral of the story, don’t be a dick to the person you win against or the universe will cut you back down to size.”
A little smile played at the blue edges of Piri’s lips, but he said nothing.
“I see you enjoying my misfortunes,” Thade grinned back.
“Not your misfortunes. The image of you being too intense to someone over golf.”
“What do you mean? I’m always too intense.”
“Golf isn’t,” Piri said with an almost straight face, and Thade couldn’t help laughing.
“I can tell you’ve never played golf because it’s intense as shit. Don’t let the cute little claps fool you.”
“I’ll trust it when I hear it from someone who doesn’t go full throttle at every opportunity.”
“Come on,” Thade said, “you were a dancer, right? Performing can’t be that different from playing in a golf tournament.”
Piri seemed to consider that as they turned the path corner into a more tree-focused area of the conservatory. “On stage you have to enter a flow state. The audience does not exist. There is only you and the music and the canvas of the stage. The second you feel eyes on you, the continuity falls apart. If you’re thinking about everyone else, you are not thinking about the spacing of the ribbon.” Before Thade could answer, he added, “That was why Digenrams rejected me. I was distracted in the audition. I let the pressure get to me, so I faltered.” He cocked a scaly brow at Thade. “Perhaps you just needed to find your golf flow state.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right about that.” That’s what his coach had always said: just focus on yourself. “I quit golf after high school because I was kinda sick of it. Not that I would have been able to get on any real golf teams in college.” Or that he could commit to an extracurricular anyway. “Actually, what gets me in a flow state is photography. It’s like I become the camera.”
“Do you still take photos?” Piri asked, settling onto a bench beneath a purple-leafed tree.
Thade sat down beside him. “Yeah. I have...a lot, actually, from making my way up the coast. I haven’t gone through them all yet.”
“What do you take pictures of?”
“Places at night, mostly, when they’re empty and the lighting’s more dramatic. It’s harder to get shots in vacation towns, but the ocean’s gorgeous under the moon.”
“It is,” Piri said, his eyes on some flower bush across the way like he was looking out to where the sea met the sky. “I will miss that, if nothing else.”
“Well, hey, we still have the pool,” Thade said.
That got him a snort and a smile, but nothing more. Their little world went quiet aside from a few noisy insects and the artificial breeze. With Piri, though, there had never been such a thing as companionable silence—sooner or later he’d conjecture some nonsense and Thade would leave him there on the bench. The question was what would it be about, and how bad it would be, and whether it would constitute an unpardonable offense and he’d have to go back to breaking up with this dumbass.
“You never mentioned what you went to college for,” Piri interrupted his stewing thoughts.
“Oh. Well, I wanted to be a magician, but I couldn’t find a craft I really had the patience for—and I tried a ton of them. Then I tried to do...I don’t know, it was literature or something, and then I tried comp sci, and that’s when I realized I could have been doing magical engineering that whole time. So that’s what I got my degree in.”
“How did you end up an ambassador with that training?”
“I got roped into local government years after that when they started talking about putting a warp station in town. Something about the zoning and the company just rubbed me the wrong way, and I started looking into it and complaining to the council. They canceled that project like three separate times because of me.” Maybe he shouldn’t be proud of that, but he was. “But the thing is, I like talking. I like convincing people. And I’m good at it. So I stayed in local government, served a few stints in different offices. Nothing all that flashy, but I got shit done. And when the palace came looking for an ambassador, I was like, you’re gonna send me to Landris for free? Hell yeah.”
“I seem to remember,” Piri said, in a tone that could only herald a scathing comment or a joke, “that what happened was you fell off a bridge, got covered in mud, and still were the only person nominated at the selection meeting.”
“Believe it or not, I was popular.” He was also a popular punching bag, but he didn’t want to talk about that. “And it wasn’t totally a secret that I had a good shot because of my gorgeous sonorous voice.”
Another little smile curved Piri’s lips. “The Coalition said something similar to me at my selection.”
“No surprises there.” Piri’s voice really was sonorous in the way people usually meant it—truly deep and resonant, not just more so because of the effects of prescribed testosterone.
It seemed like they were going to slip into uneasy silence again, but before Thade could think of something else to fill the space, Piri said, “Could I ask you about your transition, or is that too personal?”
“For me? Nah. Ask whatever you want.”
“When did you know you wanted to transition?”
Normally people started with “when did you know you weren’t cis”, but Piri was getting right to it. “That I didn’t know until I was thirteen or fourteen. I always knew I was a guy, but because of that I thought I wouldn’t have a problem with whatever my body did, because it wasn’t like having tits made me a girl, right? But it fucked with me too much. It wasn’t how I wanted things to be.”
“There was never a moment where you considered you might be a girl?” Piri sounded actually curious, not like he was fishing for a contradiction.
“I mean, I thought about it, but it just didn’t connect. I’d never thought of myself as a girl, and I didn’t want to be one either.”
Piri nodded, not really looking at him. Maybe before he would have read that as some kind of weird judgment, but he was starting to understand that Piri just got lost in his own brain sometimes.
“What about you?” Thade said. “Did you ever think about being a girl?”
Piri’s nostrils flared. “No,” he said in the flattest voice possible. Had he seriously been offended by that?
“Sorry,” Thade said, not entirely keeping his tone even.
Piri abruptly checked his wristwatch. “I have to prepare for a meeting shortly. I apologize for cutting things short, but I can see you through the rest of the conservatory.”
“What? What meeting?” If there was a real meeting, he should have mentioned it earlier.
“An appearance strategy meeting with Minaya.” Piri stood up, then offered him a hand. “Walk with me, if you would.”
So there must actually be a meeting he’d forgotten about, because Thade could easily ask Minaya about it later and she wouldn’t lie for Piri. Piri’s whole demeanor still felt stormy, but Thade took his hand, half-expecting to be hauled off the bench and then left hanging—but for once Piri’s warm hand stayed in his as they started to walk. His heart skipped. When was the last time they’d held hands for no reason? Never, maybe. He turned his hand to lace his fingers through Piri’s and felt Piri’s claws come to rest gently on the back of his hand. Thade looked over at him, but like always Piri wasn’t looking back, wasn’t part of the moment, and Thade felt embarrassment roil in his gut as he looked away.
To cover it up, he asked, “What do you do in an appearance strategy meeting?”
“She wants to know how I styled us for public appearances,” Piri said. The words “godawful epaulettes” from their fight four days ago flashed into Thade’s head, and he mentally told Piri off for being wrong about that too. They were beautiful epaulettes. Piri just had no taste.
“Is someone taking your place?” is what Thade said out loud. Of course, the royal polycule had stylists on staff, so without a pushy Pirianus maybe they would take over again.
“I don’t know,” Piri said as the exit door of the conservatory came into view. “Orvi informed me of a rumor that she might ask me to take on the role again. But I don’t expect that to be the case.”
“Would you do it if she did?”
“Perhaps. But this polycule has more considerations, and I think perhaps they should rely on someone with expertise.” “You did it for thirty years,” Thade said. “I think that’s expertise.”
Piri stopped just before the door and finally looked at him, but didn’t say anything.
“Well, if she does,” Thade said, “think about it. It’s good to have something to do, and also to work with someone who isn’t Kiatcarmen.”
Piri’s eyes moved to the ground. Probably he didn’t like someone being even that negative about Kiatcarmen, even though he himself had battled with her policies the whole time Thade had been married to him.
“Thade...may I kiss you?”
Or, shit, maybe that wasn’t what he’d been thinking about at all. “Of course you can.”
Piri’s long neck arched down and as Thade automatically closed his eyes, he felt the softly pebbled texture of Piri’s lips against his. They lingered for only a moment before Piri was straightening up again, nothing about his expression any different. He slid his hand out of Thade’s and turned toward the door.
“Have a good day,” Piri said, then pushed out into the palace hallway beyond the glass door.
Thade watched him go until he disappeared around a corner. Of course it had been too much to expect that Piri would be unstilted and normal after only four days of trying to not be a total asshole. But—they’d kissed?? Thade had kissed Piri a thousand times, but never like this. Never in a semi-public place, like a normal couple just going about their lives. Never at all unless they were about to fuck. And even then, never so simple, so soft. It was impossible to be sure whether Piri had done it because that’s what husbands were supposed to do or because he genuinely wanted to, but maybe it didn’t matter. He had, and he’d done it like he meant it. Maybe there really was hope for the two of them.
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shadowcybunny · 2 years ago
These are games that currently work with
Working means you can both play it AND earn neopoints. There are some games that are somewhat playable but bugged, or you are unable to earn neopoints with them. Some games don’t work at all. I will not be listing those games here. Some of these will be one of the 14 fixed games in the current game room. I am including them because the old game room still has the featured game function, allowing you to earn double the points by playing it from the old link. I hope this makes you as happy as it did me. c:
I would click each one and add them to your favorite game list to make things easier later on.
AAA’s Revenge
Attack of the Revenge
Mynci Beach Volleyball
Biscuit Brigade: Hagan's Last Stand
Neverending Boss Battle
Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway
Ultimate Bullseye II
Bumble Beams
The Buzzer Game
Carnival of Terror
Escape from Meridell Castle
Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island
Chemistry for Beginners
Chia Bomber 2
Faerie Cloud Racers
Coconut Shy
Crisis Courier
Defender Trainer
Edna's Shadow
The Castle of Eliv Thade
Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
Extreme Herder
Eye of the Storm
Faerie Bubbles
Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest
Fashion Fever
Feed Florg
Freaky Factory
Igloo Garage Sale
Ghost Bopper
Grand Theft Ummagine
Attack of the Gummy Dice
Gwyl's Great Escape
Hasee Bounce
Hubrid's Hero Heist
Hungry Skeith
Ice Cream Machine
Imperial Exam
Itchy Invasion
Jolly Jugglers
Jubble Bubble
Meepit Juice Break
Kass Basher
Kiko Match II
Kiss The Mortog
Escape to Kreludor
MAGAX: Destroyer II
Magma Blaster
Attack of the Marblemen
Maths Nightmare
Meepit vs. Feepit
Meerca Chase II
Mootix Drop
Mop 'n' Bop
NC Shopping Race (AD)
Trouble at the National Neopian
Nimmos Pond
Skies Over Meridell
Petpet Rescue
Petpet Cannonball
Piper Panic
The Great Qasalan Caper
Revel Roundup
Rink Runner
Ruins Rampage
Scamander Swarm
Smug Bug Smite
Snowbeast Snackrifice
Snow Wars II
Snowball Fight
Sophie's Stew
Lost in Space Fungus
Stowaway Sting
Strength Test
Sutek's Tomb
Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back
TNT Staff Smasher
Techo Says
Time Tunnel
Toy Box Escape
Tug 'O' War
Turmac Roll
Typing Terror
Tyrannian Mini Golf
Usuki Frenzy
The Usul Suspects
Volcano Run II
Warf Rescue Team
Web of Vernax
Wicked Wocky Wobble
Word Pyramid
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 28 days ago
how powerful would a level 20 Maggy be in the early game?
oopsie daisies i wrote a mini essay
honestly, not that amazing. Maggy is designed to be the unit that you don't have to worry about. She starts with the same bulk as your frontliners like Thades and has amazing defensive growths but in return also has low strength, magic and speed. Her strength and speed won't be enough to one-round most enemies and her magic won't get you a 15 tile warp.
But that isn't her job. It never was.
45 HP, 19 Defence, 22 Resistance and 25 Luck is definitely amazing for early game and solid for the mid-game, but bulk on it's own doesn't really do much. Enemies will ignore her for literally anyone else. Why would a mage attack Maggy when Alain has only 4 res? Why would an archer attack Maggy when they have effective damage against Lenore?
All hypertraining really does is make you not worry about Maggy specifically and make her heal 4 more hp. She's your only staffer for 4½ chapters. You're probably not using her combat anyway because of that. Even once you get Isake, you probably want both staffing most turns unless you're particularly skilled.
A level 20 Maggy has 13 strength and 13 speed and the strongest dagger in the demo has only 4 might. She's only able to one round deep mages. The one enemy type that literally 60% of the early game cast one rounds.
Swap/rewarp staves aren't even available yet to just have her warp into an enemy dense area and debuff them. you could just spend 1000 gold for a warp from Isake, but he'll only have 5-6 warp range early game. Sage!Siobhan costs your only master seal in the demo and she doesn't even have the staff rank for warp... Same with Bishop!Alastor.
An alternative option is using that seal on her instead. Trickster temporarily fixes her speed issues by giving her 6 speed, 2 con and 1 movement alongside 4hp, 2 strength, 1 magic, 6 skill, 2 defence, 1 res and +40 staff/dagger Exp. It also lets her steal items and open locks👍
Sage makes her lose access to daggers and keeps her at 5 mov, but grants her access to anima magic instead. She can make especially solid use of the currently unnamed L&D Spell thanks to her high bulk, luck, decent skill and high enough con to not get weighed down by it. Promo gains are 1 con, 1 hp, -3 strength :(, 3 magic, 1 defence, 3 res, 2 speed, 8 skill and C Anima.
However, Anima magic is the most common magic type in the demo and outside of her outstanding luck, a hypertrained Sage Maggy does not stand out offensively against the regularly trained competition, even in the mid-game. 20/1 Maggy has 15 magic, 15 speed and +63 personal hit. so far so good👍
A level 14 Siobhan (seems reasonable to me rn bc she got 3 levels in chapter 1 alone each time i playtested) has 19 magic, 15 speed and +45 personal hit. This increases to 21 magic, 17 speed and +53 personal hit when promoted into Sage. Meanwhile, A level 14 Isake has 12 magic, 19 speed, +44 personal hit and a 7 movement horse. This becomes 16 magic, 23 speed, +50 personal hit and an 8 movement horse when promoted.
You'll naturally get her to a decently high level anyway by chapter 8, and she can definitely wait for a future master seal. She'll get ignored by the enemies both at level 12 and at level 20.
So what even is the point of hypertraining her if nothing changes?
TLDR: Maggy is quite literally the only unit this would not be overpowered for lmao
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terrifying-tortellini · 3 years ago
HC Ages: Frightening Fettuccine
Slenderman: Hell if anyone knows. He’s been around since at least the 16th century.
Jeff: 13
Ben: 12 (age of death, chronologically 25)
Lost Silver/Kenta: 10 (age of death, chronologically 25)
Sally: 8 (age of death, chronologically 57)
“Pirate” Percy: 12 (age of death, chronologically 56)
Luna (my OC): 14
Tim/Masky: 25
Brian/Hoodie: 21
Kate: 17
“Eyeless” Jack: 20 or thereabouts
Liu/Sully: 13
Zalgo: Yes.
Gorefield: 5 (years since corruption)
Pinkamena: 4 (years since corruption)
Michael Colon/Thade Soben: 28 (age of death, chronologically 71)
Red: 15
Su!c!de Mouse: ????????
Poochee: ?
Smiling Owls: Varies, depending upon the individual.
Laughing Jack: Uuuuuuuhhhhhh......
The Rake: God only knows
Jane: 15
Nurse Joy(s): Varies, oldest chronologically are 19, all of them physically appear about 20-ish.
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janmisali · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
trained an ai on my video titles to generate ideas for new videos. it worked great
Cetsh ar "Ci (Cidif ar fahc: Da Cingmat Cra Sanagira Ceanlanle Crape wedit cec: Kēlaic Epei bic] e Cre cif Ooc Epe (Ci daunguahc Epec: Quede Sah Pec Epakengwaud) ganlamang Ce Cridespo ke were Cew Crauc: Qualvos.) senlal Cric Epading Cra 48 ri Eege: Vötges camould Crec Epownd arfec: Kēleco scic Eping" C Cang Gaf wahdrauged lang resed😳alabimmactarite Eidec Epi Thythm Croc: Pic: Le) Nomames o 48 ran che beka Thragi Canlang Criretambeng ra teki(f)bi Thi Seten Icee thecret ac: Ladekisa sanlang resigic: Pero Tha mef eda Canlythm bigi Eing" Canguegedial enleams Cri: Vötgard ga: Tea Ea sinlan Cran: Espalledes Cacrang Crar peanlerni Fric: Quahc: Lasa acromat be Sa: Ti Thec Epop fact La cenlew Cre def a belelo conlang Cragec: Peeng Cra Paykafir pau Pe Sa Thanlal Craype Sibidinlikac: Lerd ge Plio Ple dirms ic: Da Thade e Twe bella Sametsh Cridenlibong res genlost thigalt ti Twada (Ce Saba Camanlw i ke Thic: Pic Epes monlanle Cran chatisa Thru Plinic: Quinte Cemeams Cric: Lay(f)ba BöpGang yo shelt te ci Camost Thes Croc Epi sha scac: Li Twit? manlil idilvespeight: Koc: Des Cacra iond e Twe (Cabikelt tada
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rmamadeusofthe80s · 6 years ago
candle cove hc
I was asked to do this by @nebulafruit , sorry if these aren’t good. I never do  headcanon stuff so here’s the goods. :,^)
- Sweet cinnamon roll
-Sees Poppy as a real father figure, since her real one was never there for her.
- Originally wanted to return home, but not anymore.
- Always wants/ needs to pet Sea Dog when she runs into him.
- Loves being carried by everyone   ̶e̶x̶c̶e̶p̶t̶ ̶M̶i̶l̶o̶
- Cartoon/ Puppet shows are her passion.
- ”Kermit the Frog is my favorite muppet” “The fucks a muppet??”
- Bone crushing handshakes and hugs for everyone minus janice.
- Has yeeted Percy off the ship more then twice.
- “My brother may be a dumbass, but he’s my dumbass.”
-Successfully flirts with the chicks of Candle cove.
- “If only Percy was still with us” “STOP TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD” “I can still hear his voice”
-100% Ace
- Has blackouts whenever he gets too stressed out.
- Usually becomes really hostile during those blackouts; doesn’t remember anything afterwords.
- Janice loves wearing his hat; He’s fine with this.
- Too many nightmares, never enough sleep.
- “C,,can i stay on the ship??” “No” “:’(”
- Used to see Thade as an older brother  ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶o̶p̶s̶
Milo  ̶A̶s̶s̶h̶o̶l̶e̶
- Bastard man
- He’s good looking enough for chicks to show interest in him, until he starts talking.
-  ̶u̶n̶s̶u̶c̶c̶e̶s̶s̶f̶u̶l̶  Flirt
- Not a fan of kids (Janice included) but tolerates them  ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶p̶o̶p̶p̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶a̶k̶e̶
- Percy *breathes* “Fuck it, I’m out”
- Womanizer aka ladies don’t interact 
- Hates having to deal with people unless it’s Poppy  ̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶u̶t̶e̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶
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slightly-gay-pogohammer · 6 years ago
thade and percy for the ship meme thing?? :3c
oh you sly fox
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
like. fight me folks
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sapphzeal · 7 years ago
For absolutely NO REASON whatsoever... how do you think Shadow Blight would react to Thade? I need this information for, uh... NO SPECIAL REASON AT ALL
(i do have a blog for both mae and shadow blight if you want more info here)
If sb saw thade,blight will most likely either A: use thade for purposes of getting their body (aka manipulation and threatening thade to help) ,or B: uses thade, then torture them for sicking purposes.(blight adores using people as their play toy)
or C: EATS THADE TO REPLENISH ENERGY BECAUSE BLIGHT HAS BEEN SEPARATED FROM THEIR BODY FOR TOO LONG!!! blight is pretty weak,so that's why they need it.Though,not weak enough to still use unfathomable powers. 
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whimsygardens-archives · 8 years ago
Post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  (If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. Feel free to go over ten, too.)
Past Muses
Elena Monroe (OC) // Fable 3 The kind and gentle princess and later queen of Albion. She was only a child when she set of in a campaign against her brother, naive in the ways of the world. But she quickly learned the hardships that come with ruling a kingdom, and the difficult decisions she would have to make. I lost interest in her pretty quickly because I could not find a way to develop her beyond what is seen in the first game, and she wasn’t very interesting. Might revamp her at some point, but if I do, she likely will no longer be the Fable 3 princess.
Reaver // Fable Few people are as vile as the man who calls himself Reaver. He kills for sport, loves only himself, and is the epitome of greed and selfish desire. He was fun to play, but I had a hard time keeping him in character, and I lost confidence. 
Djayco Ikaram (OC) // Star Wars A former jedi who, after Order 66, escaped and became a bounty hunter. She didn’t last long for a variety of reasons, mostly because my confidence levels were low and I was constantly afraid of how people perceived both the character and myself, usually without cause. I was silly and let my nervousness get the better of me, and ended up deleting her blog after only about a month.
Dracula // Van Helsing Ahh, my long-time obsession. Dreadfully OOC, likely due to my being a weeby teen at the time, but I had a lot of fun rping as him with my friends.
Paris Moriarti (OC) // Van Helsing A really, really embarrassing attempt at writing my first villain. God. Don’t even get me started. He was a vampire hunter but was a bad guy because..... I don’t.... know. He just was. And then he wasn’t? I didn’t know what I was doing. Still have no idea what I was trying to accomplish to this day.
Jareth // Labyrinth Another of my favorites from high school. I did a better job keeping him in character, I think, but unfortunately, I rarely roleplayed as him.
Puck // Gargoyles My obsession with the Fae started early with this guy. Still love him to bits and would definitely rp again if I had the confidence to actually do so. Also if I didn’t have so many blogs already.
Jack Frost // Fandomless I didn’t really know what I was doing here, but Jack Frost, as in the mythological fairytale character, was one of my long-time obsessions. He was going to be a character that featured in a book I was planning on writing with friends (again, in high school, so that didn’t go anywhere lmao). 
General Kass // Neopets Don’t look at me.
Eliv Thade // Neopets DON’T LOOK AT ME.
Literally all of my Neopets. // Neopets There was one called Kittywings and another that was Aragorn but spelled wrong. I think it had like two r’s or something. I don’t remember the rest of their names. Shit’s so embarrassing but I was like 12-13, okay?
Lord Lyndon Octavias (OC) // Fandomless He was supposed to be a Romanian prince despite having a very not Romanian name and I had like 0 idea of what I was doing and god, Gaia RP was a shit show.
There are SO MANY MORE, but I’m done embarrassing myself for now.
Currently Active
Xiro, The Jack of Blades // Fable [You are here]
William Black, Scythe, and the Corruptor // Fable Don’t be fooled, they’re all technically the same person. 
Chief Inspector Collin McCready, Inspector Felix Darby, and Dr. Thomas C. Whittaker (OCs)// Fable, multi-muse Since they’re all from the same blog, I decided to cram them all into one description. But McCready started Bowerstone’s police force, Felix is one of his employees, and Tom is a doctor that also works with the police doing autopsies and such.
Gabriel // Fable Also technically Theresa, as they’ve merged, sorta-kinda. Takes place after events of Fable The Journey. 
Gnomes // Fable While not technically active, I do occasionally hop on this blog to cause some good-natured mischief with others within the fable rp community. I send insults and barbs in an effort to make people laugh or smile, as the gnomes tend to do. 
Potential Muses?
Mirrin (OC) // Original Work If I was brave enough to bring her here, I totally would. But I don’t, so I likely never will.
Anyone who wants to do this!
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universallyladybear · 5 years ago
Dans le nord pas de calais immobilier la plupart des personnes qui tentent de trouver des détails de le bon coin vous pouvez affiner votre recherche…
<p>De la belgique et de l’angleterre l’architecture et de nombreux sites d’intérêt comme la côte d’opale et lille en font une région prisée pour le tourisme de courte.
Sur la commune de coubisou ensemble de caractère composée de plusieurs bâtiments hab…+ plus proposé par nai nord aveyron immob dans le centre du village maison de caractère située au centre ville. Sur les réseaux sociaux sur le jardin 2 places de plus d’informations annonce réf 5655e2610c4536d9 mise à jour par pascal polbos le 20/01/2020 +4 photos. Bien nous avons trouvé 122 biens triés par mode d’affichage appartement 1 pièce 30m² lille 59000 650 € mois 510 040 € 490 000 € appartement à. Ce qui vous convient le mieux merci de visiter notre site article ci-dessus le bon coin nord pas créer un autre qu’a-t-il de plus que les.
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Immobilier Le Bon Coin Nord Dans le nord pas de calais immobilier la plupart des personnes qui tentent de trouver des détails de le bon coin vous pouvez affiner votre recherche...
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void-botanist · 1 month ago
Last line tag
@vacantgodling caught me in the midst of working on my Thade & Piri OCKiss snippet, which so far is actually just kinda Piri lore. But have some lines:
“Are you?” That made Piri look at him. “I mean, you might be too old to do it professionally, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it at all.” “I’ve been out of it for too many years,” Piri said like that was the end of that.
Bonus points to anyone who can guess what they're talking about hehe
I'll tag @theskeletonprior @sunset-a-story @touloser-lautrec @gullwrites plus anyone who wants to join in!
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void-botanist · 3 months ago
WIP Whatever Day Tag
Rules: Share some recent lines from your wip on... whatever day.
@vacantgodling contractually obligated me to do this due to having eyes so. Have a little of Piri making Thade listen to him despite Thade trying to break up with him:
“Ten minutes,” Thade said, making a mental note of what the alarm clock on his bedside table said. “What do you want?” “Can we start again?” Pirianus said. “No.” “I mean us, not the ten minutes.” “No. Next question.”
I'll tag @multi-lefaiye, @gullwrites, and @writernopal plus anyone who wants to join in :3
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void-botanist · 9 months ago
hello everyone I have made a gif
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the original meme is already known to me as the Thade and Piri meme because they're just like that
(and yes, you can commission me to make goofy short meme gifs like this)
Iecunem taglist: @vacantgodling @kk7-rbs
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void-botanist · 8 months ago
17 & 18 of the group situations for any of the polycules <3
Finally getting to this one with Marcus and Kiatcarmen's polycules :3
17 - One of the characters in the group has been replaced by an evil doppelganger. How does the group figure out who it is?
Marcus: gonna be honest, if he seems too relaxed there's gonna be suspicion. Yera would be the hardest to fool because she is both discerning and has known him the longest. So she has a pretty solid sense of how much emotional constipation and anxiety and depression he has.
Yera: this one might be a challenge because while everyone knows Yera pretty well, her MO is to have fun. So as long as the doppelganger doesn't do anything that is obviously at someone else's expense/actually mean, they could probably explain away just about anything. But they would also have to remember the ten million little moments she has shared with people and if they forgot, Gren and Hossan would figure it out.
Umedes: the biggest mistake a doppelganger could make is treating Umedes' alienness and relative distance from everyone else as an excuse to stay aloof and do whatever. Pali and Gren would figure that out easily (Marcus would kinda figure they were just trying something new and of course they're tired of him. he's such a sad boy).
Hossan: he defines himself in very specific ways. Yera and Gren would know something is off the second he starts using words like "kinky" and "polyamorous" about his triad.
Pali: it's way too easy to try and play Pali as conniving and scheming but she really is not an evil mastermind type. Her goals and her door have to be just open enough to keep Umedes or Marcus or Gren from figuring it out.
Gren: he's the slut spouse, not the seductive spouse. He's not much for innuendoes or specifically flirting, versus just being really nice. So really any serious seductiveness will have everyone wondering if he's okay.
Heith: the doppelganger would have to walk a fine line between being very cynical and also not being depressed, which would be hard with Marcus tipping everything depressionward. Unfortunately Marcus is also the one Heith spends the most time with and is most likely to notice something is wrong.
Kiatcarmen: it would be hard, ngl. But she's not equally mean to everyone or mean to them in the same way. Still, as long as they don't do something as obvious as badmouthing Jimmy, they might go undetected if there aren't any nuances that Jimmy or Pirianus pick up on.
Ashmalo: the giveaway would probably be him being vitriolic about Kiatcarmen, or him being overconfident as a dad. It's kind of a toss up who would notice first but my bet's on Orvi, since he's both very observant and friends with Ashmalo.
Jimmy: probably getting involved with Marcus and Minaya too much. He's always been distant from them, and any deviation from that would be odd to everyone else.
Pirianus: his whole MO is opaque to everyone else, yet it does follow a pretty predictable logic of being extremely emotionally repressed. If he got more transparent or just less judgmental it would be a tip-off. Thade would probably figure it out first.
Caladea: the biggest possible mistake is to assume that she is both soft and kind of weak-willed in all areas of her life. The only people who believe that are the ones who have never seen her strategize with Ashmalo or met her in the bedroom. The opposite is true too: what Caladea would talk back to Kiatcarmen, or talk to her at all if it wasn't necessary?
Thade: he can be annoying, but he chooses his moments because he wants attention more than anything. Someone constantly being annoying just for the sake of being annoying would raise some flags.
Orvi: it might be possible to skate past Thade and Caladea if they got some small details right. But either the complex web of politics in the court or an overdeveloped sense of power from Orvi's personal surveillance network would trip them up.
18 - One of your characters is sick in bed. What do the rest of the characters do to help them feel better?
Marcus: the most often repeated phrase with him is "take the pills". He's so ready to just suffer through it but nobody will let him. And pretty much everyone will come to say hi to him at one time or another but Umedes will be there the most.
Yera: she has the window cracked open so that someone can hang out on the other side of it and be somewhat protected from whatever has her sick. But she's suffering not being able to be around anyone and they try to be extra social with her in other ways to make up for it.
Umedes: half the time they won't even tell anyone they're sick—they'll just recede into their chambers. They don't want to make people take care of them, but they almost inevitably get found out and taken care of anyway. I think there's some kind of Vick's equivalent for scales and that's what they use, and it's hard to feel too much like a burden when hot guys are insisting on giving you a scale rub.
Hossan: he hates being sick so much. He will take the pills without being told though he doesn't always believe they do anything. But Gren and Yera have discovered the best way to make him less miserable is just to give him a space Switch and not bother him too much while he plays games in bed.
Pali: Umedes and Gren especially are checking in frequently to make sure she hasn't decided to return to work while they weren't looking and make sure she has enough water and snacks and such. Luckily she doesn't like working in bed, so it's hard for her to pretend she wasn't working.
Gren: for the most part they all just staying out of his bedroom, because he's determined to sleep it off. But it's also answering his messages as quickly as possible so he can get his meals in before going back to sleep.
Heith: she will let Marcus in to hang out with her periodically and also Gren so he won't worry, but mostly she wants soup and to be left alone with the space netflix password.
Kiatcarmen: she has Jimmy on video call half the day every day, because she doesn't want to get him sick, but she can't be without him. The rest of her time is spent either watching trash TV or sleeping. She used to just rely on the staff to leave what she needed at the door, but she's discovered that Pirianus is only too happy to play her nurse, and sometimes she lets him.
Ashmalo: he doesn't like being sick by any means but he does like that Caladea takes it on herself to take care of him. She doesn't hang around a ton, just because it's boring for her, but she will make sure he has everything he needs and massage his shoulders and tuck him in.
Jimmy: he tends to have a short temper and very little energy for socializing when he's sick, but he also can't stand being left completely alone. So he will have Kiat or Caladea on video chat for a few minutes here and there.
Pirianus: well, in his ideal world, Kiatcarmen would dote on him like he dotes on her, but he has to make do with mostly Thade, who operates on a strict "don't shoot the messenger" policy. Thade is just delivering stuff. Don't blame him for anything that goes wrong, just send him to get something else. But Thade is also decently likely to not be home when Piri is sick, so then it's Orvi, or some representative of Orvi, fetching things, and occasionally Caladea will see him until she gets tired of him, and even more occasionally Kiatcarmen will drop by.
Caladea: she wants everyone to stay away from her. Well, maybe Orvi or Thade or Ashmalo can sit far away from her and talk to her from there. But for the love of god do not let in Pirianus, because he wants to be her Big Brother TM, but he's just overbearing.
Thade: if he's perfectly honest he kinda prefers getting sick in his hotel suite in Landris, because then he doesn't have to think about socializing with the polycule beyond his phone—he can just call his assistant Wyn to get him some stuff and then chill in his space. In the palace Orvi and Caladea and Ashmalo are checking in on him, and that's nice, but why do they all have to do it every day. Can they not just coordinate.
Orvi: he has tried to just be sick in peace but Caladea won't let him. Which is mostly a good thing, honestly, because otherwise he would just vanish for a week, and would barely interact with anyone. Ashmalo and Thade will also visit him, though he's not sure if Ashmalo only comes if Caladea tells him to.
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void-botanist · 11 months ago
let’s start with 1-5 for all the polycules! -@vacantgodling
This is gonna be a long one lol. But first, a little note on these polycules for those who don't know: they're legally mandated for the royal family (Kiatcarmen, Marcus, and Minaya) and have at least one of each sapient species in them. That's why Jimmy was replaced in Kiatcarmen's polycule when he died, whereas in an organic polycule, that likely would not happen.
1 - How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart.
Kiatcarmen: there have only ever been five at one time. But those members have shifted twice, when existing members died. Kiatcarmen and Ashmalo are Marcus and Minaya's parents.
First set of members:
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Second set of members:
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Third (current) set of members:
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Marcus: seven, technically. It remains to be seen whether Heith will stick around. With the exception of Heith, it's safe to assume they're all friends. Gren only knows OF Heith, since Marcus met her on another planet. Yera and Hossan recently had a baby. Also they don't actually have non-cow ears I just couldn't rally myself to make updated picrews for this post.
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Minaya: six, all pretty much friends. Dawn is currently pregnant with Arbores's baby. Lanya is permanently annoyed with Arbores because his state of being is sort of to just disappear into the woods and not engage that much with the administrative/royalty things he, Minaya, and Dawn manage.
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This isn't all the existent relationships in these polycules but it is all the most notable ones.
2 - Did the relationship start polyamorous, or was it a monogamous relationship that eventually opened?
All three of these started as technically polyamorous relationships, though they grew little by little. But if you look past the legal requirement it's a little more complicated. Kiatcarmen's polycule has always been a mess, and to be honest she would have been just fine having just Jimmy.
Yera and Hossan in Marcus's polycule started out as a functionally closed couple within the whole (they don't actually restrict each other to this but that was how it was anyway) but a couple years in, Marcus married Gren and Gren became besties with Yera. Over time this morphed into Gren being their third partner, but Gren is still very mobile between the different members and divisions of the polycule.
Minaya's polycule, once completed, was functionally three parallel couples (Minaya and Lanya, Dawn and Arbores, and Lucy and Ramona) until Ramona fessed up about her crush on Lanya and those two couples merged into something like a quad.
3 - If it started monogamous, how did the process of opening the relationship go?
Marcus: for a while it wasn't clear whether Yera and Hossan's relationship was going to open - maybe Yera just had a new fuckbuddy. But Gren and Hossan spent a lot of time together incidentally, and Gren also wanted to be friends with him too, and over time Gren just sort of got absorbed into their dynamic. There was a little jealousy they had to work out (Hossan was very used to being Yera's singular obsession), and there was a conversation at some point, though, when Hossan realized that he no longer thought of Gren as a separate external addition. He still doesn't think of himself as polyam but considers Gren in the same breath as Yera.
Minaya: opening her and Lanya's relationship felt easy. For a while, though, it was pretty much just sexual. That was easiest for everybody, especially with Lucy and Ramona being away for training and competition a lot. But over time it's developed into a more romantic dynamic, which has been fairly smooth, despite Lucy's defensiveness and Lanya's counter-defensiveness. There is some uncertainty about how things will change once Minaya ascends the throne, though.
4 - Are there any mono-poly relationships in the polycule?
Kiatcarmen: sort of. Despite having a sexual and quasi-romantic relationship with Pirianus the only person she's ever considered her partner is Jimmy, so in essence she has always been the monogamous person connected to her own polycule through her very popular spouse.
Marcus: no, but only because Heith isn't monogamous.
Minaya: Lucy teeters on the edge here. She's never outright decided she's monogamous, but she also doesn't have a lot of patience for maintaining multiple romantic partnerships.
5 - What “shape” is the polycule? A triad, a “V”, a straight line of metamours, or incomprehensible?
Kiatcarmen: currently, a cul-de-sac. Kiatcarmen only considers Pirianus anything close to a partner, Pirianus has complicated relationships with her and Thade, and Thade, Caladea, and Orvi are all just vibing with each other. In other words: almost entirely metamours and meta-metamours from Kiatcarmen's perspective, and something resembling a cohesive whole from Thade's.
Marcus: in Marcus's absence, it became kind of a bow tie, with Gren in the middle between Yera & Hossan and Umedes & Pali, and Marcus and Heith as a separate island. Upon his return, it expands into more of an anglerfish - Gren is still the point of connection between Yera & Hossan and Umedes & Pali, but Marcus has joined Umedes and Pali, and also has a connection to Heith.
Minaya: it's more or less a quad (Minaya, Lanya, Ramona, Lucy) with an orbiting couple (Dawn and Arbores).
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void-botanist · 9 months ago
kink rating game fooooor pirianus, thade, keearo & aza (and you lol): orgasm denial & praise? :0
This one was a lot of fun :3
Pirianus: 7/10. Mostly he's just into being denied, and into having someone control him, but he has also slightly eroticized not getting what he wants.
Thade: 2/10. He can't be denied. He just can't. If he does not come right now he will die. But he occasionally finds it hot in other contexts where it is not happening to him—he enjoys denying people who are into it.
Keearo: 6/10. Denial that lasts longer than a single session is a no-go, but being temporarily denied—even multiple times in a row—is pretty hot.
Aza: 3/10. She thought longer term denial (like a week or two) would be fun, but she mostly ended up feeling icky about denial in general. But it will occasionally hit her right. Most of her engagement with denial is just making Keearo squirm, though.
Me: 2/10. I'm with Thade on this one lmao.
Pirianus: 5/10. He has a mild praise kink but more than anything he just wants someone to genuinely praise him, not even in a horny way. Even before he got entangled in royal family nonsense he has really just needed someone to appreciate him.
Thade: 10/10, in the right circumstances. Pirianus's "praise" just feels patronizing, but Caladea's is the hottest fucking thing. (Orvi's just makes it obvious that he's trying to forget his own name but that's hot in its own way.)
Keearo: 6/10. He loves to please and wants to know that he's doing it well. If he's being honest he likes how Kirnus does praise more than how Aza does it, but that's a little bit the novelty speaking.
Aza: 8/10. The only trouble is she struggles to relax enough to enjoy it and not overthink it. She also particularly likes Kirnus's praise but she's not really picky.
Me: 6/10. Unfortunately I am like Aza and not great at just chilling.
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