#c: Hestia Jones
alastormagnusmoody · 11 days
Where: Ministry of Magic, Auror Department Who: @fcrox
The door to the bullpen opened to admit the battle-damaged wizard, who limped into the room, a heavy traveling cloak over his usual suit. Alastor Moody had previously been noticeably meticulous about his appearance, choosing to combat the rumors about his sanity with appearing wellkept. Face shaved, hair cut and combed, suit pressed-- these were often easily identifiable attributes of the seasoned Auror.
The man who was entering the workplace, his weird, lurching walk enough to draw attention by itself, had several days worth of stubble growing on his face. His hair, while combed, was growing longer that anyone had seen it in years, and his suit wasn't ironed. He stumped his way over to his desk, dropping the cloak over the back of his chair and immediately turning to his coworker.
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"What have I missed?" Moody growled, picking up the large stack of memos that had been delivered to his desk in his absence and quickly sorting them into to piles: important, and not worth his time. "Any suspects in the ambush?"
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edgarebones · 4 months
where: ministry gala who: @fcrox (hestia)
Edgar was sat, reading over a parchment when he caught sight of Hestia coming into the atrium. He was curious if she was going to attend, considering they both worked for the ministry, and with the rumours between their families.
He excused himself, placing the parchment down on the seat and made his way over to her. "Hestia," a grin on his features. "You look beautiful tonight." His parents did instil manners in him, and the last thing he needed was his mother cursing him later if he was not a gentleman.
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sturgispodtudo · 1 year
Quem: @hesti4jones
Local: Biblioteca de Hogwarts:
Quando: À tarde
Sturgis Podmore sabia muito bem que ele estava longe de ser o aluno mais aplicado, esforçado ou brilhante da Corvinal, tanto é que por alguns meses durante seu primeiro ano em Hogwarts o bruxo questionou se o Chapéu Seletor tinha feito a escolha correta em relação à sua casa, porém quando soube que Hestia Jones estava precisando de ajuda nos estudos o rapaz não pensou duas vezes antes de se oferecer para ajudá-la. Sinceramente, Stu não achava que ele era a melhor opção para ajudar a colega com os estudos, com certeza tinham pessoas melhores para esse papel, mas o seu grande coração e a necessidade de ajudar seus amigos acabou falando mais alto do que qualquer outra coisa. Dessa forma, naquela tarde, o rapaz tinha combinado de se encontrar com Hestia para poder estudar. “Boa tarde, Jones”, cumprimentou a bruxa ao encontrá-la em uma das mesas da biblioteca, com livros e pergaminhos espalhados pela superfície de madeira.  “Por onde você quer começar? Transfiguração? DCAT? História da Magia? Essa é a primeira vez que eu faço isso e, para ser sincero estou um pouco nervoso, mas prometo fazer o possível para te ajudar”. 
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fractured-hq · 1 year
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Birthday: 1953-1957
Blood Status: Up to player
Gender & Pronouns: Up to player
Occupation: Up to player
Sided with: Up to player
Faceclaim: Up to player
School: Up to player
House: Up to player.
Extra curricular: Up to player.
Quidditch: Add position and years.
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Things to consider:
None at the moment.
HESTIA is currently OPEN and played by PLAYER.
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vexdrolo · 5 years
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HESTIA NOOR JONES  —  23 . mediwitch. ootp. 
a gentle revolution ; big plans and practical schemes ; feather falling ; crescent moon nail marks ; lover & fighter ; leather on cotton on lace ; idealistic melancholy ; charm for all occasions ; tenacity & gritted teeth ; burning the midnight oil ; intolerable tenderness.
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bluneighborhoods · 6 years
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“ two feet standing on a principle, two hands longing for each others warmth. cold smoke seeping out of colder throats, darkness falling, leaves nowhere to go. ”
full name: hestia marceline jones nicknames: hes, jones birthdate/age: june 17th, 1955 (25 years old) gender & sexuality: cis female / heterosexual nationality: welsh schooling: hogwarts, ravenclaw, class of ‘72 wand: 11 ¾″, larch, unicorn hair, hard boggart: falling from heights patronus: white swan amortentia: rosewater, fresh air, clean linens, and leather bound books physical description: tall, porcelain skin, long dark hair, green eyes. most comfortably found in knit sweaters, skirts w/ tights, wool socks, and giant scarves. her style is typically described as classic, feminine, and sophisciated. some would argue a serious resting bitch face. strengths: gentle, responsible, tactful, charming, poised, diplomatic, objective, rational, clever, sympathetic, tough, skilled flyer weaknesses: self pitying, fearful, unreliable, indecisive, detatched, superficial, moody, guarded, impatient likes: flying (former seeker that quit the team after a nasty fall in sixth year), reading, writing, art, nonverbal communication, heated debates, baking sweets, puppy cuddles, new parchment, fancy quills, a warm fire, early mornings, breakfast, rain storms, ivory lace, neck kisses, orange juice, earl grey tea, wool knee socks, and a crisp breeze. dislikes:  flying, ignorant people, opening up, violence, choosing a side (particularly without knowing all the facts), crowds, tardiness, procrastination, gossiping, sand, messy workspaces, plums, laziness, and acting with your emotions. zodiac: gemini mbti: infj moral alignment: neutral good character parallels: camilla macaulay (the secret history), monica geller (friends), noah czerny (raven cycle), belle (beauty and the beast), sloane peterson (ferris bueller), bess marvin (nancy drew)
player discord or contact: gwen#1847 @ discord
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★ (Snape, Hestia)
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me/ You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me/ You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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eggplantplots · 7 years
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“if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all“
Hestia Jones and Ocean Zummach: aestehtics
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wrongdeor · 2 years
june 12th, 1984. the flaming dragon.
Severus didn’t initially plan on coming here at all — it’s a party, and the only way to get Severus to go to one was through the promise of information, opportunity, or a thoroughly studied campaign of coercion by the Malfoys. But he was here now, tucked into his usual table with a tall glass of butterbeer, eyes tracking the movements in the crowd with some interest. It was rare that a large number of the Order was in one place at once, and watching them move and blend together was it's own well of information.
Selwyn flitted through the room, wide smile, drinks sloshing about, but her eyes stayed alert. Jones was at the bar, taking shots with Potter. Lupin slipped through the crowd moments ago, still sour as a grape, and Severus had lost track of him. Severus leaned to the right. ‘ Nine sickles say Lupin’ll punch someone by the end of the night. ’
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crystallineeyesrp · 3 years
English Countryside outside an Estate ft Fiona Greyback
“I  may  work  only  for  myself,  but  I  still  work.  So  you  better  just  move  before  I  decide  you’d  be  better  off  as  my  portkey.” @rvmovrs​
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hextias · 3 years
location: Carkitt Market, Diagon Alley   with: @amostheamazing​​
Arms folded, Hestia looked out onto the sea of people crowded in the market as Charity Burbage took the podium. She spoke with such conviction it was hard not to be moved bye what she was saying. Hestia might not have been in The Sacred Twenty Eight directly, but she was a Jones and by being a Jones and her mother being an Avery, Hestia hadn’t ever really known struggle in the wizarding world the same way many people at this rally had. Doors opened for Hestia and whilst she’d fought hard to prove she deserved her job at the Ministry, she felt for people like Remus Lupin who had repeatedly had doors closed in their face because of something beyond his control. If she hadn’t been working and strictly warned by Alicia and Alastor not to partake in the march due to their jobs, Hestia would have been clutching a placard and shouting alongside them. it was what he would have wanted. 
“She’s a beautiful speaker.” Hestia said suddenly, catching the eye of Amos Diggory who was standing alongside her in a similar stance. Ordinarily she would have protested having to work with him, having little time for his constant jokes and flirting which mostly seemed inappropriate, but today she hadn’t had the energy to fight Moody though she would have preferred to have been paired with Alice. “She speaks with a lot of anger and passion, the Muggle world seems almost as broken as our one,” She mused aloud, not expecting Amos to have to add anything with weight to her comments but more than likely despise their heaviness. 
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edgarebones · 2 months
where: the three broomsticks who: @fcrox (Hestia)
Edgar had asked Hestia to accompany him to the party, though she would have to meet him there since he was bringing the birthday boy. Their engagement public and he was trying his best to take the opportunity to get to know her and keep his mind off another.
He found her sitting at a table, coming over with a glass of wine for her and a firewhiskey for him. "You look lovely." He leans down to kiss her cheek. "I'm glad you were able to come with me tonight." They would have to spend more time together outside of work. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
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benjyfenwiick · 4 years
Location: Wix Market  Date: February 28th, 1982 @hestivjones​
Benjy’s mother had sent him to the market to pick up their weekly supplies. He hadn’t wanted to go - had still been in bed when she’d woken him up with a rather aggressive shake. She’d thought he’d been asleep for nearly twelve hours (there might’ve been a little snarky I thought you were ‘of age’ now coming from her lips with a playful smirk) and Benjy couldn’t exactly tell her he’d gone out in the middle of the night to light a building on fire with the words JAMES POTTER for a traitor to see.
By now, Ainsley would’ve been into the office - would’ve seen the letters imprinted on the windows just for her. Walking through the various tables of goods, Benjy grinned, hoping that she nearly shit her pants (as Dorcas would’ve put it). He wondered if it would be in the papers tomorrow - wondered if the Order would know it was him, Dorcas, and Emma. He hoped they wouldn’t get into trouble.
He turned a corner past the fish and saw a familiar face. He thanked Merlin it was someone he could actually know out in the open - not like when he and Emmeline had to pretend to hardly know one another at work - and he sidled up next to Hestia. He tapped the wood crate in front of her to get her attention and grinned, the basket of his mother’s food in one hand. “Hey!” he greeted her warmly. “There’s a sale on eel’s eyes... if that’s your thing.” 
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marlenethemenace · 5 years
when: 31 August, 1978, late evening where: Low Street No. 7 who: Marlene McKinnon & MANY   
It was no secret that Marlene preferred packing a bowl to pouring a drink, even at parties. But at a party with this many people in attendance, finding a spot to smoke that wouldn’t bring out five moochers a minute to bum a smoke was, well, impossible. And in such cases, accepting drinks mixed by her peers moved up her list quickly.
“I guess it’s not the worst way to celebrate a concert.” Marlene gazed around the room, eyes landing on a couple macking in the corner. “Except for that bit.”
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fabiansacharmer · 4 years
WHEN: Monday, 1 June, 1979, afternoon WHERE: Gryffindor common room WHO: Hestia Jones​​ & Fabian Prewett
“This seat taken?”
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acidgreenqueen · 8 years
Hestia stamped her foot.
"I don't CARE what paper you're writing for! I don't give a DAMN! That is my friend, she has just gone through a terrible ordeal, and she needs rest. You will stop harassing her NOW!"
Rita stared, both penciled eyebrows raised, down at the other witch, completely surprised - she had Hestia pegged as the patient, slow-to-anger sort.
After a short, frozen pause, Rita smiled brightly:
"How about just a quick photoshoot, then?"
"ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! Avis! Oppugno!"
Rita yelped and backed away rapidly as a flock of nightingales burst out of Hestia's wand and began attacking her like an aggressive swarm of oversized bees... for a moment, quite forgetting her wand, Rita swiped at the furious, jabbering birds with her hands.
"Geroff me! Geroff me! Ah! Finite! Finite! EVANESCO!"
Brandishing her wand like she was trying to hail a helicopter, Rita finally cast a spell that vanished some of the birds - then her heels were in the air as she fell over backwards - she had backed so far out of the room they'd been in that she'd tripped over a potted plant in the hall outside and knocked into the bookcase behind it.
A cascade of heavy tombs fell on top of the reporter; then the bookcase itself, as if in slow motion, followed. There was a loud thump, a squawk and then silence.
Hestia, eyes wide, slowly uncovered her mouth.
"Oh no!"
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