#c form central sales
cadeveshthakur · 1 year
List of documents required in case of CST assessment and in case of mismatch of 2A and 2B. Reply to the objection filed under DVAT/ CST.
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homomenhommes · 3 months
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Description: This, the most ambitious and tallest of the known Imperial Easter eggs, represents the Uspenski (Dormition) Cathedral where the tsars of Russia were crowned. Based on a cup attributed to the Nüremberg copper and silversmith Sebastian Lindenast, the elder (ca. 1460-1526), the walls, towers, and staircases are clustered around the central, opalescent white enamel egg, the top of which takes the form of a graceful yellow gold cupola. The turrets of the Kremlin are fashioned in red gold and the roofs are enameled translucent light green. There are musical chimes in two of the towers, the decorative clock dials measuring about half an inch (12 mm.) in diameter. The Spasskaia Tower, which is duplicated, bears the coat of arms of the Russian Empire and of Moscow. Through the glass windows of the egg can be seen a minutely accurate representation of the interior of the cathedral, with its rich carpets, decorations, and High Altar, shown on an oval glass plate.
Two Cherubim chants, traditional triumphal Easter hymns, are played when a mechanism is wound up by a gold key two and a half inches (63 mm.) long. Tiny enameled icons of Our Lady of Kazan and Christ Pantocrator decorate the walls of the cathedral. The egg, which rests on an octagonal white onyx base, is consciously designed as a pyramid and is built up of other smaller pyramids. Engraved at the foot of the model in white enamel on a round gold plate is the date, 1904 (Snowman, 1979; Fabergé, Proler, & Skurlov, 1997). Fabergé’s bill for the egg says:
Egg, “Moscow Kremlin,” of different colored gold, with a white enamel egg representing the Uspenski Cathedral, with music, on a white onyx pediment. (Fabergé, Proler, & Skurlov, Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs, London, 1997)
The bill is signed by A. (Editor’s note: Alexander) Fabergé for C. Fabergé and dated St. Petersburg, June 7 (OS), 1906. The egg can be removed from the towers, which hold it in place.
Background Notes: This somewhat startling egg marked the Imperial couple’s return to Moscow in 1903. They had tended to avoid the capital following a disastrous incident during the celebrations to mark their coronation. Hundreds of Muscovites died, crushed to death, when a crowd ran amok in Khodynka Meadow. Many Russians took the tragedy as a bad omen for the reign of the new tsar. Indeed, Nicholas II’s first cousin, Marie Pavlovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, recalled:
In the court circles, the disaster was little mentioned … but seemed under a cloud of sadness and premonition. All, perhaps without saying, regarded this catastrophe as a bad omen at the very beginning of the new reign. (Fabergé, Proler, & Skurlov, Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs, London, 1997)
Tatiana Muntian in von Solodkoff, Fabergé: Juwelier des Zarenhofes (Hamburg, 1995) redates this egg to 1906, even though the egg itself has 1904 on its base. Writing in the World of Fabergé (Moscow, 1996) catalog, Muntian says the egg was to have been presented in 1904, but there was a delay, probably because of the Russo-Japanese War. This issue is discussed further in the introduction to the chapter entitled “Encyclopedia of Who’s Who in the House of Fabergé.” (Lowes and McCanless, Fabergé Eggs: A Retrospective Encyclopedia, 2001)
Muntian also observes in Fabergé, Proler, & Skurlov, Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs (London, 1997), that another disaster was connected with this egg. Nicholas II’s favorite uncle and brother-in-law, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, was assassinated in the Kremlin by a socialist-revolutionary terrorist early in 1905. This was the first and only time a member of the ruling dynasty was murdered in the ancient citadel of the Moscow tsars. This may have delayed presentation of the egg for a second year. Nicholas II did not receive the Moscow Kremlin Egg to give to Alexandra Feodorovna until 1906, and the bill of sale was not presented until that year.
Despite these sad associations, the Moscow Kremlin Egg held the most prominent position in Alexandra Feodorovna’s display cabinet in the Mauve Sitting Room of the Alexander Palace. This is not surprising; the tsarina was deeply religious and became more so with age. Tsar Nicholas II had remarked in 1903 how much he enjoyed the Cherubim chants of Kastelskii during Easter services in the Uspenski Cathedral. Muntian says in Fabergé, Proler, & Skurlov, Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs (London, 1997) this is most likely why the music was included in this egg.
An archival Fabergé photograph of this egg would indicate that some of the chain work that decorated the cross at the egg’s apex, is now missing. The cost of 11,800 rubles made it the most expensive Tsar Imperial Easter egg to date. The egg is readily identifiable in the 1922 inventory of confiscated Imperial treasure. An expert valuation was made of this egg in 1927. Found by Fabergé, Proler, & Skurlov, the valuation noted that, “The article is badly damaged, many domes broken, two chains missing from the cross. Cupola dented, one window broken, another missing. One eagle and two flags missing. Various small parts dented. Key broken.”
Despite all this damage, the valuation assessed the egg’s worth at 46,400 rubles-the highest of the sixteen eggs valued in the list.
Amidst the troubles of 1905, Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna moved from the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to the Alexandra Palace at Tsarskoye Selo, 25 kilometers south-west of the capital, feeling they and their family would be safer there. From this point on, all Alexandra’s Easter eggs would be housed at the Alexander Palace, with the exception of the 1907 Rose Trellis Egg. Alexandra left all her other earlier Easter eggs behind at the Winter Palace.
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feline17ff · 8 months
Info copied from linked page :)
In Fall 2021, the US Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) amidst significant backlash from the public. The package contained some deeply misguided provisions addressing cryptocurrency that threatened software developers trying to create alternatives to Big Banks and Big Tech. We led much of the opposition through our viral campaign at dontkillcrypto.com and now we’re ready to fight its implementation. Almost two years later on August 29, the US Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published their proposed regulations on the sale and exchange of digital assets by brokers as part of their implementation of the IIJA. This rulemaking will define a “digital asset” and who qualifies as a “broker” under the tax code. We have until November 14 to submit comments so we created this page so that individuals can make their voices heard.
What exactly is the new rule being proposed?
The Treasury and IRS want to make a new rule that makes anyone “responsible for regularly providing any service effectuating transfers of digital assets on behalf of another person” a broker. This move would require anyone deemed a broker to collect, keep and report personally-identifiable information from their users (including names, addresses and other financial information via tax forms to the IRS). This makes a lot of sense in the traditional financial (TradFi) world but gets very difficult to implement with decentralized finance (DeFi). It would force DeFi developers who don’t need or want to collect information on their users to do so, thus facilitating government financial surveillance and threatening privacy and anonymity online. Compliance with this rule and its reporting requirements would be impossible. It would essentially be forcing a central point of control where none exists. This could have catastrophic consequences for the decentralized use of digital assets by forcing centralization, creating intermediaries and rendering decentralized technology virtually impossible to access or develop in the U.S.
What are the concerns for the everyday user?
Financial data reveals some of our most sensitive personal information, including our personal interests, the causes we support, and our plans for the future. The agencies’ total failure to consider our privacy rights is outrageous given that this rule would dramatically expand the financial surveillance dragnet.
There is no reason for any of us to believe that these agencies can securely store such a massive collection of sensitive information on millions of people. In 2022, the IRS mistakenly made private information about 120,000 taxpayers publicly available and the Treasury has been hacked in the recent past. Collecting unnecessary information serves no other purpose than to put users at further risk that neither agency can protect them from.
In addition, the Fourth Amendment makes it unconstitutional for the government to force individuals or businesses to collect and report the personal information of others if they (a) don’t already collect that information as part of their business, (b) have no reason to collect that information apart from the government demand, and (c) if the information is not already voluntarily provided. The IRS and Treasury should at the very least, take this opportunity to do the right thing—interpret the statute narrowly and revise this policy accordingly by taking out the requirement for developers to stalk and surveil users of their technologies.
Will this new rule stop tax evasion, money laundering and other serious crimes?
In short, no. People who are operating illegal schemes can continue to use other means. This will not be a miracle fix for problems that exist within traditional finance. Instead, it will cause more issues than it attempts to solve. Similar rules at traditional financial institutions have backfired, allowing these crimes to flourish at some of the world’s biggest, most heavily-regulated banks. If it hasn’t worked before, why would it work now? This rule will effectively impose financial surveillance on people who are participating in the crypto-economy for legitimate purposes, while having little-to-no impact on bad actors.
So, how do I send my comments to the IRS and Treasury?
Commenters are strongly encouraged to submit public comments electronically. We built this tool to make it easy for everyone to send a comment on this rulemaking. You can use the form above to let the IRS and Treasury know what you think of this new policy. It is very important to add personal stories and insights to really make an impact. You can also submit electronic submissions directly via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov, indicate IRS and REG–122793–19 and follow the online instructions for submitting comments. The Treasury Department and the IRS will publish any comments submitted electronically or on paper to the public docket. Once submitted, comments are public and cannot be edited or withdrawn. If necessary, you can also follow the instructions on the page for how to send paper submissions. Written or electronic comments must be received by November 14, 2023.
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
All About: Nicotine
Background and History
- The Maya, who lived in what is now southern Mexico & Central America, had a great civilization which was at its height about 2,000 years ago.
- Tobacco smoke initially was used by Maya in religious ceremonies, rituals, and in medicinal practices.
- They passed on the custom of smoking to almost every other Indigenous group in North & South America.
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- Tobacco was first encountered by Europeans when Columbus reached the West Indies. The Europeans quickly took up smoking tobacco.
- In the 1600s, England commercialized tobacco growing in the Virginia colony.
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- Cigarettes began to be used in Europe during the mid-19th century. Their popularity in the USA exploded over the next 30 years, thanks to...
new methods of curing tobacco leaves that improved flavor
invention of the cigarette machine, which increased production dramatically (before, you had to hand roll all your cigarettes)
- During World War II (1939-1945), cigarette sales were at an all-time high. Cigarettes were included in a soldier’s C-Rations (like food). Tobacco companies sent millions of cigarettes to the soldiers for free, and when these soldiers came home, the companies had a steady stream of loyal customers.
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- In 1971, television ads for cigarettes were finally taken off the air in the USA. The American Medical Association (AMA) declared tobacco a health hazard, as it causes cancer and other respiratory/circulatory diseases.
- Nicotine was first isolated in 1828. It constitutes about 5% of the weight of dry tobacco leaves.
- Nicotine is an oily water-soluble substance, a colorless liquid which changes color to yellow and brown on contact with air or slowly with light.
- It’s odorless and tasteless. And that’s why it can be used for vaping in combination with different flavors.
- It is a potent neurotoxin with particular specificity to insects; therefore, nicotine was widely used as an insecticide.
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Government Regulation of Tobacco/Nicotine Products
- May 5, 2016: The FDA announced that nationwide tobacco regulations now extend to all tobacco products, including...
e-cigarettes and their liquid solutions
hookah tobacco
pipe tobacco
- December 2019: The federal government raised the legal minimum age of sale of tobacco products from 18-21 years.
- December 17, 2019: The FDA authorized the marketing of two new tobacco products manufactured by 22nd Century Group Inc. - Moonlight and Moonlight Menthol, which are cigarettes that contain a reduced amount of nicotine compared to typical commercial cigarettes.
On average, conventional cigarettes contain 10-14 mg of nicotine each. Moonlight cigarettes contain 0.2 to 0.7 mg each.
They are less addictive, but still harmful.
- January 2020: The FDA issued a policy on the sale of flavored vaping cartridges. Only tobacco and menthol flavors are allowed.
Tobacco Preparation for Recreational Use
- The leaves of the plant contain 80-85% water.
- Curing is the process that brings out the aroma and flavor of each variety of tobacco. After the curing cycle, there is essentially no water left.
- The actual nicotine content of the cured tobacco leaf may reach as high as 6.17%.
- Tobacco for chewing (smokeless tobacco): One to three high-quality leaves are braided and twisted into a rope while green, and then are cured in the same manner as other tobacco.
- Tobacco snuff is made by grinding dried tobacco leaves to a very fine powder.
- Tobacco for burning is made into cigars, cigarettes, or pipe tobacco.
- Snus was invented in early 18th-century Sweden. It is placed between the upper lip and gum for extended periods. Snus is not fermented.
Route of Administration: Smoking
- A typical cigarette contains 10-14 mg of nicotine, though no more than 1-3 mg actually reaches the smoker’s bloodstream.
- The amount available depends on the smoker’s behavior (e.g. number of puffs, length of each puff)
- Absorption can also depend on the chemical form of nicotine; freebase is absorbed better than salt.
- Starting in the 1960s, Marlboro started to add ammonia to their cigarettes for a better absorption of nicotine.
- When smoking nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide are released. Tar contributes to the taste and smell of cigarette smoke.
Nicotine: Absorption
- Nicotine readily passes through the absorbent surface of the lungs to the bloodstream.
- The nicotine first reaches the brain in about 7 seconds, which is approximately twice as fast as when the drug is administered intravenously.
- It is absorbed to a lesser extent through the mouth and nostrils when tobacco is chewed or snorted as snuff.
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- Most nicotine is metabolized to cotinine by the liver enzyme cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6).
- Cotinine and other nicotine metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine.
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Behavioral Effects
- Nicotine is both a stimulant and a relaxant.
- To separate the effects of nicotine from the behavioral aspects of smoking, subjects are given pure nicotine through injection, skin patches, or gum.
- In smokers, nicotine produces a calm or relaxed state.
- In nonsmokers, it tends to elicit heightened tension or arousal, along with lightheadedness, dizziness, and even nausea.
Nesbitt’s Paradox: Most studies indicate that nicotine appears to cause arousal. However, most smokers report that they smoke because it relaxes them. Nicotine changes from a stimulant to sedative when the dose is increased.
- Because acetylcholine plays an important role in aspects of cognitive functioning, several studies have examined effects of nicotine on cognitive function.
- In animals and humans alike, nicotine administration temporarily improves visual attention and working memory.
- Abstinent smokers given nicotine show enhanced performance on many kinds of cognitive and motor tasks.
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- Some benefits for Alzheimer’s disease (nicotinic receptor agonists)
- High smoking rates in people with schizophrenia (which includes significant cognitive dysfunction) may be an attempt to self-medicate.
Mechanisms of Action
- Nicotine works by activating nicotinic cholinergic receptors (nAChRs), one of the two subtypes of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor.
- They are ionotropic receptors made up of five sub-units.
- High-affinity nAChRs are found in many parts of the brain, neuromuscular junctions and in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system.
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Physiological Effects
- Nicotinic receptors are abundant in the autonomic nervous system.
- Smoking can activate both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, causing a wide range of physiological effects, including tachycardia and elevated blood pressure.
- This can increase risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Nicotine also reduces appetite and increases metabolic rate, resulting in weight loss.
- Smokers generally weigh less than nonsmokers. Quitting usually results in weight gain.
Nicotine Poisoning
- Nicotine is a toxic substance that can be fatal at high doses. LD50 is about 40-60 mg. Such a high dose cannot be reached via inhalation.
- A large number of poisonings occur among children who eat tobacco.
- Contact with tobacco in the field (”green tobacco sickness”) or insecticides that contain nicotine.
- There are two protections against death: quick first-pass metabolism through the liver, and activation of the vomiting center (area postrema).
Metabolism, Withdrawal, and Tolerance
- Elimination half-life of nicotine is around 2 hours. To avoid withdrawal symptoms, smoking must occur repeatedly throughout the day.
- Frequent smoking leads to ever-increasing peak levels of nicotine during the day, since each dose builds on the residual nicotine from the previous one, but tolerance also builds.
Acute Tolerance
- Cigarette smokers undergo acute tolerance during the day.
- Acute tolerance dissipates during the night and mild withdrawal occurs.
- The 1st cigarette in the morning is the strongest.
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Chronic Tolerance
- Long term exposure to nicotine causes chronic tolerance, superimposed on the acute daily tolerance.
- In one study, a high dose of nicotine elicited an aversive reaction with some symptoms of mild nicotine toxicity in non-smokers but no such reaction in smokers.
- Nicotine on its own is reinforcing; humans and other animals will self-administer nicotine.
- The mesolimbic DA pathway from the VTA to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) plays a key role in reinforcement. Lesioning the dopaminergic innervation of NAcc significantly attenuates nicotine self-administration.
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- High-affinity nicotinic receptors in the VTA stimulate firing of DA neurons, increasing DA release in the NAcc.
- Research in this area usually involves injected nicotine, but one study showed the same result when rats were inhaling cigarette smoke.
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- Studies show that abstinence syndrome is relatively short, with most symptoms gone by four weeks, and nicotine gum prevents most symptoms.
- Withdrawal symptoms:
decreased heart rate
increased appetite
inability to concentrate
sleep disruption
craving for cigarettes
Nicotine Use Disorder
Cigarette Smoking
- 70 to 75% of current smokers in the United States would like to quit smoking, and about 40 to 45% of daily smokers actually attempt to quit each year. However, addiction to nicotine is so powerful that the success rate is very low.
- Two aspects of nicotine addiction:
Biomedical (abstinence syndrome, reinforcing properties of nicotine)
Sociocultural (smoking is a social activity and many “aspirational” people of the past 200 years were smokers)
- The amount of cigarette smoking in the US has varied over the past 100 years.
- Smoking increased dramatically from 1900 up to the 1960s. Declines since then are related to the Surgeon General’s reports on health consequences, antismoking ads, high cigarette taxes, and societal disapproval of smoking.
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Health Effects
- The damaging health effects of smoking stem from carbon monoxide that results when tobacco, tar, and nicotine are burned.
- Nicotine enters the smoker’s lungs on tiny particles of tar, which is a complex mixture of chemicals (some of which are known to be carcinogenic).
- Other chemicals that can be found in cigarette smoke include:
ammonia (found in toilet cleaning chemicals)
acetone (found in nail varnish remover)
cadmium (highly poisonous metal used in batteries)
napthtalene (used in moth balls)
cyanide (very deadly poison)
formaldehyde (used in preservation of bodies)
- Smoking is a major cause of illness and premature death.
- Cigarette smoking is the major preventable cause of death among Americans. It increases the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, etc.
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Warning Labels
- Behavioral interventions include anti-smoking appeals in the media, Surgeon General’s health warning on packs of cigarettes, and high taxes on tobacco products.
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Graphic Warning Labels
- In June 2011, the FDA ordered the use of nine rotating warnings to cover 50% of cigarette packs with such images as diseased lungs and a cadaver lying on an autopsy table.
- Five tobacco companies, including R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and Lorillard Tobacco (2nd and 3rd biggest cigarette manufacturers), filed a lawsuit claiming the mandate violated their First Amendment rights.
- US District Judge Richard J. Leon ruled in favor of the cigarette companies in three lawsuits against the FDA.
- Individual or group counseling programs can be successful, particularly if they provide social support and/or training to learn coping skills.
- The most common pharmacological intervention is nicotine replacement.
- Nicotine relieves withdrawal symptoms and is delivered in safer ways than smoking: nicotine gum and lozenges, transdermal patch, nasal spray and inhalers.
- The nasal spray and inhaler require a doctor’s prescription, whereas nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges can be obtained over-the-counter (OTC).
Bupropion (Zyban)
Initially developed as an anti-depressant
The anti-smoking properties of bupropion are thought to be related to its actions as a dopamine uptake inhibitor and a weak antagonist at nicotinic cholinergic receptors.
Attenuates rewarding properties of nicotine and reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Varenicline (Chantix)
Is a partial agonist at high-affinity nicotinic receptors expressed in the VTA and other brain areas.
Reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
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- invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik
- Vaping = using e-cigarettes
- E-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco. They may or may not contain nicotine.
- They are likely safer than tobacco cigarettes but it’s too early to determine the long-term health effects.
- Anecdotally, they’re reported to help people quit smoking.
2019: there was a vaping-related lung injury epidemic
January 2020: FDA banned mint-flavored and fruit-flavored vaping products, but menthol and tobacco flavors are exempt.
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vijay1225 · 19 days
Isothermal Forging Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Isothermal forging refers to a metal-forming process in which a heated metal billet is forged using a die that is held at a constant temperature during the forging process. This process is used to produce complex parts with tight tolerances and high strength requirements.
Sizing and Forecast The isothermal forging market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $8.56 billion in 2023 to $9.15 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.9%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to increased demand in automotive sector, material advancements, cost efficiency, consumer electronics, energy sector requirements, environmental considerations..
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The isothermal forging market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $11.56 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.0%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to expanded material options, automotive lightweighting, medical implants, aerospace industry growth, green manufacturing practices.. Major trends in the forecast period include sustainability and recycling, advancements in mim equipment, customization and personalization, quality control and certification, 3d printing integration..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The isothermal forging market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Raw Material: Carbon Steel Metal Forging, Alloy Steel Metal Forging, Aluminum Metal Forging, Magnesium Metal Forging, Stainless Steel Metal Forging, Titanium Metal Forging, Other Raw Material Metal Forging 2) By Processes: Conduction heating, Induction heating 3) By End Use Vertical: Aerospace And Defense, Agriculture Equipment, Automotive, Construction And Mining Equipment And Components, Electrical And Electronic, Energy And Power, Industrial And Manufacturing, Marine And Rail, Oil And Gas
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the isothermal forging market in 2023. The regions covered in the isothermal forging market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth Increasing demand for automobiles is expected to propel the growth of the isothermal forging market going forward. Automobiles refer to land-based autonomous passenger or commercial vehicles with a combustion engine and typically four or more wheels. Isothermal forging is an important process in the automobile industry for producing high-performance, complex-shaped parts that require high strength, durability, and precision, so increasing demand for automobiles will propel the growth of the isothermal forging market. For instance, in 2022, according to the data published by the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, a France-based international trade automotive association, the global sales of automobiles reached 82,755,197 in 2021, up from 78,787,566 in 2020. Furthermore, in March 2022, according to a report published by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), the central lobbying and standards group for the automobile industry in the European Union, Passenger automobile sales in the United States increased by 5.5% from 2020 to 11.9 million units in 2021. In 2021, about 6.3 million passenger automobiles were produced in US auto plants, a 3.1% increase over 2020. In 2021, Chinese automakers manufactured 20.7 million automobiles, a 7.1% increase. The total number of cars produced worldwide increased by 2.7% to 63.2 million in 2021. Therefore, an increasing demand for automobiles is driving the growth of the isothermal forging market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the isothermal forging market report are Anchor-Harvey Components LLC, Arconic Corp., ATI Forged Inc., Bharat Forge Ltd., CFS Forge, H C Starck Solutions Services Inc., Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Schuler Group, Trenton Forging Company, Pratt & Whitney, Alcoa Corporation, ALD Vacuum Technologies Pvt. Ltd., SMT Limited, Precision Castparts Corp., Leistritz Turbinentechnik GmbH, 3A Composites, Sundaram Fasteners Ltd., Kalyani Forge Limited, Aubert and Duval Pvt. Ltd., Bharat Dynamics Limited, Bharat Electronics Limited, Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Amtek Auto Limited, Tata Steel Limited, Nanshan Forge Company, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Formosa Plastics Group, Howmet Aerospace Inc., Aalco metals ltd.
The isothermal forging market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Isothermal Forging Market Characteristics 3. Isothermal Forging Market Trends And Strategies 4. Isothermal Forging Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Isothermal Forging Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Global Isothermal Forging Market Competitive Benchmarking 32. Global Isothermal Forging Market Competitive Dashboard 33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Isothermal Forging Market 34. Isothermal Forging Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 35. Appendix
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startupfino-update · 1 month
C Form – All You Need to Know About
Understanding the significance of the 'C' Form in interstate trade under the Central Sales Tax Act. Learn its issuance, importance, and regulatory compliance, crucial for seamless transactions and discounted purchases.
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busaddablog · 4 months
Access Exclusive Travel Savings
I. Introduction
A. The Travel Industry:
With the world becoming more accessible and interconnected, travel has become an integral part of our lives. From leisure trips to business travels, people are constantly on the move, seeking new experiences and opportunities.
B. Introduction to Busadda:
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II. Understanding Travel Discounts
A. Types of Travel Discounts Available:
Travel discounts come in various forms, including promotional codes, seasonal offers, group discounts, and loyalty programs. Understanding these options can significantly impact your travel budget.
B. Importance of Seeking Discounts in Travel Planning:
With rising travel costs, seeking discounts is essential for budget-conscious travelers. By strategically leveraging discounts, travelers can stretch their budgets further and indulge in more experiences.
C. Advantages of Using Platforms like Busadda for Discounts:
Busadda offers a centralized platform where travelers can access a wide range of discounts and offers from various travel partners. This convenience streamlines the booking process and ensures maximum savings.
III. Exploring Busadda
A. Introduction to Busadda:
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B. How BusAdda Works for Travelers:
Busadda simplifies the booking process by offering a seamless experience from browsing to payment. Its intuitive interface allows travelers to compare prices, select preferred routes, and secure bookings effortlessly.
C. Overview of Discounts and Offers Available on Busadda:
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IV. Leveraging Travel Discounts on Busadda
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To make the most of Busadda’s discounts, travelers should keep an eye out for flash sales, bundle deals, and last-minute offers. Planning ahead and being flexible with travel dates can also lead to significant savings.
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Before availing of any discount, it’s essential to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions. Pay attention to any restrictions or limitations to ensure a smooth booking experience.
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V. Case Studies: Real-Life Examples of Savings
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Hear from real travelers who have benefited from Busadda’s discounts and offers. Their experiences serve as inspiration for others looking to save on their next trip.
B. Testimonials and Reviews Highlighting the Effectiveness of Busadda:
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VI. Additional Resources
A. Links to Further Information on Travel Discounts:
Provide links to relevant articles, guides, and resources that offer additional insights into travel discounts and savings strategies.
B. Recommendations for Other Discount Platforms and Tools:
While Busadda is an excellent option for travel discounts, there are other platforms and tools worth exploring. Share recommendations for alternative platforms that cater to different travel preferences and needs.
VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of the Benefits of Travel Discounts: Travel discounts not only save money but also enable travelers to experience more during their journeys. Busadda’s commitment to providing affordable travel options makes it a valuable asset for budget-conscious travelers.
B. Final Thoughts on Saving Money with Busadda: As travelers continue to explore the world, Busadda remains dedicated to helping them save money and create unforgettable memories. With its extensive network of partners and commitment to customer satisfaction, Busadda is poised to revolutionize the way people travel.
C. Call to Action: Encourage readers to explore the savings opportunities offered by Busadda for their next trip. Emphasize the importance of planning ahead and taking advantage of discounts to make the most of their travel experiences.
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grand-diamonds · 5 months
Grand Diamonds Valentine Sale Steals - Unveiling 5 Show-Stopping Best Online Engagement Rings
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Love is in the air, and what better way to express your eternal commitment than with a dazzling engagement ring? Grand Diamonds, a name synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and timeless beauty, is here to make your Valentine's Day even more special with an exclusive Valentine Sale offering up to 25% off on their stunning collection of engagement rings. In this blog post, we'll explore five show-stopping online engagement rings that are sure to capture hearts and create everlasting memories.
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Grand Diamonds understands that every love story is unique, and your engagement ring should be too. Enter the realm of tailored perfection with their custom engagement rings. From selecting the perfect diamond to choosing the ideal setting, you have the freedom to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that symbolizes your love in its purest form. Unleash your creativity and let Grand Diamonds bring your dream ring to life.
Convenience Meets Excellence: Online Engagement Rings
In a world where convenience is key, Grand Diamonds brings excellence to your fingertips with their online engagement rings. Explore their extensive collection from the comfort of your home, browse through detailed product descriptions, and marvel at high-resolution images that capture the essence of each ring. Where to buy an engagement ring becomes an easy decision when you experience the seamless process of selecting the perfect ring online.
Top Picks for Best Online Engagement Rings
a. The Radiant Halo Series: A Halo of Love
For a ring that radiates love and brilliance, the Radiant Halo series is a top pick. Featuring a stunning halo of diamonds surrounding a central gemstone, these rings create an ethereal aura. The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail make the Radiant Halo series one of the best online engagement rings available.
b. Sculpted Elegance: The Artisan Collection
The Artisan Collection is a testament to the skill and artistry of Grand Diamonds' master craftsmen. Each ring in this collection is a sculpted masterpiece, showcasing intricate details and a unique design. If you're in search of a ring that seamlessly combines elegance with artistic flair, the Artisan Collection is your go-to choice.
c. Modern Romance: The Sleek Solitaire Series
Simplicity meets sophistication in the Sleek Solitaire series. These rings feature a single, exquisite diamond set on a sleek band, creating a timeless and modern look. Ideal for those who appreciate understated beauty, the Sleek Solitaire series is a top contender among the best online engagement rings.
d. Vintage Charm: The Timeless Romance Collection
For lovers of vintage aesthetics, the Timeless Romance Collection is a treasure trove of romantic designs. These rings evoke the charm of bygone eras with intricate filigree, milgrain detailing, and vintage-inspired settings. Embrace the nostalgia of timeless romance with a ring from this captivating collection.
e. Bold Statements: The Glamour Series
If you're drawn to bold and glamorous designs, the Glamour Series is tailored for you. These rings feature larger-than-life diamonds, intricate settings, and a captivating presence that demands attention. Make a bold statement of love with a ring from the Glamour Series, a standout among the best online engagement rings.
As you embark on the journey of finding the perfect engagement ring, Grand Diamonds' Valentine Sale offers an unparalleled opportunity to make a meaningful and cost-effective choice. Whether you opt for the timeless classic, unique brilliance, tailored perfection, or the convenience of online shopping, Grand Diamonds has the perfect ring to symbolize your love. Don't miss out on this chance to celebrate your unique love story with a show-stopping engagement ring that will be cherished for a lifetime. Visit Grand Diamonds online and make this Valentine's Day an unforgettable celebration of love and commitment.
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From Code to Crypto: Exploring the Essentials of Blockchain Development
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In the dynamic landscape of technology, few innovations have garnered as much attention and transformation as blockchain. From its humble beginnings as the underlying technology for Bitcoin to its current status as a disruptive force across industries, blockchain development has become synonymous with innovation, security, and decentralization. In this blog, we embark on a journey to unravel the essentials of blockchain development, from the intricacies of coding to the creation of revolutionary cryptocurrencies.
Understanding the Basics: What is Blockchain?
Before delving into the essentials of blockchain development, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental concept of blockchain itself. At its core, a blockchain is a decentralized and spread log that records trades across a grid of computers. Each transaction, or block, is linked to the previous one through cryptographic hashes, forming a secure and transparent chain.
Decentralization and Consensus Mechanisms
Decentralization is a cornerstone of blockchain technology. It removes the need for a central authority, fostering a trustless environment. Consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), ensure agreement among network participants on the validity of transactions, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.
Smart Contracts
Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, add programmability to the blockchain. Ethereum, a prominent blockchain platform, popularized the use of smart contracts, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) and expanding the scope of blockchain functionality.
Essentials of Blockchain Development: From Code to Crypto
Coding the Blockchain: Programming Languages and Frameworks
Blockchain development begins with choosing the right programming language and framework. Solidity is widely used for smart contract development on Ethereum, while languages like Python, Java, and C++ find applications in building blockchain protocols. Frameworks such as Hyperledger and Truffle simplify the development process, providing tools and libraries for blockchain projects.
Node Setup and Blockchain Architecture
Running a node is essential for participating in a blockchain network. Developers need to set up nodes to validate transactions, maintain the blockchain's integrity, and contribute to the consensus process. Understanding the architecture of the blockchain network, including nodes, miners, and users, is crucial for effective development.
Consensus Algorithms: The Heart of Blockchain Security
Consensus algorithms determine how agreement is reached in a decentralized network. PoW, employed by Bitcoin, requires participants (miners) to solve complex mathematical problems, while PoS relies on participants holding a stake in the cryptocurrency. Each algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses, impacting security, scalability, and energy efficiency.
Creating Cryptocurrencies: A Developer's Odyssey
Tokenomics: Designing the Crypto Economy
The creation of a cryptocurrency involves careful consideration of tokenomics – the economic model governing the distribution and utility of tokens. Developers must define the total supply, distribution mechanisms, and use cases for the cryptocurrency to ensure a sustainable and functional ecosystem.
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Token Sales
To fund blockchain projects, developers often turn to ICOs or token sales. These fundraising methods involve selling a portion of the cryptocurrency's tokens to early investors. Smart contracts facilitate the automatic distribution of tokens to contributors, creating a transparent and decentralized fundraising process.
Wallet Development and Security Measures
Wallets are essential for users to store and manage their cryptocurrencies. Developers must focus on creating secure and user-friendly wallet applications, incorporating robust encryption, multi-signature authentication, and other security measures to protect users' assets from potential threats.
Challenges and Innovations in Blockchain Development
Scalability and Throughput
Blockchain networks face challenges related to scalability and throughput. As more users join a network, transaction speed and the ability to handle a growing number of transactions become crucial. Various solutions, such as layer-two scaling solutions and sharding, aim to address these challenges and enhance blockchain performance.
Interoperability and Cross-Chain Solutions
Interoperability between different blockchains is a pressing concern in the blockchain space. Developers are exploring solutions like cross-chain platforms and protocols to enable seamless communication and transfer of assets between disparate blockchain networks.
The Future Landscape: Emerging Trends in Blockchain Development
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
DeFi and NFTs have gained immense popularity, showcasing the versatility of blockchain technology. DeFi projects leverage smart contracts to recreate traditional financial services in a decentralized manner, while NFTs tokenize digital assets, revolutionizing the art and entertainment industries.
Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with New Internet Technology 
The integration of blockchain with AI and IoT is on the horizon, promising innovative solutions for data security, transparency, and automation. Blockchain's immutability and decentralized nature align well with the principles of AI and IoT, opening doors to novel applications in various sectors.
Choosing Tanthetaa for Blockchain Development: A Paradigm of Excellence
Tanthetaa stands out as a beacon in the realm of blockchain development, offering unparalleled expertise and a commitment to innovation that sets it apart from the competition.
1. Expertise and Experience:
With a seasoned team of blockchain developers, Tanthetaa boasts years of hands-on experience in crafting cutting-edge solutions. From decentralized applications (DApps) to smart contracts, Tanthetaa has demonstrated proficiency across diverse blockchain platforms.
2. Customized Solutions:
Tanthetaa understands that each project is unique. Their tailored approach ensures that blockchain solutions align seamlessly with clients' specific requirements, whether it's in finance, supply chain, healthcare, or beyond. The result is not just a product but a bespoke solution crafted for optimal performance.
3. Security at the Core:
Security is a non-negotiable aspect of blockchain development, and Tanthetaa places it at the core of every project. Rigorous testing, encryption protocols, and adherence to best practices ensure that the blockchain solutions developed by Tanthetaa are robust and resistant to vulnerabilities.
4. Innovation and Future-Forward Thinking:
In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Tanthetaa stands as a vanguard of innovation. Keeping pace with the latest trends and advancements, Tanthetaa ensures that its clients are equipped with solutions that are not just current but also future-proof.
5. Transparent and Collaborative Approach:
Tanthetaa believes in fostering strong partnerships with clients. Their transparent and collaborative approach involves clients at every stage of development, ensuring that the final product not only meets expectations but exceeds them.
Conclusion: Navigating the Ever-Evolving Blockchain Development Landscape
From code to crypto, the journey of blockchain development is an exhilarating exploration of technology, economics, and decentralized possibilities. As the blockchain landscape continues to evolve, developers must stay agile, embracing innovations while addressing challenges. Whether creating the next groundbreaking cryptocurrency, implementing smart contracts, or contributing to the expansion of blockchain applications, developers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of this transformative technology.
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ogsstechnologies · 1 year
Build your MLM Platform by Decentralized Application with Smart Contract
For More Details Please Contact
Call / Whatsapp: +971 50 912 5616
Website:  https://OGSStechnologies.ae
Office 101, Juma Al Majid Technic Building,
Salah Al Din St., Deira,
Dubai - UAE.
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Build your MLM Platform by Decentralized Application with Smart Contract
dApps (Decentralized applications) run on a peer-to-peer network of computers instead of a single computer. They are similar to a conventional web application in a way that its front end uses the same technology to represent the page. But the backend uses smart contracts to connect to the blockchain network instead of an API connecting to the database.
Advantages of DApps over Traditional apps
DApps are tamperproof and records stored in it are unalterable, protecting the application from hacking or intrusions. Decentralized apps are governed through autonomy and changes made in the applications are decided through consensus of all members in the network. Unlike traditional apps, decentralized applications i.e. dApps do not rely on a single server and therefore, it prevents the risk of central point of failure.
Our dApp Development Services
Leveraging the same product development experience that generated millions of revenue for clients from startups to Fortune 500s, we help clients experience the potential of blockchain technology. From smart contracts to decentralized exchanges and applications, our dApp Development Team can help businesses stay on the competitive edge in the decentralized applications world.
Leading MLM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TEAM. We specialize in designing complicated referral rewarding calculation system so that you can do network marketing with ease. Our main products are:
Multi-level Marketing Software
Multi-Level Marketing software with a wide range of MLM Compensation Plans and various customizations to meet the different businesses of various clients. 
Referral Based Marketing Software
Unlock new referrals with referral based marketing software that helps you remove roadblocks that stop customers from referring you. 
Sales Commission Software
MLM Sales Commission Software is used to improve sales efficiency by centralizing and automating enterprise commission-based incentive plans.
Direct Sales Solutions
Automated Commission Payroll. Tiers, Bonuses, Reserves, Overrides, Data Fees and even Admin Fees.
Open source code.
Decentralised architecture presumes that application source code can be accessible by all network members. In a trustless environment, the user needs to be able to verify what kind of application he is running and what exactly it does (to prevent scam and malware, protect personal data and assets). The easiest way to do it is by providing the source code.
Decentralised consensus mechanism.
When the app is working in a decentralised environment, where all users have equal rights to change the data, there has to be a way for all network peers to agree on which data and transactions to trust. The solution to this problem is called a consensus mechanism.
Usage of internal currency.
There are many reasons for a dApp to use some form of currency: to support the development process, to fuel the underlying network and its consensus mechanism, to give the users a way to exchange value, and many others. It creates a healthy economic system around the app and helps the project grow.
Decentralised application platforms
A dApp is not the synonym of the blockchain, it all started with peer-to-peer networks. But the blockchain technology empowers dApps to create a sustainable economic system and offers state-of-the-art consensus mechanisms proven by many adopters. Let’s have an overview of the history of dApps and review the most popular platforms for dApp creation.
Peer-to-peer networks
The rise of the decentralised networks began with peer-to-peer content delivery and media sharing protocols like Gnutella, eDonkey and BitTorrent. These protocols helped users to download the content faster because they could connect to multiple peers and have many channels instead of one centralised storage server. Media sharing networks also helped to get licensed media content for free, and some consider it the main reason for the successful adoption and popularity of the technology.
MLM Software with Smart Contract and DAPP
To generate huge revenue within a short span of time, cryptocurrency MLM business is the right choice. This multi-level marketing act as an effective one due to its direct selling from the wholesaler to the end users. On the other side, it has much benefit but also has some acceptable facts that are facing to be drawbacks like fraudulent activities, cheating and theft or loss of products or currencies and many more.
To overcome this kind of activities, MLM platform development integrated either with smart contract or decentralized applications (DAPP) makes you stand out from the crowd by overcoming all the security issues.
Herewith, let us see in separate about the MLM platform with smart contract as well as Decentralized applications (Dapps).
Smart Contract based MLM Platform
As a known fact, let me define in short about, “what is smart contract?” before knowing about the MLM with smart contract and its benefits.
A smart contract is nothing but an independent accomplishment via contract mentioning the digital terms in the agreement made between the buyer and seller that is been coded with the help of a piece of code.
Smart contract permits the transactions in a trusted manner with an agreement in which the disparate, anonymous parties can transact without any access of a third party authority and any legalized or external enforcement.
Since it is fully encrypted and automated under a blockchain algorithm, MLM business with smart contracts provide complete trustworthiness, hacking-free with decentralization that assures in easy claiming of profit without any loss of money or products due to the automation of smart contract MLM system.
If MLM business powered by smart contracts, then there will be not at all any chance for the scamming MLM business owners towards the members. Likewise, smart contracts elevate all types of MLM business plans.
Benefits of MLM Platform by Smart Contract
Simple and Easy Transactions
Effortless Payment
Assured and Secured Data Safety
Highly Trusted International Transaction
Avert Malpractice
Multi-payment Options
No Extra or Additional Fees
Peer-to-Peer Systems
No External Party Access
Call us for more information +60-164998736
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g2realtor · 1 year
As early as the late 1980s and early 1990s The VA was fielding extreme frustration from the real estate industry over VA appraisal values coming in short of the contract price.
By the late 1990’s a movement was underway, largely based on the West Coast, Oregon, Washington & California, by groups of Real Estate Agents and their organizations complaining that:
VA Appraiser were biased and intentionally set a goal of lowering values in a sale.
Not allowing real estate agents to provide input by submitting sales to be used as comparable.
Not willing to go more than a mile to use “better” comparable.
Requiring unnecessary and minor repairs.
Taking too much time to complete an assignment.
As a result, the agents believed they were being forced to either avoid VA Loans or go through the process of calling for a Reconsideration of Value (ROV).
This was having a significant negative impact, particularly in areas with heavy Military and Veteran Retirement areas.
Even on the east coast the appraisal problem was felt in a region known as “Tidewater Area” in Virginia.
In the early 2000’s, market values were moving in an upward direction, and in particular the markets in the west and northwest.  It was a time of quickly changing housing prices.  Homes did not stay on the market very long at all. In 2020 through late 2022 very similar conditions exist.
This back and forth between the REALTOR® community and the appraisers placed more pressure on appraisers to try to reach ‘contract value’ (which is now illegal) rather than true ‘market value’. Complaints from the prospective VA home loan users reached a frenzied level as they asserted that they could not buy the home of their dreams because of slow and low appraisals.
Due to the success of this test program in the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia, VA made policy changes regarding fee and staff appraisers’ interaction with other program participants and in the reconsideration of value (ROV) process in December 2003, thus the birth of the Tidewater Initiative.
The TIDEWATER Solution
The, then head of the C&V (Construction & Valuation) of the Roanoke, Virginia, Regional Loan Center of the Department of Veterans Affairs, M. “Sandy” Stewart stepped in with an idea on how to either eliminate the problem or at least provide a method to attempt to do so.
A meeting was arranged between the VA Fee Panel Appraisers and any interested real estate professional agents, loan officers, and others who wanted to attend. It was held at the Central Library in the City of Virginia Beach in early 2000.
Out of that meeting a “Beta Test” was initiated that quickly became the “Tidewater Initiative”. This was spelled out in VA Circular 26-03-11 December 22, 2003, then updated in VA Circular 26-17-03 February 6, 2017, and VA Circular 26-17-18 dated July 19, 2017, and then updated again on March 11th, 2019, regarding the requirements, now known as the “Tidewater Process”.
In that process, a lender appoints a “POC” or Point of Contact on the VA Assignment form 26-1805 that lenders fill out when ordering a VA Appraisal from a VA Fee Panel Appraiser.
Circular 26-17-18 noted the POC could be whomever the lender decided would be the appropriate person, usually a person on the lenders staff such as a loan officer, or, a real estate agent involved in the transaction, heck if you had a real smart Cocker Spaniel as your assistant, she too could have been named as a POC as long as she can answer a phone and work the phones and computer.
However, on March 11th, 2019, the VA made changes to Chapter 10 of the Appraisal Process of the VA Lender Handbook. This is both good and a bit inconvenient.
The revised procedure now instructs the Lender’s VA Appraisal Requestor to be the appraiser’s first point of contact when it appears that the estimated market value will be below the sales price.
Once the appraiser determines that the appraised value may be lower than the sales price, the appraiser provides the lender’s ‘requestor’ who in turn notifies the POC of possible low value. The POC then has 2 business days to provide the appraiser with any data they wish the appraiser to consider prior to completion of the assignment.  
Although the preferred method of data compilation should be prepared on the VA Grid form, the appraiser should accept any response in any format during the 2-day period, not including weekends and holidays.  The appraiser then reviews the data, uses it or not, and provides a response to the POC.
That response should be in the appraisal report itself, in a format that is easily understood. If the appraiser uses a sale or other data provided by the POC, it must be acknowledged in the appraisal report. If not utilized by the appraiser, there should be sufficient commentary so that all parties can easily understand the appraiser’s reasoning for not using the data that was provided by the POC.
If completed correctly, the process should alleviate any need for a Request for Reconsideration of Value but does not necessarily preclude that possibility.
Adding such a process to all appraisals could provide a wealth of ‘Consumer Protection’ to the public. However even more useful would be a totally transparent method for consumers to engage the appraisal community when an appraisal is suspected of being faulty.
All appraisers reference the Marshall & Swift Cost Approach Solutions manual for guidance on many aspects of an appraisal and follow, or should follow, the guidance set forth in (USPAP) Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
That said, we need to remember that appraising is not a science, it is an art form.  The same property could be reviewed by multiple appraisers and each of them see the value of that property in the light of a slightly different valuation.  That does not make one appraiser any better or worse than another.  It simply means that they are all human with their own subjective appreciation of some aspects of how the subject property is weighed against the comparable sales. 
However, the objective facts remain the same for all appraisers. For example, the sold value of comparable properties is a fixed reality. The number of bedrooms, bathrooms and total rooms is a fixed reality. The square footage of the dwelling and the lot is a fixed reality and so on and so forth. Once the variable of model match (or as close as possible) has been met, and the preferred geographic boundaries have been met, some subjectivity will begin to seep into the appraiser’s value analysis.
So how does all this information prepare someone to understand the appraisal process?
For openers be very aware that is a Class 6 Felony to influence an appraiser. In Arizona this is covered in ARS 32-3633.  The Federal Statute 15 U.S. Code § 1639e - Appraisal Independence Requirements is the governing authority to prosecute such misbehavior is also very relevant. Even more important, these types of statutes are not endemic to specific states in as much as all states have their own overlays to the federal statute.
Additionally, the FNMA Anti-Coercion Appraisal Rules under Truth in Lending Regulations are also in play. That rule states that, “All consumer-purpose, closed-end loans secured by a consumer’s principal dwelling originated on or after October 1, 2009, are subject to new regulations prohibiting coercion or improper influencing of appraisers.”
Any appraisal of a property offered as security for repayment of the consumer credit transaction that is conducted in connection with the transaction in which a person with an interest in the underlying transaction is subject to these rules,
So what qualifies as “Influencing an Appraiser”?
Compensate with intent to subvert the law or Extort
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compensates, coerces, extorts, colludes, instructs, induces, bribes, or intimidates a person, appraisal management company, firm, or other entity conducting or involved in an appraisal,
2. Collude with or Induce or Bribe      
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or attempts, to compensate, coerce, extort, collude, instruct, induce, bribe, or intimidate such a person, for the purpose of causing the appraised value assigned, under the appraisal, to the property to be based on any factor other than the independent judgment of the appraiser.
3. Mischaracterize or Suborning any Mischaracterization
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by mischaracterizing, or suborning any mischaracterization of, the appraised value of the property securing the extension of the credit; and who seeks to influence an appraiser or otherwise to encourage a targeted value in order to facilitate the making or pricing of the transaction
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4. Intimidation
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and withholding or threatening to withhold timely payment for an appraisal report or for appraisal services rendered when the appraisal report or services are provided for in accordance with the contract between the parties is in violation of 15 U.S. Code § 1639e / Influencing an Appraiser.
Penalties, if convicted of a Class 6 felonies could amount to serving a term of imprisonment of not less than one year nor more than five years, or in the discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, confinement in jail for not more than 12 months and a fine of not more than $2,500, either or both and these penalties are on the lighter side of possible adjudication. Fines topping $20,000, per convicted occurrence, are possible.
Now that may all sound pretty scary. However, any consumer, mortgage lender, mortgage broker, mortgage banker, real estate broker, appraisal management company, employee of an appraisal management company, or any other person with an interest in a real estate transaction are not prohibited from asking an appraiser to undertake 1 or more of the following:
Consider additional, appropriate property information, including the consideration of additional comparable properties to make or support an appraisal.
Provide further detail, substantiation, or explanation for the appraiser’s value conclusion.
Correct errors in the appraisal report, if you are completing a ROV.
The appraiser is going to first try to find comparable properties, i.e., model matches etc., within the immediate subdivision. Whenever possible, the data set for comparables will be as close, in proximity to the subject property, as possible.  The appraiser will try to use sales that are no older than 90 days, then expand to 180 days, then out to 1 year. However, if the pace of the real estate market has accelerated such that homes are selling in days and the marketplace has exhibited that pace for a reasonably protracted time-period, it would not be unusual for an appraiser to shorten his/her closed sales comparable properties to well short of within the last 90 days. This is another example of the ‘subjectivity’ within the appraisal process.   An appraiser will usually then step out the geographic range, perhaps using major thoroughfares marking off a square or rectangle or a trapezoid.
There are few, if any, times when an appraiser will deviate or allow deviation to his/her data fields. So you are well served to not get into arguments with the appraiser over geography, unless you have evidence that the appraiser is ‘Geographically Incompetent
There are few times when a credible allegation of ‘Geographic Competency’ can be asserted.  Nevertheless, according to R162-2g-502a, Standards of Conduct and Practice. (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) if there is credible evidence that the appraiser IS NOT competent in areas of but not limited to, an appraiser’s familiarity with a specific type of property or asset, a market, a geographic area, an intended use, specific laws and regulations, or an analytical method, the appraisal assignment may be challenged and brought to the lender’s attention.
R162-2g-502a.  Standards of Conduct and Practice. (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) (4)(g) 
When geographic competency is discussed, what is really being referenced is the Competency Rule of USPAP which goes beyond just geographic competency. According to USPAP, an “appraiser must determine, prior to agreeing to perform an assignment, that he or she can perform the assignment competently.” How does USPAP define competency? Again, competency goes beyond geographic competency:
“Competency may apply to factors such as, but not limited to, an appraiser’s familiarity with a specific type of property or asset, a market, a geographic area, an intended use, specific laws and regulations, or an analytical method.”
It is therefore understandable why an average consumer of the appraisal process/product may be way over his/her head in trying to work through appraisal inconsistencies or incompetency. 
In 2008 the attorney general of New York filed suit against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who at the time we're responsible for purchasing probably 60% of all loans originated in the United States. In short, the lawsuit alleged that lenders who sold their loans on the secondary market to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were getting too cozy with or had gotten too cozy with the appraisers who were appraising the properties they were financing.
A settlement was agreed to and from that came the HVCC (Home Value Code of Conduct). Under the new code mortgage brokers were prohibited from selecting appraisers; lenders or prohibited from using in-house staff appraisers to conduct the initial appraisals and lenders or prohibited from using appraisal management companies that they owned or controlled. By the beginning of 2019 the HVCC was in full force by not only Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but also FHA.
By 2010 the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform act had been passed. Consumer protections from misbehaving lenders and appraisers was built into the Dodd Frank act and were modeled quite tightly after HVCC. Once the Dodd Frank act went into full effect in October of 2015 HVCC was replaced by the rules and guidance issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) which was formed in 2011 as the agency to enforce the rules set forth in the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform act.
CFPB has published hundreds of informational guidance for the consumer on all aspects of credit lending from automobiles to insurance to home loans and credit cards. Unfortunately, and in my humble opinion, CFPB has not done a very good job at informing the public of these publications.
Many times, folks within an "ethnic enclave" or "cultural subgroup", perceive appraisal incompetence as terrorizing their home buying process.  The appraisal terror that some buyers, within an "ethnic enclave" or "cultural subgroup", have experienced along with thousands and perhaps 10s of thousands of both homeowners and home buyers is not a one off. These consumers have valid concerns about a seemingly inefficient appraisal challenge process are correct in as much as we need to change the system. Educating homeowners will truly give them more power to protect themselves from inaccurate and incompetent appraisal professionals.
A consumer’s perception that their appraisal was mismanaged, either intentionally, by incompetence, or by a biased appraiser would be extremely difficult to prove. There is no way that I can profess to understand what fears and concerns a person/s within a minority community might have, of being treated equally and fairly as a person of color. That said the description of some appraisal processes that some folks within an "ethnic enclave" or "cultural subgroup" have experienced matches much more closely to the need for change in the appraisal process with respect to consumer engagement rather than a preponderance of racial bias within the appraisal process.
As a licensed real estate agent, with over 30 years’ experience, and the National Legislative Committee Chair at the Veteran’s Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP) the topic of consumer advocacy in the real estate and appraisal arena of the real estate transaction, my team and I and other well-informed colleagues are working on legislation that will improve transparency in all aspects of the real estate transaction to include the appraisal process.
A recent law (Improving the VA Home Loan Benefit Act of 2022) was passed in December 2022 that affirmed to the Veterans Administration that improvements to the appraisal process and appraisal challenge process will be made to the VA appraisal process.
About The Author:
G2 Varrato II is an Arizona Licensed REALTOR® for over 30 years and Ret. U.S. Air Force, Red Horse VAREP National Legislative Committee Chair/Director NAR Federal Financing & Housing Policy Committee 12/2022 to 11/2023 AZ State Director VAREP 2016/2019 NAR Diversity Committee Veteran Advocate, REALTOR® 2018/2019 Lifetime Member River Rats Air Force Sergeants Association (VSO) Red Horse Association Air Force Association
Visit Lori & G2 at https://www.lukeairforcebasespecialist.com/ eMail at [email protected] or C: 602-796-5674
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gobjr · 1 year
RC COLA PHILIPPINES - "CheckMoMataMo.mp4" Ad (2020)
The unsettling yet profoundly meaningful advertisement by RC Cola entitled "CheckMoMataMo.mp4" aired in December 2020, shows a band of four practicing and rehearsing when suddenly the group's lead vocalist stopped, expressing unhappiness and disconsolation in the middle of rehearsal, thus, causing confusion within the band. With this in mind, the advertising showcases the lead vocalist extending and rotating her arm, revealing the RC Cola inside her arm. At the same time, she describes how she differs from the other members of the group. However, a group member quickly assessed her feelings, removing their sunglasses and exposing their eyes as an ice dispenser. This demonstrates how the ice complements the commercial drink RC Cola. Hence, the advertisement's unpredictive nature references and emphasizes that regardless of the distinctiveness and differences you feel around people, someone will always make you feel at home and like you belong, complementing each other.
RC Cola Philippines was known for advertising bizarre ads with deep meaning; thus, the mentioned advertisement gained 7.2 Million views, with its central target audience being Gen Z or the post-millennial. As a result, this advertisement aimed to appeal to and distinguish the brand in the minds of Gen Z drinkers. Although the advertised product was a carbonated drink, also known as RC Cola was generally not healthy as it contains much sugar causing diabetes and weight gain, which may be viewed as promoting unhealthy living among the Gen Z audience. It is essential to mention, however, that RC Cola Philippines was recognized for pushing and advertising bizarre adverts with significant value in society, reflecting people's lives and minds, particularly Generation Z. Moreover, the advertised product does not contain forms of Media Manipulation; still, it was able to capture the attention of the viewers, mainly Gen Z, due to the absurdism and unpredictive nature of the ads, which then reflects Gen Z's laissez-fair attitude toward everyday decisions resulting to increased attention to the viewers and Gen Z.
In all, the commercial ad for the product RC Cola was a bit unsettling yet creative and meaningful, which was a total success and effective in terms of the target audience and increased sales. According to (Neil, 2021), sales of RC Cola Mega in the Philippines surged by 67% after its video campaign went viral online. Hence, within 24 hours after its debut on December 2020, the commercial received 130,000 shares and 203,000 responses, was the top-trending subject on Twitter for two days because of its bizarre and creepy subject matter with a profound deep meaning behind the actions, which appeals to the hearts and minds of the Gen Z in this generation.
Beer, J. (2020, December 15). This ad proves that commercials need to get weird again. Fast Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90586284/this-ad-proves-that-commercials-need-to-get-weird-again
Diaz , A.-C. (2020, December 9). This is the weirdest ad we’ve seen all year. Ad Age. https://adage.com/creativity/work/rc-cola-basta-rc-cola/2300386
Neil. (2021, February 4). RC Cola sales soar after viral ad. BusinessWorld Online. https://www.bworldonline.com/corporate/2021/02/05/342938/rc-cola-sales-soar-after-viral-ad/
The strategy behind RC Cola’s basta campaign in the Philippines. (2021, July 20). Contagious. https://www.contagious.com/news-and-views/insight-and-strategy-behind-rc-cola-Filipino-advertising-campaign
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elevatetaxservices · 1 year
A Creative View on Trademark Registration for a Company
The Indian government made the GST tax or the Goods and Services Tax mandatory from 2017. The GST is a very important tax to be paid by businesses and the efficiency of paying GST increases the businesses efficiency. To rate how efficient businesses are in paying their GST dues, the Government of India has introduced the GST compliance rating. The GST compliance rating helps other businesses find out how a particular business is compliant in paying its GST dues and in turn find out the ease of doing business with that organization. This score will be calculated based on parameters such as timely filing of monthly and annual returns, furnishing details of input credits used, taxes paid, etc. Company Registration In Jaipur
GST Returns Filings
The GST returns are filed by using the www.gst.gov.in web portal. There are four types of GST returns like state government GST, central government GST, union territory GST, and Integrated GST. GST needs to be filed for the following purposes:
Sales Purchases Output GST on sales Input tax credit with GST paid on the purchase
GSTR 9-C Reconciliation Statement
GSTR 9-C is a necessary audit for every business or individual whose turnover exceeds more than 2 crores in revenue. The audit needs to be done by a Chattered Accountant or a cost accountant. Along with the GSTR 9C audit form, the taxpayer will also have to fill up the reconciliation statement along with the certification of an audit.
GSTR 2B Reconciliation
The GSTR 2B Reconciliation is an auto drafted Input Tax Credit statement that is generated on the 12th of every month. The GSTR 2B reconciliation is generated on a monthly basis and aims to simplify ITC claims for registered taxpayers.
TDS Returns
TDS was introduced by the government of India to collect tax from every source of income. As per this concept, a person who is liable to make payment of specified nature to any other person shall deduct tax at source and remit the same into the account of the Central Government.
Income Tax Returns The Income Tax Return or ITR is a form which contains the information regarding the person’s income and the taxes to be paid by the person during the financial year. The ITR must be filed every year and the minimum income slab to be eligible for ITR is rupees 2,50,000.
Company Annual Returns & Compliances
A Company Annual Return is a document that contains details of a company’s share capital, indebtedness, directors, shareholders, changes in dictatorships, corporate governance disclosures etc. A company must file its annual return within sixty days of its Annual General Meeting or the AGM.Compliance means following the provisions of law applicable to a person or an entity. Every entity or organization is governed by the law applicable and which it needs to follow to the spirit.
Audit and Assurance Working
Audit and Assurance workis the review of the financial systems of companies to assure that their records are accurate and honest, and to assess and identify where financial risks may exist.Audit and assurance workers are hired by companies to make sure that there is no irregularities in their financial dealings.
For More Info: Import Export License
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erinaaustralia · 1 year
’serene' - Luxury apartments in tranquil setting in the heart of Gosford
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busaddablog · 4 months
Access Exclusive Travel Savings
Unlocking Travel Discounts: Your Guide to Savings with Busadda
I. Introduction
A. The Travel Industry:
With the world becoming more accessible and interconnected, travel has become an integral part of our lives. From leisure trips to business travels, people are constantly on the move, seeking new experiences and opportunities.
B. Introduction to Busadda:
Read more 10 Best Places to Visit in Bihar
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II. Understanding Travel Discounts
A. Types of Travel Discounts Available:
Travel discounts come in various forms, including promotional codes, seasonal offers, group discounts, and loyalty programs. Understanding these options can significantly impact your travel budget.
B. Importance of Seeking Discounts in Travel Planning:
Read moreTop 5 best places to visit in Uttarakhand
With rising travel costs, seeking discounts is essential for budget-conscious travelers. By strategically leveraging discounts, travelers can stretch their budgets further and indulge in more experiences.
C. Advantages of Using Platforms like Busadda for Discounts:
Busadda offers a centralized platform where travelers can access a wide range of discounts and offers from various travel partners. This convenience streamlines the booking process and ensures maximum savings.
III. Exploring Busadda
A. Introduction to Busadda:
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B. How BusAdda Works for Travelers:
Busadda simplifies the booking process by offering a seamless experience from browsing to payment. Its intuitive interface allows travelers to compare prices, select preferred routes, and secure bookings effortlessly.
C. Overview of Discounts and Offers Available on Busadda:
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IV. Leveraging Travel Discounts on Busadda
A. Tips for Maximizing Savings on Busadda:
To make the most of Busadda’s discounts, travelers should keep an eye out for flash sales, bundle deals, and last-minute offers. Planning ahead and being flexible with travel dates can also lead to significant savings.
B. Understanding the Terms and Conditions of Discounts:
Before availing of any discount, it’s essential to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions. Pay attention to any restrictions or limitations to ensure a smooth booking experience.
C. Utilizing Loyalty Programs and Rewards:
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V. Case Studies: Real-Life Examples of Savings
A. Stories of Travelers Who Saved Using Busadda Discounts:
Hear from real travelers who have benefited from Busadda’s discounts and offers. Their experiences serve as inspiration for others looking to save on their next trip.
B. Testimonials and Reviews Highlighting the Effectiveness of Busadda:
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VI. Additional Resources
A. Links to Further Information on Travel Discounts:
Provide links to relevant articles, guides, and resources that offer additional insights into travel discounts and savings strategies.
B. Recommendations for Other Discount Platforms and Tools:
While Busadda is an excellent option for travel discounts, there are other platforms and tools worth exploring. Share recommendations for alternative platforms that cater to different travel preferences and needs.
VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of the Benefits of Travel Discounts: Travel discounts not only save money but also enable travelers to experience more during their journeys. Busadda’s commitment to providing affordable travel options makes it a valuable asset for budget-conscious travelers.
B. Final Thoughts on Saving Money with Busadda: As travelers continue to explore the world, Busadda remains dedicated to helping them save money and create unforgettable memories. With its extensive network of partners and commitment to customer satisfaction, Busadda is poised to revolutionize the way people travel.
C. Call to Action: Encourage readers to explore the savings opportunities offered by Busadda for their next trip. Emphasize the importance of planning ahead and taking advantage of discounts to make the most of their travel experiences.
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resmanagement · 1 year
Commercial Real Estate fastest growing market in India.
What is CRE?
Commercial real estate (CRE) is a property that is only used for commercial activities or as office space. It might be anything from an office complex to a duplex home, a dining establishment, or a warehouse. Retailers, offices, hotels and resorts, shopping malls, restaurants, and healthcare facilities are just a few of the different types of CRE. Commercial real estate can generate income for people, businesses, and corporate interests by renting it out or by keeping it and reselling it.
CRE takeaways:
Commercial real estate is a form of investment that has the potential to generate profit for the property owner through capital gain or rental income. It is divided into four main classes: office space, industrial space, multifamily rentals, and retail space. Investment in commercial real estate requires more sophistication and larger capital from investors than residential real estate, and publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs) are a feasible way for individuals to indirectly invest in it.
Commercial Real Estate types:
Commercial real estate is usually classified into four types depending on its use:
Industrial use: The size of industrial properties can also vary significantly based on their particular use cases.
Office space: Office buildings are also classified as low, mid, or high-rise according to their size, much like multifamily homes.
Similar subcategories exist for office space. Class A, Class B, or Class C are frequently used to describe it:
Class A: In terms of appearance, age, infrastructural quality, and location, Class A buildings are the best.
Class B: These buildings are often older and less expensively competitive than class A structures. These structures are frequently sought after by investors for restoration.
Class C: The oldest buildings are those in the Class C category; they are often older than 20 years old, situated in less desirable regions, and in need of upkeep.
Multifamily: The intermediary between residential and commercial real estate is multifamily buildings. While they can primarily be used as residences, the objective of this kind of property is generally for investment (owner-occupied or not).
Retail: The smaller retail buildings known may or may not have anchor tenants. A bigger retail tenant is known as an anchor tenant and often helps to attract people to the building.
Hotel and resorts: Generally, full-service hotels are found in tourist or central business districts.
Mixed-use: The most typical type of mixed-use structures are retail/restaurant buildings with offices or homes perched on top, particularly in cities. 
Shopping malls
Healthcare establishments
With top commercial properties, Res Management provides office spaces for rent/sale in Ahmedabad located in commercial hub spots in order to boost your sales. Let us be your commercial property matchmaker.
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