#c!foolish neg
thepenguisalive7 · 1 year
Here’s my little food for thought. If this upsets you, please look away! You don’t have to interact with me if you’d rather not see it 👍
Okay, I think some people on Twitter, hmmm
Why are some of them making this about q!Foolish and q!slime? I think some people are misinterpreting and assuming q!bad is being played the fool, but really, his grievances is more about being seen as a tool? Maybe they’re upset because that’s what their characters are going through? But they’re also ignoring other things q!bad did for said characters.
Sure he said some off things with q!slime and arguably pranks q!foolish a lot, but he also helps give them so many things, I don’t understand why people say he deserves this karma? I mean, q!slime did try to kill all the eggs before, his egg included. In rp, wouldn’t you be upset if someone did that? Q!bad usually tries to lean into rp whenever he plays on the server. He words were terrible sure, but he gave q!slime a full deck of maxed out armour and a backpack for basically free once, just because he felt bad for him. Even went on a little adventure to cheer him up. I understand that maybe q!slime viewers didn’t see this because it was on another persons stream and slime wasn’t streaming but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
He helps to take care of Leonarda for q!foolish, and this isn’t to say q!Foolish is a bad parent, he’s a great parent! But it’s just that, so many people are saying q!bad deserves this law against him for wronging q!foolish? Land duo are just different in my opinion, they know when to push and when to stop, and it’s their thing. Q!BBH pulls pranks, but never really with the intent of permanent damage or significant damage. They’re almost always easily removed. Q!foolish calls q!bad names and they argue but that’s how they work. But if you want to argue their interactions a little, q!foolish also does leave and expect q!BBH to take care of his egg. There was even a weekend where q!BBH explained he would’ve liked a heads up, and q!foolish just said he already kind of expected q!bad would do it anyways. And there have been times where q!bad would ask for some thank you’s from q!foolish, for taking care of Leonarda at times, to which they banter and it never happened.
But this isn’t really about q!slime and q!foolish, so I don’t understand why people are so insistent in bringing up Bad’s wrongs with these two people? When this is his grievance. Saying he deserved it for the wrong he’s done with these two, when they’ve also done things that contribute to the build up on why he’d be upset? I’d rule out land duo personally, because I like to think they’re the only duo that can mess with each other and more or less understand, but if you’re going to bring it up, I’ll bring up my counter argument.
What his grievances is really about is starting to feel more like a tool, the government issues, and his relationship with q!forever. It’s about q!bbh, so why rope those two into this???
They say q!BBH treated them badly, so he deserves this. Q!slime tried to murder every egg after Juanaflippa died. Did he succeed? No. Does he regret it? Ye. No harm done yeah? But he did try to kill a lot of eggs, and the intent was definitely there, even if he’s apologetic of it later on. Do people have to forgive him straight away cause the intent was there, even if he was grieving and upset? I don’t think so. If q!slime did the same thing recently, people would be a lot more upset, seeing as to how they reacted when q!forever striked Leonarda during an intense moment.
I guess maybe it gives people more insight on the wrongs of q!bbh? Hmmm… But it kind of just feels at one point that people just don’t want to hear out his character at all, and just go ahead inserting other characters to discredit how q!BBH is being fleshed out. It feels a little unfair because when slime was upset, people were happy to support him, even so far as having six people defending him (q!BBH included) for attempted murder? And q!foolish lore where he felt isolated because of the pac and Mike arresting and being stuck in the nether. That lore was okay, and is appreciated. Why not this one?
I just don’t think it’s fair to call it karma? When all characters are a little morally grey. You can have favourites, but come on. And then saying he deserves it, despite the fact he helped out those two a lot as well. Feels a little in bad taste.
But this is again just my opinion, I’m not necessarily the best, and if you’d like to discuss, please do so politely! And if you disagree, just ignore this post and move on
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hot take before I have a nap bc I’m sick but like. i do like the time loop finale idea but everyone saying it’d be “better” than the finale we got have no idea what they’re talking about because the shitty finale we got both Was A Part Of The Time Loop like the ending was showing the time loop genuinely i think people saying this don’t remember the finale bc it was very obviously A Part of this plan and also like. Would share the exact same issues with a time loop finale. Like, the finale way shitty unsatisfying and makes everything pointless because the time loop ending inherently fucks over c!Tommy's storyline and makes it bad like straight up. It just turns his and many other characters stories into pointless misery porn where they’ll never get a satisfying resolution and there’s literally no reason to be invested at all. The time loop finale straight up completely makes c!tommy's storyline just pointless and it makes many others too. It’s just the time loop would like, benefit literally anybody. The finale we got ruins Literally Every Storyline for No Reason, the time loop just ruins the Majority Of Storylines (because for basically everyone not involved with Dream XD lore, it renders their entire storyline literally completely pointless, like, none of it mattered and two years were wasted, y’all are overestimating how many characters actually benefit from it most are fucked over by it hard) for A Genuinely Good Ending To A Few. the main strength is that they could fix it in the next season else like it’d virtually be the same as the amnesia ending BECAUSE IT IS THE AMNESIA ENDING like y’all are genuinely just dumb at this point bc the finale we got is a blatant setup towards the time loop thing. like again I like it way more than what we got but it still throws like at least a good 3/4ths of the cast under the bus lol.
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ladyddanger · 2 years
c!quackity: this will be long and a lot
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
🦾 A disability headcanon
💝 A headcanon about their love language
💔 An angsty headcanon
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
🍫 A headcanon about food
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
Hi aqua! I’m gonna give some long answers so buckle up.
😇 Religion: Quackity doesn’t believe in any kind of god. He realized there was nobody there when he prayed for help over and over and nobody came. During Manberg he still went to church every Saturday because of the high population of religious people in Manberg. Schlatt himself was a man of the prime and it looked good in the press so they went. Tubbo believed in the prime very strongly. He and Quackity would go to church together sometimes just the two of them, usually late at night when it was dangerous to be in the White House. The last time they prayed together was right before Tubbos death at the festival. The last time Quackity was in a church was right after Tubbos death. He screamed and swore and tore down the alter. Finally Quackity fell to his knees in the ruins and prayed. He would be most perfect man on earth if only XD would bring Tubbo back safe and unharmed. Nothing happened. Tubbo was still gone. Quackity avoids churches now.
👻 : what scares him? Being helpless. Every single time it happens Quackity swears never again. He will never ever find himself in that position again. And it keeps happening. After Schlatt when Wilbur blew up La Manberg, after La manberg with Techno, after Techno when Tommy died and Quackity couldn’t protect him. When Slime died. When Slime killed him. It makes Quackity sick every time he thinks about the moments where he was weak and scared and couldn’t protect himself. He has nightmares. Some of them based on memories others based on fear. In the most common nightmare that’s not a flashback Quackity is pinned down and slowly drowns unable to move or fight back. Sometimes he can hear his friends screaming for help and he dies knowing he’s failed them. Completely unrelated he’s started avoiding water.
🦾 disability: on a lighter note Quackity had to learn how to fight after Techno took his eye and slime pushed him off a building. Foolish offered to help him so they spend an hour every morning training. Foolish has spent hours teaching Quackity how to move and fight again. It took a long time and few awkward conversations for Quackity to accept that Foolish’s help wasn’t a favor he needed to pay back. Foolish enjoys it even through Quackity is not a morning person by any means. Quackity pays attention and he’s a quick learner. Besides being a god can be a bit lonely and even through Foolish would never admit it, it’s nice to wake up and know you’re going to spending time with a friend someone for an hour every morning.
💝 his love language:
I have two ideas pick you favorite:
Quackity’s love language used to be touch. He would curl up on Schlatts lap and fall asleep or play with his hair while he was working. Now it’s gifts. Quackity would do anything for the people he loves. He built Karl and Sapnap a whole city just for them. He used to buy Slime all these expensive history books becuse he knew how much Slime loved them even if they where a pain to get. He buys all his employees lunch and ice cream every Friday as a thank you. This is definitely not a trauma response or a desperate effort to show he can be useful.
TWO: Quackity’s love language still is touch. He had a flinch response to any kind of touch after Schlatt. He claims he’s gotten over it and which is code for forcing himself out of it. Quackity wasn’t weak or broken or traumatized thank you very much. He constantly draped himself over Karl and Sapnap to prove just how not broken he was.
💔angsty headcannon: Once Quackity and Schlatt got in a fight in Manberg. It got so loud and violent that somone called the police. Quackity ended up with a broken wrist but was too scared to go to the hospital. Especially because they would have questions and Schlatt had already convinced the cops everything was alright. Schlatt had told Quackity many many times nobody would believe him, that they would just think he was lying for attention. Tubbo ended up setting Quackity’s wrist for him wrapping it up with strips from one of Tubbo’s shirts and way too many healing potions. It didn’t really heal right and it still hurts when it rains
👗 a headcannon about his clothes. Quackity makes dozens of little pockets in his clothing to hide weapons. You never know when you might need them! He also refuses to get rid of said weapons. When he was “visiting” Dream, Sam had make sure Quackity didn’t sneak any unauthorized weapons inside. In response Quackity kept finding more creative ways to hide them. It got the point where Sam had to spend twenty minutes patting Quackity down. The first time Quackity said “at least take me out to dinner first Sam.” it was funny. The fourteenth time was a lot less funny. Quackity seemed to almost be more amused by Sam’s annoyance then his own jokes.
🔪fighting: Quackity fights like fucking wild animal. He bites and puts his fingers in eyes and spits. He’s been known to literally bite someone in the throat for pissing him off. He’s not a good fighter but he’s good at holding off bigger and stronger people for long enough to be able to sneak away.
🍫: food: eating disorder tw! Quackity has a terrible relationship with food. In manberg Schlatt was constantly commenting on his body. Quackity was never fit enough never, never thin enough his ass was never fat enough. The press constantly mocking him and his weight didn’t help. So Quackity stoped eating at all. It was about Schlatt and his comments Quackity would make his husband proud even if it hurt. It was about control. In this way Quackity had perfect control over himself and his body. He called all the shots. It was about suffering. It felt good to be hungry it was the kind of pain he could handle. Quackity healed a little bit after Manberg when he started dating Karl and Sapnap and gained back a lot of weight. However he’s started to relapse in Las Nevadas especially with Dream out of prison and Schlatt walking around as a ghost.
End Tw
🎭 what he lies about: Quackity lies a lot about a bunch of little things. He makes a show of himself in Las Nevadas. Even his laugh is staged. The biggest lie he told recently was about slime. He told Sam for weeks that he has been off on meetings every night. Sam started to get suspicious when Quackity returned obviously upset. So he followed Quackity out of Las Nevadas and to a grave. He watched Quackity sit next to a picture of Slime and light a candle tears slipping down his cheeks sobs shaking his shoulders. Sam left and never mentioned it again.
😭 the worst thing that ever happened to him: after Schlatt during the first few days of New La Manberg Quackity went to hospital for his wings. It had been months since Schlatt had clipped them and they where incredibly painful. Tubbo went with him. They made a pact that Tubbo would go for his burn scars if Quackity would go for his wings. It was more for Quackity’s benefit because Quackity was terrified of hospitals after one too many Rosemary Kennedy jokes but Quackity let Tubbo think he was tricking him. Because honestly he wanted Tubbo there. Quackity sat and very calmly explained that he had an partner who had hurt him and cut his wings. And to his complete surprise the nurses believed him. They ran a bunch of tests and came back in and he just knew based on the doctor’s face. They were very sorry but thanks to the damage to his wings and how long he had waited to get help Quackity would never fly again. Quackity took it well. He thanked them politely and took the card for a therapist that he would threw away the moment he got home and told Tubbo he was fine and dropped him off at the White House. Then he drove as far out as he could and screamed until he couldn’t make a sound anymore.
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kodamaghost00 · 3 months
𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕
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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
A = Affection. How does he show affection towards his significant other?
He is clever with his words, so he will affirm you every day. Even if it’s something simple like pointing out a change in your appearance.
B = Best Friends. How did he act before you two started dating?
He was oblivious to your feelings. Before you two started dating he just thought you two were great friends, or better said he didn’t date before you so he wasn’t aware of his feelings yet.
C = Cuddles. Does he like cuddling?
When he’s not sleeping at the lab then he loves to cuddle with you. He likes to sleep on your chest especially. Listening to your heartbeat makes him sleepy.
D = Domestic. Does he want to settle down? Possibly starting a family one day?
He would love to settle down with you. Just the thought of having a family with you one day makes him very happy. He doesn’t want to have biological children though, due to his health condition that can be passed down.
E = Ending. How would he react if you two broke up? What would be his reaction be?
No matter your ups and downs he would always try to make it work again. But if you two really need to break up he’s very respectful of your boundaries. He would make it as comfortable as possible so you could stay friends afterwards.
F = Fiancé. How fast does he want to marry? Does he want to marry at all?
Viktor would like to marry you one day, but he’s way too focused on his studies to do it right now. He likes to take his time with proposing to you.
G = Gentle. How gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?
He is very gentle in both physical and emotional, but he will harshly point out when you make mistakes. Especially when they will affect you negatively.
H = Hugs. Does he like hugs? How often does he do it? What are his hugs like?
His hugs are deep and long. He’s not really a PDA guy but in private he loves a good hug. When he had a long day at the lab again it gives him strength to proceed.
| = I love you. How fast does he say the L-word?
As stated earlier he wouldn’t even realize that he has a crush on you. It takes courage to admit it as well. Give him the time he needs he’ll open up eventually.
J = Jealousy. How jealous can he be? What does he do when he’s jealous?
He wouldn’t admit it to you at first. Giving you dirty glances as soon as he notices the looks of others on you. He will do it quietly and quickly till you stop it yourself.
K = Kisses. What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where dies he like to be kissed?
His kisses are soft and gentle. He loves to kiss your hands and forehead! When he knows you have insecurities he makes sure to give them extra attention. He on the other hand loves it when you kiss his face and neck.
L= Little ones. How is he around children?
Due to his own childhood he is very careful of children. They are easily influenced by their surroundings so he tries to show his best self to them.
M = Morning. How are mornings spent with him?
He would stay up so late that he oversleeps in the morning. You have to wake him up gently. He goes to work straight away after eating breakfast with you.
N = Night. How are nights spent with him?
He comes to bed often when you’re already asleep. He comes to bed very exhausted and snuggles up to you listening to your steady breathing.
O = Open. When would he start revealing things about himself? Does he say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
He wouldn’t reveal too much all at once. It is foolish to reveal unnecessary information to strangers after all. After you work with him longer he’ll reveal more details about his past, present and future!
P = Patience. How easily angered is he?
He’s a very calm individual and won’t get mad over small things. It’s more like frustration than anger. He wouldn’t let it out in you but rather try to talk things out.
Q = Quizzes. How much would he remember about you? Does he remember every little detail you mention in passing, or does he kind of forget everything?
He does remember important stuff and occasionally gives you your favorite things, but you have to remind him on special occasions.
R = Remember. What is his favorite moment in your relationship?
Most likely when you two met each other for the first time. It was refreshing to meet a new interesting person working with him. Who knew that you two could fall for each other?
S = Security. How protective is he? How would he protect you? How would he like to be protected?
He won’t show it but he is very protective. Especially in the lab with huh toxic chemicals and the hexcore. He knows what it does with people.
T = Try. How much effort would he put into dates,anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
He would make sure to do everything in his power to make you feel special! He doesn’t take you out on little dates often but when he does they’re always so well prepared!
U = Ugly. What would be some bad habits of his?
He works till late in the night and even mornings. His sleep schedule is fucked and his eye bags are getting darker by the second.
V = Vanity. How concerned is he with his looks?
He cares about it a fair amount. His hair is always neat and all his shirts are ironed.
W = Whole. Would he feel incomplete without you?
Depends actually in what stage of relationship you guys are. If it’s only a few weeks in he would miss you as a friend. But if you two are already together for 4+ months then he’d feel lonely and incomplete.
X = Xtra. A random headcanon for him.
He likes it when you compliment his insecurities. It makes him hate them less.
Y = Yuck. What are some things he wouldn't like,either in general or in a partner?
He wouldn’t like it if his partner leaves their plates out. Like food plates with leftovers.
Z = Zzz. What is a sleep habits of his?
He has insomnia to some extent. He wakes up often in the night with slight panic.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
I love Viktor so much. Best Arcane/LOL character ever. Should I do a NSFW version? Let me know what you think! Have a great Day/Night.
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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swordfright · 9 months
Since we're talking c!Quackity...one of the interactions that fascinates me is the conversation between him, c!Wilbur, and c!Tommy when crimeboys visit Las Nevadas, because it contains this snippet of conversation:
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This snippet comes in the middle of a larger conversation wherein Wilbur, more or less freshly revived, is grilling both Tommy and Q for details about how to get into the prison to see Dream. After this, the conversation moves on to navigating the visitation system. This snippet is framed within the context of Wilbur wanting to visit Dream, Tommy trying to convince him not to, and Quackity...? Well, okay, what is Quackity trying to do here? What's his goal in this conversation? He readily supplies Wilbur with info about the visitation and security systems (while Tommy actively withholds and obfuscates this info), so does that mean Q is trying to normalize his own visits by encouraging other people to visit? That's possible, but what interests me more is the question of, like, what the hell is going on here in a broader sense.
The simplest view of this conversation is that it's an argument between two people who are diametrically opposed, and Quackity is the third party here, a guy who doesn't seem particularly invested in either outcome. Which begs the question, why does he bring his own visits up at all? Q is the one who cuts in and mentions that he's been visiting Dream, which at this point isn't a secret on the server but it's also not something Q seems interested in discussing at length. The torture visits are something to be flaunted, not talked about. My assumption, given what we know about Q as a character, is that he's leveraging his experience with navigating Pandora in order to impress Wilbur. Information is something that can be negotiated, brokered, sold - so he's letting Wilbur know he has something Wilbur wants.
This is classic Q behavior right up until the end, where he gets oddly touchy about the torture being brought up. This moment has always struck me as weird, especially considering the handful of other times Quackity doesn't care whether people know (the conversation he has with George comes to mind, as well as the path he asks Foolish to build.) So there are three possibilities here:
that Q is bothered by Tommy saying the quiet part out loud;
that Q has only just found out about Wilbur's gratitude to Dream in the last 5 minutes (literally) and doesn't want to give Wilbur a reason to oppose him right now;
there's something about Tommy specifically knowing about and acknowledging the torture that rubs Q the wrong way.
Personally, I don't see option #2 as viable, given that Wilbur and Quackity are already beefing over how close to Las Nevadas Wilbur can build stuff. That's part of the reason Wilbur is here in the first place: to execute some chernobyl-grade negging. It's not world-ending beef, but given the propensity for mid-tier beef to turn into world-ending beef on this server, it's not nothing. Point is, Quackity and Wilbur have already been at odds with each other for this entire episode. Is Quackity less likely to tolerate conflict involving Dream? Absolutely, but I don't think avoiding such a conflict is his primary reason for acting the way he does here.
My current theory is that it's a combination of #1 and #3 - Quackity seemingly enjoys implying that he's been torturing Dream, but rarely talks about it outright unless it's with Sam. I can't think of many examples of him discussing the torture openly with other characters. I think it's not a stretch to say he enjoys the power of suggestion, he likes making people wonder, he likes making people scared, but he's not really prepared for someone to bring it up so boldly and directly the way Tommy does here. As for why this bothers him, my best guess is that the torture is actually kind of...difficult to talk about with people who aren't directly involved (i.e. Sam and Dream.) It's an incredibly demanding habit that takes up much of Quackity's time and energy, not to mention it's insanely intimate. Like I just don't think it's a stretch to say that Q probably just straight-up doesn't know how to talk about it in a way that's upfront, rather than gloating or flaunting or vaguely implying. Another reason it's likely difficult is that, based on the interactions we've seen, Q probably isn't used to other people bringing it up at all. Tommy's remark catches him off-guard in a very literal way.
The "Don't say that, not even as a joke," really gets me though, because it's such a defensive thing to say, coming from a guy who up until now has been very clear about how little interest he has in defending the indefensible. Is this comment a sign of remorse on Quackity's part? Fuck no, but I do think it's an admission of something. Keep in mind that Quackity's mannerisms when speaking to Tommy are almost identical to the way he speaks to c!Slime. This is evident in a number of streams from the Las Nevadas era, but especially this one: Quackity's tone of voice, language, demeanor, all of it is calculated to evoke the same kind of mentor-mentee relationship he has with Slime. And it makes sense - at this junction in the story, Q views Tommy as someone who's young and impressionable and fucks up a lot, someone who could use Q's advice, someone who's easy to manipulate.
If I were to hedge a bet, I'd say the primary reason Quackity reacts to the torture comment with defensiveness in this scene is because Tommy's remark reminds him that he needs to stay in control of the narrative. I think this is why Q brings up his visits (not the torture, but the visits) earlier in the conversation: "Tommy, you know about this, right?" He's testing Tommy to see how much he knows, and is taken aback when Tommy is prepared to bring up the nasty stuff. Q can walk around with Dream's blood on his shirt all he likes, but once the story's out, it's out - Quackity will no longer have control over who knows and, more importantly, what they think. If anything, this moment is a fleeting but noticeable admission of Quackity's insecurities surrounding the torture in specific. If he's going to properly manage his alliances, he would do well to maintain control of info surrounding, uh, how he spends his time.
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Performing was an art. One that requires passion and ambition. To truly give your audience a great show, you must be willing to offer your soul. For a stiff character has no place amoung the stories you wish to tell.
Something was wrong. Class 1-C was having difficulty and needed more time to prepare. They had worked very hard, and you knew that they didn't deserve to get a bad score for the props taking longer to set up.
You quickly whisper into Dali-Sans ear before he can announce them. "They need more time something went wrong." He nodded and flashed a smile to the audience. "We're in for a special treat, it seems, this year! Our own staff will be giving a small performance as well this year!"
You frowned. What in hell was he thinking? "My lovely friend here will be entertaining you for a short while as we help set up for the next act!" He handed you the mic and rushed off. Oh, you were going to kill him later for this.
But not before you got your own fun out of it. "Kalego-San, didn't you promise to assist me?" You smiled as Poro-Chan gasped. You knew he couldn't resist a show with Kalego in it. It guaranteed his distraction.
Kalego narrowed his eyes as he was set down and placed before the stage. Before he could say anything negative or deny, you started. "Oh foolish man of whom pride lays claim to, your arrogance may be your very undoing."
Pointing a finger at his accusingly as you watched him now make his way on stage storming up to you. "How time hath changed you. For you are not the one that I knew so long ago." You sighed.
He glared at you before speaking his voice carrying without assistance. "You are also not the one I so fondly remember or have you forgotten? You whose soul is now filled with envy." His smug smirk rising as a challenge.
Fine then. You tossed the mic backstage, knowing someone had caught it. "Fondly, he says." You scoffed mockingly. Both of you started circling each other in intimidating manors.
"When have you ever thought fondly of me?" He advanced forward, and you let him grasp your chin. "There are many things I do it seems that escape your notice." He pretended to examine you before letting go.
"How dare you! If I do not notice, it is because you neither show nor say anything!" You hissed, turning your back to him.
"Must I say anything? Must I show you? Why must I constantly remind you of such?" He questioned as he leaned over your shoulder seductively. "I pity the soul who lives with your affections." You brushed him away and moved back to your original starting point.
"Do you not wish a life with me?" He asked rather softly. You paused, glancing back. "Do not be foolish." You stated firmly. "Time and time again I have remained by your side have I not? Or has your swelling ego allowed you to forget?"
Crossing your arms, you turned away again. He laughed bitterly. "And you claim to pity any soul stuck with me. I'd hate to see the sap trapped in what you call love." You winced clutching your heart.
"Do not speak to me of such things!" You snapped, spinning to face him. "My love is as vast and as endless as the sea. My love amounts more than the stars in the heavens! My love shall remain eternal through summer, winter, spring, and fall!"
You glared at him, eye to eye chest to chest. "How could you of whom I care for so much not know?" You asked. Waiting for a response. He did not answer. Instead, he turned his head away from you.
"Then maybe we did not know each other at all." You stepped back and turned to leave. You felt him grasp your wrist. "I know that you drive me insane." His voice is calm yet held a depth you couldn't understand.
"I know each day I wake up and start worrying about all the trouble you will cause me." You continued to stare ahead, not looking back. "I know that you love so fiercely that time seems to halt just so that you can produce more of your inane affections."
You peered back at him. Somehow, you knew that the two of you weren't playing anymore. "You say that as if you love me." The room was quiet. As if you were the only two inside.
"I- I love you so much that words could not describe and actions can not convey how I feel to you." He swallowed, looking at you painfully. Embarrassment crossing his features.
You turned to fully face him now. "You are arrogant and cocksure." You said, and he winced, releasing his hold on you. You took the chance to grab his tie and pull him closer.
"You hate showing weakness, so you pretend to not care because you were taught that caring is weakness." Now you were nose to nose. You could see the fear and hope clashing in his eyes.
"Someone so prideful yet secretly kind as you. You should not have given your love to someone as greedy as me." You leaned in and brushed your lips together briefly. Pulling back, you smiled. "I plan on keeping your love all for myself."
Kalego only stared at you in silent shock. For a moment, you thought you went too far. Maybe you had misunderstood or read the signals wrong.
"If you're going to love me, love me properly." He scolded. You blinked. What did he mean by that? He grasped you close and pressed his lips hungrily to your own. Oh! Oh, he meant that.
You sigh, relaxing into his hold. Both of you were startled by the loud cheers and applause from the audience. Kalego swore under his breath before dragging you backstage to hide his embarrassed face in your shoulder.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
tw : caps
bee, i am BEGGING so badly, PLEASE! how would the mcyts react with being a wednesday reader, i just finished the series in one day, it was amazing AND PLSSS!
— 🎟
Ok, usually I would go in order of requests in my inbox, but I'm making an exception cause I had this idea since I finished the series yesterday
Soo, I hope you enjoy <3
P.s. hope you don't mind that it's C!DSMP, I just had an idea for them ready instead of the CC's. But if you want a CC's one, I'll be glad to make it ^^
C!DSMP react to a Seer!Reader Addams
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Includes C!: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, Philza, Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Disclaimer: contains some spoilers from the "Wednesday" series, you have been warned.
Obviously your family was very well known
Wherever you went you were quickly recognised as the "dark freaks" "the outcasts"
The Addams
If it wasn't already obvious by your lack of color in your clothing and just all around weird nature you gave off
But other then that you were known in the SMP as "The Seer"
See, like your mother and your sister, you had been given the power to see into the past or future with a simple touch
But, unlike them, you tend to have both positive and negative sights
"Owl" is what you liked to call your powers
You keep a balance between good and bad things, which makes you able to see much more then your mother or sister could
Upon moving into the SMP, the rumors of your powerful psychic abilities had drowned the town in a matter of hours
And many people approached your black and white castle for a talk
You only had 3 people give you very very negative visions: Dream, Wilbur and Bad.
In Dream's visions you got to see little moments of the man himself destroying the place and people he cherished and cared for the most, driven by a greed to have control over the people going against him;
In Wilbur's you saw the destructions of his masterpiece, L'manburg. And you also got to meet the many different versions to come of the man;
In Bad's you were tied up by red vines, as you gazed upon a growing red egg; it's aura almost putting you into a weird trance. You, unfortunately, got to also get a glipse at Skeppy's unfortunate future
You obviously had to lie to these three about what you saw. Who knows what would happened if you even mentioned a word about it. But you could tell that they were suspicious of you
George and Foolish both had a familiar figure in their future. You just told them that it was a positive sign, even if you didn't the get a chance to glipse at the familiar man;
The two appreciated your time ad thanked you for beinf honest
The rest of your visions weren't good but weren't totally bad
Sapnap, Quackity and Karl's definitely worried you, seeing at how close they were. You definitely kept your mouth quiet with them, but did advice Sapnap to keep an eye on the other two for safety;
Philza and Techno seemed to have a pretty smooth life, but only after the end of an era. They obviously weren't happy about whats to come, but for ready nonetheless
Niki and Eret had a pretty challenging journey ahead of them, so you just encouraged them to not give up. They appreciated the encouragement;
Punz and Sam on the other hand had pretty worrisome futures, from what you got to see, so you advised them to do what they think will be the right thing to do when the time comes. Very vague, but they definitely kept it in mind
Out of everyone you got very close to Karl.
The fact that you knew about his little time travelling secret was the rwason, but also cause you two seemed to weirdly hit it off
He was the colorful crayons to your black and white drawing
Niki and Foolish were also others who you got close to. They basically adopted you under their wing and decided you should be friends, you didn't really get a choice
Even with the amout of knowledge you had about the people in this town, you were pretty happy to be with them
And obviously help them with what their future held
Something you didn't know how to handle tho, was a certain blondes and brunette's future...
It getting more difficult with every vision you got of them
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froggyrights · 2 years
Hi everyone! Since a couple people were interested I made a small blog recommendations list 🌟
These are all people I personally love to see on my dash! Specifically those i know well enough to comment on or people I like that I haven't seen on many other follow lists floating around.
If you enjoy following me you'll probably like these people's blogs as well.
Mostly Dream SMP content:
@carpedzem my c!dnf partner in crime!! also an amaazing artist and good lore posts!
@elliotl beloved dreblr member, general Good & Nice presence and good c!dream posts!
@cdiskduoisms I would trust his opinions on discduo with my LIFE. Writes so many incredible dsmp fics you neeed to check them out
@dorito-with-no-weakness both based c!dream & dsmp stuff and fun other mcyt posts!
@call-me-apple also dreblr! every apple Post I see I go woah. thats based. Recommend.
@kiuda her c!dream headcanons make me So sad. Posts analysis and cc content too!
@rutadales there's no one whose c!foolish analysis i trust more! Also a lot of c!dream, cool art and general mcyt content.
@simplepotatofarmer such a cool blogger! posts awesome c!Techno & c!rivals stuff and posts about their chickens (!!) There's no negatives here
@bigbaras recently started posting their c!dream and dsmp art on here and wow. Woooooww. Wow.
@foolsocracy posts dsmp stuff! Makes aweesome art like their c!Sam design is everything 2 me
@cgogs one of the like 6 other cdnfers on this site woo 🥳 I'd mention him just for that but she also has awesome analysis abt cclingy and cawesamponk
@yumgrapejuice I'm a huge fan of grapes endersmile fics!! Also blogs about c & cc dream :)
@kenjo-arts posts so much cool c!dream and dsmp art!!
@theminecraftbox can't rec dsmp blogs without mentioning their blog ! Has the best c!prisontrio analysis on the website for suure
Mostly CC content:
@dteamtogether pandasblr! Posts mainly sapnap & dtqk+!! Blaze is awesome follow him neoooww
@dtqkplus the url says enough right? Also reblogs tommy and wilbur stuff, if there's a good post I'll probably see it on their blog
@catboydweam all sorts of c & cc dream stuff! Also talented fic writer!!
@dnferisms posts general dtqk+ content, definitely a fun addition to your dash!
@alien-girl-21 mix of mcyt and general fun posts. My go to for updates on what Quackity has been up to on Karmaland!
@gnfghibli dteamblr and some other mcyt comtent, really fun to follow
@respiteresponse posts suuuch wonderful mcyt/dsmp art!! Mainly dteam and tina from what I've seen, it's awesome
@calamitydaze posts general dtqk content and also makes the most heartwrenching dsmp webweaves ever. Such good c!Quackity & c!fiance opinions too
@f4c3 literally a dteamblr staple. Where would we all be without f4c3. Has been here for ages & will outlast us all
@tinogie posts mainly abt dtqk+, always has something fun/interesting/cursed going on in their askbox. Also very talented dnf fic writer!
@foolishgamersbf my favorite foolish gamers enjoyer!! Posts abt foosh and tina mostly, runs @tooshdaily as well!
@sappymix1 dteam main, posts tons of mcyt stuff, very fun to follow!!!
@georgelore one of the first dteamblr blogs I followed in like 2021 and never regretted my decision, just posts good mcyt content
Also honorable mention to Leo @hoshogie who doesn't post mcyt content but you should follow xem anyway thank you👍
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mahayanapilgrim · 3 months
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Relaxed and Open
"If you stay as the calm open awareness all limitations will be self liberating. This is the basic practice instruction of dzogchen. Don't become actively involved. Don't chase after the past. Don't wait expectantly for the future. Don't try to manage your mind. Just stay relaxed and open.
Things come and they go. When they come and you want them to stay this is foolish they will go. We have all had broken hearts. You fall in love with someone and for whatever reason they go away.
How terrible, how could that be, arising phenomena are passing. The same with negative situations that are there for a while and then they are gone. The self liberation of phenomena never stops, however, when we don't recognise the open awareness we are pulled towards grasping and it is our own grasping which stops us experiencing the self liberation of the phenomena so we act as if the past was still with us.
You did that to me 20 years ago. I can never forgive you.
Amazing. People bear these grudges. Unforgivable. You are terrible. Who are we talking about. The person who did the bad deed is 20 years older. The doer of the deed has vanished, dissolved, a thousand million times since then.
But it's you. I know it's you. Because I found your name.
And I know your birthday. And so I could track you down.
Who is this who has been found?"
"James Low is a disciple and teacher in the Byangter and Khordong lineages of the late Chhimed Rigdzin Lama.
He began studying and practising Tibetan Buddhism in India in the 1960's and received teachings from Kalu Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche, Kanjur Rinpoche and Dudjom Rinpoche. Having met his root teacher, Chhimed Rigdzin Lama (also known as C R Lama), he lived in his home in West Bengal, India for many years, serving him as required and being taught many aspects of the tradition..."
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rippcdedgvs · 13 days
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[ he/him, cisman ] greetings to all of our listeners! we start today’s potterwatch with a long-awaited update on declan montague who was finally spotted alive just last night, wandering the streets of london. for those of you who haven’t tuned in before, they are a twenty eight year old pureblood (metamorphmagus) ravenclaw alum who works as a wizengamot legislator. they are oddly reminiscent of never staying in one place for too long, a soft yet commanding voice, expectations that weigh heavily, perfectly tailored suits, the drive for perfection, sharp tongue with an even sharper mind and late nights spent at the library, which makes sense considering their adaptable, resourceful, self motivated, perfectionist, manipulative, and secretive nature. you might know of them as the biological child of graham and amora montague, and we’re sure that their family will be relieved to hear they’re safe and sound — or at least as much as you can be, in times like this. to all our listeners, if you catch a glimpse of someone who looks a bit like that muggle nicholas galitzine, that’s them. before approaching, please be aware that they’re rumored to be affiliated with the wraiths (double agent for the erinyes), so best proceed with caution. these are dangerous times we’re living in. well, thanks for tuning in, folks. we’ll play ourselves out with shadow by livingston.
Basic Information
Full Name: Declan 'Dex' Montague
Age: 28
Date of Birth: December 12th
Gender: cisman
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: wizengamot legislator
Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Spanish
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Clothing Style: Always looking impeccable
Label: the opaque : unable to be figured out; hiding behind a facade; not transparent.
Positive Traits: adaptable, resourceful, self motivated, loyal, protective
Negative Traits:  perfectionist, manipulative, and secretive, impulsive, overcritical
Father: Graham Montague
Mother: Amora Montague
Sibling(s): Celine Montague (deceased)
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Enneagram: The Challenger
Temperament: Choleric
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: Wrath
Primary Virtue: Faith
Element: Water
Addictions: Alcohol, if he's not busy then he's usually drinking.
Wand: hawthorn, 10 1/3, swishy, white river monster spine Patronus: Lynx Boggart: His sister's corpse
Declan has always done as was expected of him. At least, partially. It was no surprise to either of his parents that he disagreed with the actions that the wraiths were taking but this was the path they had chosen and therefor, Declan and his sister were expected to go along. It was cowardice in his eyes and a stupid tradition that they both refused to let go of. It seemed foolish to him and a waste of time apart from that he knew they were on the wrong side of history. The people behind this cause had lost not once but twice already. Why were they still on their side? Why the need to cause so much hurt and pain? The idea that they were still trying to continue an old way of thinking that just seemed backwards all around was ignorant to him and that was something that Declan has never had much patience for. Close-mindedness and ignorance and pointless harm.
Sometimes being a little too smart for his own good even as a child. He's never been someone to not call his parents out though over time, he's learned to keep his mouth shut if he doesn't want to end up under specific people's radars. In all honesty, only doing it for his sister who always begged him to go along with things out of fear of them suffering the consequences at the hands of the wrong people, specifically the leaders because they both knew their parents would do nothing to protect them.
Being sorted into Ravenclaw was something in itself that caused people's eyes on him. A Montague that didn't end in Slytherin was strange but many people didn't know that it was a close call. His father knew that his son had specific way of speaking, reading people and could pin point things others missed and so he made sure that Declan enhanced those skills and helped recruit students from within using the fact that perhaps people would be more trusting of him since he did not end up in Slytherin. Declan was expected to do this whether through manipulation or force. This made Hogwarts a very unpleasant experience where instead of focusing on just being a kid, he was expected more of the older he got. He tried to stay away from it, tried to brush his father off or pretend like he was doing as told but not following through but eventually his father grew impatient and began to use punishment as a means to get his son to do as he was told. His sister tried to plead with him but this just made Graham push his son even more and his mother easily turned a blind eye which started his resentment for them both.
His sister didn't posses the same skills that Declan did. She wasn't exceptional with her magic nor was she skilled with her words. She had strength, determination and stamina. So when she graduated, she became part of the first circle. One night when she was sent out to help recruit more of the creatures with the lies of being promised rights, she was attacked and killed. Something inside Declan died when he found out the news. A need for vengeance grew in him. If he didn't agree before, he much less did so now but he began to focus more on figuring out how to turn against the wraiths and ensure that they got what they deserved.
He focused on becoming the perfect soldier so that he'd be trusted more yet staying in the background to ensure he wasn't suspected of by anyone. He observed and made sure to wait until it was the proper moment to act. Upon graduating, he found himself studying under the department of magical enforcement as a means to get into the Wizengamot. It wasn't an easy task as his last name still lingered to cause him issues though he was an exceptional liar when needed as he had been trained to be. This made it easy to pass the tests presented to him and with his knowledge and dedication he found his way in. People assumed it was to get his hands in on the ministry and help to keep those captured out of Azkaban by having a voice in their court cases but truthfully, Declan wanted to be the one to condemn those who had a direct impact on his sister's death personally.
Somewhere along the line, he found himself within the erinyes after being recruited. He agreed to work as a double agent and becoming a child of hermes in the process. He isn't sure if vengeance is really the best reason to turn against his family but in truth, he doesn't care. His parents let his sister die without any remorse for something that wasn't even worth it or perhaps the fear kept their guilt at bay, he wasn't sure and he didn't care. Not anymore.
Wanted Connections: An extended hand: This would be someone who's seen past Declan's facade of working for the wraiths that are currently with the erinyes and instead notices the anger in him and offers him the opportunity to join and help bring them down.
Is it casual now?: Declan tends to sometimes use his ability to flirt to get his way though many would see this as manipulation. This person is someone who things have gone a little too far and emotions are now involved but being as Declan is so focused on his goal, he keeps them at bay and never really lets them in. Ride or Die: They're besties. This person knows Declan for who he really is which deep down, he's just a nerd who enjoys learning and just wants to have a peaceful life. Either they encourage him or they try to make him see reason that regardless of the fact that he's helping take down the wraiths, it isn't for the right reason.
I see you: This person has never trusted Declan. Something has always been a little off and they just can't pin point it but they know that there's more that meets the eye and they try their best to find ways to get him to slip.
Open To More Plotting!
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
Wasn't eret part of wilburs for a bit too? Wasn't it wilbur who wrote the betrayal? Since wilbur is sooooooo good at writing lore and apparently including everyone (🙄 like no) why weren't they apart of that more? Also if eret is really trying to get into lore with foolish who is ALWAYS streaming theeeeeen yea maybe the problem isn't others. Like yea we know dream isn't the best at responding but like he's clearly trying his best?! Also fucking come on read the room! There is literally a hate campaign going on against dream, you really wanna add more criticism and negativity??? Don't even have to be in the know to realize that's happening 😮‍💨
I really like eret buuuut this is really turning me off :/ I don't even want to watch their lore now
you know what's funny Dream wrote the betrayal. the wilburians just took his credit away for one of the most iconic moments of that arc. same way Dream wrote the destruction of L'manberg with Wilbur on November 16th. Wilbur said it was Dream's idea in the first place. and Dream invented the revival book to give himself a reason for his character to join c!Schlatt's side and Dream improv'd exile with Tommy and Dream co-wrote Doomsday with Techno and Dream helped with the staged finale.Tommy's finale, the entire prison arc. like what ever you want to say about Dream's role on the server you can't say he's ever been passive
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Dsmp live action but even worse
Adding some hate and negativity to your dash. No need to thank me.
[these are not my real thoughts and feelings rather a parody]
Wilbur blows up La’Manberg to Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift. (They had a brand deal with her.)
Dream’s face reveal is hyped up for two seasons and it’s baited that he’s Tommy’s father.
Sam is green horse. Not a creeper hybrid just a green horse with spots that randomly turns into a shirtless human man for reasons.
Quackity sleeps with Ponk, he and Sam fight about it and it’s never brought up after that episode.
Karlnapity also magically heals Quackity’s trauma and they are the perfect couple until they suddenly ignore him for reasons.
Sam makes a tik tok in prison.
Tommy wears Nike in an obvious product placement.
Wilbur has PTSD from the Independence war for one episode and then it’s magically healed by Niki telling him it’s not his fault people died. (This is her entire character arc for season 1)
C!Foolish is a hahaha silly himbo.
Quackity wears a dump him shirt into prison.
Tommy is so jealous of Ranboo and Tubbo he tries to fight Ranboo
Techno is a literal pig. He turns into a man sometimes tho.
The writers want Sam to only have one life left after Dream kills him so Sam gets hit by a truck while he’s yelling at Quackity for sleeping with Ponk. Chasing cars plays while Quackity and Ponk sob in each others arms by his hospital bed.
Reivebur randomly grabs Quackity, throws him over his shoulder and runs away with him into the sunset in the mid season finale. The next episode Q is back and this is never explained.
Eret and Reivebur look at each other and it becomes a huge ship on on tik tok. The writers hate this so much they give Wilbur a girlfriend in Utah named Callie.
Straight phobia is real. Wilbur calls Phil a “hetro” and Niki beats him up for it.
Dream and dreamXD kiss. The writers get canceled for writing incest on twitter so they make it Gnf having a weird Dream and that’s worse.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
this is not critical OR negative BUT i wish there were more characters that actually FELT as morally grey as foolish and bad. cause a lot of them are grey in some ways but i feel like theres not a lot of commitment to it ? it kind of goes with "qommunication smp" like its really great that so many characters are kind and ultimately choose good but part of me just wants more characters who are just really wrong in their decisions in an inexcusable way idk idk.
maybe this is just bc im an ex-dsmp blog though and my favorites there were literally the badlands and c!quackity LMAO i really dont want qsmp to ever be the grimdark dsmp was but alsooo i just get routinely surprised how resistant a lot of characters are to doing bad things dnfkdfnkdfn
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bestworstcase · 2 years
Somewhat related to your lengthy post regarding the Huntsman System, but your point about how the Grimm tend to react it did make me consider a lot of little details from all across the RWBY series. Like how the two Ursas Yang pulverizes momentarily act quizzical in Season 1, the lack of constant Grimm threats, the Sabyrs running away from the Hound...
It makes me wonder if that maybe most Grimm are, at worst violently territorial animals that just happen to be drawn to negative emotions and made of darkness, and that most of their violence is at its worst when they're young, but become more controlled with age. Only really attacking when they're provoked or extreme negative hotspots draws their attention. They're monstrous to be sure, but ultimately are only a threat if you go out of your way to make them a threat.
After all, animals in real life can be perceived as a threat depending on the situation, and can be very territorial and violent. But they generally leave humans alone unless you're foolish enough to provoke them. Whose to say that something similar isn't occurring with Grimm? And it's not like regular animals aren't capable of being emotion-driven cruel opportunistic bastards (see Dolphins), and real creatures are full of horrifying things they can do to people and each other for survival (mind control fungus on ants, a hive of bees microwaving a wasp to death, etc.)
And let's face it, humans are very prone to demonizing animals, like how Jaws resulted in people being unnecessary terrified of sharks as man-hunting killing machines despite the likelihood of them going after humans being circumstantial at best (Not to say that they're not dangerous). Or farmers murdering wolves despite the latter being necessary for natural deer depopulation.
The only Grimm you'd really have to worry about in regards to not acting like that, at least based on what we've seen so far, seem to be the Grimm who are either deliberately provoked, or have been altered or are manmade.
the world of remnant grimm episode confirms that grimm eat their prey and have been observed in the wild driving other predators away from their kills. grimm kept in captivity for scientific study quickly die (though it’s shown in the grimm campaign, grimm eclipse, and roman holiday that criminals who use captive grimm to execute rivals do not have this problem). the consensus of the scientific community is “grimm don’t need to eat, they choose to because they’re evil.”
everybody knows grimm are drawn to negativity, except during the climactic sequence of ‘before the dawn’ the grimm SAVE THE DAY by ignoring all the panicking, desperate defenders to rush gillian and her army of supercharged aura soldiers, because what they’re actually after is aura.
grimm are mindless except when they’re not. grimm are ravening violent monsters who exist to kill humans except for how in fault there’s a gazillion centinels just chilling underground until the hound calls for help and they erupt to attack jyr. humans are reckless and dumb as kids and get smarter and more cautious as they age, but when grimm exhibit the exact same maturation it’s perverse and merely a calculation to get better at killing people.
grimm studies is canonically pseudoscience kdshfvsk
the thing that interests me most about the grimm is that they’re… social beings. like it’s incredibly rare to encounter just one, because they form packs. in volumes two and three the grimm packs of mountain glenn are shown mostly just… nosing around the ruins as a group; it’s not clear what they’re doing, but they don’t seem to be actively hunting (they attack the kids in the streets but do not enter the ruins where the kids are camping even after the sentry impulsively leaves everyone else asleep and vulnerable, and they do not seem to have given torchwick’s operation any real trouble). likewise the goliaths outside the city are moving together. and when bartleby separated two of the apathy from their pack and trapped them in the waterways under his farm, the rest of them followed and rejoined the missing pair in the waterway instead of attacking the settlement—they prioritized finding the captured members of the pack over attacking people!
my theory is that grimm are dark’s half of humanity: destruction+knowledge without creation+choice. and the intriguing thing about that is, rwby’s metaphysics are fairly clear on aura coming from creation but the *soul* being a function of KNOWLEDGE, and i think that might be the key to why the grimm are the way they are. they have souls but no aura, and they either need aura to survive or they want it because they know they’re missing something fundamental (in the same way that both of the brothers *need* each other because they were originally one being that split itself into two out of loneliness).
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bwompbomp · 3 months
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intro - love, a feeling so complex that it can't be fully expressed in words. with something so beautiful, so strong, comes with its equal ugliness and weakness. for example, when you're heartbroken.
character - gn! reader x male charac? wrote this w. no one in mind so it can be anyone u imagine!
genre - angst :3
warnings - not my forte, so bear w. me if it isn't angsty enough :c, unspoken love shi, miscommunication/misunderstanding typabeat.
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rejection is something that is usually feared at by the most, whether in society, in job interviews, or even.. love confessions. afraid of heartbreak and the events transpiring after such an awkward and possibly heartbreaking moment, you choose to hide yourself in the guise of a friendly facade, approaching him with the reason of 'becoming friends!'.
'selfish.' your head would whisper to you in moments where you're left for your overthinking to swallow you whole. 'approaching someone with a hidden agenda is as good as tricking them.'
but is it so bad you want to be closer? to be with him a little longer, to spend time and make memories, even if he didn't see you the way you see him?
is it really that bad that you were just a little hopeful, thinking that if you started small, even as friends, it'd eventually grow to something more? something more beautiful, more lovelier and more.. wonderful?
is it really so selfish of you to wish for more memories to lose yourself in your daydreams? more time to spend with him that'll maybe, possibly, make him change his mind and see a possibility of something else?
but as you watch him talk to them, the way he would look at thrm in such.. tenderness as he listened carefully to what they'd say, finding the gentleness odd, feeling it tug at your heartstrings as you watch him treat them in a different level, a level you doubt would be something you'd ever feel.
'oh.' you whisper, feeling that familiar, clenching feeling that's on your chest, that familiar lump forming on your throat as the urge to cry strengthens. you smile, immediately forcing yourself to look away, face away, turn away, go away.
'what'd you expect?' you smile to yourself, your footsteps trudging the roads as your legs take you somewhere, anywhere but that sight. you can feel your lips trembling, the negative thoughts starting to plague your mind and overshadow any positive ones. 'why did you dare hope?? why bother trying, when you couldn't even compare-'
you stop at your absent-minded tracks at that familiar voice. not finding the strength in yourself to turn around and for him to see the possible signs of distress you were just in, you bit your trembling lips and sucked in a quiet inhale. "..yeah?"
"where were you going?" he says, his steps coming closer to your direction. you frowned at the realisation, before discreetly wiping any unshed tears and stretching your lips to a questioning grin as you turned to him, presenting the friendly mask that you always, always hid yourself in.
"what do you mean? didn't i tell you i'd go home early for today?"
"you did?" you didn't. "yeah. need some homework and other school shit due today." you feigned a dramatic sigh, your eyes catching the stare he gave you as he slowly walked closer. "oh.. did you need some help with them again?" he offers.
"no. i'm fine." you forced yourself to grin, a resigned smile slipping between the cracks of your facade. "wouldn't wanna ruin a possible set-up with you-know-who. don't you know how I absolutely detest being a third wheel?"
he blushes in response, a quiet reply that says all you need to know, answers all the questions you had and shutting down the hope you had in your foolish heart. he stammers a weak refusal, but the way he easily crumbles to his embarrassment refutes the words he mutters. you giggle, the action leaving a bitter taste in your tongue as you play along the 'good, supporting friend'.
and off he goes, bidding you goodbye. he smiles at you, a sight for your sore eyes, your heart thudding painfully in your chest as you got reminded of your situation. with his receding figure running off to them, you slowly continue your venture to god knows where.
foolish, is it not? approaching him with the intentions of becoming more, spending more time with him as you hoped that there would be a flick, or a switch, something, that'll tug at his heart, to at least reciprocate a fraction of the feelings weighing in the deepest parts of your heart..
..only for it to be the shackles that'd bound you to your unfortunate position, a big, dangling sign labelled 'a good friend' hanging in your neck, like a collar bound to its tie.
ironic, really, that you'd dare hope for something more, when you're the one who immediately set the boundaries of possibilities your relationship could go. immediately telling him that you'd want to be a good friend, you set up walls, borders that you find to be a safe place, a comfort for your weary heart who desires him so, so much, only for it to be the very obstacle, chaining yourself to the label that is 'a good friend'.
if only you noticed the ways he would look at you before, when you weren't paying attention. if only you noticed the way he'd hide his giddy smile as you introduced yourself to him.
if only you noticed the heartbreak in his eyes as you professed your desire to be his.. good friend.
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a/n - *sobs, don't you just hate it when the charac is unfortunately stuck in a situation where they can't do shit, only for you to realise they dug up their own grave? yikes.
dropping this here because I suddenly felt angsty. did it make you cry? hope so ♡ jk
likes n reblogs r vv much appreciated! hope u had a good read, remember to eat n drink ur shitt ♡
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greenleopard49 · 1 year
Orange Side Represents Hatred!
I think Orange side has to be hated because it would be too simple to make him something short-lived like anger and he has to be a formidable foil to Logan. According this article from Good Therapy ,"Hatred is a relatively stable feeling of intense dislike for another person, entity, or group. When someone feels hatred for another person, they often spend much of their time fixating on their anger, contempt, or dislike of the other person."
While Logan may be quick to try to formulate plans and find the logical solution to resolve an issue; Orange may see an issue in a way that makes the situation a much bigger deal than it is or magnify an issue to the point that he makes the situation worse than it already is.
What could be the root cause for c!Thomas to develop feelings of hatred?
Feel envy or want what the other person has. They may consider it unfair that someone has what they lack.
Thomas experienced this during "Selfishness v. Selflessness” where on the stand confessed that he wanted to go to the callback because "I was planning to play word crush on my phone during the ceremony to keep my mind off the fact that I'm single ". While he does force himself to go to the wedding in "Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux", he felt that it was unfair for him to give up his opportunity to go the callback for such little acknowledgement from Lee and MaryLee at the wedding.
Have contempt for another person or believe them to be inferior.
While this may not apply to c!Thomas per se, it definitely applies to Logan. Throughout "Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts" when trying to help Thomas keep to his schedule, Logan kept down playing Remus's role in helping c!Thomas. When confronting Remus about his behavior through the episode he states, "I am willing to concede that there is most likely some merit in what you are trying to do, and I think that it could be necessary, at some point, but perhaps you could also see the merit in what I'm trying to do....There will be a time and place for you." Showing that Logan considers Remus inferior to him.
Learn hatred from parents, their community, or other social groups.
If Logan is considered a teacher, then Orange would be a student capable of observing and learning from the other sides as to what they and therefore c!Thomas hates. This could lead to a warped sense of morality that he learned from either c!Thomas’s Catholic upbringing or from the community around him. 
Are humiliated or mistreated by another person.
In “Learning New Things About Ourselves” Logan and by proxy c!Thomas fears that no one takes them seriously. Logan even states “I am not a joke! I mean, I can’t…be thought of as such, because there will be times in which I must be heeded and given our current ...circumstances, I clearly haven’t been. So I am saying what must be said. I can’t tolerate this foolishness any longer. You need to change your life around.” 
According to the Good Therapy article, when people experience hatred, “Rather than turning their anxiety and shame inward, they may project that negativity onto an external target.” I believe that Orange is capable of projecting his negativity on to the other sides. The longer that c!Thomas harbors hatred, the more defensive he will be against perceived threats and might express these feelings through violent acts. We have already seen this happen through Logan when he exploded at Roman for calling him stupid and threw his notecard into Roman’s eye in retaliation. Also, when Logan had his uncontrolled outburst against Remus for ignoring him.
Eventually c!Thomas and the sides will need to learn how to cope with hatred. To combat hatred whether it be directed at himself or towards someone else, he will  need to learn how to cultivate  compassion. 
According to  an article from mbgmindfullness, some ways to cultivate compassion are:
Practice self-care
Gee, Janus might be onto something.
Listen generously.
Logan has expressed in the episode “Have I Grown? - Five Years Later”  that “The talking may be there, but the listening is another story.”
Practice kindness, without pleasing-people.
Relaxing your judgments.
Both are things that Patton is beginning to learn after "Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux".
Practice living in the present.
I guess what Logan said in “Are There Healthy Distractions?” to calm down c!Thomas would apply here:
“Name 5 things that you can see.
Name 4 things that you can feel.
Name 3 things that you can hear.
Name 2 things that you can smell.
Name 1 thing that you can taste.”
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
This has great potential for a Remus episode. Or have an episode where instead of being in Thomas’s head dealing with an issue, we follow one of Thomas’s friends.  
Thinking beyond yourself.
Another potential episode where c!Thomas is assisting one of his friends with an issue with the catch being that we are unable to see the sides. So we go through the whole episode from an outsider’s perspective.
And this was my TED Talk, hope it would convince you into believing that Orange side will represent hatred.
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