#bythrone paranormal society
j0ur3nys-3nd · 2 years
Alternate Timeline writer convos with others (TW is Timeline writer, M is Mark, C is Cesar, A is Adam, J is Jonah)
The call
C: Wh- What are you talking abo- *Coughing* ...W-what did you do to me?!
TW: I'm turning you into a alternate, dumbass!
C: No... nonononono-
TW: Might wanna tell someone!~
*Cesar slowly picks up his phone and calls Mark*
C: Please pick up... pleasepleaseplease-
M: Hello?
C: Mark! It's me, Cesar!
M: Cesar? What's up-
C: I'm turning into a alternate! I don't think I have much time now... I'm sorry... just- don't look for me, okay?
*Cesar hangs up*
M: ...Nonono- CESAR!
*Mark tries to call Cesar again, but someone else picks up*
TW: We're sorry! Cesar torres is no longer available!
*Timeline writer hangs up*
*Mark stands there in silence, before falling onto his knees and crying into his hands*
The trick
(Btw, Timeline writer is pretending to be a human)
A: You've reached the Bythrone paranormal society, how may I help you?
TW: I-I think there's something in my home... I-it won't leave me alone!
A: Ma'am- just calm down- we'll get it out-
TW: I'm at *Address redacted*, please help me! I'll give you however much you want!
A: Alright ma'am, we'll be there soon.
*Timeline writer hangs up*
TW: Heheheheh... those idiots...
*Meanwhile on Adam's side*
J: ...Adam, that lady sounded... off...
A: Hm? What do you mean, Jonah?
J: We usually have to ask where they are, right?
A: Yeah, it was a little weird... but we'll get a bunch of money! ...maybe-
J: *Sigh* Fine... but we're getting pizza after!
A: Heh... alright...
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lyricalmortis · 2 years
"I'm 29 now and your still 18"
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"you left me without even saying goodbye"
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"you should have just forgotten about me"
"but I can't you're the only family I have left."
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