#bye bye bye splat
mamagaming8 · 1 year
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kitamars · 5 months
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lovey dovey (alt ver of the first one under the cut!)
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lilacthekittycat · 6 months
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Thank you for everything Splatoon you will be missed
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clannfearrunt · 5 months
random annoying Thresher fact is that bc they play turf purely for their own personal entertainment and exercise they’re not concerned with much of anything else like winning, or making sure anyone else is having fun, or “sportsmanship”(????) or what ever,
Which isn’t normally a problem bc they’re not particularly an asshole player either but if they get matched against like, a really good charger or something, that completely shuts down any attempt to play the game normally, or something to that effect where they are not having any fun at all they’ll just disconnect mid match. Usually not even early enough to stop the entire match because they’ll initially give it a whirl you know to see if they can’t turn things around. But then if they can’t they’ll just unplug some part of the safety equipment to trigger a “disconnect” and leave everyone else to fend for themselves. They don’t care about the time out afterwards. They have better things to do than get repeatedly spawncamped by an E-Liter thank u. Is there a problem. They’re going to get a sandwich.
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innerexpanse · 7 months
So it is requests that you request?
Gourmand tinkering and blowing himself up cloudy with a chance of meatballs style.
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they’re open again now yippee!!!! go crazy yall I’m gonna go pass out because thank goodness my painkiller s are kickin in now
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lesbiangiratina · 7 months
Side order post-tutorial spoilers
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Why is she gay. Why is she so seriously gay
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[Of course the day after I make something cute is when the new Splat Chat chapter]
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dialphone-archived · 2 years
updated our carrd 👍
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crest-of-gautier · 26 days
i probably have lots of epic and swag clips of me playing splatoon 3 however i keep forgetting to rewatch them or compile them so this account's collected a lot of dust 🙈 but at least i am having fun with art?! <- guy who's mostly been drawing
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saexy · 6 months
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jay-m3 · 3 months
Male reader insert Characters: Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, Valentino, and Vox Warning* Foul language
Ok, imagine giving them an egg. Like in those tiktoks where people give their dogs an egg to see if they will be gentle with it.
"Uh, what the hell do you want me to do with this?" Adam looks at the egg in his hand. An eyebrow raised in confusion as he rubs the egg with his thumb before looking over to you; who walks away.
"Babes?" You didn't even explain why, just placed the egg in his hand when he arrived home. With a snarl, he follows you in the kitchen, pocketing the egg in his robe.
The whole day, Adam didn't get an answer. Egg in his pocket which he sometimes smooths a thumb over it. Seeing that it is now bed time, he enters the bathroom where you were brushing your teeth. Through the mirror he narrows his eyes before a flash of a grin spreads on his face.
"What the fuck Adam!" You screech when the eggs' yolk runs down your face when Adam smashes it on the top of your head.
"Ha! That's what you get bitch! Hahaha!"
"Uh...want me to make you eggs?" Lucifer chuckles out, looking down at the egg that was placed in his hand. When he looks up, you shrug as a response before leaving him in his office.
Narrowing his eyes at the egg, he gently places it on his desk, away from the duck that he was creating before you walked in. It was a little late to eat just eggs (it was 9pm) and has seen you in pj's so that means you were now heading to bed.
Over night, he stays up to finish his project. Eyes drifting to the egg every so often. Everytime he does, the memory of you just pops in from the random encounter. How funny.
"Awe, Lucifer." You smile as a plate of eggs is set infront of you as you sit up from bed. The egg that you gave him on the side, fully intact with a smiling duck face painted on it.
"Good morning, handsome."
"Dear?" He questions as the egg is placed in his hand. Without much of a goodbye, you rush off. With an eye twitch, he places it down on his table.
He stares at if for a couple of minutes, sipping at his tea as he tries to make out what is your intention. He hasn't done anything wrong...unless it's your communication of wanting dinner with something with an egg in it? With that idea and only solution of just giving him a fucking egg, he darts off to the kitchen.
"What the hell, Alastor." You say in shock once you see one of Sir Pentious's egg boy tied up in the middle of the table on a platter.
"Please save me nice man!"
"What's this?" Valentino questions as you hand him the egg. He examines it closely, wondering if it's a vibe that was shaped as an egg. Those things have been selling well. But as he examines it closer, it's just a regular plain stupid egg.
With a frown he looks up to find you gone. How rude. With a displeased sigh, he takes a gulp from his cocktail that he was trying before you interrupted.
"Kitty, give me my usual." Valentino grumbles out, watching as the robot quickly takes the drink that was placed down to replace it. Sighing, he remembers the egg in his hand.
"Fucking bitch." He grumbles out as he let's the egg slip from his hand and splat on the ground.
"Bye hot stuff." Vox says before rushing out the door. He was on a call, distracted as he grabs his stuff from your hand which you thankfully gathered for him. He is so going to reward you tonight.
"What the fuck?" He says once he notices the egg in the cup holder of his car after he finishes up the call. He picks it up, examining it. How the hell did the egg end up there? Why did you give him an egg?
"Hey Valerie, call Lover boy." The sound of a ping rings out the car as it starts to call you. After a few seconds, it goes to voice mail. Rolling his eyes, he calls again. As he waits, he lowers his windows to get some fresh air.
"Don't cut me off!" Vox yells out to the car that swerves in his lane. Having none of it (especially not wanting to damage his sport car), he speeds up next to the car and throw the egg at it.
"We need to buy more eggs."
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mamagaming8 · 1 year
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yn-honeybun · 4 months
Drooling over you~
Max Thunderman x black!reader
A lil something something of where you wear a bodycon (tight fitting) dress to a double date with Phoebe and Link, and Max goes a little wild 🤭
Warning ⚠️: A tiny bit NSFW, cursing, suggestive🩷
Word Count: 636
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Today you and Max had a double date with Phoebe and Link. Yet unfortunately you had forgotten to unload your washer last night and put your clothes in the dryer so now all your clothes were wet. Luckily none of them were ruined. You couldn’t go on the date in your pajamas and bonnet so you go looking through your closet and drawers. You found a dress that was a bit too small but it’s all you had and since you only had 15 minutes to be at the date; you hurried up and got ready. After some time you were all done getting ready and took one last look in the mirror and left for the date.
You showed up to Splat Burger with only a minute to spare. You rushed to the front doors and calmed yourself down. You looked around and found where Phoebe and Link were sitting.
“Hey guys!” You greeted them
“Hey girl! How are y-” Your bestie gasped, “oh my god”
“What?! What happened?”
“You look amazing in that dress”
“Really? It was laundry day yesterday, and I forgot to dry my clothes. This was the only think left in my closet,” you said looking around for Max.
"Yeah your skin looks like it's glowing. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Wish I looked that good in tight clothes, I always end up looking too skinny," Phoebe admitted.
“Babe you beautiful no matter what you wear" Link said rubbing Pheobe's shoulder, "Oh Max is in the restroom. He said he was gonna be right back," Link notified you.
"Oh great, guess I'll just sit down-"
"Hey babe!" A familiar voice spoke up.
You turned to face your devilishly handsome boyfriend.
"Hey yourself" you quipped giving him a peck on the cheek
You sat down in the booth and Max followed suit
"Let's get this double date on a roll," Phoebe exclaimed
The date went well with so much laughter and banter, everyone almost forgot the time until the lights started to flicker. "Splat Burger is closing- GET OUT... NOW"
"Guess that means it's time for this date to end," Link said getting up from the table
The four of you walked outside and said your goodbyes to one another.
"Bye you guys, I had a good time, we'll have to this some other time again! Oh, let me know what time you wanted to head to the library tomorrow so we can study for chemistry," you said giving Phoebe a hug.
"I'm thinking 1pm so that way we can get plenty of studying time," She said pulling away
"Got it, and then after we can get a sweet treat. I'm craving some sugar,"
"Sounds like a plan! Hey Max do you need a ride home? I'm driving Link home first just so you know," she offered.
"Nah, I'm gonna stay and spend a little alone time with my girl," Max responded wrapping his arms around you from behind.
"Why'd I bother asking," She said rolling her eyes, "Come on Link,"
You waved the couple goodbye as you watched the car pull off and drive away. Once the car was out of sight, you felt a pair of hands run up and down your body. They settled on your hips.
"Max" You called out
"Yes, my dear?" He teased
"What are you doing?"
"You look so good in that dress, I can't help myself. I mean your ass is almost ripping the fabric apart, it's so big. You expect me to not feel some type of way when you look this divine," your boyfriend purred out. He sounded as if he was feening for you, craving your taste.
"Okay let's get home so we can do something about this dress," You offered, "Maybe you can actually rip it off me?"
Let me know if you have any requests or prompts I should write💖 Muah 💋
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
inspired by @alastcrs's chaggie comic, a sequel of sorts XD
Vaggie: "Sweetie, tell me you didn't give Sir Pentious dating advice."
Charlie: "No? I didn't?"
Vaggie: "Then babe what did you do?"
Charlie: "I just showed you off a little~"
Vaggie: (groaning) "The picture thing? The, have you seen my girlfriend joke? Again?"
Charlie: "Yep! Why?"
Vaggie: "We have to go save Pentious from Cherri Bomb."
Charlie: "Why would we need to- oh no. Oh, noooo-"
Vaggie: "Oh fucking yes."
-elsewhere and in danger-
Sir Pentious: (at random sinner) "Have you sssseen Miss Cherri Bomb~? Ssshe-"
Sir Pentious: "-ah, I am, apprecsssiating you-?"
Sir Pentious: "What- no! No I only, I wassss merely-"
Sir Pentious: "Well. Ah. Yesss."
Sir Pentious: (clutching wanted poster to chest) "Pleassse Cherri, noooo! It issssss, the only quality photo of you that I possessss-!"
Cherri Bomb: "Then just ASK me for another one like a normal person! Or stalk me like a normal creep! ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T END WITH WITH ME STUFFED AND MOUNTED ON SOME OVERLORD'S FUCKING WALL!!! Like, fuck- do you KNOW how much important shit I've blown up???"
Sir Pentious: "Oh yessss! You are very accomplissshed!" (beaming) "The weaponsss casssche last from year was essspecssially beautiful! All thossse, ssssecondary explosionssss...~"
Cherri Bomb: "YOU'RE gonna be a secondary explosion if you don't hand that poster over Right Now."
Sir Pentious: "Erm, before I do ssso... might I humbly requessst a replasscement photo of-"
Cherri Bomb: "No." (lights fuse) "Let go or go sky high with it."
Sir Pentious: "AH-!"
Charlie: (running) "Pen!" (skids to stop and grabs vaggie) "Holy shit that's a bomb- PEN JUST LET IT GO!!!"
Vaggie: "Pentious drop and take cover! It's not worth it!"
Sir Pentious: "But- sssshe ISSS worth-"
Cherri Bomb: "Bye bitch." (tosses bomb) (Runs)
Sir Pentious: "Ah, ssh-"
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "......"
Vaggie: "...we're gonna add self-worth sessions and healthy relationship boundary workshops to the hotel activities list, yeah?"
Charlie: "Oh yes. Definitely."
(splat) (splatter) (Splotch)
Charlie: "After, um, after Pen's collected himself a bit."
Vaggie: "Yeah... Maybe hold back on the 'i love my girlfriend' jokes around him too?"
Charlie: "....I'll." (pained grimace) "Try."
Vaggie: "All I ask, babe." (smooches her cheek) "C'mon. Let's gather up our snake man and head home."
Charlie: (sighs) "It would've worked if he'd just had a better picture-"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "They're cute together! He's all over her- it's adorable!"
Vaggie: "He's all over the street right now."
Charlie: "She used one of her better bombs on him this time." (picks up an arm and part of pentious's tail) "That has to mean something, right??"
Vaggie: "More work for us."
Charlie: "Hmm~ I bet you they kiss before the next extermination~"
Vaggie: "Sweetie." (grabs other arm and the torso) "If they kiss before one of them DIES I'll count it as your win."
Charlie: "No other time limit?"
Vaggie: "None."
Charlie: "And the prize if I win...?"
Vaggie: "Extra kisses. And I'll join your Cherri x Pentious group chat."
Charlie: "DEAL!"
Vaggie & Charlie: (shake pentious's hands over it)
-one kiss and death later-
>user (SpearOfSappho) has joined group BOMBSIRWAY FOREVR!!!
SpearOfSappho: hey
cute'n'cuddlycapricorn: ;-;
SpearOfSappho: charlie im so sorry
SpearOfSappho: would the extra kisses help?
cute'n'cuddlycapricorn: ! THEY KISSED AND NO ONE EVEN TOOK ANY PICS OF IT!!!!
SpearOfSappho: oh
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isisnicole · 6 months
SPOILER FREE!! A beautiful explanation of Episode 4 of The Ones Who Live
"Michonne’s shell once again cracks when in the presence of the man she loves. It allows us a view of the underlying softness and vulnerability often denied to black women. Upheaval builds a resilient exterior to ward off further damage. But in Rick, Michonne found a comforting landing spot where she was adored, safeguarded, and catered to."
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innerexpanse · 7 months
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i have more queued nyehehe
headcanons under cut >:))))))))
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genderfaun / vincian / asexual / demimale
albino (duhr)
poor little thing is so scared. must stay mobile no accessories always fleeing everything
youngest of the Gang aside from rivulet and even then only by a few weeks (age would fall between? 16 and 20 in human maturity)
lop ear damaged from fall
i think faes very silly and goobery. someone give this man a snack
good friends with myriad (an oc)
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