#bycicle trick
hi, the way this blog is formatted and the menu is written is so creative and fitting! i had a great time looking through it
may i request some fem reader w rocky? maybe him playing the violin or reciting poems in a public space to himself and reader is the only one to react (positively) so he immediately is struck in awe. please and thank you :)
Good evening, Anon!! First off, thank you very much for the compliment. Two things you should know, however...
This ended up over three thousand words long somehow. (For the record, it was gonna be a scenario.)
It's the cheesiest meet-cute I've ever written, so I advise you all to brace yourselves, folks-
That being said, enjoy!! <3
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When you heard it, everything else quieted.
The thunder of cars bolting down a busy road, metal armor bobbing upon four wheels as they broke past and left smaugful clamor clashing against the monstrum business blocks, softened to but a distant skitter of shiny black bugs ambling self-importantly about. The cacophony of pedestrians, indiscernible faces in square suits and tasteful pastels spewing bits of language into one converging mess, each voice independent yet competing for dominance until they clawed at your eardrums and suffocated your thoughts now felt no graver than the meek rustle of forest foliage when coddled by the summer breeze; a humming chorus to a beautiful solist’s serenade, and when a bycicle trilled inches past normally skittish, city-dweller you it didn’t even occur to step aside as you were far too absorbed in the one delightful sound that made the greys of asphalt’s reign seem greyer and dulled even the most striking women’s daywear to sun-worn cleaning rags in comparison.
It was a melody the color of blue, matching his eyes.
You hadn’t a chance to admire them for long when you spotted him in the crowd. They drifted closed for long stretches of time as their owner’s features suggested a deep, gentle focus on the music, his whole being smoothing into the instrument. There was something bewitching about the violin, you found; seemed even its players could seldom resist its particular pull, fingers dancing across the strings as if possessed by magic. The rosined bow dipped to and fro in a hypnotic sequence that pulsed like the rise and ebb of the tides; sometimes the pace changed, slowed to but a meandering, peaceful ponderance before it flew from the threads of catgut like nimble sparks of lightning, with the ease and comfort of at least a thousand hours of practice.
Must’ve been a classical piece, if not improv; but for that far too complex. Vivaldi? Mozart? You hadn’t heard it before, so you couldn’t confirm, however it proved the enchanting stranger to be both talented and educated. He looked up from his divine craft to initiate eye contact with passersby and, yes, he had the bluest eyes indeed, seated under emphatic brows, and he gave a hopeful smile of such integrity to those undeserving strangers who walked past in indifference as if he’d been an smaug-borne ghost, a trick of the light invisible to all but yourself and when he turned in resignation and his gaze caught upon you, playing still, your breath hitched in your throat.
How long had you been gawking there, frozen on the sidewalk like a dimwit? Oh, no. He must have thought you such a creeper; a notion which you had to rectify, and rectify it quick. Puff your chest out, march up, tell him you liked his playing and leave a dime; you took off at once with this very plan in mind.
In doing so, you forgot you had stood on opposing sides of the road.
Heels clicked across hot concrete in a headlong hurry. You realized that the cars were still coming midway through when his eyes widened in horror and a spontaneous screech of tires replaced that joyous melody. You stumbled back, blinded by car polish and a pair of glaring headlights you profusely apologized to before skittering away from a second car in the right lane when it came to an angry halt likewise. Loud honks scolded you along your path whilst you yelled back sheepish sorries.
Well, talk about making an entrance.
As you reached the paved edge, a hand manifested to help you up on it.
“Are you alright, miss?”
And blue eyes. You felt yourself sink further into the road with the transient wish those cars had hit you after all, nonetheless took the offer and tottered along with the stranger’s help. He held bow and violin in his other hand, by the neck, and you narrowly avoided stepping on their rickety case with a meager amount of coins and a crumpled up bill inside.
Ah, right. He’d been busking, after all.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” he reiterated, scanning you, and you realized you’d missed the previous question. “It’s hardly safe to cross this thoroughfare without looking both ways first, you know. You ought to try that next time.”
“I know, I know– I’m sorry. I’m fine.”
You weren’t. Not when this handsome vagabond with the most radiant blue oculars you’d ever seen and enough of a musical gift to put you in a trance kept observing you from such proximity whilst implicitly chiding you for being a tunnel-visioned idiot.
“Well, great news, then!” he grinned. Oh. That’s a lot of teeth, you noted with slightly raising eyebrows. “I doubt I’d have been able to sleep tonight had you met an undue fate under the stampede of these motorized beasts all for just trying to reach me.”
An odd penchant for metaphors, too. When you didn’t respond right away, he withdrew his gesturing hand in contemplation.
“You… were careening specifically my way, yes?”
You snapped out of your appreciation for his endearingly boyish timbre and thereby commenced a frantic battle with your purse as you attempted to pry something from it.
“Right, I was heading this way– just give me a moment–”
He watched in intrigue as you counted something he couldn’t see under your breath, then produced the intended amount of what he identified to be cash and reached to hand it over to him, near breathless.
“I really loved your playing.”
You couldn’t bear to look him in the eye yet hardly missed his astonishment when he conceived the sum.
“Miss, that’s ten dollars.”
“Yes,” you affirmed curtly. “What of it?”
“I can’t accept that.”
Hearing which, you did finally face him with a frown.
“You’re a very kind soul,” he asserted in a hurry, smile never faltering, “and I’m thoroughly humbled by your contribution, but I cannot rob a lady of her hard earned pay in good conscience for that frivolous noise–”
“It was beautiful noise,” you interjected with knitted brows, “I really did enjoy it, and you deserve much better audience than the pedestrians of some drab street corner who’ll never bother to pay your music the attention it deserves.”
You pointed curtly toward the flow of people. Some in turn spared you a glance, but then you blended into their scenery again like another pair of shop mannequins.
“So take it from a lady,” you enunciated, all but shoving the money in his chest, “and I sincerely hope you end up in a concert hall someday.”
You exhaled and waited. He stared at your extended hand, then you, then at your hand and back again and gorgeous as you found those gleaming sapphires you couldn’t for the life of you tell what he was thinking. Your arm muscles trembled, and you contemplated whether sparing yourself from the awkwardness of further playing statue might be worth giving up anyway.
Finally, he seized your wrist with both hands. He didn’t seem to notice your startlement as he was busy beaming at you bright enough to put celestial bodies to shame.
“What’s your name?”
God forsake it, that smile alone was turning your heart into a fluffy, overripe dandelion inside your chest. If he kept up, you feared he might just blow it apart.
But you managed to tell.
“Well, miss…” he began, implementing your surname, and you would’ve bolted on pure instinct had you not taken root at your spot, “your generous praise is, by far and large, the most invaluable gift I could’ve received on this brilliant morning.”
You took a deep inhale, acutely aware of his touch tingling across your skin even though he meant nothing by it… you supposed.
“You have certainly made a lowly troubadour’s day with your gracious approbation,” he patted your knuckles, at the same time gently shoving your offer away. “You see, I could tell from the moment our gazes locked across the street that I would enjoy the pleasure of meeting someone positively extraordinary… right after she ambled through the active traffic. Call it a concise connection of kindred souls, if you will. You, miss, have proved yourself a true appreciator of the arts.”
When those blue eyes were holding yours hostage so intently, you almost did believe he could see into your very soul. You tried to brave it, however.
“Thank y–”
“Which is why this won’t be needed.”
You held the rejected money against your chest, where he had guided it.
“You’ll be better off forfeiting it to charity,” he suggested, “if aiding the honest predicaments of your fellow citizens in need is a cause dear to your heart. Like orphans! Those poor, unmothered things, always caught in the throes of some quintessential lack or other; surely they could put your benevolent funds to good use… that is, in case you are looking to make a charity. If you’re not interested in, erm, providing for the orphans, that’s still quite fine. You just seem to me the sort to care for children. But that doesn’t make it your obligation, of course, to feed the orphans… no one is about to force that duty upon you… in equally sound conscience I suppose you could just as well keep the money…”
He proceeded along his mildly morally concerned tangent, but any of it beyond the lip movements you ceased to process. Some convoluted cliché about personal indulgence over supporting the waifs of the world, you reckoned. In terms of lifting your spirits it achieved a ludicrous heap of nothing, and amidst your silent marinating in this strange and unexpected failure of your strange and unexpected encounter, you continued to clutch the bills to yourself.
You didn’t figure that may have looked like dismay on his end until he trailed off, fidgeting vaguely as he probed your expression. The warmth of his hands on yours still lingered.
“My attempt at a point is,” he resumed at a slower pace, “you’re awful generous, but to tell you the truth, I’m quite comfortably off without the help. I am employed, after all.”
“You are?”
Rude as it sounded to gape the question so, you hadn’t considered that possibility. He was… well, not badly dressed, but his clothes appeared worn and a tad oversized on his comically skinny limbs, granting him a ragamuffin sort of appearance.
Though you still found it quite charming.
“Sure am!” he grinned in earnest, and you’d soon come to accept that his face simply looked that way when he did. “This is only some nifty supplemental income for a craft I spend day and night honing anyway. Really, I play out here to preserve my associates’ peace of mind more than anything. The other day they got so peeved with all the melodic caterwauling my boss had to fetch a broomstick and chase me out into the great wide open after failing to quiet me down.”
A chuckle escaped you at the joke, and it’s like his eyes gleamed brighter.
“What can I say,” he admitted with a theatrical shrug, “a musician’s ichor pulses to the ever-flowing rhythm of higher realms beckoning. That can hardly be helped. When my eager heart doesn’t sing Apollo’s odes from the strings, it reaches for the lyre, however… but they don’t deal in stanzas and limericks on the job market in contemporary times.” He glanced off into the distance wistfully, as if envisioning an ideal future where they did. “Miss M, our aforementioned lady-in-charge, says it’s only since our customers can’t exactly do the Lindy Hop to recitativo verse form.”
“So that means you’re a poet?”
You hummed in acknowledgement. He gave his vest a proud little adjustment as part of the performance, not that it served to make him look any more presentable.
“Vivacious vicinal versificator,” he expatiated with a playful half-bow, “humble herald of numinous inspiration, eulogizing the beauties of this peculiar earthly life to the cobblestone and the stars for a passtime. Old Muddy Miss herself has proven to be my most faithful audience… and for lack of substantial competition, in her listening skills she remains unexcelled.”
“Not for long, I should hope.”
That made him pause. Your nerves struck you alert as you rushed to explain.
“That is, well, I would be curious to join said, um, audience… mayhaps… sometime. I mean– you have a fascinating vocabulary, sir, so I can only imagine…”
He listened on with perplexed blue eyes; you mentally smacked yourself for the honorific. No one so refreshingly unrefined as this overeager stray puppy of a man could even remotely qualify for a ‘sir’, and you were happy about that, because had you made so many social blunders with any other stranger in succession you would’ve craved death.
He took his sweet time providing a readable reaction, but when he did he laughed. Not with a mocking edge, as you had feared; the sound tinkled as melodically as his trusty violin.
“Oh, miss, you’re just a bundle of pleasant surprises.”
You came to chuckle along, too, a nervous smile stretching your lips. He took your hand again.
“I’d be delighted to deliver a private recital,” he dipped forward then paused, perhaps contemplating whether a kiss on the back of it would be appropriate, peering up at you in a bluest display of rapt attention that made your heart leap, “if that’s truly the case.”
You averted your eyes. The vague unease as if you’d given your name to a fae in a stroke of recklessness minutes prior melted into the bustle of sluggish, smoke-ridden traffic.
“So where is it that you work?” you switched the topic.
Attuned, he let go of your hand as if it had burned him, adjusting his hat like an excuse.
“Little Daisy Café,” he responded quickly, perpetual cheer intact. “It’s just an ambitious spit from here, actually, a few blocks down that way.” He pointed in the opposite direction from where you’d been headed. “Awful cute little gem of an establishment. Perhaps you’ve been to?”
“No, not that I recall.”
“Well, I can only recommend that you drop by. The pancakes are to die for.”
“And there’s live music?”
You both glanced at the violin, then back at each other. He gave you another grin that you couldn’t help but detect as somewhat complicit.
“Makes your early beverage taste all the sweeter.”
You let your eyes linger on one of the boutique windows in the background; a closed one under construction. The ample light struck it at an angle which obscured the debris-filled darkness and activity inside, flawless glass surface glimmering at front in gorgeous deceit. Its reflective sheen conjured an alluring vision; deep azure sky dotted with fringed, fluffy lamb-clouds.
Suppose you offered it.
“Well, if you won’t let yourself be tipped,” you sighed, putting your money away, “may I treat you to breakfast, at least? A plate of those fabled pancakes, even?”
Childlike delight flashed across his face before the metaphorical reins were pulled back with a frantic grip.
“Why, miss, you’re spoiling me,” he lamented, “but I really shouldn’t–”
“I was heading for the bakery myself,” you continued with a pacifying gesture, “but now with your recommendation in mind, I might as well try a treat from that ‘little gem’ of a café, no? You could show me the way there, and… I suppose I could listen to those stanzas of yours, if you’d be willing to share…”
The words intended to compose the rest of your reasoning kept tumbling from your grasp before you could string them together, and someone in the crowd of pedestrians laughed. A snooty, feminine laugh. He kept watching you and you only, however, engulfing you in that mysterious blue once again.
“…granted that is okay with you, of course.”
He began to smile like the sun itself and dove with startling momentum for the violin case.
“Why, it’d be most uncouth to refuse the benevolent offer of such lovely ladyship,” he concluded while packing away his instrument then slapped the lid over the case once finished, money withstanding, “and I don’t reckon I’ll make two more pennies to rub together this morning, so I’d be more than happy to escort you along.”
He grabbed the handle and sprung up, beaming at you with the energy of a couple additional suns before he got an idea and moved to offer his free arm toward you like the smoothest of gallants. Clearing his throat, to boot.
You put a hand to your chest, accentuating the action with a playful once-over.
“Chivalrous,” you chuckled before locking his arm with your own. The two of you would set off this way not unlike lovers, which he stiffened at the realization of.
“Too much?” he questioned.
“No, it’s quite alright.”
The cracks in the sidewalk became very interesting all of a sudden, however. You could feel his skinniness and lack of musculature thus far only guessed through the rolled-sleeved shirt; not that you minded.
Must have not gotten treated to meals often.
“About that poetry,” he piped up a bit quieter than before, “granted you won’t tire of my voice ahead of time…”
“Don’t be silly.”
You gave him a look, then caught yourself.
“Well, alright,” he resigned with an evaluating pout when you turned away, “but, uh… unfortunately, most of my limbs are occupied. And the fervent gesticulation makes up half the performence.”
By that point, you found yourself believing him. You all but burst into laughter at the mental image.
“Maybe you can gesticulate it to me after the fact,” you quipped.
“…Fair enough.”
You reached a street corner together and turned it. From the corner of your eye, a young couple were teasing each other by a flower shop on the opposite side of the road with a posy gift of piquant red tulips, blushing and giggling. You matched the bouncing steps of the stranger you were intertwined with in newfound giddiness.
“Let’s see,” he pondered, scanning the rows of buildings in an absent-minded manner before his eyes lit up. “Right! As fortune would have it, there does happen to be one I’ve been itching to inflict on a willing pair of ears for the past week…”
He made a big show of clearing his throat before he began; you were eager to let the mesmerized flow that had brought you to him in the first place take you along, absorbing the dramatic inflection and animated spirit oozing from his entire complexion as he made the widest gestures he was capable of in his inhibited position nonetheless.
A stranger indeed…
Before he could proceed with any experimental odes to clay and calicos, you cut him off. He turned to you right away, magic put on hold.
“I never caught your name.”
He glanced around in recollection before those notorious brows sprung up.
“I never passed it,” he exclaimed, bewildered, and wriggled from your hold haphazardly as he scrambled for his hat. “Oh, foolish I! Forgive me this horrendous discourtesy, milady, if you might find it in your heart.”
You simply observed him in amusement.
A zephyr swept along the length of the street, bringing where you stood a nectarine fragrance which, though delicate, transcended the heavy smoke and for a delightful moment let you smell nothing but itself. With his hat now off and held politely to his chest, the breeze ruffled his tousled hair as it did yours. His blue eyes shone in the urban grey like diamonds.
“The name is Rocky Rickaby.”
And when he said it, you already knew you wouldn’t tire of that voice anytime soon.
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hadesisqueer · 10 months
I already did this once but today I'll give you more Spaniard expressions that just make sense (mainly insults):
"Vete al carajo" = "Go to the ship crow's nest". That was the original meaning of the word carajo, and being sent there was considered a punishment for sailors. But today the expression is more like "Fuck off"
"Y una polla como una olla" = "A dick as big as a cooking pot" = A way to say "yeah, no fucking way" when someone asks you to do something you don't wanna do or treats you like you're stupid or whatever.
"El coño de tu prima" = "Your cousin's pussy" = Similar meaning to Y una polla como una olla, actually.
"Que te den por culo = "Get fucked in the ass"
"Tu puta madre en bicicleta" = "Your fucking mother on a bycicle"
"Te voy a dar tal hostia que se van a levantar todos tus putísimos muertos a hacerme la ola" = "I'm gonna hit you so hard that all your fucking dead ancesters are gonna rise to wave at me"
"Señora que si quiere bolsa" = "Ma'am will you want the a bag or not" = This is our equivalent to sir this is a wendy's.
"A llorar a la llorería" = "Go cry at the crying store" = Basically they're telling you to stop being a crybaby.
"Haber estudiao" = "Should've studied then" = "Quit complaining"
"Que [...] ni qué niño muerto" = "What [...] or dead child" = A way to dismiss something, like saying yeah not this and none of that bullshit.
"Pija" = Prissy or posh girl. HOWEVER, in several countries of Latin America it means dick. If it's a guy then it's pijo.
"El truco del almendruco" = "The trick of the almond tree" = Kinda like "life hack"
"De esta burra no me bajo" = "Of this female donkey I won't get down" = Same as "I will die on this hill"
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nighttimeacidtrips · 6 years
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This is only the beginning!✨♠️ . . . FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW ME! & YOUTUBE LINK IS IN THE BIO 📸 @chrisramsay52 @koadventures @ts_magic @ace_cunnings @tallmusician #magic #magical #magician #magicians #model #posing #instagood #instalike #ootd #ootdfashion #vneck #cardistry #cardist #bycicle #tricks #photography #portrait #landscapephotography (at The Florida Mall)
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radarchives · 3 years
HEAR ME OUT do you think the brothers (or dateables too) have ever ridden a bike?
I imagine these thiusands of years old demons falling off a bicycle and burning it and/or destroying it out of spite JDJFJFKD
OKAY now you've got me hooked. 
lucifer: yes.  he's been on several bike tours with diavolo and barbatos. it’s a thing they do at least once every month.
mammon: has definitely misused a bicycle as his getaway vehicle bc Lucifer confiscated his demonio. will do cool bike tricks to impress mc. like jumping on one wheel and riding no-handed.
levi: no. can't drive a car, can't ride a bycicle. can rollerskate tho bc of some anime he watched.
satan: knows in theory but also hasn’t tried it out just yet. most likely to rage quit when his first attempt fails.
asmo: can ride a bike. but only because it's one of the workouts he actively enjoys. might act as if he doesn't know how to so you can teach him though. it’s not as sexy as he thinks.
beelzebub: yes. dude's a gym bunny. he definitely knows how to ride a bike.
belphegor: knows how to bc of beel. chooses not to.
barbatos: yes. extremely good at it. has participated in several competitions bc diavolo asked him to.
diavolo: yes, but he only learned how to as an adult. barbatos taught him (bc i just know big daddy devildom couldn’t be assed to teach his son a thing)
simeon: yes. sometimes you can see him biking through the city with luke sitting on his bicycle rack.
luke: no, but wants to learn. 
solomon: why ride a bicycle if you could just use magic instead? so i’ll boldly say he can’t ride a bicycle because he never needed to. also because i can’t imagine him on a bike.
mephisto: absolutely can’t. diavolo invited him to a bike tour back in the day when they were still friends and this mf showed up on a horse. will also rant about how horses are marginally better than bikes if given the chance.
thirteen: she is sexy she is unhinged and she cannot ride a bike either. never tried, never felt the need to try. 
raphael: simeon offered to teach him, he refused to learn how to. so yeah he also can’t ride a bicycle.
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hizokucycles · 7 years
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#Repost from photographer @mmonarck - Rider @weirdbless #fixedgear #brakeless #fixedgearbrasil #fixedgearsp #fixie #mashsf #fixedgearnyc #fixiegoons #fixedlife #mylegsmygears #bikesp #fixedboys #messlife #bycicle #fixiegram #fixieporn #bycicleculture #fixed #fixedgearrussia #crackspfxd #rds #constantinebikes #tricks #vans #hizokucycles visit the link in our bio for more bike stuff.
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straighttxhell · 4 years
Okay so I'm doing number 20 for myself. Yes it's angst.
20. On a scar. (World Tour doesnt exist au 💕💕)
It was a nice sunny spring day. They had been out all day, taking advantage that it wasn't as cold as it usually was anymore. Not enough to go out without a sweater or cardigan but they could finally spend a day out.
They had been going on with a small competition all day, Duncan showing her his skateboard tricks and Courtney showing off she could roller skate backwards. They later went to a park and rented bycicles, went ice skating, bought food, cuddled in the grass, life was good.
As soon as they got to Duncan's house, he made popcorn while Courtney chose a movie to watch in his room, she had to chose from a pile of scary movies he had bought or shoplifted from blockbuster, not really her thing but at least she got to choose it. Not like the times he made her watch the Saw movies and ended up giving her nightmares. Courtney chose waited for him to come upstairs.
"What did you choose?" Duncan asked giving her the bowl of popcorn.
"I think it's called Jennifer's Body? It looks kinda bloody but I like Megan Fox, is it good?" she said inspecting the dvd's case.
"Oh I think you'll like it, play it. I have to wash the keys". When they were riding bikes Duncan had crashed into a tree and fell, nothing hard but his keys got burried under a pile of mud.
Courtney put on the movie but instead of watching it, she paused it right at the beginning and followed him into the bathroom. She found him washing them with his hoodie on and his sleeves soaking under the water flow.
"Duncan, what a mess!" She protested.
"What are you doing here?" He asked looking at her in the mirror.
"Can't I come see you? Look at the mess you're doing!" Courtney annoyedly replied.
"It's fine" Duncan said scrubbing off the dry mud from the keys.
"No, it's not, just roll up your sleeves".
"I said it's fine".
"Roll up your sleeves, babe".
"Forget it I'll do it" Courtney said tugging at the hem of his sleve.
"No, Court-" Duncan tried to push her away but she manage to roll up one.
"Duncan, what is this?" she froze, now it all made sense. Why he always had long sleeves on, braceletes, bandages, gloves. Even when she had seen him naked, he always managed to hide his forearms from her sight. Her heart sunk and her eyes started to flutter.
Duncan really saw no point on hiding it anymore but the words weren't coming to his mouth. He just let her roll up his other sleeve, close the tap and drag him to sit on his bed.
They sat in silence as they both tried to come up with something, but Courtney had no idea what to say and Duncan didn't know how to explain.
"So for how long have you being doing this?" she finally asked.
"Since midschool" Duncan admitted. Courtney felt her heart break a little bit more.
"And why did you start?" Courtney asked sincerely.
"I guess it started as a coping mechanism, a way to I don't know, de-stress, a pain-relief thing maybe, and I never really stopped". Duncan admitted as a tear fell down.
"I am so sorry, and I am so sorry that I didn't know about this" Courtney said giving him a kiss on the cheek, right where the tear fell.
"It's not your fault".
"But I could've been more attentive".
"That's in the past, princess. Don't worry about it, you know now and I don't know, I guess you eventually had to find out".
Courtney just took his arm and ran her fingertips on it, she then pulled it to her mouth and planted a kiss on the scars right below his wrist.
"Duncan, I love you so much, and I want you to get help". Courtney hugged him tightly, letting his head rest on her chest.
"I will try". Duncan said against her shirt, her hands caressing his hair and cheek. "I really don't want to talk about this right now".
"Fine, I'll just play the movie and we can pretend this didn't happen for the rest of the day, does that sound okay?"
"That sounds perfect". Duncan said sincerely.
Courtney played the bloody movie and laid down on his bed, letting him cuddle on top of her, resting his head on her chest. As she ran her fingers through his hair and wrapped her other arm around him, Duncan really couldn't feel more furtonate and thankful to have her in his life.
Thanks for the request Andy 💕🙏
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Retyping my Youngest Sister
So I had previously lamented that I wasn’t that sure about my youngest sister’s type since I didn’t get to spend as much time with her as the others. 
Well, this winter break we got in a good amount of sisterly bonding moments. 
For the record, my last guess was listed as “6w7 sx dom 683 xstp″
The good news is: I’m 100% settled on Type 6 now. Zero doubt left. 
She shows a whole lot of “responsible” behavior now that she’s starting to become an adult. Or rather a mixed pattern of responsible & rebel, but its above average responsible for a 13 year old.  
Also the reflexive compliment deflection, just like the other type 6 sisters. It’s amusing how consistently all 3 of them do it. Especially funny with the 2 fixed one because she will insist on saying nice things about the others, but gets all shy when it’s her turn. 
The bad news is: Everything else was off. 
im thinking shes prolly sx blind now. She has no soc first ‘bouncyness/friendlyness’ or put-togetherness, so im saying sp/soc. she does have some skill cultivation/alone activity focus. 
She dislikes having inappropiate/dirty jokes made in her presence (obviously none of us say anything graphic around a 13 year old, but she takes offense to just saying a video game character is “hot”) I thought at first that maybe she gets overloaded by it since shes young & developing & might take it seriously, but it seems more like she thinks it’s silly & immature by her classmates to make dirty jokes. 
She’s defs w5. I saw some of her olf spanish homework lying around “my favorite place in my neighborhood is the library cause I like silence and books”
Which is fortunate because my christmas gift was a science book by the dude behind her favorite youtube channel. The perfect 6w5 gift. She disappeared right away to her room to devour it over the next couple days. 
Also 1 and 4 fixes. Despite not being ordered/J in the slightest, she complains that all her classmates are silly & don’t take school seriously, and does more order than is asked (telling others to do chores more so than mom asked/insisted), & talks about her problems/struggles a lot, & likes dark/macabre asthetics. 
I was right about 2 reactive fixes but it was not 8. id arrived at that more by thinking it wasnt the other ones anyway so i was never sure. 
That said I think I can finally confidently pin her down as ISTP. 
I just saw her continuing to watch her minecraft video at the dinner table even though there were others eating. Multiple times actually. An extrovert would have taken the chance to talk especially if they hadn’t gotten that much socializing lately. She’s in her room alot, too.
If I mentally snapshot her and try to consider the “image” like it is a stranger - She’s got a black T-shirt, a long messy ponytail, good quality headphones, she’s watching her video with not very much animation, her eyes are very focussed, the middle of her face is slack... that’s an ISTP alright. Almost the platonic ideal thereof. 
I felt she was good enough at negociating/tricking people that the Fe could be tertiary rather than inf, but she’s prolly just a strong contact subtype. She’s not “baseline friendly” enough fo tert Fe especially as a 6. 
In hindsight some of what I thought had  point towards extrovert was actually due to her enneagram - wanting others to play with her and entertain her as a child is just attachment triad. 
In a sense this really vindicates our Mom who always said that she felt sister #3 and I were very similar in some way. She was exactly right: We’re both Ti doms! 
I guess I was more focussed on what is different between us - She could do tricks on her bycicle at an age when I could barely ride one, for example. 
So yeah, final veridict: sister #3 (also known as ”Little J.”) is sp/soc 6w5 614 ISTP .
In other news she has finally matured out of her “no hugs” phase, it was driving mom nuts because she is a very cuddle loving person. 
I did keep saying that she just wants to assert her individuality/newfound independent thinking that comes with adolescence,  and that she would go back to normal when she sees that we respect it, so she sees she doesn’t need to shout “I AM AN INDIVIDUAL!” with a megapohone, but it is nice to be proven right. 
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Three women performing on their bicycles, 1920s.
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brunhiddensmusings · 5 years
random movies/shows i just remembered were a thing
there is no point in any of this other then me being impressed that i remember all of this shit and reflecting on ‘i couldnt make this up if i tried’ a live action tv series of alice in wonderland, it was violently 80s an ‘alf’ cartoon series, that was MORE violently 80s an alice in wonderland cartoon series from the makers of the alf cartoon series which was only moderately 80s neverending story animated series that is somehow underwhelming enough it erases memory of itself a show where james earl jones sits in some kind of negative plane room that has a floor, doors, windows, a chair, and one lamp yet somehow no walls, the windows just kind of hover there. he told stories. how the hell did a show where james earl jones just tells soothing stories fly under everyone's radar? a live action reading comprehension series that featured a kid with magic gloves that rode a stationary bycicle to warp through dimensions that im sure no other human being ever saw so im partially thinking it might have been a hallucination except hallucinations typically have higher production values an animated glowworm movie that was trying to do with the glowworm dolls what MLP the show did for MLP the toys. it contained at least one song i can still remember the tune of 25 years later. there was a moleperson that gave off strong lesbian vibes who was rebelling against her biker vibe moleperson family an animated movie about ‘the lollipop dragon’ that seemed like there was other content on the intellectual property but ive never seen any, taking the form of a car race through whats essentially candyland to prevent liver and onion flavored lollipops being the new official christmas candy to be distributed by santa clause live action series that was only ever on at like 4AM where someone tells fairy tales that are slightly more disturbing then they should be while illustrating them in chalk which is one hell of a trick the animated series ‘mummies alive’ that was trying to basically copy/paste everything they could from the ‘gargoyles’ show but forgot to make it good not to be confused with the ‘tutenstein’ show, which somehow made less sense ‘dink the dinosaur’ a tv series hoping nobody noticed it wasn't actually land before time the animated series a live action series where a modern family was trapped somewhere that was a dinosaur infested jungle so they had to live in a tree house that was only just barely taller then the t-rex that was continually stalking them. the moon had claw marks on it i think? it was basically swiss family robinson but early 90s animated movie ‘the elm chanted forest’ that im more just baffled my parents were able to acquire something that obscure in their pirated vhs collection, i cant think of a possible reason anyone in my family would ever have been in the same room as a copy of this. like damned i havent even seen any of the youtubers that rate obscure bizzare movies even mention this fever dream. the highlight was probably when the talking mushrooms started breakdancing in a impressively racist manner like damned you raised the bar on racist cartoons somehow for about two minutes in an otherwise completely inoffensive movie from i think croatia. seriously its the best part, even better then when the cactus king summons his sapient weapon minions and engages his ferris wheel of doom to kill all the beavers
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the animated series ‘superdave’ about a daredevil who gets repeatedly maimed, and repeatedly framed it as though he was a real person in the way jackie chan adventures does the animated series ‘wish kid’ where macully culkin aged 9 is granted basically fairy odd parents style wish abilities from a baseball glove. gilbert godfried its there, constantly, like hes almost there as much as the kid is holy crap i forgot the tazmanian devil got his own show for like five months yall remember when the ps1 first launched? when the game cases were strangely huge for no particular reason because they hadnt adopted the jewel cases yet and there were only like seven games available for the system and none of them even knew how to incorporate memory cards? ‘blazing dragons’ was a point and click adventure game that happened to be one of those seven games, eric idle was one of the people who made the game yet ive never met anyone who remembers playing the game or even hearing anything about it. yeah, this game had an animated series.... it was surprisingly witty in a were not even trying to make sense way that was purposefully avoiding explaining its world live action series ‘zoobalie zoo’ where people in the worst fursuits known to man just kind of exist in an almost entirely empty set where a handfull of circus cage wagons that i assume were their homes were the only structures outside of like two cardboard bushes why the hell was ‘mighty max’ not a cultural icon the way invader zim was, that show rocked so hard ‘the robonic stooges’ where the 3 stooges are robots jhon candy had an animated series where he played himself as a camp counselor. it.... kinda worked almost, blending the generic 80s camp movie ‘bad land developer’ formula with self aware complaints. it only stank a little the animated ‘happy days’ spinoff where they have a time traveling spaceship
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not to be confused with the one where the partridge family lives in the year 3000, or when casper the ghost lives in space.... im beginning to see a trend here ‘starship troopers’ the CG series where surprisingly nobody ever died an animated series about a green rabbit on a spaceship that i only recently learned also was not a fever dream from when i was 8. all images i see of it only convince me more that im still hallucinating its existance i cant rmember the name of it but a live action series about aliens living on earth, all the adults have actual costumes to disguise themselves as humans but the baby, who is apperantly the ruler of the universe, is a disturbing pink puppet. also they have magic powers instead of technology and the theme song was ‘wishing on a star’. memories of this show still occasionally haunt me but it was still better then charles in charge just on novelty value there was a ‘jhonny quest’ reboot that aged him up and incorporated CG for a kind of cyberspace setting for the sole purpose they had a villian that was a quadrapallegic but could do things in the cyberspace setting, yet really nobody should have cared because the cyberspace setting wasnt connected to any real world imput devices so he was just the main boss of his own videogame why are you picking on this man. they were foggy on if haji actually had magic powers or just really hardcore yoga skills, and one fanatical zealot villian who basically escaped from the place they keep the well written batman antagonists you remember the ‘the way things work’ book? it had illustrations on every concept of physics and mechanical processes that used mammoths to explain everything from the screw to the lever to sewing machines to integrated circuits. yeah, it had an animated tv series .....somehow not to be confused with ‘cro’, an animated series about a mammoth that was frozen, thawed in the late 80s, was able to talk, and was a framing device for his stories of a weirdly sexily drawn caveman teen that invented all technology
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it was basically ‘the croods’ but better and 30 years earlier a live action series based on ‘harry and the hendersons’.... im surprised they could create enough material for one full episode like seriously where do you go from there? its surprisingly hard to think of a story for ‘were a modern 80s family who has bigfoot as a roomate’ an animated series where a basketball player, baseball player, and hockey player are secretly superheroes. there was also a hardcore badass old lady who did most of the work. wayne gretszky was the one nobody respected the pocket dragons had a show. yes, a show based on collectable porcelain figurines that were marketed for their cute value on home shopping network CG series ‘vanpires’, yes it was about sapient cars that were vampires and actual live children who turned into cars that were vampires. that is all oh yeah, there was a back to the future animated series, i thought i repressed that better speaking of repressed memories, i cannot escape the knowledge that ‘super duper sumos’ and ‘mega babies’ existed, booze cannot erase this knowledge
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imaginedsoldier · 5 years
Magician: "When I was a kid..." *jokes and tells a story, does some neat tricks*
Illusionist: *strides onstage to dramatic public domain trip-hop with violins while making love to a deck of bycicle playing cards*
Mentalist: "I'm gonna fuck your brain with mindskills until your thoughts have a baby with my face."
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24hoursvideos · 5 years
We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge)
After Rebecca Zamolo spent 24 Hours HANDCUFFED To HACKER in My HOUSE! Testing Viral TikTok Life Hacks to escape Good Vs. Evil Matt and Rebecca uploaded “Rebecca’s Emergency Trip to Hospital! Letting Subscribers Decide New House! (Hacks Fail Challenge)” The Real Game Master created RZ Twin is in Trouble! Spending 24 Hours with Game Master In Real Life Hacker Escape Room Prank, then the Game Master incorporated posted “Convincing My BEST FRIEND to be EVIL (Trapping Agent for 24 hours in Secret Escape Room)”, now Rebecca decides to turn the safe house into a Barbie Dream home in real life. Rebecca creates the worst challenge for Matt so he’ll agree to buy her dream house. Rebecca and Zoe make pink DIY arts and crafts to set up the Barbie room. The Agents think this is a giant prank and arrive with the hand crafted Cake. Agent R slips and falls which is surprisingly awkward. Agent S tries to help him pick up the cake but we don’t know if we can trust him after Scooby Doo in real life at the Haunted Hacker Mansion. Once everything is all set her Husband Matt arrives and the prank wars start. He gets upset but learns the code word for House. Can Matt and Rebecca keep the game master secret safe? The challenge starts and Matt wins the first one but doesn’t test the desert. Next is the last to leave challenge in the bedroom but agent R keeps on farting so it is difficult. Zoe and Agent R are the last to fall and he quickly quits leaving Zoe the winner. She uses spy gadgets and calculates that the final challenge will be difficult. It’s a weird beauty hacks outdoor challenge with easy to ride bycicles. Who will win the challenges and can Rebecca get her Barbie dream home in real life? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020!
More awesome videos!
Sis Vs Bro – We lost our cats during moving to a new house.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7If4PYXG4HU
123 Go! | WEIRD BEAUTY HACKS FOR SMART GIRLS || Easy DIY Beauty Hacks And Tricks https://youtu.be/PtrF9hx0ygw
SSSniperwolf | Funniest KNOCK OFF Brands
Unspeakable | WORLD’S BIGGEST BLANKET FORT CHALLENGE! https://youtu.be/8xofIrz2wjI
The Ace Family | ONLY ONE (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO ) https://youtu.be/QVCKPGiiwUg
PawZam Dogs | We Built our Dogs a Giant Slide Only Using Moving Boxes! https://youtu.be/zL5JUCSpJk4
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Find Rebecca Zamolo! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rebeccazamolo/ Twitter https://www.twitter.com/rebeccazamolo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.zamolo TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccazamolo
Watch on Youtube Published 2020-03-07 15:03:35
The post We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge) appeared first on The Gamemaster Network.
We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge) published first on https://thegamemasternetwork.home.blog/feed
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spyninjas · 5 years
We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge)
After Rebecca Zamolo spent 24 Hours HANDCUFFED To HACKER in My HOUSE! Testing Viral TikTok Life Hacks to escape Good Vs. Evil Matt and Rebecca uploaded “Rebecca’s Emergency Trip to Hospital! Letting Subscribers Decide New House! (Hacks Fail Challenge)” The Real Game Master created RZ Twin is in Trouble! Spending 24 Hours with Game Master In Real Life Hacker Escape Room Prank, then the Game Master incorporated posted “Convincing My BEST FRIEND to be EVIL (Trapping Agent for 24 hours in Secret Escape Room)”, now Rebecca decides to turn the safe house into a Barbie Dream home in real life. Rebecca creates the worst challenge for Matt so he’ll agree to buy her dream house. Rebecca and Zoe make pink DIY arts and crafts to set up the Barbie room. The Agents think this is a giant prank and arrive with the hand crafted Cake. Agent R slips and falls which is surprisingly awkward. Agent S tries to help him pick up the cake but we don’t know if we can trust him after Scooby Doo in real life at the Haunted Hacker Mansion. Once everything is all set her Husband Matt arrives and the prank wars start. He gets upset but learns the code word for House. Can Matt and Rebecca keep the game master secret safe? The challenge starts and Matt wins the first one but doesn’t test the desert. Next is the last to leave challenge in the bedroom but agent R keeps on farting so it is difficult. Zoe and Agent R are the last to fall and he quickly quits leaving Zoe the winner. She uses spy gadgets and calculates that the final challenge will be difficult. It’s a weird beauty hacks outdoor challenge with easy to ride bycicles. Who will win the challenges and can Rebecca get her Barbie dream home in real life? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020!
More awesome videos!
Sis Vs Bro – We lost our cats during moving to a new house.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7If4PYXG4HU
123 Go! | WEIRD BEAUTY HACKS FOR SMART GIRLS || Easy DIY Beauty Hacks And Tricks https://youtu.be/PtrF9hx0ygw
SSSniperwolf | Funniest KNOCK OFF Brands
Unspeakable | WORLD’S BIGGEST BLANKET FORT CHALLENGE! https://youtu.be/8xofIrz2wjI
The Ace Family | ONLY ONE (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO ) https://youtu.be/QVCKPGiiwUg
PawZam Dogs | We Built our Dogs a Giant Slide Only Using Moving Boxes! https://youtu.be/zL5JUCSpJk4
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Join the Game Master network! https://www.thegamemasternetwork.com
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Get ZamFam merch! http://www.rebeccazamolo.com
Find Rebecca Zamolo! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rebeccazamolo/ Twitter https://www.twitter.com/rebeccazamolo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.zamolo TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccazamolo Watch on Youtube Published 2020-03-07 15:03:35
The post We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge) appeared first on The Gamemaster Network.
We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge) published first on https://thegamemasternetwork.tumblr.com
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We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge)
After Rebecca Zamolo spent 24 Hours HANDCUFFED To HACKER in My HOUSE! Testing Viral TikTok Life Hacks to escape Good Vs. Evil Matt and Rebecca uploaded “Rebecca’s Emergency Trip to Hospital! Letting Subscribers Decide New House! (Hacks Fail Challenge)” The Real Game Master created RZ Twin is in Trouble! Spending 24 Hours with Game Master In Real Life Hacker Escape Room Prank, then the Game Master incorporated posted “Convincing My BEST FRIEND to be EVIL (Trapping Agent for 24 hours in Secret Escape Room)”, now Rebecca decides to turn the safe house into a Barbie Dream home in real life. Rebecca creates the worst challenge for Matt so he’ll agree to buy her dream house. Rebecca and Zoe make pink DIY arts and crafts to set up the Barbie room. The Agents think this is a giant prank and arrive with the hand crafted Cake. Agent R slips and falls which is surprisingly awkward. Agent S tries to help him pick up the cake but we don’t know if we can trust him after Scooby Doo in real life at the Haunted Hacker Mansion. Once everything is all set her Husband Matt arrives and the prank wars start. He gets upset but learns the code word for House. Can Matt and Rebecca keep the game master secret safe? The challenge starts and Matt wins the first one but doesn’t test the desert. Next is the last to leave challenge in the bedroom but agent R keeps on farting so it is difficult. Zoe and Agent R are the last to fall and he quickly quits leaving Zoe the winner. She uses spy gadgets and calculates that the final challenge will be difficult. It’s a weird beauty hacks outdoor challenge with easy to ride bycicles. Who will win the challenges and can Rebecca get her Barbie dream home in real life? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020!
More awesome videos!
Sis Vs Bro – We lost our cats during moving to a new house.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7If4PYXG4HU
123 Go! | WEIRD BEAUTY HACKS FOR SMART GIRLS || Easy DIY Beauty Hacks And Tricks https://youtu.be/PtrF9hx0ygw
SSSniperwolf | Funniest KNOCK OFF Brands
Unspeakable | WORLD’S BIGGEST BLANKET FORT CHALLENGE! https://youtu.be/8xofIrz2wjI
The Ace Family | ONLY ONE (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO ) https://youtu.be/QVCKPGiiwUg
PawZam Dogs | We Built our Dogs a Giant Slide Only Using Moving Boxes! https://youtu.be/zL5JUCSpJk4
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Join the Game Master network! https://www.thegamemasternetwork.com
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Get ZamFam merch! http://www.rebeccazamolo.com
Find Rebecca Zamolo! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rebeccazamolo/ Twitter https://www.twitter.com/rebeccazamolo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.zamolo TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccazamolo Watch on Youtube Published 2020-03-07 15:03:35
The post We Turned Our Safe House into a Giant BARBIE Dream Home! (Worst DIY Crafts Boys vs Girls Challenge) appeared first on The Gamemaster Network.
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hizokucycles · 7 years
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ocean-butch · 5 years
what are ur fave crowley and aziraphale moments? (-a completely anonymous anon)
AJFKAJJDAJ HELLO TOTALLY ANONYMOUS PERSON WHOSE IDENTITY I TOTALLY DO NOT KNOW. FiRsT oF aLL someone who ISNT an anon would know that this is an Oful question to ask me bc i Cannot Ever For The Life Of Me make a choice. bUT, since we obviously dont know each other, i guess im gonna let it slip. so ok im gonna try to make a list but pls do keep in mind that the order is just which ones i remember first, not in an actual order of preference (bc thats just asking too much!!!!!) okay so!
- OBVIOUSLY the church scene. just,, the entire thing tbh (i love the “anthony j crowley” “anthony?” “what, you dont like it?” “no i didnt say that” and “whats the j stand for?” “...oh just a j really” bit) but obviously the main focus being crowley saving aziraphale’s books like its No Big Deal even tho not even aziraphale remembered them and he did and the last shot with aziraphale’s face and the romantic soundtrack as we literally watch him realize that he’s in love with crowley (as confirmed by the loml michael sheen)
- omg omg omg okay the bycicle accident scene like i just love that scene so so so much like u have no idea (well you personally do bc i’ve told u about it many times - not that i know who u are ofc) but i just,,, they act so Married okay i cant HANDLE IT (“let there be light” then crowley undoing it With That Face and “Oh Lord Heal This Bike” “i got carried away!”) and just ajfjsjdak theyre so cute in that scene i cherish it in my s o u l
- obviously their first meeting Has to be included! i mean, first of all they’re meeting each other. then suddenly, like 2 minutes later a demon’s already leaning closer to an angel who’s already lifting his wing to protect said demon from the scary unknown rain (also: “i gave it away!” and, with the most incredibly smitten face in the whole wide universe: “you WHAT????”)
- just. the whole scene when theyre drunk in the first ep. the entire thing. all of it. starting from “my point- my point is- dolphins.” until “well i’ll be damned!” “not that bad when you get used to it”
- OH OKAY THE SCENE AT THE BENCH WHEN THEYRE WATCHING WARLOCK JUST DAYS BEFORE HIS 11TH BIRTHDAY AND AZIRAPHALE STARTS DOING HIS LIL MAGIC TRICKS (“it was in your ear!” “no it was in your pocket” “well it was close to your ear” “never anywhere near my ear” and “you can do proper magic! you can make things disappear!” “but thats not as fun!” “fun????? make u disappear”) LIKE AKDSJJSJ AND ITS EVEN BETTER THAT THAT WHOLE MAGIC TRICK PART WAS IMPROVISED LIKE WOW DAVID AND MICHAEL ARE SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH
- OKAY SO ITS HEARTBREAKING BUT THE BANDSTAND SCENE BECAUSE I MEAN HOW COULD I NOT (with his voice breaking: “you cant Leave, crowley” and “we can run away together!” “run away.... together?” and “how long have we been friends? 6000 YEARS!” and “i dont even like you!” “you DO!”) i mean its just,,,,, too much,,,, its so much,,,,,,, pls,,,,,
- in that same angsty note: soho, 1967. do i need to elaborate? who cares imma do it anyway (“but i cant have you risking your life. not even for something dangerous” and the soft unspoken desperation of “dont go unscrewing the cap” and “after everything you’ve said?” and “can i drop you off somewhere?” and “oh, dont look so disappointed. perhaps one day we could, i dont know, go for a picnic. dine at the ritz” and, of course, “anywhere you want to go” “you go too fast for me, crowley”) i mean yeah its heartbreaking but its also, to me, when crowley gets that confirmation that aziraphale loves him back so i cant just not mention it
- when satan is coming and aziraphale just literally picks up his sword and says “DO SOMETHING! OR… or I’ll never talk to you again!” like its the worst thing that could ever happen (it is, for both of them at least) and then obviously crowley just,,, Does The Something bc literally nothing in the entire world, heaven, or hell, will ever take aziraphale away from him
- tHe bUs sCeNE i just ajfjajsj cANT BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED!!!!! LIKE HE LITERALLY JUST. “you can stay at my place… if you’d like” AND AZIRAPHALE GOES WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EVER BE OKAY EVER AGAIN???????? THEYRE IN L O V E
- and lastly because, since the show finished with it, i think its only fair i do too: there were angels dining at the ritz (“i’d like to believe none of this wouldve worked out if you werent, deep down, just a little bit a good person” “and if you werent, deep down, just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing” and “to the world” “to the world!” and, obviously, “and perhaps the recent exertions had had some fallout in the nature of reality because, while they were eating, for the first time ever, a nightingale sang in berkeley square.”)
anyways i think im probably forgetting some of them but sOmEoNE (who is definitely not this anon, of course) has been saying for the past hour and a half that im taking too long to answer this, so. there ya go.
(bonus: the deleted scene where crowley brings aziraphale chocolates and ends up saving him from going back to heaven like a good bf)
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