#by which i mean all but one of the attacks i received were revenges so ig it doesn't actually prove my own revenge record
beneathsilverstars · 4 months
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new Naiakiir ref for art fight!!
here's my profile if anyone's interested in drawing her this year or just following me <3
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bellepeppergirl · 20 days
Marika Was the Gloam-Eyed Queen
So, the most popular theory regarding the GEQ was that it was Melina. This does make sense; in the Flame of Frenzy ending, she promises to deliver Destined Death to us and reveals her sealed eye, which is gloam colored. Case solved? I don't think so.
As stated in the title, I believe Marika was the GEQ.
We know Marika comes from the Shaman/Miko Village and that her people were horrifically abducted and crammed into jars into to create "saints." This was likely a part of the Hornsent religion, whatever that may have been, likely relating to the Crucible. I feel like it would be understandable to wish to get revenge on whoever the god of the Hornsent may be, so she creates the Godskin Covenant.
The idea of taking the skin of the gods and melding them together to create clothes is very similar to what happened to the Shamans in the jars; a fitting way to seek retribution I think.
We can also see that the Rune of Death is an inverse of Marika's rune.
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Interestingly, the statues of Marika that we can find in the Lands of Shadow, while initially looking identical to those from the Lands Between, albeit headless, are actually forming the shape of the Rune of Death, while those we were originally familiar with form Marika's rune.
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On top of that, there is another statue we can find of Marika in the Lands of Shadow. This one is located in Messmer's arena and depicts Marika swaddling a baby.
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Now, off the top of my head, there is only one other place that we see imagery like this and that is the Godskin Swaddling Cloth.
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It mentions that she cradles the newborn apostles that were swaddled in this godly flesh and that they would eventually be raised to fight the gods. It is interesting then that these are the only two mentions of holding a baby in game, and it just so happens to be the place where Marika's statues happen to resemble the Rune of Death. Additionally, the Swaddling Cloth causes successive attacks to restore HP. Now, this could be a stretch, but Marika is also associated with healing. After all, it's her tears that increase the amount of HP we receive from a flask and we can find a healing incantation in her chambers.
Now, the trailers mention the Shadow Lands as the birthplace of Light and Shadow, and something about "the seduction and the betrayal." When it says this, we see Marika holding up a strand of hair at the Divine Gate and, as Quelaag pointed out in her videos, while she does this, we see light through the gate while a gloam-y sky is seen everywhere else.
What I personally think this means is that Marika was seduced by the Greater Will and the prospect of becoming a god, thus betraying the covenant that she herself formed and becoming what they swore to destroy. Furthermore, she continued the cycle of suffering by enacting the same cruelties performed on her people on those like the Omen, the Demihumans, and the Misbegotten.
I believe she then gave her Great Rune to Malekith, who hid it away while Marika pretended to be a completely different person. She would also hide away any signs of her past identity; the Shadowlands, for various reasons, would be sealed away, thus also hiding her past, and her firstborn daughter, Melina, was locked away in the Forbidden Lands. She was likely imprisoned because she bore the same power that Marika once had; the power of Death. Just like she did with the rest of her children, anything that reminded her of the past would be hidden away and forgotten.
The Godskins, feeling betrayed, have come the the Lands Between in order to enact that which they were quite literally born for. After all, the swaddling cloth essentially says that the GEQ raised them, acting as their mother, and teaching them to kill the gods. To have the person who you saw as a mother betray you by becoming what you were raised to hate would be a devastating blow and, of course, this would not be the only time Marika does this. In the Lands Between, the Godskins are seeking out that which they've lost; the sword that was once Marika's, the Rune that was given to Malekith, and the God-Devouring Serpent so that they may continue their goals.
And I believe that Marika shattered the Elden Ring because she realized what was happening; she understood that the past was coming back, no matter what she did. That her goals to create the "perfect world" by killing everyone she didn't like was a failure. She removed death so everyone could be happy and sing kumbaya around the Erdtree forever, but guess what. Her son STILL DIED despite death not even existing anymore. People are miserable being unable to die.
I think she also realizes that, not only was her plans a failure cuz the people she didn't like kept being born, but she was feeding this cycle of hatred. She fucked people over and now they're revolting against her. Why did she fuck them over? Because she was fucked over. And you know what, the Hornsent were probably also fucked over at some point, maybe by the people of Rauh.
I think her shattering the Elden Ring is akin to suicide; we never see her alive, never hear her speak, nothing. She is in pieces, just like the Elden Ring is. She is also impaled with a red spike, which looks oddly similar to the Rune of Death. If all I have said is true, then I believe the implication is she gave into despair, destroyed everything, and then killed herself.
Nothing changed. Nothing ever changed. And she was part of the problem this whole time, but by the time she realized, it was all too late.
But despite everything, hope persists. Despite the horrors inflicted upon Marika's people, Marika persisted. Despite the horrors Marika inflicted upon others, they persisted and continue to be born. As Melina says, the world is full of horrible things, and yet birth and life persists, and there's beauty in that. One day, the cycle will break.
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seriousbrat · 8 months
imo it's not so hard to accept that SWM takes place after the prank. I mean it is canon so too bad but it makes complete sense to me. there's no evidence the prank was some big life-altering character development moment for any of the characters involved and that they all learnt their various lessons. in fact we see that they don't. in SWM the marauders are clearly still tormenting Sev. In Sev's conversation with Lily post-prank he's still just as obsessed with the marauders and exposing their secrets as ever, if not more. he doesn't consider what lily's saying at all because he's too focused on his hatred towards them.
my hc is that sirius (rather masterfully) used reverse psychology on sev to get him to go down the willow. Sev isn't stupid, he wouldn't have let himself willingly be led into a trap by his worst enemies. I think Sirius probably "let it slip" and then "backtracked" and acted like Snape wouldn't be brave enough to go down there anyway and that he should just forget it. I doubt Sirius directly told him to go down the willow, I think cleverly he told him not to, knowing that Sev would do so anyway (not that this makes a difference ethically bc his intent is still clear, but anyway. this isn't about who is morally better because idgaf honestly lol, I'm just trying to work through their mindsets)
the marauders received no real consequences for the prank, so why would they learn their lesson? Objectively you can't really punish someone for telling someone not to do something if they do it anyway. Not particularly fair, but still. Which brings me to Sev's responsibility in the matter (which yes, does exist imo) we're shown that he was obsessed with finding out what the marauders were up to and particularly obsessed with Remus's secret. Yes, this is understandable given how they treated him, but absolutely not healthy and he still chose to go down there, whether out of pride, greed, curiousity, vindictiveness. He obv was manipulated but there's a reason he was so easily manipulated. As I said previously, his obsession with revenge is what causes him to be blind to lily's feelings.
James rescuing him wasn't some moment of epiphany about how bullying is bad actually. It was just a fundamental part of James's character already. He would never have let him die regardless of how he felt about him.
All of this makes SWM the PEAK moment of hatred between Sev and the Marauders, which explains a lot of their responses. Sirius and James hate Sev more than ever for trying to expose Remus. Sev, justifiably, hates them more than ever for trying to kill him (and he ropes James into this, which is incorrect but understandable in his position)
James "deflating his head" probably wasn't just based on one event in particular. He just grew up and learned what was more important- being a good person, fighting against voldemort. But Sev also had growing up to do of his own during this time. As I talked about in in this post yesterday I think post-swm Sev was beginning to realise that his lack of control over his emotional responses (calling lily a mudblood out of humiliation, for example) was dangerous both to lily and to himself.
Yeah they still hated each other and attacked each other in seventh year. There's too much bad blood there to do anything else. I've talked about the dynamic between Sev and James here and how that might have developed as they grew older. I honestly find it extremely interesting, I could go on about these two for hours rip. My point is that the development of these characters into adults wasn't instant or linear, it was messy and rough. people don't usually change overnight, it happens slowly over time because they have to.
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etherealhannie · 4 months
𐙚˙✧˖°🌑 ༘ ⋆。 ˚ ,, try again
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pairing ,, bsf!joshua × bsf!fem!reader
genre ,, sad, best friends to lovers
word count ,, 1.9k
song rec. ,, hug me - v, j-hope (cover)
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two best friends of different gender were heartbrokenly in toxic relationships. deeply in love with their partners, which almost cost them dignity. hurtful words, rejection, public shaming, humiliation, false hope and cheated ; things they dream in relationships, the happy ending they wish has gone into ashes after a good amount of loving. being a person who's passionate in romance, obviously self-blame is the only decision taken. questioning where's the wrong and mistake made by the self. unable to gather the answers needed, everything turns into a nightmare and hunts the one in pain.
the wound bleeds even though it left a scar for so long. how can he/she be so cruel in hurting people who are willing to love them wholly. could it be my fault for not fighting and doing the best in trying? even if i do, would it be worth the wait and patience? ; the only available questions left behind. who could answer such things without an actual effort? afterall, action speaks louder than words. in the situation, tears, cries, regret and trust means nothing, as if life has no price. longing for love is alive, not with the same person. they're the wrong person at the wrong time. self-centered, arrogant, hypocrite, controlling, abusive and dishonest ; the characteristics just identify such a person, and that's them.
𐙚˙✧˖°🌑༘ ⋆。 ˚
blankly stares at the pure white wall, blinking for a few times, as if there's something interesting on it. sitting up straight without any muscle movement in deep silence, to the point where heartbeats sound louder than anything existed. bloodshot eyes, red nose and swollen lips, all because of crying the whole week without any break. the inner pain screams and raging, tearing off the happiness and euphoria.
sudden memories from the scars flashed, causing the one to build up the tears, curling into a ball and sobbing intensively. was i even worth it? am i the one to blame? what's my weakness until he has to hurt me? what's the things that are lacking in our relationship? continuously hurting slowly from the inside, affecting physical health.
a knock on the door could be heard, still in the same position, ignoring the person outside. "darling, please open the door. you haven't eaten for almost a week." the concerned voice of the mother lingers in the echoes. seeing her one and only child ruined and crushes into pieces for falling into the wrong hands, obviously hurt her. afterall, she's the beloved child of hers. if and only she's a kind of revengeful person, the guy might have lost himself in her palm, but it's way better to focus on her child than wasting time on useless stuff that won't bring any benefits. the young lady is her first priority, way more important than anything else, because she's the only reason she keeps going in life after the husband's death due to the heart attack. her daughter is the closest person with the husband, and she already broke into half after the news. yet now, the other person she holds on broke her to the pit.
the sobs and cries turn loud. the mother couldn't do anything except give her child a space, as she had tried before to persuade her but got pushed away. she doesn't feel mad or any of those, but concerned and worried. the mother moved away from the door with a tray of food, to be exact her daughter's favorite food. one thing popped up in her mind and there's only one person who can ease her daughter little by little, her best friend. "y/n dear, come and find me if you need anything hurm." silent, the only answer she received before walking down to the kitchen.
𐙚˙✧˖°🌑 ༘ ⋆。 ˚
"y/n, open the door please. it's me, joshua." the guy sounded, as he gave a gentle knock on the door. after not receiving any replies, he decided to use the spare key provided by mrs. hwang to y/n's door. the blind dark from the inside flashes into the sight. even though it is evening at the moment, the opaque curtain prevents the light from peeking through. his eyes traveled, trying to find the actual figure he's here for. "y/n~" the guy entered as he closed the door behind, until a soft sob caught his attention and the shaky figure under the blanket actually had his senses. knows who is behind the sheet, his eyes soften and take careful steps towards the body.
"y/n~" slowly the sheet above the head being pulled and a small peek from the figure were caught. a gentle smile pasted on the guy's face and went to turn the table light on, to see the weak figure who's laying there still. "j-joshua…" a small shaky voice heard the name. "yes, darling…" joshua slowly makes a little move closer to the lady before actually capturing her in his warmth, knowing how much she needs it. the lady tightens the embrace, craves for the care and love she misses for a while. "let yourself feel everything you need to feel." caress the hair of the lady, soothing the loved one.
𐙚˙✧˖°🌑༘ ⋆。 ˚
"open your lil pouty lips, y/n~" moves the spoon closer to the sad figure, who's still in a blanket, sitting straight while zoning out of the world. notice how quiet the environment is, joshua moves closer to the small figure after placing the bowl of rice cake soup on the mini table. turning the frozen lady to face him and caress her cheeks in his warm palms, tears ticking down the dark sparkling orbs. wiping off the tears as he kisses her forehead, letting her know that he's here and always there for her. being a best friend, it hurts him as much as it hurts her. he trusted the man way less than his bestie does, probably it's the bad signal of the jerk's actual intention.
his best friend is one of his priorities, most of all they're common in every single corner. in loving, caring, understanding and supporting, they have each other's back. having almost the same behavior makes them one, creating a strong bond. little fights and misunderstanding in something might bring them to brim but the love brings them together once again. how can he not love this fragile human?
however, he actually heartbroken from his previous relationship, which supposedly happened the same day as his best friend's toxic relationship gone broken. he wants to cry his heart out due to how foolish he is for staying in such relationship, but after seeing his love one here breaking down, he chose to stay strong for her. he's not that tough, but he's trying his best because of her. he rather lost his toxic relationship than tied off the happiness he have with his best friend.
eventually, his obsessive ex abused him mentally, poisoning his mindset from seeing anyone, even his parents. the thought in her crazy mind of him might be cheating with other women while lying about seeing his parents. most of all, she abandoned him from seeing y/n because of her jealousy self. she even once hurt the innocent lady by a tight slap and threatened her if she ever stayed close to joshua. luckily, the guy isn't that easy to believe since he knew his best friend way better than an outsider does. after the day, she started to act psycho with everything. humiliation and shaming she spat on him during hanging out with friends were something she normalized. the friends weren't on her side by her stupid mouth which eat shits. if disgusting was an actual person, it would be her, and y/n's ex.
── two years later
a few times have been wasted, the update and upgrade of the two best friends were actually gaining great. joshua kept his promise about staying with his bestie always, and y/n actually living her actual life. joshua and her mother gave their all to recover the lady from a toxic cage. seeing a fresh woman in her, y/n lives a free life without feeling guilty from all of those false information about herself. it's joshua who reminds her almost every second. remembered how comforting words were arranged by him on that one rainy night which immediately woke her up from the dark hole.
"there is no shame in admitting that you feel all new levels of sadness and loneliness. everything they’re feeling right now is valid and real and important. you should acknowledge it all, rather than pretend it isn’t happening. everything from denial to anger to slightly crazy temporary obsession are all natural, normal reactions to losing someone that you cared about. i am sure if you allow yourself to feel all of those, you'll grow from it."
"the fact of the matter is that a lot of the time, if someone wants to dump you, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. It's their decision. especially if there’s gross cheating involved, it says a lot more about them and their own frame of mind than it does about you. this is not because you're lacking or falling short of being a total babe in any way─ personality, beauty, body shape or anything else. you don’t need to change a single thing for anybody, ever."
𐙚˙✧˖°🌑 ༘ ⋆。 ˚
"why did you want to meet me at this hour, shua? tomorrow, we can have a lot of time together." standing at the quiet beach, in the coldness of wind and chilly weather. a sudden call from her best friend kinda surprised her since joshua wouldn't be bothering her at this hour due to nap time. she also noticed how joshua started to keep gaps between them for the last six months, might as well give joshua spaces as she gets to know about joshua's broken relationship.
"shua?" look at her best friend in concern, since he has been staring at her in deep look, standing still without any words coming out. the redness on his nose is visible as he doesn't bear cold and easily traps coldness. "hey~" she placed her both palms on his freezing cheeks, aware how he would react to her warmth. slowly his cold hands hold on the lady's, which is still on his chubs.
"y/n, i don't know how to say this, and i am truly scared that something bad might come between us after this." joshua sighs, which concerns the lady more. she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "shua, you know you can tell me anything." he looked into her eyes once again before proceeding.
"it has been a long time since i keep this from you. i don't realize how much it consumed me until I stayed with you all this time. i have feelings for you, hwang y/n. i don't want anything to happen with our friendship if i ever confess to you. i don't want you to feel doubtful about loving someone again after what happened two years ago, so i wait until tonight i have the urge to tell you. i hope your pain fully recovers and i am on the right track to confess. i-" his confession was cutted off by a light response.
"i've seen that we have a lot in common about things. so, why don't we give us a try?"
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
🟠 SUN morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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▪️A HERO SOLIDER HAS FALLEN.. in battle in Gaza: Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum, 21, from Ma’ale Adumim.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
.. A MESSAGE FROM THE MOTHER OF YAIR AVITAN - who was reported fallen last night:
I received the messengers of Iyov (Job) at my door last night around 5:00 PM.  I received the difficult news in silence just like Aharon HaCohen, who learned about his 2 sons who died. "Vidom Aharon".
On this occasion, I want to hug and strengthen first and foremost the commanders and fighters, your beloved children, who today are also mine.   Raise your head! Don't cry! Don't lose heart! This is the last war. Fight the enemy without mercy, for the sake of all the people of Israel!
We will win and in a big way only in one way - if we love each other, embrace and hold each other. We will not hate, we will not take revenge and we will not review one another.
My son died a martyr's death. He is now sitting under the kisay hakavod, under the holy throne of the creator of the world, watching over us from the best place a soul can reach and asking you one thing - don't be sad.
I personally do not intend to leave the battle, on the contrary, I AM ENLISTING IN PLACE OF MY SON.
I will continue to assist the boys in everything and anything until victory. 
All hope that my son will be the last sacrifice.
The enemy made a grave mistake, he didn't know what kind of mother he was dealing with.  I have very strong ties with the Creator of the world and I assure you that the revenge on the part of the Almighty will be so severe from now on that even the enemy will not understand from where it fell on him. 
Am Yisroel Chai - The nation of Israel lives. 🇮🇱
▪️PROTEST LAST NIGHT - ANTI-GOVT.. Kaplan area, Tel Aviv, which became violent as police tried to arrest someone who set a fire by the Histadrut building and a Member of Knesset (conflicting stories) either interfered with the arrest or was assaulted by police as she tried to observe.
▪️(SOME) HOSTAGE FAMILIES SAY.. Statement by representatives of some of the families of the abductees outside Kirya in Tel Aviv:  "We have been informed that the Biden administration is working to renew negotiations for a deal. What stands between us and our loved ones is Netanyahu's insistence on not ending the war as part of a deal. The continuation of the war means the murder of the hostages.”  (( The moral situation becomes clear - Israel failed in keeping its citizens safe. But it cannot allow Hamas to survive after what Hamas did - or Israel will not survive. The families are doing what they should be - advocating for their loved ones at all cost.  But Israel can’t pay all costs without putting millions of people at risk. ))
♦️IDF EXTRACTING BODIES.. from the a-Tawansi cemetery in Shejaiya, east Gaza City.  Why?  Checking for dead hostages.
♦️RAFAH DEMOLITION.. Rafah central square demolished by IDF.
♦️US/UK ATTACK HOUTHIS.. attacking the airport of the city of Hodeidah.  And the Saudi’s attacked a Houthi site near the Saudi-Yemen border.
🔺RED ON RED - GAZA.. armed clashes between the residents of the Bureij camp in the center of the Gaza Strip and the security forces of Hamas.
🔺RED ON RED - TULKARM.. Palestinian Authority's security forces surrounded a building where 3 armed men wanted by Israel were staying.  Firefight, wanted men injured.  Later, Tulkarm terrorists opened fire at the PA headquarters in the city.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH FIRES ANTI-AIR.. over Lebanon, surface-to-air missiles were launched toward IAF aircraft.  IDF struck back at Jabal Safi area.
⭕ HOUTHIS ATTACK.. another cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden.
🟠 SUN morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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▪️JEWISH DRIVER ACCIDENTALLY ENTERED KALANDIA.. Arab town north of Jerusalem, attacked, attempted murder, car destroyed, car lit on fire - escaped to the checkpoint.
▪️US ASKS IRAQ TO BLOCK IRAN OVERFLIGHTS TO SYRIA.. which are bringing weapons to Hezbollah.  (( Why only now??? ))
▪️DEFENSE MINISTER SAYS.. "We are not looking for war but we are ready for it. And we will reach a junction, it will be a T junction both for the enemy and for us. If [Hezbollah] chooses to go to war, we will know what to do. If it chooses to go to an agreement, we will respond in this matter.”  (( Terrifying!  That the DM is hearing threats of complete destruction from Iran, mass destruction, murder and rape from Hezbollah, and is giving out statements like this. ))
▪️FOREIGN MINISTER SAYS.. “If Hezbollah does not stop firing and does not withdraw from southern Lebanon, we will act against it with all our might until security is restored and the residents return to their homes.”  (( This is what we expect to hear and our enemies to hear, given the cultural environment. ))
▪️UK: LABOR THREAT TO STOP ALL ARMS TO ISRAEL AND SAUDI ARABIA?   Fabian Hamilton, a senior member of the Labor Party, said during a political event at a mosque in Leeds that "Britain will immediately stop all arms sales to Israel as soon as we come to power." He also added that the Labor government would stop all arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
▪️SOCIETY.. Director General of the National Civil Service: the ultra-Orthodox are gifted with special tools due to their study of the Gemara, in Lahav 433 (Israel police serious crime investigation unit) they are enthusiastic and want them for crime solving.
▪️ECONOMY.. Senior Israeli at Salesforce returns to “prepare company for AI”.  Conversely, Google biotech company Verily is closing its Israeli office “not related to the war”.
▪️ISIS???  ISIS attacks in Syria this year have increased by 250% compared to last year.  ISIS terrorists are active in at least 28 countries across the African continent as well as Syria.
♦️IDF forces returned this morning to the al-Barazil neighborhood of Rafah while firing heavy artillery.  There is heavy equipment in the area, and the IDF is conducting excavation operations throughout the neighborhood.
♦️IDF ATTACKS LEBANON.. Hermes, north east Lebanon.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS overnight, short range, at Holit & Sufa, near the Egyptian border.
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Joel Kinnaman Masterlist
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Rick Flag
Takeshi Kovacs
Stephen Holder
Ed Baldwin
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Main Masterlist
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Schrodinger’s Cat (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Rick is about to leave on his next mission with Task Force X, and you have a bad feeling about it….
Bleeding Heart Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick has a mysterious new recruit on Task Force X. Without being provided any information, Rick will have to learn about this new team member on the job.
Surprise! (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 ✍
Rick loves sneaking up and scaring you when you least expect it. But turnabout is fair play….
The Colonel and the Sergeant Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader, Past Bucky Barnes x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When you and your boyfriend Rick Flag bump into your ex, Bucky Barnes, at a bar one night, things get a bit awkward. But how will revelations about your past relationship affect your current one?
A Christmas Miracle (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When you are in an accident and forced to stay in the hospital for Christmas, will your partner Rick Flag be his normal pain in the ass self, or will he surprise you?
Up in Smoke (Hurt/Comfort Edition) (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick feels terrible when he has to work late and misses dinner with you, but he is in for a terrible surprise when he gets home.
Up in Smoke (Pure Angst Edition) (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick feels terrible when he has to work late and misses dinner with you, but he is in for a deadly surprise when he gets home.
Since That Day (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Since the day you lost Rick in Corto Maltese, you have been planning your revenge. And now, the time has come…
Break the Ice (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When his best friend falls through the ice when skating, Rick tries to save you. But pulling you out of the water might just be the start of things….
All I Want for Christmas is You (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Last Christmas Eve, Rick had a special surprise for you. This Christmas Eve, another big event is happening as well.
Christmas is for Friends and Family (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
When you tell Rick that you don’t do Christmas because it is a time for family and friends, neither of which you have, he makes it his mission to prove you wrong.
Whatever You Need (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When his friend calls him late at night to say you were attacked and needs his help, Rick races to your aid immediately.
The Person I’ve Become (Dark!Rick Flag x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍ ✉️
After he returned from Corto Maltese, Rick thought his life was over. Until, that is, he is reunited with an old acquaintance. But what happens when the truth comes out and it appears he might lose everything once again?
Not So Friendly Fire (Rick Flag x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
When you are captured, Rick Flag will do whatever it takes to get you back.
It’ll Be Okay (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍ ✉️
Rick and you are captured on a mission by a man looking for information. And he is willing to use any means necessary to get the answers he is looking for.
Promises Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick has promised you time and time again that he would leave Task Force X, but yet again he has failed to keep his word. And this time you have finally had enough.
Being Afraid Doesn’t Make You Weak Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick has known about your fear of flying for a while. So when your plane heads directly into a storm on the way to a mission, he tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible. And the flight is just the start of the troubles….
Partners (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
You and Rick have been partners in DC for years. But when you hear a rumor he might be getting transferred, you can’t help but wonder what this will mean for your friendship.
This Means War (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
After receiving new commands from Waller, you have no choice but the lead the Suicide Squad into battle against ARGUS. But to make it to the end of the fight, what are you willing to do? And are you willing to take out anyone who stands in your way?
Let Me Teach You (Rick Flag & gn!Reader) 😘 ✍ ✉️
When Rick finds out he has to go to a big military ball, he is horrified. Dancing is definitely not one of his many skills. So, you offer to teach him.
Breakfast For Two (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
On your first anniversary, Rick tries to surprise you by making eggs for breakfast. While it doesn’t go as planned, you keep up that tradition years later.
Hello Darlin’ (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
Your ex-boyfriend, Rick, broke your heart when he left town months ago. But when he suddenly reappears and wants to talk, can you find a way to forgive him?
Presumed Dead Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick Flag watched the love of his life fall to her death three months ago. However, when he is captured by the same enemy that stole you from him, he discovers things aren't always what they seem.
Thank You, Colonel Flag (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 ✍
On the one-year anniversary of his near-death experience on Corto Maltese, Rick Flag is left reflecting on the disaster his life has become. But a chance encounter with a familiar stranger may change his perspective.
Eternally Yours Masterlist (Vampire!Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
As a vampire, you have walked the Earth alone for thousands of years, resigned to the fact that everyone you ever meet will perish in what seems like a blink of an eye. That is until you find the one person who you can't bear to lose….
I’d Catch a Grenade For You (Rick Flag x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
When a mission goes wrong, Rick makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect you.
I Got You (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
The mission went from bad to worse. After you are injured, Rick manages to get you to the safe house. However, after an infection sets in, is there anything else he can do?
"Where does it hurt?” = Rick Flag x Female!Reader
“You’re so stubborn!”
“All I ever wanted was for you to see me.”
Shielding the other with their body to save/protect them
Person A finding a hand-sketched photo of them on Person B’s desk
A Hand-Sketched Photo (Alternate POV)
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It’s Still You and It’s Still Me (Takeshi Kovacs x Envoy!Reader) 😘 ✍
You were once an Envoy and lover of Takeshi Kovacs. 250 years ago, you were both killed. Now after a mix up, you are resleeved and alone. That is, until you run across a familiar stranger…..
Eternity (Hades!Takeshi Kovacs x Persephone!Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
A Hades & Persephone AU: Takeshi Kovacs and you are as different as night and day. Yet somehow your relationship works. However, when his lifestyle catches up with you, the two of you must deal with the consequences.
Don’t Hide From Me (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When Takeshi is targeted, you get caught in the crossfire.
Never Threaten a Man’s Profit Margin (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
Takeshi Kovacs and you go to track down a suspect at Fightdrome. But when you disappear, Tak is in for a terrible surprise.
Sleep is For the Weak (Takeshi Kovacs x F!Reader) 😘 ✍ ✉️
You and Takeshi are trying to track down the suspect in your latest case. But sometimes Tak forgets you are not as unstoppable as you try to make yourself seem.
Impossible Situation (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
When you ran away from your abusive family of criminals, you met Tak and everything seemed perfect. But major crime syndicates will do whatever it takes to reclaim what they view is theirs, leaving Tak with an impossible choice.
“How did you get in here?”
“It’s alright to feel broken every once in a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you.
A kisses B, but A can tell there is no feeling behind it anymore.
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Christmas Magic (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 ✍
When you and your partner Holder are forced to go out of town Christmas Eve for a case, you try to find a way to reveal to him your feelings. But when one thing after another goes wrong, can either one of you salvage things?
Someone Always Gets Hurt (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
It was only supposed to be a friends-with-benefits arrangement between you and Holder, but when one of you develops real feelings, things get complicated.
Please Wake Up (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Stephen goes missing in the middle of a case so you join the search party even though you ended things with him a few weeks ago. However, as you search, some revelations make you rethink your decision to break up with him.
Clowns (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Holder and you are trying to track down a suspect, but something about him is making Holder uncomfortable.
My Favorite Song (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
When your boyfriend starts avoiding you, you try everything to figure out what went wrong.
Santa and His Elf (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 ✍
Holder signs the two of you up to play Santa and his elf at the local Christmas Village only to show up late. While initially furious with him, things soon take an unexpected turn….
“Why would you even care?” = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
“Bake me a cake and we’ll talk.” = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
Surprise Sunday morning breakfast. = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
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History Repeats Itself (Ed Baldwin x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When Ed receives a call, he has to experience one of the worst experiences in his life all over again.
You're Going to Be Fine Masterlist (Ed Baldwin x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When things go wrong in space, you only have your other crew member to be there for you. And you will always have Ed Baldwin’s back. Even if that means putting his health and safety before your own.
Distress Call (Ed Baldwin) 😥 ✍
Ed managed to be the last survivor after Jamestown was attacked. But for how much longer?
Focus on Your Next Breath (Ed Baldwin x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Set between Seasons 1 and 2 of For All Mankind, Ed has returned from the moon yet he is still dealing with everything that happened to him in the past 6 months: Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Good thing he has his old friend to help talk him through it.
The Only Way
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amazingmsme · 9 months
im just imagining ted trying to mess with pete and tickle him only for pete to rebel for the first time and discover how ticklish ted really is ‼️
KDVAMSVFKSV ABSO FUCKIN’ LUTELY!!! While they did have a ton of tickle fights growing up, the large age gap meant Ted always had the upper hand, & he was a bastard even back then so he never let Pete win unless he EARNED it, which was basically never
So what I’m saying is yeah Peter knows Ted’s ticklish to some degree, but always had the tables turned on him before he could get any proper revenge
Fast forward to when Peter’s in high school, & Ted starts hanging around more. He’s hit his growth spurt & is now just as tall as his older brother, & the idea of revenge has crossed his mind, but he is not too keen on being on the receiving end of Ted’s mischief
Ted has really missed annoying Peter & remembers how damn ticklish that kid is & can’t help himself! He traps him in a headlock & tickles his ribs & armpit with his free hand until he gets bored & lets him go
& of course he doesn’t expect any retaliation, I mean, why should he? He’s never been able to get him back before, so why should now be any different?
But then he feels a hand on his shoulder & is spun around & Peter’s looking at him with fire in his eyes & goes “payback’s a bitch” & before he can even question him he’s cackling
He’s been waiting forever for this opportunity & wastes no time in finding all the spots he remembers working back when they were kids (it helps that they share similar tickle spots)
Ted CANNOT take what he dishes out & is flailing around begging for mercy & Peter’s just like “tough shit, I don’t recall getting any mercy when I asked for it!”
He doesn’t stop until Ted is wheezing & literally taps out & then he’s so damn smug for the rest of the day & now Ted has to watch out for random tickle attacks when he least expects it
Finally gets a taste of his own damn medicine, no one feels sorry for him
Ok but imagine Ted has the office crew over for a lil get together, maybe a superbowl party or something & Peter decides to wreck him in front of his friends just like how he likes to do to him!
They all think it’s hilarious & join in on the teasing & encourage Pete from the sidelines & meanwhile Charlotte is absolutely smitten
Paul & Bill can’t help but join the fun because they’ve dealt with enough of Ted’s shenanigans to warrant a bit of payback
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silyabeeodess · 5 months
What headcannons do you have on Derrick Arden? I saw your post while back. What would've happened in an AU, everything is the same, except Derrick lives? What would he do after graduation? Both as a job and in private?
Been a long time since I've talked about anything Kuroshitsuji related! Sadly, with the amount of pull Derrick has at school, I just don't see him changing if he survived. More than likely, he'll follow a victim mentality where he'd think he's completely innocent and would ignore all the abuse he himself has done to other students leading up to Greenhill attacking him and the vice headmaster. The reason Derrick was able to get away with everything he has throughout his life is because he's never had to face any true consequences for his actions up until that point. His only consequences prior were responsibilities he did not earn and then just passed on to other people. Moreover, however strict his family his, they've apparently never caught Derrick in his lies, so not even his parents will punish him properly. They'll more than likely just back Derrick as "their poor son attacked by four prefects gone mad."
The thing is though, despite what all of these students, and people like them in the real world, think... School isn't everything. It's a closed environment that means absolutely nothing except what you take with you once you step out of it. I once had bully who ruled over my first elementary school because her mom was a teacher. Everyone followed her like a bunch of mindless sheep, but the instant we got to high school, those connections broke. At this same school, I had a lunch monitor that was so vile she wouldn't let anyone, not even a student with Down Syndrome, get up from their table to get a fork if they forgot it: We were basically told to eat with our hands or starve. She was eventually fired, not for those actions, but (according to rumor anyway) because she refused to help a student who needed to use a urinary catheter (which she legally could not do). She had to work at a gas station after that, along with receiving some other karma that is so dark a fate that I don't feel comfortable sharing it online. In a school's hierarchy, people like those two women, or Derrick and the vice headmaster, get on a power trip, but the instant they step away from that environment... they're nobody.
What would Derrick take with him when he'd graduate? Knowledge? He never put any effort into his studies. Connections? He's got his small circle of nobles, but the prefects and Derrick's victims are a much bigger one--not to mention they're a part of other powerful families like the Druitts that could both figuratively and literally bury him without anyone batting an eye. The prefects would more than likely end up expelled after the event, but all that free time would just give them plenty of opportunities to build up a grudge and cook up revenge. And when things get tough, chances are, those so-called friends of Derrick's that are just as morally bankrupt and follow him around for money are going to kick him to the side.
Derrick's a noble and the family heir at that, so it's unlikely he'd go for a traditional job. More than likely, as soon as he got out of Weston, his family would start pushing him into more adult social circles and prepare him to take over as the next Marques. Here though is where the true consequences of his actions would take over. Because with the prefects expelled, they'll have likely already been in those same circles. Even if his social standing wasn't destroyed, barring him and potentially his family as a whole from things like business deals or marriages... Derrick would by no means be fit to run his family's household. He'd either drag his entire family to ruin; end up revealing his lies to his parents, who'd then strip him of his status as the heir; or both. Even if his family still keeps him afloat with their wealth, if he doesn't know how to manage it, he'll still end up destitute or dead.
Could he grow after that? Maybe. People can change. However, given how many people he's hurt and the severity of his actions, it's not easy to say that others would be willing to give him a second chance.
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
AHHSGHD pleasantly surprised that the random loosely connected thoughts are well received lmao, considering the way i write is all over the place and very very loosey goosey (esp at 2am... which was the time i sent that ask in)
anyways the thoughts be thoughting right now and. hm. yknow the whole concept of "human ascends into godhood"? what if that happened to mafia!reader? that'd be a cool concept to play around with i think
maybe this happens after criminal!stone has already gotten overly attached to reader and basically worships him as is. and then the reader doesnt show up in the office space of the compound one morning... strange, right?
maybe stone kicks down the door after not getting any response, just barely hearing pained gasps. probably thinks this is like a heart attack, with reader sweating and clutching at his body.
i feel like the transformation is painful. its unnatural, it isnt *supposed* to happen to humans. to *anyone*
maybe reader made like a deal with a demon, maybe it was some other forces. or maybe its a sick type of revenge by the ghosts that haunt him daily. but no matter whats the cause, it *hurts* and it *burns* and its completely changing the body and the mind.
maybe reader is rushed to the medbay on the property. maybe *nothing* is helping, nothing is going the way it should, no painkillers can help, they cant even put him in a medical coma to soothe the pain that way
maybe it last a day, a week. month, maybe? doesnt really matter. but during this time, reader changes so much hes unrecognizable.
im fond of the idea of reader maybe being around 5'9ish, so stone is the taller one. but that suddenly changing after this. what if hes ridiculously tall after this. 7 feet, maybe? i dunno.
how do we feel about hooves? fangs and claws? maybe a tail and horns? just small changes to the body to symbolize the loss of his humanity. reader cant easily hide this now, so he has to face it head on. face that he now stands out *so* much in a crowd. face how the reflection isnt *him* anymore
id love to know how stone would feel, but i struggle to get into his mind in this scenario. guilt, maybe? i mean, yeah, probably guilt. he cant do anything! his dearly beloved is in inhuman amounts of pain and he cant do anything!
the existence of godhood implies magic, and magic implies a LOT of fun stuff. maybe reader uses a cloaking spell to at least *look* human. to look like how he used to. but like all magic, its draining. even gods get tired. it takes a lot more for it to happen, but it still does
in short what im saying is hurt/comfort but taken to the next level. how does our dearly beloved worshiper comfort a *god*? what works? what *helps*? massaging the base of the horns? oh fuck nope thats a growl directed at him, onto the next thing we go.
maybe reader turns the entire compound into his temple, all of the goons his worshipers, but stone at the very forefront of it all? yeah. YEAHHH i like that a lot actually
idk i just think humans becoming inhuman is neat :) esp when its awful and suffering-inducing :3
~ xoxo, rusty (he/him)
These were truly such an amazing, magical thoughts to read. Forget Criminal!Stone worshipping Mafia Boss!Reader, I'm worshipping you.
Criminal!Stone would still worship you, hell he'd be like "Your newly divine form is testament to the fact that you were, are, and will always be a god." It was painful to watch you go through that transformation and not be able to do anything, but now he's working on ways to become an even better worshipper.
Stone figures out how to comfort you in this divine form, he ensures the compound, your temple, is taken care of and is fit for the god you are. He ensures the rest of your followers (your goons) are just as reverent as he is, that they stay in line. No one dares to oppose you now.
And he adores how you're taller than him now.
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
Ok with those many jobs, you KNOW Hizashi is incredibly overworked. Baby time is super important in making sure he doesn't crash, but sometimes it's hard to find a spare moment; there's just so much to do!
I'd love to see CG Aizawa noticing when Hizashi has put off regressing for just a little too long and helping his baby down for some rest - 🎧
♡ Sure thing! I know you said CG Aizawa and all, but I made them both flips for this one! It maaay have gotten away from me a bit as well... >w>; ♡ Hope you enjoy it!
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♡ Not everyone has the luxury of saying that they're married to their best friend, and even fewer can say that they're married to their caregiver. Though that's not the case for Hizashi and Shouta! They got married not long after Shouta started working at UA as a teacher, though they'd been regressing since the loss of their friend, Oboro.
♡ Normally they would either regress together or take turns with being one another's caregiver–Hizashi is very meticulous when it comes to setting away time to regress. But, Shouta notices that recently Hizashi hasn't been regressing with him lately–or regressing at all!–and it annoys him.
♡ They are both rather overworked individuals, but Hizashi has to manage his radio show on top of being a teacher and a hero! Shouta isn't one for being hero complexed over... But, he's also not exactly the most vocal about his feelings.
♡ So, rather than talking to his husband like a proper adult, Shouta lays a trap on the night that Hizashi set aside for them. He'd said that he was going to take care of Shouta tonight, so he just had to go change into something more comfortable! What Hizashi did not know was that Shouta would not be changing. If Shouta knew his husband as well as he thought he did, he knew that it would only take fifteen minutes before he came to check on him.
♡ Like clockwork, Shouta's husband comes looking for him and asks if he needs help. Only, Hizashi finds that instead of Shouta getting ready, the baby blue knitted jumper his mother gifted him for his birthday and a pair of pink joggers he'd stolen from Nemuri. Those were not the clothes he had put out for Shouta and Shouta was no where to be found, "Baby, I told you we're not doing this tonight-"
♡ Hizashi is ambushed by his husband and unceremoniously tossed on their bed, squawking, "Did you seriously THROW me?!" Only to receive a silent nod in response. Naturally, that means they have to wrestle about it.
♡ Mostly they roll over on each other, tangle the bed sheets, and knock Hizashi's glasses to the wayside, but Hizashi is not above biting and does so to get the upper hand, to which Shouta incredulously asks, "Did you really just bite me?" And retorts by licking Hizashi's eye, making him shriek.
♡ "You are acting like such a child!" Hizashi shouts and tosses Shouta off of himself and springs on top like a weird little rat beast. Shouta goes quiet for another moment, looking up at him and saying in a soft voice, "And you're not. That's the problem..."
♡ The confession is at least enough to stop Hizashi from revenge licking Shouta, though he does have to sit their with his tongue blepped out while his husband reluctantly elaborates, "Since the attack on USJ, you haven't regressed with me in months. You always take care of me and never let me do the same. I'm not fragile, Hizashi, I can still take care of you."
♡ Having it brought directly to his attention does force Hizashi to recognize what he was doing. He had been avoiding his headspace since nearly losing Shouta and–unintentionally–pushed Shouta away in some ways. He didn't even notice how much it hurt Shouta to not be trusted that way. "I... Didn't notice, angel. I'm sorry."
♡ They'd definitely have to talk more about it later on, but for now they had the night together and time to make up for. Shouta insisted that he could be the caregiver for the night, but Hizashi also insisted that he would not mind at all if Shou slipped as well. After some wet wipes and compromising, they both changed into pajamas and took out the toy box strategically hidden in the hall closet, (See: absolutely covered in winter wear.), setting up for a night off.
♡ Where Shouta can slip into headspace with incredible ease, Hizashi is much more particular about how he regresses. He cannot have his hair up too tight or it feels too much like work, he HAS to have his glasses–not contacts!–if he needs to see, he can only wear soft fabrics that don't cling too hard unless they are leggings with a fun pattern, and he simply MUST have at least three kandi bracelets on. He can't help being a high maintenance baby, it's just how he likes to be!
♡ Shouta actually learned how to braid to try and help take one of the steps out of Hizashi's regression routine, but he is not exactly the greatest at braiding Hizashi's hair. Eri's hair? Absolutely. Hitoshi's hair? Carefully, but yes! Nemuri's hair? Certainly. He can even braid his own hair rather well, but Hizashi's hair? So slippery. It likes to escape from him until he gives up and surrenders to a low ponytail.
♡ Hizashi appreciates the effort and says that it would just inevitably get messed up anyway. Even the low pony that Shouta manages his hair into gets ruffled up! Though, Shouta is entirely to blame for that. Says if he's going to be the big spoon during the third showing of Webkinz Hit Single: Mustache Louie then he gets to use the baby as a chin scratcher. The baby screams about it.
♡ One of the most demanded activities of little Hizashi is absolutely arts and crafts, specifically anything to do with beads! Every kandi bracelet he owns he has either made himself or traded for with one of his own creations. He's always drawn to beads with fun shapes, like stars and hearts, but they'll always be brightly colored! Shouta usually ends up having an armful of bracelets before the night is over because Hizashi will say, "Up" and he'll just hold his arm out without a second thought. It's just pavlovian at this point!
♡ Hizashi's shapes and colors appreciation also extends over to food! He'll usually gravitate towards things like tri-color rotini pasta, smiley fries, and dinosaur nuggets! Shouta will occasionally use cookie cutters to slice fruit just to see what kind of mangled shapes will come of it, and Hizashi is always fascinated and/or horrified by the results.
♡ He still eats it regardless of initial reaction.
♡ However they spend the night, Hizashi forgets about why he'd been so hesitant to be small for so long. He'd missed this, he'd missed this side of his husband so dearly! Even when Shouta eventually regresses with him, Hizashi still missed being with him like this, being so small and so safe, but most of all just being together.
♡ Because that was all he really wanted and was so scared to lose.
♡ They may not be perfect, and they'd surely still have bumps in the road ahead, but they promise to do right by one another in the future. And they most certainly don't have anymore wrestling matches about regression... For a few weeks.
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pqrachel · 2 months
Art Fight 2024 Final Thoughts
I'm working on probably my last Art Fight attack for the season. If I get an attack during the extension period I'll still try to revenge but if not I want to be done with Art Fight by the end of the month.
Overall I'm currently at 12 attacks given and only 3 defenses received. Which is an 80% attack rate.
EDIT: Since this post I've done another two attacks and gotten 2 more back so my rate is around 75% now, which is awesome. Late attacks weren't something I was expecting but they mean so much to me.
I definitely still had fun despite the attack ratio, lots of great art came out of this month thanks to the event. I'm pretty sure the lower number of attacks received is because I don't have any specific references for any of my characters (only art that I've done of them in other contexts) and the characters that I want attacks for the most (that are at the top of my profile page) aren't the same as the ones others want to draw so they skip my page after looking at my first row. The attacks I did receive were amazing don't get me wrong but they were all from characters on my 3rd row or below so they had to actually go into my characters page and find something, so I know there's a bit of a mismatch there and maybe I could have gotten more attacks if I put my more unique characters up front for more people to see.
And yeah I wanted to compile all my attacks in one place too so here goes.
My favs are probably these 3, the poses were fun and the non-human elements let me leave me comfort zone but like just barely, they're still very much my style.
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This year I did a couple sketchy attacks too which was nice. Some started out sketchy but I colored them and did some minor changes after and they still looked good. Definitely gonna start with a sketch and just go from there more often after this Art Fight. I barely did any separate sketch and line layers at all and it was so nice not having to do that step.
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And yeah overall I really enjoyed this year's Art Fight. Definitely made me think about my style a bit. Even though I didn't experiment outside of my style too much this year other than trying some animals and a couple unique BGs which I don't usually do, I kind of got into the flow of it and just kept going. I got to a dozen or so attacks done that I'm super happy with overall.
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Here's my attack page if you want to check out any of the people who made the characters or anything like that.
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I reached the most recent chapter of Oshi no Ko and I have to say it’s quite the trip. The way the author mixes so many things in a huge pot, wildly different things, creates a unique experience. The 2.5D play was really the highest point of the first part, because it played just like a standard shonen tournament arc, but a good one, where acting techniques were like signature attacks. But the real plot really starts after the Miyazaki trip, with the change in Ruby’s character. There will be spoilers in these unedited thoughts, so I'm just writing right from the brain.
I feel what attracts everyone most is that, in the end, it’s a tragedy. Aqua/Goro was born as an idol’s son, but one thing that always bothered me is how, in spite of being mentally a middle-aged man, Aqua acted like a child. He wasted his entire (second) childhood being obsessed with vengeance. It’s clear that he’s not well in the head. Seeing his half-brother calling him out so that he stop toying with Kana and Akane and he even realizes that he has nothing to live for but vengeance.
And then we learn why he acts like that. He didn’t really have a family, in spite of his grandma loving him and trying to help others in a way he was denied when he was a kid. It always bothered me how much Goro was a nobody; he was infatuated with Ai (in a meaning more ample than just “romantic”) in a situation that the term “idolatry” is more than fitting, in terms of character and I still think some of those things could be better foreshadowed. Revenge stories don’t tend to interest me, so I continued following his arc in spite of that, that’s why the Miyazaki arc was such a shock. I don’t take back what I said about him, especially because chapters later, he’s back on his thing. But his “adultness” showed when you compare to what happened with Ruby. A strange character that both pushes the plot forward and is pulled by it.
Her character arc was better foreshadowed. Her sharp tongue discussing in twitter in the beginning hits different after Miyazaki. In a short time, she goes from innocent to master manipulator and the public notices something changed and they love it – the idea that a girl must lose her innocence to be loved by all isn’t something new (does anyone remember Perfect Blue?), but they executed here in a quite somber way. This is girl having a nuclear, non-instantaneous emotional breakdown and everyone can’t just take their eyes.
It's also showing how it’s not just Aqua and Ruby that want to kill the one who killed Ai – Kamiki – but a lot of people. But the guy is really a serial killer. So the scale of the plan to get him is really impressive, to make a successful movie, mobilizing a massive quantity of resources, in which all the promises and compromises are being paid, sometimes with interest. And, as any tragedy goes, you can expect things aren’t going the way they’re expecting.
I criticized OnK before because, as well-written as it is, it cannot be free from the stereotype of “anime is for weird people”, with all those incest jokes. And then, in chapter 123, it surprisingly “pays off” (notice quotation marks). Serina falls in love with Goro because…honestly, she’s just a teenager who never loved and didn’t receive love from her parents since she was 4. Due to her terminal disease, she’d never have a significant one, that’s why I understand she had a crush on Goro, he’s the only one who showed affection for her. A “normal” girl would be like “oh, I said that when I was young, haha, that was a weird thing”, but Ruby isn’t a “normal” girl, because there was nobody to talk with her about these things – especially because Aqua was, again, manipulating people (I mean, it was obvious, right? To make her have a great performance as Ai, right?), just to get his objects. Even the Girl of Crows said “wow, this is going to my cringe compilation”, it’s obvious that this will be a wrench tossed in his plans, everything was going too smooth to be good.
But as someone said in this site, OnK is a story about how far the unloved would go. Ai, Aqua, Ruby, almost every named character has some degree of “unlovedness”.
And yet, one thing that I enjoyed how the characters are unique in the sense of how unrelatable they are. I think “unrelatable” might not be the best word, but we make a big deal of how characters should be relatable, but some of the most interesting characters are completely unrelatable. I recently played Project Wingman and why did Crimson 1 do what he did in the last mission? If you were playing attention to the plot, you'd know no one but Crimson 1 could’ve done that.
The things Aqua did aren’t things a normal person would do, but nobody in the world but him would do. We talk about “resist temptation”, but in reality it’s not hard for us to “resist the temptation”, but this temptation is made that no one in the world would fall, but them. I feel this is a path to make a character, especially a villain or an antihero, unique. Like Aqua, you can say “if I was in Aqua’s place, I’d do different” – even if the phrase may sound sanctimonious, that’s exactly the point! But then, it wouldn’t be the same story. Still, the characters make sense given the circumstance they’re given, that’s the sense of realistic a writer should aim – consistence in-universe.
Given the plot points, we’re approaching the end, I think. Personally, if the Girl of Crows (I also love how youkai/fair folk she is, she's there to make the plot happen and I say this in the best way possible) doesn’t end saying “humans are a bunch of bastards who can't live without drama”, I’ll be disappointed.
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a-mess-of-a-crow · 1 year
This post will explain a bit about the lore of my undertale AU Red Mass.
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((and long))
So. Here we go.
Red Mass is a fictional horror fan game where the war between monsters and humans has not happened yet, but it is on the edge to.
It is a cold war, fights between smaller human and monster groups happen on the daily, humans build weapons against monsters in secret, and the fear of an attack causes monsters to try and find something stronger to defeat them instead.
Gaster, at the time a renounced scientist, a Prodigy of his time, was tasked to invent a weapon, strong enough to defeat humanity when they attacked monster kind. And after humans presumably killed his wife, he was more than willing to eradicate them all.
It has been said that when a human and a monster soul combined, they will become a god.
And so, it was Gasters mission to create this god.
But first he has to find suitable souls.
The game would have begone with the player playing frisk, a human, who was captured by Gaster for their magic, they possessed fire AND metal magic, which was something he has never experienced before. Frisk was captured as a child, but over the years grew into an adult.
They are trapped in the underground facility, forced to fight and strengthen themselves, to level up, not just their stats but also to raise their LOVE.
But at one point in the game, you switched position.
With sans (in this AU he is Gasters son), who somehow got stuck in this dilemma, with a father who is more than mentally unstable, seeking unreasonable revenge for the death of his wife.
Papyrus, his younger brother, willingly agreed to help his father achieve his dream. He becomes obsessed with gaining power and becoming the god who slaughters human kind.
In the game, as you play to try and escape, encountering horrible failed experiences, misshapen creatures, not human or monster, you discover a way out as Frisk and sans.
Throughout the endless torture, Sans has gained the ability to eat dust and souls, temporarily receiving the power of the soul he ate.
That would help him escape.
Frisk however could use sans as leverage against his father to hold him hostage and secure their own freedom.
Neither of them know that the plans wouldn't have worked. The facility is highly secured, anti-magic security embedded everywhere.
And Gaster is too cruel to let one human escape, cause a commotion and perhaps even starting the war if the humans would find out what is happening.
The game would have had multiple endings.
In the fight between them, they accidentally free the monstrous creatures that were held captive who destroy the facility, Frisk, Sans and Gaster and everyone with them. Everyone there is dead but everyone else would continue off living.
It would have been the best ending.
But that is not what happened.
Gaster has created a God. But it wasn't part of the game and that god wasn't a god that is easily influencable.
Red Mass was a God of pure determination. Who experienced FEAR and HATE.
They FEARS all the suffering and pain is could get, the consequences of their actions.
They HATES everyone responsible for its suffering. And they will make sure that there is noone left to hurt them.
In a mixture of blind rage and absolute terror, the Game was no more. But that wasn't enough.
There was nothing but HATE AND FEAR inside them.
And so one timeline after the the other dissappeared. Until there was nothing left.
No AU. Nothing.
Just a void.
Where Frisk and Sans wake up in. With nothing but confusion of how they got there.
And that's basically the extremely cut introduction of the prequel!
And with extremely cut I mean EXTREMELY CUT.
So after that whole wacky mess, Frisk and Sans explore the Multiverse, meet other undertale AU characters, completely different Universes with their own stories to tell and people to meet.
After plenty of wandering around in the wide space of everything, Frisk decided to settle down and build themselves a home in the Anti-void. 'A canvas of infinite possibilities' they said.
Sans helped them build a city, for others who were lost without a home. Refugees, misfits and other people of all color and shape gathered to create a place to call home.
((cringe name incoming))
The city of 'Paradise' as the citizens named it, is a symbol of hope for those who try and find an answer of what they can do with their life.
It's also a place to live without discrimination or judgement. A place to gather knowledge and share it.
Of course taking care of literally millions of people isn't a job for 2 people alone.
So Sans, who has been so incredibly bored with everything and has been building little machines in his free time, decides to build some robots to help them.
And his endless creativity gave them names.
Vera, Bun, Cupcake, Celery, Zinc, Kat (Copy cat) And Shade.
((Quick description))
Vera (Aloe Vera) He takes care of the foraging and food supply
Bun (Bunny) He takes care of animals and also food supply
Cupcake He is responsible for processing the food, he is a baker
Celery She is the cook
Zinc She is responsible for constructions, science and engineering
Kat (Copy cat) She is a social worker, as her name indicates, she is actually a hive mind and has multiple bodies all working in the social aspect of the city
And Shade. He is the right hand of both Frisk and Sans, he has been programmed to help the both in improving their fighting skills, but also he is responsible for outside ordeals, such as trading with other parties
So those were like, the main side characters.
If you are STILL INTERESTED after all of this, then please leave a comment if you got questions or ask directly, but I will make more posts explaining Frisk and Sans and the main World building and what the fuck kinda bullshit this is.
Oh and why Dee is named Dee and has an obsession with rubber ducks and why Frisk hates it when Dee called them Bee.
Beedee hehe
I hope you had Fun btw :)
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toffura · 2 years
Female Protagonists in Isekai Anime
If I had a nickel for every time an isekai (or isekai-adjacent) anime was hated because the protagonist was female, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
When you think of anime like Sword Art Online, Arifureta, The Rising of the Shield Hero, or Mushoku Tensei, what do they all have in common?
They’re isekai anime and have a male protagonist.
They’re all very popular anime and is received well both in Japan and internationally.
The male protagonists are also very well-liked (except for Rudeus from Mushoku Tensei, which has a more mixed reception)
But, what if the main protagonist was a girl?
Would they get that same treatment? I say, no.
I’m going to introduce 2 isekai anime with a female protagonist that premiered this year.
I will be giving slight spoilers for the first episode of: The Executioner and Her Way of Life.
The Executioner and Her Way of Life
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When interdimensional travelers from an otherworldly land known as “Japan” appear, they often bring death and destruction. It’s up to Executioners like Menou to track and exterminate the Lost Ones before they wreak havoc. When Menou encounters a beguiling Lost One named Akari, it’s bloody business as usual… until Menou discovers Akari can cheat death, that is. Even so, Menou has a job to do, and she is committed to her executioner’s mission come hell or high water — provided her newly stirring feelings don’t get in the way (Spring 2016, HIDIVE)
From the pronoun, "her," and the anime visual that showed no signs of a male character, you may think that a lot of people knew or at least deduced that the main character is going to be a girl.
Nope. In the first episode, you meet this guy who recently isekai-ed from Japan and automatically assume that this guy is the protagonist and we're about to see him becoming OP by the end of the season.
The first female character that we meet, Menou, kills him shortly after him getting his power, revealing that she was the main protagonist.
The reception for this was very mixed. And I wish it was just because of the premise. It was not.
There were many people who were upset that the main protagonist was the girl, who in my opinion, was much more interesting than the typical Japanese male high school student.
"Im done I wanted him to be mc would have been fun but oh well"
"female mc??? ehhhhh"
These two comments are just one of the many negative comments (and these are some of the more tamer ones I saw).
There were so many people thinking that had the male character been the protagonist, the anime would go in a much better, more interesting direction.
I call bullshit.
It would have gone the same exact way any other isekai would have gone. The male protagonist meets the girl, gets betrayed by said girl, survives the attack and swears to get revenge, meets a bunch of women who all fall in love with him, gets OP, and demolishes the big bad.
If Menou was a guy, I can also guarantee those people that dropped for being a female protagonist would have still watched.
Management of a Novice Alchemist
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Orphaned Sarasa just graduated from the Royal Alchemist Academy, and that means her longed-for life of elegance and riches is close at hand! As a graduation gift, her teacher gifts her a house to set up shop — but Sarasa’s dilapidated new digs are beyond far-flung. What’s a novice alchemist to do when they're stuck in the middle of nowhere with a business to run and supplies to gather from a very dangerous natural world? Whether it’s facing down frightening fantasy creatures or finding creative ways to attract customers, Sarasa has her work cut out for her as she achieves her dream of becoming the greatest alchemist around!
"i see female main character i evacuate."
"why is there not a single male in this god forsaken alchemy academy or whatever it is ......"
Like The Executioner and Her Way of Life, Management of a Novice Alchemist had a female protagonist that not everyone was happy that there's no male character in sight.
However, unlike The Executioner and Her Way of Life, this anime is purely slice of life. Literally, nothing would change no matter the gender.
So, why exactly the hate?
Sexism. I see no reason to voice a disdain for a protagonist because of their gender. If it’s just not your preference just silently drop it.
Lack of projection. A lot of people watch isekai for escapism. And sometimes they project themselves into the main protagonist. So when, they see someone they can’t project themselves onto (typically an average-looking man who has no dating experience before being isekai-ed), they end up hating the show for not having a “vessel” to escape to.
I really wanted to write more, but I feel like I would go off on to many tangents.
I really wanted to include Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie, but that wasn’t an isekai and tbh I could probably make a whole post about that.
I wrote this on a whim so it’s not exactly well-written, but these were all I had to say on this topic
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
AU Verse Setting: The Intended Timeline
OCTOBER 12th, 19XX
Detective Lincoln's valiant confrontation with the heartless murderer of beloved actor Mark I.plier led to the killer's untimely demise, unable to face proper consequences before a court of law.
The disgraced soldier - Colonel W.illiam Jackson Barnum - was confirmed dead on the scene after receiving a fatal gunshot wound to the neck, despite attempts by the manor's cook to keep him from bleeding out. All witnesses were brought outside while waiting for the paramedics to take the body.
But in the time between them leaving, with everyone accounted for, and the paramedics arriving, the body disappeared. Despite a thorough search of the residence, it was nowhere to be seen.
M.arkiplier Manor, a place that had been left untouched following the actor's murder last October, was set alight in a suspected arson attack. No witnesses could confirm seeing anyone come or go. The fire was successfully contained before it could spread to the garden or nearby buildings, but it is likely the building will need to be demolished if no one is willing to undertake the costly reparations.
Firefighters at the scene confirmed the source of the fire was in a small study, where a small movie projector had been damaged by a bottle of alcohol. Nothing unusual was discovered, aside from a cracked pair of round glasses with peculiar lenses attached. The public is advised to contact the authorities if these curious spectacles sound familiar.
As the 'villain' of the timeline, Liam Jackson is out for revenge on those who wronged him, just like the Actor would have expected. The Manor has been dealt with. He's not too keen on long monologues and idle chitchat, but if he is neutral toward you, that's currently the closest he's able to get to liking someone, and he'll make sure to inform you about the stories that the Actor may be trying to weave.
He doesn't want connections. He doesn't want bonds. He's been working alone for YEARS in the Void prior to his escape. But deep in his core, he's a soldier, and he knows he needs to do the right thing to protect the innocent... Even if that means being the villain that is so desperately desired.
So.... If you survived this fateful weekend... How are you going to handle seeing the figure of a man you saw die?
Further guidance/headcanons, if needed, under the read-more.
Liam, like he did in life, bases his trust of people on those he knows. While he himself may not be able to feel that sense of loyalty or camaraderie, he knows people like Damien and the Attorney didn't actively contribute to his demise. As such, he will be neutral (which is positive, all things considered) toward them, and he will even try to offer advice while keeping you at arm's length.
However, if he meets Mark, or someone openly associated with him, his walls shoot straight up, and he will have little time for you. He will be the villain if he has to be. Shoot him, stab him, do whatever you want. Just be ready to run when you realise that won't stop him. He could block pain in life, and in death it's even easier. Even if you do kill him... He'll remember. He'll find you. :)
If he meets Celine... It will be somewhere in between this. By default (ie, not taking particular interpretations into account), he knows the relationship was loveless, and he was the fool for letting it happen on the pretence of playing along and acting like it was something that could have been genuine. In a way, his death was partially because of her.
The entire of his left arm is paralysed, hence the droop in his shoulder. He uses his abilities to manipulate it, but it is still limp. I will explain more if needed, but consider it more like unseen hands maneuvering a doll's arm rather than magically having a way to 'overcome' it. The movements aren't natural, almost like how one pretends to move when they act like a robot. Practice has made the movements more fluid, but a watchful eye will notice it's still slightly 'off'. He's been doing it for so long that it's habit. Unfortunately, it can still tire him out if he over-exerts himself. If you ask him about this, he will flat-out lie about it and blame the stuttering movement on the fact that he's dead. (Side note: Liam willingly confessing his arm is paralysed is a sign that he trusts you. Liam willingly not using his powers - removing the red glow - and letting the arm fall fully limp is him showing complete trust in you.)
He's blunt. He may insult a muse directly when making a point. I do apologise in advance for this.
Powers include: using doorways to teleport, use of his energy to manipulate an item (only used on his arm), the creation and use of pocket dimensions, ability to conjure knives out of thin air, unlimited bullets in his gun of choice. (note: this may be added as I've had more time to think.)
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msommers · 2 years
⚰️ 🧸🌱 🏆 💍 for Riya, Jorina, and Lysandra!!
took me 3 years to get here but what can ya do when the brain shuts off. ANYWAY substituted lysandra out after a die roll of other kids bc i have literally zero braincells for that ice witch she’s up on the shelf with wheezy rn // prompts i’d like to receive
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
RIYA — she would say that she has no regrets and believe it because she's lived such a fun, dramatic and privileged life. but. at this point if she was in a deathbed, she'd honestly probably start crying over her late partner. sobbing about how she should have stuck by his side, wondering if that would have made any difference at all in his fate. 
JORINA — not begging for her mother to stay with the family during arl howe’s purge of the alienage, snapping at her father one too many times during the worst of his depression (her stress levels were so incredibly high but years later she doesn’t see that as a good excuse), not finding the courage to express her feelings to aleksi earlier. she spends so much time overthinking the negative in her life that i like to think on her deathbed she’d be focused on the positive, looking back on all the memories that bring her peace and love and joy and blah blah.
MEREDITH — mostly her regrets have to do with the night howe betrayed her family and attacked the castle. not telling her father that she felt something was off after speaking with rendon and his men, not waking up earlier to protect oriana and oren or anybody else she might have been able to save, not trying to locate nathaniel after so she could explain to him what had happened before the word of others painted a different tale. images of her family would be the last things she sees in her deathbed, the members who were taken from her long ago and the ones she made across the years.
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
RIYA — a necklace from her late love, a ring from her mother and a pair of gloves from her father. she had no idea they were sentimental until she was on the run and found herself desperate to keep them protected, clinging onto the feelings of affection and comfort that they brought her.
JORINA — a dagger that her brother crafted and sent to her at skyhold (it’s dinky and not usable in any way but still means the world to her), every letter her family sent her during her time with the inquisition, the first flowers aleksi gave to her pressed into the pages of a sketchbook, her mother's favorite shawl wrap. i don't think she'd be able to explain why she holds onto these things, she simply does. (it’s the Love of it all, she’s just dumb.)
MEREDITH — everything she was able to take from castle cousland before fleeing. she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of any of it, and for most of her journey whenever she looked at the family blade she would hear her mother’s voice saying that it should be used to sever howe’s treacherous head (which it did, in the end). she’s grateful for taking everything some years later after the blight, knowing she was able to save part of the family’s history at the very least. it’s not a very big comfort, but it’s one nonetheless. it took a lot of convincing from fergus for her to hand them over to be returned to highever years later.
[ 🌱 ] what themes are relevant to your muse?
RIYA —answered here!
JORINA — childhood trauma and how it shapes you, the unlearning of harmful coping mechanisms, learning to trust and open up easier, the little guy rising in the ranks, discovering a new wanderlust, dumbass who has repressed emotions for too long finally letting them in and not being able to put them to words.
MEREDITH — “sometimes there’s honor in revenge”, being slandered and mislabeled by enemies, struggling with a deep intrinsic rage for life, extremely slow and never fully complete healing of the soul, love in a hopeless place :’), royal who actually does stuff and interacts with their people.
[ 🏆 ] is your muse multitalented? what are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? if they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they?
RIYA — yes she’s good at being cute And being a brat <3 tbh i think what she’s got going for her is her fighting capability, dancing and dramatic tendencies. is attending social events considered a hobby?? that’s pretty much it, she just enjoys having fun at galas, hanging out with her friends/lovers and participating in tourneys or displays of magic. kinda lazy outside of that lmao
JORINA — i'd say so, yeah. archery, crafting arrows for said archery, cartography, art, dance, paper making, parkour, cooking, maybe one or two other things i'm forgetting. dancing came from her mother and art came from her dad, cartography from the royal lessons, and the rest were out of necessity mostly.
MEREDITH — not as experienced as jorina, but meredith is into cartography as well. it was something she picked up to aid in her geography and history lessons, helped her commit things to memory. outside of that, some talents and hobbies: proficiency in most weaponry, dueling, dancing, singing, politicking, embroidering, reading. the embroidery came after the blight, when she desperately needed something quiet and time-consuming to do when she was feeling too stressed, others began pre-blight for some reason or other (usually #JustNobleThings).
[ 💍 ] does your muse have a “type” of people that they prefer to enter relationships with? is their type generally compatible with them, or does the dynamic tend to be toxic?
RIYA — people who enjoy treating her like a princess and just wanna have a good time. she’s really not that deep…and neither are any of her former partners lmfao one or two of them wanted something more than the casual "just here to fuck around, party and vibe" thing that riya was there for and she kicked them to the curb quick after that, but mostly they're compatible matches.
JORINA — yeah, none. zero. doesn't want to enter a relationship, thank you, but a certain half-qunari fucking tricked her into it by being hot and slowly pulling her out of her shell.
MEREDITH — i don’t think she has a particular type?? loyal is the sole Requirement for her tbh. she’s attracted to somebody with charm, whether it be the type that comes from good humor, poise or a good flirt. a nice smile never hurt either.
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