#by there was a prophecy and death and i drew this guy a lot
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vcaart · 7 months ago
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We like cringey old oc redesigns here right?
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wolffyluna · 4 days ago
So, in April, I am planning to write the first draft of a novel, because who is going to stop me? Me? I don't want to stop me?
But, unfortunately, it turns out that to write a novel, you have to chose a premise to write. I know. It's criminal.
Below, is a poll, and then a description of the premises under a cut. The poll is not binding, but I am interested to know what people are interested in.
Sapphic Steppe Atrocities vs Space NGOs
Alit and Ngaya faced each other into battle-- until new warriors fell from the sky, clad in armour that could block all bow shot and using weapons that fired light itself. As they flee into the wilderness, they must survive and work out wtf is happening.
Sabina-- who does not have a Greek statue avatar on twitter because social media is for people who do not get shit done-- has a world to conquer, but she, unfortunately, may need the help of the locals to do it. Oh, and upper management is on her case about resources, but you can't strike terror into a populace without resources, okay?
Future just wants a future without smallpox. Humanity has done it once before, it can do it again. She would also like distributing smallpox vaccines to involve less a) space crimes and b) crash landing on planets with hostile weather and hostile people.
Things escalate from here.
2. Siege Engineer x Cavalry General
A century ago, a prophecy was spoke into being: from the steppes would come a rule of the world.
The Great Khan is doing pretty well to reach that goal, but recently, another prophecy has come forth: all empires fall, and this one will fall quicker under the weight of metal flying through the air, propelled by contained fire.
The logical response? Invent guns first. And you know-- capture the engineers who could make one!
Iskander the temporarily named is a siege engineer, with a side interest in explosives, who survived the sack of his city for two reasons: 1. by being forced to hid in a basement when he should have been helping design the last ditch fortifications, and 2. someone ratting out where the siege engineers were hidden. He may be alive, but he is very, very kidnapped.
Bob, the even more temporarily named, is a trusted general, which has unfortunately meant he has been given this task: get one of these engineers to make a gun, or it's his neck on the chopping block with the rest of them. And the only one who knows anything about blackpowder is a fighty arsehole with a death wish. But, it's okay, he's a horse trainer: he has experience dealing with fighty arseholes with a death wish, and he can at least win an arm wrestle against this one.
3. Orc Empress x Cave Elf Assassin
Dude McOrcface was a true rags to riches story, or rather, random guy to Emperor of growing Empire story. He drew together an orc coalition, created a new orcish identity, and was on the up and up. He had multiple wives, include Axeya, Whose Name Must Be Changed, our protagonist.
And then he, rather inconveniently, died. The Empire started immediately fracturing, due to a combination of multiple plausible heirs, steppe partible inheritance, and a lot of powerful orc lords all wanting a slice of that pie.
Women aren’t meant to inherit. Axeya wasn’t even his primary wife. *She didn’t even give him an heir.* But a combination of first mover advantage, sheer ambition, and buckets of charisma, she’s grabbed a sizable portion of his army and land.
But she is now at the head of an imperial shark, that needs to keep fighting and expanding or else it will die. (and well. seeing how many enemies she’s made, so will she.) It’s fine, it’s cool: she goretusk gaslight girlbossed her way into this mess, she’ll goretusk gaslight girlboss her way out.
And okay, maybe the nearest cave elf city has sent an assassin to kill her, but it didn't work! And hey, maybe she can parlay this from an attempted assassination, into a hostage situation, into a very strategic arranged marriage. Don't know if you don't try!
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biblicallyaccuratepigeon · 8 months ago
Appearances and descriptions under cut
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These three kiiind of exist in the same universe, because drawing them is how I express myself. Jimothy usually lives in the margins and accidentally skipped pages of my notebooks, where all the vines and flowers live; he's the only one of my oc's who interacts with the viewer on a regular basis. Skyway and Beck shift forms based on how they want to be drawn in the moment; I don't think I've ever drawn either of them the same way twice. Beck is always either running from a large shadow creature or bored, whereas Skyway hasn't a care in the world and never touches the ground.
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Here's a quick redraw of the first time I ever drew these two unnamed characters. The original is probably somewhere in my 9th grade notebooks, but I'm not about to go look for it right now (maybe later). It took me two class blocks to draw, so it's actually one of the pieces I'm the most proud of. When I made it, I was thinking a lot about opposites, so the center was a yin/yang symbol; I emulated that with the moon and setting sun in this sketch.
I ended up coming up with a lot of lore for these two, which could make up an entire post of its own, but basically they lived in two cities which had a fragile peace with each other–only, for some reason, they were both born looking like citizens of the city opposite of them. As such, they grew up hated by everyone around them–especially the girl, who was nobility–and would occasionally leave their cities to play alone in the plains between. That's where they met, and became lifelong friends. Eventually, they ended up meeting a witch living in a sod house in the plains, who told them of a prophecy in which the two of them would create peace between their city-states, and gave them each enchanted gems. The guy's gem allows him to summon weapons, and the girl's lets her use magic. At some point, the girl's family learned that she was sneaking out of the city, and forbade her from leaving the house, so the guy gave her a ring made of a magic stone that would let them signal each other of trouble. At the girl's coming-of-age, a saboteur burned down her house, killing her entire family. She was barely able to survive and get away to the witch's house using her magic, and stayed there to recover. The guy, meanwhile, received the distress call and rushed to find the cinders of what was left of her house. A passerby remarked that it was a setup, so he went to find out who did it, and killed them. Unable to find the girl anywhere, he went to the witch's house for help and found her there, passed out and covered in bandages. He stayed with the witch while the girl recovered. When the girl woke up, the two of them decided that it wasn't safe for her to stay in her birth city, so she went to live with the guy and his family. A lot happens after this, involving a marriage, a homecoming, a war, and a tragic death, but basically the girl goes blind and loses her memory after a severe battle and the two of them ascend to godhood
And that's all my most important oc's
list of there names
The three ones with names are Skyway, Jimothy, and Beck. I have two others with names that aren't set, and at least one other without a name
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walkingwiththegods1 · 3 years ago
Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Hades, is NOT "The Evil Deity of The Underworld, that enjoy taking Human's Lifes; anytime he wants!"
   When I saw, Disney's Hercules; for the first time; I was so excited to see that movie, 'cause I was a big fan of Greco-Roman Mythology, since I readed about Deities in an old Dictionary; when a was a Preschooler, UNTIL... I saw that, in that movie; Hades appears as, "The Ultimate Bad Guy"; which... Made me, cringe. (I didn't knew, I will become a Pagan; eight years later.)
   Now... Hades, is not an Evil being: That's a product of centuries of Christianization, where all The Deities of The Antiquity; were vily attacked, before starting an sinyster campaign against Temples and Places of Cults; of all The Deities. (And... Against their Followers, too!) Today, I'm going to put all the facts about Hades; that shown, how he have been unfairly treated; and, about all... That he is not, a Malevolent and Heartless being; that could be, "The Greco-Roman's Devil"; if you like...  
   In Christian's Theology, specially; in The New Testament, Hades's Place; is parallel to the hebrew word, Sheol; (That means, "Grave"; or... "Well of Dirt"), which is the name to the home of The Deads; and Tartarus, is where the concept of the Christian Hell; came from: A place of torment and suffering for the wicked, which has evolved through the centuries; to our days, where the vast mayority of people, think of the Realm of Hades; as an horrible and diabolic place, and assigning that sames characteristics; to The God of the same name. (That's the reason behind all those unfortunate representations, of The Deity of The Underworld; from Comics and Animations, till TV Shows; Movies, and... Less not forget the general opinion of people, telling that he is evil; only for the place, that he recieved to rule; and... Specially, the work he does!)
   In brief, Why Hades, is NOT "The Evil Deity of The Underworld, that enjoy taking Human's Lifes; anytime he wants!":
Hades, was accidentally choose to be... "The God of The Underworld"
Hades, is in general lines... A God that is only doing his job, very well!
Hades, appears in the myths... helping to Heroes!  And,
Hades... Doesn't make Persephone his wife, AGAINST HER WILL. (Thank you, very much!)  
1. Hades, was accidentally choose to be... "The God of The Underworld": Hades, was one of the first kids borned; from Chronus and Rhea. Like happened with his siblings, after him; he was devoured by his father, to avoid been overthrowned by his own kids; according to a prophecy, by Gaia; The Goddess of The Earth. (All the others siblings of Hades, except for Zeus... Shared the same horrible fate: But, they were still alive and growing; inside their father's belly, 'cause Gods are immortal.)  Zeus, as an adult; forces to Chronus to disgorge to his siblings, and eventually; defeated him. After the battle, Zeus drew lots with Poseidon and Hades; for the realms to rule. Zeus, received The Sky; Poseidon, The Seas; and Hades... Received, The Underworld. Despite that Hades, fought with great ferocity and bravery; during The Titanomachy, and could have complained for been choose to that role, he accepted; even... When he was unhappy, with this position.
2. Hades, is in general lines...  A God that is only doing his job, very well!: Hades, took his work with solemnity; since that day, when he was appointed; as "The God of The Underworld, Of The Deads; and... Of the Subterranean's Riches, and Of anything; that is underneath the soil." In Ancient Times, he was represented with a more altruistic and passive nature; as and only interested, in keeping the relative balance between Life and Death; and also, as cold and stern; helding all of his subjects equally accountable to his laws. (Also, he rarely left his Kingdom; and was almost always uninterested, in what happen in the world above his realm: His principal attention, was be sure that; none of his subjects ever left The Underworld, ones they arrived; there.)
   Sisyphus and Pirithous, were the only IDIOTS... (Excuse me, for that outburst) ...That winned, the Fury of Hades!
   Sisyphus, cheated Death; twice: The first time, he cheated to Thanatos; so he chained himself, with the chains that were to tie to Sisyphus; in Tartarus. Ares, (Bored to see that his opponents, doesn't die; then...) freed Thanatos, 'cause nobody will die; while Thanatos were chained; and turned Sisyphus; over to him. In the second time, before he died; he told to his wife, Merope; not to perform any funeral rites, so a time later; Hades gives him permission, to return to the world of the living; to punish his wife, making him promise; that he will return, after that. Sisyphus... Returned years later, when he died of old age: Hades, punished Sisiphus; making him roll a boulder up a hill in The Underworld, but; everytime he was near of reaching the top; the boulder will roll down to the basis, and he has to back to do the hopeless chore; again. (Even, after Sisyphus was very old and blind; he must endure his penalty: The perfect punisment, to the one that believe himself; more clever, than The Gods!)  
   Pirithous, was other; than, "Should have known, better..."  
   Pirithous, was friend of Theseus; and when his own wife died, he goes to visit to his old friend; Theseus, only to find out; that Theseus losed his wife too, not long ago. So, they decided to kidnapped Zeus's Daughters; for themselves: Theseus, pick Helen of Troy; when she was still a child, to marry her; when she were old enough. Pirithous, kidnapped Helen; and, by exchange; asked to his friend, to kidnap for him too; no other than, Persephone... Who is The Queen of The Underworld, and Hades's Wife! Nonetheless, despite the sacrilegious idea; Theseus goes with his friend, to travel to The Underworld, 'cause he promised to his friend; that he will help him.
   When they arrived, Hades gaves them an banquet; (aware of the terrible intentions of his guests) he have them sit down; and, when they tried to get up; to continue with their terrible plan... They couldn't: He chained them, to "The Chairs of Forgetfullness"; then, The Furies appeared; and for many months in half-darkness, they were mourning and crying out; for their own luck, and each other's luck. Until... Heracles, who had come to The Underworld; for his 12 task, arrives! They pleaded to Heracles, to being freed; and Heracles, free first to Theseus, but... When he tried to freed Pirithous, the earth shakes violently; so, he decided that Pirithous couldn't be rescued; and should stay there, to pay for his crime. (...And stupidity, too!)  
3. Hades, appears in the myths... Helping to Heroes!: Hades, allowed to Hercules; to take out to Cerberus, (The three-headed dog, Guardian of The Deads) for a while; under the condition to returned it, totally unharmed.
   When Orpheus, sang in from Hades and Persephone; he felt pity for Orpheus, and cried an iron tear; then allowed Orpheus to take his wife, Eurydice; back to the world of The Living, but warned him to not look back; until he was completely out of The Underworld, or he will lost her forever. (Sadly, Orpheus didn't take that advice; seriously...)
   And... Less not forget that, when Perseus didn't know how to defeat Medusa; Hades loaned him his Helm, that turn invisible to anyone that use it!
4. Hades... Doesn't make Persephone his wife, AGAINST HER WILL: Once and again, people say; that Hades, kidnapped Persephone; and make her his wife; trickering her in eating food of The Underworld, tying her forever to his realm... And, to him! The thing is, that in other myths; Persephone, in the time she remained kidnapped; ended falling in love of Hades, (For surprising that may sounds, for the vast mayority of people) and, she ate a few pomegranates's seeds; by her own will, so her mother; Demeter, doesn't have another choice, that accepts that her daughter, wanted to remain in The Underworld... And, stay with Hades. In fact, Hades make an agreement with Demeter; that her daugther, Persephone; could visited her mother, instead of never back to see her daughter; again.
   Less elaborate this a little bit, Okay?
   In Ancient Greece, women doesn't have a choice about who she wants to marry; and men, back then... Don't care a lot, if the girl/woman; loves them back, or not: The thing is, that the whole; "X God, forces a Goddess/Mortal; to do something against her will..." Is just a justificaction of the men, that wrote down about this; and other myths, to treats women as property; and, as a 2nd class citizens. (The Gods, respect Free Will; and those stories, saying the contrary... Are inventions of men, than wrote them back then for their own gaining; and justified their own ill behaviour, against girls/women.)
   In general lines?!... The whole, "Persephone's Abduction, and..." ...Don't believe it 100%, Okay?!
    If you still believe, that Hades; is Evil... Maybe, is because of a lifetime of Christian teachings; than said, that he is Evil. Or... Maybe, you need to read calmly to the myths where he appears; to drawn you own conclusions. Or, maybe... You percieves him as Evil, 'cause your haven't accept your own mortality; which means, that you need to work in this; to embrace that part of being human, and live lightly without fear; for the rest of your life, so in that way... You only will see to Hades, like a Deity that keeps our world free of seeing ghosts and malevolents spirits; scaring and attacking to The Living, for no having a place to been kept captive; or where to rest; everyday: Every Deity, has a place in this great scheme; called Life... Remember that, always!  
    Have all of you, a Happy and Long Life; under The Sun... So Be It!
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mandareeboo · 4 years ago
Unfinished Work #41: “Kid Cosmic and the Curse of the Mom Friend!”
Title: Kid Cosmic and the Curse of the Mom Friend!
Summary: So... yeah! I actually started writing this as retaliation for Kid Cosmic not having an ao3 page yet. But then I did some drabbles, and I liked them a lot more, so I posted those and hucked this one into the bin. I still wish I coulda finished the Rosa drabble, but I couldn’t find an ending I liked.
The cold metal of Kid's trailer wasn't exactly the softest thing Jo's been slammed against, but it wasn't her top ten worst, either, so she'll take it. Close behind was Kid, landing on her spindly lap. She immediately hooked her arms around his chest, recognizing the flicker of green that meant he was about to try and punch the Demon Death Dog.
Because that worked so well last time.
"C'mon, Jo!" he urged, straining. The Demon Death Dog's sharp jowls snapped just out of reach of his hands. "We can take 'em!"
Jo drew a purple circle around the dirt around them. "Hmm, I think not."
They went tumbling down into the portal, which flipped them around and upside into the trailer itself. Chuck rolled his eyes as they appeared. "Flabdrassit. I was hoping that mutt had killed you."
Kid put his face close to Chuck's, floating unsteadily. "Ha! It'll take more than some big dog to take us out! Right, Jo?"
"Grab some rope, Kid," Jo replied. "We're gonna leash this thing."
"Can't we fight it?" Kid pleaded, watching as she dug through his crates. "We've been heroes for almost three days now! We're more than ready to lay the smack down!"
"Another time. I don't want Fido getting any closer to town."
Kid blew a raspberry. "Heroes don't take their enemies out on walkies. Heroes crush their foes and make great quips about it!"
"These are all terrible," Chuck said, but turned the page on the comic book he was reading, so Jo didn't think he had much right to complain.
"I know you wanna do cool stuff, Kid. I get it. But sometimes being a hero means doing stuff that's not much fun." Jo tested the strength on length of chain and hummed. "Scratch that, let's use this. It can probably bite through rope."
The boy studied the chain a moment, as if half-hoping an ancient prophecy would be drilled into the metal. "But... we'll get to do cool stuff eventually, right? It's not gonna be walkies and running forever, is it?"
"Of course it will," Chuck said. "You're all terrible at this."
Jo sent him a glare that Chuck stuck his tongue out at her. Or maybe it was just flicking? She didn't know how that all worked. "Absolutely, Kid. This is just the prologue stuff. Once we figure out the weakness on these guys, we'll take them out with all kinds of corny puns and cool combo moves."
His eyes sparkled. "Promise?"
"I promise," she said, and hefted the chain over her shoulder. "C'mon. We don't want to have to patch another hole in the base because it chewed through, do we?"
Jo hardly noticed when Ramona and Carlos entered Mo's Oasis. It happened every morning, every time, and it was always the same seats. She set their usual mugs with their usual coffee orders down and turned around to call out an order to Fry and Hamburg.
"Jo!" said a big voice, followed by tiny footsteps. "Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo." She barely had the time to stiffen herself before Rosa almost bowled her off her feet, sniffling.
"Whoa!" She placed the coffee jug on the counter and scooped Rosa up. The little girl didn't look happy. Her eyes were red from tears, and her sniffles were being aided by little fists punching the snot away with great force. "Rosa?"
"I'm sorry to take you from your work," Ramona said, fiddling with her napkin. "We weren't planning on dropping by today, but Rosa insisted."
Carlos leaned in to whisper. "She is grounded."
"Ooooh," Jo shifted Rosa onto her other hip. "What happened, Rosa?"
She sniffed and threw her fists against her sides. "Rosa squish aliens!"
"She broke her toys," Carlos translated.
"No," Rosa replied, beating her fist lightly against Jo's shoulder. "Rosa squish aliens!"
Jo looked at the toddler, then Flo. "Mom, you mind if I take five?"
Thankfully, Flo is a fairly understanding mom, even if she makes Jo use her break for it. Jo carried the toddler out onto the back step and set her on her knee. "It's just us, Rosa," she reassured her. "You squished aliens?"
Rosa nodded, frowning. "Mama and Daddy bought new toys. Alien toys! Rosa play Nina Gigantica." She crossed her arms and pouted. "Got grounded."
Jo felt a twinge of shame. It really wasn't Rosa's fault; she knew aliens meant smushing, and even fake ones were bound to rile her up. But it wasn't as if her parents knew that- to them, she had suddenly melted down and trashed what may have well been some expensive stuff. "Aw, I'm sorry, honey. Mr. and Mrs. Flores don't know the Nina Gigantica game. They got confused."
"¿Era una chica mala?" Rosa asked.
"No, Rosa. You weren't a bad girl. You just played your favorite game." Jo gave her a gentle squeeze. "I'll tell Mr. and Mrs. Flores about our squishing game, okay?"
But Rosa shook her head. "Then Jo gets in trouble. Jo is a good girl."
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jacks4eva · 4 years ago
reaction to the lost hero by rick riordan
imma be honest this is a long time coming, okay so here’s the timeline we’re looking at so you understand me. i read lightning thief in middle school, dropped it and read it again in ninth grade. then i read sea of monsters, but never started titan’s curse. then for some reason in 11th grade i bought the second book in heroes of olympus and started to read it and got confused so i started to read titan’s curse and got to when percy took artemis’s place and then dropped it...again. very sad that time considering it was LEGIT THE END SO CLOSE. anyway yesterday i read the whole thing again and the battle of the labrinyth in like 6-8 hours. idk i can’t remember if i started at 10pm or midnight but i finished at 6am. anyways today i read the last olympian, and now i’m starting the lost hero. i thought it’d be funny to do my reactions.
this timeline is just funny because i have read so many books, and yet the most popular ones like percy jackson and harry potter, didn’t wanna finish lol. i still haven’t finished goblet of fire yet i read 100 pages an hour and could probably finish it in a day. anyways.
let the reactions begin
okay i’ve heard of jason but i was not expecting a pov already
woah electrocution
he’s already got a love interest what
he said the coach is 5’0 i now imagine the coach as danny devito i have no choice
piper and leo yes i recognize these names
(i’ve seen a lot of posts about percy jackson okay)
i like leo i don’t like dylan
i love the starwars reference
oh look guys we got popular girls that are racist, can they get their asses beat in this pls
dylan is also racist for smiling-asswipe
we love the cherokee representation
i hate them so much can they please leave
“i had to say something” i like coach hedge is this bad
i hope percy is the storm but i just know i wouldn’t be that lucky
ofc dylan is a racist monster
danny devito never returned :(
who is the bulky dude
i’m sorry i’m laughing he’s a big scary dude with his head shaved and A RAINBOW TATTOO and his name is butch
oh so that’s why percy isn’t here
okay usually when reading i can form some kind of theory or connection but at this point i literally have no clue what is happening
i just knew as soon as he asked that he had abilities with fire but i was not expecting fire fingers
wow what a first impression “you should be dead”
wait so all i remember from the son of neptune was the beginning had percy alone i think and i’m not sure if he had his memory or maybe not and he was running away from monsters, so is what’s happening to jason similar to that? and WILL PERCY NOT BE FOUND IN THIS BOOK?
“That also was necessary. Long ago, your father gave me your life as a gift to placate my anger. He named you Jason, after my favorite mortal. You belong to me.
“Whoa,” Jason said. “I don’t belong to anyone.”
Now is the time to pay your debt, she said. Find my prison. Free me, or their king will rise from the earth, and I will be destroyed. You will never retrieve your memory.”
... okay theories, um a goat skin cloak was mentioned to have been owned by Zeus’s foster mother and that he owned it so the woman could either be the foster mother or Hera. If it was Hera, it would make sense that Zeus gave his son to placate her anger at his cheating or whatever. They are also trapped in Olympus, so prison would make sense. Hera was brought up a lot too, and according to wiki Hera persuaded Aphrodite to make her son make Medea fall in love with a mortal named Jason, so more than likely the lady is Hera. Their king will rise from earth could be the king from the battle of the labrynth, maybe. Or another king ya know there are so many.
Wait a minute
Something else I know about their names is Jason’s last name...JASON GRACE I thought it sounded familiar, because of Thalia Grace. Hah look at me being correct. That explains the flying and not being burnt by a lightning bolt—oh I’m stupid for not seeing it sooner.
Now just gotta figure out who Piper’s parent is.
Aha so I was right it was Hera.
Chiron not being able to give the information they need is kind of annoying.
Enceladus? So a giant offspring of Gaia, um...no bueno. Not a king tho.
“Child of lightning, beware the earth, The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, The forge and dove shall break the cage, And death unleash through Hera’s rage.”
Okay theory time, child of lightning is obviously Jason. Beware the Earth...yeah no clue. The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, the giants are probably the children of Gaia since that one giant was her child and it’s the seven are probably the seven half bloods from the great prophecy. The forge and dove shall break the cage, um maybe Leo is the forge since he’s hephaestus’s child (probably butchered the spelling). Doves are typically associated with aphrodite/venus, so idk about that. Maybe Piper is Venus’s child, I mean her God parent is her mom and it’d be funny since she was judging the other aphrodite kids. Also I assume Hera will kill whoever trapped her or someone involved since she’s so mad. Idk.
Could kill Drew btw.
Wait. This woman looks like Hera, her clothes are made of Earth and she said Leo would fight her children trying to wake her. They’re gonna try to wake Gaia, which would make sense that it said stay away from Earth if she’s the Earth Goddess
I like the wolves thing because Romulus and Remus, ya know the twin boys who were raised by wolf and started Rome.
“You are our saving grace, as always. The she-wolf curled her lip, as if she had just made a clever joke”
I mean yeah his last name is grace
“She must really like this Percy guy to search for him so hard, and that made Jason a little envious. Was anyone searching for him right now? What if somebody cared for him that much and was going out of her mind with worry, and he couldn’t even remember his old life?”
so what if Percy’s just chilling at the Roman version of camp halfblood without a clue to who he is? bro.
Imagine reading this and seeing all of things I get right and wrong and wanting to slam your head into a wall.
Okay like idk why Annabeth was freaking out we kind of knew they were siblings, I mean they have the same dad. Unless this is saying they have the same mom or are twins or something. That’d be cool. That’s probably what he’s saying tbh but still, could’ve emphasized it more than “that’s my sister” like dude.
Anyway, they look very different so that’s funny.
King Boreas? uh.
Oo French
Let’s see what I can translate from the very little duolingo I did. Bienvenu, maybe a greeting. Idk which tho. Je suis Piper, I am Piper. Et c’est Jason, fils de Zeus, and this is Jason, son of Zeus. Vous parlez francais? tres bien, you speak french? good. Hey not bad, not shockingly good but considering I did the duolingo lessons 4 years ago, not bad. Vrai? Truth? Yeah I just looked it up.
Danny devito is alive!
“Leo scratched his head. “Well, I dunno about Enchiladas—”
“Enceladus,” Piper corrected.”
Leo is me omfg
“Leo stepped out next. “You’re catching me, too, Superman. But I ain’t holding your hand.”
this made me laugh ok moving on
Uh fight a sea monster? bro is Jason just Percy 2.0
“Aphrodite’s message was clear: This one needs no improvement.
And Piper agreed.”
I wonder if you can hear me squealing from hundreds or thousands of miles away
Did you miss the fact that he’s thirty feet tall— I DIED
Who slew titan k-what now? So basically yes. Percy 2.0
Okay I recognize the name Hazel, and all I ask is that she is not involved with Jason because Jason and Piper are really freaking cute.
an exchange of leaders, SO THEY DID SWITCH THEM
The way I called it
anyways. time to read son of neptune
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scaredofheroin · 5 years ago
Captain N - Chapter 4: Welcome to the Neighborhood
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The descent down the hill to New Leaf Town proved to be as steep as it looked. Pit ran ahead, with Falco following without as much eagerness. Zelda and Captain N were much more careful in walking down the hill, taking a bit longer than the first two to reach the bottom. Falco and Pit waited for the two, with impatience plastered across Falco's face. Captain N stumbled slightly as the ground leveled, in contrast to Zelda's more dignified presentation. "How nice of you two to join us." Falco snarked, earning a nudge from a disapproving Pit. "Oh, my SINCEREST apologies for not wanting to misstep and fall." Zelda shot back. After regrouping, Pit continued to lead everyone to New Leaf Town, now more visible than before. Captain N remained quiet, observing the surrounding environment. Despite its tranquil, safe appearance, he still felt uneasy. Captain N couldn't shake this feeling, as if trapped in the uncanny valley. Everything about the environment, the grass, the hills, the birds, the sky, it's all incredibly similar to his home on Earth, but here on Yamajiro, it's all only slightly different. Not different enough to be jarring, but different enough to be noticeable.
"Hey, over there!" Pit suddenly yelled, pointing away from town.
Captain N's attention quickly shifted, along with Zelda and Falco, to see what Pit was referring to. Behind some thick bushes could be seen a group of about ten large, anthropomorphic crocodiles. Each were wearing tan pants and were wielding either clubs or some kind of pistol-shaped weapon. Pit darted behind the other side of the bush, ushering everyone else over. Falco and Zelda quickly hid behind the bush, with Captain N observing from a safer distance away. "These guys are Kremlings, they're foot soldiers of King K. Rool!" Pit whispered to Captain N. "Looks like they're gonna be starting trouble in town." Falco noted, observing them walking towards New Leaf Town. Captain N could tell where this was going, so he carefully drew his Zapper and readied himself for action.
"So what's the plan? How should we approach this?" Zelda asked, turning to face the other two. "Like this!" Falco bluntly answered, jumping out of the bush and dashing towards the Kremling group. Before Zelda could stop him, Pit leapt out to join him, with a battle cry to match. Zelda groaned, rolling her eyes at their lack of tactics before joining them in their pursuit. Captain N decided that now's a good opportunity for some on-the-job training, so he summoned his strength and ran out to catch them. The group of Kremlings quickly noticed the four assailants, and quickly readied themselves for conflict. The Kremlings with clubs stood at the ready in the front, while the Kremlings with pistol-like weapons stood ready behind them. Pit shot up into the air and drew his bow back, conjuring an arrow of light in the bow. While still in midair, he fired the arrow at one of the gunner Kremlings, striking dead center in its chest. Falco deftly dashed from left to right, using his blaster to precisely nail shots on the Kremlings. Zelda stayed the furthest distance away, waving her arms in specific motions to conjure walls of light to protect the two from shots from the Kremlings. The Kremlings adamantly fought back, with the club-wielders displaying remarkable agility betraying their size to close the distance between Zelda and Falco. The pistol-wielders stayed grouped together, each focusing on aiming for one of the three in the action, but primarily on Pit. Falco's blaster shot lasers, remarkably slower than those of the Zapper, were dodged by the Kremlings, carefully weaving about. Falco tried to back up to maintain distance, but the Kremling was too quick, and was soon right in front of him. Prepared nonetheless, Falco swiftly met his opponent with a roundhouse kick, and the blow coming from his metal legs was enough to immediately incapacitate his opponent. Pit glided through the air, displaying great skill in dodging shots from the Kremlings with grace alongside placing shots with his bow. Zelda wasn't as accustomed to direct combat as the other two, and used her magic to keep them at a distance through either walls of solid magic or blasts of magic energy. The Kremlings proved themselves worthy opponents, and were able to jump out of the way of incoming shots or blasts as well as returning fire.
Captain N, however, was frozen.
His legs refused to move any closer than 100 feet to the fray, still clutching the Zapper tightly in his hand. The anxiety returned to his mind once more, realizing his sudden, dire situation. He's never been in a playground brawl in Middle School to over-exaggerate about later in life, and now he's in a life or death situation. He wanted to help, after all it's his newly-bestowed responsibility to slay the evil forces of King K. Rool, but his body refused to cooperate. He could feel his heart race as his mind screamed at his legs to get closer and actually aid his allies, but to no avail. One of the Kremlings was tossed farther away from the center of the battle, and was the first of the group to notice Captain N frozen in place. Snarling at his newly found target, the Kremling reared itself and charged at Captain N. Suddenly, his entire world was slowed as the enemy bared its teeth while charging at him.
Is this it?
Is this how the story of Captain N ends?
Two hours after it began?
The Kremling drew closer.
And closer.
And closer.
"Do something, Captain N!", his mind screamed at the top of its mental voice.
Suddenly, his legs were revived, and he fell backwards, scrambling further back while still clutching the Zapper. The Kremling leapt up into the air, opening its mouth, and prepared to chomp down on the young hero. As if driven by instinct, Captain N raised the Zapper, pointed it square at the Kremling's head, and pulled the trigger. One flash of light later, Captain N was almost crushed by the weight of the now incapacitated Kremling collapsing onto his body. Zelda was the first to notice him, and quickly ran over to check on him. "Are you okay? Are you injured, Captain?" She asked, her eyes scanning for a good look at him under the Kremling's massive body. Captain N could only respond with a groan, indicating his overall good health. Pit swooped down to help out after striking down the last standing Kremling. "Grab the other arm and lift on three!" Zelda instructed, wrapping both her arms around the arm of the Kremling. Pit hastily nodded and followed suit, grabbing the opposite arm. After a count to three, the combined efforts of Pit and Zelda were only enough to lift the upper body off Captain N. This provided him enough room to squirm out from under the Kremling, clumsily regaining his footing.
"Nothing like a little life-or-death situation to get the gears going." Falco remarked, holstering his blaster as he joined the three. Captain N nodded, taking in his handiwork. Seeing the giant Kremling defeated by his hand filled Captain N with a sensation of pride the like he's never felt before. A smile grew on his face, taking in how he won the first fight of his life. "I knew you had it in you!" Pit congratulated him, nudging his shoulder. Captain N chuckled and nodded along, feeling more ready to continue on. "Perhaps next time you could be a little more punctual?" Zelda requested of him. "Don't worry, I'm feeling more ready for next time." Captain N assured. "Yeah, we all FEEL a lot of things, but we should get going." Falco reminded the group.
The remainder of the trek to New Leaf Town was thankfully more peaceful, with nothing else standing between the four and their destination. Upon arrival, Captain N was taken by surprise upon seeing the town's residents. Everyone, young and old, was an anthropomorphic animal, but as opposed to Falco, had much stubbier limbs, bigger heads and stood around four feet tall. The presence of the four was immediately noticed, and a big reaction followed.
"It's Princess Zelda!" A turtle girl in an orange dress announced. A crowd quickly formed around the four, chattering amongst each other. "Isn't that the captain of Lady Palutena's royal guard?" A pink alpaca girl asked a monkey male in a blue uniform, motioning to Pit. "What's Falco Lombardi doing here?" A skunk male asked a giraffe girl. "Do you think Princess Zelda will give me an autograph if I ask?" A beaver male in a blue vest nervously asked an owl with a bow tie. The large mob eagerly chatted to each other, where Captain N noticed he wasn't referred to much other than the occasional "Who's that guy?". It did help alleviate the pressure of having so many people so close to him. Only when he bumped shoulders with Falco did he realize that the four newcomers were backed against each other, inadvertently pressured by the eager townspeople.
Eventually, Zelda cleared her throat to get their attention, and was met with immediate silence from the entire group. "Greetings, residents of New Leaf Town. As you all know, I am Princess Zelda of Hyrule, and I am joined by Falco Lombardi of Star Fox squadron and Pit of Palutena's Royal Guard. But I am joined today by a new ally: Captain N." she announced, motioning to the man of honor, making his uneasiness return slightly. "For so long, we've faced an onslaught of tyranny from the forces of Bowser, King Dedede and King K. Rool, but today we have been gifted a ray of hope. Today, we have been given a ray of hope to break the darkness. The prophecy has been fulfilled! Captain N has arrived from beyond the stars to defeat those cruel beasts and save Yamajiro!" Zelda proclaimed, allowing Captain N to follow with his own introduction. Awkwardly shifting slightly, Captain N could only think to raise the Zapper in the air with a nervous smile. This was enough however, as the group of townspeople cheered victoriously in approval. Their joy was rather infectious, and Captain N was soon smiling along with them. Falco rolled his eyes to himself.
This moment was short lived as Zelda nobly raised her hand to silence the crowd once more. "The four of us have come here because we require aid from someone we believe is currently here." Zelda continued. "We'd be honored to help someone so important!" The owl from before beamed. "Um, excuse me." Came a soft voice from the front of the crowd. Looking down, Captain N was met with the sight of a yellow dog female wearing a green, plaid button-down shirt and brown skirt. "My name is Isabelle, and I'm the mayor's assistant here in New Leaf Town." Isabelle introduced herself, maintaining professionalism in the face of such important people. "Well, hello Isabelle, where's the mayor?" Captain N asked. "Oh, he's out fishing." Isabelle answered, looking down slightly. Captain N and Falco shared an un-amused look.
"By any chance, is Simon Belmont in town?" Pit asked Isabelle. "Oh, yes! I believe he's at The Roost Café." Isabelle eagerly answered. Zelda sighed in relief, grateful she wasn't wrong in her hypothesis. "I can take you to see him!" Isabelle offered the group. "That would be great, thank you." Captain N responded. "Okay everyone, give the VIPs some space, please." Isabelle spoke up, ushering the townspeople out of the way. Not wanting to be an annoyance to such important people, the townspeople quickly dispersed, making enough room for Isabelle to lead the four through town while still eyeing them, taking in their presence. Along the way, Isabelle took the opportunity to show them around New Leaf Town. Captain N's feelings of uneasiness subsided somewhat, taking in how the town seemed to radiate peace and happiness. Isabelle was incredibly eager to show off her humble little town to the Princess of Hyrule, a member of Star Fox and the prophesied savior of Yamajiro. "Over there's the post office, Pelly's really helpful with getting mail where you want it to go!" Isabelle informed, motioning to a wooden building with a mail sign on the window and a large clock on top. "To the left is Nook's Homes. Tom Nook used to be the manager, but now his nephews Timmy and Tommy are in charge. Tom's a real estate agent now. He's a little... opportunistic, but he can be nice! Oh, and next to that is Club LOL! Every Friday night, K.K. Slider-" "Hey, it's great to get the grand tour, but we've got a schedule, so can we skip to the part where we get to the Café?" Falco interrupted, his impatience surfacing again.
Isabelle shrunk back slightly, flustered. "Right, sorry, follow me." She responded, facing down Main Street. Zelda and Pit scowled at Falco out of Isabelle's sight, and Captain N followed Isabelle closely. Soon enough, the tour ended with Isabelle stopping in front of a one-story building with a glass door and a coffee sign out front. "Well, here we are! Brewster should be able to help you inside, and I'll be at Town Hall in case you need me." Isabelle concluded, standing out of the way of Captain N and company. "Thanks for the tour, Isabelle!" Pit thanked, helping Isabelle ease up a bit. "Yeah, you've been a great help." Captain N added. "I'm glad you think so!" Isabelle replied. "But I really should be getting back to my work, so I hope you have a nice day!" She bid farewell, darting off before Zelda, Pit, Captain N or Falco could say their own goodbyes.
Captain N was the first to walk inside The Roost, whereupon he saw only two people: a formally dressed pigeon male with glasses behind the counter, and a muscular man with long, blond hair drinking from a large mug, who was equipped with red, battle-worn gear and a chain whip holstered at his side. The pigeon, presumably Brewster, was idly cleaning a glass when he heard the door open, looking up to see who's the newcomer. Upon seeing Princess Zelda, Pit and Falco Lombardi follow Captain N, he quickly stood at attention, setting the glass aside. "Coo! W-Welcome to The Roost, my humble, esteemed guests. Is there anything I can get you?" He calmly yet clumsily greeted the group. "We just need to talk to Simon over there." Captain N answered, motioning over to the only other person present. "I see, well, I hope you don't mind me here. Coo..." Brewster noted, turning back to the glass while still peering at the group from the corner of his eyes. Simon looked over his shoulder to see who invoked his name, and eased slightly upon seeing Pit and Princess Zelda. Pit pulled over a few chairs to sit by Simon, where he found himself seated between Zelda and Pit, and across from Falco and Captain N.
"Let me guess: You need help slaying a monster." Simon spoke up, his gruff voice matching his large build. "Not just any monster, we need help getting into Castlevania." Pit responded, leaning forward. Simon's attention was grabbed upon hearing the name of his enemy's home castle. "Why? It's incredibly dangerous for someone unskilled and we still don't know where it currently is." Simon asked further, planting seeds of confusion inside Captain N. Castles can't move... right?
"This guy here's supposed to be some legendary hero chosen to save the world. He's got the pistol to prove it." Falco answered, motioning to Captain N and his Zapper. Simon peered at Captain N, turning to Princess Zelda. "Is this true, your majesty?" Simon asked her. Zelda nodded in response. "Indeed, we were all present when this was discovered, and we have Lady Palutena and Lord Raiden to vouch for us. I can also locate Castlevania using my magic." Zelda informed him. Simon leered at Captain N further. "So you're expecting to find another one of the hero's weapons hidden inside Castlevania." Simon deduced, earning a nod from Captain N. "Word on the street is you're the best person to help us with storming the castle, as you've done it before." Falco added, earning a slight nod from Simon. He mulled the idea over in his head for a moment, where Captain N could notice Brewster trying to subtly listen in, his eyes darting back to the glass as their eyes met for the briefest moment. Simon set aside his mug and cleared his throat before speaking further. "Alright, I shall assist you in your quest, young..?" He trailed off, not knowing the name of the newcomer. "Oh, right, I'm Captain N!" He introduced himself, putting on a more professional demeanor.
"Well Captain N, we start training tomorrow. Get some sleep." Simon stated, turning back to his mug. "Huh? What? Don't you think we should get going as soon as possible?" Captain N asked, confused again.
"You're clearly new to this world, and invading Dracula's Castle is, for someone of your current skill level, tantamount to suicide."
Captain N sighed, knowing Simon was right. Knowing he'd won, Simon took another swig from the mug before speaking again. "We meet at the town entrance tomorrow at 8 AM sharp. Be ready." Simon instructed. "We should be getting some sleep. I bet the hotel will let us stay for free!" Pit spoke up, earning a collective nod from the other three. After waving goodbye to Simon and Brewster, Captain N and company made their way back to the center of town, whereupon a large hotel with white walls and blue roofing could be found. Pit's assertion proved to be right, as the hotel owner was honored to have such esteemed guests staying at his establishment. With Pit, Zelda, Captain N and Falco given their own rooms, the group parted ways for the night. Captain N locked the room door behind him and slumped down on the ground, rubbing his eyes.
What a day.
He woke up in his ordinary house, drove to his ordinary school in his ordinary car, attended his ordinary classes, ate his ordinary food, but was so suddenly thrust into such a strange world. On top of that, he had the largest responsibility one could be given just dumped on him out of the blue. Captain N gratefully took in this moment of privacy, enjoying the silence. After a while, he realized the only clothes he had were the ones on his back: blue jeans, yellow y-shirt, boxer shorts and black socks. He silently filled up the bathtub, mixed in some soap, and soaked each article of clothing in the warm water before setting them aside to dry. It's far from the ideal way to wash clothes, but he doesn't have any other options. Looking out the window, Captain N once more gazed into the horizon, feeling a new sensation growing in his chest.
He's as far away from his home as he possible could be. Even if Earth existed in this universe, it wouldn't be his Earth. Mom, dad, his dog Xavier, his house, his school, in another universe. The town below seemed lively and happy, but Captain N felt more alone than ever. The moon was hanging high in the sky, so Captain N climbed into the hotel bed, wrapped himself up in the soft blanket, and as he drifted off to sleep, a tear welled up in his eye.
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thepotionbat · 5 years ago
All These Things That I’ve Done
Hi guys! Somehow I deleted this post, LOL, so here I am putting it back up.
I am happy to announce that I have finally finished the first chapter to my Snape lives AU fic! It is going to be a multi-chapter fic and I feel that it will end up rather long. If you want to keep up with when updates drop, let me know and I will add you to the tag-list!
Notes: I am writing mostly from the Deathly Hallows Part II movie simply because that is freshest on my mind, but that's not to say that book scenes and details won't ever be mentioned. I don't own Harry Potter or anything in the universe, including the characters. The only thing that belongs to me is what I decide to do with this AU as well as the one original character I plan on including later on. Also, the title and the italicized couplet kicking off the story is derived from the song All These Things That I've Done by The Killers, a song which I feel captures the essence of what this fic is about. Credit to the respective owners.
Edit: Here is an amazing piece of artwork that served as inspiration for the idea of Fawkes saving Snape. It was lost in my likes so I had to dig to find it.
Chapter word count: 3,254
Summary: The world post-Voldemort is a complicated one to navigate: the Ministry is taken over by a Minister who does not know of Snape's service to the Order, Dementor's are still at Azkaban, Snape's name remains uncleared, and, perhaps surprisingly of all to Snape, Harry seems to have respect for him now. Despite the uncertainty of his future, Snape is amazed to find that he actually has one in the first place -- his years of living as a spy and a puppet to Dumbledore as well as undergoing faux obedience to Voldemort have left him in a state of mind that abandoned all hopes of living a life for himself --now, however, he realizes there is a life post-war for him after all, no matter how unsteady it may be.
Chapter One
While everyone’s lost, the battle is won With all these thing’s that I’ve done
Harry sat outside on the steps in the breaking daylight, steeped in an utter quietness that seemed deafeningly loud.
The majority of people were inside the castle, tending to the sick or burying the dead, indexing the names of all who had been lost; Harry had taken this moment to himself, having broken away from the thick air of grief he had been smothered with inside, unable to stop feeling responsible for the mangled and bloodied bodies littering the Great Hall.
Outside, the birds chirped; a breeze stirred, urging leaves to dance through the air. It was as if nature, too, was celebrating the death of Voldemort.
The weight of the responsibility Harry had felt virtually his whole childhood was, at long last, lifted off of his shoulders; he had done his job, he had vanquished Tom Riddle once and for all — yet, still, he couldn’t find rest. Exhaustion clung to his bones, but the idea of sleep was far out of his reach.
He breathed in a deep breath of morning air, staring out at the courtyard where he had been just hours earlier. He hoped the air would fill him in some way, cleanse him of the heaviness that persistently tugged at his skin.
Voldemort was gone, the Wizarding world saved — so why did Harry feel so lost, so hollow?
His consciousness echoed with the faces of the dead; memories of cold, lifeless bodies strewn on the ground, overwhelming in number, were imprinted onto his brain, imprinted onto the back of his eyelids; every time he closed his eyes, he saw Remus, Tonks, Fred...
The loss of his parents, the loss of Sirius, Remus, Fred, Tonks, Hedwig... out of all of these, it was Snape’s death that was bringing Harry the most confusion—
This was because he wasn’t sure how to feel, how to cope with it. Snape, the man he had hated since coming to Hogwarts for the first time, the man he thought had hated him in return... Harry couldn’t stop picturing the anguish on Snape’s face when he learned that his mother had died, the way he had stood in Dumbledore’s office in complete despair; the horror in his eyes after Dumbledore told him that Harry was a horcrux and must be killed by Voldemort.
Most of all, though, Harry couldn’t shake the way Snape had met his gaze as he bled out into the palm of Harry’s hand, the silvery residue of memories on his cheek; it was Snape’s black eyes that were seared into his brain most hauntingly.
Harry picked up a nearby rock and tossed it into the clearing; it clattered against the cobblestone ground, an action that scraped the silence and broke the calm stillness of the morning.
He wanted to feel angry; angry with Dumbledore, for withholding the entire truth from him all these years; angry with Snape, for giving the prophecy to Voldemort, for sacrificing his life as a double agent, for playing his part so convincingly, for loving his mother — but he couldn’t.
Anger was a familiar friend, an emotion that Harry knew well. He had felt it in intense bouts for the better part of his life, been chained under its control again and again—
But he didn’t feel that now. Now, all that was left in Harry was grief.
He once again picked up a stone; its roughness pricked his hand. He hesitated a moment, taking a second to consider the weight of it— but before he could throw it, another sound cracked the silence: the scuff of a shoe, not his own.
Harry turned automatically to see Ginny, who was rushing outside with a look of urgency, her red hair pouring over her face as she moved over to him.
“Ginny,” he said, standing. “What—”
“Harry,” she interrupted, her voice breathless with shock, “Snape is alive.”
The news utterly knocked the wind out of him. Again, Snape’s eyes flashed before his mind, as did the memory of the man’s blood staining the palm of Harry’s hand. Pure shock electrified his nerves, and he was unable to do anything else but blink at Ginny, dumbfounded.
Distantly, he heard himself repeat, “Alive?”
She nodded quickly. “In the Great Hall. McGonagall went to go get his body and— well, Fawkes was there. Fawkes had saved him.”
Harry continued to stare at her for several seconds, in complete disbelief.
“He doesn’t look good,” Ginny warned, and in fact she did look paler than normal, a testament to her warning. “But he’s still alive.”
Harry moved past her, an automatic reaction more than anything, but he felt her presence close behind, following him. He went back inside and turned to enter the Great Hall, in which he immediately spotted the location of the commotion.
People were grouped together, murmuring in hushed voices; those that weren’t amongst the crowd were quiet too, observing with various expressions of dispassion, their lack of reaction influenced by their lack of knowledge of Snape’s heroism.
Harry pushed through the throng of people numbly. In the center of them all indeed lay Snape; Fawkes was at his shoulder, the Phoenix’s tears dripping onto the man’s ravaged neck.
You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Dumbledore’s voice rang clearly in Harry’s mind, the memory from his second year at Hogwarts tossed to the surface of his consciousness. Nothing but that could’ve called Fawkes to you.
Harry stood there for an indefinable period of time, staring at the Professor’s bloodied and torn black robes, the undeniable but faint rise and fall of his chest, awash with utter shock; McGonagall was there, muttering spells and pointing her wand at the wound on his neck.
Madam Pomfrey came through the crowd seconds later, looking disheveled but commanding.
“All of you, give us space,” she ordered. The people dispersed, leaving behind only Harry, Ginny, and Professor McGonagall.
Madam Pomfrey murmured healing spells, her wand moving from various puncture wounds throughout Snape’s body, while McGonagall stayed at his neck. To Harry, everything was muted in silence under the blanket of his shock; he only distantly heard the rush of footsteps behind him that announced the arrival of Ron and Hermione.
“So it is true,” Hermione said, her voice hushed, as she looked at Fawkes. “He really was Dumbledore’s.”
The sound of Hermione’s voice drew Harry back out of his stupor; the Phoenix chirped, peering at Harry with characteristically shrewd eyes.
“If it wasn’t for Fawkes,” Madam Pomfrey remarked, overhearing the exchange, “Severus would be dead.”
He didn’t look far from it, even still. Harry found himself crouching nearer to the former Headmaster, staring at his pallid, sweaty face.
“Will he live?” Harry asked faintly.
Madam Pomfrey didn’t answer at first, murmuring another string of spells. Finally, she glanced up at him, her eyes grave.
“If I can get him stable enough to Apparate before he dies here, he’ll need to go to St. Mungo’s immediately.”
Harry nodded shortly, expecting such answer, but hearing it aloud still gave him an odd feeling in his chest.
Suddenly, the shock of everything, the war, the loss of so many lives, his grief, the shock of finding out Snape was miraculously alive and still might die yet, caught up to him all at once, and exhaustion seeped over his bones in such a crushing manner that he all but swayed where he crouched.
He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see Ginny. “Come on, Harry,” she murmured, concern in her eyes. “There’s nothing you can do.”
Harry managed to find several hours of exhausted sleep in one of the salvaged dormitory beds.
He had all but fallen into the sheets and, despite his certainty that he wouldn’t find rest, collapsed  quickly under the weight of the mental and physical strain he had faced not just hours before, but also the months leading up to the battle.
He had woken to find himself alone, and wandered back down to the Great Hall. There were a lot less people there now, and similarly, a lot less bodies. It seemed that most were now healed or moved to Saint Mungo’s, and nearly all of the bodies of the dead were placed away with proper arrangements.
He had moved carefully around the Hall, dreadfully certain he would soon stumble across Snape’s dead body, but instead, Madam Pomfrey approached him first.
“Severus is at St. Mungo’s,” she had told him.
A strange and surprised relief had washed through Harry, and subsequently, he planned on going to see him. Some part of him didn’t believe it was possible, that Snape could have survived; the images of the last two times he had seen him were stained in his mind, and Harry felt like he needed to see him for himself.
Hermione and Ron insisted on going with him. Together, they walked through the wards of Saint Mungo’s, finding themselves in the Dai Llewellyn Ward for Serious Bites; all three seemed to be feeling uncomfortably reminiscent of the time they had come to the very same ward to see Arthur Weasley.
Finally, they approached one of the Healers; she was at the front of the dingy ward, and when she saw Harry, her expression had taken up the familiar amazed recognition, but only for a moment before she surveyed the three of them in a businesslike manner.
“How can I help you?”
“We’re here to see Prof— Severus Snape,” Harry said.
The Healer’s eyebrow quirked up in the slightest, as though surprised. “I see.” She looked again to Ron and Hermione, seeming to be carefully considering something. “I’m afraid I can only permit you, Mr. Potter,” she said finally.
“What? Why?” Ron spoke up.
“Mr. Snape’s legal circumstances are unique,” she explained patiently. “We’ve been instructed to allow only those from the Ministry to see him. However, Mr. Potter, seeing as you are who you are…” she allowed her sentence to trail off, for it needed no further explanation. After a second’s pause, she addressed Ron and Hermione again. “As for you two, I’m sorry, but I simply can’t allow it.”
“It’s okay,” Hermione rushed, before Ron could say anything else. She looked at Harry. “We’ll wait for you outside.”
“Okay,” Harry said. His mind was churning with the information, the words legal circumstances and only those from the Ministry sticking out in his head, but in the moment, he was unable to make sense of them, to fully process what they might mean. “See you outside.”
He parted from them there, allowing the Healer to lead the way in the opposite direction; as they walked, they passed many beds of several injured people. Harry had no doubt that all or most of them were from the recent battle, and the thought made his stomach twist with a guilt so painful that he felt sick.
Eventually, they reached a set of curtains, and the Healer peeled them back, nodding for Harry to go in.
He entered to see Snape laid in the bed, not looking much better than the last time he saw him. At least now, he was no longer covered in blood; his throat was wrapped in many bandages, and he was wearing white, a color that looked decidedly wrong on the man he was so used to seeing in black. Though his Dark Mark was exposed, its color was fading fast now, just a faint grey.
“He’s lucky to be alive,” the Healer remarked, then studied Harry shrewdly for a moment. “And if the rumors are true, so are you, Mr. Potter.”
Harry scarcely heard her, for he had wandered to the bedside, something catching his eyes — Snape’s wrists were tied, confined to the bed with magical binding. “What’s this?” he asked, looking back to the Healer, his mind once again calling attention to the odd information she had given the three of them earlier. “Why is he bound up?”
She blinked at him in surprise. “You know he’s served under You-Know-Who for the past couple of years, at least,” she said, as if it were obvious. “As soon as he’s stable enough, the Ministry is sentencing him to Azkaban.”
“But— he’s innocent,” Harry blurted, an immediate reaction that allowed him no time to think about his words before he spoke them — of course she wouldn’t know that Snape was innocent; no one did, save for a few.
The Healer was regarding him strangely. “Sir?”
“Never mind,” Harry muttered quickly, returning his gaze to his former Professor. He needed to get the memories to the Ministry as soon as possible, though it seemed he had some time before they threw Snape in Azkaban — he was far from fit enough to be sent there. “Has he — been awake yet?”
The Healer shook her head. “Not yet. His injuries are quite extensive. He seemed to have been poisoned, as well.” “Voldemort’s snake,” Harry supplied, ignoring the way the witch flinched at the name.
“Ah, yes,” she murmured. “That’s what we were told — we had seen nothing else like it, not since Arthur Weasley. Not many who encountered You-Know-Who’s snake lived to tell the tale.”
This made an uncomfortable chill go down Harry’s spine. He watched the faint rise and fall of Snape’s chest.
“So, you were there when he was attacked?” The Healer asked, a note of timid curiosity in her voice.
Harry remembered vividly the sound Snape’s body made as it was thrown against the glass from the force of Nagini’s striking, over and over and over again, the amount of blood pouring from his throat, soaking his robes…
You have your mother’s eyes.
Harry ripped himself from the memories and finally looked away from where Snape lay, blinking at the Healer. “I thought he was dead,” he answered simply, assuming that would be all the response she needed.
She nodded, her gaze thoughtful. “It’s a miracle he isn’t.” After a second longer, she moved towards the curtains to leave. “If you need anything—”
“Actually, I’ll be going too,” Harry broke in, not impolitely. “I’ve just realized I’ve got something important I need to do…” He glanced at Snape once again, determination glinting in his eyes. Snape had saved his life several times over; he’d loved his mother, for all these years — Harry owed it to him to work his hardest to let everyone know the truth about the man, that he was a hero all these years, not a Death Eater.
What came to Severus’s awareness first was the noise.
He heard the murmur of voices, the bustling of light activity.
Next came the pain, the dull aching in his neck, traveling seemingly throughout his veins; then the heaviness of his eyes. With effort, he opened them, and flinched from the bright whiteness of everything; curtains surrounded him, oddly familiar.
Under his mounting awareness, panic thrummed in his heart; having thought himself dead, he was surprised to find himself obviously living, and was even more disturbed that he wasn’t altogether sure where he was; he tried to move his arm only for it to be jerked back, confined by what he dimly recognized as magic binding around his wrist.
“Professor,” said a voice, filled with surprise; it was a voice he would always know.
He turned his head, a searing pain scorching through his neck at the movement, and his gaze finally found Potter, sitting beside the bed he was in. There were too many lines on his face for his age, and he was wearing dark circles under his eyes, a testament to his lack of sleep— his eyes… the green of them stared out at him with concern so much like Lily’s.
Severus ripped his gaze away from the boy, back to the sheets of the bed he was in, now recognizable to him as St. Mungo’s.
“How?” he murmured.
“Fawkes,” Harry said. He swallowed. “I suppose he found you, sometime during the battle.”
Flashes of memories tore through Severus’ mind; the Dark Lord’s face; a burning gash across his throat; Nagini, striking him over and over again.
Potter, staring at him with Lily’s eyes as he died, not a trace of his father’s cruelty in him.
“You,” he clarified aloud, a question still in his voice, which didn’t sound quite right, even to him. Speaking caused pain like fire to burn across his throat and down his neck. He finally returned his gaze to Harry, who was blinking at him in surprise, wearing the same expression as when Severus called on him unexpectedly in class. “You survived.”
“Oh,” Harry said, understanding. “I went to the forest, to let him kill me, and he did… but not really. He killed the horcrux, I suppose — but I lived.”
Severus absorbed this information, dimly noting how little of it answered his question, but not having the energy to voice his irritation aloud. Instead, his gaze flitted downwards once again, this time with enough awareness to take in details; his black robes were gone, and instead he had been donned in white. His forearms were exposed, his Dark Mark revealed to the world — except now, it was nearly faded completely, leaving only the outline where it had been burned into his skin.
His gaze lingered on his left forearm, taking in the near absence of the Mark tainting his skin, and with sudden abruptness, it hit him fully that the Dark Lord must truly be gone.
The idea seemed like an utterly impossible reality, and it took several moments of staring at his skin before he allowed himself to feel a tremendous weight lift off of his shoulders that gave way to a relief that — had he been standing — would have brought him to his knees.
“You did it, then,” he said softly, his eyes moving back to Harry.
“Not just me,” he murmured, sounding years older than he should. Despite everything, the words shocked Severus, some part of him still expecting the boy to jump on the chance for praise with a hubris that mimicked his father’s. “If it wasn’t for Ron, Hermione, and Neville getting rid of some of the Horcruxes…”
Harry let his sentence trail off, and silence washed over the room. Severus’s gaze flickered away from the boy and fell once again to the bindings around his wrists; both of them were confined, he realized now.
He peered at them for a long moment in resigned contemplation. He knew, and perhaps he had known for several minutes now, what they were for, why he was bound. It was something he had considered happening many times, and yet also he had never considered the thought of him living long enough to meet the consequences that awaited him now.
“Azkaban?” he murmured.
Harry blinked at him in surprise before insisting, “I’m not going to let them.” The annoying and naive stubbornness that Severus remembered so well was making a flaring appearance in the boy’s tone. “I’m working with the Ministry, telling them the truth. You won’t go there.”
Severus absorbed his words, pondering them, but was unwilling to speak aloud any more. No matter if they believed the memories hadn’t been tampered with; he was still responsible for Dumbledore’s murder, along with a number of other things.
Deeply doubting the likelihood of his salvation, he closed his eyes, half succumbing to the sea of exhaustion he was swimming in and half wishing Fawkes had just left him to die.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
I’m also posting this story to ao3, where it can be found here.
Tag-list: @madamecoyote (Thank you again for beta reading!) @eruditeslytherin 
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hoesidon · 6 years ago
Since I’m never gonna write it here’s some Platonic Pipercy for all of you lmao: (I ran out of space so I’ll do a part 2 for the HoO timeline soon)
Little bit of Piper’s backstory and how she ended up at camp, Piper was a “troubled” child who acted out a lot for her father’s attention
Tristan has just gotten into the movie industry after his father’s death and was just trying to make money to pay off his father’s medical bills and have enough money to support his daughter
And because of that he barely gets to spend time with Piper who he thinks is acting out due to the recent passing of her grandfather and she because she doesn’t have any maternal figures in her life
So he gets an assistant named Jane to help him out with his job and hopefully maybe be a female figure in Piper’s life that she can look up to and go to for girl talk and advice
Piper doesn’t like Jane and continues to act out because she just wants to have her dad back
But as Tristan’s fame grows, the less she sees her father
Piper is 10 when she finally decides to run away, hoping it would get her father’s attention
It doesn’t because he’s out promoting his new movie but she figures being on the streets is better than being with Jane
That is until she runs into some monsters who keep trying to kill her
While trying to hide out from monsters, she meets a Satyr who promises her safety and brings her to Camp Half-Blood
She gets ushered into the Hermes cabin, where all unclaimed kids go she’s told, and it’s where she meets Luke Castellan
He took her under his wing and taught her how to pick locks and how to hot wire a car
“Because you never know when you’re gonna have to steal a car for a easy getaway from monsters, Pipes”
When she asked why he was being so nice to her all he said was “because we’re family, Pipes.”
Luke was like a cool older brother
And to fit the “cursed blade shall reap” I’m gonna go along and say that Luke was the one who gave Piper her knife
Once the summer came to a close, Piper missed her father and wanted to go back home although she would miss Luke and the homey and overcrowded feeling of the Hermes cabin
Things at home didn’t approve
Tristan was still always busy and Jane tried to avoid Piper like the plague but she did ask where Piper ran off to when she ran away
(Chiron informed Jane once Piper arrived at camp that Piper was at a camp for troubled kids with behavioral problems)
Piper returns to Camp Half-Blood the following summer and welcomes the overcrowded feeling of the Hermes Cabin but hoping that maybe this summer will be the summer she gets claimed
A few weeks later she meets Percy Jackson
Percy meets Piper when he’s 12 and she’s 11 to find her standing over his bed in the infirmary after being unconscious for three days
Piper had snuck into the infirmary to look at the new guy who killed the Minotaur
He didn’t look like much, just a scrawny kid who the Ares kids could break in half like a stick if they so pleased
Piper’s first words to him are “you’re not that impressive”
Anyway, Piper shows him around camp and tells him that since he’s an unclaimed kid, just like her, that he’ll be staying in the Hermes cabin and introduces him to Luke
After Percy’s run-in with Clarisse and the bathroom and seeing what he can do, Piper is glad Percy will be on her and Luke’s team for capture the flag
To help Percy feel welcome, and because she knows how it feels to be alone at Camp, Piper and Luke snag some items from the camp store for Percy
It’s honestly one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for him in a long time
Piper is only a tiny bit jealous that Percy got claimed by Poseidon
And then Percy gets issued a quest and Piper knows that she has to go with him on that quest
Piper wants to go on the quest with Percy because she believes that if she helps retrieve Zeus’ master bolt she will make her mother proud and she will finally be claimed
So she just tells Percy (not knowing she’s charmspeaking him) she’s going on the quest with him and he just agrees without any questions
Later Percy wonders why he let an 11 year old talk him into coming along on his dangerous quest
Luke’s betrayal hurt Piper very deeply because he was like an older brother to her
And on top of that, Piper doesn’t get claimed but she does have two new friends: Percy and Grover
After learning of Gabe’s mysterious disappearance, honestly it’s so fucking weird right?, Percy tells Piper that she’s welcome to stop by his place anytime and they exchange emails so they can stay in touch
Piper returns home for the school year and it’s only a bit more tolerable because Percy, true to his promise, keeps in touch
Tristan is still busy but he promises to make time for her soon
Plans with Tristan fall through but what else is new
Jane, at Piper’s request, drops Piper off at Percy’s apartment on the first day of summer
Sally Jackson, Piper learns very quickly in the day that she was there, is an absolute saint and Percy is very fortunate to have her
Sally is the mother Piper always dreamed of having and she’s very sad to leave Percy’s apartment for camp but Sally tells Piper to come back before the summer is over and see her again
Piper instantly agrees
Piper doesn’t know what to make of Percy’s friend Tyson but he seems sweet so a friend of Percy’s is a friend of hers
Camp isn’t what Percy or Piper expected
Turns out Tyson is a cyclops and Percy’s brother, Grover went missing and nearly got married, Thalia’s tree had been poisoned and Chiron was blamed, Luke nearly killed Percy, and Clarisse brought back the Golden Fleece saving Thalia’s tree
Also Thalia was back from the dead after literally being a tree
And on top of it all, Piper still hadn’t been claimed but she did make two new friends: Thalia and Tyson
She also decided to stay and go to a boarding school in New York with Thalia for the school year
Percy doesn’t get to see her that often but whenever they’re both free, he takes her, and occasionally Thalia, around the city
Percy and Thalia don’t get along much but they make an effort to be civil
Thalia also leaves for California one weekend and doesn’t tell Percy or Piper why but returns a few days later in a somber mood
Neither of them question it
Sally absolutely adores Piper and invites her to dinner every weekend
One weekend that they’re all free, Sally takes them to Montauk beach
It makes Piper’s heart ache because before her dad was too busy for her, they used to do stuff like this
But it’s one of the best days Piper’s had in a while
During the winter, way before they’re even scheduled to return to camp, they get a frantic call from Grover
So Percy, Piper, and Thalia go off to help
They meet the siblings Bianca and Nico di Angelo, they run into the Hunters of Artemis, and Piper falls off a cliff on the back of a manticore, Bianca joins the hunt and they meet Apollo who Thalia thinks is hot
(Okay maybe he is but that’s beside the point)
Percy isn’t at all a tad bit jealous that Apollo let Thalia drive his sun chariot
Capture the Flag happens and it’s the whole camp against the Hunters of Artemis and the Aphrodite cabin, for once, is hell bent on winning
It’s one of the few and only times in his life that Percy has witnessed the Aphrodite cabin so angry and determined to be involved in any sort of camp activity besides Pegasus riding
(Well...the only other time was when the Hermes cabin pulled that Valentine’s Day prank the year before when they hijaked all of the love notes the Aphrodite cabin had sent out to everyone and replaced them with ‘hate’ notes
You see, Valentine’s Day is a very huge deal to the Aphrodite cabin and every year they try to play Cupid and try to set couples up because they love love and want everyone to be in love
Silena and Drew didn’t approve of all of their hard work being ruined and they made the Hermes cabin pay accordingly)
Piper would have loved to witness the Aphrodite cabin actually play Capture the Flag, Percy notes sadly
The camp loses and it’s very embarrassing and on second thought Percy is very glad that Piper isn’t here to witness it
Percy tries to speak to the oracle to get a quest to save Piper but the oracle won’t even talk to him
It’s even more annoying when the oracle walks downstairs from the attic and over to Zoë to give a prophecy and it’s up to him and Grover to carry her back up to her attic
He decidedly dislikes the oracle
So he sneaks out of camp, makes a promise to a 10 year old Nico, and joins a quest to save his best friend and little sister
Also the Goddess Artemis
But mainly for Piper
He meets the Goddess of Love who tells him that she’s going to make his love life very interesting
And also that she’s wishes that all of her daughters could break the hearts of guys like him
He breaks a promise to a 10 year old, nearly stabs a red head mortal girl by the name of Rachel, takes on the weight of the world from a Goddess, quite literally, and reunites with his friend
Also nearly has a breakdown because Piper may join the Hunters of Artemis
Piper is his best friend and he loves her and he will hardly ever see her again if she joins
Piper would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about it for like a moment because it seemed cool but then she learned that no boys were allowed at all
Piper immediately makes her decision because she could never leave Percy behind because he’s the closest thing she has to a brother and she loves him. He snuck along on this quest to save her and he rescued her
Also she would very much like to date in the future thank you very much
Piper finally gets claimed after the winter solstice
She is horrified
Her claiming, on all accounts, is horrible and embarrassing
Piper didn’t think she would ever miss the Hermes cabin but sitting in the Aphrodite cabin made her miss her old bunk
Silena is sweet and helps her adjust
Drew is...well Drew is blunt but she also offers to do something about the rat nest she calls hair
Drew can be mean at times but Silena keeps her in line most of the time
Overall Piper thinks her siblings are alright but she still misses the Hermes cabin
She goes home back to her dad at the end of summer and argues with herself on whether or not she should tell her father the truth about her mother
Ultimately she decides against it
As a child of Aphrodite, there are a couple of abilities that Piper didn’t know she possessed
One of which is charmspeak, a sort of rare gift that Drew also possesses and teaches her about
Another ability that she actually discovers on complete accident, is that she can create bonds with people
Sort of like Grover’s empathy link with Percy but more intense
Piper gets her very first quest and she’s so excited!!
Until she gets her prophecy
‘And lose a love to worse than death’
Piper doesn’t tell anyone about that last line, especially not Percy
She immediately asks Percy to join her
Piper had a teeny tiny crush on Percy when she was 11 but then it went away when she realized how much of a fucking idiot and dork he was
Her first kiss was nothing like Silena and Drew told her it was going to be
It was meh and very awkward
Mainly because her first kiss was Percy and it was a ‘good luck you better not die’ kiss
Also the timing was shit and Percy was in too much shock to even respond
but on a positive note she got her first kiss out of the way and knew that she didn’t harbor any feelings for him
Percy felt very much the same
Then a volcano erupted
When Percy didn’t immediately return back to camp, everyone wanted to burn his shroud but Piper talked everyone into holding it off for a little while longer
When Percy didn’t return for nearly two weeks Chiron had informed her that it was time
Piper tried to fight it but everyone agreed with Chiron
“And lose a love to worse than death” Piper had her suspicions about Percy but she hoped it was wrong
She had no idea what a fate worse than death was but Percy had to be gone, the last line in the prophecy came to be
And of course, because Percy is a fucking dramatic asshole, he interrupts his own funeral
What a fucking prick Piper wanted to strangle him for worrying her for two weeks
Piper decidedly does not like Calypso
She’s relieved that Percy is back but she still doesn’t know what the last line in her prophecy could mean
Percy didn’t plan on bringing Rachel along for Piper’s first quest but y’know sometimes life happens
He immediately regrets his decision because Piper and Rachel immediately hit it off
Rachel talks about her first meeting with Percy he tried to stab her through with his sword
And Piper, because of course it’s Piper, tells Rachel all of the embarrassing stories Percy has done
Piper loves Rachel, absolutely adores her. She thinks she’s the coolest person Percy has ever met
But since Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite she can get a feel of what relationships are going to work and which ones are just not meant to be
Piper loves Rachel but she knows that she and Percy are just better off as friends
The last line of her prophecy finally comes true
Luke, who she loved and looked up to as a brother, was now playing Host to Kronos
She didn’t know how to react. Part of her always hoped Luke would come back to the right side but now she’s lost him for good
Piper also thinks Rachel is pretty badass for throwing a blue hairbrush at a Titan
And at the end of summer, once the battle of Camp Half-Blood is over, Piper accidentally creates an empathy bond with Percy
At the end of the summer, before returning home, she celebrates Percy’s 15th birthday with him, Sally, and Sally’s new fiancé Paul
And Nico who randomly stops by for some reason
Rachel and Piper stay in touch during the school year and actually become really good close friends since they can relate to each other
(And because there’s no underlying jealousy involved)
Their IMs are literally just them shit talking Percy, Rachel keeping Piper updated on all Percy related shenanigans, them ranting about their dads, Rachel’s art ideas and Piper raving about Rachel’s art ideas
They make plans to have a girls day out the next time they’re both in New York and free
Beckendorf’s death hit the camp hard, Piper could feel the guilt through her bond with Percy and in the heaviness of the Aphrodite cabin
While Percy is getting the Mark of Achilles, he uses Piper as his anchor because she is the closest thing he has to a sister and he loves her
And because Percy is her brother and she loves him, Piper takes a poisoned dagger for him
Piper is only a little bit pissed when she finds out about the Mark of Achilles
Luke’s sacrifice was....hard to say the least
And then Percy gets offered to become a God and Piper forgets how to breathe
Silena’s death was hard to cope with
The Aphrodite cabin blamed her death on the Rite of Passage
Following Silena’s death, because Drew is the oldest and has been at camp the longest and has the ability to charmspeak, she becomes the next Head Counselor since no one else dares to challenge her
She becomes cold and a tyrant, creating these ridiculous rules and punishments
Mitchell thinks Silena’s death and her betrayal really hurt her and it’s her way of coping with it
Once the war is over and everyone can breathe again, Percy and Piper sit and hang out on the dock by the lake and talk
After, Percy and Piper spend the rest of the summer with Sally and Paul and Piper contemplates staying in New York for the upcoming school year or going home to her dad
She and Tristan get in a fight and she decides to stay in New York
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itsshortfurball20 · 6 years ago
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong? 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This chapter has 3,545 words 
  8 – This is the Sad Part
Percy replayed the story that Fury had told them over in his head. Apparently, not only did Loki’s fancy scepter open portals, but it also controlled minds. Some of SHIELD’s own agents under its influence had struck the ship. In the end, they had managed to lose Loki and his scepter, Banner, Thor (who had fallen in the glass cell that had used to host Loki), and most devastating, Agent Coulson who had died at the hands of Loki.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. There were so many emotions swirling around inside of Percy like a hurricane. Frustration, humiliation, guilt…
Sure, Percy didn’t know Agent Coulson that well. He didn’t even know that his first name was Phil until the director had told him. But no one should’ve died. No one.
The son of Poseidon just stared down in his lap, fiddling with his pen. On one side of Percy, Tony sat with a blank face and glazed eyes, body turned away from the table. From what Percy could remember, the two had been friends. Percy had lost many friends of his own through the years, and each death was always a punch to the gut, leaving him lost and numb.
On Percy’s other side was Steve. The super soldier has been silent since Fury announced Coulson’s death, his jaw clenched tight and his hands hidden under the table where Percy guessed they were curled into fists. Percy wasn’t sure how well the Captain and Coulson had known each other, but it was clear to Percy that Steve was just as distraught as everyone else.
In front of the table stood Fury. His face seemed to have age, becoming tired and worn. With a heavy sigh, he reached into his coat’s pocket and pulled something out. “These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them.”
He tossed a pack of cards onto the table. Steve reached for the top card. Percy noted that the top corner of the card was stained with blood. He looked away from the cards and back down on Riptide.
“We're dead in the air up here.” Fury told them. “Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming.” Fury’s eyes swept over the table.
“Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract.” The director admitted. “I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avenger Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could.”
Percy let his eyes drift back up slowly. Fury had moved from the front of the table to behind one of the empty chairs. The two quickly met eyes, and Percy felt trapped as the director studied him.
After a brief pause, Fury sighed and stood up straight. “Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea.” He tried to make eye contact with each of the three men, only which of two he caught their gaze. When Fury met Percy’s eyes, he was able to see just how tired the director was. How heavy his shoulders seemed to be, burdened with the weight of Coulson’s death. “In heroes.”
Tony swiftly stood up and left. Percy watched him leave, his now empty chair spinning slowly. Fury walked to stand next to Percy, his eyes focused on the doorway that Tony had just left through. “Well, it's an old-fashioned notion.”
Percy snapped. He stood up so that he was eye-to-eye with the director. Jaw clenched so hard that his teeth started aching, he stared Fury down. The director met his gaze. After a few seconds, Percy spoke up, his voice as soft as a whisper that only Fury could hear him.
“Don’t say that. Don’t act like there’s nothing to fight for anymore. Coulson died a hero. We should honor that. Honor him.”
Percy didn’t give Fury a chance to respond. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.
Percy figured there were one of two spots that Tony would run to. The first would be his room, but as it was empty, Percy headed to spot number two.
He entered the cell room. The large green glass cell that had once housed Loki was gone, leaving a big gaping hole in the middle of the room. Percy slowly walked around the catwalk, closer to Tony. The man was staring blankly in the center of the room, eyeing the empty space.
“I’m sorry,” Percy spoke up. “I know he was a friend.”
“He was.” Tony took a deep breath. “He was an idiot too. Thinking he could take on Loki by himself.”
“I asked him to,” Percy admitted. “I asked for someone to come watch Loki while I went and tried to help Thor tame Banner.” He let out a bitter laugh. “Lot of good that did…”
“He should’ve waited.” Tony insisted. “He was out of his league.”
“Everyone else was busy. Who was he supposed to wait for? You?” Percy asked. Tony turned around to face the demigod and he noticed the anger on Percy’s face. “You were busy with the engine. There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
The room fell silent. Percy stared at Tony, waiting for him to say something. When the billionaire said nothing, Percy let out a sigh. “If…if it’s any consolation, I do know that his actions more than likely earned him a spot in Elysium. Paradise, for heroes.” He added when he saw Tony’s blank face. “All we can do now is honor his memory and stop Loki.”
Tony pushed past Percy and marched down the catwalk. “And how are we gonna do that?” He asked. “Half of our team is gone, we just got our butts whipped. How are we supposed to take down an army when we can’t even stop fighting for five minutes?” Tony stopped in front of a large stain on the wall, staring intently at it.
Percy recognized it as blood instantly.
“He made it personal,” Tony muttered, almost too quiet for Percy to hear.
The demigod paused, recalling the prophecy Rachael had given. The words played like a broken record over and over in his head. Dark as night… final fight…charged to protect… all must end in blazing pain.
Percy shook his head, trying to clear it. The prophecy had to mean something. There had to be a hidden meaning somewhere. His mind wandered to the other aspects of the dream; his and Loki’s talk, the Chitauri, Rachael’s sketch…
“I know where Loki’s next move is!” Percy shouted, startling Tony. The demigod ran over to the billionaire. Tony lifted his eyebrow, waiting for Percy to elaborate. “Your tower,” Percy explained. “I saw it in a sketch. Rachael, our oracle, drew it, I just didn’t remember because the prophecy was more pressing at the moment.”
There was a small silence while Tony absorbed what Percy had just said. When realization finally dawned on him, he asked the demigod, “You mean that antler-wearing-diva is planning to use my tower as his source of energy? Son of a bitch!”
Percy fished around in his bag, searching for a drachma. As soon as he found one, he headed to the bathroom, where the shower was already running and waiting for him.
As soon as Percy and Tony had realized Loki’s next move, they left to go find Steve, who had actually been on his way to see them. Together, the three had devised a strategy to take down Loki. Now Percy stood in the bathroom, armor on and ready for battle. He was supposed to meet the others at the Quinjet in five minutes so they could fly to New York City.
There was only one thing left he had to do.
“O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Sally Jackson, Upper East Side, Manhattan.”
The first thing Percy heard was laughter. There was a shimmer in the rainbow as it revealed Sally’s living room. Percy saw Annabeth sitting on one of the chairs, her head tossed back in laughter. Sitting on the couch opposite of her were Sally and Paul. Sally had a big smile on her face as she stared at Estelle, who was sitting on the ground in front of them, surrounded by her toys.
Percy’s lips curved into a smile. He loved little moments like this, where everything melted away. It was nice to not worry about space armies, or egotistical gods trying to take over the world.
His smile dropped a little as he realized he was running out of time. “Mom?” He called out.
Sally’s eyes turned to him, widening in surprise. “Percy!” She smiled.
Annabeth turned towards him, her curly blonde hair falling in her face. She noticed the battle armor and her smile dropped. Percy noticed the slight tilt of her head as she started trying to analyze the situation. “Why are you wearing armor? What’s happening?”
“There was an attack, Loki escaped.” Percy rushed to get his explanation out. “We know he’s heading your way. You need to leave now.”
Paul scooped Estelle off the floor and brought her close to his chest. “I’m on it.”
Percy nodded. “I don’t want you guys taking any risks. Head to Montauk for the weekend or something.”
“But what about you?” Sally asked, concern written on her face. “I can’t just leave knowing that you’re going to be in danger.”
“I’ll stay,” Annabeth spoke up.
Percy shook his head fiercely. “No.” He stated. It wasn’t even an option to him. He crossed his arms, unwilling to change his mind. “Annabeth, you need to go too. This isn’t a debate.”
Annabeth stood up and walked to stand in front of the IM. “We’re not having this fight again Percy. I don’t want to fight with you.” She pleaded. “Remember before you left? We were arguing about the same thing.”
“I don’t either want to fight with you either,” Percy confessed. He sighed, knowing that the clock was ticking. He needed to wrap this up. Running a hand through his hair, he tried to come up with a quick solution.
“We can handle ourselves, son,” Sally told him. “We’ll… head to Montauk,” she said slowly, looking over at Paul for confirmation. “Annabeth’s needed here more than there.”
“Besides,” Annabeth piped in with a small smile. “You need someone watching your back. I know you’re unhappy with the idea of me staying, but… I can help evacuate civilians!” She offered.
Percy thought about the idea. After a brief silence, he slowly nodded his head. “Okay. Don’t draw unwanted attention,” he advised. Annabeth nodded as she turned to start preparing. “And stay safe!”
Annabeth turned back towards him. “You too, Seaweed Brain.”
She cut through the IM and Percy leaned against the wall, the events of the day finally catching up. His body was tired, and his arms were heavy. He wanted to stay there for a while, but he knew he had to go. Making sure to grab his helmet, he took one last sweep of the room, trying to make sure he had everything he needed, before leaving.
Percy jogged through the halls to try and make up for the time he had spent talking to Annabeth and his family. His armor clanked and his shield made his heavy arms even heavier, but he trudged on.
Eventually, he rounded the corner and entered the hangar bay. Straight up ahead he could see Steve’s distinctive blue suit. Slowing down, he neared the group. “I’m here,” he said.
“You’re late,” Tony told him before turning his attention back to his suit, making final adjustments.
Percy took a quick glance at the group. He had seen Tony and Cap’s suits before, but he noticed that Natasha was in a new leather suit and had some cool looking gadgets on her belt and wrists. She was checking her guns and talking to a man Percy hadn’t seen before. The man was tall with blond hair and had a quiver stocked full of arrows strapped to his back.
“Who’s this?” Percy shrugged towards the new guy.
The man turned towards him, and Percy saw the light reflect on something small in the man’s ear.  “Hey, I’m Clint.”
The guy, Clint, held out his hand for Percy to shake. “Nice to meet you,” Percy said taking his hand. “I’m Percy…so are you new here?”
“He was one of the agents under Loki’s mind-control,” Natasha informed him as she strolled into the Quinjet, Steve following close behind her. “He’s part of the team.”
“Ah…got it, I think,” Percy muttered as he climbed the Quinjet. He took a seat on the bench, wishing that there were some form of seat belts. Didn’t the place pride in safety for everyone?
The ramp door closed, and Clint moved up to the cockpit with Natasha while Steve took a seat opposite of Percy. “We’re not too far from New York,” Steve reassured Percy. “It should only take us fifteen minutes to get there.”
“That’s fifteen minutes too long,” Percy muttered.
He set his helmet down next to him and tried to get comfortable. The demigod could hear the familiar sound of Tony’s repulsors firing up before he took off, the Quinjet following close behind as they made their way to New York City.
Percy realized that Tony had reached the tower when he heard the billionaire talking to a Dr. Selvig. Listening to Tony talk to his AI, the son of Poseidon grabbed his helmet and placed it on his head. He saw Steve also gearing himself up, strapping on his own shield. There was a small pause and Percy figured that Tony was making his way inside the tower.
“Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity.”
Loki’s voice came through the comm. Percy could imagine the god, with his smug smile and that condescending look in his eyes as he stared down Tony.
“Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you,” Tony informed the god.
“You should have left your armor on for that.”
“Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?”
Percy concluded that Tony Stark was either ADHD or just really good at evasive tactics. With an anxious glance into the cockpit, Percy hoped that Tony could keep Loki busy until the Quinjet arrived to help.
“Stalling me won't change anything.”
“No, no, no! Threatening.” Tony corrected. “No drink? You sure? I'm having one.”
“The Chitauri are coming,” Loki told Tony. Percy, still miles from where the words had actually been spoken, felt a slight chill run down his spine and the image from his dream entered his head. “Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?”
“The Avengers.” The billionaire answered. “It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes' type of thing.”
“Yes, I've met them.”
“Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But, let’s do a head count here. Your brother, a literal god; a super soldier, a living legend that kinda lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a Greek demigod who holds true to his namesake; a couple master assassins and you, big fella, you’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan,” Loki said. He sounded confident, so sure of himself. Percy couldn’t wait for the opportunity to change that.
“Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.”
“I have an army.”
“We have a hulk.”
“I thought the beast had wandered off?”
“You're missing the point.” Tony’s voice rose, getting louder. “There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it.”
There was a small pause and Percy hated how he couldn’t see what was happening. And then Loki spoke, sounding much closer to Tony. “How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?”
“No!” Percy shouted. Across from him, Cap sat with the same wide eyes and shocked expression. A cold feeling stirred inside Percy. How could they have been so stupid to not realize what Loki could do? Now they had lost Tony to Loki, and with them down Thor, the only other flying member of their team, they stood very little chance—
“This usually works.” Loki’s voice came through, confusion lacing his words.
The cold feeling left Percy’s body as he slumped back in his seat. ‘It didn’t work’ he thought, relieved.
“Well, performance issues. You know, not uncommon. One out of five, I would—” Tony cut off as a large thud noise occurred. Percy could hear Tony talking to JARVIS, his voice sounding rough.
Tony made a guttural sound like he was being choked. “You will all fall before me.” Loki stated through Tony’s harsh breathing and yelling of ‘deploy’ before the sound of glass breaking and wind filled the comm. Percy figured that Tony had been thrown out of his window. He waited with bated breath for the roaring wind to stop, for Tony to miraculously stop falling. It took a couple seconds, but finally, Percy could hear the thrusters of Tony’s Iron Man suit.
“And there's one other person you pissed off!” Tony yelled over the sounds of the thrusters. “His name was Phil.” A blast sound followed by a cry from Loki made Percy smile a little. The smile did not last long, however.
A great boom sound filled the air. Percy didn’t even need the comm to be able to hear it from inside the plane. Needing to see what was happening, Percy stood up and headed into the cockpit.
Just up ahead was the island of Manhattan. The familiar skyline brought come comfort to Percy before it was wiped away by a huge portal that was only growing larger by the second right above the city. It was just like the sketch Rachael had drawn.
Then to top it all off, something came through the portal. At first, it was just the one, then a couple, quickly growing to a huge mass of flying aliens. Percy could faintly see Tony flying up in his suit to meet them. He was able to knock a couple down, but they were coming through too fast for Tony to be able to stop them all.
Pretty soon, they started shooting at people, no doubt causing mass panic among the population of New York. The demigod could see some smoke start to rise from the streets. Flying high over the buildings. the Quinjet made its way to STARK Tower.
“You know, Loki isn’t being low-key,” Percy commented as a group of aliens on flying scooters flew after Tony.
“If I could shoot you right now, I would,” Natasha told him, her voice calm and collected for what was happening. “Stark, we're heading northeast.”
“What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you.”
Up ahead, Tony flew by with his Chitauri entourage close behind. Clint used the Quinjet’s gun to shoot down some of the invaders. Percy grabbed onto the back of Natasha’s seat as she steered the jet upwards.
A queasy feeling entered Percy’s stomach and he felt the need to sit. Making his way to the back, he gripped onto the rail tightly as the Quinjet made a sudden turn.
“You hanging in there?” Percy heard Steve ask.
The demigod waved his free hand dismissively. “Yeah, as soon as we land—”
He never got to finish his sentence as Clint and Natasha both grunted as the ship shuddered and started to spin. Percy’s heart dropped when he realized that the plane was descending. His feet lifted off the floor of the plane. The son of Poseidon clamped his eyes shut and gripped the rails so hard his knuckles turned white.
There was a rumble and the jet shook as it landed on the ground. Percy’s feet fell back on the floor and he became aware of his own harsh breathing and rapid heartbeat. When he heard the sound of the ramp being lowered, he loosened his grip on the bar and took a couple of deep breaths. Once he gathered himself, he joined Steve, Natasha, and Clint outside the plane.
It was chaos. People ran by screaming, desperately trying to run away from the massive crowd of aliens flying overhead on hovering bikes, shooting at anything that moved. Just up ahead was STARK Tower, now missing its R and K.
“We gotta get back up there,” Cap shouted over all the noise.
Percy took off running with the group as they started making their way back to Stark’s tower.
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rose-of-pollux · 5 years ago
Inktober for Writers, Day 4
Prompt: Freeze Fandom: Perfect Strangers Title: Waiting for the Morning Light Summary: [Based off of episode 3x7].  In which Larry and company find themselves lost in a foggy night--and then the weird stuff starts happening...
Crossposted to AO3 and FFN.
Notes: This vignette was inspired episode 3x7, “The Horn Blows at Midnight,” which is my favorite episode of the entire series.  I loved the otherworldly theme of it, and I especially loved the “We ride together, we die together” mentality that Balki, Jennifer, and Mary Anne had when it came to protecting Larry in the face of his prophesized encounter with Death.  I was a bit puzzled, though, as to why, after the rest of the prophecy came true, Death didn’t actually show up (aside from the fact that this is a sitcom that isn’t meant to get that serious).  And then the plot bunny for this happened.  This vignette takes place a year after the events of that episode.
“It’s this way.”
“No, I’m sure it’s this way.”
“Cousin, we already went that way.”
“How can you even tell in all this fog!?”
“Guys, please…”  Jennifer sighed, running a hand through her hair.  “We’ve been walking in the fog for an hour.  I’m freezing, and I just want to find that car and go home.”
“Aw, Jen…”  Larry drew an arm around her.  “Let’s just keep going a little bit further; the car has got to be around here somewhere.”
“That may be, but how did we get so far from the parking lot—that’s all I want to know,” Mary Anne said, also shivering.
“Because the fog is so thick, you can cut it with a pea soup spoon,” Balki declared, drawing an arm around her, too.
Larry looked as though he was about to say something, but decided against it; anyway, with how thick this fog was tonight, the double mixed metaphor worked extremely well in describing it.
“The fog really did roll in pretty quickly…” he admitted.  “I can barely see you guys right beside me.  You know, if I believed in that kind of stuff I’d say there was something otherworldly about—”
Larry was cut off in midsentence by a yelp of alarm from Balki, who suddenly vanished right in front of their eyes.
“Balki!?” Larry and Jennifer exclaimed.
“Oh, God, he’s gone!” Mary Anne wailed.  “Vanished!  He—”
She paused as they heard a pained groan from the ground.
“…Or maybe he just tripped,” she finished, embarrassed.
“Well, that was quite a wipeout,” Larry said, flinching in sympathy as he knelt down to help his cousin up into a sitting position.  “Okay, Buddy, okay—up you get.”  Balki still looked dazed, and so Larry moved his finger back and forth in front of his face to make sure he could focus.
“What happened…?” Balki asked.
“You tripped and fell on your face,” Larry explained, still trying to get him to focus.  “How do you feel?”
“…Like I tripped and fell on my face,” Balki replied, plainly.  He blinked in confusion at Larry moving his finger back and forth and looked up.  “What are you pointing at?”
“…Nevermind,” Larry said, helping him to his feet.
“Are you alright?” Mary Anne asked.
“I think so…” Balki said.  He tried to take a step forward, but he let out a cry of pain; Larry immediately supported him, gently helping him back down into a sitting position.
“And that’s sprained,” Larry sighed, taking a look at Balki’s ankle.
“Sorry, Cousin…”
“Not your fault; one of us was bound to trip in this fog.”
“I can still walk,” Balki insisted.
“Bad idea; you need to stay off of that ankle and rest,” Mary Anne insisted.
“She’s right,” Larry agreed.  “You three rest here for a while; I’ll go on ahead and see if I can get any closer to the car.”
“Cousin, I don’t think you should go wandering in the fog; you’ll get lost,” Balki said.  “You should stay and rest with us.”
“It’s no problem; I’ll walk in a straight line that way,” Larry indicated. “If I don’t find anything in five minutes, I’ll turn right around and come back.”
“Also a bad idea,” Mary Anne insisted.  “Larry, in this fog, you can easily wander off from a straight line.”
“But we have to find the car!  Look at you—you’re all miserable and cold, and Balki is in no shape to walk…”  Larry sighed.  And it’s my fault for getting us lost—again.
“…Wait, I’ve got an idea,” Jennifer said, searching through her bag.  “Here…  I stopped off at the craft store this morning; you can use this.”
She handed him a ball of red yarn.
“Oh, Cousin, it’s just like Theseus and the Labyrinth!” Balki exclaimed.
“Well, let’s just hope I don’t run into any Minotaurs,” Larry intoned.  He leaned over and gave Jennifer a kiss. “Thanks, Jen.”
“Hurry back,” she replied, tightly grabbing onto the loose thread of the yarn ball.
Larry nodded and headed into the fog.
“There goes a brave man,” Balki said, proudly.  He winced as he tried to adjust his leg.  “Ow… What did I even trip over to make it hurt so much?”
Mary Anne fished in her bag for a small flashlight and aimed it around.
“Oh, just a small headstone,” she announced.
The three of them paused for a moment before glancing at each other.
“A headstone!?” the exclaimed, in unison.
“How did we end up in a cemetery!?” Jennifer demanded.
“I don’t know—we weren’t parked anywhere near one!” Mary Anne.  “We would’ve had to walk for hours to get to the nearest cemetery!”
“Unless…” Balki said, looking around nervously.  “What Cousin Larry was saying about there being something otherworldly about this fog is, in fact, what happened.”
“I’m… I’m sure he wasn’t serious…” Jennifer stammered, her grip on her end of the yarn tightening.  “Maybe we really have been walking for hours, and we just didn’t realize it…”
“Uh… Jennifer…?” Mary Anne asked, staring at the red yarn.
The three of them stared as a casing of frost formed down the red yarn towards the end that Jennifer was holding.
She got to her feet and was about to follow the yarn as Balki also stood up, with Mary Anne’s support.
“Balki, your ankle—” she reminded him.
But Balki shook his head.
“I’ll hop on one foot if I have to, but we need to find Cousin Larry!”
The girls knew there was no stopping him; they supported him as they followed the yarn, helping him so that he didn’t have to put his weight on his sprained ankle.
They were soon calling for Larry, and after what seemed like and age and a half, they finally got a response.
“Balki?  Jen? Mary Anne?”
There was a collective sigh of relief, though they were slightly alarmed as they saw the same odd frost on the yarn having formed on Larry’s clothes and hair—though he seemed oblivious to it.
“Balki, your ankle!” he fretted.  “You’re supposed to stay off of it!  What are you even doing out here—all of you?  I told you I’d come back—I’m not even out of yarn yet!  …Oh, that’s weird…”  He finally noticed the frost on the yarn.  “Huh…”
“Larry, that frost is all over you, too,” Mary Anne said, staring wide-eyed.
“She’s right, Cousin; anymore frosting, and you’ll be a cake,” Balki stated.
The three of them began to brush the frost off of him; Larry sputtered in protest, but it was clear that they weren’t going to leave it.
“Oh, Larry, you’re even colder than I am,” Jennifer said, pulling him into a hug this time.
“I feel fine—really,” Larry replied, baffled.
“Cousin, I think we need to get out of this cemetery and get you to someplace warm,” Balki said.
“Balki really, I’m fine…”  Larry trailed off.  “Cemetery? We were nowhere near a cemetery. There is no way this is a cemetery.”
“Then what’s that?” Mary Anne asked, aiming the flashlight beam over Larry’s shoulder.
He turned around.
“…That’s a mausoleum,” he realized.  His eyes widened.  “Oh, my Lord…!  I was headed right for that thing—I didn’t even see it!”
Jennifer suddenly tightened her hug as she noticed something else.
“…The doors are open…”  She squinted in the dim light, trying to see what was carved above the doors.
Anything else she wanted to say was derailed by a sudden, fierce breeze that was blowing from behind them—as though trying to get them closer—and eventually into—the open mausoleum.  And Larry, out ahead, was being the most tossed around by the wind, with Jennifer being dragged along with him.
Larry soon found himself at the center of another group hug as Balki and Mary Anne joined Jennifer, but then the wind picked up even more.
“It’s no good!” Larry cried over the wind, as they were buffeted even closer to the looming structure.  “Save yourselves!”
“No way!” Mary Anne insisted.
“Not a chance!” Jennifer agreed.
“No, Cousin!  We are in this together!” Balki finished.
The wind increased intensity even further, taking their breath away; knowing that the others were holding on to him, Larry tried to brace himself against it. He didn’t understand what was happening—but he knew that he couldn’t let anything happen to the others.
And then, the wind suddenly stopped, sending them toppling over in a heap—Balki cursing in Myposian as he landed on his sprained ankle, but then looking around to check on the others.
“Is everyone alright?
“I’m ok…” Mary Anne insisted.
“Same here,” Jennifer asked.
“And me.  Just barely,” Larry groaned.  He sat up, staring ahead.  “…The mausoleum is gone.”
“What!?” Jennifer asked, also sitting up.  “But we all saw it!”
“Maybe we were all seeing things…” Larry said.  “That was a thick fog…”
“Cousin, I tripped over a gravestone, and you were turning into Frosty the Snowman, headed for that mausoleum by the time we found you,” Balki insisted.
“If you ask me, something wanted you in there, and got mad when we stopped you,” Mary Anne said, quietly.
Jennifer suddenly let out a shrill gasp.
“Jen…?” Larry asked, concerned.
“Larry, do you realize what tonight is!?”
“…Should I…?” he asked, momentarily wondering if he’d forgotten an important anniversary.
“Larry, it was exactly a year ago to the day Claire Hayden made her prophecy about your death!  And look!”  She held up her watch.  “Just after Midnight!  And… And now that I think about it… Just before the wind started blowing, I was trying to read what was carved on the mausoleum—the light was too dim, but…  I’m pretty sure it started with an ‘A.’”
Balki and Mary Anne both went pale.
“Wh… But…  How!?  I didn’t sit on a sheep or eat a golden ring tonight!” Larry protested.
“Well, you did that last year; all Mr. Death had to do this year was show up!” Balki said, drawing Larry into a hug again.  “He was probably waiting in that mausoleum for you!”
The girls also hugged him again now, and Larry sighed again in utter confusion.
“There’s so much I don’t understand…” he said, shaking his head.  “I don’t even fully understand what just happened here. But…  I do know that you three probably just saved my life.  Again.  So… thanks for that.”
His voice had cracked; he couldn’t help but feel a bit emotional.  It had never been easy for Larry to make friends, and now he had three best friends, one of them his girlfriend, who loved him enough to defy a prophecy and save him from the Reaper—and he would do the same in an instant for them.
They didn’t move or say anything for a while—even after the fog had lifted, revealing them to be right next to the parking lot and Larry’s Mustang, the odd cemetery completely vanished.
But there were no words that needed to be said that hadn’t already been exchanged while unspoken.  And together, they greeted the dawn, grateful for life—and for each other.
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kookiesbadhabits · 7 years ago
My Firsts [M] no. 1
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6?
SUMMARY: three hot boys. one girl. college!au.
PAIRING : vminkook x reader
GENRE: fluff, introduction
Part 2 (real plot) coming 5.21.18-5.23.18 
A love... square? I love me some maknae line okay?
So this might be the ONLY story I have ever made a draft for with an ONGOING series in mind, instead of just a smutty oneshot. Don't get me wrong, there's going to be a whole lot of sin, but expect minimal porn logic, but real plot. These boys' characters are based on my life, but in not wanting it to hit too close to home, I'm adding a bit of a twist. 
Based on a true story: that is my mess of a love life (like seriously my life can seem very fanfiction with the level of drama with these three boys. also minus the smut in my life of course, i wish my sex life were this exciting, but maybe in a world with almost no risk of contracting STDs or a world with effortless straight As in university courses) The characters are inspired by some past loves in my life, so this should be a fun little ongoing series I want to try out. 
Also, for context, all three boys plus reader are the same age. 
Boys in general sure are dangerous, but god, these three in particular are on a whole other level. How did I earn such luck to find myself with our paths all intersecting at once?
Kim Taehyung was my first everything. Well, every "first" a clueless 8-year-old could comprehend. The first crush, the first boy to push me on the swing, the first guy best friend, the pure-and-filled-with-curiosity-and-confusion first kiss, the first boy I asked to be my boyfriend after all my classmates started asking each other out. He was the first to make me laugh the hardest I ever thought I could; the first to make me cry the hardest I ever could. The first boy to break my heart: my first "almost love". That was who he was to me from elementary to junior high. 
Can you blame me for taking the emotions so seriously? I was just a young, ignorant tween with all my hormones out of whack. None of that should matter anymore, it was a small piece of my past, a small milestone in life, it should have been completely irrelevant to who I became and where would bring me, or us. I guess I was a fool to think it would be entirely irrelevant, we are attracted to what we're familiar with after all. 
Nevertheless, Taehyung was such a blurred fragment of my past, I was already a completely different person by the time we ran into each other for the first time in six years, right there on our university's orientation day. So why did bumping into him and slowly recognizing him feel like a truck against my chest? Seeing him shouldn't have struck such a heavy chord with me, so why?! 
The least of my worries should be none other than Park Jimin, I know this for sure. He was my high school sweetheart, my first real boyfriend, first real kiss . . . first to be intimate with. Two years of growth well spent, back when neither of us had developed a sliver of personality. Our relationship had its fair share of cataclysmic moments, but it was worth it in knowing how well we existed together in that snippet in time. 
We fought frequently due to the difference in our values and passions, and our clashing personalities in general. He was my exact opposite, aloof, childish, an improviser, clueless, innocent and hopeful. I was reserved, serious, ambitious, a careful planner, too mindful for my own good; a realist. I was aware that our relationship had slim chances of keeping its strength after graduation, with him not enrolling to the same post-secondary school. Not to mention, our relationship had been kept a secret from my family for its entirety due to my parents and their rules to keep me focused on my studies. 
As I predicted, after high school graduation we had grown stagnant in our relationship, no longer growing as people. He was a safe anchor, a source of unconditional love, so unconditional that neither of us worked to help improve the other anymore. I loved him but I outgrew him, so naturally I broke up with him on the worst possible day: the day after our 23rd month together, the same day as his father's first death anniversary. I knew it would paint me as the worst person in his eyes, but maybe that's just how I wanted it.
Finally, there is the most dangerous of all, in that I cannot deduce why I feel such a strong pull towards him. He is exactly not my type and it doesn’t add up. I was introduced to him as I was being absorbed into a friend group by my first uni friend, he instantly became the first man in uni to have an energy that effortlessly drew me towards him. This man is Jeon Jungkook, a cheeky flirt clearly hiding behind the mask of a self-fulfilled prophecy as an asshole. 
In the first instances we had met, Jungkook spent two hours pining for my attention, like a child scrambling towards a shiny new toy. Killing time in the library, our "study" group played a bootleg version of Cards Against Humanity. I had read him enough to know what would make him laugh, and he proved so in his verbal praise on my anonymous answers. The whole while we felt connected, we met after all. In just meeting, I knew the universe had already shifted for us. He spent the whole rest of the day finding excuses to continue to spending time with me, actually the whole rest of the term. 
Sadly, I knew he spelled nothing but trouble. Fortunately, it was the kind of trouble I was longing for.
Anyways, enough blathering on about these three boys with such vague air to it, why don't I start from the beginning? I'm ________, 18 years old, in the middle of my first year of university, and had no idea what I was about to get into.
Chapter 1 - Chance Meetings
"Hey ______," an unfamiliar and rather deep voice calls out to me as I brushed past a small huddle of friends in the crowded university centre.
I instinctively replied hey back, only to stop in my tracks in realizing I didn't recognize the voice. Stunned, and a little confused, I glance over only to lock eyes with a complete stranger with a small friendly smile walking away in the opposite direction.
With a perplexed look plastered on my face, the stranger brushes past his group of friends towards me. My curiosity compelled me to stay put. My eyes, and head naturally tilted up slightly to keep eye contact. He was tall. His sweater was from some high school other than mine, so he couldn't be an old classmate. He just kept smiling at me, beaming like he had met an old friend.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I finally asked politely. 
He chuckled, "You don't remember me?" gesturing towards himself, pausing as if waiting for his appearance to sink in with my memories. I was still stumped no matter how long the pause, and honestly it was getting too awkward to bear for someone like myself, who doesn't usually voluntarily make small talk with people, much less with strangers.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I do?" I replied, furrowing my brows trying to will some kind of familiarity still looking up at him and his big boxy smile. 
"You look great though!" He continued, practically disregarding my current confusion. "You here for orientation too? This little scavenger hunt is pretty lame, don't you think?" 
Not wanting to be rude, I put on my best socializing voice. "Aww, thank you!" I replied, matching his friendly energy. "I'm actually not. My sister brought me to give me the tour herself, she told me how boring orientation would be."
As we carried on, I kept thinking about who the heck this mans could possibly be? We ended up talking about high schools, he went to XX high, and I mentioned I went to YY high. I noticed his hoodie was not just any school sweater, he was in vocal jazz. 
"So he sings," I thought as I pondered who I knew as a friend that was a good singer. 
Finally, his goofy smile sinks in, and my eyes grew wide and lips pursed into a small 'o' 
"Oh my god, Taehyung?!" I exclaimed, he only laughed at my reaction, though pleased I finally recognized him.
"Most people call me V now but hearing you call me that is so nostalgic," he smiled softly. 
I blushed a little recalling that he had said I looked great, what with the onrush of memories hitting me like a truck. Holy shit, he looked good, grew his hair, parted down the middle, but somehow he was making it work. 
We had talked a little more, asking for bits and pieces on the last couple of years we had been out of each other's loop. That's right, he moved after 7th grade, it had really been nearly 6 years, he had no social media, and our social circles never overlapped. 
We could only talk a moment more before realizing he was keeping his group waiting, and I, my sister. 
Before he could end up out of my life again, I impulsively asked, "What's your number? We should keep in touch!" 
"Wow, _______ since when did your introverted ass have the balls to utter such words?" I thought to myself, mentally biting my tongue, but what's done was done. 
He smiled warmly but with some slyness in his eyes, "I already follow you on Instagram, no worries." 
I was stunned once again, "His name had never shown up on my follower list?" I thought. Before I could say anything, he had jogged to catch up to his group and so I turned to my sister. 
As usual, my last bus home from campus had to be unbelievably delayed due to the heavy rain. I was on the phone with my ex-boyfriend, now awkward best friend. 
"Are you sure about it? I can really just wait for another bus," I spoke into my phone as I huddled in the roofed shelter of the bus stop, the chilly night air starting to bite through my jacket.
It had gotten pretty dark, despite it only being six in the evening. However, the shadiness of downtown undoubtedly had me on alert.
"It's really no problem, I'm already finished my classes today," Park Jimin replied on the other end. "I don't like the idea of you being alone this late, downtown of all places."
I could hear in his voice that he was already getting up from bed to pick up his keys and head for his car. He already had his mind set and there was little I could do to stop him. He could tell from the pause in my voice I was unsure about the whole thing. The breakup may have been amicable, but it still hurt a little to be with him not being able to instinctively reach for his hand for comfort. In fact, I had been careful not to give him opportunities to come and see me. Yet, here we are.
A drunkard was already beginning to babble out in the streets, with people doing good to veer past him. I watched him warily, slouching to lessen the prominence of my chest, tucking my hair in the folds of my jacket to lessen chances of easily being pulled by the strands. 
"I guess that would be best," I admitted. "Please drive safely." 
"Keep the call on, okay?" Jimin requested with the usual soft concern. "I need to know you're safe there, too."
I smiled, "We couldn't be together anymore, but I'm really happy this is where our relationship led up to," I thought.
In less than twenty minutes, I could see a familiar car approaching towards my stop.
"Get in quickly, _______." he said, also alert by his surroundings now full of potential threats.
I scurried over to his car, and got in quickly, greeted by his familiar welcoming smile. I kept my hand from doing its conditioned action of opening to await his fingers to interlock with mine. He kept his hand on his gear-shift, despite never doing that before and with his car not being manual.
"This is a decent compromise," I thought and smiled to myself, letting my lids bat lightly, the day's events catching up with me. 
Slowly, I let myself fall asleep as usual in our drives, and he woke me gently upon nearing my complex. My roommate, Jean, waited patiently for me to get home safely, leaving a light on. 
Jimin and I exchanged a brief hug at the door, and I thanked him again for his kindness. I watched him walk away as I slowly closed the door. As I thought, there's still a bit of melancholic air in his smile when we see each other.
"I'm sorry, Jimin." I whispered under my breath with him too already too far away to hear. Not that he hadn't already heard that enough times before.
"Oh yeah, since I'm practically absorbing you into my friend group, you've met Jin already but this is Jungkook," Kim started as I sat next across from her in our usual study spot in the library. 
I looked to him, establishing eye contact to give him a sup nod with a smile, he laxly raised a hand and raised his brows to acknowledge the greeting. 
I had met all Kim's guy friends from high school, but none of them piqued your interest in this way. Before even sitting down, I had already spotted him after my eyes found Kim. He was an unfamiliar and attractive individual, emanating energy with a distinct warning written all over it: "TROUBLE".
Nonetheless, I couldn't resist initiating the game that started the moment the universe decided to shift in tune with our meeting. 
In spending no more than half an hour with them, I found Jungkook persistently trying to shift my attention towards him whether it be to tell a witty remark or to try and make me laugh with poorly constructed jokes I had already read off the internet over five years ago. The cool air had to be a facade, all I could see was a dorky squish, spoiled for some attention.
I giggled none the less, to humour him (literally) and to end up one-upping him in the comedy department when we decided to play an app that was practically a bootleg of Cards Against Humanity. 
The phrase was "The worst thing to scream at my grandma's funeral" and my answer had been a blank where I typed, "RIP girl may your bingo wings flap your soul to heaven."
Jungkook, being the judge, burst into laughter mid-way into reading my answer out loud. 
"Whoever put that, good one," he said as he banged a hand against the table with his nose still crinkled in amusement. 
I raised a hand laxly, and he blinked at me, his eyes twinkled with a glint of further intrigue and curiosity. 
Jin ended up winning all the games, and when time came for Kim and I's class, Jungkook quickly got up with us. 
Growing tired of the library scene, Kim and I moved to go to the university centre to get some food. Jin and Jungkook naturally tagged along behind us. I don't know how they did it, but Jin and Kim disappeared for god knows what counselor, leaving me alone with Jungkook. 
We sat with no more and an inch separating us and he looked to me with the same curiosity and intense gaze. I had voiced my discomfort about being left alone. 
"Why are you scared to be alone with me?" Jungkook asked bluntly. "I don't bite."
"Ah, I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of being alone with people I just met," I corrected him. "Don't flatter yourself."
By this time, we had easily established some playful banter between us, with him every now and then joking about not being able to handle too much of gaze. Before I knew it, he was telling me a bunch of stories about parties and trips to Paris I didn't ask about.
"Yeah, I woke up with just some girl's bare ass bouncing on my jeans." He continued, trying too hard to show how admired he was by the ladies. 
"We get it, hun, you're hot," I thought through a split-second of lidded eyes before raising my brows again to politely portray my interest in his stories. 
As he was finishing up a story about a flock of French girls crowding him during his class trip to Paris, I sighed in relief to see Kim and Jin approaching. Jungkook was cute, but he was still a boy in my eyes, needy and arrogant. I was fascinated by his character nonetheless, I had never met someone who could sound so full of himself, yet  still seem like just some dorky squish.
Kim and I got up to start walking towards our class building.
"Aw man, it's probably rush hour so I can't drive home even if I wanted to," he spoke to himself aloud. "What class do you guys have?"
"Psych," Kim replied as he pulled the other strap over his shoulder. 
"I might as well sit in your class," Jungkook spoke casually, as if not to sound like he actually wanted to spend more time with us.
"You do you," Kim nodded as she gestured for me to follow her. 
It was only 2:15 pm. I looked over my shoulder to Jungkook, we locked eyes again, I swear I could see his pupils dilate in those big brown eyes. I gave him a small smile before following ahead.
He ended up sitting in our class, beside me the whole time trying to jokingly distract me every now and then. Many times, he showed signs of wanting to leave, leaning over into my ear to whisper.
"When does this class end?" His voice was low and hushed and too close to my ear.
I refused to give him any reaction for satisfaction though and simply whispered back, "Not for another 45 minutes."
He ended up pulling out a book, piquing my interest even more, "A boy into reading on his spare time?!" I screamed in my head. I, _______, had never in my life seen a boy reading a book for pleasure. 
We carried on with class this way, and I just smiled thinking to myself, "Silly Jungkook, everyone knows rush hour isn't until 4pm, you're not fooling anyone you squish."
A/N: Ho man 2/3 of these stories are 100% true tbh I may as well have said their real names. It's 2:30 AM now that i've finished this. Worth it. I am so inspired by the comeback and have been craving to start writing again. So I can't wait to get to putting my ideas for this series into ink.
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eternaldarkness55 · 6 years ago
Kurda's Assistant Part 2
(StoryInfo)(In part 2 Merida and Darren hunt vampanese and hunt for the vampanese lord with Crepsley and Harkat. With becoming Kurda's assistant, becoming a vampire, loosing Gavner who she loved, loosing Kurda who she loved with all her heart and marrying her true love she didn't think her adventure could get any bigger and dangerous. But in this next chapter boy was she wrong.)
Location: Crepsley's, Merida's, Harkatt's, and Darren's campsite(8:00PM)
    Darren: This Lady Evana that were supposed to meet just tell who she is. What if something happens to you and we have to find her on our own? 
   Crepsley: Your right, I will draw you a map, it's better for her to explain who she is herself. 
   Darren: Is she a inventor?(Looking at the fold up pot and pans that Crepsley said she gave him) 
   Crepsley: She is a woman of many talents, but whatever you do don't call her a witch.(Put his hand on Darren's shoulder) 
 Darren: Why would I call her a witch? 
   Crepsley: Because she is one, kinda 
   Merida coughed as she chocked on the water she was drinking 
   Merida: She’s a witch?(Darren rubbed her back) 
   Crepsley: Are you scared of witches? 
   Merida: Not at all, it’s just I dealt with a witch before she turned my mom into a bear. Both of my parents nearly got killed because of her damn curse. 
   Crepsley: I'm sorry to hear that, but this is good she wouldn't do anything to you unless you pissed her off. 
 Merida: Harkatt didn't you say you keep seeing a witch in your nightmares that you keep having lately? 
    Harkatt: Yeah I do, sometimes she helps me get away from the dragons 
    Everyone went to sleep except for Harkatt when dawn came Darren went over to the pond and took a drink but when he stood up he noticed a unfamiliar face in the water. " A long haired bearded man?" Thought Darren, he turned around quickly but Darren was now confused cause there was no one there and there was nowhere to hide. He looked into the water again and there he was.
   Darren: Hello? My names Darren Shan 
   His lips moved at the same time Darren's did he was getting annoyed until he realized it was him. He ripped off his shirt and was covered in hair 
 Darren: Charna's guts(Yelled) 
   He ran to wake his friends and wife panting when he got to the camp where everyone was awake already. 
   Crepsley: Stop!(Pulled out a knife as Harkatt kept Merida behind him) 
   They didn't recognize him Darren held up his hands
   Darren: Don't attack its me(Chocked out) 
   Crepsley: Darren?!(His eyes widened) 
   Harkatt: It can't be! 
 Darren: No it's me! 
   Crepsley lowered his knife and studied Darren's face
   Crepsley: The purge(Groaned)
   Darren: The what?! 
   Crepsley: Sit down Darren we have some talking to do Harkatt please go fill our canteens. 
   Crepsley: You know half vampires become full vampires when more vampire blood is pumped into them. But in your and Merida's case the vampire cells attack your human cells and convert with them. Resulting in full vampirism, we call this the purge.
 Darren: You mean Merida and I have become full vampires? 
   Crepsley: Not yet, the hair is simply the first stage, in males cases they turn hairy. In females cases their hair changes a different color. Black unless they already have black hair then it's blond. We will shave it off although it will grow back it will stop after a month or so. You and Merida will also experience headaches but they too will stop. 
   He was so panicked when he ran over that he didn't even notice Merida's new black hair. He saw it now when he watched Merida packing Crepsley shaved Darren. Merida and him had growing pains the rest of the morning. The headaches and body pains lessened later the next dawn they knew they were being followed by at least three guys. They discussed what to do as they set up camp in the middle of a forest.
   Harkatt: What's the plan? 
   Crepsley: They will wait for full daylight to attack, we will act as if all is normal and pretend to sleep. When they come we deal with them 
   They all laid down and pretend to sleep Harkatt had to cover his face cause of his lidless eyes. After midday the humans moved in for the kill they were spread out in a semi circle. They came to a stand still ten or twelve yards away preparing themselves to attack. 
   Crepsley: Now!(Roared) 
   He sprang to his feet launching himself at the human nearest to him and Harkatt, Darren, and Merida dealt with the others. A bullet missed Darren by several inches before the human could fire again Darren was upon him. He tossed the gun out of the humans hand making the human draw a long hunting knife. Darren quickly drew his sword out.
   The human: Your just a kid(Growled) 
   Darren: No I'm much more
   The man cried in agonizing pain as Merida cut off his hand Darren saw that Crepsley already got rid of their human and was walking over to Harkatt who was wrestling with his human. Harkatt seemed to be winning Darren's human was grinning horribly.
   The human: You should of taken my other hand too(Growled)
   Merida's and Darren's breath caught in their throats he was clutching a hand granade close to his chest. 
   The human: Don't move if this goes off it takes you two with me(Yelled) 
   Darren: Easy(Backing off slightly pulling Merida with him) 
   The human: I'll take it easy in hell(Laughed) 
   The human: Now tell your vampire companion and that grey skinned monster to let my friends go or I'll- 
   Something struck the granade and sent it flying from the humans hand he yelled and grabbed for another granade. He had a string of them wrapped around his chest a throwing star buried itself in the man's head killing him. Merida and him were bewildered someone jumped from a tree and walked over to them. The man had green hair and was wearing purple animal skins he was wearing no shoes and had tons of throwing stars strapped to him. 
   The man: I'll have my star back thank you(Pulled it out of the dead human) 
   The man: A vam-pet I dealt with them before, miserable curs 
   Darren realized who he was 
   Darren: Vancha March its an honor to meet you sir(Bowed his head) 
 Vancha: Likewise, and who's this beautiful woman?(Eyed Merida with memorized eyes)
   Darren: Princess Merida my wife 
   Vancha: A princess, I'm honored lass(Smiled excitedly as he bowed)
   He kissed her hand
   Crepsley: Vancha(Yelled excitedly) 
   Crepsley: What are you doing here sir(They grabbed each other's shoulders) 
   Vancha: I'm heading for Lady Evana's 
   Darren: We are too
   Vancha: I know, Tiny told me about the hunt for the Vampanese lord and how I'm part of it. I've been trailing you guys for months.
   Crepsley: Why didn't just come up to us? 
   Vancha: I wanted to observe the new prince and the first princess I heard about from afar. From the fact that they looked away for a minute to see how their friends were doing while their enemy was still alive and in front of them I'm not impressed. I'm impressed by Merida's beauty and hotness definitely including the way she looks with her bow and arrows but other than that zero impression. 
   Merida: Now wait a minute! 
 Vancha: I do love them feisty 
   Crepsley: Calm down Merida, Merida and Darren are my assistants. Merida use to be Kurda's assistant until his betrayal and death than I took her in. 
   Darren: Yes we were worried about our friends when we both should of worried about our enemy first. I apologize sir
   Vancha: At least he knows how to make a good apology(Laughed) 
   Harkatt walked over 
   Vancha: So this is the little person that talks? Harkatt Molds isn't it? 
   Harkatt: It is sir
 Vancha: I'll tell you straight out I don't trust you Molds. Tiny or any of his stumpy disciples 
   Crepsley: Hard trip sir? 
   Vancha: Not bad you? 
   Crepsley: It was fine
   Vancha: Any more news from Vampire Mountain? 
   Crepsley: Lots
   Vancha: Save it for the end, wake me when it's dusk
   He went to sleep they left at dusk, while walking Crepsley told Vancha about Kurda's betrayal, Gavner and Arra's deaths, and Darren's trials. 
   Vancha: I don't trust that Mr. Tiny I make a habit of doing the opposite of everything he says
   Crepsley: I agree sir but-
   Vancha: Larten its Vancha or " hey there ugly" I won't have you graveling over me! 
   Crepsley: Very well, these are dangerous times the future of our race is at stake. Dare we ignore Tiny's prophecy? If there is hope we must seize it.
   Vancha: Why tell us now? 
   Crepsley: I'm sure Lady Evana can explain 
   Vancha spent the rest of the journey discussing Harkatt's nightmares with him. Vancha wouldn't tell Merida and Darren anymore about Lady Evana than Crepsley did. All Vancha said is that she's both the fairest and ugliest woman you'll ever see. It was a full moon when they arrived at Lady Evana's but Merida and Darren still would have missed the clearing if Crepsley hadn't stopped them.
   Crepsley: Were here 
   Lady Evana had cast a clocking spell over her house so unless you knew where it was you wouldn't see it. After a few seconds Merida and him could see it along with a big pond. Croaking started
   Vancha: Frogs, their alerting Evana there'll stop once she tells them it's safe. 
   Minutes later the croaking stopped and Crepsley warned them not to step on any frogs. 
   Harkatt: The frogs are creepy, I feel like their watching us
   Vancha: They are, they guard the pond and cave protecting Evana from intruders. 
   Darren: What could frogs do against intruders?(Laughed) 
   Vancha stopped and grabbed a frog and held it up to the moonlight. He squeezed its sides and a long tongue shot out Vancha grabbed the tongue and was careful not to touch the edges. 
   Vancha: See the tiny sacks along the sides? 
   Merida: Those yellow red balls? What about them?
   Vancha: Filled with poison if this frog would wrap its tongue around you and the balls popped the poison would seep through your skin. Death in thirty seconds 
   He put the frog down and it hopped away Harkatt, Darren, and Merida walked carefully after that. When they got to the mouth of the cave they stopped and sat down.
   Darren: Aren’t we going in? 
   Crepsley: Not without being invited, Evana does not take kindly to intruders. 
 Merida: Isn't there a bell we can ring? 
   Crepsley: Evana has no need for bells, she knows we are here and will come to great us in her own time. 
   Vancha: Evana's not a lady to be rushed, a friend of mine decided to enter the cave quietly once to surprise her. She gave him huge warts all over
   Merida: Should we be here if she's that dangerous? 
   Crepsley: Evana will not harm us, she has a quick temper but she would never kill one with vampire blood.  Unless provoked 
   Vancha: Just make sure you don't call her a witch 
    Half an hour later a woman emerged from the caves she was the ugliest woman ever. She was short her ears were pointy and her nose was tiny and she was covered in hair. One eye was brown and the other was green and wore ropes. She hugged Vancha lifting him off his feet.
   Evana: My little Vancha, you put on some weight sir
   Vancha: And you’re uglier than ever my lady
   Evana: Your only saying that to please me(Giggled)
   She dropped him and turned to Crepsley 
   Evana: Larten(Nodded) 
   Crepsley: Evana(Bowed)
   She studied Harkatt, Darren, and Merida 
   Darren: Lady Evana(Trying not to let his teeth chatter)
   Evana: It's good to meet you Darren Shan and good to finally meet you Princess Merida.
   Harkatt: Lady(Bowed)
   Evana: Hello Harkatt as you were before 
   Harkatt: Before?
   Evana: This is not your first visit, you have changed many ways in and out but I recognize you. I'm gifted that way appearances don't fool me for long.
   Harkatt: You mean you know who I was before I became a little person? Who was I? 
   Evana: Can't say, that's for you to find out 
   She stepped up to Merida and grabbed her chin
   Evana: So this is the first royal vampire and first vampire princess on the prince council of Vampire Mountain. I thought you had orange hair?(Turning Merida's head left and right looking at the black tips of her hair)
   Crepsley: She was struck on the purge on the way here and so was Darren.
   Evana: That explains it, your hair will be back to all orange tomorrow. Oh I almost forgot I meant to have this prepared for you before you arrived.(Let go of Merida)
   All the frogs went in groups and soon in each group was images of Gavner, Arra, and Kurda. 
   Darren: Whoa 
   Merida: I haven't seen such beautiful magic since the curse on my mom was broken and the wisps. 
    Darren saw five more faves appear in the other groups of frogs. A man with orange hair, orange beard, and a peg leg, a woman with long brown hair, and three little triplet boys with orange hair.
   Darren: Merida look is that your family? 
   Merida looked and started tearing up 
   Merida: Yes it is, wait the frogs are showing Gavner, Arra, and Kurda who are all dead. Please tell me my family didn't die? 
   Evana: I'm sorry princess but that's something you'll have to find out on your own. 
   Harkatt and Vancha went in with Evana while Crepsley took a few minutes to stay at Arra's image and Merida took a few minutes to look at her families images and Darren comforted her as she cried thinking her family is dead. When they finally went inside they ate as Evana told them how Crepsley got his scar.
   Evana: I'm a sorceress with many powers, one day when Larten was drunk I was wearing one of my beautiful faces and he tried to kiss me. So I gave him that scar to teach him a lesson. I was going to heal it right after but he took off and didn't return for thirty years.
   Everyone laughed 
   Crepsley: Shut up!(Blushed)
   Evana: Larten is quit the ladies man but he wasn't getting it with me
   Vancha: Evana we've come to discuss-
   Evana: That can wait for morning now is the time for friendship and rest
 Vancha: Very well lady
   Everyone took a nap while Evana went for a walk in the morning Evana talked about their journey.
   Evana: I knew about the hunt for the Vampire Lord for a long time 
   Crepsley: Do you know where he is? 
   Evana: Yes 
   Vancha: But you won't tell us will you? 
   Evana: No
   Crepsley: Will you tell us how to find him? And when? 
   Evana: I cannot, if I told I would change the course of the future and that's not allowed. You must search for him yourselves I will join you on the next leg of your journey.
   Vancha: Your coming with us?
   Evana: Yes, but only as a traveling companion, I'll play no part in the quest to find the Vampanese Lord. If you wish to travel with out me though I won't oppose.
   Crepsley: We would be honored to have you with us Lady Evana 
   Evana: Than I'll pack my things and we'll take to the road
   Crepsley: So soon? 
   Evana: Now is a good time as ever, I will tell you this you already know you have four chances to kill the Vampanese Lord. But if you run into him four times and fail to kill him only one male vampire will be alive to witness the horrible end. Merida and Harkatt, I will not say if you will be alive or not in the end whether you fail or not but I will say good luck. 
   Everyone left the journey was quiet until Vancha spoke.
   Vancha: Look at us, were all moping like we're at a funeral. Nothing's changed we already had death sentences on us, this is a dangerous mission. The only thing that's changed is that we know about it. It's not death we have to fear it's living if we fail. Any world run by the Vampanese will be to horrible to be in and would drive a person mad. Death in that world would be a blessing. 
 Vancha was right if we fail the person or anyone living would have the worst time of all. They would have to watch the vampires perished and live with the blame. If any of us failed death along the way would be the best any of us could hope for thought Darren. There sprits lifted when they got up that morning and no longer feared the worse. 
   Crepsley: Mr. Tiny said to follow our hearts and that fate world place us in the right direction.
   Vancha: You don't think we should track down the Vampanese Lord?
   Crepsley: Our people spent years tracking him down and always failed. Of course we must keep our eyes peeled but other than that we should go about our business as if he dosen't exist. 
   Vancha: I don't like it, but we'll do it your way, but you, Darren, or Merida will have to pick the corse. 
   Crepsley: Darren where do you want to go? 
 Darren: The Cirque Du Freak
   Crepsley: Good I want to see how Mr. Tall is doing
   Darren: You'll love Evra Merida, he became my best friend when I lived at the Cirque Du Freak. 
   Merida: What do you think Harkatt? 
   Harkatt: Sounds good to me 
   Crepsley: Good, we head to the Cirque Du Freak 
   That night when they went to sleep after making camp Harkatt's nightmares returned. Darren and Merida were about to wake him but.
   Evana: Hold(Walked up to him observing Harkatt) 
   Darren: He's having a nightmare 
   Evana: He has them often? 
   Merida: Pretty much every time he sleeps, We're supposed to wake him if we see him having one. 
   She bent to shake him awake
   Evana: Hold 
 She touched his forehead and closed her eyes than opened them and let go. 
   Evana: Dragons, his time of incite is upon him, did Mr. Tiny say nothing about learning who Harkatt was in his previous life?
   Darren: Yes, but Harkatt chose to come with us to search for the Vampanese Lord. 
   Evana: Noble but foolish 
   Darren: If you told him who he was would that ease his nightmares? 
   Evana: No, he must learn the truth himself, I'd make things worse if I melded. But there is a way to temporarily ease his pain.
   Darren: How?
   Evana: One who spoke the language of the dragons could help
   Merida: Where would you find someone like that? Could you? 
   Evana: Not I, I can talk to many animals but not dragons, only those who bonded with them can speak their language. You two could help
   Merida: Us? We haven't bonded with dragons, we never even seen one. 
   Evana: Bonds can be formed unknown 
   Merida: Tell me what we have to do 
   Evana: Both of you lay your hands on Harkatt's head and close your eyes. Focus, we need to find an image for you both to fix upon. How about the Stone of Blood? Can you two picture it? 
   Darren: Yes
   Evana: Keep thinking of it, in a few minutes you'll both feel unpleasant sensations. And maybe catch glimpses of Harkatt's nightmares, ignore them and stay focused on the stone. I will do the rest
   At first it was easy but then they began to feel strange the air seemed to get hotter and it became harder to breathe. They heard beating of wings and saw a blood red sky they cringed and almost let go of Harkatt but remember Evana's advice. They sensed something huge land behind them and felt hot eyes boring into their backs. They saw Harkatt impaled on a bed of stakes he was alive but in incredible pain. Stakes poked out of where his eyes should have been.
   An evil voice: His pain is nothing compared to what you two will feel
   They saw a figure of dark shadows hovering close by
   Merida: Who are you?(Gasped)
   The evil voice: I am the Lord of the Crimson Night
   Darren: The Lord of the Vampanese?
   The evil voice: Of them and all others, I have been waiting for you Prince and Princess of the Damned. Now I have you and I won't let go 
   The shadow man darted forward red eyes glowed in the black pit that was his face. 
   Evana: It's just a dream he can't hurt you, not yet not if you focus on the stone.(Whispered)
   There was a hiss of scream than the nightmare faded and they were back in their world. 
   Evana: You can open your eyes now
   Their eyes snapped open and took their hands off of Harkatt 
   Evana: You two did well 
   Merida: That thing, what was it?(Gasped)
   Evana: The Lord of Destruction the Master of Shadows 
   Merida: He was so powerful so evil
   Evana: He will be 
    Merida: Will be?
   Evana: What you saw is a shade of the future, the Lord of the Shadows has not yet come into his own. But he will eventually, this cannot be avoided and you should not worry about it. Your friend will sleep untroubled now
   They glanced down at Harkatt who was resting peacefully
   Darren: He's okay? 
   Evana: He will be, in time the nightmares will return, and when they do he'll have to face his past and learn who he was. Or come to madness, but for now he can sleep soundly unafraid. 
   She went back to her tree
   Darren: Evana this Lord of the Shadows there was something familiar about him. I felt I knew him
   Evana: So you should, what I say now is between you two and I it must go no further. You can tell no one not even Larten and Vancha 
   Darren: We won't 
   Evana: The future is dark Merida and Darren if you two do not defeat The Lord of the Vampanese. The Lord of the Vampanese will become the Lord of the Shadows and destroy the world if you do not defeat him.
   She left leaving them shaken wishing Harkatt's moans hadn't woken them up. A couple of nights later they arrived at the Cirque Du Freak the show was ending when they arrived so they sat and watched the finally. The twisting twins were swirling around each other performing amazing acrobatic tricks Mr. Tall came up after them.
   Mr. Tall: The show is over
   People started to leave when snakes started to slid down from the rafters. Evra stepped forward but he wasn't alone there was a small child with him as they controlled the snakes. 
   Mr. Tall: The show is over for real
   The crowd left 
   Darren: Evra Von(Yelled)
   Darren walked forward Evra's eyes widened with delight 
   Evra: Darren(Yelled hugging him) 
   Evra: Where have you been?(Cried as they let go) 
   Darren: Well unexpectedly getting married, Evra this is my wife Princess Merida(Putting his arm around Merida)
   Evra: Very nice to meet you beautiful princess(Shook her hand as he still had tears of happiness in his eyes)
   Darren: I was at Vampire Mountain, how about you?(Also still had tears of happiness in his eyes) 
   Evra: All over the world, you've grown 
   Darren: Only recently and not as much as you
   Evra could now pass as his father 
   Crepsley: Good evening Evra Von 
   Evra: Larten its been a long time, I'm glad to see you(Shoke his hand) 
   Crepsley: I would like you to meet Vancha March, Lady Evana, and Harkatt Molds. Harkatt I believe you already know. 
   Vancha: Hello
   Evana: Greetings
   Harkatt: Hi Evra
   Evra: He spoke(Gasped blinking) 
   Mr. Tall: Welcome back to the Cirque Du Freak Darren 
   Darren: Mr. Tall(greeted)
   Mr. Tall: Do you want to eat?
   Evana: That would be delightful, and I will have a word or two with you Highburnyess. There are things we must discuss.
   Mr. Tall: Yes there are
   As everyone departed Darren and Merida followed Evra and the little boy caught up with them. 
   Evra: Darren I'd like you to meet Shanqes 
   Darren: Hello Shanques(Shaking his hand)
   Shanques: Hello
   He was also a snake boy
   Shanques: Are you the Darren Shan I was named after? 
   Darren: Am I?(Asked Evra)
   Evra: Yes, Shanques was my first born-
   Darren: First born, he's yours? Your his father? 
   Evra: I certainly hope so(Grinned)
   Darren: You've got other children? 
   Evra: A couple, Ercher and Lilya 
   Merida: Are they all snake children? 
   Evra: Ercher isn't, he's upset he wants scales too 
   Darren: We being? 
   Evra: Me and Merla, you don't know her she joined shortly after you left. She can detach her ears and throw them like boomerangs you'll like her. 
   It was wonderful to be back and introduce Merida to the Cirque Du Freak life. He saw many old friends and introduced Merida to them. 
   Vancha: Hello gorgeous(Greeted Truska wrapping his arms around her kissing her) 
   Truska: Naughty(Laughed pointing a finger at him)
   Darren: You two know each other I'm taking? 
    Vancha: Oh yes we're old friends, like the night we went skinny dipping together hey Truska. 
   Truska: Vancha you promised not to mention that(Laughed) 
   Vancha: So I did(Laughed) 
   Evra introduced Darren and Merida too Merla who was very pleasant and pretty. Merla even showed them her detachable ears but they declined her offer to let them throw them. Merida tried to get Harkatt to get into conversation with others but some felt nervous around him. Many people knew Evana, at dawn Crepsley, Darren, Merida, and Harkatt went to bed. Harkatt, Merida, and Darren got up an hour before sunset and walked around the camp with Evra and Shanques. Darren was pleased that he named his first born after him and promised to send the boy presents in the future. That night while eating hot dogs around a campfire Crepsley walked over.
   Crepsley: Would you like to take to the stage tonight with me Darren and Merida? 
   Darren: What would we do? We don't have Madam Oct's anymore.
   Crepsley: I could perform magic tricks as I did when I first join the cirque and you could be my assistant. 
   Darren: I don't know, it's been a long time I might get stage fright.
   Crepsley: Nonsense, you are doing it I will not take no for an answer.
   Darren: Well if you put it that way(Grinned) 
   Crepsley: You will need a hair cut and manicure if we are to expose ourselves to the public Darren.
   Truska: I'll take care of that and I'll find the perfect outfit for Merida 
   Darren and Merida went to get what they needed to perform from Truska 
   Truska: Has life been good to you?(Cutting Darren's hair)
   Darren: It could be worse
   Truska: Vancha told me that not only you are a prince because of the vampire council but a prince by marrying Princess Merida. 
   Truska put down the scissors as Merida walked out in the sparkly long sleeveless light blue dress Truska gave her. Merida and Darren walked over to Mr. Tall's tent and listened to his and Evana's conversation.
    Mr. Tall: I wish you wouldn't do this, the vampires are good people and our friends we should help them.
   Evana: We cannot take sides Highburnyes it is not our place to decide the twists of fate. 
   Mr. Tall: Still, to meet these others and talk with them I don't like it
   Evana: We must remain neutral, we have neither allies or foes within the creatures of the night. If you and I took sides we could ruin everything, both must be equal the good and the bad. 
   Mr. Tall: You are right(Sighed)
   She kissed him on the cheek than left Merida and Darren followed her and stopped when she went by some trees and whistled. They heard the sound of soft talking but they were to far to hear what they were saying. They crept forward more and saw four figures one was dressed in black robes serving food and drinks to the others. All the people were men but it was to dark to see who they were or what they looked like. The one in the black robes lite a candle.
   One of the figures: Put that out you fool(Knocked the candle to the floor)
   The black robes man: Sorry, I thought we were safe with Lady Evana(Stomped it out)
   The other man: Were never safe, remember that and don't make such a mistake again.
   As they went back to talking to Evana Darren and Merida knew what the men were, they were Vampanese. They rushed back to the Cirque Du Freak when the show has began.
      Crepsley: Where have you two been I have been looking everywhere for you. I thought I would have to perform alone, if we hurry you two can get your outfits on-(Snapped) 
   Darren: Where's Vancha?
   Crepsley: Off relaxing somewhere-
   Merida: Larten forget the show we have to find Vancha now
   Crepsley told the stage hand to tell Mr. Tall of their withdrawal from the show and they went to search for Vancha. They found him with Harkatt in a tent
   Vancha: Look who it is, how's the show going?(The three walked in)
   Darren closer the flap and sank to his knees quickly and calmly they told them what happened. 
   Vancha: We shouldn't of trusted her, we'll have to take them on ourselves(Snarled)
   Darren: Were going to fight them?
   Vancha: Were not just going to sit here and wait for them to attack. The element of surprise is vital while we have it we should take it. 
   Crepsley: Them being here might not have anything to do with us
   Vancha: Nonsense, their here to kill us-
   Darren: I'm not so sure, now that I think about it they weren't on guard.
   Vancha: Okay let's say they aren't after us but they will be when Evana tells them we're here. 
   Darren: You think she'll tell them about us?
   Vancha: We would be fools to chance it, in case you haven't noticed we're at war. I have nothing against our blood cousins but for the time being their our enemies. And we must show them no mercy, our fight against the Vampanese Lord is above all else. 
   Crepsley: And Evana what if she takes the side of the Vampanese? 
   Vancha: Than we fight her too
   Crepsley: You fancy your chances against her?
   Vancha: No but I know my duty, I'm going to kill Vampanese if you want to come you can. 
    Crepsley: What do you say Darren and Merida?
    Merida: Vancha's right, if we let them go and they kill vampires later were to blame. Besides the Lord of the Vampanese were destined to cross paths with him but I think we have to chase that destiny. What if these Vampanese know where he is? I doubt it's coincidence that we're all here at the same time. This my be fate's way of leading us to him.
    Vancha: A fine awnser
    Crepsley: Perhaps 
    Darren: Remember what Mr. Tiny said about following our hearts? My heart says we should face these Vampanese. 
    Harkatt: Mine too
    Vancha: And mine
    Crepsley: We will go
    They hid in the field
    Vancha : We'll close on them from four different angles 
    Crepsley: There are nine of them including Evana, how do we divide them up? 
    Vancha: Two Vampanese for you, two for me, two for Darren, two for Merida, and one for Harkatt. Merida takes the servant and black robes guy.
    Crepsley: And Evana? 
    Vancha: We could all rush her at the end
    Crepsley: No I will handle her
    Vancha: You sure? Than all is left is to split up and move in. Get as close as you can I'll start by throwing a few throwing stars. Once you hear screams and curses hit them hard.
    The five circled the trees splitting up drawing their weapons after Vancha threw three stars everyone charged forward. The Vampanese were quick to react as Merida fought with her foe someone hit her hard in the back making her fall to the ground. She rolled over quickly and got to her feet the Vampanese that knocked her over was now being attacked by Harkatt. Three of their foes were down Vancha was bleeding from a cut on his waist but nothing was stopping him. Merida shot an arrow at the servant but the guy
  with the robes caught it and threw it onto the ground before it could touch the servant. The guy with the robes scalded as she grabbed another arrow and flirted over to her before she could do anything. She pulled out a knife and backed away from him the guy cut her right shoulder, her stomach, and her right cheek with his sword. She backed up against a tree the guy as the guy cut off her right hand. She screamed in pain as she dropped to her knees and dropped her weapons defenseless. With one swipe he would of cut off her head but she rolled out of the way the guy flirted over back to the servant and the two flirted off. She moaned loudly and she got to her feet she grabbed her weapons and went over to help Harkatt with his enemy. She stabbed him deep in the back killing him Crepsley went over to help Vancha.
    Evana: Will you raise your knives to me to Larten? 
    He hesitated then dropped his knives and dropped to his knees
    Crepsley: No lady I will not(Sighed)
    Evana: Than I will not lay a hand to you
    She went to all the dead Vampanese and made the death touch sign and whispered " in death may you be triumphant" the rest of the Vampanese flited off.
    Crepsley: The last Vampanese you were fighting you let him go. Why? 
    Vancha: His name is Ganen Harst, he is my brother.(A few tears in his eyes)
    Vancha: My real last name is Harst I changed it when I became a vampire. We were very close growing up we did everything together. We were blooded by a Vampanese but I couldn't handle killing when drinking someone so I left and joined the vampires. I never saw Ganen again until tonight, Paris Skle was the one that made me a vampire. 
    Evana: Found this, I thought you might like it back(Walked up and tossed Merida her hand) 
    Merida looked at it than looked at where her hand use to be 
    Merida: Can we stitch it back on?(Winced in pain) 
    Crepsley: Lady Evana you have the power to attach it right? 
      Evana: I do but I won't snopes don't deserve special favors, you and Darren should of been a spy Merida. 
   Crepsley held her hand in place, Darren held her still, and Vancha sewed her hand back on. All three rubbed their spit into it to quicken the healing 
   Crepsley: This is the best we could do, if it gets infected we'll chop it off again and you'll have to live without it. 
   In the morning Vancha left for Vampire Mountain but said he would be back to join the hunt. Evana left to go back home and Darren, Crepsley, Harkatt, and Merida continued their journey and hunt 
   At a hotel in Crepsley's city
      They rented two room next to each other with a door to get in each others rooms. Merida and Darren in one room Crepsley and Harkatt in the other. Whenever they needed to leave at night they used the windows. The city was an uproar because of Vampaneses killing people. While Crepsley and Harkatt used the bathrooms Darren and Merida waited to take a bath and they almost fell asleep while waiting. Every night they searched and roamed the roofs and tunnels searching for Vampanese. Harkatt and Crepsley walked out of the bathrooms so Darren and Merida went in. Everyone went to bed after their beds that night but early in the morning Harkatt shook Darren and Merida awake. 
    Darren: What's up?
    Harkatt: Someone's knocking at your door
    Merida: Tell them to please go away
    Harkatt: I was going to but-
    Darren: Who is it?
    Harkatt: I don't know, I opened my door slightly and saw a man with a briefcase. He doesn't work at the hotel but someone who does is with him. Come see for yourself.
    They tip toed past Crepsey who was sleeping and opened the door slightly the man was scowling and raising his hand to knock again. They closed the door.
    Darren: Think we should answer?
    Harkatt: Yes, he doesn't look like the type who'll go away if we ignore him.
    Darren: I'll go see what he wants but I won't let him in unless I have to.
    Harkatt: Shall Merida and I stay here?
    Darren: Yes, but keep close to the door I'll call if I need help.
    As they went to fetch their weapons Darren got dressed and went to the door.
    Darren: Who is it?
    The man: Mr Horston?
    Darren: No, you have the wrong room
    The man: Oh, this isn’t Mr Vur Horston’s room?
    Darren remembered they used false names when they checked in
    Darren: No it’s mine and my sisters room not our dad’s. I’m Darren Horston and my sister is Merida Horston.
    The man: Ah excellent, you two are the reason I’m here. Is your father with you?
    Darren: Why do you want to know who are you?
    The man: If you open the door and let me in I’ll explain
      Darren: I like to know who you are first, these are dangerous times and we were told not to open the door to strangers.
    The man: Ah excellent, I should of course not expect you to open the door to an unannounced visitor. My name is Mr Blaws
    Darren: What do you want Mr Blaws?
    Mr Blaws: I’m a school inspector, I’ve come to find out why you and your sister aren’t in school. May I come in Darren?
    Mr Blaws: Darrrrrrrennn
    Darren: Just a minute please
    He took a deep breath then let the man in and shut the door
    Mr Blaws: So where is your twin sister and your father?
    Darren: Sleeping in fathers room
    Mr Blaws: I forgot he works night shifts but I’m on a tight schedule so you’ll have to wake them.
    Darren: Okay
    He hurried into Crepesley’s room and shook him awake
    Crepsley: Is the hotel on fire?
    Darren: No
    Crepesley Then go away and-
     Darren: There’s a man in my room a school inspector he knows our names, at least the names we checked under. He wants to know why Merida and I aren’t in school.
    Crepsley jumped out of the bed
    Darren: You and Merida better get dressed and meet him
    As Crepsley and Merida did Darren walked back into his room and closed the curtains.
    Darren: My father’s eyes are sensitive that’s why he prefers night shifts
    Mr Blaws: Ah excellent
    When Merida and Crepsley walked in Mr Blaws shook their hands.
    Mr Blaws: So what’s wrong with your young troopers?
    Crepsley: Nothings wrong
    Mr Blaws: Then why are they not in school with the other boys and girls?
    Crepsley: Darren and Merida do not go to school. Why should they?
    Mr Blaws: To learn like other 15 year olds
    Crepsley: How do you know their age?
    Mr Blaws: From their birth certificates of course
    Crepsley: And how did you acquire those?
      Mr Blaws: You included them with the rest of the relevant forms when you enrolled them at Mahler’s.
    Crepsley: Mahler’s?
    Mr Blaws: The school you chose to send Darren and Merida to
    Crepsley looked over the paper work and the birth certificates the files built up a complete picture of 15 year old twins called Darren and Merida Horston who moved to this city during the summer with their father who worked late nights at a local abattoir.
    Crepsley: Are they correct?
    Mr Blaws: Of course they are you filled them out yourself. Didn’t you?
    Merida: Of course he did, sorry to act so befuddled. It’s been a hard week. Family problems
    Mr Blaws: Ah that’s why you two haven’t shown up at Mahler’s?
    Merida: Yes, we should have rung and informed you. Sorry
    Mr Blaws: No problem, I’m glad that’s all it was we were afraid something happened to you two.(Putting the papers away)
    Merida: No, nothing bad happened(Shooting Crepsley and Darren a look that say “ play along”)
    Mr Blaws: Excellent than you two will be in on Monday?
    Merida: Monday?
    Mr Blaws: Hardly seems worthwhile coming in tomorrow with it being the end of the week. Come early Monday morning and we’ll sort you two out with a timetable and show you around-
    Crepsley: Excuse me, but Darren and Merida will not being going to your school on Monday or any other day.
    Mr Blaws: Have they enrolled in another school?
    Crepsley: No, Darren and Merida do not need to go to school. I educate them
    Darren: Mr Blaws?
    Mr Blaws: Yes Darren?
    Darren: What would happen if we didn’t turn up at Mahler’s?
    Mr Blaws: If you enroll at a different school and pass on the paper work to me everything will be fine.
    Darren: And if we didn’t enroll at another school?
    Mr Blaws: Everyone must go to school(Laughed)
    Darren: So if we choose not to go?
    Mr Blaws: We send a social worker to see what the problem was
    Darren: And if we asked you to tear up our enrolment form and forget us? If we said sent it to you by mistake? What if we wanted to withdrawl them?
    Mr Blaws: We weren’t aware of you two’s existence before you contacted us. But now that we are, we’re responsible for you. If we sent social workers after you and you gave them a hard time we would have to call the police.
    Darren: You know what this means don’t you? You’ll have to start making packed lunches for us.
    After Mr Blaws left Harkatt joined them as Crepsley paced the room threatening to kill Mr Blaws.
    Darren: What good would killing him do? Somebody else would replace him. Our records are on file. He’s only a messenger.
    Harkatt: We could move, find a new hotel
    Crepsley: No, he has seen our faces and would broadcast our descriptions. It would make matters more complicated than they already are.
    Harkatt: is it possible there’s been a mix up? Perhaps a real Vur Horston and his twin son and daughter sent in forms and you’ve been confused with them.
    Crepsley: No, the address of this hotel was included and so were our room numbers…Murlough(Hissed)
    Crepsley: This is a trap(Sat down)
    Darren: It can’t be, how could the vampaneze have found out about Murlough?
    Crepsley: Desmond Tiny, he knew about our run in with Murlough and must have told the vampaneze. But I cannot understand why they faked the birth certificates and school records.
    Harkatt: This sounds crazy, but what if Mr Crepsley did submit the forms?
    Darren: Come again?
    Harkatt: He might have done it in his sleep, remember Pasta O’Malley at Cirque Du Freak? He read books at night when he was asleep. He could never recall reading them, but if you asked him about them he could answer all your questions.
    Darren: I forgotten about Pasta
    Crepsley: I could not have filled in those forms
    Harkatt: We do strange things when we sleep, perhaps you-
    Crepsley: No, you do not understand I could not have done it because I cannot read or write.
   Harkatt: It could have been Mr Tiny, he loves to stir things up. Perhaps this is his idea of a joke.
    Darren: It has a whiff of him about it, I can’t see why he would want to send me back to school, but it’s the sort of trick I can imagine him pulling. But let’s say he is behind it that still leaves us with the problem of what to do. Should we report for class Monday morning? Or do we ignore Mr Blaws warning and carry on as before?
    Crepsley: I would rather not send you two, there is strength in unity. With you two at school we would not be there to help you if you run into trouble. Nore you two help us if our foes struck here.
    Merida: But if we don’t go we’ll have school inspectors and worse dogging our heels.
    Harkatt: The other option is to leave, just pack our bags and go.
    Crepsley: That is worth considering, I do not like the idea of these people to suffer, but if this is a trap designed to divide us, perhaps the killings will stop if we leave. As prince and princess Darren and Merida must decide.
    Merida saw this as an opportunity, she had lessons from her parents since she was a wee lass. But she always dreamed of being in a real school taking classes with other students making friends and socializing. Darren knew this and he wanted Merida to have everything she didn’t have growing up in Dunbrock.
    Merida: The hell with it, if it’s a trap let’s call their bluff. If it’s a joke we’ll show we know how to take it.(Grinned)
    Crepsley: That is the sprite(Boomed)
    Darren: I’ve endured the Trials of Initiation twice, an underground stream and killers with Merida, a bear and wild boars. How bad can doing school again be?
    At Mahler’s in the halls
    Merida and Darren spotted five girls and five boys in a corner. They walked up to them and stuck out their hands.
    Darren: Darren Horston and this is my sister Merida. Were new here and were looking for Mr Chivers. You don’t know where he is do you?
    A boy: You what?
    Merida: He said his name is Darren and I’m-
    The boy: I heard you the first time
    A girl: Shivers isn’t in yet
    The boy: Shivers isn’t ever in before nine
    The girl: And even later on Mondays
    The boy: Everyone knows that
    Darren: Well as I said were new so we can’t be expected to know things everyone else knows can we?
    The boy: Get stuffed asswipes
    Darren walked away and forced Merida to come with him they found Mr Shivers door and sat and waited. After a while Mr Chivers ran in out of breath running right past them. But then he noticed them.
    Darren: We been waiting, you’re late
    Mr Chivers: Sorry flat tire, who are you two and why have you been waiting?
    Merida: My name is Merida Horston and-
    Mr Chivers: The new kids! Sorry forgot you two were coming
    Darren: No problem, you’re here now better late than never(Mr Chivers shoke their hands)
    Merida and Darren sat down as Mr Chivers opened a drawer and took out a file.
    Mr Chivers: Mr Horston good grades, if you can match those here we won’t complain.
    Darren: I’ll do my best sir
      Mr Chivers: That’s all we ask, Miss Horston I see the same for you and I also see you went to a private school in Scotland before moving back with your brother and dad. Impressive
    Merida: Thanks
    Mr Chivers: You two have had a rough ride haven’t you? Must have been horrible your brother being trapped in a burning building(Looking at Darren’s scars and burn marks)
    Darren: Yes sir
    Mr Chivers: Still all’s well that ends well! You’re alive and active(Put the file away)
    Merida and Darren followed Mr Chivers as he walked out of the office. Mr Chivers lead them on a quick tour.
    Mr Chivers: We place a lot of emphasis on musical excellence. Do you two play any instruments?
    Darren: I play a flute
    Mr Chivers: A flautist! Superb! We haven’t had a decent flautist since Siobham Toner graduated four years ago. Maybe we’ll have to try you out and see what you’re made of?
    Darren: Maybe(Thinking how there’s no way he’s going to join)
    Mr Chivers: What about you miss?
    Merida: I’m an excellent signer and I know how to play a cello
    Mr Chivers: Excellent! Maybe we’ll have you join choir?
 Merida: Maybe
    Merida would love that and love to join a lot of activities. But she knew they have too much going on for her and Darren to get caught up in after school activities. Mr Chivers told them each class lasted forty minutes. There was a ten minute break at elven, fifty minutes for lunch at ten. And that school ends at four.
    Mr Chivers: Detention runs from four thirty to six, but hopefully that won’t concern you two?
    Darren: I hope not sir
    They went back to his office and he handed them their schedules. English, history, geography, science, maths, mechanical drawing, two modern languages, computer studies. A double dose of PE on Wednesdays. They had three free periods, one on Monday, one of Tuesday, and one of Thursday. Mr Chivers said those were used for either extracurricular activities or study hall. It was 9:40 and the bell rang it was time for their first class geography. Because of Merida’s mom Merida knew every single thing and was getting straight A’s on everything. Darren was a different story, geography was okay even though he was used to vampire world maps not human ones. Math he was in trouble, it was way different than any type of math he learned at his old school. All Merida and Darren did during their first break was wander
 around they had no friends yet. Darren knew if it wasn’t for him Merida would have been popular as hell and would have had boys chasing after her like crazy. But because everyone knew her as his sister they didn’t want anything to do with her either. After break they had history, history use to be Darren’s favorite subject but this was more advanced than his old school. But as a supposedly fifteen year old who supposedly progressed through the system he was expected to know the detailed ins and outs of battles, names of generals, the wide ranging social effects of the war, and so on. He told his teacher that he had been concentrating on ancient history at his old school. She said there was a small class for ancient history at Mahler’s and that she would get him transferred first thing tomorrow. It meant Merida and Darren having one period without each other but Darren needed to pass and Merida was happy for him. Merida and Darren were happy when they got back to the hotel. Any other place they could act like husband and wife because that’s what they were. But at school they had to act like twin brother and sister. So they could do everything they would do anyways except make out and kiss on the lips. But Crepsley wasn’t too happy though when they got back and it was because Paris Skyle was dead. So Crepsley took off to Vampire Mountain for the funeral in the morning. On Merida and Darren’s third Tuesday on Mahler’s they made a friend name Richard Montrose. He was a small mousey haired boy whom they recognized from English and history. He was also bullied just like them. While Merida and Darren were wandering the halls during their break when they scuffle so they went to investigate. Richard was pinned to the wall by Smickey Martin the guy that called them asswipes on their first day and three of his pals. Smickey was rooting through the boy’s pocket.
    Smickey: You know you have to pay Monty, if we don’t take your money someone else will. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.
    Richard: Please Smickey not this week I have to buy a new atlas.(Sobbed)
    Smickey: Should have taken more care of your old one
    Richard: You’re the one who ripped it you-
    Smickey: What were you going to call me?
    Richard: Nothing(Gasped frightenly)  
    Smickey: Yes you were, hold him boys I’m gonna teach him a-
    Merida: You’ll teach him nothing(Said fiercely)
    Smickey: Scottish Horston, what are you doing here? Better run along curly we haven’t come after you and your brother for money yet. But that doesn’t mean we won’t.
    Darren: You won’t get anything from us and you won’t get anything from Richard. In the future either. Or anyone else.
    Smickey: Oh? Those are awfully big words Horsty. If you take them back I might forget you said them.
    Merida and Darren stepped forward Smickey grabbed Richard’s left arm and swung him. Richard went over the stair railing and would have fell to his death if Merida haven’t ran over and grabbed his right ankle. As Merida pulled him back up Smickey and his friends scattered.
    Darren: Are you okay?
    Richard: You saved my life Merida, thank you(Shaking but smiling)
    Merida: No problem
    Richard swapped seats in English to sit next to Darren and Merida and in history to sit next to Darren. Richard let Darren copy his notes and Richard started spending most of his break and lunches with them. That night Darren took a walk by himself after visiting his old friend Debbie. Who was now a teacher at Mahler’s. But something struck the back of his head and he went toppling to the ground. He rolled away as a silver object came crashing down on the ground where his head had been. Ignoring his wounded head he scrambled to his knees and looked around for something to defend himself with. A plastic top of a dustbin laid nearby he snatched it and held it in front of him like a shield. Whatever hit the lid cut it in half.
    The attacker: I’ll cut you to pieces!(Circling Darren)
    There was something familiar about his voice but Darren couldn’t place it. His attacker was wearing dark clothes and was large and chunky. He had no hands just two metallic attachments. One gold the other silver, attached to the ends of his elbows. There were three hooks on each attachment. Darren avoided the killers hooks which dug into the building wall. Darren tried to kick him in the chest but the attacker brought his other arm down upon Darren’s shin cruelly knocking his leg aside. Darren yelped as pain shot up the length of his leg. Hopping madly he threw the two halves of the useless dustbin lid at the vampanese. He tried to run but his injured leg wouldn’t support him and after a couple of strides he collapsed to the ground helpless.
      The vampanese: Going to cut you, slow and painful, I’ll start with your fingers. Slice them off, one at a time then your hands. Then your toes then-
    There was a sharp clicking noise followed by the hiss of parted air. Something shot by the vampanese’s head only narrowly missing. It struck the wall and embedded itself, a short, thick, steel tipped arrow. The vampanese cursed.
    The vampanese: I’ll get you later, you’ll die slowly in great agony. I’ll cut you, fingers first, one at a time(Yelled as he took off)
    A man of medium height appeared out of the gloom. He was dressed in black with a long scarf looped around his neck and gloves covering his hands. He was holding a gun shaped weapon which jutted a steal arrow. Another arrow firing gun was slung over his left shoulder. Darren sat up and started rubbing his leg trying to get some life back in it.
    Darren: Thanks(The man got closer)
    But the man’s arrow gun was pointing at Darren.
    Darren: Mind lowering that? You just saved my life, be a shame if that went off by accident and killed me.
    The man: Does it surprise you that I spared your life?(No warmth in his face)
    Darren: I guess
    The man: Do you know why I saved you?
    Darren: Out of the goodness of your heart?
    The man: Maybe, or maybe I was saving you for myself!
    Darren: Who are you?
    The man: You don’t recognize me?
    Darren shook his head no
    The man: Strange never thought you forget then again it’s been a long time.
    Darren: Steve! Steve Leopard!(Gasped)
    Steve: Yes
    He put the gun away and pulled Darren to his feet
    Steve: Had you going for a minute didn’t I?(Smiled)
    Darren: You’re not going to kill me?
    Steve: Hardly! Hello Darren good to see you again old friend.
    Darren threw his arms around him and hugged him.
    Darren: Steve!(Sobbed into Steve’s shoulder)
      Steve: Stop that, you’ll have me crying if you keep it up(Pushed Darren away and wiped around his eyes)
    Darren: It’s really you!(Dried his cheeks)
    Steve: Of course, you don’t think two people could be born this handsome do you?
    Darren: Modest as ever
    Steve: Nothing to be modest about, can you walk?(Laughed)
    Darren: I think a hobble is the best I can manage
    Steve: Then lean on me, I don’t want to hang around. Hooky might come back with his friends.
    Letting Darren lean on him Steve led him to a fifth floor of a run-down apartment. Steve stopped at a battered brown door kept shut by a think padlock and chain. He rooted through his pockets, pulled out a key, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Steve pulled Darren in then shut the door. It was dark until he lit a candle.
    Steve: No electricity
    He laid Darren on a couch and tended to his wounds.
    Darren: Does the vampanese know where I am staying?
    Steve: I doubt it, if he did he would have attacked you there. From what I saw he stumbled upon you by chance.  By the way I know how to do this cause I took first-aid classes. Figured they’d come in handy, you want something to drink?
    Darren: Just some water
    Steve pulled a bottle of mineral water out of a bag by the sink and filled a couple of glasses.
    Steve: Sorry it’s not cold the fridge won’t work without electricity.
    Darren: No problem, has the sink been cut off too?
    Steve: No but you wouldn’t want to drink any, fine for washing. But you would be on the toilet for days if you swallowed.
    Darren: Will you come back to the hotel with me? There’s someone I want you to meet.
    Steve: Who?
    Darren: My wife who is a vampire like me, and a Scotland princess.
    The idea of meeting a Scotland vampire princess put a grin on Steve’s face. When they got to the hotel Darren knocked on the window and Harkat let them in. No one said anything until Darren told them who Steve was.
     Merida: Steve Leopard, I’ve heard much about you(Stared at him unhappily)
    Steve: None of it good I bet(Rubbed the back of his neck)
    Harkat: What’s he doing here?
    Darren: He’s my friend he saved my life
    Harkat: But he knows where we are now
    Darren: So?
    Steve: Harkat’s right, I’m human if I fell into the hands of the vampanese they could torture me. Get me to reveal your location, you should move on to somewhere new in the morning. And not tell me about it.
    Darren: I don’t think that will be necessary
     After Merida and Harkat calmed down Darren told Steve about the fake letters to Mahler’s.
    Steve: They’re after you and Merida?
    Darren: Possibly or Crepsley but we’re not entirely sure. By the way guys the guy who attacked me has three hooks on both arms. One hand’s made of gold the other silver.
     Merida: Did you know it was Darren you were saving?
    Steve: I wouldn’t have come to his rescue otherwise
    Merida: If he attacked an ordinary human you would have let him kill?(Gasped)
    Steve: Yes, if sacrificing one person means saving many more I will. If I hadn’t caught a glimpse of Darren’s face I would of let Hooky kill him.
    Steve started to shiver
    Harkat: Are you cold? I can turn up the heat.
    Steve: No thanks, I’m good
    Steve’s curiosity made him ask why Merida moved out of Scotland to the USA. And why she chose this life over the life she had in her kingdom. Merida still didn’t trust Steve yet, so she changed the subject back to the vampanese who attacked Darren.
    Merida: Do you think the vampanese will know it was you who saved Darren?
    Steve: I don’t see how, they’ll probably think it was you or Crepsley. I was careful not to reveal myself to Hooky.
    Harkat: Then we might still get the better of them. We haven’t gone hunting for them since Crepsley left. Even with the three of us he made us promise not to do any hunting until he got back.
    Steve: Let me go with you, I’m accustomed to vampanese hunts. I know where to look and how to track them.
    Darren: And with us to back you up you could work faster and cover more ground.
    Merida: I wish Crepsley was here
    Darren: Me too, but the longer we wait for him the more time the vampanese have to plan an attack. This could be our best chance to strike.
    Harkat: It could also be our best chance to walk straight into a trap. But I’m with you Darren.
    Darren: To the death(Smiled)(Vowed)(Put his hand on Harkat’s)
    Merida: To the death(Put her hand on Darren’s)
    Steve: To the death
    Harkat: To the death, but I hope not ours.
    They spent Saturday and Sunday exploring the tunnels but found nothing so they returned to the hotel that afternoon. Darren and Merida returned to school Monday morning to see if they could find Debbie. While Harkat and Steve continued to search for the vampanese. They could not find Debbie anywhere. At ten Debbie pulled into the parking lot companied by two police men and a police women. Darren and Merida hurried and caught up with her.
    Darren: Miss Hemlock! Could I talk to you for a minute Miss?
   Debbie went a little bit away from the police but they kept an eye on them.
    Darren: What’s going on?(Whispered)
    Debbie: You don’t know?
    Darren shook his head no
    Debbie: Why did you tell me to leave?
    Darren: It’s complicated
    Debbie: Did you know what was going to happen? If you did I’ll hate you forever!
    Darren: Debbie, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
    After studying his face her face softened.
    Debbie: You’ll hear about it on the news, I’ll break it to you now but don’t tell anyone else. I left Friday when you told me. Booked into a hotel even though I thought you were crazy.
    She paused
    Darren: And?
    Debbie: Somebody attacked the people in the apartments next to mine. Mr and Mrs Andrews and Mr Hugon. You never met them did you?
    Darren: I saw Mrs Andrews once, were they killed?
    Debbie: And drained of blood(Croaked as tears went down her face)
    Darren: When did it happen?
    Debbie: Late Saturday night or Sunday morning. The bodies were discovered yesterday afternoon. But the police didn’t track me down until today. Do you know who did it?
    Darren: Yes and no, I don’t know their names but I know what they are and why they did it.
    Debbie: You must tell the police
    Darren: It wouldn’t help, this is beyond them
    Debbie: I’ll be released later this evening. When they do release me I’m coming to put some hard questions to you. If I’m not happy with your answers I’ll turn you over to them.
    She took off with the police, when Merida and Darren got to the hotel after school Darren told Harkat and Steve that they should tell Debbie the truth.
    Steve: And if she betrays us to the police?
    Darren: It’s a risk we have to take
    Steve: You feel that strongly about her?
   Darren: Yes
    Steve: Then tell her the truth
    Darren: Thanks
    Debbie showed up at seven
    Debbie: There’s a police officer in the lobby, he thinks I’m here to tutor you. I gave him your name, if you object to that tough!
    Darren: Nice to see you too(Smiled)
    Debbie noticed Steve and Harkat
    Debbie: You didn’t say we would have company besides your sister
    Darren: They have to be here, they’re part of what I have to tell you.
    Debbie: Who are they?
    Darren: This is Steve Leopard and that’s Harkat Molds(Steve bowed)
    Debbie: Oh my lord!(Noticed Harkat’s features)
    Harkat: Guess you don’t get many like me in
     Debbie: Is he from the institute you told me about? Where you and Evra Von lived?
    Darren: There was no institute that was a lie
    Debbie: What else have you lied about?(Eyed him coldly)
    Darren: Everything more or less, but the lies stop here. Tonight I’ll tell you the truth. By the end you’ll either think I’m crazy or wish I’d never told you. But you have to hear me out your life depends on it.
    Debbie: Is it a long story?
    Steve: One of the longest you’ll ever hear(Lughed)
    Debbie: Then I’d better sit down
    Darren started with the Cirque Du Freak and Madam Octa and took it from there. He covered his years about being Crepsley’s assistant and his time in Vampire Mountain. He told her about Harkat and the Lord of the Vampanese. He explained everything about Merida including the fact that him and her on not siblings or blood related at all. That they’re husband and wife. Then he explained why they came here, how fake forms have been submitted to Mahler’s, and about Steve. There was a pause before Debbie spoke.
   Debbie: It’s insane, you can’t be serious
   Steve: He is(Laughed)
    Debbie: Vampires, ghosts, and vampanese….. It’s ludicrous
    Darren: It’s true, I can prove it(Merida and him raised their fingers to show Debbie the scars of their fingertips)
    Debbie: Scars don’t prove anything(Sneered)
    Merida and Darren walked over to the window
    Darren: Go to the door and face us
    Debbie hesitated
    Darren: Go on, we won’t hurt you
    Debbie did what he said
    Darren: Keep your eyes open
    Merida and Darren flited over to Debbie so they were right in front of her. Then they flited back to the window.
    Steve: Ta-da!
    Debbie: How did you two do that?(Voice trembling)
    Darren: We can move at tremendously fast speeds. We’re strong, we could punch threw any wall and not tear skin. We can leap higher and further than any human. Hold our breath longer and live for centuries. We’re half-vampires.
    After a long pause Debbie sat back down
      Debbie: I believe you, I saw the pictures of my neighbors and no human could do that(Moaned)
    Darren: You see why I had to tell you? The vampaneses plan is to kill us. The attack on your neighbours was only the start of the bloodshed. They won’t stop with that. You’ll be next if they find you.
    Debbie: But why? If it’s you, Merida, and this Crepsley they want, why come after me?
    Darren: I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense, That’s what’s so frightening.
    Debbie: What are you going to do to stop them?
    Darren: Tracking them by day, hopefully we’ll find them. If we do we’ll fight, with luck we’ll win. You need to find a new apartment, maybe move out of the city for a few weeks until it’s over.
    Debbie: I trust you Darren, but if you think I’m running away you’re deluding yourself. I’m staying to fight.
    Darren: What are you talking about?
    Debbie: I’ll help you fight and kill the vampanese
    Merida: Actually I think that’s a great idea
    Darren: What(Roared)
    Merida: We could do with another pair of legs down there. Besides she has the guts to do it that’s all that matters. Remember I was still as good at weapons and fighting before I was blooded. Everyone deserves to fight and be brave no matter if they’re human or not. She has every right to join us and you have no right to tell her no.
    Debbie: Thank you
    Steve: I can kit her out with an arrow gun
    Darren: Very well(Sighed)
    Debbie: Now let’s quit with the time wasting and get down to business. I want to know everything there is to know about these monsters.
    Darren: Quiet!
    Debbie: What did I-
    Darren: Hush(Whispered)
    He pressed his ear against the door
    Harkat: Trouble?(Walked up beside him)
    Darren: I heard soft footsteps in the hall but no door has opened
    Merida grabbed her bow and arrows and went by the window
    Darren: Anyone outside?
    Merida: No I think the way’s clear if we have to make a break for it
    Darren: I’ll go first
    Darren opened the door and dived into the hall. Harkat stepped out after him long tense moments passed they didn’t move. Then someone couched overhead, the figure clinging to the ceiling dropped before Harkat could fire. The figure knocked Harkat across the hallway then kicked Darren’s sword from his hands. Darren scrambled for it but then heard a familiar voice.
    Vancha: Game set and match to me
    Darren turned around and saw Vancha March
    Darren: Vancha(Gasped as Vancha helped him to his feet)
    Vancha: Darren Harkat(Greeted)
    Darren: When did you get back? Where’s Crepsley?
    Vancha: Larten’s on the roof we got back fifteen minutes ago. We heard unfamiliar voices in the room which is why we moved cautiously. Who’s in there with you?
    Darren: Come in and I’ll introduce you
    Darren, Harkat, and Vancha went into the room. Darren told Debbie, Steve, and Merida that everyone was safe. Merida already called down Crepsley. Crepsley was not happy to see Steve but after Darren arguing for him Crepsley eventually gave in.
    Crepsley: Very well, I will speak no more of it. But I will keep a very close watch on him.
    Steve: Watch away.
    Darren told them about Hooky
    Vancha: I don’t like the sound of this Hooky
    Crepsley: What is stranger is that he has not attacked since.
    Harkat: How did Hooky recognize Darren?
    Crepsley: Maybe by the scent of Darren’s blood
    Vancha: I don’t like this
    At dusk they checked out of the hotel and took over two apartments next to Steve’s. Then it was time to go vampanese hunting. They paired off into three teams. Debbie went with Crepsley, Steve with Vancha, and Harkat with Darren and Merida. Along with their weapons they each carried a mobile phone. They assigned one tunnel for each team, nobody found any trace of the vampanese. After a while they went back to the apartments.
    Crepsley: She will make it(Said to Darren as he smiled and looked at Debbie)
    Darren: You think so?
    Crepsley: When we were in the tunnels I held a steady pace. She kept up and did not complain. She will not let us down.
    The next day Darren and Harkat were taking a walk when Darren came across a newspaper stand. The article talked about a dead girl and two killers named Darren and Merida Horston. Darren discussed it with Crepsley and Vancha at the apartments after Debbie went to bed. Darren and Merida returned to school Friday morning and went to Mr Chivers office.
    Mr Chivers: Darren! Merida! Where have you been? What happened? Why didn’t you call?(Gasped as he grasped their shoulders)
    Darren told him that they have been sick for a while and at their uncle Steve’s house.
    Mr Chivers: I’d almost given up on you two, wouldn’t it been awful if you two had been taken as well? Three in a week, I can’t bear thinking about it.
    Merida: Three sir?
    Mr Chivers: Yes losing Tara was terrible but if we’d-
    Darren: Tara?
    Mr Chivers: Tara Williams, the girl that was killed last Tuesday. Surely you two heard?
    Darren: I read the name in the papers, was she a student at Mahler’s?
    Mr Chivers: Great heavens you two, don’t you know?(Yelled)
    Merida: Know what?
    Mr Chivers: Tara Williams was a classmate of yours! That’s why we were so worried. We thought maybe the three of you had been together when the killer struck. You two must know her, Darren sat next to her in English!
    Darren and Merida finally saw Tara’s face
    Darren: Oh no(Moaned)
    Mr Chivers: Are you two alright? Would you care for something to drink?
    They shook their heads no
    Merida: Oh no!(Moaned as she thought Richard might be next because he sits in front of her and behind Darren)
    Darren asked if they could take the day off and that they still haven’t been feeling well.
    Mr Chivers: Darren, Merida, will you stay in this weekend and take care?
    Merida: Yes sir(Lied)
     They hurried to look for Richard they saw him in the computer room then left. Satisfied that he was safe, then they returned to the apartments.
    Debbie: Tara, what sort of beast would pick on an innocent girl like Tara?(Tears in her eyes)
    They searched for the vampanese in the tunnels again that night. They found some including Hooky and were surrounded. Hooky responded to Vancha calling him crazy.
    Hooky: I’m not crazy! Except crazy with rage! And it’s all his fault(Pointed at Darren)
    Crepsley: Darren?
    Darren: I don’t know what he’s talking about
    Hooky: Liar!
    Merida: Do you know this creature?
    Darren: No, the first time I saw him was when he attacked me in the ally.
    Hooky: Lies!(Screamed)
    Darren: Honestly I haven’t a clue what you’re on about
    Hooky removed his mask
    Darren: Reggie Veggie(Gasped)
    Reggie: Don’t call me that! It’s R.V and it stands for Rightous Vampanese!
    Vancha: I don’t understand, who is this lunatic?
    Darren: It’s a long story, I’ll tell you later
    Darren: What happened to you? You loved life you were gentle and kind.
    R.V: You happened to me, you and your band of freaks. You ruined my life man.
    Vancha: Who sent the papers?
    A wicked voice behind them said “ I did”. Everyone turned around and saw Steve had a knife to Debbie’s throat.
    Crepsley: I knew we could not trust him, I should have killed him years ago.
    Vancha: It was all a ploy wasn’t it? The hooked one’s attack and your rescue of Darren was staged.
    Steve: Of course, I knew where they were all along.
    Crepsley: Very clever(Snarled)
    Darren: Why?(Croaked)
    Steve: Why what?
    Darren: Why do you hate us? We did nothing to hurt you.
    Steve: You chose his side over mine
    Darren: No! I saved you, I gave up everything so that you could live.
    Steve: Nonsense! Now here comes the guest of honor, a man I’m sure you’re dying to meet.
    Everyone looked back at the vampanese and saw two people walked in.
    Darren: Vancha!(Shouted)
    Vancha: What?(Snapped)
    Darren: It’s your brother Gannen Harst
    Vancha’s gaze left the man in the robes and hood AKA the Lord of the Vampanese and went on his brother. Seizing the moment Crepsley reacted quickly after Vancha. Crepsley dived among the vampanese knives outstretched and three of the vampanese fell throats or chest slit open. Harkat buried his axe into a vampaneses head. Steve was distracted by the action so Darren threw a knife by him to make him flinch. It worked Steve grip on Debbie loosened. Debbie dug her left elbow sharply into Steve’s ribs and broke free of his grip. Before he could dive after her Darren was on him. Darren grabbed him around the waist and propelled him backwards into the wall. Stepping away from him Darren sent his right fist smashing into the side of Steve’s face. The force knocked Steve down then Darren grabbed Steve’s head and smashed it into the wall knocking him out. Darren was about to kill him.
    R.V: Stop!(Screamed)
    R.V had Debbie and had the hooks of his right hand pressed against her jaw.
    R.V: Drop the knife or I slit her like a pig
    Darren seized Steve and held his knife against his throat
    Darren: If she dies, he dies
    R.V: Don’t play games with me, let him go or I’ll kill her
    Darren howled like a wolf making R.V look at him with fear but then he collected himself again.
    R.V: Howling won’t save your tasty little friend
    Darren: Let’s stop wasting each other’s time, you put Debbie aside I’ll put Steve aside. We’ll settle this man to man, winner takes all.
    R.V: No deal
    He edged towards an exit with Debbie
    Darren: What are you doing?(Shouted moving to block him)
    R.V: Stay back!
    Darren: Let her go(Said desperately)
    R.V: No, I’m taking her, If you try to stop me I’ll kill her.
    Darren: I’ll kill Steve if you do
    R.V: I don’t care for Steve like you care for little Debbie. I’ll sacrifice my friend if you’ll sacrifice yours.
    Darren moved out of his way
    R.V: Wise move
    Darren: If you harm her(Sobbed)
    R.V: I won’t, not for the time being. I want to see you squirm before I do but if you kill Steve or come after me.
    He left with Debbie with that Gannen called the vampanese off.
    Gannen: I’ll give you guys fifteen minutes to try to escape. Leave your hostages and flee. For fifteen minutes nobody will follow you have my word.
    Vancha: This is a trick(Snarled)
    Gannen: I don’t lie
    Darren: What about Debbie? I want to take her too!(Shouted)
    Gannen: I command those in this room, but not he of the hooks. She is his now.
    Darren: Were taking the hostages!
    Gannen: Fine, so will you leave?
    Darren: Yes(Croaked)
    Gannen: Then go now! From the moment you leave this room the clock starts. If we catch you, you die.
    Darren, Merida, Harkat, Crepsley, and Vancha took off with Steve and the random vampanese. They slapped Steve in the face to make him be quiet everytime he talked. There was still a long way to go, plenty of time for the vampanese to run them down.
    Vancha: We have to try to shake them off, If we make straight for the surface they’ll be upon us before we’re halfway there.
     Crepsley: But we could lose ourselves if we detour, we do not know this area. We might run into a dead end.
    Vancha: Aye, but it’s a chance we’ll have to take. I’ll act as a decoy and go back the way we came. The rest of you try and find an alternative route out. I’ll work my way back to you later, if the luck of the vampires is with me.
    Crepsley: Luck sir
    Vancha took off as they entered a fresh stretch of tunnels Steve pushed Merida hard into a wall. Making her cry out in pain then land hard on the ground. Then Crepsley was on him in a flash as Harkat made sure Merida was okay then gently helped her to her feet.
    Crepsley: Do that again and you die! The next time you touch her or if you dare touch Darren I will kill you.(Snapped)
    They continued, a short while later they heard the vampanese. They were spotted by one vampanese holding a torch.
    The vampanese: I found them! They’re here!(Yelled)
    Vancha grabbed the vampaneses head and twisted it killing him.
    Harkat: Good timing
    Vancha: I’ve been shadowing you for a while
    Darren: Any idea how far we are from the surface?
    Vancha: No
    Crepsley: What about the vampanese? Are they close?
    Vancha: Aye
    They continued, they got to a ladder
    Vancha: Go!(Yelled)
    Crepsley grabbed Darren and Merida and shoved them up the ladder. They hurried out then looked around and saw no one.
    Merida: It’s clear!(Yelled)
    Steve crawled out, then Harkat, then the random vampanese. After a short delay Crepsley and Vancha crawled out. They returned to the apartments Crepsley, Harkat, Merida, and Darren kept Steve in the middle apartment and Vancha kept the random vampanese in the apartment on the right.
    Darren: Anyone thirsty or hungry?
    Crepsley: Water please, and bandages(Sat down)
    Harkat: Are you hurt?
    Crepsley: Not really, but the tunnels we crawled through were unhygienic. We should all clean out our wounds to prevent infection.
    Everyone washed their hands, dug into some food, and tended to their wounds.
    Crepsley: This lord of yours, what does he look like?(Asked Steve)
    Steve: Now now Larten, you don’t honestly expect me to describe him do you? He’s been very careful not to show his face, even to most of those who follow him.
    Darren: How did you get so twisted? We were friends almost like brothers. What happened to you?
    Steve: I was betrayed
    Darren: That isn’t true, I saved your life. I gave up everything so that you could live.
    Steve: Shut it! Torture me if you wish but don’t insult me with lies.
    Crepsley: Impudent cur!(Struck Steve’s cheek drawing blood)
    Steve: One night soon it will be your blood I dine on(Said to Crepsley as he wiped the blood then licked it)
    More than an hour Vancha walked in revealing that the vampanese. Vancha said he killed the vampanese. Crepsley looked out the window.
    Crepsley: Charna’s guts!(Gasped)
    Vancha, Harkat, Merida, and Darren rushed over, the street was teeming with police cars, army vans, policemen, and soldiers. Many carried rifles, in the opposite building there was figures in the windows also armed. There was a helicopter hung in the air. In the helicopter there was a soldier with a big gun. Everyone quickly retreated from the window shutting the blind again.
    Harkat: Why didn’t they use sirens?
    Steve: They were warned to tread quietly. And before you waste time checking they’ve got the rear of the building and roof covered and the front as well.(Laughed)
   A voice: You in there! Killers!(Yelled through a megaphone)
    Vancha: Turn off the light!(Yelled)
    They did
    Vancha: Bring that sorry excuse for a dog over here
    Merida dragged Steve over to him and Vancha seized Steve’s throat.
    Vancha: Why are they here?
     Steve: They think you’re the killers, the ones who killed all those humans(Laughed)
    Vancha: You son of a mongrel!
    Steve: Please, let’s not get personal(Said smugly)
    Harkat and Crepsley who left the room returned
    Harkat: They’re packed tight two floors above
    Crepsley: Same two floors below
    Vancha: Who’s down there and what the hell do you want?(Yelled out the window after smashing it to bits)
    The voice on the megaphone: Who am I talking to?
    Everyone realized it was a women
    Vancha: None of your business!(Yelled)
     The women: We know your names. Larten Crepsley, Vancha March, Darren Shan, Merida Manson, and Harkat Molds. I just want to know which one of the guys I’m talking to.
    Vancha: Vancha March(Yelled)
    The women: Listen March, I’m Chief Inspector Alice Burgess. Are your hostages alive and unharmed?
    Vancha: Hostages?
    Alice: Steve Leonard and Mark Ryter. We know you have them, so don’t act innocent.
    Steve: This is Steve Leonard! They haven’t killed me yet, but they killed Mark. They tortured him first, it was horrible.(Yelled mimicking terror)
    Alice: Okay, this is how it works, release your remaining hostage. When he’s safe in our custody come down after him one at a time. Any sign of a weapon or unexpected moves and you’re history.
    Vancha: Let’s talk about this(Yelled)
    Alice: No talking(Snapped)
      Vancha: We’re not going to release him, you don’t know what he is. What he’s done let me-
    A rifle fired and a ton of bullets shot at the building making the gang fall to the floor yelping and cursing. The bullets stopped.
    Alice: That was a warning shot and your last of that. Next time we shoot to kill. No bargaining no tradeoffs no talking. You terrorized this city for most of a year. But it stops here, you’re through. Two minutes then we come in after you.
    After a short silence Harkat spoke
    Harkat: That’s that, we’re finished
    Vancha: Maybe, but we won’t die alone(Staring at Steve)
    Vancha raised a knife
    Crepsley: Wait, there is a way out, the window. We jump they will not expect that.
    Vancha: The drop’s no problem, but what do we do once down there?
    Crepsley: We flit, I will carry Darren, you carry Merida, and Merida carries Harkat while she’s on your back. It will not be easy, they might shoot at us before we can flit. But it can be done, with luck.
    Alice: Time’s up! Come out immediately or we open fire!
    Vancha: Ready?
    Crepsley: Ready
    Harkat: Ready
    Darren and Merida: Ready
    Vancha: I’ll go first with Merida and Harkat, you two come after us. Give us a second or two to roll out of your way.
    Crepsley: Luck Vancha
    Vancha: Luck
    Merida went on his back then Harkat on hers and Vancha leapt through the window. Crepsley and Darren waited then Darren went on Crepsley’s back and Crepsley went out the window. As they hit the ground Darren rolled off there was a sharp yell of pain. Crepsley laid on the ground nursing his right ankle unable to stand. While Vancha talked Alice to the ground Darren and Merida hurried over to Crepsley and helped him up. Crepsley’s teeth gritted in pain.
    Merida: Is it broken?(Her and Darren dragged him behind a car)
    Crepsley: I do not think so, but the pain is intense(Gasped)
    He collapsed behind the car and rubbed his injured ankle. Vancha had Alice by the throat and had her megaphone in the other hand.
    Vancha: Hear this! If you shoot your chief dies!(Yelled in the megaphone)
    Alice: Forget about me! Take these creeps out now!(Yelled)
    Vancha: How bad is it?(Croched by Crepsley dragging Alice down with him)
    Crepsley: Bad
    Vancha: You can’t flit?
    Crepsley: Not like this
    Vancha: Then we’ll have to leave you behind
    Crepsley: Aye
    Vancha: I can’t come back for you, if you stay you’re on your own.
    Crepsley: We know
    Vancha: If I escape, I’ll return for the Vampanese Lord. I’ll wait in the tunnels that we fought in last night. I’ll give you to midnight, if you aren’t there by then I’ll go after him alone.(Whispered)
    Crepsley: We will do our best to break out
    Vancha flitted off with Alice Crepsley, Harkat, Darren, and Merida were arrested. When they got to the jail Darren and Merida were in a room being questioned by two cops named Con and Ivan.
    Ivan: Is Darren Shan and Merida Manson your real names? Or is it Darren and Merida Horston?
    They didn’t answer
    Ivan: How about your traveling companion, Larten Crepsley or Vur Horston?
    Darren and Merida looked down at their handcuffed hands and said nothing. Their ankles were cuffed too.
    Con: What about the freak? The grey skinned monster?
    Darren and Merida: He’s not a monster!(Yelled)
    Con: Oh? What is he then?
    Darren: You wouldn’t believe us if we told you
    Ivan: Try us
    Darren and Merida refused
    Con: What about the other? Vancha March and Larten Crepsley. Our informants told us they were vampires. What do you two have to say about that?
    Darren: Vampires don’t exsit(Smiled)
    Ivan: But there is something weird about those two, March disappeared and we can’t get Crepsley on any camera. We’ve taken blood samples of Crepsley and Harkat. We’ll find out what they are when the results come back. What’s you two’s real names? What’s your relationship to the others? Where-
    Merida: Where are our friends?
    Ivan: Would you two like to see them?
    Merida: I just want to know where they are
    Con: They’re close, locked away nice and tight like you two. How old are you two? Where are you two from? Why pick this city? How many have you murdered? Where are the bodies? What have-
    There was a knock on the door Con got up and opened the door and a man entered.
    Darren: Mr Blaws?(Gasped)
    Ivan: Thank you for coming Walter(Shook Blaw’s hand)
    Blaws: Glad to be of assistance
    Ivan: Would you like a chair?
    Blaws: No thanks, I’d rather not stop any longer than necessary, Rounds to do places to be.
    Ivan: That’s fine, you brought the papers?
    Blaws: The forms they filled, all the files we have on them. Yes I left them with a man at the front desk. He’s photocopying them and giving the originals back to me before I leave. I have to hang onto the originals for the school records.
    Ivan: Fine, can you identify this boy and girl?
    Blaws: Yes Darren and Merida Horston, is it true? What the media are saying, them and their friends are the killers?
    Ivan: We can’t really say right now but as soon as we-
    Blaws: How could you? How could you kill all those people? And poor little Tara Williams, your own classmate!(Yelled at Darren and Merida)
    Merida: We didn’t kill Tara, we didn’t kill anyone. We’re not killers, the police have arrested the wrong people.
    Con laughed
    Blaws: You’re beasts
    He left and so did Ivan and a cop named Dave took his place.
    Dave: We’re trying to help you two
    Merida: Taking off our handcuffs and setting us free would be a big help
    Dave: Good one, of course we know that isn’t going to happen but there are things I can do. Get you two a lawyer, a bath, a change of clothes, and a nice bunk for the night. You two are going to be with us a long time but it doesn’t have to be an unpleasant stay.
    Darren: What do we have to do to make it pleasant?
     Dave: Not much, tell us your real names, where you’re from, and what you’re doing here.
    They refused
    Merida: Would it be okay if we walked around for a few minutes? Our legs are cramping up.
    Dave: You two can’t leave this room
    Merida: I’m not asking us to, a couple minutes pacing from one side to the other will be fine.
    Con: Let them, as long as they stay on their own side of the table
    Darren and Merida pushed their chairs back then started walking to one wall to the other. After a while they both stopped at a wall and rested their foreheads on it. After a little bit they were told to sit back down.
    Dave: Are there others? Is it just you five or are there killers in your gang that we haven’t caught yet?
    Darren: We’re not killers
    Dave: Did you kill them first then drink from them? Or the other way around?
    Darren: Leave us alone, you’ve got it all wrong. We’re not your enemies.
    People poured into the hall and police and staff were all yelling.
    Dave: What the hell’s going on?(Yelled)
    Con: I’ll go check
    He pounded on the door so a guard opened it. He grabbed a women and got the information out of her.
    Con: It’s a breakout!(Yelled)
    Dave: Which one? Crepsley or Molds?(Yelled jumping up)
    Con: Neither, it’s the hostage Steve Leonard!(Gasped)
    Dave: What?!
    Con: He regained consciousness then murdered a guard and two nurses(Yelled)
    Dave looked at Darren and Merida
    Merida: We’re not the killers, we’re not the ones you want. We’re on your side.
    The guard: What about the boy and girl?
    A cop named Morgan: You guys go I’ll watch them
    Everyone else left slamming the door after four seconds he shut off the tape recorder.
    Morgan: I thought we’d never get rid of them, you two will have to go through the ceiling. I’m going to attack Darren in a minute. I’ll put on a show for the cameras. Pretend to lose my rage and go for his throat. Merida defend your boyfriend and slam me over the head with your fists hard. I’ll go down for the count. After that it’s up to you two. I have no key for your chains so you’ll have to snap them yourselves.
    Darren: Why are you doing this?
    Morgan came at Darren fast Merida quickly knocked Morgan out. Darren and Merida broke out of their chains then jumped right into the vent of the ceiling. After a little bit of searching they found Harkat’s cell. Darren head butted through the tiles making Harkat jump up and get ready to defend himself. Merida put her head through the hole.
    Harkat: Merida!(Yelled in delight)
    Darren: Howdy partner(Widened the hole then stuck his head through the hole too)
    Harkat: What are you two doing up there?
    Merida: Sightseeing!(Laughed)
    Darren: Come on, we haven’t much time and we have to find Crepsley.
    Merida dragged Harkat up then they looked for Crepsley’s cell. After a little bit they heard Crepsley’s voice. There was only one cop in the room with him. Harkat, Darren, and Merida broke through, landed on the floor, and then knocked the cop out.
    Crepsley: I was not expecting you three so soon(Broke free of his chains)
    Merida: How’s your ankle? Can you walk?
    Crepsley: I will win no races, but nor shall I be a hindrance
    They kicked their way through the wall at the back of the building. They found themselves on the second floor above a deserted ally.
    Darren: Can you jump?
    Crepsley: No, but I can climb
    They made a way down into a manhole and into the tunnels. All of a sudden a gun went off and the bullet hit the wall. But it wasn’t any cops it was a vampanese.
    The vampanese: Greetings vampires we been expecting you
    Darren: Who are you?
    The vampanese: One who follows the Lord of the Vampanese
    Merida: What are you doing here?
    The vampanese: Blocking your passage
    But Crepsley killed him and everyone continued they journey. Crepsley’s ankle finally healed and didn’t hurt anymore.
    Crepsley: Tread carefully, hold your weapons low and
    He paused
    Crepsley: Did any of you bring a weapon?
    Darren: Of course-
    He paused
    Darren: You’re not going to believe this
    Crepsley: You forgot too?(Groaned)
    Merida forgot too, everyone looked at Harkat
    Harkat: Sorry
    Crepsley: Brilliant! The most important fight of our lives and we come unarmed. What manner of fools are we?
    Someone: The greatest who ever stalked the shadows of the night  
    They saw it was just Vancha
    Vancha: Is it true, you came without weapons?
    Crepsley: We have had a difficult afternoon
    They told Vancha about jail and how Steve was there and how like them he escaped.
    Vancha: I pray to the gods that I have a chance to slit his throat tonight.
    Darren: You’ll have to get in line(Not joking)
    Vancha: You four need weapons, follow me
    He lead them to a part of a tunnel where there was a small stack of weapons. Next to the weapons was a bound Alice Burgess.
    Harkat: Where did you get these?
    He picked a jagged knife and a small double headed axe.
    Vancha: The vampanese left them when they were clearing their dead away.
    Crepsley took a couple of long knives and a few short ones for throwing. Darren grabbed a small curved sword and put a small knife in the back of his trousers. Merida grabbed bow and arrows and a long sword.
    Merida: Can we trust her?(Pointed at Alice)
    Vancha: I don’t know, but there’s one way to find out
    He took the gag out of Alice’s mouth
    Alice: Animal! I’ll see you all hang for this. I’ll have you shaved bald, smeared in tar, covered with feathers, then set you on fire as you dangle!
    Vancha: Isn’t she magnificent? I think I’m falling in love.(Freeded her arms and legs)
    Alice: Savage!(Yelled)
    She was about to slap him but he grabbed her arm
    Vancha: Remember what I said Alice, I don’t want to leave here at the mercy of our enemies. But I will if you force me to.
    She held her tongue
    Vancha: Better, now pick a weapon, two or three if you’d prefer and get ready. We have an army of darkness to deal with.
    Alice: You guys are crazy, you really expect me to believe you’re vampires but not killers? That you’re here to take on a bunch of…… what did you call them?
    Vancha: Vampanese
    Alice: That these vampanese are the bad guys and you’re here to sort the out? Even though there’s dozens of them and only five of you?
    Vancha: That about sums it up, except there are six of us now
    Alice: Crazy(Picked up a long hunting knife and a few small ones)
    Alice: Okay, I don’t believe your story but I’ll tag along for the time being. If we run into these vampanese and they’re all that you say I’ll throw my lot in with you. But if we don’t-
    She pointed at Vancha with her big sword then made a throat slicing suggestion.
    Vancha: I love it when you talk threateningly
    As they continued their journey they met a big door that was bolted shut and wouldn’t open. There was a long row of combination locks running across the middle, beneath a circular handle.
    Vancha: I wrestled with this for more than an hour, couldn’t make head nor tail of it.
    Crepsley: Let me have a look, I am not adapt at locks such as these. But I have broken into safes before. I may be able to-
    He paused as he studied the lock
    Darren: Something wrong?
    Crepsley: We cannot go this way, it is too intricately coded. We must find a way around.
    Vancha: Easier said than done, I’ve scoured the tunnels for hidden passages, didn’t find any. I think this is the only way ahead.
    Harkat: Couldn’t we break through the wall around the door?
    Vancha: I tried, it’s steel-lined, think steel, even vampires have their limits.
     Merida: This doesn’t make sense, they knew we’d come. They wanted us to come. Why strand us here? There must be a way through. Crepsley explain this lock.
    Crepsley: It is a combination lock, quite straightforward. The dials are down there. You twist them clockwise for a higher number and anti-clockwise for a lower number. When the correct numbers have been entered in all fifteen windows the door will open.
    Darren: And each number’s different?
    Crepsley: I assume so, fifteen different locks fifteen different numbers. I could crack the code eventually but it would take several nights and days.(Sighed)
    They saw the last three windows were blank
    Crepsley: They must not form part of the code
    Darren: So we’ve only twelve numbers to worry about?
    Crepsley: That should save us half a night or so(Smiled ruefully)
    Darren had a thought
     Darren: Try these numbers as I call them out. Nineteen, twenty, five,(Said to Crepsley)
    He carried on until he got to eighteen and four, there was a click and the circular handle popped out. Startled Crepsley grabbed it and twisted it. It turned easily and the door swung open.
    Vancha: How?(Gasped him and everyone looking at Darren)
    Alice: Oh please! Isn’t it obvious? He just converted the alphabet into numbers.
    Harkat: Oh I get it, A was 1 B was 2 and so on
    Darren: Right, using that I dialed in “ Steve Leopard”
    Vancha: Get in line I’ll go first
    With Vancha in the lead Harkat was second, Alice was third Darren was fourth, Merida was fifth, and Crepsley was last. Torches were set in the walls, after forty meters there was a loud clanging noise that made everyone jump. They all turned around and saw R.V.
    R.V: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome! The proprietors of these caverns and tunnels wish you well and hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any complaints please don’t hesitate to-
    Darren: Where’s Debbie you monster?(Screamed)
    R.V: Debbie’s close man, and she’s alive, but she won’t be much longer. Not if you don’t come with me now. How about it Shanny? Your life for Debbie’s, is it a deal or do I make her squeal?
    Darren: No(Whispered)
    R.V: What was that? Speak up I can’t hear you(Shouted)
    Darren: No!(Yelled threw a knife at him but missing)
    R.V took off
    Crepsley: You did well Darren(Squeezed Darren’s shoulder)
    The tunnel ran straight and downwards for five or six hundred meters. Before opening out on to a huge man made cavern with smooth walls and an extremely high ceiling. Three heavy silver chandeliers hung from the ceiling each with red burning candles. Everyone walked in.
    Vancha: Hold it, have a look at this(Beckoning them forward)
    Everyone stepped beside him, they were standing at the edge of a pit which was filled with steel-tipped stakes two or three meters tall.
    Harkat: A trap for us to fall into?
    Vancha: I doubt it, the vampanese would have covered it if they wanted us to walk into it.
    They saw a long plank connecting the rear right of the platform to a hole in the wall behind it. There was a thick rope running from the front left side of the platform to our side of the pit, where it was tied to a large holding stake.
    Darren: Looks like that’s the only way forward(Not liking the set-up one bit)
    Crepsley: We could skirt the pit and climb the wall
    Darren: Look again, there scores of tiny holes in the wall. Ideal for firing darts or bullets through.
    Vancha: They’d cut us down in seconds if we tried climbing that rope
    He climbed the rope a few feet to test it then climbed back down.
    Vancha: It’s strong, I think it will hold all of us at the same time. But we won’t take the chance we’ll go one at a time. The same order we came in the tunnel.
    Harkat: What about the platform? It could be rigged to collapse when we are on it.
    Vancha: When I get up, I’ll hurry to the opening across the plank. Don’t come up until I’m safe. When you do make straight for the tunnel. If they take the platform down while we’re crossing only one of us will die.
    Vancha climbed up the rope he was almost halfway across
    Alice: Hey! Someone’s up there!(Yelled as she spotted a figure appeared in the mouth of the tunnel)
    They all looked
    Darren: Steve!(Eyes filling with hatred)
    Steve: Howdy boys! Find your way here okay? Thought you might have gotten lost. I was preparing a search party to send after you.(Walked across the platform)
    Steve reached the platform and walked to the waist-high railing which ran around the sides.
    Vancha: We meet again Mr March
    Vancha began crawling faster Steve reached into his pocket, produced a match, and held it up for everyone to see. He struck the match on the ground sending it on fire. He tossed it into the pit there was an explosive roar and flames shot up out of the pit. The flames completely consumed the rope and Vancha swallowing the prince whole in the blink of an eye. But the flames died down slightly revealing a singed but very much alive Vancha March hanging by one hand from the rope.
    Darren: Vancha! You’re alive!(Yelled happily)
    Vancha: Of course I am(Grinning painfully)
    Steve: You’re a tough old badger aren’t you?
    Vancha: Aye, and you haven’t seen anything yet,just wait till I get my hands on your scrawny evil neck!
    Steve: I’m soooo scared(Snorted)
    Vancha began climbing again
    Steve: No you don’t, one more centimeter and I’ll send you crashing to your doom(Took out his sword)
    Vancha quickly came down landing by his friends
    Steve: Wise move, now if we’re all good and ready let’s get this show on the road.
     He whistled, panels in the ceiling were ripped free and vampanese descended on ropes. More panels were removed in the walls and vampanese stepped out. There was forty or more most armed with swords, axes, clubs, rifles, handguns, and crossbows.
    Vancha: I make it about ten or twelve for each of us, does anybody have any favorites? Or will we divide them up at random?
    Darren: You can take as many as you want, but leave that guy over there for me.
    Alice saw who he was pointing at, it was the guy that helped him and Merida escape jail.
    Alice: Morgan James(Gasped)
    Morgan: Evening ma’am
    Alice: Morgan’s one of them?(Totally shocked)
    Merida: Yes, he helped us escape, he knew that Steve would murder his colleagues and he let him.
    Alice: Shan, if you want him you’ll have to fight me for him, that bastards mine!(Her face darkened)
     Darren nodded in agreement, two people had emerged and were crossing the plank to the platform. It was Gannen Harst and the Lord of the Vampanese.
    Darren: Look!
    Everyone saw them
    Gannen: Greetings brother
    Vancha: We’ve got to get up there!
    Crepsley: If you can lead, I will gladly follow
    Vancha: Gannen! What’s going on? Why haven’t your men attacked us yet?(Yelled)
    Gannen: You know why, they’re afraid they might kill you in the heat of battle. According to Desmond Tiny only our lord is supposed to kill the hunters.
    Vancha: Does that mean they won’t defend themselves if we attack?
    Steve: Dream on you stupid old-(Laughed)
    Gannen: Enough! You will not interrupt when I am speaking with my brother.(Yelled)
    Gannen: Of course they’ll defend themselves, but we hope to avoid such a scene. Apart from the risk of killing you, we’ve lost too many good men already and don’t want to sacrifice any more. It might be possible to agree to a compromise.
    Vancha: I’m listening
    Steve: Lower away R.V!(Yelled)
    A panel in the ceiling was thrown back and somebody was lowered through the gap on a rope. It was Debbie, her forehead was gashed, her clothes were ripped, and she looked incredibly weary. Her hands were tied behind her back.
    Darren: Debbie!(Yelled)
    Debbie: Darren! Get out! Don’t trust them!(Screamed)
    Steve: If you don’t shut up, I’ll shut you up
    Gannen: We are interested only in the hunters, Debbie Hemlock, Alice Burgess, and the little person don’t matter. If Vancha, Larten, Darren, and Merida lay down their weapons and surrender we’ll free the rest of you. You can walk away lives intact.
    Vancha: No way!(Yelled)
    Crepsley: Nor shall I agree to such a deal
    Merida: Hell no!
    Gannen: What of Darren Shan? Will he agree to our deal, or will he condemn his friends to die with the rest of you?
    Darren: No, we fight and we die, all for one and one for all.
    Gannen: Very well, let me put another proposal to you. Same basic outline as the first. Drop your weapons, surrender, and we let the humans walk. But Merida Manson gets to go head to head with our lord and Steve Leonard. If Vancha, Larten, and Darren turn themselves in without a fight we will allow Merida to duel with our lord and Steve Leonard. It will be two on one but she’ll be equipped with weapons. If Merida wins we free all three of you along with the others. If she loses we execute Vancha, Larten, and Darren. But the humans and Harkat Molds go free.
    Vancha: What do you think(Asked Merida)
    Merida: There has to be a catch, why risk their lord’s life if they don’t have to?
    Vancha: Gannen! How do we know that R.V or the others won’t join in?(Yelled)
    Gannen: I give you my word, nobody else will interfere. I’ll kill any who seeks to swing the balance one way or the other.
    Vancha: That’s good enough for me I believe him
    Crepsley: If we agree to Gannen’s deal, and send Merida up to face them, we place all our eggs in one basket. If Merida wins wonderful, but if she loses-
    Merida: If you guys trust me, I’ll accept the challenge, and the blame if I fail.
    Vancha: She said that like a true vampire(Said warmly)
    Crepsley: She is a true vampire just like Darren(Feeling proud of both of his assistants/kids)
    Vancha: Very well, we accept, but first you have to set the humans and Harkat free. After that Merida fights your lord and Steve, if the fight is fair and she loses Larten, Darren, and I will lay down our arms.
    Gannen: That’s not the deal, you must lay your weapons to one side and surrender before-
    Vancha: No, we do it this way or not at all. You have my word that we’ll let your people take us if Merida loses. Assuming she loses fairly, if my word’s not good enough we have a problem.
    Gannen: Your word is good, R.V haul Debbie up and escort her down.
    R.V: No! Steve said I could kill her! He said I could cut her up into tiny pieces-(Yelled)
    Steve: Now I’m saying different! Don’t cross me on this! I will make Darren Shan suffer and kill his wife and you won’t stop me!(Yelled)
    R.V pulled on the rope and Debbie ascended in a series of short uncomfortable jerks. While waiting for Debbie to return to them Merida got ready for her fight.
    Vancha: How do you feel?
    Merida: Ready
    Vancha: Remember all that matters is the result. Fight dirty if you have to. Kick and spit, scratch and pinch, and hit below the belt.
    Merida: I will, will you really surrender if I lose?
    Vancha: I promised we’d drop our weapons and let them take us. And so we will, but I said nothing about letting them keep us or not picking our weapons up again!(Whispered)
    R.V marched over dragging Debbie behind him by her hair.
    Darren: Stop that! You’re hurting her!
    R.V tossed Debbie down in front of him she cried out in pain. She flew into his arms and sobbed.
    Darren: Shhh, take it easy you’re safe
    Steve: Such a touching scene, someone pass me a hankie(Sneered)
    Darren forced Debbie to look at him
    Darren: You look awful
    Debbie: Charming!(Half-laughed)
    Debbie: I don’t want to leave, not until after the fight(Croaked)
    Harkat: I want to stay too
    Darren: It’s your right to, I won’t stop you, but I’d rather you didn’t. If you vaule our friendship you’ll take Debbie and Alice to the surface and make sure they get away safely. I don’t trust these monsters, they might go on a rampage and kill us all if Merida wins.
    But Harkat diden’t have to, Alice left making Debbie leave with her. Darren was right about that they would try to kill them all. There was no fight between Merida and Steve and the lord. The vampanese came at them but it left the rope unguarded.
    Merida: Who goes?
    Vancha: Me(Grabbing the rope)
    Crepsley: No, it must be me(Layed a hand on Vancha’s shoulder)
    Vancha: We don’t have time to-
    Crepsley: That is true, we do not have time. So let me pass without any arguments.
    Vancha: Larten-
    Darren: He’s right, it has to be him
    Vancha: Why?
    Darren: Because Steve was my best friend and Gannen is your brother. Crepsley can concentrate wholly on the Vampanese Lord.
    Vancha: Give them hell Larten(Let go of the rope)
    Crepsley: I will(Smiled grabbing the rope)
    He started to climb
    Vancha: We must cover him from this side
    Merida: I know
    Gannen: Servants of the night! Look to your lord! Danger approaches!(Yelled)
    Vampanese rushed towards Vancha, Darren, and Merida. Darren and Merida lashed out with their swords and Vancha with his hands. Gannen moved towards the rope with a sharp dagger in his right hand. He was going to cut the rope but Alice started shooting at him with a rifle with Debbie and Harkat guarding her. A vampanese crashed into Merida’s back knocking her to the floor. She rolled away as the vampanese dived after her. Pinning her to the floor he wrapped his fingers around her neck and squeezed. But before he could crush her throat Darren punched a vampanese making the vampanese collide with the vampanese ontop of her knocking him off of her. She leaped to her feet, grabbed her sword, and stabbed him in the face.
    R.V: Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!(Yelled going after Harkat)
    Harkat calmly grabbed the straps attaching the hooks to R.V’s arms, ripped them lose, and tossed the hooks away.
    R.V: No! My hands! My hands!(Yelled)
    Crepsley climbed over the railing making Darren and Merida relax. The fighting stopped to watch Crepsley, Steve, and the lord.
    The Lord of the Vampanese: I knew this was coming, Des Tiny predicted it. He said I’d have to fight one of the hunters here, above the flames, and that it would most likely be Larten Crepsley. We tried to turn his prophecy on it’s head and lure the girl up instead. But in my heart I knew it was you I’d have to face.(Took off his hood)
     Gannen: The deal’s off, the two to one ratio no longer applies. If you’d sent Merida Manson as agreed we’d have kept our side of the bargain. Since you’ve come in her place you can’t expect us to offer the same generous odds.
    Crepsley: I expect nothing of madmen and traitors
    The vampanese lord produced a barbed short sword, Gannen drew a longer straight sword, and Steve dug out a gold dagger and long length of spiked chain.
    Vampanese lord: Are you ready Larten Crepsley?
    Crepsley: Yes
    Steve lashed out with his chain Crepsley avoided it and stabbed sharply at Steve’s stomach with his knife. Gannen swung at Crepsley with his sword Crepsley avoided it. Crepsley was almost backed up against the rail no more than half a meter away from a dead end. Steve sent his chain flicking at him again. Crepsley dropped his knife and grabbed the chain in mid air. His fingers closed on spikes and his mouth tightened with pain but he diden’t let go. Yanking sharply on the chain he brought Steve crashing towards him. Crepsley seized the lord by the scruff of his shirt and tossed him over killing him. Steve tackled him sending them over but Steve grabbed the railing and Crepsley grabbed the chain.
    Steve: Let go! You’ll kill us both!(Screamed)
    Crepsley: That’s what I mean to do!(Yelled as Gannen caught Steve’s other hand)
    He started tugging on the chain trying to break Gannen’s hold.
    Gannen: Stop! Stop and we’ll let you go!(Yelled)
    Crepsley: Too late! I swore two things to myself when I came down here. One I would kill the Lord of the Vampanese. Two I would kill Steve Leonaed! I am not a man for leaving a job half done.
    Merida: Larten! Please don’t do it! We’ll track him down later and finish him off!(Cried)
    Gannen: As you hold the life of Steve Leonard in your hands I hold the lives of your friends. If you kill Steve I’ll order their deaths too!
    Darren: His life too! Spare Crepsley!(Yelled desperately)
    Steve: No! Crepsley dies, I won’t let him go
    Gannen: Don’t be stupid! You’ll die too if we don’t release him!(Yelled)
    Steve: Then I’ll die
    Merida: Darren! We have to save him! We can’t let him die!(Yelled pleadingly)
     Darren: Shhh(Whispered as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead)
    Merida: But-(Sobbed)
    Darren: We can’t do anything(Sighed sadly)
    Crepsley: It seems our paths must part sire(Said to Vancha)
    Vancha: Aye(Croaked)
    Crepsley: We shared some good times
    Vancha: Great times
    Crepsley: Darren and Merida
    Darren and Merida: Larten(Smiling but crying)
    Gannen: Hurry! My grip is slipping, a few more seconds and I’ll-(Yelled)
     Crepsley: A few seconds will suffice, Darren and Merida do not let hatred rule your lives. Live as free vampires, do not become like Steve Leonard or R.V. My spirit will not rest easy in paradise if you two do.
    Gannen: I can’t…… hold……. Any longer!(Wheezed)
    Crepsley: Nor shall you have to
    Crepsley: Even in death may I be triumphant!(Yelled)
    Crepsley let go of the chain and dropped towards the stakes. Suddenly someone swung from a rope from the ceiling. They grabbed Crepsley around his waist and rose with him to the platform landing on their feet. It was Mika Ver Leth.
    Mika: Now!(Yelled)
    An army of vampires flew and ran in swords, swinging, knives darting, and axes chopping.
    Gannen: No!(Yelled throwing himself at Crepsley and Mika)
    Mika camly stepped in front of Crepsley sword ready and swung it cutting Gannen’s clean off the neck. Sending it sailing through the air like a bowling ball. Gannen’s lifeless headless body toppled over the side of the platform. Steve Leonard yelped, turned, and dashed for the safety of the tunnel. He’d made it almost to the end of the plank when Crepsley borrowed one of Mika’s knives, took careful aim, and sent it flying at Steve. The knife buried itself between Steve’s shoulder blades. He gasped, coughed up blood, and then collapsed to the floor dead. Merida was still sobbing into Darren’s chest thinking she lost someone who took her in after Kurda’s death a father figure who she loved very much.
    Darren: It’s okay, Crepsley’s safe and alive. The cavalry arrived.
    They both saw a fabulous figure pushing the fighting, orange hair flecked with blood.
    Darren and Merida: Crepsley!(They cried as they threw themselves into his arms)
    Crepsley: Master Shan! Princess Merida! Did you think I was finished?(Holding them tight)
    Darren and Merida: Yes(Sobbed)
    Crepsley: Hah! You do not get rid of me that easily! You two still have much to learn about our ways and customs. Who but I would have the patence to teach you?
    Darren: Vain old git!(Snuffled)
    Crepsley: Rude young brat!
    He forced them to look at his face, rubbed away their tears, and kissed their foreheads.
    Crepsley: I love you both!
    Darren and Merida: I love you too!
    It did not take long for the vampires to kill all the vampanese. Everyone returned to Vampire Mountain and celebrated for three days. After that Harkat went on a journey with Darren and Merida to find out who he used to be. Harkat found out he was Kurda Smult which made Darren and Merida closer to him and love him more than before especially Merida. The three returned to Vampire Mountain and kept the secret to themselves. From that moment on Crepsley, Darren, and Merida lived happily at the mountain for the rest of their vampire lives. And Harkat lived happily at the mountain for the rest of his life.
    Author notes:(I wrote the ending I did cause I wanted to write Darren's version and I love Crepsley too much it breaks my heart everytime I read the part about his death! I couldn't bring myself to put it in! Same with Kurda and Gavner!(More Kurda then Gavner!) but I know for the story to make sense I had to kill them. And I decided to make the Lord of the Shadows just Steve not Darren and make it where the Lord of the Shadows never happens because Steve dies)                              
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circlejourney · 7 years ago
Here follows a long ramble about all my major projects
I do remember all my projects. From 2005 to 2006, I wrote two huge self insert Pokemon fanfics about me and my friends entering the Pokemon wrld that totalled up to 100k words. It included a whole mythos about how all the legendary pokemon came to be.
2007 I started the Zodiac Trilogy, so named because the country was themed after the zodiac. It was...Avatar meets Warrior Cats, you had four warring tribes themed on the four elements, and the encroachment of an external threat that forced them to come together. This was a trilogy (Zodiac, The Eye of the Swan, Seven Days to Spring) which showed the kingdom’s progression from segregated, to vaguely coming to terms with its new unity, and in the second and third installments in particular, there was a lot of travelling across the world and interference by deities and impossible circumstances. And prophecies. Entirely too many of them. It was meant to be epic fantasy, but I was also very young and each instalment was anywhere between 20k to 50k words. I drew a map for the story that I kept on my person for three years, it had continents and kingdoms and shit.
In 2008 came the story whose title I’ve forgotten somehow, about the queen travelling the world incognito in search of something with which to exorcise the spirit who had possessed her daughter, but finds herself also haunted by some extension of the same entity, and slowly coming to the realisation that holes leading between this world and Hell are beginning to open in the fabric of reality across the queendom. I also drew maps for this one, but it was just one country the size of Russia. I don’t remember this one particularly well, but there were two side characters with a romance plot.
OTDOTS was a big one that I still care about, cause I spent 6 years writing it. It was 10 people who are all connected to a simmering revolution against the tyrant, and who all have a personal grudge against him. they meet up over the course of six years, and then they encounter other peripheral rebel groups who eventually become allies in their ultimate quest. there's also an overarching plot about deities and the nature of the cosmos, and soon the plot threads unite to reveal whatever the hell was happening there. it's the proto-Revolving Door, quite a proper epic fantasy, and it had 200 named characters. it’s also still my longest story
2009: The next one was called The Prize of the Sword, it was about a world with 12 deities in three houses, and twelve strains of magic corresponding to these: those powers ranged across heat, light, absence (i.e. cold/void), stone, etc. The premise was that there was a blood sport tournament where the prize was a sword that could grant anything you wished for, and you only had to be the last person alive to claim it.
Then it was Wake the Guardians. This was fairly big, somewhere between 70k and 100k words, and I managed to write it all in a month somehow. A story about a small country on the brink of war with its neighbour (strained diplomatic relations are a theme in my stories...and diplomatic relations in general), whose princess was promised in marriage to the neighbour’s prince in the hopes of settling the conflict. Except obviously she didn't like this, and there was family drama, and she learned to swordfight, and then things came to a head when their neighbours broke the armistice etc. etc.
In 2010 I another story in the universe with 12 deities, called Lapis Lazuli. This one was about a girl who was being hunted down by a serial killer with a grudge against her father--a famous man with many enemies. She was born to two of the most prominent sorcerers in the country, and turned out to be a muggle basically, which was a burden she bore constantly. There was a lot of death and tragedy in this one ofc
Early 2010 I also plotted, but never got past 10,000 words, of “Candle Story”, a story about guard school where each guard squad was made up of four members with specific roles: a caller who communed with animals, a dancer who set the rhythm of battle, a musician who cast status effects with melody and chords, and a scholar who cast spells by reciting long memorised passages. It was meant to be reciprocally fictional with Eagles and Swans, as in each story was a work of fiction in the other story.
Late 2010 was also when I started writing Eagles and Swans, you guys vaguely know this one, it’s quite an important story to me. Ruthenia is orphaned by a shitty religious law; she joins anarchic gangs who vandalise government property before becoming legal ward/employee to inventor Titanio,. He sends her to an uptown school, where via a trading of favours with the Arcane Prince, she comes face to face with the humanity and utter ineptitude of the people making up the government. And then natural disasters start to happen, and Astra goes from going downhill to probably totally fucked. The original draft for this was 350k words and then I cut down on a lot of the extraneous worldbuilding and it became 110k words (said worldbuilding is on a wiki-in-progress, eagles-and-swans)
2013 is when I started writing Revolving Door. I’ve said enough about this one I think. it was always meant to be “the most complicated story, encompassing the vastest swath of reality, I could possibly conceive”
Also 2013 I wrote half of a novel about two groups of three teenagers on Havaiki who run into weird causal time loops and realise that they need to compete and outsmart each other as they time-travel across the most recent 200 years to ensure not only that they’re alive, but that Havaiki City exists at all
2013 I started planning a novel called Voca, which was about “programmed magic”: people wrote computer programmes to compel deities to perform tasks for them. Of course, the actual mediator between human language and deity language was music, and there were people who could command the deities just by singing. MC was Amberrule, a courier who delivered the machines used to programme deities to people across the city. This ended up being a multimedia project that’s up online somewhere?
Early 2016: Nocturna is the story of a world where the angels and demons continue to be at war throughout history, and their powers mingle at the edges of their respective territories, causing new and bizarre forms to emerge wherever they touch. there’s one animation project and one comic set in this world so far
2016 I plotted and began, but never continued, a story about two archipelago nations who have disputes over a few border islands between them, and those strained diplomatic relations are close to snapping. MC is the heir of one nation, their ship capsizes and they wash up on one of the border islands; a privateer crew from the other nation saves them. They soon realise that revealing the MC’s presence could trigger the start of a war, so they begin to plot the MC’s safe return very carefully. Until a romance plot gets in the way.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if I missed a couple, because I always forget shit
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iamcmims · 7 years ago
SUPERNATURAL: Olivia Parker: Home
Words count: 8K
A/N: And here is the new chapter! The episode “Home” was heartbreaking, writing it was heartbreaking. In this chapter, you will have more answers about Olivia and Khogalla and what’s happening around her. 
Feedback is always highly appreciated! If you want to be tagged, just ask me!
Taglist: @ohsoevilsoul
Warning: Blood, ghosts, evil, angst.
Previous parts: Pilot — Wendigo — Dead In The Water — Phantom Traveler — Bloody Mary — Skin — Hook Man — The Fight
Previously on Olivia Parker…
"So anything?", "I had them check the FBI's missing person data bank. No John Doe's fitting Dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations.", "Sam, I don't think your Dad wants to be found.", "We will find him, but if he doesn't want to be found, it will be harder, meaning you'll have to be patient.", "I know."
"The mutilated body was found near the victim's car, parked on the 9-mile road. Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible.", "Dad would check it out."
"Was he with somebody?", "Not just somebody. Lori Sorensen", "Who's Lori Sorensen?", "She's reverend's daughter."
"She heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car.", "Wait, the body suspended? That sounds like the—", "Yeah, the Hook Man legend.", "Maybe the Hook Man isn't a man at all. What if it's some kind of spirit?"
"Listen. You two and your brother—", "Oh, don't worry, we're leaving town."
"We could stay." Sam shakes his head. Dean watches Lori looking sad, he shakes his head and drives away.
"Levy! Stop!" The guards run forward, missing him. He takes something out of his jacket. "So close to finding you." A pearl in his hand shines bright red. He puts it back into his pocket and walks away.
"He's not just a thief, he's the prince of thieves. He's a metamorph, he's powerful. He has four of the eight pearls. We cannot let him have all of them. You find me this thief, and you kill him. I want his head far from his body."
"Khogalla is mine, you're not getting it back, Gabriel."
"Queen Olivia! You're back!", "Who are you?", "Oh right, it's right. I'm Levy, your thief. I almost have all the pears to bring you to Khogalla, your kingdom, Majesty."
"This is the kingdom of magic. Profeta is evil, but the ground of Khogalla is good, when she took over, the bad did too, killing everything that was good.", "Why are you showing me this?", "You're our savior.", "I'm a hunter! What makes you think this?", "It's in the prophecy."
"Khogalla..." On the ground of dead flowers stands one brand new rose, and the echo of Olivia's voice "Khogalla..."
"I'm bringing you home, my queen."
"The Naiads don't exist anymore."
"Archangel Gabriel, if you hear me, please show me the path to Tenebris Aurea. Help me stop this useless war."
"What if Profeta wins?", "The prophecy didn't change. Each day I look at it, each day it remains.", "Prince of Thief, I hope you're right."
"For Khogalla.", "For Queen Olivia."
Tenebris Aurea. The slayer of Hell. The well of power. The book of Alathea. The hand of the spirit of the Future
"Why would I kill the prodigy? You can't stop the hands of time."
"We're going to bring you back to your kingdom, Your Majesty.", "My what now?"
Today — Lawrence, Kansas. — Night.
A young woman named Jenny is sitting on the floor of her home, unpacking boxes. She comes across a photo of herself and her husband at their wedding. She begins to cry just as her daughter, Sari, comes in the room. "Mommy?" Jenny looks up. "Hey, sweetie. Why aren't you in bed?", "There's something in my closet."          Jenny opens the closet doors and looks inside as Sari watches from her bed.", "See? There's nothing there.", "You're sure?", "I'm sure. Now, come on. Get into bed." Sari crawls into her bed, and Jenny tucks her in. "I don't like this house." Jenny looks at her daughter and sighs. "You're just not used to it yet. But you and your brother and me — we are going to be very happy here. I promise." She kisses Sari on her forehead. "I love you." She turns off the light and gets up the leave the room. "The chair.", "Okay." Jenny moves a chair under the doorknob of the closet. "The chair. Just to be safe." Sari lies down and goes the bed. Jenny leaves.          After returning to the living room, Jenny continues unpacking boxes. She stops when she hears the sound of scratching coming from the basement. "Please, God, don't let it be rats."          Jenny goes downstairs into the basement with a flashlight. She tries turning on a light, but the switches don't work. "Terrific."          In Sari's bedroom, the chair begins moving on its own, away from the closet doors. Sari sits up in her bed, wide-eyed and afraid.          Jenny keeps looking around. On the floor, she sees a large black trunk. She kneels down and opens it, pulling out old photos of the Winchester family. Written on the back of a picture are the words, "The Winchesters. John, Mary, Dean, and Little Sammy." Jenny smiles.          In Sari's bedroom, the closet doors open by themselves. Standing in the closet is what looks like a person, but is entirely made out of fire. Sari screams.
The door of the motel room opens, Sam and Dean turn, Olivia enters. Dean stands up. "Where were you?" Olivia looks at him but doesn't answer. She closes the door and sits on the bed. "I…" The anger that Dean felt was replaced by worry and concern. "Olivia?" He walks to her, he kneels down, puts his hands on her legs, and looks up at her. "Olivia? You're okay?" Sam stands up too and sits on the bed. "I'm fine. I just, I'm tired." She didn't know what to make of everything she found out. The prophecy that was attached to her name, her past life, the people she left behind, the kingdom she left behind. She didn't know if she was supposed to tell Sam and Dean or not. One thing's for sure, she did not lie to them when she said she was tired. She was beyond tired, she was exhausted and lost but at the same time at so many places. Her brain kept going back to Khogalla, to Levy, to her parents, her son, and husband, to Sam and Dean. She had a choice to make, she knew it, but she didn't know if she would be capable of making it, or if she would be capable of putting this burden on Sam and Dean. So she looked at Dean and smiled, "I'm fine, don't worry. I've been walking a lot, got lost, had no signal and had to walk a lot only to realize there was a shortcut. I then went to drink and crash at a church, the father helped me find my way back." The only question was which way back is she going to chose?          While Sam is sleeping, he begins dreaming of Jenny. She is inside her bedroom, screaming for help. Sam wakes up, confused.          The next morning, while Dean is on the computer, Olivia reading, Sam is drawing a picture of a tree. "All right. I've been cruising some websites. I think I found a few candidates for our next gig. A fishing trawler found off the coast of Cali — its crew vanished." Olivia puts down her book and looks up at Dean. "And, uh, we got some cattle mutilations in West Texas." Dean and Olivia look at Sam. "Hey." Sam looks up from his drawing. "Am I boring you with this evil stuff?", "No. I'm listening. Keep going." Olivia chuckles and focuses back on Dean. "And, here, a Sacramento man shot himself in the head. Three times." Dean waves his hand in front of Sam's face. "Any of these things blowing up your skirt, pal?" Sam looks at the tree he drew. "Wait. I've seen this.", "Seen what?" Olivia frowns and looks at Dean, only to find him frowning too. "Seen what, Sam?" Sam gets up from the bed and goes searching through his duffel bag. "What are you doing?" Olivia stands up. Sam finds a photo of their family from when he was a baby. He compares the tree in the photo to his drawing. They are the same. "Guys, I know where we have to go next.", "Where?", "Back home — back to Kansas." Olivia is taken aback, she sits back down in her chair. "Okay, random." Says Dean. "Where'd that come from?" Asks Olivia. Sam showing the photo to Dean. Olivia stands up and looks at the picture then back at Sam. "All right, um, this photo was taken in front of our old house, right? The house where Mom died?" Dean and Olivia glance at each other. "Yeah.", "And it didn't burn down, right? I mean, not completely, they rebuilt it, right?", "I guess so, yeah. What the hell are you talking about?" Olivia stays silent, hoping they won't have to return to Lawrence. "Okay, look, this is going to sound crazy but—the people who live in our old house—I think they might be in danger.", "Why would you think that?", "Uh—it's just, hum—look, just trust me on this, okay?" Sam starts to walk away, Olivia follows him. "Wait, whoa, whoa, trust you?", "Yeah.", "Sam, that's weak. You have to give us a little bit more than that. I'm not going back there on a 'trust me, okay?' I need more.", "I can't really explain it is all." Dean walks to Sam and Olivia and stands next to Olivia. "Well, tough. We're not going anywhere until you do." Sam sighs. Dean waits expectantly, so does Olivia. "I have these nightmares." Dean nods, "I've noticed.", "And sometimes—they come true." Olivia frowns. "What?" Dean is stunned, "come again?", "Look, guys—I dreamt about Jessica's death — for days before it happened." Olivia was even more confused. She was about to say something but Dean cut her, "Sam, people have weird dreams, man. I'm sure it's just a coincidence." Dean sits down on the bed, Olivia stays up. She knew better than anyone that dreams have more meaning than that. After all, she did find out in her dreams that she had a kingdom and a throne awaiting. "No, I dreamt about the blood dripping, her on the ceiling, the fire, everything, and I didn't do anything about it because I didn't believe it. And now I'm dreaming about that tree, about our house, and about some woman inside screaming for help. I mean, that's where it all started, man, this has to mean something." Sam looks at Olivia. "Right?" Olivia takes a chair and sits down. Dean looks at her and then back at Sam, overwhelmed, "I don't know." Sam sits down across from Dean and Olivia. "What do you mean you don't know, Dean?", "What Dean means—what we mean is that it's a lot to take in, alright? We all have bad memories from Lawrence, the three of us.", "This woman might be in danger. I mean, this might be the thing that killed Mom, your son and husband, and Jessica!", "All right, just slow down, would you?" Dean stands up and begins pacing. "I mean, first you tell me that you've got the Shining? And then you tell me that we have to go back home? Especially when—" Olivia looks at Dean saddened. "When what?" Sam looks at Olivia, clearly missing something, she looks back at him and sighs. "Dean swore to himself that he would never go back there again." Sam sighs. "Look, Dean, we have to check this out. Just to make sure." Dean nods and looks at Olivia she nods too. "I know we do." Olivia looks away. Sam looks at her. "Olivia?" She looks at him and clears her throat, you guys should go. I'm going to stay here. Work on some salt and burn. Dean faces her, "Olivia—", "No. I'm not going back there. I'm not."          Sam and Dean pull up the Impala outside their old house. "You're going to be all right, man?" Sam asks, eyeing his older brother. "Let me get back to you on that." They get out of the car. After knocking on the front door, Jenny answers it. Sam is shocked that she is the same woman from his dream. Jenny looks at the duo in front of her, "yes?", "Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but we're with the Federal—," "I'm Sam Winchester, and this is my brother, Dean. We used to live here. You know, we were just driving by, and we were wondering if we could come see the old place.", "Winchester. Yeah, that's so funny. You know, I think I found some of your photos the other night." Dean raises his eyebrows, "you did?" Jenny nods and sets aside. "Come on in."          Inside the house, the three of them go to the kitchen. Sari is at the table doing homework, Ritchie, her jumpy toddler brother, is in his playpen. "Juice! Juice! Juice! Juice!" Jenny looks at Ritchie then at Sam and Dean, "that's Ritchie. He's kind of a juice junkie." She takes a sippy cup out of the refrigerator and hands it to Ritchie. "But, hey, at least he won't get scurvy." Jenny walks over to Sari. "Sari, this is Sam and Dean. They used to live here." She looks at the two men, "hi." Dean waves at her. Sam smiles, "hey, Sari." Dean focuses back on Jenny. "So, you just moved in?", "Yeah, from Wichita.", "You got family here, or…?" Asks Dean. "No. I just, uh—needed a fresh start, that's all. So, new town, new job— I mean, as soon as I find one. And new house." Sam nods, "so, how do you like it so far?", "Well, uh, all due respect to your childhood home—I mean, I'm sure you had lots of memories, happy memories here." Dean smiles weakly. "But this place has its issues." Sam frowns, "what do you mean?", "Well, it's just getting old. Like the wiring, you know? We've got flickering lights almost hourly." Dean nods, "oh, that's too bad. What else?", "Um—sink's backed up, there are rats in the basement." Jenny pauses. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to complain." Dean shakes his head, clearly not offended. "No. Have you seen the rats or have you just heard scratching?", "It's just the scratching, actually.", "Mom?" Jenny kneels down next to Sari. "Ask them if it was here when they lived." Sam looks at Sari, "what, Sari?", "The thing in my closet.", "Oh, no baby, there was nothing in their closets." Jenny turns to Sam and Dean. "Right?" The brothers nod. "Right. No, no, of course not.", "she had a nightmare the other night.", "I wasn't dreaming. It came into my bedroom — and it was on fire." Sam and Dean are shocked in front of what the little tells them.          Sam and Dean walk out of the house to their car, they get inside. Sam calls Olivia and puts her on speaker. "So, verdict?" She asks. Dean sighs. "The little girl says she saw something in her closet and that it was on fire. — She what? — You hear that? A figure on fire." Says Sam. "And that woman, Jenny, that was the women in dreams?" Dean looks at Sam who nods. Olivia is heard sighing over the phone. "Yeah. And you heard what she was talking about? Scratching, flickering lights, both signs of a malevolent spirit. — Yeah, well, I'm just freaked out that your weirdo visions are coming true. — Dean." Dean looks at the phone, he could picture the disapproving Olivia was giving him. Sam was panicking, "well, forget about that for a minute. The thing in the house, do you think it's the thing that them? — I don't know!" Sam looks at the phone, "Olivia? — Still here, just thinking. What do you think, Sam? — Well, I mean, has it come back or has it been here the whole time? — Or maybe it's something else entirely, Sam, we don't know yet. — Dean is right, Sam. Perhaps you want it to be the thing that killed Mary and Jess so much that you pick up clues that aren't even ones. — Well, those people are in danger, Dean. We have to get them out of that house. — And we will. — No, I mean now. — Okay, Sam, no. I'm on the way, you can't deal this alone. — Okay. Be careful." Dean hangs up the phone and looks at Sam who was still insisting on going now. "And how are you going to do that, huh? You got a story that she's going to believe?", "Then what are we supposed to do?"          Dean parks the car in front of a gas station, they both got out of the Impala. "We just have to chill out. That's all. You know, if this was any other kind of job, what would we do?" Sam sighs. "We'd try to figure out what we were dealing with. We'd dig into the history of the house.", "Exactly, except this time, we already know what happened.", "Yeah, but how much do we know? I mean, how much do you actually remember?", "About that night, you mean?" Sam nods. "Not much. I remember the fire—the heat." Dean pauses for a moment. "And then I carried you out of the front door.", "You did?", "Yeah, what, you never knew that?" Sam shakes his head, "no.", "And, well, you know Dad's story as well as I do. Mom was—was on the ceiling. And whatever put her there was long gone by the time Dad found her.", "And he never had a theory about what did it?", "If he did, he kept it to himself. God knows we asked him enough times.", "Okay. So if we're going to figure out what's going on now—we have to figure out what happened back then. And see if it's the same thing.", "Yeah. We will talk to Dad's friends, neighbors, people who were there at the time." After a pause Sam breaks the silence, "does this feel like just another job to you?" Dean says nothing for a moment. "I will be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." Dean walks away, after turning a corner, he stands next to the bathroom door and takes out his cell phone. After making sure no one can see him, he dials a number. "This is John Winchester. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean at 866-907-3235." The beep sounds. "Dad? I know I've left you messages before. I don't even know if you'll get them." Dean clears his throat. "But I'm with Sam and Olivia. We're in Lawrence. And there's something in our old house. I don't know if it's the thing that killed Mom or not, but—" Dean's voice breaks, he pauses, barely keeping himself together. "—I don't know what to do." He begins the cry, not able to hold everything in anymore. "So, whatever you're doing. If you could get here. Please. I need your help, Dad." He hangs up sadly, with his eyes still full of unshed tears.
Olivia puts all of her stuff in her bag. She collects the things Sam and Dean left behind. She opens the door and finds the father in front of it, ready to knock. "Father. What are you doing here?" He looks at her bag. "I see you're on your way." She looks down at the duffel and then back at the Father. "Yeah, but come on in." She steps aside and closes the door once the father is in. "What can I do for you?", "I found something, I think you might need it." The father gets out a necklace that had eight pearls on it. She puts the bag down and takes it. "What is it?", "It's our world's pearls." She looks up at him. "You mean the pearls that they need for me to be back?", "Yes, but without the eight other pearls, the ones you have in hands are useless.", "Padre, what are those pearls exactly?", "You. They're you. It's your powers as it is your soul and your memories. Once the sixteen pearls are back together, everything will be back to the way it was.", "You mean it will defeat Profeta?", "No. That only you can do. You and your sword, The Slayer Of Hell.", "The Slayer of what?", "The Slayer Of Hell is your sword, it was made from the Archangel Lucifer's blood and the fire of his anger, and the powers of his brother, Michael. This sword can kill anything, from Gods, Angels, Archangels, Creatures, to Humans. No matter what it is fighting against, it is able to destroy it." Olivia looks down at the necklace. "I know this is a lot to take in, my child, but there isn't much time. If Profeta has the full power and control of Khogalla—" Olivia looks at him, "she'll go for the rest of the world." He nods. "I have to go, Padre. But I will be back.", "You have the phone of the church.", "And you have mine. We will keep in touch." She walks the father to the door. "Thank you." He smiles and leaves. Olivia closes the door and goes to the bathroom, she washes her face with cold water. She dries it, takes the necklace and puts it on.
In Sam and Dean's old house, Jenny is showing a plumber to the kitchen, near the skin. "No, sir, nothing weird down there, I promise. Sink just backed up on its own.", "Well, I'll take a look.", "Thanks." They look at each other for a moment until Jenny gets it, "Oh, okay, I'll get out of your way." Jenny leaves, the plumber sets down his tools and begins looking at the pipes under the sink. A few feet away, by Ritchie's playpen, a toy monkey is sitting with cymbals in its hands. Without warning, the monkey starts up. It clashes its cymbals together loudly while cackling. After a moment, the plumber looks up, confused. The toy stops, the plumber stands up and tries turning on the garbage disposal, but it doesn't work. Instead, he rolls up his sleeve and sticks his hand down the disposal. He thinks he feels something in the drain, but when he takes his hand out, there is nothing. He sticks most of his arm back down the disposal. Suddenly, the garbage disposal starts up. The plumber's arm is being completely torn apart as blood splatters everywhere. At the same time, the cymbal-clashing monkey starts up again, cackling as the plumber screams.          At the Guenther's auto repair, Sam and Dean are talking to the owner of the garage. "So you and John Winchester, you used to own this garage together?" The man nods at Dean. "Yeah, we used to, a long time ago. Matter of fact, it must be, uh—twenty years since John disappeared. So why the cops interested all of a sudden?", "Oh, we're re-opening some of our unsolved cases, and the Winchester disappearance is one of them.", "Oh well, what do you want to know about John?", "Well, whatever you remember, you know, whatever sticks out of your mind.", "Well—he was a stubborn bastard, I remember that." The owner laughs. "And, uh, whatever the game, he hated to lose, you know? It's that whole Marine thing." Sam and Dean nod. "But, oh, he sure loved Mary. And he doted on those kids." Sam speaks up for the first time since they're in the garage. "But that was before the fire?", "That's right.", "He ever talks about that night?", "No, not at first. I think he was in shock.", "Right." Sam nods, "but eventually? What did he say about it?", "Oh, he wasn't thinking straight. He said something caused that fire and killed Mary." Dean frowns, "did he ever say what did it?", "Nothing did it. It was an accident — an electrical short in the ceiling or walls or something. I begged him to get some help, but…" Dean pushes, "but what?", "Oh, he just got worse and worse.", "How?" Asks Dean. "He started reading these strange old books. He started going to see this palm reader in town.", "Palm reader? Do you have a name?" The owner scoffs at Dean, "No."           The Impala is parked by a payphone where Sam is looking through a phonebook. "All right, so there are a few psychics and palm readers in town. There's someone named El Divino. There's uh—" Sam laughs. "—there's the Mysterious Mister Fortinsky. Uh, Missouri Moseley—", Wait, wait. Missouri Moseley?" Sam looks at Dean, "what?", "That's a psychic?", "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I guess so." Dean goes into the backseat of the car and pulls out John's journal. "In Dad's journal—here, look at this." He opens to the first page. "First page, first sentence, read that. "I went to Missouri, and I learned the truth." Dean shrugs. "I always thought he meant the state.          Sam and Dean are in front of their motel, leaning on the car. Olivia's car pulls up next to the Impala. She get's out and walks to Sam and Dean. Sam notices her necklace and frowns. He points at it. "What is it?", "Oh, uh, a necklace. So where are we heading?"          Missouri Moseley is escorting a man out of the house while Sam, Dean, and Olivia sit on the couch, waiting. "All right, there. Don't you worry about a thing. Your wife is crazy about you." The man thanks her and she closes the front door behind him. "Whew. Poor bastard. His woman is cold-banging the gardener." Olivia laughs. "Tough.", "Why didn't you tell him?" Wonders Dean. "People don't come here for the truth. They come for good news." The trio stares at her. "Well? Sam, Dean, Olivia, come on already. I ain't got all day." She leaves the room. Sam and Dean exchange a confused look, Olivia chuckles and shakes her head. They stand up and follow her into the next room. "Well, let me look at you." She laughs. "Oh, you boys grew up handsome. And Olivia Parker, you look a lot like your mother when she was your age." She points a finger at Dean. "And you were one goofy-looking kid, too." Dean glares at her while Sam and Olivia smirk. "Sam." She grabs his hand. "Oh, honey— I'm sorry about your girlfriend." The three of them are shocked. "And your father— he's missing?", "How'd you know all that?", "Well, you were just thinking it just now." Sam raises his eyebrows, surprised. "Well, where is he? Is he okay?" She looks at Dean. "I don't know.", "Don't know? Well, you're supposed to be a psychic, right?", "Boy, you see me sawing some bony tramp in half? You think a magician? I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room, but I can't just pull facts out of thin air. Sit, please." Sam smirks at Dean, they sit down. Missouri snaps at Dean. "Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table, I'm going to whack you with a spoon!", "I didn't do anything.", "But you were thinking about it." Dean raises his eyebrows. Sam smiles. Missouri looks at Olivia. "You seem preoccupied, young lady." Missouri looks at Olivia's necklace. "That necklace around your neck, it's powerful." She looks at Olivia, frowning, searching for an answer. "You're in a conflict. You have a choice to make." Olivia clears her throat and slightly moves in her seat. Sam looks at Olivia and sees her discomfort. "Okay. So, our dad — when did you first meet him?" Missouri keeps her eyes on Olivia, then looks at Sam. "He came for a reading. A few days after the fire. I just told him what was really out there in the dark. I guess you could say—I drew back the curtain for him.", "What about the fire? Do you know about what killed our mom?" Missouri nods at Dean's question. "A little. Your daddy took me to your house. He was hoping I could sense the echoes, the fingerprints of this thing.", "And could you?", "I—" She shakes her head. Olivia frowns, "Missouri, what was it?" She answers softly, "I don't know. Oh, but it was evil."          Jenny is on the phone in the kitchen while Ritchie jumps around in his playpen. "Look, I feel just awful about the poor man's hand. (...) Wait, but how can I be held liable? (…) Yeah, but I can't afford a lawyer." Jenny begins to hear noises from upstairs. "Okay, listen, you just have to let me call you back." She hangs up. "Ritchie, um, Mommy's going to be right back, okay?", "Okay." Jenny leaves the room.          "So, the thing that killed your mom, your girlfriend, your husband, and son—you think something is back in that house?" Sam nods, "Definitely.", "I don't understand.", "What?" Asks Sam. "I haven't been back inside, but I've been keeping an eye on the place, and it's been quiet. No sudden deaths, no freak accidents. Why is it acting up now?" Sam shakes his head, "I don't know. But Dad going missing and Jessica dying and now this house all happening at once — it just feels like something is starting." Olivia sighs, Dean shakes his head, "well, that's a comforting thought.          When Ritchie is alone in the kitchen, one of the screws on his playpen mysteriously comes out of place. One of the playpen's sides falls to the floor. At the same time, the safety latch on the door of the refrigerator comes undone. The fridge opens, curious, Ritchie walks over to it. Inside, he sees his sippy cup full of juice. "Juicy." He climbs into the fridge and sits on one of the shelves. Suddenly, the refrigerator door closes, and the safety latch locks into place.          Jenny returns to the kitchen. "Oh, baby, either we have rats, or Mommy's going crazy." She sees that the playpen is empty. "Ritchie? Ritchie?" Panicked, she rushes into the other rooms and tries to find him. "Baby, where are you?!" she comes back into the kitchen, breathing heavily. She sees milk leaking out from inside the fridge. She goes over to it and opens the door. "Mommy.", "Oh my, God!" She takes Ritchie out of the fridge and holds him in her arms. A few moments later, there is a knock on the door. She answers it and sees Sam, Dean, Olivia, and Missouri. "Sam. Dean. What are you doing here?" Sam smiles. "Hey, Jenny. This are our friends, Missouri and Olivia.", "If it's not too much trouble, we were hoping to show them the old house. You know, for old time's sake."Dean shows a quick smile. "You know, this isn't a good time. I'm kind of busy.", "Listen, Jenny, it's important." Missouri smacks Dean on the back of the head. "Ow!", "Give the poor girl a break, can't you see she's upset?" Missouri looks at Jenny. "Forgive this boy, he means well, he's just not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hear me out." Dean looks at Missouri stunned. Olivia rolls her eyes, at first Missouri was fun, but she kept picking on Dean. It started to grow on her. So, she slowly takes Dean's hand in hers. He looks at her, she smiles. Jenny looks at Missouri. "About what?", "About this house.", "What are you talking about?", "I think you know what I'm talking about. You think there's something in this house, something that wants to hurt your family. Am I mistaken?", "Who are you?", "We are people who can help, who can stop this thing. But you're going to have to trust us, just a little." Jenny looks unsure.           Missouri, Sam, Dean, and Olivia are in Sari's bedroom. Olivia's phone rings. She excuses herself, gets out of the house and answers it. "Olivia Parker. (…) Father? (…) Where are you?! (…) I'm on my way. Hide. I'm coming." She gets upstairs, she takes Dean's hand and gets him out of the room. "I have to head to somewhere. A friend of mine needs me." Dean frowns. "You've been secretive lately.", "I know, I know. And I promise you I will explain everything, but I have to go. His life is in danger." Dean nods, "okay. But be careful. Messages." Olivia nods and leaves the house. Dean returns to the bedroom with Sam and Missouri. "If there's a dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it." Sam looks at Missouri, "why?", "This used to be your nursery, Sam. This is where it all happened." Sam glances at the ceiling. While Missouri looks around the room, Dean pulls out his EMF. Missouri looks at him, "is that an EMF?", "Yeah.", "Amateur." Dean glares at her. He nudges Sam and shows him that the EMF is beeping frantically. "I don't know if you boys should be disappointed or relieved, but this ain't the thing that took your mom. "Wait, are you sure?" She nods at Sam. "How do you know?" Asks Sam. "It isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here. It's something different.", "What is it?" She shakes her head at Dean's question, "not it." She opens the closet. "Them. There's more than one spirit in this place." Dean looks at Sam then back at Missouri, "what are they doing here?", "They're here because of what happened to your family. You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you. It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds. And sometimes, wounds get infected." Sam frowns, "I don't understand.", "this place is a magnet for paranormal energy. It's attracted a poltergeist. A nasty one. And it won't rest until Jenny, and her babies are dead.", "You said there was more than one spirit." Missouri looks at Sam. "There is. I just can't quite make out the second one.", "Well, one thing's for damn sure — nobody's dying in this house ever again. so whatever is here, how do we stop it?" Missouri looks at Dean and sighs.
Olivia stops her car in an alley. "Father Moore?" She looks around the dark alley, she takes her gun and loads it. "Father Moore!" She hears something moving, she points her gun at it and approaches. When she's close enough, she sees Father Moore lying on the ground. She unloads her gun and runs to him. "Father!! Oh my, God." She puts him on her lap, she presses her hands on his wound that is on his right side. "What happened?", "You have to be careful." She frowns. "Profeta is here." She looks around her then back at Father Moore. "Okay. I'm going to bring you to the hospital." He slightly shakes his head. "Bring me to my Church.", "What? But you're going to die!!", "I'm not afraid of death. Please." Olivia puts him in the backseat of her car and drives as fast as she could to his church. Once she arrives, she pulls up, gets out of the car, opens the backseat door and helps the Father out. They slowly walk to the church, once they're inside, Olivia makes him sit on a bench. She kneels in front of him. "There's got to be a way.", "There isn't. I'm the message. She's coming for you." Father Moore coughs, making blood come out of his mouth. "Oh, this is bad. Please let me bring you to the hospital! You have internal bleeding, please, please.", "No hospital can save me, Queen Olivia." She frowns. She stands up, pacing in the church. She was starting to panic. She stops and looks at Father Moore. "Father?" Her grunts, showing Olivia he was still alive. "Okay. Okay." She turns around and looks at the Jesus statue. "Okay." She takes her necklace in her hands. "Please. Make it work." She closes her eyes and goes down on her knees. "Levy. If you hear me, please. I need your help."
"This is the seventh's pearl. Only one left. And we will be able to—" A strong wind is felt. Levy and the man look around. "Levy. If you hear me, please. I need your help." Levy's eyes widen, "Olivia.", "We have to find the eighth pearl." Levy nods. "And we have to hurry."
"You need to talk with your heart." Olivia turns around and looks at Father Moore. "He can hear you, but he can't find you. Your souls are bound, he's your other half. Talk to him with your heart, it's the only way for you to get him to find you." She nods and places herself again.
Levy was searching with the man for the last pearl, they were both walking when he suddenly stops. "What's going on, Levy?" Levy's eyes go red. "Olivia…" In front of them, something bright red raises in the air. The man looks at it. "Levy, it's the last pearl." Levy raises his hand, the pearl comes to him and into his palm. Suddenly, Levy wasn't in Khogalla anymore. He was in a church, in front of him Olivia was on her knees, her necklace in hands.
Sam and Dean are at Missouri's house, sitting around a table. On this table are different herbs and roots. "So, what is all this stuff, anyway?" Asks Dean. "Angelica Root, Van Van oil, crossroad dirt, a few other odds, and ends.", "Yeah? What are we supposed to do with it?", "We're going to put them inside the walls in the north, south, east, west corners on each floor of the house.", "We will be punching holes in the drywall. Jenny's going to love that." Missouri looks at Dean and answers slyly, "she'll live.", "And this will destroy the spirits?" Missouri looks at Sam, "it should. It should purify the house completely. We'll each take a floor. But we work fast. Once the spirits realize what we're up to, things are going to get bad."          Missouri is walking Jenny and her kids outside. "Look, I'm not so sure I'm comfortable leaving you guys here alone." Missouri smiles at Jenny, "just take your kids to the movies or something, and it will be over by the time you get back." Jenny, still slightly unsure, leaves with her kids. Missouri goes back inside.          Sam goes into one of the rooms with a hammer. He kneels down by the wall and begins using the end of the hammer to hit against the walls. While he is doing this, a plug on the other side of the room takes itself out of the outlet. A lamp begins to move on its own. The plug snakes its way towards Sam.          Downstairs in the kitchen, Dean is punching the wall with a small ax. Behind him, a drawer begins to open on its own.          In the basement, Missouri is looking around. She brings a bag full of herbs to the wall. She hears a noise and turns around to see a table coming towards her. She screams as it pins her against the wall.          Dean hears a noise, he quickly ducks just as a knife hurls itself into a cabinet. Dean places a table in front of himself as more knives come through it.          Sam is chopping a hole in the wall. The lamp crashes to the ground. Sam turns around to see what the noise was, and the cord wraps itself around his neck. Sam falls to the ground, trying to get the cord off. Eventually, he lies weak on the floor. Dean runs upstairs and into the room. "Sam!" Dea rushes over to him and tries to get the cord off, but it won't budge. Instead, Dean kicks a hole in the wall and places the bag of herbs inside. A blinding white light leaves the room. Once the spirit is gone, Dean goes back over to Sam, who is completely weak. Dean unravels the cord from around Sam's neck and pulls him into a fierce hug.          A few hours later, Sam, Dean, and Missouri are standing in the extremely messy kitchen. Sam looks at Missouri, "Are you sure this is over?", "I'm sure. Why? Why do you ask?", "Never mind." Sam sighs. "It's nothing, I guess." They hear Jenny enter the house. "Hello? We're home." She comes into the kitchen and looks around. "What happened?", "Hi, sorry. Um, we will pay for all of this." Dean looks over at Sam, confused. "Don't you worry. Dean's going to clean up this mess." Dean stands there, not moving. Missouri looks at him. "Well, what are you waiting for, boy? Get the mop." Dean begins walking away. "And don't you cuss at me!" Dean walks away, muttering under his breath.          Missouri and the boys leave the house. Jenny waves and shuts the door behind them.
Jenny is in bed, reading a magazine. She yawns and puts the magazine on her bedside table. After turning off the light and sliding underneath the covers, she goes to sleep. A few seconds later, she opens her eyes, startled. The bed begins to shake violently. She screams and gets out of bed.          Sam and Dean are outside the Winchester house, sitting in the Impala. "All right, so, tell me again, what are we still doing here?", "I don't know. I just…I still have a bad feeling.", "Why? Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubenstein thing, the house should be clean, it should be over.", "Yeah, well, probably. But I just want to make sure, that's all.", "Yeah, well, the problem is, we could be on our way to Olivia and find where she is. I still have no messages from her, she doesn't answer my calls. Goes straight to voicemail." Sam looks up at Jenny's bedroom window and sees her screaming, just as in his dream. "Dean. Look, Dean!" They rush out of the car and run towards the house. "You grab the kids, I'll get Jenny."          Inside Sari's bedroom, the figure made out of fire is standing by her closet. In the hallway, Dean rushes to Jenny's bedroom door. "Jenny!", "I can't open the door!", "Stand back!" Jenny moves back, Dean kicks down the door and brings her downstairs. "No, my kids!!", "Sam's got your kids, come on."          While carrying Ritchie in his arms, Sam goes to Sari's bedroom, where she is screaming for help. Sam goes to Sari's bed and picks her up in his other arm. "Don't look. Don't look!" They leave the bedroom. Outside, Dean and Jenny rush out of the house. Inside the house, Sam rushes down the stairs and puts the kids down on the floor. "All right, Sari, take your brother outside as fast as you can, and don't look back." Suddenly, an invisible force makes Sam fall to the floor. He slides backward into another room, crashing into a table. Sari screams and runs outside with Ritchie. They rush outside to Dean and Jenny. Dean kneels down to Sari's eye level. "Sari, where's Sam?" Sari, crying, answers to Dean, "he's inside. Something's got him." Panicked, Dean looks at the front door. It slams shut on its own.          Dean opens the trunk of the Impala and grabs a rifle and an ax. He rushes to the front door and begins chopping away at it. Inside the kitchen, Sam gets flung into a set of cabinets. He stands up and is pinned against the wall by the invisible force. He can't move any part of his body. The fire figure makes its way towards Sam. Dean continues chopping down parts of the door. Eventually, he makes a whole that he is able to step through. He walks through the house, looking for Sam. "Sam? Sam!" He finds Sam. As he looks at the fire figure, he raises his gun. "No, don't! Don't!", "What? Why?!", "Because I know who it is. I can see her now." Suddenly, the fire vanishes. Instead, standing in front of them is their mother, Mary Winchester. Exactly as she was the night she died. Dean's expression softens. In shock, he lowers his gun slowly. "Mom?" Mary smiles and stops closer to him. "Dean." Tears form in Dean's eyes. Mary walks away from him and goes to Sam. Dean watches her, never taking his eyes off her. "Sam." Sam smiles weakly, crying. His mother's smile fades. "I'm sorry.", "For what?" She looks at him sadly but says nothing. She walks away from them and looks up at the ceiling. "You get out of my house. And let go of my son." Once again, she bursts into flames. When she is entirely engulfed, the fire reaches the ceiling and disappears. The force holding Sam to the wall is released. He walks over to Dean and the two of them look at each other, stunned. Sam sighs, "now it's over."
Dean is standing by the car with Jenny, looking through old photos. "Thanks for these.", "Don't thank me, they're yours." Dean puts the trunk of photos into the car. Sitting on the front steps of the house, Sam is joined by Missouri. "Well, there are no spirits in there anymore, this time for sure.", "Not even my mom?", "No.", "What happened?", "Your mom's spirit and the poltergeist energy, they canceled each other out. Your mom destroyed herself going after the thing.", "Why would she do something like that?", "Well, to protect her boys, of course." Sam nods, with tears in his eyes. Missouri goes to put her hand on his shoulder, but she stops herself. "Sam, I'm sorry.", "For what?", "You sensed it was here, didn't you? Even when I couldn't.", "What is happening to me?", "I know I should have all the answers, but I don't know.", "Sam, you're ready? We have to find Olivia." Sam nods and goes to the car. Jenny thanks all of them. Missouri looks at Sam and Dean, "don't you boys be strangers." Dean nods, "we won't." Missouri smiles, "see you around." Jenny waves. They smile, get in the car, and drive away.
Missouri comes inside her house and sets her purse on the table. "That boy—he has such powerful abilities. But why he couldn't sense his own father, I have no idea." John is sitting on the couch. "Mary's spirit—do you really think she saved the boys?", "I do." John nods sadly and twists his wedding ring on his finger. "John Winchester, I could just slap you. Why won't you go talk to your children?" Tearfully, John answers, "I want to. You have no idea how much I want to see them. But I can't. Not yet. Not until I know the truth." Missouri and John share a look. "Dean said that Olivia is missing." John frowns. "What? Since when?", "She was with us yesterday, she left, and since then they have no news about her." John looks at Missouri, "you know something, don't you?", "Sam is powerful, but Olivia? She's a force of nature."
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dork-empress · 7 years ago
AUvember Day 28 Teen Titans--Time Travel
I mean I know they’ve done time travel before, but I think I gave it enough of a spin and also it gets better later as I was writing. 
“Titans! After him!” Robin shouted and pointed at time master. In perfect sync they all raised up and chased the villain down.
“You’ll never catch ME titans,” Time master giggled, “You’re running out of TIME!” Laughing maniacally, he called forth a portal, and jumped through. The titans tried to slow their momentum, but one after the other they fell into the portal.
“What the..” Raven rubbed the top of her head, Where are we?”
the other titans slowly got up, looking around their surroundings. The area was all green and meadow-y, and in the distance they saw someone coming up to them on Horseback.
Robin looked around more, “Where’s Time Master?”
“and who are THOSE guys?” Beast Boy said, pointing at the men. Now that they were closer, they could identify them as wearing knights armof.
When they got close enough, the two men drew their swords and pointed them at the tiitans. “Halt! In the name of the king!”
The titans looked at each other, confused. “Uhhh,” Cyborg said, “The what now?”
The knights were just as confused. “Who are you? What business do you have in these lands?”
Robin lifted his arms, “We’re…the teen titans. What lands are these?”
The knight raised an eyebrow. “You do not recognize the lands of the Master of Time?”
“Master of time…” Robin repeated to himself.
“Timemaster!” Starfire said, putting her fist in her palm, “He has used his time device to take over the kingdom here!”
“But how!” Cyborg sked, “He jumped in only seconds before us.
“Time physics works differently, once you start messing with the fourth dimension,” Raven said, “It seems what was moments for us could have been days, weeks, months, even years for Timemaster.”
“Then we have to defeat him.” Robin said, furrowing his brow, “Defeat him, force him to take us to the present, and arrest him.”
“You want to arrest our king? The knight asked.
“Uhhh….” Robin said, “…No?”
“Oh. Alright then.”
“Please,” Stafire said, “Can you take us to this king?”
The knights looked at one another, “Certainly, we can escort a maiden as fair as you up to the palace.”
Starfire smiled at them. “We shall follow your lead, gracious knights,” She bowed low, and one of them offered her his horse. The other, in kindness, offered Raven his own, but she glared death at him.
Arriving at the palace, it seemed fairly typical for the period, peasants wandering around the street along with animals and a lot…a LOT of dirt. The only major difference was timemaster’s symbol hanging over all the bannisters. “Aw, ew!” Cyborg said, “There’s mud all up in my circuits! Ugh!”
“I like the mud!” Beastboy said, turning into a pig and rolling in the mud. “It’s so waaaarm.”
“Careful,” Raven said, lifting him up with her hand as he turned back to human, “You don’t want to get burned for witchcraft.”
“Says the actual witch!” Beast Boy said, grumping. Raven rolled her eyes and kept going.
“Youre majesty,” The knights said as they entered the much fancier throne room, “You had said to keep an eye out for strange visitors. Well, we have brought them to you.”
“Excellent,” Timemaster said from his throne, “Guards, lock them in the dungeon.
They all gasped as the doors locked behind them. “Oh no!” Beastboy said, “We’ve been red wedding!”
“Titans!” Robin shouted, “Get Timemaster!”
The titans fought back the guards, and though it was hard with so many, their future tech, superpowers, and abilities easily overtook them. “Ahhh…right…” Timemaster said, “Well, llooks like my TIME here has ended,”
“That’s barely even a pun!” Beast Boy shouted, more enraged with that than the villainy.
Once again, a portal appeared, and once again, they all jumped in after.
This time when Robin looked up, he was alone, under a tree. “Starfire?” He said, looking around. “Raven? Beastboy? Cyborg?” No one answered him.
Immediately concerned he began to wander, trying to get a sense of where he was. “Robin?” A voice came from the trees, “Is that…is that really you?”
“Beast boy?” Robin said, looking up.
Soon enough, a bird came darting out from the branches, launching itself at Robin. “I knew it! I knew you’d come back!”
Robin blinked as the bird became his friend. “Uhh…beastboy, I just saw you.”
“4th dimension, man,” BB said, “I’ve been here for nearly 6 months!”
“Six—“ Robin repeated incredulous, “But how…where…”
“Oh, right, Welcome to Ancient Greece!” He said, holding up his arms. “Raven and I have been scanning the area in case any of you all finally came through.”
“Raven?” Robin asked, “She’s here too?”
Beast Boy fell a bit. “Uh…yeah. She’s been here for about two years, I think.”
“Two—“ Robins mouth dropped, “But, how—what has she been doing?”
“Oh, all these old greek people think she’s an oracle for the gods,” BB explained, “So she’s been making enough on weird prophecies to get by. And I’ve been eating animal stuff when I can to make it easier.” He flinched at his own words and rubbed the back of his head. “She’s down in the village, she’ll be THRILLED to see you! Come on!”
Beast boy dragged him down through the trees until they came to a small village. If Robin was out of place before, it was nothing compared to now. “ We’ll get you some greek threads, don’t worry.” BB said, “Her temple’s down here.”
When they arrived, Robin was surprised to find a statue in Raven’s image. The purple hair made her easy to identify, sitting beneath it and talking with an old couple, but everything else about her was different. “No, you don’t have to send your son away because he’s fated to kill you, that’ll just make things worse,” She told the man, “Trust me on this. Just care for him, and probably when you’re sick or something, he’ll mercy kill you. Okay?”
“Raven?” Robin asked, perplexed by the long-haired, white robed person before him.
She turned her head, “Robin!”
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