thedemonkingganon · 9 years
*~♪ ~*
You can tell a lot about a person from their music. Hit shuffle on your iPod, MP3 player, etc. and put up the first ten songs! One rule, no skipping! Tag ten people and pass it on. Repost, don’t reblog”
I’ve been tagged by: the-earth-in-between:
Prayer of the refugee by Rise Against
the only thing I know for real (part of) metal gear rising sound track
I’m my own master now (part of) metal gear rising sound track
Death should not have taken thee english cover sung by juby phonic
Tonight by Seether
the kids aren’t alright by the offspring
Blow me away by Breaking Benjamin
You’re going down by Sick Puppies
Survive by Rise Against
Suteki Da ne from FFX soundtrack
I tag: rosarioplusmuses   within-the-void   ixthemelodiousnocturneix    bxtheretobringyouback   yuna-ffx    soralovesyou     legendarylullaby     vexulumloup    fata-et-tempus   xsemblance
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My url?
Opinion on;
Character in general: When I fist was introduced to Axel in game I loved the character design but wasn’t fond of him though as the story progressed and you learned more about how he was and why. I loved him. He is a fantastic, multilevel character that you want to know more about. Especially after seeing him and Isa as kids, it was so cute.How they play them: Wonderfully, I adore the levels that the mun plays them and how they continue to develop the muse. The Mun: From the few times we’ve gotten to chat, I think they are a sweetie!
Do I:
RP with them: Yes! Of course!Want to RP with them: Duh! IAlways/
What is my;
Overall Opinion: A sweetheart with a fantastic firecracker~
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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marlushya · 9 years
Castles and Walls || Closed thread with bxtheretobringyouback
      He’s lost track of how many days he’d been here. Nothing but white walls and emptiness. Days and months had blurred into each other. He knew he was taller now then when he’d lost his heart. He was certain he hit a growth spurt during his times as a Nobody. There were new members. Two of them. One had tried to talk to him, but he hadn’t seen the point. He didn’t have a heart, what use was talking to someone?
      However one certain pink haired Nobody couldn’t take a hint. He didn’t understand why. Were grunts and shrugs that interesting? Surely there was better conversationalists in the Organization. He was often with that blonde girl, Larxene, at least that’s what he thought her name was. He spotted the pink haired assassin coming his way and sighed. Maybe he could talk for once? Nah, better to just grunt.
Marluxia could definitely be considered one of the newer members, his number being eleven. The second highest. Part of him was bothered by this fact, but it couldn’t be helped really. Besides, there was only so much that could truly bother you when you lacked a heart to actually feel.
He had still been growing used to the feeling. Or well, the lack of feeling. It all felt like echoes fading the longer time went on. Almost like a dream; the more you tried to remember the more it slipped away.
It must have been why he had tried to talk with the red headed number eight of this organization. That fleeting echo of something seemed to come when he spoke to the other, even if it usually resulted in anger (from the lack of response, no doubt).
Blue eyes had remained locked on the other as he approached, lips twisting into a frown when the other merely grunted at him. What sort of greeting was that?
“Is that the only thing you can say? How... primitive.”
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noxtalgie · 9 years
Little Glass Vial
She eyes the glowing liquid with wariness, turns her attention to the man who screams bad news all over and yet...his knowledge of the world outside her prisonroom is quite fascinating, so she averts her gaze from the vial and looks up to him in somewhat nervous curiosity.  “That’s...Zydrate? And it...comes like that...?”
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"Watch the tail!"
“...” Leon blinked as he clearly had stepped on something which was sharply pulled from under him knocking him down into the shallow water. “Whoa!”
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papa-guna · 9 years
bxtheretobringyouback asked for me to do Fai D. Flourite for the RP thing!
//Also....YES a thousand, million, trillion times YES! TRC was one of my first main fandoms and I friggin love Fai...so this is really amazing to do!//
“Bye bye big doggie! Bye little doggie!” Fai waved happily as Kurogane and Syaoran left the cafe for training, smiling at their retreating backs.
Once they were out of sight though the smile dropped and Fai slumped against the counter behind him. Sakura and Mokona were working in the kitchen so, for a moment he let the mask slip.
“It’s not that you didn’t die....it’s you won’t die.” “The ones I hate the most are those who give up their lives before all hope is gone...”
Fai shook his head fiercely as he remembered the ninjas actions last night. This was not good, they were starting to see past his mask. He was slipping up, letting them get to close...
He buried his face in his hands, a mad laugh sounding through the air. “Why would you want to get close to me? I’m a mistake....a curse....” he muttered to himself. He straightened up at the sounds of Sakura leaving the kitchen, forcing the smile back on his face before turning around to meet her.
“Hello Sakura! Are you ready for the day?”
Make the mask stronger...keep them out. For their own safety....
I’ve grown to care to much....
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undesiredwish · 9 years
“Master Clow Reed where have you been?”
Thank you very much
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Lea stands back away from her a bit. He's not used to being one who gives other's things, unless it's sea salt ice cream. Finally he brings the flower out from behind his back, hell he even did research on what flowers meant for this thing. He hands her a single yellow rose. "Today's the flower fair, thought I'd get you something."
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“It is!” Genna chimed back, her excitement clearly evident despite the large grin on her face. She loved nature, and more particularly flowers, so this type of fair was right up her alley. She took the yellow rose gently in her hands. It seemed more fragile on its own. “Thanks! Roses always smell so great..” Which was why she had included them in the small arrangement she then presented to him – a mix of orange lilies and yellow roses, a reflection of the passionate and fiery nature he seemed to have.
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A hidden fox
It had become boring lately, Leon wasn’t sure why but no longer was he content here in this city where the people had seemed to forget about the demons that ones ruled. He had watched the city from its peak in power fall in only a few hundred years into the hands of the humans, it was...sad really. He had lived for nearly seven hundred years and  this city had been his home for most of that time but now...it was dull. Sickening really. Demons had vanished due to humans with gifts and talents to hunt them down, some even kept the demon prey as a reward while others just slaughtered.
Letting out a breath he would pull back his power, once more concealing his six dark tails and ears before he would make his way out of his former home. It was time to leave before he became someones prey, the last thing he wanted was to deal with cleaning blood from his clothing once more. It was really a bother, especially when he wasn’t even hungry for human heart.
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Using Random.org You rolled 19, meaning you get a Kitsune Leon. I will work on a starter for youThis...shall be interesting.
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coreformari · 9 years
I'm still traveling, so no starters yet. Sorry!! If you want one and you aren't on this list, let me know! -; ask-the-cloaked-schemer-06 -; bxtheretobringyouback -; vxidxgear -; melodixus
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