thedemonkingganon · 9 years
knowledgeable, clever, interesting
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thenameiscrow · 9 years
☾ What’s your most wished for AU?
Munday Meme
Ummm I’m not sure if I have any AU’s that I want I mean everyone here is pretty open…but I would love to have a fellow Fragile Dream’s rper. I don’t care if it’s on anon or not. There used to be two Seto’s but I haven’t seen them in a while. I hope that, that makes sense.
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lightsvessel · 9 years
Sympathy For The Devil
    The battle between Yen Sid and Zoe had been brutal. The sheer difference in power had been blindingly obvious to everyone in the room as they watched Zoe struggle to even land damage on Yen Sid. Kairi couldn’t say there weren’t hints of fear as she realized just how much more skilled Yen Sid was than everyone in the room. Eyes were wide, lips parted in shock and awe. No one moved during the battle.       Though, Kairi flinched when she saw the fire. Zoe’s weakness, the one Kairi had already promised not to use on Zoe again. She didn’t feel right using that kind of weakness against anyone, even if Xehanort wouldn’t hesitate. Kairi would not go to that level of cruelty to win any battle.      She gasped-- Yen Sid didn’t send just one fire spell, but four against Zoe. She had to hold back to keep from going to her, or yelling at them to stop. Sora and Riku looked almost as distressed as she was, exchanging varied forms of concern. Meanwhile, Lea had looked on with cold, steeled eyes and little to no expression. He nodded when Yen Sid confirmed the lessen, and Riku and Sora looked at each other as Kairi rushed to Zoe’s side.     “Zoe?” Her voice strained with worry as she knelt down beside Zoe’s trembling form. Carefully, she swept her arms under Zoe and lifted her up with a slight struggle. “It’s going to be okay, shh...” Kairi spoke softly, carefully carrying Zoe out of the room and back to hers in the basement. The stairs were tricky, but manageable. Soon Zoe was back in her bed, Kairi casting curaga just to make sure everything was healed. “It’s going to be alright now, you’re okay... It’s over. It’s gone.” Reassurances wouldn’t do much for Zoe’s pride, but bringing her back down from the anxiety attack came first. 
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radiantgambler-blog · 9 years
Ferret: I admit I'm gonna be super mad if Lux IS a nort in canon but really
Ferret: Nomura is that kind of person
Aly: He is.
Puck: I'm pretty much expecting it because if Luxord ISN'T one then WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING XEHANORT
Ferret: Okay but
Ferret: Consider
Ferret: Xehanort
Ferret: After all his loops
Ferret: Becomes arrogant enough not to bother
Ferret: Luxord's own skills served to hone his own
Ferret: He's not needed anymore
Aly: Ow.
Ferret: I mean it is basically implied that this is a fixed loop and Xehanort is changing things according to his needs
Ferret: so what if Xemnas tagged a time mage to make the first loops possible
Ferret: kept coming back to him because he was a good source for skills and spells
Ferret: and then in the most recent loop he's been discarded
Aly: You know, that makes a lot of sense.
Puck: i could see that
Ferret: so if you got to see the other loops then yeA LUXORD WOULD BE FULL NORT
Ferret: but in this one he's like "you've served your purpose I don't need you anymore the keyblade war cometh and all that please die and be a cheap funeral"
Puck: oooooooh. but what if he survives and escapes
Ferret: that would give us an opening for "KNOCK KNOCK MOTHERFUCKER YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME"
Puck: yessssss
Aly: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
Ferret: This is why I love time travel
Ferret: It's a fuckarow and a half but the POSSIBILITIES
Puck: The question is -- does Luxord remember the loops? Or is it a vague awareness, a sense of deja vu?
Ferret: lbr if he were fully aware of the loops Xehanort wouldn't let him live to be a problem
Ferret: I bet he has the worst cases of deja vu tho
Puck: "who is this tiny xemnas and why did he just stick a keyblade in my chest"
Ferret: especially regarding 'big' moments in the Organization timeline
Ferret: Roxas ARRIVES Luxord: Did anyone else just feel like someone stepped on their grave?
Puck: Is it bad that I kinda wanna do this with Lux now. Not xof, but maybe Radiant?
Ferret: don't let your dreams be dreams
Puck: -cackles-
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xmarkstheheart · 9 years
xsemblance replied to your post
/ You can borrow my useless Bachelor’s degree.
Please, especially considering I likely can’t get mine now.
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thenameiscrow · 9 years
🌻 allergies
Being an android Crow has no allergies. Although he’ll pretend to be allergic to cats if that will get people to stop handing him cat or turning him into one.
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thenameiscrow · 9 years
"Tell me about your first friend."
“Tell me about your first ____.”
“His name is Seto. Our friendship didn’t start like a normal one. I stole his locket and made him chase me all over my amusement park. Anyway I was on the ferris-wheel crossbeam and I was taunting him but my foot slipped so I tossed the locket back to him and fell. Kind of broke the merry-go-ground. Still he was crying over me, thinking I hurt myself, I told him to stop and then we started laughing then we talked for a bit and then I kissed him because friends kiss each other. I read that in a book once. And since it was his first kiss that made me his number one buddy.”
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lightsvessel · 9 years
"Tell me about your first day of training."
Currently Accepting    “It was actually pretty weird. Yen Sid basically has a pocket dimension where time moves differently, and he stuck me and Lea in there for the first few weeks since we didn’t really have time to catch up on a years worth of training otherwise. Day one was me getting my butt handed to me by Riku and Lea. I might have also tripped Lea. Repeatedly.” She couldn’t quite hide the mischievous grin as she spoke. “Other than that, it was about what you expect. Learning the basics and all that. Riku did say I was a natural!” 
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@xsemblance liked for a short starter!
Him again. Why? The ruins of Radiant Garden were one thing, but the badlands? No one ever came out here unless they had good reason. Or they were looking to start trouble. And this guy didn’t strike him as the mischievous type the last time they spoke.
“Y’know a picture might do you better than standing there,” Vanitas commented absently. “A drawing maybe if you’re gonna stare that long.”
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sxrcxry · 9 years
"Do you have any new books that I can read? The Dusks have been supplying me with them as well, but I thought it would be best to ask you as well."
Sorcerers have not found any new books in Never-Was-Castle recently.  Dusks have given all to Greater-of-Phantoms.  They do not keep any this time. 
But sometimes we find the books the other Greaters hide.  Greater-of-Water hides many books.  Books with many pictures, not many words.  Greater-of-Water reads them when it is supposed to be working.  What does Greater-of-Water study?  Very suspicious.
Greater-of-Space also hides the books.  Also books with many pictures, but different to Greater-of-Water’s books.  Greater-of-Space says it reads them for the articles.  But why else would one read the books?
If we find the books, we will bring them to Greater-of-Phantoms.
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claireverie · 9 years
xsemblance replied to your post “Unholy; I’m thinking I’m going to start doing greeting/new follower...”
/ Don't watch Brotherhood. It will only bring you pain. (No, but seriously, it's my favorite anime--I think you'll love it)
Unholy; ihgufsg I really like it so far! I watched the original anime first and I honestly really loved it, and now me and the boy moved on to Brotherhood. We just kinda skipped the first season and moved to the cut-off point (either the last episode of Part 1 or the first of Part 2, the whole thing with OG Greed). At first I actually didn’t like it for a few episodes just because of how different it was to the original but now I’m really liking it -- we’re blowing through it :P it’s crazy how the two shows can be so different!
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thenameiscrow · 9 years
General physical contact headcanon
Crow is an android that is pretty much ok with physical contact, it generally interests him as well as craves it. This is due to he grew up in a world where  physical contact was rare along with the fact that he had read books where there were characters who touched each other and a part of him wanted that. He wanted to know what is was like to hug someone, to kiss someone, to hold someone’s hand or to even be hugged. 
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divinerxeclipsed · 9 years
16, 26, 56.
16. What’s your favorite thing about rping a canon character?
((I fucking love playing canons because for me, all of the challenge and all of the fun of roleplaying is in picking characters apart and figuring out how they tick well enough to perfectly emulate them. I don’t enjoy playing OCs really, in part because I am not creatively minded that way but also because whatever you say they are is how they are, there’s no boundaries on them and there’s no way to do it wrong. With canon characters, you can be objectively wrong about how to play them, you have to study them and dissect them and look at a million different scenarios to test them and there’s always more to learn about them. That moment of “Aha!” is something I absolutely live for.
Basically give me a challenge to take apart, discover how it works, and put it back together, and that’s playing canons for me.
26. What’s a ship you really like rping?
I’M ALWAYS A [redacted] FOR AKUSAI. I love Akusai every which way it is my favorite. I am so much about relationships between people who trust each other so deeply and have so much history that it doesn’t matter what the form of their relationship even is, just that they’re in one another’s lives. The fact that Axel and Saix HAVE that kind of history gives me so much room to play so many different forms of relationship but have them all boil down to “I just want you in my life” and that’s super duper how I roll.
I also really enjoy RikuXion when I play Xion but in a like, cute teenage way.
56. How did you learn about roleplaying? How did you get started roleplaying yourself?
Man I stumbled into it so long ago I don’t even remember exactly how old I was, but it was either 7 or 8 (meaning I’ve been at this for at least 20 years). At the time, AOL had a section called AOL Kids that had a section with a BBS style board for roleplaying. All I knew at the time was it was playing pretend, and I ate it up. I played a meek little witch who ran a magical pet shop. From there I discovered AOL chatrooms (but managed to stick to the clean ones), played on a DRoP board when I was 15-17 as well as played one-on-one multi-character games over AIM (Inuyasha RP at the time, me and my partner would split the cast in half and denote speaker by color). I kept that up until after college, when I lost touch with my remaining partner.
Then three years or so ago, I picked up playing on Tumblr. From there I met Flamesilocks, who introduced me to panfandom sites. I played around on those a while, did a couple stints with KH sites, but now I’m back on tumblr again for the freedom it provides!))
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