artificialalienn · 2 years
youre getting drawn pregnant
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basixxstore · 2 years
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Mache deine Heimwerkerprojekte einfacher mit unseren hochwertigen Werkzeugen! Entdecke die neuesten Werkzeuge und Trolleys im Basixx Store, um dein Haus zu reparieren, zu renovieren oder zu gestalten.🔨🔧⛏️🧰 Unsere Werkzeuge sind von höchster Qualität und langlebig, damit du lange Freude daran hast.🤗😉 Besuche uns jetzt und entdecke die Vorteile unserer Werkzeuge für jeden Haushalt!🏠🏡 #Werkzeug #Heimwerken #BasixxStore #Trolley #NeueWare #basixxstore #ludwigshafen #germany #bware #neuware #recycle #Wiederverwertung #SparenUndSchonen #RettungDerUmwelt #sustainablefashion #secondhandclothing #pfingstweide #basixx #günstig #cheap #nachhaltigkeit #schnäppchen #restposten #überhänge #bestprice #price #deal #outlet #marken #bware https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAR4Netg5J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
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xxn00bpwn3rxx · 6 months
woaw iz dat a pestkit fanfic ?!?!?
hai . made thiz for 1k twitter followerz celebration :3 waz zuppozed 2 be a comic but i waznt liking it and felt i could better zhow my ideaz and pest/medkit'z emotionz thru writing zo here : ) bware . fluff
Summary; Medkit has a nightmare, and Pest tries to comfort him
⠀⠀Darkness surrounded him. He didn't know where he was or how he ended up here, and he looked around, eyes wide as his eyes adjusted to the light. His hands trembled as he held on to a lantern with a small fire inside of it, illuminating everything around him with a weak yellow glow. He was holding onto the lantern like his life depended on it, he didn't even think he would be able to drop it if he had to. ⠀⠀Flies buzzed quietly around him as he stepped forward. There was a long road in front of him that led into darkness, with an occasional torch dotted here and there that didn't do much to pierce through the pitch black. Sand covered the ground on either side of the road, and he could hear small whispers in the distance. ⠀⠀He walked along the path, stopping when he saw a person. He ran up to it, calling out to them, but nothing came out of his mouth. He stopped in his tracks instantly when they looked at him with firey green eyes and muttered a garbled sentence, though he understood it clearly. "You filthy traitor." ⠀⠀Ice seemed to crawl up his spine suddenly as he looked away and started power-walking down the road again. He could hear the whispers from the darkness clearly now. ⠀⠀"I need healing!" ... "How's your eye?" ... "Do I have to work with a traitor?" ... "Help!" ⠀⠀It made his mind and heart race as he started to run, wanting to get away from the whispers as fast as he could. His feet pounded against the asphalt, sending up pain through his legs from the force of it, but he couldn't stop. He felt like something was following him, and it sent his adrenaline rushing. ⠀⠀Through the darkness and occasional light, he saw it. A house. He could hide in there! He went faster, running up through the steps and through the open door, almost flying into the T.V.s that were scattered in certain places in the room. He stared down at them, the red screens flickering. A single light source came from the roof; everything else was open and empty. There was no place to hide in here. ⠀⠀He could still hear the whispers. They were getting louder. The same thing, over, and over, and over again. And he could hear the shadowy figures walking around, their footsteps soft but audible. Then he heard a sound he hadn't heard before. A buzzing sound that was definitely getting louder. He looked over his shoulder right before a giant green slitted eye flew through the door towards him, and he let out a scream right before he blacked out, the last thing he heard from the eye being "You must kill him, to become him." ...
⠀⠀Medkit sat up straight on the bed with a loud gasp, his heart racing too fast for him to handle, his hands clammy, his mind fuzzy. He was panting heavily, and his mouth felt dry. His hands shook as he gripped the bedsheets, making sure he was still alive and fine, but grounding himself didn't seem to work as his eyes darted around the dark room. He didn't recognize where he was. And that sent more fear through him. ⠀⠀He was starting to hyperventilate, and he could hear nothing but his own heart beating at a scary pace, faster than it should ever be, and he was terrified he was about to have a heart attack. He gripped the pillow next to him, holding it with so much strength that his knuckles had turned white, and he started sobbing. Soft sobs, with a few hiccups in between, but slowly started getting louder as he smothered his face into the pillow.
⠀⠀In the other room, there was the soft sound of a water faucet running into the sink with the occasional splash of water. Pest stared at the mirror in front of him, water dripping off of his face. One of his antennae flicked upwards and twitched towards the bathroom door, something felt off. He turned off the faucet and bent over slightly, elbows resting on the counter as he listened. Then he heard it. Crying. ⠀⠀Crying again? He sighed softly, turning his gaze over to the bathroom door as he took the hand towel from besides the sink to wipe his face dry. That's the third time this week. He listened for a small bit more, noticing how it wasn't letting up. He grumbled. ⠀⠀Now, Pest wasn't one to care if somebody was crying around him, he'd ignore it. And he did the first couple times Medkit had cried near him. But three times is one too many, and he was getting annoyed. Though, what he couldn't ignore was the small sliver of empathy he had towards the demon; as much as Pest hated to admit it, he felt bad for Medkit. ⠀⠀And personally to Pest, Medkit wasn't the one to break down like he had been recently. Pest had been around him long enough to know that something had changed within the man, and he didn't know what had caused it. He didn't think too much about it though as he finished drying his face and moved over to open the bathroom door. ⠀⠀He slowly moved it open and peeked out of it, eyes moving around the dark room until his eyes met the form of Medkit huddled on the bed, face covered with one of Pest's pillows. He let out a soft growl, but ignored it as he opened the door more. As he stared over at Medkit, that feeling of empathy grew, and it confused him. He'd never felt it before. Something was telling him to suck it up and go comfort his boyfriend, but he was unsure how. So, he knocked on the bathroom door softly just to let Medkit know he was there. ⠀⠀Medkit stilled, his sobs disappearing as he laid there. He was shaking, his heart still racing. Hearing the knocks made him more scared, as he was unsure of who it was. By staying still he hoped whatever it was would think he wasn't there. Then he felt the bed dip slightly where his legs were and a low creak of the bedsprings. He breathed heavily and got brave enough to look over his pillow slightly, to be greeted with 4 red eyes staring at him. Medkit thought he would have just croaked right then and there finally from a heart attack, but something about the way the eyes were looking at him gave him a sense of safe that he didn't understand. ⠀⠀The other person shifted slightly closer, still looking at him. Medkit couldn't see much from how dark the room was, but he could recognize the shape of Pest from anywhere, and he calmed down a tiny bit as he stared at him. ⠀⠀"Are you okay?" Pest muttered out. Medkit's brain paused for a quick second, and he continued to stare at Pest as he slowly processed what he had just asked. To him, it sounded more like a demand than a question, and it dumbfounded him, especially since he was still mentally out of it from his nightmare that the question was lost on him. And he must still be in his nightmare, because Pest would never ask him that. ⠀⠀Pest watched Medkit for a few more seconds before growling. "Did you hear me?" His voice was harder this time. Oh. It really is Pest. Medkit thought, and he slowly put his pillow down to lay it on his chest. He nodded, opening his mouth to reply, but instead licking his lips to get rid of the chappy dry feeling he still had. After a couple seconds, he replied. "Y-yeah. I did." Medkit's voice was shaky, low and hoarse, and he hoped what he said was intelligible enough for Pest to hear.
⠀⠀"Then answer. Are you okay?" Pest narrowed his eyes at him, and Medkit felt a hand gently being placed on his own. It wasn't much, but that small gesture made Medkit feel warmer than he had a few seconds ago, and he instantly went to intertwine his fingers with Pest's. ⠀⠀"I... I suppose so." Medkit looked away, leaning back against the pillows. Pest moved over and turned the bedside lamp on, turning his head to stare at Medkit's face. He looked tired, which was the norm for Medkit, but somehow he looked even more pathetic like this. His one eye was shot, his hair a complete mess, and the little fluff on his cheeks were stiff with dried tears. Pest chittered, clicking his mandibles together as he took in the sight in front of him. ⠀⠀"That's a lie." Medkit frowned at Pest's response. "You look like you were run over by multiple trucks and possibly an airplane." Medkit knew Pest was attempting to lighten the mood, but it didn't work for him. ⠀⠀"Why... why would you care?" Medkit turned his head to Pest as he asked the question, and he felt guilt as he heard the way it sounded as it exited his mouth. He instantly went to apologize, "I'm-" ⠀⠀He was cut off by Pest suddenly getting up further onto the bed, moving Medkit's legs to crawl towards him like a feral animal, his head lowered, and eyes squinted at him like he was suddenly a piece of prey. "Pest, what are you-" Suddenly, Pest was laying right on top of Medkit, and he couldn't help the blush creeping onto his face as Pest wrapped his top arms around him, bringing them both into an embrace. ⠀⠀Pest stared up at Medkit, his chin on his chest. "Look. I don't care what you think of me. Just stop your crying. It's starting to get on my... nerves." Medkit exhaled softly. The way Pest spoke was harsh, not a lot of comfort, but that wasn't what caught Medkit's attention. The way Pest had hesitated on the last word gave Medkit all he needed to know about Pest's true feelings, he knew it was his own way of saying "I want you to stop crying because it's making me upset," which showed he cared. At least, that's what Medkit was hoping for. ⠀⠀Pest's mandibles tapped Medkit's chest. "Or else." Medkit stiffened a bit, wondering why he was suddenly being threatened to stop his crying, but when he looked down at Pest's eyes he saw a playful glimmer to them. That did not help matters. ⠀⠀He shifted slightly underneath Pest as he stared at him straight on. "Don't." His voice was low, a warning, but Pest did nothing but smile teasingly back at him. ⠀⠀"Don't what?" Pest replied. Medkit's heart dropped when he felt Pest's lower hands trail up underneath his nightshirt, and he blushed harder. A small thumping noise could be heard, and when Pest looked down, he noticed Medkit's deer tail was hitting the bed, and he snickered. "Okay. Now I know this'll work." He looked back up at Medkit right before he used his claws to gently claw at his fur. ⠀⠀The moment Pest's fingers did that, Medkit jolted with a soft yelp. The sensation made a million different thoughts and emotions go through his head at once and it was getting increasingly hard to not get overwhelmed or melt, or both at the same time. Medkit hissed through his teeth, "Pest. Stop it. That tickles." ⠀⠀Pest rolled his eyes and moved upwards more. "That's too bad." He bent down and started planting soft kisses on Medkit's face, bringing his hands up to lay on Medkit's chest as he did so. Pest was getting confused on why he was suddenly getting so touchy with Medkit, but it looked like he needed it so he went with his urges and showered him in affection. Medkit on the other hand, was becoming a flustered mess below him.
⠀⠀Medkit was letting out soft giggles as Pest kissed his face, he was trying desperately to act like it wasn't doing anything just because he felt stubborn, but it was not working out in his favor. Especially with his tail going 50 mph right next to them. Pest cupped his face with his hands and started kissing him more deeply, one on the forehead, another on the cheek, a gentle one on his facial scars. Medkit's ears flicked and he whined, making his lips a thin line as if to stop himself from smiling. ⠀⠀He felt like if Pest continued any longer he was gonna end up melting into a puddle, his heart felt like it was about to burst. Then Pest kissed him on the lips, and his body went completely limp, his eyes closed, and his mind went completely blank from shock. He could feel nothing but Pest's hands and arms wrapped around him, his mandibles caressing his cheeks, his lips on his, and his antennae gently tapping him as if Pest were feeling him with those too. ⠀⠀After a couple seconds of the kiss that felt like it went on for hours, Pest pulled back and looked down at Medkit, hands still cupping his face as he scanned his expression. Medkit fluttered his eyes open, making immediate eye contact with Pest. He breathed quickly through his nose, and he cheeks were a deep blue color as his lips trembled into a weak smile. ⠀⠀Pest adjusted himself so he was laying next to Medkit, and he laid his head against one of his horns as he wrapped all four arms around him fully. "There. You smiled." He grinned smugly at him, and Medkit grumbled softly. Though, he couldn't stop the smile growing on him as he nuzzled his face against Pest's neck, placing a hand on his chest. ⠀⠀"Shut up," he muttered, placing a little kiss against Pest's neck, earning a chitter in response. ⠀⠀He raised one of his hands up to rub gently at Pest's horns, which was in his own way him being affectionate right back at him. His blunted claws scratched and massaged in the little grooves, him being extra careful of the spiky parts. It didn't take long for Pest to entirely lean against Medkit, kicking his leg against the bedsheets like a little dog as Medkit continued, and he started hearing a soft rumble coming from his chest as he used the other hand to massage the other horn. They suddenly twitched, clicking together once, and Medkit had to withdraw his hands quickly to make sure Pest didn't accidentally grab his nightshirt (or hands) and rip it. ⠀⠀His smile grew as he snuggled closer to Pest, looping his arms around his neck, feeling safe in the comfort of him. After a bit, his breathing slowed down, and he found himself finally falling back asleep, his ear right up against Pest's chest as he listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. Pest went and moved his tail to push the blanket closer to him, going slow to make sure Medkit didn't wake up, and went and wrapped the blanket around the both of them as he got more comfortable in his position. ⠀⠀Medkit was already snoring softly, and Pest found his own eyes closing as he let himself finally fall asleep as well. Medkit didn't have a nightmare this time, and Pest finally got some much needed rest.
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toytanks · 2 months
please bware. if anyone talks 2 us rn we Will explode
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lordzannis · 19 days
Rudolph "Butch" T. Ware III is an American historian and the Green Party's vice presidential nominee for the 2024 United States presidential election. Here are key points about him:
Academic Background:
Associate professor in the Department of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Previously taught at the University of Michigan and Northwestern University
Received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004
Research Focus:
Specializes in West African history, African-American history, and Islamic intellectual history
His work focuses on Islamic thought, anti-slavery movements in West Africa and the African Diaspora, and the intersection of race, religion, and revolutionary thought
Political Involvement:
Selected as Jill Stein's running mate for the Green Party's 2024 presidential campaign
Nomination announced on August 16, 2024, during an online livestreamed event
Personal Background:
Practicing Muslim
His selection alongside Stein (who is Jewish) has been noted for creating a diverse ticket
Academic Work:
Author of "The Walking Qur'an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and History in West Africa," which has received positive reviews for its analysis of Islamic traditions in Africa
Political Stance:
Emphasizes addressing systemic injustice and building a sustainable, just, and peaceful world
Critical of the two-party political system in the United States
Some critics argue that his background is primarily academic, with limited direct involvement in social movements or political activism outside of academia
The selection of Ware as the Green Party's vice presidential nominee is seen as an attempt to create a historically diverse ticket, bringing together different religious and cultural backgrounds in opposition to current U.S. policies on issues like war, climate change, and economic inequality.
Citations: [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butch_Ware [2] https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/08/26/tgug-a26.html [3] https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Quran-Education-Knowledge-Civilization/dp/1469614316 [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stein [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ziwTDDcaVI [6] https://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/bware/ [7] https://www.jillstein2024ballotaccess.com [8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stein_2024_presidential_campaign
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is an electoral system that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference. Here's a comprehensive overview:
How Ranked Choice Voting Works
Voters rank candidates in order of preference (1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc.).
If a candidate receives over 50% of first-choice votes, they win outright.
If no candidate gets a majority, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated.
Votes for the eliminated candidate are redistributed to voters' next choices.
This process repeats until a candidate has a majority.
Advantages of RCV
Determines strongest overall support: Reveals the candidate with the most support across the entire electorate, not just a passionate base.
Encourages civil campaigning: Reduces negative campaigning as candidates aim for second-choice votes.
Reduces wasted votes: Voters can support their preferred candidate without fear of "wasting" their vote.
Eliminates need for runoffs: Saves time and money by avoiding separate runoff elections.
Current Implementation
Statewide: Alaska and Maine use RCV for various elections.
Cities: 53 cities and counties in the U.S. use RCV, including New York City, San Francisco, and Minneapolis.
Military/Overseas: Several states use RCV for military and overseas voters in federal runoff elections.
Criticisms and Responses
Complexity: While slightly more complex than single-choice voting, data shows voters adapt quickly and turnout isn't negatively affected.
Cost: Initial implementation costs can be offset by eliminating runoff elections.
Delayed results: While final tallies may take longer, this ensures accurate and comprehensive results.
Ranked Choice Voting is gaining traction as a method to improve representation and reduce political polarization. While it requires some adjustment, its benefits in determining majority support and encouraging civil campaigning make it an increasingly popular electoral reform.
Citations: [1] https://www.lwvme.org/RCVhelp [2] https://time.com/5718941/ranked-choice-voting/ [3] https://www.rankedvote.co/guides/understanding-ranked-choice-voting/pros-and-cons-of-rcv [4] https://www.csg.org/2023/03/21/ranked-choice-voting-what-where-why-why-not/ [5] https://www.acvote.org/voting/rcv [6] https://vote.arlingtonva.gov/Elections/Ranked-Choice-Voting [7] https://www.pbs.org/wnet/preserving-democracy/2023/12/18/ranked-choice-voting-coming-to-more-statewide-ballots-in-2024/ [8] https://www.rcvresources.org/where-is-rcv-used
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 years
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hi, i'm theta, mars and basil! > he/him > gay + aroace > 17 :3
i love horror movies and i make them all transgender
my neocities (huge wip) (flashing warning)
my current interests areee > evil dead (+ other bruce campbell and/or sam raimi stuff) > twin peaks > british comedy shows (taskmaster, the mighty boosh, nevermind the buzzcocks other greg davies and noel fielding stuff)
other stuff i'll definitely still be posting about: -> doctor who -> alternative subcultures (mostly goth and punk) -> fiction podcasts (specifically tma, w.bg and malevolent) -> re-animator and other horror movies/other jeffrey combs stuff!!
also, i'm in a band! we're @knees-mean-nothing, give us a follow :)
byf; i post a lot of fake gore/blood (like, A LOT of blood!), syringes, i'm a twin peaks fan (so also a lot of topics on sexual assault, incest and all that fun stuff..[/sarc] i'll try to tag this but i'll pribably mess up sometimes) i swear a lot and i use caps lock a lot. just bware if thats not ur jam
also exclusionists and TERFs go fuck yourself! and plz, if u ship minors and adults, block me
bruce campbell dni ❌❌❌👿👿
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extra stuff below the cut :3
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i literally just made this section because i like lists and i need an excuse.
my tagz: #shut up mars: original text posts | #faggotwalkwithme irl: my face | #friends tag: posts pertaining to. my friends | #friend's art!!!!: art that. is by my friends | #goofyfibula stan account: tag dedicated to my wonderful husbandbf (gender neutral), el | #ptrmoc: posts that remind me of characters | #<3: my favourite posts | #me: posts that r me irl | #gender: posts that give me gender envy
past interests that i may still post about occasionally (if it has an asterix next to it, i still post about it quite a bit!): monster high | warrior cats | musical theatre (in particular, hamilton/heathers/be more chill*/dear evan hansen) | falsettos (gets its on category cuz its so special and cool) | good omens | stranger things/IT | sherlock (<- though if i ever post about that its usually in pain and making fun of it) | doctor who* | life on mars/ashes to ashes | what we do in the shadows | bbc ghosts (and other six idiots content in general) | sing street | mozart l'opera rock | bugsnax | detroit: become human (im so sorry) | goncharov (i tag unreality) | the magnus archives* | red valley | malevolent | WOE.BEGONE | fight club | the rocky horror picture show
more casual interests i'll still post about: camp here and there | MASH | interview with the vampire | buffy the vampire slayer | little lunch | bill and ted | severance | flight of the conchords | derry girls | the young ones |
also umm some microlabels: quasiromantic, orientated aroace, genderfaun, xenogenders (im considering making like a blog or something where i document them all :3), aegosexual, grayromantic
top artists of all time according to last.fm: pulp | they might be giants | will wood | the cure | angelo badalementi | mitski | oingo boingo | strawberry switchblade | mozart l'opera rock | the smiths | blur | pixies | talking heads | radiohead | pavement | julee cruise | david bowie | new order | hot freaks | lemon demon
my birthday is on february 24th :3 i'm from australia and indonesia!!! i'm an avatar of the lonely lets fucking go
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comeupkid415 · 11 months
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medranochav · 2 years
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BWare the ides of march
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whicheverwarrior · 2 years
"All I know for sure," she said
"Was it had teeth to bite you dead."
This thing that wanders in the wood
This thing that'd eat you if it could
This thing made of sugar cane
That came forth under fool moon wane
"Bware that he would not get you,
This devil called the Rougaroux!"
This is wonderful thank you for your service
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Underwater, Sushi and Lexi we're playing a game of tag but with water type moves. Lexi: "Hihi!" Lexi tags Sushi with Bubble. "You it papa!" Sushi: "Haha! You got me? Now I'm gonna get you!" Sushi chases Lexi while Lexi playfully swims away while laughing. Paloma: The Tranquill sinks her head into the water and tries talking. "Buhey bwe bware breaching Bepping Bone B-" Sushi: "What?" Sushi tags Lexi with a fairly weak Hydro Pump. Paloma realizes she cant talk underwater so Nerio dives in to talk to them. Nerio: "She said we're about to reach Stepping Stone Sea." Sushi: "Oh alright." Sushi signals to Lexi to come here. "So what's gonna happen after we reach Stepping Stone Sea?" Nerio: "We're gonna take a break in one of the islands then we either go to Loop Lagoon or Honeycalm Islands. That's where we can find a Kingdra, presumably Lexi's parent." Nerio, Sushi and Lexi go to the surface. Sushi: Sushi faces Lexi. "Well a little bit more swimming Lexi and you're home."
[ The Route 2 Gang are almost there! ]
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vnencqk · 6 months
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basixxstore · 2 years
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Entdecke unsere breite Palette an hochwertigen Haarentfernungs-, Haarpflege- und anderen Schönheitsprodukten im Basixx Store oder online in unserem Shop.📍🌐📲 Unsere elektronischen Geräte sind einfach zu bedienen und bieten dir Ergebnisse wie im Schönheitssalon, ganz bequem von zu Hause aus.🏠 Besuche uns jetzt und entdecke die Vorteile unserer Schönheits-Elektronik!✨️♥️🤩 #Schönheitspflege #ElektronischeGeräte #BasixxStore #OnlineShop #NeueWare #basixxstore #ludwigshafen #germany #bware #neuware #recycle #Wiederverwertung #SparenUndSchonen #RettungDerUmwelt #sustainablefashion #secondhandclothing #pfingstweide #basixx #günstig #cheap #nachhaltigkeit #schnäppchen #restposten #überhänge #bestprice #price #deal https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9sZxltgLD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michellenewyork01 · 8 months
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Join us at the Burna Boy Afterparty, presented by Aaron CJ Hastings x BMW Promo, inside North America's largest mega club! Experience Burna Boy's official DJ, live hosting by Burna Boy himself, and tunes by Dr. Jay, DJ Bware, and DJ Empire. Don't miss this epic night of Hip Hop, RnB, reggae, Soca, and Afro beats. Get your tickets now for the event of the year! :tada: #BurnaBoyAfterparty #MusicExperience
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babyawacs · 1 year
@ebay @aliexpress @ebayde daytime: bastler der nicht 4wochen auf chips wartenwill und bei der altgeraetemitnahme verscheissert werden geschweige denn bei bware und defekten und nicht korrekten angeboten w i e s o nur gibt es ganze rueckerstattungs knoepfe und dispute menues und entscheidungsprozesse bei ware nicht wie beschrieben w i e kanndas nur sein *spaete 1980er startrek ferengi mit phonetik mit laserpeitsche* e n t s e t z w l i c h einfach entsetzlich!!!
@ebay @aliexpress @ebayde daytime: bastler der nicht 4wochen auf chips wartenwill und bei der altgeraetemitnahme verscheissert werden geschweige denn bei bware und defekten und nicht korrekten angeboten w i e s o nur gibt es ganze rueckerstattungs knoepfe und dispute menues und entscheidungsprozesse bei ware nicht wie beschrieben w i e kanndas nur sein *spaete 1980er startrek ferengi mit phonetik…
View On WordPress
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cryptotechnews24 · 1 year
Shardeum Raises $5.4 Million in Strategic Funding to Propel Ecosystem Growth
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Shardeum, a highly-scalable EVM-based layer-1 blockchain, has successfully closed a strategic funding round, raising an impressive $5.4 million. The investment comes from leading participants such as Amber Group, Galxe, J17 Capital, JSquare, and TRGC, among others. This substantial funding will play a pivotal role in supporting the growth of Shardeum's ecosystem, leading up to the highly anticipated mainnet launch scheduled later this year.
Empowering High Performance through Dynamic State Sharding
Founded in 2022, Shardeum employs innovative technology that sets it apart from traditional blockchains. By utilizing dynamic state sharding, Shardeum keeps gas fees low and significantly increases transaction throughput as the network expands. This scalability ensures that as participation grows, the blockchain remains efficient, enabling seamless user experiences and fostering widespread adoption.
Impressive Testnet Achievements
As of July 7, 2023, Shardeum's testnet has already witnessed over 7.4 million transactions, demonstrating the robustness and effectiveness of the platform. With more than 820,000 active accounts and over 230,000 deployed contracts, Shardeum's network has proven its capabilities in handling a significant volume of activity. These impressive numbers serve as a testament to the platform's readiness for the forthcoming mainnet launch.
Enabling Accessibility and Decentralization
Kelsey McGuire, the chief growth officer at Shardeum, emphasized the significance of the strategic raise and its impact on the project's overarching mission. With Shardeum's consensus design and the use of dynamic state sharding, the platform ensures that validator participation is accessible to users, irrespective of their computing resources. This approach fosters inclusivity and decentralization, aligning with Shardeum's vision to create a global and diverse community.
Leveraging the funding for Global Expansion
The recent strategic raise reinforces Shardeum's commitment to decentralization and community building. By utilizing the newly acquired funds, Shardeum aims to expand its community worldwide through various initiatives, including education and other key programs. This investment will enable the project to prioritize decentralization, bringing together a diverse group of participants who are passionate about the blockchain's potential.
Prominent Participants in the Strategic Raise
In addition to Amber Group, Galxe, J17 Capital, JSquare, and TRGC, the $5.4 million strategic raise attracted significant interest from other notable participants. These include Bware Labs, Tané Labs, Hyperithm Group, Luganodes, Blockchain Ventures Hub, CryptoViet Ventures, Blue7, and more. The involvement of these influential investors demonstrates the confidence and belief in Shardeum's innovative approach and the potential it holds for disrupting the blockchain industry.
Continued Success and Previous Funding
This recent strategic raise follows Shardeum's successful seed round in October 2022, where the project raised an impressive $18.2 million. Notable backers in the seed round included prominent investors such as Jane Street, Big Brain Holdings, Struck Crypto, The Spartan Group, Ghaf Capital, DFG, CoinGecko Ventures, and Foresight Ventures. The substantial funding secured thus far underscores the industry's recognition of Shardeum's unique value proposition and its potential to revolutionize blockchain technology.
With its successful $5.4 million strategic funding round, Shardeum is poised to continue its journey toward building a scalable and efficient blockchain ecosystem. The support from prominent investors allows Shardeum to amplify its mission of fostering inclusivity, accessibility, and decentralization. As the mainnet launch approaches, the project is set to make a significant impact on the blockchain industry, offering a high-performance solution for users worldwide. For more articles visit: Cryptotechnews24 Source: blockchaintechnology-news.com
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