TI KAVIS, my name is Athena Malakas. I'm a 27 year old american hellenophile (greek culture fan for you foreigners). I drink MASTIXA and eat spanakopita at my SPITI, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior greek passtimes. (unemployment) I train with my BUZUKI every day, this superior instrument can permanently leave the yiayias at my divine liturgy enamored because of its rich tune, and is vastly superior to any other method of pleasing old ladies. I earned my souvlaki grilling license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak Greek fluently, both Chicago and New York dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Greek history and their spartan code, which I follow 100% When I get my Greek visa, I am moving to Mykonos to work in an gay bar to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a ephebe for the Spartan Twunk XXX or a sleazy diner owner in Athens for my family members to work at (for no pay!!)! I own several togas, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Greece, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak Greek as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in Greece! ZHTO Y ELLADA!
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gemsofgreece · 11 months
Famous Greeks who fought in the Greek resistance against the Axis Powers in WWII
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Odysseus Elytis (middle): The nobelist poet served as a second lieutenant in the Greek frontline. After a few months he contracted a severe case of typhus, so he had to be hospitalized. He recovered and a lot of his future poetic work was inspired by the war.
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Nikephoros Vrettakos (standing on the right in the first picture): The poet and author fought in the frontline in 1940 and almost got killed in Klisura. After his regiment was dissolved, he joined EAM / ELAS (Greek People's Liberation Army) and continued fighting until 1944.
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Nikos Kavvadias (seated): Well known for his poetry inspired by his adventures in the sea, the sailor rarely wrote prose, but when he did, it was usually inspired by his days in land fighting in the war.
Many other poets also fought in the war. Ángelos Sikelianós volunteered to join the army, but he was rejected because he was 56 years old at the time.
Rebetiko and Laiko musicians and composers Markos Vamvakaris and Vassilis Tsitsanis also went to war. Tsitsanis entrusted his buzuki instrument with his mother and promised to return to take it back.
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Painter Yannis Tsaruhis also fought in the Albanian frontline (Italy invaded Albania and then marched from Albania into Greece, Greece halted them there and then counterattacked, pushing the Italian forces back, which is why a lot of the war during 1940-1941 took place in the Albanian mountains). Tsaruhis heard that a soldier had a vision of Virgin Mary. He immediatedly made this religious icon, using a kipper can as a canvas and he named it "Η Παναγιά της Νίκης" (i panayá tis níkis, the Blessed Virgin of Victory). The paint had not even dried before a rumour was spread in the camp that the icon was supposedly miraculous.
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Comedian Dinos Iliópulos, was a Greek of Alexandria, born and raised in Egypt. He completed his millitary service in Greece, even though he was an expat , so it was entirely optional for him. He had returned to his home in Egypt for just one day after finishing his service, when he heard of the bad news. He left immediately, returned to Greece and joined the army.
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Lambros Konstandaras (centered in the left picture): the great actor volunteered to join the army and fought in the frontline. At some point he was severely injured in the head and the hip. He was rescued by the aforementioned poet Odysseus Elytis! After his recovery, he insisted on returning to the battlefield, but he was prevented from doing this. He was suffering from his wounds for the rest of his life, although his vibrant charisma and talent in cinema and theatre never allowed anyone to see this.
Kostas Hatzichristos (right picture): the hysterical comedian originally dreamed of a military profession, so when the war broke out, he joined the army and fought passionately. However, his days in the army were crazy. He was in the northern front and soon his legs developed frostbite. At some point he was sent to serve in a military hospital. Next to it was a cafe owned by an Albanian man and his sister Orhana. Hatzichristos, a notorious womanizer, fancied Orhana and provided supplies to her constantly and made her other favours as well. At some point Orhana disappeared. Hatzichristos found out she was collaborating with the Italians and was giving them all the supplies he was providing her! He became the target of a lot of mockery in the Greek camp. He was moved to regiments on the rear and then he had a lieutenant who just did.not.like.him and bullied him constantly. Once, Hatzichristos stumbled upon Italian soldiers trying to flee during his patrol. The lieutenant screamed at him to shoot them but Hatzichristos saw how young they were and how they were begging for mercy by crying out “Fratello, fratello” (brother in Italian) and felt sorry for them. He did not obey the lieutenant's order. The lieutenant was furious. Hatzichristos fetched them in front of him and said: "You kill them, since you are the tough guy". Hatzichristos always had a way to deliver lines and the lieutenant broke in laughter. He was so amused that he agreed to spare the lives of the Italians. He knew that an Italian regiment would pass from that point in a few hours, so they tied the two Italians in a tree, placed a little canned food next to them and left them there to be found by their own people once they passed.
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Famous movie and theatre actor Dionysis Papayannópulos participated in important battles in extreme conditions in the mountains. He said that the battles lasted so long that when they ran out of bullets, they would keep fighting with sticks and stones. During the Axis occupation of Greece, Papayannópulos resumed his job as an actor in the theatre. One night, Max Merten, the Kriegsverwaltungsrat of the occupational forces in Thessaloniki, attempted to meet Papayannopulos at his dressing room in order to congratulate him on his performance. The actor refused to open the door and receive him. Merten was responsible for the deportation of the 50,000 Jews of Thessaloniki.
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The great theatre actor Manos Katrakis (center) fought in the frontline and saw his commander commit suicide before his eyes when they were caught and disarmed by the enemy.
Eleftheros Typos, through Lavart
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Serverstuck anon again, I found the announcement for that weird name ban.... it's a long one so buckle up:
Pt1 "@/everyone Hey fellas! It's no-fun big boss man time, here to say "no fun!" Recently, we've had an overload of character submissions with human words for names. This has always been against the rules, but due to lax rulings by the team in the past, a few characters have slipped through the cracks. I want to tell everyone we no longer accept characters whos names are troll names! This includes…
Human names on trolls (Oscarr Isaack)
English words (Lizard Kisser)
Words from non-English languages (Cheval Jambon)
Attempts to cleverly fool the mods by changing the spelling the word in a way that still sounds like the words (Lizerd Kissur) It is, unfortunately, kind of immersion breaking to walk into a thread to see a character called Peanut Butter just chilling, which breaks our Setting Breaking rule. We will henceforth not read submissions with rulebreaking names. Can't think of a name? Change some consonants! Our beloved Lizerd Kissur doesn't work, but let's substitute some letters, and hey, Vizert Gissur works pretty nice! If you have a character with a name like this, it'd be pretty cool if you changed it, but we won't enforce it. We accepted it, and you're all good! Here's a meme my dad sent me."
Pt 2 "Hey @/everyone ! A follow up announcement to yesterday's name ruling. I've seen a few people get confused about intention, so we're clarifying what is and isn't meant by our "no words" rule! In short, the "no words" rule could probably be more accurately put as "no words… unless they're obscure". A lot of the character submissions we were rejecting were words that were instantly recognisable (Vampyr, Tohbie, Garcon as equivalent examples). These names are very quickly recognisable as to their meaning— they're either mispellings of recognisable words, or common words in recognisable languages. What is okay, however, are English words nobody's ever going to say in regular conversation.
For example, want to name your librarian who makes a lot of footnotes "Ibidem"? Cool, no problem. Your character who specialises in string instruments is called "Buzuki"? Yeah, go for it. I guarantee nobody reading this knows what either of those are without googling it— and THAT'S the key here. We all know Eridan, Nepeta, Aradia, etc, that canon Homestuck characters have names derived from other words. But generally, these names are very obscure, and you are more likely than not going to not recognise them when you see them for the first time.
It's been pointed out that a lot of existing characters had names like these accepted, both on the mod team and off it. Some are entirely accidental— the Princess, for example, is named Anette, which was meant to be a pun of Marionette, but is also a French name. Other times, it's obviously intended, like Irstax the IRS Tax troll. "Mods!" I hear you cry. "Why is this allowed? Why are the mods allowed to do this, but not us? You are fiends, moderators! You have no honour, and Valhalla will spit you out when you die!" First off, yeah. Second off, it's very true that there's lots of existing characters with names like that.
The reason for the inconsistency is much more innocuous than a coordinated favouritism campaign though: not all the mods were on the same page about name rules. What was fine to some wasn't to others, so it was kind of luck of the draw as to whether your name got accepted or not depending on the mod going through your application. The rule being more closely enforced came up after the mods sat down, discussed it with one another after we noticed a lot of characters with these types of names, and decided this was the best way to handle the server, to be fairer to everyone. The mods are just as bound to them as anyone else, and we're not going to force any existing trolls to change names; we're just going to be a little stricter on characters named Funnie Joekes or the likes.
Again: classic, obscure word Homestuck names like Eridan, Bombyx or Jezail are fine! We never said they weren't. In fact, I encourage them to have etymology! Just make sure there's effort put into them to keep the setting Homestuck feeling."
Lizzerd Kissur is one of the most Homestuck sounding names I've ever heard, tbh.
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rottencoreflesh101 · 2 years
6/10 of the hashiras in my AU. Buzuki (Sabito) the water hashira.
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Here’s his full demon form (stronger)
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Stuff about demon Sabito in my AU:
DISCLAIMER!! I’m not a writer so I might lack in a few places,
Fall of the masked fox
After final selection, it was clear to everyone that Sabito didn’t make it due to his absence at the end. Sabito was in fact severely injured but not dead. He made it out of the forest but he didn’t wanted to shame his sensei and Tomioka by returning empty handed (they would’ve loved him and welcomed him back but he thought it was shameful and coward like). Sabito knew his wound was severe and he didn’t had much time so he rather pass away at the mountain he was trained on so he headed there. On his way, he encountered a powerful demon, he could sense it, it was one of the uppermoons, Douma out of all demons.
Rebirth of the nine tail kitsune
Douma decided to give some of his blood to the dying boy even if the boy refused but he wanted to live, protect those he loved bc he was too weak so he took it after and endless fight with himself over his head. Sabito was turned into a fox demon but unlike others, Sabito didn’t find appetizing the smell of humans nor their flesh, he rather took more interest into eating other demons. Sabito forgot parts of his life, those who were there to raise him and train him had blurry faces, he forgot his name right after his turning but people around the mountain called him Buzuki and thats the name he claimed for himself. He was the guardian on the mountain, helping those near it from demons and used his demon blood art to help Urokodaki with his new students with Illusions of himself with out Urokodaki’s knowledge(like he did with Tanjiro but instead of being his soul, it was an illusion made by Sabitos blood art). People who were saved by Buzuki also call him “The dancing water fox” due to his attacks being so flexible and smooth, it was like a dance! (His attacks were like Tanjiro using sun dance in his attacks).
Fox trap
There were no complains about Buzuki’s presence, in the contrary, people loved his presence enough to visit and give him gifts, tho Buzuki didn’t made his presence known to the visitors yet he was still watching. Tho Urokodaki requested Tanjiro’s presence to the corps since he was smelling a demon near by but couldn’t find it for a couple of months now. Tanjiro returned back as requested and got to work *skiping details on how he found him*. Buzuki made his presence known and clear to Tanjiro, he could sense he’s a good person besides he recognized him from his training a few years ago. Tanjiro was shocked to find this out, but he recognized him, his similarities were close to the one of Sabito’s, he took a step back to sniff, the scent was the same, Tanjiro now knows he IS defined Sabito, the one who helped him at the mountain. Still writing…
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bukovskikaroly · 2 years
A Sógun sógora
Ikagaki Maszuke rendezésében, és Maszanaki Babuki teafőző együttműködésében készült napjaink legmegosztóbb japán filmje. Nagy szerencse, hogy Rákay Kálmánt is felkérték szaktanácsadónak, így a film sokkal szarabb lett, mint vártuk. Pedig nem volt magasan a léc.
Cselekmény: nincs, mert minek.
A nyitójelenetben Buzukit ( Dörner György) látjuk, illetve nem, mert sötét (Szente Vajk) van. Így Buzuki se lát semmit se. 
Később a sötétség folytatódik, mert sötét van.
Aztán - drámai pillanat! - megint sötét van továbbra is.
A film végén megkínálnak valakit rágóval. 
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anticlluis · 14 days
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El buzuki o bouzouki o guitarra del sol (en griego: μπουζούκι) es un instrumento musical originario de Grecia de cuerda pulsada con cuerpo en forma de pera y provisto de un mástil muy largo. Forma parte de la familia de los instrumentos cordófonos de mástil, y tiene una apariencia similar a la de lamandolina. El frente de la caja del buzuki es plano, con boca ovoide, decorada por una roseta, y la tapa trasera es tallada en distintas maderas, de forma cóncava (tipo gota). Normalmente se presenta con un número de trastes mayor al de una guitarra, con 22 a 26 trastes de bronce. y suele decorarse con nacarados. Este instrumento se toca con plectro o púa, y tiene un sonido metálico abierto, debido a que se utilizan cuerdas de acero fino, o niqueladas, y su afinación facilita la mezcla de acordes de dos notas, bajos y contramelodías. El antecesor del bouzouki y demás instrumentos con mástil es la pandora (llamado panduris, o pandura),​ instrumento que por los hallazgos arqueológicos se presume fue inventado en la antigua Grecia ya desde la era del bronce.
Es un pilar de la música griega moderna, tanto en composiciones instrumentales y bailes como en acompañamiento inseparable de canciones, especialmente en la música laiká o popular y en el rebético.
Hay dos tipos principales:
Tricordo (τρίχορδο), con tres pares de cuerdas, afinadas normalmente en Re-La-Re, que es el modo tradicional.
Tetracordo (τετράχορδο), más moderno, adoptado para ampliar las posibilidades armónicas del instrumento con cuatro pares de cuerdas, afinadas Do-Fa-La-Re,
De los años 60 del siglo pasado
Longitud: 58 cms.
Fondo parte cóncava: 9,5 cms
Peso: 512 grs.
En muy buen estado
150 € más gastos de envío
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aykutiltertr · 1 month
Kalbim Ege'de Kaldı - Nükhet Duru ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Hicaz 5/8 + 2/4 Atill...   ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/bqueNO2HrLE ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐   Kalbim Ege'de Kaldı - Nükhet Duru ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Hicaz 5/8 + 2/4 Atilla Özdemiroğlu) @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ESER ADI           : SÖZ GÜFTE       : SEZEN AKSU - YELDA KARATAŞ - ŞEHRAZAT BESTE - MÜZİK:   ATİLLA ÖZDEMİROĞLU USÜL                 :   5/8 (TÜRK AKSAĞI) + 2/4 (NİM SOFYAN) MAKAM - DİZİ :   HİCAZ - MAJÖR Söz: Sezen Aksu - Yelda Karataş - Şehrazat Beste: Attila Özdemiroğlu Düzenleme: Mustafa Haybat Davul: Arıkan Sırakaya Perdesiz Bas: Orhan Deniz Klasik Gitar: Kemal Evrim Arslan Perküsyon: Gurur Nar Kanun: Serkan Halili Ud/Buzuki/Tambur: Mustafa İpekçioğlu Klarnet: Hasan Dağlar Vokaller: Murat Çekem, Sinem Akkaya, Banu Kunt Işık, Burak Çetinkaya Mix: Arıkan Sarıkaya Stüdyolar: Keyboardist - Arı Mastering : Levent Büyük Bm              C#       D   Cigaramı sardım karşı sahile C#      D     Bm Yaktım ucuna acıları Bm           C#       D Ağları attım anılar doldu C#        D      Bm Ağlar hasretimin kıyıları C#     D        C#       D Yareme tuz diye yakamoz bastım D        F#   Bm Tek şahidim aydı Aman aman C#         D Bir elimde defne C#        D Bir elimde sevdan D       F#      Bm Kalbim egede kaldı Bm               C#      D   Kadehimi vurdum karşı yakaya C#     D       Bm     Efeler kalktı şerefe Bm           C#       D Sevgimi attım dostlar tuttu C#       D       Bm Bir ağıt yaktı kadere C#     D        C#       D Yareme tuz diye yakamoz bastım D        F#   Bm Tek şahidim aydı Aman aman C#         D Bir elimde defne C#        D Bir elimde sevdan D       F#      Bm Kalbim egede kaldı     Bm Aman efendim Bm Ayrılık ölümden beter Bm Canım efendim         D     C#    Bm Yeter bu hasretlik yeter     Bm Aman efendim Bana bir merhaba gönder     G# Canım efendim Nükhet Duru Duru 2012'de Cemiz Topuzlu Sahnesi'nde Sezen Aksu ile Genel bilgiler Doğum 19 Mayıs 1954 (70 yaşında) Tarzlar Caz, pop, Klasik Türk müziği, elektronik müzik Meslekler Oyuncu, şarkıcı Etkin yıllar 1971-günümüz Resmî site nukhetduru.com.tr Nükhet Duru (d. 19 Mayıs 1954, İstanbul[not 1]), Türk şarkıcı ve oyuncudur. 70'li ve 80'li yıllarda Türkiye'de popüler müziğin en güçlü seslerinden ve en meşhur şarkıcılarından biri oldu. Diskografi Ayrıca bakınız: Nükhet Duru şarkıları listesi 45'lik, EP ve teklileri 1975: Aklımda Sen Fikrimde Sen - Karadır Kaşların 1976: Beni Benimle Bırak - Gerisi Vız Gelir 1976: Her Şey Yolunda Şimdi - İki Damla Gözyaşı 1977: Canım Yandı - Haydi Uzatma Arkadaş 1977: Cambaz - Haydi Hayat 1977: Harp ve Sulh - Bir İnsan Doğdu 1978: Anılar - Güneş 1978: Dostluğa Davet - Takalar - (Modern Folk Üçlüsü ile birlikte) 1979: Portofino - Yıldızlar 1983: Ne Oldu Bize - Al Gönlümü Diyar Diyar Sürükle 1998: Remix-1 1998: Remix-2 1999: Nükhet Duru '99 2008: Durup Dururken 2010: İlk 2 2018: Mavi Düşler 2020: Kalbim Ege'de Kaldı 2021: Kapıldım Gitti 2021: Uzunlar 2022: Değmesin Ellerimiz 2023: Olasılık (Devrim Ekiz ile) Stüdyo albümleri 1976: Bir Nefes Gibi 1978: Melankoli 1979: Sevgili Çocuklar 1979: Nükhet Duru IV 1981: Nükhet Duru 1981 1982: Aşıksam Ne Farkeder? 1984: Her Şey Yeni 1985: Sevda 1986: Nadide 1987: Çek Halatı Gönlüm 1988: Benim Şarkılarım 1989: Benim Yolum 1991: Aç Gözünü Adamım 1992: Aman Tanrım! 1994: Nükhet Duru 1996: Gümüş 1997: Mühür 1998: Cahide - Bu Bir Efsane 2001: Bana Rağmen 2004: Muhteşem İkili - (Cenk Eren ile birlikte) 2006: ...Gece Saat On İki 2012: Tam Zamanında 2015: Aşkın N Hali 2020: Hikayesi Var Toplama ve konser albümleri 1979: En Sevilen Şarkılarıyla Nükhet Duru 1993: Nükhet Duru Klasikleri 1998: Nükhet Duru'dan Bir Nefes Gibi'ler 2006: Sevgiyle Elele - (Surp Vartanants Korosu ile birlikte, Cenk Taşkan adına) 2008: En İyileriyle Nükhet Duru 1981-1982 2014: Nükhet Duru Sahnede Filmografisi Dizi 1993: Umut Taksi 2000: Dadı 2000: Şemsi Paşa Pasajı 2001: Baş Belası 2001: Yeni Hayat 2002: Bayanlar Baylar 2002: Deliboran Destanı 2004: Avrupa Yakası 2004: Çemberimde Gül Oya 2005: Eylül 2015: Arka Sokaklar 2016: Şahane Damat 2020: Menajerimi Ara 2022: Aslında Özgürsün 2023: Tetikçinin Oğlu 2023-2024: Eyvah! Ramazan Bey Film 1971: Şerefimle Yaşarım 1973: Dağdan İnme 1973: Yemin 1975: Ayıkla Beni Hüsnü 1976: Kader Bağlayınca 1982: Düşkünüm Sana 2005: Keloğlan Kara Prens'e Karşı 2015: Düğün Dernek 2: Sünnet Televizyon programı 1995: Bir Nükhet Duru Gecesi
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bernamegeh · 10 months
Bahadır Tatlıöz Kimdir, Hayatı
13 yaşında profesyonel müzik hayatına başladı. Birçok Pop ve Türk Halk müziği sanatçısına eşlik etti. Avrupa’da birçok müzik festivalinde piyanist olarak yer aldı. Ayrıca birçok albümde aranjör,besteci ve piyanist olarak yer aldı. Buzuki Orhan ile birlikte 2005 yılında 20 konserden oluşan Buzuki-Piyano adlı projeye imza attı. 2012 yılında “Yıllar” isimli albümünü dinleyicilere sundu.
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poeticlicense12345 · 10 months
Imali smo i mi, moja generacija, svoju grčku fazu. Sedim u kafeu na obali mora očiju uprtih na Olimp i u zalasku sunca i ispijam svoju „grčku“ kafu (koja bi bila „turska“ kod nas!).Kako bogovi znaju za moja sećanja?! Sirtaki, buzuki, Zorba, Mikis Teodorakis, Melina Merkuri, magična reč (na svim jezicima) s’agapo- naše grčke opsesije nekih davnih godina. Posle filma „Nikad nedeljom“ sa fascinantnom Melinom Merkuri snažne lepote koja pali krv, ličnošću, koja provocira muškarce da joj se suprostave, a, pritom, uživaju, gotovo sladostrastno, u svom porazu (ovo progovara moj „muški“ princip!), Grčka se privila uz našu dušu, tada prijemčivu za sve što snažno „udara“. Entoni Kvin u „Grku Zorbi“ i tradicionalni grčki ples, najmuževniji koji znam, strastven, a, opet, tako odlučan i dostojanstven, raspaljivao je maštu nas „ženskica“ (izraz od milošte naših drugara!). Jovan (za intimno društvo Jorgos, u tim godinama zanesenosti Grčkom!) tako je pomno „trenirao“ sirtaki i učio neke važne reči na grčkom iz tada popularnih pesama (S’agapo), da smo mi, devojke, želele da smo fatalne kao one iz grčkih mitova zbog kojih se gine u svim ratovima ( ratovima ljubavi, naravno!). Nisu slučajno sve reči koje suštinski i dramatično određuju čoveka ili njegovo poimanje sveta upravo grčke (patos, katarza, eros, tanatos...)! Može li kultura sa ovakvom mitologijom da ima anemičan odnos prema bilo čemu? Dok ovo pišem, ležeći na ležaljci, tik uz more, uz blagonaklon pogled Posejdona, iz obližnjeg kafea se čuju taktovi „Dece Pireja“ (mnogo puta prepevane kod nas!), uz koje dva mlada Grka igraju zaneseno,s pogledima upravljenim prema Olimpu. Ja bih, poput Nerude, ovog predvečerja mogla napisati stihove pune sete, čežnje i žudnje. Nije, ipak, lepota samo u oku posmatrača, nego i u stvarima oko nas koje mogu da je, svaki put, ponovo ožive.
Sećam se životnih priča poznatih Grka, koji su plenili našu pažnju. Magična, do bola, i čudesno talentovana primadona Marija Kalas nas je, svojom burnom, strastvenom i, na mahove, dramatičnom vezom sa grčkim brodovlasnikom Aristotelom Onazisom, ostavljala gotovo bez daha. Žena koja bezgranično voli ,u njoj, bila je ranjivija od njenog muzičkog genija i tu svoju ljubavnu strast je platila životom. Jedna druga priča je meni, tih godina, bila posebno interesantna zbog njenih aktera. Čuvena italijanska novinarka Orijana Falači, britkog pera, beskrajno umna i do drskosti provokativna, u Grčkoj je upoznala Alekosa Panagulisa, heroja Grčkog pokreta otpora u vreme fašističke diktature, idealistu i sanjara, i, bez ostatka, se zaljubila u njega i njegove ideje. Kada je on tragično stradao, napisala je biografsku knjigu o svom životnom iskustvu, prepunu istinske mudrosti i proživljenog bola, „Jedan čovek“. Ne mogu da je citiram, ne sećam se dobro, ali njenu misao, čija je suština da je život bolno iskustvo, a da su srećni trenuci samo kratke pauze, sam upamtila zauvek. Kažu da su istinski vredne stvari samo one koje vas „udare“ po glavi, pa ste dugo posle toga divno ošamućeni. Sećanja na „grčke epizode“ u mom životu izazivaju takve senzacije.
Sećam se, istina, i običnih, svakodnevnih stvari vezanih za Grčku, kao što su taan alva sa pistaćima i kakaoom, metaxe, pića u lepim flašama (sladunjavog ukusa) i kafe, koju smo donosili u godinama kada je ona bila „deficitarna“ kod nas...Ovo je divna prošlost, koju je oživeo moj boravak u Paraliji, a o savremenoj Grčkoj će, nadam se, pisati neki novi „zanesenjaci“.
text author: Tanja Petrović Krivokapić
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sociedadnoticias · 10 months
Paula y Xosé Liz acercan el folklore gallego y castellano-leonés a Sigüenza
En un concierto incluido en el ciclo En Clave de RED de la Red de Ciudades y Villas Medievales a la que pertenece Sigüenza Por Verónica Estrada | Reportera Paula y Xosé Liz acercaron al Auditorio de El Pósito de Sigüenza músicas tradicionales de Castilla y de Galicia. Este dúo musical, tocando instrumentos como el violín, el buzuki o la flauta de madera, reinterpreta, con su propio estilo…
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dakikamagazin · 11 months
Müzisyen Niko Necdet'e komşu dehşeti! Önce pompalı tüfekle ateş açtı sonra baltayla evine saldırdı
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zanimljivaekonomija · 11 months
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“Dušan Ivković – moj krst, moja priča” Aleksandra Miletića u prodaji
Nadahnjujuća priča čoveka koji je zauvek promenio srpsku košarku
 Vulkan izdavaštvo objavilo je knjigu Moj krst, moja priča, na čijim stranicama je oslikan portret čuvenog Dušana Ivkovića. U prvom delu knjige, on je podelio sa čitaocima kako je izgledao njegov životni i košarkaški put, i već posle prvih nekoliko stranica sasvim je jasno da su se ta dva puta prožimala – od prvog do poslednjeg koša.
Vrativši se u detinjstvo, Dušan Ivković ispričao je priču o svom odrastanju, porodici i svemu onome što je obeležilo najranije godine njegovog života. Već tada se koš utisnuo u njegov pogled na svet – ispod prozora njegove i bratovljeve sobe, u kući u kojoj su živeli na Crvenom krstu, nalazila se spomen-ploča Radivoju Koraću, jednom od najboljih evropskih košarkaša šezdesetih godina prošlog veka. Vreme od te godine do godina u kojima će postati jedan od najuspešnijih evropskih trenera obeležili su veliki izazovi, postignuća, uspesi, ali i sve ono što je Dušanu Ivkoviću bilo važno van košarkaškog terena: porodica, prijatelji, Beograd, buzuki, kao i simboli porodičnog grba: pčela, golub i koš.
Ono što je upečatljivo jeste da se u svakoj njegovoj priči prepoznaje doslednost s kojom je koračao kroz život visoko uzdignute glave.
U drugom delu knjige portret Dušana Ivkovića doslikali su njegova porodica i njegovi prijatelji. Oni su rečima ispunili tišinu koja ostaje posle svakog odlaska i time su nas uverili u to da veliki ljudi nastavljaju da žive i kada poslednja pčela napusti njihova nedra.
“Za mene su oduvek najveća motivacija bili NEUSPEH I PORAZ. Mnogo puta sam posle poraza trpeo salve kritika, koje su neretko bile i neukusne. Često su raznorazni mediji bili puni najgorih mogućih reči o mom radu, ali to je uvek dolazilo posle nekih iznenađujućih poraza, kojih je kod mene, srećom, bilo vrlo malo. Toliko malo da bih jedva mogao i da ih se setim. Najbolji lek za takve stvari bio je rad“.
Autor knjige Aleksandar Miletić je rođen 9. avgusta 1972. u Kosovskoj Mitrovici. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beogradu. Autor je više knjiga, filmova i TV serijala inspirisanih sportom. Po njegovoj knjizi Džez basket snimljen je igrani film Bićemo prvaci sveta i dokumentarni TV serijal Put do svetskih šampiona. Osnivač je i direktor producentske kuće Cinnesport. Kolumnista je dnevnog lista Politika.
Knjigu posvećenu Dušanu Ivkoviću Moj krst, moja priča potražite na sajtu vulkani.rs ili u omiljenoj knjižari Vulkan.
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sagapo69100 · 11 months
Buzuki Orhan Fidayda
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menemennpastirma · 2 years
Mustafa Kirpik - Bir Kulum İşte ( Pearl Seri Arap Buzuki, Erasaz )
#müzik #şarkı #türkü #canlı #akustik #enstrümantal #saz #bağlama #elektrobağlama #mustafakirpik #birkulumişte
(Kaynak: https://youtu.be/vOINayxA5FU)
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the-beast-movies · 2 years
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aykutiltertr · 2 months
Aşığınım - Fedon ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Nihavend Minör Slow Beste Antonis Repa...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤  https://youtu.be/EYfCGBOPuso ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Aşığınım - Fedon ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Nihavend Minör Slow Beste Antonis Repanis) @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ESER ADI           : AŞIĞINIM SÖZ GÜFTE       : NATALİ KALYONCU - FEDON KALYONCU BESTE - MÜZİK: ANTONİS REPANİS USÜL                 :  8/8 DÜYEK SLOW MAKAM - DİZİ :  NİHAVEND - MİNÖR Söz: Natali Kalyoncu - Fedon Kalyoncu Müzik: Antonis Repanis Yapım: Güneş Plak Prodüktör: Mustafa Güneş Yönetmen: Hakan İtik Tonmaister: İhsan Apça - Fazıl Atuk Stüdyo: Stüdyo Apça Albüm Yapım Yılı: 1992 Fotoğraflar: Stüdyo İrfan Orkestra Buzuki: Hakan İtik Perküsyon - Davul: Cezmi Başeğmez Bas: İsmail Soyberk Gitar: Erdem Sökmen Piano: Ender Tökkökü Akordeon: Rıfat Şanlıel Obua: Celal Akatlar Ney: Ercan Irmak Keman: İlyas Tetik Kanun: Alaaddin Birol Vokaller: Brigitte Zartar - Niso Kaston - Hayk Grafik: Özg��r Arcan - Sinan Kızılkaya Video Tasarım: Sinan Kızılkaya Bu Yapımın Oluşmasında Emeği Geçen Tüm Dostlarıma ve Benden Sıcak İlgisini Esirgemeyen Siz Sevgili Dinleyicilerime Sonsuz Teşekkürler... 11.08.1992 Fedon. Bm                                Em Seninle olamazdık biliyordum  F#                                  Bm Bile bile yine seni seviyordum Bm                                      Em Yollarımız bir değildi seziyordum             F#                                           Bm  F#  Bm Şimdi neden neden canım bu özlem Bm                                      F# Aşığınım yanında olamasam da   Em                                    Bm Aşığınım sana dokunamasam da F#                         Bm Geri dönüş olmasa da Bm                                      F# Aşığınım yanında olamasam da     Em                                   Bm Aşığınım sana dokunamasamda F#                        Bm Sonsuza dek aşığınım Bm                                        Em Seni görmek bana acı veriyordu   F#                                          Bm Görmemekse ölüm gibi geliyordu Bm                                              Em Ne seninle ne de sensiz olmuyordu  F#                                                      Bm   F#   Bm Şimdi neden neden canım bu özlem N Fedon 2015 yılında Fedon Genel bilgiler Doğum Fedon Kalyoncu 19 Ağustos 1946 (77 yaşında) İstanbul, Türkiye Tarzlar Taverna müziği Etkin yıllar 1991-günümüz Eş Eda Kalyoncu (e. 1968) Çocukları Natali Kalyoncu Theo Kalyoncu Fedon Kalyoncu (d. 19 Ağustos 1946, İstanbul), Rum asıllı Türk şarkıcı, taverna müziği yorumcusu. Yaşam öyküsü 19 Ağustos 1946'da İstanbul'da doğdu. Babası Rum, annesi Ermenidir.[1] Dayısı Yeşilçam oyuncusu Nubar Terziyan'dır.[2] Dedesi Kleanti Kalyoncu, Çanakkale Savaşı'nda ölmüştür.[3] 1962 yılında Zoğrafyon Rum Lisesindeki öğrenimini yarıda bıraktı. 1962 ve 1972 yılları arasında sinema sektöründe çeşitli işlerde çalıştı. 1987'de Zorba Taverna'yı açtı. 1991'de şarkı söylemeye başladı. Aynı yıl Senin İçin adlı ilk albümünü çıkardı. TRT'de Yunanca şarkı söyleyen ilk kişi oldu.[4] 2000 yılı Abdi İpekçi Barış ve Dostluk İletişim Ödülü sahibidir.[5] Eda Kalyoncu ile evliliğinden Natali adında bir kızı ve Theo adında bir oğlu dünyaya gelmiştir.[4] Albümleri Senin İçin (12 Aralık 1991) Aşığınım (Ekim 1992) Nerdesin? (Haziran 1994) Bir Kadın Var - Bi Tanem (1997) Sevdiklerimizle (Toplama albüm, 14 Nisan 2000) Müzik videoları "Aşığınım" "Nerdesin" "Haydi Koş" Kaynakça ^ "Şehit torununa gavur denir mi", Hürriyet, 2 Şubat 2007. 1 Ocak 2013 tarihinde erişildi. ^ "Nubar Terziyan bakın kimin dayısı çıktı!". Ermeni Haber Ajansı. 4 Ekim 2021. 3 Kasım 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 3 Kasım 2022. ^ "Atatürk'ün elinden madalya aldı" 29 Haziran 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi., Milliyet, 4 Mart 2005. 29 Haziran 2011 tarihte erişildi. ^ a b Fedon Kalyoncu 2 Ocak 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi., Who is Who Türkiye. 29 Haziran 2011 tarihte erişildi. ^ "İpekçi ödüllerinin sahipleri belirlendi". Hürriyet. 21 Mart 2001. 4 Şubat 2024 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 8 Şubat 2024. Dış bağlantılar Kategori: Türk şarkıcı taslakları1946 doğumlularYaşayan insanlarİstanbul ili doğumlu erkek şarkıcılarErmeni asıllı Türk müzisyenler Rum asıllı Türkler1990'ların şarkıcılarıTaverna müziği20. yüzyılda Türk erkek şarkıcılar21. yüzyılda Türk erkek şarkıcılar
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