#buy office furniture near me
ayofficesystem · 1 year
Having the appropriate office furniture is crucial for creating a relaxing and effective workstation. However, there are so many possibilities accessible online that it can be difficult to know where to begin. For this reason, looking for "office furniture stores near me" online might be a fantastic place to start. If you are from Selangor, AY Office System would be the greatest office furniture store nearby. For more information, see the following link: https://ayofficesystem.com
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royaloak-furniture · 5 days
What are the best ways to clean an office chair?
Cleaning an office chair is vital for maintaining its beauty and ensuring a healthy work environment. Here are some of the most effective techniques to clean an office chair:
Dust Regularly: Using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, remove dust and debris from the chair, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
Spot Clean Stains: Gently wipe any stains on fabric chairs using a moderate soap and water solution. Clean leather or faux leather seats using a damp cloth and a small amount of mild detergent, then wipe dry.
Wipe Down Hard Surfaces: With a microfiber cloth and a light cleaning solution, wipe down the chair's armrests, legs, and any other hard surfaces.
Deep Clean Fabric: Use an upholstery cleaner or steam cleaner to freshen the fabric and remove any imbedded grime.
Maintain Wheels and Mechanisms: Remove and clean the wheels to avoid dirt buildup. Lubricate any moving parts to ensure the chair runs smoothly.
Regular cleaning not only keeps your office chair in good condition but also extends its life. If you're seeking high-quality office chairs, visit Royaloak, an online furniture store that offers a variety of fashionable and comfy solutions.
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amantran-furniture · 2 months
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Space-Saving Solutions: Furniture Ideas for Small Apartments
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Living in a small apartment can be a delightful experience, but it also presents unique challenges when it comes to furnishing and organizing the limited space. Maximizing every square inch becomes essential to create a comfortable and functional living environment. Thankfully, with a range of innovative space-saving furniture ideas transforming your compact living space into a stylish and practical easier than ever. In this article, we will explore some clever furniture solutions tailored specifically for small apartments.
1. Multi-functional Furniture:
One of the most effective ways to save space in a small apartment is by investing in multi-functional furniture. Look for items like sofa beds, which serve as comfortable seating during the day and easily transform into a cozy bed at night. Additionally, consider dining tables with drop leaves or extendable surfaces, allowing you to adjust their size based on your needs.
2. Wall-Mounted Shelves and Cabinets:
Embrace vertical storage by installing wall-mounted shelves and cabinets. These practical additions provide extra storage space for books, decor, and essentials, while keeping your floor clear and creating a sense of openness.
3. Foldable Dining Chairs:
Traditional dining chairs can take up valuable floor space, but foldable or stackable chairs can be easily stored when not in use. This simple solution ensures you have enough seating for guests without cluttering the living area.
4. Nesting Tables:
Nesting tables offer versatility and space-saving benefits. When not in use, smaller tables can be neatly stacked under the larger ones, saving valuable floor space. Pull them out when needed for extra surface area during gatherings or activities.
5. Loft Beds:
Loft beds are a fantastic way to optimize space in a small bedroom. By elevating the bed, you create valuable storage or living space underneath, which can be used as a study area, reading nook, or even a small home office.
6. Floating Desks:
For those who work from home, a floating desk can be a game-changer. These compact and wall-mounted workspaces provide a functional area for your computer and paperwork without taking up precious floor space.
7. Wall Bed or Murphy Bed:
A wall bed, also known as a Murphy bed, is an excellent addition to any small apartment from Indore's best furniture shop. These beds can be folded up into a wall or cabinet when not in use, freeing up space for other activities.
9. Sliding Doors and Room Dividers:
Open floor plans can make a small apartment feel more spacious, but sometimes, you need a bit of privacy. Consider using sliding doors or room dividers to create separate zones without compromising on space.
10. Transparent Furniture:
Lucite or acrylic furniture can be an excellent choice for small spaces as they create the illusion of openness. Transparent chairs or coffee tables allow light to pass through, making the room feel more airy and less cramped.
In conclusion, living in a small apartment doesn't mean sacrificing style or functionality. With the right space-saving furniture ideas from the best furniture shop in Indore, you can optimize your living area and create a cozy, well-organized, and visually appealing space.
Whether it's multi-functional furniture, wall-mounted storage, or cleverly designed pieces, each choice can contribute to a more comfortable and enjoyable small apartment living experience. So, get creative and explore these furniture solutions to make the most out of your compact abode.
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10.2 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Bucky invading privacy and getting the wrong idea, then not letting Major get a word in edgewise.
Word Count: 1.4k
Previously On...: You thought the envelope may have come from Rand, but after talking to him, you're pretty sure he didn't send it.
A/N: Sorry for the delay-- was running errands and thought I would be back in time, but then I got held up at a train crossing :P
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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He was about fifteen minutes early to pick up Major, but if he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t wait to see her again. He missed her every second he wasn’t near her, talking to her, holding her, just being in her presence. He was down bad for the girl, that was for sure, and he was going to take every extra minute he could get with her.
Opening the main door, he walked into the lobby and waved to Zadie as she was having a group of teenagers sign a waiver before arranging to have them go to a room. 
“Hey, Sergeant Barnes!” she called out to him. “Major’s back in her office if you wanted to go surprise her. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind the interruption.” Zadie waggled her eyebrows at the implication, and Bucky stifled a laugh as he made his way back toward the door she’d pointed to.
The door to Major’s office was partially closed, and Bucky knocked, the force of it pushing the door open to reveal the empty office. Bucky stepped inside and, seeing her purse on the edge of her desk, assumed she must have stepped out to use the restroom; he was fifteen minutes early in coming to pick her up, after all. She would have thought she had time.
He used the opportunity to take in her space, the sophisticated office furniture colored in deep, earthy tones that gave Bucky a feeling of calm, similar to what he felt in her presence. He admired some framed medals on the wall from her time in the military, as well as some certificates of accomplishment, and he was pleased to see the orchid he’d bought her resting in a place of pride by the window. 
He ran his fingers over the fuchsia petals, smiling to himself before turning toward her desk.
That was when he saw it. The envelope that had Major so worked up earlier in the day, her name and The WarZone’s Midtown address written in blocky, all caps. He took a step toward it, hand outstretched, but then pulled himself back. No, he thought. He wasn’t going to go through her private work documents. It was none of his business, really.
But… she had been so upset earlier. Maybe there was something he could do to help. He could just take a quick peak; that would totally be fine. He tilted the envelope and a stack of documents and photos came pouring out onto Major’s desk. At first, he couldn’t make sense of what he was looking at, as if the input from his eyes wasn’t making its way to his brain. 
Every piece of paper that had come out of the envelope was about… him. He found himself flipping through the pages, barely allowing the contents to register. They were all photos of him, back when he was still the Asset, committing horrendous crimes. Each document was a report of something he’d done, a person he’d killed. As he flipped through them, his stomach fell through the floor, shame heating his face. Why did she have these? How did she get them?
Had she been looking into him? When she had told him, during their first date, that she would wait for him to tell her about his past when he was ready, had that all been a lie? But why? What would she have to gain from it?
He heard footsteps approaching and in seconds, Major was walking through the door of her office.
“Hey, you!” she exclaimed, her face lighting up in happiness when she saw him standing there. “You’re early! I hope you weren’t waiting too long on me. Just wanted to freshen my face before dinner tonight.” She walked around to where he was standing and draped her arms around his neck, leaning up to kiss him, but Bucky stood still, only turning his face from hers.
She pulled away from him, her expression concerned. “Bucky, what’s wrong?” 
Without thought, his eyes darted to where the documents and photos lay spread haphazardly across her desk. He watched her gaze turn to follow his line of sight, and he saw her posture seem to deflate. 
“Oh,” she breathed out. “Oh, Bucky, honey– I really didn’t want you to see those.”
“I’m sure,” he spat, and was rewarded when she pulled back from him in surprise. “Wouldn’t do you any good if I knew you were digging into my past, would it? Much better to keep me in the dark about it, right?”
“Bucky, what–” she began, but he interrupted her:
“Was all that talk about wanting to wait until I was comfortable with telling you about my past just a lie? Were you so goddamn curious, you couldn’t even wait to find all the gory details for yourself? You wanna know how many people I killed that didn’t make it into those files, because I promise you, sugar, there’s a hell of a lot. You want to know about the time Hydra sent me to kill an ambassador, told me to leave no witnesses, and I took out his wife and his two kids, too? ‘Cause they couldn’t have been more than ten years old. That kind of thing get you off, doll?”
She took a further step back from him, a look of disgust and confusion on her face, and Bucky suddenly didn’t want to deal with it. “You know what?” he said, stepping around her and walking to the door, “Fuck this.” He stormed out of her office and as he stomped through the lobby, he could hear Major calling after him, but he was beyond caring at this point. 
He slammed through the front doors of The WarZone and back onto the street. Hopping onto his bike, he threw on his helmet and kicked it into gear, speeding away from Major and his past as fast as he could.
He reached upstate in record time; he was fortunate he hadn’t gotten pulled over for speeding. He certainly wouldn’t have taken that very well. He stopped at an intersection– one direction would take him back to the Compound, but the other would lead him into town. He considered his options for a split second before making his decision.
A few minutes later, he was pulling up to the front of a modest, but charming farmhouse. His safe haven for when life at the Compound got to be too much for him to handle, and he needed some peace and quiet to just decompress and be himself. He definitely needed that right now.
Bucky walked up the front path and onto the well-tended porch before giving the front door a series of strong knocks. Stepping back, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacked and waited, his eyes resting on the porch swing he had helped build two summers ago. He should probably check the chain to make sure it didn’t need to be oiled.
The door opened and there was Lily, a balm to his ragged psyche. 
“Jamie,” she breathed, obviously surprised to see him. “What are you doing here? I thought you had dinner plans with Nat’s friend.”
Bucky grunted and poked the toe of his boot at a floor board that stuck out a little higher than its neighbor. “Don’t really want to talk about her right now, Lil,” he said. “Can I come in?”
Lily’s eyes widened as she stepped aside, making room for him to enter. “Yeah, of course. Um, I was just thinking of ordering some takeout. Are you hungry? I could get some pizzas.”
“Yeah,” Bucky said as he followed Lily into her kitchen, “that sounds good.” He took off his jacket and draped it over the back of one of her kitchen chairs. “Let me pay this time, though, okay? Since you’ll have to order an entire second pizza just for me.”
Lily smiled at him softly as she picked up her phone and navigated to the delivery app. “Obviously,” she told him with a hint of teasing in her voice. “Ham and pineapple on one, pepperoni on the other?” 
Bucky sat down and stretched his arms over his head. “It’s like you read my mind.”
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jflemings · 2 months
— visiting hours
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pairing: jessie fleming x reader
synopsis: five times you got a visit at work and the one time you returned the favour
warning: minimal allusions to sex
୧ ‧₊˚ 🧸 ⋅ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
you and jessie had been seeing eachother for a while now, having met one hectic morning at a coffee shop during her first few weeks in portland. you had spilled your drink all over her training kit and stammered your way through an apology whilst attempting to dry off her shirt with some near by napkins. in your frantic effort to clean her up she had placed a hand over yours and shyly told you that you could make it up to her by letting her take you out.
you agreed with a shy smile and nod before realising the time and hurrying to your car so that you wouldn’t be more late than you already were, choosing to write your name and number on her own cup and practically flying out the door.
it all snowballed after that first date, the two of you quickly realising how much you enjoyed eachother’s company leading you to spend whatever time you could spare together.
jessie navigates her way through the school halls quietly as she tries to find your classroom. the brown paper bag in her hands crinkles slightly as she readjusts her grip, hoping that you were where the lady in the admin office said you would be.
she nervously bites the inside of her cheek as she approaches your open classroom door, peaking her head inside and rapping her knuckles against the wood three times to get your attention.
you look up from what you’re doing with a smile before a slightly shocked expression takes over your features “jess?”
jessie steps inside nervously “hey” she greets quietly “you left your lunch this morning”
your face drops in relief, your hand immediately falling to your stomach “you didn’t have to drop it off, i was just going to buy lunch”
the canadian shrugs as she walks to your desk and puts the bag down in front of you, her palm flattening on the wooden surface “it was my fault you were late” she mumbles looking down, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks “it was the least i could do.”
you smile up at her, crossing your arms and leaning them on your desk. the memory of this morning’s activities flashes in your mind and you smirk, jessie’s sudden embarrassment being a stark difference to her needy, cocky exterior from a few hours ago.
“i don’t recall me complaining” you tease as you tilt your head and look over your girlfriend’s shy form. she’s dressed in her training gear, the white shirt accentuating her broad shoulders in a way that has you reeling.
she cracks her knuckles against your desk and rolls her eyes playfully as she watches you check her out shamelessly. folding her arms, she turns and sits herself on the edge of your furniture, her posture going lax as she crosses her ankles and tucks her head into her shoulder slightly.
“stop staring” she mumbles quietly into her shoulder
you can’t help but smile slightly before you prop your chin up on the palm of your hand “am i making you nervous, fleming?”
jessie squints at you slightly, unfolding her arms and leaning back on her hands “i didn’t say that”
“you didn’t have too” you smirk before standing and leaning over to kiss her cheek “thank you though, saved me both time and money”
the canadian smiles “anytime”
it’s during your free period when jessie drops by unexpectedly. she stands in your doorway aimlessly before knocking, making you look up from your laptop.
you smile “what are you doing here?”
“got bored at home” she says as she walks in “thought i’d come see you for a little bit”
you push out the chair that’s next to your desk with your foot, signalling her to sit down. she does so and tucks her hands into her pockets before kicking out her legs and crossing her ankles “finished your book, then?”
she nods “this morning. then i put on some laundry and sorted dinner out but i quickly ran out of things to do” she picks at the hem of her shorts “what are you up to? i’m not interrupting am i?”
“no, i just finished up a couple emails and was hoping to put a dent in this stack of assignments i’ve got to mark but i can’t focus” you assure her whilst pushing your laptop away “you’ve given me a reason to have a bit of a break”
jessie hums “the ones you were marking last night?”
“yeah. i only got through about three before i fell asleep”
“you were up until midnight doing them” jessie points out with a cock of her head, now only noticing the bags under your eyes. she tuts “you’ve gotta stop stressing yourself out”
“i could say the same to you” you rebuttal, referring to the numerous times jessie’s stayed after training to do some practice by herself. you cock an eyebrow “you overwork yourself”
“so do you”
“but i’m not an athlete” you point at her as you prop your legs up on her own “if you don’t rest your body you’re going to do yourself more harm then good, jess. you don’t need me to tell you that”
the canadian shifts in her seat and rests her hands on your legs, running them up and down your shins over your jeans. she leans her head back and rolls it on her neck, coming to look at you half over her shoulder. she raises her eyebrows before huffing “fine” she says “dinner tonight then? sounds like we could both use a bit of down time”
“you said that you already had dinner sorted” you point out.
“i do” she nods her head “i actually came to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner, i’ll cook and you can just sit and look pretty”
you can’t help but smile at jessie “i would love to”
you were freaking out. an absolute a wreck as you go through your bag, folder and every drawer in your classroom.
exam season hit you hard and fast. you had been barley sleeping so that you could finish grading your sophomore’s and junior’s midterm english exams, determined to not make them wait for their grades longer than they had to. you had finished them last night and now you had lost them.
checking your watch, your eyes go wide at the time. only ten minutes before you had your sophomores for first period. ten minutes before you had a bunch of tired highschool students in your classroom awaiting their grades, and you’d have to tell them that you didn’t have them.
it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if they hadn’t complained to you earlier in the week that most of their teachers had yet to give them their other exams and assignments back. you had of course tried to explain to them that grading exams wasn’t as quick as taking them, especially since most of the staff had more than one class, but you still promised to have them marked and ready by the end of the week.
only, you didn’t have them.
they weren’t in your backpack, your laptop bag, tucked away in your desk or misplaced in another drawer. they just weren’t here.
you hang your head and screw your eyes shut, cursing at yourself for being so stupid and misplacing them when your classroom door opens, interrupting your train of thought. you turn around to greet whoever it is with the best smile you can muster, only to be met with jessie dressed in her training gear and holding a stack of papers.
“you left these on the kitchen bench this morning” she holds them up and waves them “i tried to call you but you didn’t pick up so i thought i’d just come drop them to you personally”
you drop your jaw “jessie you are a lifesaver, oh my god” you laugh in relief, crossing the length of your classroom to meet her at the door. you take the papers off her and kiss her hard, her hand finding your hip easily “you have no fucking idea how stressed i’ve been trying to find them”
jessie smiles and squeezes your hip “babe, you have got to stop putting so much pressure on yourself” she says lowly “and you need more sleep”
you roll your eyes playfully and tap the thorns crest on her training shirt “yeah, well, i’ll be sleeping a lot better now that exams are done with” you say lightheartedly before realising what jessie’s dressed in. your eyebrows shoot up as you look at your watch “and you need to go, jess, you’re going to be late!”
she puts her hands up as you push her into the hallway protesting “i’m not going to be late—”
“jessie go!”
the canadian pecks your lips “i’ll see you later” she says as she begins to walk down the hall. “don’t stress!” she yells with a smile as she rounds the corner, winking at you before dashing off.
jessie’s once again sat on the chair next to your desk when a student comes looking for you. she loudly walks into your class before seeing the canadian, immediately going quiet and pausing when she realises you aren’t in the room.
the two of them stare at eachother for a moment before the teenager speaks “i’m looking for miss l/n…” she trails off.
“she just went to the bathroom, she’ll be back a minute” jessie answers, sending her an awkward smile as your student nods. the canadian was sure that all the kids had left and she doesn’t know what she’ll say if the one in front of her recognises her or asks what she’s doing in your classroom.
you approach your door from the hallway, catching your student and jessie in what looks to be a staring contest. a wave of relief washes across jessie’s face as she spots you.
“olivia, what do you need?”
olivia turns suddenly, a book in her hands “i’m not coming to school on monday so i thought i’d give you this back so i don’t forget” she explains quietly.
the rattling of a keychain gets jessie’s attention. she squints and sees it’s a little chelsea jersey with FLEMING 17 printed on it. jessie smiles but diverts her eyes back to her phone, not wanting to get caught staring.
you smile “thanks, liv” you say as she nods at you “have a good weekend!” you tell her.
the teenager smiles and nods again, sneaking a glance at jessie before she rushes off down the hall. you tilt your head as you watch her leave before turning back to your girlfriend.
“did she talk to you?” you ask as you approach your desk.
jessie shakes her head “we kind of just… stared at eachother. i didn’t know what to say”
you huff a laugh as you tuck the book away into your desk “she’s a fan” you say “she’s a chelsea supporter and was really excited when you signed with portland. she talked my ear off about it after she went to watch the first match”
“i saw the keychain on her bag” the canadian says quietly.
“she’s told me you’re the reason she plays soccer” you admit whilst putting your laptop in it’s bag “i’m not surprised she didn’t tell you though. she’s pretty shy”
all jessie can do is nod in thought. it was nice to be the reason someone fell in love with the sport she so passionately played, even more so that it was a teenage girl.
you clap your hands once as you hike your backpack onto your shoulder “right. i think we should make pizzas and watch that movie we saw on hulu last night, what do you say?”
jessie’s attention is now completely on you “pizzas from scratch or pizzas with store bought bases?”
“who do you think i am, fleming. store bought bases, obviously, i can’t be bothered making the dough”
when olivia returns to school on tuesday you have a signed portland thorns fleming jersey waiting for her. the look of gratitude on her face when you give it to her is priceless.
“it was a hard exam” you say softly to olivia who stands in front of you. she’s gripping her paper tight and looking down on it like she wants to make it disappear “but you can get your grade back up to an A by the end of the semester if you do extra credit. i promise it’s not the end of the world”
“my parents are going to be so mad at me” she whispers “i studied so hard”
“exactly. you studied hard and you did your best, that’s all you can do”
olivia nods weakly, the paper crinkling in her grip as she looks at you “i just really wanted to keep up my grades this semester, especially after last semester” she admits to you, her voice quiet “i thought i did so well on this”
“you aren’t the only kid who got a bad grade, liv” you attempt to assure her but frown when you realise you might not be getting anywhere. you found your desk and open your top drawer, pulling out a packet “here’s a little bit of extra credit to start you off. get it back to me by monday, okay?” you hand it to her and tilt your head “we’ll fix your grade, i promise”
olivia takes the packet from you and nods before putting it, along with her graded test, in her backpack. just as you open your mouth to speak again you get a knock at your door.
you expect it to be another staff member, or maybe even jessie seeing as though she would’ve finished training by now. instead you lock eyes with an awkward looking christine sinclair. her eyes shift between you and olivia as she smiles sheepishly “sorry, i was just looking for y/n l/n?”
“that’s me!” you exclaim before turning back to your student “come see me on monday, okay?”
“how many soccer players do you know” olivia whispers to you, completely ignoring your request. you smile as her and jerk your head in the direction of the door.
she walks out, giving christine a smile and nod as she passes, before you turn to the former canadian international “what can i do for you?”
your sudden perk up makes her eyes brows raise “jessie gave me her house keys to drop to you. she’s in with the physio and didn’t want you getting locked out of her place”
you smile gratefully and beckon her in with a wave of your hand, taking the keys from her as you stick your free hand out for her to shake “i know you know, but i’m y/n”
“christine” she says smiling “jessie’s mentioned you before but i didn’t realise you, uh, were seeing eachother”
you feel heat begin to creep up your neck “yeah, a few months now”
the footballer nods “it’s good to meet you” she says, putting both hands behind her back.
you smile “it’s good to meet you too” you echo before clipping the keys onto your key ring “is jess okay?”
“she’s all good, it’s just a tweak in her calf. it was bothering her during training so she got it checked”
you nod along “alright”.
the canadian jerks her thumb in the direction of the door “you’re good with her” she says “your student, i mean”
“yeah, they’re great kids” you can’t help but smile “most of the time, anyway. they have their moments”
“don’t we all” christine jokes before checking her watch “well i’ve gotta run but it was really nice to meet you finally. i’ll see you around?”
jessie was one of the most organised people you had ever met. she has a place for everything, her books, her training kit, her shoes, her spices, everything. she even leaves all her training gear by your front door when she stays over so she knows exactly where it is and doesn’t have to run around silly in the mornings.
this morning she hadn’t even been in a rush. she’d woken up at the right time, made the two of you coffee and breakfast, had a shower and got changed, and then left your place.
you had unfortunately woken up sick with a stuffy nose and nasty headache, meaning you took the day off work but even that didn’t disrupt her flow. she simply left you with painkillers, a full waterbottle and a kiss on the forehead before leaving.
so it was a surprise when you got up to make yourself a cup of tea and saw her cleat bag by the door. you checked your phone to check if she’d called, which she hadn’t, and then realised that she might not even know yet. you quickly abandoned your tea and got dressed into something you wouldn’t mind being seen in public in before making your way to the thorns training grounds.
you sent jess a text before leaving and then again as you pulled up before walking into the facility and stopping a staff member apologetically. he told you that they hadn’t started training yet and then pointed you in the right direction before he disappeared, leaving you to navigate the building on your own.
you cursed yourself and your stuffy nose as you went, just praying that you’d find jessie or at least a player you recognised.
you turn down a hallway when a door opens, revealing your canadian peering out puzzled “i swear i had them, they were with my bag when i left this morning!”
“maybe you were distracted” an unknown voice teases, earning a snicker out of a few other people.
jessie frowns and rolls her eyes “no, janine, i wasn’t distracted i— y/n?” she exclaims when she sees you, a look of surprise on her face “what are you doing here?”
“y/n!?” the voice from before — janine — shouts from the room jessie just came from.
she shuts the door quickly and holds it closed, smiling at you as you wave her boots “you left these this morning”
“oh my god” she says, taking them from you and pulling you into a hug. because she can’t help it, he places the back of her hand against your forehead “you’re not burning up like you were when i left”
“headache’s gone too” you say proudly “nose is still stuffy though”
she pouts momentarily before the door pushes open, revealing a blonde freckled woman. she grins at you “you’re y/n?”
“that’s me”
she pushes the door further and sticks her hand out for you to shake “i’m janine” she introduces as jessie rolls her eyes “jessie here has been a bit tight lipped about you”
“no i haven’t” your girlfriend groans.
janine rolls her eyes and pushes the door open fully to lean her hand on it “yes you have! we didn’t even know you were seeing her until sincy dropped your keys to her”
“but you knew she existed!”
“even that wasn’t clear!” janine exclaims again, throwing jessie a look “we thought you were making her up” she mumbles to herself.
“oooookay! y/n is sick so she has to get home” the younger canadian pushes back on the door. janine gives up and waves you goodbye, the grin still present on her face, before jessie clicks the door shut. she smiles at you “she’s joking”
“about you being tight lipped or about ypu making me up?” you half smile, grabbing her free hand.
jessie blushes “about making you up”
“ahhhhh” you say teasingly whilst nodding.
jessie squeezes your hand and tilts her head “thank you for bringing me my boots”
“anytime” you say quietly, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “call me when you’re finished?”
“of course” jessie says as you drop her hand, waving you goodbye as you walk down the hall.
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the-west-meadow · 1 year
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Roman Roy x Reader
summary: As your relationship with Roman grows more uncertain, you turn to the person who knows him best for advice.
Midway through the day, you spotted Gerri on her way out of the office and sprang up from your desk, jogging after her. 
“Hey Gerri,” you said, “Could I buy you lunch today?”
“I’m flattered. What’s the occasion?”
“I need your input on something.” 
She eyed you suspiciously.
“Is this business or personal?”
“Fine. But you’re buying me a drink, too.”
Gerri took you to a high-end lunch spot downtown. You settled at a table near the window, picking up your menus. No prices. You swallowed. You had known this wouldn’t come cheap.
“What’s on your mind, Y/N?”
“It’s Roman.”
Gerri let out a subtle sigh, adjusting her glasses as she scanned the menu.
“I should have known,” she murmured. 
“I’m completely at a loss.”
“Welcome to the club.”
“I mean, what can you tell me? Every time I ask him about his relationship history he starts mumbling and won’t make eye contact.” 
“I don’t know much more than you,” she said. “There were a few girls that I know of. But as far as I know they never went anywhere, if you know what I mean.”
“I don’t.”
“Do I have to say it?”
“Yes, Gerri.”
“Well, then.” She cleared her throat. “As far as I know, they never… you know. Fucked.”
You sat back with a somewhat satisfied smirk on your face.
“Okay then,” you said. 
“Don’t let that hearten you. In fact, it might be a reason for you to pack up and look elsewhere.” 
Gerri sighed and rubbed her nose lightly.
“Roman is extremely complicated,” she went on. “You think you have him figured out, then he surprises you again. He’s chaotic, he’s unpredictable, he’s highly unstable—“
“Gerri,” you said, interrupting. “You’re saying all this like it should deter me.”
“If you were a sane human being, it would.”
“Let’s say I’m not. Let’s say I’m invested in seeing where this Roman trip takes me.”
She finally looked at you with something like mingled sympathy and admiration.
“Then I might be able to give you a few pointers.”
The drinks arrived. Gerri took a long sip before considering what she would say next. 
“First, it might help if you told me what it is about Roman that interests you.”
You took a swig of your own drink before you responded. 
“Let me just say that I didn’t choose to feel this way. I fully intended not to like Roman when I came to work for this company. Everything I heard made me dread meeting him. Even in our first few meetings, I was still determined not to like him. He was weirdly twitchy, he wouldn’t stop climbing on furniture. I thought he was a self-absorbed prick.”
“You weren’t wrong.”
“Right. But we both know there’s something underneath that.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“He’s a heartbreaker, Gerri.”
“I know.”
You put your head down on the table. The waiter arrived with your entrees, unsure where to put them until Gerri nudged you beneath the table. You shot up, composing yourself. Gerri leaned towards you. 
“Listen, I know Roman. He’s tough. But I think he’ll open up to you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Roman’s been looking in all the wrong places for love. I think his relationship with his dad shows that pretty clearly. He has an image in his mind of the kind of partner he should have. But that’s not the partner that he ultimately wants.”
“And what kind of partner does he want?”
“Maybe one who’s as broken as he is.”
You cracked a grin.
“I’m not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not,” you said.
“It’s meant as one. I know you’ve been through some tough times, but look where it’s brought you. Sometimes the most broken people end up being the strongest.”
She looked at you with that same admiring glint in her eye.
“When I first met you, I thought I saw a lot of myself in you.”
“Sorry, but there’s no way Gerri Kellman is a broken person.”
A small smile.
“You’d be surprised.”
You ate for a while in silence, thinking over each other’s words. Gerri finally glanced at her watch.
“We should be getting back soon.”
“Tell me what to do, Gerri. I’m lost when it comes to him.”
“My advice?” She dabbed at her lips with her napkin, took a sip of ice water. “Don’t give up on Roman.”
��Give me one good reason.”
She looked you straight in the eye. “Because,” she said, “Last week, he asked me to lunch to talk about you.”
Your heart leapt in your chest.
“You’re kidding me.”
She shook her head firmly.
“I thought he didn’t like me,” you said.
“Quite the opposite.”
“Holy fuck.”
Gerri shook her head, gathering her bag with a smile on her lips.
“That’s an understatement. You’re in for a wild ride, Y/N.”
You drove back to the office with her, riding in silence up the elevators. As you walked back towards the conference room, Roman strode out of his office, hands in pockets. 
“Oh look,” he said, “It’s my two favorite people.”
He stopped in his tracks. You could see his mind backpedaling in real time. 
“Sorry, did I say that? I meant my two favorite corporate thralls. Get back to the conference room where you belong. Why aren’t you on a call right now? Fuck you. Leave me alone.”
Gerri had a smirk on her lips. Neither of you budged. Finally, Roman hurried past you, running a hand through his hair, throwing obscenities into the air.
“See?” Gerri said. “He does like you.”
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here222lurk · 1 year
Toji Fushiguro Vs. The Plushies - Part 2!
Will Toji win the IDGAF war? 
Part 1
Warnings: 18+ only, fem!reader, fluff, blowjob, and toji being a big big softie
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Bored out of your mind, you watch the sky turn from pink to blue. It’s a nice Friday to be out. Here you are spending it in a grey conference room lit with lights fit for a hospital room 23 floors off the ground.
Your phone buzzes with a text from Toji.
Still stuck in a meeting
Just ditch it? It’s way past 5
It’s 5:03…but i get u
tell em it’s an emergency 
Your bf needs to cum or he’ll die? 🥺
I’m srs
You bolt the minute you exchange “Thanks,” “Bye,” and “Have a good weekend” with your coworkers. Toji greets you outside your office building and takes your stuff to carry it for you. He’s wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a fuzzy black jacket that you’re definitely stealing later. 
Toji’s face lights up and breaks the stern look on his face. He looks rugged but when he greets you he turns into a puppy. A puppy who is six feet tall and has claimed innumerable lives. He’s the best. 
He wraps his arm around your waist as you head home. There’s a big crowd in your usual route, urging you and Toji to take another street instead. You didn’t mind. It was nice to take the longer route if it means being away from a huge crowd. Anything feels bearable as long as he’s by your side. 
Along the seemingly never ending rows of stores, you pass by a series of claw machines. Nothing looked appealing until something caught your eye.
Toji wait– you abruptly stopped walking.
You tug his sleeve so to the side of the street and point to the machine with a banana plushie with duck-like features.
You want it?
You nod.
But it’s not even that cute. 
No plushie. No head.
Toji takes a deep breath as he searches his pockets for loose change. 
After about 12 tries and thumping on the glass out of frustration, you and Toji decided to stop. “I think let’s cap it at ¥1,200 and quit before we spend enough to buy a new plushie without the torture…” You watch his scar as he clicks his tongue in frustration. “So… no head?”
“Yup. No head for a million years.”
“That right? Let’s see you take that back in a few hours.” Toji chuckles and kisses your forehead. You catch a whiff of Toji as he leaned to kiss you. He smelled like fresh laundry and safety. There are probably no words to describe how comfortable his scent is. But if you had to try to describe it, you’d say he smells sweet like a floral dessert and a warm blanket comforter at the same time. 
After a train ride and a short walk, you arrive at your flat where you prove him right and give him head just cause. 
In the morning you wake up and find yourself alone in your bed. The only thing in the bed with you is your army of plushies. You grab Jiji and hug him until you doze off again. The sound of Toji bumping his toe on your furniture and muffling a curse woke you up. Your hazy vision focuses on his bulky silhouette.
“Did I wake you? Sorry babe.”
“It’s cool.” You reply while struggling to open your eyes fully.
“Wanna eat?” He asked while placing a paper bag on your bed. You inspect the bag and find your favorite BLT sandwich. 
“You’re too good to me. And you went all the way to The Sandwich Club?! That place near my office? That’s so far.”
“Chill. It’s a sandwich. Besides, you haven’t seen the best part.” Toji grabs something from his back to show you the banana duck plushie from last night. 
“Am I still dreaming??” you say letting go of the sandwich to hold the banana duck. Toji sits on the bed and as soon as his butt touches the mattress, you place the plushie on the left side of his face, squishing them together. You feel your chest tighten as Toji’s cheek presses against it. “Thank you baby…How fucking cute. This means the world.” You gave him a barrage of soft kisses. 
An unfamiliar feeling washes over Toji. He melts into your touch. He feels his cheeks ache as he tries to tame his smile that just won’t go away. It was nice to be held and taken care of. His early life may not have granted him this privilege, but he could definitely get used to this. Maybe allowing himself to be seen like this isn’t the worst thing in the world. 
“How many tries?” you ask biting into your sandwich.
“I plead the fifth.” he replied with the cheekiest smile.
“I love that. Be hot. Do crime.” 
“Do crime.”
The next time you pass by that street for fun, you see the claw machines with a couple new extra locks.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xxx - working from home
hybrid!san × human!reader
buy me coffee ?
warning : mdni, explicit sex, piv, unrpotected sex, creampie
everyone wants to belong, it's basic human need to connect with people around them. what happens when you're responsible for someone who belongs to two worlds but at the same time belongs to neither ? worst part is, what happens when it's your ex ?
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The elevator let out a 'ding' sound and soon door opened and San casually stepped out as he browse through his mail. It was the firat time you stepped into his condo- well, it was the first time you stepped into a housing unit that is directly connected to a private elevator- and you were amazed. The foyer itself was amazing and the guest slippers felt like clouds on your feet.
Floor-to-ceiling glass overlooking the city and the fact that the place was two stories high, a modern chandelier that looked so intricate it must be obnoxiously expensive, and tasteful artworks decorating the walls. Those were only some of the things you could point out because your eyes immediately zeroed in on the owner of the condo, tossing his mail carelessly on the kitchen island before pushing what seemed like a marble wall only to unveil what you would later discover is one of his fridges to pour himself a glass of cold water. The kitchen counter was of course white marble with black and gold patterns and bar stools on the other side, facing the fridges.
Noticing you were still standing near the entrance of his condo, San raised an eyebrow at you curiously, "Aren't you gonna come in?" He asked.
Embarrassedly, you shuffled off your shoes, set them aside and joined him where he was situated, standing across him on the kitchen counter, near the stools. It was bad enough that you were in your boss's place where he look so damn cute and comfortable, he HAD to catch you ogling at the freaking furniture. "So," you coughed out, throat suddenly very dry, "I got all the things you asked for," you said as you lift his laptop bag and another bag with several brown files filled with different documents and his work notebook. "Where do you want me to put it?" As you asked, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander around, wondering where he would usually work on when he's working from home. San took a sip of his water before nodding to the vacant spot on the counter near you, "Just put them there," he casually pointed out.
You began carefully placing each items out on the cold surface, mimicking how they would be situated on his office as San was quite particular in his placement. Meanwhile, San was looking at you with his sharp eyes, analyzing every move you made whilst thinking of your outing with his friends just the night before.
"Did you have fun?" the sound of his voice resonated, surprising you to the point that you almost let his note book fell to the floor. San surprised himself too by asking you that question, he wanted to not sound like he was paying attention to you. Not that much anyways, but just enough to think that he was being nonchalant. But he said it and the worst thing he could do was pretending as if he didn't just ask what he had asked. So he feigned a confident posture; wide shoulders back with his chin up and hands in his pocket, he casually walked to the side so he was parallel with you, "Did you have fun last night with my friends?" he asked again, this time sounding even more sure and clear.
Confused, you didn't know why he would care as to how you were feeling especially around his friends. But since he asked anyways, you didn't think it would be harmful to actually answer. "It was... Good..." you shrugged, eyes dropping to the bag in your hands as you continued taking his things out and placing them in front of you. "Define good," he demanded to you, genuinely wanting to know but his voice made him seem... cold. You looked up briefly at him, thinking of a more professional way to say "I had a blast shit talking you with your buddies and drinking our stress away from having to deal with your demanding ass" without risking your job. "It was... Eventful, we shared stories," embarrassing ones of you, "Shared out mutual understandings," how we think your mood swings higher and quicker than Jekyll and Hyde and that might have been due to the fact that he's your ex and he's being pissy because he's butthurt, "And even bonded over our interests," forgetting that we're working with a jackass using alcohol.
San nodded in understanding, but he kept going with his questions, "Were any of them about me?" all of them, "Some, maybe," you shrugged, plastering a fake smile in hopes he'd drop the topic. But of course, he didn't. "Well you sure seemed to bond well with them considering the photos you guys took and the jokes you all shared," he stated. You mistook his words as him not liking you being so close to his friends so you sighed and crossed your arms, "Look, if you didn't want me to hang out with your friends, who are coincidentally my coworkers, you should just say so instead of asking me questions like this, okay? And besides, I thought you were going with us too last night. Wooyoung said that Yeosang tried asking you to come but you shot him down rather harshly," you huffed as you folded the bag after the contents were all laid out on the table. San's eyebrows furrowed as he didn't know why you'd be all huffy and annoyed, but his eyebrows relaxed when he noticed what you said to him. "You wanted me to come with you?" he asked, the corner of his lips curling into a knowing smirk. Your body froze and your hand floated mid-air, realizing the connotation of the words you used. Shit, how do you cover your tracks?
Your silence conveyed thousands of words to him and despite understanding that it was a slip, it meant that it was what you felt deep down.
As you scrambled to finish up your task, San sneakily moved to trap you between his kitchen counter and his body. "You wanted me to be there with you last night?" he teased, voice appearing next to your ear that made your spine shoot up. "I thought you had fun with my friend, though. I saw the tweet Mingi made about your tits," his hands crept up your body from the sides of your hips up to your waist and then it found its home on the base of your neck and on your left thigh, dangerously close to where you have begun leaking. "If only he knew how supple and pretty your tits are," he said as he pressed his body onto yours, making you gasp as you felt the familiar twitch of his cock in his pants against your ass. "But nothing could compare to your sweet cunt," he said as he suddenly cups your mound over your pants, putting pressure on your clit over the fabric that made your muscles tense and legs snap shut, effectively trapping San's hand between them. "It was a good thing I wasn't there last night because I would've fucked you in front of them to show who you belong to," he stated, finger moving deftly against your clit.
Hearing his words, your head cleared up for a moment and you spat out the first thing that popped into your head, "But I'm not yours, I'm your ex." San raised an eyebrow at that, surprised that you talked back to him after being so obedient. He turned your body around and pressed onto you so hard that you had no choice but to lift yourself on your tippy toes and rest your ass on the countertop and San pushed himself to situate you further in. His hands trapped your body and his face got so close to yours, "But even that still has a possessive connotation," he smirked, pecking your lips once, "you're MY ex," another peck, "MY former lover," another peck, "MY first," another peck followed by him tugging your bottom lip from between his teeth, "and now you're MY assistant who's supposed to listen to my every word and fulfil my needs." And with that, his lips melded with yours in a steamy kiss.
You hated how right he was. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, even as his ex you were still somewhat his. No matter what you'll be, you'll always be his. But you couldn't complain when he was taking you so roughly like this, it even made the situation slightly better.
San had slowly taken your pants and panties off, pulling them and throwing them away somewhere you couldn't care much as he trailed kisses down the side of your neck. Your hands move to unbutton three of your buttons, successfully revealing your bra-clad tits to him. San pulled away slightly to admire the pretty lace decorating your chest, the pretty colour and pattern made you seem way softer to him. "Look at you being so obedient for me," he grinned, fingers caressing your slit gently, giving you the littlest stimulation that brought you a lot of pleasure, "And so, so wet," he stated, lifting his hand from between your legs to show you the arousal he gathered from your pussy. Your eyes widened when you saw him licking all of it slowly, making a show with his tongue and him shoving his digits into his mouth, obnoxiously sucking to the point that his fingers were covered with his spit. When San shoved his fingers in you, he made a demand, "Play with your tits." Your head was hazy with pleasure but his words still affected you, forcing you to be obedient and followed his orders.
The hand between your legs only increase its pressure and movement once you pull your bra down to expose your tits, deciding that taking off your shirt would be too much of a hassle. "If only Mingi could see you, he wouldn't know what to do with a slut like you," San chuckled, plunging his fingers harshly into your hole once while your fingers tweaked both of your nipples, successfully eliciting a moan from your lips. "You really wanna know what Mingi would do to me? He's a phone call away and he always answers me," you pointed out challengingly. San didn't like the sound of that, he didn't like the image of you being with one of his friends. With a growl, San pushed your body so your back was flushed against the cold surface and he climbed on top of you, not even caring that there was a chance that his laptop would fall off let alone the documents and his notebook that you had placed so carefully. San has your chin in one hand as his other was supporting his body while his bare cock (that he had somehow let out of his pants) was flush against your bare cunt. "You talk a lot for an ex that kept coming back for my dick," he chuckled darkly, grinding forward powerfully so that his tip bumped your clit harshly, "You're all talk but we both know the only person who can fuck you right is me," he said as he suddenly pushed himself in you in one swift thrust. It was a good thing that you were on your back and trapped by San or else you would've definitely been sent reeling over and possibly fall. "You're such a slut for my cock," San's hips bucked at the feeling of his cock being enveloped in your warmth, teeth sinking into his bottom lip from how good it felt, "I love it."
San began thrusting inside you without letting you adjust to his size first like before. You were surprised at how pleasurable the burn from his cock moving at a fast pace was, the drag of his cock against your walls sending your eyes backwards into your socket. The familiarity of the feeling of him being inside you was what you were addicted to. No matter how harsh he was, you could only find pleasure in his treatment because for some reason you felt safe, you felt like you were taken care of. It was an odd feeling to have whilst you were fucking your ex, but damn if it wasn't thrilling.
Each thrust of San's hips was precise and powerful. Some were just enough to have you sliding slightly from the surface and some made your back arch. San took this as an opportunity to have your tits in his mouth. The hand that was on your chin dropped to grip your right boob as his mouth enveloped the left. It was as if he was trying to prove something, his movements were possessive and erratic. Your jaw slackened at the feeling of San's teeth grazing against your pebbled nipples followed by a harsh suck. The overwhelming stimulation on your chest caused your pussy to clench on San's dick, pausing the movement of his hips momentarily as his cock twitched inside you. San moaned into your breast from the feeling of your cunt hugging him so tight. His body was right on yours and you could feel the vibration of his voice on your lower tummy, you swore it made you feel tingly inside and maybe even slightly ticklish.
"San," you moaned out, hips bucking into his and legs locking behind him, just under his ass to make him continue his abuse of your pussy, "Please make me cum," you begged. San let go of your slobbered flesh from his mouth, the air on the wet surface causing goosebumps to rise, he looked at you and pressed his lips on the corner of your mouth, dragging them slowly as he spoke into the skin, "Say it, say only I can make you cum." His voice was low, nothing but above a whisper but it was loud and clear in your ear. You even had to admit that he sounded slightly emotional, like as if he wanted to convey something.
The lack of answer from you made San reach down to smack your ass, forcing a yelp out of you from the sudden impact. He pulled away, eyes staring menacingly down at you. In this close distance, you could see his beautiful eyes, the little flecks of darker and lighter shade brown decorating them which made him look more intense. But even his intensity couldn't cover the emotion that was seemingly locked inside him, not even the beauty of his eyes could distract you from feeling that San had something to say. But you know he couldn't say it then. So rather than saying what you wanted to say, you say what he wanted to hear.
"You're the only one who can make me cum, San. I need your cock," you said through ragged breath.
The moment the last word left your lips, San connected both of your lips again in a searing kiss as his hips restarted their abuse on yours. His lips were doing an amazing job of covering your voice. Not that it mattered anyways since San has the whole floor to himself and if anyone even heard you, no one would say anything or complain to him.
Had it not been for the fact that San was on top of you, you were sure that would be a writhing mess. His cock felt too good inside you, each movement managed to hit your g-spot just right that it brought you to your climax quicker than you expected. Your thighs clamped on his tiny, slim waist and your hips stuttered as you came hard on his cock. San detached his mouth from yours so he could hear you moan loudly in pleasure, chest rising with the arch of your back as your body tensed. But San didn't stop his own movements when you came, he too was determined to follow suit. The overstimulation San was giving as he chased his own high made you whimper and grip his shirt tightly.
Under him, you were a mess and San loved it. He loved the idea of making such a big mess out of you and he seek his pleasure from it. From the overstimulation San was giving you, your second climax came barreling down, making you even more of a mess especially when your arousal spurted out of you and wet both your thighs and San's hips. The warmth of your juices was what pushed San over the edge, cumming with his face buried in your neck to muffle his scream of pleasure but also so he could be surrounded by the smell of you whilst his head was swimming in post-climax.
San lifted his body off of you, pulling his cock out before sitting back to enjoy the view of your sweat-slicked body and flushed skin as you tried to catch your breath. Your tits were still hanging out of your bra and the buttons of your shirt held onto dear life from being scuffled and pulled, almost to the point of being mangled. But even in such a messy state, San couldn't help but saw how absolutely ethereal you looked. The beauty was truly beyond compare and knowing that he got you to that state made his chest swell with pleasure.
"Name one other person who could turn you into this much of a mess I dare you," San smugly said with a smirk on his face.
As much as you would've liked to knock him off a peg or two, you know you couldn't. And that's both well-deserved on his part and annoying.
taglist :
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@justbaozi25 @idjitscentral @angelicyeo @jackinmyarea @cutie-wooyo
@glitterystarlightmeow @starjoongie1117
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ayofficesystem · 2 years
The best online retailer of office furniture in my area is AY Office System. Ay Office System's furniture is always of the best quality and most durable design. Additionally, they employ experts who can help you set up your office. For further info, see the link below. https://ayofficesystem.com/
0 notes
royaloak-furniture · 1 month
Which is the best brand for high-back chairs (office chairs) in India?
When it comes to identifying the top brand of high back office chairs in India, a few names stand out for their quality, comfort, and ergonomic design. Among them, the leading contenders are
Godrej Interio: Godrej Interio, known for its high-quality and long-lasting furniture, offers a selection of ergonomic high-back office chairs that provide exceptional support and comfort for extended working hours.
Featherlite: Featherlite's high back chairs, a popular choice for office furniture, are created with sophisticated ergonomics and quality materials to ensure both style and function.
Durian: Durian provides a selection of high-back office chairs that mix elegance and comfort. Their chairs are meant to maintain the spine's natural curve, minimizing strain and improving posture.
GreenSoul: GreenSoul specializes in ergonomic seats that are suitable for both office and gaming purposes. Their high-back chairs are noted for their customizable features and supportive construction, making them ideal for extended durations of sitting.
Herman Miller: Despite being on the pricier side, Herman Miller is world-renowned for its high-end, ergonomically designed seats. Their high back office chairs are designed to provide optimum comfort and support, making them an excellent investment for individuals who work long hours at their desks.
Additionally, Royaloak provides a diverse selection of office chairs, including high back alternatives, that mix comfort, style, and cost. Royaloak's office chairs are designed to give exceptional support and durability, making them ideal for any workplace setting.
Each of these brands has its own set of features and perks, so which one is perfect for you is determined by your personal requirements and budget. If you're seeking for a trustworthy and comfy high back office chair in India, none of these selections will disappoint.
0 notes
440mxs-wife · 5 months
The Country Doctor, Chapter 1: A Fresh Start
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Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x F!Reader (eventual). Other Characters are the usual suspects: Jim Kirk, Nyota Uhura. Spock, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov (to be introduced in later chapters.) OMC's Travis Myers and Miles Cooper.
Word Count: 4530
Warnings: Divorce, break-up, ruthless businessmen, mentions of infidelity, but mostly fluffy (for now)
Summary: Fresh off of his divorce, Dr. McCoy receives word that he has inherited a 5,000-acre farm and home in Logan, Montana. Finally, he has an opportunity for a clean slate and to start his own clinic out west and leave his ex-wife behind. Along the way, he'll meet a cast of unique characters, each with a place in his new small-town life. But there could be trouble ahead in the form of a powerful CEO hell-bent on acquiring Leonard's property by any means necessary.
A/N: This idea was posted by @hailbop1701, with a specific list of plot points/dialog to be included. I won't put the list here, because it'll give away too much. Not sure how many parts there'll be, but I hope you like where I take the story.
A/N 2: If you’ve been tagged here, it’s because you’ve interacted one or more times on a McCoy story of mine, or we’re moots. Whether you like or reblog, I am eternally grateful for your support. If anyone else would like to be tagged on any future Karl Urban character postings, or would rather leave the Crazy Train, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
"Court is adjourned."
That was the declaration eight weeks ago, when Dr. Leonard H. McCoy sat at a table with his attorney in the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. The Honorable Judge Michael Simmons had just pounded his gavel on the bench to signify an end to the McCoy v. McCoy divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, his now-ex-wife, Jocelyn, had the better attorney, which resulted in a somewhat less-than-equitable division of their assets.
At least Leonard was able to keep his vintage pickup truck and the 4-bedroom, 2 bath, ranch-style home he had lived in with Jocelyn. She basically got everything else in the settlement, though, including most of the furniture. She didn't technically need the furniture, since she was moving in with her new boyfriend. However, he had a rental property that needed furnishings, so that's where they went.
Two weeks after the divorce was finalized, Leonard received correspondence from a law firm in Montana, with a request for his presence. The letter did not specify the reason for the request, and when he called the law office, no one was authorized to divulge any information. He didn't want to find himself on the wrong side of the law and besides, he was more than a little curious. Luckily, the law firm had a satellite office in Atlanta, so that's where he attended the meeting.
An hour or so after the meeting ended, a slightly dazed Leonard walked out of the attorney's office with a file folder and a property deed in his hand. The meeting was for the reading of the will for his distant uncle, Walter McCoy. Around 5,000 acres of land in Montana along with an old craftsman-style farmhouse were bequeathed to him to do with as he pleased. There were also various outbuildings on the property, such as a machine shed, a barn with a hay loft, and horse stables.
He had options. There was an Eastern conglomerate, NorthStar Corp, that was willing to pay a more than fair price to buy it from him, lock, stock, and barrel. With what they were offering, Leonard wouldn't have to worry about money for the foreseeable future, if ever. Or, he could make the break from Georgia and his ex-wife with her boy-toy to make a go of it in Logan, Montana. Although Leonard wanted to stay near his mother, Eleanora, he had to consider that this was his chance to start over somewhere else.
When he told his best friend, James T. Kirk, about his inheritance, Jim could hardly contain his excitement. He considered it to be the start to a great adventure and was more than willing to accompany Leonard.
Jim had no family ties to speak of, preferring to live a sort of nomadic existence. He even offered to take turns driving the moving truck the 1,900 or so miles to Montana. "Good music, good snacks, and good company are all we need to get us to our destination, Bones," Kirk told him with a wide grin.
The more Leonard thought about it, the more he warmed up to the idea of starting somewhere new. A place where he wouldn't have to worry about running into someone who knew about the divorce and wouldn't hesitate to share an opinion about it. So, with Jim's help, he cleared his house out of any remaining items, put them in storage, then contacted a realtor to list it for sale.
After only a few showings, a deal was quickly closed, with a $30,000.00 profit in his bank account to show for it. Leonard and Jim loaded up his remaining possessions into the moving van, hooked up a car trailer with Leonard's pickup truck on it, and headed west to Montana. The pair made a few stops along the way, renting a hotel room to rest for the night before hitting the road again the next morning.
The more miles Leonard put behind him, the more comfortable and free he felt with his decision. He wasn't too keen on leaving his mother behind, but she assured him that she would be fine, even encouraged him to take this leap. He made a note to send her a plane ticket so she could visit once he got settled.
Nearly four days and more than 1,900 miles later, Leonard turned into the gravel driveway that led to his new home. It was a charcoal gray with white trim craftsman-style farmhouse with a tall, red brick chimney on one side. The wooden wrap-around porch was accented with white, tapered columns, set on top of the slotted railing framing the area. He appreciated the large windows, which would bring in a good amount of natural light, as well as soft breezes on lazy summer days.
"Well? Is it everything you expected?" Jim asked.
"I didn't exactly know what to expect, Jim. I don't even remember either of my parents ever mentioning an 'Uncle Walter McCoy'. He isn't someone I knew well enough for him to leave me something like this, but I'll do my best to make the most of it. From what I've seen so far, though, at least the outside looks fine," Leonard replied.
"That's the spirit, Bones! Let's go have a look at the grounds, then inside the house. After that, we can start unloading your stuff," Jim grinned as he scrambled out of the truck.
Leonard stepped down from the driver's seat and closed the door. "Sure, Jim. Why not," he muttered to himself. He fished the house keys out of his pocket on his way up the porch steps. The front door was made of solid oak with a dark finish and leaded glass panels arranged in a geometric design. He inserted the key into the lock and tilted his head back. "Here goes nothin', I guess," he murmured, pushing the door open.
At just after 2:00pm, you stopped by the post office to retrieve your mail that had piled up over the last couple of days. Before you left, you strolled up to the counter to chat with your best friend, Nyota Uhura. Her shift was almost over, so she suggested the two of you meet for coffee and a snack at the Java Station Café on Main Street.
While you waited for her at the café, you thought about how you met her and what brought you back to Logan, Montana. Your now-ex-boyfriend, Travis Myers, had convinced you to move with him from Logan to Bozeman. He'd landed a lucrative position as in-house counsel for a large and powerful corporation. You found work at a tech company doing data entry work for a medical office. Not too terribly taxing nor was it what you wanted for a career, but it paid well.
Around the six-month mark of living together in the big city, Travis started coming home later and later in the evening. Missed date nights and other outings were becoming more frequent, with him coming to bed late and leaving before you woke up. Whenever you tried to talk to him about it, he always chalked it up to working late on a big case or project, so you let it go.
The last straw was when the two of you were supposed to meet a few of your friends for dinner. Since he was late picking you up from home, you asked one of them to drive you to the restaurant. From the lobby, you called Travis and told him to meet you there.
Just before you said your goodbyes, you heard, "Come back to bed, baby, I'm cold" in a woman's voice. You were furious, demanding to know who the woman was and how long he had been seeing her. After first denying everything, he ultimately confessed it was his assistant and it had been going on for about six weeks. You felt your world collapsing around you at his admission. Dinner was forgotten while your friends drove you back to the apartment to pack up your belongings.
You couch-surfed for about a month before finding an apartment back in Logan, where you had previously lived with your parents. Because Travis paid for most of the expenses such as rent and utilities, you were able to save up quite a nest egg to cover your new living situation. However, you weren't sure how much longer your savings would hold out, so you decided to look for a job to make ends meet.
The bell above the door tinkled, and Nyota rushed over to your table. After a brief hug, you both sat down and waited for your server to appear and take your order. Uhura was practically vibrating with energy, which meant she had something exciting to share. A few minutes later, with your order submitted, she spilled her secret.
"You'll never guess what happened today!" she exclaimed. "Two men came in today to file a change of address card."
You snorted. "That sounds like something that happens every day around here, Nyota, not that interesting. You're nearly jumping out of your skin about this. What is so compelling about them that has you barely able to sit still long enough to tell me?"
Uhura made a face at you to show her displeasure. "If you can keep from insulting me, I'll tell you," she pouted. You held up your hands in surrender as her cue to continue. "They moved here from Georgia, and one of them has the most tantalizing Southern accent. They were both tall, one blond hair with striking blue eyes, and the other dark hair and hazel eyes. He seemed a little grumpy at first, but Blue Eyes was the more charming of the two," she explained.
"Did you get a look at their new address, the one here?" you asked.
"The one with dark hair listed his name as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, and his address matched the one for Walter McCoy's place," she replied.
Now she had your attention. Every so often, you drove by the farm, wishing you lived there instead of your small, one-bedroom apartment. You had thoughts about what it would be like to buy the place one day so you could fix it up and return it to some of its old glory. You'd heard through the grapevine that the owner passed away a few months back. It was also mentioned that ownership would pass to his only other living relative.
"I've always thought about that place, what it looks like inside, how I would spruce it up. Wait a minute, did you say Doctor McCoy?" you squeaked.
"And her brain has finally caught up with her mouth," Uhura joked. "I was wondering when you'd catch on to that tidbit of information. That house has a separate office space, ideal for treating patients. Word travels fast in this town, and once folks get to know there's a doctor in town again, Dr. McCoy is bound to need help. You know, with paperwork or coordinating treatment of his patients. Know anyone with those kind of skills?" she grinned.
In addition to your data entry job, you had acquired some basic medical training. The town had a couple of paramedics within the Volunteer Fire Department for the more serious cases. For now, it was enough, but it would be nice for the vacancy to be filled, especially by a handsome doctor. "Hmm. Maybe I should head out that way, introduce myself, see if he needs any help." Beg him for a job, you silently added.
"That's the spirit! If you're done with your coffee, we should drive out there and check things out. You in?" she held out her hand for you to shake.
After draining the last of your cappuccino, you nodded and shook her hand. "I'm all in," you declared.
Leonard and Jim wandered the property, taking in the condition and contents of the outbuildings. Many of the machines and tools were left behind. They noted which items were and were not still functional, to determine what could be easily returned to service or sold for parts. The good news was, the buildings themselves were structurally sound, although at least in need of a new outer coat of paint.
As for the house itself, Leonard was pleased to find a side entrance that led to an office, set apart from the main house. It was perfect for starting his clinic, with a small area that could function as a waiting room, and enough space for a reception desk. He made a note to check in town for a secondhand store to pick up a desk, some chairs and other furnishings.
Jim joked and told him that all he needed now was a pretty receptionist who could also perform nursing duties. Leonard glared at him in response, reminding him that after the way divorce went, he wasn't at all interested in dating. "Just doctorin'," he affirmed. "Maybe fishin', if the winds are just right," he added with a smirk.
A tour of the home's interior revealed hardwood flooring in the bedrooms and living room, while ceramic tiles covered the floor in the eat-in kitchen. There was a separate dining room space between the kitchen and living room. The centerpiece of the living room was a fireplace made with gray bricks and had a dark wooden mantle above it.
Before his arrival, Leonard contacted the utilities and asked for them to be turned on and transferred into his name. That gave Leonard and Jim a chance to determine what worked and what needed repaired. For the most part, the electrical system was in good working order, except for a few outlets that may need replaced or updated.
The water situation was another story. At first, when Jim turned on the high-arching faucet in the kitchen, the white farmhouse sink reflected a light brownish tint to the water. The pedestal sink and clawfoot tub in the main bathroom, plus the sinks in the half-baths were the same shade of brown. However, the more they let the water run, the clearer it became, which helped ease their minds a bit.
Leonard walked back out to the porch to make a mental list of what he'd need to bring the old house back to life and working order. The hardwood floors were in good condition, though they could use a bit of polish applied to them. There were a few non-working electrical outlets that would need an electrician's expertise to chase down the problem. In the bedrooms, there were spots where the wallpaper was peeling away from the wall. Not exactly a fan of wallpaper, Leonard decided it would be better to tear it all down and paint instead.
Overall, the pluses outweighed the minuses, such as the updated appliances in the kitchen and quartz countertops. Leonard could definitely see himself cooking up a Sunday dinner of his mother's chicken and dumplings with a peach cobbler. As an avid reader, he also loved the built-in bookshelves to showcase his personal library of classics. And the side-door entrance to the office space provided a break between his professional life and his personal life.
Jim joined him out on the porch and gazed out over the mature trees that dotted the property. "So now that you've taken the grand tour, what do you think, Bones?"
Leonard thought for a moment before answering. "Think I'm gonna like it here. Let's start unloading the truck," he directed. "Good thing we hit those consignment shops on the way here, or you wouldn't have a bed to sleep in," he jested.
Jim was about to unlatch the door on the moving truck when he noticed a car turning into the driveway. "Welcoming Committee?" he wondered. Leonard shook his head and rolled his eyes while he walked over to stand next to Jim. They both watched as the car rolled to a stop near the front of the truck.
The drive to the McCoy place only took about twenty minutes, which you spent silently reviewing your qualifications. Uhura could tell you were worried about making a good impression, which she was sure you would. She told you not to worry about it, that you were the best candidate for the job, if Dr. McCoy was hiring. "What if he's not hiring, though?" you asked.
"Then we'll have to convince him that he'll need your help, being the only doc in town. There really is no way around it, he will require an assistant," she reasoned. Her response sounded logical, so you accepted it and kept driving out to meet your prospective employer.
Soon your car was pulling into the driveway, where a large moving truck was parked. Upon seeing the two men standing to one side, you had to admit that Uhura was right. They were both strikingly handsome men. The dark-aired man carried a stern look on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest. The blond seemed a little more easygoing, self-assured, bordering on cocky, as if he knew what a good-looking man he was.
As you exited your vehicle, the men had started walking in your direction. "You ladies lost or somethin'?" the dark-haired man drawled. Ohhhh, that accent was enough to make you weak in the knees, you thought. You held on to your open door for balance.
"Yeah, can we help you?" the blond man wondered with a smirk.
When your brain finally rebooted, you responded, "Actually, we were hoping to be of assistance to you, since you're new in town." At this, you introduced the two of you and learned that the blond was James T. Kirk, or "Jim" he offered with a waggle of his eyebrows. His grumpy companion with the dark hair was the Dr. Leonard H. McCoy who now owned the property.
"I think we can manage fine with just the two of us. Good day, la--" Leonard was interrupted by Jim, who pulled him aside.
"Wait a minute, Bones, let's not be too hasty. I mean, these are a couple of gorgeous women who showed up out of nowhere to see us," Jim pointed out. "It wouldn't hurt to hear what they had to say, now would it?"
Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation. He was here to be a physician, to take care of people who need help, not dip a toe in the dating pool. When he looked up, he noticed that Jim had left his side and was talking to Uhura, while you had stepped up in his place.
"Excuse me, Dr. McCoy? I understand that my friend and I just turned up unannounced on your doorstep, and you don't know anything about us. But this is a pretty small town, and I should tell you, it won't take long for people to learn that we have a new physician to replace old Doc Thomas. Therefore, I'm offering you my services. I have some basic medical training, and I used to do data entry for a medical company back in Bozeman," you explained.
"Bozeman? Why on earth would you ever leave there to live here? Not to say that what I've seen so far of Logan isn't simply charming," Leonard added with more than a hint of sarcasm.
"I'll be glad to share that little tidbit of information once we've gotten used to working together," you shot back. "By hiring me, you'll have a well-organized appointment calendar, along with accurate patient files. You'll also have someone who knows how to take and record vitals, which leaves you free to do the doctorin'. So, do we have a deal?" you asked, your hand outstretched.
Leonard took a moment to consider your offer, bold though it was. He had to concede that in a town of this size, word would get around about a new physician and spread like wildfire. He'd probably end up with a huge influx of patients. Even if it was only at first, he might become easily overwhelmed. Patient care was of the utmost importance to him, and if you could make things easier for him, who was he to reject such a proposition?
His lack of response translated to you as a decline of your offer of assistance. As you started to withdraw your hand, he quickly grabbed it and clasped it between his own. "Whoa, hold on there just a minute. All right, you have a deal, but we'll do this as a trial run. A three-month probationary period, take it or leave it," he bartered, fighting the urge to smile.
"Thank you, Dr. McCoy! Three months? That'll be more than enough time for you to decide you can't live without me! In-in the office, I mean," you clarified.
Leonard couldn't help but smile at your blunder. "All right, now that we have that settled, I hope you'll excuse me and Casanova over there with your friend. We have a lot to unload, and I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight rather than the couch," he stated.
"We can help, if that's okay with you? With four sets of hands, we can be done in no time. Besides, I've always been kind of curious about what the inside of your house looks like," you admitted.
You are one interesting woman, Leonard thought to himself. "Okay, let's get started then. Once we get everything out of the truck, I'll take you on the nickel tour," he winked. He whistled to get Jim's and Uhura's attention, then opened up the back of the truck.
"There, I think that's the last of it," Leonard declared after he removed the final box from the moving truck and placed it on the lawn. He jumped up to grab the leather strap, then pulled down the rolling door until it was flush with the deck. He latched and locked the door, picked up the box, and brought it into his new home.
 Jim and Uhura had taken your car into town to pick up something for dinner, which left you alone with Leonard. During the unloading, you didn't get much of a chance to stop and look around. But now that most of the heavy lifting was done, you seized the opportunity to take in your surroundings.
You were so caught up in admiring the home's features that you didn't hear Dr. McCoy slide up next to you. "If you have your nickel, I'm ready to start the tour," he grinned. You dug in your pocket, which luckily contained the right coin for the price of your ticket. "Ready when you are, Dr. McCoy," you replied, handing over the 5 cents.
Video Conference Call -- Bozeman, Montana
Travis checked his watch to see that he had another ten minutes before his conference call was scheduled to start. He opened the blue file folder in front of him, which was sent from his employer regarding a property they wanted to acquire in Logan, Montana. He sat back in his chair as he thought about how you'd moved there after breaking up with him. Before he could stroll any further down Memory Lane, his alarm beeped to let him know it was time to start the call.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Travis greeted. He could see the CEO, Miles Cooper, at the head of the table, surrounded by other members of NorthStar Corp's Board of Executives.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Myers. I see you have the file in front of you, so let's begin. We understand that the principal owner of the McCoy property has passed away. As such, we want to move forward and make the new owner an offer to purchase the parcel of land and whatever's on it. The house, barn, stables--everything, down to the last shingle," Mr. Cooper explained.
"My source tells me that the new owner drove all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to check out the property. He is also a doctor, and the town has been without one since the last one died. In my opinion, this could present a problem. He may decide to stay and 'hang out his shingle', as it were," Travis pointed out.
Mr. Cooper leaned back in his chair and rested his steepled index fingers on his chin as he contemplated his next move. As he considered this new development, conversation buzzed around him among the other executives. According to one of the scientific reports he received, there were plenty of reasons for encouraging the good doctor to sell.
The report mentioned the discovery of several veins of copper and silver running beneath the surface. The financial gains from mining those resources would more than cover the initial investment paid to acquire the property. Whether the new owner was aware of these precious metals was unknown, but Cooper needed to act fast before the doctor learned of their existence.
With a wave of his hand, silence returned to the board room as Mr. Cooper had made a decision. "Mr. Myers, I suggest you do your best to convince Dr. McCoy to sell the property to us. I will have a new purchase offer drawn up that's more than fair, and you should strongly encourage him to accept it."
Travis carefully considered Mr. Cooper's words that carried the barest hint of a threat behind them. "Sir, I will present your offer; however, we should be prepared for him to turn it down and decide to become the town's doctor."
"You worry about getting a signature on that purchase agreement, Myers, and I will worry about whether or not a contingency plan will be needed. Before the previous owner's death, this was a working farm, right? Lots of tools, machinery? Farming is considered to be one of the most dangerous professions, you know. Accidents can and do happen. It would be unfortunate if an accident should befall the good Dr. McCoy," Mr. Cooper replied darkly.
There was no mistake in Mr. Cooper's intent this time. "Absolutely, sir. I will find a way to present your offer that will make it difficult if not impossible to decline it."
Mr. Cooper's eyes brightened and a smile graced his face. "Excellent, Myers, I knew I could count on you. I'll send that new offer over to you as soon as I have it and we'll go from there," he stated. "I appreciate your cooperation, Myers, I certainly won't forget it."
"And thank you, Sir. I welcome this opportunity, and I will not let you down," Travis concluded.
"Let us hope not, Myers. I'd hate for you to experience any....negative fallout, should you be unable to close this deal," Mr. Cooper remarked ominously before disconnecting the call.
Travis relaxed in his chair and began to formulate a plan in his mind. A sly grin crept across his face as he thought of the perfect way to get an inside look into the doctor's life.
Of course, it involved a trip to Logan and should he happen to run into you, so much the better. For him, anyway. Though there was a near 100% chance that you would want nothing to do with him. If that was the case, his plan may be a bust before it even gets started.
Especially after the way things ended between you discovering his infidelity. For that reason alone, it was likely your walls of protection against him and his crap were nearly guaranteed to be sky-high. But it was a chance he was willing to take, because he did not want to disappoint his client. Something told him that with a failure of this magnitude, Mr. Cooper was capable of making his life a living hell.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking @spacedancer1701 @anna-phora @hailbop1701 @writercole @lassie-bird @never--doubt @phoenixisred @wayward-dreamer @erindiggory @strangesgirls @dumpsterhippie @genevablog26 @lokis-deares @medicatemedrmccoy @rooweighton @mamamercurymist @d-doki-doki @malmeansbad @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @ghosttrekkie @noforkingclue @bellestalesoffiction
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aquato-family-circus · 11 months
As funny as the concept of Cal “living in the vents” might be (shout-out to
@paxcallow)*, part of me was like, “No, this will not stand at all, he deserves a PROPER place to live,” So here’s an idea that I came up with. Picture this:
-Otto just so happens to have several storage warehouses located in the quarry near his lab. One of them isn’t being used for anything, so they decide to turn it into a house; everyone pitches in to help, with Cal staying at the dorms while the project is being completed. 
-Since the PN are still kind of on a budget, a lot of the furniture is either 
1) thrifted/refurbished 
2) handmade using wood from the forest, repurposed scrap metal, and even salvaged materials from the remains of the old asylum. 
-When it comes to the interior design, Cal refuses to let Sasha have any say in the matter. (He’s still kind of upset about the whole construct thing.) Milla is instead put in charge, and you better believe they go for the brightest, most garish colours they can find. Meanwhile, Sasha is stuck buying all the boring stuff (kitchenware, electronics, small appliances, etc.) He does, however, manage to win Cal over with the stained glass lamp he (reluctantly) buys for him. 
-Several other characters bring things to help decorate his new place. (Nona Lucy sews him a quilt, Edgar does a black-velvet painting of a Spanish galleon, Morry gives him a framed All Paul poster, someone buys a bunch of cheap stuffed animals including a giant teddy bear, etc.)
-Some sea-themed stuff is also incorporated (nautical flags, large seashells, mounted steering wheel, ship in a bottle). 
-After the house is completed, Morry, having been made Cal’s official P.O., offers to stay at the house in order to keep an eye on him, essentially becoming his roommate. (Big rainbow-coloured quotation marks around the word “roommate.”)
*This was before I found out it was supposed to be a “Community” reference. Oh well.
This is a really cute headcanon and I want to add that I think after Cal has settled into his home for long enough and things are stable for him he should get a fish tank bc he longs for fish. He wanders over to the aquarium in the motherlobe near morry’s “office” and sighs loudly until someone gets the hint. He would have a nice big tank with multiple species that are safe for getting along. It’s partially to show how much he’s improved and will not do Any experiments on them, but also bc it’s just fun. Fish are FUN. Fishie fishies
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insideliascrazyhead · 8 months
The chaos returns to Oya High
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Summary:it´s been a year since the Oya High delinquents graduated and spread across S.w.o.r.d and after another fight at the container yard,Fujio decides to bring them all back together for the usual fun,revealing what our favorite delinquents have been up to in the last year.
Pairings:Cobra/Murayama,Fujio/Tsukasa,Todoroki/Shibaman/Tsuji, Amagai/Suzaki,Yasushi/Shidaken
Warnings:Typical Oya stuff,if I overlooked something feel free to tell me that
Authors Note:Enjoy<3
Fujio had the crazy idea after the last fight at the container yard that was involving each S.w.o.r.d.Party.It´s been nearly a year since they all graduated and spread around the city,growing up and creating a life for themselfes,so Fujio wants to throw a party to get them all together again.After seeing the newest Daruma babies go crazy at the last fight it became clear to him how he misses having the former Oya High delinquents together for the usual fun.They celebrate in the early friday afternoon, having a great time as music´s blasting out of the speakers.Nearly everybody and more suprise guest there.Cobra and Murayama returned from their international road trip and joined Fujio and Tsukasa who currently works in Cobra´s gas station,an idea from Murayama,in their usual seats.Fujio sees clearly how Cobra´s now more relaxed and his guard is down.Sannoh Rengokai´s leader changed a lot.
Tsukasa loving the idea of suprising Fujio,his now boyfriend,even contacted Suzaki,eternally grateful that the man saved Fujio back then,fighting Senomon.Knife wound long a scar,healed and fading but out of that sacrifice grew a friendship that teached Suzaki a lot of his own worth.They´re joined by Sachio,now teaching woman self defense courses and even Raoh,who´s normally working a lot as social worker for troubled youth,though managed to clear his schedule for Fujio´s party.Fujio who now is Oya High´s part time leader,trying to live up to the legendary Murayama.He´s working at Harsawa market,in honor for grandma Sada and living with his mother to make life easier for the woman,earning enough so she won´t need to work anymore.
Todoroki´s in his usual seat and even though he technically left Oya High a year ago after graduation,he´s nearly regularrily there,at least for a visit.The crazy part is no one has any idea what he does as a job,only that he´s now filthy rich.“Rich enough to buy Amagai.“Shibaman once explained. He´s seated with Odajima who´s a travel photographer and not necessarily home a lot.He´s regularily joined by Todoroki on his travels to fish though.Shidaken who now works in some shady cocktailbar downtown as barkeeper is seated with them,smoking a cigarette.They´re are speaking to Tsuji and Shibaman that now offically date Todoroki and share a apartment in Sannoh.Mashii who´s leaning back,relaxing,ironically became a loan shark.
Nakagoshi who´s now Dj at a nightclub and Nakaoka,a artist specialized on grafitti and air brushing are being entertained by Jamuo acting his delinquent trivia out dramatically.He´s now working on his on delinquent comics,that sell great with his dramatic flair and he and his girlfriend now got an offer to make the comic a theatre performance in the local theatre.Fujio and Tsukasa already swearing to be in the first row,cheering the loudest,who already watched the dress rehersal and loved it.Uknown to Jamuo,Yasushi sneaked into the theatre that night too,hiding in the last row.
That´s when a commontion downstairs get´s Cobra´s attentíon.A fight breaks out and there´s screaming and even flying furniture,topped by a set of crazy laughter among those fighting.When Murayama joins him near the edge,Cobra´s eyes land on a car that makes him roll his eyes and he groans.Those kinda pimped up,colorful cars are explaining everything Cobra´s gotta know.Daruma.
Now Daruma joins the party.Or at least the newest Daruma babies.“The party´s here you bastards,who wants to fight?!“Yasushi screams as he and Kiyoshi strutt in,cocky as usual.As great suprise followed by Binzo and Magoroku wearing Daruma´s coats.Murayama jumps excited.“Oi!Yasu-Kiyo are the new Daruma babies?!That´s crazy!I love that!I heard some legendary chaos stories about the newest Daruma guys,but nobody wanna tell me that it´s Fujio-kun´s lunatics that wreck havoc with Hyuga now?!“He exclaims dramatically,pointing accusingly towards where Fujio and Tsukasa are seated.
„You we´re on a international road trip.“Tsukasa reminds him with a roll of his eyes.„Rude,Sleepy Lion!That sounds like a crazy party!There are no parties without Oya´s king!“He pouts.„Fujio´s Oya´s new king,old man.“ Nakaoka snorts as Yasushi,Kiyoshi;Binzo and Magoroku throw themselfes onto the nearest couch.„Murayama?You literally joined Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad yesterday.“Cobra now speaks up.„Yeah totally!Right!That was a great suprise!“He nodds seriously,nearly forgetting that.„You´re my husband,you total idiot.Wouldn´t it be kinda weird if you´re not joining Sannoh Rengokai?“Cobra questions and the other heads snap towards him.
„What?!Murachi!“Fujio screams histerically,eyes growing wide as he eagerly jumps up.Like a young Murayama Cobra thinks.„You´re married?!“Tsukasa and Todoroki choke out shocked,at the same time.„That´s so crazy!“Tsukasa shakes his head in total disbelieve.„Since when?How did that happen?How could that happen?“Todoroki stutters in denial of someone actually being crazy enough to marry Murayama.„You sure you wanna have that whole till death do us part thing with Murayama tho?“Yasushi raises his eyebrow as he turns towards Cobra instead who breaks out laughing.
„How would that idea come into your head anyways?“Shibaman asks.„We we´re in Vegas,a stop in the Route 66,and it was insanly spontanous!That one night after kicking each others ass,a tiny bit of liquor was involved too when Murayama had the idea.I thought,so what´s the worst that could happen,fuck it.Now we´re married.“Cobra explains easily.Ignoring the literally,that Odajima mumbles.„The great question tho is if he told his Sannoh buddies that.“Nakagoshi mentiones.Shibaman barks out a laugh.“Fuck yeah he did!Dan was so happy he nearly cried.“He snorts.„Yo,there where tears tho!“Tsuji points out,laughing.“How would you know that?“Todoroki asks,raising an eyebrow.„I work at Dan´s store.So fuck yeah I know everything.“
„Why did you two fight anyways?“Jamuo asks confused.„Entertainment!“ Fujio chuckles.What Cobra says next nearly makes Fujio choke to death on his soda.„He nearly whored me out!That´s why I kicked this punks ass.“Cobra groans and it´s deadly silent.At least until the new Daruma babies exchange a glare,before nearly scream with laughter.„Yo,you would get hella cash for that one tho!“Shidaken snorts.„Shidaken!“Odajima gasps fake dramatically,hitting him in the shoulder with the paw of his sweater.„Sorry?“Shidaken says confused,as if he´s wrong in that one.„He´s kinda hot.“He tries to at least defend himself.„Your boyfriend´s over here,you total tit!“Magoroku turns towards them.„So what,he ain´t wrong that man is hella fine.“Yasushi rolls his eyes.„Whore.“Shidaken teases and Yasushi barks out a laugh.„I´m a whore,not your whore.We established that one early enough.“Yasushi leans towards them over the backrest with a grin. They get easily distracted from their conversation from Murayama.
„Woah!I had no idea that would happen,so don´t be mean Cobra-chan!“Murayama whines dramatically,trying to defend own his actions.“Now that´s something you had no idea about,did ya?“Odajima snickers,leaning towards a shocked Shibaman and Tsuji.“What on earth did you think that cougar lady wanted to do with me when she gave you a wad of cash?Wanting to leave towards her Motel room with me you dumbass?!“Cobra venomoussly hisses at his husband who rolls his eyes.“I honestly didn´t think that far to be fair!“Murayama raises his hands in defeat.That day Fujio learned that Cobra has a legendary deathglare, especially for his husband.„Now look at this Cobra-chan!“He teases with a smirk as he points towards his ring.“Now I´m your dumbass!Forever!“He screams before breaking out into a manic laugh.„I will Rude Boy my ass of this roof Murayama I swear and I will take you with me!“Cobra threatens.„So many concussions just to go insane,kinda admirable.“Suzaki thinks.„So dramatic.“Binzo chuckles.„I love each and every second here.“Nakaoka snorts.„I knew that we´re gonna need that shit.“Tsuji leans towards Shibaman as they´re meanwhile eating popcorn.
„How about we break up that fight before it breaks up your marrige that early.“Tsukasa offers as peaceful solution.„Yeah,Sleepy Lion is right,don´t be so negative Cobra-chan!Vegas was fun tho!We even met Rocky´s guys that one night in that shady cocktailbar when you said we´re gonna get kidnapped and out kidneys will get stolen there!“Murayama points out and Cobra snorts at the reminder of that night.“What do the White Rascals do in Vegas?“Tsukasa asks and Jamuo eagerly jumps up.“Rocky-san kicked them out years ago!“He explains taking out his trivia notebook.„So what,delinquent trivia?“Tsukasa smirks knowing exactly what´s about to come.„Fuck yeah,you can bet your ass on it!“Fujio eagerly jumps. „Ain´t much to bet then.“Yasushi snorts.„Zip it!“Fujio squeaks to defend his boyfriend.Hinting towards Jamuo to continue.
“Aizawa,Bito,Enari and Shimura were four of Rocky´s loyalest White Rascals,that normally did his dirty work.One example wrecking Sannoh´s Itokan Diner after a missunderstanding with one of Sannoh´s members. When that missunderstanding had been cleared,Rocky even paid the damadge!Not long after fighting the Mighty Warriors on the old container yard tho,Rocky kicked them out after they had troubles,involving them wanting to start a punk band without even playing any kinda instuments!They did leave a position behind that Rocky filled with Heidi, Marco, Lassie and Cosette early on!Rumors say he named them after his favorite childhood chartoon!So Aizawa,Enari,Bito and Shimura dissapeared after being kicked out,at least until Doubt with the help of a prison gang challenged the White Rascals to fight!Bito and Shimura appeared in Nameless Street asking the Rude Boys to help out Rocky in a fight as they got their ass kicked!“Jamuo explains,eagerly jumping and dramatically gesturing along his story,for the great entertainment of the others.„That´s crazy!Why kick them out because of that?!“Nakagoshi gasps.„Nah,why would they come back to save Rocky´s ass is the greater question?!What?I´m petty like that,kick me out swallow some of your silver teeth!I ain´t gonna give a flying fuck on a rolling donut for that.“Yasushi argues.
„So what where they doing in America?!“Fujio asks eagerly.„They´re relativly famous now!Not like crazily,screaming teenage girls,fainting over them famous,but that crazy party all night,sex,drugs and rock n roll,groupies kinda famous and touring!They ain´t even bad!Insane but not bad!“Murayama explains.“That night when we partied was fun!“He grins.They had a lot of liquor that night and let´s just say Cobra get´s a headache just thinking about the nasty hangover afterwards.“Those crazy lunatics can drink like tanks.Hella impressive tho.“Cobra adds loving to think back on his honeymoon as one long party.“Yo,Cobra-chan!We should totally kick each others ass again today at Oya as honeymoon celebration!You kicked my ass here for the first time!Like when you threw me with your legs!That was crazy,hella impressive and kinda turned me on,not gonna lie.“Murayama jumps eagerly at that idea.„So romantic.“ Cobra chuckles.“I buy you flowers afterwards.And bandaids.“Murayama smiles.Fireworks light up in Fujio´s eyes.“Don´t even think about it Fujio.“Sachio shakes his head at him,knowing exactly what goes through Fujio´s head.“C´mon Saichiiii...“He pouts like a kicked puppy.“No fighting S.w.o.r.d. Leaders today.“Raoh clearifies and Fujio sighs defeaded.
„Yo Todoroki!So what?You and you´re fishing buddy,fishing husbands now?“Yasushi asks later on.“Hell nah“Shibaman growls.“He´s taken,you small fry!“Tsuji adds possesivly.„Who are you calling a small fry you bastard?!“Kiyoshi jumps towards Yasushi´s defence.“Great that some things never change huh?“Fujio nudges Tsukasa who just shakes his head,trying to hide his smirk.“What even happened to your ass?Some thugs attacked you with a tattoo gun?!“Shibaman snorts hinting towards the tattoos that cover Yasushi´s arms and neck now.„That´s what I earn my cash with you dick!“Yasushi growls.„The what on earth do I paint those pimp cars for?“Nakaoka pipes up,earning a lot of weird looks.„Daruma.“ Binzo and Magoroku shrugg at the same time.“That´s clear you dumbasses.“Nakaoka rolls his eyes.„Let´s call it supplementary income.“Yasushi explains.„You crazy bastards use them for their car races don´t you?“Todoroki asks.„Exactly.“Kiyoshi nodds.„Let me take a wild stab in the dark here.You steal those cars,don´t you Yasu-Kiyo?“Cobra groans.„Fuck yeah!“Kiyoshi exclaims happily.„Kiyoshi!“The other Daruma babies scream angrily.
„Shut your cake hole!“Yasushi screams,hitting Kiyoshi over the head as he jumps up,ready to fight.“Or what?!“Kiyoshi screams right into Yasushi´s face after jumping up too,facing him.„Or I will kick your ass Kiyoshi!“He screams louder inching closer as if he tries to be threatening,which would work on everyone but never Kiyoshi,who just smirks leaning closer towards him.„Now,what did you say to me when we tried taking over Oya High?Don´t fight when your stomach is like this.“He smirks sugary sweet before punching Yasushi in the gut,who doubles over groaning is pain,loosing all color in his face.Magoroku and Binzo share a grimacing look.Todoroki narrows his eyes as Yasushi looks like he´s gonna vomit.Kiyoshi is howling with laughter.
„Yasushi,you moron,is there any chance you´ve been stabbed recently?“ Todoroki asks pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance already. Hearing that Fujio violently chokes on his soda as all eyes snap towards them.Yasushi meanwhile caught his breath again,at least enough to swear and insult Kiyoshi creativly,hitting him over the head again.“How often do you wanna bash his head in,instead of answering his question?!“ Murayama asks accusingly.“Until we match!“He growls trying to hit Kiyoshi again who dodges him with ease.Yasushi now takes more drastic messures as he kicks Kiyoshi in the balls who drops towards the ground,earning looks of pity from the other delinquents.„Your dominatrix would charge extra for that you sexually frustaded bastard!“He growls angrily as Raoh has enough of their bickering.With two easy steps he´s within easy reach to literally pick Yasushi up and place him next to Fujio,ignoring the death threats Yasushi grumbles.““That means I can beat the shit out of your stab wound you little rat?!“Kiyoshi asks teasingly.
“So he got stabbed!“Fujio yells jumping out of his seat and heading towards the Daruma babies to hit Kiyoshi over the head.“You´re not giving Kiyoshi brain damadge kid!And you steamed noodle head,leave his stab wound alone!“Cobra says loud and clear,ignoring the other chuckles.“Let´s call it even,now you both got stabbed for probably being total idiots,so leave each other alone.“Tsukasa adds for good mesure.„How bad was it?“Fujio asks.“Relax,it ain´t that bad Hanaoka.“Yasushi says leaning back in his seat not seeing Kiyoshi´s eyes twinkle with the idea of mayhem and sweet revenge.“Liar.“He sing songs.„I´m fucking not!“Yasushi groans.
“No,the knife didn´t hit a atery and you didn´t collapse in shock before the fight was nearly over.You nearly gave Hyuga a heart attack as you dropped like a dead rock!“Kiyoshi exclaims,voice laced with sarcasm.“Hyuga?Worried?That´s crazy!“Murayama states shocked.“He threatened the doctor to either fix Yasushi or he´ll staple the doctors nutsack to the surgery table with his equimpent.“Magoroku chuckles.“How do I as your fucking boyfriend have no idea that you nearly got slaughtered like a pig?!“Shidaken now asks instead.“Oh you wanna play too?Let´s fucking play.“Yasushi barks out a manic laugh.„You want a piece of me Nishikawa?“Shidaken threatens,getting eyed up and down by Yasushi.„Not gonna lie,only one.“He says with a shit eating grin.„You horny bastard.“ Shidaken chuckles as he shakes his head.„You know how normal couples wear matching necklaces or some shit?“Murayama leans towards his husband.„Yeah.Why?“Cobra asks hesitant,fearing the answer.„That´s their couple thing.Matching brain damadge caused by lead pipes!“He laughs and Cobra looks like he´s trying to solve a math problem.„I feel like I don´t tell Tetsu,Chiharu and Dan enough how much I love them,for being not nearly as crazy as Oya.“He nearly whispers towards himself,making a mental note to do that later.
„At least now lead pipes remind me of my crazy ass boyfriend.“Shidaken adds.„Random destruction makes you think of me?“Yasushi questions.„Yeah cause it´s beautiful.“Shidaken shruggs easily.“I´m sick of you love birds right now!“Kiyoshi snaps at them.“Your flirting is nauseauting,I swear I´m gonna vomit all over you.It will be disgusting.Romance is dead now,understood?“Kiyoshi grumbles.“Sexually frustraded bitch.“Shibaman laughs.“We need a distraction,please,my vomits coming up now to.That popcorn will otherwise make a reappearance.“Tsuji chukles.
„Oh!I got a great conversational idea!What´s wrong with you pullin me into that illegal shit you pisshead?!“Nakaoka growls angrily.Distraction means back to the important topic.His possible future in jail because of Yasushi´s criminal hobby´s for adrenaline and entertaining.Insane people like that,at least if you ask Nakaoka probably need to be locked away.„So what?Just tell the pigs you ain´t got any idea what happens with those cars!That´s easy!“Yasushi rolls his eyes.Cobra chuckles shaking his head.„I will explain you punks how that normally needs to go,cause I swear you´re gonna end up in jail or dead.You don´t need to tell anyone,especially not the cops,what illegal shit you´re doing!You gotta ask for a lawyer even if you´re broke as fuck they´re forced to get one.The one scenario where you WILL tell everything is when the paramedics ask what happened or what on earth you took.“He explains in a serious tone,that honestly sounds a lot like a threat.„Speaking from expirience Cobra-chan?“Murayama teases.„Not now Murayama.“Cobra grins.
„C´mon relax as if we´re all legally employed anyways.Murayama for example!Who would hire his crazy ass?!“Yasushi states.„A construction crew,specialized on demolishion.Try again.“ Murayama laughs.“Amagai´s former guard dog.Example 2.“His exclaims triumphantly,turning towards Suzaki.“Yo Suzaki!You dispose of dead bodies for a living now or what?“Yasushi asks.„No?“I could get easily rid of your´s tho...Is exactly what he won´t say,to keep the peace for Fujio´s sake.“So what are you doing then,anything illegal?Don´t dissapoint me I gotta prove my point towards the puberty pensioner!“He whines.„Sorry,I gotta disspoint you on that one.“Yasushi pleads with a whine.„I lead a company of Bodyguards for my boyfriend.Legally.“He explains and Yasushi groans.“You broke up Amagai and replaced him?“Tsukasa snorts,raising an eybrow only to get Fujio´s elbow in the rips.“No?“Suzaki looks at him like he´s the crazy one.Yeah,it´s not like Suzaki dates a total sociopath who´s probably gonna take the knife he nearly killed Fujio with,to carve his name onto Suzaki´s apps to prove ownership.“You could totally do better then that!“Odajima says.„Is he holding you hostage?“Sachio asks concerned.„Okay,don´t be mean guys.“Fujio sighs.“I love to be mean tho-“Tsuji fake whines. “Moving on!“Todoroki decides.
„You´re poking others with needles that´s legal too.“Jamou offers.„Where´s the adrenaline kick in that tho?“Yasushi whines miserably.„You ram needles through body parts or under the skin for thousand times!“Tsukasa argues.„You´re specializing on body modifications that normally involve a knife now.That´s adrenaline enough!I wouldn´t wanna learn that shit,that´s nasty!“Magoroku says dramatically.„You nearly fainted when he explained how he learned to split tongues.“Binzo reminds him with a barked out laugh.„Tongues are not supposed to be split man.“Magoroku whines turning green.„Where do you learn that shit anyways?“Odajima asks.„Hyuga has a buddy that specialized on bodymods.He teached me the normal shit like tattooing or piercing and saw some potential.“Yasushi shruggs.„There are sicker things you can do to your body,than stick needles through it?Oh hell nah!“Nakagoshi shakes his head.„Correction.Yasushi´s doing those sicker things and get´s cash for it.“Tsuji explains with a shit eating grin.“Not helping.“Sachio shakes his head.„You leave Oya and find a crazy guy wielding a scalpel and say fuck yeah let´s learn some sick shit?“Shibaman raises his eyebrow at him.“Exactly.I love that shit.“Nakagoshi turns towards him.
“Are you´re customers all dead now when you whip out scalpels now?!“He raises an eyebrow and easily dodges the soda can Yasushi throws at him.“No!Look at Suzaki!Exept his miserable taste in men,he´s peachy!“Yasushi defends poiting towards the former Senomon student. Suzaki internally reminds himself that Yasushi´s probably stabbed and it would be wrong to kick his ass right now.At least right now.Tsukasa nearly has a heart attack hearing that.His eyes nearly drop out of his head as he thinks he gave himself whiplash to stare at Suzaki.„Don´t you have any fears?!None?Not one fear hidden in that brain of yours?!“He squeaks,the thought of Yasushi going near him with a needle makes him desperate to Rude Boy himself of that roof.„Why would you let him near you with a needle?!“Raoh now asks too.“Oi!Or was that a result of a lost bet or even a crazy dare,involving a looot of liquor?Cause Cobra-chan got some interesting tattoos in palces too..“Murayama starts and get´s hit over the head by Cobra.“Murayama please for the love of everything holy,don´t!“He pleads and his husband barks out a laugh.„Even tho it physically hurts to admit it,he kinda knows what he´s doing with that needles.“Suzaki explains and Fujio laughs offering Tsukasa could get tattooed by him which earned him a death glare.„Oh drop dead.“He groans towards his boyfriend who gasps in fake hurt.„Low blow.“
That´s when they get interrupted by a scream.“Yo bitches,bros and nonbinary hoes!“Cobra won´t even need to turn towards the source.Hyuga.The Daruma babies the only ones not shocked by Hyugas entrance and scream out a greeting towards their leader.“Hyuga!That´s a great suprise!What are you doing here?!“Murayama happily exclaims.“No parties in my city without Daruma!“He shruggs getting seated,putting his legs on the makeshift table.„You´re represented by the newest Daruma babies tho.“Cobra argues.„Oh yeah but I wanna be extra sure cause I heard a tiny birdie tell me Cobra´s here with his husband and I wanted to know who hates themself that much,now I see it crystal clear.“He tells them amused.“You´re so annoying!“Cobra rolls his eyes.„You´re husband is just as annyoing,you know that right?“Hyuga snorts.„If you would give me orgasms like he does I would ignore your annoying habits too.“Cobra teases and Hyuga barks out a laugh.„So that´s why someone would marry Murayama!“Todoroki triumphantly exclaims.Reliefed to finally have found an answer to that nagging question.„Oh there´s the old Cobra!Now I can kick your ass for old times sake!“Hyuga smirks.„The last time we kicked each others ass you bit me bloody!Through my jacket!“ Cobra groans at the memory.That was painful.„Relax!That one nearly died from a stab wound not that long ago and even bleeding to death he was less dramatic then you!“Hyuga rolls his eyes hinting towards Yasushi.„I don´t wanna know what diseases you gave me throug that bite!“Cobra argues.„Don´t be so negative you drama queen!The old Cobra was into that kinky shit.Why aren´t you happy now that you´re married and all that domestic shit?“He winks with a shit eating grin.“Oi!Against popular opinion Cobra-chan can smile.He just does´t wanna!“Murayama defends his husband.“I´m emotionally dead inside.“Cobra says with a grin.
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thatvixenisbloody · 2 years
Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams
You can tell the paper had been expensive, thick even. A twist of black ribbon tied to the hole punched on top of it. Words, bold and serif simply said: “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” At the back was a drawing of the bookmark pointed at a book and a person tucking the book under their pillow. A small bubble indicated the person was now dreaming of the book.
Or you may have found a magic bookmark and found yourself facing the same thing over and over again.
You were in an antique shop; the smell of the old and aged tastes sweet in your mouth.
Alas, you’re only window shopping. Money was tight, so you settled on gazing or tracing objects you knew you’d never trace again. Not unless you return with that sweet, sweet cash.
Yet, in the end it was not the old books, rusted furniture and things tied together by strings that caught your eye. In fact if you were a little more discerning you would have missed it all together.
In a box, tucked away and piled with old notes and letters long forgotten, you saw it.
It was a bookmark.
You can tell the paper had been expensive, thick even. A twist of black ribbon tied to the hole punched on top of it. Words, bold and serif simply said: “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” At the back was a drawing of the bookmark pointed at a book and a person tucking the book under their pillow. A small bubble indicated the person was now dreaming of the book.
Interesting…but also…
It was unremarkable: you have seen better, prettier bookmarks – made of gems and gold and deft fingers to mark a pause in your book. Hell, even the words sounded corny but as you twisted and turned the thing, something screamed for you to buy it.
It was ridiculous. It was a bookmark.
But it cost only one dollar.
So you bought it. If the cashier judged you for such a pittance of a purchase they didn’t say a word. Despite it costing you nothing, they tucked the little bookmark into an envelope – for safe keeping, you supposed.
You placed the envelope into your bag and then like most impulse purchases, forgot completely about it.
Your dreams did not.
You dreamed of a being surrounded by light and glass and it’s cold. A man comes and demands.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
“I cannot. They are not mine to give. Let me go.” You said calmly, like a teacher educating a rather slow and dim child. He’d snarl and leave but you remain locked up. You’d cry, the tears felt hot on your cheeks, your breath steamed the glass so you did not notice.
You’d wake up just as the reflection cries back at you.
Work was a tiring slog that ensures you have food and house above your head. You look forward to going home, to read or watch or listen to songs each day. You accepted this was now your reality, you had come to terms with it – to do otherwise was insanity.
“Have you read the Sandman comics?” your colleague asked. He was one of those men – cheery and childlike even as three decades approached him. You don’t mind it – in this day and age it seemed as if everyone had either retained that childlike wonders – you think it’s because all those adult milestones have become near impossible to achieve.
“Just a volume here and there,” you said, remembering the time you checked for online scans when the show was announced.
“Did you finish it?”
“Not really but since the show’s coming on…”
He shoved some volumes at you; exclaiming its virtues, from writing to its art and its impact on mainstream culture. You don’t ponder too long why he does this. This was what he was – you were one of the few people in the office who enjoyed Western comics, most of the others were into Manga – and you don’t blame them. He continued rambling that it’s rather self-contained and the continuity was not so convoluted. There were 75 volumes and some spin-offs but nothing like the Gordian Knot that was the continuity of most popular comic titles.
(You tried to dip your toe into the Marvel and DC Universe and came out regretting everything.)
You promised to read them and return them once you’re done. He looked like he could not wait. You’d like to think it’s because the show was coming out and he just wanted someone to – in his words – squee – about it.
You were on the train – bored you took one volume to read. It was a rather interesting story: of an immortal being ensnared by a magician – who then created a cage of pure glass to trap him. And every night the villain would demand to the cold and unspeaking being:
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
Your fingers paused, your eyes strained to read the words.
No, those were not unique words. Any villain worth their salt would demand those things.
(You can feel the coolness of the glass, the stillness of the air and the heat of your tears)
The train stopped and you’re shaken from your reverie – you dipped into your bag and found an old forgotten envelope and slipped it at where you had stopped.
Normally you’d dog-ear them (heresy, you know) but this was not your book and you were not such a heathen that you’d ruin another person’s property.
As work flew behind you and you entered your apartment, you did your usual ablutions and slowly destressed. Despite what happened earlier you took the volume with you.
You dreamed.
You were there, in the basement, the cold stones seeped into your feet as you stared at the large glass cage in front of you.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
You rolled your eyes and without even thinking you blurted: “Oh, fuck off.”
The villain stared at you and you stared at him and you ignore the one in the glass because what on earth made you say that?
The man, Roderick, backhanded you so hard you fell to the floor. Pain lanced up your lips as you clutched your face, feeling blood trickling onto your fingers.
“How dare you? You dare tell me to fuck off? YOU?” he started to rage and you’re unsure how to react because why does it hurt? Why does this hurt – this a dream!
Then, quiet as it was loud, Roderick stuttered, “-wait…who are you?”
You feel stars piercing through you but you merely turned to stare back at Roderick, confused and hurt.
The world spins and you swore you felt sand between your fingers.
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick, the pain is gone and as you touched your lips, no blood touched back. The magus demanded again, the same three things as starry eyes stared back, uncaring –
Wait, no.
The man in glass wasn’t staring at Roderick.
He was staring at you.
Something clicked in you: this is a dream. A lucid dream.
You had them before, had them and had felt pain, fear and all other senses. It was rare but it happened. The man in the glass – Dream, Morpheus, the Sandman -? Oh yes you were reading weren’t you? Reading and had fallen asleep, of course.
Roderick began to rant, you didn’t give him the chance and as he leaned forward, spittle flying everywhere you punched him in the back of the head. The old man crumpled forward and you winced as your fist ached.
You look at Dream, feeling giddy with power as you stepped forward, eager to break the circle.
You forgot you were not alone.
Alex Burgess didn’t bother with fists, you hear a loud gunshot and there was great pain and you feel cold, so fucking cold and wow that’s a lot of bl –
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick – your heart’s beating a million miles per second. You turned to look, remembering to pay attention this time. The old coot was not alone, Alex was there, so young and pale faced, there were a few men, decked with weapons standing nearby as Roderick demanded the impossible from his prisoner.
Dream stared at you and you could have sworn he looked concerned but that was ridiculous. You remembered that he was a stoic bastard with an infinite well of spite at this stage. It took the comics 70 years before he toned down his Dramatic personae but a smidge.
Still it was a dream – this time you managed to wrestle the gun away from Alex – this is a dream, you can kick ass here – and ass kicked you do and you reveled in it. It felt good, swinging like you’re some badass heroine, snatching guns out of people’s hands and shooting them dead and such.  
However, you soon learn that when it comes to close combat though – a knife was far more efficient than the gun in your hand.
One of the guards sinks a blade into your chest and before you could warn him to not pull it out – remember if you get stabbed leave the weapon in if not – well, he pulled it out and blood gushed out and it’s cold again and for fuck’s sake this was –
You’re back in the basement, standing behind Roderick.
Dream watches you and you ignore him – you spun your heels and marched up the door – you were outnumbered this dream is stupid and what good are you if you kept dying – you just wanted to set the idiot free – maybe there’s a fucking bomb upstairs that you can use – anything cause clearly you’re not kicking ass with whatever you have here -
…but as soon as you opened the door -
You’re back in the basement standing behind Roderick.
This time you screamed.
You tried everything – at one point you conjured up fire from your fingertips, nightmarish creatures with sharp fangs that tore Roderick and his useless posse to bits. But always – ALWAYS someone would kill you. It could have been a gun, a knife, the fucking cane – at some point you slipped on blood and cracked your skull. That had been embarrassing.
You had tried running, but as soon as you touched the door the dream resets.
“Give me youth, power, immortality.”
Followed you like a curse.
At one point you didn’t wait, just ran up to the glass cage trying your fucking best to rub the circle out. For an old fart, Roderick was damn good at breaking your limbs. Sometimes he used his cane, sometimes Alex shoots you, sometimes the guard punches you until you can feel your skull cave in and what delight that was.
Dream watches you – his face marbled flesh.
You tried waking up. Sometimes when the dream resets you muttered, begged and prayed to wake up. But no matter how hard you were still there – back in the basement standing behind fucking Roderick.
You babbled to Roderick that Dream doesn’t give a shit – that Roderick will die and Alex will be cursed and it wasn’t fair you were there with them – none of them were real – just some dude’s figment of an imagination made popular. Roderick dismissed you, thinking that you’re lying, and whenever he believed you were some minion of Dream, had the guards take pleasure in slowly breaking every single bone in your body.
Sometimes he makes Alex do it. The kid would weep, his face covered in tears and snot but he’d still do it. You didn’t forget in before, he shot you without flinching.
And how you loathed them, him, this world and why won’t you wake up?
Dream does not speak. He does not move.
Why were you trying to save him?
You are standing behind Roderick. In the basement. The walls are made of soft vellum. The words were inky black and it bled to the floor.
Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.
tuCk MEE In ANDd Walk Among DREAMS
dreams TMEE and WALK
You’re standing behind Roderick down in the basement.
You know what? You’re going to wait.
Roderick blusters and yells, Alex looked down to his feet and the guards watched all of us; not even masking how disturbed they felt. Eventually Roderick slammed his cane and turned heel – even as bloviated as he was, he had limits.
You waited as they left wondering how many circles of this weird ass dream can you go before you try to maybe crush Roderick’s stupid eyeballs into his skull again when you realized...
You were alone. Some part of you were waiting for Roderick to teleport back – say those damn fucking words and you wondered if the waking world you had gone into some coma when you realized.
Nothing was happening.
Dream stared at you.
You. Alone.
A breath escaped your lungs. You didn’t dare to think, you just walked; each step free from death and distraction until you reached the edge of the circle. Dream’s eyes widened and you wondered how could someone like him even see you when all of the universe were in that face of his.
You used the edge of your shirt and with one hard swipe, broke the circle.
The Endless shot up as shocked as you are calm.
You can feel sand again, twirling between your fingers, rough, coarse and irritating.
But oh, so welcoming.
The walls were vellum and it made the basement feel brighter against the vortex of sand and not even the inky words could darken it.
“Thank you.”
He whispered and the world spins as you finally, finally wake up.
You are sitting in your bed, the comic fell onto your lap, the envelop marking the page peeled back to show the bookmark you bought. It was still dark and you felt somewhat rested and worn out at the same time. You flicked your bedside lamp and pondered the objects on your lap.
For a moment you wondered if you had, perhaps been drugged or maybe you ate something horribly wrong before sleeping. Lucid dreaming that vivid could happened under various circumstances but – to be honest you never had one so fucking vivid before.
You pulled of the bookmark from the envelope; feeling the vellum texture and words in your hands. “Tuck Me In and Walk Among Dreams.” Stare back at you. Feeling exhausted you pull it out before you noticed something.
The comic book was open to the page where Dream was about to escape. Except that wasn’t it – you remembered him being drawn stuck in a ridiculous glass cage, nude as the day he was born. That wasn’t the bit that caught your attention.
Not the fact that Dream was standing amongst broken glass, sand pooling at his feet – pages too early, no.
It was whom he was holding in his arms.
Though drawn in ink and stylize you recognize yourself anywhere.
Your heart stopped, the familiar cold runs up your spine as you tried to reconcile what you’re seeing.
It’s you: it’s you in his arms, fainted like some fucking princess from a fairytale and he’s some weird prince off to take you to his kingdom. Your fingers trembled and you blinked again and again, hoping it would change but it did not.
Not when the light flickered out and you’re plunged into darkness. Not when you felt sand – real, honest to God sand caressing your skin and the only light in the dark were galaxies that spiraled on a face too white to be human.
“Thank you.”
Sandstorm roared around you, swallowing your screams as someone – something - wrapped its arms about you and lifts –
The world spins again and the lights flickered back to an empty bed, except for an open comic book and a pool of golden sand on its sheets.
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