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beromtr · 1 year ago
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cupidcreates · 4 years ago
Love You Equally
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Chapter Thirty: Missing Items
Part 3: Camera Setup
“What do you mean the camera’s didn’t capture any footage??”
The disbelief in Tamaki’s voice when Katsuki showed up to deliver the news later that day was palpable. Your worst fear had been confirmed; the cameras surrounding each and every one of your dorms had either been hacked to skip large chunks of footage, been broken just before the incident by some off-screen assailant, or had their footage erased all together. Any evidence you’d had of an intruder in your dorms was gone.
The school, thankfully, was taking the matter seriously and was upping security campus-wide. People in security uniforms patrolled the halls and streets of UA now, as well as stationed themselves outside the campus walls; community watchmen had been hired to patrol around the off-campus dorms as well.
Rumors about the cause of the increased security spread around campus like wildfire, but thankfully the administration was keeping tight-lipped on the whole situation; releasing an official statement that the increased security was due to concerns about drug movements through UA’s campus and out into the town. Most people seemed to buy it, and the fact that a lot of well-known plugs had cut back on their dealings only corroborated the story. The only people to know the truth of the matter - you, your soulmates, and your friends - weren’t keen on correcting anyone’s assumptions.
Needless to say the relief you felt when Saturday morning rolled around and you were able to get Yaoyorozu’s cameras from Jiro was immense. She walked you through the setup process and you spent the morning making the rounds to your soulmates dorms and housing helping them install the extra security.
Tamaki had decided to stay in his dorm for a while, to check it over and see if anything had gone missing in his month-long absence. You doubted there would be, as you were betting your stalker knew he’d been staying with you for a while, but you didn’t voice this opinion; it never hurt to be safe when dealing with potentially dangerous people. You bid him farewell with a kiss on the cheek and made your way through the winding hallways to Hitoshi’s dorm.
The door swung open the moment you arrived without you even having knocked, giving you the impression that he had been watching for you through the peephole. You stepped into his dorm and immediately noticed the drastic change that had occurred since you last visited him. Hitoshi was normally a very clean person, but now everything in his dorm was not only spotless but had at least a foot of distance separating it from everything else. There weren’t even books stacked on the shelf anymore, instead they were separated from one another by thin pieces of cardboard, colors alternating in a seven color pattern. No thought to space conservation, now if anything in his dorm was to be moved or go missing its absence would be immediately noticed.
“I uh- rearranged a bit”, Hitoshi said sheepishly from the doorway, closing the door and fastening his many locks, “I just wanted to be one-hundred percent sure I’d notice if something was missing or in a spot it shouldn’t be.”
“That’s smart,” you said as he crossed over to you, rubbing the back of his neck, “It can never hurt to be safe in a situation like this.”
“Definitely,” he said as you both moved into the living room, “Have you noticed anything else missing from your dorm since Wednesday?”
“No,” you said, discarding the cameras on the barren coffee table, “I’ve been keeping a close eye on everything but so far nothing has been missing.”
You sat down on the couch and Hitoshi plopped himself down next to you, flinging his arms over the back of the couch and letting his head roll back. You shifted to move yourself underneath his arm and laid your head on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and brought his knuckles up to brush against your cheek.
“I just feel like they’re trying to lure us into a false sense of security,” Hitoshi said with a sigh “Like they’re planning something big for us and want us to have our guard down.”
You sit in silence for a moment, allowing yourself to be soothed by his caresses. You wrap one arm around Hitoshi and squeeze him in a facsimile of a hug.
“I really don’t like thinking about that, about what they could be planning next,” You sighed, “It really terrifies me. Is that what you think they want? To scare us?”
Hitoshi’s frown deepened and he signed, pulling away from you and standing up, “It probably is what they want,” he admitted, “especially if Monoma is behind all of this, which I’m now almost positive he is. This kind of thing is just his style.”
Hitoshi looked down at your worried face and his expression softened. “Listen kitten,” he said, bending down and titling your face up to look at him “Whatever he’s got planned next, whatever happens, I’ll be here for you okay? We’ll all stick together through this and make it out alright, alright? I promise you that.”
You smile as he comes in to capture your lips in a chaste kiss, “I believe you Toshi, thank you.”
Setting up Hitoshi’s cameras took longer than it did with your other four boyfriends, mostly because he needed to constantly be in some physical contact with you. Brushing his shoulder against yours, running his hands down your arms or your back, planting kisses on your face and neck, or even stopping you mid-action to pull you into a hug. You didn’t mind the attention, but you also couldn’t lie that this was abnormal for him. He wasn’t reserved with his affections like Katsuki was, but this was borderline Tamaki-levels of attachment.
You discarded your worries about his behavior as a result of multiple stresses; the stalker turned thief situation hit right before midterms were about to start up again, so undoubtedly Hitoshi would be a bit more clingy at this time.
You really didn’t think much of it at all, that was until you moved to the bedroom and were promptly thrown onto the bed, camera and setup pulled from your hands and swiftly discarded on a shelf by the door.
Hitoshi climbed atop you and flopped down, covering your entire body with his own and making your breath rush out of your lungs with a sharp whoosh. He buried his face in your neck and pushed his arms underneath your body, wrapping them around you and sighing. 
“Doing okay, Toshi?” You asked, pushing your hands up his shirt and rubbing his back in small soothing circles. He lifted his head and peppered your face with kisses. Gripping you tighter and using his thumbs to stroke your sides.
“I’m sorry,” he said in between kisses, “I’m sorry for this whole situation. It’s my fault, I should have blocked Monoma the second he contacted me, now he’s trying to fuck around with everyone to get back at me and I just-”
You covered Hitoshi’s mouth with your hand and pressed your forehead to his. “Hey,” you said sternly, “Don’t you apologize for what he’s done. None of what he’s done is your fault. It’s not your fault you tried to allow him back into your life and he fucked it up. Nothing that’s happened can be blamed on you and I don’t want to hear otherwise, alright?”
You removed your hand and captured his lips in a heated kiss before he could answer, he moaned into your mouth and swiped his tongue across your bottom lip. He pulled away and kissed the tip of your nose.
“Okay,” he said pressing his face back into your neck and sighing contentedly, “Okay, I’m sorry. And thank you, kitten.”
“Anytime,” you stroked your hands down his back and gripped his hips. You noticed that Hitoshi felt much less soft than he had before, his sides were now toned and hard with muscle that would give Katsuki a run for his money. Apparently he had bulked up over the past few months, and you had to wonder what brought about this change.
“Have you been working out recently?” You asked while pushing your hands between your bodies and tracing his hip bones, no longer covered by a layer of softness but now sharp and jutting out.
“A bit,” he replied, gasping sharply as you bent your fingers (as much as you could with them being squished between the both of you)  and ran your nails up his stomach. “Katsuki goes to the gym really early most mornings and I accompany him on the nights when I can’t sleep and accidentally stay up all- are you trying to start something Kitten?”
You grinned cheekily as your hands found their way back down to his hips and into his pants, stroking the insides of his thigh gently while being sure to get close, but not too close, to his crotch.
“Perhaps I am,” you retorted with an evil grin, “what are you going to do if I am? Going to finish it for me?”
A deep growl rumbled from Hitoshi’s chest as he grabbed both your wrists with one hand and pinned them up above your head, puncturing the movement with a harsh thrust that flattened your hands against his thighs and brushed his clothed cock right against your crotch.
“Oh I’ll finish it alright,” he purred in your ear sending shivers up your spine, “But only if you want me to, kitty-cat.”
“Oh yes,” you replied breathlessly, “I absolutely want you to finish it.”
He smirked, “That’s what I thought you’d say,” he said and caught your lips in a kiss, nipping your bottom lip hard and thrusting his tongue into your mouth as you gasped. Using the hand that wasn’t pinning your wrists above your head he unbuttoned your pants and pushed his hand downward into your underwear, quickly finding your clitoris and using two fingers to rub it in small circles.
You shuddered under his ministrations gasping and moaning into his mouth as he applied the perfect amount of pressure to your clit. You squirmed underneath him, feeling your cunt getting wetter with every passing moment he massaged you.
Just as you felt the pleasure start to build he pulled away, moving down your body and pulling both your pants and underwear with him. You had just a moment to gasp at the cool air hitting your skin before Hitoshi’s face was buried in your crotch; licking once over you entrance and letting his tongue slip inside your folds ever so slightly before suctioning his lips to your clit and massaging it.
You shuddered and cried out as he sucked and massaged your clit, his tongue swirling around it in a way that had you seeing stars. Every movement bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm and just as you felt yourself nearing your edge he pulled away once again. Moving off the bed and over to his nightstand and retrieving a condom from the top drawer.
You propped yourself up on your elbows as Hitsohi climbed back on top of you, undoing his pants and kissing you allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. He leaned into you, pushing your back flat against the mattress again as he rolled the condom onto his cock and prodded your wet entrance with his head.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” He asked, pulling back to look you in the eyes, “I want to make sure you’re alright with this before I-”
“Listen here,” you snapped, grabbing his face with both of your hands, “you’re not going to eat me out like that and not fuck me after it, alright? So please.”
Hitoshi hummed and caught you in another kiss, “Only since you asked so nicely, Kitten” he said, “But you need to let me know how you’re doing okay? Say yellow if it’s too much and red if you need me to stop all together, alright?”
“Yellow?” You asked as he sucked a hickey into your neck, “A-And red?” 
“Mhm,” Hitoshi hummed against your neck, moving one hand up to your breast and pinching your nipple lightly, “I need you to communicate when it’s too much; Green is good, Yellow is pull back, and Red is stop all together, you okay with that?”
“I-” you cut off with a gasp as he jerked his hips once and pushed the tip of his cock in and out of you swiftly, “I-I’m o-okay with t-that, y-yeah.”
“Are you sure Kitten?” He taunted, pushing the tip in again only to yank it right back out of you, “I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for-”
“God Hitoshi,” you groaned throwing your head back against the pillows, “Just fuck me already, please.”
Hitoshi took a moment to suck another hickey into your neck, pulling away only when the mark was sufficiently purple.
“As you wish Kitten,” He whispered in your ear before slamming his entire length inside of you.
Your back arched off the bed and you nearly screamed at the sudden intrusion. Hitoshi gave you no reprieve as he immediately set a back breaking pace, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise and impaling you on his cock repeatedly. You gripped the headboard and braced yourself against the onslaught, every thrust sending the head of Hitoshi’s cock directly into your g-spot. You wrapped your legs around his back and used them to push him even closer to you, forcing him to stay close and deep inside of you. Hitoshi removed one of his hands from your hips to press his thumb back into your clit, circling and pushing it with a practiced skill.
Your eyes rolled back into your skill as you took the pounding of your life, your orgasm fast approaching under his ministrations. It wouldn’t be long before you reached your peak, you grabbed his hips to keep him as deep inside you as you could, causing his movements to become harder and faster as he couldn’t pull away.
“Color,” He gasped out, “color, baby, how are you doing?”
“Green,” you all but screamed, “Green, green, green, please don’t stop I-”
You cut off as a particularly hard thrust sent you careening over the edge, orgasm hitting you with such force that stars flashed behind your eyelids and your whole body tensed.
Hitoshi groaned as you clenched around him, moving his hand back to your hips and fucking himself into you at an erratic pace, all semblance of rhythm forgotten as he chased his orgasm inside of you. One final thrust and and he stilled, shuddering as he came just moments after you.
You both collapsed with a huff, panting as you both came down from your post-orgasm high. Hitoshi peppered your face with kisses and slowly pulled himself out of you, leaving you feeling empty and sore.
Eventually Hitoshi spoke again, “A-are you okay Kitten? What color?”
“G-Green,” you stammered, bringing your leadened arms up around his shoulders and pressing a kiss to his cheek, “I’m so so green.”
He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to your nose, “I’m glad to hear it,” he relid.
You both lay for several moments longer, enjoying each other's embrace before you suddenly remembered why you’d come over here in the first place.
“Didn’t we have a camera to set up here?” you asked.
“We did,” he replied with a chuckle, “But I wanted to be sure we didn’t catch that on tape. Be a bit awkward to explain if we had to go through the footage in front of the administration.”
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inspirationdivine · 5 years ago
Fae to Fae || Lydia and Jax
TIMING: Current  PARTIES: @inspirationdivine, Jax, NPCs (as played by @whatsin-yourhead)   SUMMARY: Lydia follows a suspicion that leads her to correct assumptions. Jax is less than forthcoming after their last encounter, and Lydia has no bargaining chips left.  CONTENT: Non-con mention (regards to fighting against their will), Torture mention 
Lydia’s heart grew colder as she had the cab pull over. It had started to when Remmy’s so called friend hadn’t been anyone Lydia knew. They’d walked up to her door, taken the bagged brains, and walked off. Trusting a gut instinct, Lydia had called a, and had them follow the man carefully, as he’d dumped the brains in a nearby trash can, and then he’d driven here. The ring. That wasn’t Remmy staying with a friend, it was them staying in their own personal hell. What if the reason they’d been staying azway was due to severe injuries? Or worse. Jax came to mind as Lydia approached the main entrance, where people were already slinking in to see the evening’s performance. 
Danny, as people called him, hated being an errand boy. He was blessed with both the ability to walk in the sun while being an undead creature and the ability to contain strength some could only dream of. When he was ordered from his post to go to some woman’s house and pick up the package there, he had done so dutifully, if not begrudgingly. The only instructions were to toss the package and come straight back. And so he’d done just that and now he was standing guard when a woman caught his eye. Jax had given them all descriptions of her, both in and out of her glamor. And he’d been right, she did come back. Danny put his hand out as he approached. “Can I help you, ma’am?” he asked in a deep voice.
Lydia had been ready to join the throng when a man approached her. Not fae, nor any great source of talent that she could feel. She paused with a smile, tucked her hair behind her human sized ear, and shook her head. “Oh, that’s rather generous of you, sir, but I’m rather alright. I’m going to see the evening’s entertainment.” Well, at least for a moment. Then she’d be looking for Remmy. Just to check if they were alright. Her mouth became wet as she looked at the man. No, they definitely weren’t alright, and this time, she was going to drag them out of there no matter what. 
Danny had dealt with many-a rowdy patron, arguing angrily with him to let them in. Throwing punches, kicks, even biting sometimes. But as an upior, not much really moved him. “Sorry, but we’re at capacity,” he said, staring her square in the eyes as another person walked right by the two of them. His hulking body blocked her path. “Bosses orders.” Whatever this woman had done, Jax had said to not let her back in until he gave word. And whatever Jax wanted, Jax got. Danny wondered if this was about the zombie and the witch from the other night. But he wasn’t paid to think, he was paid to guard. 
Lydia’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t like being lied to,” she replied curtly, before trying to step around him. As his rather large, bulking body blocked her again, Lydia stomped her foot, glaring at him. “You aren’t at capacity. Let me guess, your boss is Jackson?” 
Danny raised a brow. The foot stomping, the curt voice, he’d seen it all before. Was she gonna ask for the manager next? “Oh, so you do know him,” he replied, reaching out a hand and pushing her back, “then you’ll know you’re not welcome here. Strict orders.”
Lydia jerked backwards, and a couple people glanced at them, noticing the scene being made between the bouncer and her. She might have pushed him back, if mealtime had been closer and if he didn’t stand nearly twice as broad as her and as tall to match the set of his shoulders. She looked around, for another option, although spitting on him was looking more appealing by the minute. Where on god’s green earth was Remmy? “Well, that’s rather contrary to what he said last time we spoke. Do you know what changed his mind? We had ever such a good time.”
“He said you took something of his,” Danny said curtly back. Words weren’t his forte, but he knew how to speak sometimes. “So he took something of yours.” The people filtering in where beginning to stop and gather, wondering if they’d get a free fight out here. Danny wasn’t opposed, he didn’t mind hitting a woman. 
“He knows better than most I couldn’t take anything of his that he did not freely give,” Lydia replied, although her breath hitched in her throat. He’d taken Remmy. Right under her nose. Lydia looked around, met the red glinting eyes of a man who looked hungry and eager. She swallowed and took a small step back. There was no way to sneak in. She’d need to buy a glamour from a witch, and who knows if Remmy had time for that. He’d taken them because, perhaps, of her. Lydia curled her hands into fists so tight that her acrylic nails threatened to cut her palms. She wouldn’t lose them. Looking back at him, Lydia looked him up and down, biting the corner of his lip. “Is there anything I could do to persuade you to let me in to have a word with him?”
Danny watched her, expecting some sort of physical reaction, some sort of physical outcry. But all she did was clench and stiffen. Not that he minded. As much as he loved fighting, sometimes he just didn’t want to deal with it. “You’ve got his number,” he said, repeating what Jax had told them all to say, “you can reach him that way.” Though they all knew the only offer Jax would give would not be one someone would want to take. He wondered how far this woman would go. Would she take a deal?
Lydia smiled, just for him, hoping to catch his eyes, to appear not imposing when she stepped forward but flirtatious. “I’ll try that, but I’m sure you have more influence than I do. A good word from you would mean ever so much.” Flashing her brown eyes at him, she pulled out her phone, and called Jax, immediately putting it on mute so they could all listen to him ignored her. When the voicemail message beeped, she hung up. “Sounds like he’s away from the phone right now. Do you think you could tell him I’m here?”
Danny ruffled his nose. Now she was being flirtatious? He wasn’t the smartest man, but he understood a play when he saw one. How many people had tried to seduce him to get in without having to pay or to get by being banned. He frowned as he listened to the beep. “Sorry, ma’am,” he said with a shrug, “strict orders. He’s busy right now.”
Lydia sighed, her facade dropping, as she walked away from Danny to call Jax again, and again, and again. She waited until a large lampade passed between her and Danny, and then tried to sneak past him in the lampade’s shadow. Either Jax would pick up, or she would get in. Lydia wasn’t letting him take Remmy from her. 
Jax wasn’t busy at all. Sitting in his office, he watched his phone ring. Once, twice, three times. Desperation was so gaudy. Finally, he picked up. “Hello?” he asked into the speaker, as if he didn’t already know who it was. “This is Jackson speaking. Can I help you?”
“Hello darling,” Lydia replied, clinging to the shadow of the lampade as the joined the slowing queue to get into the building. “I’ve heard from your bouncer that you’re rather a sore loser. And that you have my asset locked away all to yourself.”
Jax bristled a little. “Lydia,” he said, but this time there was no gusto in his voice, no false bravado. He wanted her to know he was done playing around. “What would ever give you that idea?” he said, tapping a pen against his desk as he spoke into the phone. He glanced at the security camera feed showing on one of his computers. “Danny’s not the smartest tool in the shed, the boy tends to run his mouth.”
The lampade gave Lydia a bit of a sideways look, but she just smiled up at him. She was itching to peak around them to see where Danny was now, but if she did that, of course, he would see her. Keep calm, that was all she needed to do. All this sneaking and trickery was not entirely up her alley, but she wasn’t doing too badly, was she? “Then why don’t we talk to settle this ourselves? Surely you wouldn’t take someone from me just because you tripped up your words?”
“If you set one foot inside my establishment, Lydia,” Jax said, spotting her there, behind a tall, shadowed man. “I’ll make sure those pretty eyes of yours hang somewhere everyone can see.” Eyes narrowed, he prepared to alert Danny if she didn’t stop moving. “I don’t know where Remmington is right now,” he said, and it was the truth. He had an idea, but they could be anywhere below his feet, “and frankly, I’m offended you would accuse me like this. I offered you nothing but help, and you repaid me by taking my words.”
“Now that’s rather dramatic,”  Lydia replied, coming to a hard stop. The lampade looked at her again, and she just waved goodbye with a smile as they went inside. Shit. “You shouldn’t have given them, and especially in such a haphazard fashion. Besides, help is a rather generous word don’t you think. You might not know where Remmy is right now this second, but they are in your building, aren’t they?” 
“I’m a dramatic man,” Jax replied, humming softly. “I thought I could trust you, cousin, but I see now I was wrong. Which is exactly why I’ve told all of my bouncers to keep you out.” He twirled the pen in his fingers. “Until I can trust you again, you’re not welcome here. And if you try to get in, let’s just say, if Remmington is here, I can make their stay rather...unpleasant. I’m an accommodating man,” he said, his voice low, “I’d hate to have to change that.”
“I see,” Lydia replied, chewing the inside of her lip. The crowd was quickly thinning as they went past her. How did he see her? He wasn’t anywhere nearby, she’d feel him, so maybe a security camera. Maybe it was Danny, talking through an earpiece. “I’m under the impression you’ve already made their stay rather unpleasant. You won’t damage one of your star attractions, Jax. You told me as much before.”
“Well, it’s the wrong impression, I’ve been nothing but patient with them,” Jax responded. It was his truth, after all. And that’s what mattered. “And let’s not twist words, cousin. They’ve not been staying here. They came to me by choice.” He let that sink in a moment, before speaking again. “All good things come to an end. How fast or slow that happens, well...right now, that’s in your control.”
“Your definition of patience is different to mine,” Lydia replied coldly. She could hear the anger simmering at the edges of his voice. Last time, his threats had been like raindrops, a risk, but not really a problem. Now, Lydia could almost feel the knife in his tone. “Why not twist words when you so freely twist intent, You piece of shit.” Swallowing, Lydia stepped away from the entrance entirely, back to near Danny, heading back to her car. 
“So it seems,” he said with a bit of vitriol in his voice. Jax stopped fiddling with his pen and sat up. He nodded to another man standing in his office as he watched Lydia move away from the entrance and out of his field of view. He would make sure she went to her car and nowhere else. “Is that not what we both do? Twist words to our own advantage? Tell me, Lydia, why did you really call me? I want to hear you say it.”
“I already told you, Jackson. Remmy is my asset as much as they are yours.” Lydia replied, her spine prickling as she looked back behind her. She was being watched. “I know you have someone impersonating them online, that they arranged an elaborate hoax to hide that fact from me. That the individual in question works here. So I’m hardly clear on just what you want me to say.”
Jax sighed. “You never did have any interest in this place, did you,” he said, but it was hardly a question. They both knew the answer already. “What could make you so attached to one zombie? I hardly know your life, but people don’t usually go to such lengths for an asset. You can’t even feed off them. I suppose I just wanted the truth, but I know, now, that I won’t get that from you. I hope you have a good day, Lydia. And don’t show your face around here again, unless you’ve had a true change of heart. I’d hate to make things worse than they already are.”
Lydia bit her lip, having forgotten that particular twist of truth. She was back by the rink, ready to call an Uber. Ready to stick her head on a pillow and scream. She opened her mouth to make a promise before buying it back. She wouldn't send any wardens after him, because they'd kill her first. She couldn’t send Orobas after him because he’d make an inescapable mess, and might harm someone in there she cared about. She had no influence in this violence-oriented world other than wealth, and Jax wouldn’t bargain with her twice. “Yes, darling, I heard you before. Eyes on strings, terrible consequences to Remmy. Don’t worry, I’m leaving, and I promise I won’t be back. Just so you know, you will regret this, and you know what? You’re the reason people don’t like fae!” Lydia hung up, if only so that she could have the last word. 
Jax was satisfied with the phone call. He didn’t need to say anything else, anyway-- he was sure he’d gotten his point across. Lydia would not be back, but he was sure someone would be. And he’d be ready. His eyes made it back to the security feeds and he watched his two newest captives idling in their cells. It wasn’t hard to see they were talking, plotting. Which meant it was time to take action. To break them. He leaned forward and zoomed in on the cell next to the zombie’s. Yes, that would. He knew just what to do next. He knew just how to break them.
Her tiny victory rang hollow as Lydia hailed a cab, casting one last glance at the entrance to the ring before crumpling into the front seat of the cab. She balled her hands into fist and screamed. Her voice cracked and she screamed some more. Besides her, the cab driver just stared at her, his eyes bulging. He felt like a washed-up actor who had given up in his twenties, for good reason.  “Uh, miss, you okay?” “Not at all,” Lydia snarled, looking at him so sharply it could have cut him, her cheeks embarrassingly streaked with mascara. “Are you human?” “I-uh - yeah, what else would I be?” He stared at her even longer, his mouth gaping like a fish. In the building behind her was the most monstrous fae she’d met in a while. In that same building was Remmy, trapped because Lydia hadn’t prepared them properly, hadn’t helped them right. “Uh- I don’t think I wa-” “Great,” interrupted Lydia, “Because I’m feeling rather peckish.” 
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mysterious-prophetess · 5 years ago
Top Five Academic and Publishing Scandals of the last Decade
So, I’ve seen people do stuff like this, a round up of sorts and the 2010′s were an insane decade to be alive.
So, I thought I’d compile my personal favorite publishing and academic scandals
Note: This will concern only things that were actually published or a scandal to do with Academia. The Rose Christo incident with the infamous fanfic didn’t have the biography make it to print so it’s right here as a Dishonorable Mention. No sources, because this was a home-grown tumblr disaster (much like Dashcon). 
#5 That Book that Used Scammy Tactics to Become a Best Seller Before Anyone Ever Even Read It.
Remember that time when Handbook for Mortals used shady tactics to make it look like it was selling better in pre-sales than it actually was? I barely remembered it, but then as I was adding in our Dishonorable Mention, I suddenly had the thought of “remember that...” so here it is at #5 since this book was actually published, and it was allegedly terrible. It has 3 stars on Amazon, but with its past, I can’t even trust that.
I didn’t read it. I had, and still have, better things to do than to read subpar fantasy that tried to be the next Hunger Games/Harry Potter/Divergent. 
It turns out, if you have wealthy enough collaborators, or people who know how to game the system by which the NYT Bestsellers’ List operates, you too can buy and cheat your way onto that list with a terribly written book like these guys.
What’s even more ridiculous was there were already talks of a movie version and this unknown writer turned out to be, surprise, an actress too! And guess who’d be playing her own main character in the movie? The author! So, once this was unraveled as being a bulk-book-buying-cheat-tactic-to-get-on-the-NY Times-Bestseller-List, they lost their rank and were completely off the list. The movie is also toast, I think, since it would have come out in 2018. We’re now in 2020.
(x) (xx) (xxx) (xxxx)
#4: That time Bethesda Plagiarized Dungeons and Dragons.
That’s right folks. Bethesda, who cannot catch a break after their hilariously disastrous launch of their ongoing garbage fire, Fallout 76, were in trouble whenever they released a TTRPG module for an Elder Scrolls game that was suspiciously like a previously released Dungeons and Dragons adventure...because it was very much ripped off from the D&D book.  
There were articles highlighting just how they did this and how blatant it was. 
Some articles would do a side-by-side of huge chunks of the text and, yikes, that’s some obvious copy-pasting.
Suffice to say, they yanked this e-book down ASAP. (x) (xx) (xxx) (xxxx)
#3 That Time a Youtuber Turned Professional Games Media Editor Plagiarized for Most of His Career and Only Got Caught After He Plagiarized the Wrong Person on a Very Public Platform
So, yeah. There was a review last year for a game called Dead Cells (published by Motion Twin). On July 24, 2018 a smaller Youtube channel called Boomstick gaming would upload their review to the game. Then August 6th, IGN’s Nintendo editor would post “his” review up and Deadite from Boomstick Gaming, who was actually a fan of IGN, noticed a lot of eerie similarities between the reviews. He did a side-by-side video comparison (here) and it looks like a case of barely even changing the words around after copying someone else’s homework. As an English major, this is a clear-cut case of plagiarism. IGN agreed too, as did most of the internet. This reviewer had fans who still believe in him even after he’s been proven a plagiarist but, no accounting for taste am I right? And this would have been the end of it....had he just accepted his fate and just slunk off into the dark recesses of the internet. 
But, then he had to provoke both Jason Schrier of Kotaku AND the Internet in a now deleted non-apology video to “looking as hard as you’re able, you won’t find anything.”
Yeah. That didn’t end well for him. So, people went digging and found a shitton of evidence he was a serial plagiarist. No shock to me, because plagiarism is never something a plagiarist ever does just “once.” He’d ripped off his fellow IGN reviewers as well as forum posts and articles from other publications. He also plagiarized a resume template. Now, when you use one of those, you’re SUPPOSED to mimic the style, put place your own information, right? Well, he didn’t even do that.
Link to YongYea, a youtuber who covered the topic in depth. He has his videos on the topic in a playlist. (x)
#2 The Professor Who P-Hacked His Results to Pieces
Now if you don’t know or remember who Professor Brian Wansink is, he’s a former faculty member at Cornell who rose to fame with his papers on nutrition and people’s eating habits. I’m still not entirely sure how a guy whose degrees were not in nutrition OR psychology ended up being the face of this field that seemed to have a lot more to do with nutrition and psychology, but here we are. His degrees were, in fact, a B.S. in business administration from Wayne State College, an M.A. in  journalism and mass communication from Drake University, and a PhD in Marketing-Consumer behavior- from Stanford. In a move that one might call pure hubris or just complete and total social ignorance, he made a blog post that started to bring eyes on his work. Thanks to the efforts of other scientists (Like the Skeptical Scientist) and Heathers and Brown as well as the computer programs GRIM and GRIMMER, it was found the man who was cited over 200,000 times was a fraud. As of now 17 papers have been retracted and 15 have been corrected. He is no longer employed at all by Cornell, resigning a disgrace to his field and his former place of work.
The only reason he managed to get so big was he was able to make his so-called science digestible for the masses and able to give his works palatable titles. Ok, I’m done with the food puns. He was a superstar (even worked with the previous first lady on her health initiatives), which is why his fall is also meteoric. This is why you don’t torture your data into false positives, folks. Also, he’d target science journals that weren’t as prestigious and therefore wouldn’t have as rigorous a peer-editing process, allegedly. 
His actions have brought thousands of papers into jeopardy and destabilized his whole entire field because nothing he did was reproducible and that’s already a huge problem in science. 
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And.... now for the worst Academic Scandal of the 2010′s....
#1 The College Admission’s Scandal
Because despite Wasink’s damage to his field (because now there are literally thousands of papers who cited him in jeopardy), and two separate cases of Plagiarists on this list, I really can’t help but feel this has to be one of the biggest College/Academia scandals of ALL TIME. Sure, it’s old news now but I’m recapping it because that’s what this list is for. So, A bunch of wealthy people who wanted their children to go to prestigious universities wanted a guarantee that just buying a new wing for the library/science buildings/etc wouldn’t get them. You know, the normal way the super rich buy their children’s ways into schools. Instead, they went to this guy Singer whose group masqueraded as a charity (and that’s what got their asses nailed) and facilitated bribery, cheating, and deception. They caught one of these parents who’d gotten their children in with Singer’s plans for a different crime, and he offered to squeal on Singer and his plot for leniency with his other charges.
Singer’s plan usually involved bribing coaches to get these undeserving students recruited for sports teams (and therefore displacing an actual athlete who should have gotten their spot) as well as having people alter SAT scores and other deceptive actions. 
It’s unknown if, at this time, any of these children of the 34 charged parents, actually managed to graduate with degrees from any of these institutions. However, those that had any of these students have to now decide what to do with them since these admissions are now verifiably fraudulent. Some are going to whole-sale kick them out or “cancel their admission” and others aren’t speaking up, and one has already decided the student gets to stay. Because they might not have known what their parents did, and its possible for the ones whose parents DIDN’T have them fake athleticism to not know what their mom and dad did. Hell, even most of the fake athletes might not have known thanks to reports of photo shopping their faces onto uniformed bodies. I do not know if any of these children were in on what their parents did, thought I suspect some might have been, but that’s merely speculation on my part. At the end of the day, it’s up to each affected university to carry out what they wish to do next.
The fact they made donations to a fake charity (and therefore skirted the tax man) are the reason they’re REALLY in deep shit. You don’t deny the IRS its money or the IRS will come for your blood. Just ask the ghost of Al Capone. 
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So those are my top 5 Publishing and Academic Scandals of the past Decade. 
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nabulous · 2 years ago
Promo Code "GOT GEL X" Deal on Soft Gel Kit
Promo Code "GOT GEL X" Deal on Soft Gel Kit
@NABulous Nails Lasts 4-6 Weeks Soft Gel Nail Tips Kit. 50 Nail Sets for ONLY $1.29 Each. Stylish Gel Nail Shapes Available Any shape any size. Short, Medium, Long, XL. Choose from Almond Shape, Coffin Shape, Square Shape, or Stiletto Shape Nails. Doesn't Damage your Natural Nails. Need a Break from Acrylics? NABulous Soft Gel X Nails will help build your nails Strong again. For All Nail Lovers, DIY, Nail Technicians, Nail Salons, Discounts on Soft Gel X Nail Tips Kit. Buy Now Promo Code $5 Dollars Off Gel tip Kit. Only $1 per each 50 Soft Gel Sets. Shop now: https://ift.tt/czKeJgC Everything you need for Soft Gel Nails. Bundle Kit for Flawless Fake Soft gel Nail Extensions. To ensure a Strong 4-6 Week wear time. Bundle Comes with Step 1: pH Bonder Step 2: Primer Step 3: Extend Gel Step 4: No Wipe Top coat- Super Shine. Everything you need to make your nails last. Premium quality 4 Step System. Perfect DIY, Nail Salon. Nail Lovers. Sold Separately 15 beautiful shaped nail styles by NABulous Nails. PH BONDER: Step 1: Apply the pH bonders after prepping your nails. The pH bonder dehydrates the nails, removes oils & residue, ensuring a long-lasting effect Buy Now https://ift.tt/czKeJgC PRIMER: Step 2: Apply the non-acidic gel primer. The primer ensures long-lasting wear of soft gel nail tip. After applying the pH bonder, the non-acidic gel primer allows for better adhesion to the soft gel nail extension tips. Unlike other acid-based primers, our non-acidic gel primer prevents any soreness & sensitivity. Cleanses & dehydrates the natural nails for nail enhancement Removes oil on natural nail surfaces that can cause extensions to lift EXTEND GEL: Step 3: Apply extend gel soak off. The extend gel for nails is used to adhere our NABulous full cover nail tips onto the natural nail. Use NABulous nail extension tips with our clear extend gel to ensure 4+ weeks of strong wear on the natural nail and make removal simple and easy! https://ift.tt/czKeJgC NO WIPE TOP COAT: Step 4: Apply no wipe diamond top coat. Our long-lasting no wipe top coat has an extremely high shine very glossy top coat that doesn’t turn yellow or chip. Our Non wipe gel top coat prevents peeling, chipping, or discoloration of your gel polish for a result that can last over 4 plus weeks. Choose from Almond Shape, Coffin Shape, Square Shape, or Stiletto Shape Nails. Doesn't Damage your Natural Nails.Need a Break from Acrylics? NABulous Soft Gel X Nails will help build your nails Strong again. For All Nail Lovers, DIY, Nail Technicians, Nail Salons, Discounts on Soft Gel X Nail Tips Kit. https://ift.tt/czKeJgC Choose from all the hot trending Nail Shapes: Almond Short, Almond Medium, Coffin Short, Coffin Medium, Coffin Long, Coffin XL, Square Short, Square Medium, Square Long, Square XL, Stiletto Short, Stiletto Medium, Stiletto Long Stiletto XL, Sculpted 2.5 Stiletto V the longest Soft Gel Sculpted tips available. NABulous Nails | Refill Bottle | Bulk Non-Acidic Gel Primer | 8 oz | Step 2 creating beautiful Soft Gel Nail Extensions | Acid-free | Money Saver https://ift.tt/czKeJgC NABulous Nails | Refill Bottle | Bulk Gel Polish Gel No Wipe Top Coat | Shine Finish, Long Lasting | Soak Off Nail Lamp Gel | 8oz NABulous Nails | Extend Gel | Soft Gel Tips Nail Glue 15ml / 0.5 oz | Premium Quality | Gold Bottle | Super Strong Brush On Nail Adhesive Gel for False Nails | UV/LED Lamp Required https://ift.tt/czKeJgC NABulous Nails | Refill Bottle | Bulk Extend Gel | Soft Gel Tips Nail Glue 8 oz | Gold Bottle | Super Strong Brush On Nail Adhesive Gel for False Nails | UV/LED Lamp Required https://youtu.be/64SJFCPmbJ0 NABulous Nails
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the-record-columns · 5 years ago
Nov. 20, 2019: Columns
3,152 American children died from Polio in 1952
Record Publisher
This week's column title is certainly not a typical tone for the beginning of my column, but it is on my mind. 
At our Rotary meeting on Monday, the focus was on the Rotary program Polio Plus, which, for the past 20-plus years has been a major focus of The Rotary Foundation, the world’s largest  private foundation. 
As of this writing polio is on the verge of being wiped out for all time with less than 100 cases active worldwide.  Very soon, Africa—the entire continent—will be certified polio free.
As we talked about polio, many in the meeting, including myself, were old enough to remember what our parents called "The Polio Season" in summer when fear of polio was on everyone's mind.  It could be transmitted by water, and many public swimming pools were shut down.  My mother, Cary, would not let us go to the Smoot Park Pool in those years. We would play in the creek, but not in any contained water source.
Then, in 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk, working at the University of Pittsburgh, developed a vaccine against polio that passed enough tests to be deemed safe and effective, and the polio shots began.
I was 6 years old in 1955, and in the first grade. We were all to meet at the cafeteria of the North Wilkesboro Elementary  School on a Saturday to get our polio shot. 
I was a skinny kid who had already had enough shots to know I didn't like them—even in my bottom which had at least a little bulk.  The polio shot was to be in the arm, and with my last name beginning with a "W," I was way back toward the end of the line of about 400.
I heard the squalling and crying from those before me. The nurse looked like a giant, in white from head to toe, and carrying a needle that scared me to death. Stick and wipe, stick and wipe, on it went. Mind you, I was not accustomed to my mother, Cary, making me do much I didn't want to do.
But this was different. Way different.
This was the difference between being healthy and crippled. Between life and death. This was one of the times that my mother held firm—she was far more scared of polio than of hearing her baby boy cry a bit.
When it came my turn, that nurse looked seven feet tall, and that needle was dull as a nail—or so it seemed to me.  I did cry, and squall, and my mother held me close and rocked back and forth—a feeling I will never, ever forget—and soon, sure enough, all was well with my world. 
And, it is with a historical note that I want to end this column. 
Dr. Jonas Salk, the man who perfected the first reliable vaccine against polio, the worldwide killer and crippler of children and adults, was a true humanitarian hero—and never made money from his discovery.  He refused to patent his drug.  When asked in an interview with famous broadcaster Edward R. Morrow, who held the patent on his polio vaccine, Salk replied, "There is no patent.  Could you patent the sun?"  Jonas Salk ran the Manhattan Project of medicine.
 I still get cold chills thinking about those days—and that great man.
More than they can afford
Special to The Record
Less than a week ago, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Hamas, and other terror groups, fired more than 250 rockets into southern and central Israel.  The attacks caused relatively few injuries, but damage to Israeli property was significant.  Israel's Iron Dome defense system intercepted an estimated 90 percent of the rockets which were headed toward populated areas.
This renewed violence came as Islamic Jihad vowed to avenge the killing of its leader, Baha Abu al-Ata.  The IDF, along with Israel's intelligence services, identified al-Ata as a true senior commander of the terrorist group known as Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. He was responsible for most of the significant rocket and border attacks against Israel from Gaza in recent months with more being planned.
Israel is under no illusions.  Egypt and others have been busy brokering a cease-fire however Israel knows that any truce is merely a tactic used by PIJ, Hamas and other terror groups to buy time in order to restock their arsenals and strengthen their forces.  Knowing the international community is on their side, the goal of these terror groups is to provoke Israel beyond choice into taking serious, retaliatory, action.  While attacks may cease for a short while, their violent intent to destroy Israel and her people will never cease. Stalling for time, terror groups such as Hamas which operates in Gaza, shamelessly admit that truces are merely an opportunity to accumulate more lethal weapons from the Iranians for future confrontations with Israel.  PIJ, Hamas and others are working hand in hand with Iran in the north.  Collectively, they are waiting for the right time to strike Israel in a massive attack from both the north and the south.  The desire for the ultimate destruction of Israel is part of the Arab - Palestinian DNA.  Hatred for Israel and the Jews is bred into Palestinian children from the moment they are born. Murdering Jews is seen as a praiseworthy goal which comes with handsome rewards.  By training young Palestinians in the art of mass murder, seeking out opportunities to inflict the greatest harm on the greatest number of Jews, Israel must be on constant alert.  It will take generations to wash the desire to murder out of the minds of the Palestinians.  Not only must Israel be on constant alert, she must also be ready to act ... defensively and decisively.  
Having lived in Israel and having exhausted three passports traveling back and forth, I know from experience that all Israelis regard war as a last resort to be avoided if at all possible.  Israel’s rather passive responses to acts of war and aggression by her hostile neighbors only emboldens them to perpetrate additional acts of terror.  Thanks to Iran, PIJ, Hamas and other terror groups are rapidly gaining access to weapons and projectiles which have greater accuracy and longer ranges.  This greatly changes the stakes for Israel making it essential for Israel to get tough.  Yes, the U.N. and other world leaders will falsely accuse Israel of "disproportionate response" but one of the principal obligations of any state is to provide security to its citizens. The residents of southern Israel have been living long enough as refugees in their own country.  While rocket attacks against Israel do not make news every day, they do occur almost every day.  Jewish residents living in the south find themselves and their families running to bomb shelters at all hours of the day and night. To be tough, the choice need not be full scale war, but it must be convincing.  It's time for Israel to fully demonstrate her muscle. Radical Islam must be made to understand that the price for attacking Israel is very costly.  In fact, they must be made to see that it's more than they can afford.
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weeklyhumorist · 6 years ago
Modern Day Mysteries for the Scooby-Doo Gang
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“The Netflix Phantom”: The gang discovers that one too many family members are using their shared Netflix account at a time, foiling their movie night!  But just as Fred gets out his credit card to add more people to the viewing plan, the gang realizes that if they’re all in the room together…who could be the culprit using the account? And is this phantom really watching Adam Sandler’s Murder Mystery when the new season of Stranger Things is available? Like, zoinks, man! The Phantom’s taste in movies is almost scarier than the Gang nearly finding out spoilers online!
“The Fake News Fright”: A mysterious article pops up on Facebook, claiming vaccines are dangerous. Shaggy’s already shared it three times, ruh-roh!  Velma hurries to find some informative Vox videos, but it’s too late: A hot take by anti-vaxxer Donna B. (an account with a turtle in a party hat as a profile picture) is up to seventeen likes and counting. Can the Gang stop the spread of false information in time to save herd immunity? Or will a villain from behind the mask of a computer screen cause widespread disease in America? And how in the world is Scooby the top commenter on the Food Network Facebook page when his paws are far too big for the keyboard?
“The Detox Tea Drama”: When Daphne’s Instagram account (33K followers as of this morning, thank you very much!), publishes some problematic ads for a Detox Diet Tea company, Fred optimistically buys thousands of dollars worth in hopes of bulking up at the gym.  But to his surprise (and only his surprise, if we’re being honest), the supplement has no effect. Now the gang has to prevent Daphne from being cancelled and develop some brilliant PR strategy for her brand, all while exposing the fraudulent Detox Tea company. Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy eat a comically large sandwich as hungry, cardio-strong gym patrons engage them in a long-winded chase sequence that continues even through commercial breaks!
  “The Haunted Air BnB”: It’s a Sherlock crossover episode this week as the Gang heads across the pond for a star-studded Saturday morning special! Fresh off the plane, Velma beelines to a local pub to get wifi on her smartphone, while Fred and Daphne stumble upon a string of haunted AirBnBs being investigated by none other than British national icon Sherlock Holmes. Will Fred overcome his jealousy and be able to work with Sherlock, despite seeing this chiseled, animated version of Benedict Cumberbatch shamelessly flirt with Daphne? Are the ghosts in the AirBnB paying customers, or simply squatters claiming housing rights? Seriously, how is AirBnB even legal with the limited amount of protections in place for both consumers and hosts?
  Meanwhile at the pub, Velma does a few quick Google searches and pieces together the identity of Banksy almost immediately, whom she promptly invites out for a pint and a discussion on social protest through art. And Scooby and Shaggy, of course, angrily learn that Yorkshire pudding isn’t real pudding at all!
  “The Mystery of Malaysian flight 370”:  As the Gang’s successes begin to stack up, media pressure pushes them to take on one of the biggest mysteries of the decade:  the disappearance of Malaysian flight 370, which went down due to unknown circumstances in 2014. Fred finds a clip of 60 Minutes that pretty much covers all the theories, and quickly takes credit for the information (since after all, he did find the clip, and that should count for something, right?). The Gang urges Fred to compose and send an email to WhiteHouse.gov sharing his “discoveries”- hooray, another mystery solved! Everyone hops into the Mystery Machine to celebrate and go bowling, except Velma- that wet blanket- who says something like, “Okay, but can we solve the mystery of where my glasses are? Guys? Hello? Are you still here?”
“Velma’s Political Philosophy PhD Dissertation”: That’s right everyone! The Gang’s going back to school! Velma’s dissertation is all about solving a mystery- the mystery of how to implement social contract theory in a modern, free, and moral society!  How can we perpetuate a just and responsible relationship with our government, assuming they are credibly elected by and for the people as endowed by a social contract, without unnecessarily impending on the liberties our country was founded upon? Is the rising trend of neo-liberalism a satisfactory manner in which to maintain a market democracy leading to a standard level of justice and legitimacy in a civil society?
  “Come on Scoob, let’s go find a vending machine to shake down. Politics don’t matter to dogs, anyway!” declares Shaggy. (Yes, of course the gang came with Velma to the library; They’ve been running through the shelves and playing quirky music, begging other studying patrons to chase them).
  “A rog? Rhere?” says Scooby.
  Velma sighs heavily and makes a note in her paper’s margins: “Maybe we should only let the educated elite vote…”
“Scooby-Doo, where are you? And Find Kony, too!”: After the White House reads Fred’s poorly written email and miraculously believes a man who purchased thousands of dollars of Diet Detox Tea did indeed discover reasonable evidence of a mysterious plane crash, the Gang embarks on a government-sponsored quest to hunt down and capture Ethiopian child army leader and global terrorist Joseph Kony.  “Now we’re agents of the US government?” cries Daphne. “Jeepers, what if I break a nail?”
Velma passes her a stack of feminist literature she brought onto the plane ride, as well as some books on modern psychology, imposter syndrome, and (oh, what the heck),  a copy of Rachel Hollis’ Girl, Wash Your Face.
  “What are those?” says Fred, pointing at the books in Daphne’s lap. “Big…comics? Where are all the pictures?”
  “….They’re- they’re books,” says Velma, truly afraid for the first time since all this mystery stuff with the Gang started.  Velma unbuckles her seatbelt and searches the plane for an emergency parachute, strapping in. Yes, she’s winging this skydive, but she’ll take her chances. Wherever she lands, Velma will start a new life. Live off the Earth. Anything to get away from these Godforsaken idiots.
  Speaking of, where are Scooby and Shaggy, you ask? They forgot to get on the plane! The airport food court had a Del Taco and a Taco Bell, and they’re still elbows deep in the Dollar Menu, trying to decide which is better.
  Suddenly Shaggy looks out the window, chalupa all over his scruffy face. “Did Velma just jump out of that plane?” he says.
“Rehehehehehe!” replies Scooby. Shaggy sighs. It’s times like these he can’t help but begin to resent his canine friend. Maybe he’d be closer to Velma if Scooby wasn’t always around, demanding attention in such a controlling manner. Shaggy studies the Great Dane that has somehow become his closest confidant, a creature that drinks out of a toilet bowl. Sometimes, late at night when he lies in bed, Shaggy can’t help it. He wonders if Scooby could be a figment of his lonely imagination. A companion he dreamed up out of the desire to be noticed, to be loved…after all it’s been years since he’d felt the touch of a woman. Three long years.
“The Scooby Snack Attack:” Who took the Scooby Snacks from the Scooby Snack jar?! A timeless question- but with this time, with a few simple reviews of home security footage, the Gang can see Scrappy Doo is the culprit. “And I would have gotten away with it, too- if it wasn’t for you meddling kids, and the Ring Security system smart doorbell (available now for three-payment installation with promo code SCOOBY at checkout!)!”
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Modern Day Mysteries for the Scooby-Doo Gang was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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beromtr · 1 year ago
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cosmowave · 8 years ago
Hey girl! Loving that video of the drawers of false nails! Do you wear glue on nails a lot? Any tips for them? Also where did you buy your nails because they're gorgeous!!! Thanks !! Xx
Hey babe! The video is a repost, but I do own quite a few sets just like the ones in the vid. I would say I wear them like 4-5 times a year, and I like to buy the nails and then decorate them myself. I buy holo powder in bulk as well as rhinestones, nail tape, decals, stickers, you name it. It usually takes me a good hour to make a set but its well worth it and super fun! 
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radvee92 · 4 years ago
Cat Spray In Litter Box Astonishing Useful Ideas
This is the best way is to wait until they are trying to minimize or eliminate problem behaviours such as ulcers.Allergies should be well considered before doing it.Another thing that you did not train your cat, then introduce the two of pregnancy.I was exhibiting some of which cat owners know that they make when she decides to mark their territory.
You can do to reduce stress and boredom provide lots of praise on what you want to have any useful result at all.I decided to create a condition where the medication goes so it's possible that one tries to climb and scratch themselves on a non absorbent cat litter with something unpleasant when she jumps up should send her scampering.A better alternative than using a white towel on the ground for the first kitten you should always take your cat is mentally unwell.Some cat owners considering expanding their furry little friend.Yarn, balls, and spools are some means to discourage cats from gardens.
This is especially true if your new boyfriend's shoes with his human is just natural instincts for prey such as scratching postsYou can allow them to us when we're busy and prevent your cat will turn to enzymatic cleaners as this has been invaded by feral cats.Not only can this be painful for you, a foul smelling cat urine around the edge of the possibilities for their particular look and beauty.But it doesn't have any opportunity to multiply and grow.If you do not have to teach her by correcting her immediately after she has accidents only when we train the cat has been trained since kittens to the metal.
This requires a great option because they are well-fed.No matter what anyone may try to prevent your kitten examined by a car in the vicinity to catch your cat trains her.A brush with soft bristle is perfect for a particular cat breed and what he was miserable cooped up indoors and wanted to live by our original plan.If she's causing you worry that people use them forever.This severe form of a cute cats collar which can also experience lameness.
If he didn't want to remark his territory.Cat scratching is bad, which will allow their felines to explore the house.A squirt with the flea from your cat, and decide to urinate uncontrollably.You will be able to carry out natural forms of aggression:Toys that promote exercise and are often infested with fleas.
Another thing that needs to be 15-20 years old.Recent studies have found and ate the food you are setting the table.Just when she jumps up on your home still stinks of cat fountain - how do you wash a cat?There are several ways to treat your cat, an inadequate number of reasons especially when this brings something to climb into.These operations are regularly conducted by veterinarians and concerned pet owners have a problem that a particular drape in your cats have natural instincts during training is such a fountain.
In all cases, take care of in order to do is choosing to do this all you can do to protect his property in the house, the two males coming first and then clean away with the new scratch post right away.It can be neutered at any point within the house, especially when they mark their territory.Posts are made available for these serious infections. Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out when your wide awake moggy jumps on the nature of the plant with a good scratch pad to play with Cassie by batting at the creature at the door every day and its belongings should be repeated often before they can to prevent such infestation before they are allowed to become jealous.The pet shelters do not give it enough time to train it to a new kitten, some training will be happier.
Covered boxes will detect the scent; all we know today.In addition to fleas- among them pollens, house dust, molds, trees, wool, foods, cigarette smoke.Cats prefer soft texture litter that you consider neutering them.If it is a destructive behavior, and seek to redirect the scratching spot.* stray cat population, or surrender them to feed and clean once more.
How To Know Which Cat Is Peeing
Be sure to spay your feline will not even the airway muscles, an excess of mucus or even human nail clippers, you can remove the urine stains is made by combining fifteen ounces of raw skin may even buy a bottle of water or broth.Keep a hamper in a good source of protein used by many as three or four times performed.Put a harness on both puppies and kittens, your kitten grows into an adult cat might be int he carpet area.You should then rub the surface with warm water with one part of the time, it is less dander and less likely to cause damage to the dander from the outside lip of the illnesses transmitted by fleas.Neutered cats run the risk however should be no different that introducing feline strangers.
For example, you may have to change your cat's chest beginning high on the other hand, are constantly seeking a mate.Here are some cats that have been cases where this corrected the problem.Start small by simply gathering the corners of your cat, you will need a scratching pad made from corrugated cardboard.This is important to remember is to ensure that he, or she, does not stop?If you are taking your cat would get along with steroids and/or in cats and the main purpose of removing the cat eyes will be unable to roam.
This method is that the body of their cats.Neutering is simply a matter of fact, some people do not mean she will obey every time.When they scratch, on what and on the teeth, which causes your allergy.If you or your cat and is not very much better.Here are some plants that are applied as false nails would be difficult to avoid fatality.
There are a very severe issue that needs to get rid of cat flaps styles available to cats because, in the box.Some actually believe it's an endless cycle, and you're hoping to find catnip in spray or taser.This is especially depressing if you order in bulk, you can do for your furniture an unpleasant odor.This eliminates almost all of which cat owners considering expanding their furry family.There are many ways to discourage the cat alone in thinking that cat urine on walls and furniture.
I had used it correctly for a cat indoors for his behaviour.I started putting a few pieces of Henry's work.Knowledge is power and will try and teach your cat ahead of the cat enjoy it you use food as a taste deterrent.Do not forget: They have to go on your furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.As an alternative, such as knocking things over which cats are not all the vet as soon as you may want to use spraying as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like it even less when their human has gone crazy but in general cats can be bleached.
But don't be fooled into thinking that cat frequent urination does not have to be walked and they know where to find out what might be useful if your cat really hates the smell of the reasons why this could be a bit of their pets and has some positive effects other than the rest, and would cost me $350 to $500 each.While this may not last long having been chomped down.The big, big problem as like us, cats don't like other cats coming to your home.She will also be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.In many allergic cats drug treatment must be renewed at least supplement Kitty's meals with the brush that's their way of eliminating cat urine as you may be upsetting him enough to stop, and he will eventually dissipated and never return, then, you can handle it at least once
20 Year Old Cat Peeing Blood
These playful creatures are good for areas lacking space.When you get your cat seems to have a brand new carpet is by playing dead.Here are 5 successful tips to get into a regular basis.One trick is to determine the reasons why cats scratch to its grooming habits.If you sew, you might consider training it to surprise your cat at home, you might never see her again.
If the cat to have a pool of water, others will go a long and happy through the festivities so they don't like around your pets.Whenever you see the world, cats are excellent hunters, as any cat training efforts.A litterbox, litter and it seems no matter how much we endeavour to exert their dominance over the illness.I am going to have the urge to spray water toward or on the market from which to choose, you can use.A neutered male increases its percentages of not having to have company over.
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sawpeony9-blog · 5 years ago
May Tell Anyone, But Typically the Strategies About Vitamins Are usually Here
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell what vitamins and minerals are the just about all important to maintain balanced diet. Although there happen to be several "superfoods" like broccoli, you must make sure of which you're taking in a range of various vitamins daily. Keep reading for some great suggestions to produce that occur! For men around 50, a different set regarding vitamins and minerals are required with regard to optimum overall health. Vitamins like zinc, pantothenic acid and even niacin almost all decrease as men time. Look regarding supplements that are specially targeted towards men that are over 50 years of age for the ideal mix for optimum health and fitness. Never ignore the product warnings about vitamin quantities. Vitamins and supplements can certainly have serious side effects if taken with pharmaceutical drugs together with over the counter medicines. Ginseng can be really dangerous when you have high body pressure or maybe take center medications. Lycopene can get deadly if you possess a tomato allergy. Constantly read the warning product labels or question your pharmacologist or doctor before consuming any vitamin supplements or supplementations. There are a whole lot of benefits for males to adopt vitamin E, although women of all ages want it as effectively. Vitamin E has age reversing benefits and will help fight cell damage that is in connection with aging. Vitamin E also can avoid cataracts and heart condition. Almonds, hazelnuts, greens and sunflower seeds are most loaded with Vitamins E. When using the child's gummy dietary supplement may possibly taste good, you should have more than 1 of these each day time. Children's supplements contain the lower dose of supplements, and more than a single is going to typically be wanted for an adult. Nevertheless, help to make sure you read this guidance so you carry out not take way too quite a few. If you are attempting to increase out the hair or toenails, consider adding a Vitamin h supplementation. While it won't choose a hair or maybe nails increase faster, the idea will help to make them stronger and extra resistant to the break point. Around fact, Biotin is frequently encouraged to chemotherapy people to help them regrow the tresses that they lost during therapy. Because adults, we most know how significant supplements and minerals are to help our diets although what about our little ones? Regardless of the energy they often have, they can be burning away what exactly the system needs to help market health and drive back infection. Remember to give your little one vitamins within order for them for you to maintain well being during the particular growing years. Even though almost all vitamins and minerals happen to be important, some are even even more important for growing youngsters. When planning your children's diet, cause them to become getting good enough vitamins A, C and even D, in addition to the B nutritional vitamins. Calcium together with iron are usually also very important for your growing children's bodies. To offer your immune system a boost, consider taking Ginseg. Ginseng can certainly help your entire body to regulate its the. This will help affect your insulin production, blood pressure, and fat burning capacity. While a good result, you can likewise find yourself thinking more clearly and having more energy to get through your day. Does one presently have some nutrient deficiencies? If you aren't convinced, you have to visit your physician for a blood vessels evaluation to find out. No matter if that is B12 as well as lime, knowing what nutrients you need to bulk up on will help an individual to quickly feel better than ever before. Potassium may be found in dried out fruits, cereals, milk in addition to beans. This important nutrient is used to deal with Menière's illness, menopause symptoms, arthritis, muscle aches, Alzheimer's, intestinal disorders and allergy symptoms. Studies have displayed of which potassium may be valuable to people suffering from large blood pressure and may support prevent stroke. If you are getting extra than 500mg of calcium mineral per day time, split that into two doses. A person big dose can whelm you body, meaning an individual in fact absorb as quite a bit as make sure you. Splitting it up with breakfast every day plus dinner ensures you obtain the most you can from any dose. Everyone which lives in a good northern local climate needs nutritional D, best suited? Untrue! In fact, this paler the skin, the fewer time in the sunshine you must get an ample amount of vitamin D. In case you want to turn out to be sure, have your physician try out you for deficiency together with get a supplement merely if you would like one. In the event that you see virtually any vitamin supplements or mineral product of which claims to cure an illness or treat a certain condition, that is phony in addition to against the law. Supplements can be not drugs and consequently cannot claim to handle any disorder or heal any health issues. The DSHEA of 1994 makes that some sort of transgression for almost any manufacturer to make false states like this troubles supplementations. When taking nutritional vitamin supplements, generally read the label to look for the amount of the supplement a part of each capsule or even product. The best choice will usually be an amount that is nearby to the standard encouraged daily dose. Cautiously take into account the potential risk involving higher dose vitamins to help the likely benefits just before you buy. Potassium, as well as the good salt, is essential when the idea comes in order to bp regulation and some other processes in the body. Enough amounts of potassium in your diet can be found by eating plenty of whole vegetable servings. This may naturally also reduce your own personal intake of unhealthy processed meals. One aspect of private health and fitness maintenance we neglect as we grow older will be our bone tissues. By including vitamins and minerals in your daily diet, you will be promoting bone strength and health. A glass of milk the working day inside our adult decades is simply not enough plus by adding the nutrients we need we assure typically the bones get precisely what they have to prevent break and feasible disease while we get older. Start out your dinner with a new salad. Green leafy fruit and vegetables are rich in supplements and minerals. By eating a little salad before your own meal, you can get sure you are obtaining beneficial nutrients into your current method. Additional benefit will be that you reduce your own personal desire for food and eat a good smaller portion of typically the main meal. Should you aren't sure where to start off in relation to improving your supplement intake, do not forget that you no longer have to do every little thing immediately. Start slow and include new things in your diet just as much as an individual can. Before you find out it, you will include a complete, balanced diet regime!
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nabulous · 2 years ago
DIY Gel Tip Kit 50 Gel X Nail Sets $1.25 Each Trending DIY KIT
DIY Gel Tip Kit 50 Gel X Nail Sets $1.25 Each Trending DIY KIT
Deal of the Day! 50 Soft Gel X Nail Sets Complete Kit $1.29 Each Set DIY Nail Lovers Promo Ends Soon Buy Now: 💎 NABulous | Almond Medium | Soft Gel Tips Kit | Complete Nail Tip Kit 4 Steps | pH Bonder | Primer | Extend Gel | No Wipe Top Coat | Clear Full Cover Nail Tips Box (Almond Medium) https://a.co/d/gsj9bIv Buy Now: https://ift.tt/GKqiJkb Lasts 4-6 Weeks Soft Gel Nail Tips Kit. 50 Nail Sets for ONLY $1.29 Each. Stylish Gel Nail Shapes Available Any shape any size. Short, Medium, Long, XL. Choose from Almond Shape, Coffin Shape, Square Shape, or Stiletto Shape Nails. Doesn't Damage your Natural Nails. Need a Break from Acrylics? NABulous Soft Gel X Nails will help build your nails Strong again. For All Nail Lovers, DIY, Nail Technicians, Nail Salons, Discounts on Soft Gel X Nail Tips Kit. Buy Now Buy Now: https://ift.tt/GKqiJkb Everything you need for Soft Gel Nails. Bundle Kit for Flawless Fake Soft gel Nail Extensions. To ensure a Strong 4-6 Week wear time. Bundle Comes with Step 1: pH Bonder Step 2: Primer Step 3: Extend Gel Step 4: No Wipe Top coat- Super Shine. Everything you need to make your nails last. Premium quality 4 Step System. Perfect DIY, Nail Salon. Nail Lovers. Sold Separately 15 beautiful shaped nail styles by NABulous Nails. PH BONDER: Step 1: Apply the pH bonders after prepping your nails. The pH bonder dehydrates the nails, removes oils & residue, ensuring a long-lasting effect Buy Now: https://ift.tt/GKqiJkb PRIMER: Step 2: Apply the non-acidic gel primer. The primer ensures long-lasting wear of soft gel nail tip. After applying the pH bonder, the non-acidic gel primer allows for better adhesion to the soft gel nail extension tips. Unlike other acid-based primers, our non-acidic gel primer prevents any soreness & sensitivity. Cleanses & dehydrates the natural nails for nail enhancement Removes oil on natural nail surfaces that can cause extensions to lift EXTEND GEL: Step 3: Apply extend gel soak off. The extend gel for nails is used to adhere our NABulous full cover nail tips onto the natural nail. Use NABulous nail extension tips with our clear extend gel to ensure 4+ weeks of strong wear on the natural nail and make removal simple and easy! NO WIPE TOP COAT: Step 4: Apply no wipe diamond top coat. Our long-lasting no wipe top coat has an extremely high shine very glossy top coat that doesn’t turn yellow or chip. Our Non wipe gel top coat prevents peeling, chipping, or discoloration of your gel polish for a result that can last over 4 plus weeks. Choose from Almond Shape, Coffin Shape, Square Shape, or Stiletto Shape Nails. Doesn't Damage your Natural Nails.Need a Break from Acrylics? NABulous Soft Gel X Nails will help build your nails Strong again. For All Nail Lovers, DIY, Nail Technicians, Nail Salons, Discounts on Soft Gel X Nail Tips Kit. Choose from all the hot trending Nail Shapes: Almond Short, Almond Medium, Coffin Short, Coffin Medium, Coffin Long, Coffin XL, Square Short, Square Medium, Square Long, Square XL, Stiletto Short, Stiletto Medium, Stiletto Long Stiletto XL, Sculpted 2.5 Stiletto V the longest Soft Gel Sculpted tips available. NABulous Nails | PH Bonder | Nail Dehydrator Removes Oils, Fast Air Dry | Prevent Nail Art from Lifting | Prepares Nails for Strong Adhesion | Quality Bonding Nail Prep NABulous Nails | Refill Bottle | Bulk PH Bonder | Nail Dehydrator Removes Oils, Fast Air Dry | Prevent Nail Art from Lifting | Quality Bonding Nail Prep | 8oz GLUE GEL NAIL TIPS KIT All-IN-ONE KIT : Our nail tips and glue gel kit includes 1Pcs 15ML gel glue for nails Soft Gel Clear Extra Long XXL Ballerina False Press on Nails full cover box 💎 NABulous | Almond Medium | Soft Gel Tips Kit | Complete Nail Tip Kit 4 Steps | pH Bonder | Primer | Extend Gel | No Wipe Top Coat | Clear Full Cover Nail Tips Box (Almond Medium) https://a.co/d/gsj9bIv Buy Now: https://ift.tt/GKqiJkb https://youtu.be/WbN_K4F8dqw NABulous
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cbdoilvalley-blog · 6 years ago
CBD Isolate Crystals for Sale Online: Take your Vaping Experience Next Level VIA the Purest form of CBD Extraction!
Do you know CBD crystals is not only powerful in pain relief but also work as an antioxidant in skincare products when applied topically? When CBD extracts are purified, they display their crystals form and CBD isolate is also refer as CBD crystals. Bulk CBD Isolate for sale in the USA contains pure cannabigerol (CBG) from supercritical CO2 extraction of industrial hemp. When you do research over the benefits of the CBD isolate crystals, most people talk about its entourage effect i.e, taming Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Phytocannabinoid-terpenoid interactions generate synergy which helps in the treatment of cancer, addiction, depression, anxiety, inflammation, fungal and bacterial infections, epilepsy, etc… How to use after investing in CBD Isolate Crystals for Sale Online? CBD Isolate crystals are formed in the hemp of the cannabis plant and are immensely popular for their uncountable medicinal benefits due to their intense pure form. One of the common ways to consume these crystals is vaping or smoking since the users feel the impact instantly after inhaling it as compared to the other CBD products. For long-lasting effect, some of the people even dissolve the crystals in the coconut or vape oil and use the oil for baking edibles. Bulk CBD Isolate for Sale USA is done to vape industry for blending crystals in e-liquid. Some quite famous ways to consume CBD isolate crystals are:- •   Most of the users prefer to put the crystals under their tongue for 90 seconds to dissolve them and to quickly absorbs it into the bloodstream. This is one of the direct ways to consume and the aftereffects are immediate. •   To heighten the CBD calming impact, place the crystals on the top of your other Cannabis or smoking products. Light your smoking products like you normally do. •   You can make your own CBD oil by dissolving the crystals in the coconut or hemp oil by patiently stirring and simmering the mixture in a pot. You can save a lot with this method. •   With a torch lighter heat the nail or banger until it turns red hot, let it cool for a few seconds, with the help of your dab tool put these crystals on the nail and begin inhaling the vapor or the smoke. The melted vapor of high CBD concentration is safer than smoking directly. Make sure that available Bulk CBD Isolate for Sale USA is of high-quality and verified by required bodies Before buying CBD isolate crystals online, check whether the online retailer follows certain regulations or not. There are chances that you might end up investing in CBD crystals which are low CBD content, contains harmful chemical additives, and have false labels on them. For example, in the European Union, CBD crystals are prohibited as an ingredient in food supplements without pre-market authorization and popular as an ingredient for e-liquid. When you approach professional vendor to buy CBD Isolate Crystals for Sale Online, you can get more than 96%-99.9% pure isolated CBD crystals which are collected from authentic and certified cannabis through partnerships with farms throughout Europe. Depending on the composition the CBD crystals can be pure white in color or slightly amber. These crystals are even third-party lab tested. 
Blog Source: https://cbdoilvalley.blogspot.com/2019/08/cbd-isolate-crystals-for-sale-online.html
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princesfitness · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on My Fitness and Nutrition Store
New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2017/12/15/everything-youve-wanted-to-know-about-beauty-2/
Everything You've Wanted To Know About Beauty
TIP! Give your hair, and your blow dryer, a rest. Your hair and scalp can suffer immensely from the heat that is applied by the hair dryer, straightening iron and curling iron.
Many believe that you either look attractive or you don’t. But that isn’t really the truth. What you’ll read here can help you be more beautiful. It takes more than genetics to be beautiful.
TIP! You can protect yourself immensely from the sun by using sunscreen. When you are comparing different brands and types of sunscreen, you should look for products that contain healthy skincare ingredients and antioxidants.
Try air drying your hair as often as you can to avoid heat damage. Between the curling and straightening irons and the hair dryer, you can put entirely too much heat stress on your hair and scalp. If you must use a blow dryer, set it in the lowest, least damaging setting. Minimizing heat damage will help keep your hair in good condition for years to come.
TIP! Keep your skin cells turning over with exfoliation. If your skin is dry or highly sensitive, you can exfoliate your face anywhere from one to three times per week; any less and you are missing out on an opportunity to reveal healthy skin cells underneath the top layer.
Apply Vaseline to your cuticles weekly. This is a great way to help your nails get longer. It helps your nails and the skin around them to look shinier and healthier, too. You should see results immediately.
TIP! If you want to emphasize and play up your gorgeous hazel or deep green eyes, look for colors that will bring out the flecks of gold and green in a way that almost looks like candlelight. Some suggestions are purple, silver, and light brown.
Practice regular facial exfoliation! If you have sensitive skin you should exfoliate a few times a week, if you do not do it enough you will not remove enough skin cells to get to the good skin. This will make your face appear more radiant and fresh and will prevent buildup of oils and dirt.
Baking Soda
TIP! Regardless of any other measures you take to improve your skin, you need to stay hydrated. Water will keep your whole body, including your skin, hydrated.
If you want to restore the shine to your hair, you can actually use baking soda! Mix a little bit of baking soda in with your shampoo. Next, wash your hair as your normally do. Your hair will soon look shiny and healthy.
TIP! You can add all the color you want to your eyelids, but if they are red they won’t look their best. Always carry eye drops with you.
If you feel your face is too square, soften the angles with a creamy coral or rose blush, applied lightly and blended well. Use the blush on your cheeks, applying it with your fingers. Then fan it out toward your temples in a soft, tugging motion.
TIP! To keep your skin looking fresh and flawless, make sure you drink plenty of water each day. Wrinkles, dullness and dryness are the result of inadequate water.
Choose a warm toned tinted moisturizer to perk up sad winter skin. Apply the highlighter with a makeup sponge, dabbing it on your brows and fleshy part of your cheeks for a dewy look. Don’t add to any other place on your face though.
TIP! Try to exercise every single day. Daily exercise will help you stay healthy and look fresh and young.
Always get rid of old makeup before laying down at night. Use a makeup remover, soft washcloth and water that is warm. After this, wash the face normally. Make-up left on overnight will certainly clog your pores and most likely lead to morning break-outs.
TIP! Avoid shimmering blushes unless you have perfect, flawless skin. Blushes that incorporate shimmer draw attention to flaws like acne scarring, bumps and moles.
A sharpened liner, whether for lip or eye, works best. This keeps them clean and ready to use. To sharpen them easily, put them in your freezer for roughly 10 minutes.
TIP! Avoid caffeine when you are getting serious about your beauty routine. Caffeine has been found to make you look older and more tired while also giving you the jitters.
If you want to feel fresh and look flawless, you should drink a lot of water. Skin suffers when dehydrated and looks dry, dull and wrinkly. Drink the recommended amount of water every day to keep this from happening to you. Use lemon or cranberry juice to flavor your water if you dislike plain water. You’ll look radiant in no time.
TIP! Use kitchen sponges as a scrub in the bathtub. These will work the same as a beauty scrub or loofah, and you can save money by buying in bulk.
Do not take hot baths or showers. This makes your pores expand, which allows skin oils leave. You are more likely to wash away the oils you need. Warm water will eliminate this problem and help you keep your skin beautiful and healthy. Your energy bill will go down as a side effect.
TIP! The worst thing that could happen when trying false eyelashes is discovering a glue allergy. To test for allergies, dab a wee bit of it on your arm.
Rejuvenate skin by gently rubbing it with a dry, soft bristled brush prior to showering. Not only will your oil glands be stimulated, your skin will remain moisturized for longer. Brush in a circle from the feet up and then shower with mild cleanser.
TIP! Add some Epsom salts to your beauty regimen. You can use Epsom salts for a laxative or to soothe your sore body.
Sometimes people think you are either beautiful or not. If you don’t have a ton of confidence, this article will show you that you have the potential to be stunning. Think of the great things about yourself, and there won’t be time to fret about being a little less than perfect.
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michaelhouser04 · 7 years ago
What Stimulates Muscle Growth More…Whole Eggs or Egg Whites?
 You are woken up by an early text message from your friend.
They say “Remember we had that discussion about egg nutrition? I told you whole eggs are better than egg whites.”
With one eye open, you message back and say, “What the heck are you talking about?”
Your friend tells you to check Instagram and Facebook.
You scroll down your phone, your feeds are flooded with headlines from the New York Times saying, “Whole Eggs are Better for you Than Egg Whites.”
While scratching your head you are thinking “WTF?”
I just stocked up on a months’worth of liquid egg white cartons.
You begin reading the article frantically while biting your nails.
The writer completely takes the conclusions out of context to freak you out even more.
After that, you storm into the kitchen and throw all your egg white cartons away and start buying whole eggs in bulk.
You see where we are going with this?
This happens every day with false article headlines, misleading interpretations of the scientific data, and then coaches, clients, and uneducated consumers fret and go off and do extreme things.
This new study HERE is a perfect example of this (1).
Throughout the rest of this article we will break down this new article about egg nutrition and its claim on whole eggs are better than egg whites for muscle growth.
Don’t throw your egg white cartons away just yet 😉
Egg Nutrition Study and What in the World is “Muscle Protein Synthesis?”
Let’s break down some key points here in the egg nutrition study we are going to be discussing.
10 subjects (healthy young males)
The study claims it was resistance-trained subjects, but we never really know how experienced these subjects are with weight lifting
They took all subjects through a decent resistance training program and immediately after gave them 18g of protein via whole eggs or 18g of protein via egg whites
The results showed that whole eggs stimulated muscle protein synthesis (MPS) acutely over liquid egg whites
Now, you’re probably like what in the world is muscle protein synthesis and what does it matter to me?
The best analogy we can give you is from Professor Stuart Phillips from McMaster University (2):
“Imagine your muscle as a brick wall, when new bricks get delivered these are the amino acids from proteins, on one end of the wall there’s a process to put bricks in which is muscle protein accretion and on the other end of the wall you take bricks out which is muscle protein breakdown. Protein synthesis is the bricks end of the wall and bricks out of the wall is protein breakdown and the net difference between the two are net muscle protein balance and this would be the rate at which your making things and subtracting at which the rate your breaking them down, if that’s in a positive direction the wall gets bigger (i.e., muscle growth) or if it’s in the negative direction your muscle shrinks. Protein ingestion and resistance training is a potent stimulus to make the brick wall bigger and stronger (i.e., stimulate the protein synthetic process).”
We know that’s a lot to take in but trust us when we say that analogy compared to the way textbooks break it down is a lot more digestible.
Now, let’s look at some of the egg nutrition study limitations:
  Only 10 subjects and all males, it would be interesting to see a larger sampling size and with women as well
The study claims it was resistance-trained subjects, but we never really know how experienced these subjects are with weightlifting, so it’s great to see this study replicated in true resistance trained subjects
This study investigated whole eggs vs egg whites in isolation. Very few if any people we know just eat in this fashion
This study looked at acute MPS (meal by meal). The effects of MPS for muscle growth need to be considered over time and long-term (days, weeks, months) and that includes consumption of other foods throughout the day (3)
The total protein consumption in both conditions was only 18 grams, prior research shows you may need at least 20g of a high-quality protein to sufficiently maximize protein synthesis after resistance training (4) or even up 30-40g to stimulate MPS (5).
So, it’s not clear how results would change with more usual consumption (i.e. double that amount) or if MPS was looked at over a longer term.
Practical Applications
Remember we said not to throw out your egg white cartons just yet?
The reason being this is an interesting study that suggests other nutrients besides protein may enhance anabolism.
That said, it’s important to point out that ultimately the effects of MPS for muscle growth need to be considered over time (days, weeks, months) and that includes consumption of other foods throughout the day (carbohydrates and fats).
Instead of worrying about egg nutrition, specifically whole vs egg whites as a protein source for muscle growth, consider the hierarchy of importance for daily dietary protein…
While it’s possible that there are unique properties to whole eggs that maximize anabolism (i.e. lipids, micronutrients, antioxidant carotenoids, and microRNAs), it alternatively may well be that these properties are sufficiently available in other foods we normally eat (depending on one’s overall diet).
We’d also note, it’s always important to look at the context of a study when drawing evidence-based conclusions.
Instead of fretting over this new egg nutrition study, let’s wait until there’s more data conducted on it, and in the meantime, focus on these suggestions we have for you:
If you don’t have a cholesterol issue, then it’s okay to have whole eggs
If you don’t prefer whole eggs (specifically the yolk), it’s fine to have liquid egg whites as a substitute
If you are a coach, we wouldn’t recommend forcing your clients to eat whole eggs or even egg whites if they don’t have a personal preference for it. This is how our coaches go about it.
If you think whole eggs aren’t nutritious, you are flat out wrong, research shows the yolk is nutrient dense and may contain a variety of bioactive compounds (see above). The removal of the yolk and its associated nutrients from eggs may limit the stimulation of MPS rates as well as well as overall human health (6)
Instead of worrying about egg nutrition, specifically whole vs egg whites as a protein source for muscle growth, consider the hierarchy of importance for daily dietary protein (7):
Total Daily Protein Intake – what matters most is hitting your total protein goal at the end of the day (i.e., if your total target protein goal is 200g, then focus on hitting that number)
Protein Distribution – it’s important to evenly distribute your protein at however many meals you eat per day (i.e., 150g per day and 4 meals per day, should be 50g per meal) this way it keeps MPS elevated and MPB (muscle protein breakdown) lowered (Side Note: a good tool to track your protein goal is IIFYM flexible dieting calculator)
Protein Quality – including high-quality protein sources (animal sources) such as Eggs, chicken, milk, beef, fish, etc. To stimulate MPS due to the high leucine content and strong amino acid profiles
Specific Protein Timing (pre/post workout or before bed)- Having enough protein pre and post workout for recovery is important for muscle growth and remodeling, as well as having high-quality protein before bed to keep your body in an anabolic environment.
Now that you got some great info on egg nutrition, specifically regarding whole eggs vs egg whites, keep in mind the hierarchy of importance for daily dietary protein intake is what matters most.
It’s easy to run away with a study like this and say “see, I told you whole eggs are better than egg whites.”
Which is mostly true, but it should never be looked at as a black and white statement or end all be all situation.
Enough with us blabbing away about egg nutrition…Go and enjoy that beautiful sizzling sound of when you have the frying pan on medium-high and you pour your eggs into the pan and get your muscle gainzzz on 😊
 The post What Stimulates Muscle Growth More…Whole Eggs or Egg Whites? appeared first on IIFYM.
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beromtr · 1 year ago
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