childotkw · 2 years
Hi I've been lowkey stalking your Lucemond Lucerys rides Cannibal AU and I wanted to know if you were going to post it on AO3? I'm gonna follow it anyways but like 👀
Hi! I will be posting it to AO3 once I've finished writing, and will share the link here for everyone 😊
I still have a good portion to go, and I'm debating on the order of some scenes. Flow has always been important to me when it comes to my writing, so I'm trying to get a good, smooth pace going.
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Tagged by @asmuchasidliketo thank you!! 💕💕
1. Are you named after anyone?
My first name no but my middle name I'm named after an aunt.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Hmmm I think a few weeks ago watching a movie maybe
3. Do you have kids?
Nope but I've got a bunch of nieces and nephews I see all the time.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It depends on who I'm with. My family yeah a fair bit, but with most people not so much.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Either hair, eyes, or clothes.
6. What’s your eye color?
Like a light brownish hazelish color
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending (I actually am fine without a happy ending but I don't love scary)
8. Any special talents?
Idk if it's special but I'm a pretty decent cook
9. Where were you born?
Midwest usa
10. What are your hobbies?
Cosplay, traveling, cooking, watching movies/shows, writing, gifting, biking/walking, giffing, photography
11. Do you have any pets?
Four cats 💕
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I've never done anything organized I used to play football and baseball with my sisters and cousins and I took krav maga for a little while (idk if that counts?)
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Maybe English
15. Dream job?
Anything where I could get paid and travel the world
Tagging under the cut
Tagging @jar3  @sidebyside-withafriend @spookyvoidangelskeleton  @amillionwips    @vampswillhurtyou @the-fit-law-student @king-author @kinda1938 @eylittlered    @usbournejez @4-the-chaotic-one @aconfusedwriter @sofiastars04 @energievie @falyakonmp3 @minnie-bby @boudoirwriter @hamster981 @thevashta-narada @fire-in-her-blood @legobrickcow @fuinixe @highvoltagecenataur @flamingbluepanda   @bandthatyoulove @dinlukedyke @fandommaniac123 @readergirl1013 @flyingsnail-art  
@resuscitateme20 @the-constellation-collective @ineedmoresleepahhh  @captain-grammar   @mom-friend-socko @quynndestructable @autumnsoldier13 @imjustapeachpeachingaround @veryoldmuchguard @therenegadesexualmystic @leilimds @megloveslokitoomuch @goldheartedsky @luadehades @strawberriesnscreams  @searchingforserendipity25 @butterflymarvel @drxxmingofblue @winterequinoxx @winterhopeinferorose @littleoddball @lionpower98 @almondkoala @julianababu-blog @hanigramslay @stars-inthe-sky @ongreenergrasses @electricalmayhemical feel free to ignore it's just a suggestion. If you've read this far consider yourself tagged just tag me back so I can see it. If you would like to be added or taken off my tag games list interact with this post 💕💕
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renegadepack · 5 years
What do you think the Packs tumblr urls would be? (Please don't ask why this was the first ask that popped in my head)
leah: betterthantheboys
seth: newestbrightestslowest
jacob: sunshinemechanic
sam: tiredpackdad
jared: doesntrunwithvamps
paul: hotheadedsoftie
quil: happytobehere
embry: notasoapopera
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blodreina-noumou · 5 years
Me again. Was there ever a moment where you thought "y'know maybe Octavia isn't that good of a character?" I've had plenty of people ask me especially after she burned the greenery down so I'm curious what you think.
Hmmm...I guess it depends on which definition of “good” we’re going with. Are we talking about her being a good person, or a compelling character? Because I do think there’s a difference, and I think that difference is part of what allowed me to ride out the low points of Octavia’s story arc - the burning of the hydrofarm being, perhaps, the lowest.
Octavia has definitely struggled with being a good person, but I think all of the other characters have, too. What separates Octavia from a characters like Bellamy or Clarke is her willingness and insistence in being a weapon, in directly getting her hands dirty. Because of that, I think the blood on her hands is a bit brighter, even though she has a pretty similar body count to her brother and to Clarke. Her “crimes” are harder to ignore.
But at the same time, Octavia has never killed for pleasure or purely for personal gain. She’s killed out of self-defense, as a soldier in war, as an assassin, and as a tyrant forcing survival cannibalism - all definitely fucked-up reasons to kill, but very similar to the reasons everyone else has killed, too. She’s certainly not bad in the way McCreary was, despite the way some in fandom like to view her.
So do I think Octavia is a good person? Yes, and no, much in the way I view pretty much every other character on this show. We’re talking about mass murderers and colonizers and warlords, after all. “Good” is very relative.
But I find her struggle very compelling to watch. If she was always making the right decisions, if she was perfect and never made any mistakes, she wouldn’t be nearly as interesting. Watching her fall and then rise again is part of what makes her one of the better characters on this show, imo.
I feel sad for her when she makes mistakes, when she loses herself. I don’t think the worst things she’s done - mercilessly beating up a bound Bellamy, burning down the hydrofarm, and shooting the non-compliant people in the bunker - are good choices, and it hurts to see her do those things. But even as it hurts, I can’t look away.
Ultimately, this is a show full of gray characters. What draws us to one or the other is really hard to say, and I think it’s totally different for everyone. I can’t really explain, for example, why I love Octavia but find myself frustrated by Clarke. So I do understand why some people just can’t get behind Octavia, and don’t like her.
But I don’t think that makes her a bad person, or any worse than the other mains. They’ve all got a metric ton of blood on their hands, and some of them haven’t even had to do the work to earn redemption the way she has. 
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That alone makes her a good character to me, even if her moral compass has been wonky at times.
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ghostshaarkmoved · 4 years
For the Vampireapologist MFK ask meme: * Fred Flinstone *Johnny Bravo * Scrappy Doo I picked the first 3 people that came to mind and apparently Cartoon Network took over.
get randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester: johnny bravo, none of them seem like theyd actually help me pass the class but idk, itd be funny
get trapped with on a broken elevator for ten hours: fred flinstone, itd also be funny as shit
get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds: scrappy doo. process of elemination
send me 3 characters and ill do a fun version of fmk
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noxblod · 5 years
Yooooo your mobile theme is so good I'm jealous.
tysm i made it 🥺💚
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Idk why I feel the need to ask at 1:30 am my time but, what's your favorite scene from the 1st movie/book? ~twilight-mademegay
in the book, absolutely the meadow. that chapter still shocks me to this day it’s so beautiful
in the movie, the baseball scene!!!
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delusion1ncarnate · 5 years
Congratulations on the 300!!!! Here's 300 more! 💚💚💚 🍋 Niytavia w/ vampire and werewolves au? You decide who is what. -Blodkru
thank you so much💚💚💚💚
i've just posted your moodboard and it has promptly been put into tumblr jail😭
i'm hoping the content appeal works, otherwise i'll delete it and try it again.
sorry about this🙄😫
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lovedaymorbid · 5 years
Current mood: Listening to "Rasputin" by Boney M and trying not to sob on the bus bc depression.
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the-restisconfetti · 4 years
tagged by @friendly-jester thank youuu, i love these!!!<3
rules: put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping
Feel Something Different - Bea Miller & Aminé
Dead Subscribers -  △Sco△
Golden - Harry Styles
Slowdown - Kyson
Breeze - Jermango Dreaming
Domestic Bliss - Glass Animals
CHINA DOLL - Havelock
Spausdintuvas - HoneyCoasta
Caroline - Great Mountain Fire
motive - Ariana Grande & Doja Cat
i’ll tag @clarkgriffon; @nvermindiseeyou; @softmaevewiley; @talistheintrovert; @martinskiseyes; @chocolatekhaleesi; @heyassbvtt; @butterflymarvel; @visenyatargaryen; @slick-as-hell 
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gold-from-straw · 5 years
Divergence - ch9
Read from the beginning on Ao3 if you like!
Erik poured Charles and himself a glass of scotch, added some ice cubes, and brought them back over to the fireplace. Charles barely reacted when Erik placed the glass down in front of him, beyond the flicker of a distracted smile.
“Do you think you’ll be able to keep hold of the teleporter with practice?” Erik asked after a moment of silence.
Charles took a mouthful of whiskey and swallowed. “I’m not sure. Connecting with him was like trying to grip mercury, and I don’t know if that’s just a property of his mental structure, or if I’ll be able to improve.” He frowned into the fire. “I don’t know how I’d practice, though.”
Silence fell again. “What about the other man?” Erik asked. “Janos Quested.”
“I don’t know,” said Charles slowly. “I was able to connect with his mind, but…” He sat up properly and leaned his elbows on his knees, looking at Erik for the first time. “The thing is that Cerebro was always different to the way I usually use my telepathy. And this version of Cerebro is still a work in progress.”
“You got his location, though,” Erik frowned. “That’s what we wanted, after all.”
Charles grimaced. “For all the good that does us when he works with a teleporter. And what I saw of his thoughts was…” He shook his head. “I can’t really sort out anything clear, just… there’s loyalty there. But also a deep rage, and fear.”
Erik shrugged. “None of that contradicts what we already know about the Hellfire Club. They hate humans.”
Charles studied Erik for a moment. “I’m not sure… we know that Emma Frost believes in Shaw’s vision of the future, and that’s why she’s with him. But… I can’t imagine Shaw’s changed so much over the past decade that he’s recruiting by words alone.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m saying that Janos’ rage felt… personal. It didn’t feel like that of a man who wants to destroy half of the world. It felt…”
Erik narrowed his eyes at him. Charles squirmed under his gaze. “It felt like yours, my friend. Janos Quested has been through something like you, and his fear and fury feels like yours.”
Erik’s fingers tightened around his glass. “So what?” he asked roughly, drinking the rest of the whiskey and standing sharply, busying his hands with the decanter. “What does it matter if we can empathise with the enemy? This changes nothing.”
“I only mean that we might not be facing a united front. Quested may not be our enemy.”
“He was never my enemy,” scoffed Erik. “I never cared a damn about him or any of the others, you know this, Charles! My target is Shaw, and I will kill him.”
He braced himself, spine tight for the gentle, patronising remonstrations. How killing Shaw could never bring him peace, how they must rise above, be better. All those things his father said about the sneering boys who spat on him in the street, and where had that got him?
But Charles was silent. Erik turned with a frown. “What? No moral imprecations today?”
Charles bit his lip, and to Erik’s horror he saw tears glistening in his eyes. “Charles… I’m sorry, I didn’t…” Shit, he’d been teasing, nothing more! He’d never thought it would hurt Charles, he’d never meant to hurt him!
“You were younger than Francis,” Charles whispered, and he looked up to meet Erik’s eyes as the tears fell. “How could he… how could anyone?”
Erik knelt in front of Charles, hands hovering above an arm, a knee, so un-used to giving comfort. “It was a long time ago,” he said. “I’ve grown- I’m strong enough now. It’ll never happen again.”
“It should never have happened in the first place,” Charles said, clasping Erik’s hands between both of his own. “All he’s taken from you, when you were so young. And he’s going to take this from you too, your mercy--”
“I’ve killed before, Charles, many times. My soul is already broken.” He gave a crooked smile, trying to joke it away.
“And now you feel like you have to kill him, but you don’t. He’s already taken so many choices from you, don’t let him take one more.”
“I can’t let him live. I won’t.”
“Then let me help,” said Charles, so soft it was almost a whisper. “Let me… if I can get to his mind, I believe I can shut him away from his power. Let him live in the depths of a CIA prison, knowing what he used to be, what he can never be again. Let him see you turn your back on him and his murderous life, and let him know he failed.”
Erik stared at Charles. The room crackled with the force of Charles’ ferocity, the viciousness on his face. “You realise that’s not mercy,” Erik said slowly, his heart racing. He had never thought to be afraid of Charles before.
Charles nodded. “I know,” he whispered. “I thought… you were right. I’ve been so afraid, I’ve been running for so long I thought it was the same as standing up for myself, but… I see Francis and Arthur and I’m angry. I’m so angry that anyone dared lay a hand on them! And then I remember that was me. And it was you, and oh, God, Erik, you must have been so small, so afraid, and I am angry.”
Erik leaned up, straightening his body so he could reach Charles’ lips and kiss him, his free hand sinking into Charles’ soft hair so he could worship him. Charles froze for a moment, and then he was kissing him back, sliding forward on the chair to press their bodies together, tangling his fingers in Erik’s turtleneck and moaning into the kiss.
Like a sucker punch, Erik was swamped by a wave of emotions and thoughts, a storm of wanted him so long, so perfect, so beautiful, so powerful, of every touch Charles had ever stolen, every late night, every debate, every chess game. Every sensation right now, razor sharp, the wool under his skin, the taste of his lips, and just as Erik thought he’d faint from it, it receded.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Erik, please, please say something, oh God, what have I--”
“Charles,” Erik croaked, wrapping his hands around Charles’ wrists where they clung to his jumper. “It’s fine, I’m fine, just--”
“I’m so sorry,” Charles said. “I didn’t mean… I just…”
Erik smiled and stroked Charles’ cheek with his thumb. “I mean it - it was overwhelming but… is that how you feel? All of that?”
Charles bit his lip and looked up at him in a way that must surely be designed to melt Erik to the core. “Always, when I’m with you, my friend,” he said, and Erik kissed him once again.
Tagging everyone who interacted with the last chapter! (also the permanent tag list <3) Thank you!! @kungpao-giffy, (Done! Thank you ^_^) @insertmeaningfulusername, @mathmusicreading, @bugy-boo, (awwww I know!! Erik is such a dad!! Thank you!) @butterflymarvel, @writing-with-melon, @melonreblogsstories, @tteabea, @these-maginot-lines, @lyricfulloflight, @fullmetalcarer, @deathzpells, @ketchavies-thoorrrr666, @alchemagickal, @iamacommanderpotato, @thepaintingsafake, @gerec, @ikeracity, @triffidsandcuckoos, @thechaoticwave, @kaeden4, @iwillshipyouman, @kernezelda, @azulso, @akasanata, @rainbow-door, @vivavelle, @xcziel, @fxngsfogxarty, @marveltrashblog, @pumpkinspicedshane
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Tagged by @energievie thank you!! 💕💕
I used this picrew
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Tagging @jar3  @sidebyside-withafriend @spookyvoidangelskeleton  @amillionwips    @vampswillhurtyou @the-fit-law-student @king-author @kinda1938 @eylittlered    @usbournejez @4-the-chaotic-one @aconfusedwriter @sofiastars04 @pierremichelofavignon @minnie-bby @boudoirwriter @hamster981 @thevashta-narada @fire-in-her-blood @legobrickcow @fuinixe @highvoltagecenataur @flamingbluepanda   @bandthatyoulove @dinlukedyke @fandommaniac123 @readergirl1013 @asmuchasidliketo @flyingsnail-art   @resuscitateme20 @the-constellation-collective @ineedmoresleepahhh  @captain-grammar   @mom-friend-socko @quynndestructable
@autumnsoldier13 @imjustapeachpeachingaround @veryoldmuchguard @therenegadesexualmystic @leilimds @megloveslokitoomuch @goldheartedsky @luadehades @strawberriesnscreams  @searchingforserendipity25 @butterflymarvel @drxxmingofblue @winterequinoxx @winterhopeinferorose @littleoddballsthings @lionpower98 @almondkoala @julianababu-blog @hanigramslay free to ignore it's just a suggestion. If you've read this far consider yourself tagged just tag me back so I can see it. If you would like to be added or taken off my tag games list interact with this post 💕💕
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renegadepack · 5 years
I got more media asks for the Pack. If they were all youtubers, what would each of their channels be about?
leah: she just shows off her woodworking. answers questions about it, shows off her pieces, does progress videos and speed working. 
seth: just pure happy stories about his life
jacob: car how-to videos about maintenance and repairs. sometimes talks about favorite cars.
sam: stories about the stupid chaotic children he is in charge of. how are they so foolish. he’s so tired. 
paul: just rants about anything and everything that pisses him off. they are hilarious.
jared: the exact opposite where he just gushes about everything he loves.
embry: has a joint channel with quil where they pull pranks on each other and everyone else in the pack 
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blodreina-noumou · 5 years
Blodkru here! My favorite crackship would have to be Monty and Murphy. I don't know how I stumbled upon it but the snark and sass is just *chefs kiss*
Aww, I love it! I can definitely see them being really fun together. So much sass, lmao. But at the same time, I do think they really respect each other, when they remember to stop squabbling.
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lovedaymorbid · 4 years
I think every time someone tells me "the rest of the world is jealous/envies/wants to be the US" a piece of my soul loses faith.
Because I just can't imagine being so warped and brainwashed into thinking a country founded on war and racism and has done nothing but threaten it's own people during a pandemic is something to be envious about.
To think that there are people who died to fight Nazis and fascism who are still alive today and have to see some dumbass waving a Nazi flag or seeing "patriots" harming people who are anti-fascism as if they did not put everything on the line when they're country needed them.
Just the privilege of being that ignorant is something I could not even fathom.
And knowing that the man you all love to use for your own hate would never be on your side. Jesus would never be a fascists supporting white man wearing a red cap. He'd be on the side of the oppressed, the hungry, the sick and forgotten. He'd be disgusted with what the US has come to in his and his father's names. If you disagree, you clearly didn't read the bible or cherry pick it.
And before someone says "thEn lEaVe iF YoU donT LiKe it", I would love to leave. But sadly, most countries have closed their borders to US citizens because some of y'all don't know how to stay home and wear a fucking mask.
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the-restisconfetti · 3 years
open your spotify "on repeat" and the first five songs are the soundtrack to your personal rom-com
I was tagged by @ronandreams thanks!!💛🤍
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honestly? looks like a tragic romcom to me. also probably set it italy lololol. would love to see it. especially to see how ukrainian edm fits there.
I'm tagging @thesedarkcafedays @loveroniii @alix7m @friendly-jester @butterflymarvel 🌼
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