#but...i probably COULD have finished it by tomorrow ahaha
coffeebanana · 7 months
sorry not sorry my next fic update will be delayed because i have to knit a cute bag
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arisewanekosuki · 2 months
New friend or maybe something more? (Gaming x Fem!Reader)
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While following the path that will lead you to Qiaoying Village, you were looking around, enjoying the scenery of Chenyu Vale. This is your first time in this part of Liyue. Your aunt broke her arm and your family sent you to live and help her till she recovered. You didn’t mind it, you think this is a good chance to see a bit more of the world. The only problem is that the person who was supposed to escort you didn’t come, you thought that maybe something came up for them so you went on your own with a thought "what can happen to me on the popular road?”. And of course Treasure Hoarders happened.
At some point they came from the bushes, surrounding you and demanding to give them all things you are carrying and if not there will be consequences. You were terrified, you were wondering whether you should scream for help or try to come to an agreement with them. One of them was impatient, he started to approach you with a knife, you couldn’t move, you closed your eyes afraid. But then he came. The boy with a claymore in hands and Wushou mask. While he was fighting, you couldn’t help but be amazed by his moves. He was a human but he moved like a beast, beating the Treasure Hoarders. After they ran away, he shouted -“And I hope to not see you all again!” he then ran towards you, crouching down, you didn’t even realize when your legs gave up and were sitting on the ground.  -“Are you okay?” he asked, with a look of concern on his face. But you didn’t respond, too immersed in his beautiful eyes. -“Um.. hello?” and then you realized, you have been appreciating his eyes for too long. -“aH, y-yes! I’m f-fine!” you coughed and then got up, shaking any dirt from your clothes “Thank you very much!” The boy smiled.  -“I’m Gaming! Sorry for being late! I got informed about the change today and I tried to come as fast as I could!” -“I’m (Y/n) and it’s alright! Did something happen to the person who was supposed to escort me?” You asked. -”Ah yes, there was some family emergency, this is why I’m here!”  He looked at your big bag. “It must be heavy, let me help!” and with that he started to take the bag from you. -”Oh no! You don’t have to-!” -”I insist!” he smiled again and you couldn’t say ‘no’ to his cute face.
And this is how you two become friends. Gaming was talking all the way to Qiaoying Village but you didn’t mind. His stories were interesting and he didn’t talk only about himself, he showed interest to learn more about you too. When you reached the village you were feeling a bit disappointed. You wanted to spend more time with your new friend but your aunt was already waiting for you. Gaming seems to notice that. -”Would you like to meet up tomorrow? I can show you some nice places in Chenyu Vale!” -”I don't want to take your time from practicing! And you know my aunt may need me for whole day-” -”Oh that’s not a problem! I can help too with anything!” You didn’t have any more excuses. You felt bad for taking his time but knowing that he wants to spend more time with you makes your heart skip a beat. -”Alright… then I’ll wait for you.” You said shyly and bid goodbyes to him. When you enter your aunt's house you notice her standing by the window, smirking at you. -”You just came and you already got yourself a boyfriend?” -”Aunty!! That’s not it!!” and she started to laugh. 
The very next day you were helping to clean the house. When you finished and you were eating lunch with your aunt you heard knocking on the door. -”Ah it’s probably your boyfriend~” You pouted. -”He is just a friend!” and with that you went to open the door. Gaming was standing already brightly smiling at you. -”Hey! So what can I help you and your aunt with?” -”I gave (Y/n) a list of what to buy and from you…hmm.. how about taking my cute niece on a date?~” -”Aunty!!!” you screamed and then laughed “Ahaha don’t listen to her! Let’s go Gaming!” and you quickly left while taking the boy’s hand. After walking for a while you finally sighed “Sorry for my aunt…she likes to joke like that…” you scratched your cheek, embarrassed by your aunt's behavior. -”I don’t mind at all! I think she is very nice!” after he said that you looked at him and then realized that you didn’t let go of his hand. -”Oh I’m sorry!” you took your hand so quickly as if you had been burned. The boy didn’t react to that. -”So what do we have to buy?” -”Let me see” you took the list from your pocket and after that Gaming took you to stalls where you could buy all the things.  While you two were shopping you noticed how Gaming is getting along with everyone. You hoped that he may be interested in you like you’re in him but after that you started to wonder. Is he only nice to you like he is to everyone else? After shopping he walked you back to your aunt’s home and before saying goodbyes he promised to meet with you again after some days. 
After that you have been meeting with Gaming from time to time. Sometimes he would come visit you and your aunt, other times you would find him performing or practicing. You loved to see him perform. If you could, you wouldn’t mind seeing him dance everyday. And Gaming loves when you are watching him too. The first time he met you he never thought he would start to develop stronger feelings than friendship towards you. At first he felt embarrassed when your aunt made those jokes, but after some time he wished he could be more than a friend to you. But he wasn’t sure what you felt. He didn’t want to ruin the friendship between you two. And then Man Chai came to help. You were surprised when you met the little Suanni for the first time but you quickly came to love him. And Man Chai loves you too! And because of that little Suanni wanted to help Gaming. Whenever you two go for a walk, there were many moments when Man Chai would slightly push you so you would end up in Gaming's arms. Other times he would eat Gaming’s portion of food, hoping you’ll share yours with a brown haired boy. After so many incidents like this Gaming became more careful with Man Chai around to little Suanni dismay.
After some weeks your aunt recovered and it was time for you to come back home. Gaming wanted to escort you of course but while walking towards Liyue harbor you two didn’t talk too much like always. When you were close to your home you smiled and thanked him. -”Thank you for everything Gaming! I’m glad I could meet you!” -”Aw don’t say that like we will never see each other again!” You laughed at that and then there was silence. It’s not like you live in another nation but now you two won’t be able to visit each other that often like for past weeks and this makes you both sad. -”Well… I don’t want to hold you longer, you have to come back before night falls so bye, take care.” You smiled towards him and he smiled back. -”Yeah… bye.” and with that you started to go towards your home. Gaming was watching you leave, but then he shouted. -”Don’t forget to come and see my Wushou dance from time to time!” You turned around to look at him surprised but then smiled.| -”Of course! If you come to Liyue Harbor don’t be shy to come see me too!” -”Prepare! Whenever I’ll be here I’ll take you for some stroll or to a restaurant!”  Gaming waved and went on his way back home. Now you two are a bit further away from each other but this is not a problem. You both want to continue to spend time together. And who knows, maybe at some point one of you will be brave enough to finally confess your real feelings.    
---- Managed to finish it and yeah… that was something I started to write when Gaming came out TwT Tbh idk when I wanted to go while writing it so sorry if it's not good ;v; But thank you if you still decided to read it till the end!!
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psink · 5 days
Translation of the interview with Kamiya Hiroshi (Kusuo's VA) and Nojima Kenji (Kuusuke's VA)
The TV anime "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: The Final Chapter" will air as a year-end special program on the TV Tokyo network on (friday) December 28th from 7:35 to 8:30.
The January issue of PASH!, which is now on sale, features an interview with Kamiya Hiroshi-san, the voice actor of Saiki Kusuo, and Nojima Kenji-san, the voice actor of Kuusuke Saiki. We’re releasing a preview ahead of tomorrow’s broadcast. 
Amidst the busy end-of-year, good grief, a world-involving sibling fight…? We spoke to Nojima Kenji-san, who plays the older brother Kuusuke, and Kamiya Hiroshi-san, who plays the younger brother Kusuo, after they had just finished recording about the truth of the matter!
―― Please tell us how you felt when the decision to make the Final Chapter was made. Kamiya: I was very happy. Even if you want to adapt every episode from the original work, it’s not always possible to do so. But with this series, everything fell into place. I think the biggest reason we were able to adapt it all the way to the Final Chapter was because of the fans’ wishes, and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.
Nojima: I had heard that the Final Chapter would be made, but I was wondering about what form it would take, and it turned out to be a two-part year-end special. Could people really sit through an hour of this work?! What kind of focus would they need to watch it? I was a bit worried about that (laughs). But I’m sure that “The Disastrous Life of Saiki K” will deliver dense content that makes you lose track of time again, in the way only it can. 
―― Compared to other anime series, “Saiki” has about 2 or 3 times more dialogue per episode, right?
Kamiya: I had vaguely noticed that, but… Nojima: You didn’t want to know, did you? (laughs)
Kamiya: Certainly, for a 30-minute anime, it takes a lot of time to go over the script. Even when watching the DVD to check it, I thought “Hm? Is something wrong with the machine?”, because it felt like it was playing fast-forward (laughs).
Nojima:  I’ll be honest now, but on the day I first participated in the recording, I actually went into the recording without finishing all the checks.I checked the script at home and then immediately went to the studio. I was calculating in my mind the timing to start reading the script to record whilst still keeping my role preparation fresh. 
But, the amount of lines was beyond my imagination, so I couldn't finish the preparation… This was something that shouldn’t have happened, but honestly, I got through the latter half [of the recording] just with concentration (laughs). But, since I was able to maintain the momentum from the first half, I’m glad I was able to bring out a good sense of raw feelings. Kamiya-san, how was your first recording?
Kamiya: I already can’t remember, but when I re-watch Episode 1 now, I think the pace is still slow. It’s gotten gradually faster since entering season 2. In season 2, Director Sakurai was probably broken as the pacemaker (laughs). Nojima: Ahaha, I see. It's like a live band where the rhythm gradually speeds up, and you keep going without knowing the original pace.
Kamiya: Exactly. 
Nojima: Since you can’t keep up by just listening to the lines as words, you have to listen to the partner’s tone and match it. It might be similar to a music session.
―― In the Final Chapter, the relationship between Kusuo and Kuusuke seems to be a highlight. What do you both think about these brothers?
Nojima: The reason they can fight so much, do terrible things, and act recklessly is probably because, ultimately, they’re brothers. In a different case, it would have ended in a complete fallout, wouldn’t it?
Kamiya: That’s true. After all, what Kuusuke is doing is almost criminal. Nojima: Ahahahaha.
Kamiya: What I found especially dangerous about what Kuusuke did was the story of making the elderly villagers wear powered suits. The way he disguised it as caregiving while completely using them as his own puppets was seriously dangerous. Nojima: It’s surely his own sense of justice. I wonder if it’s an antithesis to how we should handle the aging society going forward (laughs).
―― Kuusuke’s obsession with Kusuo is also quite dangerous, isn’t it?
Nojima: Kuusuke has a very strong desire for approval, wanting to be recognized by Kusuo above all else. Challenging him to fights is, I think, a distorted expression of that. But I believe it is also an expression of his love and his desire to be loved back.
Kamiya: Kusuo probably thinks Kuusuke is a troublesome person, but Kusuo is also at fault. Although Kuusuke is a genius, he worked hard to create the control device for Kusuo to help him control his superpowers, didn’t he? Kusuo should be grateful, but he doesn’t express it. “Thanks, big brother. I can’t live without this” - it would’ve been nice if he could’ve said that, but Kusuo doesn’t understand the feelings of those without [superpowers], so that didn’t happen. There was also the sense of taking it for granted because they're family, but thinking how this resulted in that difficult brotherly relationship is quite sad.
―― That’s deep.
Kamiya: Although Kusuke knows he’ll lose, he keeps challenging Kusuo to fights and enjoys the process, which shows his malicious side. He’s also quite twisted. So they’re both equally to blame. From an outsider’s perspective, their relationship can be summed up with one phrase "they’re just just not honest with each other”.
Nojima: Despite that, there are also times when they rely on each other.
Kamiya: It’s complicated. That’s why even in the Final Chapter their relationship will likely be depicted. 
―― Finally, could you give a message to the readers who are waiting for the broadcast? Nojima: I was worried about how much Kuusuke would appear, but he ended up having a lot more screentime than I had expected, so I was satisfied. I have no doubts that the viewers will enjoy it as well!  Since the story’s pace is fast, please acquire the ability to not blink while watching (laughs), and surely, you will be moved to tears in the end. There are emotional parts, but more than anything, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for cherishing and enjoying this series for so long!
Kamiya: The TV anime is finally reaching its conclusion. For those who are watching for the first time, it might be difficult, as the story keeps quickly progressing whilst you’re wondering “what is this?”. But there is a scene at the beginning that reviews past episodes and introduces the characters, so I think you’ll understand what this series is about. That said, since it’s a gag anime, I hope you can enjoy it without thinking too much.
As for the highlights for the Final Chapter, Kusuo finally moves [his mouth] and speaks for the first time. You might be wondering “What is this person saying?”, but it’s exactly as it sounds (laughs). Please watch the main story to uncover the truth behind it. I’m sure you’ll be surprised.
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Ikemen Villains - Ellis Twilight
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
Blank, ageless, and suspicious blogs will be blocked.
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On the eve of Halloween, the aroma of sweet pastries filled the kitchen of the castle.
Victor: "It's almost time for them to finish baking. Come on, let's take the scones out."
Ellis: "Kate, let me do it. I don't want you to burn yourself."
Kate: "Thanks. Please be careful, Ellis."
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Ellis: "Hm. They're nicely baked."
Victor: "Ahaha! Victor's original buttery scones are now ready!"
We gazed and smiled at the beautifully baked scones.
Tomorrow, October 31st, Halloween will come to this country, and the town will be bustling with excitement.
After talking with Ellis, we decided to do something for the townspeople, so Victor taught us how to make scones to distribute.
Even though we didn't live in a sunny place, doing this once in a while shouldn't have posed a problem.
(It's so typical of Ellis to be so friendly and kind to the townspeople that he wants to hand out candies.)
Victor: "Are you planning to distribute this tomorrow?"
Kate: "Yup, that's the plan."
Victor: "That's wonderful. You guys are truly kind-hearted!"
Ellis: "Victor, your hug is a bit too strong."
Victor: "Oops, my apologies! Love overflowed for a moment there."
Victor: "But do be careful about one thing. Tomorrow is the night of beauty under the moon." **
Kate: "Night of beauty under the moon?" **
Victor: "Ah, right. I haven't told you about this yet."
Victor proceeded to explain it to me.
He said that every few years, there was an occurrence where Halloween coincided with a full moon or a new moon, intensifying the cursed sins.
It was also called "beauty under the moon" because it blooms at the same time as the beauty under the moon flowers.
(So weird things like that happen. Is it because of the phases of the moon?)
Kate: "Thank you for the explanation. So, what exactly happens when the curse intensifies?"
Victor: "I wish I could tell you, but I don't really know all the details!"
Kate: "Huh?"
Victor: "The last phenomenon happened about 20 years ago."
Victor: "If it were 20 years ago, most of the crown members probably weren't even aware of their curse themselves."
Kate: "Right, that's true. Um, if it were 20 years ago, Ellis..."
Ellis: "I think it was around the time I finally started talking."
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Victor & Kate: "Cute."
Ellis: "Fufu, both of you are thinking out loud."
Kate: "Sorry. It just slipped out."
Victor: "Ahem. So, to summarize, tomorrow is going to be a dangerous night for you two, considering it's been 20 years since it last happened."
Victor: "We don't know what will happen, so make sure to return before the moon rises."
I carried the scones with Ellis and started wrapping them one by one.
Kate: "By the way, the decorations in this dining hall are amazing."
Ellis: "It's a tradition. I've been helping Victor with it every year."
Somewhere in the middle of our chat, he suddenly muttered something.
Ellis: "Can I really spend tomorrow with you?"
Kate: "What?"
Ellis: "Aren't you afraid to be with me?"
Ellis: "If you're even a little scared, I'd rather stay away."
Ellis: "I want to make you happy, not scare you."
(Is it because we don't know what might happen tomorrow?)
I realized that neither of us really knew what to expect tomorrow.
(But I know for sure that he would never do anything to scare me.)
(And I don't want to be afraid of him.)
Kate: "I want to be with you. It's our first Halloween together, after all."
Ellis: "Thank you, Kate. Actually, I wanted to be with you too."
His sweet smile made me smile in return.
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Kate: "Then we're in this together."
Ellis: "Yeah, together."
Ellis: "But I can't even begin to imagine what might happen if my curse intensifies."
(Right. Speaking of which...)
Kate: "You know, I might not even know what your curse is."
Ellis: "Oh, you don't? In that case, why don't you guess?"
William was cursed with the king's self-righteousness, so I think his sins would be self-righteousness and condemnation.
(Ellis is cursed with Thorns, so thinking along those lines...)
Kate: "Stabbing someone?"
Ellis: "Fufu, that's cute but slightly incorrect."
Kate: "Um, then..."
I pondered, and Ellis looked at me, smiling.
Ellis: "You look so cute as you search for answers. I think I'll keep it a secret for a little longer."
Ellis: "I'd prefer if you never found out, but if you figure it out, please tell me."
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The next day, we headed out to town with the scones.
While Halloween in England might be considered less vibrant than in some other places, the town was livelier than usual, and you could sense the excitement in the air.
Fruit Vendor Granny: "Oh, Ellis, Miss. Happy Halloween!"
Ellis: "Hello, Anna."
Ellis: "Trick or treat."
Fruit Vendor Granny: "Trick or treat?"
Ellis: "Yes, treat. Here you go."
Fruit Vendor Granny: "Oh my, are these homemade? I'm so happy, thank you both."
Bookstore Owner: "Hey there, Ellis! Miss Kate! Oh, that's candy, isn't it?"
Bookstore Owner: "Then, if you don't mind. Trick or treat!"
Ellis: "Here you go, enjoy. It's loaded with butter, so it's sure to be delicious."
Child in a ghost costume: "Big brother, big sister! Trick-or-treat!"
Ellis: "Be careful not to trip. Here you go."
(Hehe, Ellis is really popular! And everyone seems to be having fun.)
As the sun began to set, the scones gradually began to decrease.
Kate: "Wow, they're all gone. That was quick."
Ellis: "Yeah. Oh, by the way..."
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Ellis: "Want to do some trick-or-treating with me, too?"
(With me?)
Kate: "Trick-or-treat?"
Ellis: "Here. I saved the last one just for you."
Kate: "But if I take it, then you won't have any."
Ellis: "I'm fine. If you're happy, that's enough for me."
Ellis: "Or did you want to play a trick on me?"
Kate: "This one is fine. Thank you."
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Ellis: "Fufu, you're welcome."
(He really always thinks about others' happiness.)
He gave me the last piece of candy without hesitation, prioritizing other people's feelings over his own.
Every time I saw him like that, I found his kindness endearing and, yet, a bit lonely.
(I want to make him happy, not just receive from him.)
Bar Owner: "Ellis, Missy! As a thank you for the scones, come by the tavern sometime. I'll treat you to a drink."
Ellis and I both look up at the sky simultaneously.
The sun had just started to set, and it seemed like there was still some time before the moon would appear.
Ellis: "Kate, are you ready to head back, or would you like to stay with me a bit longer?"
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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lillxart · 2 months
"Alright." Taliesin placed his hands on his hips. "Out with it."
"Out with what? ^^;" Snow White stepped off of the boat and onto the shore.
"Out with...whatever you've been keeping from me all evening. I know you're hiding something."
"Whaaaaaat? ^^; OVO;; H-Hiding? Nooooo I'm not hiding anything!"
Taliesin crossed his arms and gave the hagraven dragonborn a skeptical look. He stepped forward. "Really? You take me out to a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant, shopping at one of my favorite stores in Alinor, and then find the perfect spot in a grotto to go out on a boat stargazing for no reason at all? Please, I know you're more mischievous than that." He laughed. "So? What's the joke? What's the punchline? Don't tell me we're going on some world-ending quest tomorrow morning and you're buttering me up to bring me along?"
"Ahaha...! ^^;" Snow White had no response. She can see why he'd think she'd be planning something. After all she's never showed him this kind of attention before. Well, she has, but not all at once on the same day...
Taliesin playfully rolled his eyes and poked her nose. "You know, you don't have to bribe me to go along with you. I've spent nearly a year dealing with your insanity. I don't see a reason why I'd flee now~ I believe I said I'd follow you to Sovangarde and back, if you'd have me. I'm not a Mer to go back on my word~"
"Taliesin..." She melted at his words. Her heart beating a mile a minute, a blush rising to her cheeks. Snow White tried, she desperately tried to keep her feelings in, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t fair, it just wasn’t fair. Why did she have to be a dragon? Why did she attain divinity through the kind of creature that, by nature, suppression of any desire was akin to madness? Dragons are meant to be primordial beings with an insatiable urge to conquer and dominate. To ignore that divine right would be…well…nearly impossible. Unfortunately, that rule also applies to strong feelings like love. Suppressing how much she loves Taliesin has brought her to a boiling point, and she can’t keep the lid on the pot anymore. “I–I love you!”
She said it. 
Oh gods…she actually; she actually said it…! 
Taliesin was stunned, or at least, Snow White thought he was. Taliesin wasn’t saying anything, his eyes still fixed on her face. “I don’t know for how long, or even when it started. I–It just…it just happened. I love you so much I don’t know what to do with myself! And it’s not just ‘oh I love this about you or, I love that about you’. It’s…It’s…everything. I love everything about you!” The witch detailed everything she loved about Taliesin. How snarky he was, how confident he was, his ironic humor, bad dancing, and love of dad jokes. His tenderness towards animals, how serious he gets about food presentation, how his eyes trail off to dessert before he’s finished dinner and how articulate and critical he is when it comes to flower arrangements that little laugh he does after he finishes off an enemy…
But it wasn’t just his good points, she loved his bad points too. She loved how he had to gain that confidence over time because of the rough childhood he had, she loved how that very snarkiness he developed was meant to be a shield against the cruelty that he faced in his life. She loved how his love of dad jokes was probably born from the period in time where he had few friends, and probably had bouts of social awkwardness. She didn’t love how he viewed himself, but what set her heart on fire were all the ways she could shower him in love to try and make up for it.
Snow White rambled on, getting more nervous by the second, her eyes became manic and her hands felt clammy. The more she tried to talk about him the more tongue tied she became. It wasn’t just one thing that she liked about him. It wasn’t a quality, a personality trait, it was just him in all of his being. Taliesin down to his very soul, she loved. Good or bad, if it was him then she adored it. Describing that was hard, but she tried her best. “So…um…” Her eyes were wide, winded from her confession. A look of terror was on her face, fully expecting a rejection. “I–I know it’s…a…lot ^^; E–Eheh! I mean, I know you don’t feel the same way about me! Wh–Why would you? I’ll just um…” Snow took a step back, turning her eyes away from him.
(Here it is! :>)
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miltonbarbie · 1 year
South park headcanons with naturally talented Y/n ! (Kyle x F!reader)
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Going going down to south park, was probably the best idea you've ever made, and the most life-changing idea you've ever made.
Your parents were moving to south park so your dad could work for his new job. You just finished unpacking and you knew that you were starting south park elementary by tomorrow. You looked around your room feeling proud of yourself. You decorated it really nicely and had all your video games and instruments laid on the shelves and floors. You were known as the person who's good at everything. You've always gotten good grades, your super athletic, you play more than 5 instruments and your parents are always bragging about you.
But all you wanted was they're approval, that's why you started this whole "good at everything" phase in the first place. You went downstairs and put on your boots.
"Momm! I'm going outside for a few hours so I can see what it's like okay? I'll be back before dinner!!"
After you heard your mom's approval for going outside, you opened the door and felt the cold breeze on your face. This was your new home.
You decided to go see your neighbours house, you wanted to get familiar with the people you would be going to school with to avoid any awkwardness. You knocked on the door, and a boy who was the same age as you opened it. He wore a green babushka(?) hat and it seemed like he had red curly hair underneath, judging by the strands poking out of his hat. You smiled and waved at him, he turned his head sideways and called out to his mom.
“MOMMM! We have a VISITOR!”
You were invited into the house by the boy’s mom, and you two sat down on the couch while Mrs. Broflovski went to get snacks for the two of you. You awkwardly made eye contact with the kid beside you until you decided to speak up.
[ “So uh, it seems like we’ll have to introduce ourselves. I’m Y/n, and I moved in next door. I’m yo ur new neighbour!” ] [ Oh, well. Welcome to South Park Y/n. My name’s Kyle. ]
You two talked to each other for some time while eating the snacks Kyle’s mom got for you two. And he offered to bring you upstairs to play video games together. Of course, you accepted. Why wouldn’t you want to play games with your new friend? Kyle DID have to warn you about South Park elementary though. And him hating Eric’s guts, he sternly told you to stay away from him, because he’s: “A fatass that’s always getting on everyone’s nerves”. You decided to take his advice whether he was being serious or not. He really seemed to hate this guy, a lot.
You two chatted and laughed together while discussing what you've experienced so far at south park. Kyle also offered to help you with assignments for school if you needed any help. You shrugged and said that you didnt need any help with your work ..
But you could help with HIS ?!
Oh no no no!
Kyle laughed a bit and brushed off what you said, he explained that he already got straight A's and asked you for your grades. You pulled up a crumbled up (graded) assignment from your jacket pocket and showed it to him.
"Ahaha! I dont need any help with my grades, but thanks anyway. You must be pretty good at homework if you- WHAT THE FUCK."
Y-you- got- better- grades- than- him-
[ "HOLY SHIT HOW MUCH DO YOU STUDY?!" ] [ "Uhh.. I dont ? ]
Kyle's self esteem was pretty much ruined because of you, and on top of that, you don't even study. How could you y/n?! You could pretty much see some tears forming in his eyes because he cared about his grades so much just to see that his hard work didn't matter as long as he saw how well you did. You quickly took action and uh.
You uh.
You kinda uhm. Hugged him.
WHAT WERE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO?! Poor boy was about to cry, and you didn't want him to feel bad. You reassured him that you just had good memory and that you weren't ever as smart as him. You actually are but just for Kyle's sake just lie about it okay?
All that talk about how smart he was and how well he was doing in school and shii really payed off. Because not only does he really like you as friend, and developed some small mixed feelings 4u: He stayed really cocky and might stay like that for the whole week.
You two stayed up for past your dinnertime, when you checked your phone. Your eyes widened as you frantically got your things and texted your mom. She said she knew where you were already since Kyle's mom already messaged her about it.
You sighed in relief after your mom said you could stay there. And you happily continued talking to Kyle. He pays attention to every little detail you say and he loves looking into your eyes during a conversation because he thinks your just so damn pretty.
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ivory-lamps · 8 days
[SSR] Nagi - The Taste of Happiness (Part 1 / 2)
SSR Card: downpour light Proofreader: Shay
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Momiji / Kaede: (I’m glad the afternoon meeting is at the Flower Laundry that’s nearby. It should be pretty easy to get this little coffee stain removed.)
(I have to help out Yachiyo-kun tomorrow. He lowered his head to the ground and apologised so many times I think he made a hole in it…)
*Momiji / Kaede walk into Flower Laundry*
Momiji / Kaede: Hey, Nagi-ku–
*Nagi is stuck on the ceiling, legs dangling*
Nagi: Welcome.
Momiji / Kaede: What the–!?
Hey, you’re definitely not fine, right!? What happened!?
Nagi: I’m just working.
I was thinking about taking a break since a customer brought some snacks as thanks, but out of nowhere, a hamster… I think it was Machiko from the nearby kindergarten. Probably.
I saw Machiko running towards me so I wanted to avoid her, but then I noticed the trampoline Akuta and the others had left here in the corner of my eye…
So I fell onto it to save myself, but the moment that happened, I ended up flying through the air as if someone had hit a home run.
Momiji / Kaede: O–Okay, I get the picture. I’ll help you out so hold on!
Nagi: …Phew. Thanks. You’re my lifesaver, Manager.
Sonia: You’re also the ceiling’s lifesaver. Thanks for fixing it!
Momiji / Kaede: No worries. Thanks for removing the coffee stain, too.
Nagi: Glad to be of help.
But I don’t think I can continue helping out at the office. Sorry, Manager.
I’m falling behind on deliveries. I need to reschedule right away…
Momiji / Kaede: Do you want some help…? I came in the company car.
My work’s all done for the day, so I’m sure it’ll be fine if I send Kafka a message.
Nagi: Are you sure?
Oh, but there’s a bomb cyclone happening today. There might be some trouble heading my way.
Momiji / Kaede: Ahaha, it’s totally fine! Besides, I could use the experience as troubleshooting practice, so it’ll be perfect.
Nagi: …Thank you. Then I’ll take you up on that offer.
I guess I’ll get you to help me with the deliveries first…
A scary-looking person: Hey, you! You better hurry up and pay me that debt you owe!
Nagi: My apologies. I’ll pay back the interest first. How much do I owe?
Momiji / Kaede: Wait, wait! Put your wallet away!
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*Some time passes*
Momiji / Kaede: (...We finished the deliveries, but it’s amazing how much of a trouble magnet Nagi is.)
(I can’t believe a loan shark got the wrong address and started storming in…)
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Momiji / Kaede: I’m done loading it up. Where should I deliver them to?
Nagi: First, the shopping mall.
There are a few new stores opening, so they’re deliveries for those places. We’ll split up once we get there.
Construction worker: Sorry, we’re currently in the middle of construction work. Please take another road.
Momiji / Kaede: But I could pass through just fine earlier!
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Momiji / Kaede: (Construction started out of the blue and we had to take a detour…)
(Then kids, who were passing by, challenged us to a cornering battle, and some tossed pizza dough flew at us. There was so much stuff happening we barely had any time to catch our breath.)
(This is going to be tough if stuff like this happens every time there’s a bomb cyclone…)
Nagi: …………
…Manager, we’ll go stock up on flowers next.
The app said the atmospheric pressure will be stabilised in the afternoon. There shouldn’t be any more trouble coming our way, so mobility will be important. Let’s head out on my motorcycle.
Here, your helmet. Put it on tight.
Sonia: Nagi-san, Manager-san, be careful on your way out.
I’ve packed the usual stuff for you! Take it with you, okay?
Nagi: Thanks, Sonia. …See you later.
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docholligay · 5 months
What would be your dream race? Real or made up.
Hm, I mean, I would love to run a LOT of the world ones: London I put in for the ballot every year, I would really really love to run the London Monuments half, but I haven't put in for the ballot for it--my grandmother has said she'll help me pay to run London if I get in, but a half marathon is not impressive to her ahaha, and London is the only marathon she gives a shit about that's not Boston (I cannot qualify for Boston)--but someday if I have the free cash I'll probably put in for the monuments half.
Someday, SOMEday, I'll run the Marathon du Medoc, which has oysters and wine and steak and shit along the way, and has people throw up all the time, because it also has a rule I VERY much support: you have to be able to run the marathon in 6:30. That's not crazsy at all, that's only a 14:50 pace, BUT, if you're stopping at everything, as a practical matter you have to have a fair amount of cushion time.
So as a practical matter I'd want to make sure I could run a marathon in a 10 minute mile. That DOES NOT sound impressive. Until it's like, mile 20. (Seriously, if I drew London tomorrow my strategy would be 'survive'. Until beeb is in klindergarten, i don't have the time to train for a marathon. Cutoff for london is a 15 minute mile, I would come up with a run/walk strategy to survive the thing so I didn't DNF)
There are plenty I WOULD run: Paris, Tokyo, I do put in for Chicago, NYC, but those 3 above are probably my "If you said I could run whatever" choices. On the ground right now, whole trip being paid for it would be the Monuments half, because I know I can run a half without trouble. And I LOVE running through cities, especially major cities.
Now, if I had a shit ton of money and I could put on my own race, so looking forward to making everyone SO mad at me:
The Kawaii Ass Bitch Magical Girl Women's Run!
There would be the 5k, 10k, and Half.
There would be a drawing to win a Tokyo Marathon Package with guaranteed entry for the racers. This is, last I looked, worth about 6k.
If you run the 5k, you get one entry, if you run the 10k, you get two entries, if you run the half, you get three.
Anyway, also along the course I would have some cool stuff! At the start of the 10k/Mile 6ish, I would have a bunch of kids in the local band playing some magical girl themes and the like (I would pay them) and at the 5k start/the last 3ish miles for everyone else, I would have a big arch that would be all decorated and everything, and as you run through, there are speakers playing different attacks and power ups and the like from different magical girl properties. There's a spot on the course I'm thiniking of where you would have to go through a tunnel, I light it all up with those LED rolls so it's like a transformation for you.
Maybe before every start the countdown to the start gun would be Zettai Unmei, that sounds fun to me.
Anyway, the last stretch before the finish line would be playing the outers (read: harumichi) transformation music, and I would SOMEHOW figure out how to have fans blowing either fake or real rose petals, depending on the permits I could get ahaha.
Because it would be putting you up to run a marathon, it would presume you are of the athletic quality to run a marathon, at least potentially. So the cutoff times would be as follows. THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE FOR MOST PEOPLE'S TASTES.
5k: 30 minutes
10k: 1 hour 3 minutes
Half: two hours fifteen minutes
If you don't cross the finish line in that time, your name isn't in the randomizer.
Why? I get fucked every time I run the run to the pub by a bunch of 10k slow walkers in the last goddamn mile or so, walking four abreast for funsies. By the time I hit these people, the 10k has been started for AN HOUR AND A HALF. The draw prize is a place in the Dublin marathon, pretty much like what I'm suggesting above. I am bitter about this. I am bitter about fucking slamming into a bunch of people who could not fucking finish the Dublin and killing me when I am at the toughest point of the race, for me. I would hope this would encourage people who want to walk, to walk somewhere else. You can all think I am a villain, and that is fucking fine. There are some years the people who won did not even RUN the race. This INFURIATES me. Hate me! It's cool!
Also there's beer at the end I hate a fucking race without beer at the end.
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byakuwan · 3 months
did i post this already???
a random WIP with uni and byakuran ft. a baby bird. i'm not sure i will finish it ever.
[ uni in the courtyard/garden finds a very injured baby bird that fell out of a nest in a tall tree. to survive, so even if the mother bird picks it up, it'll still die. uni's really sad about it. she's very attached to these birds, high up in a giglio-nero mansion garden tree.
byakuran shows up. he probably came out to the garden to see her assuming she'd be enjoying the flowers, but no, she's here looking upset with something in her hands. he asks her what she's holding? she shows him, then he reaches out to take it from her without even asking. she looks alarmed for a moment, then relaxes when he doesn't do anything to it. ]
"A baby bird…" He looks at the little thing closely with one hand, inspecting from a few different angles. "It isn't moving much… what a shame. It's so young too."
She looks away and up to the bird nest. "… Even if the mother comes for it, it won't have a chance to survive…"
"Don't say that." Byakuran laughs, even when she turns to scold him. He's already lifting a wing with one finger. "It just has some broken bones."
"Just broken bones?" Uni uses that tone where she's about to scold him. "A baby bird can't—"
"Easy fix." He interrupts her before she can get much further. He rolls it onto its back on his palm, delicately presses a finger to its tiny body, swirls that around the fuzz…
Her eyes widen when she realizes what he's doing. "You're healing it?"
"Of course I am." He rolls the chick back upright as it begins to wriggle in his hand. "You look so sad, Uni-chan." Once it starts chirping loudly, he holds it out to Uni again.
She smiles widely as she sees it moving around, then even wider when it's given to her. - "Thank you so much, Byakuran." - but she gasps as it tries to squirm right out of her open palms.
That won't work. He catches it to cradle between his palms and ignores the now-frantic chirping. "Let's put it back before that." He flares his own wings behind his back, spreads them wide and hops into the air.
Once he reaches the top of the nest, he briefly glances back down. This nest is so high up… no wonder the little thing broke bones on the fall. It's surprising that it survived the impact.
The rest of the chicklets chirp as well as he holds his hand into the nest and the fallen one wiggles away with its siblings. His impromptu job is done, so he floats back down next to Uni again.
Her smile is as dazzling as always… and the small tears in her eyes now are shimmering. "It's safe now… I'm so glad."
"You must see them a lot if you were this worried." Byakuran assumes that's part of why she was so upset. Then again, she's a very empathetic person… maybe she feels like this with all animals.
"Well, of course I was." Uni giggles at his comment. "They have a nest here in the courtyard. It's normal to get attached to something I see every day."
"Ahaha, I figured." He slides his hands back in his pockets. Maybe he should wash his hands after handling wildlife… but he'll do that later. A comfortable silence falls as they watch the mother bird return to the nest. Byakuran glances over to see Uni wiping the tears from her eyes as she watches them.
"You saved the little bird's life." She turns to face him with her brightest smile. "Thank you… this means a lot to me."
He never remembers how powerful her expressions can be until he experiences one. There is so much gratitude in her eyes just for doing something so easy that he'll forget about it by tomorrow. "You're welcome." ♪ … but he has to play it cool. "Still, you would have saved it yourself if you could."
She knows better. "You didn't have to save it for me, but you still did."
[ idk how to end that but........ ]
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lisutarid-a · 9 months
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
I respect you
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kuroh: Good morning, it's a pleasant morning.
Saya: Good morning, Kuro-kun. School has finally started.
Kuroh: Yeah. We have to switch our mind and get ready for the new semester.
Saya: As expected of Kuro-kun. You're acting straight right from the start of the new semester.
Kuroh: If I be lazy, who will discipline the Silver club.
Saya: Don't worry, I'll do my best when the time comes. Don't be too tense or you'll collapse.
Kuroh: I'd like to say that I'm not that fragile, but…
Kuroh: …I guess that's your kindness. I appreciate the advice.
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Saya: Huh, Shiro-kun. You're already here.
Shiro: Uhm, good morning.
Saya: (He diligently writing something in his notebook…)
Saya: … Could it be.
Saya: Shiro-kun, you haven't done your homework for summer vacation?
Shiro: Correct. Amazing, how did you figure that out?
Saya: You opened a page that looked familiar. How much is left?
Shiro: Let's see…almost all of it?
Kuroh: You…What the hell were you doing during summer vacation?
Shiro: No. I knew I had to do it, but…
Shiro: I was carelessly putting it off and just having fun. Accidentally, accidentally.
Kuroh: Pathetic bastard…
Saya: The deadline is noon. You won't make it in time… will you?
Shiro: Oh, don't worry on that point. I've discussed it with the teacher earlier.
Shiro: They said I could hand it in by tomorrow morning.
Kuroh: Can you do that?
Shiro: Ahaha…If I work hard, I'll make it somehow. I'm sure.
Saya: …It's decided. I'll help you.
Shiro: To do my homework? Whoa, thank you!
Kuroh: What are you talking about? This is his assignment. He deserves it.
Saya: But it's a tough situation…And we're all comrades.
Kuroh: Comrades…
Saya: Even though I said I'd help him, I'm not going to solve questions for him.
Saya: I'll just help gather the necessary materials.
Saya: I thought it would be okay. What do you think?
Kuroh: I see. Yeah, then this guy won't be slacking off.
Shiro: W-wait~! I'm not going to slack off!
Saya: So you don't mind if I help? Great.
Saya: How about we do it in the library after school, since we'll probably be fooling around in the club room?
Shiro: Of course. I'm excited!
Kuroh: What's exiting about it? It doesn't mean that you're going to have fun. Be serious.
Shiro: That's true, but…I just thought it would be more motivating than doing homework alone.
Kuroh: …In that case, I'll join you.
Saya: Kuro-kun too?
Kuroh: Yeah. They say "Three heads are better than one," right? It would the best fighting force.
Shiro: The best fighting force…
Kuroh: What. Am I in the way?
Shiro: Un-uh, it's not like that. If Kuro's with us, then we're as strong as a hundred men. Well then, let's work hard, the three of us!
Saya: What about Neko-chan?
Shiro: Hmmm, you're right. I guess this time I'll let to do something else. Neko is not good at studying.
Shiro: I need to finish my summer homework quickly and enjoy my fall life~!
Kuroh: …If you had finished it during the summer vacation, this wouldn't have happened.
Shiro: Okaaay. I will be as careful as possible in the future.
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Shiro: Hmmm…I wish I could give up soon.
Saya: You can't. It's been less than an hour.
Shiro: …Life is a continuous learning process. We learn from our parents, we learn from our friends, sometimes we learn from strangers.
Shiro: Right, the act of learning doesn't just happen at a desk.
Everything that exists in this world is a teaching tool and a teacher.
Saya: I don't know what you're talking about, Shiro-kun. I think you should move your hand more than your mouth, okay?
Shiro: …Okay. Now you're saying it too.
Shiro: When you first moved in, you was so frightened and nervous, like a first grader.
Saya: I guess that means I'm getting used to the Silver club too. Huh…isn't here a mistake?
Shiro: Eh, where-where?
Saya: Here. I think it's 3, not 2.
Shiro: Wah. really. Hahh…I'm feeling less motivated again. Let's call it a day, shall we?
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Saya: No way. It's due tomorrow, isn't it?
Shiro: That's true, but…Oh, how about this? "A goat ate it".
Saya: There're no goats in this school.
Shiro: Well, then by a boar!
Saya: There're no boars either.
Shiro: You think so? They are.
Saya: Eh, really? …Don't get sidetracked, let's do the homework seriously.
Shiro: Ahaha, my plan failed. Okaay, I got it.
Saya: Enough, Shiro-kun, you're doing so well on your tests, why is you're so reluctant to study?
Saya: I think I understand a little how Kuro-kun feels now.
Kuroh: …Hm, yeah.
Saya: What's wrong? Were you just spacing out?
Kuroh: Ah…sorry. I was watching your conversation.
Shiro: Our conversation?
Kuroh: Yeah. I was impressed with how well you handled it.
Shiro: Thank you. I get embarrassed when I get complimented to my face.
Kuroh: It's not about you, Shiro. Don't trespass on my kindness and quickly finish your homework.
Shiro: Tsk. Okaaay, I got it.
Kuroh: Seriously. I'm utterly fed up with this guy.
Saya: Kuro-kun is kind enough not to give up and keep him company, isn't he?
Kuroh: No, you're the one being kind. You suggested this, you didn't give up on him and you're helping.
Kuroh: I guess it's in your nature. I respect that about you very much.
Saya: Kuro-kun…
Shiro: Em…
Shiro: Sorry to interrupt the mood, but…Kuro, did you find those documents I asked you for? Anatomy of a shark.
Kuroh: Ah, yeah…sorry. I forgot what I was doing.
Shiro: Ehh. Can you please, my homework is at stake!
Kuroh: Is that how you ask people to do something? Really…
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thesiaswritingblog · 11 months
thing i wrote for a school assignment :3 oc shit again, ,, i promise i'll write smth fandom related eventually
// TW: mentions of wanting to...die. that's it actually //
...Do you know, that once upon a time, there lived a girl?
A girl who strives to be successful in life, to the point where she tires herself so much?
A girl who just wants to finish school, to the point where she tries her best and overwork herself so that she can get the best grades possible?
A girl who is such a perfectionist, to the point where she cries over getting just a simple 80 in a test?
Do you know this girl's name?
Her name is Miaya.
The very first time I saw her, was when she was studying for her class' upcoming math test. She was very concentrated, it seems. I closely watched her, since she can't see me for some reason.
Through my observation, I noticed that she had a hard time getting some equations done, always finding the wrong answers instead. Her struggling amuses me in a sense. It's entertaining to see her panic upon finding out the answer she found was wrong.
Never the less, on that night, she could only finish two equations. I vividly remember hearing her mutter something along the lines of, "I'll finish the other ones tomorrow night."
After that, I blinked once, and then I opened my eyes to pitch black darkness. Nothing in sight, as if I'm in a dark void. I looked around, before spotting the same girl I saw that night; Miaya.
She was calling out for someone, she was shouting out things like, "Hello?!" or "Is anyone there?" It entertained me enough to the point where I simply giggled. That somehow caught the girl's attention, which makes me quite proud of myself.
"Who...who are you?!" Miaya asked me, fear is written all over her face as her legs shake. "Ahaha, I...do not have a name. But fear not, for I will not cause any harm to you." I replied to her, before adding, "Now, tell me...how did you get here? This is a realm all to myself, so I don't see any logical and human way for you to get here."
"U-uh...Well...I..don't know either. I just went to bed and fell asleep and suddenly I'm here now." Miaya explained to me, her two-colored eyes finally meeting my blue ones. "Ah, that means this is also a dream world. How did I not know that from the start?" I asked myself, putting a finger onto my chin as I thought hard about it.
"So...do you...seriously not have a name?" Miaya's voice managed to bring me back to reality. It was a rather calm and soothing voice, that is rather quiet, to the point where you can't even hear it unless the room is really quiet. But...it's nice to listen to.
"Hmm...no. I do not have a name, I'm afraid." I answered her question after a few seconds, crossing my arms as I glanced away from her. "Ah...well, um, if you want, I can come up with a name for you. I'm expecting to see you here whenever I fall asleep, hehe." Miaya spoke again. The thought of having a name is so weird.
I have always been so used to having no name at all, probably because I have always been alone here without anyone near me. The concept of names itself is just so odd to me. But thinking about it again, if I were to meet someone in this dark place, might as well have a name they'll call me.
I glanced back at the girl with peachy hair, before nodding. "Sure. I don't particularly mind." I responded. "Ah, alright! Hmm..." She starts thinking, before making an "Aha!" noise. I could've sworn, I saw a lightbulb light up above her. "I'll call you...Emina!" She happily said.
"Emina...not a bad name. I'll go with it." For the first time in awhile, I genuinely smiled. It's nice to have a friend around here, even if I have to see her only in this supposed dream realm.
The next night, I watched her study for her math test yet again. She was catching up on the equations she hasn't finished yet. Though, once again, she seems to be struggling a lot. I am no expert in math either, so if I tried to help, then my efforts would just be futile.
I could only silently watch as Miaya throws her pen across the room out of a fit of rage. "I have to get myself together...I have to get the perfect scores. I have to make mom proud. I have to graduate school. I have to chase that future I really want to have." I could hear her mutter. She also muttered to herself about how useless she is and how much of a failure she is.
However, one sentence managed to make me feel rather...alarmed.
"I just wanna die already."
I am not going to let that happen.
Eventually, after a few nights, the day of the test came. I silently watched beside her, not even caring if the teacher randomly passed by and went through me somehow.
(I actually took so much offense in that, actually.)
For the first few minutes of the test, Miaya was doing fine. She managed to solve a few questions perfectly fine, even if on one instance, I overheard her mutter, "I'm just gonna leave the answer like that, even if I don't feel like it's right."
However, for the next minutes, she struggled a lot. She internally panicked, and I could feel it well enough to know that this test is probably her lifeline. Something about the fear in her eyes when she didn't know how to answer question number 7 says a lot to me.
It's as if I can feel her fear too.
Eventually, time's up, and the students have to hand out their test papers to the teacher. I could only watch as Miaya silently hands hers to the teacher. Even if it's not that obvious, there's so much fear and sadness in her eyes.
A few nights later, I waited for Miaya's arrival in the dark dream realm. It took her so long to come here. Isn't it supposed to be really late for her right now? My worry then rises up.
But then, Miaya appeared into the realm just in time. But what shocked me is that her face was soaked with tears. "...Miaya, what's wrong? Are...are you okay?" I asked worryingly as I ran to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, gripping them tightly, but not too tight. Miaya didn't answered me, however, and only cried even more instead.
I pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back to soothe her a little bit. After some time, she managed to calm down, and then we both pulled away. "Emina....I failed my math test." Miaya finally announced to me. Well, that was not too shocking. Considering how...uh, badly she did. "That was my guess, honestly. But it's okay, there's always next time." I told her.
"But what if there's no next time? What if I can't try again? What if I don't pass my upcoming tests and exams? What if—"
"Shh, enough. Don't overthink it too much, alright? Those thoughts will just ruin you more. Just stay here until you wake up tomorrow morning."
"You'll be safe with me, Miaya."
The following days, Miaya never came into the dream realm, which had me worried even more for her condition. Now, I was the one overthinking for some reason. That's not healthy for me.
I decided to get out of the dream realm and spy on the girl in question instead, and when I did, I was rather shocked to find her hunched over on her seat where she usually studies, trying her best to stay awake as she reads a science book. I glanced over to the clock on the wall.
It read 01:03 AM.
Woah, that's just a whole different day now.
If only I could whisper to her that she should stop overworking herself just for some stupid numbers on a piece of paper and rest up instead. She's such a stupid perfectionist. When will she realize that she needs to care for herself more too?
The next night, I finally found Miaya appearing in the dream realm beside me, already looking as exhausted as ever. I immediately jumped to interrogation mode.
"You didn't slept these past few nights, didn't you?" I asked her immediately, turning my head to look at her. Her hair was pretty messy, that's what I noted. "Huh? O-oh, yeah. I wanna try my best to pass the upcoming science test, after all." She answered, and to that, I frowned.
"Miaya, c'mon now. You can't keep losing sleep because of just some stupid numbers." I told her. Now that I think about it, I sound like a mother scolding her child over some bad thing they did. I don't know, though.
"But I have to get at least a 95, or else I'll probably just never see the light of day." Miaya argued back, and that maybe rather annoyed. Who does she think she is to just not sleep because of her grades? "But you deserve breaks too!" I exclaimed at her.
"But my grades are important! You'd never understand how a bunch of numbers means to me!"
"But these numbers are the reason why you're lacking any goddamn sleep! C'mon now, just give yourself a break for once!"
Without even thinking, I gripped both of her shoulders tightly out of a fit of rage. I looked into her eyes, they were quivering out of fear. It has been awhile since she looked at me with so much fear. But honestly, that's not the deal here right now.
"YOU WILL GRADUATE FROM SCHOOL! YOU WILL PASS UPCOMING TESTS AND EXAMS! YOU CAN DO THIS! BUT PLEASE, DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF LIKE THIS!" I yelled at her. I wanna at least slap some sense into that stupid idiotic brain of hers, since she won't seem to understand it herself.
"WHY ARE YOU SUCH A GODDAMN PERFECTIONIST?! NOBODY IN THIS WORLD IS A SUPER PERFECT INDIVIDUAL! ONLY GOD IS, IF YOU EVEN BELIEVE IN HIM!" After that last sentence, I fell silent. Miaya was also silent as she slowly calms down from my sudden outburst. After all, this isn't the Emina she came to know and love (platonically, at least).
"S-sorry. The wanting to be successful in life just kind of...got in my head." She said, her voice shaking as she looked away from me. After a few more seconds, I sighed. "No, it's fine. I'm also sorry, for yelling at you like that. I just had to slap some sense in you, y'know?" Miaya nodded, before looking back at me. "Yeah, I can understand that."
Even more seconds of silence came in between us. None of us spoke a word as I fidgeted with my fingers. "...Maybe you're right, Emina." Miaya's voice suddenly speaking caught my attention once more. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked, even if I fully knew what she meant by that.
"I mean...what you said is right. No one in this world is perfect. Maybe I'm just too much of a perfectionist, hehe." The peachy haired girl answered me. At that moment, I chuckled. "You're so stupid."
"D-don't say that! You're gonna make me think I'm incapable of passing any test!"
"Haha, right, right. Sorry~"
We talked and joked around more, until the dark void gets even brighter all of a sudden. "Huh? What's happening?" Miaya asked, looking around the realm in an alarmed manner. "I...don't know." That was the last thing I could say to her before we got enveloped by the realm's bright light.
Miaya just got to class. She was previously talking to a friend of hers from a different class before the bell rang. Once she got there, she noticed something feels different.
At that moment, the teacher walked in, bringing in a new face into the classroom. "Good morning, students. Today, we have a new student. Now, you may introduce yourself." She said, before allowing the new student in question to introduce herself.
After seeing who the new student is, Miaya could only feel shock.
"Hello. My name is Emina. I'm new here, as you all can tell, so please, help me with anything I don't understand in. It's nice to meet you all."
Ah, wait, right, that's me.
For a moment, I glanced over to Miaya, before giving her a small smile, giving her a sign that I recognize her. Miaya was still a little shocked at first, before nodding at me, a smile also appearing on her face.
I guess our friendship extended to real life now, huh?
I just hope that Miaya isn't that much of a perfectionist anymore.
That would certainly be annoying.
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yatonokey · 1 year
Can I have an ace x reader scenario where he's comforting reader after a nightmare? :)
– 🔥🪰
Anything for you Firefly. Personally I do not think Ace would be good at comforting, but he sure would try.
You almost felt like it would’ve been real. Like you had somehow lost all of your friends all in one go with no explanation of why. Just that people acted like you had done something horribly wrong.
Calming down enough to think more clearly - though not my much - you glanced at your phone’s contacts, scrolling until you got to a familiar name.
Ace Trappola. Probably not the best person to call first in retrospect, but you at least wanted to hear your crush’s voice in these trying times. The phone rang for a ridiculous amount of time, you were close to hanging up, but at the last second you heard his annoyed voice over the phone.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Ace grumbled and you paused for a second. Maybe this was a bad idea? Deciding it was your nervously laughed.
“Ahaha, I guess not. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said, though in your attempt to sound cheery it came off as forced. The other end of the line was dead silent before Ace mumbled something inaudible and hung up.
You slumped from your spot and curled up in a ball. Of course that’s how it would go. Maybe your dream was right after all. For a while your thoughts spiraled further and further how maybe your mind was speaking facts, but the knock on your door after fifteen minutes jolted you out of your thoughts.
“Um, who’s there?” You said, your voice weak.
“Clearly Ace. I told you I’d be over soon, didn’t I?” The person behind the door answered and you scrambled to open it.
Sure enough Ace was on the other side. His hair was messy, and the sweatpants he wore didn’t match his jacket - a literal school blazer - which he probably haphazardly put on in the rush to get to ramshackle. He seemed about to say something, but halted when he noticed your expression.
“Shit. You are crying. So who do I have to teach a lesson,” Ace said and you felt yourself become flustered.
“Huh? No no no! It’s my own brain…” you trailed off and he paused, hand on his chin.
“Alright so what’s the issue?” Ace asked much to your surprise. Before you could deny his offer to vent he cut you off. “Don’t even think about bottling this up. You play therapist for literally everyone at this school. Take a break, alright?”
You sighed and began explaining the nightmare you had while sitting on your bed beside Ace. Eventually you finished and his first response caused you to be shellshocked.
“That’s stupid.”
“Excuse me?” You were offended and rightfully so.
“No. I mean - ah shit I’m bad at this. What I mean to say is that it would be stupid to leave someone as wonderful as you,” Ace said and you could have sworn the tips of his ears were red. He looked uncharacteristically shy, probably not used to dishing out compliments.
But that’s what made his words feel genuine. Ace was many things, but a liar wasn’t one of them. He tells it like it is, whether you want to hear it or not.
Apart of you felt flattered, but you felt yourself deflate again the more you thought about it.
“Maybe that’s just you. Like, what about the others like Deuce?” You asked but Ace snorted.
“In what universe would Deuce hate you? You became his best friend at the very start.” He said and you felt yourself sigh.
“Anything for you,” Ace replied, his tone joking but you couldn’t help thinking that his words had weight to them. Suddenly he stood up. “I have to get back before Riddle notices I’m gone. But if you’re still feeling bad tomorrow I’ll buy you a snack.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you replied before the two of you shared a smile.
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seisoukan · 2 years
Wonderful Journey - Chapter 3
Translated by: @seisoukan
With thanks to my proofers: Vulpes
Season: Winter
Time: Returning to the present, Thursday evening
Location: Seisou Hall 3rd Floor Passage
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TOMOYA: (According to what Anzu-senpai learnt about his schedule, Itsuki-senpai should end work and return to Starmony Dorm at this time today.)
(So I’ve squatted in advance at the corner that Itsuki-senpai has to walk past in order to enter the dorm, so I don’t accidentally miss him.)
(Thankfully, there isn’t anyone else in the corridor right now. If someone saw me hiding here all suspicious-like, they’d probably think I’m some sort of perverted stalker…)
SHU: …
TOMOYA: (Ah, Itsuki-senpai’s appeared! I dunno why, but I’m becoming nervous all of a sudden…!)
(Calm down, and reconfirm the mission Anzu-senpai sent on HoldHands one last time! Honestly, I still don’t entirely understand why I need to do this in the first place, but as long as I listen to Anzu-senpai, everything will be fine!)
(… Alright, Itsuki-senpai is right about to walk over! Now’s my chance!)
(Grab a croissant from the bag, clamp it tightly in my mouth, then rush out in one go—)
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“I’m gonna be late! I’m gonna be laaaaate!”
SHU: —Mmgh?! Wh-what’s the matter?!
TOMOYA: Uu, that hurts…! I’m sorry for crashing into you head on, Itsuki-senpai! Are you okay?!
SHU: Oh, it’s Mashiro… Fortunately, I managed to stand firm by holding onto the wall beside me.
Rather, are you injured? Come, take my hand and stand up.
TOMOYA: Th-thanks, Itsuki-senpai…
SHU: Honestly. I believe you should know you aren’t permitted to run in the hallways? Even if you are in a hurry, you must watch the path ahead of you.
And, as long as you plan your schedule reasonably and leave ahead of time, you needn’t be in such a hurry in the future. Do your best to remember that.
TOMOYA: (Uu, Itsuki-senpai looks furious, but it’s hard to blame him…)
(Forget getting closer to him, Itsuki-senpai wouldn’t happen to hate me now, would he?!)
SHU: … Wait, is that a croissant that fell out of your hand? The packaging for it, could this croissant be from that place on Time Street…?
Hm, I didn’t think you had an eye for these things.
TOMOYA: Eh? Do you know about this bakery too, Itsuki-senpai?
SHU: I most certainly do. That old-school bakery is a must-go for those who have refined tastes. The croissants only available on Thursdays are simply divine. They also sell out quite quickly.
Whenever I return to Japan and happen to be free on a Thursday, I head to that bakery for a look at their goods. It’s a shame it was already late today by the time I finished all of my work.
… Wait, how did the conversation shift to croissants when I wasn’t paying attention? Do you not have something urgent to attend to? You should hurry.
TOMOYA: (Huh, is this not… an opportunity I have to seize?!)
Wait a second, Itsuki-senpai! Actually, I think I remembered the date wrong, my next job should be tomorrow!
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SHU: …
TOMOYA: (Uwah, Itsuki-senpai’s expression is clearly saying “How’s it possible to remember that incorrectly?”, he probably thinks I’m totally incompetent…)
B-because we were discussing those croissants you can only buy on Thursdays, I just remembered today was a Thursday, ahaha…
These croissants are actually Mitsuru’s spoils that he shared with me, but I don’t think I’d be able to eat them all on my own. If you don’t mind, would you like to share them?
Consider it an apology for accidentally bumping into you just now… If that’s okay?
SHU: Oh, I hadn’t realized you had such good manners. Then, follow me to my dorm room.
I shall also prepare some drinks that pair well with croissants. Let us savor this great delicacy together.
TOMOYA: Yes, I’d be happy to…!
Location: Shu, Izumi, Kuro, Mao's Room
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TOMOYA: Um, excuse me~?
SHU: No worries, we should be the only ones occupying the room at the moment. I shall go and brew the tea; you may sit down wherever you like.
TOMOYA: Got it, Itsuki-senpai… Huh, why are there student uniforms lying on this side of the bed?
It’s not just gakuran worn by male students, there’s also sailor uniforms that female students wear… Could these be the clothes we’re wearing for the commercial shoot?
SHU: You guessed correctly. As a matter of fact, these clothes were provided by the client; however, Wataru came to me hoping I could adjust the sizes to fit a little better.
Whenever I am free these days, I work on these outfits at the dorms. Eventually, that meddlesome Kiryu discovered me sewing, and forcibly took on a portion of my workload.
TOMOYA: Haha, both of you sure do get along~
SHU: Hmph, don’t get the wrong idea. It is solely because I also need to participate in the filming this time around, which makes me unable to dedicate all my time just to outfits, resulting in me reluctantly having to seek assistance.
Right, while you’re here, Mashiro. Would you like to try on this sailor uniform I just finished altering?
TOMOYA: T-that, um… Thanks, Itsuki-senpai, but I think it’s better if I just put it against my body.
(Uwah, the skirt for this sailor uniform sure is short. The hemline is right at my kneecaps… do I seriously have to wear this…?)
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WATARU: Amazing! This outfit suits Tomoya-kun more than I previously imagined ♪
TOMOYA: — Yah?! M-m-masked Pervert?!
How’d you suddenly appear in Itsuki-senpai’s dorm room? I was so scared I nearly had a heart attack!
WATARU: Fufu, there is no place in the world that Hibiki Wataru cannot reach… ☆
SHU: Honestly, you’re such an unpredictable person. No wonder I felt the presence of a third person in the room ever since I entered, though I had written it off as a misconception.
WATARU: Allow me to explain, I slipped inside during the brief moment the door had been opened. Originally, I only wished to continue observing from the shadows in silence.
However, Tomoya-kun. We’ve come all this way, so what are you still hesitant for? Don’t tell me you haven’t mentally prepared for crossdressing?
WATARU: Unfortunately for you, even if you wish to withdraw now, it is far too late! Come on now, be a good boy and put on this sailor uniform for me to see… ♪
TOMOYA: Eek! You bastard, you really are some kind of pervert, aren’t you?! D-don’t come near me!!
Itsuki-senpai, I’m begging you, save me…!
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SHU: …
Wataru, you ought to know when enough is enough. No matter how you put it, Mashiro is still your junior, so do not bully him too much.
WATARU: Oya, oya? The way you two are putting up a front, you both appear similar to a little trembling chick cowering behind the wings of a mother hen!
Uu, I cannot believe I’m being treated as a villain and excluded. You see, I was simply worried about Tomoya-kun’s ability to successfully complete the mission?
TOMOYA: Hmph, I knew it, this stupid ‘Closeness UP Campaign’ could’ve only been schemed up by someone like you, Hibiki-senpai!
Also, I can’t believe you’ve been playing me like a fiddle under Anzu-senpai’s name! Isn’t that overkill?!
WATARU: Sigh, it would seem Tomoya-kun here has utterly failed to understand my noble intent. I had contacted you through HoldHands disguised as the producer, because I didn't want you to start acting rebellious and doing the opposite of what I said due to your strong feelings about me.
In order to bring you and Shu closer in a natural and ingenious fashion, Anzu-san and I racked our brains for a long time to think of how to create such an opportunity.
And, don’t you see? If we were to speak in terms of results, it worked, did it not?
TOMOYA: Eh. Now that I think of it, that’s kind of what ended up happening…?
(Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t ever have a chance to enjoy a friendly cup of tea together in the dorms with Itsuki-senpai, forget having Itsuki-senpai’s protection like what happened just now.)
… Though honestly, from my perspective, all of that set-up isn’t even close to being ‘natural and ingenious’.
SHU: Seriously, What have you two been yammering about for the past few minutes, and why do I not understand a single word of it?
WATARU: Hahahaha, that is not for you to understand~♪ In order to guarantee an astonishing performance for our commercial, I ask that you wait patiently for the finale, where the answer to this riddle shall be revealed!
After all, this wonderful show is far from over… ☆
Wonderful Journey - Masterlist
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aeoki · 2 years
School Festival ☆ Tamayori’s Haunted Dollhouse - Chapter 4
Location: Yumenosaki Handicrafts Club Room Characters: Mika, Shuu, Natsume & Tsumugi
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Natsume: Good Afternoon ♪
Pardon my intrusiON, Shuu Nii-san. There’s something I’d like to ask you, bUT are you free at the momeNT…?
Shuu: It’s you, Boy. As you can see, I’m working on something right now, but if you’re quick, then I don’t mind.
Hm…? You… Aoba. Why are you here?
Tsumugi: Ahaha, I see I’m not welcome here~
Natsume: We just decided “Switch” will be taking part in tHE “School Festival”. We’ll be doing a haunted houSE…
Mika: Ngh, a haunted house?! I love scary stuff so I’d love to visit if you’re doin’ one ♪
Natsume: Fufufu, just as we thought, the haunted house has piqued Mika-kun’s intereST.
Mika: Y-Yeah. But yer not doin’ it ‘cause I like them, right?
Aren’t you doin' a haunted house ‘cause you also like them?
Natsume: No, we simply didn’t have any other choice aND… We thought it would be fitting for “Switch” so we decided on a haunted houSE.
Mika: Ahh, you did say you just decided on it, huh.
Still, it’s amazin’ how you chose to do somethin’ that large-scale when it’s almost time for the festival.
Won’t be hard to do it yerselves without teamin’ up with another unit?
Uhh, I heard this from Naru-chan.
But “Knights” and “Ra*bits” are doin’ somethin’ together, so I think it’ll be better if “Switch” does the same too.
Natsume: It’s good you pick up on things quickLY. I came to ask “Valkyrie” about that mattER.
Shuu: Meaning, you want “Valkyrie” to help out with the haunted house, correct?
Natsume: YeAH. “Valkyrie” hasn’t submitted an application to the Student Council yet, rigHT?
I suppose “yet” isn’t the right woRD. Shuu Nii-san, you don’t intend on taking part in tHE “School Festival”.
Shuu: It’s not as though we would be penalised if we don’t take part.
If I must involve myself in merrymaking, then I’d much rather stay in my room and sew.
Natsume: Come to think of iT, you’ve been sewing away for a while now, but what are you makiNG?
It’s such a detailed outfit, as usuAL. It seems you were in something like a slump, bUT I’m relieved to see you’ve come out of iT.
Shuu: Are you blind? I am not out of it and to hear you praise me with a work of this degree only sounds like sarcasm.
I’d like to take as much time as I need to create something that’s satisfactory, however, time is limited, after all.
And Wataru said he wanted half of it done by tomorrow. Even if I were to stay up the entire night to finish it, I wonder if it’ll turn out to be something to my satisfaction…
Natsume: I sEE, so it’s an outfit Wataru Nii-san asked you to maKE.
I don’t think Wataru Nii-san would ask you to make a “fine” outfIT, so I assume he asked you to make one for the Drama ClUB.
Shuu: It pains me to simply say “you’re correct”, however, it’s exactly as you say.
If I didn’t have Wataru’s matter on my hands, I would have considered your request.
But as you can see, I have my hands full with making his outfit. I don’t have time to help you with the haunted house.
Natsume: HmM… Is there anything you could do about thAT?
Shuu: You’re quite persistent. Reminds me of a certain girl.
No matter. I’ve been working without rest, so I do feel like taking a break. If you have some things you want to ask me, I don’t mind answering them while I take a break.
Natsume: Thank yOU, Shuu Nii-san. Everyone should have a kind brother figure like yOU ♪
We made a few things for the haunted houSE. I’d be happy if you could give us your frank opinions on thEM.
Mika: Ngh, what a cute doll ♪
Wha! It lit up!? Nn~ The whole thing lights up if I press the button on its back. It’s so magical and pretty…♪
But yer usin’ this for the haunted house, right? It’s not scary at all and dolls are pretty and stylish.
It’s probably not a good fit for an eerie haunted house, right?
Shuu: It has a nice appearance so why would anyone do such an odd thing and make its entire body light up?
Natsume: HuH? Why, that’s because we’ll be using it for the haunted houSE?
Shuu: Hmph. A haunted house is a place which evokes a sense of fear in those who visit it.
Ahh, Kagehira usually watches a TV show that introduces haunted houses, you see…
Natsume: OhH. It seems you both have a deep understanding of haunted housES. As I thought, I would like to ask you two to join uS…
Would you be able to help us make the proPS… And also play the part of a ghoST?
The things we make all end up being magical and fantasy-liKE…
At this rate, the haunted house will look nothing like oNE.
But it won’t end up like that if you two were to help us, rigHT?
Mika: Yeah, Oshi-san is a perfectionist. A haunted house based on Oshi-san’s perspective will be extremely scary~♪
Makin’ scary props sounds fun too. I’ve got a lot of stuff that look like they’re cursed, so you guys might be able to use that for the haunted house…♪
Shuu: Kagehira, stop being deceived. I’ve been saying this over and over, but I have no intentions of taking part.
Natsume: WeLL, you don’t have to give me an answer immediateLY. It’s not a bad deal for you as weLL, Shuu Nii-san.
If you take part in the “School Festival”, you’ll receive a rewaRD.
Mika: Ngh, really!? If I could have fun workin’ on stuff and also get a reward, then that would be great!
Natsume: RigHT? Oh, come to think of iT. You were doing a school job before, weren’t yOU?
How about iT? Shuu Nii-san, it’s a good deal in a variety of ways, isn’t iT?
Shuu: …………
Tsumugi: Natsume-kun, you need to say the truth~ Well, it's true that there is a reward.
YBut you forgot to mention we’ll only get the reward if we’re chosen as the unit for the best booth or performance in the “School Festival”.
Natsume: ………… *Punches Tsumugi in the gut*
Tsumugi: Ow! Why did you hit me…!?
Natsume: Y̷o̷u̷ ̴s̵h̴u̵t̵ ̵u̴p̴,̵ ̷F̷o̴u̴r̷-̶e̶y̶e̴d̶ ̷M̸o̴p̷.
While it’s true the best booth or performance that’s chosen will receive a rewaRD, the ones in second and third place will also receive oNE. I’m not lyiNG. I checked with Little Kitten beforehaND.
Tsumugi: Oh, so you were tapping on your phone on our way here because you were messaging Anzu-chan, I see.
Natsume: YeAH. I’ll add another condition: majority of the reward will go tO “Valkyrie”.
If Sora’s negotiations go well, “2wink” will also be joining us which means there will barely be anything left for “Switch”, bUT that’s fine, isn’t iT?
Tsumugi: Ahaha, why are you asking me? You’re the leader of “Switch”, Natsume-kun, so we’ll follow whatever you decide.
And I’m not taking part in the “School Festival” because I want the reward…
I’m sure Sora-kun isn’t aiming for that, either. He’s always saying how money gives off a corrupted “colour”, so he doesn’t like it.
Natsume: That’s what he saYS. What do you thiNK, Shuu Nii-san?
Shuu: Hmph. All right. If you’re going that far, then I’ll agree to work with you.
Mika: Huh!? Oshi-san, really!? It’s okay!?
Shuu: I’m not particularly interested in the money, however, one cannot hold a live performance without funding, so it wouldn’t be something I’d be troubled having.
Besides, if we have funding, Kagehira won’t need to do those “school part-time jobs” anymore.
Ah, I’ll say this first but it’s not as though I’m worried for your well-being.
If you collapse, I’ll have to do maintenance on you and it’s bothersome. That’s all.
Mika: O-Okay. But, still, that makes me happy…♪ Oshi-san, since we’re workin’ with them, that means “Valkyrie” is also takin’ part in the “School Festival”, right?
Shuu: Will you not understand unless I say those exact words? Use your brain a litt– No, now is not the time to be saying that.
As I said before, the deadline for Wataru’s outfit is nearing. Once I have finished with that and have some time free, I’ll contact you.
That’s fine with you, I take it, Boy?
Natsume: YeAH. Thank yOU, Shuu Nii-san. AlrigHT, Senpai, let’s return to tHE “Secret Room”.
We have to tell Sora the neWS and I’m sure he has something good he wants to tell us, as weLL…♪
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
hi! Can You pleaseeee Write a spy x family fic, ler loid and lee anya, Please I need more of this family 🥲♥️
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I’ll always love you
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A/N: I used a couple of prompts here and there. It was a very cute idea Thankyou anon I hope your doing well too, Very unneeded info but tmr will make it 10 days until my birthday 🥳🥳 (July 18th)
Warning: Nightmare, wholesome surprise at the end😼
It was currently 10:31 been a little over an hour since Yor and loid tucked anya to bed. Yor was sound asleep in her room. Loid was laying on the sofa doing some work on his laptop when he saw a small black figure.
“GAH!”loid tried standing up as quickly as possible hitting his big toe. “Ouch!” “Papa are you okay?!” The small figure spoke worried about him. ‘Wait that voice is that Anya?’ “Anya s’that you?” loid groaned.
“U-uh yes”
“What’s wrong what’s bugging you normally you’d be fast asleep around this time”.
“Well I had a bad dream we’re you and mama didn’t *sniff* didn’t love me anymore” anya slowly began to tear up she ran and grabbed onto Loid’s leg sobbing. ‘Did someone at the academy say something to her doesn’t matter right now my job is to cheer her up’
“Anya that’ll never happen me and Yor could never hate you” Loid comforted anya even though it really was true loid and Yor love anya besides all of f the spy stuff they would do anything for her.
“I’ll always love you” loid smiled before he picked up anya and spun her around as she started giggling. “Why are you giggling?” Loid asked confused.
“Hehehe pahahpaha you’re tihickling mehe” she giggled as she dropped her stuffed lion and grabbed onto his wrists. “Oho how about you tell me the password to the treasure chest” Loid Loidman asked. “ihihi princehehehss anyahahaha will neeehehehever lihihisten to ahaha Lohohoidmahaan” Anya squealed.
“Oho really now not even if I tickle you here”Loid smiled as he flip her upside down to tickle her feet. “NohohOHOHO PAAHHAPAHA YOHOHOU’REHEHE CHEAAHAHAHTING” anya shrieked.
“*Dramatic gasp* Anya!! I would never cheat that’s mean anya”Loid being oh so dramatic. “STAAHP IT PAHAPAHA”
“Not until you say that we’ll love you forever” loid wanted her to say so she doesn’t have a bad mindset.
“MAHAHAHMAHAHA AND PAHAHAHAPAHAHAHA WIHIHIHILL LOHOHOVE MEHEHEH FOREVERHEHEHE!!”Anya gave in as she fell asleep on Loid’s chest. ‘Ugh a little exhausting but fun’. “Hey anya?” Loid called but stopped because he had realized that she was fast asleep.
‘I mean who wouldn’t be when they’ve been tickled to death’.
Loid looked over at his laptop debating whether or not he should finish that essay. ‘Eh I’ll finish tomorrow I should probably to go to sleep aswell’ was Loid’s last before dozing off.
Yor came out of her room thinking it was Franky and loid goofing around again. But she seen loid and anya sleep together on the sofa she assumed loid was over working and anya just came out here and laid on his chest and fell asleep.
Yor went to a closet to grab a blanket for them. As she covered them up she seen his laptop open with an essay he had to write to the Desmond’s. ‘Maybe I should type that for him as a repayment for him helping me out.
After typing the essay she didn’t realize how late it was ‘ITS 1:53 jeez I didn’t expect it to be this late’ she got up as she instantly sat back down looking at a bright screen late at night in a dark room then trying to get up right after not the best thing.
Yor really wanted to go to sleep her two options were to drunkly walk back to her room and possibly end up sleeping on the floor or just sleep on the sofa with Loid and anya
‘ughhhhh whyyyyyy I’ll just- ugh’ Yor began to spaz out loid looked up at her “if your too tired to walk back to your room you can sleep out here” loid gently insisted as he pulled her head to his chest. “A-alright!” Yor deeply blushed. “Thank for typing that paper for me too”.
“Mama and papa are flirting~” Anya whispers.
“No we are not!”
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scarletmirrors · 2 years
[A3! Translation] Morning Preparations of a Capable Man (1/2)
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Why yes I did just pull this card an hour ago.
Translation under the cut!
1 / 2
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"An elite's morning / 1"
Chikage: (Well then, about time to head home.)
Coworker: Good work Utsuki-san. Ah, about tomorrow’s briefing…
Chikage: Yes?
Coworker: I was contacted earlier to ask you to do it after you're finished here on short notice... I replied that it would be difficult, but...
Chikage: I see…Well I do have the documents. No worries, could I ask you to set up?
Coworker: I-I understand, I'll let them know.
Chikage: Alright.
Chikage: (...what a disaster)
Chikage: (Fixed overtime huh…well, seems like I’ll be pretty free tomorrow then.)
Itaru: Here are the documents you requested.
Chikages senior: Thank you, my hands have been so full so you’ve done me a solid.
Itaru: I'm glad I could be of use.
Chikage: Hm? If it isn’t Chigasaki
Itaru: Senpai, good work today. It’s nearing the end of the day, but you still seem busy.
Chikage: Just a bit. Did you need something?
Itaru: The section chief here just asked me to get some documents for him.
Chikage: Our section chief, huh.
Itaru: With this I’m finished for the day, so I’ll be heading home.
Chikage: Thank you for going out of your way to deliver those then.
Itaru: Oh no, it wasn’t a problem at all. I wanted to come give you a pep talk seeing how fired up you seemed as well.
Itaru: Well, good luck.
Chikage: Yes, yes.
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Itaru: I’m home~
Izumi: Welcome back Itaru-san, you’re quite early today
Itaru: A miracle, isn’t it. I was asked to do a favour by a senior and got to end work right on time.
Izumi: Ahaha, sometimes we have favours for you too, so I'm sure that gets difficult too on top of work.
Itaru: Occasionally it’s fine. Well now, I’ve got an event to rank in…
Izumi: Ah, wait a minute! There’s something I wanted to discuss…
Itaru: …I’ve got a bad feeling about this, but I’ll hear you out.
Izumi: Thank you very much.
Izumi: Actually we’ve been contacted by Kasumi-san for a magazine special…
Itaru: The morning routine of a part-time actor huh.
Itaru: And since we’re salarymen, it’d have to be me or senpai right.
Izumi: Yes, that’s right.
Itaru: Yeah, no way.
Izumi: Just like that!?
Itaru: Think about it, I have a routine that can’t be made public. I think at least Senpai’s morning routine could be used.
Itaru: I’ve got an event to rank in rn after all.
Itaru: If that’s all, I’ll be heading back to my room. Senpai’s probably coming home soon too, see ya.
Izumi: I understand, I’ll try asking him then…
Chikage: I’m back.
Izumi: Welcome home, Chikage-san. I know you’re probably tired, but there was something I wanted to ask…
Chikage: …Today’s just full of surprises huh.
Izumi: …that about sums it up, and Itaru has already turned me down.
Chikage: Sounds about right.
Izumi: Would it be a bother for you too?
Chikage: …if it’s just a little, then I’m fine.
Izumi: Eh!? You’re really ok with it?
Chikage: Sure, I’ve got some use in mind for the monetary compensation anyways.
Izumi: I-If I can scrape some cash together then…!
Chikage: Just a joke. Well, I’m sure a special like this isn’t too different from the studio shoot from last time.
Izumi: Really, thank you so much!
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