#but. they also designed it so that when you push the button for dish soap it comws out of the sponge's mouth
viralarcadian · 3 months
thinking about product design and how more than just being strictly functional you want your product to be visually appealing. ergonomics and aesthetics and all that. you want something that people enjoy using
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10 Creative Ways to Use Your Hot and Cold Water Dispenser Beyond Just Drinking Water
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Are you looking for creative ways to make the most out of your hot and cold water dispenser beyond just drinking water? A water dispenser is not just a convenient way to get filtered, refreshing water at home or in the office. It can also be a versatile tool for cooking, cleaning, gardening, personal hygiene, animal care, and even home spa treatments. In this blog post, we'll explore ten unique and inventive uses for your hot and cold water dispenser that will revolutionize the way you think about this handy appliance. So let's dive in.
What is a Hot and Cold Water Dispenser?
A hot and cold water dispenser is a household appliance that dispenses both hot and cold filtered water at the push of a button. It typically consists of two separate faucets, one that dispenses hot water and another that dispenses cold water. The unit has an internal heating element to heat up the hot water, while the cold water is cooled using refrigeration technology. This ensures that you can enjoy fresh, clean-tasting drinking water at any time. Hot and cold water dispensers are available in different sizes, shapes, designs, and capacities to fit your specific needs. Some models come with additional features such as child safety locks or adjustable temperature settings for more control over the temperature of your filtered drinking water. These appliances are not only convenient but also cost-effective in the long run since they eliminate the need for bottled water or costly filtration systems. Plus, they reduce plastic waste by providing a reusable alternative to single-use plastic bottles. A hot and cold water dispenser is an excellent investment for any home or office looking to stay hydrated with ease!
10 Creative Uses for Hot and Cold Water Dispenser
Hot and cold water dispensers are typically used for drinking water, but did you know that they also have many other uses? Here are 10 creative ways to use your hot and cold water dispenser beyond just drinking water. Cooking: A hot and cold water dispenser is perfect for cooking as it provides instant access to both hot and cold water. Use the hot water to boil pasta or rice, while the cold water can be used for washing fruits and vegetables. Cleaning: Hot water is great for cleaning dishes, pots, pans, and cutlery. The high temperature helps to kill bacteria that may be lurking on surfaces. Coldwater can also be used for rinsing off soap residue after cleaning. Gardening: Plants need a lot of watering in order to thrive. With a hot and cold-water dispenser nearby, gardeners can easily refill their watering cans with either warm or cool refreshing liquid. Personal hygiene: Taking showers or baths with lukewarm or tepid temperatures is not pleasant at all. A hot-and-cold-water dispenser in your bathroom will give you easy access to warm or cool running waters so you can enjoy comfortable temperatures during your daily routine, Animal care: Pets often need clean drinking bowls filled every day which makes having a convenient source of fresh running water super important. Additionally, if Fido gets into something smelly like garbage then the nozzle from the unit could help rinse his fur quickly without putting him through an entire bath process. Home spa treatments: You don't need fancy equipment when it comes to treating yourself at home. Just fill up some plastic tubs with soothing warm temperatures using your trusty Hot & Cold Water Dispenser right at home. Home brewing: Making beer requires precise control over temperature because yeast behaves differently depending on whether its environment is too chilly or too cozy. So if you’re ready to embark on this adventure make sure your kitchen has one of these units installed before starting out. Making beverages: From instant coffee to hot chocolate, a hot water dispenser can help you get your coffee, tea instant. If you want ice tea or cold coffee these hot and cold water dispensers are suitable for both types of beverages.
Read Also: Why We Need A Hot and Cold Water Dispenser
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A hot and cold water dispenser is not just a convenient appliance for drinking water. It can be used creatively in cooking, cleaning, gardening, personal hygiene, animal care, home spa treatments, home brewing, making beverages and sauces as well as making ice cubes.
With these 10 creative uses of a hot and cold water dispenser beyond just drinking water discussed above you can fully utilize the appliance in your daily life while saving time and energy. Whether you're hosting family or friends at your place or simply looking to expand the use of your appliance beyond what it's primarily designed for then these tips will come in handy.
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salt-volk · 3 years
Another rant about events and DV's direction
Here's something that's been baffling me since day one.
I came to DV from a ragtag pet-project style site. The aloof and sadistic admin was the only active coder/staff member, basically working as a volunteer. They managed to code unique events for every holiday (and they still are, but as the admin is unhinged and takes it out on their innocent playerbase, I'm not gonna rec it)
Anyway, people get really engaged in the events on that site, because they're conceptually and functionally interesting and FUN. I never heard complaints when I was there. And so, I am shocked that such quality content is being made by a single borderline-apathetic person, on a site with no premium currency. Only scarce donations. Maybe it's just because the admin is a control freak and has nothing else going, but they sure accomplish a lot alone, regardless of what makes them do it. I think that proves that ANY form of passion makes a massive difference in game design, and that any one person (let alone a team) who's being paid should be able to achieve the same quality of work as a lone volunteer. IDK, am I alone in thinking this?
That's why, in my mind right now, DV has no good excuses for their events where all we get is recycled baubles & text, and buttons to push. Oh, and extra chores.
Of course, we also get more lore revolving around some unseen deities, which I feel always lacks substance, flavor, and intrigue. Anyone can structure some of their OCs around existing astrology and astronomy concepts.
Where IS the hook in DV's story, anyway? Finding out why the worldhopper got isekai'd and has soap opera amnesia? (I feel like that is an "Erin Jaeger's Basement" issue: Where the longer we're made to wonder and theorize about the answer, the more awe-inspiringly awful the letdown from the eventual disappointing answer will be)
... Anyway, yes, during events there's ALSO some character development/quality time with an NPC.... which is sprinkled among overwritten text, with multiple scintillating "routes" which you're then forced to click through 3-5 times daily. And thse are going to be the same every year, afaik...? Lord. Why, are our characters stuck in a timeloop???
I just... What is it that DV wants to excel it? Does anyone know, has it been said? Evidently, it cannot be game mechanics (I hope to god). And evidently, it cannot be storytelling. Even the art, which has always been the main selling point and the appeal that lead to the conception of the site, doesn't deliver. The lovely cover art for every monthly typically ends up being butchered silly in the transition to wearables, and there are obscene layering issues (such as being straight-up unable to use most hats and hoods unless you exclusively use the Cousin It bowlcut).
(P.S. Sorry for dishing out more negativity for the pile... Guess I'm just another dissatisfied customer. Venting really does wonders to bolster the continued tolerance of frustration, though. Thanks for the outlet!)
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themadlostgirl · 4 years
When It’s Cold (2)
*Horny teens are horny. Mild smut mentions ahead.*
I laid in bed watching the lightning flash outside my windows as thunder shook the room and rain poured down. As a child a storm like this would have had me hiding under my covers. Tonight though I watched the storm, every inch of my body on alert with every crack of lightning and thunder. The doors to my room burst open with a roll of thunder. A shadowed figured stood in the hallway. My heart hammered fast as I tried to see through the darkness at my intruder. A flash of lightning illuminated the once dark room and I recognized the jagged line down my visitor’s face.
“Felix?” I sat up straighter. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to make sure you weren’t scared.” He prowled closer, a wicked grin on his face as he got to the foot of my bed. “You always were so scared of storms.”
“I was…” I murmured. He was dressed only in a pair of pants. That same chiseled torso I had gawked at earlier on full display.
He crawled onto the bed until he was hovering over me. “Do you want me to stay?” His voice purred in my ear, “I can keep you warm if it gets cold.”
“Yes please,” I let the robe around me fall from my shoulders leaving me exposed. “Keep me warm, Felix.”
“Gladly.” He swooped down upon me.
I woke with a start. My body was wound up tight and I was tangled in the blankets on my bed. I gazed around me confused before the previous day’s events caught up to me. It felt like a dream that Felix and I had found this mansion last night.
The real dream came back to me with stark detail. What had that been all about? I’ve never had a dream like that before. I never have dreams in the first place. Even when I do they’re nothing like that and most certainly do not feature Felix. Yet he had been the epicenter.
Half naked with a devilish grin looking down at my own nude body. I had wanted him to--to--
I buried my face in my pillow. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t gone to his room last night and saw him coming out of the bathroom. Why did I have to see that? Now I was having borderline erotic dreams about him. Oh screw borderline! I knew exactly what I had been hoping to happen and the aching between my legs only solidified it.
It’s not like I never found Felix ugly or anything. He was pleasant to look at. I dare say at times he was handsome but I never dwelled on it. Maybe a stray intrusive thought or two but they never went so far as my dream had. I couldn’t stop picturing it. Felix and I in bed, his large hands on my body, his lips caressing my skin…
I pressed my legs together as the image took root in my head. Maybe I deserve to indulge a little. For right now there is nothing to worry about. Besides, it’s not like Felix will ever know. My hand dipped between my legs as I let myself fall back into the dream. My body was extra sensitive since I hadn’t been able to indulge in this particular past time since Neverland. Not that I got to do it a whole lot there either. I swear there is absolutely no privacy on that island.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
And none here either it seems.
With a small whine I swung out of bed and pulled my robe in tight. I opened the door and Felix was waiting on the other side already dressed. Could it be considered poetic irony that the boy I had just a moment ago been masturbating to interrupted said masturbation?
“Did you just wake up?” Felix looked me up and down.
“Kinda. I figured I was allowed to sleep in. What do you want?” I stepped back and started collecting my clothes from the floor. 
“Get dressed. I discovered something you’re gonna wanna see.”
“Can’t you just tell me?”
“No. Now hurry up.” He closed the door and left.
With a sigh a pulled my clothes back on and followed Felix up a set of stairs to a hallway that led to a dead end. “This is what you wanted to show me? A wall with a picture on it?”
“Watch this,” He pulled the light fixture next to the painting and suddenly the wall came loose and rotated opening up a passageway into a whole new room.
“This place has secret rooms now. Very cool.” I stepped inside. “A library?” I looked at the books but there were no names on the spines. I pulled one off and flipped through it but all the pages were blank. “I will say I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Oh but it gets better.” Felix went over to the desk at the end of the room and pulled open the drawer. There was a button inside. He pressed it and a section of the floor popped up. I knelt down and opened the hatch and my eyes went wide. It was a safe!
I turned the latch and nearly cried at what I saw. Money. Just stacks and stacks of money! One less thing to worry about. We wouldn’t need to scrape by or get jobs. This safe could keep us comfortable for months! Years even!
“How did you find this?” I asked Felix.
“I like puzzles and I like to snoop.” He grinned pulling out a stack of hundreds. The band around it said ten thousand. Ten thousand dollars and there were easily a hundred or more just like it from what I could tell from the naked eye. We have someplace warm to sleep and we have money for food.
I started sniffling and I could sense Felix watching me befuddled. “Sorry, I just--” I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes, “We’re going to survive the winter. We don’t have to be hungry or cold again.”
“I know,” Felix pulled a few hundreds from the stack and dropped the rest back in the safe. “Now how about we go do that grocery shopping you were so insistent on?”
“Yes!” I hopped to my feet. We put everything back in place and left the room. I found a pad of paper and started making a list of everything we would need. Unlike Felix who had spent so much time on Neverland that he couldn’t remember who he had been before being a Lost Boy , I did remember who I was. I remembered the responsibilities I had before Neverland. What was needed when I was made to go to market. The grocery store wasn’t like the open air markets I was used to but it was still the same general concept.
Felix and I got weird looks as we entered the store and I took one of the trollies. My first stop was to grab some toiletries. Toilet paper, shampoo, body wash, loofah, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and even a set of razors in case Felix wanted to shave. Next we grabbed laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, spray cleaner, trash bags, aluminum, and hangers. We would need to go to a different store for clothes. Lastly, food. Now, being the designated responsible person out of the two of us I know we couldn’t just indulge in the sweets and other delicious yet not necessarily healthy food for us.
I sped up and down the aisles with Felix trailing after me as I dumped stuff into the trolley. Chicken, beef, bacon, vegetables, fruits, a ten pound bag of potatoes, bread, milk, two dozen eggs, pasta, rice, butter, flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, vanilla, yeast (it’s been forever since I baked anything but I figured I could give it a try), orange juice, apple juice, cheese, canola oil, olive oil, and spices. Then came on the things I knew less about, peanut butter, chocolate chips, gummy candies, dressings, chips, ice cream, instant brownie mix, pizza rolls (they sounded good), cans of soup, yogurt, pancake/waffle mix, whipped cream, cereal, granola bars, pretzels, and tea bags.
Our trolley was overflowing with items as we wheeled our way over to the register. The man bagging our items looked at us strangely as we started unloading our groceries onto the counter. Several minutes and a trolley full of groceries later we were given our grand total. I was scared that we wouldn’t have enough but thankfully we did. We left the store and looked at our haul.
“Hey, Felix,” I paused as we were halfway through the parking lot, “How are we gonna get all this back to the mansion?”
“We steal the cart.” He said it like it was obvious. “Who is gonna stop us?”
“True.” We started out trip back to the mansion and pushed the trolley into the house. We spent the next several minute cramming things into cabinets and the icebox. I pushed the trolley back outside and went to put my toiletries away while Felix took the laundry items down to the basement. I would also need to learn how to use the electronic washers they had here if I wanted clean clothes.
Speaking of clean clothes, “Felix!” I shouted down the steps, “We’re not done yet today. We need to go clothes shopping.”
“Because I didn’t bring any extra sets of clothes with me when we left Neverland and I’m sick of wearing these dirty rags. Now get a move on!”
Felix came upstairs with a scowl. “Don’t pout. Even if we kept these clothes clean they stand out too much. I think it’s part of the reason everyone glares at us. We’ll arise less suspicion if we blend in. Especially since our mission is to find a way out of here and back to Neverland.”
“Fine.” Felix grumbled. He counted the remaining money in his pocket. “Let me grab a few more bills from the library just to be safe.”
My stomach grumbled and I decided to grab a granola bar to settle my stomach while I waited for Felix. This house was so strange. They didn’t have any dish soap but they had pots and pans. No shampoo but they had combs. Not a lick of food but a cabinet dedicated to what looked like a very fragile table set.
Felix came back a few hundred dollars richer and we made our way back into town for the second time that day. The clothes store was emptier than the grocery store which put me more at ease. Felix and I went our separate ways as I perused around the racks and racks of clothing. I grabbed a few shirts, pajamas, sweatshirts, sweat pants, underwear, socks, gloves, a scarf, hat, a thick jacket, a new pair of boots, and a large messenger bag. When I went to try on some pants though I was thoroughly disappointed. They fit fine but the pockets on them were tiny! I could barely get my hand in them. Was this what pants were like here? Why?!
I went over to the men’s section and found Felix also trying on some new clothes. It was a simple black t-shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans but it looked really good on him. He almost looked less foreboding. Maybe that was just due to the fact that he didn’t have his cloak hood up like usual.
“You look mad,” Felix chuckled upon seeing me stomp up to him.
“I am! Look at this.” I squeezed a few of my fingers into my jeans pocket. “These pants have absolutely no room! Are yours like this as well?”
“Mine?” he stuck his entire hand in his pocket up to the middle of his forearm. “Nope.”
“What the hell?” I stuck my hand in his other pocket. These were so much roomier than mine! “Why are these better than the ones in my section?”
“I don’t know,” Felix pulled my hand out of his pocket, his face was red with anger again and he wouldn’t look me in the eye, “You can stop invading my personal space though.”
“Oops, sorry.” I snatched my hand back to my chest. What had I been thinking? I essentially stuck my hand down his pants and for what? Because I was jealous of the size of his pockets? I grabbed a few pants from his section that looked to be my size and raced back to the dressing rooms in my section. These fit just as well as the ones I was wearing now but the pockets were much roomier so I chucked the others away and got the men’s pants.
Felix met me at the registers when he was done browsing. He still wasn’t looking at me. I think I made things between us really uncomfortable. We paid for the clothes but had no trolley this time so had to carry everything in large bags back to the mansion. After we got back Felix disappeared into his room. I changed into a pair of the comfy new clothes I bought and went downstairs to make myself something to eat.
I heated a can of soup up and sat down to eat. I wasn’t in the mood to be so adventurous as to make a full blown meal. Now that we had all the essentials Felix and I could start our search for a way back to Neverland in earnest.
I didn’t see Felix for the rest of the night. Figures he wouldn’t want to be around me after we spent all day together. I drew myself another hot bath and this time was able to actually wash myself with the soap and shampoo we had bought. I felt truly clean for the first time in a long time as I slid on the pajamas I bought and crawled back into bed.
Rain pattered outside and I was reminded of my dream from this morning. A part of me dreading and hoping that I would have another just like it.
Fucking hell! You were killing him! You had to be trying to kill him! That’s what Felix concluded as he locked himself in the master bedroom of the mansion.
Ever since Felix had let himself be talked into going to Storybrooke with you he had been forced by your side. You were the only Lost One in Storybrooke still loyal to Pan when all the others had run off to find families for themselves. He told himself he was tagging along instead of staying in Neverland to enact revenge on those that murdered Pan but that was only half of the story.
He should have never followed you though. Revenge aside. It hadn’t worked out anyway. Even after he learned that Pan was still alive, albeit in someone else’s body, it wasn’t enough. Pan died anyway before he got to enact the curse that would have turned this worthless town into a new Neverland. Now everyone was happy and safe and you and Felix were both very much stranded.
Finding this mansion had been a sweet turn of luck. He knew you were right when you mentioned needing a better place to stay over winter. Felix didn’t like the cold either but he could tolerate it better than you. Every night since you two got here you would shiver the night away at your camp. The night before it had been so cold that even Felix was cursing the wind. While he shivered though he glanced across the fire pit at you. You were huddled in so tight to yourself. Teeth chattering and body convulsing.
He was glad that you didn’t make any mention of him giving you his cloak as an extra form of warmth that night. He didn’t want to try explaining why he had done it. Terrible complicated feelings that he refused to acknowledge. He pushed them down hard, stomped them into dust so they could never rear their ugly head again.
Then he had gotten out of the bath. Truly clean for the first time in years he had left the bathroom and all those complicated feelings from before shot to the surface at the scene laid out before him. You knelt on the ground with only a towel barely covering you. Your wet hair leaving drops of water rolling down your shoulders and back.
His jaw clenched and he fumbled to maintain some composure as you explained what you were doing practically naked in his room. He had found the robe in the master bathroom and was planning on wearing it to bed himself but when he caught sight of you he was only too happy to chuck it into your arms. He needed you to cover up. He needed you clothed and out of his room that instant!
He was far from relaxed after you had left that night. The sight of you knelt over, the towel just barely covering your ass was burned into his brain. He ignored the stirring under his towel and dove into the large bed. He tossed and turned most of the night trying to rid the image and the thoughts he was having. His mind betrayed him though as it brought him much more vivid fantasies of you on his bed wearing nothing at all and beckoning him to take you.
He woke soon after breathing hard and his hand around his cock. Felix cursed the fact that he had a lewd dream about you of all people. He tried to ignore the images flashing in his head but when he closed his eyes there you were on all fours again with a teasing smile. He jumped into the bathroom and turned on the shower hoping a cold jolt would snap him back to sense but then he was thinking of you in this shower with him. Water rolling down your body, that same teasing smile and sultry voice begging him to take you against the wall.
For a few minutes he swallowed his embarrassment and let the fantasy play out fucking into his fist and pretending it was you squeezing around him instead. He thought of your moans and whimpers egging him on. Begging him to be harder, faster, rougher. He bit his lip to keep from shouting as he finally spent himself and started coming down from his high.
He felt more relaxed afterwards but the release of tension didn’t make him feel better knowing he had masturbated to you. You were his...friend? You two had never been friends before coming to Storybrooke and he doubted that you two were that now. Whatever you were to him he shouldn’t be thinking about you like that. You both wanted to get back to Neverland and having obscene fantasies of you was not the way to go about that.
It was still fairly early but he was too wound up to go back to bed. So he got dressed and went exploring throughout the mansion. That’s how he had found the secret library full of blank books and that secret vault under the floorboards. He put everything back in place before racing to wake you up and show you. He had almost forgotten about his dream until you opened the door and he was met with your sleepy face and bedhead. Had you always been this attractive or was it just the layers of dirt that had gotten washed away last night that made you much more appealing to him suddenly? He decided not to dwell on why he was having these thoughts and instead took you down to see the stash of money he had found.
You were so giddy at the knowledge that you could actually have a roof over your head and food in your belly that he found himself smiling too. Your smile was so infectious. He let you take the lead when you went shopping. He didn’t recognize half the stuff he saw in that store but trusted your judgement when you dropped something in the cart.
Then there was when you went to go clothes shopping. Felix wouldn’t admit that he was getting a little worn out of his Neverland attire. It was functional but that was all he could say about it. The smell of it after he had gotten out of the bath the night before almost made him gag. Perhaps this was the reason no one wanted you or him around. You both reeked of years of living in a jungle.
You two were on totally opposite ends of the clothing store so Felix thought he was safe until you came charging into his dressing room ranting about the tiny pockets on your pants. The tight fitted pants that hugged your legs and ass perfectly. Then when you unceremoniously stuffed your hand down his pocket to see how deep they were it took all his self control and thoughts of rotting animal carcasses to not pop an erection right there in the store.
You were trying to make him burst a blood vessel and you didn’t even seem to notice! Which is why he was back in his room sitting on his bed hungry and horny. He was waiting until after he was sure you had gone to bed to get some food. He really didn’t want to chance running into you again and risk those impure thoughts bubbling to the surface once more.
Hopefully today had just been a spoof and tomorrow all these strange new thoughts and feelings would be gone. You two had a mission after all. Get back to Neverland. Lust wasn’t going to help that mission.
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We’re All Mad Here | Jurdan College AU
Summary: It’s all for show, I tell myself. To see if I can make him flinch. It’s just a game of Russian Roulette, after all. Harmless, as long as I am the one with the gun.
Rating: T/M
CW: Very mild cursing. Zero explicit content but there is a fun little tease. It’s all very soft focus, though. Also, at the end, a brief flashback of Jude’s backstory in this fic which might be triggering for some. I’ve marked the start of her trigger with a ~~~ in case you want to avoid.
Part I    |    Part III    |    WAMH Masterlist    |    AO3    |    Fic Masterlist
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Part II- Simmer
Unfortunately Attractive Dude leads me around the counter like he owns the place. If a stranger leading me into a back room is not alarming enough, the mirthful bound in his step makes me all the more suspicious.
I glare very hard at the back of his head and hope he feels it.
“Liliver,” the man says to the white-haired barista as we pass behind her, “Another hot chocolate and one large caramel cappuccino, extra shot, to-go. And make it snappy, we’ve got places to be.”
Liliver throws a sneer over her shoulder. “I’d make it much snappier if you said the magic words.”
“Oh, Liliver. Magic isn’t real,” he croons, “And we both know I’m above begging.”
Liliver looks like she’s considering punching him in the face. If it came down to it, I know I’m not above begging for that. Or cheering. Or joining in.
“Whip?” the man says.
I blink. It takes me a second to realise he’s speaking to me. “Huh?”
A wicked smirk settles on his mouth. “Do you want whip?”
I scrunch my nose.
“No whip,” he says to Liliver, backing toward a set of silver doors in the corner.
“Who puts whipped cream on their cappuccino?” I mutter.
“Weirdos, that’s who,” Liliver tells me. “Off his rocker, this one. Be careful around him.” I give her a conspiratorial smile. I decide I like Liliver.
I decide I hate Unfortunately Attractive Dude when, for reasons entirely uncertain to me, he gives me a shit-eating grin and ducks through the swinging silver doors. Against my better judgement, I follow.
Suddenly, I’m in a small kitchen where everything from the countertops to the large fridge in the corner is made of stainless steel. The air is cold and damp, like a clammy hand. An unsettling combination of wet rags and baking bread permeates the air.
The man busies himself, pulling various items down from shelves and out of cabinets.
“Are we… allowed to be back here?” I ask. He knows the barista, that much is apparent. But surely that doesn’t excuse customers from wandering back on a whim to use the kitchens as their own personal laundromat.
“One never needs permission to be anywhere if one never asks and is never perceived,” he muses. I shoot him an incredulous look and he laughs. “I work here.”
“In that?” I jut my chin at the man’s outfit. His jacket alone is garish. Paired with all the prim and tailored rest, it seems more like something strutting down a high-end runway than any work attire I’ve ever seen.
“No, of course not in this,” he scoffs. “Come sit.” He pats the metal countertop next to the sink before continuing his search, a flurry of black and red.
“Why?” I don’t try to hide my scepticism. Better he knows I am wary of him still than try to be accommodating and find myself axe-murdered.
“Because after I’m done with your shirt,” he says, pausing to look at me, “I need to make sure you’re not hurt.”
How poetic, I think, then narrow my eyes. I mislike the idea of this strange man inspecting an injury conveniently located on my cleavage.
“I told you,” I say, sliding my backpack off my shoulders and setting it on the floor, “I’m fine.” But when I peel out of my coat, a sharp pang shoots across my chest. I cannot help the wince that escapes.
Clearly not fine.
An arch of one dark brow tells me the man agrees with my unspoken thought. His oil-slick eyes rake over me once more, assessing. My traitorous heart does a little leap.
He pulls one shoulder into a half-shrug. “Company policy. Sorry.” His rings clang against the metal as he pats the counter again.
My teeth grit against the sound. “A likely story,” I grumble, though I am not sure he hears me. Already continuing his disassembly of the kitchen cabinets, the man does not respond.
I clamber up onto the counter with no amount of haste and sit begrudgingly amongst his collection of searched-for items: Dish soap, white wine vinegar, rubbing alcohol, a sponge, a large metal mixing bowl. He adds a first-aid kit to the growing horde.
I watch as he removes his many rings from moon pale fingers. They’re long and nimble, and I find myself wondering if he sews, as well. Or perhaps he’s a skilled pianist.
Warmth spreads across my cheeks. Then again, it’s probably a bad idea to think too much on his hands.
He flicks a handle of the faucet and tests the steady stream rushing out. Satisfied, he holds the mixing bowl under the tap.
“It’s my day off,” he tells me while the bowl fills.
“It’s why I’m not in uniform.”
“You’re telling me you chose to wear this?” I wave a hand at his ensemble.
The man turns the faucet off, frowning. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He places the bowl of warm water on the counter next to me.
“Your coat looks like a bathrobe.”
“I beg your pardon?” He presses a hand to his chest in mock offence. “This jacket happens to be a masterful work of art by a very coveted designer.”
I roll my eyes. He sounds like the most pretentious kind of asshole. If I hadn’t already decided whether to like him or hate him, this would’ve given substantial weight to the latter.
“Yeah, well, it looks like something an old rich dude would wear,” I say. “Probably while having a post-bath cigar and reading the obituary section of the newspaper.”
“Personally, I much prefer the comic section, post-bath,” he mutters, squeezing a dollop of dish soap into the bowl.
Somehow, I can imagine that. This odd man in a bath full of bubbles and oils that smell like the forest, getting out only when his hands go pruny to read the Sunday comics. Then I very much want to un-imagine that.
I shake my head. I need coffee. Now.
“Lucky for you,” the man says, ripping me from my internal spiral into damnation, “You get the privilege of wearing the old dude bathrobe. Give me your shirt.”
He shrugs out of the jacket and holds it out for me, his free hand waiting expectantly for a swap. Those coal-black eyes sparkle with a dare. It’s then that I realise: They are waiting expectantly, too.
As if he anticipates I will blush and ask him to turn around so I can change in some modicum of privacy. Like a good girl. As if he expects I’m the type of woman who is accustomed to gentlemanly behaviour from men.
Little does he know, I don’t much care for chivalry—and I am most certainly not good. If he does not want to give me the courtesy of privacy, then I will not ask it of him.
It is an effort to swallow my pride. With slow hands, I pull my blouse from the waistband of my skirt. I hold his gaze steady, out of spite.
Surprise steals across his face. It is there and then gone, brief as a breeze, and the only thing he yields.
As my fingers graze the top button, a little thrill runs through me. I must be mad for doing this. Between the interview jitters, my state of panic, and a desperate lack of caffeine, I must have completely lost my mind.
Or more likely, there was already something very wrong with me, to begin with.
Sensing my hesitation, the man’s mouth furls at the corners like unrolled parchment that reads: You won’t do it, in the looping, self-important scrawl I imagine someone like him must possess. That small smirk, the second dare.
I glare at his mouth. The first button is the hardest, but I clench my jaw and undo it; then the next.  
He tracks my every move from beneath the eaves of his thick lashes. The sight of him so suspended by the strings of my fingers makes my heart rush, and I am struck by a mix of irritation and dizzying lust.
Cool air pebbles the skin on my chest as I work. I take my sweet time about it. This prick wanted a show, so it’s a show I will give him.
My fingers move carefully down the line. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I knit my brows in feigned concentration and pretend that this is nothing.
Even though my heartbeat is a war drum in my chest.
Even though his gaze is heady and my head is spinning with it.
Even though I am very glad this task does not require me to speak.
This is nothing. This is nothing but three more buttons. His breath hitches as my shirt falls open further. I am a matchstick under his flint-like gaze.
My cheeks blaze. I think about how every bit of this is his fault. I think about how I hate him and his annoying charm for tricking me into coming back here. About his paramour eyes, his satyr’s smile—I think I hate those things most.
Such ire grounds me.
I pop the final button, slip my shirt off one shoulder, then the other. The pale blue fabric pools at my waist, draping over the crooks of my elbows. A subtle shift and I’m pushing my arms flush against my ribcage, giving him the best view.
It’s all for show, I tell myself, over and over. To see if I can make him flinch. It’s just a game of Russian Roulette, after all. Harmless, as long as I am the one with the gun.
When I meet his eyes again, at last, every second of this humiliation is worth it. The man’s arms have fallen slack at his sides. His precious designer jacket all but forgotten, nearly grazing the floor.
Gone is the taunting smirk. Every sharp edge of him smoothed over by wonderment. Or maybe it is consternation.
Either way, I am plagued by the thought that I should very much like to see him dishevelled.
I should like to see him come undone.
I give a coy smile and bat my lashes mockingly. “Did you get a good enough inspection, doctor?”
To my delight, he swallows audibly. Opens his mouth as if to speak, then snaps it shut.
Maybe he needs a doctor, I think and give a little snort. With a roll of my eyes, I try to beat back the tide of my own desire.
I shove my wadded up shirt into his chest, unceremonious. “You’re drooling,” I tell him, my voice miraculously even. That seems to snap him out of it.
He blinks twice, clearing his throat. “Shouldn’t need more than ice and a bit of aloe,” he says, then takes my shirt in his free hand.
I snatch the jacket from his other and shrug it on. My arms slide easily into the satin-lined sleeves. It’s still warm and smells like him. A forest and something burning. I hate that I notice at all—that whatever odious perfume he’s wearing is something I’ve committed to memory. Most of all, I hate the shiver that roils up my spine because of it.
I fold my arms across my chest and risk a glance at the man.
He’s frowning at the bottle of white wine vinegar in his hands. The way he glares at it, you’d think it had committed some heinous crime. There is a slight tinge of pink on his moon-pale cheeks.
A trifle smile tugs at my lips. It’s good to know I get under his skin as much as he gets under mine.
“So,” I say, flipping my hair out from under the jacket, “How do I look?”
He glances in my direction, face unreadable. An unbothered sweep of his gaze. “Not at all like an old man in a bathrobe,” he says, opening the bottle.
With a flourish, he adds a splash of vinegar to the bowl.
“I should hope not,” I say, raising my arms slightly to examine the jacket. “I think I look like the finest baroque rug Insmire has to offer.”
The laugh that barrels from Unfortunately Attractive Dude is genuine. “I’ll pass your compliments along to the artist.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
“Nonetheless,” he says, “I suspect it’s as close to one as anything you usually give.” He reaches for my shirt and dunks it in the water. Immediately, a bit of the stain lifts away, turning the water a cloudy colour.
He’s not wrong, and it irks me. I shift my gaze back to the jacket.
All things considered, I’m shocked at how well it fits. It’s a little long, and the sleeves swallow my hands in a river of red and black fabric. But what I lack in height, I make up for in other things. The man is lean enough to where the rest of his jacket is filled easily by the swell of my breasts, the sweep of my hips.
“I’ll admit,” he says, swishing the contents of the bowl around with his hands, “It suits you. Might even look better on you than it does on me.”
“Really?” I gasp, a teasing thing.
“I said might,” he mumbles, stirring and pointedly not meeting my eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Oh, I most certainly will.”
A small smile plays at the corners of his mouth, but he says nothing and adds dish soap to the bowl.
“You never told me your name,” I blurt. Mostly to fill the silence, but also because my not knowing is starting to get a bit weird.
He furrows his brows as if he’s never been asked the question before. Or he is surprised I even have to ask. Like I said. Self-important.
“I didn’t,” he says, smirking down at the bowl.
I wait. When he does not oblige me, I give him a stern look. “Is that information classified or something?” I ask. “Too personal? Because let me tell you, pal, you’ve seen me in my bra.”
“Yes. And?”
I almost cringe at the reminder. He has probably seen many people in various states of undress. I am no one special.
“And,” I say, pasting a sickly sweet smile on my lips, “I usually like to know the names of people who’ve seen me in my bra.”
“You say that as if it happens often.”
I narrow my eyes, ignoring the blush rising in my cheeks. “And you say that as if you mean to distract me.” He continues to work my shirt around with his hands, dutifully ignoring my glare. “Why won’t you tell me your name?”
“Because,” he says, voice contemplative, “I thought you already knew it.”
“Should I know it?”
He shrugs. “We’re in the same politics lecture. With Dulcamara. You sit in the back row every week.”
“So you’re stalking me.” I’m only half-joking. The other half is starting to get worried that maybe I will end up in tiny little pieces out back if I’m not careful. My eyes flit to the bouquet of knives at the end of the counter.
“No,” he says, adding a squeeze of rubbing alcohol to the mix. “I’m just good with people. And faces.”
While he stirs, I cock my head to the side, trying to dredge up his likeness from the faces in my memory. I’m quite certain if I had ever seen a face like his, I would’ve remembered it.
Though truth be told, Dulcamara’s lectures are the most interesting my department has to offer. I often do not notice the people around me.
“You really don’t know who I am?” He looks at me, brows arched in amusement.
I grit my teeth. “That lecture is one of the busiest ones. And why should I pay attention to the people when the lecture is far more—”
“Gripping?” His grin is a slash of white. “You’d certainly be the first to think so.”
“At least I think for myself,” I snap.
“A good quality to be sure,” he says. “But as driven a person as you are, Jude, I’d have thought you’d be more observant.”
My heart skitters to a halt. It’s one thing to know my face but…
“How do you know my name,” I demand, boring a glare into his skull. “You are stalking me.”
“It’s hardly stalking, darling, if neither of us has any choice in the matter of attending,” he points out. “Besides, it’s really hard to not know your name. Since you answer all of Dulcamara’s questions with such… thoroughness.” Some emotion I can’t quite read, settled so perplexingly between admiration and disdain, feeds his expression as he says this.
I am not entirely sure what to make of it.
But I do know what he’s said is true. I am usually the only voluntary participant in Dulcamara’s lectures. And I suppose if he knows enough about my track record for participation, he probably does go to Royal Greenbriar.
I’m weighing my options when Liliver careens through the door.
“Sorry ‘bout the wait,” she says, making for our counter in the back of the kitchen. She has two steaming cups in her hands, and had I not been sitting so high up, I might’ve dropped to my knees to kiss the ground she walks on.
“Busy out there?” the man-who-has-annoyingly-not-been-named mutters.
“You were at the tail end of the rush,” Liliver says, then frowns. “Though it doesn’t seem like you’re in much of a hurry here.”
She eyes the array of supplies, my shirt in the bowl of now-dirty water, her co-worker’s jacket on my shoulders. She says nothing. Only hands me one of the cups.
“One large caramel cappuccino, extra shot, to-go,” she says, giving me a wink.
I thank her and take a much-needed sip.
Liliver turns to the man. “And one hot chocolate for you, Your Highness.” She makes a mockery of a bow as she hands him his drink.
He scowls but grunts his appreciation, placing the to-go cup on the counter next to him. When he turns back to the bowl, the barista grins wickedly at me. I return it in kind. Yes, I very much like Liliver.
“Any luck with the stain?” she asks the man.
He fishes my blouse out of the bowl. “Don’t see how that’s any of your business, Lil,” he says, then shuffles over a few steps before wringing the fabric over the sink.
“As star employee, anything that happens in my kitchen is my business.” She offers a lewd waggle of her brows.
I take a sip of coffee to hide the blooming heat on my face. I was sure the door had been closed… Then, a small, dreadful thought bubbles to the surface.
Perhaps her coworker has a reputation for luring potential conquests back here. Perhaps he’s done this one-hundred times before, and Liliver has learned the basic machinations of it.
Though it’s doubtful anyone gave a show quite so revealing as mine. Also doubtful he’s had quite that many conquests, even with his considerable beauty. One-hundred is a very high number. Isn’t it?
Still, if I am correct in guessing his design, I vow to make the man pay in more than just coffee and laundering expertise.
“Need I remind you,” Unfortunately Attractive Dude drawls, “It is technically my kitchen always. So I am under no obligation to tell you.”
His kitchen? He’d been modest before, I realise, when he told me he works here.
“Not like you to pull rank,” Liliver huffs, affronted. “What’s got your panties in a knot, Greenbriar? Is it girl troubles? Because if it is—”
But I don’t hear the rest of what she says.
~~~A single word and everything becomes slow, slanting. I stare down at the tile floor. The world warps around me, as if held on the end of a bungee cord stretched taut, and I am about to be flung helpless back into the air.
Something in my stomach curdles. It has nothing to do with the coffee.
“Anyway,” Liliver is saying, her voice very far away, “You asked me to remind you if you’re still here that you have a meeting in ten minutes.”
I am still staring at the grout between tiles. At the grit there. The grime. My skin is awash with the slick feeling of it.
“Yes,” the man says in my periphery. “Thank you, Liliver.”
“For the record, I don’t get paid enough for this,” she says, and I have the vague sense she is heading for the door. “The personal assisting. The moods. The general… weirdness.”
His laugh is muffled, awful. Like the thud of marbles on carpet. “I’ll give you a raise, then.”
“It’s the least you could do,” she sings over her shoulder, and she’s out the door again.
Then, we are alone. But I am not here. I am sometime else.
I feel all that black water clapping at my ears as I swam that day. My lungs burning raw with panic and bile and sea salt. The boat, a little orange firefly flickering in the distance, appearing and disappearing with the rise and fall of waves.
The sea is a lady. When she swallows you whole, she does so without a sound. Drowning is always quiet. So is rage, which is an awful lot like drowning. Everything happens beneath, simmering to the surface like so many bubbles. They were certainly one and the same that day.
I think they are one and the same now.
Flame licks my face, static pricks my tongue. My heart thrashes slow in my chest, a kind of silent drowning. My head is swimming just as poorly. ~~~
When I resurface, I am met with only silence and that one word ringing in my ears.
Greenbriar. Greenbriar. Greenbriar.
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AN: Sorry for the major cliffhanger but the evil author in me had to *cue villainous laughter* 😈 so it’s been an age and a half since I last updated this fic, but here it is! Thank you so much for reading!! Hope you enjoyed :) If you did, please let me know in the comments, reblogs, my ask box/inbox. Even if it’s just a keyboard smash, it genuinely brightens my day to read.
I’ve been busy developing the plot for this one and let me tell you, there is SO MUCH to be revealed, I can hardly contain myself. No promises, but I’m about halfway through writing the next chapter so hopefully it will only take me one single age to post that.
If you’d like to be added to the tag list for all future updates of We’re All Mad Here (or any other Jurdan content I post), let me know via comment/ask/message!! Thanks again for reading! Back to the forest now. 
-em 🖤💫
Title Inspo: Simmer by Hayley Williams
Tag List: @the-mithridatism-of-jude-duarte​ @velarhysismine​ @knifewifejude​ @danieldesario​ @annihliation​ @wickedqueenoffantasy​ @not-tess​ @clockworkgraystairs​
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@polyfacetious big ass Christmas Drabble Extravagaza: Day Fifteen
Peter steps up to the door of the apartment, trying to juggle an arm load of jacket and briefcase, and he’s met with the smell of sweets just on the other side of the door. It’s the warm smell of something sugary, fresh from the oven, wafting in the space between the bottom of the door and the floor. 
He shifts his briefcase to his other hand, wrestling his keys free from the pocket of his trousers. Just inside the door, there’s a small table with a bowl on it. The bowl was a wobbly, knobby thing made by one of Owen’s nieces in her pottery class. It has ‘I love you Uncle Owen’ painted around the width of it in a child’s uneven print. Keys and cell phone go in there, and his briefcase is placed underneath the bowl on the shelf designated for it beneath. 
There was a place for everything, and everything needed to be put in its place. That was Owen’s doing. (Peter hadn’t exactly been a slob before they moved in together, but his home had never been this tidy. He’d been prone to throwing his jacket over the couch, his wallet and keys wherever they landed.)
The flat was smaller than Peter would like, just a single bedroom, a living space, a kitchen and a bathroom. But it was on a good street, and they could open their windows and listen to the sounds of the ocean nearby. It also was far more expensive than any flat Peter ever kept back in Edinburgh, and nearly half the size.
Owen deserved better, but it was a starting point. You had to get your foot in the door somewhere. The only way you could climb the ladder was by putting your feet on the ground and just getting to it.
Because Peter had a plan. He had a plan that included increasing his salary and his usefulness by at least five percent every year for Mr. Wingrave and his office. Executive Assistant paid better than most of the grunts down on the main floor, but it still wasn’t enough. There was a corner office just waiting for him, all Peter had to do was reach out and take it. 
But none of this would be done overnight. Eight months into his plan and everything was on track, but it was hard not to feel frustrated that things weren’t going faster. Peter wanted to be able to buy the both of them the things they deserved. Rolex watches and bespoke suits and a Porsche or two. 
Owen would look like a bloody dream behind the wheel of a Porsche. And Peter would give up an obscene amount of money to be able to fuck Owen in the backseat of a Porsche.
Peter slips his overcoat and his suit coat from his shoulders, shaking them out before hanging them on the back of the hook near the front door. He steps into the living room, and even from there, beyond the decent couch and the second hand coffee table, he can see the mess of mixing bowls stacked haphazardly at the edge of their counter space, a leaning mountain of metal and glass and whatever mixture he’d made in them spilled up against the sides. 
(The kitchen was why Peter settled for this shoebox of an apartment. Because Owen hadn’t had a strong opinion about any of the places they’d looked at, he’d just shrugged and said he liked them, until he saw this one with its double oven and it’s kitchen island with a marble countertop. Then, he’d stopped and looked around and really taken the place in. So this one it was.)
It looked like Peter wasn’t the only one feeling the frustration today. “Tough day at the office?” He calls out coyly, stepping into the kitchen proper with a finger crooked into the knot of his tie to start working it loose from his throat.
Owen looks up from where he is hunched over a metal mixing bowl, the whisk in his hand still working furiously on the white cream beginning to stiffen in the bowl. Hand made whipped cream. Not a sad day, then. An angry one. Owen wasn’t one who got angry often, and he always took it out on food. 
Over the last several months, Peter has learned to read Owen’s moods through the food. Things that were breaded or fried meant that he was looking for comfort. Baking meant he was anxious, and trying to do something with his hands. Sweets meant that he was pissed off. (Peter learned that the hard way, through his own fuck ups. And he learned to hate the taste of strawberry bon bons because of it.) Decadent things, French things, they meant that he was feeling amorous. 
Peter fucking loved the days he came home to the likes of duck a l'orange or coq au vin. Those were the days he got to take his sweet lover into the bedroom and fuck him until he was hoarse and shaking with need, until he could peel away all those layers of goodness and kindness with blunt fingertips and sharp nails. Until all that was left was single minded, selfish need. 
Owen was gorgeous at any time. There was something effortlessly handsome to him, where Peter felt like he couldn’t catch any eye without a nice suit and plenty of pomade. Owen was handsome in his natural state. And confident about it. There was none of that bullshit false modesty with him, and Peter loved him all the fucking more for it. 
“Long day.” Owen huffs out a laugh, self aware enough to know what he looks like with his sweater sleeves pushed up over his elbows and his apron splattered with whipping cream. “That’s all.”
Peter is in a good enough mood that he’s not going to immediately call bullshit on that. So he steps forward instead, and he can see by the widening of Owen’s eyes that he knows what’s coming. “Oh, no. Don’t--come on.” That’s two fingers dipped right into the soft, fluffy whipping cream. “You’ll deflate my cream.”
Those two fingers are lifted to his mouth, and Peter makes a show of closing his lips around the knuckles, sucking them all the way into his mouth until they brush the back of his throat. Owen knew how far he could take things, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. It’s only when both digits are sucked clean, damn fresh whipped cream was lovely, that he speaks. “I’ll do more than that to your cream if you let me.”
Owen laughs, but there’s no denying how dark those already dark eyes are. “You’re a terrible influence, Peter Quint.” No truer words had ever been spoken about him. Peter has been the bad apple out of the bunch since he was in nursery school. After that many years, it did no good to try and run from these things. The truth was the truth. 
“I don’t want to be ungrateful.” Owen puts the bowl down, wiping his palms clean on the front of his apron. It never took much pushing to get him to speak his mind. Especially in the privacy of his own kitchen. “I love my job. I love the people I work with, and Tony essentially gives me free reign, outside of his signature dishes.”
“But.” Peter supplies helpfully, already tugging on the long strand of Owen’s apron strings. The knot gives easily to his pressure and slips loose, leaving the blue and white striped fabric to hang loosely around his neck. When Owen doesn’t pick up the dropped line of conversation, Peter pulls the apron up and over his head. And as much as he wants to toss it on the floor, he hangs it on the hook. 
A place for everything, and everything in its place. He knows, Owen. 
“But it’s not the same. Being an employee with freedom isn’t the same as being your own boss.” Peter knew that chafing very well. Henry Wingrave was a good man. He was a kind man. But a good and kind man holding your leash was still someone with power over you. The dream, the real, honest to God dream, was to have no one holding his leash. 
The dream, if Peter was feeling soft enough to put it into words, was to have that corner office. And to use the money from being his own boss to buy Owen his own restaurant. A place where he answered to no one, and the menu reflected whatever mood Owen wanted it to. 
Owen nods, guilt written across the weight on his brow. Now, Peter can’t have that. So he does what any man in his position would do. He dips his finger right back into the whipping cream, and then smears a long path of white along Owen’s bottom lip.
“Oh no. Would you look at that. You’ve got a little…” Owen laughs, but it’s high and a little bit nervous, and Peter doesn’t know what he’ll do if he ever stops making Owen nervous. “You’ve been working so hard today. Let me take care of that for you.”
Kissing Owen is always sweet. But that creamy hint of sweetness as he parts the seam of Owen’s lips with his tongue runs right through Peter, giving him an idea. The kiss is slow, and deep, and Owen ends up pinned between Peter and the counter, and that’s right where Peter wants him. 
“You look like a man who needs his mind taken off of his work, Mr. Sharma.” Peter’s fingers catch on the metal tab of Owen’s trouser zipper, and the sound of it being pulled down is loud in the quiet between them, punctuated by the breathy jesus that slips from Owen’s lips. “I’ll be more than happy to take care of that for you.”
Peter has no qualms playing Executive Assistant like this. He’d choke on his own tongue before he got on his knees for Henry Wingrave, but it’s as easy as breathing to sink down onto his knees on the tile floor of their kitchen, and watch Owen’s rapidly rising and falling chest through the smudged veil of his lashes. 
“Peter-” His name always has weight, on Owen’s tongue. Sometimes it’s exasperated, sometimes it’s irritated. Often, it’s full of fondness. And sometimes, like this, it’s full of breathless wonder. And Peter would set his mother on fire to keep that shaky reverence in Owen’s voice. 
“Hand me that bowl, would you?” The button to Owen’s trousers slips neatly from its hold beneath his thumb, and Owen’s brown trousers fold open like the petals of a flower opening up to the sun. His boxers beneath are soft and white, and still smell faintly of the soap they using for washing. 
Owen hands the bowl down to him with shaking hands, and Peter stops him with the bowl still over his head. “Get a little.” It’s an order, no matter how quiet his voice is. Peter puts the bowl down on the floor next to his knees and takes hold of Owen’s wrist, feeling the wild thrumming of his pulse beneath his fingers. 
“I always liked a little salt with my sweet.” Owen’s breath catches before Peter ever parts his lips to take Owen’s cream slick finger into his mouth, and the sound that leaves him when Peter’s tongue curls against the digit is explosive, like he’s been punched right in the gut. 
Slowly, Peter licks every trace of sweetness away, until he’s left with the taste of Owen’s skin against the roof of his mouth. He suctions his cheeks in, keeping that pressure until Owen’s finger slips free from his lips with an obscene pop. 
Peter grins, smug as the cat in the cream, and makes a pointed look between the bowl and the oh so tempting vee of Owen’s open trousers. 
“Now...where else could I use this stuff on?”
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swanbeetle09-blog · 4 years
Should I Opt For Genuine Wood Or Faux Wood Blinds?
Just How To Reduce Horizontal Blinds That Are As Well Wide.
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Residence Accessories.
Exactly How To Gauge Without A Tape Measure
Ocean 100% Waterproof Roller Blinds.
Night And Day Blinds: Change Light With One Activity.
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House Add-On.
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Can you see through light filtering blinds at night?
Nobody will see your silhouette through wooden slat blinds. Anyone outside can see your shadow as you block the light source, but the shadow won't be a silhouette. It won't even be recognizable as being created by a human. It will just be a vague shape moving around.
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How To Measure Without A Tape Measure
The last thing you desire to do is have to redesign it all over again a couple of years down the line if you have actually spent in the design of your bedroom. Window blinds, although available at cost-efficient prices, are still a financial investment and also something that you'll want to take care of suitably. In residences and bedrooms where vertical blinds are the very best choice, in come our substitute vertical blind slats.
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Day And Night Blinds: Change Light With One Movement.
Business owners who intend to soften the light radiating right into their dining establishment or shop can develop a welcoming, comfy ambience with light filtering system curtains. Area darkening curtains supply comparable benefits as blackout drapes, such as boosting privacy, lowering power expenses, blocking sound and protecting floors as well as furniture from sunlight damages. Like blackout drapes, area darkening drapes are created to obstruct light, however they aren't specifically the same.
How do you hang roller blinds without drilling holes?
Washing detergent. A gentle dish washing liquid and laundry detergent are both suitable soaps to use when soaking your roller blind in water, as they don't contain any harmful peroxides or chemicals. Rinse the blind with fresh clean water until the blind runs clear of soap suds.
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Is it better to have blinds or curtains?
Place the head rail over the top window trim and center it over the window. Place a bubble level on top of the head rail and position the blind so it remains level on the top window trim. Mark the holes you drilled onto the head rail by placing a screw into each hole then pressing the screws into the wood.
Made to your precise measurements and created using the same blackout layering process, these slats are very easy to fit. When your blinds begin to look less than excellent, you can replace single areas rather than needing to buy total new sets. Synthetic timber as well as aluminum blinds are produced with an opaque material, they are excellent window covering options for generating a dark bedroom atmosphere since wood. Yet although dense blind slats can quit the outdoors light, the openings whereby the cords glide present a problem, enabling little dots of natural and synthetic light to invade a room.
How do day/night roller blinds work?
The direction -- up or down -- to close blind slats is a matter of personal preference, but if you want more privacy, tilt them up, with the rounded side facing out. With the blinds tilted up, passers-by can't see in: The convex side faces the window, creating less space through which to view.
Prevent handling hazardous cords to decrease this shade or increase, as well as utilize the included clips to regulate the quantity of light that comes via. Think about using a window cling if you are looking for a method to obtain deep rest and totally block out light with ease. Compared to utilizing a foil, cardboard, or drape , a window movie is simple to get rid of as well as apply. The account of a window film is very slim as well as can much more effectively cover a windowpane, developing complete darkness in a space.
Getting enough relaxing rest is vital to living a healthy life and taking pleasure in the decoration in your home to the maximum. The good news is, there are lots of services to obstruct light from windows that can disrupt obtaining an appropriate quantity of sleep. Whether you choose to set up a modern-day rolling color, aluminum foil, or select window stick, you can easily manage the quantity of light that comes into your bed room. Zonwering feel stumped regarding selecting an eye-catching home window treatment that dims your room for rest requirements, as well as protects your area to lower energy expenses. You can appreciate a bed room that is visually pleasing with a window treatment that keeps it dark when you require it most.
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vocaloidcomments · 5 years
In the early light of a May dawn this is what the living room of my apartment looks like: Over the white marble and granite gas-log fireplace hangs an original David Onica. It’s a six-foot-by-four-foot portrait of a naked woman, mostly done in muted grays and olives, sitting on a chaise longue watching MTV, the backdrop a Martian landscape, a gleaming mauve desert scattered with dead, gutted fish, smashed plates rising like a sunburst above the woman’s yellow head, and the whole thing is framed in black aluminum steel. The painting overlooks a long white down-filled sofa and a thirty-inch digital TV set from Toshiba; it’s a high-contrast highly defined model plus it has a four-corner video stand with a high-tech tube combination from NEC with a picture-in-picture digital effects system (plus freeze-frame); the audio includes built-in MTS and a five-watt-per-channel on-board amp. A Toshiba VCR sits in a glass case beneath the TV set; it’s a super-high-band Beta unit and has built-in editing function including a character generator with eight-page memory, a high-band record and playback, and three-week, eight-event timer. A hurricane halogen lamp is placed in each corner of the living room. Thin white Venetian blinds cover all eight floor-to-ceiling windows. A glass-top coffee table with oak legs by Turchin sits in front of the sofa, with Steuben glass animals placed strategically around expensive crystal ashtrays from Fortunoff, though I don’t smoke. Next to the Wurlitzer jukebox is a black ebony Baldwin concert grand piano. A polished white oak floor runs throughout the apartment. On the other side of the room, next to a desk and a magazine rack by Gio Ponti, is a complete stereo system (CD player, tape deck, tuner, amplifier) by Sansui with six-foot Duntech Sovereign 2001 speakers in Brazilian rosewood. A down-filled futon lies on an oakwood frame in the center of the bedroom. Against the wall is a Panasonic thirty-one-inch set with a direct-view screen and stereo sound and beneath it in a glass case is a Toshiba VCR. I’m not sure if the time on the Sony digital alarm clock is correct so I have to sit up then look down at the time flashing on and off on the VCR, then pick up the Ettore Sottsass push-button phone that rests on the steel and glass nightstand next to the bed and dial the time number. A cream leather, steel and wood chair designed by Eric Marcus is in one corner of the room, a molded plywood chair in the other. A black-dotted beige and white Maud Sienna carpet covers most of the floor. One wall is hidden by four chests of immense bleached mahogany drawers. In bed I’m wearing Ralph Lauren silk pajamas and when I get up I slip on a paisley ancient madder robe and walk to the bathroom. I urinate while trying to make out the puffiness of my reflection in the glass that encases a baseball poster hung above the toilet. After I change into Ralph Lauren monogrammed boxer shorts and a Fair Isle sweater and slide into silk polka-dot Enrico Hidolin slippers I tie a plastic ice pack around my face and commence with the morning’s stretching exercises. Afterwards I stand in front of a chrome and acrylic Washmobile bathroom sink—with soap dish, cup holder, and railings that serve as towel bars, which I bought at Hastings Tile to use while the marble sinks I ordered from Finland are being sanded—and stare at my reflection with the ice pack still on. I pour some Plax antiplaque formula into a stainless-steel tumbler and swish it around my mouth for thirty seconds. Then I squeeze Rembrandt onto a faux-tortoise-shell toothbrush and start brushing my teeth (too hung over to floss properly—but maybe I flossed before bed last night?) and rinse with Listerine. Then I inspect my hands and use a nailbrush. I take the ice-pack mask off and use a deep-pore cleanser lotion, then an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for ten minutes while I check my toenails. Then I use the Probright tooth polisher and next the Interplak tooth polisher (this in addition to the toothbrush) which has a speed of 4200 rpm and reverses direction forty-six times per second; the larger tufts clean between teeth and massage the gums while the short ones scrub the tooth surfaces. I rinse again, with Cepacol. I wash the facial massage off with a spearmint face scrub. The shower has a universal all-directional shower head that adjusts within a thirty-inch vertical range. It’s made from Australian gold-black brass and covered with a white enamel finish. In the shower I use first a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey-almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Vidal Sassoon shampoo is especially good at getting rid of the coating of dried perspiration, salts, oils, airborne pollutants and dirt that can weigh down hair and flatten it to the scalp which can make you look older. The conditioner is also good—silicone technology permits conditioning benefits without weighing down the hair which can also make you look older. On weekends or before a date I prefer to use the Greune Natural Revitalizing Shampoo, the conditioner and the Nutrient Complex. These are formulas that contain D-panthenol, a vitamin-B-complex factor; polysorbate 80, a cleansing agent for the scalp; and natural herbs. Over the weekend I plan to go to Bloomingdale’s or Bergdorf’s and on Evelyn’s advice pick up a Foltene European Supplement and Shampoo for thinning hair which contains complex carbohydrates that penetrate the hair shafts for improved strength and shine. Also the Vivagen Hair Enrichment Treatment, a new Redken product that prevents mineral deposits and prolongs the life cycle of hair. Luis Carruthers recommended the Aramis Nutriplexx system, a nutrient complex that helps increase circulation. Once out of the shower and toweled dry I put the Ralph Lauren boxers back on and before applying the Mousse A Raiser, a shaving cream by Pour Hommes, I press a hot towel against my face for two minutes to soften abrasive beard hair. Then I always slather on a moisturizer (to my taste, Clinique) and let it soak in for a minute. You can rinse it off or keep it on and apply a shaving cream over it—preferably with a brush, which softens the beard as it lifts the whiskers—which I’ve found makes removing the hair easier. It also helps prevent water from evaporating and reduces friction between your skin and the blade. Always wet the razor with warm water before shaving and shave in the direction the beard grows, pressing gently on the skin. Leave the sideburns and chin for last, since these whiskers are tougher and need more time to soften. Rinse the razor and shake off any excess water before starting. Afterwards splash cool water on the face to remove any trace of lather. You should use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol. Never use cologne on your face, since the high alcohol content dries your face out and makes you look older. One should use an alcohol-free antibacterial toner with a water-moistened cotton ball to normalize the skin. Applying a moisturizer is the final step. Splash on water before applying an emollient lotion to soften the skin and seal in the moisture. Next apply Gel Appaisant, also made by Pour Hommes, which is an excellent, soothing skin lotion. If the face seems dry and flaky—which makes it look dull and older—use a clarifying lotion that removes flakes and uncovers fine skin (it can also make your tan look darker). Then apply an anti-aging eye balm (Baume Des Yeux) followed by a final moisturizing “protective” lotion. A scalp-programming lotion is used after I towel my hair dry. I also lightly blow-dry the hair to give it body and control (but without stickiness) and then add more of the lotion, shaping it with a Kent natural-bristle brush, and finally slick it back with a wide-tooth comb. I pull the Fair Isle sweater back on and reslip my feet into the polka-dot silk slippers, then head into the living room and put the new Talking Heads in the CD player, but it starts to digitally skip so I take it out and put in a CD laser lens cleaner. The laser lens is very sensitive, and subject to interference from dust or dirt or smoke or pollutants or moisture, and a dirty one can inaccurately read CDs, making for false starts, inaudible passages, digital skipping, speed changes and general distortion; the lens cleaner has a cleaning brush that automatically aligns with the lens then the disk spins to remove residue and particles. When I put the Talking Heads CD back in it plays smoothly. I retrieve the copy of USA Today that lies in front of my door in the hallway and bring it with me into the kitchen where I take two Advil, a multivitamin and a potassium tablet, washing them down with a large bottle of Evian water since the maid, an elderly Chinese woman, forgot to turn the dishwasher on when she left yesterday, and then I have to pour the grapefruit-lemon juice into a St. Remy wineglass I got from Baccarat. I check the neon clock that hangs over the refrigerator to make sure I have enough time to eat breakfast unhurriedly. Standing at the island in the kitchen I eat kiwifruit and a sliced Japanese apple-pear (they cost four dollars each at Gristede’s) out of aluminum storage boxes that were designed in West Germany. I take a bran muffin, a decaffeinated herbal tea bag and a box of oat-bran cereal from one of the large glass-front cabinets that make up most of an entire wall in the kitchen; complete with stainless-steel shelves and sandblasted wire glass, it is framed in a metallic dark gray-blue. I eat half of the bran muffin after it’s been microwaved and lightly covered with a small helping of apple butter. A bowl of oat-bran cereal with wheat germ and soy milk follows; another bottle of Evian water and a small cup of decaf tea after that. Next to the Panasonic bread baker and the Salton Pop-Up coffee maker is the Cremina sterling silver espresso maker (which is, oddly, still warm) that I got at Hammacher Schlemmer (the thermal-insulated stainless-steel espresso cup and the saucer and spoon are sitting by the sink, stained) and the Sharp Model R-1810A Carousel II microwave oven with revolving turntable which I use when I heat up the other half of the bran muffin. Next to the Salton Sonata toaster and the Cuisinart Little Pro food processor and the Acme Supreme Juicerator and the Cordially Yours liqueur maker stands the heavy-gauge stainless-steel two-and-one-half-quart teakettle, which whistles “Tea for Two” when the water is boiling, and with it I make another small cup of the decaffeinated apple-cinnamon tea. For what seems like a long time I stare at the Black & Decker Handy Knife that lies on the counter next to the sink, plugged into the wall: it’s a slicer/peeler with several attachments, a serrated blade, a scalloped blade and a rechargeable handle. The suit I wear today is from Alan Flusser. It’s an eighties drape suit, which is an updated version of the thirties style. The favored version has extended natural shoulders, a full chest and a bladed back. The soft-rolled lapels should be about four inches wide with the peak finishing three quarters of the way across the shoulders. Properly used on double-breasted suits, peaked lapels are considered more elegant than notched ones. Low-slung pockets have a flapped double-besom design—above the flap there’s a slit trimmed on either side with a flat narrow strip of cloth. Four buttons form a low-slung square; above it, about where the lapels cross, there are two more buttons. The trousers are deeply pleated and cut full in order to continue the flow of the wide jacket. An extended waist is cut slightly higher in the front. Tabs make the suspenders fit well at the center back. The tie is a dotted silk design by Valentino Couture. The shoes are crocodile loafers by A. Testoni. While I’m dressing the TV is kept on to The Patty Winters Show. Today’s guests are women with multiple personalities. A nondescript overweight older woman is on the screen and Patty’s voice is heard asking, “Well, is it schizophrenia or what’s the deal? Tell us.” “No, oh no. Multiple personalities are not schizophrenics,” the woman says, shaking her head. “We are not dangerous.” “Well,” Patty starts, standing in the middle of the audience, microphone in hand. “Who were you last month?” “Last month it seemed to be mostly Polly,” the woman says. A cut to the audience—a housewife’s worried face; before she notices herself on the monitor, it cuts back to the multiple-personality woman. “Well,” Patty continues, “now who are you?” “Well …,” the woman begins tiredly, as if she was sick of being asked this question, as if she had answered it over and over again and still no one believed it. “Well, this month I’m … Lambchop. Mostly … Lambchop.” A long pause. The camera cuts to a close-up of a stunned housewife shaking her head, another housewife whispering something to her. The shoes I’m wearing are crocodile loafers by A. Testoni. Grabbing my raincoat out of the closet in the entranceway I find a Burberry scarf and matching coat with a whale embroidered on it (something a little kid might wear) and it’s covered with what looks like dried chocolate syrup crisscrossed over the front, darkening the lapels. I take the elevator downstairs to the lobby, rewinding my Rolex by gently shaking my wrist. I say good morning to the doorman, step outside and hail a cab, heading downtown toward Wall Street.
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Best Clothes Steamer Reviews And Buying Guide For 2019
Other innovations included a layout of pony engine and capstan along with an interlinked windlass. Beautiful design. Easy to use & clean. The steam cleaner can clean using warmth. Water is set in the tank also is heated until it becomes steam. I'm about 2/3 remaining water, after using the steamer in my one shirt. Take precautions. It is crucial that you read the directions which came with your boat, before using an electric boat. 3. After that require the following water place in a few drops of dish soap and bottle and fill about half way with peroxide. The wax sucks up all the dirt, and then a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner can be used to consume the entire solution. Especially when using large and heavy fabrics such as bedding or drapes, A garment steamer is necessary, however.
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A garment steamer is versatile. When it's about, the ship will always let out steam until it runs out of the water, or else you turn off it, thus no need to get your finger pressing on a button to let steam out. That usually means you won't' then mop it and have to invest time in crossing your floor! Special apparatus were developed then smaller mobile devices for your home followed, as more people became aware of the curative advantages of facial steaming. You could even attach the available cleaning accessories included depending on which kind of surface or stain you are cleaning and then press a button. Type at a loss: propeller, wood, proceed. There are four key segments covered in competitor segment this record, product type section, end use/application segment and geography segment. You'll get a fresh carpet that smells fantastic too as appears.
Besides that, you will delight in the 'little beast' performance.
If you can not personally test the wand before purchasing carpet cleaning equipment, you need to buy the item from a reputable dealer with credentials that are recognized in supplying mobile carpet cleaners. If you beloved this posting and you would like to get much more data relating to Garment Steamers-Upright and Handheld Steamers kindly stop by our website. It's tastier and more comfortable than you might think to make Japanese Sweet Mochi in your house, so try it! Note: Regardless of what size pot you're currently using, it's critical to be sure when you place it in the 35, your steaming basket insert will not be covered by water. Besides that, you will delight in the'little beast' performance. Wheeler did make significant strides following a slow beginning, but it would be impossible to trust that performance entirely before he accomplishes it within a period. The flooring is slick, and wheels other than rubber would make pushing your vacuum. As long as the brakes are making contact, you roll this item along with upholstery or your countertops and let it work!
steamer water
This is because it is not the simplest thing in the world though it does not look like rocket science. At the greasy area, aim the steam cleaner Just like a magic wand and await the clump of gunk to melt. Brush the region to be steamed. Her engine reportedly came in the sidewheeler FASHION, wrecked in 1856(qv). She was frequently mentioned as the propeller on the roads, reputedly able to achieve 18 miles! Plus, it came with an extra ring, glass lid along with steaming rack, measuring cup, ladle rice paddle at no price. Part of her engine was in the WALK-IN-THE WATER(qv) and the SUPERIOR(qv). She had an irregular "cog-wheel" engine with a transverse walking beam, according to many newspaper accounts. Detail: Bound Collingwood for Parry Sound, she drifted into a storm and vanished.
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thecampinggeek · 4 years
How to Clean a Camping Stove at the End of the Season
A hot meal is exactly what you need when you’re camping in the backcountry, especially after a long day of hiking and exploring. Since a camp stove is such an important piece of gear, you need to learn how to clean a camping stove, so you can store it properly and ensure it’s ready to go when the season begins. The best camping stove, a model that you can easily fire up and prepare your favorite meals, is essential to keeping you and your fellow campers happy and well-fed. However, if you don’t stay on top of upkeep, you’ll find that your stove isn’t able to cook your food as efficiently as it once did. Proper stove care and maintenance is essential and the best way you can ensure your stove is able to fire up right away, using its full power. This maintenance guide for camping stoves will walk you through the process and includes some helpful tips and tricks that will help your stove prepare your food faster, and more efficiently.
Getting Started
The right way to clean and maintain your stove can vary depending on the type of cooking you do, the type of fuel the stove uses, and the type of stove itself.  However, whether you have a single burner unit, or a multi-burner stove designed for glamping, many of the same cleaning techniques can be used.
Draining the Fuel
All stoves need to be drained of fuel to lengthen the life of a stove and to allow you to clean it safely. Before you start cleaning, make sure you’ve shut the stove off and drained the liquid, propane, or gas from the line. For this task, you’ll switch off the tank to stop the gas flow. Next, you’ll turn the stove on and light a burner to burn off any of the remaining fuel that’s left in the line.
Another option is to allow the liquid fuel to drip out or allow the gas to escape. If you’re using a propane stove, then you’ll hear the gas escaping for ten to fifteen seconds. Once the fuel is gone, you can safely start the cleaning process.
Cleaning Stainless Steel
Cleaning stainless steel can be tricky, but if done right, it’s a surface that will last the longest. Sparkling clean stainless steel will also instantly beautify your stove.
Begin cleaning the stainless steel by wiping it down with vinegar, using a microfiber cloth.
Be sure to rub or wipe down the surface in the direction of the grain to minimize spots and streaks. Vinegar is the most environmentally friendly cleaning agent; however, you can also use a stainless steel cleaner or rubbing alcohol.
For stubborn spots, try sprinkling some baking soda over the surface, then scrub it down with vinegar and the microfiber cloth. The chemical reaction that occurs between these substances can help to break up gunk and cooked on grease.
If you want to keep the stainless steel shining and make it easier to clean in the future, then grab some olive oil. Begin by dabbing a little of the oil on a cloth, then wipe the steel in the same direction as the grain. The layer of oil will provide a thin shield of protection against water and smudges, without making the surface feel greasy.
Painted Metal or Plastic Surfaces
Cleaning painted plastic or metal surfaces is pretty simple. These surfaces are often treated with a type of heat resistant paint, so you’ll want to avoid using any type of abrasive chemical since this can cause the paint to peel.
Painted metal and plastic surfaces tend to respond well to dish soap and hot water. You’ll need a good scrubbing pad; however, you’ll want to avoid using steel wool since it’s too abrasive and can scratch the paint.
Storing Your Stove
When you break your stove out of storage during the camping season, cleaning it up should be a fast and simple process, unless you’ve neglected to clean it properly before you stored it for the off-season.
Before storing your stove, give it a good cleaning and store it in the same package it came with. This will protect it from dirt, dust, scratches, and more.
If you’ve tossed the box, then you can also store it in some two-gallon Ziploc bags. If the stove is very large, store it inside a trash bag and tie it well. This will keep mice and insects away.
Burner Cleanup
The burners are the heart and soul of a camping stove. The burners consist of several small holes where the fuel comes out. It’s important to keep these holes free from grease, dirt and grime, otherwise your stove may have a hard time lighting.
To clean the burners, follow the steps below:
Use a screwdriver to unscrew the burners from their base
Use hot water and dish soap to scrub the burner holes.
You can take a safety pin or a paper clip and use it to poke out any residue that’s clogging the holes.
Rinse the burners well in hot water
Allow the burners to air dry for six to eight hours
The burners must be fully dry before you attempt to relight them, otherwise, they may not light due to moisture trapped inside them. If the burners fail to light, you’ll be releasing flammable gas into the air.
Cleaning the Knobs
The trickiest part of the stove to keep clean is the knobs. But if you stay on top of wiping them off whenever you cook, upkeep will be a cinch. If the knobs need a deep clean, then pop them off the stove. Next, you’ll use an old toothbrush to clean the knobs inside and out. Knobs that are clean will make it easy to control the flame’s setting and the stove’s heat output.
Dealing with Baked-On Grease
If the stove has a grill on it, then you may need to give the grill a good scrubbing. For tough baked-on spots, scrubbing down the grill will be the best option. You can also soak it beforehand to help loosen up any baked-on oil or grime.
Drying Out Your Stove
The best method to dry out your camp stove is to allow it to air dry for several hours. However, you will also need to remove several pieces from the stove to ensure that it’s able to dry as thoroughly as possible. This can involve unscrewing the burners, removing the knobs, and disconnecting the hose.
The more airflow the stove has, the faster and more efficiently it will dry. Make sure you turn everything upside down to allow the water to easily flow out.
Treating Rust
Rust is just like a parasite. It spreads quickly, destroying everything in its path. If you notice any rust on the burners or on the surface of the stove, make sure you address it right away. You can use steel wool or a grill stone to remove the rust, or you can use dry or wet sandpaper to scrub it by hand. The warmer the rust is, the easier it is to remove. Because of this, it’s a good idea to tackle any rust once you’ve finished cooking and the stove’s elements are nice and hot.
Once you’ve gotten rid of the rust, make sure you apply a protective coat of oil to keep water off the stove’s surface.
Handling Boil Overs
Boiling over a pot of rice, noodles, or soup is one of the leading causes of rust. To prevent rust, you’ll need to dry your stove out thoroughly, once you’re done cooking for the day.
To do, you’ll unscrew the burners and use a towel to soak up any liquid. If possible, flip the stove upside down to dry.
Steam Cleaning
If your home oven has a steam cleaning option, it usually involves placing a cup of water in the bottom of the oven, then pushing the self-clean button. The stove will heat up and steam everything inside, which loosens up grime, grease, and dirt. If you have a camping stove that’s absolutely filthy and covered in caked-on food and grease and made out of all metal, place it in your oven during a self-clean and it will also give your camping stove a great steam clean. You cannot use this trick if your camping stove has any rubber tubing or plastic pieces, since they will melt or warp.
Ammonia to the Rescue
If your burners or stove still look terrible after trying several of these cleaning tricks, then it’s time to use some ammonia. This strong-smelling harsh chemical should only be used as a last resort.
To use, take a quarter cup of ammonia and pour it into a plastic bag with greasy stove components inside. Shake the bake to ensure everything is well-coated. Allow the components to soak in the bag overnight, placing the bag in the sink. In the morning, you can carefully pour out the ammonia and run the parts of the stove under the faucet to remove any trace of the harsh chemical and any remaining grime.
Final Thoughts
Learning how to clean a camping stove is an important part of gear maintenance. Staying on top of your stove’s cleaning needs is essential, since this will help to cut down on the amount of cleaning you’ll need to do at the end and the beginning of each camping season. It will also ensure that your stove works perfectly. Wipe your stove down after each use and check for rust, caked on grime, and grease. Doing so will help to prolong the life of your stove. At the end of each season, you’ll need to give your stove a deep clean and dry it and store it properly, so it’s ready to go once the weather turns warmer.
source https://thecampinggeek.com/how-to-clean-a-camping-stove/
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technicalcare · 4 years
Not Known Details About pressure washing near me
To regain accessibility, be sure to Make certain that cookies and JavaScript are enabled just before reloading the site. You may additionally need to employ a handyman if a contractor’s value is too large. Handymen often cost fewer than standard contractors, but contractors normally contain the required license to execute specified tasks. Vehicle air conditioning repair can contain several different duties ranging from compact to large-scale, from refrigerant stages to cooling fans. Almost everything from an once-a-year inspection or overall performance Examine to analysis and alternative of system elements might be accomplished at your neighborhood Meineke shop by a certified technician, with any estimates or diagnostic checks. You may gain from using the services of an expert go-out cleansing service, based on your spending plan, time-frame and no matter if you may be getting a deposit again. Teko is a technologies startup innovating the cell and equipment service marketplace. We offer a classy platform which enables end users to easily e-book a specialist technician at any time and from wherever. Check for odd Appears or habits at the following fixtures, starting up at the lowest amount of the house. The principle sewer drains generally develop into clogged somewhere involving the house and the street, and since backups start out in the clog and go up, so the bottom drains and fixtures are usually the primary to again up. Be careful if you're pouring the baking soda along with the vinegar due to the fact these two products and solutions make fumes and foam after they interact. three In the event your bathroom Home maintenance services dubai is clogged, pour 1/four cup of dish detergent within the bowl. Then boil some drinking water. The dish cleaning soap will act as a lubricant and assistance crack up any greasy residue. I’m really satisfied with Gudiel’s do the job. He’s A form, responsive and reliable Professional. Will certainly be using the services of him once again for handyman jobs all-around my home. Very suggest! Don't just do many home cleaners take digital payments by platforms like Zelle, PayPal, Sq. Dollars, Google Spend, Venmo and a lot more, but this will likely grow to be far more typical because the COVID-19 pandemic pushes far more service employees to digitize. This implies you can pay your home cleaner with out earning Bodily Speak to or handling income.  Sky Renovation & New Design stands out for the reason that we are with you through the whole technique of your remodeling undertaking. We proivde timelines and truthful schedules so that you can strategy about your home becoming remodeled. We've anawesome client service crew that is certainly on simply call 24/seven being of service for you. A handyman is not really legally necessary to have any training or licensing in plumbing issues, although a licensed plumber has been through years of instruction and on-the-occupation teaching. In some instances, homeowners insurance gained’t deal with harm due to plumbing repair finished by an unlicensed handyman. Lincoln, NE We provide professional cleans for households and corporations making use of all natural cleaning merchandise. If you'd like to Slash down the chemical substances as part of your kitchen and clear in a far more eco-friendly way, You may also make your individual washing up liquid. 
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A few of these Concepts are what I are already taught to do too. The issue is, what's going to materialize In the event the drain concern will get even worse, would I should connect with in the specialists or discover other remedies? “Most well-liked” listings, or Individuals with showcased Web page buttons, point out YP advertisers who right deliver details about their enterprises to aid people make additional educated shopping for decisions. YP advertisers obtain greater placement inside the default ordering of search results and will appear in sponsored listings on the very best, aspect, or base of the search engine results page. This will permit the handyman to assess the situation with no increasing the potential risk of transmission by going to your own home. If the service is vital plus the handyman really should enter your house, you’ll ought to choose stringent safety measures for your pay a visit to. Examine non permanent fixes if possible, and come up with a strategy for security and digital payment. You under no circumstances pay back to make use of Thumbtack: Get Price estimates, Make contact with execs, and perhaps book The work—all for no cost. Jason the certified Contractor #fifty six I are actually a handyman and now plumber for over 27 years. I am concerned that the recommendation earlier mentioned will result in tenants and homeowners difficulty while in the near and long lasting foreseeable future. Mostly, I acquire issue With all the coat hanger, caustic soda, and the recent boiling h2o techniques. Then pour the hot water down, and prepare to get started on plunging. Should the plunger won't Slice it, rubber gloves often is the upcoming alternative. We employed them to accomplish a deep cleansing of our condominium and they went earlier mentioned and over and above. They cleaned Every thing we asked plus more.See far more Operate the sink: A further Bizarre response to search for is trapped air within the plumbing method. When you operate water inside a sink—Specially a sink closest into the toilet—you might hear the toilet gurgle or see the drinking water degree from the rest room rises. I called several handyman companies before I bought for you men. No-one wished to do my drywall perform!See much more You hardly ever fork out to make use of Thumbtack: Get cost estimates, Call professionals, as well as book the job—all for free of charge. You by no means fork out to make use of Thumbtack: Get Value estimates, contact professionals, and perhaps guide The task—all for free of charge. A handyman is a talented laborer who presents fundamental house repairs. Anybody can get in Home maintenance services dubai touch with on their own a handyman, Even though most who do this are expert with repairs and home initiatives. Looking at testimonials is a great way to ascertain their Exercise for your personal position. The tasks a handyman can accomplish involve assembling home furnishings, painting interiors and exteriors, repairing fences, repairing broken doors or changing trim, hanging lights, hooking up appliances, and even more. Handymen could have flat costs for specific services, or cost an hourly charge. Handyman prices tend to be lower than Individuals of a contractor, as they don’t contain the exact specialization. Using the services of a cleaning service will take the tension out of your respective go. But in case you’ve experienced your property consistently deep-cleaned, or Should your landlord will demand you for cleaning in any case, you can save expenditures by DIY-ing it. A drain clean-out can be a special fitting or a short pipe hooked up to some drain pipe. It always includes a spherical threaded plug with a sq., nut-like stub on the top. It may be Positioned at the bottom of the big vertical soil stack or is typically mounted on the floor at the point where by the horizontal primary drain pipe operates out into the sewer primary.
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scipunk63 · 7 years
Dadvid Prompt: Mr. Honeynuts
(Takes place after Gwen Gets a Job.)
"I'm sorry you didn't get your dream job, Gwen." David sighed, parking the camp car in its designated spot.
"Eh, don't worry about it. I'm just glad I finally have that little shit off my back." Gwen laughed softly. "And hey, we can always try again next week."
"You're right..." The man pulled open the car door and stepped out into the dark forest that made up their camp grounds.
It felt nice to finally be back at HIS dream job, but- something didn't feel quite right now. There was a 'disturbance in the force' as he often heard the campers say. Frowning, he turned to look at Gwen to see if she felt anything. Not much to his surprise, he found that she didn't seem to notice any sort of change.
"Something wrong, David?" She asked.
"Something feels a little odd is all... I'm gonna go check on the campers." With that, the cinnamon haired counselor took off towards the tents, bidding Gwen a quick goodnight over his shoulder as he did so.
"Good night, doofus!"
Insult aside, David stopped just short of the tents. He then slowed his pace and tip-toed quietly to the first tent, the girl's tent, and peaked inside. Nerris, Ered, and Nikki were all tucked in their sleeping bags, fast asleep. Not a sign of worry on any of their faces.
"The girls are okay." He noted out loud, before sneaking off to the next tent.
Preston, Nurf, and Dolph. All were also fast asleep, then Harrison and Spacekid's tent. No change in any setup. That left just one more tent to check.
"Max and Neil." David muttered as he approached the only tent with a "Fuck-Off, David" sign on it.
Taking a deep breath, mainly so he didn't have to fear breathing too loudly and waking a camper (those growing kids needed their rest after all), he poked his head inside.
David was surprised to find the remaining two campers- Also sleeping. Not even a frown from Max-
"Strange... I could of sworn-" The older man stopped, his emerald eyes landing on what he KNEW must be the cause of the shift.
Max's teddybear.
It was laying on the ground, just under Max's bed. It was still covered in several shades of mud and grass stains and David couldn't remember if the bear originally had one eye or two, but he saw that one was missing.
"Why would Max discard his bear like that? He just got it ba-" David's concern suddenly turned to muted rage, as he suddenly remembered Gwen humiliating the camper with the beloved toy earlier on.
Frowning, the lanky concelor swept the bear off of the floor and into his arms and took off shortly after.
"Petty revenge is one thing, but making someone feel shame over something they care about!?" A hushed tone exclaimed. "I can forgive her not telling me about her job search- thats on me! But NOT hurting one of my campers."
With a huff, David pushed open the doors of the Mess Hall and flicked on the lights. In the dim light, he found what he was looking for: The stationary tub and a bottle of dish soap (they didn't have much soap at Camp to begin with, so it would have to do.)
"Lets get you cleaned up, Camper- Honeynuts." The name was written on the bear's tag crudely, so he was hoping he had just read it wrong, but that was unimportant at the moment.
A quick scrubbing and a few gentle washes was all it took to rid the bear of its stains. He was looking better already!
"And to dry him... I think I know of the perfect counselor who can help us."
A swift kick to their cabin door had Gwen crying out in surprise and reaching for the nearest thing to toss before she seemed to realize it was only David.
"What the hell David- Is that Max's bear?" Purple eyes narrowed dangerously.
"No, this is our newest camper, and you're gonna help me dry him off." David stated firmly. "May I PLEASE borrow your hair dryer?"
"W-what!? No! Do you realize what I had to go through to get Max's his shitty bear ba-"
"CAMPER!" David cut in. "And I seem to remember you humiliating Max with it when you got it back. And since all of this could have been avoided if you had just simply TALKED to ME about your feelings, this is all on you... So please?"
Gwen's mouth opened slightly, but she just sat there gaping at him for a moment before closing it. Frowning, she reached into her drawer, pulled out the dryer and tossed it to him. Smiling, David mouthed a quick "thank you" before getting back to work.
"Shouldn't take long, thanks buddy!"
Once the bear was dry, (it took a while since the bear was so large), the concelor scavenged his cabin until he found a spare button that was suitable for a replacement eye. It was from an old jacket, and was tacked on with a bit of glue and a simple stitch.
With the bear cleaned up and put back together, David made a quick trip back to Max's cabin to return the toy. He took caution in sneaking quietly to the boy's cot, carefully lifted his small arm, and tucked the bear under it.
"There. Perfect." He beamed, sneaking back out as quietly as he had come in.
To his relief, as soon as he was back outside, he found that the feeling of disruption had left him, and all was right with the force again.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Home modifications when moving in an elderly parent
Home modifications when moving in an elderly parent
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The coronavirus outbreak has been a trying time for all families with a loved one in a senior living facility. Older adults have the highest risk of developing severe and potentially fatal complications from the virus, and nursing homes have been linked to 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States, according to The New York Times.
In order to curb outbreaks, most facilities have restricted or banned visitors. While this has been an important step to keep at-risk residents safe, it has also added to the strain being felt by families. Seniors face risks not just from the virus itself but also from the negative effects of social isolation, which the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes include a 29% higher risk of heart disease, 32% increased risk of stroke, and 50% increased risk of dementia. In what feels like a lose-lose situation, many families are asking the same question: is it safer to bring seniors home?
Not everyone has the space, time and resources required to house and care for elderly family members. If people in your family are going to work or interacting with others socially, for example, home life might be less safe than a nursing home with strict protocols. But the LA Times reports some public health figures have come forward urging families that can do so to remove older parents and grandparents from residential facilities. If this is the route you choose, you’ll need to make some adjustments to your home to ensure that it is safe and comfortable for your loved one.
Coming home
What’s the process?
Getting a senior out of a nursing home or assisted living facility is typically a straightforward process, although this depends primarily on the level of care they need on a daily basis. The first step is to talk to the facility and find out what needs to happen in order for your family member to be discharged. 
If a legal guardianship is in place, the responsible person will need to give their permission for the discharge to occur. You should also have in-depth discussions with your loved one’s doctor to make sure they can get sufficient medical care at home and find out what costs may be associated with this.
Finally, don’t forget to ask what the process is for readmission once the situation has become safer, or if you can no longer provide adequate care. After a senior has given up their space in a facility, it may be difficult to get it back if the spot has already been filled. Many facilities have waiting lists that are months or years long, and moving out could put your family member back at the bottom of this list, even if it’s only temporary.
Health Safety
Once your loved one has made it home, it’s essential to ensure that everyone in the household is following safety guidelines. If all family members plan to continue sheltering in place even as lockdown restrictions are lifted, the risk of the virus entering the home should be fairly low. 
However, this is estimated to increase drastically if your family includes adults who must return to work or children who are going back to school. Current CDC figures estimate that 40% of all COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, which means that someone in the home could easily contract the virus without realizing it and pass it along to an elderly parent or grandparent.
If you do need to venture out while caring for an at-risk senior, make sure to follow CDC safety guidelines. These include:
Avoid contact with anyone who has shown COVID-19 symptoms or been potentially exposed to the virus in the past 14 days.
Keep at least six feet of distance from others in public.
Wear a mask when physical distancing may be difficult or impossible.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after social interactions, when using the bathroom and before eating.
Don’t share items with others and limit contact with common surfaces.
Home Safety
Most houses aren’t specifically designed with senior safety in mind. Elderly family members have certain mobility limitations that may require slight modifications to your home. However, improving accessibility is less complicated than you might assume. Below, we’ve included a room-by-room guide to making your home easier to navigate for older parents or grandparents.
Home Modifications
Make sure that hallways and staircases are well-lit, with light switches or motion-detectors located at either end.
Remove tripping hazards from walkways.
Check railings to ensure they are secure and won’t wobble or budge. Railings should be installed on both sides of every staircase.
Put non-slip treads on stair steps and lay down non-skid mats under rugs.
Have a chair lift installed if access to upper floors is required for seniors with low mobility.
Provide a food preparation surface that can be used while seated.
Install a kitchen faucet that operates with a single lever instead of individual knobs.
Store commonly used items in easy-to-reach cabinets.
Make sure your ABC-rated fire extinguisher is on hand and hasn’t passed its expiration date.
Dining Room
Adjust the dining table if necessary to allow enough space for wheelchair or walker access on at least one side.
Provide a dining chair with side arms.
Keep dishes used for everyday dining in a sideboard or on a low shelf.
Family/Living Room
Arrange furniture so that there is plenty of room to move around.
Get rid of clutter by putting items into storage or donating them.
Make sure wires and cords are tucked out of the way where they can’t be tripped over.
Purchase a senior-friendly universal remote with large, simplified buttons.
If possible, give your oldest family member a bedroom located on the ground floor of the home to avoid the use of stairs.
Consider a bed with railings to assist with balance and mobility.
Keep curtains open during the day to let in natural light, which aids in better quality sleep.
Install light switches that can be pushed to turn lights both on and off.
Place the bed in a position where it provides easy access to the bathroom without requiring assistance.
Give seniors access to a bathroom with a walk-in style shower.
Install railings near the toilet and shower.
Replace the showerhead with an adjustable handheld model.
Put down no-slip mats inside and around the shower.
Purchase or install a shower seat.
Avoid storing necessary items in the basement to reduce the number of trips up and down the stairs.
If access to the basement is required, make sure the stairs are well-lit and fitted with no-slip treads.
Install a phone in the basement for emergency calls.
Install lights around all outdoor paths.
Keep walkways clear of overgrowth and other tripping hazards.
Add an outdoor ramp if needed to accommodate step-free access for a wheelchair, scooter, or walker.
Replace turning door handles with lever-operated models.
Make sure doors are easy to lock and unlock from the inside and outside.
Extra Precautions
Medical Alert System
Even when you’re sharing a home with an elderly family member, you probably won’t stay by their side 24 hours a day. A medical alert system is a good idea for seniors who might move around the home frequently; this gives everyone peace of mind while preserving their mobility. These devices are easily activated with the push of a button if your loved one experiences an emergency and can’t call for help. Many will automatically detect falls, which one in four Americans age 65 and older experience each year, and some can even monitor vital signs.
Security System
If you don’t already have a security system installed, consider adding one. Dozens of companies offer DIY security solutions that can be set up in minutes by installing your own cameras and sensors. Most offer smartphone apps that allow you to monitor your home from anywhere and receive notifications if anything out of the ordinary is detected. Even if you do already have a home security system in place, think about beefing it up by integrating smart home devices like smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Bringing an elderly family member home can be an especially big adjustment for homes with small children, as everyone acclimates to the new living situation. Kids might have questions about why their grandparent is moving in, so try to answer them truthfully without causing too much fear regarding the ongoing pandemic.
Make sure you review safety information with children and hone in on the importance of following guidelines to keep their loved one safe. Ask kids to wash their hands before visiting grandma or grandpa and have them stay away if they’ve recently complained of not feeling well. Incorporating picking up toys after playtime as part of their daily routine can keep floors free of clutter that might be stepped or tripped on.
Dogs and cats can also pose a foot-traffic hazard, so try to keep them out of the way as much as possible. Consider keeping pets in a separate room behind a closed door or baby gate, and make sure litter boxes are kept clean and items like toys and tennis balls aren’t left underfoot.
The Benefits
More Family Time
You might be thinking about moving a senior into your home for their health and safety, but did you know that other family members can benefit, too? Research has shown that kids experience more emotional stability when they spend more time with their grandparents, and young adults are less likely to experience depression. For all members of the household, spending time with an elderly family member during their golden years is sure to create lifelong memories that simply can’t be replaced.
Tax Credits
If an elderly parent or grandparent moves in with you in order for you to become their primary caregiver, you may be able to claim them as a dependent on your taxes. There are a few restrictions on this; for example, AARP indicates the senior’s income should be less than $4,200 for the year (based on the 2019 tax period) and you must be financially responsible for at least half of their living expenses. 
If their medical costs total more than 10% of the total gross income listed on your tax return, you can also write these off as a deduction. Just make sure you keep careful itemized records of expenses and retain medical bills and receipts.
Home Insurance
Bringing an elderly family member into your household also means it’s time to review your home insurance policy. If medical personnel will frequently visit the home to provide care, you may need to increase the amount of liability insurance you carry. The same applies if you plan to hire contractors to carry out home modifications for better accessibility.
Depending on what changes you make to your home, these may also affect your home insurance rates. For example, installing or updating a home security system will usually lead to lower premiums. You should let your insurance company know about major installations like a wheelchair ramp or chair lift to make sure the replacement value of these modifications are covered in case of damage. Medical equipment such as hospital beds can also be expensive to replace and should be factored into coverage.
Bottom Line
Taking a senior out of a nursing home or assisted living facility amid the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t as easy as just picking them up and bringing them home. There’s a bit of work and planning involved in making the necessary preparations, and you may face additional costs if modifications need to be made to your home. But for families that are concerned about their loved one’s well-being in the face of a disease with a high potential for fatal consequences, the costs can be well worth it to keep them safe from harm.
For more details on how to make your home more comfortable and accessible for elderly family members, refer to the AARP’s HomeFit Guide. The guide provides additional room-by-room instructions and modifications for specific needs like impaired vision and low mobility. You’ll also find helpful worksheets and checklists to help you conduct a review of your home. The National Association of Home Builders provides senior-friendly home modification training for contractors through the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) program. To find a contractor with the CAPS designation, refer to the NAHB website or call the Professional Designation Helpline at (800) 368-5242 ext. 8154.
This article was originally published by Coverage.com. Read the original article here.
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writerzmagazine · 5 years
37 Essential RV Kitchen Accessories (Space Savers)
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  RV kitchen accessories are important as they don’t take too much space and yet they provide so much cooking and dining ease. In a small RV, space is an extremely important thing, especially in the kitchen area where there is an oven, fridge, and cooktop. You have very little space left. So, what to do? Cook and dine smart! Yes, you can save more space and in a convenient way if you have the right kitchen accessories for the job. All of these take less space, would do its job and are built for multi-purpose use. Let’s cook smart!   But, before that, there is an important message. Note- This article contains affiliate links so when you purchase a product through these links we get a small commission, without any extra cost to you, (the money is used to run this site and to give salaries to the team) But, this did not affect my reviewing decision. I have selected what is best in the market to help you out selecting the best product.  
1. Collapsible Strainer
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  Picture of Collapsible Strainer Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: QIMH This is the first kitchen essential in my list. Made from environmentally friendly plastic and rubber, with no smell or toxic elements. It will make cooking very easy as it has non-slip handles. The strainer has a large capacity of handling 6 quarts of food such as pasta, veggies, and berries. It is a multi-use thing as you can use it over the sink or freestanding on a counter or table. Storing it is no problem as it can collapse from 4.72 inches to 1.6 inches high only by one push. It can be easily stored in a kitchen drawer, cabinet or drying tray without taking much space. One thing you must remember is that you must not use it with a temperature exceeding 302 Fahrenheit. This thing is also very easy to clean.  
2. Stackable Mixing Bowls and Measuring Cups
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Stackable Mixing Bowls and Measuring Cups Photo Credit-Amazon
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Brand: Vremi Another space-saving thing you will like. As everything in the set can be stored inside the large bowl. You can stack each bowl, measuring cups and spoons together. It comes in vibrant colors for a great look, it also makes it easy to identify the right bowl. The large bowl has a capacity of 16.5 cups or 4 quarts and the small mixing bowl has a capacity of 2.4 cups or 0.5 quarts. There is also a colander and strainer in the set. So what you get in the set: 2 mixer bowl 1colander with a handle 1 mesh strainer sifter 4 measuring cups 5 measuring spoons All these things are made up of BPA free plastic which is durable and non-toxic. You can clean the set in a dishwasher.  
3. Collapsible Measuring Cups
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Collapsible Measuring Cups Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: ingeniuso You can measure all liquids and solids with four cups and spoons. It can measure 1 cup/250ml, ½ cup/125 ml, 1/3 cup/80 ml, ¼ cup/60 ml with the cups and by spoons you can accurately measure 1 tbsp/15ml, 1tsp/5ml, ½ tsp/2.5ml, and ¼ tsp/1.25ml. It is made from BPA-free food-grade silicone making it non-toxic, durable, high heat resistant and safe. All you have to do is to unfold, measure, pour and clean. It is made up of non-porous silicone that washes great with soap and even hot water. It is a colorful, comfortable and lightweight space saver.  
4. Electric Can Opener
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Electric Can Opener Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Dr.me It is an automatic electric can opener that is designed with a high-quality ABS material and stainless steel cutting knives. It is easy to clean, corrosion-resistant, non-toxic and safe. The blade is embedded inside the device to help prevent accidental cuts of fingers while you search it in the drawer. It is useful for people with arthritis or hand pain and does not require manual labor. It will open the can at the touch of a button. The lid is held by a magnet after it is removed from the can. The lid is opened with a rounded edge to avoid any chance of injury.  
5. Dish Tub
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Dish Tub Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: UST This dish tub is made from a flexible thermoplastic rubber (TPR). It is strong, durable and collapsible for saving space.  The dish tub has dual carrying handles so it can be also used to carry firewood, water, gear, and other items. It can also be used for shower purposes. A plastic rim is attached to it to give additional structural strength to last long. It has a capacity of 5.5 liters or 2.25 gallons. Measuring 15 x 11.4 c 5. Inches when fully expanded and weighing only 1.23 pounds. While some customers complaint about the crack that developed around the folds. So, use it carefully.  
6. Knives With Covers
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Knives With Covers Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Cuisinart A knife is so much useful during camping but it is at the same time dangerous and should be kept away from the children. Here I was looking for something safer and I got this. A set of 6 knives with covers. It is made up of high-quality steel slades. One feature which makes it long-lasting is the ceramic non-stick coating which makes slicing easier and keeps the sharpness for a longer period. Another good thing about these knives is that color coding is used to reduces the risk of cross-contamination during food preparation and the handles are ergonomic. So, what is included in the set: 8 inches chef knife 8 inches slicing knife 7 inches Santoku knife 8 inches serrated bread knife 5 inches utility knife 5 inches paring knife It also comes with a lifetime warranty.  
7. Rollable, Foldable Dish Drying Rack
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Rollable, Foldable Dish Drying Rack Photo Credit-Amazon
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Brand: UpGood A rollable, foldable and space saver sink drying rack. Made with premium-grade stainless steel and durable black silicone that can withstand high temperatures. You need space when you wash fruits or veggies, just place this roll-up dish drainer over your sink. It is a multipurpose product you can use it for: Defrosting frozen things To extend the counter space Rinse fruits and vegetables To use it as a trivet for cooling hot foods The air flows freely for faster drying. But there are some precautions from the manufacturers that should be followed like you should not insert things between the rods. It can hold up to 25 lbs of weight easily and you can fold it into half to dry smaller things such as cutlery. This thing is lightweight as it weighs only 1.1 pounds. The dimension of this product is 20.2 x 15.5 x0.2 inches. It can be used with a dishwasher and comes with a lifetime warranty.  
8. Portable Propane Grill
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Portable Propane Grill Photo Credit-Amazon
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Brand: Cuisinart This is a portable grill that is large enough to cook a family meal. This product is from the company Cuisinart. This stainless steel petite tabletop grill is durable and strong enough. Do not go on its small size because it has a 145 square inch grilling area where you can cook 8 burgers, 6 to 10 chicken breast or 4-pound fish. It has a powerful 5,500 BTU stainless steel burner and an even heating enameled grate. Standing on aluminum legs which can be set up by its stabilizing feet. Carrying it is easy because of a briefcase-style carrying handles. It has a weight of 13.5 pounds. Due to its compact size, it keeps the heat near the cooking surface making it energy efficient. The small and compact size makes it travel-friendly. You can wash the removable grate in the dishwasher. Depending upon your taste and style you have three colors to choose from. The product dimension is 16 x 16.5 x 13 inches.  
9. Grilling Utensils
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Grilling Utensils Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Home-Complete This thing is essential with a compact grill. It has all the things which you will need for cooking. You get: Basting brush for seasoning steaks Spatula and tongs for flipping hot dogs Corn holder Skewers for grilling Cleaning brush Swiss knife All these things are packed inside an aluminum case for easy carrying and storage. It keeps things organized. The utensils are made up of high-quality stainless steel which keeps rusting away and is long-lasting. The handles are made from heat safe material. The cool thing about it is that the spatula has a built-in bottle opener. You can wash them in a dishwasher. The entire weight of this product is 4.3 pounds and the dimension is 17 x 7 x 3 inches.  
10. Height Adjustable Folding Table
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Height Adjustable Folding Table Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Lifetime This height-adjustable table is best for your outdoor settings. You get three height settings for different and various needs. The table has a stain-resistant surface for easy cleaning. It is made up of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic with a honeycombed tack-off design for extra rigidity and powdered coated steel. It is a durable, stain-resistant and scratch-resistant table that requires very little maintenance.
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Height Adjustable Folding Table 2 Photo Credit- Amazon Let's see its feature: You can adjust the height to 24 inches or (61cm), 29 inches or (74cm) and 36 inches or (91cm) It has a convenient carry handle For indoor and outdoor use Rust-resistant, stain-resistant, and scratch-resistant UV protected High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) top surface Lightweight design You can fold it in half for easy transport and storage The frame of the table is made of a tube of 25mm. The product dimension is 48 x 24 x 29 inches and its weight is 19.2 pounds.  
11. Mini Pop-Up Utility Container
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Mini Pop-Up Utility Container Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Camco This mini pop-up utility container comes handy in storing things. It measures 9.5 inches x 13 inches when completely opened. There is a built-in storage strap and the base has a hook and loop tape to keep things in its place. You can collapse it to 2.5 inches for easy storage. Its weight is 7.2 ounces.  
12. Marshmallow Roasting Sticks
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Picture of Marshmallow Roasting Sticks Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Ajmyonsp It has a 32 inch extra long extendable design which is enough to keep you safely away from the campfire. An interesting thing about this roasting sticks is that the fork can rotate 360 degrees in your fingers. It is there to allow you to spin the marshmallows without rotating the whole skewer which prevents uneven cooking. The handle is large enough and has a good grip. They are heat resistant, comes in 5 different colors for easy identification. The tip of the stick is very sharp so it easily pierces the sausages and marshmallows. Two things that you have to remember is that while using these sticks keep it far away from the fire so that the protecting cap on the handle does not melt due to overheating. Do not handle the prongs in a rough way to avoid broken prongs. The handles are made up of wood for a better grip. It also includes a canvas bag for easy storage. You can clean the sticks with the water by dipping the tips of the sticks in a glass of water for 15 minutes. Its weight is 8.2 ounces.  
13. Spice Rack
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Picture of Spice Rack Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: ZICOTO Do you waste time finding the spices in the cabinet? Now no more hide and seek! Here is a wall-mounted spice rack organizer with 4 single-tiered racks. You get ample space for keeping the spices with 2.5 inches depth, 2.5 inches height and 11.5 inches length. You have some pretty much flexibility while installing it. As you can: You can choose how much space you need between the racks, keeping it closer or far apart is your choice. Do you want on a spice rack or all 4? You can mount them anywhere depending upon available space and need. Some space where it will adjust is the inside cabinet, over stove spice rack, on the closet door or keep it wall mounted. It is made of durable, premium quality material. The chrome finish makes it fit for nearly every kitchen. You need a half or one-inch screw to fit it anywhere. The weight of the rack is 2.2 pounds.  
14. Non-Adhesive Non-Slip Shelf & Drawer Liner
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Picture of Non-Adhesive Non-Slip Shelf & Drawer Liner Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: CCS Next in a line is a shelf and drawer liner. It is easy to cut and use the thing. It protects the surface and also makes a base for a cushion. Due to the non-slip surface, things do not leave their place so easily. You can easily clean it with even a sponge. You can use it to keep electronic items over it, small appliances, inside shelves, coasters, and placemats. Its weight is 1.26 pounds and its dimension is 12 x 5 x 5 inches.  
15. Refrigerator Tension Rods
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Picture of Refrigerator Tension Rods Photo Credit-Amazon
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Brand: Camco It is from the brand Camco, these extendable rods keep things in their place while moving. It extends from 10 inches to 17 inches in length. These things are spring-loaded to keep things in their place. Item weight is 6.6 ounces and the dimensions are 14.4 x 0.4 x 0.7 inches.  
16. Over The Door Pantry Organizer Rack 
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Picture of Over The Door Pantry Organizer Rack  Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Smart Design A smart design, large, over the door, 6 tier wire steel organizer. It will hang over the door with hooks or can mount to the wall with screws. It is made of steel which is rustproof and durable. The adjustable basket shelving is great to customize the items according to the need. Its dimension is 7 inches x 17 inches x 58.5 inches and weight is 6.83 pounds. It has 6 rows in which you can store jars, cans and pantry items. It is easy to set up with screws or hooks.  
17. Mop Broom Holder or Utility Tools Rack Storage
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Picture of Mop Broom Holder or Utility Tools Rack Storage Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Piyl It is a great organizing rack, it can be used for kitchen utensils, washroom, or for storing mops and brooms. The product saves space because you can screw it on the wall. It is made up of heavy-duty stainless steel which is corrosion-resistant, durable and can be recycled. One set comes with 3 unit clamps, 4 utility hooks, a total of 7 positions for mops, brooms, rags, wet jet or snow shovels. You can set it with 3M adhesive tape or by screws. It comes with a lifetime warranty.  The product dimension is 14.5 x 2 x 2 inches and weight is 15.8 ounces.  
18. Rubber Bar Service Mat
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Picture of Rubber Bar Service Mat Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: BONBON This thing can be used in the kitchen as a serving mat, bar side mat or even drying mugs, cups, and dishes. This mat is made up of thermoplastic rubber that’s why even wet glasses are held in their place. Its porous design helps to dry the things quicker and more efficiently. It comes in a pack of two. The item dimension is 17.7 x 11. X 0.4 inches and its weight is 3.04 pounds.  
19. Stainless Steel French Press Coffee Maker
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Picture of Stainless Steel French Press Coffee Maker Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: MIRA BRANDS A product for coffee lovers! You can make coffee like professionals with this French press. It is made from high grade 18/8 stainless steel that is durable and does not break, rusts or retain flavors. Its double-walled insulation keeps the drinks hotter for a long time. The fine mesh filters make the richest and smoothest coffee. Other things which you can make from it are hot chocolate and loose leaf tea. All you have to do is to measure coffee grounds, heat water, steep for 5 minutes, plunge the press and here is your coffee. So, why it tastes so better, the reason for that is the ultra-fine mesh filter that perfectly filters coffee grounds and teas to reduce acids and it also eliminates the taste of paper filter. You can wash it in the dishwasher or you can easily clean it by your hands. Its compact size is convenient to pack. The sturdy ergonomic handle keeps the handle cools still when the French press is filled with hot coffee. The weight of this French press is 2.1 pounds and the dimension is 6.9 x 4.5 x 8.7inches. There are no plastic parts in this product.  
20. Manual Coffee Grinder
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Picture of Manual Coffee Grinder Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Javapresse Built with over 15 settings so that you can have whatever you want from Espresso to French Press. You do not need any wire, batteries or power to grind coffee. It works on a Hank crank mechanism which eliminates over 90% of the noise that is generally made with electric grinders. It has a ceramic burr assembly locking mechanism for enhanced consistency. So, why the manual is better than electricity? Manual grinders are small, durable, low price, less noise, lightweight and efficient. Every Java Presse Coffee Grinder comes with a unique code to redeem a free bag of coffee worth $21.99. The coffee grinder weight is 9.4 ounces and its dimension is 1.8 x 1.8 x 7.5 inches.  
21. Collapsible Silicone Food Storage Container
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Picture of Collapsible Silicone Food Storage Container Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: SuperDee Corp A set of 4 silicone food storage container with 4 different sizes: 1.   Extra large (43 oz) 2.   Large (26 oz) 3.   Medium (18 oz) 4.   Small (10.5 oz) It can be used for leftovers and to store food. You can keep cereal, fruits, baby foods in it. The containers are made up of BPA free food-grade silicone that is safe, non-toxic, tasteless, odorless, nonsticky and easy to clean.  These containers are heat resistant and can be used in microwave, freezer and even dishwasher. The cool thing about it is that they are collapsible to 1/3 of their original size. Its nesting design gives a maximum organization. The lids tightly fit over the containers making them stackable and save 60% more space. The lids have air vent for easy microwave heating. The vacuum created is the reason for a long-lasting fresh food.  
22. Mesh Wine/Liquor Bottle Protective Sleeves
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Picture of Mesh Wine, Liquor Bottle Protective Sleeves Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: MT Products Another cool stuff, this mesh protects the wine and liquor bottles while traveling. They are made up of thin polypropylene mesh which is made from recycled and biodegradable plastic. Put it over the wine bottle to protect it from breaking. Cool! Its weight is 4.5 ounces and the dimension is 7.5 x 5.5 x 3 inches.  
23. Stainless Steel Stemless Wine Glass Tumbler with Lid
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Pictures of Stainless Steel Stemless Wine Glass Tumbler with Lid Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Maars Drinkware Vacuum insulated, spill-proof and travel-friendly wine tumbler is ideal for a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Its special feature is the extra copper lining between the double walls allowed for even better heat retention. It is best to keep the hot beverages hot for over 3 hours and keeps the cold drinks cold for over 8 hours. It is made up of the highest quality food grade 18/8 stainless steel that won't leave any flavors or tastes. You can wash it in the dishwasher. You can choose from the colors: 1. matte black 2. aqua 3. midnight blue 4. fuchsia 5. peach 6. mint 7. lavender 8. white 9. seafoam 10. carnation pink 11. matcha green 12. coral There is a rubber gasket sip lid that reduces splashing. Durable powder-coated finish to prevent fading and chipping. You get a two-pack set. The weight of this item is 15.2 ounces and the dimension is 7.5 x 3.8 x 5 inches.  
24. Camco Pop-A-Plate
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Picture of Camco Pop-A-Plate Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Camco Yes, a space saver product but with an awkward name. This is again from the brand Camco, it is very easy to install and refill the plates. You can mount it under the cabinet or shelf and just take plates when needed. It can hold 125 8-3/4” – 9” paper plates inside it. The item weight is 8 ounces and the dimension is 10.2 x 10.2 x 2.8 inches.  
25. Adhesive Hooks
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Picture of Adhesive Hooks Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: AUSTOR This product will be helpful in many places. Adhesive hooks which can bear up to 22 pounds or 10 kgs. It is made from heavy-duty high-quality PVC material base and premium adhesive. The hooks are supported by a 7.2 x 7.2 cm adhesive base for a stronger grip. It can stick on wood, glass, frosted glass, glass grid, ceramic tiles, metal, acrylic, non-paint walls, and other hard surfaces. The base of this product is transparent so it won’t affect the beauty or color of the wall, door or ceiling. When you want it to use, simply peel off the back cover and stick it on the surface. One thing to remember is that clear the surface where you are going to stick it. There are 16 pieces of adhesive hooks in 1 pack.  
26. Magnetic Hooks
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Picture of Magnetic Hooks Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Neosmuk Another amazing product is magnetic hooks which are very strong. They are made from high-grade exquisite quality Neodymium magnet and steel. It does not rust and the three layers of nickel coats on the magnetic hooks greatly reinforce corrosion resistance. It does not scratch the surface where it is used due to the smooth base. You can use it for hanging small things in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and anywhere you get iron, steel, nickel, and any other ferromagnetic material. Its magnetism would last forever.
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Picture of Magnetic Hooks 2 Photo Credit- Amazon   To get the maximum magnetism you have to use it over at least 0.08 inches thicker steel plates. The maximum weight that it can bear is 22 lbs.  
27. Magnetic Spice Tins
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  Picture of Magnetic Spice Tins Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Hanindy If you love an organized space then you will love the next product. It will increase the style and decoration of your kitchen. These are 16 magnetic spice tins for storing spices and condiments. These spice tins are designed with a magnetic back so that it can stick to any metal surface leaving your kitchen tidy and space free. Due to the magnetic base, you will eliminate the chance of accidentally spilling the spice all over. It also has a transparent lid so that you can easily find the right spice. These lids also have a twist feature with a sift holes and pouring slot. The tin is of food-grade stainless steel that will not leave a metallic taste in your spices. The magnets will not lose their magnetism over time. The volume inside these tins is 3 oz with a dimension of 2 inches x 2.5 inches. You also get 4 stainless steel measuring spoons and 160 pre-printed common spice names and 40 blanks labels.  Through, you cannot clean these tins in the dishwasher.  
28. Magnetic Black Wire Mesh Storage Baskets Organizer
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Picture of Magnetic Black Wire Mesh Storage Baskets Organizer Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: EASEPRES Another magnetic organizer for saving space and getting a tidy place. These magnetic baskets are good for holding pens, markers, notepads, cards, coupons, receipts, etc. It can be used in the bathroom, kitchen or in the living area. The tray is equipped with 5 heavy-duty magnets and can carry a good amount of weight. The dimension of these trays are 5.7 x 2.3 x 2.1  
29. Tray Bin Pack Multi-Purpose Storage
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Picture of Tray Bin Pack Multi-Purpose Storage Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: madesmart These are 3 multipurpose storage bins. Made up of high-quality durable plastic with soft grip lining (protects items) and nonslip (prevents sliding in drawers) rubber feet to keep things in its place. It has a rounded corner for a good look and effective cleaning. One solution for organizing a messy drawer. It has 6 compartments tray good enough to fit into any kitchen for organizing utensils and silverware. You can even keep your knives safe and sharp.  
30. Cutting Mat Set
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  Picture of Cutting Mat Set Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Imperial Kitchen Collection Colorful, modern, flexible, non-stick surface cutting mat. These cutting mats are 15 inches x 12 inches enough area for a standard size cutting mat. It is very easy to clean them. You get a set of 4 mats in 1 pack.  
31. Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector
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Picture of Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Kidde This is an extremely useful and important item to use in the RV. It shows the peak CO level that was recorded by the alarm since it was last reset or unplugged. There is a test button that you can use to see if it is functioning properly or not. It can measure CO levels between 30 and 999PPM.  
32. Microwave Food Cover
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  Picture of Microwave Food Cover Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Tovolo This product will help to keep food moist and also keeps it inside so that the food does not spill. The holes in the food cover allow steam to release evenly, it prevents condensation. It is a collapsible thing so you can easily keep it in your storing space. It is 10.5 inches so fits mostly all types of plates. You can lift it easy via finger grip.  
33. Sink Dish Drainer
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Picture of Sink Dish Drainer Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: PREPWORKS This collapsible dish drainer can extend from 16- 1/2” to 26- ¾” inches. The dish rack can hold 8 plates up to 10 inches in diameter. It can collapse to a third of its full size so you can store it easily.  The product dimension is 16.5 x 12.4 x 1.8 inches and its weight is 2.08 pounds. It is strong enough to stand on its base.  
34. Sink Caddy Holder
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Picture of Sink Caddy Holder Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Star Element Another organizing item for your kitchen. It has a self drainer design so the excess water drains in the sink. It is a lightweight and durable product available in vibrant colors. You can keep sponge, soap, strainer, and other accessories in the holder. It sticks to any flat surface by its two suction cups. You can remove the drip tray to clean it. It can also be washed in a dishwasher.  
35. Mini Ovenware
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Picture of Mini Ovenware Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: Nordic Ware The next product is for your oven, its pan is made from aluminum and its covers are made from BPA free plastic. You can use them over camping stoves. The nonstick finish will leave the food easily and will also get clean easily. You will get a set of 8.5 x 6.5 x 1.63-inch pan with a lid,  8.5 x 6.5 x 0.625-inch broiler with a rack and six 2 inch muffin pan. This is not dishwasher safe as it can shorten the life of non-stick coating on the pan. Do not use metal, scouring pads and abrasive cleaners on it.  
36. Cabinet Door Stainless Steel Paper Towel Roll Holder
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Picture of Cabinet Door Stainless Steel Paper Towel Roll Holder Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: YouCopia Keep the paper towels at your fingertips. Very useful in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. It will fit over a standard cabinet door measuring ¾ inches thick. The product is made from stainless steel and can be cleaned by a cloth. It does not take much time to set it up and is strong enough. It has non-slip padding for added protection. No mounting and installation needed.  
37. Pan and Pot Protectors
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Picture of Pan and Pot Protectors Photo Credit- Amazon
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Brand: StackStorePlusMore This product is very efficient in protecting the kitchenware. There are 6 durable, thick pan and pot protectors. They are 16 inches wide to fit any type of kitchenware. You have to place the pan protector in between the kitchenware. It extends the life of your kitchenware. The protectors can avoid locking and chipping of glassware and ceramic. It can be used for cookware, glassware, stoneware, skillets, pots, pans, bakeware, glass, ceramic, skillets, bowls, plates and others. It is made up of premium polyester felt with a non-slip texture for maximum stability when stacking or nesting.   If You Think Your Friends/Network Would Find This Useful, Please Share It With Them Or You Can Give Us 5 Stars Down Below – We’d Really Appreciate It- Thanks!  Read the full article
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scribblindown · 7 years
Final Fantasy XV (Actor AU)
Dang this ended up long, I guess I got carried away ;; I'll keep it under the cut. Also, I refer to them as [character]'s actor, or just [character] on and off, but I'm mostly referring to their actor.  
Final Fantasy (the television series): 
Final Fantasy is an anthology science fiction and fantasy series that started in late 1987. 
 Originally it was produced only by the Japanese studio Square Enix, but as it became more popular, different countries come together to help make this series. Therefore it is now under multiple production companies, distributors, and is aired in multiple networks worldwide.
They currently have fifteen seasons, not counting their many spin-offs, movies, and crossovers with their sister series, Kingdom Hearts.
Constantly gets questioned on why the actors wear so many belts and buckles.
Stella Nox Fleuret:
Was an elegant and kind actress that was in a handful of blockbuster movies, so she was already well-known. 
She was set to be in Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which was already in mid-way through filming, but they were making slow progress due to scheduling issues with Noctis' actor. 
However, Stella's actress was suddenly in a near-fatal car crash, putting a halt to Versus XIII completely. 
Not only was she hospitalized for many months, she decided that she wanted to take a break from acting because her traumatizing experience made her want to spend more time with her family.
She was even unsure if she wanted to go back to acting at all. Even if she were to take on any projects or roles, it would be the local ones, so she wouldn't be too far from her family. 
She specifically told director Tetsuya Nomura this and didn't want to hold them back. Nomura respected her decision and took her off her contract soon later. 
This was a very hard decision for her because she loves the series and her costars. Also, no one blames her for doing what she did. Everyone is still on great terms with one another. If another star is in the same town as her, they will call her up and they will have lunch together. 
But because of this they had to scrap Versus XIII completely. With one of the major actresses suddenly pulling out of the show, it left a major gap in the story and production. 
Money was lost, fans were left dumbfounded, and everyone was at a loss. 
This led to a change in teams, production companies, and Nomura passed the director role to Hajime Tabata. It was eventually reworked into Final Fantasy XV, with major changes happening to the story line and character designs. Such as:
"What??? A plain white button up??? No, give him a purple leopard print shirt!!!" 
Noctis Lucis Caelum: 
Is the same actor that played Sasuke in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. That's right, I went there.
Because he was still working on Naruto Shippuden at the time, Versus XIII was in the works for the past five years (not ten years like irl) before it eventually became FFXV. But everything worked out in the end because he finished up with Naruto and was able to give FFXV all of his attention. 
He is a half-Japanese actor, and while he spent most of his life in Japan, he can speak English perfectly. This is due to the fact that his parents are divorced and used to pass him back and forth from their respective countries. 
His uncle is a talent agent, and suggested the role of Sasuke Uchiha to him. The rest is history. 
His personality is actually really close to Noctis'. While he can keep up the brooding, cold facade that he did for the past ten years for his other role, and work the cameras so he can come off as charismatic and charming, the actor is slightly socially awkward and introverted, but everything is smooth sailing if you get along with him and he's so kind to fans and tries to answer as many questions as he can on social media.
Cor's actor kind of intimidates him, and the actor who plays young Noctis drew a crude picture of the Immortal when he was off set. The two giggled about it like schoolgirls without realizing that Cor was right behind them. 
Cor later asked for the picture, had them both sign it, and keeps it on his fridge.
He met some of the other actors of the FF series. Sephiroth's actor scares him and Noct has a slight crush on Lightning's. 
He actually likes vegetables, so whenever he has to take them out and eat a burger or something on camera, he feels like they taste so bland. 
His favorite costume is the Moogle Chocobo Carnival one. Usually they're in sweltering weather and his regular leather costume and king costume aren't very forgiving.
He was playing a prank with Prompto's actor on set and it backfired and he got himself locked in the Regalia for an hour.  
He kept the Ring of Lucii after filming, the Moogle Chocobo hat, and his king costume. They made a king costume specifically for close ups and several copies for his fight scene with Ardyn that was meant to rip/be torn. He once wore the costume to take out the trash. 
He does most of his own stunts, but has a body double that does the fishing for him because the boy can't fish for shit. 
He is a cat person. The dogs who play Pryna and Umbra kind of sense this, so Noct has to keep dog treats inside his pockets when doing scenes with them. 
He loves Vincent Valentine the most out of the entire franchise. 
Prompto Argentum:
His older brother in real life is Loqi's actor (Thanks to @chocobro-hijinks this headcanon is giving me double vision.) who inspired him to act at a young age. 
Loqi's actor is mostly a theatre actor, and when Prompto saw his big bro on stage, he was like "Ah! That's what I want to do."
He was a child actor that was in small family movies that focus mostly on comedy. They're the type of movies with the cheesy front cover, and barely anyone has even heard of it. 
When he auditioned, his FF knowledge was zero to none, so he was like, "Oh, what about those clouds and lightning???" Nomura saw right through him, but felt like he fit the role of Prompto very well, so he gave him the benefit of the doubt. 
Is the social media king. He does some light vlogging on the side, and if acting doesn't work out he can become a full-time Youtuber, no problem. He also has a Tumblr under a common name like "FinalFantasyFan4Life" or something; no one knows that it's him. He spends his break time on set reading headcanons, adding comments to some of them, and reblogging fanart. 
He is a Promptis shipper. 
He doesn't take any of the pictures himself. When he takes a selfie, he turns the camera around and holds it, but there will be a crew member taking the picture for him. 
He says that his favorite moment on set is eating all the food that "Iggy" makes. 
Is a big fan of Cor's actor's work. When he first met him, he almost stopped breathing. 
Since he didn't do very many "large" productions like the rest of the crew, he is still considered sort of a rookie compared to the others. Because of this, he often goes to Cor's trailer when he is stuck on a scene and they figure it out together. 
After filming ended, he kept Prompto's bracelets and bandanna as a memento. 
He hates the cold, so when he was filming for "Episode Prompto" the second Tabata calls "Cut!" between scenes, he will legitimately jump into his trailer and sit in front of the heater for the entirety of his break. 
If he has to stay outside, you will see him curl up into a big ball on his snowmobile with at least five large jackets piled on top of him. You can only see his blue eyes when he does that. 
"So do you miss your crew members? Like Noct, Gladio, and Ignis..."  "Oh yeah, but I bet they have it really rough too. Like sitting by the fire, or in a heated hotel room." 
During a choreographed fight scene he accidentally slipped up and kicked Noctis in the head and gave him a concussion. Noctis insisted that it was okay, but Prompto felt so bad, and was so freaked out that he was apologizing through tears and sobs. 
Ignis Scientia:
Started his career by modeling as a child for luxury, designer brands with a couple of guest roles in soap operas. When he got into his teens he started to focus on acting. 
Never has any bad press on him?? He seems to do no wrong and never has any bad pictures taken of him, even if it was secretly. He's either the most boring person ever, or the most perfect. 
He mostly did psychological thrillers, or suave spy movies like 007. 
Is the Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston of their world. 
He doesn't cook any of the dishes seen on the series, but to get into character he took cooking lessons and can replicate any of them perfectly. Most of the time during his "cooking" scenes, he's just assembling things according to instructions. 
The line, "That's it! I've come up with a new recipeh!" was improv. He loves it so much, he repeats it often. 
Is a jokester despite his image, and loves fooling around on set. If he pranks you that means he likes you. 
During an interview he pulled out some Gladnis smut fanfiction the he found and read it in his most passive, monotone voice. 
Didn't know that he was supposed to go blind until the very day he was supposed to put on the makeup. 
Is allergic to coffee beans, but since he was cast into the role relatively late, they had already requested Ebony cans and vending machines to be made. The "coffee" that you see in mugs is dark hot chocolate and if he drinks out of the can it's usually water. 
Has scarily good twenty/twenty vision, and sometimes his glasses are just empty frames. He goes to push them up, and ooop he almost pokes himself in the eyes. 
He is fond of his current costume. He felt that his Versus XIII outfit was very plain and made him look like a "basic mafia mobster." 
Had a high fever while filming "Episode Ignis," but insisted that they film anyway because his sickness helped him act better. (Poor babe.)
Kept Iggy's gloves and glasses after filming. 
Gladiolus Amicitia:
He started out as a stunt double, fight choreographer/stunt coordinator. He was originally brought into the show to help the actors with their fight scenes, but they were looking for a forth member of the Chocobros and he already got along great with the crew and cast, so he got the job. 
Was totally pumped up to not wear a shirt most of the time in XV, because he worked so hard to get his rippling nine-pack. 
His favorite emoji is the flexing bicep. He uses it at the end of every caption he posts, even if it doesn't really make sense. The fans eat it up though. 
"It's such a nice day today! 💪"    "Just having lunch! 💪 "
His actor is the real mom friend of the crew. Iggy is responsible and all, but if Noctis or Prompto do anything stupid, he mostly watches in the background smugly. Gladdy Daddy to the rescue. 
The cast once got together and read complementing, positive tweets from real fans to Gladio for a video. Noctis looked Gladio right in the eye with a straight face, and said, "Sweet dreams...Daddy." Prompto continued this by saying, "Let me have your children, Daddy." 
Gladio burst out laughing and turned bright red. 
He is such a college student at heart that he doesn't mind eating all those cup noodles. But due to shooting the same scene over and over in one go, he sometimes has to go through eight cups at a time. He knows that it's not good for you, and occasionally has to spit it out off camera. It breaks his heart. 
Is bisexual. He doesn't bring it up often, but he came out publicly before, but to the media it seems as if they skipped over that fact. He doesn't really mind, but he get exasperated when interviewers constantly try to press that false facts that he's straight onto him. 
After a particularly tiring day filming, he fell asleep on a table with his head down. When he woke up, he found out that his tattoo body paint rubbed off on his cheek. He didn't know this, and the other guys wouldn't tell him until a crew member had to come up and stop him.  
He kept Gladio's necklace as a memento. 
LMK if you're interested in knowing more about the other characters, or even FFVII's actor au! Sorry for continually mentioning Sasuke though, I just love that asshole so much. 
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Affordable Sink Stopper Stuck
So I got my stopper stuck in the sink upside down… – Really sad, I know. Does anyone know how to remove it? 12 déc. 2017 – Sink Stopper Stuck Upside Down. Sink Stopper Stuck In Closed Position. Fix Kohler Sink Stopper. Kohler Faucet Bathroom Sink Drain Stopper. 16 déc. 2017 – Sink Stopper Stuck Kitchen. Sink Stopper Stuck Open. Sink Stopper Stuck Rubber. Sink Stopper Stuck Upside Down. Kohler Bathroom Sink . 22 févr. 2015 – As you can see in the picture, in my infinite wisdom, I managed to block the kitchen sink with the stopper by placing it upside down in the sink, . Dropping a lid in your sink can cause the lid to become jammed in the drain . Pry the lid up and away from the edge of the drain to remove it, using a butter . Turn off the water to your sink, if the lid is still stuck. . Use a chopstick, knife or other long object to push the lid down the drain, . Subscribe for weekly inspiration. Place the plunger cup over the drain. The water helps the plunger create a seal over the drain. Plunge up and down several times. If the sink drains when you . 6 oct. 2011 – Clogged or slow flowing bathroom sink? How to remove, dis-assemble, clean and re-assemble a button type pop up stopper in a bathroom sink . 26 oct. 2018 – How to fix a pop up sink plug push down not working stuck kitchen strainer . Vessel sinks rest on top of the counter, rather than being inserted into the sink. . Plunger New Bathroom Sink Stopper Stuck Inspirational Bathroom. We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in our house, and from time to time . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to . will usually come apart pretty easily, for extra grip try wearing a rubber glove. this weekend’s tasks, the plug in the our bathroom sink’s just like this. cheers. sink stopper replacement beautiful bathroom how to fix a stuck intended for broken repair sto. bathroom sink stopper repair kit assembly parts obsession plunger . pop up sink stopper not working fresh bathroom drain for photo 1 of 5 stuck down . better pop up sink stoppers how do you fix a bathroom sink stopper lovely . 1 nov. 2018 – Bathroom Sink Drain Plug Stuck Awesome Sink Pop Up Drain Stuck Awesome Bathtub Stopper Stuck Elegant. This wonderful picture . 11 nov. 2018 – Bathroom Sink Stopper Stuck Down Beautiful Three Simple Ways To Unclog A Sink Drain. This awesome photo collections about Bathroom . 3 juil. 2018 – Stupendous Sink Drain Plug Stuck Sink Stopper Stuck Bathroom Sink Plug Jammed Lovely Cool Bathroom Sink Jammed Sink Drain Plug . 22 févr. 2015 – Fill void with water and use a toilet plunger. . way, you could undo the drain pipe under the sink so that you can push the stopper up and out. Stuck Goldfish Fish Koi Bathtub Bath Tub Sink Drain Plug Stopper. . Very cute bath plug that the kids will love! Stuck Bath Plug being featured on Fab. Sink . Fix a Sink Stopper: A sink stopper with a push/pull rod control at the faucet is a . It is tempting to think something merely separated from another part and you . 17 déc. 2018 – Installing a garbage disposal, replacing the sink or simply installing a new sink drain flange requires removing the kitchen sink drain basket. 17 juin 2010 – So I was cleaning potatoes getting ready to for dinner. I put the drain plug in so I could clean them all at one time. Well, now the “drain plug”. Don’t Call The Plumber Just Yet: 9 Ways to Unclog a Kitchen Sink Drain. Boiling water. This is the easiest and least expensive solution of all, which makes it the best one to try first. Disposal. Salt and boiling water. Vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda and salt. Plunger. P-trap. Plumber’s snake. 22 févr. 2015 – As you can see in the picture, in my infinite wisdom, I managed to block the kitchen sink with the stopper by placing it upside down in the sink, . While frustrating, a slow sink drain—often caused by a mix of soap scum and . While you might be tempted to reach for commercial drain openers right off the bat, . If you’ve tried all of the above steps but are still stuck with a slow sink drain, . 5 févr. 2013 – Either way, make sure that there’s no chance of a flood while you’re taking apart your sink drain. While it’s tempting to ignore this step and get . Here are several ways of clearing a drain clog without toxic chemicals: Dish Soap and Hot Water. Boil about two liters of water and mix in a few tablespoons of liquid dish soap. Wire Coat Hanger. Straighten the hanger out but leave the hook. Baking Soda & Vinegar. Salt, Borax, and Vinegar. Baking Soda & Salt. Plunger. Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area . propane torch in order to forcibly release water that is stuck in a frozen pipe. . be tempted to dispose of all the grease by tipping it into your kitchen sink and watching it slither down the drain. 17 déc. 2018 – Place a suction cup on top of a metal sink stopper that does not have a knob, and push down on the suction cup to create a seal on the top of . 24 déc. 2014 – Within seconds to lift a pop up sink plug that is stuck. stuck cabinets depot broken sink stopper lowes faucets removal dimensions bronze . Tower Lowes Glass Ideas Doors For Wilko Suction Target Solutions Frosted . for magnet lowes shower menards sealant bathtub replacement handle licious . images single menards home tops bathroom without sink cabinets faucets . bath wheelchair menards sink stuck lowes amazi depot set nickel handle for taps . bathroom caddy s replacement home ideas corner shelf niche shower recessed chrome depot wont glass suction . Ideas Valve Low Height Design Door Curtain Types Tub Bathtub Placement Steam Doo Licious Luxury Bath Rug Runner. 9 févr. 2019 – Stopper Lowes Home Parts Moen Stuck Upside Replacement Diagram Delta Removal Drains Kit Suction Bathroom Depot Sink Kohler Plug And Fix Down Broken . To Stunning Amusing S Bathro Exciting Agreeable Fascinating Koh Low Diagra K Pi Repl. . Licious Walk In Shower Stalls For Handicapped. 6 mars 2019 – sink suction kitchen replacement ing plug stopper pivot kit stuck small upside clog and replace fix . diagram down delta plug upside sink stuck home bathroom kitchen removal . Inspiring Tab Curtains For Sliding Glass Doors . Wonderful Non Slip Closet Hangers . Licious Extra Large White Bath Rug. 6 mars 2019 – Home Delta Cup Diagram Replace Shut Amusing Down Removal Stopper Sink Assembly Kitchen Ing Stuck Rubber Lowes Broken Menards . Curtain Astounding Toilets Glass Bathroom Fabric And Gorgeous Pictures At Sink Mats . only stuck home depot ideas backsplash stay bath bronze sink faucets wooden Air Photos Non Photoshoot Seniors Slip H Vikrell Reglazed Cups Mattress Suction Cast Best Iron For . Licious Red And Gray Chevron Shower Curtain. We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in our house, and from time to time . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to rotate . If it is still a bit sticky then there is a small locating screw on the side, which may Places like Bunnings and mitre 10 tend to only stock whole units. 0. 17 déc. 2018 – If the metal sink stopper is still stuck, proceed. Remove the pivot rod nut under the sink by turning it counterclockwise with a pair of pliers to remove the pivot rod. The pivot rod is a small rod extending from the sink’s drain beneath the sink, held in place by the pivot rod nut. How to remove a stuck drain stopper in a bathroom sink to properly clean it. . With a few inexpensive tools and a little practice you can clear The bathroom may be all about cleaning, yet it’s one of the worst places in your home for hiding . 20 févr. 2019 – When a trip-lever tub drain stopper stops operating correctly, the fix . Home Tours & Staging · Small Spaces · Best Home Products · See all . The small up-and-down lever you see protruding from the overflow plate . The plunger has become stuck in the overflow tube and will not move up and down freely. 15 juil. 2018 – Removing a Trip-Lever Tub Drain Stopper. Remove the clip that holds the overflow cover plate to the plunger rod. Removing this clip will allow you to detach the cover plate from the rod, giving you more room to maneuver the rod and pull up on the plunger. Try spraying some liquid wrench or WD-40 down the overflow drain . How to repair a pop up tub drainbegins with understanding the mechanics of how the . Using a small wire brush, you should clean the linkage and plunger with . To fix a stuck tub drain switch, you will apply much the same technique as . Attached to the cover plate should be the linkage and at the bottom is a small plug. 18 déc. 2017 – Bathroom Sink Not Draining – Check and Fix Sink Stopper Assembly . A stopper is a small ball and rod assembly found just under the sink . Fix a Sink Stopper: A sink stopper with a push/pull rod control at the faucet is a great modern convenience. But, sink . Crazy Good Sleep . I ran to a store to get some silicone sealant formulated for use in the bathroom, including with plastics. 22 févr. 2015 – Just open your clippers and rap them around the rubber ridge in the . undo the drain pipe under the sink so that you can push the stopper up . But you will also believe this after watching these auspicious drain stoppers. . No one ever dreamed that these stoppers can be as such beautiful and stylish. . 6) Stuck! Goldfish Bathtub Stopper –. This silicon rubber stopper looks like a gold . What is a plastic drain snake and how does it work? If it’s a double-bowl kitchen sink, stuff a wet rag into one drain opening while you . The large, threaded coupling on PVC plastic traps can often be unscrewed by . Put screws in safe place, so they don’t fall down the drain. 2. . Loosen the locknut and rotate the plastic fitting to lengthen the linkage about 1/4 inch. 6. Tighten . Try the following tricks for fiberglass or plastic molds, especially sink molds. . Hit the top of the drain plug with a rubber mallet, being careful not to strike the sink . Fixing a “Push Button” Sink: We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in . and from time to time they stick in the closed position so you can’t drain the sink. . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to . will usually come apart pretty easily, for extra grip try wearing a rubber glove. 24 déc. 2014 – Within seconds to lift a pop up sink plug that is stuck. A pop-up stopper is definitely a convenience when it’s working properly, but all too often it isn’t. The culprit is often an accumulation of hair in the drain, but . How to remove a stuck metal sink stopper that doesn’t have a knob: A stuck sink . How to Replace a Sink Drain Pretty Handy Girl Replace Bathroom Sink, . How to remove a stuck drain stopper in a bathroom sink to properly clean it. . So, this is one of those not so pretty posts, but I promise it is Oh So Handy! 17 déc. 2018 – A stuck metal sink stopper prevents water from draining out of your sink, which stops you from using the sink until it is removed. If the stopper is . Hi, My sink stopper is stuck in the closed position, hence water is unable to . between the stopper and the sink to try to pry it up as it’s pretty flush. 22 févr. 2015 – It just happened to me with water in the sink. I spent an hour unsuccessfully trying to pry it out with a butter knife. I couldn’t find a plunger or . We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in our house, and from time to . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to . will usually come apart pretty easily, for extra grip try wearing a rubber glove. How to remove a stuck metal sink stopper that doesn’t have a knob: A stuck sink . on top of the sink stopper and push down on the suction cup to create a seal on the . How to Replace a Sink Drain Pretty Handy Girl Replace Bathroom Sink, . How to remove a stuck drain stopper in a bathroom sink to properly clean it. Doing this tonight! . If your disposer won’t start, find the reset button, push it and . So, this is one of those not so pretty posts, but I promise it is Oh So Handy! Our push-in sink plug has been a bit sticky for a while now: this . with a sucker on the top which could work but mine was jammed pretty hard. 22 févr. 2015 – I filled the other sink and quickly let the water out. . Just open your clippers and rap them around the rubber ridge in the middle of your plug like you’re going to cut a nail. . the way, you could undo the drain pipe under the sink so that you can push the stopper up and out. . Remove stuck tailpipe from sink. A pop-up stopper is definitely a convenience when it’s working properly, but all too often it isn’t. The culprit is often an accumulation of hair in the drain, but . 17 déc. 2018 – A stuck metal sink stopper prevents water from draining out of your . to remove some parts to push the stopper up and free it from the drain. How can I get a bathroom sink plug removed when it won’t unscrew? 6,954 Views · How do you fix a . What is the best way to remove a stuck ring? 1,119 Views. 17 déc. 2018 – Lift up to remove the stopper with the suction cup. If the metal sink stopper is still stuck, proceed. Remove the pivot rod nut under the sink by turning it counterclockwise with a pair of pliers to remove the pivot rod. To make your pop-up stopper work, you may have to reconnect or adjust the . The lever connects to the lift rod by a metal plate called the clevis, which has a . 6 oct. 2011 – Clogged or slow flowing bathroom sink? How to remove, dis-assemble, clean and re-assemble a button type pop up stopper in a bathroom sink. . quick and easy is to clean and repair slow, leaking or clogged bathroom sinks . How to remove a stuck metal sink stopper that doesn’t have a knob: A stuck sink stopper prevents water from draining out of your sink. There’s a trick you can try . I have a newer sink with a drain plug that is controlled from a single post behind the water spout – like most bathroom faucets. . -Metal post is adjusted vertically by user -Post moves lever under . aka I-zheet M’drurz [ have some sympathy, and some taste. . Is the stopper stuck in the down/closed position? 1 févr. 2013 – There are blocked drains that can be quickly fixed with a plunger or some . Crowdhacker · Drains · Clogs · Plumbing · pipes · Home Improvement · Home Repair · Top . I have used foaming and non-foaming drain unblockers. . Especially if there’s a whole family in the house, and they aren’t sympathetic. . at the back of the waiting room buzzed open, and Bria stuck her head out. . Stainless-steel vaults, each one fronted with its own door, lined two of the . metal tables took up the center of the room, each positioned above a drain in the floor. . his dark hazel eyes were kind and sympathetic behind his round silver glasses. A Tribute To Judas Priest — Legends Of Metal (Century Media) mostly features . takes you there anyway. by Douglas Wolk ] THE MUFFS “I’m A Dick” Sympathy . Light Building-TVT STUCK MOJO Pigwalk Century Media DOWNSET. do we speak a . Mercury DRAIN S.T.H. Horror Wrestling The Enclave EL DOPA United In . Results 1 – 24 of 337 – Online shopping for Drain Stoppers from a great selection at Home & Kitchen Store. Shop Sink Stopper (2 Pack) Rubber Bathtub Drain Stopper & Kitchen Sink Plug The Best Universal Sink Stopper and Travel Plug by Muzitao. Free delivery on . Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy pop up sink plugs on Amazon.co.uk. Products 1 – 14 – Concept Freedom Gel Headrest for Concept Freedom bath · E1092 · E1092 . E5795 · E5795. Waste 1 1/2in combined bath pop-up and overflow. Buy Drain Strain – No-Clog Sink Stopper (Chrome): Drain Strainers . Great concept, but the drain can now only go through several small holes which become . the concept of pushing down to unseal the stopper is bad. With a sink full of soapy water, dishes and silverware, something is naturally going to push down on . 20 oct. 2018 – Protect virtually every drain in your home with the most advanced . Our design was inspired by the cork concept you find in various bottles. . in many countries such as Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Japan, and more. Ideal Standard Ceramic Basin pop up Waste Seal A911754 . Ideal Standard Ideal Standard Concept Bath Pop Up Plug Iws TT0284566 . Ideal Standard . Smart handling concept, elegant puristic design – the innovative drain system for kitchen sinks. 11 feb. 2019 – Where a new born baby is stuck down a storm water drain. Rescue workers are busy trying to get to the baby at the moment. Picture: Rescue . 12 jul. 2018 – KNYSNA NEWS – “Good morning Mark, we have a small whale stranded in the surf. Do you know who we should call?” It was 10:00 on Friday . Plettenberg Bay, or ‘Plett’, as it is commonly known, is one of the most . little of historical interest, the compact centre is attractive and the main beach beautiful. . The Portuguese had a number of names for the bay, but none stuck for very long . Travel information for Plettenberg Bay – Safety Advice. . If your card gets stuck, immediately call that ATM’S helpline number. Be alert, and never turn your back . 29 ene. 2018 – So, we think, Plett still has plenty of appeal. . We are stuck in an old paradigm which sees public and private interests moving in different . 22 de Ene de 2019 – Alquila un lugar especial en Plettenberg Bay, Sudáfrica desde $20 la noche. Encuentra alojamientos únicos y anfitriones locales en 191 . Casey Plett (Goodreads Author) these stories are so genuine and beautiful. honestly “lizzy & annie” stuck with me the most, but i think they all will, all these . 1 ene. 2019 – In December 2017, the Supreme Court of Appeal ordered the Home Affairs Department to open a new facility by the end of March 2018. Nuwe , AANTREKLIKE, VRIENDELIKE , ATTRACTIVE MATURE WHITE LADY , AWESOME MASSAGE Dana Bay , BOEREMEISIE vriendelik en , BONGI Sexy, . Located near Plettenberg Bay on the Garden Route, South Africa. . (It was stuck to the chicken’s foot!) Why did the turkey . (Because it had appeal!) What did . #StuckBauLeistungKontakt0176 #SinkStopperStuckHowToFix #MetalSinkStopperStuck #SinkStopperStuckUpsideDown #StuckInTheMiddleWithYouChords
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