#but you learn how to say what you want by working around and with them
flemingsfreckles · 3 days
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Synopsis: Jessie is a yapper, way more chatty than you ever expected. The only problem is it seems she’s chatty with everyone except you.
Warnings: none, small argument but nothing else
WC: 1.5k
A/N: hi, I was inspired to write this little thing off the fact that Jessie seems to be quite the chatty person in reality, this was a very quick, single sit down a write kind of thing, once again I’m sure there’s a few errors, but my brain is exhausted from work and quite frankly I can’t manage to reread this but I want to post it. I’ll give it another read once I have some rest and fix my errors :)
It had been unexpected to you, learning the fact that the rumored shy and quiet Canadian was in fact chatty, a jokester even. You noticed it on the first day you transferred to the club, Jessie in the locker room wandering around chatting with a few of her teammates before coming over and introducing herself. She quickly moved on, returning to talk to your other teammates.
She talked with everyone, everyone but you. You figured it was because you didn’t know her well, she didn’t know you yet, maybe she was shy, but that thought went out the window when a few other new transfers came in, Arnold, Turner, Hirst, and Jessie quickly made friends with all of them, chatting with them just as much as anyone else.
You decided maybe it was you. Maybe you had been too quiet toward her, you were timid the first few days, maybe you had made a poor first impression with her. Maybe she assumed you didn’t want to talk to her. So your next step was trying to talk to her.
The two of you sat side by side on the bench, she had been subbed out at the half, you shortly after. As you grabbed your bib you slid it over your head and plopped down next to Jessie.
“You played well, the long ball you had, beautiful pass by the way.” You say, smiling and turning toward her.
She turns quickly to look at you, “oh, thanks,” her response is quick before she turns her attention back to the game. She keeps her gaze forward for a minute before leaning over, away from you to talk with a couple other players, never speaking directly to you.
She felt cold. She never voluntarily spoke to you, only out of necessity.
You wanted to talk to her. You found her intriguing. She carried herself with such confidence and yet never came off cocky. She was incredibly intelligent both on and off the pitch from what you had heard. You also couldn’t ignore the fact that the way her cheeks flared red after she ran around wasn’t adorable to you. You couldn’t ignore how you found yourself staring for an extra second when she’d adjust her shorts, how when she laughed you immediately found yourself smiling and looking to see her happy face. You thought Jessie was cute, you wanted to get to know her. But it seemed she was doing everything in her power to prevent that.
It took a couple weeks of debating in your head, do you confront her, ask what had happened, where you went wrong, or did you leave it? You got your answer after a long and grueling training session, a training session where Jessie had said all of three words to you, despite the two of you being paired for multiple drills. You couldn’t hold it in anymore as the team headed in to the locker room.
“Jessie!” You shout at her, she turns around as does Weaver who she’s walking beside. They both stop walking waiting for you to catch up. “Can we talk really quick?” You point in the direction away from where the team was headed. Jessie looks hesitant to respond, looking at you and then Morgan. Her throat bobs as she swallows hard and nods at you.
“I’ll catch up with you later.” She says and Morgan turns to head to the locker room.
She watches as Weaver leaves before turning back to you.
“Hey did I do something wrong?” You didn’t want to come off accusing her of ignoring you, maybe you had done something to upset her, make her mad, make her feel uncomfortable about you. Maybe this was just all your fault.
“What?” She looks confused, eyebrows pushed together, her nose scrunched slightly.
“Did I do something, did I upset you?” You look at her eyes, finding yourself trying to place the color, they were brown and yet in the light of the sunset, nearly golden.
“Why would you think that?” Your attention is pulled from her eyes at the sound of her voice. She blinks hard at you a few times, head cocked to the side, nose still scrunched.
“You talk to everyone, everyone except me, we’ve hardly had conversation beyond the day you introduced yourself and yet you talk and talk to everyone else. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t do something to upset you.”
“I talk to you.”
“Only if it’s necessary Jessie, we sit next to each other on the bench and you hardly say a word but you talk non stop to whoever is on the other side of you. We’ve sat at the same table for dinner, you barely even look at me.” You can feel your throat starting to grow tight, you don’t want to cry over this, it felt stupid but here you were. “It’s just, I feel like I did something wrong.”
“No, no you didn’t.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me, or hell even look at me.” Your voice coming out higher, your frustration beginning to show.
“You make me nervous!” Jessie aggressively shakes her hands out in front of her. You’re taken aback by the raising of her voice. You hardly register the words she said until she repeats them again quieter, “You make me nervous, that’s why.”
“Why?” Your first instinct is to laugh, unsure of why the Canadian would be scared of you, but then nerves set in. Maybe you had tackled her too hard a few times, maybe she wasn’t a fan of how you carried yourself on the field, you were quick to argue a call or stand up for yourself or teammates if crass words were being thrown around.
“You just, you.” Jessie gestures an arm up and down the length of your body. “I, you,” she stutters again for a moment before looking at you with soft eyes. “I, I think you’re really cool, and pretty and uh, I’d like to get to know you better, which obviously doesn’t make sense because I don’t talk to you, but you just, you make me nervous so I’m not even sure how to have a conversation with you.”
You have to bite the inside of your cheek to prevent the rather cocky smirk from showing on your face. “Are you trying to say you have a crush on me?”
“That makes it sound childish.” Jessie kicks her shoe into the concrete below you both.
“I mean, isn’t avoiding me because you have crush, childish?” You question her. You watch as Jessie’s face falls at your comment, quickly making you realize your poor choice of words teasing her.
“Forget I said anything.” Jessie says as she dips her shoulder to slide past you, heading back down the tunnel.
“Jessie, wait, that’s, no, that came out wrong.” You try to plead with her.
“Just forget it.” She doesn’t turn around but waves her hand behind her back waving you off.
“I have a crush too.” The words stop Jessie in her tracks. She keeps her back to you for a minute. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you wait for Jessie to turn or run or laugh, you have no idea what to expect.
She turns slowly, then stops, not walking toward you. You can feel your hands shaking, they’re clammy, you’re sweating and not just from training.
It feels like forever that the two of you stand just looking at each other. Jessie’s expression doesn’t tell you much. She’s blank faced, but you have a feeling your face looks the same. You feel frozen in your body and frozen in time unable to think about anything besides the confession you just gave. You’re not sure why but you decide to repeat it, make sure she hears you.
“I have a crush too.” You say before adding in, “on you, Jessie.”
She still doesn’t say anything, but she lets her head fall backwards, looking up at the ceiling. She lets out a huge puff of air before returning to looking at you, only now a grin is present.
“Really? You have a crush on me?”
“Yes, that's what I said.” Subtly you try to wipe your hands onto your shorts, trying to get rid of the clammy uncomfortable feeling they had.
“Yeah.” You pause for a minute letting your weight shift between your feet, leaning from left to right. “Would you want to get dinner sometime?”
She takes a couple steps forward. You do the same until you’re just a few feet apart. “Yeah, dinner sounds nice, I’d like that.” She nods with the same grin across her face.
“Sounds good, Sunday night?” You’d have a free afternoon and evening Sunday after the home game Saturday, it would be a perfect chance barring any of Jessie’s potential previous plans.
“Yeah, Sunday.” She nods.
The two of you start walking side by side down toward the lockers. You stick out your elbow, finding Jessie’s side and giving her a kind jab. She looks at you. “Just so you know, a dinner date will require you to talk to me.” You say with a wink before running ahead of her, turning back after a few steps to see the Canadian roll her eyes playfully at you.
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arowyn-m · 3 days
Why Viktor Could Die in S2
“They won’t kill a champion because—“ okay just pause for a second and humor me. I’ve made a lot of arguments in the past about why every Arcane character is fair game but that’s not what I’m arguing here—I’m arguing from a narrative standpoint.
Viktor’s my favorite character in Arcane, but I believe him dying in the series finale is the most likely conclusion to his arc. Here’s why:
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Viktor’s whole arc is about life and death as a concept—what really constitutes “living”? (Posed by the scenes with Rio) Why is a human life inherently valuable? (Posed by capitalizing on his aggressive need to leave a legacy) Which is more important—a person’s effect on the world around them or their effect on their loved ones? (Viktor realizing too late that Sky valued him not just for his output but for who he is)
There’s also a ton of foreshadowing to Viktor’s demise coming about by a fault in his technology or by the careless way he relates technology to human life (usually himself but not always), and it’s often disguised as humor (the “of course not” scene) or hidden behind false foreshadowing for death by illness (basically everything to do with the Hexcore in eps 5 and 6)
I’ve theorized about it on here before, but I believe at the end of the series the Hexcore will be destroyed (probably by Jayce, specifically to call back to the promise he made to Viktor), effectively ending the threat of the Void overtaking Piltover. Viktor will be so connected to the Hexcore by the finale that destroying it will kill him. He reaches his Glorious Evolution, yes, but it destroys him in the end.
And yeah there is merit to the “how can you live with yourself” kind of approach to ending a character’s story, but that conclusion has the strongest impact if the character’s arc is about learning to live with your mistakes. Most of the character arcs in this show pose that question, but Viktor’s arc really doesn’t?
As far as we can tell with Viktor so far, there’s very little grappling with that concept up until his last 5 or so minutes of screentime, and even then it’s more of a blip that resolves itself (“In pursuit of great, we failed to do good. We have to make it right.”) If Viktor’s story is about defining the respective values of “life” and “humanity” then the most bittersweet ending to his story would be by letting him die after briefly coming back to his humanity.
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At the same time, in Ep 5 of BtR Alex Yee says this when talking through writing the script for S2:
“It’s, like, die or accept some things being imperfect. That would be the way that they could go back to humanity.”
So if we assume he’s talking about Viktor covertly here (he very well could be talking about some other character, but yk “going back to humanity” is a very Viktor-coded issue) we could also speculate that they may try to end Viktor’s arc with him accepting the Glorious Evolution just…doesn’t work. I hope that’s not the case because that kind of kills his whole shtick but anything’s possible lol.
To round off this thought by comparison—there’s no chance Jinx dies by the series finale because her whole character arc will inevitably move from “Am I Powder or am I Jinx?” to “Okay, I’m Jinx. How do I live in that identity with the knowledge of my past mistakes?” Her dying at the end of the series would be an unsatisfying conclusion to that question. Same thing with Vi. Vi’s arc was about trying to “fix” things. She just wanted things to go back to the way they were, and they just can’t. Her arc is probably going to be centered around her grappling with grief over losing Powder AGAIN and learning to accept things will never go back to how they were before. Caitlyn’s arc is going to be her exacting revenge and maybe living with regret and bitterness. None of those character arcs logically conclude with “and though they found the answer to their life’s question, they died.”
Viktor’s probably will.
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Also here’s a link to a longer more in-depth theory I had a while ago—kind of a adjacent to this thought (for some reason it won’t work as an embedded link) https://www.tumblr.com/arowyn-m/755893249865039872/jayceviktorhexcore-situation-in-s2?source=share
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moonstruckme · 14 hours
hi mae!! can i request tasm!peter ’teaching’ reader how to touch herself maybe? i love how u write him <3
Thanks for requesting! And I got your other ask about them being in an established relationship, so I incorporated that too :)
cw: smut mdni
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
“Peter.” Despite your best efforts, your voice is teetering on the brink of a whine. “You’re being mean.” 
“I am not,” he laughs. You think that definitely seems a little mean, him laughing while you’re wet and squirming in front of him. “We’re doing this for you, remember?” 
“You’re not doing much of anything for me,” you mutter. It makes an appalled bark of laughter come out of your boyfriend, his fingertips digging into your thigh as he gives it a teasing squeeze. 
Peter’s lying on the bed in front of you. He looks like a pre-teen at a sleepover, chin propped on his hand, legs kicking behind him, the only difference your glistening cunt a foot from his face. 
“The point is for you to learn to do it yourself,” he reminds you jovially. “What if I’m not always here to get you off, sweetheart? What if I die a tragic death?”
You frown, fingers stilling on your clit. “Don’t say that, please.” 
“Sorry.” He kisses below your kneecap. “What I’m trying to say is, I feel like I should make sure you’re taken care of when I’m not around. Or that you can take care of yourself, so to speak.” 
That gets a short laugh out of you. Peter smiles like he’s won the lottery. 
“Make sure it’s good and wet, baby. You’re not getting a lot of friction there.” 
“It’s not working,” you complain. You bring more slick upwards to your clit, but it hardly helps. Your own fingers seem feeble when you can remember the feel of Peter’s so vividly. “I don’t have to think so hard when you’re doing it for me.” 
Peter gives you a knowing look, his lips tipped up on one side. “You don’t have to think now, either. You’ve gotta relax.” 
“I’m trying,” you huff. You worry your efforts are building up more frustration in you than anything else. 
He sits in front of you for a while longer while you plead with him with your eyes and heavy, despondent sighs. His pupils are dilated as he watches you try to work yourself, your sex so close he could put his lips to it with just the slightest movement forward. You swear your clit is going to go numb when Peter finally lets loose a sigh of his own. 
“So stubborn,” he murmurs, almost to himself. He starts to sit up. “Okay. You want help?” 
“Yes, please.” It’s an effort to keep your smile at bay. Peter’s expression makes you suspect he can tell, one part exasperation and two parts smugness. 
“Lay back for me.” 
You do so eagerly, but when your hand moves away from your cunt Peter catches your wrist. 
“Hey, what’re you doing?” he asks. You stare back at him bemusedly, and he looks like he could laugh again. He puts your hand back where it was. “We’re not done with this, sweetheart.” 
You frown. “I thought you were gonna help?” 
“I am gonna help.” He smiles, bestowing a kiss on your lips. “We’ll get you there, don’t worry.” 
He positions himself above you, kisses a slow, meandering path down your neck. His lean, muscular arm snakes between your bodies, his hand guiding yours between your legs. Thumb moving your own over your clit. 
“Slower, baby, like that.” Peter’s voice is a satisfied hum. “You weren’t really trying before, were you?” 
“I was,” you argue, but your voice is already growing weak from the suggestion of his touch and the realer, more tangible thing of his mouth on your throat. 
“You can do better than that, I know you can. You’re just not patient with yourself. You’re too in your own head.” 
His thumb pushes harder into yours, increasing the pressure on your clit. You choke out a moan. 
“See? That’s tons better already. You can do it, sweet girl. You’ve just gotta be nice about it.” 
“You’re nice to me.” 
“Yeah? Thanks.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “I try to be. I want you to be that nice when you’re touching yourself, okay? Or even nicer.” 
Peter alternates between chaste, soft kisses and delicate nips to your skin. Your own teeth are digging into your bottom lip, arousal pooling between your legs. Peter’s wearing his pajamas, plaid pants and a t-shirt, but when you try to slip your free hand underneath the hem he moves it to your own thigh. You frown. 
“Don’t touch me, touch yourself,” he says. He picks his face up to deliver a kiss to your lips, laughing when he sees your expression. “I mean, thanks, baby, I love it when you touch me, but this is about you, remember? Touch yourself wherever you wanna be touched.” 
You follow his instructions, bringing your hand up to your breast. When you squeeze, it makes your cunt throb.  
Peter’s eyes darken. “Attagirl.” 
You make a soft, stymied sound. 
“You ready for more? You can do it, sweetheart, just do what feels good. Wanna put your fingers inside?” 
You’d already been contemplating it, but the instruction helps. Your two fingers slip into you with little resistance. It’s not as much as you want, and your hips move seemingly of their own volition, searching for more. 
“Be nice,” Peter coaxes. His lips press gently to the soft underside of your jaw. “You’re okay, keep going.” 
His thumb nudges yours, and you pick your rhythm back up. The next roll of your hips finds more sensation. You let out a pent-up breath. 
You can feel Peter’s smile bloom against your throat. His hand closes over your wrist, urging you deeper until your pointer and pinkie come into contact with sticky skin. 
You get to a point where he’s doing most the work, your fingers moving on instinct inside of you while he works your thumb like a joystick over your clit until you’re sopping and no longer have the wherewithal to swallow down the needy sounds that want out of you. Peter likes those, always has, in a way that’s at once gratifying and embarrassing for you. His kisses grow heavier as his lips move close to your ear. 
“You gonna cum, sweetheart? You’re doing such a good job, so good for me, my pretty girl. Feel how nice and worked up you can get yourself? Hear how pretty you sound? I know you’re close, baby, you deserve this. Cum on your fingers for me.” 
You gasp almost wetly as you do, teary and overwrought. Peter kisses you all over your face and holds you through it. You breathe hard, and you must be off the hook, because when you find his hand with yours he coos and intertwines your fingers, squeezing lightly. 
“That’s my girl,” he says. “You did it. Didn’t I tell you?”
“I feel like I might’ve hurt my wrist,” you mutter. 
Peter laughs, the sound clear and bright. “You’ll get used to it, baby.”
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grandeoatmilklatte · 17 hours
Kinktober Day 1 🎃
Ominis Gaunt x Jealous Sex (770 words)
A/N: I've always wanted to write a darker Ominis than how I usually write him, so hopefully this is a good starting point.
Warnings: NSFW || MDNI || +18 plus characters || p in v || fingering || spanking || dirty talk ||
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Ominis would never admit it to anyone who pointed it out, but he was absolutely the jealous type. He had no choice but to be; having been denied so many things in his life because of his condition and his name. How could anyone blame him for being a tad bit possessive over what belonged to him, and thus, a tad bit jealous when someone or something threatened to take that which belonged to him.
Ominis didn’t need his eyesight to know that boy was standing too close to you. He could smell the desperation on him when he approached you. He could also hear it in his voice when he complimented your work in class and asked if you could tutor him. The nerve of him, and the nerve of you for saying yes!
“Relax, darling. It’s just one tutoring session.” You said with a giggle the moment the boy walked away.
One was far too many, but Ominis would teach you both a lesson in messing with a Gaunt.
The boy’s lesson came in the form of a snake waiting for him in his bed. You learned about it at your tutoring session. The boy was terrified, but laughed it off as a cruel prank from a dorm mate, but you knew better, sighing at the realization of what was in store for you later.
You made your way to The Undercroft, deciding it’d be better to just go than to wait for him to come get you. You were met with exactly what you expected - an unhappy Ominis pushing you onto the mattress as soon as you approached him. You were lying on your stomach as he straddled you. His hand pinned yours above your head as he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“How many times must we go over this? You’re mine. Only mine.”
You tried to mumble a response, which was met with a hard slap on your ass and a tug of your hair, bringing your head slightly off the mattress.
“Save it darling. I’ve heard enough of your excuses. Since you seem to have forgotten who you belong to, I think you deserve a reminder.”
Ominis’ reminder came in the form of you naked in the same spot on the bed, on all fours this time, crying out Ominis’ name as three of his fingers rapidly pumped in and out of your wet cunt.
“Is there something you wish to say, darling?” He growled through gritted teeth as his unoccupied hand gave you another hard slap on your ass.
“I…I’m yours. All yours!” You were breathless, still coming down from the high of the orgasm he had just given you this way.
He pulled his fingers out of you, replacing them with his cock in one quick motion. His pace was rough and unforgiving as one hand dug into your hip, his nails sure to leave indentations on your skin, while the other worked its way into your hair, grabbing a fistfull of it and pulling it back.
“Say it again! Louder!”
You repeated yourself over and over. “I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m yours.” The words fell from your lips like a prayer, tears beginning to form in your eyes from the pleasure. Ominis was being anything but gentle with you, but every snap of his hips felt like heaven, and every snap sent you hurtling closer to another orgasm.
“That’s right you filthy whore! You. Are. Mine!” A string of loud hisses followed Ominis’ words, and you knew this to be Parseltongue, something he only ever used when he was both extremely angry with you and extremely close to orgasm. But you got there first, orgasming again with another cry of Ominis’s name, your walls violently contracting around him.
Ominis followed you shortly after, demanding that you take every last drop of him as he emptied himself into you. —
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” Ominis inquired as you both got dressed. You moved much slower than he did, the pain of Ominis’ roughness just starting to hit your body.
“Of course I did. You’re so hot when you’re jealous!”
“I AM NOT JEALOUS. I just take my relationships very seriously. That boy had ulterior motives. I just know it.”
You giggled and planted a soft kiss on his lips. You knew it wasn’t exactly the most ethical of behaviors, but there was something so sexy about Ominis reminding you who you belonged to, and you knew he secretly enjoyed reminding you as well. Ominis was absolutely the jealous type, and you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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nanpecan · 2 days
₊✩‧₊˚once more to see you˚₊✩‧₊ pt 5
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{nanami x f!reader}
pt 1.  pt 2. pt 3. pt 4.
˚₊✩‧₊summary: You’re a manager at Jujutsu Kaisen and you’ve now had two three extremely intimate encounters with grade 1 sorcerer Nanami Kento. He's confessed his feelings for you, you've spent the night at his place so now its back to work, but not without a quick rendezvous in his office...
˚₊✩‧₊tags: nanami x fem!reader, explicit smut towards the end (mdni), food play...let them eat cake !!
˚₊✩‧₊word count: 7.3k
˚₊✩‧₊author’s note: i really debated only posting the smutty part of this as a one shot but ultimately decided to post the whole thing for the two people that are interested in the story eheh.
As you opened your eyes the next morning you became aware of just how warm and cozy you felt. You felt safe. Nanami’s chest was pressed against your back, your legs intertwined, and his hand rested on your arm, rubbing soft circles into your skin with his thumb. You turned back to look at him and smiled. You shut your eyes and let out a big groan, you didn’t want to get up. He smiled back and placed a soft kiss on your temple. He shifted and sat up in bed. You turned to watch him stretch. His arms reached far above his head as he moved from one side to the other. You moved a hand his way to poke his lower back. He looked back at you and smiled. 
As the two of you got ready for the day, you were silent. You moved in sync with one another. You brushed your teeth side by side, using the toothbrush he had provided you the night before. He had even gone so far as to wash your clothes for you. You lay your clothes out next to his on the bed and you both watched each other get dressed. You smiled as you reached over to help him button up his shirt, and he returned the favor. 
It was as if you had always done this, like this was just another morning in a long line of mornings and you had never known anything else. As you finished dressing, you looked back over to him. He was adjusting his sleeves and all that was left was his tie. You approached him and Nanami turned to face you with his flashily patterned tie in his hands. He looked at you expectantly, and you obliged, grabbing the silky fabric and letting your fingers brush against his hand. You bounced on your tiptoes and popped Nanami's collar, slipping the tie around his neck. You grabbed the end of the fabric in each of your hands and pulled him closer, bringing his face to your own. 
You smiled as you shook your head. “I wish I could help, but I actually don’t know how to tie a tie.” You frowned and sighed dramatically, “I know, it's grounds to send me packing, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I’m only human after all.” 
“I knew you were too good to be true,” he said, raising his head and peering down at you. You felt color rush to your face. What should have been an intimidating expression was now making your heart flutter. “I’ll learn,” you said, pulling him even closer. “And I’ll be so good you won’t ever want anybody else to tie your ties for you. I’ll be the best.” He lowered his face closer to you, now inches apart. “It’ll always have to be me.” 
He hummed in agreement as he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you close. “Will you be coming back here after work?” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “I should go home, I haven’t been there for two nights now. What will the neighbors think?” 
He chuckled. “Would it be too forward to ask if I could...come over?”
You smiled and felt your cheeks burn. “I-”
“You don’t have to say yes, I just thought I’d ask.”
“Usually I would say yes, I’m just…I mean I didn’t leave it in the cleanest state. If you think your place is messy, mine is…I mean it’s not horrible, it's just-” 
“I’ll leave it for another time then,” he said smiling, amused at how flustered you were. 
“Yes. Eventually. Maybe…tomorrow?” Was that too soon? 
He nodded. “I’ll drop you off tonight and pick you up tomorrow morning.”
“Breakfast at mine then?” you offered. Nanami nodded and you smiled back, “Sounds like a date.” 
“Finally,” he grumbled as he pulled you into a soft kiss. 
Nanami drove you both to Jujutsu High. Neither of you looked forward to being apart again, you wanted to savor the tenderness of this morning. As he parked the car and stepped out to get the door for you, you looked down at your hands. You looked them over. The crease, the lines, the imprints were all the same. Despite everything you were still yourself, but everything felt so different now. You were discovering a whole other side of yourself, and it hadn’t even been a whole four days. 
Nanami opened the door and offered you a hand as you stepped out. You both lingered outside of the car before silently walking towards the school entrance, exchanging glances and longing to be back in each other's arms. You both began to speak at the same time. 
“Sorry, go ahead,” you said. 
“Ah, I was just going to say, I don’t have any off campus duties today, so I’ll be in my office doing paperwork,” he said.
“I need to write my report about yesterday. Which reminds me, I have to stop by the infirmary again to ask Shoko some questions...” You thought about what else was on your plate. “Then I’ll be grading some of the student assignments and I’m also assigned for tutoring duty in the afternoon,” you sighed. “At least that’s what I think I’ll be doing. Something always seems to come up.” He stared silently. “I…I should be off by five, so maybe…I’ll come find you if you’re still in your office.” 
He seemed satisfied with this addition. “I’ll be waiting,” the smirk on his face was devilish.
You blushed, OH.
As you walked in opposite directions, you were sure your face must have been red. 
“I need to mention using RCT, but I’m not sure what the best way to word it would be... Without giving away how I did it I mean,” you said to Shoko, who was shuffling around the lab. 
“Healing yourself and healing others are two very different things. Most high level sorcerers eventually develop the ability to heal themselves. Minor injuries mostly, just enough to get by until real help can arrive. For you to potentially be assigned so I can train you, you have to show that you go beyond that. You healed those two museum workers, but didn’t heal yourself completely.” 
“I didn’t heal them so much as just cap off the bleeding,” you muttered.
“There you go, you could describe that. If they ask I’ll confer that you were able to heal yourself and that I’m confident you would be able to heal others.” She finally turned around and looked right at you. “Why did you do that by the way? Heal them but not yourself?” 
You thought about it. “When it came down to healing them, the answer to me was pretty clear. I needed to scab over their flesh to tank the bleeding. So when I turned the CE into my own, I used the output to concentrate on hardening the blood and healing the open flesh. I didn’t try to go any deeper. When I healed myself it wasn’t  really intentional, it was because there was an excess of CE flowing into me from the curse. I tried to get rid of it by transferring it to the katana that was logged in the curse’s mouth. It ended up fixing the sword somehow and that’s how I was able to kill the curse.” she nodded. “I only stopped myself from healing because I don’t understand where organs go, or how the blood flows, so I was afraid of messing something inside up.” 
“What?” Shoko looked confused. 
“What did you mean you were afraid of messing up your insides?” 
You were confused now. “When I go to heal, I visualize what I’m healing. Otherwise I feel like I’m shaping something into a completely useless item. I feel like I need medical knowledge before I’ll be able to heal large internal injuries.” 
Shoko still stared at you puzzled. “How do you think RCT works?” 
“You turn CE into blood and rush the healing process.” 
“Very good, however, I don’t think there is a real need to visualize what needs to be done. If you were to ask Gojo how he does it he’d probably say he does it on instinct. What feels right.” She looked at you seriously. “I only consider the range of the area I'm healing, I don’t focus on the tissue or how it needs to heal specifically.” 
“Oh.” You furrowed your brows. “I…I feel like I have to think about it. Otherwise it doesn’t turn out the way I like. My lip for example,” Your fingers went up to touch the scar. “I held it together and imagined the flesh coming together. It worked, I mean my skin fused but it didn’t heal anymore because I didn’t know what to do next.” 
Shoko blinked and you saw a burning look of curiosity wash over her now. It made you nervous. “What time are you off of work today?” 
“Ah, I need to leave by 5.” 
“Oh? Plans with Nanami?” She said cheekily. 
You blushed. “Y-yes. I think we’re grabbing dinner. I’m not sure yet.” 
“I see,” Shoko was staring at you intensely. 
Both of your phones dinged and you were relieved at the break in eye contact. She tsked as she read the message. “Your date might have to wait. Yaga just called for a meeting at 5.” 
Shoko asked you to come back tomorrow morning before the work day started. Something about “wanting to see you in action”. You weren’t sure what she meant, but it made you feel a bit uneasy. 
The day dragged on and you felt yourself checking your watch every thirty minutes. You hammered away at the copious amounts of paperwork flooding your desk. Grading papers, turning in permits for projects, following up on leads about curses and the like. When it came time for tutoring you weren’t surprised when no one showed up. You could imagine the students had other things on their minds than the novel they had been assigned to read. You just went back to your paperwork. With everything going on, the news of Gojo returning with the Okkotsu kid barely registered in your brain. 
A couple of hours later you found yourself sitting at a table in the managers’ break room, reading over writing assignments from the second years. You cringed as you read Hakari’s history report. You had so many questions…mainly why it was only four sentences long and why he had decided to use informal slang. 
“You look like you’re reading something unpleasant.” You looked up and saw Nanami standing at the doorway. 
You smiled at him dropping the paper down on the table in front of you. “Hakari is a great fighter, one of the most talented students I think I’ve ever seen. However, his writing skills are crap. I feel sorry for whoever has to read his reports in the future.” 
Nanami smiled a little. “Have you had lunch?” 
You looked at the clock, it was 2. “I haven’t, actually.” 
“Eat with me.” 
You smiled and nodded. “Okay.” 
He pulled out two sandwiches from the cafe, the ones you hadn’t gotten to try. You smiled. “How did you-”
“I have my ways.” He sat down next to you as you moved the paperwork away. “I seem to recall you complaining about not being able to enjoy them. This is my way of apologizing.” He let you pick a sandwich and took the other. You ate silently, just enjoying each other's presence. 
“Any crazy missions pop up?” You asked. 
He shook his head. “They’re not prioritizing outings right now. All the sorcerers were asked to stay on campus while the Okkotsu boy was brought here. I imagine we’ll learn more about the situation at the meeting.” 
“Oh, that’s right.” You tilted your head in curiosity. “Have you seen him? The boy I mean.” 
“I have not. Gojo immediately placed him in the talisman room while the elders discuss what to do with him.” 
“What do you think is going to happen?” 
He was quiet for a bit, thinking. “If I’m being honest…they will likely call for his execution.” 
Your stomach dropped. “I see.” 
He was silent. “...Does that bother you?” 
You frowned, “A little yes,” you looked down at your sandwich. “People are dead because of him, however I feel like there has to be more to the story.” You looked up at Nanami. “Someone that powerful doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere, he’s most likely lived like this for a while and has finally reached a breaking point. He’s just a kid, he doesn’t need to be punished, he needs help.” 
“You sound like Gojo.” You made a face at his statement. “Why do you do that whenever I mention Gojo? Most people adore him,” he asked.
“I have a lot of admiration for him, but I don’t get along with the cocky type.” Nanami smiled. “Do you think… he’ll stop the Okkotsu boy’s execution, if they vote for it?” 
He didn’t answer. “Wouldn’t you be hesitant to work around a child capable of that much violence?”
You considered it for a second. “Honestly, I don’t know. I like to think everyone deserves a second chance, but then again, I could meet him and not like him at all, in which case I’ll probably regret sticking up for him,” you said laughing a bit. “But until then, I’ll see the best in him.” Nanami stared at you. “What? Was that a stupid answer?” 
“You’re a good person.” 
You blushed and shook your head, “I think I’m just naive.”
“No. You’ve got a good heart. I hope you stay that way.” You looked at him curiously. 
You suddenly noticed Ijichi coming into the break room. He looked at Nanami confused for a second and then at the sandwiches you were eating. He looked at Nanami again, nervously, and opened his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by a familiar voice. 
“Nanami~” Satoru came into view of the door frame, singing Nanami’s name as he pat Ijichi’s back. “I’ve been looking for you.” Nanami stiffened and he looked up at Gojo, clearly annoyed. 
You bowed your head politely in acknowledgment but didn’t say anything. Gojo inhaled sharply and frowned dramatically. “No sandwich for me? Not even a sweet treat? I see you have a dessert in that bag, you wouldn’t hide that from me right?” 
“What do you want?” Nanami said, ignoring him. 
“Ugh, I’m exhausted, I don’t even remember. Maybe something sweet will stimulate my mind and I’ll be able to tell you.” Gojo taunted with a smug smile.
Nanami’s jaw clenched. You smiled a little at seeing his reaction. “You should go look for something sweet then, do you need to borrow some coins? Was that what you were going to ask me?” 
Gojo frowned. “What are you doing in here anyway? Tired of Ijichi? Trying to butter up another manager to do your bidding?” Gojo walked over and pulled out a chair from the table, flipping it and sitting with his chest to the back of the chair. “Nanamiii, lack of sugar is bad for my brain, you know how I am. Besides,” he turned his head towards you, “it’s not like you particularly like sweets; unless you got it for a special someone?” You felt your cheeks get hot. Gojo smirked, turning back to Nanami looking for a reaction. You glanced at him and he was deadpanned, staring at Gojo. 
You laughed and broke the silence. “Let’s just split it up. Ijichi, sit and have some too.”
“I don’t share.” Gojo said, scrunching his nose. 
“I don’t either, but I’d hate for you not to feel special to Nanami too.” You said back. 
You looked at Nanami and smiled at him. He seemed to relax a little. Gojo frowned again. “I don’t share.” He mumbled again. 
“The cake isn’t for you. We’re not sharing anything. What did you want?” Nanami said firmly.
“You’re no fun.” Gojo whined. 
Nanami turned to you and handed you the bag with the dessert. “Please enjoy this. Thank you for keeping me company during lunch.” He got up and walked out beckoning Gojo to follow. 
“Wow you’re so cool.” Gojo said to Nanami, teasing him on his way out. 
You stared at him as he walked out, smiling like a fool. 
“May I ask you about what just happened?” You jumped, not having realized Ijichi was still there. 
“About what?” You said trying to play it off. 
“Are you and Nanami…” 
“Ah, no- well yes. I mean we’re not really…I mean…not yet anyways, not officially. We just- it’s…it’s complicated.” You knew you were probably red. 
Ijichi was silent and you looked at him waiting for him to say something. He just smiled. “I see.” 
“I don’t know why I’m so flustered.” You laughed awkwardly. “Don’t spread this anywhere. It’s still sort of new.” 
“Okay.” Ijichi nodded. 
You were both silent for a bit. “What do you think about it?” 
Ijichi furrowed his brow. “You want to know what I think?” 
“I do.” 
“Hmmm…” he leaned back slightly. “I don’t really think anything of it. I was a bit surprised at first, but it’s only natural he would eventually talk to you.” He shut his lips to stop himself from saying anything else. 
You looked at him. “What do you mean by that?” 
“Nothing.” He said a little too quickly. 
“Ijichi…” you knew if you pressed him he would tell. Usually you felt bad about how easily he was pushed into revealing information but today it was to your advantage. “What do you know? What did you mean by eventually? Did he talk about me before this week? I didn’t think he knew I even existed.” 
“Ah, it’s not really for me to tell.” He was starting to sweat. You stared at him. What did he know? Had Nanami liked you back all this time? Since when? Ijichi stared back with resolve. You narrowed your eyes at him and leaned back in your chair. 
“Don’t worry I won’t make you tell me what you know. I’ll get it out of him.” You smiled confidently. You wanted to hear the whole story from Nanami himself. Ijichi relaxed.“Do you think others will be shocked? By us I mean, by me and him, him and I?” 
“I don’t see why they would be,” he answered.
You frowned. “That’s no fun.” You were sort of disappointed. “Wait, but why? Because everyone else saw it coming or what?” 
“No. Like I said, those that know Nanami could have seen it coming, but,” you made a note on that, “you’re two adults. I don’t think it violates any rules.” He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead quickly. “Besides, I think you two are more alike than you think.” He turned to you. “And I won’t elaborate.”
The rest of the day felt painfully slow after your lunch. You finished the rest of your tasks around 4pm and decided to head towards the library. The meeting wasn’t for another hour and there were a couple of books you wanted to look over before speaking with Shoko again. There was so much about RCT you didn’t know. You wondered if you could find something that could explain what had happened at the museum. If it truly was taboo, there had to be accounts of a similar situation somewhere, right? 
You inhaled deeply as you entered the library. The smell of the old books had always brought you comfort. A lot of your time had been spent here while you were a student. Your first month at the school had been rough to say the least. Yaga recommended you read up on some history and basics to try to catch up with the rest of the students. You did end up learning a lot, but what was book smarts to raw strength? You still got your ass kicked for the next two years. 
What little you could find ultimately left you more confused. You found information about cursed spirit manipulation, object manipulation that could feed on the cursed energy of its opponents, but nothing related to reverse curse technique. You looked up at the clock and saw you had about 20 minutes before the meeting. 
You began to pick up the books around you to put them back in their designated spots. You put away a couple of other books that were strewn about the tables too.You quickly moved around the library placing the items back on their corresponding shelf. The last book was a bit higher up than you were used to. Who had been reading about clan family histories? You reached up to put the last book away. 
“Let me help you with that.” You turned and smiled at Nanami. He took the book from your hand and easily placed it on the top shelf. 
“Thank you.” You said. “Do you want to head to the meeting?”
He looked at you but didn’t say a word. He took a step closer to you and you immediately blushed. “We have some time.” You felt your face get hot, and your hands went up to cover your face. 
“I’m not sure I healed the succubus’ wound all the way, you’re very…” you tried to find the right words. 
“Very what?” He said as he stepped closer, grabbing your wrists to gently move them away from your face. He smiled as you looked up at him. 
You laughed and shook your head. You pulled your wrists out of his hands and put them on his shoulders to pull him closer. You wrapped them around his neck as he lowered his face and kissed you. He was so gentle, you felt yourself melt into him as he put a hand on your spine to pull you closer. He pulled back and smiled. You moved your arms under his and pulled him in for a hug, he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You buried your face into his chest and hummed happily. Embarrassment suddenly flooded over you and you pulled yourself back away from him. 
“Sorry,” you muttered. 
“Don’t apologize,” he said. 
You looked up at him and felt yourself blush again. “I don’t know what it is about you… but you make me feel so safe,” you said. He smiled. “Kissing is nice and all, but,” you shrugged, “I like when you hold me.” You felt embarrassment from head to toe. You couldn’t believe you were actually saying this to him. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He stepped closer to you again and pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “We should go.” 
“Right.” You quickly pulled yourself together, but immediately fell apart the second you looked up at him. “I can’t look you in the eyes, I’m too embarrassed.” 
“Don’t be.” He began to walk next to you out of the library. “I’d like to hear more of what you like.” He smirked as he saw your flustered face. “Would you like to come back to my office after the meeting?” 
“What for?” you asked innocently. The tips of his ears turned red and you swallowed hard. “Ah, I really should have Shoko look at the area on your neck where that curse got you. I’m really not convinced her spell wore off, but I’ll help you if you need me again I guess,” you teased. 
He laughed and shook his head. “I think you’re the one who has me under her spell.” he stopped walking and you turned to look back at him. “I can’t get enough of you.”  
Your hands shot up to your face to cover your burning cheeks. You turned and started walking again. “Let’s change the subject. I’m going to be beet red at the meeting.” You heard him let out a breath of laughter. He caught up to you walking by your side again. “What did Gojo want?” You felt Nanami stiffen at the mention of his name. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” 
“No, it’s fine.” He said as he held the library door open for you. “It was about the Okkotsu boy.” 
“You were right, he was sentenced to death, but Gojo is trying to convince them otherwise.”
“What does that have to do with you?” 
“He’s asked Ijichi and I to look into the boy’s past.” You were still confused. “He thinks there might be more to him than meets the eye.” 
“Sorry I took him away from you like that.” Gojo appeared out of nowhere as you two approached the meeting room. 
“Gojo…” Nanami said low, in a warning tone. 
“What? I’m apologizing for lunch.” He turned to you. “He chewed me out for that, he’s so cold,” Gojo pouted, exaggeratedly. 
“It’s alright,” you said. “I heard you’re going to try to save the Okkotsu boy.” 
“What, ya against it?” Gojo asked. 
“No, I think it’s a good thing.” 
“She’s the only reason I agreed to help you out,” Nanami said flatly. “If she changes her mind, so will I.” 
“Quite an influence she has on you.” Gojo said, he elbowed you playfully. “What did you do to him, huh?” 
“I don’t really know,” you answered honestly. You looked at Nanami and smiled. “I’m growing more and more suspicious.” 
Nanami smirked and opened the door to the meeting room for you. 
“Thank you~” Gojo said, walking in first. 
You spotted Araki and went over to sit next to her. Nanami followed and sat next to you. He bowed his head politely to Akari as he sat. She nodded in return. They would get along just fine. 
The doors opened and Yaga walked in. The room went silent as he made his way to the front. “Thank you for making time to be here, I’ll make this very brief.” He looked hard at Gojo who was leaning back in his chair in the front row. “The Okkotsu boy has been captured and brought here, as I’m sure you’re all aware.” He took a deep breath and sighed. “The council has generously allowed the boy to live.” The air turned tense. You looked around and saw many of the sorcerers frowning. Gojo had a huge, self-satisfied smile on his face. “He will be starting as a student in April. Gojo will be in charge of him along with the rest of the first years. You are all to treat him as a student.” He said firmly. “If there are any questions or concerns please come speak to me directly.” 
“This is bullshit.” One of the sorcerers said. 
“As I said, if you have concerns, relay them to me. Now is not the time, this is not an open ended discussion.” Yaga said. 
“He killed a sorcerer, how will we treat him like a regular student!” 
“Do you want to take him on next?” Gojo said nonchalantly. He didn’t even turn back to look at whoever had spoken. The room went silent again. “If you have concerns you can go to Yaga, but I would prefer it if you came to me. I am taking direct responsibility for the boy after all. Anyone unhappy with my choice can say it to my face.” He stood up and turned back to look at everyone. “Or feel free to take it up with the boy himself, unfortunately I think you’ll find your fate similar to the last sorcerer who challenged him.” 
You clenched your jaw. You understood his point but you thought he might have been taking it too far. 
“Be strong or shut up. Understood?” Gojo said. Yaga was tense. 
“That was all I had to say for the meeting. Stick around if you would like to speak with me.” Yaga began to shuffle his papers as he dismissed everyone.  
“That was a little intense,” you watched as the sorcerers began to talk amongst themselves, frowns on their faces.
“I’ll say.” Akari turned to you. “What do you think about all this?” 
“I’m for it.” You said. She furrowed her brows. 
“Okay?” You said. She looked like she was thinking deeply. “What?” 
“I don’t know what to make of it, but I trust Gojo knows what he’s doing.” She sighed. “If I lose faith in him I’d lose faith in Jujutsu society altogether.” 
That’s right Akari would rather die than admit it but she liked Gojo. Him and Ijichi had helped secure her younger brother a spot at the Kyoto school after he graduated middle school. 
Akari looked down at her phone and sighed. “It looks like I’m going to be at work until 9 today, but text me when you get home. You have a lot to catch me up on,” she said looking at Nanami. 
“Yes, ma’am.” You said. You all headed out to the hallway and Akari took off first. You looked back at Nanami and tilted your head. “So….your office?” Nanami smiled and nodded. 
“Afterwards would you like din-”
“Nanami, can we speak to you for a moment.” You saw him grimace before he turned around. You looked to see who was calling him and saw that it was one of the sorcerers that had looked discontent with the announcement. He had a group with him, equally upset.
“He’s friends with Gojo, he's not going to help.” You overheard one of them whisper. 
“What would you like to discuss?” Nanami questioned. 
   “I have a feeling you know.” The sorcerers said sternly. You couldn’t remember his name, he was a bit new. 
   Nanami furrowed his brows together and turned to you. “Go ahead to my office, I’ll meet you there. You know the way, correct?” he asked. You nodded. “Good.”  
  He turned and started walking towards the other sorcerers. You started walking again, you could feel your heart beating wildly. In his office? Was this a fantasy of his? You smiled a little, whatever it was, you were happy to indulge. 
You stopped by the manager's break room on your way there and picked up the dessert he had gotten for you. You hadn’t eaten it during lunch, maybe you two could share it later. You stepped into the office.
Shutting the door behind you, you looked around. It smelled nice, like wood and books. Everything was pristinely organized on the bookshelves. You looked over at his desk and smiled. Sitting down, you looked at the chair behind the desk and imagined him there. How intimidating, you thought. No wonder Ijichi was always so nervous around him. 
You unpacked the dessert and placed it on the desk. It was a single slice of cake, decorated with an intricate lace pattern of pink and white frosting. You frowned as you realized you hadn’t grabbed forks. You checked the bag. None. Damn. 
You got up to see if maybe he had some in his desk drawers. You hesitated to open them. It felt wrong to snoop. You shrugged, you were just looking for silverware. It's not like he had anything to hide…You opened a couple of drawers and found various stationary supplies-papers, pens, stamps. You opened one of the upper drawers and saw a picture. Another picture of him as a teenager with the brown haired boy, Haibara, throwing up a peace sign. Nanami had a birthday hat on and looked miserable. You smiled. 
Something about Haibara was so familiar to you. You racked your brain trying to remember where you had seen him before. There was just something about his eyes- round, soft, kind. 
Suddenly the door opened and you quickly shut the drawer. You turned red as Nanami gave you a curious glance. “Sorry I was just looking for forks. Not that it would make sense for you to have them in here…now that I think about it…” 
“Forks? For…?” He questioned. You looked down at the cake on the desk. “Ah, I see.” He closed the door behind him and you heard the click of the lock. You swallowed nervously. “I guess I should ask you what you would like to do next.” He looked up at you. “We could go to dinner…or we could stay here for a while…enjoying each other's company.” 
You felt your cheeks grow warm. You looked down at the cake. “Le-Let’s stay and enjoy ourselves first.” Your eyes flicked back up to him. “It would be a shame to let the cake go to waste.” He nodded and began walking over to the desk, coming around it to sit at the chair. 
You stood still for a second considering where to move to. You looked at the chair across from you and then back at him. He moved his leg to touch yours and cocked his head. You took the hint and sat on his lap. 
You wiggled your way back until your spine was pressed into his chest. You reached over for the cake, shifting your weight and making sure you pushed your ass into his crotch. His hands went to your hips and he pressed his fingers into your skin as you brought the cake up. “This is why I was looking for a fork,” you said, holding up the cake to your faces. “I’m gonna end up sticky,” you said, pouting your lip. You looked around again. “I don’t suppose you have any napkins in here either?” You reached into your pocket for your handkerchief. 
He moved his hand off of your hip and caught your wrist. “I can think of another way to clean you up. Don’t worry.” He pulled you back against him, his chin resting on the space between your neck and shoulder. “Go ahead,” he said. 
You leaned your head against his as you pinched a piece of the cake between your fingers and placed it in your mouth. You smiled as he suddenly pulled your wrist back towards him and began licking the frosting clean from your fingers. You felt a fire ignite in your stomach. He released your hand and you went to grab another bite of cake. You swiped the frosting in your fingers, and instead of putting the sugar to your mouth you craned your neck to the side and smeared it on your skin. Nanami latched onto your neck instantly, licking at the sweet frosting and sucking slightly. You pushed yourself down on him, rocking your hips back. You quickly swiped some more cake on your neck for him to keep going. 
He reached over and fed you some more and you wrapped your lips around his fingers. You grabbed hold of his wrist and kept his hand there, sucking on his digits, swirling your tongue around them. He shifted underneath you trying to accommodate the tent in his pants that had begun to push up on you. 
Using his free hand he began pulling the blazer off of your shoulders and then moved his hand forward to undo the buttons on your blouse. He placed his hand over your bra and gently caressed your breast. You moaned. You suddenly got up and sat back on the desk facing him. You finished taking off your shirt and slowly removed your bra. Nanami sat back, entranced as you reached down to take more frosting and spread it from your lips, down your neck and onto your chest. Nanami stood up and nestled himself between your legs. You smiled as he lifted your chin up to meet his gaze. He moved his lips down to kiss you. You kissed him back running your tongue over his, he smiled and tugged on your lip with his teeth. 
“You’ve made a mess,” he growled. He began kissing down under your chin, swiping the frosting off of your skin with nipping movements and licking his way down. He placed a kiss on your collarbone, stopping for a moment. You looked down at him and nodded. He smiled coyly and lightly bit your skin. You threw your head back as he continued. He reached your breast and pressed a flat tongue over your skin, licking upward a couple of times before latching onto your nipple. 
“Fuck!” you exclaimed. He looked up at you, giving you a warning stare. You had to keep quiet. You laced your fingers in his hair and pushed him towards you, urging him to continue. He brought a hand up to knead your other breast. He ran his tongue around your bud and gently tugged your nipple with his teeth. You whimpered at his touch. He responded by pinching your other nipple between his fingers. You stifled a moan as he moved his other hand down to press between your legs. You rocked your hips forward into his hand. He pulled back, your nipple still between his teeth and he smiled. You laughed. You ran your fingers through his hair and sat up. He let go of your nipple and put both of his hands up to hold your breasts now. 
“Soft,” he said, squeezing them lightly. He settled the pillowy flesh in his palms and pinched your nipples between his pointer and middle fingers. You smiled as he stared, transfixed. 
“Hard,” you teased as you moved your hand down and touched his dick through his pants. He laughed. He watched silently as you scooted off of the desk and went to your knees. You quickly made work of his belt and pant buttons. You kissed at the skin along his happy trail, pulling down his boxers and immediately wrapping your hand around his erection. He hissed and put his hand in your hair. You looked up at him as you pumped him a couple of times. He furrowed his brows and placed his other hand on the desk to support himself. He was getting close. He bucked his hips into your strokes and moved his hand out of your hair in front of his cock to catch his release. You moved his hand away and placed your lips on his tip as you continued stroking. He let out a whimper as you ran your tongue around him. You took him deeper into your mouth applying pressure with your lips as you pulled back. He grunted and slumped forward. His hand now hovered behind your head, you looked up at his burning red face and you could tell he wanted to take your head and shove it forward. You hummed amused and saw him wince. 
You pulled back with a loud plop and smiled up at him. He looked down at you and almost came on the spot. Your lips were glossy, a wetness coated your chin, and a string of saliva still connected the two of you. “Finish in my mouth,” you said, placing a small kiss on his tip. “It’s my turn to taste you.” His hand moved to the back of your head and he rocked his cock against your face. You closed your eyes as he spread the saliva on his dick all over your face. You smiled. His face was focused, his eyes wide as he looked at you in front of him. He was in a state of complete concentration, trembling in anticipation. You moved his dick back towards your mouth and nodded. He began pushing himself into you. You knew there was no way you could have taken all of him, but he watched carefully as you took him as deeply as you could. 
Your eyes teared up as you tried not to gag and he pulled back. You began stroking him as you took him in again, once again applying pressure with your lips and swirling your tongue around his sensitive tip. He bucked his hips forward a couple of times. His breaths were becoming more labored and he was grunting slightly. He sped up his pace and you quickened your strokes and applied more suction as you hollowed out your cheeks. He grunted deeply burying his dick in the back of your throat and you felt  warm liquid splutter forward. You swallowed around him, drinking in the liquid and he moaned in bliss. You pulled off of him and winced as he continued to come onto your face. You laughed a little and opened your mouth again to catch the rest of his release. You rolled the dense fluid around your tongue taking in the slightly salty taste. 
Both of his hands were on the desk now, and he was trying to catch his breath. He looked down at you and smiled, shaking his head. He pulled you back up on the desk. “I’ll take that handkerchief now,” you said, collecting the cum on your face with your fingers. He smirked and wrapped his mouth around your fingers. Your core pulsed. He licked up along your face collecting the rest on his tongue and you lurched forward to kiss him, sucking the fluid from his tongue and tugging at it between your teeth. He kissed a quick peck on your lips before pulling you forward and slipping your pants down your waist. He hastily removed your panties and knelt down, placing your legs on his shoulders. 
You laughed and put a finger on his forehead stopping him from moving forward. He looked up at you with desperation in his eyes. You were a bit taken aback. You moved your hand down and caressed his jaw. “Do-Don’t worry about taking your time. I want-” he moved forward immediately, licking a long stripe up your core and rolling your clit in his mouth. You arched your back and laid back on the desk. You put a hand over your mouth as he continued. You writhed beneath his touch and almost yelled out when pressed two fingers into you. He curled his fingers and you whimpered. You lunged forward and dug your fingers into his scalp tugging on the blonde’s hair. “Nanami-” you whispered. The pressure building in your core was becoming more and more intense. “Nanami, fuck-!” He looked up at you with a deadly look in his eye, and slowed the movement of his fingers. You looked down at him and whimpered, “Nanami-” he shook his head. You smiled as you understood.
You laid your head back and pushed your hips up. “Kento….” you said quietly. He started his pace again. “Kento-Kento-FUCK!” You shut your eyes as he attacked your senses. Curling his fingers and twisting as he roughly tugged at your clit in his mouth. A hand flew to your mouth again and you muffled a scream as you finally felt the spring in your stomach snap and relief wash over you. You arched your spine again, pushing his face closer to you as you rode out your high. You collapsed back on the desk, breathing deeply.
You looked up at Nanami who was standing now. He pulled out a handkerchief from his jacket and moved forward to clean your face. He grimaced. “I don’t think I thought this through.” You laughed and grabbed your handkerchief and began cleaning his face. 
He reached down and opened a drawer to your left. Forks, spoons, paper plates and napkins. You frowned playfully. “I never said I didn’t have any,” he said. 
He grabbed a couple of napkins and continued to clean you up. Helping you slip your panties and pants back on. You tucked his dick back in his boxers and zipped up his pants. You looked over at your shirt and gasped. “Oh no!” you lifted it up and saw the frosting had gotten on it. It was right on the front. You sighed and shrugged. Nanami smiled apologetically. “It’s just a bit of cake.” 
“Shall I attempt to lick it off again?” he asked snarkily. 
“Oh please, we’ll be here another hour," you laughed as you wrapped your arms around him. "Not that I would mind...."
pt 1.  pt 2. pt 3. pt 4.
˚₊✩‧₊i cant thank all you readers enough for the kind words. i suck at replying but just know that i love you all so so much. i'm so glad theres so many people that love Nanami as much as I do...he's just so...perfect. thanks again -Nana
and HUGE thank you to @zoldsick for always being willing to read my obsessive ramblings. much love Cath<3 big brained things coming from her soon yall are not ready muahahaha
˚₊✩‧₊ taglist: @wrldtups @rjreins @phattyboo90 @tnyblacklesbo @silkija @justwantedachange @inthedarkshadows000 @nniiyyaa @starkmila09 @sikuthealien @wifenanami @bloombb @kentos-glasses @inciteterr0r @naturalismi @kimkimoruo
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yandereforme · 2 days
Okay, I’m still working on all of my bat family stuff, but consider… x
Yandere ASTV x O’Hara! Child! Reader
Like, in your universe, you were raised by Miguel O’Hara after your bio parents died, and you became a spider hero at age 10.(I kind of like the idea that your situation is similar to Miles, there was a Spider-Man but he died protecting you. Extra angst if it’s your Miguel who died.)
Your Miguel wasn’t yandere, but he was an overprotective parent. He definitely homeschooled you, and tried his best to shield you from the world, leaving you with a pretty optimistic outlook on life, and oblivious to life’s challenges.
You would end up in another universe on accident about half a year after you became spidery.(In this au, you were bitten about two weeks to a month before you started your vigilante gig.) I am seeing four different scenarios.
You end up in Hobie’s world, which would definitely be a shock, since your universe is very similar to our world, and as you are very sheltered, you definitely freak out and end up attracting Hobie’s attention. I see him trying to show you the good side of rebellion, and getting very protective on your behalf.( The climax is definitely you taking a bullet for him because a cop tried to shoot him in the back of the head. The bullet injures you but doesn’t kill you. Hobie fucking destroys the cop, but definitely makes you go somewhere safe so you don’t see it. Hobie likes your growing rebellious tendencies, but he doesn’t want to ruin all of your innocence.)
You end up in Gwen’s universe. There would definitely be confusion in the civilians, since they are used to a very different Spider-Woman. Gwen finds you quick, and 100% gets attached within minutes. You are completely alone and so small and you look at her with big hopeful eyes.(She has several mini heart attacks as she learns about your world.)
You end up in 1610 Miles’s world. He would 100% bond with you over taking over a different Spider-Man’s mantle, and facing criticism for it. He would definitely try to shield you from any problems, especially since you are so young. (I kind of like the idea of him introducing you to his parents and them getting attached too.) I don’t have any exact idea for how he would become yandere, but finding out about your Miguel would definitely confuse him.(he would have to figure out how someone like Miguel could raise you, but would remind himself they are different.)
You end up in 42 Miles’s world. You definitely catch his attention, especially since this is after ASTV.(The ending killed me, so I’m saying 1610 Miles escaped and defeated prowler, with a semi truce with 42 Miles.) Prowler would definitely be interested about you, but what changes everything is you saving his mother’s life. You were patrolling and saw her be attacked, probably by a villain who found out Prowler’s identity. You save her life, just as 42 Miles arrives.(I’m imagining 42 Rio Morales doesn’t know her son is the Prowler, but finds out, culminating into a very tense dinner you get dragged into.)
After a few weeks, you definitely want to get home. Since every Spider has some weird abilities, I’m going with you being able to find portals easier, and if you strain yourself, you can make them.
You definitely have an argument about trying to go home, and use your power for the first time. However, you are upset and unsure and all you are thinking about as the world around you glitches is that you want your dad.
This leads to you quite literally falling at the feet of Miguel in the Spiderverse Headquarters, disoriented and exhausted from your powers, only able to manage a strangled “Papa?” before you pass out at his feet.
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Could I please get Jeff and Liu (throw sully in there as a third if you want, or just merge all three. However you want to write it.) With a younger sibling who’s chronically sick (sort of like how Jeff was as a kid. Bad asthma, physically weak, etc etc.)
I hope you enjoy, I tried to mix in all three of them
It's hard on all three of them emotionally sometimes, watching you be chronically sick. It's hard on Jeff because when he looks at you he's reminded of himself, and he's scared of seeing you have to suffer through the same things he routinely suffered through, and sometimes still has to deal with when he has flare ups. It's hard on Liu for a similar reason, because he watched Jeff suffer through his sickness as your parents would do nothing to help him, and so Liu would be the only one trying to do anything to help him, and it's hard on Sully because just as Sully does everything he can to try to protect Liu, Sully wants to do everything he can to try and help you and protect you, and when he sees you suffering through your sickness, it makes him feel like he's failing because he can't just make it better.
However, they're not your parents. They aren't going to watch you suffer alone just as they did to Jeff. The three of them do their absolute best to take care of you, working together to make sure that if you ever need help, at least one of them is there with you to help out. Even Jeff and Sully, who are normally butting heads and disagreeing, work together seamlessly if they ever both need to for your sake. I think Jeff and Liu would definitely make sure they can both go with you to any appointments you have, as they want to be aware of what's going on with your health and ask any questions they have and see how they can provide any help to you. I think Liu is probably the bigger hardass out of the three of them, being the one to make sure you're always keeping track of any medication you have/need, making sure you're not pushing yourself too hard, and getting plenty of rest.
I think Jeff is the one who's usually asking if you want to go out any time you have free time and are feeling well enough, as he couldn't do much when he was younger, so he makes sure you can do things despite any weakness and difficulties you have. Liu is hesitant about those things at first because he doesn't want you getting hurt or too stressed out, but I think he comes around eventually and joins in on these little outings, especially if you ask him to because as the doting oldest sibling he simply cannot say no to you. They'll take you to a park to just sit outside and get some fresh air, or maybe go for a walk if you're feeling well enough, or to eat out somewhere and then get some ice cream, or to go to the movies. Small things that won't put too much stress and pressure on your weak body that still allow you to get out and get some fresh air. Sully likes spending time with you at home, mostly because he would be devastated if he took you out and something happened to you.
He watches shows with you or plays games, and he does a lot of cooking for you and handles a lot of your chores to help out. Anything you'd like to do, he does his best to do it with you, and he even goes out of his way to learn all about your hobbies so you two can talk about them together (as do Jeff and Liu, but Sully commits himself to go above and beyond) because it brings him so much joy to see you getting excited about the things you love, and it fills you with so much life and mirth, and it relieves a lot of his inner turmoil about whether or not you're truly doing well. They probably rotate which of the three of them helps around the house and checks in on you, because they love you very much and while they know you're strong and can take care of yourself for the most part, they will always be there to provide any support and protection you might need. No matter how old you get you'll always be their baby sibling, and they just want to see you happy and well cared for.
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ravers8fantasy · 2 days
🗯Von Kaiser head canons!!
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Help spoilers for Marley and me😭
Sorry if there are any mistakes!! I made this when I was rlly tired and Im gonna go to sleep after I post this💫
Is 42 so Im gonna say he joined around his mid/late 20s (hell yeah he's one of the boxers who has been around the longest)
Has a military background, dad was in the army and that kinda influenced him growing up
His time managment for example is immaculate, you will never catch his ass being late
Keeps an extra pair of pre polished combat boots in his locker
the W.B.V.A tried to get him change his foot wear to something more approproate for the ring but he ended up intimidating them so they let him keep the boots
Kaiser doesnt realise how intimidating he can be sometimes, no one has pointed out how bad his resting bitch/angry face is yet (he is also like 6'10 and flippin hench so)
He can be unbearably quiet, especially if he's meeting someone new bro will NOT talk first
Kaiser might look tough, but he is sensitive af. Saw 'Marley and me' and started bawling his eyes out when Marley was put down
The children he teaches sometimes challenge him to a match of football after the boxing class is done
he just cant bring himself to say no to them and well, the class is all done so whats the harm? (he has somehow been knocked over by a kid multiple times)
Honestly such a father figure and role model to them, Kaiser would risk it all to protect those kids
Forgets to take care of himself sometimes and ends up mega burnt out
I think he would definetly have a secret massive sweet tooth, gets excited when christmas comes because it gives him an excuse to devour a pack of lebkuchen (he loves them sm)
He would be veeery interested in learning about languages and different culture's , especially after seeing all the boxers from different countries
I like to think he is a bit of a linguist because of this: he is fluent in deutsche. Dutch, English and Frisian. Knows abit of Turkish and French and wants to learn Hindi and many many other languages
Drives the most beat up car the W.B.V.A have ever seen, he says that if it still works then whats the point of getting a new one
The most stubborn mf you will ever meet, he hates change in routine and hates losing an argument
Sneezes so loudly its like an explosion has gone off
Head canoning that there is a museum near the minor circuit arena and Kaiser is a regular to the modern history exhibit (is interested in the cold war mainly about the fall of the berlin wall)
shaved his moustache off once and immediately regretted it, he cancelled all his boxing classes because he knew the kids would laugh at him
Sometimes when he gets comfortable around people his voice slowly gets louder until he is subconsciously shouting
It happened once during an interview after a match, he got so embarrased after the interviwer pointed it out he walked RAN away to the locker room's
he sleeps like a sick victorian child on their deathbed. The children he teaches caught him napping once before a class and genuinely thought he passed away
Prefers colder months to warmer months, his favourite season would be winter because he gets to go back to Berlin and see his parents for christmas.
Again!! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or if smth doesnt make sense! I kept falling asleep whilst making this😭😭
Hope u enjoyed! Disco is next😈
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johannestevans · 1 day
one really funny thing about going to the cat sanctuary and trying to make it my habit to go every sunday i can is that like, the cats mostly know me, and most of them quite like me
i don't think carrots is particularly fond of me, and nor is daisy, but none of them like. seem to particularly dislike me, and more importantly, quite a lot of them really like me
no, i don't feed them, and yes, they see me once every week or every two weeks
but i generally sit quite calmly for a good twenty to forty minutes at a time, they can sit with me or on me, i hand out good pets, and i'm quite good at reading their body language bc i know cats quite well and am a long time student of their behaviour and how they communicate
most of the time when i go i try to spend at least twenty minutes or so playing with flora, the spaniel, and tiring her out a bit so that she can work out some of her energy because she's only a puppy and a lot of the other visitors are less interested in a dog, or just like... if they understand dogs at all, don't really understand a small dog, and especially a young dog
but bless the poor ppl who don't necessarily have the greatest handle on cat behaviours, or like cats very much but aren't so good at reading certain cues, or like. seeing things from the cat's perspective
bc this week i did play with flora, but i didn't even go around and photograph the cats this time - i went inside for five minutes to pet various of the beans, and the most of the other hour and a half i was there i just sat there with different cats in my lap, smushed up against my side, or receiving pets
and a few diff ppl were looking so forlornly in my direction as they were making kissy noises at certain cats and the cats were walking right past them to come see me
and i couldn't be like. hey. you haven't done anything wrong, they just know me and find me predictable, or know me and like me, and they don't know you yet. and also you're not doing anything interesting or giving them what they want.
you're not offering play, you're not offering a lap to sit on, and it might be that you're petting them wrong - and not even backwards or like, Wrong For A Cat, but that these cats are pet by like 25 different people in a week and they're picky about having it done "correctly" because they can afford to
esp for some of the wobbly cats, a few of them have started coming up to me bc i'll let them brace against my ankles or between them and then give them the sort of rough and shaggy all over pets that a lot of cats find overstimulating, and that someone might specifically assume a wobbly cat wouldn't like because they'll fall over, but that's what bracing them is for, because they love it and most of the time people are touching them more gently than they like
or scratching the cats that have to wear shirts to protect their undercarriages or their damaged back legs on their shoulders and the backs of their necks, bc people assume that they must not want pets there, except that's not why they're wearing those shirts, and they actually really like being touched there specifically
and tbh also like. i've been saying hello to academy a lot because she's so gorgeous, and what academy does is she looks up at you very solicitiously and does a tiny little miaow and rolls over because she wants you to pet her, and then as soon as you pet her more than 1.5 times she stiffens up and wants to hit you and seems very angry
which makes a lot of people understandably anxious to pet her, me included, and it's just about making sure she's not just greeting you and genuinely does want to be pet, and then watching her body language very closely to make sure it's not too much, bc you don't want to catch a mat or a sore part, because she's just. old. and she doesn't mean to be crotchety, she just wants some love without being in pain
idk i think there's a lot that like. it's obviously very good to be around cats and to learn about cats and read up on cat behaviour (which tbf a lot of people don't even do, they just want to love cats, but then don't realise where they're not literate in the cat's language or understanding its needs), but i think that learning about other animals and being around other animals - like dogs, obviously, but also say horses, or lizards, or birds - helps you understand a lot more about how the cats tick too
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urdreamydoodles · 15 hours
loved your x-men x omega kid mutant reader can you do a part 2 but with hank, colossus, Emma, Kurt, rogue, and gambit
X-Men x Kid!Reader (Part.2)
Their relationship with you—a omega-level mutant (Part.2)
After being abandoned by your parents due to your dangerous omega-level mutation, you arrive at the Xavier Institute, where a X-Man take you under their wing. They help you navigate the overwhelming potential of your powers, becoming mentors and parental figures as they guide you toward self-acceptance and control.
Characters: Hank McCoy, Colossus, Emma Frost, Kurt Wagner, Rogue, Remy LeBeau (+ my personal addition: Wanda Maximoff, Laura Kinney & Bobby Drake)
Thanks, glad you liked it ♡ And you asked therefore I deliver, hope you love it! — Love, Marie, your friendly marvel fangirl
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Hank McCoy (Beast)
When you first arrive at the mansion, you expect to be met with fear or, at the very least, hesitation. After all, that’s what your own parents showed you the moment your mutation manifested. But Hank McCoy is different. The moment he sees you—standing small and uncertain in the foyer, your dangerous power tightly coiled within you—he greets you with a wide smile. His blue fur contrasts with the warm, fatherly energy radiating from him, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you don’t feel like you’re something to be feared.
Hank’s reaction to your omega-level mutation isn’t one of intimidation, but fascination. He wants to know everything about it—not just how it works, but how you feel about it. He sits with you, cross-legged in his library, listening patiently as you explain the fear and confusion you carry. His sharp intellect is only matched by his compassion, and he tells you that your mutation, like all gifts, can be harnessed for good.
As the weeks pass, Hank takes on more than the role of a mentor—he becomes a father figure. He’s patient when you accidentally lose control of your powers, and his gentle, reassuring voice never wavers when you apologize. He teaches you more than just science and literature (though you spend countless hours in his lab, tinkering with gadgets and discussing equations that make your head spin), but he also teaches you how to trust yourself. You realize that beneath his towering intellect and beastly appearance, Hank has experienced his own battles with self-acceptance.
In those moments where you feel overwhelmed by your mutation’s dangerous potential, Hank is the one who grounds you. He teaches you breathing exercises, how to center your thoughts, and reminds you that you are not defined by the destructive aspects of your power. He always emphasizes your potential to create and heal. Over time, you learn to admire the way he’s mastered his own transformation into something powerful and kind, and you aspire to do the same.
One day, after a particularly rough session where you nearly lost control, you find yourself sitting with him in the lab, head in your hands. He places a large, gentle hand on your shoulder and says, “You are far stronger than you realize. And not just because of your powers.” Those words stick with you, and for the first time, you begin to believe that maybe he’s right.
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Piotr Rasputin (Colossus)
When you first meet Piotr, you’re terrified. Not of him, but of yourself. The adults around you seem constantly wary, as if the wrong word or move could send you into a catastrophic spiral. But when Piotr looks at you, he doesn’t see a threat. He sees a scared child who needs someone to believe in them. His calm demeanor and towering metal form should be intimidating, but instead, he kneels down to your level, his eyes soft and warm.
He doesn’t say much at first. Piotr is a man of few words, but his actions speak volumes. He’s always nearby, quietly watching over you, making sure you feel safe in this new, unfamiliar place. You notice that he doesn’t flinch when your powers flare up—he simply stands firm, as solid as a mountain, reassuring you with his presence alone.
As you spend more time together, Piotr becomes something of a gentle giant in your life. He treats you with such care, like a delicate flower that needs protection, but never with pity. When you accidentally lose control, he’s the one who steps in, not with fear, but with understanding. He transforms into his metal form, allowing your energy to crash against him without harm. “It is okay,” he says in his thick Russian accent, his voice steady. “You are not a monster. You are just learning.”
Over time, Piotr becomes like a father to you, though he never pushes the role on you. It’s in the small things—the way he always makes sure you eat, the way he invites you to sit with him while he paints in the garden, the way he calls you маленький друг (little friend) with such tenderness. His quiet strength gives you something to lean on, and his patient, steady nature helps you feel grounded.
Piotr encourages you to find creative outlets for your power, much like he channels his emotions through his art. Sometimes, he sets up a canvas for you next to his, and though you’re nowhere near as talented, the way he praises your efforts makes you feel proud. His belief in you never wavers, even on the days when you doubt yourself.
The bond you share with Piotr isn’t one of grand gestures, but small, steady moments of kindness and understanding. In his presence, you feel less like a danger to the world and more like a person who is still growing, still learning. He shows you that strength isn’t just about control—it’s about knowing when to be gentle, and when to forgive yourself.
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Emma Frost
The first time you meet Emma Frost, you’re immediately struck by her confidence. She exudes an air of authority that makes you feel small, but not in a way that diminishes you. It’s clear from the moment she lays eyes on you that she knows exactly what you are—an omega-level mutant with a dangerous mutation—and yet, there’s no fear in her eyes. Only curiosity, and perhaps a little bit of something else you can’t quite place.
Emma doesn’t sugarcoat things. She tells you straight up that your power is dangerous, and that learning control won’t be easy. But there’s something in the way she says it that makes you feel like she’s offering you a challenge, rather than a warning. And, for some reason, you want to rise to meet it. She doesn’t coddle you like some of the others; she expects you to be strong, to push yourself, and in her own way, she’s telling you she believes you can handle it.
Your relationship with Emma is complex. She’s not the nurturing type, at least not in the way most people expect. Instead, she’s fiercely protective in a way that makes you feel powerful, not weak. When you have doubts about your abilities, she’s the first to shut them down, reminding you that you’re an omega-level mutant for a reason. “The world will try to tell you what you can’t do,” she says one day, her voice sharp and precise. “Don’t ever let them. You decide what you’re capable of.”
At first, you’re intimidated by her, and that’s exactly how she likes it. Emma teaches you to embrace the power within you, not to fear it. She drills into you the importance of control, but not because you’re dangerous—because you’re capable. She wants you to understand that your mutation is a gift, not a curse, and she’s determined to make sure you see that, too.
As time goes on, you realize that Emma’s tough exterior hides a deep well of care. She may not show it in obvious ways, but every sharp word, every push to be better, is because she wants you to succeed. She doesn’t allow you to wallow in self-pity or fear, and in her own way, she becomes the mother figure you never expected. She teaches you how to stand tall, to take control of your narrative, and to never let anyone make you feel less than what you are.
One day, after a particularly grueling session where you finally manage to control your power in a way you never thought possible, she looks at you with something resembling pride in her eyes. “Well done,” she says, her voice cool and composed, but you can feel the weight behind the words. Coming from Emma Frost, that means everything.
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Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
When you first arrive at the mansion, Kurt is the first person to approach you. He’s not like the others—he doesn’t move cautiously or tiptoe around you like you’re some volatile bomb waiting to go off. Instead, he teleports right in front of you with a playful grin and a flash of blue fur. “Guten Tag! You must be our new student.” His tail sways as he regards you, his eyes warm and welcoming, and for a moment, you almost forget the danger inside you.
At first, you don’t know what to make of him. He’s playful and lighthearted, yet somehow, you can tell that he understands the heaviness in your heart. Kurt never treats you like you’re something to be feared, which is so different from the way your parents acted. He takes your hand, introduces you to the other kids, and makes sure that you never feel like an outsider. His teleportation tricks make you laugh, and in a world where you’ve felt isolated by your dangerous powers, laughter feels like a rare gift.
As you spend more time with him, Kurt becomes something like an older brother—or maybe even a father, though his playful nature makes it hard to think of him that way at first. He’s patient, but he never tries to smother you with concern. Instead, he teaches you how to balance the weight of your power with a sense of hope. When you struggle with control, he’s always there, not just to comfort you but to help you find the joy in your abilities.
One evening, after a long day of training where you almost lost control, Kurt sits beside you in the chapel he’s created at the mansion. You can sense that his faith is important to him, and though he never pushes it on you, his quiet prayers bring you peace. “You are not a danger, mein Kind,” he says softly, his hand resting on your shoulder. “You are a blessing. Even when the world feels dark, you are not alone.” It’s the first time you realize that Kurt sees more in you than just your mutation—he sees your heart.
Over time, you grow closer to him. Kurt teaches you not only how to manage your powers, but how to believe in yourself. He encourages you to embrace the good in the world, even when it feels overshadowed by your fear of losing control. He teaches you to laugh, to play, and to find joy in the smallest things. And when you falter, when your powers flare and you feel overwhelmed, Kurt is always there with a kind word and a teleportation trick that makes everything feel lighter.
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Rogue (Anna-Marie)
When you first meet Rogue, she looks at you with a kind of understanding that surprises you. She knows what it’s like to have a power that’s dangerous, one that pushes people away. You don’t have to explain the fear in your eyes—she sees it, because she’s lived it. “Hey, sugar,” she says softly, her Southern accent warm and inviting. “Don’t worry, I know what it’s like to be scared of what you can do.”
At first, Rogue is cautious around you, not because she’s afraid of you, but because she’s learned to be careful with her own powers. But she never makes you feel like you’re too dangerous to be near. Instead, she shows you that even with abilities that can hurt others, you can still find connection and love. She tells you about her own struggles with her mutation, how she’s learned to live with the isolation, and how she’s found family in the X-Men.
It doesn’t take long for you to see Rogue as a mother figure. She’s fiercely protective of you, and she teaches you to be strong, even when the world feels like it’s against you. She understands when you have bad days, when the weight of your mutation feels like too much to bear. “You’re tougher than you think, darlin’,” she tells you, her gloved hand resting gently on your shoulder. “You’ve got a power, sure, but you’ve also got a heart. Don’t forget that.”
As the months pass, Rogue becomes the person you turn to when you need comfort. She knows how to pull you out of your darkest moments, sometimes with a tough-love approach, but always with care. She never lets you wallow in self-pity for long, pushing you to see the strength inside yourself. When you accidentally let your powers slip, she’s the first one to remind you that it’s okay to make mistakes. “Ain’t nobody perfect,” she says, her green eyes sparkling with determination. “What matters is that you keep tryin’.”
Rogue’s tough exterior hides a deep well of love, and you come to rely on her more than you expected. She doesn’t sugarcoat things—she’ll tell you when you’re being too hard on yourself or when you’re letting fear control you. But she always does it with your best interests at heart. In her, you find not just a mentor, but someone who sees the good in you, even when you can’t see it yourself.
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Your first impression of Remy is that he’s a little too smooth for his own good. He saunters into the room with his usual swagger, flashing a mischievous smile that makes you immediately suspicious. But there’s something about him that puts you at ease, too. Maybe it’s the way he calls you petite, or the way he doesn’t treat you like you’re fragile. Instead, he talks to you like you’re just another one of the X-Men, not some ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
“Don’t worry, chérie,” he says the first time you meet. “Ain’t nobody here scared of ya. We all got somethin’ we don’t like about ourselves. But that don’t mean we ain’t family, non?” His Cajun drawl is light, but his words carry weight, and you find yourself slowly starting to trust him.
Remy isn’t the type to hover over you or offer unsolicited advice, but he has a way of being there when you need him most. He’s the first to notice when you’re feeling overwhelmed by your powers, and he’ll distract you with a card trick or some ridiculous story from his past. “Life’s all about balance, petite,” he tells you one day, flicking a charged card in your direction before catching it mid-air. “You gotta learn how to take the good with the bad. Ain’t nobody perfect, but that don’t mean we stop tryin’, eh?”
As time goes on, Remy becomes like a father figure to you—though he’s more of the laid-back, cool dad type. He teaches you to loosen up, to stop being so hard on yourself. When you mess up, he doesn’t make a big deal out of it. “Everybody loses control sometimes,” he says with a shrug. “What matters is what you do after.” He teaches you how to find joy in the little things, whether it’s a good meal or a game of cards, and his easygoing nature helps you relax in ways you didn’t think were possible.
But there’s more to Remy than just charm and clever words. When things get tough—when you feel like your mutation is too much to handle—he’s there with quiet, steady support. He may not say much, but the way he’s always around when you need him speaks volumes. He’ll sit with you in silence, letting you work through your emotions without pushing you. And when you’re ready, he’ll offer a bit of wisdom wrapped in his usual playful tone, but you know he means every word.
Over time, you come to trust Remy completely. He teaches you that life isn’t just about controlling your powers—it’s about living with them, accepting that sometimes things will go wrong, but that doesn’t define who you are. In him, you find a balance between strength and vulnerability, and though he may act like he’s carefree, you know that he cares deeply for you.
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Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
When you first meet Wanda Maximoff, her presence is almost overwhelming. There’s something ethereal about her—an intensity that both draws you in and makes you nervous. She knows power. She understands what it’s like to have abilities that can warp reality, that can tip the balance of everything if you’re not careful. And yet, when she looks at you, her eyes are soft, her smile warm. She doesn’t see you as dangerous. She sees a young mutant who, like her, needs guidance.
Wanda’s first reaction to you is understanding—an understanding so deep that it surprises you. She doesn’t shy away from discussing how hard it can be to live with a power that could spiral out of control. “It’s not about being afraid of what you can do,” she tells you, her voice low and calm. “It’s about learning how to be with your power, how to trust yourself. That’s the hardest part.”
She takes you under her wing without hesitation, and as you spend more time with her, you realize how much she truly understands your struggles. Wanda never sugarcoats things—she’s open about her own past, her own mistakes, and how she’s still learning to forgive herself. In those first few weeks, she teaches you not only about control, but about acceptance. She wants you to understand that your mutation is part of you, but it doesn’t define you. “You’re more than just your powers,” she says softly one day. “You are who you choose to be.”
As the bond between you deepens, Wanda becomes something like a mother figure. She’s protective in a quiet, fierce way. When your powers feel too heavy, when you’re scared of hurting those around you, she’s the one who sits beside you, her presence calming the storm inside. She teaches you rituals to center yourself—small, everyday things like focusing your energy on a candle flame or holding a crystal in your hand. “It’s not magic,” she explains, “it’s just learning to find your center. And from there, you can control anything.”
Wanda is patient with you. She never pushes too hard, but she always encourages you to keep going, even when you feel like giving up. She doesn’t believe in failure, only in learning. “Every time you falter,” she tells you, “you get stronger. Remember that.”
The relationship you develop with Wanda isn’t just about mentorship—it’s about family. She becomes the person you trust most, the one who understands your fears and your hopes without needing to say much. And in her, you find someone who knows how to harness immense power while still holding onto her humanity. That’s what she teaches you most of all: how to remain you even when everything feels like it’s spiraling out of control.
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Laura Kinney (X-23/Wolverine)
When Laura Kinney first meets you, she’s quiet. You can feel her eyes on you, measuring, assessing, but there’s no judgment in her gaze. If anything, you sense that Laura understands more than she’s letting on. There’s a sharpness to her, an edge that you can’t quite define, but also a sense of protection. She’s wary, but she’s not afraid of you—or your powers. She simply nods at you when you’re introduced, and from that moment on, you know that Laura is different from the others.
Laura doesn’t rush to take you under her wing. Instead, she gives you space—space to figure out your place in the mansion, to figure out who you are. It’s only later that you realize she’s been watching over you the whole time, silently keeping an eye on you, making sure you’re safe. She’s not the type to coddle or offer comforting words, but her actions speak louder than any platitudes could.
At first, you’re intimidated by her. Laura’s quiet intensity, her ability to shift from stillness to action in a heartbeat, makes you wary of getting too close. But it’s during training sessions that you begin to see a different side of her. She pushes you hard, never letting you slack or hide behind fear, but she also teaches you how to trust your instincts. “You’re stronger than you think,” she tells you one day after a particularly grueling session. Her voice is calm, steady, and when she says it, you believe her.
As the days turn into weeks, you begin to understand that Laura is someone who knows what it’s like to be feared, to be seen as a weapon rather than a person. She doesn’t talk much about her past, but in those rare moments when she opens up, you learn that she’s been through more than you can imagine. And yet, she’s still standing, still fighting, still protecting those she cares about. Slowly, Laura becomes someone you look up to—not just as a mentor, but as a protector, even a sister.
Laura teaches you how to fight, how to defend yourself—not just physically, but mentally. She’s always telling you to be prepared, to never let your guard down. “You can’t control everything,” she says one day as you both sit on the roof of the mansion, looking out at the grounds. “But you can control yourself. And that’s enough.”
Though she’s not overly affectionate, there’s a quiet bond that forms between the two of you. Laura isn’t the type to offer hugs or soothing words, but she’s always there when you need her—silent, dependable, and unyielding. In her, you find someone who understands what it’s like to live with power and the fear that comes with it. And in her own quiet way, she teaches you that you can be both strong and vulnerable, both fierce and kind.
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Bobby Drake (Iceman)
When Bobby Drake first meets you, he’s all smiles and jokes, his easygoing nature immediately putting you at ease. He doesn’t treat you like some dangerous mutant whose powers could spiral out of control at any second. Instead, he greets you with a lightheartedness that makes you feel like you’re just another kid at the mansion. “Hey there, powerhouse,” he says with a wink. “Don’t worry, we’re all a little scary sometimes.”
Bobby’s approach is different from the others. He doesn’t focus on the danger of your powers or the fear that’s been building inside you. Instead, he’s all about making you feel comfortable, making you laugh when you’re tense or unsure. He cracks jokes during training sessions, makes silly ice sculptures just to see you smile, and generally keeps the atmosphere light. At first, you wonder if he even takes your powers seriously, but as you spend more time with him, you realize that Bobby’s humor is his way of helping you relax, helping you see that your powers don’t have to be a source of constant fear.
As you grow closer, Bobby becomes like an older brother to you. He’s the one you turn to when everything feels too heavy, when the weight of your mutation seems unbearable. He doesn’t give you grand speeches or deep advice—instead, he just sits with you, makes you laugh, and reminds you that it’s okay to mess up sometimes. “We’re mutants,” he says one day, creating an ice sculpture in the shape of a dragon just to make you laugh. “We’re not exactly built for normal. And that’s a good thing.”
Despite his laid-back attitude, Bobby is fiercely protective of you. When you have moments where your powers slip out of control, he’s always there, calming you down with a joke or distracting you with his own powers. He never makes you feel like you’re a danger to those around you—instead, he makes you feel like you belong. “You’re part of the team now,” he says with a grin. “And trust me, we’ve all had our moments of crazy power freak-outs.”
Over time, Bobby helps you see that your powers aren’t just something to be controlled—they’re something to have fun with. He teaches you to see the joy in what you can do, to experiment and play with your abilities rather than always being afraid of them. His easygoing nature helps you find a sense of normalcy in the chaos of being an omega-level mutant, and his constant support reminds you that you’re not alone in this.
Bobby may act like the class clown, but underneath all the jokes and ice puns, he’s someone you can rely on. He’s always there when you need him, always ready to cheer you up or help you figure things out. And in his own goofy, brotherly way, he shows you that you can be powerful and still have fun—that your mutation doesn’t have to define your life, but it can be a part of it that brings you joy.
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pocket-lad · 15 hours
CH 1- Origin: Mystery Shack, Gravity Falls, Oregon
In which a borrower forms an unlikely alliance with Ford Pines.
Everything was fine until the new guy showed up.
Life wasn’t necessarily cozy beforehand - she still had to keep an eye out for the nosy humans that milled about (especially the boy) - but this guy took nosy to a whole new level.
One day, everything was normal. The next, gravity just stopped working in short bursts. The next, there was a new, mysterious man in her home that snooped around, studied the supernatural, and shared a face with the man that already lived here. Quinn’s life was certifiably weird.
Weird enough that one night, she found herself atop this guy’s journal, reading his musings. It was a bad idea. Quinn knew that well before she even climbed up the table. But she always had this yearning deep inside her, this need to know more. The town they lived in was full of strange, magical beings, and she wanted to know all about it. Maybe she’d finally find out where she came from or why she was so different. And it wasn’t fair that humans got to have all the answers, just because they were bigger. So a few moments of reading wouldn’t hurt.
At least, that’s what she thought. The more Quinn read, the more her mind strained, which gave her a massive headache. According to this guy, he came out of an interdimensional portal that he was stuck in for thirty years because his twin brother Stanley (the old man whose walls Quinn lived in) wanted to bring him back after accidentally pushing him in. There were mentions of a memory ray, the U.S. government, dimensional rifts…Oh boy.
The page ended with:
First, I must focus on the present and on the problems created by a man who is responsible for my latest twist of fate…
And that was it. That was all Quinn would get to read for now. She likely wouldn’t be able to turn the heavy page, and even if she could, the racket would definitely wake the sleeping human nearby.
Speaking of, the room was suspiciously quiet, outside the ever-present buzz of machinery. The man’s faint snoring had stopped while she was lost in the book.
As the reality of the situation set in, Quinn turned around just in time to be knocked off her feet by a solid wall longer than she was tall. It slammed into her with the force of a semi-truck, squeezed her tight, and swept her into the air. She then found herself freefalling, and at last collided with the ground.
Quinn thought she had a headache before, but the impact with the wall and the hard ground combined with the dizzying speed with which she was yanked around made it infinitely worse.
She blinked open her eyes, wondering what could possibly have happened. And the sight was so horrific that she retched, on the verge of throwing up. She was caught. She was caught by the human and was thrown into a jar and he had her right where he wanted her.
He studied her with squinted eyes, scanning her whole body up and down and up and down. He hummed to himself, then wrote some notes in his journal. The process repeated.
Quinn had to force herself to breathe. In and out. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. His face was so big, his demeanor so intense, his attitude so…detached. In and out. But all knowledge of how to breathe fell out the window when he addressed her.
“What are you? Can you speak?”
His voice echoed inside the jar, bouncing around and assaulting her ears. She cried out, covering them.
The man’s eyes widened. “Fascinating.” He wrote something down in the journal.
“Wh-What are you writing?” Quinn asked hesitantly. He couldn’t document her there. Nobody was supposed to know about her. She learned that lesson the hard way a long time ago.
The man’s head snapped back toward her at full attention. He looked at her expectantly, but Quinn didn’t know what he wanted her to do. “Say something else,” he prompted, his pen at the ready. So he heard her, he just didn’t listen to her.
“What are you writing?” she repeated, louder.
“Yes, yes, you said that already. Say something different.”
Oh, so he didn’t actually care what she had to say, too tickled by the notion that she could even speak at all. She could say anything in the world and it would have no impact. She watched as he thoughtfully tapped his pen to his chin. And that’s when she noticed perhaps the strangest thing she’d ever seen. “You have six fingers!” she blurted.
This seemed to delight the man, and yet again he wrote something down. “Observational skills…” he muttered under his breath.
Six fingers. As if she wasn’t already scared of a normal human hand. This one had one more digit just to knock her over with, to hold her captive, to obscure her from the world. “It’s like you were specifically designed to terrify me,” she laughed wryly.
“Tell me,” he said, ignoring her, “Were you a human that was shrunk? Did you find the crystals in the forest? Or are you some kind of wingless fairy?”
“What the heck is a fairy?”
“Hmmm.” With that, the man grabbed the jar with both hands, casting Quinn in a dark shadow. She eyed each of the twelve fingers coiling nearly all the way around the jar, the only barrier between her and the fingers, the only thing stopping the fingers from closing in. He picked it up and set it on a high shelf, then left the room.
“Wait! Wait, you can’t leave me in here! WAIT!” she cried. Once the rumbling footsteps faded, Quinn collapsed to a seat, defeated. So this was her life now. Some experiment of a mad scientist in a musky, old basement. Would he study her and poke and prod her all day? Would he take her through an ‘interdimensional portal’? Or would he forget about her and leave her here to die, distracted by some newer, more exciting creature? Whatever the case, it was completely out of her hands. Her life belonged to a crazy giant.
The loud noise startled Quinn out of her pity party. Next to her, a large, green, slimy being with tentacles had thrown itself into the walls of its own jar. It had one menacing eye that told her all she needed to know. It wanted to eat her.
Quinn instinctively retreated to the other side of her prison, as far away from the monstrosity as she physically could. It seemed contained, but if it broke the glass, she was done for.
She sighed, watching it repeatedly ram into the walls. It was another one of the man’s specimens, just like her. She wondered if it had once been a normal, peaceful creature, but its time in the jar drove it mad. It was probably starving. She couldn’t say she blamed it.
Quinn looked around. She was done moping. She needed to work on an active solution. And she might have just found something that could work.
The lid of the jar was closed tight, but the man at least cared enough to use a lid with holes in it so that she could breathe. They were tiny, tiny holes, but there was only one way to find out if she could squeeze through them.
Quinn easily pulled out her hook, caught it on one of the holes, and climbed to the top. Just as she thought, the holes were indeed too small. She could fit her arm through, she could fit a leg through, but nothing would get her fat head through.
But she climbed all the way up here. She wasn’t going to let this man make her into some plaything. With all her might, Quinn shoved at the hole, trying to loosen the lid from the inside. Needing more leverage, she squeezed her climbing thread with her legs, balancing precariously as she used both hands to push.
The ground shook. Footsteps sounded in the distance, getting closer and closer with each second.
Come on! Push!
Quinn made the mistake of looking to see who it was. She locked eyes with the man. He had returned, and she was caught trying to escape.
“Holy molasses!”
The frighteningly loud exclamation startled Quinn right off her thread, and she fell to the bottom of the jar, letting out an unintentional exclamation. She shakily pushed herself to her feet and backed up, hands raised as if she could legitimately fight off the giant.
But when she really looked at him, she faltered, her balled fists dropping a hair. This wasn’t the man. It was his brother, Stan. And it was worth a shot.
“Please,” Quinn said, running to the side of the jar closest to him. “Please, you’ve gotta get me out of here. That man put me in here, and I can’t-”
“Woah, Ford put you in there? Yeah, I’m not surprised. What are you, some kind of fairy?”
“What? No, I’m not - I’m scared there’s not much time. Please!” By now, Quinn really wanted to know what a ‘fairy’ was, but there was a larger issue at hand.
Stan looked hesitant. “I don’t know…Who’s to say you’re not some supernatural being that’ll kill me as soon as I let you out?”
Quinn was baffled. “Look at me!” she cried. Her eyes started to well up, and she could feel the tears about to spill over any minute now. She sniffled.
Stan suddenly looked very uncomfortable, like he wanted to be anywhere but here. “Oh - oh, gross, it’s crying. Uh…If I let you out, will you stop doing that?” But he was already moving toward the jar. He slowly unscrewed the lid, set it to the side, and plucked the little creature out by its leg.
Quinn yelped as two massive fingers pinched her foot, hoisting her into the air. She dangled in front of his face, trying to catch her bearings while fighting the fingers that held her captive.
“Haha, you are small! Say, kid, you want a job?”
“Huh???” It was hard to think with the blood pooling in her brain.
“Yeah, yeah, come to the Mystery Shack to see the world’s smallest person!” His eyes lit up as he saw it all play out before him. Crowds, money, fame, more money…
If Quinn heard that right, it sounded like she would be put on display for all the world to see like those other strange things scattered throughout his weird mystery museum. That was not going to happen.
“Stanley! Put that down!”
Uh oh. The man was back. Ford, Stan had called him.
“C’mon? This thing? It’s harmless!” He gave Quinn’s leg a little shake for emphasis, and she grasped her stomach to keep from throwing up.
“You don’t know that!” Ford came rushing at them, and Quinn flinched away as best she could. She now dangled by the leg between two giants who were very close to an argument. Claustrophobia crept up on her.
Stan lifted her up further and held her out to Ford as if to show how non-threatening she was, and it felt like her ankle ripped out of its socket from the quick movement.
Now out in the open air, Ford took the opportunity to snatch her out of Stan’s hands. Quinn groaned, then remembered she was supposed to be fighting back. But once again, she was unceremoniously dropped back in the jar. Back to square one. This time though, she had two giants peering in at her, both wearing the same face. It was eerie.
Before Ford could screw the lid back on, she held up her hands placatingly. They shook so hard she was sure the humans could see it.
“Wait! Okay, hear me out. You’re curious about me. I get that. But I’m curious about me too. I - I don’t know why I’m smaller than every other person in the world, but I want to find out, and I could really use your help. I just - please don’t put me away in a jar. Please.”
Ford hummed again, deep in thought. Quinn’s fate was up to him. This one decision.
“Alright,” he shrugged. He turned the jar upside down and Quinn came tumbling out, head over heels, onto the desk. She took a moment to catch her breath. Her plan worked, but she didn’t feel much better.
Quinn’s time with Ford was rough, to say the least. He had no qualms about poking and prodding her. The only real advantages she gained from her negotiation were regular access to food (which she had to remind Ford of, as he was often blind to the passage of time) and freedom to move around. At least, to an extent.
Quinn was suddenly yanked back from her position on Ford’s desk, all six of his fingers closed tight around her, and she was deposited in the center, right under his nose.
“Don’t wander too far. I’ll need you,” Ford said, but his eyes didn’t leave the journal. He had this uncanny ability to never let Quinn out of his sight without even looking at her. He always had her right where he wanted her, and she’d hardly gotten a moment of privacy since the day he caught her.
Quinn threw her arms in the air, exasperated. It wasn’t like she would’ve gotten far. If Ford needed her, he could just say, “Hey Quinn, I need you,” and she could use her own two legs to walk the negligible distance. But he still never bothered to ask her name and he just grabbed her whenever he pleased. He didn’t see her as a person. It was humiliating.
Quinn thought about standing up to him, or even just asking him politely not to do any of the things on the laundry list of annoying things he did. While Ford seemed to have no ill intent and he never purposefully harmed her, she felt how strong he was in the way he handled her. The thick muscles flexing beneath the skin. It wasn’t uncommon for him to squeeze a little too tight, to push a little too hard. And so any time she thought about speaking up, images of what could happen flashed through her mind, and the words died in her throat.
Lost in thought, Quinn didn’t notice the intruding fingers until they touched her. They held some kind of wire and wedged themselves under her arms to wrap that wire around her middle. Even then, Quinn could feel the force with which her arms were shoved upward. It wouldn’t take much more effort to snap them off completely. This was why Quinn didn’t speak up.
But she did want to know why wires were being wrapped around her. She jumped when the cold casings touched her skin. She jumped again when a loud, rhythmic beeping started up behind and above her. It picked up pace, and she soon realized that it echoed in time with her heartbeat.
“Your heart’s going a mile a minute!”
At the sound of Ford’s booming voice, the speed of the beeping increased even more. More still when they made eye contact.
A realization struck him. “Oh, I see. There’s no need to fear. You’ll be fine,” he said matter-of-factly. On the word ‘fine’, the beeping got faster.
Ford frowned and hummed to himself. (That annoying hum. The one that showcased to the world that he was thinking. And he was never not thinking.) With much slower, restrained movements, he reached toward her. Quinn had been willing him to move slower ever since they met. Everything humans did always seemed to happen at a blinding speed, and for once, she wished they would just slow down. But now that he did, Quinn hated it. Sure, she also hated the whiplash from being whisked around at human speed, but as she sat there, feeling the seconds drag on, dread blossomed in her chest. It grew with each passing moment. Each moment was a moment closer to getting grabbed - each moment the hands grew and grew and grew as they got closer and closer and closer, towering over her, casting her in their shadow - and she found herself wanting him to get it over with already.
Quinn backed up, confusion and fear duking it out in her head. She was vaguely aware of the ever-accelerating beeping.
Ford snagged one of the wires wrapped around her chest, stopping her in her tracks and holding her in place. Quinn let out a shaky breath and watched as he carefully undid the contraption. His hands were so big that they blocked her whole field of view. All she could see was a mess of fingers working in front of her, jostling her this way and that, until they pulled away and let the wires fall to the surface of the desk.
“I can assure you that I am careful, precise, and intentional. These experiments will help me get a baseline understanding of what you are and how your body and brain function. I didn’t intend to scare you.”
He didn’t intend to scare her? He could’ve fooled Quinn.
Regardless, when she didn’t respond, he returned to his journal. After an awkward pause, he said, “You may go.”
That was it.
“I may go? You haven’t told me anything about what’s going on!”
Ford looked up, mildly surprised by the long sentence and the angry tone within it. He hadn’t seen anything like this from her yet. “There’s nothing to tell,” he said, disappointed. The slow pace with which new discoveries arose was disappointing.
“Yeah, but you grab me, you wrap me in wires, you take measurements, and I don’t even know what they’re for. You write little notes in your journal about me but don’t tell me what they say. I mean, I’m a person! You know I’m a person, right?”
“Of course you’re a person. The real question is whether or not you are human. My knee jerk reaction is to say no. But a person? I have no doubt-”
“Well I don’t feel like one when you’re around.”
Silence filled the air and Quinn wondered if she’d gone too far. She tried to read his face, but it was blank, as per usual. And somehow that was even more terrifying than anger.
Suddenly, Ford pushed his journal along the desk toward her. Quinn backed up in surprise, but the journal stopped a couple relative inches away from her feet. She glanced up at Ford again, who nodded at the book. He wanted her…to read it?
Tentatively, she climbed on top and took in the words on the page, as well as a drawing of her with measurements written alongside it. It looked exactly like her. It was no different than the other illustrations in the journal, she was just another strange anomaly of Gravity Falls. The notion left an uneasy feeling in her stomach, but she was too curious not to read what he thought about her.
The girl appears human in all regards except for size. Is this enough to categorize her as a separate species entirely? She insists that she did not meddle with the height-altering crystals hidden deep within the forest, but further testing is required. Could it be genetic? A curse passed on through the generations?
“Quinn,” Quinn said.
“My name is Quinn. Not, ‘the girl’.”
“Ah, yes, where are my manners? Stanford Pines.”
Quinn couldn’t help but laugh. It had already been a number of days spent together, but she wasn’t so sure Ford knew that. He hardly left the basement. In any case, it was more than enough time to learn his name. And it should have been more than enough time for him to learn hers. If he wasn’t over one hundred feet tall and holding her captive, this behavior would almost be endearing. Almost. “I know.”
“Well, Quinn, feel free to add any contributions you deem necessary. There’s scrap paper everywhere. Please try and write as large as possible.” Ford pushed himself to his feet and began gathering equipment.
“Where are you going?” Quinn asked.
“To collect a sample of crystal.”
“I want to come with you.”
Ford laughed. “No, no, it’s too dangerous for me. It’s much too dangerous for someone your size.” With that said, he left.
Quinn didn’t waste too much time sulking. Ford hardly listened to her to begin with, so there was almost no chance he would take her with him. It was for the best, though. That would be putting a lot of trust in a man who forgot to feed himself on more than one occasion.
So, instead, she busied herself with the journal. A particular passage stuck out to her.
She is very reactive to my every move. I would describe the behavior as anxious and fidgety, not so different from Dipper’s default state of being. Perhaps over time, I can gain her trust and she will calm down.
Yikes. Part of her was angry at the fact that he acknowledged her anxious behavior and still chose to act the way he did, but a larger part of her was just embarrassed. Next time, she’d insist on going outside with him. To show him that she wasn’t just some small, skittish animal. She could be a helpful resource. And to prove this, she filled in a spot in the journal, writing as large as possible but still falling short of the man’s big, curvy lettering.
Origin: ??? Mystery Shack, Gravity Falls, Oregon
The now familiar sound of footsteps tromping down the stairs made its way to her ears.
It was Stan, who Quinn hadn’t seen since that first day. Her defenses were instantly up, especially without Ford around to stop anything from escalating.
But Stan seemed to be in a good mood. “Hey, glad to see my brother didn’t kill you!” Before Quinn could ask for clarification, he continued. “Where is the loser, anyway?”
Quinn stammered, trying to find words. “Um, uh, he went…outside.”
“And left you down here? Yeesh.” As he spoke, Stan picked up a piece of paper (that looked like it had mostly been eaten away by some kind of acid) by the corner and regarded it with distaste. He let it fall to the floor and returned his attention to Quinn. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
Without waiting for an answer, he scooped Quinn up and set her on his shoulder. She screamed. Even though she should have been plenty used to this by now, this was a virtual stranger who, last time they met, wanted to make her an exhibit in his wacky gift shop. His hands also felt distinctly different than Ford’s. Quinn didn’t like that she could tell the difference.
What wasn’t any different though, was the sheer strength in each hand, so whether it was Stan or Ford, she wasn’t getting out until they let her out.
And he let her out…right on his shoulder.
Quinn felt the cushioned fabric underneath her and wondered absently if the man wore shoulder pads. That thought vanished when he started to move, and she was left clinging on for dear life as he climbed up the stairs.
This was unlike anything she’d ever done before. To her left was a giant ear about as big as her. To her right: absolutely nothing. Open air. And underneath her, a living, breathing human, taking her…somewhere. Anywhere. Out of the basement.
A strong mix of excitement and anxiety filled each and every one of her bones to the point that they felt like they were vibrating. She was getting out of the basement! She would get fresh air! Sunlight! God, she missed sunlight.
But to leave the basement was to enter a whole new world. She’d seen the entire ‘Mystery Shack’ from her vantage points in the walls, but to be in the middle of it, out in the open among other humans milling about with only Stanley Pines as her protection, was not for the faint of heart. And Quinn’s heart was feeling pretty faint.
A high pitched shriek so ear piercing that it ruptured the sound barrier poured out of one of the small children. Well, small being relative. The girl regarded Quinn with a bit lip and sparkling eyes. “Oh my gosh!” she squealed. She immediately tried to jump up and snatch Quinn off Stan’s shoulder.
Stan angled his shoulder away, but if Quinn thought he was trying to protect her, she was dead wrong. “Woah, easy kid,” he laughed. The sensation of his voice rumbling underneath her at such an amplified volume made her jump. He wrapped his hand around her and set her on the table so the twins could get a better look. 
“Nonononono, hang on!” Quinn blurted, but it was useless. She was surrounded on all sides by humans, two of which were literal children. A strong force shoved at her back and she stumbled forward. Stan had nudged her.
The girl, Mabel, leaned in close and rested her chin on the table. “You’re adorable ! You’re like, so tiny I could put you away in my pocket and take you on adventures and we could solve crimes together! Quick question: Do you have any tiny hats?”
Quinn let out an uneasy laugh. “Uh…no.” She backed up a little, afraid that Mabel would just shove her in her pocket anyway, but the boy, Dipper, spoke up from behind her.
“Why are you so small?” His inquisitive eyes reminded her of Ford’s.
“I don’t know,” Quinn whispered. “That’s what your…grunkle,” She looked at Stan for confirmation on the strange word, who nodded, “Ford is trying to figure out.”
“Wait, that’s what he’s been doing? How long have you been down there?”
Quinn shrugged. Her neck was starting to itch uncomfortably under the scrutiny.
“Boring!” Mabel whined. “Let’s show her big people things.” Her eyes brightened. “Have you ever had popcorn?”
The twins found it incredibly amusing to watch her eat human sized food. Every time she hefted up a piece of popcorn, Mabel let out the same shrill noise that Quinn learned indicated joy. Dipper seemed to find it funny too, though his reaction was much more subdued. But she was just eating. She wasn’t sure what was so ‘adorable’ about it.
At one point, the kids tried to convince Quinn to ride Mabel’s pet pig like a knight on a horse going into battle, but she saw the way that pig chewed on everything. She would be lucky to make it out unscathed. The comments, she could put up with. The fawning over her interactions with food, she could more than put up with. (Food was food.) But this was where she drew the line.
The front door slammed and, before anyone could catch him, Ford stomped right past them and straight into the basement.
Quinn thought about calling out to him, but despite all odds, she was kind of having fun up here. They invaded her personal space without qualms all the same, and if she thought too much about the future (particularly whether Mabel would let her go), she got antsy and nervous. But they were having fun with her, not at her expense. Quinn got the feeling that, if she truly freaked out, they would ease up. That was not always the case with Ford.
They were in the middle of a game to see who could launch the most walnuts into Stan’s mouth (Quinn was losing horribly) when the basement door burst open. Quinn leapt what felt like twenty feet in the air and only relaxed slightly when she saw it was Ford.
“Ah, there you are,” he said when he located her on the table. “Come along.”
Everyone booed him.
“Ducktective will be on in a couple minutes, and Quinn said she’s never seen TV before. Can you believe it? TV!” Mabel said.
“I have a crystal waiting in the basement. It’s at its strongest when-”
“I don’t want to,” Quinn said firmly. Her voice sounded very quiet compared to his, but her stance was firm. Perhaps she was emboldened by the fellow giants around her, who all seemed to want her to stick around. Perhaps she was just sick of Ford’s ‘experiments’.
Ford didn’t waver. “Don’t be ridiculous.” He made a move toward her, like he was going to snatch her up. Quinn instinctively backed away, but as she did, Stan shot to his feet and placed himself between her and Ford. One second, Ford was coming at her, and the next, a solid wall blocked everything from sight. Stan moved so fast that Quinn wasn’t even sure what happened until he spoke.
“The lady said no.” His tone was impressively combative. Quinn stayed on guard. With so much tension in the air, she couldn’t be sure she was entirely safe in this situation. If a fight started, she wanted out.
Everyone held their breath.
“Fine,” Ford said shortly, though Quinn couldn’t get a read on his inflection and she couldn't see his face. As soon as he disappeared, Stan flopped back into his worn, yellow chair.
“Um…thank you?” she tried, still trying to shake off the stress.
“Ha! Don’t flatter yourself. I’ll take any opportunity I can to pick a fight with my smarty pants brother. And win.” He popped another walnut in his mouth and ruffled Quinn’s hair with his knuckle.  Her neck cracked and she nervously pulled away from the massive finger.
Mabel announced that the TV show was starting, so they all quieted down. Quinn tried to follow along. She really did. But there was a duck that definitely quacked like a duck, yet apparently all the characters in the show could understand it anyway, and there was mystery and murder and a twin duck and honestly she had a really hard time keeping everything straight.
It didn’t help that she could hear each breath the giants took, could hear them munching on food as big as her. They had been nothing but kind, albeit touchy, but it was hard to forget the way Ford and Stan easily plucked her up whenever they wanted her to be elsewhere. The anticipation of even the possibility that that would happen again was enough to keep her on edge and distracted.
And occasionally, her mind wandered to Ford. Did she do the right thing, standing up to him? Was he mad? Did she care if he was mad?
Cursing her inability to ‘stay out of it’, Quinn got to her feet, lodged her hook in the table, and began her descent.
“Do you need any help?
Quinn jumped, then compensated by clenching the string tighter with all four of her limbs to keep from falling. She slowly lifted her gaze to make eye contact with Dipper. His huge face rose before her, a kind smile on his lips.
“No…thanks. Just watch your step. Please.”
“Okay,” he said, then returned his attention to the TV. And that was it. No push back. No grabbing. He just let her go about her business. (Though she did notice the way he watched her descent. It was unnerving, but overall harmless. He was just curious.) Quinn relaxed a hair, then finished her long, arduous journey to the basement. The old door was easy to duck under, but each stair felt like it took a lifetime to navigate.
When she made it to the concrete floor, she took in the state of the lab around her. It was an absolute mess. Papers everywhere, drawers pulled out, boxes upended. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say that Ford tore the place apart trying to find her. And speaking of Ford…
He sat at the desk, his head once again buried in his journal. He absently twirled a crystal in his hand and muttered unintelligible phrases to himself.
Quinn cleared her throat. His head snapped up and it took him a couple seconds to locate her.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
Ford strained to hear her, but he was pretty sure he heard an apology. “Ah, no reason to be sorry. I am quite alright.”
Quinn kicked her feet at the ground. “Well, thank you for helping me figure this out. I want you to know I do appreciate it, but… I can’t continue to live like this. It’s demeaning.”
Ford glanced away, maybe in embarrassment, maybe disinterested, maybe just thinking, it was hard to say. His eye caught something in the journal. “You’re not from the Mystery Shack.”
“I wrote ‘origin’ in reference to your species, where you began. Not where you specifically are literally from.”
He picked up his pen to cross it out, but Quinn stopped him. “My mom lived here her whole life. Her dad lived here his whole life. But even before this place was built, we’ve been here for as long as anyone can remember. Stories dating back from my great-great-great grandma passed down. We’ve always been in Gravity Falls.”
Ford’s face lit up. “Interesting.”
“And I can tell you all about it, if you’d like,” Quinn added sheepishly. “I can tell you anything about me or my past or my family…if you promise to ask before picking me up and you tell me what you’re doing before you do it and you let me go about my own life.” She took a deep breath before continuing. Down on the ground, looking up at him, even from across the room and even while he was seated, was daunting. “I’m not gonna run away. I like you guys. You’re just big, and I’m gonna need time to get used to that. I can’t stop you at this size, and I can’t imagine you’d like to get whisked away by a giant with no idea what its intentions were.”
“Ha, it’s funny you mention that! The nightmare realm had quite the-” He stopped after he saw that train of thought would not prove useful. Instead, Ford stood and approached the impossibly tiny girl on the floor.
To Quinn, each step was a small earthquake. She thought about making a break for it, but Ford moved slowly, an attempt to appear non threatening. She knew logically that he could see her - his eyes never left her - but they were so high up and his dirty boots so big, it was hard not to retreat a couple defensive steps. Ford bent down next to her and reached for her.
Quinn let out a surprised yelp and tucked into a crouch, covering her face. This served the dual purpose of blocking the imposing sight of six fingers barreling toward her while also keeping her arms from getting pinned to her sides. The seconds dragged out, but still nothing happened.
Tentatively, Quinn peeked between her fingers. What laid in front of her was a large hand, over twice her size…But all it did was lay there. Confused, she looked up at Ford, whose face was neutral. “I think I can abide by those terms,” he said.
Quinn glanced between his face and hand repeatedly, to the point where it felt comical.
A faint smile spread across Ford’s face and he elaborated. “You know, I happened to come across the most curious creature while I was out looking for the crystals. I could use a hand hunting it down.”
Quinn jerked away when he wiggled his six fingers in invitation. But was this not what she asked for? She asked to go outside with him, and she asked him not to grab her. This was it.
After one last hesitant glance at Ford’s expectant face, she slowly inched toward the waiting hand. And then, she took her first step on the waiting hand. As soon as both feet were firmly planted, the hand skyrocketed into the air and Quinn fell to her hands and knees. She didn’t even have time to catch her bearings before the world tilted sideways and she fell, hollering all the way until she landed softly in a dark, dank enclosure.
As she tried to fumble her way to a stand, the ground shifted unpredictably. Each step threatened to send her sprawling again, and the fabric contorted around her every move. She had no idea where she was, but the faint light that poured in told her she should be able to climb ‘up’, and so that’s what she did.
Only when her face made contact with the light did she realize Ford had dumped her in the breast pocket of his coat. Wind rushed at her as he walked and the steady thumping behind her made itself known as his heartbeat.
Quinn didn’t know how she was supposed to feel. It made sense logically - Ford would need his hands free and she would be in no danger of falling to the ground, but the overwhelming bigness of everything around her made her feel unbelievably small. Even the pen that was clipped to the lip of the pocket was larger than her. His heartbeat drowned out her own thoughts. She could completely disappear in this pocket.
But maybe it would just take time to get used to. After all, she had a front row seat to all the action. She was close in case anything went awry. And more important than anything, she had a real chance to discover the reason for her small size. A chance to finally find answers.
When the fresh, outside air met Quinn’s face as Ford opened the front door, she knew that everything would be alright, and her life had certifiably changed for the better.
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haniballex · 2 days
I feel like everyone views the love between Hannibal and Will slightly differently. Thought I'd share mine.
There's an argument of whether or not Hannibal truly loved Will and vice versa. I think that Hannibal had a curiosity about Will. As shown in the first scene of the two meeting, Hannibal is intrigued by Wills mind and the way he can so deeply empathise with killers, including the Chesapeake Ripper. This curiosity remains evident throughout the show as Hannibal learns more about Will.
He wants to spend time with Will, seen when he made a surprise breakfast visit, his welcoming words asking Will to stay for dinner rather than work, and he intends on connecting further and learning more.
Hannibal is extremely into Wills mind and his ways, he is fascinated. Bedelia reinforced this idea when she tells Hannibal he is "obsessed with Will Graham." Hannibal responds "I am intrigued" and she replies "obsessively."
One way of interpreting Hannibals' response is that he is in denial of his feelings toward Will, disguising them as simply psychological curiosity. This implies he has romantic feelings for Will.
Famously, at the end of the show and at the end of season 2, Hannibal states that he gave himself to Will, only wished the best for him. In the final episode, Hannibal says that "this is all (he) ever wanted for (them)". Of course, this is seen as very romantic, Hannibal expresses his care for Will and how he wished to spend his life with him.
However, is this the full case?
Throughout the show, we see Hannibal horribly manipulate Will, worsening his Encephalitis and mental health for his own pleasure. He is intrigued by Will, so much so that he is willing to hurt him to get what he wants: Wills dependence.
Hannibal forces Will to be very dependent on him, his mental and physical health taking a toll while he comes to Hannibal for help. We see Will drive hours in the early hours of the morning to come talk to Hannibal when he sleepwalks. He voices his concerns to Hannibal, suggesting a brain issue. Hannibal shuts this down quickly, reinforcing the idea that Will is in denial and that he knows whats best for the man.
This is, of course, twisted. Hannibal is known for his charm and how he uses this, as well as his intense intelligence and knowledge of people, to capture his victims. You could argue that Will is another one of Hannibals victims.
Obviously, the way he treated Will was horrible; he manipulated him, caused him distress, induced his illness, and literally framed him for crimes that made him legible for the death penalty. But I think that it can be argued that Hannibal had some sort of love for Will, whether that be romantic, platonic, or simply curiosity.
A great example of this is the conversation that takes place after Hannibal guts Will:
"Did you think you could change me, the way I've changed you?"
"I already did."
We watch as Hannibal comes to the realisation that Will has, in fact, changed him.
Hannibal gave up everything for him. He had been going on as the Ripper for over a decade, not getting caught and the FBI having no leads as to who he was. If he wanted to, he could've continued for so much longer. But Will changed that. Will had him dropping everything, giving up his identity, making mistakes, getting caught. Will had dramatically changed him.
Another example of how Will changed Hannibal, as well as an example of Will manipulating Hannibal, is a conversation that happens when Will is in jail.
We see Will break down, crying, shaking, begging for Hannibal to help him in desperation.
"I need you, Hannibal."
When Will returns to his cell, the facade comes to an end. He looks up with the realisation that it worked, that he could get Hannibal do what he wanted.
Hannibal was guilted by his words, the vulnerability he displayed.
This leads me to another point. Hannibal may have enjoyed how vulnerable Will could be around him. Hannibal wants others to be weaker than him, easy to break. Wills openess and huge display of vulnerability as he begs for help was extremely useful in manipulating Hannibal, proving just how much he had changed. If it were anyone else, Hannibal would've seen right through him, seen how he was forcing his hand. But he didn't, because it was Will.
A final main example of how Hannibal may have romantically loved Will, is when they reunite in Florence. Hannibal tells Will that he will always remember this night, no matter what else happens. Will returns his smile as they speak. This confession is great, it shows just how much Hannibal had become attatched to Will and can be interpreted as a love confession.
This can transition us to whether or not Will loves Hannibal.
As stated previously, Will was manipulated horrifically by the cannibal. He is used, taken advantage of. But is he in love?
In Wills case I think there is a stronger possibility that he did love Hannibal. However, not the love you first think of.
It was a taught love, a forced love.
Will was manipulated into being dependent on Hannibal, his health decreasing rapdily as Hannibal made him so much worse.
Hannibal even got him to kill people, to display people, to eat people. Later in the show, Will left his wife and son to find Hannibal. He put his life on hold and put his own safety on the line in order to be with him.
This was taught. Sure, he expressed feelings for the man and did lots for him. He shared private thoughts and loving words. But he was manipulated and even abused into thinking this.
At first, Will was actually annoyed by Hannibals presence. Their first full conversationg concludes with Will storming out after sharing unkind words with both Jack and the man himself. We also have the iconic line of "I don't find you that interesting."
This, of course, changes as the show continues and he is more open and even dedicates time for Hannibal.
But it does lead us to believe that if it werent for Hannibals smart tactics, Will may have only liked Hannibal as a friend, nothing more.
One point that contradicts this point of view takes us back to their first meeting. Ehen Hannibal talks to Will, he notices his lack of eye contact. He asks "Not fond of eye contact?" Will goes on to list the many reasons for not meeting his eyes.
As we watch them converse further and develop their friendship, Will meets his eyes. When speaking to Jack, he rarely meets his eyes, but ehen he's with Hannibal, it is almost certain that he will try and find his gaze and lock it.
This happens before Hannibal begins his heavy manipulation (as far as we are aware). This can suggest that Will did in fact love Hannibal.
Another thing I'd like to bring up is that Will ends up forgiving Hannibal for what he had done. He speaks to the air, knowing he is there somewhere, that he forgives him. This is said episodes after Hannibal asks for his forgiveness before he slits Abigails throat.
The reason this is so significant is because Will was deeply attatched to Abigail. He took care of her and cared for her, the death of who was seen as his daughter was tremendously effective and heartbreaking. The fact he can firgive Hannibal for this among other things really shows his love. This doesnt necessarily meam it was true love rather than the result of years of abuse.
Another point that can be extractes from that line is that he may have actually loved Hannibal. The fact that after years apart, unable to connect while in different countries, and even after Will has created a new life with his new family, he still went to Hannibal and forgave him can be interpreted as both manipulated and actual love.
This is just my opinion and interpretation of this topic, and I'm open to any other ideas. I think their love is very complicated and can be seem in many rays of light, but my conclusion is that they both had feelings of varying size, but ultimately, there was manipulation that drove the 'love'.
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inspired by both mermaid-coded dust and this flavor of doomed kist
i'm mashing my two toxic tragic kist posts into one and here's what comes of it i guess... extremely jumbled thoughts
(cw: toxic one-sided relationship, obsession, suicidal ideation)
so dust is in love with killer, but he cannot say it. not because he's mute - he is - but because he doesn't want either killer or nightmare to know. it's a weakness, easily exploitable. so dust keeps it close to his soul, learning to mask his emotions like killer does. everything is fine, really. if he thinks about it hard enough, he gets to see and interact with killer almost every day. he knows killer doesn't have eyes for anyone else. it makes the pain in his soul somewhat more bearable. he can only watch his light in silence, unable to say the words, but at least this closeness to killer is what only he can have.
and he treasures the little moments he has with killer. when killer is exhausted and falls asleep, dust has the opportunity to engrave every detail of killer's face to his mind, every curve, every angle, every edge. every time killer laughs with joy and glee, dust perks up at that. every time killer is injured and dust has to take care of him, he takes note of how light killer is leaning on his shoulders - he takes note of the scars and cracks running on the bones of the person he has to bandage and heal over. what he can do, again and again, is remember. what he has is memory, and he intends to protect and hold close every piece of it.
everything is fine. until it isn't.
killer disappears one day without a trace. nightmare rages while his minions hurry to hide away from his wrath. yet dust remains in killer's lifeless room, hands tracing every surface of the furniture there. the room is nondescript, lacking any personality - the only sign that this is killer's room is his collection of souls and dust on the shelf. and yet, killer didn't take them with him when he disappears.
maybe he's dead, a part of dust whispers in defeat.
do you really think so, another part scoffs in disbelief.
it doesn't matter either way. dust relocates his room to killer's. nightmare doesn't care, but horror and cross do send dust some looks when he announces it. it doesn't matter - his feelings for killer are useless now, it's like mourning for something that never was. all he has left of killer are the memories.
and one day, on a mission nightmare sends him to, dust sees a familiar face again. he does a double take, unable to believe what's happening in front of his eyes. it's killer, and not just any - it's his killer. he would recognize that face anywhere. and killer is happy, genuinely so. in such a way that dust never sees before. he's with someone dust can't recognize, holding hands, leaning in with such comfort. he's happy.
and dust.
dust is...
you don't know how you feel. because the next thing you know, nightmare is there, his face sporting an gleeful expression only reserved for his unfortunate victims.
ah dust, good work finding the traitor, you hear nightmare say. but nothing is right. nothing about this is right.
killer can't be here, happy with someone else. killer is supposed to be his light out of the deep dark below where he belongs.
you should kill him, your brother says. you should have killed him a long time ago, when he pulled you out of our universe.
don't you miss home, brother?
don't you miss us?
you've hidden your feelings for everything for so long that they're burning you inside out. at this pace, you'll die - if not of a broken soul, then of your own destructive magic.
there's only one way to cure a broken soul. you know it, right?
and you're staring down at killer, your hands around his throat. you'd make him drown in his own blood. and you'd lean close, just close enough that you can almost give him the kiss of death. and you'd have turned yourself and him to your false namesake by the time the sun rises on the horizon.
but you hesitate. because you love him. you love him so much it's killing you alive. and you can't bear to die in a world without him.
and so you let him go. you watch him slip away from your hands, swept away by the new wave of his life.
time stays frozen for a moment before you feel your skull crack on the pavement. something grabs you by the leg and swings you harshly to the other side of the road. if you had a voice to laugh, you would. you spit blood, feeling strangely relieved. this is the price to pay to see killer again. how familiar. it's like everything is making sense again.
"don't think i didn't see what you did back there, dust," nightmare growls at you, holding your pathetic body up in the air by your (probably broken) shoulder. "you let him get away." the pain is excruciating, but it can't extinguish the elation in your (disgusting) soul.
i want to see him again, you mouth to an audience of no one.
you're crazy, your brother chides you. you'll choose him over me? over us?
you don't reply to your brother. you get dropped onto the ground like a marionette with its strings cut. nightmare looms over you, tentacles swishing back and forth dangerously, as you hold your (worthless) soul to him. a deal with a devil. you don't have anything else to offer anyway.
you don't care what happens to you, as long as you can see killer again. you watch impassively as the dark tentacles poise over your soul, a wave of apathy washed over you. only determination remains, its red glow cracking over your fragile soul.
you will see killer again.
if you can't have him, then no one can.
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azelmaandeponine · 2 days
Originally I was angry at the moment, where Ford says that "If I know my brother he'll say he'll join his trip to find treasures and babes." and also, that in the show Ford asks Stan if he wants to sail with him, why Stan didn't played dumb or wondered if Ford was asking him to find a partner-in-crime, like, he's not understanding him and if Ford says he means Stan, he laughed at him, like he was pulling his leg or something. I also was angry the part of "Ford is looking for a partner-in-crime". Now I'm realizing I was petty with all of that and my P.O.V. changed.
But what it makes me to realize is that all of this happens after the "Scrapbook Theraphy", like... of course many things, specially insecurities arose around this time, also for some things:
The whole "treasure and babes" thing, wasn't Ford being controlling for wanting to impose things onto others like with the outfits, I mentioned. It took me to realize that: He was cheering himself up and was a display of how he's learning to read-the-room, since like with McGucket, Ford is fully aware that he also ruined Stan's life and harmed him so much, he doesn't blame him if he wants to stay away from him or hates him for the rest of his life, but since he witnessed Mabel doing a second miracle, he tries to find the positive side of life.
Since this happens after the "Scrapbook Theraphy" and of course the old home films, while Stan was recovering his memory. Maybe seeing their past again, made not only Ford to start taking responsibility of his actions, but also made him sad, the only memories happy of him and Stan together, were when they were children/teens. They never made a memory of theirselves as adults, even when Stan got him back and with the realization that they can die of age, maybe Ford thinks that it was about time they do something now with their lives. Also, with the whole Sibling Brothers books stuff, now that we know that Stan and Ford were enemies with them, maybe Ford got reminded of when they meet the Jersey Devil back then and how he wants to see another monster with Stan.
Also, I think in the show, it was clear that Stan is unable of hiding his emotions, so, it's clear that Stan couldn't hide his joy again when Ford asks him to sail the world together... maybe in part was intentional, maybe during the Scrapbook Theraphy they got reminded of the portal incident.... maybe Ford wanted to overwrite that memory and made sure of repeating a similar scenario. Like, turning a bad moment into a good one. Maybe it was in purpouse. So, when they now remembered the Portal Incident, instead they recall this memory as well, since it's similar now. Also, Ford is the one asking, because since he's aware he wronged Stan, then he needs to make things right, another sign that he's taking responsibilities of their actions. I mean, Ford wanted that he and Stan finally let go a bad moment of their lives, by redoing it and giving it a good outcome. I mean, turning a bad memory into a good memory.
What do you think? I wonder if you liked this?
Well, Ford didn't ruin Stan's life (that was Filbrick), but Ford did hurt Stan (and Stan has hurt Ford), and it was Ford's way of further reaching out so make something new for him and Stan.
Weirdmageddon, seeing Dipper and Mabel work together (and seeing them in danger) is what Stan and Ford to work their shit out. Bill was defeated by Stan and Ford working together.
Though that's given the childhood dream about the boat WAS brought up during the portal incident (by Ford), it's interesting to think about viewing it as a parallel to the portal incident, except with a good ending.
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ask-robokasa-and-rui · 12 hours
Lore Post//
Rui please!
I just wanna talk to her…
You look like you didn’t have your morning coffee!
I just wanna talk to her…
The only people who should know about Robokasa should be me, you and the people that went through his making!
I don’t really care, It’s not like I’ll go “Oh Airi! Tsukasa is alive! Aah!” Because he’s not! I just want to hear her side of the story and her experience with Tsukasa.
What if it just…spills out?!
Minori, calm down…I don’t even think she’ll talk to me like a normal person…
Rui co-HEY WAIT!!!
Rui and Minori run to the back of the diner.
Meanwhile, Airi and Shizuku were walking away from the diner
Ah, what a day it was! We have to come here again someday, those doroyakis were so good!
Bad news, it’s going to be on air. So our fans will come there to find us. Meaning? It’s less safe for us now…
Ah…you’re right…we’ll have to get wigs to disguise ourselves…
You think those will work?
Miss Airi!
Airi and Shizuku turn around to see the people back at the diner running at them.
Can I have a minute with you!
Oh, those are the ones from the diner...!
Let's get out of here...
Airi takes Shizuku's hand and walks faster, faster than Rui's running.
Wait-! Sigh...they're getting away...
Rui come oooon...Is it really that important?!
It is for me! I want to know more about the human and real Tsukasa! If she was his friend, she should know a lot.
I'm going after her!
Fine!! I'm going back to Kanade then!
He says, as he runs to where the two idols went.
Airi and Shizuku had to part ways in case those "people from the diner" are following them. The place Airi stopped by was in front of a tech store, it was eerily quiet and empty. But that was fine.
Finally...I'm alone...And-
Miss Airi!!!
Please wait! I just need a minute to talk!
Oh holy another crazy obsessed fan...
I just need a minute!!
Airi didn't listen and started running-
-until she stooped. She looked back at Rui with a look of surprise.
Airi charged at Rui and gripped his neck as she pushed him against a wall.
Agh-!! Y-You kinda said his name during the interview...!
I can tell you if you stop choking me...!
Airi lets go of Rui
Gah-! Cough cough!! Thanks...
Now what do you want.
Cough! I want to know more about Tsukasa.
Know more? You already know him?
Ah-...No, I-I only heard of him...and I was curious...
Curiosity led you to follow me around?
Yeah okay I know Tsukasa...
I ...I can't tell you...
Then how am I supposed to believe you?
I....This is going nowhere...I have to tell her if I want her to believe me but-
-I can't tell her about the robot Tsukasa! What should I do...
Okay...I'm leaving-
Fine. I'll tell you but...please don't freak out.
Rui takes a deep breath...
Months ago...I found a robot in a junk yard, the robot's name was Tsukasa. And a few days ago, I learned that the robot Tsukasa was based off of another Tsukasa...a human one...one that died. And well...Robot Tsukasa doesn't have great access to his memories yet....So I want to learn more about him!
Rui said before he put his hand on his chest. Airi was looking at Rui with a look of surprise, then she laughed.
Ahahaha! Yeah right! Tsukasa? As a robot? Can't get more ridiculous.
I'm telling the truth!!
And I don't believe you! Later.
"Rui! There you are..."
Rui turned around to see Tsukasa. Airi did the same which made her stop.
It's getting late! Why aren't you coming home?
Airi and Tsukasa made eye contact.
Uh...this is akward. Tsukasa-
Rui looked into Tsukasa's robot eyes. Rui always compared Tsukasa's robotic eyes with eyes of puppets and porcelain dolls. But the seconds he looked in those eyes...they looked....real. Like a human eye.
Said a raspy voice. Both Rui and Airi flinched at the sound, only to realize it came from Tsukasa.
Is that you....?
T-Tsukasa...No!! I left you, Asahi and Haruka!! I won't talk to you!!
Airi...Airi!! Do you hear me?! AIRIII!!!
Tsukasa pushed Rui away and ran towards Airi.
Airi screamed in terror as she ran away, Tsukasa following her from behind.
T-Tsukasa!! Airi!!
Rui ran after the two.
As Airi was running, she got cornered in an alleyway. Tsukasa was coming near. Her eye caught a knife on the ground. She picked it up, pointing it towards the approaching robot.
Airi charged at Tsukasa with the knife, Tsukasa still approaching her. Meanwhile, Rui found the two and ran in the alleyway.
Airi-! Tsukasa-!! Both of you!! Calm do-AAAGH!!!!
Rui let out a pained scream. A horrendous pain spiked in his stomac.
A knife.
The knife Airi was holding, aimed at Tsukasa, went through Rui's body.
Rui collapsed. Falling in front of Tsukasa.
Tsukasa said. Rui could hear pain in the voice, and slight anger. The last thing Rui could see was Tsukasa charging at Airi. The last thing he could hear was Airi letting out a blood curdling scream.
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @kiwi-does-stuff @scodscod @dazeddoofus @kusanagi-nene-official-mod
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Elias' River-Blood
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(sounds of whooping and cheering and excited hand slapping) So! Preemptively I will warn that this has spoilers for The Swan Bride ES! Also it gets put under a cut cause it's gonna be Long! I'm gonna sort this into 3 sections: How it Happened, How it's Maintained, and How it Affects Them!
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How it Happened:
In the ES you help out the Swan Bride, and discover how and why she is what she is. You learn she was married to a second city Priestess in a poisoned pool in the Sere Palace, and bound to her and the rivers of the canals forever. There you have the option to allow the Bride her marriage to the Priestess, and to make the same sort of bargain the previous Gonfalonier made, and allow the Priestess to open your veins, and let the waters of the river Persephone flow through you. Your character dies and ends up going to a poison river instead of the slow river, and this is where the process happens, and you end up with the water (and specifically also the poison) of the Persephone running through your blood!! This also makes it much easier for you to win the race against the old Gonfalonier. I think it's implied that the reason the PC isn't bound to the canals like the Bride was is because the Priestess has the Bride now and is happy and content with that but... i like my blorbos possessive and this includes rivers, so. Also some parts of this ES were a touch confusing and hard to understand and I apparently didn't record all of it in my echos sadly!!!!
There's also parts where you can discover some of the lore and traditions of the Locks and it talks about guild members getting symbolically married to the waters!
(Okay so. this is the start of my oc specific speculation, meaning any of this can shift or change as I develop and thing of things further!)
How I interpret this for Elias is that they now are tied and married to the River Persephone itself, and with her waters flowing through them, they are bound to her. Not as strongly as the Bride, who was unable to leave, because i think the River knows Elias can't be contained and restrained, but it is more than nothing.
They were good at the Viol beforehand, but the Bride taught them much about it, and now it's one of their favorite forms of music.
Additionally, Elias was not nearly so KatTox focused before this. They had their work with the camera and developing chemicals on the Surface, but not much of the intimate knowledge. After I have them sort of taking her place a bit though, they have much more knowledge then before. This is when they went from esoteric ideas about the Neathbow, to actually studying its chemical properties and compositions, and becoming a pigment and dye-chemist! Before this they would mostly do field research, but had very little idea on what to actually do with that knowledge! This is when Elias got their dyes started!
How it's Maintained: Elias pretty much always feels the pull of the river, but it's akin to gravity. Most days they're pretty used to it, but some days it gets heavy and strong, and can't be ignored. The further they get, and the longer it's been since a visit, the stronger the pulls becomes, and the worse their symptoms can become (which i'll cover below). Elias must actually be upon the river for the pulling and tugging and Symptoms to subside, so just hangin' around the Locks without actually saying hello to their lovely spouse isn't going to work! They'll also often just. put their hands. in the poison waters. I think the river itself is already a bit thicker than normal water, probably being water, blood, and poison in equal measure. So most people would Not put their hands in that, especially because not wanting to risk the poison hurting them! (but also a little bit because of the whole blood thing.) Elias does this anyways because the poison doesn't affect them in the same way, because it's good bonding time with their spouse, they're a bit of a blood freak, and also they can do Fun Spooky Shit!
How it Affects them: okay fun stuff time!
So! Notably, Elias' blood is thinner than it should be! It is, in fact, nearly the same consistency as the River herself, because, well, it is! Just with a bit more blood in the ratio. About 50% blood, 25% water and 25% poison.
Having thin, watered down blood causes many issues! Notably:
Their blood does not clot easily, and when they're cut they bleed profusely and quickly. A lot of the time when Elias' wounds are high it's because they got injured and ended up very nearly bleeding out. They also lose... more blood than expected. If they were meant to have about 14 pints of blood normally, they can bleed out about 20 pints. This doesn't mean they *have* those 20 pints, moreso that the river is bleeding out a bit as well, and they are an open wound in the river.
Elias gets cold very easily, and their base body temperature already sits a little too cold for a human anyways. Luckily, moving water doesn't freeze as easily as still water, but the cold (and discordance) is still dangerous for them.
They're very nosebleed prone. If their emotions get a bit too intense (which is a common occurrence) then they can quickly end up with a very very long nosebleed. 50% luck check on if one happens or not. Usually they last an hour, and leave Elias completely wiped out afterwards. They work very hard to keep their emotions stable.
Elias also deals with anemia. Simply put, there is not enough blood in their blood! This means that while they have *fantastic* circulation, they still deal with cold limbs, light-headedness, and tire-ing very easily.
They also bruise very easily, and they'll take longer to heal
artery blood
There's also a few other quirks
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Based on text mentioning the poisoned areas having 'brackish' water, this would lead to their blood being more alkaline than usual. More along the basic, higher end side of the PH scale, like baking soda, seawater, or bleach. The Swan Bride's dress trails through waters as a few points, and hisses and burns away, so! their blood is also lightly caustic (again, like bleach).
Elias' blood is also Incredbly Poisonous (which. i feel like should come up more frequently in game than it actually does, which is to say: this item has no recorded uses ;-;). There's multiple lethal toxins in the water! However, since Elias is diluted river, i think that (unless you're like. straight up drinking their blood) there's only three or four that you'd have to actually worry about, since you wouldn't be able to get a lethal dose of the other eight or nine (or so). Still, it's still likely to kill you if it gets In You, whether entering through a cut, liking a knife, or Elias making Decisions. (I have this idea of them using their blood's lethality on purpose against someone).
Elias also metabolizes toxins incredibly well! What toxins enter their bloodstream, their body takes them and stores them, and keeps them, similar to how caterpillars will consume toxic plants, and become poisonous moths! In order to properly poison them, you'd need to have something their blood cannot store, cannot keep around, or something that skips the bloodstream entirely and targets something else, like, for example, their brain and nerves. This is hard to do though, because this means the poison won't be able to travel well, so it would need multiple applications in different spots. After that though, it'll be easier to target their heart, and from there have something enter their bloodstream.
So what does all of that mean? Well. Thick leather gloves are a great idea around Elias. Unless you're part (or all) Curator, or have some Incredibly High KatTox, you're not going to be able to handle their blood. (please imagine how terrifying it is for Elias to watch someone lick their blood... and then nothing happens. horrifying!!!)
The flow of their blood is tied to the flow of the river, and vice versa. When the river is swollen and rushing, they are fast and full and energetic, and bleeding is much more likely, and much more risky for them. When it is cold, and slow moving, they become lethargic. Crashes in the water and major backups become migraines, busy days have them feeling touch and pressure, which can be either reassuring or annoying. Their mood, in turn, reflects on the water. Anxiety and worry turn into spiraling eddies, anger of frustration or, most dangerous of all, fear, turn into rushing rapids that threaten to capsize boats and flood the locks, but a happy day will have a swift and steady river, cooperative in what needs done.
Yes, this means if you Fuck Up in Elias' river, they can feel it. They have a reputation at the Guild for showing up any and every time there is an accident. The Guild doesn't know Elias is part river, though they do know about them being married (only the superstitious realize it's more than ceremony), and they are aware that Elias' working garb bears striking resemblance to the former gowns and mask of the Swan Bride. No one knows how they're able to navigate while wearing a dress and veil with a massive train that drags in the water.
Elias cannot donate blood, but receiving blood is a bit easier, though not without risk. Donating blood, even to someone with high KatTox, is a challenge, with myriad side effects. First, there is the longing. That gravitational pull, heavy as Earth, injected into someone used to no pull at all. It's easier on Zailors though, for they are used to the pull of the Zee. An intense desire to return to the Persephone, and fling oneself into her currents to float happily. After that, however, is the Persephone recognizing where she is, what strange canals she's in now. You'd better hope she likes you. If not, she'll simply escape the confines, and probably take most of your blood with her. If you've survived all this though, you'll still end up highly sick. Human veins are not meant for corrosive poison, and without the proper death and death rites, your body won't be able to adjust itself or become accustomed to it. Getting blood into them is easier, but Elias does not tolerate the composition well, it diminishes who and what they are, and will put their body in shock. in a pinch though, it can be done, provided you can treat the shock and help them feel like themself again. The best way to give Elias a blood transfusion would be to take the back to the River where they can slowly heal, or, if it needs to be done quicker, to inject the river-water into them directly.
Elias does get some fun and nifty stuff out of it though! Mainly, their communication with, control of, and strength on the water.
Well, less control in the traditional sense.
When Elias opened their veins to her, it was not just a bargain. It was marriage, a bond, and a conversation. They shared their circulatory system with her, and the organ that is in charge of all of that: their heart. They have dedication to her, and devotion for her, and that deep bond. It's not romantic love, but it is love, and a promise. They love her, and care for her.
She asks they return to her once a month, and they do so willingly. Even when they are unhappy, they will return to her, for she cannot come to viisit them. They carry her happily in their blood. If Elias is unable to visit her for whatever reason however, their anemia symptoms with gradually worsen, and their strength will diminish. It is as if their lifeforce slowly leaves them. It is not out of malice that this is done however, it is simply that the bond needs to be renewed, vows upheld. She permits them as much freedom as they have, for she knows they cannot be contained, and it would sadden them to be so far from others. So they must visit her.
Often though, Elias will visit more than once a month anyways, because they adore her so. Thus, with this bond they share, and the part of their heart she occupies, the Persephone grants them something extra.
The previous Gonfalonier had the river in his veins, yes, but he did not give of his blood back. He did not want to risk a binding, and thus he had limited abilities with the River. He could navigate more easily than anyone else, and already he had great skill, and though he control and bend the waters to his will, and she was not happy, and his success was extremely limited.
With Elias and their heart, they can communicate with her. Navigation traditionally requires an oar, however... Elias can merely touch their hand to the water, and she will know their desires. They can ask her to swell, to slow, to speed them along, whatever their heart desires. When they do this though, if they attempt anything of intensity, it does cause their own blood to run in turn. Usually a nosebleed will come first, then it trickles from their mouth and tear ducts. It doesn't hurt, but it can exhaust them if they push themself too far. On the river herself though, Elias tends to feel more alive, and less lethargic. Their aches do not touch them as much here. Unfortunately, Elias will often overwork themself because of this, so excited to do things that they forget their disabilities are still there.
Elias also still doesn't know how to swim, and while they're great at navigating their gondola... this does not apply out at Zee. They can't feel the Zee, nor do they know how to communicate with it, and they're bad at navigating using a steering wheel instead of an oar.
Overall though, they take the good with the bad, and love her regardless. She provides them freedom, a way to navigate the waters and the Upper River, where they alone are in control of themself.
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