#but you know what fun as fuck venue dj was alright
lilgynt · 2 months
bitch i was so bad at emo prom. i was so stupid bad. also got briefly followed and yelled at its not even funny that was so scary
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
Concert love
Chris and matt sturniolo x y/n fan-fiction
(contains- flirting in front of a whole crowd, concert, drinking, dirty talk, smutt, threesome, slapping, chocking, use of the names- ma, slut,whore,daddy and I think that's it)
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y/n pov-
me and my best friend ybf/n decided to get tickets for the lil skies concert a while ago since the tickets were surprisingly cheap and we've both liked his music since we were in high school
me and ybf/n were getting ready playing music through my speaker and talking and laughing.
we both finished doing our makeup
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(your look)
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(ybf/n look)
damn y/n your makeup looks so good
thanks you too bitch damn
okay lets get dressed and then ill order the uber
We both go to your separate rooms in the apartment to change. Neither of us know what the other one picked for their outfit but I know hers is gonna be so good and im very confident about my choice.
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(your outfits but instead 0f heels your wearing orange nike dunks)
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(your best friends outfit)
I walked out of my room guessing she's already in the living room by the way she was yelling
we both laugh as we sit and wait for our uber to get closer before we make our way to the lobby.
we were both looking through our fyp page as I realized it had been a good minute since we ordered the uber
hey is the uber close
oh shit yeah two minutes away
fuck okay lets head down
we grab our phones and keys and head to the elevator and take it down to the lobby.
we walked out of the door looking for a black Honda
is that it over there I said pointing to a black Honda a little further down the street
uuuh yeah I think so she says starting to walk over to it as I follow behind her
as we approach the driver rolls the window down
hey is this the uber for ybf/n
hey yes hop on in
we get in the back as we start heading to the venue it was about a 15 minute drive we decided to go pretty early so we could be closer to the front
so you girls going to the skies concert tonight
yep were so excited
damn I really wanted to go but by the time me and my friends went to get tickets they were sold out
yeah tickets were cheap so they went pretty fast and the venue is smaller so you know
yeah makes sense . I know this might be weird but can I give you my phone number and maybe you can send me some videos of the concert
oh my god of course id be more than happy to do that
thank you so much he says as he gives me his phone number and I save it for later and send him a quick text so he has it and knows im the girl from the uber for the skies concert
alright well im gonna drop you here have fun tonight guys
thank you so much for driving us and ill make sure to remember to send you videos
thank you bye
bye have a good night I shut the door as we walked to the entrance door
there were only a couple people already here waiting so we stood behind them and waited for about 40 minutes until more people showed up and doors started to open .
we got in around 7:45 and got close as fuck to the front we were a row behind the barricade . The show is supposed to start at 8:30 So we have a while to wait . I decided to go to the bar to grab a drink so ybf/n stayed back to keep our spot.
I got up to the bar and ordered two vodka watermelon red bulls and payed as she handed them to me and I went back to ybf/n. It was hard to get back through the crowd without spilling them but somehow I did.
hey here you go
thanks ill pay you back later
oh no your good my treat I say smiling at her
okay but next ones are on me
works for me
soon the opening dj comes out and starts playing some good as songs
As hot in here was playing me and ybf/n were dancing with each other as the dj started yelling out
I look up at him making eye contact with a confused smile pointing to me kinda shocked
YES YOU GIRL he says laughing a little I smile and look up at the balcony scanning it for this so called admirer when I meet eyes with a guy.
he smirks at me and waves
I smile and wave back and hold eye contact as I see him raise something to his mouth and speak into it
I look at him confused for a second before the dj speaks again
I look at him smiling then bring out my phone to type it onto snap and blow it up so he could read it
I hold it up smiling as he reads it then brings his phone out to type something
he holds it out for me to read
" such a pretty name for such a pretty girl it reads'
I smile widely at him before typing "thank you" and hold it up for him to read
he reads it smiling the typing something else
" no problem gorgeous " it reads I laugh a little and smile at him as we hold eye contact
he look back to his phone typing something else
" stay after ill tell them I asked you too"
I got nervous but still smiled as we kept eye contact I was trying so hard to not flip my shit at this point .
I give him a thumbs up smiling and he winks at me then looks back at the stage as a new song starts playing
I love this song so I start rapping along as I look back up at him to see him already looking at me as he rapping along to the song to he starts moving his hands and rapping more to the song as we keep eyes contact then stops and points at me so I took it as a sign to rap the next part and I do as he bops his head smiling at me in awe that I know the song by heart .
he types something on his phone
"you like nardo wick"
I shake my head and type out
he smiles and types again
" I like you even more now"
I smile and laugh
" im glad' I type and show him
he just smirks at me and god his smirk has me dying he's so beautiful its actually scary to be honest.
we break eye contact as the song ends and the dj announces skies is coming on in a minute.
I look back up at him admiring his perfect side profile as I smile and look back at the stage as rage starts playing.
skies just finished his last song
thank you guys so much for coming I love you all so much and y/n wherever you are cant wait to meet you after the show he waves and runs off the stage
everyone starts leaving but I stay back
ybf/n gave me a hug and told me to update her later
she slaps my ass you got this bitch don't be nervous
I know ill try not to I love you see you at home
love you too she says as she walks away to the door
as the last people are filtering out I decided to look at my phone to try and calm my nerves. And sent all the videos I got to the Uber driver from earlier.
I get taped on the shoulder I jump from the sudden contact and turn around with my hand on my heart
im so sorry I didn't mean to scare you I was just coming to get you Chris sent me matt says
oh no your good just caught me off guard
follow me were gonna chill in the green room for a bit as they take all the stuff down and pack up
alright lead the way I say kinda nervous and I guess he can tell.
hey no need to be nervous were all chill I promise
thank you matt that actually calmed me down a bit
wait you know my name
oh yeah ive seen couple videos of you guys and a shit tone of edits on my fyp
damn well I hope you liked our videos
oh yeah they were great you guys are very funny
thanks he says as he looks down at me with a sweet smile
no problem I say smiling back
alright were just through this door
fuck fuck fuck oh god is all I can think as he opens the door and walks in as I hesitantly follow behind him
HEYYY Y/N HOW ARE YOU Chris yells coming up to hug me
im a bit caught of guard but hug him back as he rocks me side to side a little causing me to laugh
im g-good Chris how are you I say he's squeezing me a bit tight causing my airflow to sputter.
im good! im glad you stayed after gorgeous
m-me too but y-your squeezing the life out of me I say sounding out of breathe and squeaky
oh shit im sorry he says laughing as he lets go
I take a deep much needed breath as I smile up at him
so uhh why'd you ask me to stay back I say nicely but sounding a bit confused
oh well we thought you were really beautiful to be honest and we wanted to get the chance to talk to you maybe even hang out for the night he says with a smile but sounding a bit nervous
oh well id love that
really ?
yeah of course I say smiling giggling a little bit
heyyy Chris matt you guys in the green room? I hear skies say
yep were in here matt answers
he walks in smiling at matt dapping him up
then walking over to Chris beside me dapping him up then looking at me smiling
you must be y/n its so nice to meet you he says bringing me in for a nice warm hug
its so nice to meet you too ! I loved your show you have great stage presence
thank you I appreciate it ! he says letting go and smiling at me.
I can see why Chris noticed you in the crowd you are beautiful
aww thank you so much I say as my face heats up from the compliment
alright guys I think were gonna hit the road we got another show to get too tomorrow but thank you for coming and supporting me and hit me up later chris
yeah of course man the show was great ill text you later this week when we get back to la Chris says dapping skies up one last time before he says bye to matt.
alright well we should call an uber and head out of here matt says
hey y/n know any fun places we could go to Chris says looking down at me
well I mean it is like 12am so most of the only fun places to go that are open are clubs but I know y'all don't drink right
nope we don't
well we could always go back to my apartment and grab my car and get some food and then go back to my place and watch a movie unless y'all aren't comfortable with that I completely understand
no y/n we trust you you ive got nothing but good vibes from you also what's your address for the uber
oh thank you that’s really sweet I say as I give him my address
of course also the uber is a couple minute away so we should probably head out
alright lets go Chris says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder guiding me to walk with him I smile up at him and he looks at me giving me a warm smile.
we walk out the back door and see what im guessing is an uber black parked at the back .
hey are you lane
yep über for matt?
yep that's me matt says as he opens the door to the back and hops
Chris guides me to the door Do you mind being in the middle your the smallest
I laugh no not at all
okay then lady first he says gesturing his hand for me to hop in and I do as I scoot to the middle and he hops in behind me shutting the door.
so y/n have you lived here you whole life
oh yeah pretty much I mean I moved here from Chicago when I was 4 but I don't really remember life back in there so ive only really ever known life as growing up here
oh nice its a great city I like it here
yeah its pretty cool here
oh yeah I mean its okay ive lived here all my life so it tends to get boring you know what I mean
yeah I get that that's one reason we love living in la now gives us a new place to grow in but don't get me wrong I love Boston with my whole heart and going back to visit our family is great but its nice to be somewhere new for a change
I completely get that . My parents actually moved to San Francisco a couple years after I moved out they love it there and I love getting to visit them its one of my favorite cities
oh yeah I love san Francisco its a beautiful city
right I love it there im just sad I don't get to go visit my parents often
oh why don't you visit them much
well for one my job is very busy and air fair is not cheap so sadly I have to save up for each trip months in advance
oh yeah real airfare is so expensive its kinda crazy
yeah well your lucky with the job you guys have
yeah we are pretty blessed to have a good income coming in but we still like to be wise with our spending
that's good though most people our age would be buying whatever they wanted if they had you guys income
very true but our parents taught us how to spend our money wisely from a young age so thank god for them or wed be half way broke by now
yeah I relate to that my dad was always very good with money growing up even though we have a lot of money he only spends it on things that are worth it instead of waisting money on random shit that well Never use
he sounds like a smart man
yeah he's great I love my dad ive always been a daddy girl
Chris’s eyes slightly darken and he shifts around after hearing me say daddy I didn’t know why but I just looked down at his big hands that were resting on his lap god what I wouldn’t do to have those wrapped around my-
My thought is cut off by the Uber driver announcing we are at our destination
We get out and thank her then head to my car .
Chris gets into the front as Matt gets into the back and I start up my car.
Okay so the only things open right now are like fast food and this one pizza place so what sounds good to you guys.
Honestly I could fuck with pizza rn
Same pizza sounds good as fuck
I completely agree i start backing out and head to the pizza place .
Here’s my phone you guys can queue up whatever you want
They queued up a couple good songs that I knew as we sat in silence giving out to the music until we got to the pizza place.
I parked and turned off the car as we all got out and headed into the place.
Wow it’s really cool in here
I know right this is my favorite place to go after a night out
I can see why it’s so dark but cool with all the colored lights they have
Yeah they turn on their led bulbs when it gets dark it’s such a vibe
Hey how are you guys is it just the three of you the hostes says
Yep just the three of us
Cool follow me she says as she grabs the menus and leads us to a booth
Matt and Chris sit opposite of me as we start looking at the menus
Hey I’m Jake I’ll be your server today what can I get you guys to drink
Um I’ll get a Pepsi please
Cool and for you
Can I get a root beer
Yep sure thing and for you y/n
I’ll get a dr.pepper thanks Jake
Of course I’ll be right back with those
Thank you I say as he walks away
You know him Chris asks
Oh yeah he’s one of my best friend boyfriends
Oh cool
Yeah I say smiling at him
So uhh I gotta warn you their pizzas are big so we could probably all just share a large if that sounds good with you guys
Yeah that’s fine do you like pepperoni
Yeah love it
Cool you good with that Chris
Yeah sounds good to me
Here you guys go Jake says as he sets each of our drinks down then takes our order
As we were talking about random shit I got a phone call
I looked to see it was ybf/n
Hey guys sorry do you mind if I answer this it’s my roommate the one who was with me at the concert
No not at all go ahead
I answer the call
Hey what’s up
Hey I’m just letting you know I’m staying the night at Blake’s house so I won’t be home tonight
Oh alright we’ll I guess see you sometime tomorrow then
Yeah also I can’t wait to hear all the juicy details about you hanging out with your celeb cruuuuwh
Okayyyyy shut the fuck uuuuup I can’t feel my face getting hot from the blush creeping onto then
Okay bye I love you
Love you to and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Cool so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
I am not a slut shut up good fucking night
Good niiiight
I hung up as I looked up at Matt and Chris just looking at me I got nervous
W-what I say laughing awkwardly
Nothing you guys seem really close
Oh yeah no we are! been best friends since 2nd grade that’s just how we talk to each other
Oh no we get but uhhh why did she call you a slut
Oh uh haha well I said don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and she said so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
Oh damn what a sweet thing for her to say
I know right she’s so nice to me I say jokingly
So I’m guessing she not at home
Nope she’s spending the night at a guys house I also fucking despise the guy but you know that’s just me
Why do you not like him
He’s a dick and he treats girls like shit he also tried to roofie me at the club once but I didn’t tell her so she doesn’t know that but . I get cut off by Chris
But nothing y/n that’s not okay she shouldn’t be with a guy who did that to her best-friend
I- yeah I know I just don’t like conflict I didn’t wanna make it a big deal I say feeling like a kid being scolded by her dad
I’m sorry for raising my voice but that just makes me angry
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up I say feeling anxious now by the way him and Matt are looking at me
No it’s okay we get it it’s just you know something you might think about telling her you know if he’s ever around you again what else would he try you know what I’m saying
Y-yeah your right I’ll tell her tomorrow
Good girl Chris says making my face turn red as fuck and I look down trying to hide it but he notices
Here’s you guys pizza hope you enjoy
Thank you Jake
No problem
We each grab a couple slices and eat in silence I can feel slight tension in the air but I try to ignore it and just eat my pizza.
Do you guys like horror, movies?
Uhm not my favorite but I guess they’re okay
Yeah I mean they aren’t my first pick but I’ll watch em
Okay cool I’m kinda of in a horror movie mood tonight
Sounds good to me
Yeah me too
Hey you guys ready for the check
Yeah I think so
Okay cool together or separate
Together . I got cut off by Matt
Okay cool I’ll be back in a second with that
What- Matt you guy don’t have to pay for me
No no it’s our treat
I mean you are driving us around and letting us come back to your apartment so it’s the least we could do
Well thank you really that’s very nice of you guys
No problem
I smile at both of them as Jake comes back with the check and Chris pays then we head back out to the car.
Do you guys mind if I play some softer music on the way home I have astigmatism so driving at night with loud music makes me really anxious
No absolutely we don’t mind at all I completely understand that. I get driving anxiety too so I get the struggle
I smile at him as we get into the car and I queue up some songs before we pull out and head to my apartment.
You have really good music taste y/n
Thank you I’m a big music lover so my music range is weird as Fuck
What do you mean
If I put my liked playlist of shuffle I can go from rap to classical to edm then to rock all in the span of 10 minutes
Ah so you listen to a lot of genera’s
Yeah I say smiling at Chris
So what’s your favorite genera as of right now
Honestly I think alternative rock
Oh cool we don’t listen to rock much but it’s cool
Yeah deaftones is my favorite band as of right now I would play a song from them but you know
To loud
Okay one for us when we get back to your place
Okay I will
After about 5 more minutes we parked outside of my building and i but in my favorite deaftones song for them
Oh wow this is actually pretty good
Yeah so far I like it
We sit as they keep listening I watch for their honest reactions seeing if they are just being nice
I can tell Matt likes it for sure but Chris not as much
Damn the lyrics are kinda
dirty yeah
Yeah but I like it
Well I’m glad
Yeah no this shit is good I need to start listening to them
I’ll share my playlist of my favorite songs from them to you
Cool that would be great thank you
Yeah no problem
The song ends and we get out of the car and head into the building and take the elevator up to my floor
I open the door of my apartment for them and let them go in and I shut and lock the door
Woah your apartment is so cool
Oh thank you
Did you set it all up
Yeah I designed all of it but my roommates room
That’s so cool your good at designing
Oh thank you I took some classes in high-school for it so that helped me out a bit
Oh that’s so cool
Yeah it was pretty fun
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I love the art wall
Oh thanks yeah that’s one of my favorite parts
It adds a very homey vibe
That’s exactly what I was going for
Well you nailed it
Thanks I said smiling up at him
Okay I’m gonna pop some popcorn but do you guys wanna watch the movie in here or my room it’s up to you
Honestly room sounds more cozy
Yeah I agree
Okay well if you wanna head to my room it’s the second door on the right
Cool they both say as they head to my room
I finished popping the popcorn and putting it in the bowl then grabbed three cherry Pepsis from the fridge and made my way to my room
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Your bedroom is so cozy Chris says as I enter with the drinks and snacks
Oh yeah I love it in here
I like how dark it is
Me too I was kinda shocked how big it was when we moved in though
Yeah for an apartment this is huge
Yeah but I’m not complaining
I handed them their drinks and the popcorn and I set my drink on the bedside table
I’m gonna change into something more comfy real quick then we can pic a movie
Sounds good
I went to my closet and picked out one of my least revealing pj sets and changed then went to the bathroom to take my makeup off
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Then went back in and shimmied my way in between the two since they were taking up each side of the bed
Wow you look gorgeous without makeup
Yeah you have really cute freckles
O-oh thank you guys I say feeling a little flustered from their compliments
As I scrolled through for a while we settled on watching insidious since I said it was one of the least scary movies I’ve watched
As we were watching a jump scare popped up and Matt jumps launching popcorn all over the bed making me burst out laughing and Chris joined me
Shit sorry that got me good
You don’t say I say as I pull popcorn out of my hair
I started to get a little cold so I got under the covers .
Chris joined me as our legs slightly touched making my breathe hitch
We continued watching as I felt a hand on my thigh and I felt another come behind my head
Chris’s was on my thigh and Matt’s was the one behind my head
I got a little nervous but tried my best not to show it. Chris started to rub small circles with his thumb making me sigh out in both calmness but also a little bit of horny mixed in.
Matt’s hand started slowly caressing my head and playing with my hair.
I started to become relaxed since playing with my hair always sends me to sleep .
My head starts to fall back into Matt’s hand as he rubs my head i let out a soft moan on accident .
Sorry that just feels so good I say looking over at Matt with hooded eyes who’s still rubbing my head softly
Oh I can stop if it’s making you tired
No no please keep going please
Alright he keeps playing with my hair
Chris hand starts to squeeze my inner thigh causing a pool of wetness to form in between my legs
Mmm I softly moan both of them being so sweet making me feel calm yet so fucking horny . Having both of their hands on me is sending me into such dirty thoughts
Making you feel good huh Chris says softly
Mhm feels so calming
Feeling anything else other than calm
W-what do you mean
Is calm all your feeling right now or is their another feeling creeping in
N-no just calm
You sure about that cause … he moves his hand closer to my pussy . I’m pretty sure I can feel a little heartbeat down here
Mmm I moan as he grazes his hand over my clothed pussy
Aww are we making you horny princess
Matt whispers in my ear before tugging a little on my hair angling my head so I look him in the eyes
N-no I… he yanks harder on my hair
We don’t like liars y/n
Chris’s fingers slide under my shorts now rubbing slow circles on my clit through my underwear
Mmm fuck
You wanna try and answer that again . This time truthfully
O-okay yes your m-making me horny okay
Good girl see that wasn’t so hard to admit was it
God your so wet already
Mmm I moan out as I his fingers now move under my underwear to rub my bare pussy
He starts rubbing my clit eliciting moans to slip past my lips
Matt’s other hand moves under my top to grope my bare tits
O-oh f-Fuck
Yeah you like having both of us touching you
Such a little slut for us aren’t you
Chris slides two fingers into me
Mmm Fuck c-Chris
Answer my question he says deeply causing me to look at him as my brows furrow In pleasure
Fuck y-yes I’m a slut for you
Atta girl he says before pulling my top up and sucking on my nipple
Fuck oh god I moan out as he sucks hickeys all over my tits and Chris fingers speed up .
Can I take these off ma he asked pulling on my shorts and underwear
Mhm I moan shaking my head yes at him
He yanks them off causing me to gasp
As he gets them all the way off he starts kissing up my thigh as Matt moves to start sucking all over my neck .
Chris starts biting and sucking hickeys on my inner thighs as his fingers keep a steady pace pumping into my pussy .
F-Fuck oh my-god
Are we making you feel good
Yes Fuck yes I moan out
All the sudden Chris’s mouth contexts to my clit sucking and licking .
Matt’s hand comes around my neck slightly choking me as he comes down to connect our lips
It’s a hungry wet kiss that makes me even wetter .
God I’ve always dreamed of a threesome but this is better than I could have ever imagined
I start feeling my orgasm building . I moan and whimper into the kiss .
I pull away from the kiss and I’m panting and pulling at Chris hair as he sucks harder on my clit and his fingers move even faster as he feels me clench around them.
he detached his mouth from my clit
Beg for it tell daddy how much you want it
Yeah you can come be a good girl and cum all over my face and fingers
Matt grips my throat as he makes me look at him
Look at me when you cum I wanna watch you fall apart in our hands
OH MY F-Fuck I’m c-cumming
That’s a good girl cumming for daddy
Jesus CHRIST I moan out as I slowly come down from my high
Did so good for us ma
Chris pulls out his fingers and puts them In his mouth sucking my juices off I watch in aww .
On all 4s now he says deeply. I do as I’m told once I’m in the position Matt pulls my top off so now I’m fully naked .
They both take of their shirts and throw them somewhere in the room .
I hear Chris take of his belt and drop his pants and boxers as he lines his dick to my entrance .
I whine wanting to feel him already.
I’m not giving it to you until you wrap that pretty little mouth around matt
I move as fast as possible unbuckling Matt’s belt and taking his jeans and boxers down so his dick pops out .
So eager aren’t you
Mhm I say looking up at matt smiling then looking down at his dick and JESUS CHRIST HES HUGE.
I take him in my hand he’s so thick my hand won’t even wrap around it fully .
I pump a couple times before taking his tip into my mouth . I start sucking as my hand moves around what isn’t in my mouth.
Chris slams into me causing me to scream around Matt . CHRIS IS HUGE TOO.
I can feel him stretching me out so much as he slams into me .
matt garbs a fist full of my hair and start thrusting onto my mouth .
fuck such a good girl taking us so well
I cant help but moan around him and pulse on Chris from his praise
I start gagging from how deep he is in my throat as spit drips down my chin onto the bed below
fuck your so fucking wet
I moan around matt and he thrusts harder into my throat definitely bruising it but I don't care I feel so good right now.
chris is hitting my gspot repeatedly causing me to shake and scream around matts dick .
fuck keep fucking gagging and struggling
I feel tears start to stream down my face from the pleasure
I start to feel my orgasm building as I moan around matt as he abuses my throat.
you gonna cum on my dick like a good little slut
I shake my ahead yes the best I can
matt pulls my head to look up at him as he abuses my throat harder causing me to cry harder
such a mess for us aren't you ? such a good little whore
my brows furrow as my orgasm rolls through me as I shake around Chris as I cum.
fuckkk so good cumming for me
he fucks me through my orgasm and keeps pounding into me as I come down from my high as my legs start shaking .
he pushes on my back making me arch further giving him a new angle that sends me into oblivion.
I scream around matt and he fucks my throat roughly
I start to feel pressure build in my stomach again making my legs shake and more tears to fall down my face .
all the sudden it snaps and I scream around matt as I feel my thighs get soaked.
god so fucking hot squirting all over me like the slut you are
fuck ive never squirted so much in my life .
he continues fucking into me harshly becoming more sloppy
fuck im gonna cum and your gonna fucking swallow all of it
I hate swallowing it tastes like shit and the texture makes me wanna throw up.
he thrusts a couple times before filling my mouth with his cum.
he pulls out them puts a hand over my mouth
swallow it slut
I shake my head no
he slaps me hard across the face causing me to swallow from the impact .
should have just listened instead of acting like a brat
I whined feeling my face sting
Chris pushes my back down further so im fully arching for him and hold my head up by my hair as matt wraps his hand around my throat.
mmm fuck YOUR SO DEEP
Yeah fuck im gonna cum you gonna let me fill you up
y-yes fuck please cum in me
such a good little cum slut he says before cumming deep inside me
mmm fuck I moan as I look up at matt as he smirks down at me .
Chris pulls out as I flop to down onto my stomach as my legs continue to shake.
oh we aren't done with you yet . flip over on your back for me matt says as he and Chris switch spots .
I watch as matt settles in-between my thighs and lines his tip to my entrance
spread your legs wider for me ma
I do as he says giving him more access as he starts sliding into me slowly.
I whine from how much more he's stretching me out he's even thicker than Chris and the fact my pussy is already sore and sensitive from Chris pounding me isn't helping the pain at all
oh my fuck your so big
yeah you feel how deep I am he says placing his hand on my lower stomach and pressing to feel himself inside me
mmhm fuck I moan out as he starts thrusting into me slow but rough
my head falls back as pleasure start to build inside me
I look up at Chris who's smirking down at me
god you make the prettiest faces
mmm fuck faster matt i moan out as I look back into Chris’s eyes
I didn't hear a please
p-please go faster please I sound so pathetic begging but I don't care
god you sound so pretty when you beg he says before pounding into me
OH MY G-GOD I scream as he is hitting my g spot at the perfect angle
I look up at Chris as he taps his tip on my lips
I do as im told and he slides into my mouth before holding my jaw with both hands and starts face fucking me .
the angle my head is hanging off the bed making it easy for him to slide into my throat causing me to gag around his as tears fall from my eyes.
sound so pretty gagging around my dick he says before he slides one hand down to my nipples pinching and pulling at them causing me to moan around him over and over.
he starts thrusting harder abusing my throat as he slaps my tit making me moan loudly around him.
he gets deeper in my throat causing me to gag and cough around him as spit drip out of the sides of my mouth onto my face and the rest of his dick that isn't in my mouth.
keep struggling slut you look so hot when you squirm
I moan around him as I start to feel pressure building in my stomach again
I grab onto matts back as i scratch deeply into it causing him to groan
fuckkk keep doing that I love that shit he says as he fucks into me harder causing me to scream and gag around Chris .
the tension snaps as I squirt all over him and the sheets
fuck your so fucking hot squirting all over me
he continues fucking into me causing me to squirm the overstimulation beginning to be too much .
I claw his back more harshly causing him to groan
god damn fells so fucking good when you claw my back like the little slut you are
im beginning to sob around Chris . im so overstimulated I can barely take it.
I remove my hand from matts back as I try and push on Chriss thighs so he would pull out so I could voice that im overstimulated
he slaps my tit hard as he pushes even deeper into my throat .
nah fucking take it like a good girl
he growls at me as I smack his thigh as my I continue crying .
I cant take it anymore its too much .
I move my hands to matts sides trying to push him out of me . he grabs my arms harshly slamming them down on the bed on each side of my head holding me down.
what's the matter slut? you overstimulated huh? he says in a tone that makes me want to slap him across the face .
I shake my head yes and try to cry out a mhm as Chris still abuses my throat .
well that's to fucking bad . I don't care how much you cum and squirm against me . you aren't done until I fill you up .
I scream around Chris as I feel myself squirt all over matt again causing my hips to lift up off the bed and my legs to shake even more and my thighs tighten around his torso .
he holds onto my hips as he continues pounding into me . now that my hands are free again I move them to his shoulders again trying to push him off of me . I literally can not take it anymore.
Chris pulls out of my mouth im confused as to why until he comes back over me with his belt .
w-what are you doing with that I moan out as matt still pounds deep into me.
since you want to act like a brat and try and push us away . he says as he grabs my arms harshly as he holds them to my chest and slides the belt under my back and secure my arms tightly to my chest.
now you cant use your arms at all
I groan in annoyance as I try and get my arms out but its no use.
fuck you I spit out at him
he slaps me across the face
I cry out from the sting
acting like a bratty bitch isn't gonna get you anywhere he says dominantly at me before grabbing me by the throat roughly.
now open that bratty mouth for me
I groan and shake my head no
n-no I c-cant its to much I cant take it anymore please
matt slaps my thigh so hard I scream
open your fucking mouth or I swear to god
I open my mouth as I roll my eyes
Chris slaps my face again
roll your fucking eyes at me again and you'll regret it
o-okay okay im s-sorry I sob out as I feel the pressure building in my stomach again causing me to moan as Chris slides back down my throat.
I scream around Chris as my orgasm rips through me ad I buck up into matt
fuck such a good girl cumming again for me god your squeezing me so tight
I sob around Chris feeling like I could pass out from how hard I just came
god so fucking tight and wet around me matt grabs my shaking legs hoisting them onto his shoulders getting an even deeper angle.
this causes me to scream around Chris again and again causing him to moan .
fuck im gonna cum . and your gonna be a good girl and swallow all of it
he thrusts a couple more time before his cum is down my throat and I swallow around him causing him to groan
fuuuck such-a good girl he groans then pulls out of my mouth . I cough as I try to catch my breathe.
I get cut off by matt slapping my across the face
your gonna fucking take it
mmmm fuck FUCK YOU I scream out as
he slaps me harder then grips my throat roughly
act like a brat you'll be treated as one
mmm fuck its to much I cant
mmmm I cry and shake under him as I try and wiggle out of his grip
mm mm where you going he says as he grips my throat and thigh tightly causing me to gasp for air through his tight grip
I feel pressure building quickly in my stomach . before I can even speak im cumming again all over him as my eye roll back and I lift off the bed as my hands fist as I shake uncontrollably under him.
aww look at you cumming again such a little whore
Oh sweetheart im not even close to finishing he says smirking sadistically down at me
mmmmm I growl in pain and pleasure
he brings both hands to my legs pushing them down to my chest as he thrusts even deeper in me.
JESUS C-CHRIST YOUR TO DEEP FUCK PLEASE I C-CANT chris kneels down so his mouth is right at my ear
matt is groaning as he feels my pussy pulse around him
don't act like you're not loving every minute of this . you love being our little slut he whispers husky in my ear causing me to shudder
you love the way we use you like our own personal fuck doll dont you
I whine unable to get words out as matt is pounding into me so hard I feel him in my stomach
I asked you a fucking question y/n now answer it
that's what I thought he says as he kisses my neck causing me to moan even louder from all the pleasure im feeling .
I feel pressure building in my stomach yet again.
you think you deserve it
beg for it then tell daddy how much you want it
yes you can cum . give it to me cover my cock
as soon as he gives me permission I squirt all over him so hard I stop breathing for a second.
JESUS CHRIST I scream as I finally start breathing again
Such a good girl your doing so good for me
Matt starts to slow his pace and he drops my legs pushes them out and apart.
Do you have any toys ma
Y-yes but why
Cause I wanna use one on you that’s why
O-okay I just don’t know if I can handle that right n-now
We know you can ma you wanna be good for us don’t you
Then where are they
In my b-bedside table drawer
Chris stands up now in his boxer as he goes into my bedside table grabbing my wand and handing it to Matt
If we let your arms free do you think you can be good or are you gonna push me away again
I -I’ll be good I promise
Okay but if you act up again we will put the belt back on
O okay I promise I’m won’t mmm Fuck I won’t act up again I moan out as Matt is thrusting into me at a sickly sweet slow pace
Chris just smiled down at me as he strokes my check with his hand then undoes the belt
I groan as I stretch my arms out since they are slightly numb from the position they were stuck in for so long.
Matt turns on the vibrator as Chris walks over and sits by my side as Matt hands it him
He starts thrusting into me harder causing my legs to shake harder .Chris puts the vibrator right on my clit causing me to scream out
Yeah that feel good ma
You think you can handle it if I turn it up
I think you can ma he says turning it up
Yeah cum for us ma be a good girl
OH GOD MMMM I moan as I jerk around under Matt whose still pounding into me and Chris keeps the vibrator on my clit sending my body into overdrive as I cum all over Matt’s dick.
As I come down I start crying the vibrations are becoming to much to fast my hand flys down to grip Chris’s wrist to pull the vibrator off
He slaps me
Mmm mm you promised to be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself
Y-yes I’m sorry I’m sorry
Keep being a good girl for us your doing so good ma
Mmmm Fuck c-can you just turn it d-down a little please please
He turns it down one setting giving me a little time to breathe and calm down
C-can I at-least touch you
Yes ma you can touch us
I move one hand onto Matt’s chest running my hands down it scratching marks down it as my other hand locks in Chris hair not too tight but enough to make him groan
Fu-Fuck feels so good
Yeah are we making you feel good ma
S-so good so fucking good
Such a good girl being so good for us
Fuck Chris turn it back up I wanna feel her clenching around me again
I get cut off by the vibrator going to max volume causing my breathe to hitch and my entire body to shake .
Give me one more I’m getting close I promise ma
Mmmm Fuck okay okay
Chris starts sucking on my neck creating more hickeys in spots that didn’t have them from earlier
I pull on his hair tighter as he comes up and places his lips on mine bringing me into a messy hot make out
I moan into his mouth as I feel my hopefully final orgasm moving in slowly .
As I feel my breathing pick up I pull away and keep eyes contact as I whine and whimper as he watches me struggle with a smirk on his face
God you look so beautiful all fucked out and whiny
F-Fuck I’m so close oh my god
Go on give us one more ma I know you can do it
I close my eyes but they shoot open when Chris hand come around my throat .
Look at me while you cum . I wanna watch you fall apart
Mmmm Fuck I’m gonna cum oh my god I say as I maintain eye contact as my brows furrow and I bite my lip harshly trying so hard not to Throw my head back and close my eyes.
Come on cum around my cock give it to me slut
As soon as the words leave Matt’s mouth I cum all over him causing his to groan and his hips to sputter.
Chris watches my face contort and I moan as I start to come down from my high.
Matt thrusts as deep as he can as he fills me up with his cum .
Holy fuck he groan out as he fills me and fucks it into me .
Jesus Christ Chris turn it off please please I beg as I stare into his eyes with the most desperate look on my face as tears roll down my face.
He turns it of as he places small sweet kisses on my neck .
Your such a good girl you did so good . I’m so proud of you
I smile at him as I try to regulate my breathing.
Matt pulls out of me causing me to hiss.
My pussy is so sore and my legs are shaking non stop .
Matt flops down next to me trying to catch his breathe.
Chris lays down with his head resting on my stomach .
I play with his hair as Matt places a kiss on my cheek.
That was… fucking amazing
Yeah y/n your pussy is the best I’ve felt in my entire life
I’ve never cum so much in my life and might I just say y’all are huge like HUGE
They both chuckle as they both sit up .
I’m gonna go start a shower so we can all wash up .
Okay I say softly smiling at him
Come here Chris says standing up holding out his hand .
I take it as he pulls me to my feet . My legs immediately give out on me as I fall back but he catches me .
Okay Bambi come here he says hoisting me up holding under my thighs
I laugh at his joke put smack him lightly on the arm .
Don’t call me that and just so you know this is yours and his fault just remember that
Oh trust me I’ll remember this forever
Oh shut up
You wanna drop the attitude or keep it and have to crawl to the bathroom
I bring one hand to my mouth acting like I’m locking it and throwing away the key
He just smiles at me before walking us both to the bathroom
As we enter Matt is turned back facing us as he feels the water temperature making sure it’s hot enough.
I gasp as I look at his back.
W-what what’s wrong
N-nothing just your back I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was scratching that deep
No don’t apologize I loved every second of if
Okay whatever you say
Come on pretty girl let’s get into the shower Matt says walking over as Chris sets me down and Matt carries me into the shower as Chris steps out of his boxers following .
Matt hisses a bit as the water hits his back
See I told you they were deep
No I’m fine it just stings a bit
Chris holds me from behind at he pumps some shampoo in his hands and begins washing my hair causing me to sigh at how good it feels to have some one wash it for me .
Matt spins me into the water so I can rinse it out then spins me back so Chris can put the conditioner in as Matt lathers my body in body wash .
It’s feels nice to be pampered like this after what you guys just did to me
Oh yeah has no one ever taken care of you like this after
Nope usually then fuck me they cum then leave
Wtf typa Assholes have you been meeting around here
Ones who never heard from me again tbh y’all are the first people I’ve had sex with in a couple years
Wait really why
Well for one I got tired of feeling used and also tired of guys using me for their pleasure and me never getting anything out of it . All the guys I’ve met only care about them finishing but never me . I spent a lot of night alone crying feeling like shit about myself for even fucking with them at all
Im sorry y/n they were Assholes they didn’t deserve you at all he says pulling me into a hug
I smile into his chest
Thank you guys really I’ve never felt so taken care of by 1 guy let alone two
Of course we wouldn’t treat you any other way
I’m gonna be honest I did not think this is how it would go my first time meeting you guys
How did you think it would go
Well I thought I would possibly see you guys at the concert maybe see you walk by ask for a picture and that would be it
I mean understandable but come on your so beautiful we couldn’t have been able to resist you either way
I laugh a little bit as Matt turns me to rinse my body and the conditioner out of my hair.
I’m very glad you guys decided to come back here with me not just because you know you just fucked the shit out of me but because I like being around you guys your so… genuine and sweet to me
They both smiled at me
Of course gorgeous we like being around you too
I smile back as they wash them selves off making me laugh a little .
What’s so funny
Oh nothing your just gonna smell like a girl and that makes me laugh
Oh whatever it beats smelling sweaty and gross
Very true
Chris turns off the water as we all step out to dry off . My legs are still shaky and sore but I can slightly walk normal minus the fuck ass limp I got .
They both laugh at me as I walk to my closet
Stop laughing at me you assholes
Sorry your limp is just so bad
Yeah well I can thank the both of you for that
Oh yeah your very welcome
I flick them both of as I grab just a new pair of underwear and slip them on then limp back to get into bed.
They both lay in their boxers .
It’s kinda hot it the room givin we’re all snuggled up under the covers of my king size bed .
Hey can one of you get up and turn the fan on and shut the lights off I say as I yawn
Mhm I’ll do it Chris says making his way to the switches turning the lights off and turning the fan on .
Matt pulls me into him as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck .
What time is it he asks in deep sleepy voice
Uh I don’t know Chris what time is it
Umm 4:30
Jesus y/n you almost bursted my ear drum Matt says smacking me in the side lightly
Sorryyyy but 4:30 that’s means y’all fucked me for like 4 hours
Uhh yeah seems that way
Jesus y’all got some stamina
Mm meh I guess so
You guess bitch I’ve never had sex for longer than 30 minutes
Well I guess today was your lucky day
Yeah I’d say . No wonder I’m so fucking sore I just got railed for 4 hours
They both chuckle as we all lay dozing off and before I know it we all pass tf out until 5 pm the next day when I hear my bedroom door burst open.
I stare at her half asleep as the two boys on either side of me wake up looking at me then her
Well I um … sorry we’ll talk later she says with a smirk slowly walking out
Oh god that’s so embarrassing
What’s embarrassing
She just walked in on me pretty much naked in bed with two guys
Oh that’s not embarrassing
Yeah I guess not since it’s you guys
What’s that mean
Oh nothing I’m still tired can we go back to sleep
Yeah same let’s go back to sleep
Don’t gotta tell me twice
we all fall back asleep
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mildiva · 5 months
Against Talking, For Sharing Bathrooms
alright despite three paragraphs of my first draft getting deleted i will Bravely begin again
(Prescript: tumblr has marked this as “mature.” is it because of the word bathrooms? do they think I’m advocating for gay sex? scholars remain divided.)
scene: beautiful, not-quite-lazy not-quite-spring saturday. what else is a girl to do but go out dancing? i’d already missed a great party, perverse, the night before. frankly i expected it to be kinkier than a bunch of gay guys in jockstraps, but who else would pay $40-50 for a night out? or who else could? instead I’d spent the night trying to fit a very nice and hairy boy’s monster cock inside my designer pussy.
what was i talking about? right, dancing. the first thing i saw on RA looked good: A/S/L? at Neptune Room, hosted by Associate. A bar and a DJ I wanted to check out what could be better? I rotated a thousand outfits in my mind, landing on a slutty White Lotus guest look.
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Whenever I go to a new bar or venue, I go straight to the bathroom so I can assess the pee situation and begin a preliminary vibe analysis. All gender bathroom? good sign. matrix on the TV? Also a good sign but points towards a nerdy clientele. as I started looking at everybody else in the bar I noticed one mean trans girl I know from around everybody else seemed… can I say this without sounding rude? Very 30- Somethings-bisexual-practicing-ethical-non-monogamy-coded. There’s nothing wrong with being that; I have a wonderful coworker who fits the description. However, not necessarily the group I most want to get down with or that I think will be the most fun to dance with. Unfortunately, my prejudices were right. 
I pee, I down a gin and tonic, and I shuffle my way to the teeny tiny dancefloor. Like, illegal basement Bushwick apartment bedroom. On a dancefloor that cramped, real dancers need every inch of real estate they can get it. So why was it filled with people standing there talking? As an empath, I get that not everybody wants to dance — however, the dance floor has a purpose, and if you don’t wanna dance, make space for the real dancing divas. Especially with music that’s supposed to be groovy as the party was billed! House, six different flavors of disco. hat is things and then switch to groove to die. Even punks need room to skank, and techno bros need room to move like those musical cactuses from animal crossing. Just putting it simply: if you don’t wanna dance, get off the dance floor, you can stand to the side or sit somewhere. Or fuck off! I’m not your mother.
Obviously, the crowding annoyed me to no end. So I get on Twitter and start complaining. This turns my night around. Ms. Gabberbitch69 told me come to Suns, a small theater frequented by film bros and film hoes where DJ Michelle Harvey was throwing For Your Pleasure, an Italo disco party. I chew on this, go to the bathroom again to take pictures (because I looked fucking good!). Aside from that, the only thing that’s really been a plus for me was a house cover (?) of a Björk song (Leash Called Love by the Sugarcubes) which frankly was the only reason I stayed as long as I did. When I came back to the dance floor people were at least two-stepping, so I thought I might stay for a while, but then simultaneously three different heterosexual looking couples started making out. When I saw that, I closed my tab and got my white ass out of there.  
A 10 minute drive and 30 minute parking adventure later, I roll up at Suns. I knew it would be good when I walked in and felt the temperature rise 30 degrees. Both floors were absolutely packed, so I put in my time waiting at the bar, one eye on the bartender wearing a top surgery scar tank. After my G&T is drained, I squeeze into a spot on the dancefloor and groove in my allotted half-square-foot of space. Some Japanese movie about… magical cats?… is being projected on the wall behind the DJ. It’s stunning. I don’t think I’ve intentionally gone dancing with a crowd that straight since the last time I went to Fl@sh (censored as to not invoke its demonic energy), but it was still a good crowd! I felt slightly out of place as one of five people dressed slutty but I made it work. The music was exactly as described: so 80s people should be doing coke off the tables.
(Okay coming back to this a month later I’ve dragged on far too long, lemme finish this)
I spent the rest of the night partying as I know how: dancing until I neared heat exhaustion, running outside to chat with friends of friends and friends to cool off, debating getting one more drink, sharing a bathroom and a bump with a man i was flirting with whose mouth unfortunately tasted too foul to continue anything with. The last DJ of the night closed with “Waking The Witch” by Kate Bush, a song I hadn’t listened to since starting SSRIS. So unexpected and dreamy.
Was I going somewhere with any of this? Not sure. Looking forward to the next For Your Pleasure though!
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|Come Closer| Kuroo Tetsurou x Blackfem!reader
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The following fanfic is an inspired spin-off of Deciphered by @hoeneymilktea, The Sunrise and Your Sins by @leia505 , and fanart by @aikk00 . Pls, check them out as well as other spin-off authors. Comments, Reblogs, and Shares are heavily appreciated. I hope you enjoy~ ♡
Words- 1,462
Trigger Warnings ⚠️ - Mentions of alcohol, weed suggestive if you squint.
Next Chapter》
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Chapter [004] Welcome Warning
Yesterday is when you recall it happening. How you were shocked to see Kuroo at your back door that late night in July. Heat sweltering, the air conditioner in need of a replacement, and unable to sleep you followed him past the neon alleys and powerlines.
Mischief isn't what he'd call it, just fun in the dark. Time alone together.
You had every reason to back out, he wouldn't make you stay. Your heart was pounding as he helped you through the gate, no trespassing boldly printed on a sign. Nobody was around, the coast was clear as you walked carefully, tiles still wet from earlier in the day's play. Putting your belongings and towels aside, you strip from your clothes.
Your beaded knotless braids down your back, your jean shorts at your feet. Kuroo's gaze traveled downward as his lip was in between his teeth before turning away. He entered the water daintily, barely breaking the surface below his torso where the blue began to blur.
Lowering himself fully in the water you push yourself off the pool's edge meeting him in the middle.
Pool lights halo your skin, droplets of water between you both as he melted under your hands pulling him close. His intense facade caved, softened by you and you alone. That's when it hit him. He couldn't do without you.
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"How much longer 'Kawa?" You asked for the umpteenth time tapping your fingers on your arm, your legs crossed as you sat in the back seat. Kuroo and Oikawa exchanged looks of concern at the stop light.
"No more than five minutes Girly. Promise."
Taking a deep breath he swivels the steering wheel one-handed into Shibuya. Out the window, the street fades out when your phone rings.
"Shit it's Dai." You request her call. "Hello? Daize? Are you alright?" The call drops ending on a dial tone. His car enters a derelict parking garage, some of the overhead lights fizzling out of sync. Oikawa unbundled his seat belt leavening into the building, Kuroo does the same opening the back seat door for you.
The three of you enter an elevator, it was quiet, too quiet.
Walking closer, they keep a straight line toward a pair of doors.
With a deep breath, they opened them.
"WELCOME BACK Y/N!!" A multitude of voices shouted from inside the massive venue. A welcome banner, balloons, and streamers loop the ceiling. Tables set with name cards and goodie bags. Even a live DJ off to the side with a bar.
Cocking your head, and rubbing the base of your neck the yelling from others was a haze in your brain.
There stood Iwaizumi and Kenma. Even some faces you have nearly forgotten. Your surprise guests bearing gifts and drinks in their glasses smiles all for you.
"Surprise Spades!" Dazie cheered running at you. You scooped her off the ground and practically crushed her with the force of your hug.
"What, from the bottom of my heart, the fuck were you thinkin'?"
You set her down.
"Don't be mad. I didn't want your welcoming party to be lame. This wasn't all my idea."
Dazie pointed her ombre manicured nail at Kuroo and Oikawa, they shrugged guiltily as charged. You nod, but with a tightness to it, holding back from saying a very cruel choice of words.
"I needa fuckin' drink."
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Your elbows rest on the balcony railing, everyone else in the venue enjoying themselves. Lights in the windows of neighboring buildings favoring twinkling stained glass to your astonishment comparable to the Manhattan skyline seen back home.
"You're the only girl I know who would leave a party planned just for her." Kuroo snickers walking in. He loiters beside you, coke and rum in his disposal red cup. "You'll catch a cold standing out here all night."
You snort taking a swig of your third mix of coconut-flavored vodka and pineapple juice. More vodka than juice truth be told.
"Is this the part where you give me your jacket to keep warm?"
"Pretty sure the liquor's keeping you nice and toasty."
He unzipped his red, black, and white Nekoma hooded letterman jacket shrugging it off his shoulders to then rest it on yours. Slipping your arms into it, your nose is tucked into the collar taking in his scent. Swallowed by the fabric, jacket paws fully replace your hands.
"You remember when I took you night swimming?" Kuroo's eyes and nose crinkle. "You were so scared we'd get caught."
"Cause we almost did. When you offered I thought you meant the beach. Not a pool on private property." You tittered toying with the jacket's zipper.
"I knew better than to go with but you drove a hard bargain."
He tugs you lightly by the ends of the jacket. Placing the zipper in his hand, his knuckles brushed your clothed stomach pulling it up to your neck. His head dipping to your level making you jolt a bit.
"I've gotta keep you on your toes somehow, right? "
Kuroo catches a sharp intake of breath, you tippy-toe to meet him halfway. His lips hover over yours narrowly grazing your parted ones. Leaning upward, his hand is in yours still holding the zipper.
"Like this? "
He groans pulling back looking off to the side shaking his head. "Y/n you play too damn much."
You smirk around the rim of your cup, downing the last of your drink.
"Spades c'mere for a sec will ya?" Daize requested your presence standing near the glass balcony entrance doors. Getting a load of Kuroo's moonlit peach-tinted cheeks, your victory is on display even as you leave him hanging tilting your head.
"Good talk Tetsu."
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Your steamy bathroom mirror wiped away by your palm reflects your toothbrush hanging from your mouth. Minty tingle on your tongue as you try again rinsing down the drain what's left of your many liquid party favors.
Dazie fast-tracked to the washer and dryer hoping her mom won't come sniffing at her come later in the morning. Predictably, her clothes stank like Cleome inexcusable by Mrs. Onishi's standards when you knew all too well what was in her stash jar and why she had a matching grinder.
Enigma is to blame although you've taken your fair share of hits in the rotation. Dazie's seen you crossfaded one time too many thanks to him summers before he got his racer tag. Even though you're Ghost's favorite customer. He's delivered a few extra nugs, sprinkled lavender in when he rolls your joints, and even packed his famous onigiri in case of the munchies. You've got a few hand-me-down ball caps from him however you're positive Kuroo wouldn't be fond of finding out who 'Smokey Hair' is in your contact list. Or how shotgunning was your go-to when alone together.
His brother Thrasher has a soft spot, always gifting you his outgrown designer clothes whenever you stop in Tokyo. Makes you wonder what else blondie might give up this time around. He'll come calling sooner or later.
Settling yourself into bed, you rub in your nightly skincare staying tuned for Kuroo's call back. Amidst the drive home, you caught his hazel glances from your peripheral.
Fingertips skim over his knuckles, a habit you couldn't shake whenever sleepiness crept. That unchanged cheeky half-smile of his right where you left it.
Dazie made her way out the bathroom and down the hall to her room whispering good night. Turning off the lights as she went, you turned off your own room light shutting your room door.
His caller ID appeared.
"You home safe Tetsu?" You asked, resting on your side.
"Yeah I got in a few minutes ago. Don't worry it wasn't that long of a drive. You should've been asleep by now y/n."
"I know, I wanted to hear your voice before I do. I don't like you on the roads this late."
There was a pause and a yawn on his end of the call. "You putting me on curfew Shortcake?"
"You know what I ment Tetsurou."
You yawn as well snuggling deeper into your light blanket. "Or should I start callin' you D.K.?"
"Don't even. Tet, Tetsu or Tetsurou are just fine."
Your eyelids droop, phone slipping lazily from your grasp. "I miss you..." 
"I miss you too, hon. You'll see me in the morning, I'm sure of it."
Soft snores from your end gave him a weak smile.
"G'night y/n."
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If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to follow me for more. If you'd also like to be added to the tag list, comment below.
Taglist: @blissfullyrhea @nanastie @peachjaem00 @melbugs1 @jfoxxarts
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Once In A Lifetime
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Summary: While at a brewery the day before her sister’s wedding, the reader runs into her once in a lifetime fling, Dean, for the third time. It’s been fours years since they’ve seen each other and eight since they met but the timing’s never seemed to work out between them until maybe now...
Pairing: Wedding Date!Dean x reader
Square: Wedding Date!AU
Word Count: 2,100ish
Warnings: language, fluff
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo. Enjoy!
“Y/N fucking Y/L/N,” you heard as you were mid chew of eating your piece of pizza. You spun around and swallowed, a big grin crossing your face. 
“Dean!” you said. You ditched your table with your family and ran over to him, Dean giving you a big hug and swinging you around. “You look great!”
“You got even better looking, sweetheart,” he grinned as he set you down. You bit your bottom lip and he blushed a bit. “You look good, Y/N. Never expected to see you again, especially Kansas City of all places.”
“I’m in town for a family wedding. I thought you lived in LA?” you said.
“Used to. I own this place,” he said. “How long’s it been?”
“Four years. Another four before that,” you said. 
“So much for once in a lifetime,” he smirked. 
“Still a boy in there, aren’t you, Dean.”
“A bit,” he smiled. “Older too.”
“Same. We were just kids back then.”
“We’re still kids. We just got most of our shit together now,” he said. 
“Oh yes. Still single and still working a job I hate. I so got my shit together,” you said.
“I wear makeup for a living so you’re doing better than me,” he said. “Also still single.”
“I thought you dated some actress or something a while back.”
“Didn’t work out. Put my head down, been working a lot lately,” he said. “Am I about to meet your fangirl sister you told me about?”
“Oh God,” you said as you caught Georgia wandering over from your table with Scott. “I am so-”
“Hi!” she said and you groaned. “Do you know my little sister?”
“Y/N and I go way back,” said Dean. Georgia slapped your arm and you whined. 
“You’re friends with him and you didn’t tell me!” she said.
“Oh well we haven’t seen each other in years,” said Dean. Georgia looked at you and you shook your head, her own nodding.
“He’s Italy Dean, isn’t he. Dean Winchester is freaking Italy Dean!” she said and Scott covered her mouth, shaking his head.
“Gia, let’s leave your sister to catch up with her friend in peace, hm?” he said.
“This is why I love you Scott,” you said as he dragged her away.
“I like her,” chuckled Dean. “How long you in town for?”
“A few days. Rehearsal dinner is tonight, wedding tomorrow, head home the next day.”
“Not much free time then,” he said.
“Yeah I-” you said before Georgia screamed. You turned around, your sister stomping around and shouting into a phone. 
“It’s tomorrow! They wait until the last minute to call and cancel the venue!” she said. Scott seemed miffed which was probably as angry as he ever got and your mom was already over trying to calm them both down.
“You can use the brewery,” said Dean quietly. He shrugged as you stared up at him. “We’ve been toying with reserving for private parties over on the far side of the property. Strand lights, farmhouse style wedding, yada yada.”
“Can it look like this?” you asked as you pulled out your phone. You showed him a picture of the venue and the style Georgia had wanted to go for. “I can call all the vendors. All we need here is tables, clean up, you get the drill.”
“What time is the wedding?” he asked.
“1. Reception starts at 4, was supposed to go to about midnight or so.”
“You’re the maid of honor I presume.”
“Can we make this work? I know she sounds insane but she’s actually really sweet most of the time.”
“I’m gonna need help setting this up. Might be an all nighter.”
“I like coffee,” you said. He nodded and you turned around. “Gia! Calm down! I got a solution for ya.”
“Hi,” said Dean as you pulled into the employee parking lot at around ten that night. “How’d the dinner go?”
“Fine. Gia’s stressed out so Scott and I got her drunk. I told her I had it handled,” you said. “I have dunkin and my sneakers and put me to work.”
“The guys are nearly done with the lights. I need you to help me with tables and stuff, where you want everything,” said Dean. 
“Alright,” you said. “Do you have a notebook I can borrow?”
“Pad of paper work?” he asked as you followed him into the back of the brewery. You hummed and he handed it over along with a pen. You cut through a side door and found yourself outside, staring at a whole bunch of lights in trees and along a privacy fence.
“Oh she’s gonna love this,” you said as you walked out there. You started to jot down where trees were and drew some tables on the paper, rearranging them a few times before you held it up to Dean. “Can you put the tables like this?”
“Definitely can do. I’ll handle the forklift, you tell me where you want the picnic tables,” he said.
Forty minutes later the tables were out back and you’d laid out some rubber mats to act as a dance floor with one of Dean’s employees. 
“So DJ is there…” you said to yourself as Dean whistled for you to come over to where he and a few guys were laying out the impromptu bar top. “What’s up?”
“We were just wondering how fancy is your sister? Like is it that fairytale farmhouse thing or she like it more rustic?”
“She’s the former. My future brother in law is the later. He’s the one from here,” you said. “I was just thinking we’d throw a table cloth over the top of whatever we use for a bar.”
“We still got that piece we didn’t use in the second room?” said a man.
“The too dark of stain one? Yeah, it’s in storage. I bet that’d work great,” said a different guy. They took off and you took a deep breath as you looked around.
“It’s getting there,” said Dean. “If you want to head back to your hotel I think we can handle the rest.”
“It’s not that late,” you said. “I can do the tables while you guys figure out the bar situation if that’s cool.”
“Alright. Let me know if you want any help, sweetheart,” he said. You crossed your arms and he mimicked you, tilting his head down. 
“Thank you for all of this. Georgia will love it.”
“I’m not doing it for Georgia,” he said with a soft smile. You bit your lip and turned your head, feeling Dean step closer. “If I asked you to stay a few more days, would you?”
“Would you?”
“Then stay. Let’s try this for real.”
“I thought you weren’t a commitment kind of guy. That’s what you said.”
“You said there were no strings attached and yet here we are eight years later and I am as smitten as the first time I saw you.” You looked up at him, Dean reminding you of just how easy it was to fall in love with him. 
And how hard it was to fall out of it after the two you went your separate ways. Twice.
“Dean it’s never worked before.”
“We never tried. Italy was the two of us having fun and falling way too hard and fast and it scared the shit out of us both. And your car...that couldn’t have been coincidence. We spent the night in that motel room being goofy and reconnecting and then you got so hard when we said goodbye.”
“It’s kinda hard to get over you.”
“Don’t get over me this time,” he said. “I never did with you.”
“I can’t be with a celebrity and do that stuff.”
“Oh yes, I live a very glamorous life,” he said as he looked around. “Should I get out the forklift again?”
“Dean you know what I mean. You were coming up eight years ago. Four you had fans. Now you got even more. I live in a one bedroom apartment and work on sales reports from my kitchen table.”
“If you work from home then staying down here a few more days shouldn’t be a problem,” he said.
“Dean you’re gonna break my fucking heart again and I don’t want to put it back together. Can we just leave it at friends?” 
“Okay.” He unfolded his arms and cupped your face with both hands, pulling you into a deep kiss. You grabbed onto his shirt and slid your hand up to his face, Dean slow to break it off. “I don’t want to wait another four years.”
“I’ll stay a few days and if I’m not convinced there’s something…” you said as Dean chuckled. “Oh shut up you hopeless romantic.”
You brought your lips to his, moving slowly, Dean’s hands wrapping around to your hip, the nape of your neck, kissing you as gently as he did the first time he had.
“Uh, boss,” said a voice. You stepped away from each other and he grunted. “We got some barrels we could use to rest the top on.”
“Yeah,” said Dean. “Sounds good. Right?”
“Very good,” you said with a nod. “Dean, you uh, mind helping me with the tables?”
“Not at all, sweetheart.”
The Next Evening
“Hey,” you said as you found Dean in a suit, no tie, top collar undone and helping serve some beer from the taproom.
“Hey. You want a glass?” he asked.
“Sure,” you said. He poured two and excused himself, heading back with you over towards the reception. “I really can’t thank you enough. My sister loves it even more than the original place.”
“It’s no problem. I’m glad I could help out,” he said. You stopped just outside the reception, Dean smiling as he sipped from his glass. 
“Would you dance with me?”
“Sure,” he said. He set his glass down and took yours, placing it with his own before he grabbed your hips and started to sway slowly. 
“I meant at the wedding,” you laughed.
“But we’re already dancing,” he smiled. He spun you around and hummed quietly. “You look gorgeous tonight.”
“Thank you. You clean up well, Winchester.”
“This old thing?” he chuckled. “It’s my lucky suit.”
“You wore it that night. I thought you were gonna blow me off.”
“Went out and bought it after that afternoon. You wore that pretty white summer dress with the ruffles.”
“Couldn’t exactly wear a white dress tonight,” you said.
“I’m sure you’ll wear one someday,” he said. “You got plans after the party?”
“Might see this guy if he’s available. Not sure yet.”
“Oh he is. He knows a late night diner not too far with big greasy burgers if she’s interested. Plus he’s got a cool car.”
“Let’s go,” you said as you brushed your lips over his.
“Is the wedding over?”
“It’s dying down. I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“Let’s go.” He held out his arm and you stuck yours through it, Dean escorting you out to his car. You felt cooler out in the open air and he shrugged off his suit jacket, slipping it over your shoulders. You stuck your arms through and he opened the door for you, smiling to himself. “Ladies first.”
“Dean?” you said before you sat down. You pecked a kiss to his lips and he inhaled sharply. “Maybe I can stay longer than a few days?”
“You could just stay forever,” he said.
“Maybe I will,” you said. He cupped your cheek and grinned, kissing you slowly. “Don’t go away again.”
“Never, sweetheart. Let’s see if we can get a start on forever finally.”
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classysassy9791 · 3 years
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Fandom: Inuyasha Genre: Romance/Humor/Fluff Pairing: InuKag Rating: T
Originally written for @inukag-week on tumblr circa 2016, now officially being updated. Its been a hot minute, hasn't it?
For InuKag Week - Day 2: Warmth
Part 1 l
Part 2 Word Count: 2,600
Can also be found on FFN and AO3.
Kagome couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so hard.
Sometime between the moment she met the arrogant, rude man known as Inuyasha and the three shots she had consumed, they had fallen into a flirtatious banter that she rather enjoyed. Gone was the pompous jerk who had so rudely called her audacious names, replaced by a man who proved to actually be decent company.
No, she hadn't forgotten about their initial meeting, but as she downed another shot of whiskey, she realized she didn't much care. For the first time in months - maybe longer - Kagome found herself enjoying her evening. With her shackles removed and her inhibitions lowered, she relished in the sweet taste of freedom that had been sorely lacking from her life.
"You did not!" she squealed with absurdity in her tone, clamping a hand over her mouth.
Inuyasha chuckled, tilting his glass and giving a half-shrug. "I did," he confessed sheepishly, but not at all ashamed of his actions. "Miroku ran down the dorm hall, completely naked, screaming after me."
Kagome shook her head. "I can honestly say I have never stolen my roommates clothes while they were in the shower. Or pulled any pranks on them, really."
"To be fair," he continued, signaling the bartender for another round. "He actually met his girlfriend that way."
"By running naked down the hallway?"
He nodded. "Knocked her down and stopped to apologize."
"Still want to leave the tab open?" Kouga interrupted.
"Yeah, that's fine." Inuyasha finished off his beer. "Another round of whiskey shots while you're at it."
Flashing Kagome a smile, Kouga took their empty glasses. "You're going to dry me out."
"It's still early," Kagome barbed playfully. "Your bar will last until midnight at the very least."
He chuckled, filling up their shot glasses and handing them another drink. "Oh, thanks. I was afraid I'd have to close up soon."
Leaving with a, "flag me down if you need me," Kouga wandered to the other end of the bar where a busty blonde waved at him.
Typical, Kagome thought sourly. On the one hand, she didn't like the way her thoughts were turning, considering she didn't really know Kouga, and hated grouping him in with the rest of the spineless male population she had become accustomed to - especially since he was a bartender and it was literally his job to tend to the needs of his customers. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel bitter about his attention leaving her. Maybe it was because she had so blatantly been deprived of it for so long, that her longing for companionship had been exacerbated ten-fold.
Taking a sip of beer - which she had switched to once they started doing shots - Kagome heard her phone buzz in her purse again; it had already gone off several times during her conversation with Inuyasha. She finally pulled it out and unlocked it, frowning at the array of messages popping up on her screen.
Inuyasha raised a brow at the irritable look that overcame her expression before Kagome sighed and locked her phone. She quickly downed her shot of whiskey, not even bothering to 'cheers' him.
"Everything okay?" Inuyasha questioned, against his better judgement. There was a reason people showed up by themselves at a bar on Friday nights - either to drown their sorrows in whiskey or to find company for a few fleeting, midnight hours.
Kagome pressed her lips together. She didn't come to the bar to talk about her problems. She wasn't some sad case that needed a therapist to pour her drinks. If anything, she wanted to forget about the emotional damage that had been inflicted earlier that day. Her heart had been broken, her ego bruised, and no matter how many times her friends had told her he wasn't worth it, their sympathies didn't make her feel any better.
But, alcohol had a funny habit of turning into truth serum, and she found herself spilling her guts before she could stop herself. "Just my ex-boyfriend - er, fiance - blowing up my phone."
Inuyasha chuckled. "Can't take a hint, huh?"
Kagome shrugged with a bitter smile. "I mean, he broke off the engagement. Not sure why he can't follow through with his decision."
She had expected sympathy, perhaps even empathy. That's what most people offered in a situation like this, when they didn't know what to say or how to react. But Kagome was caught off-guard by Inuyasha's next question.
"How long were you together?"
Kagome eyed him curiously, his honey gaze hiding a wealth of understanding. "Five years," she answered him, twirling a strand of her dark hair around her finger. "Planned our life together, put a ring on it, and even booked the venue. But… I suppose he got cold feet a long time ago."
"His loss. What kind of bastard would put someone through that?"
She hummed thoughtfully, but didn't answer. It wasn't in her best interest to start talking about the past now, and she would rather take the spotlight off of herself all together. "What about you?" she asked her barstool companion as she took another sip of beer. "Any lucky ladies in your life?"
Inuyasha chuckled mirthlessly. "Nah, not anymore."
Kagome arched a brow. "Dare I ask?"
"Not much to tell. Her career and ambitions drove a wedge between us, and she decided they were more important than me. Simple as that."
"Sounds high maintenance."
He grinned. "Something like that. I mean, she knew what she wanted and didn't care what stood in her way. Even me."
Kagome felt an ache beneath her breast for the man beside her. She knew the pain of rejection very well. "Put out in the rain just like a dog. Doesn't that bother you?" she asked, tilting her head.
He frowned at her choice of words, and Kagome knew she may have touched a nerve then, but the alcohol had stripped her of her filter apparently.
"Well, I guess we're all damaged somehow," he replied with a shrug.
She scrunched her nose. "That's a bit thoughtless."
"What can I say? Shit happens. Get over it."
And then Kagome suddenly remembered the arrogant, rude, condescending jerk she had met when she had sat down at the bar earlier in the night. She narrowed her eyes. "Why are you such an ass?"
Inuyasha smirked while bringing his beer to his lips. "You are what you eat?"
Kagome let loose a growl of frustration. She had only known him for a short time, but she had quickly learned that Inuyasha was the most infuriating human being on the planet! "Your immaturity is revolting," she stated matter-of-factly, waving down Kouga for another shot of whiskey. She was definitely not drunk enough to deal with the way the conversation had turned.
"I'm not known for my friendly disposition."
Kagome glared at the man sitting next to her. "Is it fun being a jerk to me? Does it satisfy you?"
Inuyasha chuckled. "Actually, it is pretty entertaining."
She rolled her eyes. "You know, Inuyasha. You can hide behind that fake bravado all you want, but I know you're just a big softie underneath."
"Keh," he grumbled, finishing off his beer.
Kagome threw him a glare. "What? No witty repartee?"
He set down his empty glass with a little more force than usual, grabbing Kagome's attention. "I know your type, wench," he snapped, his amber eyes boring into hers. "I know exactly the kind of person you are; all high and mighty, acting as if you're better than everyone else. You think you can show someone how great life can be and how fantastic it is if I would just try. Well, sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but not everyone is worth saving, all right?"
His words left Kagome stunned into silence for a brief moment. How did their witty banter only a few minutes ago turn into this? This… This denied anger and unadulterated cynicism had Kagome reeling, her thoughts turning to what exactly had penetrated Inuyasha's life so completely that he had such a negative outlook on such.
She pursed her lips. "How much do you think you're worth?"
Inuyasha shrugged. "Like twenty bucks. Or two twinkies." He grinned at his own comment, but Kagome didn't find it very funny.
If anything, Kagome felt pity for him. No matter how bleak her life became, she always managed to find the good in it. If a person couldn't do that… Well, that was a pretty sad way to live. "As much as I would love to hear you divulge all of your secrets, this is a great song and I feel like dancing."
"Look, wench," Inuyasha barked out, his anger palpable. "I'm not looking for your validation. I'm pretty fucking happy with my life of dirty pennies and whiskey bottles. We don't all need to be Barbie."
She looked over at him, the low dim of the bar lights shining off his silver hair, and found she could only nurse one wounded heart at a time. "I just wanted you to leave tonight and think the world is a little less horrible than you thought."
"Hey, pretty lady," Kouga greeted as he appeared at the perfect time with another shot of whiskey for her and a full beer, stealing her full attention away from Inuyasha.
Kagome immediately downed the shot and chased it with her beer, ready to forget half of the night and lose herself in the music pounding through the speakers. As the evening wore on, the bar became busier, and the DJ had started up a round of tunes that had half the customers on the dance floor.
Kouga watched her curiously, arching a brow. "You alright there?"
"Dance with me?" she called over the bass pounding through the speakers. Oh yes, it was now the time of the night in which she had no qualms for asking for what she wanted.
He chuckled and glanced over at the other bartenders who appeared to have things under control. "You can steal me for a few minutes."
Kagome grinned and giggled like a school girl, leaving Inuyasha behind without delay. Kouga met her at the end of the bar and took her hand in his as she pulled him out onto the dance floor.
Some upbeat dance music blasted through the speakers. Kagome moved and swayed through the bodies crowding near the DJ, the vibrations of the music becoming part of her energy, raising her up several levels at once. Gone were her heartbroken wallows and the biting arrogance of her barstool companion. Her mind buzzed with pure joy. She moved in her dress like her hips were made to sway, the black sequins catching the disco ball that twirled above, causing her to glitter on the dance floor.
Kouga pulled her close, his strong hand pressed against the small of her back, his chiseled chest pressed against hers. She ran her fingers through her messy hair and pulled it to the side, feeling the beat of the music pound with each beat of her heart. Bodies pressed in tighter all around them. Kagome felt the part of her that was really her come out to play, to feel the vibe of the music and let her body go free.
"You're beautiful," Kouga's voice whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
His lips looked soft and very kissable, and Kagome knew her decision-making skills were indeed hindered by the alcohol that buzzed through her veins. And then his attention was caught by something else, his royal blue eyes pulling from hers to the outskirts of the dance floor. He said something to her, attempting to shout above the music, but his words were swallowed up by the electric beat that kept her entranced.
Kagome felt his hands slip from around her waist and he disappeared into the crowd. She didn't bother to follow, her hands playing with her hair, her hips moving to the music as she lost herself within it. This was what her heartbroken soul had fiercely needed; a night to forget all the troubles of the day.
Large, meaty hands found her waist, but they were unfamiliar and too warm to the touch. Kagome felt a warm flush find her cheeks as she gazed up to meet a stranger's hazy stare. He pulled her in close - too close - and even in her alcohol-ridden mind, she felt mild panic begin like sparks in her abdomen.
She tried to push him away, first gently and then forcefully, pretending to laugh at his behavior. "Thanks for the dance, but I need some fresh air."
"C'me on, baby," he slurred, pulling her tighter to his sweaty frame, his hot breath rolling over her skin. "We just met. Let's dance s'me more."
Kagome frowned. "I said no." Before she could stomp on his foot and fight her way out of the throng of dancers, the man was forcefully pulled away from her. They became separated by another man, one with very familiar silver hair who had his back to her. She didn't hear the words exchanged, but whatever was said was enough to send the man scampering off to the other side of the bar.
Inuyasha turned around, his piercing honey eyes studying her expression, before his hand gently wrapped around her waist. His grip on her wasn't strong like Kouga's, or possessive like the stranger. Inuyasha's hand was warm against the small of her back, and the anxiety she felt moments ago melted away.
"You okay?" he asked, swaying his hips in tune with hers as they continued to dance to the beat of the music.
She grinned up at him. "Were you worried about me, jerk?"
"Keh," he grumbled, his lips pulling into a smirk. "I despise you more than any other human I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. You're loud and wild and apparently have no sense of self-preservation. You also act like you have the mental capacity of a five year old."
"Are you flirting with me?" she barbed in return.
His hand found the back of her neck, his fingers finding purchase in her hair, his hips grinding against hers. Warmth pooled into the pit of her stomach, his breath caressing her skin, and she moved her lips to find his.
Kagome barely had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss with the strong scent of beer being exchanged between their billowing breaths. Her arm reached up and tangled around his strong neck. She pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, letting a moan escape in the contact of body heat against her own, before she drew back into his lips.
She could nearly taste the slight bitterness of the beer as it rolled off her tongue and seeped down her throat with every push of his tongue against hers. The kiss coupled with the beer and whiskey humming through her system obliterated every thought. For the first time that day, her mind was locked into the present. Her usual concerns for her life were suspended, and she had no wish for the kiss to end.
But as the music changed, they pulled apart. Inuyasha's skin shimmered with sweat and his amber eyes flecked with gold held her gaze. The beat of the music consumed them under the crazy neon lights, and Kagome felt alive during a night that was still so young.
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riasei · 4 years
pairing: takami keigo x fem! reader
warnings: slight angst, cursing
word count: 6,015
note: It has been one (1) day, and I am already back. however, I apologize to my sinners, but there is nothing nsfw about this. I am the biggest simp for keigo and when this idea popped in my head I just had to write it out. Fun fact: my psych class got a peek of this because I accidentally closed tabs while sharing my screen during a zoom conference :) I’ve never wanted to die more.
summary: keigo begins acting weird after the two of you attend a friend’s wedding.
The aroma of soft citrus fills the air as you carefully spray some of your perfume at the juncture of your neck. With a delicate whiff, you take in the scent, enjoying the smell of fresh lemon and the tiniest hint of vanilla. Strong arms come up behind you, wrapping around your waist, pressing your back flush against a lean chest. 
With a giggle, you paw at the arms. “Keigo, you’re going to wrinkle my dress!” You shout, attempting to pry his figure away from you.
Your stubborn lover nuzzles his face into your neck, his scruff slightly tickling you. “But you smell so fucking good,” He groans. You can feel his teasing grin against your soft skin, his hot breath fanning against you.
“If you keep this up, we’re going to be late.” You warn, a pout etching its way onto your face. 
The man breathes in your scent deeply before pulling away from you, his arms giving you one last squeeze to your waist. In the vanity mirror, you can see Keigo smiling at you with complete adoration, his brilliant eyes drinking you in. Your formal dress is your favorite color, and it complements your skin tone beautifully. The outfit doesn’t necessarily hug your figure, but it accentuates you in the best way possible. To Keigo, you look absolutely ethereal.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You hum, picking up a tube of lip gloss and looking into the mirror as you carefully apply the product. 
The blonde chuckles, his playful expression never faltering. “Trust me, I have enough pictures of you to last a lifetime. But, no picture could ever do you justice.” He murmurs.
Delicate pink blossoms on your cheeks, rivaling the blush you applied earlier. “You have the audacity to say that to me while you’re standing there looking like that?” 
Keigo tilts his head, bringing his hand up to adjust his suffocating tie, the fabric the same bright vermillion as his wings. His earrings glint in the fluorescents lights of your vanity. “I’m glad you like it, Doll, but this shit is so uncomfortable.” He groans, meeting your gaze in the mirror.
You smile sympathetically, pressing you’re your lips together to blend the gloss on your lips. “It’s only for a few hours, after that, I promise you won’t be in that suit for much longer.” You suggest, raising a brow.
The hero hums, placing a sweet kiss to your temple. “Remind me why we can’t just not show up and instead skip to the good part?”
“Because our friends are getting married and they want us to be there, that’s why.” You deadpan, flicking your boyfriend’s forehead.
He yelps dramatically, pulling away from you and covering his forehead. “Seriously,” You roll your eyes, clicking your tongue. “You call yourself a Pro-Hero?”
Keigo begins to pout, preparing to launch into one of his tangents. However, before he’s able to talk your ear off, his phone begins to ring. He fishes it out of his pocket, staring in surprise at the screen. “Oh! It’s the groom himself.”
The blonde answers the phone cheerily. “Kamui, having second thoughts? If you feel like bolting, I can totally drive the getaway car.” 
You nearly facepalm at Keigo’s idiotic greeting but resist the urge in fear of smudging the makeup that took you hours to perfect. Silently, you work on touching-up your hair while your boyfriend speaks on the phone, his tone swiftly changing. 
“Alright, calm down. Just talk to me, what’s going on?” He reassures, wings ruffling slightly as he begins to pace around the room.
The room is silent on Keigo’s end for a few moments before Keigo begins yelling into his phone. “Listen, I’m getting pissed off listening to your doubts. You’re really acting like this on the day of your fucking wedding? You should’ve thought of this shit before proposing, dumbass.” He snarls, eyes narrowing. 
You immediately turn around, shooting your boyfriend a menacing glare. Being nervous is perfectly normal, especially on such an important day like this. Only when Keigo catches your downcast eyes does he seem to shrink into himself, barely noticing just how harsh his words were. 
“Ah, Kamui, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, don’t listen to a word I just said.” The blonde frantically apologizes, eyes darting around the room.
More silence passes before Keigo speaks once more. “Listen, being anxious is normal, I’m sorry for dismissing you. But I don’t think you have to worry. You’ve told me countless times just how much you love this woman. She’s the one for you.” He soothes, voice starkly different from just moments before.
After several moments, Keigo bids a goodbye before hanging up his phone. He avoids your eyes as you make your way across the room, stalking over to his timid form. “What the hell was that about?” You wonder, poking a finger into his chest.
Keigo shifts uncomfortably under your piercing gaze. “I don’t really know,” He mutters, ashamed. “I guess his doubts just didn’t make much sense to me.”
Your mouth twists into an unfriendly scowl. “I would be just as nervous as him on my wedding day!” You declare confidently. The way Keigo stiffens at the mention of marriage doesn’t go unnoticed by your watchful eye. “He has every right to be anxious. He’s promising his life to someone else today. That’s a huge deal. Cut him some slack, okay?”
You reach a hand up, cupping your lover’s cheek in your hand. He instantly leans into your touch, eyes fluttering shut at the contact. He nods his head meagerly at your request, eyes opening when you press a small kiss to his cheek. Keigo gazes down at you with conflicted eyes, a tsunami of emotions washing over him all at once.
“Is everything alright, Kei?” You question, snapping the man’s attention to you.
His first instinct is to muster up a toothy smile and say some corny joke before musing your hair, confirming that everything is fine. But he doesn’t. You know him too damn well to fall victim to such a lie. Instead, the blonde hangs his head, exhaling slowly. “I don’t know…” He trails off.
Eyes softening, you wrap your arms around his waist, enveloping the man in a comforting embrace. The thought of wrinkling your dress doesn’t even cross your mind. “Do you want to talk about it?” You ask, stroking calming circles at the base of his wings. 
“Not right now, Birdie.” He sighs, savoring your touch.
The way you’re so patient with him, never forcing him to talk. The way you are so quickly able to make him feel comforted and loved. The two of you have been together for years, and yet your affection and love never ceases to surprise him. How could someone as perfect as you love a bastard such as himself? 
Keigo is the first to pull away, helping you straighten your dress as he separates from you. “Well, if you ever feel like talking about it, I’ll be right here, okay?” 
The blonde presses an affectionate kiss at the top of your head. “Okay.” 
Loud cheers erupt through the reception as Keigo makes his way up to Endeavor, asking him for a dance. You desperately wish you had pulled out your phone in time to capture the No. 1 hero’s expression when your boyfriend so seriously extended his hand to him. The poor fiery man looked absolutely horrified and disgusted all at once. 
In the end, the two men ended up sharing a very awkward and hilarious dance due to the immense pressure the crowd was putting on Endeavor to accept. As soon as Endeavor took Keigo’s hand, Present Mic, the resident DJ, immediately switched the song to something intimate and slow, which only added to the mortification of the Todoroki.  
The two men sway together, awkwardly stepping on one another’s feet. Your boyfriend does his absolute best to annoy the living hell out of his fellow hero, and you have a feeling that the media is going to have a field day with this. Towards the end of the song, Keigo being Keigo, has to go out with a bang. He uses his feathers to lift up Endeavor into the sky before dropping the man, sending him plummeting down to the floor only to be caught in your boyfriend’s arms. 
Laughter explodes, no guest is able to contain themselves at the sight of the No. 1 hero being carried bridal style in the arms of the winged-hero Hawks. You have no doubt that someone managed to take a video of the moment, which will most definitely end up on tomorrow’s news. 
Endeavor is seething, escaping your boyfriend’s clutches as fast as possible. He gives a loud roar, screaming at Keigo, who dons a shit-eating grin. The red-haired man storms away, heading towards the bar for a much-needed drink. 
You can’t contain your giggles as Keigo walks back over to you, slinging an arm around your waist. “Do I have anything to worry about?” You laugh, eyeing the blonde through your peripheral.
His smile widens. “I don’t know… Enji does have quite the ass.”
Playfully, you slap the hero’s arm before leaning up to kiss him. The two of you break away laughing, eyes gleaming under the twinkle lights decorating the venue. 
Someone clears their throat, and you look towards the front of the area to see Present Mic speaking into the microphone. “After that beautiful display… it is now time for the bouquet toss! Unmarried ladies, gather round to see just who is going to be getting hitched next!” 
You turn, pressing a sweet kiss to Keigo’s jaw before slithering out of his grasp. “That’s my cue,” 
The blonde gulps, and his eyes drift to lock onto anything but you. He shifts in his spot a takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, nibbling slightly. You quirk your head and begin to walk back to him, preparing to ask what’s wrong. But, before you have the chance, you’re being whisked away by an eager Mt. Lady.
A small crowd of women gathers together in the middle of the dancefloor, all ready to participate in the bouquet toss. Kamui’s newlywed wife smiles at everyone before turning around, her dress swishing behind her gracefully. With a small count off, the woman throws the bundle of flowers behind her, several poorly wrapped daises flying onto the floor. 
Several women dive for the flowers, some going as far as to even push others around. You halfheartedly walk forward, hands outstretched. Just as you’re about to retract your hands, the soaring flowers begin their descent right into your grasp. The sharp thorn of a rose pricks your thumb, but the shock of catching the flowers outweighs the pulsating pain. 
A few people gasp, and others cheer when they see you’ve got the bouquet. Some of the women who ended up diving desperately for the flowers groan, offering meaningless congratulations. You giggle at the flowers, searching the crowd for Keigo’s expression. 
You find him in the same spot where you left him, expect, his expression isn’t much of what you thought it would be. His eyes are wide, and his crimson wings twitch slightly. From that place you stand, you can see the blonde gulp, his eyes trained on his polished dress shoes. All eyes are trained on the two of you, considering it is widely known that you two have been together for quite some time.  
Numerous men go up to your boyfriend and clap him on the shoulder, teasing him by saying he needs to start preparing to propose, alluding to the superstitions behind the bouquet toss. It is widely thought by many that the woman who catches the bride’s bouquet will be the next one to get married. While you don’t necessarily believe this, you can’t help but feel hurt by Keigo’s obvious discomfort. Is the thought of marrying you that repulsive?
Gingerly, you walk over to the blonde, hiding the bouquet at your side. He does his best to smile at you, the corner of his mouth twitching with visible effort. His mouth opens to make a smart comment, but all he can do is stare at you, eyes drifting to the flowers being held tightly in your grasp. 
Kamui, the groom from today, walks up to the two of you, not picking up on the palpable tension. He swings an arm around Keigo’s neck and brings the man into a headlock, rubbing a fist against his head. “Look at you! Am I going to need to yell at you like you did to me on your wedding day, Hawks?” He chuckles, eyes glinting with mischief.
Keigo pales. “Uh, I don’t think there will be a need for that.” The blonde manages to choke out. 
“Are you sure? Because believe me, I have a lot to say to you.” The groom teases, finally releasing your lover.
The winged man takes a moment to compose himself, readjusting his tie and straightening out his suit jacket. With one final punch to the shoulder, Kamui leaves to mingle with his new in-laws.
You toss the bouquet on the table you and Keigo had been assigned to sit. “Can you believe that?” You wryly laugh. “Some people actually believe we’re gonna get married soon just because I caught those flowers.”
Keigo quirks a brow at you, noticing how off your tone seems. He takes a breath, exhaling deeply before reaching for your hand. Your finger interlace with his, your smooth and delicate hands molding perfectly against his worn and rough ones. Keigo squeezes his hand around yours, instantly providing you with the comfort you didn’t know you needed.
He murmurs your name softly. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, Keigo.”
Drops of water trail down from your hair, wetting your shirt and causing the cotton fabric to stick to you uncomfortably. With a groan, you get up and head towards your shared bedroom with Keigo in search of something dry to change into. You’d neglected to dry your hair after showering, and you are now very much regretting that decision.
In the corner of the room lies a stack of laundry that neither of you has worked up the motivation to put away. Languidly, you throw off your shirt and look for another one. In the pile of clothes, there are none of your items, and with one quick glance in the hamper, you realize that you have exhausted your usual sleepwear. 
Shrugging, you reach for one of Keigo’s casual shirts and throw it over your form. It’s a plain black tee with a small white design near the breast. It hangs lowly on you, the sleeves slightly too big for your form. 
You walk over lazily to flop onto the bed, snuggling under the plush duvet. You whip out your phone and begin to scroll randomly through social media. Meanwhile, your boyfriend is still showering. Typically, the two of you would shower together, but for some odd reason, this time Keigo decided he would conveniently be busy while you were washing up.
An article pops up on your feed, its title relating to Kamui’s wedding. The media sure does work fast, considering the wedding only ended a few hours ago. 
Bored, you tap the article with your thumb. As the webpage buffers, the water shuts off in the bathroom, signaling that your boyfriend should be done. 
Skimming through the article, you find that it is quite detailed. There must have been someone from the news there, despite the fact that Kamui and his wife were adamant only close friends and family attend. 
The article talks about the beautiful ceremony, noting how the groom ended up sobbing while reading his vows. It, of course, also mentions Keigo’s dance with Endeavor, including a video of it taken from someone’s social media. You giggle at the sight, the memory fresh in your mind.
Behind you, Keigo drops into bed, snuggling up to your back. He rests his head in the crook of your shoulder and rests his hands on your waist, looking at your phone with you. Pressing a soft kiss to your bare shoulder where his big t-shirt had fallen from your form, the hero laughs. He sees the video of him and Endeavor playing and sighs contentedly. 
As you keep reading through the editorial, now with Keigo reading with you, your breath nearly hitches when you come up to the next section of the article. A huge picture of you holding a bundle of flowers fills the screen. Behind you, Keigo shifts lightly.
Thumb swiping along the screen, you read the text under the unnecessarily huge photo.
This evening, at the wedding of Pro-Hero Kamui Woods, talks of another upcoming hero wedding have begun. Number 2 Hero Hawks has been in a longtime relationship with his girlfriend for several years, and tonight she was pictured catching the bride’s bouquet, which according to popular superstitions, means the couple will soon be married. 
According to inside sources, the couple seemed ecstatic. While there are no videos available, some guests report that our beloved winged-hero expressed great joy at the sight of seeing his partner catching the flowers.
The couple has been together publicly for nearly 4 years now, but some suspect they were together for much longer before actually announcing their relationship. These two love birds have been dating even longer than Kamui and his own bride, which makes some think that a wedding is long overdue. An anonymous source we interviewed after the wedding said Hawks definitely agrees! According to them, Hawks has been on the hunt for a ring for a few months.
Stay tuned and consider subscribing to our newsletter for the best Pro-Hero news.
You snort unattractively after finishing the article. “What the fuck is this supposed to be?”
Keigo doesn’t respond, his grip on your waist faltering. You shut off your phone, placing it on the bed. Turning around, you face the blonde. “Is everything all right?” 
He grits his teeth before choking back a grimace. “Yeah, of course. I just hate seeing the media make up shit about us.” He explains, rubbing the back of his neck.
Despite not fully believing the response, you accept it. “Me too,” You roll your eyes. “I can’t imagine how it must be for you, always being in the media’s eyes. I swear, I’d go insane.”
The blonde huffs, his face relaxing, grateful that you aren’t pushing him. “Yeah, it fucking sucks, but I think I’ve gotten used to it over the years. But trust me, I did want to go insane at first.” 
You nod your head, stifling a yawn. Keigo smiles at you and reaches out a hand to stroke your hair. “You should go to sleep, Doll.” 
You sigh at the soothing feeling of Keigo’s fingers massaging into your scalp. “So should you,”
Pursing his lips, the hero turns his head away. “I would love to, but I have a report I need to finish.” He explains, sitting up in bed.
With a groan, you take the corner of his shirt in your weak fist. “Don’t you always have someone at your agency do that for you? Just come to bed with me.” You whine.
“What are you talking about,” He teases. “I’m an independent man. I always do my own work.”
You hum, eyelids drooping. “Yeah, sure you do.”
Keigo gets up from the bed and comes around to your side, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. “Goodnight, Birdie.”
Moments later, you slip into a dreamless sleep. Before Keigo can even exit the room, he turns around to look you over, seeing your lips parted with soft breaths and eyes closed shut. He smiles down at you softly before heading into the living room to work on his report.
When you awake the next morning, your boyfriend is already gone at work. There’s a dent in the bed next to you, so you have the comfort of knowing that he didn’t stay up all night, but it makes you uneasy that he left so early. Typically, Keigo will wait for you to wake up before heading into work, and if he’s forced to go in early, he will always send you an explanatory text message. 
Except, this morning, you wake up and he’s gone with no message. You don’t want to feel paranoid, especially since this is the first time Keigo has done this, but you can’t help the sinking feeling in your stomach. 
Around his break, you shoot your boyfriend a simple message, asking if he’s doing alright. For a few minutes, he simply just reads your text message. It takes a while before he responds with a confirmation that he’s doing just fine, along with a simple apology for not be able to greet you in the morning. 
Quickly, you send back a message telling him it’s no problem. Feelings of guilt start to creep up on you as you wonder why you’d been so worried. It’s not like you don’t trust Keigo, but he was acting quite strangely yesterday. Was he mad at you? Is that why he left early?
You shake your head, ridding yourself of your anxious thoughts. No, your boyfriend wouldn’t do that. At the beginning of your relationship, maybe he would’ve, but over the years, you two have learned to communicate seamlessly with each other. If he was upset, he would tell you, He always does, and this time is no different.
 Later in the day, you order some food and wait for Keigo to come home. He’s usually a latecomer, considering his job is more demanding than most. At first, you aren’t worried when your boyfriend isn’t home by 7:00. Although that is when he usually arrives, you remain unfazed. It’s quite likely that he just got stuck at the agency.  
However, when it reaches 11:00, you start to twitch. Every few minutes, you open your phone to check for new messages, and your leg begins to bounce with anxiety as time continues to pass. Out of genuine concern, you send Keigo another message asking if he’s okay.
Your phone shows that he never even reads it. You then leave a phone call, followed by a very worried voicemail. Did something happen to him? Did he have an encounter with a particularly nasty villain? Just as you’re about to call the front desk of Keigo’s agency, the lock on your front door clicks.
In the blonde walks, his hair in disarray, no doubt from flying. You breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of him. Upon seeing you up, Keigo’s eyes fly open. It is nearly midnight, and you’re usually asleep by now. He rushes towards you. 
“Doll, what are you still doing up?” He asks, pressing a hand to your cheek.
“I was worried, you never stay this late without texting me. I thought, I thought that something had happened.” You explain, words slurring together with the overwhelming need for sleep.
Keigo curses himself. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m fine, baby, I swear.”
You smile, eyes drooping. “Good, I don’t know what I’d do if something happened.” You managed to mumble, barely comprehensible. 
The hero picks you up in his arms and holds you close to his chest as he walks to the bedroom. Carefully he places you in bed, tucking you snuggly under the covers and kissing you goodnight.
When you wake up the next morning, Keigo is gone once more. Although, this time, he’s texted you like he usually does.
This time, when he isn’t home by 10:00, you opt to go to bed without him. Faintly, you remember waking up to him coming home in the early morning, only for him to lull you back to sleep with his soothing voice.
For weeks, it’s the same thing all over again.
Keigo leaves to work before you wake up, stays late at work, and comes home after you’ve gone to sleep. The cycle is brutal, and every time you try to confront your lover about it, he skillfully avoids the question. 
Unpleasant thoughts soon invade your mind, plaguing you every second of the day. Is he actually mad at you? Are you not enough anymore? Did Keigo find someone else? At night, you can’t help the tears that leak onto the mattress as you sob, wondering just what you did wrong. There must be a reason for his obscure behavior, and the only connection your brain can make is that you are somehow at fault.
You endure several weeks of avoidance before you work up the courage to confront Keigo.
Instead of going to sleep at your regular time, you stay up, waiting for him in the lounge. A blanket is wrapped tightly around you, comforting you as you wait for your boyfriend.
 However, you can’t help but fall asleep as it becomes late. You spent so much energy worrying and stressing over confronting Keigo that you wore yourself out mentally. 
Hours later, you awake in bed. It isn’t the time you usually wake up, far from it. The bright light of your phone nearly blinds you as you pick it up to check the time. 3:00am.
Looking next to you, Keigo isn’t in bed. There isn’t even a sign that he tried to rest, the sheets still undisturbed.
Tears threaten to fall from your watering eyes, but before you can begin to cry, you hear a noise coming from the kitchen. Gingerly, you walk out of the bedroom, rubbing sleep away from your bloodshot eyes. Sitting at the kitchen island is Keigo, in his hand an empty glass. Next to him sits a bottle of whiskey.
Immediately, Keigo looks up, having heard your light footsteps. His eyes widen at the sight of you awake at such an ungodly hour.
You sigh at him, taking the seat next to him. You snatch the glass from his hand and pour yourself a drink, downing it in one go. If you’re going to talk to him right now, you’re going to need the liquid courage.
“What’re you doing up?” He croaks out, watching as you gulp down the alcohol.
You laugh dryly. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Uncomfortable silence envelops the two of you.
It’s been weeks since the two of you have seen each other properly and had a decent conversation. Most of your interactions, as of late, have been dull and forced.
Next to you, the blonde shifts in his seat, his wings shuddering slightly. You purse your lips. Is he really that uncomfortable just being around you? The thought makes you want to scream. What the hell happened to the two of you? Where did everything go so unbelievably wrong?
Choking on a sob, you lay the glass down on the table and abruptly rise from your seat. You exit the kitchen and head to the lounge, plopping down onto the couch and burying your hands in your face. 
The legs of Keigo’s stool scrape the ground as he pushes back his seat, rising to chase after you. Instantly, he’s at your side, placing a hand on your shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circle into your exposed skin. You hate how much you nearly tremble at his touch after being denied of it for so long.
Tears stream down your face, rolling down to your chin and staining your nightshirt. 
The blonde whispers your name softly. “Hey, what’s wrong,”
You look at him miserably, and immediately Keigo feels bad for asking. He absolutely knows what’s wrong, and he clenches the fist that rests at his side. Of course, he fucking knows why you’re crying. He knows because he’s the reason why.
“Keigo, I-“ You sob, taking a moment to wipe away your tears. “Did I do something wrong?” 
Keigo’s heart drops, his own eyes beginning to water. Before he can even begin to express how wrong you are, you continue to talk.
“Do I not make you happy anymore?” You weep, voice breaking. “Is there someone else?”
The hero’s eyes immediately widen, and he grabs your hands, clasping them between his own. “No!” He nearly shouts.
The volume of Keigo’s voice stuns you. “I would never do something like that to you, please, believe me.” He begs, desperation lacing his voice.
You swallow heavily. “Then what is going on, Keigo? You can’t keep me in the dark anymore! I’m sorry, but I need to fucking know.”
Instantly, the blonde’s heart shatters to pieces. For a moment, he can’t even respond to you. The only thing he can manage to squeeze out is a broken, “I love you, so much.”
“You certainly have a way of showing it, then.” You snap back, eyes sharp. 
“You’re the love of my life. I love you so much that sometimes it fucking hurts,” He cries, hot tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
The pure desperation and despair lining his voice is heartbreaking. You meet your boyfriend’s eyes to see that he is now crying just as much as you.
Keigo takes a deep breath, trying his best to compose himself. “You are so amazing that sometimes I can’t even believe you exist. You deserve the world and so much more… and I’m afraid that I can’t give that to you. I’m afraid that I can’t give you what you want.”
You shake your head, peering up at the broken man in front of you. “Keigo, what are you talking about? You, you give me more than I could ever ask for, more than I deserve.” 
Biting his lip, Keigo turns his head away. “I want to be with you forever. I want to spend the rest of my damned life with you.” He responds firmly, turning back to look you straight in the eyes.
Color flushes to your face, and your heart skips a beat at his declaration.
“But… I can’t marry you.” 
His words hit you like a physical blow. They cut deep into you, tearing you up from the inside out.
“What?” Is all you can manage to ask, eyes searching his for any sort of answer.
Keigo takes a hand to run it through his hair. “It’s not just you, I can’t marry anyone. I just fucking can’t, okay? And I’m so fucking sorry that I made you so miserable by avoiding you, but I just couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving me when you found out that I can’t get married.” He admits.
Your breathing starts to slow, as do your tears. “Keigo, what do you mean you can’t get married?”
A loud sob echoes off the walls as your boyfriend folds in on himself. He trembles against you, and you rush to wrap an arm around him. “I just can’t… there’s too much that can go wrong, and the thought of it is more terrifying than any villain I’ve ever faced.”
Tenderly, you brush a strand of blonde hair behind his hair. Shakily, Keigo continues. “My parents were ruthless drunks. They had the most dysfunctional relationship in the goddamn world, and it messed me the fuck up. As a kid, it was so damn confusing to see two people who claimed they loved each other fight and hurt each other, then to have them team up to hurt me.” He trembles, clutching onto you like a lifeline.
“Then, when my amazing parents basically sold me off to the government, I was often cared for by this other family. They were just as bad as my actual parents, if not worse. They bonded over making me miserable, hurting me helped them grow closer. It was fucking disgusting.”
You’ve heard snippets of these stories before, but Keigo would always stop himself before talking about his parents. Now, you understand why. Tears begin to fall from your eyes once more at the thought of the man you love so much being hurt by the people who were supposed to protect him. 
“Not to mention, if we were to ever get married, I could never guarantee your safety. The Hero Commission hates our relationship, remember how they threatened you when we started dating? Imagine what they would do if we were to get married…” He trails off, choking back a lump in his throat.
As Keigo takes a few moments to compose himself, you bring your hand up to wipe away his tears, cupping his cheek and pressing a sweet, lingering kiss to his face. This action only seems to break him even more, as your boyfriend begins to whimper, pulling away from you.
He cries out your name in sorrow. “I’m so sorry I avoided you. I just, I didn’t know what I’d do if you left me when you found out.”
You still at his words. “Keigo, I would never leave you, not over something like this.” You explain, stunned as to why he thought you would do so.
“But, at Kamui’s wedding, you seemed so excited when you caught the bouquet, and you even talked about getting married one day.” He recalls, eyes puffy and cheeks streaked with lines of salt.
You take your lip into your mouth. “Yes, I did all of those things. But they don’t matter anymore. Not to me.” 
The blonde jerks away from you. “Don’t do that! Don’t you dare sacrifice your happiness and the things you want just for me.” He stresses.
“That’s not what I’m doing at all,” You try to clarify, reaching out to the man again. 
Keigo avoids your touch. “Yes, you are. You just said you’ve thought about marriage and now you’re saying it doesn’t matter? Please, save me the heartache and don’t lie.”
Frustration races through your veins at the thought that Keigo thinks you’re lying. “Okay, yes, I have thought about marriage. When I was younger, I used to imagine my wedding. In middle school, I had a Pinterest board for my dream wedding. I admit it!” You raise your voice slightly.
Keigo shrinks back at your tone and words. He almost begins to prepare for the impending, ‘this isn’t going to work out,’ but it never comes. 
Instead, you force the blonde to look at you as you continue to speak. “But, even though I did all of that, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Do you want to know why?” You ask fervently. Keigo nods slowly in response.
“It doesn’t matter anymore because I am with you. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t imagined us getting married, but now that I know it’s not what you want, I don’t care.” 
Confusion flashes over your boyfriend’s face, and you recognize it immediately. “What do you mean?”
You smile softly. “I mean that as long as I’m with you, I don’t care what the hell we are. You are the love of my life, and I also want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t care if we spend our relationship together married or not, because as long as we are together, it doesn’t matter.” 
The hero stills at your words, slowly drinking them in. 
“It’s you that I want, not a wedding. I’m perfectly fine being your girlfriend for the rest of our lives as long as you and I are together.” You continue breathily, eyes searching for Keigo’s for any sort of reaction.
A few moments pass as Keigo fully digests what you’ve said. His silence nearly scares you, but all of your worries are washed away when he frantically grabs your face and pulls you into a passionate kiss full of love and fervor. 
When Keigo pulls away, he leans his forehead against your, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you. I love you so fucking much.”
You breathe out a laugh, closing your eyes. “I want to be yours, Keigo. Forever.”
The blonde chuckles against your lips, going in for a chaste kiss. “Forever doesn’t sound too bad.” 
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suggable · 5 years
Im going to write down my second experience seeing Day6 live mostly for me, but feel free to read it after the break if you want (please do not reblog it tho) ✨ a little warning i’ll probably get very emotional and personal and this is going to be Very long and probably will get incoherent at some point!!!!!
I saw Day6 yesterday in Madrid for the second time, and not to be dramatic but it was probably one of the best experiences of my life 😭💕 I already had lots of fun last year but this year’s concert was not only fun but very meaningful for me.
As some of you may know I finally finally finished this week my architecture studies after 6 and a half very long and tough years. The last two have been especially hard, aproximately the same ammount of time I’ve been following Day6 closely. When I first discovered their music I immediately fell in love with it, and I fell in love again when i got to know them. I can positively say they’re the closest artists to my heart, my soulmate band. I do love and appreciate a lot of other artists but the way I love day6 it’s.... unparalled. I’m gonna stop being cheesy now hfjjsjka but knowing that I was going to see them again and meet them after all the constant exhaustion that my master’s has been has given me so much strenght during those all nighters and endless days working on my project kjfdkjjks 
I’m privileged enough to have been able to get vvips tickets this time but tbh that’s not important, the whole experience of the concert it’s what makes it worth it. Me and my friends decided not to go queueing very early bc we wanted to be well rested and we knew we were going to have a good spot in any case. We were so lucky yesterday’s weather was sort of warm, considering our awful awful experience from last year jkdjkskj. I’m so happy we were so prepared this time, we brought lots of snacks and blankets for the queue. We also prepared some fanart freebies to share and trade and it was the nicest experience, everyone there was so so lovely!!! I had such a great time only waiting in line and chatting with myday ^^ After we got out numbered wristbands we picked up our signed entropy copies. I got the “Sweet” version which is my fave!!! I traded around the pcs so i ended up with all Sungjin and Dowoon jhjfhjsdj (and the loveliest Dopil pc 😭❤) I was so happy we didnt have any trouble with queueing or numbering this time!!!!! Then we went for lunch and almost didn’t make it back on time bc it took us ages to get out meals n we wanted to leave all the heavy stuff and coats at the car jdfjkdkjskk but!!! we made it thanks to the lovely people next to us in the queue!!!
We finally got into the venue (which is so big!!! and we filled it!! im so PROUD) and my friends were headed to the left side where Jae is but I noticed the middle section was also kind of empty so we ran there kjkjfd and ended up in 2nd-3rd row!!! so we were in the middle and had a great view of everyone ^^ i felt kind of bad bc the people around us had been queueing from 3am and we’d arrived at 8:30 :P also next to us there was this korean girl who runs a Dowoon fansite and she was very nice and polite and she must kind of hate now me a bit bc I didn’t stop moving and jumping  i hope her pics came out nicely anyway!!! we only had to wait for an hour inside n we had lots of sweets to keep our energy up so it was quite alright :)
when they boys came out i noticed i had the clearest Sungjin visual so I ended up looking at him most of the time kjfjdkkkdksd i just couldn’t help it like the pics don’t do him justice he’s just so cute and expressive and makes the funniest faces when playing!!! and sort of bounces when playing which is the Cutest thing!!!!  there was some sort of problem with his guitars at first n seemed a bit annoyed but it turned out alright!! I also paid lots of attention to Jae bc he has Such Energy performing, the truest hype man!!! when he plays you can see he’s genuinely enjoying himself and loves myday so so much :(((( he interacted a lot with us!! 
Dowoon was also in front of me but he was covered most of the time by his drumset :(( I could see him making all these baby bird pouty faces or mouthing the lyrics and it was.... so CUTE :((((( he’s so cute i 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 also i was in awe at his drumming technique like he’s so so so talented and you can clearly see how much he loves it!!! He’s the best boy!!!
I had to move my head a bit to see YoungK and Wonpil and I tried my best looking at everyone when they were singing, but my eyes would automatically go back to Sungjin jfdjskjkaskj I can tell you Young K is very VERY Atractive when performing, he has a sort of magnetism!! He also seemed soooo happy and would jump around non stop and smile at the fans and just Bless us in general!!! Wonpil was sort of serious when playing but you could tell he was concentrated !!! Also his piano and dj skills im!!!!!! like when he plays the Time of Our Life intro so easily!!! i play piano and let me tell you it is difficult as Fuck!!! he truly is so talented!! plus when he was talking with us he was so playful and cute :(((((
Some concert Highlights for me: hearing Best Part live, also So Cool, TOOL, Headache, wanna go back!!! how to love!!! SWEET CHAOS!!!! also hearing WARNING again which may easily be my fave song of them now (well no...we all know it’s impossible to pick just one but yeah jkdfjskkç) also Colors!! when the first chords started playing i started tearing up n then the chorus came n i just broke down crying jsdsk I also cried during I Need Somebody and that bit when we sang back to them and we sang I Smile :((( also the fucking SOLOS hello most talented band in the universe????!!! but like for real they all sound so good live!!! i love that you can clearly hear the drums and keys and all the instruments, plus their vocals are just!! so!! good!!!!!! Jae and Young K went Mad with the adlibs I was living my best life!!!!! 
at some point i locked eyes with Sungjin n my potato brain decided the best thing i could do was to send a flying kiss his way so i did n he got so SHY!!!! and made a 😳😳😳😳 face jkdfjkjkjks i felt v awkward afterwards like i didnt know he was going to react that way jfdkjksa 
Also hearing them speaking spanish...fucking surreal...but when they did their ments in English!!! wow!!! they’ve gotten so good!!!! they kept saying they were so happy and this was the best way to end the tour and they’d grown so much, and reminding us to always be happy i :((((( Wonpil’s ment was the sweetest thing and he sent such an important message and I started crying again (and i made eye contact with Jae while ugly crying so i had to hid behind my banner jkdskjjkjdskks) and couldn’t stop through the whole length of their ments :(( i barely remember anything from young k’s bc i was trying to compose myself a bit jkfkjkjd Dowoon’s was so cute!!! He’d wait for the translator and make such funny faces i :((( Sungjin’s English and like Everything about him im so gone kjfkjjkds and then JAE’S...........
that was truly the Highlight of the night, what truly truly made everything special and what i hope will make them cherish and remember this night forever. So a bit of context: we had prepared a project where during For Me we would take out some prints of some of Jae’s encouraging and inspirational tweets and held them up. So at first Jae was surprised but I guess he didn’t have the time to read which specific tweets we were holing. Then during like the second half of the song he realised n got like v serious like he was trying not to cry...I remember Sungjin also realised bc he was looking at Jae just Knowing.... When we took the concert pics Jae asked us to take an extra one with the tweets bc he wanted it for himself....and then his MENT he thanked us for listening to him and letting him know we hear his words and basically acknowledge and validate him when he passes those life lessons to us and that it meant more than we could imagine....and he was getting more n more emotional n trying not to cry but im p sure he did...and then Sungjin and Wonpil came to his side n started doing this weird dance around him hdjfjjkskjsdkjskkkladsslk n cheered Jae up THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS :((((  but like moments prior u could see Sungjin just Waiting for it n smirking jkjkfdsjkjkkjs also the fact he immediately tweeted about it after the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the whole hi touch thing was such a fiasco but tbh i didnt have much hope to begin with jkfdjkdkjs they made us wear face masks as a prevention for the coronavirus break.........but it didnt really matter bc there was an insane number of vips so we were a LOT of pple for the hi touch...we were rushed n pushed n screamed at by both security n mmt staff....i was laughing at the whole absurdity of the situation n wonpil saw me hjdfkjksjks...we barely had time to say something and high five them but i did manage to say thank u to each of them n look them in the eyes at least!!! (they’re so beautiful from upclose!! and GIANTS! and sungjins eyes.........otherwordly) i felt so bad for the fans that were looking forward to it and for them as well bc you could see their apologetic faces....but anyways everything else went so well im not going to dwell on that!! so yeah i’ve met day6 but i barely remember anything kjjkdsjkd it feels like a fever dream :((((
but tbh considering everything it was the nicest experience!!! im so happy i had the chance to see them again n i hope they come back again!!! also i really wish they’d tour more cities, like there are so many mydays that deserve to see them too :((( 
ok im done with this whole essay like i could keep rambling and rambling but this is the most essential of it!!! if you also read this thank you!!!! please be happy and trust and listen to day6!!!❤💖💕✨🌟
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 years
A Thousand Kisses
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: At the wedding reception, Billy surprises you with a little song.
A/N: fam, ben barnes got me fucked up with his singing videos on ig. god bless him. so this is based off of  “I’ll Cover You (Reprise)” from RENT.
tagging @thedevilwearsvibranium because i told her i was gonna do the thing.
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“Now, everyone, stand up and give a round of applause to the new Mr. and Mrs. Russooooooo!!!!” the emcee and dj at your wedding hollered into the microphone. Everyone clapped, hollered, whistled, and yelled as you and Billy waltzed through the doors, fingers intertwined and waving to everyone. 
Billy stops in the middle of the dance floor, twirls you around, and then pulls you in for a kiss, which made everyone in the room holler and whistle even louder. You pulled away with a laugh, wiping your lipstick off of Billy’s lips and then dragged him to the head table where you and the wedding party sat. 
As soon as you sat down, Billy pulled out a bag from under the table where it contained your white flats. You groan in delight, “You’re a lifesaver!” 
He chuckled and kissed the back of your hand, “It’s what I’m here for, baby.” He helped you out of your heels and slipped the flats on. He knew that your feet would be hurting. You hated how the heels made you feel, but you wanted to wear them because they completed the entire look. 
Soon enough the food and drinks were served. The cake was cut. The bouquet was thrown and you had your first dance as husband and wife. Before the real party was about to begin, the DJ called you up to the dancefloor where there sat a single chair a few feet away from a set up that contained a keyboard and an acoustic guitar.
“Now, Y/N, I believe your husband has a little show for you. Enjoy.”
The lights dimmed except for the ones above you and the instruments. Billy came onto the dance floor and sat at the keyboard. He tapped on the microphone before him and it echoed throughout the room. He cleared his throat, “Hey, my beautiful bride, so I’m gonna sing this song for you. I love you with all my heart, baby, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
He took a deep breath before playing an all too familiar tune. You softly smiled as you watched his eyes close and song began to fade into something else:
Live in my house I’ll be your shelter Just pay me back With one thousand kisses Be my lover And I’ll cover you Yeah
You were, honestly, in complete shock. You knew Billy could sing, but you didn’t know he could sing sing. Not to mention play the piano! 
Open your door I’ll be your tenant Don’t got much baggage To lay at your feet But sweet kisses I’ve got to spare I’ll be there And I’ll cover you Oh
You felt yourself tearing up, the lyrics and emotion that Billy was giving off was so moving. You covered your mouth with your hand and with the other tried to dry away your teary eyes, afraid to ruin your makeup. Billy chuckled into the mic as he continued to sing:
I think they meant it When they said you can’t buy love Now I know you can rent it A new lease you were my love On life All my life I’ve longed to discover Something as true as this is Yeah
Maria, sitting at the head table, suddenly stood up and began to sing, then the entire head table stood, joining her, which surprised you even further:
So with a thousand sweet kisses (I'll Cover you) {525,600 minutes}
And over her, Billy sang:
If you’re cold and you're lonely 
With a thousand sweet kisses (I’ll cover you) {525,600 moments so dear} 
You’ve got one nickel only
You couldn’t help but let out a surprised laugh. Billy had gotten your entire wedding party in on his little show.
With a thousand sweet kisses (525,600 minutes) 
When you worn out and you’re tired 
With a thousand sweet kisses (I’ll cover you){525,000} 
When your heart has expired
Then they all sang in unison, swaying together as one and you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of love for not only your new husband but your friends and family that helped add more feeling into the song:
Ooohh Lover I’ll cover you Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhhhh
At that part, you couldn’t help but scream and clap, impressed by Billy’s amazing vocals.
Ooohhh lover I’ll cover you (525,600 minutes) (525,000 seasons of love) 
I’ll cover yoooooouuuuuu oooohhhh!
Billy ran his fingers down the keyboard and finished off with a final note. The lights turned back on and everyone around you cheered. Billy let his hands rest on his thighs as he stared right at you, his nearly black eyes filled with such love and devotion to you. 
You immediately stood up, rushing to him. He stood up, cupping your face and bringing his lips to yours. Again, the room erupted into cheers and applause. 
“I love you so much, Y/N Russo.”
You let out a happy laugh, “I love you too, Billy Russo, and thank you so much for the song.”
“Alright, everyone! Let’s give it up one more time for Billy and the wedding party!!” you and everyone else clapped their hands in appreciation and amazement, “Now, let’s get this party starteeeeed!!”
The house lights were replaced by disco lights and Bruno Mars’ voice rang through the speakers that surrounded the venue. People began to flood the dance floor, surrounding you and Billy. 
It was nearing the end of the night. You and Billy were still on the dance floor laughing and dancing. Billy had stripped away his Marine Corps jacket, leaving himself still in his navy blue slacks but with a black t-shirt underneath. He was dancing goofily around you as you threw your head back in laughter. You two were borderline drunk. It really didn’t help that your friends kept pushing shots on you, but here you were, letting loose and having an amazing time with your husband. 
Eventually, it was time to clean up. You and Billy tried to help out, but people, specifically Frank and Maria, refused you both. So you two sat outside the venue on a bench, staring up at the night sky. The cool air ghosting over you, cooling off your hot and sweaty bodies. 
“Today was a good day. A great day. An amazing day!” you said with a giggle.
Billy hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss to your temple, “Best day ever and I can’t wait to finish it off by covering your body in a thousand kisses,” he said huskily as he leaned in nipping at your neck.
“Hey! Save it for the honeymoon, will ya?!” Frank cried out and you both pouted.
“You’re no fun, Frankie,” you said with pursed lips.
“Yeah, well, someone’s gotta look after you two knuckleheads. Now let’s go.” you both followed him to his car where he dropped you and Billy off to the hotel where you’ll be staying at. That night, you and Billy consummated your marriage...three times.
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cnc-hoebayb · 6 years
New Years w/ Joel
Day 5, it’s Christmas, and ya girl is tired 😴 I loved this little marathon it was so fun and different so i hope y’all liked, i saved one of my favs for last, it’s a little long tho sry. So enjoy some first kiss Joelito action~
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You step out of the house and into the cold with as much enthusiasm as you’d had all month. This was your season, the only time you felt at peace and ready to take on anything.
With Christmas already passed and the new year arriving within hours, you were full of so much excitement you could barely contain it.
You were never one to pass up a good party, so when your friends had managed to get you all into the hottest event in town, you swear it was a Navidad miracle.
You spent all day gettin dressed up and making yourself pretty that when the time came for you to leave, you left the house with the intention to have the best time and to make this new year your bitch.
You get to the venue and are a little taken back. Definitely not what you expected. Instead of a building or even a small night club, you were staring into the heart of an old parking garage.
You check your surroundings and decide if you should leave or not. Instead you send a text to the group chat of friends you’re meeting.
“Uuhhh?? Estoy aquí....?”
You wrap yourself tighter in your jacket and wait for a text. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to wear this short of a dress.
You gather some courage and walk into the sketchy garage. Your keys are secured in your hands tightly and you’re so thankful for the pepper spray on your keychain.
The first and second floors are cold and dark. Little flurries of snow brush against your cheeks and you sniffle. The lights are so dim and you hate every part of it.
You start halfway up the steps to the third floor and you can’t help but feel you’re being watched. The sound of very faint music is in the far distance and it gives you slight reassurance.
Until you hear footsteps behind you. You whip around and see nothing. Your heart races a little and you hope it’s nothing.
The footsteps get faster. You stop in your tracks and yell out into the empty void.
“If you’re trying to scare me, stop being a coward and do it already” Something shuffles from behind a car and you inch closer cautiously, pepper spray ready to go.
Your breathe hitches from adrenaline as you finally reach the side of the car. You lean over to get a good visual and prepare yourself for.....
You sigh in relief and as soon as you turn back around a figure jabs at your sides teasingly and screams “bOO”
You scream and throw your keys at the person quickly, not even realizing who it is.
“Tranquila, T/N” they say with a chuckle and you clear the hair that fell over your eyes from your scare.
“JOEL YOU ASS” you’re relieved but annoyed at the same time and hit his arm with your fist.
“Damn good thing it was just me,” he observed the keys you threw a him. “Cuz i don’t know how you’d make it with throwing your weapon AT the bad guy,”
He pulls you into the same hug he gives you every time you see each other and you feel more at ease. He’s warm and smells like the cologne you like.
His arm lingers on your waist and you hold back a tiny smile. He was always so sweet with you, even if he could be a total jerk sometimes. You’d been friends since high school, so you knew his antics, and it was always in good fun.
“This place is scary dude where the hells the party” you shiver and stand closer next to him.
“Lo sé, it’s weird, but trust me you’re reaaally gonna like it up there,” he motions up and pats your back. “3 more floors up tho sorry”
You “ugH” annoyingly and follow him up the stairs.
As you reach the last staircase of your journey, the party being held becomes more noticeable to you. The music is louder than ever and you hear a multitud of voices filling the scene.
At this point you’re running up the last few steps and get a first look at it all. It was the same old format of the parking garage. But there were tables upon tables of drinks and snacks, a setup of beer pong and numerous other games. Your favorite was the lights, the dark space of the building let the fluorescent colored bulbs bounce off the walls and dance across moving bodies.
There was even a damn dj in the far corner, a crowd of people jumping and singing in a circle in front of him.
“What the hell???? ?” It slips from your mouth and Joel laughs. “Weird, huh? Like what is this place, who thinks of this??” he jokingly agrees.
You guys wander around the area until you make your way to a drink stand where you see the rest of your friends have congregated. They’re taking shots and already seem waaayy above Joel and your party level.
They shove a few drinks in your guys faces, trying to get you both a little “loose” as they said. “You guys are always so uptight, have some fun,”
You look at Joel with a hesitated look because you knew how much he didn’t like the whole “getting trashed at a party” scene.
He always told you how much you didn’t have to hold back at parties with him. He felt bad that you liked to make him comfortable and stay somewhat sober through these kinds of nights.
It wasn’t all for him tho, he was your best friend, it felt so wrong to have him sit back and be the only one not participating. And plus, you always managed to have way more fun together anyway, alcohol or no alcohol.
He looks at you reassuringly before starting, “I’m good with just this drink, but i know T/N wants one,” you shoot him a glare because he knows you weren’t planning on drinking. “Joel, no it’s okay, i don’t-“
By then your friends are already cheering you on and pouring one more for you. “I’m not letting you be a loser with me tonight,” he says to you with a smile. “Have fun, you really deserve it, I’ll be fine”
You crack a little side smile and cross your arms disapprovingly. “Fine.” You take off your bulky coat and toss it on the table. “Just one, that’s it”
You grab the tiny plastic cup and gulp it down with ease. You shiver a little from the impact and chase it with the coke Joel had in his hand. “Not so great?” He laughs and you hand his drink back.
You agree with a little “mhmm” and separate yourself from the group before they make you do another. Joel follows as you lead him to another table that seems to be a “make your own drink” stand.
“Is this sketchy???” He says and you shrug, “i dunno, better to make our own than drink whatever the hell that shit was that they just gave me” you make a face and he laughs.
“Alright then I’ll be the bartender,” he makes his way on the other side of the table. “What can i get ya, ma’am?” His accent forms into a terrible southern drawl.
“Surprise me, cowboy” you mock and he starts scrambling at the various liquids surrounding him. You realize what he’s trying to make and observe with a grin as he catches on to his big mistake: no ice, no blender.
“Uuuuhhh...” he second glances around and puts his hands on his hips. “I fucked up, didn’t I” you glance at his mixture, the saddest piña colada you’ve ever seen, and throw a bendy straw in it. “I’ve seen better, but this’ll do,” you take a sip and hold back how fuckED his mixing ratio was with a sarcastic “mmmm....”. He throws a stack of red plastic cups at you.
“Te odio,” he says as you throw a cup back. “I know it’s your favorite so i thought I’d try,” you beam on the inside at his little meaningful acts of kindness he always did for you.
You look towards the crowd around the dj growing and spot your friends once again. “Ven,” you motion towards them. “Let’s go dance,”
As the night went on, time seemed to almost drag on in your anticipation for the New Year. There was only so much dancing and mingling you could do for hours on end.
You were thrilled when the dj stopped the music suddenly and made the announcement. “5 minutes everyone, get ready for the countdown soon”
The crowd cheered and gathered around the tables to pour themselves more champagne and random drinks. With the sudden rush of people preparing themselves, you found yourself cut off from your group.
You wandered around in hopes to find at least one of your friends to share the moment with. But with time passing quickly, you decided to toughen up and enjoy it alone.
Becoming more aware of your location, you remember that there was a scheduled firework show across the city that was probably visible from here. You find the nearest staircase and climb the last 2 floors to the roof.
You wrap your arms around yourself and blow warm air into your hands as the cold hits you first hand. You look up at the open sky and see the light snowfall, reflecting off the faint city lights in the distance.
You lean against a cold rail on the edge of the building, your teeth beginning to chatter quickly. You get lost in a sudden new year daydream.
You close your eyes as you imagine some fantasy love interest- typical. It was always this time of year that made you want it more and more. Someone to sweep you off your feet with a huge romantic gesture. When the moment is perfect and the snow is falling just like this.
Someone to find you unexpectedly, tap you on the shoulder and say-
“Que haces güey?????”
The fantasy is cut off by another lame scare attempt from Joel. “BrO” you say out of fright and when your shivering becomes more intense his smile fades a little.
Oh shit, where’s your coat,” he starts to take his off and wrap it around you, rubbing your arms to warm you up. “I th-th-think i lost it,” you chatter, the cold and sudden nerves hitting you.
“I saw you come up here, you wanna go back inside where it’s warme-“ he’s cut off by the sudden burst of fireworks in the distance. The both of you jump a little, not even aware that the new year countdown had just ended.
You both stare up at the bursting lights in the air, not realizing the distance that was closed between you both.
He had you in his arms as an attempt to keep you warm and you hadn’t noticed just how bundled up into his chest you had become.
“Happy new year lol” you joke, trying to lighten the air that you both just missed the big moment. “Good thing we’re up here so we didn’t have to watch everyone have gross New Years makeouts,” He laughs to agree and you continue to watch the fireworks finish off.
They start dying down one by one and you close your eyes to make your New Years wishes.
You open your eyes to find Joel staring down at you, “What?...” you say nervously as he smiles.
“I’ve known you for years and i still can’t get over how you do that,” you finally step out of his grip and watch as he talks to you.
“I’ve seen a lot of New Years rituals like the whole colorful underwear for luck or love, or even when people eat all those grapes as the clock strikes, but I’ve never met anyone who straight up just makes wishes,”
“Listen you can roast me all day for my weird superstition, but I’m just sayin, maybe you should try it before you talk smack,” you joke and he leans against the rail lining the building, closing his eyes.
“Alright,” he says and rubs his hands together. “I’m all in, teach me how to do this whole wish thing,”
You take the opportunity to roll your eyes at him since he’s not looking. “There’s nothing to teach, just make a wish,” you stick a tongue out at him and mock him even more.
“My eyes are closed, but i can see that” he points at you with a little frown.
“Ok shh I’m starting,” you get silent and watch the faces he makes as he’s thinking and wonder what the wish is. His furrowed brow softens and a shy smile plasters his face, he giggles and rubs the back of his neck, he was nervous.
He slowly opens his eyes and stares right at you. You’re wrapping yourself deeper into his jacket and give him a confused look. “Ta’ bien, güey?” You say as he makes his way to you.
“I just-“ he laughs nervously again. “I didn’t have a wish i guess,” you roll your eyes. “Dont do that” he continues. “I think i just realized something tho...”
You give him a look and you’re more confused then ever. “And...?” You suggest for him to go on. “You’re the risk taker in this friendship, you always have been,” he starts.
“And you always peer pressure me into taking more risks sooo,,” none of what he’s saying is making sense to you so you listen understandingly. “I want to tell you how i really feel about you.” Your eyes grow wide and heart skips a beat from anxiety.
You stumble for words but nothing comes out. He looks nervous- no- more than nervous, but he finishes. He grabs your hands in his and you know he’s not joking this time. “I’ve just- i always knew there was something between us. Ever since i met you.. you became more than my best friend. You’re somehow the angel and devil on my shoulders, you’re my positivity when I’m down, you- you’re basically my everything.”
You try not to get emotional at the sudden confession. You couldn’t deny you had felt it too, just never let it surface for the sake of your friendship. Your eyes water a little through a shy grin and that tells him everything he needs to know.
“Can I.....can i kiss you?” He almost whispers and you melt.
“I-“ you rock back and forth on your heels nervously like a child. “I think I’d like that,” you finish and he smiles the biggest you’ve ever seen, his perfect teeth peeking through and his eyes shining against the moon light.
He takes his time and grabs you by the flap of his jacket that was blanketed around you. His hand slides up your neck to cup your cheek gently and you can’t help but look to the side embarasingly from the touch.
“No te pongas tímida..” he says in that voice that he’s used on you so many times. For as long as he’s known you, he always knew how to relax you when you were spiraling.
You look up into his eyes and they’re so familiar, yet you’ve never seen this look in them before. You see his breathe in the cold air and it feels like you’ve been looking at each other for an eternity now.
He leans closer.....
His eyes never leaving yours
He smiles once again before his eyes flutter shut. You quickly do the same and feel the warmth of his lips brush to yours.
The contact is slight and not full yet. You both pause almost as to savor the moment. Feeling this tiny touch from him was making your senses go crazy.
He lets out a shaky breathe and finally presses his lips to yours.
At first they softly meet, resting against each other nervously to find the perfect position. It’s short and sweet, a bundle of anxious bodies snuggled up against each other.
The next moment is more courageous. You both know what the first feeling is like, and suddenly you become more open.
Your lips begin to move against each other’s, finding a rhythm to work with. He’s holding onto you so gently still and it’s the most safe you’ve ever felt before. With that, you reach up to touch him. Letting your fingers roam the side of his face, and he lets out a loving sigh against you.
He has both hands on either side of your face now and he’s holding you still. His lips roam from your lips to the corner of your mouth, covering as much ground as they can. You smile and he continues to kiss your cold cheeks, your chin, your nose, before finally returning to your lips.
He stops and lets them hover over you again. His eyes are closed and his breathe is heavy like yours. His arms move down around your waist, pulling your bodies together. He takes a breath, and suddenly he’s lifting you up off your feet, his lips meeting yours once again.
He spins around once and you smile against his mouth as he sets you down, feeling a smile grow on him as well. “What the hell was that,” you brush your lips against his as you speak. “I dunno, saw it in a movie, just always wanted to do that i guess.” He says innocently and you lay your head on his chest, his arms around you to keep you locked in a hug.
Now that’s one way to start the year off.
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Chance Encounter
Imagine you encounter Seb in New York
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
One-shot/Chapter: One-shot
Notes/Rating: M, adult situations, language
I was in New York with my hip hop dance troupe for the World Hip Hop Dance Championships. We were performing Starstruck by Lady Gaga. It was all nerves. I found myself on more than one occasion jumping up and down. I went off stage of the venue and put my headphones in my ears and rehearsed our dance. I felt like I was messing up too much so I stopped and went outside in the cool air for a cigarette. “Hey, 15 minutes to show time”. “Thanks, Christine”. I walked in, after shaking my hands vigorously. “You alright?” “Yeah. Just nerves”. She put both her hands on my shoulders. “Look at me. You’re going to do great. We’re going to do great”. I looked up at the ceiling, took in a deep breath and met her gaze. “Okay.” I stood in the front of my troupe, listening as the announcer called us up. “Now or never”. I whispered to myself. I ran out on that stage ready for the performance of my life. We ended up winning the championship so we were celebrating New York City style: getting shit-faced drunk. I still had too many nerves from the entire night so I wasn’t drinking that much. My friends had gone out on the dance floor. How the hell they wanted to dance after that, I’ll never know. Might’ve felt good to dance how you felt and not to a routine. Besides, I was in 4 inch heels and a long red V-cut dress. I was not dancing. I had the shot glass at my lips when my eyes went of their own accord to the left. I saw someone standing at the end of the bar. I took a quick glance as I took the shot. I nearly choked. No. There was no way. There was no way Sebastian Stan was at the end of the bar staring at me. I ordered another shot and took another flitting glance to where I thought he’d been standing. Nothing. Okay. I was seeing things. Major whew. My friends came over to me, almost falling over themselves. They were hammering me to dance. “Guys. No. I’m good.” “Come on! We want to see you dance!” I laughed. “You just did.” “Please!” They played a cruel joke on me before they had come to get me. They asked the DJ to play Pound the Alarm by Nicki Minaj and when I heard that song, I couldn’t help but dance to it like I knew how: like a boss. I had been smart and kept my tights and tank top on underneath my dress. I pulled the dress up in one fluid motion. As I had my arms up to take my head out from the dress, my eyes again went to the left. He was there again! I held his gaze for a second, then turned towards my troupe. The music started and I lost myself in it. After some time, we made our way outside, tripping over each other, laughing hysterically. I still had a beer bottle in my hand. I had my back turned to the door and I wish someone would’ve warned me. My friends suddenly got quiet and were staring behind me, their mouths open. “What?” I furrowed my brows as I brought the bottle to my lips. That was when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around, eyes going wide. I turned to the side quickly, spitting out my beer all over my friend. “Oh, fuck me.” It came out so quick I had no time to censor myself. I saw his eyes jerk for a quick second before he gave one of those knee-softening laughs. I suddenly remembered my friend. I turned to see her wiping herself off, laughing. “I’m so sorry.” “I ain’t even mad. The look on your face was priceless. You know who that is right?” I stared at her, turning my head to look at Sebastian. I barely held down an excited sequel/panicked horror. “That’s Sebastian Stan” pointing my finger in his direction.  She started laughing, and turning to look back at Sebastian, I found him laughing. I felt something irritating my face and realized there must still be beer on my chin. I quickly wiped it off, feeling ridiculous. “We knew you would know who that was. Just wanted to see how drunk you were”. I turned back to them, incredulous. “Did you set this up?” Oh, hell no. We just know how much you like him. It surprised us too when we saw him behind you.” I turned once again back to face Sebastian, my face bright red. “I am so sorry. This is so embarrassing. There we were. Standing in a group. With Sebastian Stan next to me. I just wanted to get out of there. I felt so stupid. This was not how I wanted my first encounter with Sebastian to go. My friends were staring at him. I kept my eyes on them because I couldn’t bear to look at him. “Do you mind if I catch a ride with you?” Was he serious? “Please forgive me if this sounds incredibly rude, but you surely came here with someone? What happened to them?” He looked down, clicked his tongue, then looked back at me, his lip in his teeth. Oh sweet Jesus. Not the lip thing. “Well, you’re here.” My eyes instantly went wide as I looked slowly to my friends. Did I die and go to heaven? Felt like it. My friends all exchanged glances, then looked back to me. “We’ll see you later, Roxi.” I caught myself before I reached out to them. To beg them not to leave me alone with him. The nerves caught up then and mixed with the alcohol, made me feel like I was going to fall. I felt Sebastian’s arm around my shoulder, like he was leaning on a buddy for help after drinking too much. “Did you drive here?” It took me a minute to respond to him. “N-no.” “Good, because you’re not driving now. Where are you staying?” “Casblanca Hotel Times Square”. He sucked in a breath. “Oooh, nice.” “Yeah. The venue put us up nicely.” I said with a smile. He gave a shrill whistle and it seemed like a taxi appeared in seconds. giving the name of my hotel when the driver asked where to. Okay. You got this. He’ll get you to the hotel and it’ll be over. He won’t remember you. The cab ride was quiet He was looking at me as I stared at the window at the city lights. I met his gaze a few times and we shared a smile. I was afraid of saying something stupid. The cab pulled up in front of the hotel. Sebastian got out and ran over to my side of the cab. I had my dress and heels back on and the last thing I needed was to fall flat on my face in front of him. I took his hand and gripped it as I stepped out of the cab. He brought me into his body, a hand at the small of my back. His hand went from where he was holding my hand to lacing his fingers into mine. I looked at him. Face to face. So close. I quickly backed up before I leaned in all the way to kiss him. I turned to start walking in. Sebastian paid the cab and caught up to me. “What room are you?” “204.” “How weird. I’m 203.” “Really?” Panic started to set in again. The damage was done when he had laced his fingers with mine. The things this man did to me. It was criminal, now I was right next door to him?! Sebastian followed me into the elevator. I was really trying hard to keep distance between us. I closed my eyes, rubbing the back of my neck in an effort to focus on something else. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to drink more or pass out. I rolled my head to stretch out my neck, grabbing the metal bar behind me for stability as the elevator began to climb up. When my head was centered, I opened my eyes. Sebastian was right in front of me. I didn’t have any time to react as he grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me hard. My hands white-knuckled the metal bars lining the back of the elevator. Our lips parted with that sound where you knew it was a good kiss. That skin sticking, audible lips parting sound. I let my breath out slowly, eyes closed. I felt his forehead touch mine, his breathing ragged as well. “Why did you do that?” I asked softly, breath shaky.. “Because you looked like you needed it and I wanted to do it the second I saw you. You’re lucky I didn’t lick the beer off your chin.” I nearly choked. I was losing the battle to keep my hands to myself. The elevator door opened again, his arm back around my shoulders. We got to his room first. “Well, it’s been fun. Goodnight.” I said to him, turning to leave. He caught my hand in his. “Stay with me.” My head snapped up to look at him. “Sebastian, I need to get some sleep.” It was such a lame ass excuse, but there was no way Sebastian Stan was asking me to stay the night with him. “Just stay with me, dork.” He said, laughing while he pulled me into his room. Okay. I guess this was happening. I crossed the threshold into his hotel room and felt like I was in a forbidden zone. I was dreaming. There was no possible way this should be real. The alcohol caught up with me, blurring my vision, my hands starting to go numb. Leaning against the wall for support, I looked to Seb who was looking at me, a cute expression on his face. I laughed, my face turning red as I hid my face in my hands. I looked up, jerking a thumb behind me to the bathroom.
“Um…I’m just going to freshen up. Alcohol’s starting to get to me.”
He flashed one of those killer smiles and extended his hand in a “please” motion.
I didn’t close the door all the way when I went into the bathroom. The alcohol was raging full force in me now. I tended to get goofy and confident when I was drunk. I splashed cold water on my face, patting it dry in an effort to bring myself back to reality. I was holding onto the counter encasing the sink for stability when I felt his face in my hair, his warm breath gracing my ear. I straightened, my arm instinctively coming up to wrap around his neck. I let my head fall back onto his shoulder, his lips placing soft kisses along the side of my neck. His hand came to my throat, long velvet fingers cupping it. My knees were weak, shaking as they struggled to hold up my body. I was completely at his mercy. I couldn’t have made him stop even if I wanted him to. I fisted my hand in his hair when he bit my neck, a growl escaping his lips, feeling his cock hardening and twitching into my back. His left hand trailed up the arm I had pulled back to his,head, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He curled his fingers into the hand that was tangled in his hair, pulling it away slowly. He put our arms out in front of us, fiddling with my wedding ring. He pulled my hand to his lips, my ring finger going into his mouth. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the erotic display anymore than I could help the desire to feel that tongue in between my legs. His tongue licked my finger before his teeth grabbed hold of my ring.  perfectly positioning in between his top and lower jaw. He tossed the ring into the sink before moving in front of me, grabbing me and pressing me into him. He backed me up against the wall, my hands above my head, held together at the wrists. His hand was still cupped at my throat. I felt his lips at my ear. “I don’t think you’ll be needing that”, he whispered deeply and huskily.
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dr-tardis-who · 7 years
Angel of Music: Part Five
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Summary: It’s the night of the gig, while you’re up on stage you notice a familiar groups of boys. Thank god Storm decided on your outfit for the night. Songs used Bubblegum bitch Marina and the diamonds, no good Kaleo
A/N: Very long chapter, because I’m evil and love you all
Warnings: Swearing, sexual tension, mention of abusive relationship
Y/n/n-your nickname
Tagging: @beardedsteveslut @cubedtriangle @wanderdreamer
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Tonight was the night, you were doing a very big gig, and after your little run with the Holland family and Harrison. You were a little nervous, as you were stupid enough to tell Storm and the boys. Storm being, well Storm went into overload and wanted to hear every detail and immediately planned your outfit for the gig. Now here you are standing in front of the full length mirror staring at your reflection, you had to admit you didn’t recognise yourself, as you were wearing a rather revealing outfit, that was still tasteful.
“Don’t want any wardrobe malfunctions.’’ Storm said as he was dressing you, yes he was adamant, due to the fact that if he didn’t you would choose something a little more conservative. Your make up was done to perfection, complete with wings, false eyelashes and smoky eyes and ruby red lips. 
“Come on little minx, don’t want to keep that boy of yours waiting.’’ Storm calls from the other side of the door, with a sigh to try to be confident in your outfit as you walk out to the car with DJ, Alex, Storm and Andy, they do a few wolf whistles.
“Look at you, Y/n gonna get some tonight.’’ Andy teases, causing you to lightly punch his arm and roll your eyes.
“Fuck off.’’ You joke, the boys all laugh as you all get in the car. Just like last time you had gone to the venue earlier to set up most of the equipment, it was only your guitars and DJ’s keyboard that had to be set up.
“We mean it though Y/n/n, he would have to be a complete and utter div not to like you.’’ Andy says,
“Excuse me, where’s my praise after all who dressed her?” Storm asks from the passenger seat,
“Yes how can we forget our, beautiful fashion designer.’’ DJ jokes from beside you.
“Oh fuck you, you’re just jealous that you’ll never be my masterpiece, of beauty.’’ Storm says giving you a wink. Causing you to laugh from the back, this is what you loved about been with the guys, the jokes and banter always managed to bring a smile to her face.
“What are you thinking about?” Alex asks,
“Nothing.’’ You reply,
“You’re thinking about a certain blonde, aren’t you?” Storm teases,
“No, I’m just been sentimental.’’ You say looking out the window, watching the world whizz by.
“What are you boys all getting dressed up for?” Nikki asks, her sons, who were  all dressed in nice button up shirts and various jeans/pants.
“Y/n’s band are playing tonight.’’ Paddy says from his spot on the couch the only one not going.
“Oh how nice, we should all go.’’ Nikki says causing the three Holland boys to stop in their tracks,
“What?” Tom asks,
“We’ll all go, it’ll be nice.’’ She says,
“But mum, it’s not really your scene.’’ Harry says,
“Nonsense. It’s a pub.’’ She says, the boys knowing that there was no point arguing with their mum, unless they wanted to be grounded. And Tom didn’t want to go through the embarrassment of that. He sent a quick text to Harrison explaining the situation, and how they’ll have to alter their plan in order to get Y/n’s attention.
“Really mum, I don’t want to go anywhere just to see my brothers and Harrison make heart eyes at some girl.’’ Paddy says not moving from his spot on the couch.
“Hey, it’s Harrison that’s in love with her, we just wanted to get them together.’’ Tom blurts out in a rush only to be slapped on the back of the head by Sam, and Harry to roll his eyes.
“You’re trying to set Harrison up?” Nikki asks,
“He’s fancied her since the night we met her.’’ Harry admits.
“That’s very sweet of you boys.’’ Nikki says with a smile,
“We’re just doing it, he’ll stop acting like a crazy stalker on her social media.’’ Sam adds.
To say that Harrison was mortified, would be an understatement. When he arrived at the Holland house to pick up the boys, he wasn’t aware that they had told Nikki everything, who had told Dom. Harrison shot a ‘really’ look at Tom who offered an apologetic smile, that looked more like a grimace.
“Really, you told your mum?” Harrison asks,
“It’s ok Harrison, I think it’s sweet. She seems like a sweet girl.’’ Nikki says that causes the four older boys to think ‘if you only saw her film clips’ simultaneously. 
“So we’re all going then, they start playing in ten minutes.’’ Dom says. With that they all file out of the house locking the door and piling into the car.
You all got there a little early so with everything tuned and ready to go, you guys were able to enjoy a drink or two before starting. You weren’t planning on getting completely pissed (drunk) tonight, as you weren’t in the mood to party too hard tonight. Actually all you wanted was to curl up with your current book you had been reading, with a cup of tea and your headphones in. And maybe a cuddle with DJ, he gave the best hugs in the world. It’d been hard for you in the last few months as you broke up with your ex, as they had cheated on you five months ago. You didn’t do one night stands or rebounds, so you focused on your music and just being happy for a change. You weren’t bothered about getting into another relationship, that was until Harrison walked in. Yes after a few encounters you had found him very attractive, and fun to hang out with and all the boys liked him. And that was a big thing for you, as they were like family to you.
“Hey, Y/n/n get your head out of the clouds, we have a show to put on.’’ Andy pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Let’s kill it.’’ You smirk wickedly.
Getting up onto the stage you slip your electric guitar over your torso, in front of the microphone. The drums count you, Storm and DJ in as you begin to strum drawing attention to you and your fellow band mates. DJ starts to sing, he was opening tonight it made sense as he had the voice an angel and the range of Brendon Urie. You couldn’t help getting lost in the song as you played one of your favourite songs.
‘Kiss your baby goodbye, come on love it’s alright’
‘Won’t know unless you give it a try’
Unbeknownst to you a certain group were purely gazing at you as you played the guitar solo, a smile illuminating your face brighter than any highlighter.
“Thank you.’’ DJ says doing his little introduction, it wasn’t until you looked out into the bar properly that you noticed the certain blonde with his friends. Feeling a little braver and flirty tonight, you confidently begun your next song.
‘Oh dear diary, I met a boy, 
‘He took my dull heart, filled it joy,
‘Oh dear diary we fell apart, welcome to the life of electra heart’
‘Oh sugar pink, lick-a lips, fill me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss’
‘I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch’
When you ended the song, you were all applauded and, you got a few cat calls that you never, really worried about. You smiled brightly at your fellow band mates, Storm merely gave you a knowing wink noticing Harrison sitting completely in awe of you. His plan was working perfectly, so far.
You guys take a break for about half an hour before your second set, you’re standing at the bar laughing at something Andy said as you help him carry the drinks you guys had ordered back to your table. When you both get back to the table you see Tom, his family and Harrison with your fellow band mates.
“What the hell did you get?” Alex asks you,
“A mojito.’’ You answer sipping your drink lazily,
“Shouldn’t you be drinking a beer or something?” Sam asks, the group laugh,
“She’ll have to be the only person I know that hates beer with a passion.’’ DJ explains,
“I drink anything but beer.’’ You say a little shy. A slight blush dusting over your cheeks, as you notice Harrison’s eyes on you. The boys tease you lightly for a minute or two.
“It’s ok Y/n beer isn’t for everyone.’’ Harrison says placing a comforting arm around your bare shoulders, a pleasant tingling sensation went down your spine as his fingers made contact with your smooth skin. The air between you both becoming a little thick, the others notice too.
“Come on Y/n/n, we have to get back up there.’’ DJ says pulling you both back into reality.
“Yeah, ok.’’ You reply.
As you walk back towards the stage Harrison’s face falls a little, he wanted to hold you a little longer. 
“Come on mate, ask her out for fuck’s sake.’’ Tom nudges his friend, teasingly.
“And do you suppose I do that?” Harrison asks frustratedly, as they begin to play another song. Tom did answer his question but Harrison was to enthralled with hearing the beautiful and unique voice, up on stage. Ever since Harry had come across their Youtube, he had spent most of his lazy days watching almost every video they had made. 
It was safe to say now he really liked you, and not just because of your talent but because of your personality, how bright and refreshing you are. Not like the other girls that just want that five minutes of fame, to tell a good story. But because you were genuine and caring, not to mention you were gorgeous especially tonight. You outfit was seductive but your face and eyes still held a innocence to them.
Packing up was always your least favourite thing to do, since everyone was way too drunk not to spill their drinks, and you been rather petite always had some drunken dumb-ass nearly falling on top you. With a huff you collect the cords from the microphones and place them in their correct containers.
“Hey Y/n?” You hear someone ask you, you turn to see Harrison looking a little tipsy, but not enough to worry you.
“Hey Harrison, enjoy the show?” You ask,
“Yeah it was awesome.’’ He replies,
“I’m glad you guys came.’’ You say with a smile,
“Yeah me too, hey do you need some help?” He asks,
“Are you sure you should be handling equipment in your state?” You question cocking an eyebrow with a slight smirk.
“I’m pretty good actually.’’ He retorts feigning hurt,
“Sure, I appreciate it.’’ You say handing some equipment that’s all ready to go, you pick up some as well. He follows you through the rowdy crowd of drunks, to the door where the cars are. You both continue to talk as you stop with the rest of the boys who are at the cars, watching the scene unfold before them.
“Look at them.’’ Storm sighs dramatically as if he were watching a romance film,
“They do look cute together.’’ Tom admits,
“It’s good to see her smile like that again.’’ DJ murmurs,
“What do you mean?” Nikki asks,
“Her last relationship....was...well shitty.’’ Alex explains.
“Shitty’s an understatement, borderline abuse is what it was.’’ Storm snaps, with malice dripping from every word.
“What?” Tom asks looking back at you and Harrison, in complete shock.
“Our friend is very innocent to a point, but her ex took advantage of her. Even to this day we don’t know the full story. But from what we do know it was borderline abusive.’’ Andy explains quietly. He took the news of your past relationship harder than anyone, he saw you as a little sister. Someone he needed to protect from all the evil in the world.
“But she’s so sweet and beautiful.’’ Nikki says feeling lost for words,
“Trust me, we know. Her ex cheating on her was actually a blessing in disguise, it’s also one of the reasons, we decided to bring her along. To get back the Y/n we know and love.’’ Storm says, smiling as you both approach the group.
“So you guys, leave me to do all the work?” You tease,
“Well we know how much you love packing up after a gig.’’ DJ says sarcastically, causing you to roll your eyes.
“At least Harrison’s more help, than you lot.’’ You retort causing the blonde to blush slightly.
“Hey, you’re not stealing my assistant.’’ Tom cuts in jokingly,
“Oh I don’t know, but I think your bro-mance is way too intense for me to get in the middle of.’’ You reply, causing Tom’s brothers to laugh.
“Hey are you guys going out afterwards?” Sam asks,
“We weren’t sure, it’s up to Y/n.’’ Andy says,
“Oh yeah great idea, let’s ask the most indecisive person on the planet to make a decision.’’ You answer.
“True.’’ Andy says, with a laugh.
“I personally wouldn’t mind a few quiet drinks.’’ Alex pipes up,
“That actually sounds nice.’’ You agree, you weren’t in the mood to let loose tonight, personally all you wanted was to go to bed with a good book and music in your ears.
“Really, never did I think I would see the day that Y/n L/n , would agree to a quiet drink.’’ DJ teases,
“Oh fuck off it’s been a long week.’’ You reply,
“I’m up for some drinks.’’ Tom says happily, the rest of the boys agreeing too, as well as Harrison. You couldn’t help the sense of Deja vu, filling you. You look as Harrison smiling softly.
Andy ended up the designated driver with you all in the back as well as Harrison, Tom, Sam and Harry. You were leaning against Harrison who was sitting next to you, you had drunk way more you should of. And after that prick made a pass at you, Harrison had gotten all of you thrown out due to him, kindly telling random man to fuck off he didn’t listen. So you go between both men not wanting Harrison to get hurt, so you had taken the punch that was meant for Harrison, to the ribs. So now you were on your way to hospital, just to make sure there was no serious damage.
“That was still a stupid thing to do.’’ DJ mutters,
“What do you expect me to do, huh?” You ask your words slurred,
“Harrison’s a grown man he can take care of himself.’’ DJ counters,
“Doesn’t matter. You would do the same for me. Makes no difference.’’ You retort.
“Yes it does.’’ Harrison says, speaking for the first time, you look at him trying to focus your eyes due to your drunk state,
“What do you mean?” You ask,
“You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, or worse. Whether you like it or not, you’re a girl and it makes a difference.’’ Harrison says, his heart slightly breaking due to the look on your face.
“Yes I’m a girl, get the fuck over it, believe it or not I’m stronger than I look and am more than capable of defending myself.’’ You snap with anger.
In the hospital was tense between you and Harrison as you waited for your scan to come back. You hadn’t spoken a word since you were in the car, you merely drank your small cup of water that the nurse gave you to sober up, slowly. Harrison sat in a chair on the other side of the room observing you, you were tense and upset, something was bothering you it was right on the edge of your lips you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You run your fingers through your hair swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, as your feet didn’t touch the ground. Yes you’re a child.
“Must you do that?” Storm asks,
“Yep.’’ Is all you reply with before going back to your own train of thought, for a moment Harrison thought he saw unshed tears in your eyes, but he didn’t want to upset you. He did feel guilty that he made you so upset, but he couldn’t help but voice his opinion. He was about to say something, when the doctor came into the small room.
“The good news is there’s no damage to your ribs, the bad news is that, there is slight bruising. My advice is not to do anything strenuous, for the next few days.’’ The doctor says kindly, you nod.
“Can I go home now?” You ask, your voice smaller than usual, Harrison thought it was to do with the fact that you’re tired.
“Of course.’’ The doctor says helping you off the bed, DJ wraps his arm around your shoulder protectively. As you all walk out of the hospital.
Back in the car, you had fallen asleep almost as soon as DJ buckled you in, the car ride was quiet, none of the boys saying anything.
“She did just want to help.’’ Andy says quietly breaking the tense silence,
“She could of gotten herself hurt.’’ Storm counters,
“Yes, but we all know that she doesn’t care about her own safety, when it comes to helping others.’’ DJ adds,
“She’s going to be the death of us all. Even you mate.’’ Alex says nudging Harrison playfully, causing the blonde to blush madly.
“No point denying it mate, we all know you like her. And don’t worry she likes you too.’’ DJ reassures Harrison,
“Not after tonight.’’ Harrison murmurs,
“Give her time she’ll forgive you. Just say sorry.’’ Storm says,
“That’s it?” Harrison asks,
“Yep.’’ DJ answers with a nod.
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Celebrating your birthday with the skaters ~
My spectacular love @imagine-ice-babes birthday is today!! So I wrote some headcanons about how it would be to celebrate your birthday with the squad from YOI
Make sure to go over to Kat’s blog and wish her a happy birthday <3
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Yuuri would be in charge of the cake
which would be AMAZING
He’d definitely make sure it was all of your favorite things
So your favorite flavor cake, favorite frosting, favorite color, etc
He’d want your birthday to be memorable ok? fight me
Viktor would be in charge of decorations
which would be a hot fucking mess alright
like the colors would clash, and it’d be a hot mess
but it’s the thought that counts
plus Yuri would fix it later, so it’s alright
Speaking of Yuri
He’d be out shopping for gifts with Otabek
so when you get a tiger print jacket, you know who to blame
Chris and Phichit would join at some point
Phichit taking pictures of the venue
yes there’s a venue ok Viktor planned this shit in advance
Chris would be getting ready for his performance
who wouldn’t want Chris stripping at their birthday I mean
Mila and Sara would also show up
which means Michele and Emil would come too
Sara and Mila would probably be with you getting ready
While Emil tries to calm Michele down 
sorry I got off track
Guang Hong and Leo would join
and take lots of selfies
Seung-Gil would pop in
and watch everyone else like wTF
Georgi would magically appear at one point or another
The actual party would be fantastic though
Lots of dancing
Karaoke is a thing
Otabek would DJ
so Viktor would choose something you didn’t want/need, but he thought you did
Probably some outfit that’s really out of your comfort zone
Yuuri would give you a heartfelt gift
Like a handwritten card about how much he appreciates you
We know Yuri would give you a tiger print jacket we’ve talked about this
Otabaek would give you something YOU ACTUALLY WANTED
So would Sara
Mila would give you a pair of heels
Emil would give you a little robot figurine
It’d be cute
Michele would ‘conviently’ forget his gift and claim he’s sharing with Sara
Chris would pass you his gift a little later
which includes a stack of cash
and him saying
“buy yourself something nice ~”
Guang Hong and Leo would buy you something together
I’m not sure what it would be
probably some food tbh
Georgi would buy you a hot topic gift card
fun stuff am i right
Your birthday would be great
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wearethesame · 7 years
inspired by ur recent concert
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Emily was staring up at the arrivals/departures board at the train station. The train that was going to take her into the city for the Ed Sheeran gig that night was running later. About two hours late. “Shit.” She glanced around, debating whether or not it was worth trying to figure out a different way to get there. Instead of going to the information booth, she pulled out her phone.
“Hey, Em!”
“Hey, so… bad news.”
Bailey groaned on the other side of the phone and Emily could picture all too well the face she was probably making. “What is it?”
“Trains running late. I should be able to still get there before doors, but this means there’s no way we’ll be able to get close.”
“Well, look at it this way,” Bailey said, “it’s a secret show that requires tickets. Which we have thanks to my arsehole of a boss.”
“How is Grimshaw doing? Have you moved on beyond getting coffees yet?”
“They actually let me press some buttons the other day.”
Emily laughed. “Congrats. Did you get a pay raise with that?”
“Oh, fuck off. Anyways, yeah. I say just wait it out for the train. At least we’ll be in the building. It’s not like it’s at an arena or anything, you know?”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.” Emily glanced around and eyed the Starbucks near the front of the station. “I’m probably just gonna chill in Starbucks for a while, try to get some work done.”
“I would say you deserve a break, because all you ever do is work, but you have to pass the time somehow.” Bailey sighed. “Just keep me updated, okay? I’ll still make sure to meet you at the station and then we can maybe grab some food quick on the way to the venue or whatever. We’ll figure it out.”
“Okay, sounds good.” Emily couldn’t help but sigh as she hung up. Something always had to go wrong. She’d been planning this London weekend with Bailey for months now. School had been a nightmare and the classes she was TA’ing for had decided in the past weeks to stop caring completely. All Emily wanted was a break. But of course, the train had to be late so she was going to have to wait a bit longer.
The Starbucks was beginning to get crowded and Emily couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as she snagged a table to herself by the door. She reached into one of her bags to pull out her laptop, headphones, a notebook, and her favorite pen. There were a few articles she could get a headstart on analyzing, and an outline for a paper she had been pushing back for a couple of days.
Emily only made it to the third page of the first article before she realized there was someone standing just beside her, and wasn’t moving. She looked up, pulling her headphones out as she did.
“Um, hey. Excuse me, but, ugh, I was just wondering if I could sit at the other seat?” the question came from one of the hottest guys Emily had ever seen, and her mind went blank for a moment. “I promise I won’t bother you. It’s just my train isn’t coming for a while and everywhere else is full”
“Oh, um. Of course, yeah!” Emily gestured a hand to the free seat across from her. “Sorry, I’ll get all my stuff out of the way.” she move to pull her laptop and everything back closer to her side of the table.
“Thank you so much. And it’s no bother.” The guy set his bag down on the ground next to Emily’s and then took his seat. “You’re doing me the favor, I don’t want to get in your way.”
Emily blushed, not knowing how to respond. She tried to turn her attention back to the article, and decided to keep her headphones out. Normally she hated all sorts of small talk, and there was no telling whether or not this guy was going to turn out to be a massive creep. But Emily couldn’t help but hope for the best.
The pair sat in silence for about ten minutes, Emily did her best to take notes on the article, while the guy seemed to be writing in a beat-up notebook. She kept sneaking looks at him, and she couldn’t help but stare at his hair. It looked so soft, a messy light brown that seemed to be the result of a dye job growing out. She almost texted Bailey in desperation to ask for any tips on how to make conversation, when the guy spoke.
“So are you a student?”
“Um, yeah. In a masters program”
The guy whistled. “Impressive.”
“And you?” Emily felt a bit bold, and nodded at the notebook.
“A writer of sorts, I suppose.” He shifted in his seat, as if he was uncomfortable. “So, where are you traveling to today?”
Emily didn’t mind the change of topic, and tried to keep her answer vague. “London, actually. My friend managed to get tickets to this secret gig thing, and so we decided to make a weekend of it”
“Oh, really?” The guy’s eyes lit up. “Can I ask who the artist is?”
“Ed Sheeran, actually. And I’m so excited, it’s been ages since I’ve been to a live show.”
A smile took over the guy’s face and Emily felt her heart clench. Fuck, the guy looked like some sort of casanova. “You like music then?”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
The guy laughed. “Fair enough”
“But really, yeah. I mean, I think for me…  I mean, I love the intimacy of live shows. I love the connection you make with the band even when you’re at the back of the room. There’s something beautiful about it all. And I mean, it’s fucking awesome to hear some of your favorite songs performed right in front of you.”
Emily must have said the right thing because next thing she knew an hour and a half had passed. Her work had long been forgotten and she found herself not minding.
“Shit,” Niall (he’d introduced himself about twenty minutes into the conversation) was looking down at his phone. “Our train should probably be here soon. You wanna head to the track?”
Emily snapped out of the daze of their conversation and scrambled to gather her things together. She looked at her own phone to see that Bailey had texted an hour ago asking for an update.
She followed Niall to the platform where their train was going to come in. Her nerves that had disappeared during their conversation had found their way back to her stomach. But thankfully, Niall didn’t seem to be picking up on any of her nerves.
“Is it cool if we sit next to each other?” Niall asked when they finally came to a stop by the tracks. The arrivals/departures board informed them they had about five minutes until their train was meant to arrive.
“As long as you’re not sick of me yet.”
“Nonsense. You’ve got the sickest sarcastic burns I’ve ever received. Seriously, you’re fucking great. And besides, I want to hear more about what you’d like to do to those pricks in your class.”
Emily laughed. “But if I tell you what I’d like to do, and I end up doing it, you’d be able to tell them who did it.”
“Nah, I’d be an accomplice in the good way; I’ll help make the prank even better so you won’t get caught.” He winked and nudged her shoulder with his own.
Emily didn’t know how to respond so she pulled out her phone and typed out a reply to Bailey in an attempt to hide the blush she was sure was beginning to spread across her face. She was almost sure now that Niall was flirting with her, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. It was possible that this was just how Niall was, loving and open with everyone he met. But the way he looked at her while she rambled on, it made her heart skip a beat. He was actually listening and Emily’s gut was telling her that it meant something.
* * *
About twenty minutes into the train ride, Niall shifted the conversation towards Emily’s plan for the night.
“So you’re meeting your friend there?”
“My friend Bailey, yeah. She’s the one who got the tickets. She just started a job at Radio One and spent way too much energy convincing her boss to give us the tickets.”
“Her boss sounds like a prick”
“Nick Grimshaw probably is.” Emily laughed.
“No shit, she works for Grimmy?”
“You know him?” Emily was taken aback. But then again, Niall seemed like the type of person that would somehow be friends with the radio dj.
Niall shifted a bit, and Emily sensed he was a bit uncomfortable. “Yeah, I know him. He’s a good guy. Can be shit sometimes, but means well.”
Emily nodded in agreement. “That’s basically what Bailey has said. She loves her job though, so any complaining is more for the sake of complaining rather than actually being bothered.”
“So you guys are going to the show and then what? A night on the town?”
“I don’t think we have any plans quite yet. We may go to a pub or something, but nothing too crazy.”
Niall smiled at that and Emily couldn’t figure out why she thought it looked like he was smiling because he knew something she didn’t.
* * *
“Alright, well. I hope you have fun tonight.” Niall gave Emily’s back a pat and then hoisted his bag over his shoulder. “See ya”
“I, wha-” Emily spluttered. There was no way Niall was just fucking leaving after all of that. “Are you serious?”
Niall let out a cackle and dropped his bag to the floor. The two were standing at the front of the train station out by the street. Bailey had texted she was almost there and Niall had informed her that he was meeting his own friend just down the road. “No I’m not serious, you goof” He pulled her in for a hug. Emily felt herself relaxing into his embrace. It was one of the best hugs she’d ever gotten.
“Besides,” he pulled out of the hug to smirk at her, “I haven’t given you my number yet.”
“And what makes you think I want your number?”
Niall shrugged, grin still on his face. “I like to live life with optimism.”
“You’re crazy.”
“I’ve been called worse.”
Emily chuckled and reached into her bag for her phone. She opened up a new contact and passed the phone over to Niall. He typed his information in and then called his own phone, hanging up only after it started ringing in his pocket.
“There,” he handed her phone back. “Now you can’t get rid of me.” He picked his bag back up and reached out to brush a strand of Emily’s hair out of her face. “See you around, Em.”
“yeah.” Emily breathed out. “Bye, Niall.” She waved as he walked away backwards, still grinning at her. He bumped into a business woman, and it was only then that he turned around to walk forward down the street.
“Emily!” Emily whipped her head around to see Bailey coming from the other side of the street. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts of Niall and the fucking perfect afternoon they’d spent together. She grinned at Bailey and opened her arms up to give her a hug when she finally reached where Emily was standing.
“Now, are you ready for a fucking awesome weekend?”
“you know… I am.”
* * *
The two girls managed to get to the venue (after dropping Emily’s stuff off at Bailey’s flat and grabbing a quick bite to eat) just as Ed was being announced to the stage. The place was crowded, but not to the point where Emily was cursing that they were towards the back of the venue. She accepted the pint Bailey handed to her, and tried to force herself to relax. Niall was still in her thoughts but Emily figured that it would be that way for a while.
Halfway through the show Ed set down his guitar and started really talking to the audience. He bantered with a couple of his friends in the front while his band behind him re-tuned their instruments.
“Alright, so! This here is an unconventional gig so we’re just gonna go ahead and do something a bit out of the ordinary.” the crowd cheered. “So one of my good mates is here. He actually is one of my main writing partners and a lot of the tunes on the new record are thanks to him. I wouldn’t be where I am without him, so I thought I’d do him a favor and let him embarrass himself in front of his girl.” the crowd cheered even harder.
“Alright, Horan. Get your bony arse up here.”
“Oh my god.” Emily nearly dropped her second pint as she watched Niall bounce onto the stage and into a hug with Ed.
“What is it?” Bailey was confused. She looked back and forth between Emily and what was unfolding on the stage. “Wait… no. No way.” Emily could only nod. There were no words for all of the emotions she was feeling right now. “Well shit. This is good. Should I be filming your reaction?”
Emily only smacked Bailey’s arm in response. “Quiet! He’s going to say something!”
Niall in fact, had a guitar in his hands and was adjusting the microphone stand Ed had been standing at.
“How we doing?” screams answered him, and he laughed into the mic. “Well, like Ed said, I’m mostly a songwriter. Not the biggest fan of the spotlight myself. But,” he stared out into the crowd like he was looking for someone. Emily’s heart skipped a beat. “when the situation calls for it, I can be spontaneous.” he laughed again and stepped back to check that the guitar was properly tuned.
“So, today I met a girl. I was almost too scared to approach her, but something in me told me that I would regret it if I didn’t say at least something.” A couple of people in the room awed. “Yeah, real fucking cute, right? Anyways, she said she was coming to the gig so hopefully she’s here with her friend like she said.” the aw’s got even louder and Emily could just sense that Bailey had trained her phone on Emily to record her reaction.
“Right, so. This is a song I wrote with Ed a few weeks ago. It wasn’t inspired by any particular girl, but after meeting Em, I feel like it was some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy or some shit. The feeling is the same while the details may not be.”
“Get on with it” Ed had come back on stage with a guitar of his own. Niall flipped him off and then leaned back into the mic.
“This is Galway Girl. It’ll be on Ed’s new record whenever he gets off his arse to finish it all. Em, this is for you.”
* * *
Niall found her at the bar as the place was beginning to clear out. Bailey had convinced her to stick around, saying that it would be easier for Niall to find her inside than outside. Emily had tried to fight her, saying that she could just text Niall where she was. “But this is way more dramatic” Bailey had sighed and then left Emily at the bar while she went to go shmooze with a couple of her coworkers from the radio station.
“Hope that wasn’t too much.”
Emily turned to look at Niall straight on. He was clutching his pint tightly, as if he needed some sort of security. Emily grabbed her own glass and clinked it against Niall’s. She raised it in cheers and took a swig.
“If you think anything in my life is going to top that, then you’re wrong. You’ve ruined me.”
That seemed to put Niall at ease. “Really? You don’t think I can top that?”
Emily feigned like she was thinking hard for a moment. “I mean, you could always write a song that’s actually about me.” She smirked at him and fluttered her eyelashes a bit. “That may be able to top that little stunt.”
Niall laughed and bumped his shoulder into her’s. He stayed pressed against her, and Emily couldn’t find it in herself to move. She liked feeling his presence so close, liked how he felt next to her.
“So you really are a writer.” She took another drink and continued, “usually people say that in like, the metaphorical shit. But you’re actually making a living off of what you love.”
Niall shrugged. “I mean, it’s not the best living. But it’s alright. I’m a freelancer but yeah, I do a lot of work with my mates.”
“I can’t believe you let me go on and on about Ed without telling me you know him.”
“I thought it was funny!”
“I just feel like an idiot.” Emily grimaced.
“No, don’t.” Emily started when she felt Niall’s hand coming up to grab hers. His hands were surprisingly soft and she hated how she immediately felt comforted by the gentle squeeze he gave her hand. “You’re not an idiot. You’re so smart.”
Her breath was coming in shorter and shorter gasps, and she was almost positive he was looking at her lips just as much as she was looking at his. She had just decided to go for it and began leaning in when a body slammed into the two of them from behind, thus ruining whatever moment they’d been having.
“Is this her? Are you Emily?” A completely plastered Ed Sheeran was standing behind them, his arms thrown around each of them, holding the three of them together. “Have you been proper wooed yet?”
“Ed,” Niall warned, but Emily cut him off.
“Yeah, actually. Congrats on the gig by the way. It was nice.”
“Nice?” Ed let out a booming laugh and pulled Emily in for a hug. “Fucking honest, I love it. I love you. You’re a good one.”
“Only when I want to be. I can be bad when the time calls.” Both Ed and Niall stared back at her, and Emily took pride knowing she’d made them briefly speechless.
“You’re gonna have a right time with her, Niall. Keep her around, she’s fun.” And with that, Ed left the two of them be, bumbling off to greet another group of friends that immediately cried out the need for shots.
“Were you being serious?”
“You said,” Niall took a long drink and then continued, “you said that you were wooed.”
“Seriously?” Emily shook her head in disbelief. And instead of answering him, she decided to just pull him in for a kiss. One he responded to enthusiastically and it was a few minutes before the two parted.
“Consider me well wooed, Horan.”
“You know, I was going to text you, too.”
“Well you still better, especially after this.”
“Don’t worry,” he wrapped a hand gently around her neck, his thumb tracing along her jawline. “you won’t get rid of me easily.”
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stardust2003 · 7 years
Madferit: The Novel - Chapter 7
           The holiday break ended as fast as it began. Two days after Christmas, the boys headed to Glasgow for one gig before heading back to England for two more. These concerts would be followed by a near month-long break before the band flew to America to begin the second round of US dates.
The venue in Brighton was an absolute madhouse during the gig but I suppose any venue had become that way when the audience knew Oasis was on its stage. There was so much screaming and shouting. I was surprised I didn't see any audience members crying. If I had then I would've definitely agreed the band was as big as the Beatles.
Still, the band seemed like they were on their way to matching up with the lads from Liverpool. And they fucking loved every minute of it.
After the show came the after party. Everyone was in good spirits, even Noel who'd just got done yelling at Tony for shouting back at the audience.
"It was all in good fun." Tony told me. "I don't see why the fuck he's gotta be such a dick all the time."
"Well if he doesn't act like one who will?" I asked.
It was a logical question I reckoned. I think Noel liked being a dick. It helped make it easier for him to throw his weight around as the band's leader.
The drinks were flowing and the drugs were sent up nostrils, down throats, into lungs. I didn't need any of it. I always had way more fun being sober.
The boys had introduced me to their other heroes besides the Beatles a while back. They were the Smiths, the Jam, and the Stone Roses. I'd never heard of any of them so I definitely got quite the education.
They were all huge bands from Manchester in the eighties. The boys got to meet the Stone Roses while they recorded the album in Wales. Out of the three, the Roses were the only ones I liked which made Liam quite proud.
We were all hanging out by the bar when a familiar song came blasting from the DJ booth making Liam's face light up.
"C'mon!" He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dancefloor.
"I thought you didn't dance?" I asked once we were out there.
"I don't but I'll make an exception for the Roses." He leaned over and said the next part in my ear. "But more importantly, I'll make an exception for you."
I smiled at him and he smiled back.
And then we started swaying along when the lyrics filled the air.
Down, down, you bring me down
I hear you knocking down my door
And I can't sleep at night
Your face it has no place
No room for you inside my house
I need to be alone
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to
Turn, turn, I wish you'd learn
I looked over to my left and saw Noel sitting on a bar stool glaring at me. His eyes and eyebrows were completely frozen on me. He looked like a statue. I figured the only way someone could break him from his position would be to push him off the stool and break his trance.
Liam noticed what I was looking at.
"Don't pay him any attention." He said into my ear. "He's just tryin' to stir shit."
But I didn't care.
I wanted to play.
There's a time and place for everything
I've got to get it through
Cut loose 'cause you're no use
I smiled at him and mimed cutting with my fingers then thumbing him towards the door.
He rolled his eyes as I continued to mouth the words.
I couldn't stand another
Second in your company
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to
Stone me why can't you see
You're a no one nowhere washed up baby
Who'd look better dead
Your tongue is far too long
I stuck my tongue out and wiggled it at him.
Again, he rolled his eyes but this time he shook his head too.
I don't like the way it sucks and
Slurs upon my every word
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to
I am the resurrection and I am the life
I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like
I pointed at him while lip syncing along. I went to do it again on the next part but Liam took hold of my chin and turned my head to face him. He quickly planted his lips on mine and then his tongue made its way down my throat.
I am the resurrection and I am the life
I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like
When the song was over, I turned back to my left and saw Noel had disappeared.
"Where'd he go?" I asked.
"Probably to go sulk in his room." Liam replied. "But who cares? We're here to have a good time, yeah? Fuck him!"
And a very good time we had...until someone else graced us with their presence.
"She's here!" I heard someone say.
Liam and I were back at the bar. He wanted another G & T while I just wanted a glass of water. We were enjoying our drinks, smiling about something, until we saw Tony and Bonehead approaching us with someone sandwiched between them.
Liam looked like he was about to shit his pants as he stared into her eyes.
She smiled at him. She looked older than all of us and a hell of a lot more confident (than me at least – the boys could speak for themselves). Her short blonde hair was perfectly combed. I had no idea who she was and it seemed like Liam didn't either.
"What's your name again, kid?" He asked her.
She smiled even bigger. "How about we cause a scandal?" She said.
He nodded and then quickly got up from his stool.
"C'mon!" She said as she led him away.
Liam turned around and grinned at Tony but acted like I wasn't even there.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
He shook his head. "I'll be back in a bit, yeah?" He assured me. "Don't worry."
He didn't wait for me to respond before turning around and following that chick out the door.
I looked over at Tony and gave him a "what-the-fuck" look before taking off.
"Addie!" He called after me. "Addie!"
But I didn't stop. The tears were coming and I knew I couldn't let anyone see them.
I went outside and squatted down on the sidewalk leaning back against the brick of the building. I couldn't stop my sobbing then even if I tried.
"It was Paula Yates." A man's voice said.
I turned to my right and saw Noel standing there with a cigarette.
"The bird he took off with." He continued. "Her name is Paula Yates. Told ya it wouldn't take him long."
"Fuck you!" I screamed. "You are such a-"
"Fuckin' genius?"
I turned away, shaking my head.
"Not so tough now are ya?" He said as he put his cigarette between his lips to begin another drag. "All that piss takin' ya done in there, I knew it'd catch up with ya. Sooner rather than later."
I stared at the ground and watched one of my tears hit the cement.
"C'mon!" Noel said as he threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stamped on it with his foot. "Let's get ya back to the hotel. You're in no shape to continue partyin' now."
He walked towards me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me!" I barked as I jerked away.
"Oi! I'm just tryin' to fuckin' help ya!"
"I don't need your fuckin' help!"
"Okay then." He said with a sarcastic tone and nod of his head. "If you're so fuckin' smart then tell me. What way is it back to the hotel? Do we go up the street or down?"
I thought for a minute. I was engrossed in taking in the sites of the part of England we were in that I didn't pay any attention to what direction the tour bus had taken us. "Um. Down?" I said.
"Wrong!" He said quickly. "We go up the street, make a left, two blocks on we're there."
I looked at him unsure of what to say.
"C'mon!" He nodded in the right direction. "It won't take us long to walk there."
And it didn't.
"Aw, shit!" I exclaimed as we neared the door to the room I shared with Liam and Guigsy. "I don't have a key."
"What d'ya mean ya don't have a key?" Noel asked. "I thought Marcus gave ya one."
"No. Liam told him not to. He didn't think I'd need one since we'd be together the whole time."
"Probably give yours to Paula then." He smirked.
I scrunched my eyebrows in anger at him. "Fuck off!" I said.
"Oh get over yourself! It was just a joke."
"Well it wasn't fucking funny!"
"It was to me." He said flatly.
I tutted and shook my head.
"What?" I asked curiously.
He shook his head as he sighed. "I can't believe I'm gonna fuckin' say this but ya can stay in my room if you'd like. Fuck knows what time Our Kid'll be back and I can only imagine how fucked up he's gonna be. That Paula bird definitely knows how to-" He paused when he saw I was getting upset. "As much as I hate bein' hospitable, especially to annoyin' yank birds, I can't have ya sittin' out here waitin' for him by yourself. Summat might happen to you."
"Well thank you Noel." I replied. "It's nice to know you actually give a shit."
He rolled his eyes. "So are you takin' me up on my offer or what?"
"Guess so."
"Alright." He replied with a nod. "But consider this your one and only freebie." He put the key in the door, unlocked it, and opened it. "Next time I'll have to charge ya."
"Right." I agreed quietly as I followed him inside.
"So how we gonna do this?" I asked as we stared at the empty king sized bed.
"Well I'm gonna sleep on that side like usual." He replied as he pointed to the right side of the bed. "I don't give a shit what you do. You can sleep on the floor for all I care."
"I'm not sleeping on the floor."
"Fine. You can sleep on that side a the bed then." He pointed to the left one. Then he pointed to the one on the right. "That one's mine."
"Okay." I replied. "Can I use your bathroom?"
"Yeah as long as you don't take too fuckin' long."
I tried not to. I went in, washed off my make-up, and then hurried to get back out before Noel started to bitch.
After I was finished, Noel took his turn in the bathroom. I got comfortable in bed, taking my jeans and tank top off while the blankets covered my lap, leaving me in nothing but my cami, bra, and underwear. I ran my fingers through my long, brown hair to get the few tangles out of the ends since I didn't have a brush.
Noel came out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing just his boxers and a white t-shirt. He took his shirt off and it was hard not to stare. His chest was hairier than Liam's. They were both pretty hairy – their eyebrows and arms easily showed it – but Noel had Liam beat when it came to chest hair, although it wasn't by much and it definitely didn't make him less attractive.
He crawled into bed beside me and lay down, pulling the blankets up over his chest.
"You better keep your hands. Well, I'd say keep 'em to yourself but we both know even that's not a good idea." I told him.
"Right." He said softly as he turned off the light. "You better not start cryin' over Our Kid again or I'll put your arse right back out where it belongs."
I tutted and then reached over and slapped him. Not as hard as I could've but hard enough to knock some sense into him.
"Ow!" He cried. "What the fuck was that for?!"
"Because you're a dick!" I informed him.
He winced a little as he rubbed his cheek. "Fuckin' hell!"
"You fuckin' deserved it!"
Things were quiet for a few minutes as we let the air clear. Then Noel finally decided to break the silence.
"Lennon or McCartney?" He asked.
"Ringo." I replied quickly.
He chuckled. "Good choice, I s'pose. I reckon if I were in the Beatles, I'd make a good George Harrison."
"How on earth do you reckon that one out?"
"Well my band's as big as the Beatles, innit?" He said.
"Depends who ya ask." I replied
"Ask the world then, yeah? Our album's the fastest sellin' one in history."
"Must not mean too much. No one in America's even heard of you."
"Well that's 'cuz Americans don't know what good music is." He replied.
"Yeah." I said flatly.
"So where're you from again?"
I told him. "But then I moved to Cleveland when I got a job after college."
"Right." He said. "What's your family think about you bein' away from home?"
"Well they miss me of course but it's not like I'm so far away I can't come home and visit."
"I imagine things are a bit different now though with ya bein' in England and that."
"Well we both know that's not gonna last, is it?" I said as I looked at him.
He nodded but I couldn't help notice what possibly looked like a bit of sadness in his eyes. It probably wasn't but for some reason I kind of hoped it was.
"So that name, Addie." He went on. "Is it short for summat?"
"Nope." I informed him. "It's just Addie."
"Right. That's a bit weird, don't ya think?"
"No weirder than having a Christmas name even though you were born in May."
He chuckled a little louder than before. "Fair enough." He said.
I smiled for a couple reasons. One: I made Noel laugh. Two: It seemed like he and I were actually getting along.
The bright sun woke me up gently the next morning. I looked over at Noel who was still sound asleep.
I watched him while he slept. He looked so peaceful. So relaxed. I couldn't understand why he'd get so worked up with the others all the time. Was it really because he was such a control freak? He had to wear himself out being so anal all the time. But I suppose that was his problem, not mine.
He started to stir a few minutes later. He yawned and stretched then turned to look at me. "Mornin'." He said with sleep still in his voice.
"Morning." I replied.
"Did ya sleep good?"
"Yeah. Did you?"
"Yep." He smiled as he yawned and stretched again.
Things were quiet for about thirty seconds before we got jolted out of our peace by pounding on the door.
"NOEL! NOEL!" Liam screamed from outside the door as the pounding continued. "WAKE UP! GET THE FUCK UP NOW!"
"What the fuckin' hell is he on about?" Noel said as he got out of bed. He walked towards the door, scratching his head on the way.
"What the fuck's goin' on?!" Noel exclaimed after he opened the door and saw Liam standing in the hallway outside. "Why're ya-"
"Addie's gone!" Liam yelled panicked. "Sh-, she left the party last night and no one's fuckin' seen her! Tone said she looked well pissed off when he saw her before she took off b-, but no one knows where she went! She-" He stopped when he looked past Noel and saw me sitting in bed. "What the fuck's goin' on?!"
"Liam-" Noel said.
"Is this how it is then?" Liam said to me as he pushed past Noel and came into the room. "Ya took off so ya could fuck him? Make me worry summat happened to ya-"
"Oh fuck! Off!" Noel screamed. "You didn't give a shit where she was, ya prick! You were too busy gettin' your rocks off with Bob Geldof's wife!"
"No I fuckin' wasn't!" Liam argued.
"Really? Then what'd ya do with her?"
Liam shrugged. "We just went 'round the back a the bus for a bit to-"
"Oh for fuck's sake!" Noel cut him off. He pointed at me. "Ya left her by herself in that club with no fuckin' way to get back in your room. That's what ya fuckin' did! And if it weren't for me, she'd still be sat out in that hallway waitin' on your sorry arse to let her in! She stayed in my room 'cuz she didn't have a choice. So don't go makin' assumptions about shit when ya haven't got a fuckin' clue!"
Liam went to say something but held off for a second with guilt filling his lovely blue eyes. He looked right at me. "I'm sorry, Tixie." He said softly. "I-, I didn't mean to leave ya last night like I did. I just-"
"It's alright." I interrupted him. I really didn't want to hear the details of what happened behind the bus.
He smiled at me then came over and gave me a kiss.
I smiled back as I stroked his cheek. "I'll be down to our room in a minute." I said.
"Then we'll have a wash together?" He asked with a grin.
I giggled. "Okay."
He took off out the room.
"So that's it then?" Noel asked after he was gone. "You lot kissed and made up?"
"Looks like it." I replied.
He tutted and shook his head.
I looked at him puzzled. "What's wrong?"
"Get out." He said softly as he looked down at the floor.
"Get your shit and get the fuck outta my room!" He pointed at the door. "Ya've over stayed your welcome. Leave!"
"Fine!" I said as I got up and hurried to put my jeans and tank top back on.
He shook his head as he walked away from the door.
After I got dressed, I headed towards the door. "Thanks for not being a dick." I said sarcastically before opening it.
He rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." I muttered as I opened the door and walked out.
0 notes
seriphthefox-blog · 8 years
Knox (Original story)
I decided to make a gay fic with my actual fursona, Seriph, and what I believe a love interest for him would be, Knox. This is one that I’m going to actually finish hopefully (considering I’ve written part of three different ones in the past that I never finished). If you enjoy it please let me know and I will be very grateful. Sorry for any misspelling.
(Chapter 1)
I was sound asleep at sometime in the morning I think. Maybe. I don’t know. I say ‘was’ because the sound of knocking on my bedroom door woke me up.
“Get up!”
“Leave me alone Destin!”
I rolled over and pulled the pillow onto my face in an attempt to down out the noise. That didn’t help as his persistence got to me.
“Alright! Just stop!”
I jumped out of bed not bothering to put on a shirt and swung the door open.
“What do you want? And what time is it?”
“C'mon. Get yourself ready.”
“Were going out somewhere. And you are gonna get, or at least try to get, somebody.”
“Excuse me?”
“You live in the apartment all alone, not counting me, and you almost never leave the damn building. Not the greatest way to live.”
“I don’t tell you how to live your life, do I?”
“True. But you still should get out of the house. Or apartment rather.”
“God. You sound like my dad.”
“Don’t insult me like that.”
That statement earned a chuckle from me.
“Either way, my girlfriend is coming with us since she’s free for today.”
“Oh great. Now you want to make me depressed.”
“Oh shut up. You’ll find somebody. If you don’t I’ll wear the frilliest dress possible in public.”
“Now that I’d love to see.”
A series of knocks on the door drew his attention away from our banter.
“That must be her.”
He went over and opened the door for her.
“Hey Destin!”
They shared a hug before she noticed me standing behind him.
“You trying to swoon me now Seriph? You know I’m taken.”, she asked taking in the fact I had no shirt on.
“Are you for real?”
“I’m kidding. Come here you.”
This was Destin’s girlfriend, Alis, if you didn’t already know. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.
I shared a quick hug with her as well before I grabbed a shirt from my room.
“So where is it were going anyway?”, I ask as I slip into a deep red t-shirt.
“We’re going to a bar downtown. It opened up only a week or so ago and we wanted to check it out.”
“Sounds nice. I’m in.”
“C'mon you’ve gotta…what?”
“What do you mean what Destin? I said I’m good with it.”
“It’s just that-”
“I usually bitch and moan and then don’t go. I know. Is it really so odd for me to say yes for once?”
“Kinda. But either way I’m glad you’re agreeing for once. Let’s go.”
“Okay. Nobody gave me the time yet.”
“It’s about 7:35 pm.”
“That’s late as hell. And I assume we’re going in your girl’s car?”
“Yep. Unless you want to drive your car.”
“Nah. I’d rather not unless I need to.”
“That makes sense.”
“Are you ladies gonna keep talking or are we gonna go drink?”
“Aren’t you the one who’s supposed to talk too much Alis?”
She playfully swung at me and not surprisingly I moved out of the way.
“Better luck next time sweetheart.”
“I’m gonna get you at some point. Let’s go.” —– We all huddled into her car with me sitting in the back seat which was good so I could at least try and keep my thoughts to myself as Alis drove us to the bar.
“What’s the name of this place anyway?”
“Bibentes I believe. It’s Latin for 'Drinking’ if memory serves from school.”
“That’s a little on the nose don’t you think?”
“Don’t blame her. Blame the people that opened the place.”
“I know. I’m just saying.” —– It took only about 20 minutes to get down to the place. Mainly because we went at a time pretty much everyone was getting off work.
She pulled into the lot and we all entered the venue, quickly being hit with some popular music.
The inside was a lot bigger than I’d expect a bar to be but not the size of a nightclub. Although it did have a dance floor and a dj. So I guess it’s a mini club? I don’t know.
“Nice place.”
“Good. Me and Alis are gonna dance. You can do what you want.”
“Go have fun.”
They buggered off while I sat at the far end of the bar. No sooner had I sat down did a glass plop down front of me.
“Welcome. What can I get you?”
“Something good.”
“I guess that it’s my choice then.”
“I guess so.”
He grabbed one bottle and tossed it in the air before grabbing a drink mixer. He grabbed the bottle by the neck over the mixer filled it a third of the way.
He grabbed two more and juggled them around before pouring a little of each into the mixer.
He covered it and tossed it in the air, spinning around and grabbing a different glass before catching the mixer again. Then he just shook it and poured the concoction into the high ball glass.
“And there you go.”
“Thanks. Nice show too.”
“You’re welcome.”
I through a 20 on the table along with a few singles to pay for my drink. He went off to another customer and I got up from my seat. The thing is that as soon as I turn around I ended up walking into somebody, spilling my drink in the process and falling to the ground.
“Okay. That hurt.”
“I’m sorry. You okay?”
I looked up to see a grey wolf standing over me. He was wearing blue jeans and a light grey, almost white, jacket.
“I’m fine.”
He pulled me up to my feet and I could now see his baby blue eyes a little better.
I quickly noticed the fairly sized stain on his jacket.
“Looks like I ruined your clothes.”
I pointed to the large stain on his chest. I felt kind of guilty about it even though it was an accident.
“It’s nothing. The jacket is only like $10. Besides, I can wash it out.”
“I still feel guilty though.”
“Like I said, it’s okay.”
“Didn’t take you long did it? You jerk.”
I would’ve thought it was Destin if the voice didn’t sound angry and slightly higher pitched. I turned around and what I saw was a white deer, skinny, a year or two younger than me, and dressed in shorts that only girls should probably wear and a purple shirt missing the sleeves.
“What do you care? We broke up remember?”
“Only three days ago you asshole!”
“For your information Lyle I bumped into the guy, ok? Secondly, why would you care? You’re the one who agreed to end the relationship. I didn’t force you to.”
“That doesn’t mean you get to do something like this.”
This isn’t something that needed to happen so I tried to say something.
“Calm down okay. I didn’t know anything about this.”
“Fuck you.”
He took his glass and tried to throw his drink in my face. I ducked and it made a puddle in the ground behind me instead.
“Really? Try harder.”
He threw a punch and I just caught his fist and redirected it causing him to fall.
“Let’s go you.”
I dragged him outside by the collar of his shirt and let him go on the side walk.
“Now get the fuck out of here. And don’t ever try to punch me again.”
I went back inside and the bartender gave me a thankful nod.
I turned my attention back to the wolf.
“And old flame?”
“He’s a real piece of work.”
“I know. But when you have someone as cute as him you learn to deal with it. I’m Knox by the way.” He held out his hand.
I shook his hand which kind of hurt because of his pretty strong grip.
“So what brings you here Seriph?”
“A friend of mine. Along with his girlfriend.”
“Not a socialist huh?”
“Not really. Or rather not completely. I’ll get out of my apartment by choice when the mood strikes me. Which isn’t too often.”
“I used to be like that when I was wasn’t much younger than I am now. Wasn’t too good for me. But then I met Lyle and we’d been together for a little over three years as of a few days ago.”
“Speaking of which what was that about?”
“We broke up two or three days ago. The love in the relationship kinda fizzled out for me but apparently it hadn’t for him yet. He didn’t take my request to well because he smashed a hole in my wall with tv remote.”
“That’s a thing.”
“Yeah. I fixed it before I came down here tonight so I just have to paint over it now after it drys.”
“Well you can forget about him now. He’s not a problem anymore.”
“Yeah. Thanks for getting him out of here.”
“No problem.”
“So what?”
“Were both just standing here. Tell me a little about yourself.”
“There’s not much to tell. I usually sit at home watching tv and doing whatever to make time go by. I’m not really an interesting person. I mean I went to a concert a few weeks ago but that’s about it. How about you?”
“I work here sometimes actually. Today I’m off but I decided to come down here and have a drink. Try to take my mind of Lyle.”
“I guess as security? You’re a sizable person.”
“Yeah. I usually throw out the hooligans that’ll start a problem, like Lyle.”
“He sure was a handful.”
“I know. He’s roughly 110 so he isn’t exactly a lightweight for most people.”
“I get where you’re going with that but all I did was just drag him across the floor. Not exactly that hard.”
“True but anyway to get someone outside works.”
“I guess.”
“Thanks again for helping with Lyle. I usually would deal with him myself but I’m glad you helped.”
“You sound like a broken record.”
“So be it. Anyway here.” He reached into his pocket and produced a pen and piece of paper. After scribbling something down on it he handed it to me. “You’ll know what to do with that. See you around kid.”
“I’m 22 dude.”
“Well you look a little younger. See ya.”
I stared down at the slip of paper which had a string of numbers on it along with his name in script under it.
My facial expression became confused because what was written on it was his cellphone number. I don’t really understand why he’s give it to me but I can’t dwell on it now. I shoved the paper into my pocket jut before someone called for my attention.
“Hey Seriph.”
“Yo Destin. Are you guys really gonna leave now?”
“I mean we’ve been here for a little over an hour already. Besides there isn’t too much we can do here anyway.”
“Did you guys drink at all?”
“I had one and Destin had a couple.”
“Yoink.” I snagged the keys from her hand, spinning them around my finger. “Then neither of you are driving.”
“Give me my keys.”
“Uh uh. I’m the only one that didn’t drink so I’m driving. And Alis, you’re not driving home either. You’re staying over for the night. Now come on.”
I got into her car and started it before they hopped in as well. —–
We were almost back to my apartment when Alis spoke up for the first time on the way back.
“Hey Seriph?”
“Did you meet anyone there?”
“No. Why?”
“Because I saw you talking to some guy before we left.”
I slammed in the brakes at the comment. Thankfully there wasn’t any traffic around. Since we were just a block from the building I parked on the side of the road before I gave an answer.
“I’m not allowed to talk to people or something?”
“You can. It’s just that I also saw you throw someone out and they seemed to have a problem with him. What was that?”
“An old friend of his. He explained what happened, he tried to swing at me and I was having none of it. So I dragged his ass out the door. End of story.”
“Okay. I thought something else was going on in that conversation. Like the taller guy was hitting on you or something.”
“Alis, I’m not the best looking fox around. Besides, I’m sure he’d have a better taste in men if I had to take a guess.”
“Maybe. Then again I’m not a guy.”
“Yeah. Now go to sleep the two of you.”
They went to Destin’s room while I dropped onto the couch.
I pulled the slip of paper out and just stared at it.
“I don’t get why he gave me his number. Either way, it’ll be nice to make a friend.”
I put it back in my pocket before I fell asleep.
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